White Girls Israel
ABOVE: Donald Douglas, Assistant Professor of Demonology, Long Beach Community College
We haven’t poked a stick in Donald Douglas’s cage recently, so when I heard the telltale fap-fap-fap coming from his direction, I moseyed over to his place at American White Power to see what America’s Dumbest Assistant Professor™ was up to. Donald was in high wank over the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team. And for a moment I thought that was probably a good thing — certainly more productive than his overcompensatory passion for posting pictures of white girls in negligées or his penchant for trumpeting his own persecution at the hands of the “demonic” left.
But then I go to the last sentence of his post where he approvingly links to a Steve Sailor post noting that the reason why the U.S. team is so good is because they are all white. Those dusky toe of black women and Latinas just won’t get any good mojo going on the soccer ball, you know. All sports should be all white. The only thing black people should do in an athletic stadium is sell beer, etc., etc.
Honestly, poor Donald, he just can’t help himself. He can’t bring himself to write a post that even a demonic French perv like myself could get behind without screwing it up.
If you’ve ever wondered who they mean when they talk about a guy “so dumb he could fuck up wet dream,” they mean guys like poor Assistant Professor Donald.
Now I have a dilemma here – I can’t get out of the boat (too disturbing) but I want some of them mangoes.
actor212 ISTintinREAL
Wait. I thought sports were the only thing that brown people were good at? I can’t keep my racist mythologies straight.
The non-racist part of his post sucks, too. “Final period”? “Goalie”? Has he ever actually watched a fucking soccer game? Pretending to know something about a sport you’re clearly ignorant about doesn’t make you more of a man. Stick to the wanking, Donalde.
Too bad the last USWNT to win the Cup had- gasp!- a black keeper, who made the critical save in the shootout to set up Brandi Chastain’s bra-flashing.
The Steve Sailor post is the story here. Shockingly ignorant and racist. Charming stuff. Should not have read before coffee. Ugh.
So you’re saying that the Donalde is like an anti-Jimmy the Greek?
I think you meant it was Charmin stuff.
If you mean it’s shitty, yes.
BTW, I like how there is a Latina and half-Black girl on the team, but somehow they don’t count because they are not barrio or, uh, ghetto enough for Steve. NICE.
Those dusky toe of black women and Latinas just won’t get any good mojo going on the soccer ball
He might want to tell that to the Brazilians.
I also like how pretends to know what’s going on in the minds of soccer parents. What is he, the Soccer Mom Whisperer? Hmmm, could it be, Steve, that soccer parents are just supporting their kids’ athletic interests and nothing more, because not everyone is a disgusting piece of shit like you? COULD IT BE? I think it could!!!!
Sailer’s ‘logic’ totally explains that totally white, totally non-diverse France ’98 team….
“Across a variety of sports, the best athletes in the world tend to be white or black, with other races an afterthought (although there are occasional exceptions, such as the huge and fast Samoans*).
Therefore, a sports’ balance of power between Europeans and West Africans can, in the long run, depend on subtle rules that determine, for instance, how many rest periods and substitutions are allowed.
American spectator sports have evolved in the direction of ever more stoppages in play to accommodate television commercials. This gives athletes of West African background with more fast-twitch muscle fibers time to rest up between sprinting and leaping. And that helps make American spectator sports blacker, at the expense of white athletes with better endurance.”
So that must explain why no blacks win a marathon…
*Samoans. That made me laugh. So, according to that twisted pos, there are only 3 races that are competitive in mens professional sports: European, WEST African, & Samoan.
Clearly the Japanese team was even whiter that us.
OT: omg, psycho much?
Damn you VS, I was just coming to post that.[/fist shake]
Taser, give him the Taser, huh huh huh!!!!
What an excellent analogy. If this organization without racist goals were an organization WITH racist goals, it would be denounced as racist.
OT: omg, psycho much?
Oh, he’s just mad that Herman Cain took the only “Black Republican presidential candidate” slot from him…and that people keep mistaking him for Clarence Williams III.
The “best” part about this whole West brouhaha is that he lives in Wasserman Schultz’s district:
if our World Cup team was the Tea Party…..
Where would they recharge their hoverounds?
And how would they fit into the shorts?
The “best” part about this whole West brouhaha is that he lives in Wasserman Schultz’s district:
I’ve seen that elsewhere, and I gotta ask – how’s that work? Was the district redrawn after he got elected? How can he represent a district he doesn’t live in?
,,,the Soccer Mom Whisperer?
You rang?
That’s a damn shame for him, because Hope Solo = HAWT!
Clearly the Japanese team was even whiter that us.
Only by a penalty kick.
Apparently you have to only live in the state not the exact district.
And how would they fit into the shorts?
And what do they do about the fits and convulsions over the idea of sharing a field with un-americans and sometimes brown people?
Plus guns aren’t allowed on the field–what now?
You’ve never played ‘Slayer Rules soccer!!!!
You’ve never played ‘Slayer Rules soccer!!!!
Guns and nudity–the ONLY way to play soccer!
I haven’t gotten out of teh boat and don’t intend to. That said, WTF?
Uh, is Sailor trying to say something about sports and athletics and teh superiority of teh White Race based on soccer?!?! Is it something along teh lines of “dang them latin-americans do suck at kicking a soccer ball”? Because, really?
Uh, is Sailor trying to say something about sports and athletics and teh superiority of teh White Race based on soccer?!?! Is it something along teh lines of “dang them latin-americans do suck at kicking a soccer ball”? Because, really?
Still mad about baseball being owned by Dominicans?
The Steve Sailor post is the story here. Shockingly ignorant and racist. Charming stuff. Should not have read before coffee. Ugh.
I do love how conservatives can bleat on and on about how unfair it is that they’re accused of harboring racial prejudice, given the number of people like Steve posting shit like this. Christ.
Part A:
Part B:
Republicans take offense at being called stupid crybabies. They should just accept it.
Internet Tough Guy Goes to Washington!
Sailer’s ‘logic’ totally explains that totally white, totally non-diverse France ’98 team….
True story; there appear to be calls in France for soccer-affirmative-action for white people, based on the fact that some people have their knickers in a twist over the number of people on the team whose ancestors were not Gauls.
And I did love Steve’s approving reference to Italy winning with an all-white team… considering at least one of the players in it was a skinhead who thought it appropriate to bellow that an Arab-French opponent’s mother was a terrorist across the football field. If Steve follows soccer at all, that moment must’ve given him a warm fuzzy feeling.
Anonymous, in this case, = me.
OMFG I am an idiot. Even after deciding not to get out of teh boat, I fucking got out of teh boat, and then waded deeper into teh fever swamp with moar link clickage. And now my branes are borkened.
Bullshit. That can only be true if you redefine “white” to include latinos.
Oh. They’re redefining “white” to include latinos. To make a point about how whites are superior to latinos at soccer.
For instance, talking honestly about soccer reveals that much of what nice upper middle class people say out loud about diversity and immigration isn’t true. There isn’t a lot of talent coming from Mexico…
You see, DKW, “Latin America” means messicans who sneak under the Build The Fence. Are you trying to imply there’s more to it than that?
P.S. I refused to click on teh Donalde, because it makes him all happy and that’s just gross. But I did click on the Sailer post. It’s an anti-logical, racist hairball. Surprise!
That whole article is full of weird contradictions: The Mexicans are not good athletes! Yet the powerful white people are keeping the poor Mexicans down even though they are better at them in soccer!
Americans want to make soccer blacker! But Americans are trying to keep soccer as white as possible!
All that plus ranting about Title IX.
I don’t know if there is anything more tiresome to a sports fan than listening to some asshole bitching about race in sports. It makes me violently angry. It ruins sports for actual fans of the game, and I don’t like it when racists claim to not be racists and then say totally racist shit.
Next one who does to my face gets his teeth kicked down his throat. Bookmark it you pacifist commies.
Add sexist (Title IX whiners) to my previous rant, please.
Say it to my face, tsam, you coward!
Fuckin’ Florida.
How does it work?
thunder, a perusal of a map of Florida will reveal that Florida is the fucker, not the fuckee.
Needs moar BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Clearly the Japanese team was even whiter that us.
Yeah, that’s what I thought, too. Hey, maybe it was the emperor/Sun goddess fucking?
thunder, a perusal of a map of Florida will reveal that Florida is the fucker, not the fuckee.
Florida would need to take a little Viagra first.
Fucking hell. Mexico isn’t good at sports because their soccer team isn’t as good as fucking Argentina’s? That would leave teh list of countries that are good at sports as Brazil, Italy and Germany.
Team America’s first appearance in teh World Cup since WW2 was 1990 (when someone finally realized that there is big money in soccer). Mexico by contrast has only missed three – one of which they were banned from. The current state of teh “rivalry” is 33-15-11. Totes comparable.
Soccer is gaining popularity in teh US – US Soccer opened a $130 million National Training Facility in 2003. Even still, Mexico is currently ranked 9th compared to teh US is 24. Team America is doing much bettar than previously in head-to-head match-ups with Mexico since then, but you gotta think that maybe some of those mega dollars might have something to do with it.
As a Canuck, I certainly empathize with teh plight of having your national sport being bought up by teh yanks.
Florida would need to take a little Viagra first.
Median age for Florida was 40.7 years, per latest data.
Say it to my face, tsam, you coward!
Yer mama, motherfucker
As a Canuck, I certainly empathize with teh plight of having your national sport being bought up by teh yanks.
We’re buying up curling???
At least you still have ice-fishing…
Yes, why don’t we ruin the sport for people who actually enjoy it by being a racist shitface? I think that’s a swell idea.
OT: this is worth reading. Short and quite unusual story about a white supremacist now on death row for having gone on a
Muslimdark-skinned-people-killing spree after 9/11, and what’s become of him and his only surviving victim.We’re buying up curling???
Sweet IPU, don’t say such things. I just died a little thinking about it.
The United States soccer system insures that we field the very finest doctors’ and lawyers’ children.
Holy shit, OMGWTFBBQ.
Okay, finally made it to teh end of teh Sailer and have gleaned teh point.
1. US Soccer is all about suburban white soccer moms. You know, teh upper middle class types.
2. Therefore they are all lie-berals.
3. Thus it is hypocrisy to keep blacks and latinos out of your kid’s soccer league while railing against a border fence.
4. ???
5. Profit.
SRSLY folks – that’s his point. That white suburban soccer moms are leftsist DEMONCRAPS and therefore hypocrites like all teh SOCIALISM moonbats are.
Wait, they lost. Fuck white people.
Then what mkes Shannon Boxx “a little bit black” and Obama “half black?” or something I cannot bring myself to retype. No not that word, the one that begins with a w – the mangoes are particularly nauseating there before the tiger leaps out and chases you bac to the boat.
America would do much better in soccer if they allowed blocking and tackling.
“Say it to my face, tsam, you coward!
Yer mama, motherfucker”
My mama could lick both you and DKW! With or without her teeth!
Well, I can explain why teh Donalde post isn’t completely revolting, like they usually are. It’s three short sentences and a long quote from the LA Times. He’s not really saying anything. Not until the end, anyhoo.
Not feeling like checking out vdare just now, thanks. The boat’s quite comfy.
considering at least one of the players in it was a skinhead who thought it appropriate to bellow that an Arab-French opponent’s mother was a terrorist across the football field.
Who did this?
My mama could lick both you and DKW! With or without her teeth!
Just to clarify – these were separate events, occurring on seprate dates. Unless we’re talking about the 2009 Spring Reunion event, in which case, yeah probably did happen.
Category: the first words of compound sentences wherein the second independent clause will almost certainly contradict the first:
“Now, I’m not a racist, but…”
“I don’t have anything against Muslims, but…”
“I don’t wanna get into a flamewar here, but…”
A more enjoyable soccer post at Surreal Football. The chart in particular.
Its true! look how awful blacks made the NBA. Where is the simple dignity of the underhand foul shot?
Who did this?
Materassi IIRC
Materazzi talked about Zidane’s sister and not in the terms stated above.
What, this isn’t about the Prussian Blue girls discovering the joys of pot and moving away from Neo-Naziism?
But she’s not exactly from the ‘hood.
Oh, so you have to be from the ‘hood to be authentic?
so wait, is the supposed “inferiority” they are so certain about genetic or cultural then? Does someone get a pass on their genetic heritage if they’re raised in the suburbs? But then why DO they hate Barack Obama? So many contradictions to confuse them!
PS – Torrance is 51% white demographically.
Murdoch’s wife is an internet sensation
Distractions are
OH–wanna go ride bikes?
Oh, so you have to be from the ‘hood to be authentic?
Is suburban Spokane considered “the ‘hood”? Because I’d like to be all street and gangsta and hip and stuff. You know, black.
America would do much better in soccer if they allowed blocking and tackling.
And drone strikes.
What, this isn’t about the Prussian Blue girls discovering the joys of pot and moving away from Neo-Naziism?
No–this isn’t nearly as pathetic as giving a couple of 14 year old girls a career in being a complete and total waste of life.
Is suburban Spokane considered “the ‘hood”? Because I’d like to be all street and gangsta and hip and stuff. You know, black.
Gets out the Blackulator™. Inputs some numbers, carry the one, scratches head, strokes chin a couple of time, waits for the finished calculation, reads printout.
Yes tsam the Blackulator™ has given “hood” status encompassing a 20 foot radius or perimeter as it were of your personage!
Welcome to the club!
I, for one, am glad that Mynx and Lynx (or whatever their real names are) have discovered that their parents are like, totally uncool.
Yes tsam the Blackulator™ has given “hood” status encompassing a 20 foot radius or perimeter as it were of your personage!
Now what do I do?
Now what do I do?
You step away from the soccer ball, slowly.
Prussian Blue still creep me out – neo-Nazis or not. However, I LOL’d at this part:
Hee hee. Goats.
Now what do I do?
You can let yer pants hang a little lower on your hips, and you can glower at white people if you want, just for starters.
Playing with the goats…
Glad you asked!
You get: Pulled over by the cops for no reason! Accused of being a lazy, welfare-sucking drain on society by conservatives! Paid less and promoted less often than your white counterparts!
And a whole host of other “benefits!”
Me? Well, I’m a white guy who is hung like he’s black, so I’m an honorary member* of the club.
(* See what I did there?)
<i.That whole article is full of weird contradictions:
good dog…their was so much rambling contradictions that i just could not read it all, even tho donalde clearly told me to rtwt…
and allen west? it was funneh to click on the links and see him get skooled by the comment-taters…
you know what else is funneh? tag fail…
You know, there might be something interesting to study here. In most countries where soccer is popular, soccer is the sport of the people, played everywhere kids can get their hands on something moderately soft and moderately round. Let us suppose that the demographics of soccer in the US instead map to privilege in some way. There seems to be a contradiction there that might interest some scholar of the sociology of sport in different countries.
But, of course, give the problem to a wingnut and he says, “Suburban mothers are racist, liberal control freaks. I know this because SHUT UP THAT’S WHY”.
Oh, and because I can’t let curling go by without commenting:
We’re buying up curling??
One of the key reasons curling is an active sport around the world is that in the 1970s, a guy called Ray Turnbull, traveled the world trying to bring curling to other places than Canada and Scotland, so we’d have some competition. My father, who was plugged into the curling community at the time, said that in the view of most Canadian curlers, this behaviour was something that came very close to treason.
With the entire NFL 2011 Season up in the air, Donalde is focusing on an anti-American terrorist sport like soccer?!?
Turn in your flag-pin, Palin 2012 poster, TruckNutz & guns, Donny – the boys from DHS will be around on Monday to ask you a few “friendly” questions … you’re advised to keep some Handi-Wipes nearby & start practising your ankle-grabbing.
Goddamn it! You know what I’m most pissed about? I think I’ve gone an entire year without reading, hearing about, or thinking of Steve “Sailor” Moon. Until now.
Thanks a lot, DD.
Florida would need to take a little Viagra first.
Median age for Florida was 40.7 years, per latest data.
I’m just saying look at the map. L’il dude is not ready for action.
Kaka of Brazil (who is from an upper middle-class family)
Is class a race signifier now? In which case no soccer players are black because they all get paid quite well?
You step away from the soccer ball, slowly.
You can let yer pants hang a little lower on your hips, and you can glower at white people if you want, just for starters.
Do you mean to tell me that won’t look like a fool wit my pants on the ground? I already glower at pretty much everyone except for pretty ladies, so…yeah, there’s that.
You get: Pulled over by the cops for no reason! Accused of being a lazy, welfare-sucking drain on society by conservatives! Paid less and promoted less often than your white counterparts!
AWESOME. This should break up the tedium of driving. That I’m a lazy drain on society–that’s just what I WANT them to think. **Twists long mustache**
Oh no–I have to get rid of this creepy white guy mustache, don’t I?
Who did this?
Per El WIki:
Sailors are from teh NAVY where they say there “is no wrong hole”.
That’s just what I heard when I was in the Army. Not saying it’s like true or anything, but those guys are pretty chummy if ya know what I mean and I think you do so don’t even try to act like you don’t.
Dear Steve Sailor, 1936 called, it wants its Olympics back.
Sailors are from teh NAVY where they say there “is no wrong hole”.
That’s just what I heard when I was in the Army. Not saying it’s like true or anything, but those guys are pretty chummy if ya know what I mean and I think you do so don’t even try to act like you don’t.
I’ve heard it’s because they always have seamen on hand.
How did this escape the eye of tintin212?
Sweet sweet comment:
I’ll bet they got action figures and everything.
Steve “Sailor” M-O-O-N
Sailor Loon?
I’ve heard it’s because they always have seamen on hand. and on face and in hair and on chin….
Nits picked: Le Donalde is an instructor (You could look it up.) at Long Beach City College. In Calif., big city Community College Districts get to call their JCs “City” Colleges.
And Donnie spells “Sailer” as if it were a different word.
As to Sailer, there’s no such place as “South” Torrance, CA. There’s a Torrance, & I s’pose it has a southern part, but there’s no city by that name.
What a pair of lumps.
Is class a race signifier now?
Don’t forget that Crisitano Ronaldo is white because he kinda looks like Tim Tebow. For values of Tim Tebow that include hot hardbodied latino. Uh,,, I mean that totes heterosexually.
One of the key reasons curling is an active
sportdrinking game around the worldCome on now.
One of the key reasons curling is an active sport drinking game around the world
Come on now.
Oh, it is ON NOW.
Oh, it is ON NOW.
Are you challenging me to a game of horseshoes?
He must have meant South-Central Torrance.
He must have meant South-Central Torrance.
Where the greasers and soc’s play…
Boehner and the House Republicans are Harry Potter and his friends. Obama’s Lord Voldemort.
They really have a thing for falling back on movie fantasies to explain the real world.
They really have a thing for falling back on movie fantasies to explain the real world.
And for using movies and TV shows to prove a “point” they think is valid.
The whole torture because it works on 24 thing pretty much made me give up on humanity because it was actually being discussed on NPR. I thought “this is it–Visigoths at our borders…”
Are you challenging me to a game of horseshoes?
Have you ever curled? ‘Cause really, it’s a lot harder (both in terms of skill and physical exertion) than they make it look on TV.
Hell, have you ever watched curling on TV? Those guys don’t have those giant upper bodies for show. (To avoid getting all male gaze up in here, I will not make the comments I could make about reasons to watch women’s curling on TV.)
Actually, I think we should organize the Sadly, No! Invitational Bonspeil. I have keys to the curling club, so the logistics are easy for me. Anybody who will be in Southwestern Ontario in the winter is welcome to come and try it.
I thought “this is it–Visigoths at our borders…”
At least now we know that if we just torture them a little, all will be for the best in the best of worlds. Thank you, Jack Bauer!
Easy now–I’m just messing with you (and a few million other Canadians).
At least now we know that if we just torture them a little, all will be for the best in the best of worlds. Thank you, Jack Bauer!
Torture them, hell. He cut the one dude’s head off and carried it around in a bowling bag.
This thing with Harry Potter… You know what’s “easy”? Telling people you can cut their taxes but still fight wars and provide them services and the Supply Side Fairy will rain money down from Jesus.
You know what’s not “easy”? Telling people that if they want something, somebody, somewhere has to by God pay for it sometime.
Which of these two describes the Republican Congress, and which one describes the President?
(To avoid getting all male gaze up in here, I will not make the comments I could make about reasons to watch women’s curling on TV.)
I disagree with everything you say but will defend with my
lifefap your right to say it.Kaka
heh…you said kaka…
OT – Al Franken. +1.
As one of them retired soccer (I’ll give you that…it’s football damnit!) hooligans I am bloody impressed by this guys complete reversal of mid 1980’s UK soccer racism. Well done. I think
“I thought “this is it–Visigoths at our borders…”
Well, if they are leaving it might not be so bad. Didn’t say which side of the border they were on.
this is it–Visigoths at our borders…
It will be ok, that’s why we’ve paid all those mercenaries.
From DKW’s link
Um–more than every fucking asshole fuckface conservative on the planet. He doesn’t think that you catch teh gay like a cold…
Maybe someone can enlighten me as to why conservatives love them some Reagan taint but in all other cases think entertainers are too stupid to have an opinion.
(That’s purely rhetorical, of course)
I’m surprised that the nutty professor hasn’t shown up to BWAHAHAHA!!! Tintin is
realCarl Saladbar!!!Well, if they are leaving it might not be so bad. Didn’t say which side of the border they were on.
@Mark D: Well, I’m a white guy who is hung like he’s black
You mean you got lynched?
@Mark D: Well, I’m a white guy who is hung like he’s black
You mean you got lynched?
Now I want to make a joke about his strange fruits but no I will be good dammit.
I’m surprised that the nutty professor hasn’t shown up
I was thinking the same thing, but I think he may be banned for uncovering the Vast SN! Conspiracy and speaking troof to power?
OT – Al Franken. +1.
this is awesome…even more awesome…he is rumored to be making an appearance at teh hubby’s pbs station on saturday…guess where i will be?
Now I want to make a joke about his strange fruits but no I will be good dammit.
After the cowboy ride joke, you’re all clear to be bad.
I was thinking the same thing, but I think he may be banned for uncovering the Vast SN! Conspiracy and speaking troof to power?
I have not seen him anywhere but Repsac’s place and here, for a really ugly drive-by trolling, in ages.
I have not seen him anywhere but Repsac’s place and here, for a really ugly drive-by trolling, in ages.
That is a particularly despicable act. I know he’s beneath contempt, but that’s low, even for a worm like him.
I have not seen him anywhere but Repsac’s place and here, for a really ugly drive-by trolling, in ages.
makes me sick to my stomach, it does…whoever anonymous is over there in the comments, tho…zomg…he (or she) is a fricking god(dess)…
Yes, this. I mean really, WTF? That trolling didn’t come from under a bridge, that came from the bottom of a sewer.
That trolling didn’t come from under a bridge, that came from the bottom of a sewer.
Shit floats.
If this is a lesson in how diversity is bad, please note, Donald & Steve, that the Japanese team is more homegeneous than the US team.
Waitaminit, soccer moms are liberal now? Weren’t they one of the big pillars of Everybody-loves-em-some-Dubya along with NASCAR dads?
Not like I’ve paid attention. Does NASCAR even still exist?
Sadly, yes!
Waitaminit, soccer moms are liberal now? Weren’t they one of the big pillars of Everybody-loves-em-some-Dubya along with NASCAR dads?
We have always been at war with soccer moms!
We have always been at war with soccer moms!
Come to think of it, the revelation that Dumbya was and always had been a big horrible liberal must have stirred that rhetoric around quite a bit, releasing new and different stenches like you get if you stir up a crusted-over pile of poo… so I’ve heard.
Would modern Movement Conservatism even exist without a memory hole with its own event horizon?
Sorry, but I just don’t get the big deal about soccer. Isn’t it the only sport in the world where the players don’t use their hands? That’s weird. I figure it was invented by thieves who were like, repeat offenders, and had both hands cut off, and to while away the time in the prison yard, they used the cut off heads of really bad criminals to kick around, or something like that. No offense meant to anyone here, but aren’t our hands like the number one thing that separates us from the rest of the animals? Oh, it just occurred to me, surfing is a *sport* where hands are not required. Okay, my bad. So besides the sport of surfing, can anyone name another sport that doesn’t require the use of the hands? Don’t you think it’s weird that you can kick the ball with your feet, your knees, your chest, even your head, but you can’t touch it with your hands? Weird.
Hacky sack
Unicycling, and, technically, bicycling
And, the big one… running
Just to name a few.
Surfing should have opened up a big hole for me to see through. Swimming, diving, etc. Okay. My really big bad. A sincere apology to all the swimmers here, and runners too, my bad. And high jumpers too. And long jumpers too. My bad.
What’s Hacky sack?
Ping-pong ball launching.
Ski jumping, speed skating.
Aka “footbag”.
It’s where a bunch of stinky hippies stand around in a circle and kick a little leather ball filled with seeds. Object is to try to not let the ball hit the ground. Can use any* part of your body other than your hands and arms.
Okay. It’s starting to look like there are more sports that don’t require using the hands than do.
I shouldn’t have asked. I should have just stuck with my view that soccer seems strange to me because none of the players, except the goaltender, touch the ball with their hands. When I watch soccer, my whole body flinches wanting the players to hit the ball with their hands. Stupid, I know.
We have always been at war with soccer moms!
Noble DKW, always volunteering for front-line service.
Noble DKW, always volunteering for front-line service.
In the foxhole.
In the Mexican ball game, as played by the Aztecs, you weren’t allowed to use hands OR feet, while trying to get the ball through the basketball-like hoop ten or fifteen feet up on the wall. Small wonder that one goal ended the game.
And, of course, if you lost you were sacrificed to the sun god to bring a good corn harvest, so it was worth the effort.
Balling Mesoamerican style
but those guys are pretty chummy if ya know what I mean
Yes, until it was “Everyone into the lifeboat!” and then it’s nomming time.
I just wonder if Donaldee’s column are a sacrifice, you know, to take the heat for Joberg and the rest.
I have nothing to contribute to this thread.
‘Nits picked: Le Donalde is an instructor (You could look it up.) at Long Beach City College.’
Wrong: Associate Professor of Political Science. Untenured teaching faculty start out as “instructors.” They can apply for professional titles with the Human Resources Department based and level of education and years of teaching service. I became “Associate Professor” in 2005 or so, once I was tenured. Link.
The main reason progressives can’t get me fired, besides the fact that the sexual harassment allegations are 100 percent fucking lies, is that I have tenure and strong union protection. See: ‘Reader Comment on W. James Casper Campaign of Misogyny and Criminal Harassment’
You idiots are not worth my time, adult sick fuck losers, but just letting you know that you’re lying, again, through your fucking teeth. Assholes.
Oh the irony, a wingnut asshole conservatard protected by a union!
As a Canuck, I certainly empathize with teh plight of having your national sport being bought up by teh yanks.
It’s even worse for baseball fans.
Oh the irony, a wingnut asshole conservatard protected by a union!
Or calling anyone sick etc after trolling a death announcement.
No, Amy Alkon came up with ASFL (ADULT SICK FUCK LOSERS) for the shithole Tintin blogger trolls. No one beats that. Besides, E. Edwards was Godless, and she kept her knowledge of husband John’s affairs quiet while he ran for president. No values, obviously. She’d have been better had she asked for His guidance. Instead, WTF did she have? Not jack. See, progressives are ASFLs.
No one beats that.
I dunno, “drunken-tainted beaverlump” is pretty fucking hilarious.
Is Donald’s PhD in potty mouth? Seriously, dude, that’s how you present yourself as a representative of an institution of higher learning?
And, yeah, I am glad to see that unions are OK when they are protecting you. How do you feel about the ones that protect auto workers and primary schoolteachers?
Or calling anyone sick etc after trolling a death announcement.
Also, Donalde immediately misses the point. GOOOOALL!
Neocon Avenger, how do you feel about soccer?
Let me repeat. I have never been arrested for sexual harrassment. Everyone of those women that have accused me are lying liberal sluts who wear tight fitting clothes. Not one of them is worthy of my attention. My attention is reserved for the untainted minds of prepubescent girls who have not been polluted by the progressive stuckup whores with their laughter. Laugh all you want. None of the allegations will ever be proven. It is my word against theirs.
Dear Doctor Douglas: I am so sorry.
Neocon Avenger said,
Because if there is anything Donnie needs to complete his descent into a complete laughingstock, it is a superhero identity.
Besides, E. Edwards was Godless, and she kept her knowledge of husband John’s affairs quiet while he ran for president. No values, obviously. She’d have been better had she asked for His guidance. Instead, WTF did she have? Not jack. See, progressives are ASFLs.
Donnie did not approve of Elizabeth Edwards’ dying statement, and he still has a bug in his ass about it, apparently.
Hey, (linkless) Neocon Avenger, this is Sadly, No!, not Man Boobz.
The trolls here are supposed to be slightly less creepy (though not necessarily less stupid).
She’d have been better had she asked for His guidance.
Donald, you asked for my guidance. You know the Boon you asked, and the price you will pay. Elizabeth I had no claim over. You are one of Mine, and I will devour you, slowly, over an eternity of anguish.
Now lash out with anger, as you do My bidding when you give in to your Hate and Fear.
Oh the irony, a wingnut asshole conservatard protected by a union!
At a public institution, nonetheless.
Dear Doctor Douglas: I am so sorry.
Bouffant, that directory is obviously demonic.
Buenas Noches
Donnie did not approve of Elizabeth Edwards’ dying statement, and he still has a bug in his ass about it, apparently.
That’s not a bug.
Oh no, no, no no. Teh Donaldee, showed up. surprise, surprise, surprise! How’s that expose going for ya, bud? Enquiring minds want to know – is Tintin C. S., or is he not? YOU PROMISED A DEVASTATING EXPOSE!
That’s not a bug.
It’s a feature?
the sexual harassment allegations are 100 percent fucking lies
And no doubt them hoes were just asking for it anyways, right Donnie?
‘And, yeah, I am glad to see that unions are OK when they are protecting you. How do you feel about the ones that protect auto workers and primary schoolteachers?’
Screw unions, bunch of commies. I pay the dues because it’s a closed shop, fucking idiot. Not my choice. The irony is that commie union policies protect me from the slanderous attacks of you fucking commies. And potty mouth? LOL!! Thers taught me that!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Sad little Malaclypse, toiling away anonymously making an even bigger ass out of himself. ASFL.
And no doubt them hoes were just asking for it anyways, right Donnie?
They were all Tintin212 in drag, trying to set him up!
‘Enquiring minds want to know – is Tintin…’
Tintin’s an ass and an ASFL, whoever he is. And who cares? Dicks. Bunch of kiddie anonymous trolls cruising the web looking for lame snarks. Sad bunch of idiots. Fuck you and the camel you rode in on, prick.
The fact is, shut up, liberals.
‘Dear Doctor Douglas: I am so sorry.’
Malignant B. is too stupid to check the most recent college information, with all the full-time faculty titles and educational backgrounds listed.
Fucking loser.
“trumpeting his own persecution at the hands of the “demonic” left.”
That guy looks really fami…Hey, wait a minute… That’s my long lost evil twin, Sgt. Skippy!!
Apparently, I am your nihilist leader, and you are all my demonic henchmen… (except for any scantily-clad young white chicks in the audience, of course… Donalde’s watching y’all a little too closely, if ya know what I mean…)
Don’s got screencaps. God is watching.
Woo, that’s scary. Imagine being someone with that much bile stored up that it pours forth constantly – that’s one wildly overactive liver, man, you need to get that seen to.
I thought “this is it–Visigoths at our borders…”
It’s worse than you thought. The Vandals took the handles.
Tigris wins the Internetz.
Imagine being someone with that much bile stored up that it pours forth constantly
Bile: the bodily humor that keeps on giving.
That trolling didn’t come from under a bridge of Khazad-dum. It came from the Second Hall of Old Moria.
Btw, can someone please explain the joke of adding an ‘e’ to Donalde’s name? Thanx much.
Would modern Movement Conservatism even exist without a memory hole with its own event horizon?
Yes, because it began at the Big Bang of Stupid.
adding an ‘e’
One of the LG&M bloggers is named “Charli,” but Demonized Douglas, when ranting at her, felt he had to add the “e” so it would conform, or something.
The fact is, shut up, liberals
This cracked me straight the fuck up.
Nice one, G-money.
Yog Sothoth, the Remorseless Corrupter and Relentless Devourer of Souls!
You know not your peril, Neocon Avenger! Flee!
You’d think he’d be glad I pointed out that he teaches at Long Beach City College.
But I am a fucking loser for not going beyond the ‘phone listing page to find that pdf, as if I gave a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut in the first place.
What’s the bet he’ll be screaming at some poor web-weasel tomorrow morning?
“I am an Associate Professor, not an Instructor!!!”
Just an update: After a couple of weeks with the e-ciggie, and no desire for The Real Thangs, I think I have won this battle — and I wanted to thank all of you here who got me thinking about it.
In fact, I liked the company so much, I bought it! Okay, not really… but became a well-paid affiliate. Send your smoking friends!
Screw unions, bunch of commies. I pay the dues because it’s a closed shop, fucking idiot. Not my choice.
Translation: I could actually live by my principles & refuse to work in a field infested with Liberal Cooties, but then I might have to do something useful with myself to justify my (much lower, for some mysterious reason) pay. Tenure, bitchez!
You’re lying through your teeth – you have a choice & have had one all along … but you know damn well that you’re much too soft, old & helpless now to survive under the unpleasant conditions of Option B.
Live the adventure, Donny – QUIT. Show everyone that all that septic slime you keep spewing has something real to back it up … because nobody has any reason to ever take conservatives like you seriously when they keep sucking on that sweet sweet Liberal Titty for dear life every chance they get. Even better, Go Full Galt & prove that you really ARE able to live up to all that self-reliance, rugged-individualism hokum.
Walk the walk or STFU.
PS: Congratulations on yet again having zero to contribute, either to the topic of the post or otherwise. A lesser troll might have accidentally said something of value or merit.
Donalde you have earned the condemnation of a Righteous Saint … on top of the eternal emnity of the Devourer of Souls. You are a bold geezer.
Or as stupid as a sack of hammers.
Doesn’t matter much: It’s academic, you see. And you aren’t.
‘You’re lying through your teeth – you have a choice & have had one all along’
You stupid fucking inbred. I voted for Al Gore in 2000. I was a liberal Democrat. I thought unions were da bomb! It’s the last 10 years when I realized I was surrounded by communists, and I’m not fucking kidding! God, you are zombie clueless freak.
The college constantly sponsors commie events —- all the goddamned time! Department colleagues chair the local cell for the Stalinist ANSWER Coalition. So don’t be so fucking stupid. I’m not going Galt at my age, you dolt. But had I known what I know today at 20-25 years old I’d have avoided the academy like the motherfuching plague.
Losers, all of you. And commies. Fuck you.
Well, after that last bit, I’d say the guys from lulzsec have a large one.
I think someone needs a hug.
The college constantly sponsors commie events.
Oh, I remember now. About five million Stalinists showed up at the meeting & transformed California into a peoples’ republic. Hell, I was there when the first capitalist was heaved over the cliffs into the Pacific.
Good job, Jeffraham. Keep it up but remember you’ll always be a smoker who stopped, never really an ex-smoker.
Also, the extra ‘e’ in Donalde reflects his pretentiousness and self-importance beautifully, don’t you think?
I think someone needs a hug.
I think someone needs a slap in the face with a wet fish. Honestly, what’s with all the bilious hate and mindless rage? Poor Donalde must be a real sight in person: frothing at the mouth, with a red, contorted face from all that rage he’s spewing.
Just pity his poor students…
The college constantly sponsors commie events —- all the goddamned time! Department colleagues chair the local cell for the Stalinist ANSWER Coalition.
Hang on a minute: that is your idea of commies and Stalinists?!? Act Now to Stop War and End Racism? I thought they were long-haired hippies or something?
Honestly, I just can’t keep track of the invective these days.
I have to worry about the sanity of anyone who uses “Stalinist” as if it’s any kind of a relevant insult for the early 21st century.
Please define Stalinist, sir.
And then give us a few details about the activities of your colleagues that make them “Stalinist.”
Remember, being specific and referring to things that actually happened will tend to HELP your argument.
Remember, being specific and referring to things that actually happened
Always with the factiness. Donalde operates on another plane from “evidence” and “things that actually happened”
Neocon Avenger has a remarkably crude and limited lexicon…appropriate echoes for a crude and limited mind.
The Avenger’s discourse and expression are certainly appropriate for an Assistant Associate Adjuct Professor at the Close-Cover-Before-Striking Academy of Stalinist Boogeymen.
My work here is done.
nym fixxored
nym fixxored yet again.
My molluscan outrage is near depletion, due to the overwhelming saturation of stoopid in this geological stratum. Read it and weep, sentients!
Commie dollars at work:
Last Atlantis landing starts at 4:49 am edt
Neocon Avenger said,
July 21, 2011 at 6:44 (kill)
Mmm, smell that fail!
Many years before my beatification, my parents rented a country cabin from a man who was climbing mountains in his 70s – an activity he was able to continue with until he was about 80, because he was not soft. YOU, however, likely resemble the center of a Hostess Twinkie, so it does indeed look like you’re SOL as regards walking Teh Holy Path Of Galt.
Nobody’s stopping you from quitting but you, though – & your overall level of torpor is no excuse … if your whole political Weltanschauung was anything more than an excuse to be a perpetually inflamed asshole, that is.
Coming from a GOP buttboy who thinks the corporate communism they espouse is “da bomb,” as long as they tart it up with some bullshit phrase like “Free Market principles,” the use of “Commie” as a slur is mighty fucking rich. That you think I or anyone else here gives a shit who you voted for eleven years ago says a lot about you (CLUE: it’s not good news, unless Trig Palin is your role-model). That you seem to think the nature of the event schedule at your college somehow proves my stupidity does likewise, with bells on.
He who dealt it smelt it, sunshine.
Also, thank you for again completely dodging my point, as usual.
I think someone needs a hug.
The loving embrace of an iron maiden so often goes unused these days.
Neocon Avenger said,
P.S. Sad little Malaclypse, toiling away anonymously making an even bigger ass out of himself. ASFL.
While it is sweet you like me so, Donalde, I’m just not that into you. Even now that you are dressing up in Avenger costumes, you are still just not my type.
Oh, and to the person upthread who asked about about the internet tradition of Donalde’s “e”, this is the takedown where Charli Carpenter made Donnie cry.
*sipping herbal tea quietly*
Tintin, you’re killing me here.
Rather, I’m killing me.
I’ve never watched psychosis set in. It’s…kinda like watching a train wreck. In slow motion. 3D.
Not that I’m referring to anyone or anything on this thread, mind you.
Oh the irony, a wingnut asshole conservatard protected by a union!
At a public institution, nonetheless.
Nicely played.
*golf clap*
Real conservatives file for financial core status in any union I’ve been a member of. Perhaps there’s a new breed of conservative I’ve not heard of. Dues are reduced by the percentage of funds that go towards any political and other non-essential activities, and you get nearly the same rights and privileges as any other union member.
The SCOTUS demanded it, so it’s universally acknowledged, too.
Your helpful pal,
wholly owned subsidiary of Actor212 Enterprises, a Cayman Islands corporation
Hey liberal loons, Remember me? I have returned to serve you another dose of reality. I just hope that the marajuana you nigger loving libs have been smoking hasn’t clouded your senses to the truth. Well anyways, here it is.
Barack Obama’s failed nigger Presidency is on the road to destruction come 2012. He has failed to fix the economy as he as promised, and in fact has made it worse by spending more money than any American President in history. He has refused to do the only sensible thing that would lower Our Nation’s gas prices, which would be to DRILL OUR OWN OIL!!! Alaskan oil reserves are larger than all of the Middle Eastern oil reserves combined! This matter has been well researched by experts, and it has been estimated that if America developed it’s Alaskan oil reserves and kept it for ourselves instead of selling it with the slanted eyed Japs, Our Nation’s gas prices would drop to 35cents per gallon for the NEXT 100 YEARS!!! By not developing Our Alaskan oil reserves, the Obama Administration has engaged in criminal negligence which is an impeachable offense. The fact is, there is a solution to Our Nation’s high gas prices and Obama knows it and yet has failed to and indeed refuses to do the very thing that would solve our most pressing economic concern which are high gas prices.
For failing to and refusing to act on this matter of the utmost National Importance, President Obama should be IMPEACHED! However, even if he is not impeached, he will almost certainly not be reelected to the Presidency. He is about as popular with the American people as a flesh eating cancer and is only marginally more agreeable than such. You liberal swine have all but destroyed Our Great Nation and will be paying for it come 2012. Expect the Democratic Party in particular and liberals in general to fade away into political and national obscurity.
“I am an Associate Professor, not an Instructor!!!”
“Wile E. Coyote, ASSOCIATE Professor!”
Assistant Associate Adjuct Professor at the Close-Cover-Before-Striking Academy of Stalinist Boogeymen.
oooo, well played, Fenwick!
golf claps and martinis all around! Don’t mind if I do….
EthnoPatriot said,
July 21, 2011 at 14:32 (kill)
Hey liberal loons, Remember me?
You gonna troll Sadly, No, you have to bring your “A” game; you’re competing for attention with psycho ASSOCIATE Adjunct Professors of Commie Colleges. Plain old misspelled racist rage barely registers anymore.
Hoo boy do I hope EthnoPatriot is a parody troll although I fear it is not.
yeah…why DOES’NT donalde quit at that commie institution he HATES so much? i’m sure any one of his job creating conservative buddies would hire him in an instant..nay…they may even *create* a job just for him!
hmmmmm…what kind of job could be created for teh donalde?
If I was a rich conservative asshole, it would be a job that would keep The Donalde on a different side of the planet from me.
EthnoPatriot, get help. Quickly.
WC: How was the trip? Awesome, I hope.
hmmmmm…what kind of job could be created for teh donalde?
Assistant Vice President of Softcore Pornographie.
I think someone needs a hug.
I feel it my duty to warn the associate perfessor: Kiwi may be from New Zealand, but his hands are both Roman.
it has been estimated that if America developed it’s Alaskan oil reserves and kept it for ourselves instead of selling it with the slanted eyed Japs, Our Nation’s gas prices would drop to 35cents per gallon for the NEXT 100 YEARS!!!
It has been estimated that if we walled off Idaho to establish a combination homeland/FEMA camp for all the white patriots, that the resulting drop in general uselessness would allow everybody left at least one free unicorn pony that shits ice cream. I read it on the internet, so it must be true.
although I fear it is not
So anyways, I took a look see.
The second and third drive-bys were just copy-pasta, but teh first one and this latest ejaculation appear to be his own. You can tell by teh length and teh fact that you don’t get Google hits when you search choice phrases from the text.
This latest one is certainly moar brazen and overtly offensive. Is this behaviour similar to escalation in teh criminally insane? An initial testing of boundaries before unfurl teh freak flag? Perhaps. This theory relies on the existence that there exists an individual so immensely obtuse that they honestly believe “not drilling for oil” is an impeachable offense. A ludicrous proposition until one examines the population of morans this particular troll may have come out of.
Is there an alternate theory? Example, a parody troll who has as their intent, the linkage of vile racist idiocy with certain actions. Unlikely. The endeavours being tarnished – ANWR drilling and freedom bombs – already not viewed in the highest regard by this audience. Also, the interjection of copy pasta between missives guarantees a reduced audience.
No, I am sadly of the opinion that EthnoPatriot is in fact being honest about his beliefs.
Alaska is truly a magical land.
it has been estimated
I’m sure a supporting link is forthcoming. Aaaaany minute now.
Alaska is truly a magical land.
Its oil causes multinational companies who obviously have no allegiance to the United States (witnesseth Exxon with the Valdez spill; BP with that little thang in the Gulf of Mexico last year) to sell the rest of their products on the world market under the awesome auspices of free trade, but to reserve the Awesome Cheap Alaskan Magic Oil for use in the U.S. of A., only.
Did anyone link to Al Franken embarrassing the professional homophobe yet?
If so, I consider myself Ahemed.
Speaking of trolls, did y’all see this “little” dust-up? I’ll racists one thing: they never quit!
I first read this as “Alaska is a magical turd.”
Turds, turds, the magical fruit
The more you POOP, the more you TOOT
The more you TOOT, the better you feel
Let’s POOP TURDS at every meal
If so, I consider myself Ahemed.
You don’t have to Ahem yourself, I’m moar than willing to do you teh honours.
DK-W, I thought, my being a mom and adorbs and all, you might let it slide. *pout*
Um, my brain is poop. I have no idea why I wrote the last post as DK-W.
But, anyway, remind me to never break bread with N_B.
VS: I refer you to the source of all mistaken wisdom: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beans,_Beans,_the_Musical_Fruit
wikipedia has an entry for the Musical Fruit song?
The human race deserves our coming self-created catastrophe.
Oh,I’m very familiar with the,um, poem.
I still don’t want to eat with anyone who shits mid-meal. Aaaaaaaaaaand now I’m giggling. Still more proof that I am 8.
I’ve never watched psychosis set in.
Weren’t you around for the LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL episode?
It could only be described as that, an “episode.”
“The human race deserves our coming self-created catastrophe”
THAT’s what we’re calling the Zombiepocalypse now?
It could only be described as that, an “episode.”
It was more like a season finale with a badly-written cliffhanger.
WC: How was the trip? Awesome, I hope.
It was indeed, thanks for asking. Rattlesnake Grade, the grade down into Clarkston (where for the first time evah I experienced brake fade on a motorcycle…shudder), Lolo pass…yeah. Good stuff, Maynard.
Good company too, even if they were mostly Harley riders.
The bike performed flawlessly, my new rain gear (which I purchased specifically to ward off the rain) worked well. Yeah, it was a good ride. I even have pictures with which to bore the unwary.
,,, you might let it slide.
Well if that’s what floats your boat, I can slide it anyway you’d like.
Rattlesnake Grade, the grade down into Clarkston (where for the first time evah I experienced brake fade on a motorcycle…shudder)
Never fear–I’m sure those runaway truck ramps would be perfect for a bike with no brakes doing 95. That’s a scary grade, no doubt about it.
That Lolo area really is something, isn’t it?
If you have a public place to view pics, I’d certainly have a look.
The human race deserves our coming self-created catastrophe.
Apologies for teh breather-ism.
BRANES BRANES, have a sample,
Teh moar you eat, teh moar you shamble,
The moar you shamble, the less your pains,
So every meal should be of BRANES.
For D-KW:
Moms, moms, the MILFS you love
Can’t beat a mom, push comes to shove
Push comes to shove and moms, they squeal
Let’s have moms at every meal
Citing magic fruit.
It was more like a season finale with a badly-written cliffhanger.
Ha! And the Donalde here is like the cheap stupid mid-season ones made of nothing but clips from older episodes.
You idiots are not worth my time
Posted July 21, 2011 at 2:14
July 21, 2011 at 6:44- he’s still posting!
Tee, I say I say tee hee hee.
Apparently, Donalde was unable to find a higher bidder for his precious time.
The free market haz spoken.
If you have a public place to view pics, I’d certainly have a look.
me too! cuz of my william clark obsession…
did i say william clark obsession? i ment for vaca planning purposes…
also, you know what my favorite part of this post is? the cop behind donalde in the pic…every time i refresh my screen, i giggle…
refreshing the screen
That is the first time I have had the pleasure of a Donalde-Gasm. Wow!!
It was more like a season finale with a badly-written cliffhanger.
Sounds like entertaining fare, anybody got a link?
Sounds like entertaining fare, anybody got a link?
ewww…no thanks…linking to teh donalde would make me feel dirty…
Links Recommended by Dr. Douglas
Real Clear Politics
Doesn’t even have to TruckNutz to provide a link to his shitty blog!
I have a feeling where bbkf would go if she got a hold of a Time Machine.
Somewhere Merriweather Lewis’ ears are a tingle.
Somewhere Merriweather Lewis’ ears are a tingle.
his ears should
tingleburn and then fall off…his ears should tingle burn and then fall off…
It wouldn’t surprise me if a descendant just felt a cold shill.
C’mon WC, post ’em up. Rattlesnake grade is awesome indeed.
It wouldn’t surprise me if a descendant just felt a cold shill.
i am just glad he did not leave any descendants of his own loins…and heh…i find your use of ‘shill’ as apt…i hold a very strong belief that lewis was inept as hell and a big, fat, phony and that he would have been completely screwed had clark not been along…
i honestly do not know where this obsession with clark comes from…
Back to the topic, this Donalde character is a truly fascinating spectacle. I now understand the fascination here and at LGM an the occasional references at Roy’s place.
I feel like a kid who has just had is first taste of cotton candy and I want more dammit!!!
I feel like a kid who has just had is first taste of cotton candy and I want more dammit!!!
but instead of the sweet, sweet rush of sugar, you get that feeling you are watching a car wreck about to happen and cannot avert your eyes…
but instead of the sweet, sweet rush of sugar, you get that feeling you are watching a car wreck about to happen and cannot avert your eyes…
It’s almost like watching a clown car acting as the engineer of a train about to slam into a tanker truck.
Why does this make me, a militant anti-theist, smile so?
…i find your use of ‘shill’ as apt…
I’d like to take credit…but
i honestly do not know where this obsession with clark comes from…
I think it is adorable.
he had me right up until this:
“No one will be disciplined for failing to meet the deadline,” Provenzano said.
C’mon WC, post ‘em up
The only place they exist currently is on Facebook. That said:
Failed academic Malaclypse loser, LOL.
Here’s the Charli Carpenter link you want, idiot: http://is.gd/jygwbS
That’s a bitch she quit LGM. But you still have Scott Lemieux getting your rocks off, I know.
Merriweather Lewis wasn’t as hot as Newmar Lewis.
I feel like a kid who has just had is first taste of cotton candy and I want more dammit!!!
That’s no sugar rush, that’s some adulterated meth!
Why does this make me, a militant anti-theist, smile so?
I think the priest referenced in the article is a friend of a friend. If it’s the same guy, he bakes kickass cupcakes. Holy crap, teh Emporer (sic) may end up being a churchin’ kind of guy!
The Speaker of the House, this morning:
“There should be real structural reforms to our entitlement programs and there will be no tax increases,” he said. Boehner said that in his view allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire would be raising taxes. “I’ve never voted to raise taxes and I don’t intend to,” Boehner said, effectively ruling out any possibility of a balanced approach to deficit reduction.
If we had a Democrat in the White House, this would be the time, finally, to remind the Speaker that the Bush tax cuts would, indeed, expire at the end of next year, thanks to the intransigence of that very same Speaker. My breath, it will not be held.
When the floor is covered with leftovers from the girlie-post “research” this is actually kinda gross.
Donnie, I keep telling you: I don’t like you that way. Thanks for thinking of me as much as you clearly do, but I’m just not that into you.
When the floor is covered with leftovers from the girlie-post “research” this is actually kinda gross.
He means, “Rolling on the floor, lancing my ass onanistically”, which is even grosser.
The Donalde: The crappy gift that never stops giving.
“I’ve never voted to raise taxes and I don’t intend to,” Boehner said, effectively ruling out any possibility of a balanced approach to deficit reduction.
I’ll never raise taxes. Period. Tax cuts are now an ends in themselves, no matter what the economic situation is, not matter what is required of the government, come hell or high water. Christ. Ideology trumping reality again.
No, you’re thinking of goatse. Bet you think of him a lot. You should stop doing that.
No, you’re thinking of goatse. Bet you think of him a lot. You should stop doing that.
Now we know whose gaping bunghole that was! It’s because his head spends so much time up there.
“I’ve never voted to raise taxes and I don’t intend to,” Boehner said, effectively ruling out any possibility of a balanced approach to deficit reduction.
I told any and all conservatives that I ran into prior to the last election that if someone tells you that their number one priority is a balanced budget and then goes on to tell you that their first order of business is going to be lowering taxes, then you can be certain this person is lying about the balanced budget part.
Uh, don’t you have a baby…?
Alas, I think that troll’s comments were deleted at some point. That’s the twunt who gave us the wordfilter that we curse periodically. It was put in to keep him from being able to post under any variation of his nym, iirc.
It was a pretty funny meltdown, though.
That’s the twunt who gave us the wordfilter that we curse periodically.
Oh. Good. Lord.
Why does this not surprise me?
Why does this not surprise me?
Isn’t a “Confederacy of Dunces” already taken?
Why does this not surprise me?
…because Gov. Goodhair is GWB’s handpicked successor (he puts the “suck” in “successor”)? Because Feith and his ilk represent a faith-based foreign policy (we’ll plant a flower of democracy in the desert!)? Because Perry’s almost as stupid as Bush and every bit as squinty-eyed-tough-guy-ish?
Gaah. When will we learn?
Oh, I forgot one thing:
Ignoring teh Donalde.
Here’s the Charli Carpenter link you want, idiot: http://is.gd/jygwbS
no, donnie…he linked correctly…
good lord…how does someone who is so utterly clueless and lacking in reading comprehension as donalde even GET to the academic level he’s at?!?!?
i thought the one with the large opening was rick perry?
If you worked at a college, this would not surprise you…
Uh, don’t you have a baby…?
thanks for the iced coffee all over my keyboard and screen…
As a squinty-eyed gentleman myself, I take umbrage at that.
My work here is done!
Why does this not surprise me?
He’s not stoopid, just malicious. Jesus hasn’t come through for him. He knows that he needs someone to actually make (horrific) things happen.
NEW THREAD!!!!!1!!!eleven!
and slightly back o/t: how could y’all miss the non-hand sport?
Anagram fail.
Nipples and puns.
Stepped out of the boat and actually read some of that “Sailor” post. Did Donalde’s new friend “Popeye” really write a book calling Obama a “half-blood prince”?
Cause I gotta tell ya… Donalde got awful upset when I pulled his chain about Limbaugh calling folks like Obama (& Hallie Berry, and–though Rush didn’t mention him by name–Donalde, as well) “halfrican-americans.”
Sailer is not only a loathsome bigot, but one of the most self-adoring ones I’ve ever seen, judging by his links. His posts are riddled with links, and when you click them at random, at least three-quarters go back to his own previous posts. He’s like that famous photo of the guy with his head up his own ass as interpreted by M.C. Escher.
Sailer is not only a loathsome bigot, but one of the most self-adoring ones I’ve ever seen, judging by his links. His posts are riddled with links, and when you click them at random, at least three-quarters go back to his own previous posts. He’s like that famous photo of the guy with his head up his own ass as interpreted by M.C. Escher.
I noticed the exact same thing about David Horowitz aways back… Most of his supporting links go to other David Horowitz posts, and I have little doubt that if one were to follow enough of ’em in a chain, one would eventually find oneself being referred back to the same article where one started, without the thing ol’ Dave was attempting to support ever having been proved at all. (I suspect that the only reason no one’s yet had this happen to them is that no one can actually read the amount of Horowitz’s crap it’d take to get there.)
Donalde saves his readers the trouble by not bothering with too many supporting links in the first place, instead relying on his honest face and that charming professional demeanor.
Most of his supporting links go to other David Horowitz posts, and I have little doubt that if one were to follow enough of ‘em in a chain, one would eventually find oneself being referred back to the same article where one started, without the thing ol’ Dave was attempting to support ever having been proved at all. (I suspect that the only reason no one’s yet had this happen to them is that no one can actually read the amount of Horowitz’s crap it’d take to get there.)
Or, more likely, it would unleash Pinhead and the Cenobites
Whoops! Too late!
You’d be fap-fap-fapping, too, if you had as much of an authority complex as has Donald — because nothing that says “sexy” more than strong, centralized executive power that’s willing to bitch-slap the pinkos at home. He even jerked out 500 pages about it in his dissertation:
Domestic political structures, public opinion, and the limits of great power balancing: The western democratic response to German expansionism, 1933–1941, by Donald K. Douglas, University of California, Santa Barbara
Abstract: “This dissertation develops a domestic-structural approach to balance of power politics. I argue that states’ balancing policies are constrained by the forces of mass public opinion, but the effect of opinion on policy depends on the organization of the state’s political executive for foreign affairs.
“Antiwar opinion, in general, inhibits political executives from pursuing firm balancing.
“Firm balancing is unlikely when the state’s external authority is divided among a number of offices with responsibility in foreign policy. Public disagreement on policy is compounded by weak executive centralization.
“When executive authority in foreign policy is well concentrated, firm balancing should result. The study finds that strong executive centralization is the necessary condition for firm balancing to emerge.”
So if you, oooohhhh, like your balancing, mmmmmmm, to, ahhhh, emerge . . . firm . . then find a way to shut those damn antiwar hippies up. Uhhhh. Maybe, um, *fap-fap-fap* like, oooooo, filling their mouths with your well-concentrated, firm, emerging, strong, oooooooph, executive, um, authority . . . .
So if you, oooohhhh,…
I agree with my Sasquatch Israel nym-fella. A mental image the world coulda done done without.