Busted Again
Posted on August 7th, 2006 by Gavin M.
Eric Muller got us curious, and indeed, we found yet another attempt by the liberal MSM to tamper with photographic history, this time by AP photographer John Filo.
Above: Original, unaltered photo
As we often say, the hating of freedom is truly endemic among liberals.
More interesting, I think, is this post by Eric. Don’t you agree?
Oh yes, I agree that discussion of California prosecutors has been quite an engaging pastime for some days, among many.
Forget discussions of California prosecuters, the cool kids these days talk about zoning restrictions.
Forget discussions of California prosecuters, the cool kids these days talk about zoning restrictions.
Man, my comment is apparently spamtastic. Great
Argh… There are days I really hate the interwebs. I didn’t mean to spam it twice, the comment was rejected because it was considered spam so I tried posting it again and oopsie. Please disregard my own idiocy/impatience and all consuming rage.
Those f*cking peace mongerers and their peacemakers. damn them. damn them all to hell.
Well I’ll be damned. The “hypothetical” prosecutor that Muller is posting about in the link that Steve supplied — the prosecutor who defies his superiors and thinks the First Amendment gives him the right to spout off in a courtroom — is none other than Patterico.
Who would’ve imagined it?
Hey, you could have at least given a spoiler alert.
Oh yes, I agree that discussion of California prosecutors has been quite an engaging pastime for some days, among many.
ps. I am not Gavin’s sockpuppet.
[…] See also here and here. […]
Patterico is the dickwad that wants to send a guy to prison for LIFE for stealing a fucking BICYCLE???? Jesus christs tits in a mason jar, asshat, don’t fall over all that great big steaming pile of EMPATHY!!!
I’ve always hated three strikes laws.
Bunch of liberal claptrap, they are.
Why wait until someone has screwed up three times to incarcerate them forever? Indeed, why wait at all?
Demographic data give us all the tools we need to determine who will or will not become a criminal delinquent in the future. In fact, some states now use the results of third grade literacy tests to forecast their future prison cell needs. It’s obvious we already know who’s going to jail and who isn’t.
So why not just lock “certain” people up now – for life?
In fact….why lock them up at all? That’s expensive, you know.
If we know someone’s destined to get taken out under one of these three strikes laws…why don’t we just save ourselves the trouble and summarily execute them? Think of what a relief to the taxbase this would provide! I’m all for it – we should dispatch mobile killing squads posthaste.
(With apologies to Johnathan Swift, of course.)
Jillian: Of course you realize, there’s now a right-winger who believes thta in its entirity now. Rule of the Internet and all.
I don’t doubt it for a minute, Patkin.
And the sad thing is that statistic about third grade literacy rates and prison building is actually true – I didn’t make that one up.
I wonder if that’s one of those things we’re “number one!” in?
whenever i doubt, i retreat to the 60’s in my head too.
It takes a lot of energy to follow the references-within-references here. This article is an ironic photoshop in response to an ironic photoshop in response to an article on CNN.com, in response to small mean things a Republican said decades ago.
Ok, we get it. The Republican party is a little more evil than the Democratic party, whose Madeleine Albright said:
“It’s a hard choice, but I think, we, think, it’s worth it.” about murdering 500,000 Iraqi children.
So let’s say we put Democrats in office this year. The rhetoric might get fancier, but let’s face it, we’re still going to invade Iran etc.
totally rad, broham! i “discovered” a couple of “librul” photo frauds myself!
OMFG! trators!!!
lookit these librul medias lieing to us!!!
your hurting the troops!!!!
Those f*cking peace mongerers
Motivated as I am primarily by idle curiosity, here’s a question for any f*cking peace-mongers in the audience — how exactly does one mong peace? Is it like being a fishmonger? I did mong a fish once, but it monged me first.
OK, I’ll go away now and find some useful occupation for my curiosity.
i believe its the same thing as war mongering, except everybody participates in the ritual of calling it peace. for instance, the intifada is “peace” mongering, because it sprung from oslo. then, whatever follows in response is natually “war” mongering in relation to it..
This is brilliant.