This Gives A New Meaning To “Pony Up”

ABOVE: The Anchoress or K-Lo? You decide.

Shorter Mother Superior Mary Elizabeth Immaculata Magdalena Scalia of Hypochondria, The Anchoress:
Bottoms Up With Horse Semen

  • Women who drink horse cum shots are murdering little foals and really pissing off God, who, as we all know, ordained only one bodily fluid from animals as fit for human consumption.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 202


Nope. Not gonna get out of the boat. No sir.


OK, I lied. I got out of the boat. And there was much lulz to be had.

And some interesting questions for the bar patrons…


finally a bukake thread


I know, right?

Jason in the peg

No one tell her about prairie oysters.




She says people are demeaning themselves…and a few sentences later says they need some humility. Hmmm.


Soooooooooooooo, is the mandatory buttfucking still going on or is it just mandatory horse jizz-guzzling now?


I could have been frist but I thought the same thing as LittlePig. Unh uh, not gonna do it.

Whoa Nelly is pretty funny though.


From the comments section: “That perfectly describes the moral dysfunction behind the militant push by gay activists to destroy marriage.”

First we become North Koreans, then we drink horse semen. Those gayz are diabolical!


Umm, waiter, there’s a hair in my shot.

Shhh, quiet, or everybody will want one.


I’m sorry, but this is not just gross — it’s sinful.

That’s a relief.


Sister Mary Elizabeth is right, it’s a sacrilege. Now pardon me while I enjoy my breast meat sandwich, Chilean cow udders, blood sausage, lamb brains, and Bolivian bull penis soup.


But does it _taste_ good? Oh if only there was a Kiwi who could be tasked to examine this and report back to us.


dang, its getting downright anatomical up in here.

sham - low sodium hunchback

Meedz moar salt.


Video or GTFO.


You milk a stallion once, you have a friend for life.

So I hear.


Not getting out of the boat because wha? Horse cum shots?


Another stupid bitch falls for another stupid internet trope.

“Elizabeth” Scalia? She looks strikingly similar to another Scalia…

Also, “Elizabeth” seems way too horrified by this. Protesteth too much and such…


<blockquote.Umm, waiter, there’s a hair in my shot.

Waiter, there’s a shot in my hair.


Wow–record breaking tagfail.



I think in reparation for this asinine story, I will send a matching donation to our gals in New Jersey, who pray for us — and for the whole world — every day, and who have serious financial needs that their soaps just can’t cover.

So, stories about horse jizz get The Anchoress to do good works. Okay then.


This is a reprehensible bit of human behavior that is worth mentioning.

Cuz, how else am I gonna prove the depths of my superiority?

I wonder how many hours she spends everyday looking for “reprehensible behavior” as proof of her purity?


Soooooooooooooo, is the mandatory buttfucking still going on or is it just mandatory horse jizz-guzzling now?

You looking for some part time work?


Can anyone spare me a site-search and let me know which day it was that Anchor-Breasts wrote a column about how disgusting and decadent caviar is?


Think I’ll make it through????

31 tsam
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

After all of the sexual abuse of children in the church, THIS is what gets you people enraged? Really?



Bar shots are probably considered too nancy by the locals. True Kiwis get it draft.

With a Clydesdale it’s be draft draft horse semen.


So, stories about horse jizz get The Anchoress to do good works. Okay then.

She needs some way to explain away the tingly feeling it gave her.

reprehensible bit of human behavior that is worth mentioning.

It really isn’t.


This is a reprehensible bit of human behavior that is worth mentioning.

Fake outrage, fearmongering, and ..oh what was that other thing? OH YEAH FUCKING CHILD RAPE are also reprehensible behaviors which somehow escaped mention in your fucked up blog, you bitch.


I’m certainly not getting out of the boat, but I have to admit I’m curious as to what the essence or meat or real thrust of the story is…

But I don’t particularly want to google “horse semen shot” at work so I’ll just remain ign’nt.


oh god fuck the sum total of western civilization


So … would the “essence” from a Shetland Pony be a microbrew?

Thank you, I’ll be here all millennium! Try the horse-splooge!

31 tsam
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

If you can get three of those to show up, someone needs to call the Vatican ASAP. Unfortunately, the hagiographic menu is down to Patron Saint of either multicolored pocket lint, pretentious EGL tweens or guys in their 40s & 50s whose hair-weaves are falling out – take your pick.


Now pardon me while I enjoy my breast meat sandwich, Chilean cow udders, blood sausage, lamb brains, and Bolivian bull penis soup.

You make that menu sound so English.


“I don’t usually drink horse semen, but when I do, I drink Palamino Blonde. Stay thirsty, my friends”


what the essence or meat or real thrust of the story is…

A bar selling shots of horse semen for $20 bucks a shot and how it condemns all of humanity to eternal pain and suffering.*

*Accept for the saint who ‘stumbled’ across it online…


Okay, who wrote this in the comments,

This is like dipping a toe in the cesspool of bestiality before sliding in all the way.


the saint who ‘stumbled’ across it online…

Pretending to be a nun is awesome. I mean, you could really BE a nun pretty easily I guess, but I don’t think the order would let you play on the computer all day looking up ladies who guzzle animal come.

On the other hand, The Anchoress has donated to some ladies who have posted their schedule on their website:

5:20—Rising Bell
Followed by Lectio/Prayer/Study
7:30—Holy Mass/Thanksgiving(10min)/Terce
11:30—Rosary & Sext


“I don’t usually drink horse semen, but when I do, I drink Palamino Blonde. Stay thirsty, my friends”

So fucking awesome.


Waiter, there’s a shot in my hair.

I don’t think that’s against the voluntary sodomy guidelines, sir.


I feel like there’s a rectumry joke to be made…


Without hands and a neck that is too damn short, thank goodness someone is finally looking out for my needs!!!! Get yer ass over here, bartender. I need some relief!!!


In other news, AWESOME.


You know, that’s reject horse jizz they’re guzzling. There’s no way anyone could supply quality horse semen at twenty bucks a pop. Well maybe Whale Chowder’s mom – but getting that champion swallower to snowball into a shotglass ain’t easy. Probably teh only thing about WC’s mom that ain’t easy.

Confession Time – You wouldn’t have to break my leg – I would shoot the horse. Even if it is sketchy cum.


Confession Time: I’ve had “Pony” in my library for quite awhile. Believe me, I’m as appalled as the rest of you. I reply need to give myself a stern talking to.


Also. I am raising my fist in teh air and yelling



i’m so sorry, shorter. i don’t know why i have these trust issues. it’s not you, it’s me. and the mean fake nun. she’s crazy.


Poor Michelle.

No “American Girl” and now no “Walking On Sunshine.”

She must be wondering why anytime she tries to play anything other than Ted Nugent songs the artists reach for the lawyers.

Here’s a hint, Hon. Stop being a dick.

Oh, right. That’d lose you all your Teabilly base.


And this is straight from the horse’s…nah; too easy.


or my html issues.i don’t know why i have those either. i’m sorry.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Horse semen is only a gateway drug to the hard stuff—the real Red Bull™.


You can lead a horse to porn but you can’t make him jizz.


Chuck Norris, get thee to the recording studio!


You know, that’s reject horse jizz they’re guzzling. There’s no way anyone could supply quality horse semen at twenty bucks a pop.

I was gonna say, that can’t be much of a stud farm.

Then I thought, who the hell really knows what sort of jizz it is anyhow? Has anyone at the bar done a chromosome count? I suspect a bar owner’s prank. If it gets too popular, he gets the cook and dishwasher in on it.


In other news, AWESOME.

His one regret is that he has but one punchline to give for his country.


I suspect a bar owner’s prank.

A shot is 30 mL, which is nothing for a horse but in the “risk of chafing” range for a human.


I wouldn’t suppose they’d be made to order.


he gets the cook and dishwasher in on it.

And before you know it the bass player gets a call. *groan* Bar owners.


Strictly on the economics of it, it makes sense.

For a couple of bucks and the use of a titty mag, he could have a line of hobos for raw material. What decent Libertarian small businessman wouldn’t want to be maximizing his profit margin?

Also, too. Maximizing the profit margin.


* * * THE MOAR YOU KNOW! * * *

Some might argue that one can be just as sure of earning the torment of eternal Sky-Cop paybacks for less money via a whore or rentboy – a theological fact which makes Nun Cosplay Lady’s point moot … unless her point was being a sick fuck.


* * * THE MOAR YOU KNOW! * * *


Dr. Jack Root is Now Offering
Equine Veterinary Care!



Overheard conversation at the bar:

“Your voice sounds funny. Are you catching a cold?”
“No, my throat’s just getting a little horse”

Thank you, here all week, tip your server, try the hose jism


“Let Dr. Jack get to the Root of your little pony’s problem. We guarantee a happy ending.”


Considering some of the things going on the world, the idea that this is more appalling than, say, military gang rapes in the Congo – well, this is the Anchoress, after all. She certainly knows a lot for someone walled up in a convent.


The lesson here: When it comes to horse semen, just say nay.


jim said,

June 30, 2011 at 22:02

? ? ? ? ?

Curse you, Jim!

1977, when I thought escaping to college meant the end of all pain and suffering.


jim said,

June 30, 2011 at 22:02 (kill)

Heh. I was going to post that (or maybe “Not in love”) at vs’ place the other day but FYiPad.


Also at the nunnery:

Throughout the day Sisters are scheduled for either a half hour or one hour of the “Adoring Rosary”. Three nights a week the Sisters have nocturnal adoration.


The lesson here: When it comes to horse semen, just say nay.

When you can just say neigh, you’ve probably already had a wee bit too much.


“Sisters have nocturnal adoration.”



Oh, Kansas!BTW, according to what I’m watching right now, all 3 clinics will be shut down shortly. AWESOME!!!


“All we are is dust in the wind”


I close my eyes
Only for a moment
And my mouth’s full of horse jizz.
All my teef
Wash down my throat
In that milky stream
All we are is dust in the jizz
All we are is dust in the jizz


I’m off to another beer tasting (Hopworks Urban Brewing, aka HUB) but before I take off for that and then a glorious long sunny weekend, I just wanted to thank you all. If anybody had asked me this morning if horse jism could be funny, I’d of thunk “why the fuck are you asking me that?!?” This thread has been quite the amusing education.



FYWP — that “HUB” up above, was supposed to be a link.


You people are all so AHEMED by the 5-month lead on this story at other blogs.


My Beefheart post is now erect. Songs? I have two and a poll. Take my Beefheart poll that is just now erect and tell me what you think. It is in your hands now.


Also, you people sure do talk a lot about penises.


I only do it because of the peer pressure.


Everybody talks about the PENIS but nobody anybody does something about them.


The only thing penis-related thing I do these days is clean POOP off my baby’s nutsack.


HUB has some good stuff. I think many people pooh-poohed the Galactic Imperial Red but I liked it.


The only thing penis-related thing I do these days

What? You’re a MOTHER. SOMEBODY has fallen down on the job.


The only thing penis-related thing I do these days is clean POOP off my baby’s nutsack.

That’s no way to marinate the meat.


Memorable quotes for
“Mister Ed” (1958)

Mister Ed: What do you say we go out riding and pick up a couple of fillies?
Wilbur Post: I’m not a horse, remember?
Mister Ed: Too bad, we could have a ball double dating.


Mister Ed: You should never have told me horses sleep standing up, it gave me a mental block.


[Wilbur finds Mister Ed sleeping in his living room]
Wilbur Post: Oh no.
Mister Ed: If you had a dog, you’d let him sleep in the house.
Wilbur Post: A dog is different. A dog is a household pet.
Mister Ed: Then call me “Rover” and wake me at eight.


[repeated line]
Mister Ed: Holler, but don’t hit.


Mister Ed: Don’t yell at me, Wilbur, I’m not your wife.


Mister Ed: I love Christmas. Wilbur is so full of the spirit of giving, and I’m so full of the spirit of receiving.


[opening line of each episode]
Mister Ed: Hello, I’m Mr. Ed.


Mister Ed: Oh Wilbur! I want to play with my set!


Wilbur Post: [after Ed finds a straw hat] What are you going to do with a straw hat?
Mister Ed: I’ll wear it till it goes out of style. Then I’ll eat it!


Mister Ed: [impatiently] Let’s Go Wilbur!
Wilbur Post: Go? You’re on the bottom!
Mister Ed: Sorry! I forgot!


Mister Ed: Stop gabbin’ and get me some oats!


Wilbur Post: [after Mister Ed makes a great shot in a ring toss game] Good throw, Ed! I bet you’re also good at pitching horseshoes!
Mister Ed: No, Wilbur, I don’t play horseshoes.
Wilbur Post: Really? Why not?
Mister Ed: Because Mom always taught us kids not to throw our clothes around!


Wilbur Post: Ed, you have run away for the last time! I’m going to lock you in your stall.
Mister Ed: Don’t do that Wilbur! I suffer from claustrophobia!
Wilbur Post: Claustrophobia? You mean you have a fear of confined spaces?
Mister Ed: Sure, it runs in the family. I even get nervous when I put my nose in a small feedbag.


Wilbur Post: I’ve been meaning to ask you, Ed. Just how do horses sleep standing up?
Mister Ed: [Shocked] We Do?
Wilbur Post: Didn’t you know?
Mister Ed: How can I? When I’m asleep my eyes are closed!


Mister Ed: Well, time to hit the hay… oh I forgot, I ate it!


As someone with the first name, “Ed”, I know everything Lance just posted, by heart. Or head wound, perhaps.


“Substance McGravitas said,
July 1, 2011 at 0:17

The only thing penis-related thing I do these days

What? You’re a MOTHER. SOMEBODY has fallen down on the job.”

Meet the real mother of GAWD!


Our God, who art wherever, DUDESKULL be thy name…


Gee, the three Roman Catholic witches/failed nuns, K-Lo, Maggie Gallagher & The Anchoress, all have something in common, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

No, wait!! I got it. They’re all obese monstrosities who’ve been using food to sublimate their sex drives.

How many fetuses could Jesus make w/ all the flab those three are dragging around? Isn’t being a big fat tub of goo some kind of sin or something in their sad little anti-sex cult? GLUTTONY!!!

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

Smut Clyde said,
June 30, 2011 at 23:47

You people are all so AHEMED by the 5-month lead on this story at other blogs.

Yet you STILL haven’t told us how it tastes. Kiwis, not worth a damn. Maybe it’s their hobbit nature.

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

How many fetuses could Jesus make w/ all the flab those three are dragging around?

As St. Anselm Epicurus asked, can god make a fetus so big even He can’t eat it? At one sitting, that is, else He doesn’t get the dinner for free. And there is a time limit…


You people are all so AHEMED by the 5-month lead on this story at other blogs.

Yes, so ahmed! By the once and future posters

Xecky Gilchrist

You people are all so AHEMED by the 5-month lead on this story at other blogs.

And Matt Taibbi was ten YEARS ahead of that.


FWIW, I’ve got a new blog post up which is basically me re-hashing pitching a hissy fit over the mess I made over at Mr. Bogg’s place yesterday (in case you didn’t step in it). My bad, I should know better than to bait firebaggers with respectful disagreement.

Never reached Foreskin Holocaust proportions, but I suppose it’s good to know I’ve still got the touch.


What I particularly like about Ms. Godbotherers vapours about Horse wank drinking is the conceit that Gawd will be watching all those that drinking it and make a little black mark in the notebook for those people. As one who has had to try to keep track of who eats the biscuits in the Riddled tea room, I appreciate the complexity involved in noting who eats what all over the world.
It’s just s step away from bestiality, just like eating lamb chops is also, consumption of animal protein and all. Unless they are hung up on the magical properties of sperm. But no one could be so medieval, surely. Hah Hah


I keep wondering what the freakout will look like when she discovers that Masai tribesmen in Africa have been eating cow’s blood for millennia – and God still hasn’t seen fit to wipe them from the face of the Earth for this icky dietary choice.

Alternately, perhaps a revision of Leviticus is in order:
“Eat not the cloven hoof that cheweth not the cud.
And yea, verily, suppeth thou not on the jism of thy steed.”


And yea, verily, suppeth thou not on the jism of thy steed.” That bit was probably edited out so that the Romans wouldn’t buy up all the Bibles.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I keep wondering what the freakout will look like when she discovers that Masai tribesmen in Africa have been eating cow’s blood for millennia – and God still hasn’t seen fit to wipe them from the face of the Earth for this icky dietary choice.

But, Jennifer, it’s an Abdomination, don’cha see? The Masai add their cow’s blood to their own milk so enzymes in the blood will break down the lactose and they can drink it. But God made them lactose intolerant! It’s only northern European near-albinos like Jesus and me that are supposed to be able to drink milk. God’s gonna get them Masai—you betcha!

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

“FWIW, I’ve got a new blog post up which is basically me re-hashing pitching a hissy fit over the mess I made over at Mr. Bogg’s place yesterday (in case you didn’t step in it).”

Fekkin disgustin whore, that’s what you are.

” My bad, I should know better than to bait firebaggers with respectful disagreement.”

I won’t bother to look BUT I strongly suspect that what you think of as respectful disagreement and what others perceive is the east and west which shall never meet.

The pr0k was fab. I found some lovely black, almost rotten looking plantains, which were fried in butter and oyl. I drizzled some honey over the frying beasts and then squeezed on some lemon juice. The slaw, made with sherry vinegar and celery seed, mayo, mustard, some sugar, salt and pepper, yada yada was a bit disappointing. Very good in it’s own right but on the plate with the FABuFUCKINGous pork and the seriously good plantains, the Cubano rice and beans (also fab) just didn’t stand up.

The Ho bailed early, blaming the booze. At least he enjoyed snarfing on the crispy and spicy skin prior to passing out. We drink too much. Mebbee we’ll do something about that.



Obviously a bunch of perverts!

Port Authority staff rushed out to the tarmac where, between takeoffs and landings, they scooped up the turtles and helped them on their way.

Naturalists said the 185-acre Jamaica Bay may be the diamondback’s most popular breeding ground in North America.

“It happens every year at about this time. It’s the great migration, and this is the peak of the season,” he said.

Just think how SEX these people enabled!?


Pup – put it this way: I wasn’t the one assigning bad motives to other people. But whatever.

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

“I won’t bother to look BUT I strongly suspect that what you think of as respectful disagreement and what others perceive is the east and west which shall never meet.”

Please to understand, I’ve spent the last couple days “arguing” with god apologists – it’s now in my blood.


Oh yeah,…

Scooping the turtle.


We drink too much. Mebbee we’ll do something about that.

Try having a cigarette every time you want a drink.


Among other things, I was informed that it’s “reprehensible” to speak in terms of political calculations where issues of human rights are concerned.

Because, you know, LBJ didn’t make any calculations w/r/t how to get the Civil Rights Act passed. Same with Mandela – no strategery there, just pure, unadulterated rightness of purpose.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Pr0king the plantain.



1. My understanding of the deal is that the the guy was selling them at a Wild Food Festival. I do not do food festivals. I do not really do food.

2. He was free to water down the spooge component to almost homeopathic concentration, since the taboo-breaking gimmick was the same.

I don’t know how much frozen sperm he had to start with (unwanted product in the horse-racing industry on account of his horses not winning races) but we’re not talking kegs of the stuff. He was not selling it straight.

Masai tribesmen in Africa have been eating cow’s blood for millennia
I was going to comment about the Maasai last night (Wikipedia reckons that these days they hardly ever bother tapping the blood from their cows except on special occasions, so I guess it wasn’t helping with lactose digestion after all) but was side-tracked to learn that the word for a young man attaining the status of warrior is “Moran”. HA HA MORANS.

Also black pudding.


Also, as Marilyn Monroe once asked, “Isn’t there any other part of the matzo you can eat?”


And Matt Taibbi was ten YEARS ahead of that.

That was worth reading.


Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention.

You’ve been horseback riding all day with your friend Jack. It’s late afternoon and you’re tired. Jack is unable to get out of the saddle unassisted. Do you offer to help Jack off the horse?


Keats & Chapman at a Sushi restaurant:

“That was delicious. But why was it so expensive?”
“That was the last roes of summer.”


This is not the splooge tasting thread! Don’t keep going OT, Food Pron king!!
Moderators, ban this person for a time so he can reflect on what he did.


Also black pudding.

My deep dark secret is – I actually like black pudding.


Scooping the turtle.. from the landing strip


Never reached Foreskin Holocaust proportions, but I suppose it’s good to know I’ve still got the touch.

You were arguing logic and empirical reality. Did you expect to not piss people off?


My deep dark secret is – I actually like black pudding.

It’s a great handover cure when served with ale.


Hangover, too.


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

So is Anchoress admitting she’s a fat vampire?


Actually, let me just shorten that to “fat-pire”. Somehow the thought of Anchy vamping makes me nauseous


a fat vampire?
A liposuctor. Her victims awaken from a night of troubled dreams to find themselves weakened but skinnier.


“The blubber is the life!”


I do not really do food.


I have a watermelon with some suspicious holes in it that says otherwise


Do you live in Blackburn, Lancashire?


Whatburn, Whatcanshire?


Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention.

My mother? Lemme tell you about my mother.


Shorter Anchoress: “hey…thems’s my donuts”. (grabs pink box and waddles off)


I have a watermelon with some suspicious holes in it that says otherwise

Grapefruit Chupacabra?

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

The anchoress is surely busy today, celebrating the Feast of the Most Precious Blood.


Dracolum, while stroking a bag of plasma: “My precious.”

Spearhafoc, who wanted to learn to fly so badly that he tried to become a Nun

He was free to water down the spooge component to almost homeopathic concentration, since the taboo-breaking gimmick was the same.

What is homeopathic horse semen supposed to cure?


What is homeopathic horse semen supposed to cure?

I think it’s supposed to cure the gay.


What is homeopathic horse semen supposed to cure?


I think it also makes you more stable.


Would y’all just rein it in with the horse puns?


I cantor maybe I can.


N__B is a palomino, and I agree with my pal.


…also, too, i think the mane thing to remember is that the no horses were harmed during the making of those shots, and they prolly enjoyed themselves…

Spearhafoc, who wanted to learn to fly so badly that he tried to become a Nun

I don’t come to Saddle, No! for horse puns!

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

I don’t come to Saddle, No! for horse puns!

Hay, now!

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

I don’t come to Saddle, No! for horse puns!

what do you come for? the shots?


I’m afraid all this spurring onward will do no good.


I’m feeling a little horse today.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

I’m afraid all this spurring onward will do no good.

yes, we prolly should just latigo…

Ted the Slacker

I’m feeling a little horse today.

Pedofoalia, no?


I don’t think horse shots are available in NYC: our mare is a health fanatic.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

Pedofoalia, no?



Hey, little girl. Wanna see my etchings?


Bobo du jour. Don’t bother reading:

She has come to adopt the party-line view of the most change-averse elements of the teachers’ unions: There is no education crisis. Poverty is the real issue, not bad schools. We don’t need fundamental reform; we mainly need to give teachers more money and job security.

Nonetheless, Ravitch makes some serious points.


Proving once again that there is a website for every fetish . . .


Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

Amusing to watch you jockeying for pun supremacy.



I have that Who album on vinyl.

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Aliased to Eusa-riddled, no doubt.

Spearhafoc, who wanted to learn to fly so badly that he tried to become a Nun

I’m feeling a little horse today.

So you’re a hoarse whisperer?


“I’m feeling a little horse today.

So you’re a hoarse whisperer?”

I thought he was going to help Jack off the horse.

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

Wondering why Spearhafoc wanted to learn to fly badly. Seems like it would be an innate talent.

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

Ill just tack this comment up.

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland



I don’t want to stirrup any controversy, but I don’t do shots. I’m strictly into manelining.

Spearhafoc, who is Nun the wiser

Get thee to a Punnery!

Jerry Harrison

Rev it up, rev it up, rev it up, little pony and RIDE

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

I suppose I am obligated to describe tonight’s planned hors d’oeuvres.

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

My work here is dun.

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

Mr. Ed said,
July 1, 2011 at 17:13

Hey, little girl. Wanna see my etchings?

Okay, I’ll bight.

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

Seems I “broke” the thread.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

ha, this was pretty funny…it reminded me of when i was attending the mighty u of mn but a few short years ago and i wore my leather coat to class when we had a special presentation by peta…we had a bit of a verbal scuffle, which started by my statement that when bessie can contribute something more meaningful to my life than food and clothing, well then i might just vote for them. it ended with my question, ‘how are you morally superior wearing plastic man-made shoes instead of leather ones? are you telling me it’s more moral to exploit foreign children than to kill a cow?’

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl said,
July 1, 2011 at 18:00



I’m feeling a little horse today.

In Soviet Russia horse feels you.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl said,
July 1, 2011 at 18:00


ikr? thems were good times, indeed…

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

it would probably behoove me to get some actual work done today…as long as i don’t keep popping back here to check on the puns, it should be a cinch…


But does it _taste_ good?

“The Old Secretariat was a bit, er, musky shall we say, though there are wonderful oak and grass notes and a nice creamy finish. Nicely aged in the, er, keg but not overpowering.

Old Paint, on the other hand, was most disappointing. Bad yellowish tinge due to, well let’s just say the old boy didn’t get out very much. Very acidic, and quite runny as well. Better take some Vitamin E, old boy!

Now the Animal Kingdom, well let’s just say it won the Derby. Delightful on the tongue, with cinnamon and citrus notes, strong and earthy without being cloying, and a smooth salty finish at the last. Truly world class horse spunk.”


as long as i don’t keep popping back here to check on the puns, it should be a cinch…

I think you mean pooping back here.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

I think you mean pooping back here

d’oh…horse apples!


“People here in the Oregon know the answer to providing full-service equine veterinary care: Jack Root”

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

“People here in the Oregon know the answer to providing full-service equine veterinary care: Jack Root”

‘eqqus’ was the first ‘sexytime’ movie i ever watched…my sister (mrs. ed) and i watched it on hbo when mom and dad were gone…i was 12 i think and found it quite embarrassing…not as embarrassing though as watching ‘coming home’ later that year with my mom and grandma…


Shorter Verbatim Bryan Fischer: Having a pro-gay activist become part of the GOP fund-raising machine is like inviting a slave-owner to be part of the original GOP in 1854.


Wait. Waddyamean mrs. ed? If there was a missus in my life, you’d think that I would know about it. I’ve had my eye on Wilbur’s wife for some time, but she apparently likes that little Willie instead of my trench digger.


Got any pictures?

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

Got any pictures?

i have etchings…


I like ’em young. Three to five. Seven on the upper end. HORSE YEARS YOU PERVERT!!!!


Kudos to any thread that inspires me to look up THESE online.

Conservatism™ – keepin’ it classy!

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

Kudos to any thread that inspires me to look up THESE online.

Conservatism™ – keepin’ it classy!

i wonder how the canckoress feels about this website


I don’t want to saddle anyone with excessive restrictions but it would behoove you to go easy on the equine puns, as horseplay always results in injury. Not to geld the lily, or anything. Mare caution, that’s all.


Ya know, if it weren’t for the Anchoress, I would not have even known anyone (other than GW “tried to milk a stallion” Bush) consumed horse semen. Wow. It’s interesting what the righty-tighties dig up on the intertubez … I wonder what the Anchoress was looking for when she found this “news” item.

OTOH, fish semen is perfectly good eating and it hardly undermines social mores when people eat it, no matter what the Anchoress might think. I am happy my religion allows me to eat fish semen. What does the anchoress think of eating blood sausage, which is, in fact, biblically prohibited?


No blood pudding, no Icky Thump. The lost to martial arts alone would be immeasurable.


Ur doin it roan.


Hey, little girl. Wanna see my etchings?
Shirley Mr Ed means ‘itchings’.


At least he enjoyed snarfing on the crispy and spicy skin

VPR? If so, ‘crispy’ seems like a poor word choice…


“I do not really do food.”

I have a watermelon with some suspicious holes in it that says otherwise

Do you live in Blackburn, Lancashire?



I suppose I am obligated to describe tonight’s planned hors d’oeuvres.

Indeed, an imperial obligation. The people await.


I hope that all the Sadlies have a wonderful extended weekend!

Remember to dressage appropriately to the weather. Now I must hoof it back into the shadows again.


“I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!”


“I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!”
This is not a goat-related thread. Try to stay on topic.


These puns belong in the Morgan you all should be ashamed.


So if you’re a faithful Catholic who believes in Transubstantiation, the wine and host turn into Jesus’s blood and body. It’s a good thing they didn’t serve yogurt at the Last Supper. Just sayin’.


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