

Bradrocket adds: Eric Muller has made a similarly shocking discovery.


Comments: 34


OMG that’s good man.

Suggestions for next time:

“Moonbat Child Found In Cave!”

“Alien Meets Ned Lamont”

“John Kerry and Dan Rather’s Secret Gay Wedding”

“Chimera’s Footprint Discovered in Stem Cell Lab”

“Elvis And Osama bin Laden Seen In Shreveport”

“George Bush Coronated as Prince of Peace and King of Kings”

“Top Secret Homosexual ‘Rainbow’ Technology Alters Brain-waves of Nation’s Youth”

“Ann Coulter Shares Blood-of-Infants Recipes That Defy Aging!”

*I fixed this comment — had it all wrong at first. Blah caffeine.


The only problem is that the bottom headline cites “experts.” As we all know, LGF disdains things like your so-called “facts,” and “knowledge,” and most certainly “experts.”

Experts? Ha! Those eggheads wouldn’t recognize a smoke-darkening plot to further the spread of Islamocooties if it came up and kerned them.


Next week: LGF expose on how Bin Laden was able to shop a couple of unearned medals on George W.’s TANG-era headshot.


Is that Iron Fist playing the banjo?

Karatist Preacher

I think it’s Carey Roberts…


“… some say” could replace “…warn experts” quite usefully and would be right in the spirit. of LGF’s usual obfuscation.


Hey, I cry foul, vile miscreant! You have doctored that photo! No one plays the banjo left-handed. Wait, isn’t that supposed to be one of the impending signs of the Apocalypse? Now I’m really scared!


In a press conference, Condi Rice denied that Heaven is in a state of civil war. When asked, she said that she did not believe that the recent “sectarian” violence between the faithful and the fallen is proof of what she refers to as “the hypothetical civil war”.


Heaven is in a state of civil war.

those are just the birth pangs of the Apocolypse.


No, no – Condi sez that both Angels and Demons carrying signs that say “George Bush is a f*cking idiot” is a _good_ thing – it shows theyve become united. United in their hatred of us, but united anyway!

anonymous (dammit)

What do you mean “no one plays the banjo left-handed?”

I for one will never forget Mr Jimi Hendrix doing just that
at a little place called Woodstock in 1969 on his legendary
rendition of the Scarred Bungled Banner.


“… some say� could replace “…warn experts� quite usefully and would be right in the spirit. of LGF’s usual obfuscation.

And the president’s, too. He just rolled out his “some say” strawman, arguing that “some say democracy can’t work for all people.” Really? Who says that?

War on Straw Accomplished.


true, so true.

you should have put in something about dick cheney, seeing as how he’s on the cover and all.


It’s all just billow talk.


apocalypse. heh.



The LGF mission:

Expiring minds need to know!


it would be irresponsible not to speculate.


Heh, dammit. I was totally looking for that picture yesterday, and couldn’t find it.


Oh shit! NEVER MIND!

Nice job on the photoshop, man.


See, that’s *good* photoshoppin’. Reuters could learn a thing or two from Gavin.


Whoah, I just saw the LGF founder dipshit on CNN, talking about the doctored photo.


I just saw the LGF founder dipshit on CNN, talking about the doctored photo.

you have GOT to be kidding me.


You sure that is not Burgess Meredith saying “You’re gonna eat lightnin’ and you’re gonna crap thunder”?


I don’t know… I see the Toxic Avenger in the plume of smoke instead of Satan.


Eric Muller has made a similarly shocking discovery.

Pffft. Muller’s photo is obviously a fraud. Everyone knows that little girl in the red dress was killed by the Nazis in WWII Poland. There’s no way she could’ve been alive — and the same age! — two decades later in Vietnam.


I just saw the LGF founder dipshit on CNN, talking about the doctored photo.

Someone get screenshots! Photos of Chucky are hard to find, and come in handy around here.


Magnifique! You guys do do the wingers well.


Christ, Wolf Blitzer is talking about it now, and referring to “some savvy folks” on the internet generally, and Chuckles Johnson in particular. The reporter just mentioned Johnson was behind Rathergate, and Blitzer said “he obviously has something going on over there.” Jeeeeeeesus.


are you guys sure that second photo isn’t just an homage to Mortal Kombat, and Raiden?


Otto Man, this is what I mean when I talk about the whole damn country having god absolutely mad all around us, and nobody noticing. It’s insanity, pure and simple, and if you aren’t at least a little frightened by it, you aren’t paying attention.


Strange Forces said,

August 7, 2006 at 20:51

“Whoah, I just saw the LGF founder dipshit on CNN, talking about the doctored photo.”

I know it’s summer, and August is a slow news month, but is CNN that hard up for intelligent commentary?


What does “intelligent commentary” have to do with Chuckles’ Johnson?
(apostrophe intended).


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