Are You Smarter Than A First Grader?

Here’s a quick test to see if you are, indeed, smarter than a first grader.

Can you tell the difference between these two men?

ABOVE: Anthony Weiner (left), Mark Foley (right)

Can the man pictured below tell the difference between the two men pictured above

ABOVE: Jim Hoft, The Gateway Dumbshit

Sadly, no!

Here, Jimbo, how ’bout a hint?

Nope, not a bit of difference there. Absolutely the same thing.

Now we know why even Right Network thought Jim was an embarrassment and told him to get lost.


Comments: 187


I can’t even wrap my mind around the kind of chutzpah that is required to call the Democrats hypocrites here.


Why, why did you have to put up a picture of Hoft? My hangover was bad enough without that.


Is there going to be math on this test?


Speaking of apples and oranges, Tintin, you could also point out:

Foley was chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, which introduced legislation targeting sexual predators and created stricter guidelines for tracking them.

Investigation was closed by the FDLE on September 19, 2008 citing insufficient evidence to pursue criminal charges as both “Congress and Mr. Foley denied us access to critical data,” said FDLE Commissioner Gerald Bailey.

(Both from wikipedia.)


they. just. don’t. get. it. do. they.


OBS should fire up that Thruxton and ride up here to my ‘hood. Cider Summit in the park across the street. Actually it’s the park in which I am now sitting (phtpht WW!), enjoying coffee and Sat. NYT puzzle (avg. time 10:23, over ~15 years) but when I am at home it’s across the street.

Any local sadlies heading this way 2day?


Fortunately Jim Hoft will always have a paycheque at FOX News waiting for him. Even if he literally forgets English and communicates only
in random syllables and defectation. He will always be paid to do so, and he will always win the argument.


here is my comment for mr. hoft and his idiotic commentors:

#24 June 11, 2011 at 11:41 am
margaret commented:

dumb asses, foley was preying on male minors…while publicly opposing homosexuality and chairing a caucus for missing and exploited children…do you get it now?

Lurking Canadian

There isn’t just one issue here they don’t get. By my count, there are three. Foley was stalking an underage employee. Weiner was texting with apparently not complaining adult private citizens. So there are three differences: age, consent, professional relationship.

An analogous situation might be calling somebody a hypocrite for being opposed to the public rape of children, while simultaneously thinking it is perfectly acceptable for married adults to have sex in their own home.

This guy goes beyond even the standard wingnut foolishness. I think it quite possible that he needs to wear a face guard to avoid stabbing his own eyes at the dinner table.

The Tragically Flip

I’m really struggling to find what exactly Pelosi is supposed to tell the FBI that Weiner did that they should investigate. What crime is Hoft seeing here? He knows “being a liberal” isn’t a crime in America (yet) right?


I love abusing Hoft and his merry band of retards. My comment started out by pointing out that as usual, they seem to have a problem with wrapping their brain cell around the notion of “consent.”


Hoft suspects that Weiner stole the strawberries.


Erm…you can’t make penis jokes out of the name ‘Foley’?


I love abusing Hoft and his merry band of retards. My comment started out by pointing out that as usual, they seem to have a problem with wrapping their brain cell around the notion of “consent.”

heh…i saw your comment…nice work…i think you have a couple of respnses…


Well, there is the Foley catheter, that may have possibilities.


Erm…you can’t make penis jokes out of the name ‘Foley’?

Can make a penis joke out of EVARTHANG.

Well.. hmm… maybe a pubic hair joke. Foleyage.

Say, what do you call the dry, dead skin cells that flake off of an old man’s penis?


That’s all for now.


this may be my finest hour:

as for my supposed stupidity, i’m not the one who eats up everything jim hoft shits out…


dammit, my awesome comment was eated up over there!!!


as for my supposed stupidity, i’m not the one who eats up everything jim hoft shits out…

dammit, my awesome comment was eated up over there!!!

I suppose your antagonist eated… zomg YOU’RE JIM HOFT!!!!


bbkf – I’m pretty sure words like “shit” make the Hoft-man cry.

He’s ok with you making up the vilest things possible, so long as you don’t use *bad* words. Kind of like my ex-business partner, who was convinced that she was a better person than me because she didn’t curse, which made up for being a liar, a cheat, and a thief.


oh…so i should substitute poop, instead?


oh…so i should substitute poop, instead?

“Ryan budget” works, too.


Or santorum


Yeah, I think the fucking thing detects fucking swears and fucks the fucking posts right in the fucking cunt before they even get fucking posted fuck.


I like how the commenters who pointed out that Pelosi no longer holds the leadership position and now it would fall to Boehner to call the FBI were completely ignored.


I noticed one of the commenters over at Hoftville making the by-now legendary slam at Pelosi ‘riding with NAMBLA in the SF Pride Parade’. And Jennifer coming right back with ‘pix or GTFO’.

It seems as if they have this entire imaginary world inside their heads, where they spend most of their time.


Wow, bbkf and Jennifer are dropping reason bombs over at Hoft’s place. Well done, ladies!


Can make a penis joke out of EVARTHANG.

Well.. hmm… maybe a pubic hair joke. Foleyage.

Say, what do you call the dry, dead skin cells that flake off of an old man’s penis?


That’s all for now.

What’s the act of sucking off a hypocritical, closeted Republican?



I think it quite possible that he needs to wear a face guard to avoid stabbing his own eyes at the dinner table.

Ruprecht! Put the cork back on the fork!


After posting a transcript of comments from then-White House press secretary Robert Gibbs expressing surprise at the amount of applause during Obama’s speech, Hoft responded by asking “Oh really? Then why was it printed on the Jumbotron?” and included the following screenshot:

The answer to Hoft’s question of why it was “printed on the jumbotron” was that the text was live closed captioning provided for hearing impaired attendees of the event.

A perfect summation of conservatism, worldwide. Who would like to bet Hoft’s next crybaby screed had to do with freeloading deaf assholes wasting resources to have words put on screens and stuff. Fuck, sometimes they even pay somebody to translate it to deaf language in person. It looks like they’re doing kung fu.


What’s the act of sucking off a hypocritical, closeted Republican?


Fucking brilliant.


Everybody knows that mild sexual transgressions by liberals are far more serious than being found dead hanging in two wetsuits with a dldo up your butt.


Everyone also knows that a wildly inappropriate level of outrage is a clear indication that “someone” is seeking validation for some repressed, taboo fantasy or act.

The bitches doth protest too much, methinks.


Seriously, one of the tards over there has the vapors because I used the word “penis”.

It’s almost as if they’re trying to validate what I said earlier about them being mentally a bunch of children.


Dudeskull thinks wingnut hypocrisy is so silly

Dudeskull rox.


Jack Elam said,
June 11, 2011 at 19:05

Yeah, I think the fucking thing detects fucking swears and fucks the fucking posts right in the fucking cunt before they even get fucking posted fuck.

ooooooh, jack elam…i fear i may have mis-read you over at hofts…my bad!


Hee! Thanks, Looch! I think I’m gonna keep the little booger around.


Dudeskull thinks wingnut hypocrisy is so silly

i <3 dudeskull!!! he is the cutest babby! and smart, too!


Just landed, non stop flt from the Hateway, er Gateway site. I want to announce that I have two new heroes, Jennifer and bbkf. All hail Jennifer and bbkf! Amazing.


A perfect summation of conservatism, worldwide

Yeah, they’re not that bright.

Speaking of not that bright, I wanna know why Breitbart had the “unveiled” picture of Weiner’s dong on his phone. Also, didn’t he claim that he would only reveal this pic if he was “attacked”? Now that it’s out there, doesn’t Weiner have carte blanche to go Pearl Harbor on Breitbart’s ass?


wow…those people over at gateway are truly horrible…gah! i think my work there is done…but boy, did i take a beating…thanks for the kudos y’all…i do have to get to work though…but i can skip that if vs needs me to hold babby dudeskull or something…


I wanna know why Breitbart had the “unveiled” picture of Weiner’s dong on his phone.

Oof, there’s not much I’d like to know less.


bbkf – now I’m being censored. Poor Jimbo must’ve gone by my blog and seen how I’ve ridiculed him there.

BTW, be sure to point out that “Chisum” is one of the Real Housewives of New Jersey in real life…hence his penchant for calling people “garbage”.


I got out of the boat and was fatally slimed by the stupid.





Please, someone go over there and point out Chisum as one of the Real Housewives. I would myself but like I said…banned.

Maybe I should log on with my laptop and post under another name, say, “JimHoftisaDumbMotherfucker”?


Or maybe my new handle will be “Chisum – Rhymes with Jism”.


Hoft reminds me in that picture of Timothy Treadwell, that crazy guy who was obsessed with bears and who was eventually killed and eaten by one.


Tommykey – fun fact: ironically, the bear that ate Timothy Treadwell was the one he had nicknamed “Jeffrey Dahmer.”


Geez, looks like Hoft didn’t get the memo.


Maybe I should log on with my laptop and post under another name, say, “JimHoftisaDumbMotherfucker”?

As I commented at you’re place a while back,

Hoft: I want you to go in that bag, and find my wallet.

Pammycakes: Which one is it?

Hoft: It’s the one that says Dumb Motherfucker.


Sigh. “your”.


bbkf – now I’m being censored. Poor Jimbo must’ve gone by my blog and seen how I’ve ridiculed him there.

BTW, be sure to point out that “Chisum” is one of the Real Housewives of New Jersey in real life…hence his penchant for calling people “garbage”.

oh, so my remark about reality tv really hit home, then…no wonder it got so hissy…


Dudeskull thinks wingnut hypocrisy is so silly

You just let those bugs crawl on him? It’s like one of those look at the starving children in Africa w/ the flies all over them adverts.


Hogeye – if I didn’t say so at the time, I loved that comment and wanted to have its babbys.


Chisum commented:

margaret is a one-trick-troll.

She should go back to her handlers at Troll Central (Media Matters) and tell them to beat her for being such a lousy, miserable, dumbass (her word) TROLL.

Ha ha, They don’t even know who our “handlers” are. Of course, their handlers are “handling” them in the bad-touch places.

Plus which, Ant’nee has checked into something, in classic style.

Anthony Weiner to Enter Treatment Center and Seek Leave From House

Representative Anthony D. Weiner planned to check himself into a treatment center on Saturday after House Democratic leaders, including Nancy Pelosi, called on him to resign and suggested he needed psychiatric counseling.

A spokeswoman for Mr. Weiner said he would request a leave of absence from the House and seek treatment, but provided no further details.

Read More:

How does the “leave of absence” thing work for elected officials?


How does the “leave of absence” thing work for elected officials?

More to the point: how can we tell the difference between a congressman working full time and a congressman on leave?

Lurking Canadian

If a politician tweets pictures of his dick in the forest, does it still make a sound?


What is the sound of one tweeted dick fapping?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

The Sadly, No stars are seriously out of joint. The moon pie discussion and the picture of the “M-O-O-N—that spells Weiner” guy should be on the same thread. Are the hamsters getting out of sync in their treadmills or something?


Hey folks, I just posted about the Hofttards over at my joint, here, after noting on site stats that some of his minions had dropped by.

Someone be a dear and go post the link in his comments, willya? Since I’m banned for saying PENIS or something.


VS, the Dudeskull is a handsome lad, indeed!

As to Hoftard & Co., fuck ’em.

The reality TV star schtick is pretty thin. The Creaturette has an employee in her team that was a reality TV star. She’s all like, ‘That’s nice, now about this job…’.

One of the other women in the office was like, ‘So, you’re an actor? You should work out well with this job.’
Mr. Wonderful- ‘No, I’m a reality show celebrity…’.
OfficeChick- ‘yeah, like I said, an actor. You’ll work just fine!’

None of that whole mess over there (RightWingLandia) impresses me. Sickens me, but doesn’t impress.


Your wish is my command, oh evil mistress.

(Although phrasing it “someone be a dear” isn’t quite as evil as I could go for.)


M. Bouffant – they’ve been crowing about how you “suddenly” departed – wouldn’t be surprised if Hoft has you banned as well.

Spearhafoc, who's afraid of Virginia Woolf

Yay! I got behind on two threads but I managed to catch this one early. Go me!


Just saw that, Jennifer. Hee hee. “Didn’t stay too long.” That’s a euphemism.


Yup, banned. Maybe noting that the BNP was the British Klan offended someone’s sensibilities.

(Not bloody likely.)

Why doesn’t that troll “Margaret” get banned too? It’s not fair!!


#130 June 11, 2011 at 3:45 pm
daryl commented:

Damn! Mr. Boufant didn’t stay long did he?


I think he inhaled too much hair spray.

Jokes on him; I haven’t washed or done my hair in so long I can’t remember.


Someone be a dear and go post the link in his comments, willya? Since I’m banned for saying PENIS or something.


Yup, banned. Maybe noting that the BNP was the British Klan offended someone’s sensibilities.

(Not bloody likely.)

Why doesn’t that troll “Margaret” get banned too? It’s not fair!!

ooooooh…i believe i have been!!! prolly for linking to jennifer…ha, ha, ha!


also, the comment where i linked to jennifer’s post is gone…


I’ll say this in Hoftspeak:

BWAHAHAHAHA!!! What a looser, banning comments just because they don’t agree.

Thus is the insular bugfuckery perpetuated…


Jennifer said,

June 11, 2011 at 23:30



Kind of like my ex-business partner, who was convinced that she was a better person than me because she didn’t curse, which made up for being a liar, a cheat, and a thief.

Yeah, Jennifer, whatever happened with that psycho, if you don’t mind my asking? Did you finally shake her?


and by that, i mean, well said!


Bitter – yep, she gone.

Though I continue to keep the IRS informed of her whereabouts.

She may not have to pay me, but she’s gonna have to pay someone. Karma’s a bitch, and so am I…


Why does Gateway Pundit always look like he’s on the verge of crying?


Why does Gateway Pundit always look like he’s on the verge of crying?

if you were jim hoft you would be on the verge of crying, too…


You guys are really asking for the treatment by going over there. Why not stay here, have a drink, and chill out? I can’t think of any reason to subject yourselves to that treatment on a perfectly nice Saturday!


bbkf said,

“if you were jim hoft you would be on the verge of crying, too…”

Yeah, I probably should have thought of that. Seriously though, every picture I’ve seen he’s got this look like he’s one second from a weepy breakdown. It’s kind of disturbing.


What on earth is “rehab” treatment for texting?


What on earth is “rehab” treatment for texting?

maybe everytime he touches his phone’s keyboard, he gets a nasty electric shock in his swimsuit area?


Why does Gateway Pundit always look like he’s on the verge of crying?

Because his hair’s escaping. Gotta love the “comb-forward.” Maybe someone will tell about about the comb-over concept.

(Maybe someone will put Trump’s hair on his head.)


Seriously though, every picture I’ve seen he’s got this look like he’s one second from a weepy breakdown. It’s kind of disturbing.

now that you point that out, yes it is…my opinion is that he knows he is a huge idiot and he effs everyting up and that he’s a giant turd living a lie and that at any moment, all the adulation he receives from his conservative nitwits would vanish upon the uncovering of these facts…

also, i think it’s cuz he can’t get laid…


It’s kind of disturbing.

gah! now i have his creepy eyes in my head…i swear to dog, megalon, if i dream about him tonight, i will kill you…


Why does Gateway Pundit always look like he’s on the verge of crying?

Because he just finished masturbating.


Jennifer, now that she’s gone how is YOUR business doing? It’s such a great idea I really hope you succeed.


Shoot, should have refreshed faster. Oh well.


Because he just finished masturbating.

and his hand no longer cuddles with him afterwards…it just lights up a smoke and turns away…


Because he just finished masturbating.

and his hand no longer cuddles with him afterwards…it just lights up a smoke and turns away…

I think it’s worse, I think his other hand pepper sprays him!


Why does Gateway Pundit always look like he’s on the verge of crying?

Because he just finished masturbating.

And if you think HE looks sorrowful you should see his hand.


You guys are really asking for the treatment by going over there. Why not stay here, have a drink, and chill out? I can’t think of any reason to subject yourselves to that treatment on a perfectly nice Saturday!

mostly because it is moar fun than assembling information for the board packets i am currently working on…dull, dull, dull…also, even though i have two windows in my office, i am pretending that it is icky outside so i don’t feel so badly at having to work on such a nice day…


Oh fuck all you fast typers. GRRR.


I think it’s worse, I think his other hand pepper sprays him!

and then his left foot kicks himself in the jimmies! says:

Either way, if there’s one lesson we all could learn from Weinerdammerung, it’s this: No politician should ever, ever talk to teenagers, about anything. Online, in person, whatever. On the phone. In fact, no one should talk to teenagers! Not even other teenagers. Teenagers are awful.

Emphasis mine. I’m sharing.


And it’s good advice for teens — you never know when something you said or did to another teen while you were a teen will come back and bite you in the ass!


Just for the halibut.

(Screengrab for those who wisely decide not to give dimwit Jim Hoft a click.)


Just for the halibut.

good cod, man…that is awesome…i am no longer welcome their *sniff* just lik relatives and fish…


just lik relatives and fish…

and no! i am not advocating licking your relatives or fish…well except your spouse. then licking is perfectly acceptable. or if you have the cutest babby evar and just can’t resist…


fish always wants people to lik him, but then he rickrolls his appreciation with Celine Dion videos.


Mock as necessary: What? No black-face?

Or is this kind of thing old-news already?


Well, the right wing noise machine has finally done its job. Weiner has been shamed into rehab.


Ha ha Señor Superscript, you have been PWNED!

daryl commented:

thenthelightningwill commented: “Your memory is faulty.”

Nothing wrong with yours though is there brainiac? Not as long as there’s google and wikipedia which you quoted almost word for word, and then cut and pasted liberally in your ahhhhh, how can we best describe… on the matter. Gold stars for everyone, class!

You looked it up on the Internet, so you’re wrong!!


And seriously, give it up w/ the, it is dead to me!!


I don’t get the problem with tinypic, M.B.

It loads fast as lightning for me. I like it because there are no ads or anything, just the screengrab that I cut out.

P.S. Yeah, I saw the Daryl and Chisum ‘responses’: basically, ‘damn you and your liberal facts!!!


You looked it up on the Internet, so you’re wrong!!

Idiot lazy ass motherfucker gets proven wrong and wears it as a badge of honor? Seriously, what the fucking fuck?!!


Something in my Internet chain, from Chrome to TWCable to ?, does not like it.


Idiot lazy ass motherfucker gets proven wrong and wears it as a badge of honor? Seriously, what the fucking fuck?!!

The red badge of pwnage.


do y’all remember the movie the goonies? yeah, daryl and chisum are the kings of the dipshits…


From my years in Manhattan, I learned to blame TimeWarner first and ask questions later.


The red badge of pwnage.
this made me laff out loud thus alerting teh hubby that i am not in fact looking up a recipe for a diabetic peach and berry cobbler, but am instead here…

shouldbegrading papers

Out of curiosity and some small masochistic need, I clicked through on one of Chisum’s links over there. What I found models why we can’t reason with these asshats.

“The Democrats’ corruption problem” by some genius named Peter Tucci fabricates this bit of “fact:”

“According to a 2009 study published in the esteemed American Political Science Review, Democrats are several times* more likely than Republicans to find themselves in federal court on public corruption charges. The study’s author, New York University professor Sanford C. Gordon, doesn’t really explore why this is, but I have some theories.”

He then shares these hack-tastic theories, and his dutiful readers fall over themselves in attempts to agree and corroborate. But he either NEVER READ THE GODDAMN SOURCE MATERIAL or he PURPOSELY DISTORTS IT!

Gordon is assessing political bias in both Bush II and Clinton’s DOJ. Gordon cites a 2007 study that states that “Democrats were up to seven times more likely to be investigated by the Bush Justice Department than were Republicans.” The authors of this earlier study are making the case that Republican prosecutors target Democratic officials for partisan reasons. Gordon later makes the observation that many urban areas have a higher concentration of Democrats than Republicans, allowing for more chances of corruption, but he ends with the judgment that the majority of officials from both parties comply with the law.

Do I think Chisum clicked through and read it? Do any of these people have any intellectual curiosity/honesty?

We are well and truly fucked…


Hey Shouldbegrading,

We are well and truly fucked…

In addition, to these sorts of people expertise doesn’t matter. That’s how I know we’re doomed.


Facts don’t matter, reasoning isn’t based on evidence, and expertise doesn’t matter; education is a liability. I say to myself it hasn’t always been this way. This is why we’re going to be looking down the barrel of a Palin presidency.


Sheesh, there is that and the sad fact that our Democratic President is pursuing Republican policies…failed Republican policies.


We could also point to the number of Republican office-holders who are nasty already-rich people who go to Washington or their state capital to institutionalize further rent-seeking, as opposed to Democratic officials who are often dedicated public servants, rather than spoiled rich brats. No fucking excuse, of course, but another factor.


Ho! Now Chisum claims Weiner has “a history of exposing himself.”

Let’s see the sex offender registry he’s on, moron.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

MB, you probably don’t want them poking around in that registry. Tens of thousands of people are on there because they went to what had traditionally been a nude beach on a day when the wowsers got a wild hair and decided to raid the place. They are thenceforward Registered Sex Offenders™ and have to keep Law Enforcement appraised of their whereabouts. (And no, I’m not one of them, but I know two or three.)


To soften that claim a little bit, I don’t think it’s likely that Palin could win, only that it’s likely she could “credibly” run (“credibly” here having a new special meaning in light of the fact that those to whom she is “credible” are fact-free, reason-immune assholes.)


Does The Registry list your offense? Oh right, if it did, facts don’t matter.


Damn! Mr. Boufant didn’t stay long did he?


I think he inhaled too much hair spray.

Jokes on him; I haven’t washed or done my hair in so long I can’t remember.

EEEEWWWWW! You KNOW what happened to the woman with the perfect bouffant who had bugs growing in her hair and they ate into her BRAIN!




Dread Pirate Roberts aka Wesley

I spent several years building an immunity to iocaine powder.


Yet it moves.


I have never been gay.


He’s a good boy doing God’s work.


My god, it’s full of stars.



Pope Benedict XVI

I have never been a Nazi.

Pope Benedict XVI

And if I did participate at all in the Nazi movement it’s only because I was young and everyone was doing.

Pope Benedict XVI

Everyone was doing IT. Except for me, of course; God had special plans for me. I have always been a virgin.



Mary, Mother of God

I have always been a virgin.

Mary, Mother of God

Getting fucked in the ear don’t count, duh!


It was me all along.


I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore. Goddamnit.


So I want you to get up now.

I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell, ‘I’M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!’

I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell – ‘I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!’


It was me all along.

Truly, you have a dizzying intellect!


To soften that claim a little bit, I don’t think it’s likely that Palin could win, only that it’s likely she could “credibly” run (“credibly” here having a new special meaning in light of the fact that those to whom she is “credible” are fact-free, reason-immune assholes.)

I dunno, I think her comments about Paul Revere will ultimately turn off the “tricorner hat wearing” demographic.


But ask yourself, has the tricorner demo ever had a handle on the real history of the revolution, the continental congress, the federalist papers, the Constitution and its writers, or for that matter the colonial period, or British rule? Does it even matter if she says anything besides “Dey no tek ur guns!! America, fuck yeah!”

This goes back to the well worn “reality doesn’t matter” trope we see played out daily for this crowd.


I mean look at them, they didn’t even get what the fucking Boston Tea Party was about; they fucked up their foundational story.

Apologies for my stupid habit of thinking of something I wanted to add right after I post.


But ask yourself, has the tricorner demo ever had a handle on the real history of the revolution, the continental congress, the federalist papers, the Constitution and its writers, or for that matter the colonial period, or British rule? Does it even matter if she says anything besides “Dey no tek ur guns!! America, fuck yeah!”

Remember, though, much of our “knowledge” of Paul Revere is from that poem. Personally, I (shamelessly blog-hoeing here) rate for Sybil Ludington.


I just wish everyone would just STFU about Weiner’s dick. If Ted Kennedy could survive Chappaquiddick for 40 years, Weiner can survive this.

On the personal front, for those of you just tuning in, Mrs. JP & I really have our backs against the wall. Details are here but here are the abstracts: Last Monday the MA DOR took our rent money and then some out of our bank and had levied my checking account. So until it goes to arbitration and we get our money back, we’ll have no chance of paying our rent for June. Needless to say, we’re wide-eyed with panic.


The whole episode was worth it, imho, for the Paul Revere Facepalm — an image that will reside, I believe, in the gallery of the greatest facepalms of all time, perhaps right next to Capt. Picard:


I dunno about the rest of you, but over the past year I’ve actually rekindled a goal for myself – that goal being to amass enough money that I can go live in another country.

I know, I know – if smart people don’t stay and fight the good fight, we’re doomed. But face it – we’re outnumbered. At this point, my preference is to remove myself so I can point and laugh from a safe distance as the absolute fucktards that comprise the majority in this country take the whole bitch down with them. If I’m not stuck here, it will be humorous, rather than the cause of daily despair.


The thing that strikes me about the Palin Revere video is that she appears to be on something… drunk or strung out on pills.


I dunno about the rest of you, but over the past year I’ve actually rekindled a goal for myself – that goal being to amass enough money that I can go live in another country.

You could live over AK or Smut’s garage, and be the Antipodean Fonzie.

“Ay, Mr. C.!”


First Grader: usually has someone to cook, do laundry, clean, shop & rent/buy a nice warm home for them.

Me: just barely smart enough to be jealous.

I’d say it’s a dead heat … but that’s probably just my ego talking.


First Grader: usually has someone to cook, do laundry, clean, shop & rent/buy a nice warm home for them.

Me: just barely smart enough to be jealous.

I’d say it’s a dead heat … but that’s probably just my ego talking.

You trying to lure Jennifer up to Canuckistan?


BTW, jim – most excellent comment over at the DumbMotherfucker’s blog. Rest assured you’ll be blocked from making any others.


Jennifer, you’re going to need a serious pile of money to emigrate anywhere legally. And while you might escape from Tea Baggers (who really don’t outnumber us) there is no escape from the pig-ignorant & stupid assholes anywhere on the planet. It’s the human condition.


M. Bouffant – I know there are stupid people everywhere. But there are places where they aren’t allowed to drive the bus. Here it’s a prerequisite.


Hoft must be asleep now, or jim (well, his comment) would be toast as well. Good one ‘though. How much you wanna bet those cretins think the wars not only aren’t pointless but should be expanded to include Iran?


Thanks to B^4 for indirectly leading me to this page which gave me a little eureka moment. That’s a really neat insight that I had just never thought about!!

Getting back to the dumb-leading-the-dumb…

I agree with Jennifer, and I’ve broached the subject at home. There are anglophone places out there where proclaiming dumbness isn’t a badge of honor, right? I know there’s job restrictions, but who doesn’t want school teachers?


You guys are really asking for the treatment by going over there.

Not good. I start again.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I have nothing to contribute, but I need to put something in. If I don’t, sure as shit, I’ll forget to change my name next time and my last sockpuppet will ride again. FYFF!

Night, night, everybody—nap time for me!


there is no escape from the pig-ignorant & stupid assholes anywhere on the planet.

I was reading this awesome thread about driving across the DRC and kept thinking a couple of things. One: provincial, ignorant hicks really are everywhere, and two: this is what the world would be like left to the conservative-anarcho-capitalists.

When we continued on the same road we would pass other smaller mudpits. These bogholes always had a “crew”. When a truck arrived, they would throw in rocks so the truck could pass… for a fee ofcourse. After the truck passed they removed the rocks again. A lucrative occupation!

Of course, at least labor is cheap.

We came across a truck that was parked in the middle of the track. Luckily the surrounding area was pretty open, so we could pass it.

Us: “Bonjour, ca va?” – “Hi, how are you?”
– Them: “Ca va un peu bien ” – “I am doing a little bit ok” -> typical Congelese answer this!

Us: “Votre vehicle est en panne?” – “Did you truck broke down?”
– Them: “Oui, mais ils vient avec des nouveaux pièces” – “Yes, but they are coming with spare parts”

So we chat a bit and we ask what their problem exactly was. They left Ilebo for Kananga with a load of building materials for a rich guy in Kananga. Their engine had completely seized. Their cargo was transferred onto another truck and they had taken the engine out and transported the engine to Kinshasa to get it rebuild. In the meantime the truck ‘crew’ stayed onsite to safeguard the truck. But they were very happy as they just received news that the necessary parts for the engine were now ordered in Germany, so the parts would come arrive in Kinshasa in a few weeks time!

A fascinating story, and they told it as if the was the most normal thing in the world. Fair enough. We said our goodbyes and asked them one more final question. How long had they been here?

“Un peu plus qu’un an maintenant” – “Just over a year”


Lordy I got out of the boat. Nice job Jennifer but you should have spent your Saturday doing something that had a greater liklihood of success. Shouting “grow faster” at your houseplants for example.

Is this true Mr Boufant?

#136 June 11, 2011 at 3:57 pm
Chisum commented:
#130 June 11, 2011 at 3:45 pm
daryl commented:

Damn! Mr. Boufant didn’t stay long did he?
I think he inhaled too much hair spray.


You can foil an investigation by denying investigators access to critical information? WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THIS?


“Democrats were up to seven times more likely to be investigated by the Bush Justice Department than were Republicans.” The authors of this earlier study are making the case that Republican prosecutors target Democratic officials for partisan reasons.

Yeah, there was sort of a whole big scandal about that, iirc, and I do (cuz i looked it up on teh wikipaedias).


Speaking of imbecility of Hoftian proportions:

“We would hope that some consideration be given to repaying the United States some of the mega-dollars that we have spent here in the last eight years,” Rohrabacher said. One day prior in Doha, Rohrabacher withdrew his support for the Libyan rebels because, according to the California congressman, they said they would not repay the U.S. for its costs in the air campaign there.

It turns out that the Iraqis didn’t appreciate Rohrabacher’s comments all that much and in fact, Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh has asked Rohrabacher to leave Iraq. “We called the US embassy yesterday and we told them to ask the congressmen to leave Iraq,” he told AFP, adding, “We don’t want them here. What they said was inappropriate.” Reuters has more:

“Those people are not welcome in Iraq. They are raising a controversial issue which influences the strategic relation between us and the United States,” he said.“They are asking for compensation for the war and we are not committed to pay anything to any of the people who participated in the invasion of Iraq,” he told Reuters.


The only use I have for hairspray is as a flame thrower.

(Ladies, this doesn”t mean I’m a bald-o, just a slob-o.)


Jennifer said,

June 12, 2011 at 5:29

Sheesh said,

June 12, 2011 at 6:49

Yeah. The Mrs. & I have been talking about this a lot lately and, shit. I ain’t proud or happy to say it.

In spite of my many years as a DFH, I always had, deep down, a love for this country and what it (once) was, and I always thought that, in the end, Teh Good would prevail. Now, I dunno. I think that things (many things) may have gone too far in the wrong direction and that, whether or not we’re gonna be able to put things right again, there’s this looming shitstorm to go through first, and I haven’t got the time or the patience.

I wish I felt differently, but when I look at the people in charge, and the people behind them, all I see are stupid, sick, greedy, paranoid jerkwads, and the smart, decent, funny people are all stuck on the sidelines, helpless. And meanwhile the wife keeps sending me stuff like this and this.

So, shit. Anybody wanna try and cheer me up? Or should we start making plans for the Federation of Sadlynaughts?


Also, I am totally naming my next band Looming Shitstorm. So there’s that.


M. Bouffant – I know there are stupid people everywhere. But there are places where they aren’t allowed to drive the bus. Here it’s a prerequisite.

Jennifer, I’ve a remember rightly, your in construction management? Shouldn’t be too hard to find work elsewhere in the world, even outside of the Anglophonic countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and the rest of Scandiland).

And I know of a rather nice house from rent in Zuid Holland, except for the cannabis burns, its in great condition!!!


I still cannot understand where all these stupid, brainwashed anti-everything-that-was-good-about-the-USA people come from. I mean people did vote for Palin, Gingrich, even Santorum. Who are these people?
Jennifer and others, think SAfrica. We need the help of skilled people because of the White Flight when we got democracy. It’s beautiful and a great place to live – honest.
And I get to read all these DFH blogs and stare in amazement.


I wish I felt differently, but when I look at the people in charge, and the people behind them, all I see are stupid, sick, greedy, paranoid jerkwads, and the smart, decent, funny people are all stuck on the sidelines, helpless. And meanwhile the wife keeps sending me stuff like this and this.

I, too, am looking at the possibility of bugging out. My son has 6 more years of school before he is off to college (maybe) and then it’s decision time. Not sure where, but the GF and I were talking about Portugal last night.

Sanity, it’s not just for breakfast.


I’ve been living in Taipei for over three years. I’m teaching English to adults and I make 2 to 3 thousand US$ a month depending how hard I want to work.

Single-payer health care and fantastic life-style. I take a 4 to 6 week holiday on the beach every year.

Girlfriend’s nuking some take-away dumplings from the best dumpling house in the city right now.

Had a sushi lunch and beer for less than $10 US.

Absolutely love it here.


This is a selfish sentiment, but I must say I’m relieved to see that I’m not alone in my desire to just get the hell out.

I had a brief glimmer of hope after the 2008 election. But once it became clear that the juveniles who run/support the GOP were going to stymie anything being fixed, that went away.

The writing is on the wall and the sad truth is that the GOP and its masters have determined that a broad prosperity is detrimental to the prospect of their political control; therefore, they are going to do all in their power to insure that we do not ever experience a broad prosperity again. This includes everything from adopting economic policies purposely designed to keep the economy in the shitter for the common man to finally, after 40 years of chipping away at it, destroying the public education system.

I’ve come to the conclusion that by remaining here, I’m merely helping to finance their schemes to turn me into a serf. Much better for me to leave and renounce my citizenship, so that I am no longer required to pay for helping to enslave myself and my fellow citizens.

At some point in the distant future this all may be resolved by dumb, angry mobs. Those of us who aren’t dumb can help that day come sooner by removing ourselves from the equation. Not to mention the benefits just walking away will yield to our personal lives and happiness.


Before the 2008 election and in case McC won, I lined up a job with a friend who has a practice similar to mine in the Edinburgh, which Mrs. __B and I both like a great deal and where she could find a job similar to the one she has. After O’s election, we didn’t pull the trigger. I think of that job and city as a safety valve, but haven’t been able to set criteria for when we’ll use it…which means we probably won’t.


I should add that our problems aren’t economic. A lot of the projects that fund my business thrive in a poor economy (lower bids from contractors for non-profit owners with a long view, like churches) or are owned by the mindlessly wealthy who are currently benefiting from the destruction of our economy.

Our problem is philosophical: do we want to live here are raise Mini__B as a ‘merkin?


Thanks, John Revolta, for the most excellent links. Those of you who didn’t click them should check them out – particularly the first one.


This convo makes me want to go back to bed, er, couch and get up again and see if this thread has gotten any cheerier.

Spearhafoc, who's afraid of Virginia Woolf

Caught up with the thread again.

I am now depressed. Dang.



I just went through Utrecht and Amsterdam. I liked.


For the credentialed:

I suppose having your own blog isn’t sufficient?

Firckin’ elitists.


Look everybody! I made a POOPIE!


I made a POOPIE!

Many of his associates prefer POOCAKE.


In fairness, TinTin, Jim Hoft has probably never seen anyone naked except in movies and by accident


I think of that job and city as a safety valve, but haven’t been able to set criteria for when we’ll use it…which means we probably won’t.

I have a matrix of criteria for when I pull the trigger, sell everything and move.

Among them is Sarah Palin garnering more than 5 electoral votes.

I like being ahead of the rush


shorter verbatim Assrocket:

Palin has her faults, but she is a serious participant in the national dialogue on the key issues of our time. The New York Times and the Washington Post, in contrast, are frivolous rags with little or nothing of substance to offer.

Bonus Hoft POOP link included!


Nymfail. I blame the lamestream media. And my hangover.


M. Bouffant said,

June 12, 2011 at 20:36 (kill)


Bite me.


If any of youse Merkins want to abandon ship for warmer climes, consider Adelaide/South Australia: cheap living costs, great big gobs of very high-quality sunshine, and a world-class wine industry. Add in a small central city, mediterranean climate, and food from everywhere in the known universe, and it makes Adelaide/SA a very laid-back and nice place to live.

What’s not to like?


Trick question, they are not the same. In the first couple the younger half has brown hair, in the second it’s the older dude.

Yes! Triple fist pump!!!

So, how many kudos of the net did I just win?


(comments are closed)