Heads We Win. Tails Obama Loses

ABOVE: Don Surber (left) and his editor.

Shorter Don “Jim Bob” Surber, The Charlstun Newzpapur:
Obama Lied, Osama Died

  • Obama should have stuck to his campaign promise to capture Osama and give him a trial so that I could accuse Obama of being a Muslim and soft on terrorism. Now that he’s killed Osama he’s revealed himself as a dangerous hypocrite unfit to be President.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 195

Paul T. Lazaro

That’s sex on a ham biscuit right there…

Um…can you guy read what I’m typing?

Paul T. Lazaro

“guys” I got excited.

Paul T. Lazaro

oh…and I’m no expert, but aren’t tool belts to be worn after 6:00pm?

Pupienus Maximus

Imma go read it just so I don’t have to look at that pic.


Needs moar tailpipe.

Spearhafoc, who has never read a book that wasn't about vampires

That is pure, undiluted sexiness right there.

Pupienus Maximus

From teh comments:

He couldn’t have captured Bin and squeezed some intel out of him, because candidate Bam demagogued intel extraction as torture. There was no where to house the bastard and give him a trial because candidate Bam demagogued GTMO and military tribunals. He even demagogued the rendition policies that were developed as neither fish nor fowl under the Clinton admin, so that wasn’t an option either.

Once candidate Bam had ruled out any of the methods of fighting the GWOT, Prez Bam had no alternative left but to assassinate terrorist leaders. As I see it, this is a legal treatment of “unlawful combatants” and pirates under international law, but it raises “issues” of Constitutionality by US law, and it probably wastes a lot of opportunities to gather useful intel.

His lying demagoguery FORCED him to assassinate OBL! And all that intel we didn’t get, what a wasted opportunity.


Worst of all, by succeeding where Dubya abjectly failed, Obama has proven irrefutably that black men really are better endowed, thus inspiring a frothing at the mouth racially inspired ragegasm on the right.


Trig is sooooo happy!


Nothing says more about one’s commitment to the Constitution than draping your concerns about “issues” in quote marks.


Also, contrary to the headline, it is impossible to imagine Surber as anything other than a total loser, ever.


Obama should have stuck to his campaign promise to capture Osama and give him a trial so that I could accuse Obama of being a Muslim and soft on terrorism. Now that he’s killed Osama he’s revealed himself as a dangerous hypocrite unfit to be President.

Wasn’t his campaign promise to go into Pakistan and nail the sucker if we got intelligence that he was there?

Which McCain and the others equivocated on because in Gooper foreign policy, not upsetting our sixty-year thugocrat partners is more important than actually getting the job done?

And would it not be irresponsible not to speculate why McCain would be so deferential to a thugocracy of Muslims and so reluctant to energetically pursue Osama?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
May 8, 2011 at 11:28 AM

“The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.”
– G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.”
– G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

“I am truly not that concerned about him.”
– G.W. Bush, responding to a question about bin Laden’s whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

The above posted for the Benefit of Don Surber and his fellow Bush-voting common taters, none of whom seem to possess the ability to remember last week, let alone the last decade.


Pupienus Maximus said,
May 8, 2011 at 16:39

Took me a few seconds to realize who “Bam” was.

Good God, man. Are they trying to be hip by using “Bin” and “Bam” in conversation? Guys, give it a rest. You will never be hip. You can’t be. The same way anything parents like is uncool by definition, anything conservatives do are automatically not hip.


Worst of all, by succeeding where Dubya abjectly failed, Obama has proven irrefutably that black men really are better endowed, thus inspiring a frothing at the mouth racially inspired ragegasm on the right.

You just, but that’s pretty much it.


anything conservatives do are automatically not hip.

A mistake in conjugation: I have failed.

All your base are belong to us!

Pupienus Maximus

Is that a just?

Pupienus Maximus

Or perhaps you accidentally a word?


He couldn’t have captured Bin and squeezed some intel out of him, because candidate Bam demagogued intel extraction as torture.

Because torture is the only way to extract information? Jesus Christ, it’s not the only way, it’s not the best way, Hell, it’s not even *a* way to extract real information, it’s a way to get people to say whatever you want them to say regardless of reality, to make them say 2+2=5 because you’ve got your bombers ready to swoop down on Count Von Count for insisting it makes FOUR batty batties.

And of course OBL wasn’t the only person there, and he hadn’t memorized all the information and then swallowed all the hard copies.

Hysterical Woman

They’re trying to be racist. It’s the only thing they succeed in.


There is to many grammar nazies


That picture…

“The path was deep and wide with footsteps leading to our cabin
Above the door there burned a scarlet lamp
And late at night a hand would knock and there would stand a stranger
Yes, I’m the son of Hickory Holler’s tramp.”


Osama died, Osama died.

Best to just accept it, freaks.

Even more disgusting Perv

Broke Back-Seat


Deep and wide like holler’s goatse




Looch says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
May 8, 2011 at 11:54 AM

Now, now, Mr. Facts and History, don’t go a’stirrin’ up the locals as they’re apt to fergit where they live and their names and such. Then someone’s got a go out and dart ‘em and crate ‘ em and haul them home.

Pupienus Maximus

Get it right. It’s “grammer Nazi’s”


“No one in the press will press that, which is why we blog.”–Surber

Odd that Surber thinks Fox news, the (r) pres. candidates, and the right-wing pundits are not gonna touch this stuff. (I did read his widdle column, pardon me if I spell nothing out. It’s pretty weak sauce to end with the above-quoted sentence.) And anyway, there’s a sluice straight from the right-bloggers and Drudge to their dreaded MSM.


Osama died, Osama died.

Best to just accept it, freaks.

Well, at least it is good to see that they seem to have moved past the denial stage.


Meanwhile, today’s Sunday morning talk shows were plagued with Republican liars.

Just like usual.


Just like usual.

Actually even worse than usual. It is a full on assault of the torture apologists.


Think any of them will bring up Mushroom clouds?


Actually even worse than usual. It is a full on assault of the torture apologists.

Despite their strongest efforts, Americans are still more inclined to credit Obama than Bush.


At least one of the hosts could maybe ask about the ChemBioBattle Wagons of DOOOOMmmmmmm!?!


Think any of them will bring up Mushroom clouds?

Probably. Let me know if any of them bring up Jack Bauer. It is a sad fact that argumentum ad JackBauerum is actually considered legitimate among wingnuts.


Mine was published.

Yes, I was commenting on yours, Mr. Facts and History.


Mine was published.

That link takes me to the top of the post, and there’s no comment that disagrees with Surber… ?


Aw, shucks, TOROC, your comment got nooked and mine didn’t make the cut. But Don Jim-Bob is on the case in comments.

Not that anyone should go over there and post or anything…


Oh the hilarity, oh the hilarity!

I can’t imagine ever getting tired of watching wingnuts try to throw their fossilized hate-poop hard enough to make it stick to a Teflon wall coated with bear-grease … especially since they seem to think Karl Marx invented goggles.

Mine was published.

Sadly, no! Gone like the morning dew.

I don’t imagine my “Surber fudged, James (of England) nudged” comment will fare much better, if it’s any consolation.


Holy crap, I should have taken a screen cap.

What a sniveling little coward that toesuck truly is.


I just tried to post again. No go. It didn’t even make it to moderation. I think Don Joe-Bob is blocking people now.


Holy crap, I should have taken a screen cap.

I copy pasted your comment over there under my nym (sort of an Alice’s Restaurant moment). We will see if it gets past moderation.


From Surber’s archives:

“Saturday April 16, 2011
What’s the matter with kids today?”

Insights therein:

“Mom had five kids. Her children averaged three children each. Her grandchildren averaged two.

Her great-grandchildren are just now getting in the game. Her oldest great-grandchild is 27. Yet among them all, there is only one great-great-grandchild for Mom.

Blame the pill, blame abortion, or blame low sperm counts from the use of laptops (that is the latest scare from the laboratories of science), but the fact is Americans are not procreating as they once did.”

“In the 1950s, a play date consisted of a mother yelling at the kids to go outside and “do something.”

Oh sure, a few kids came home with fewer functioning body parts than when they left, but for the rest of us, it was pretty fun.”

“Anyone who thinks the hills in West Virginia are steep should try Hulda Avenue in Cleveland. When the light turns red, you can start at the top of the hill, and by the time you reach the street, the light has changed to green and you’re traveling 35 mph.”

“Driving, too, was better. Cars had fins.

Accidents, of course, were worse. No seat belts or airbags.

It has been years since I saw a spider on a windshield from a driver’s head hitting it.”

“I remember buying cigarettes at 15. Most store clerks did not care. A sale was a sale. Today they card everyone, including grandfathers.

No wonder so few kids smoke.”

He’s a jeanus!


The coward is blocking comments critical of his treason and hypocricsy

Australia Man

What a cunt.


Here’s my comment on this piece (of shit), “awaiting moderation”:

So Don, are you and your commenters criticizing the actions of our brave men in uniform? Any mission of this type would be a capture and kill, right? So if he resisted, what were the soldiers supposed to do, say, “oh hell, our commander-in-chief promised on the campaign trail we would bring you to trial but if you won’t come willingly, then F it! Carry on, OBL and let us know when you’ll be more amenable to being taken it to custody, aight?” You all are fools and haters.

Ya think it has a chance to make it?


The coward is blocking comments critical of his treason and hypocricsy

Yep. My repost of TOROC’s comment also got killed in moderation. Seems ol’ Donnie boy is not real big into that whole free speech thingee when it applies to people who disagree with him.


From one of Don Joe Bob’s columns:

“On the blog, I allow comments. Certain words are filtered out automatically. Mom reads the blog.

Once again this week, someone tried to use the N-word. Once again, it was a liberal.

I am not saying that conservatives do not have their moments. I have had to explain twice in recent weeks that calling the president a chimp is wrong.

But the use of the N-word by liberals is so casual that I believe some liberals, too, have bigger problems with race than they realize.”

Um, not so much.

Spearhafoc, who is ruining everyone's fun

What a cunt.

Hey, not cool.


Holy crap, I should have taken a screen cap.

This (along with good wholesome family-friendly traditional bloodlust) is one reason I repeatedly blush, tug daintily at my forelock, & spew my exogenous spoor back up here right after I spew it up there/s.

? ? ? I like sadlyno.com, he clipboards teh snarks & doesn’t afraid of anything! ? ? ?

Surber has just as much right to kill my comment as I have to revive it, while noting that his tragically hyper-compacted arsehole would not permit him to bear its proximity to his Precioussssssssssssss.

Were one feeling mean enough, one might even use Tor, some basic warez & a disposable e-mail or three in order to stoop so low as to really TROLLOLOLOLOL one of these dim fuck-knuckles right good & proper.



But the use of the N-word by liberals is so casual that I believe some liberals, too, have bigger problems with race than they realize.”

I suspect all the liberals he heard it from were black. A new variation on an old wingnut meme.


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low sodium hunchback

It would seem that those quoting the remarks by candidate Obama left out :

WASHINGTON – Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday he would bring Osama bin Laden to justice in a way that wouldn’t allow the terrorist mastermind to become a martyr, but he may be killed if the U.S. government finds him.

“First of all, I think there is an executive order out on Osama bin Laden’s head,” Obama said at a news conference. “And if I’m president and we have the opportunity to capture him, we may not be able to capture him alive.”


Now, this maybe still kinda fudging on the issue, like: He could have an ‘unfortunate accident’ while we were capturing him; Obama did at least acknowledge the possibility that ObL would be killed outright.

Anybody know about that executive order?


About the sixth site that’s banned me and deleted my comments for pointing out that US policy since Dec 8, 1941 has been to assasinate anyone who plans the mass killing of Americans. I suggest that they google Operation Vengeance.

Just because Cheney/GWB were cowards that doesn’t mean everyone is.

Also, I point out that OBL was hiding in a military cantonment in a Pakistani Hill Station. Bush was paying billions to the people protecting OBL. We were being made to look like fools and Obama ended that.

GOOPERs can’t stand the truth


What a cunt.

Once again, no. Lacks the warmth, depth and charm.


FYWP! Those tiny smileys looked AWESOME in preview.


I wonder if they have a “racist, Civil War apologist/reenactor, and comment deleter” editor?

P.S. all of ’em, Katie!

Spaghetti Lee

The sound of wilting conservaboners across the nation has been almost audible this last week. “But…but…how dare you kill him! We didn’t even get to torture him yet! How dare you deprive us of the only thing that can give us sexual pleasure anymore!”


There was no where to house the bastard and give him a trial because candidate Bam demagogued GTMO and military tribunals.

All the prisons and law courts in America seem to have mysteriously vanished.

Spanky the invisible SUPER MONKEY

“But…but…how dare you kill him!

Certainly took wind out of the “Bin Laden is the Anti-Christ” sales.


“The sound of wilting conservaboners”


Anyhow, Cheney is not just defending torture these days. Those torture sessions constituted “THE MOST important steps we took that kept us safe for 7 years.” And, the torturers “deserve to be decorated,” not prosecuted.

This is not what thinking looks like. Not that I am surprised, but WTF could he mean by these statements? Does he mean what he says?


THE MOST important steps we took that kept us safe for 7 years.”

Or a least kept Bin Laden from having a couch and High-Def Flatscreen!”


Anyhow, Cheney is not just defending torture these days. Those torture sessions constituted “THE MOST important steps we took that kept us safe for 7 years.” And, the torturers “deserve to be decorated,” not prosecuted.

Didn’t we used to have a Supreme Court that kept an eye on this shit, or are we just in “Mr. Marshall has made his decision” territory?


Yeah, just tried to leave a comment and it didn’t even bother to show up “for moderation.” Gutless twit.

Still, I wish I had Surber’s obviously advanced psychic powers to know exactly what was ordered and what went down in Pakistan, although it does seem to conflict with his recall abilities. (Thank you, low sodium hunchback.)


Surber, behind the mask

I totally believe that the N-bombs came from liberals, based on the fact that his comment system is blind, much like our beloved wordpress.


I feel sorry for the profiteers sitting on all those “Kill Osama” themed T-shirts.

Wait a minute. No I don’t.


Or a least kept Bin Laden from having a couch and High-Def Flatscreen!”

Yikes–talk about torture. How’s a brother gonna keep up with Survivor like that?


I have tried to post several comments (with varying degrees of vitriol at their stupidity) but all keep getting deleted. Am truly just trying to start a real conversation cause I think this is a horrendously hypocritical thing to criticize the man for, not just because there are dozens more substantial things to call him out on, but because it is just so painfully idiotic in this case–and it just goes to show how bitter–and yeah racist–these punks really are. (guess I answered my own questions bout the comments being deleted, right?)


“But…but…how dare you kill him! We didn’t even get to torture him yet! How dare you deprive us of the only thing that can give us sexual pleasure anymore!”

Yeah. Then Osbama denies them the next best thing–the kill photos. It’s NOT FAIR!


Am truly just trying to start a real conversation

The lack of real conversation is a necessary condition for the existence of Sadly, No!. Please don’t break our webz. If you get one of those boneheads to actually engage with you, it could ruin stuff.


WTF could he mean by these statements?

“PLEEEEEEASE don’t prosecute me for war crimes.”

Does he mean what he says?



Happy Mother’s Day to all moms out there!!!


This was not snark, btw.


So I tried an obsequious post, let’s see if that gets in.


tsam said,
May 8, 2011 at 20:32

Happy Mother’s Day to all moms out there!!other’s Day to all moms out there!!!

Yeah, for real, and also to all the true ‘muthas’ like you tsam! (total compliment dude)

low sodium hunchback

Sir Craig,
Yore welcome.
Odd how we got into the habit of thinking that someone might exclude some remarks that don’t fit their narrative.

I will admit that it was hard to find anywhere that included the additional information since most of the links were of the same ‘Obama is a traitor for wanting to have a trial for Obl’ type.


Barry said,
May 8, 2011 at 20:38

So I tried an obsequious post, let’s see if that gets in.

Are you Wilson? It worked dude. Wait I’m gonna try one–I’ll be obambi.


So I tried an obsequious post, let’s see if that gets in.

Try the following to get past the ever vigilant Eye of Surber:

1) Correct spelling indicates education.

2) Sentences and punctuation are yet another indication of having paid attention in the fifth grade, and possible further education, which might lead a huckster like Der Surber to believe that you might be gumming the works of his propaganda machine with actual thinking and stuff.

3) Location Location Location.

I don’t know what 3 was about, I just think it’s funny when douchebags say that as if it is some sort of time tested wisdom which will net you millions in wealth if you just follow.


“Location,location, location” refers to having the foresight and wisdom to choose the right womb in which to develop. Birth is a choice, right?


I’d ask my Mom but she’s dead. 🙁

Spaghetti Lee


I was thinking more 4 beats of wah-wah on a trombone.


Oh yeah. So Governor Jindal of the great state of Louisianna has, without apparent provocation, released his birth certificate. Now Mr. Jindal is the son of immigrants, meaning his citizenship was automatic under the “anchor babies” clause.

Now, assuming that Jindal’s bumbling ass had a snowflake’s chance in a disco inferno of actually securing the nomination, do you suppose the Xenosquad would be all up in Jindal’s shit? Me either.


Surber is about as intelligent as GWB and Cheney: Here are my posts:

Wilson says:
May 8, 2011 at 3:22 PM
Well said Don. President Bam Bam panicked and ordered OBL killed. A real hero like GWB would have have OBL at Guantanmo singing like a canary.

Oh well, at least we have Mitch McConnel in the Senate and John Bohner in the House

Don Surber says:
May 8, 2011 at 3:23 PM
Howdy Wilson, but you misinterpreted what I said. I am glad we killed him. As I said on the night this was announced: “He’s dead. Good. No trial.”

Wilson says:
May 8, 2011 at 3:41 PM

Thanks for the clarification. I still think that President Bam Bam mishandled the situation. Bin Laden would have been a key asset in the GWOT and his namby pamby cabinet botched what could been a major American victory,

We all know that 9/11 was entirely the fault of Bill Clinton. Despite the lies spread by the liberals, Ronald Reagan made sure that all our aid and training went to freedom fighters in Afghanistan — not bin Laden and his thugs.

I just find it difficult to swallow that the media gives Bam Bam credit for getting bin Laden. Thank God we have true Americans like Rush Limbaugh and yourself to set the record straight.

God Bless America.


No offense, Barry, but if no one picks up on the fact that you’re a liberal plant, that’s really, really funny.


So here’s my thing–awaiting moderation–

Hey Don, longtime reader, first-time writer! 🙂 OK so as much as I always enjoy your commonsense approach to things, I do have to say that on this issue, I think your a touch off base. I mean as much as I despise this so called “leader” (quote unquote) I gotta admit he did the job on only the #1 evil terrorist of all times. I mean I think he got lucky and thank God for the men who carried this out but I mean truly Don you gotta give him credit for takin the man down, don’t you? So what are you saying that he made a promise in the campaigm and then broke it–oh my God no politician ever did that–and brought down the worst felon iin the history of the world??? I guess i just don’t understand. But keep doin what your doin, Don and a blessed Mothers day to mama!

What do you all think?


There was no where to house the bastard and give him a trial because candidate Bam demagogued GTMO and military tribunals.
All the prisons and law courts in America seem to have mysteriously vanished.

Don’t tell me that shameless liberals have demogogued* the idea of trying terrorism suspects in NY courts?! There is no end to their iniquity.

* Demogog was the little brother of Gog and Magog who never got the same level of publicity.

Get it right. It’s “grammer Nazi’s”
Substance McG’s grandmother is no Nazi. She just has anger-management issues.

Cheney is not just defending torture these days. Those torture sessions constituted “THE MOST important steps we took that kept us safe for 7 years.”

If Cheney feels that “thought torturing people was more important than obtaining information from them” is the keystone feature of his career, the accomplishment for which he would like to be remembered in history books, then I’m not going to argue with him.


Your turn obambi!

Wilson says:
May 8, 2011 at 4:23 PM
mega dittos obambi,

Mr. Surber hit the nail on the head. President Bam Bam’s killing of bin Laden violated a campaign pledge.

The media is more focused on the death of bin Laden and not all that President Bam Bam lied during his campaign. I dare anyone to cite a single instance where John McCain, Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, or Dick Cheney ever lied on the campaign trail.

Given this egregious lie, American honor has been irreversibly stained.


For shame, you people. Mr Surber may well be reading this thread and relying on it to tell him which of the comments at his own blog were planted there by liberals and may contain irony. But there is nothing to stop commenters here from claiming authorship for perfectly serious comments, causing Don to delete them and block the source, with ensuing hilarity.
That would be terrible.


I’m not sure Brother Surber even knows how to spell let alone surf the Internet.

Can you imagine even hard core GOOPER saying somehting as stupid as someone violated a campaign promise and a wanted terrorist wound up dead?


I’m sorry, I don’t recognize this guy if he’s not making sweet sweet love to a truck.


I am worried about the kind of website where Tintin has been visiting to obtain the image heading this post. Not only are there intimations of hot two-on-one action to come, but the truck is missing its wheels. What sort of fetishist ‘jacking-up’ perversion is this? I am deeply shocked and I call upon Tintin to release the rest of the photoshoot so we can see for ourselves just how depraved it becomes.


The note said, “Thanks for giving Osama bin Laden a wonderful send off, and for having the very troops fighting and dying because of him and having them wash his beautiful body. Thank you this was all done on an American military ship as well. So fitting! Thank you for the touching words spoken in love for Osama, The Great. Thank you. Allah Ahkbar!!!” – your friend, Barry Soetoro

We all know it’s because of his secret admiration for brother Osama that the President ordered him killed.

It’s as stupid as if they looked at Harry Truman – the man behind the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan and NATO, the man who opened the floodgates of U.S. aid money to anti-communists in Greece and Turkey, the man who faced down the communists in Berlin and sent troops to die fighting them in Korea – and accused him of being a commie sympathizer.

… wait a minute…


… wait a minute…

It’s what’s for Donner (pass).


” I am deeply shocked and I call upon Tintin to release the rest of the photoshoot so we can see for ourselves just how depraved it becomes.”

Yes, for research purposes, of course.


I call upon Tintin to release the rest of the photoshoot so we can see for ourselves just how depraved it becomes.

In the name of all that is holy and decent, please no! There are some sights that should never be seen lest the witnesses be driven to invoke dreaded Cthulhu from his slumbers.


vacuumslayer: OMFG, that was idiocy. I saw only a couple comments that got it right about it being an exchange of challenge coins. Amazing how many chickenhawks gather on those boards, otherwise they might know about those coins. Flippin’ morons.


why are attempts at conservative wit always so painful to witness?

My theory? (Why yes, tsam, do tell) Ok. Here goes.

Contrast snark from liberals with that of conservatives. At the end of the day, we know Don Surber does not don (heh) fetish gear and smoke a tailpipe. Conversely, wingnuts don’t have an “off” button for this stuff. That’s how the projection and hypocricy become so plainly obvious, yet so completely inconspicuous to them. In other words, the followers of the Breitbarts of the world truly buy into the propaganda, and accept it, unchallenged. The net result is that it is exceedingly difficult to distinguish between wingnut snark and a wingnut’s prophetic proclamation that Obama was really raised in a Madrosa and wants to destroy America with Sharia Law–or whatever phoney crap that instigates the latest pant-shitting episode.


why are attempts at conservative wit always so painful to witness?

The note revealed!


In other words, the followers of the Breitbarts of the world truly buy into the propaganda, and accept it, unchallenged. The net result is that it is exceedingly difficult to distinguish between wingnut snark and a wingnut’s prophetic proclamation that Obama was really raised in a Madrosa and wants to destroy America with Sharia Law–or whatever phoney crap that instigates the latest pant-shitting episode.

That’s also why in recent decades, liberal exhortations to “get bloody” or whatever it was have not resulted in violence, while conservative exhortations about “Second Amendment solutions” have done just that.


He’s a jeanus!

What a bizarre thing to put under your given name in such a way that, conceivably, it will be preserved for the rest of humanity’s stay on the planet. Thousands of years from now, some archaeologist – possibly a space alien – will uncover this column and think Surber was continually surprised by the changing of the seasons.

Fucking time, how does it work?


Amazing how many chickenhawks gather on those boards, otherwise they might know about those coins.

DING-DING-DING!!!! Sir Craig nails it. My thoughts exactly.

At the end of the day, we know Don Surber does not don (heh) fetish gear and smoke a tailpipe.

I know no such thing, tsam! 😉 BTW, I’ve always believed that half the stuff wingnuts say they KNOW is not true. But they feel compelled to say crazy shit because of some sort of weird combination of wishing the crazy shit were true and simply saying it piss off liberals.


why are attempts at conservative wit always so painful to witness?

The note revealed!

Typical weak liberal. Why doesn’t Obummer have a stronger Obladder?!!!!1111


Yo Barry, Don paid us some grace:

Don Surber says:
May 8, 2011 at 8:21 PM
Wilson. Obambi. Welcome to the debate.

Whatevs,bitch, whatevs.


Someone gazed into his crystal bowel and found this fact through copromancy:

We all know that 9/11 was entirely the fault of Bill Clinton. Despite the lies spread by the liberals, Ronald Reagan made sure that all our aid and training went to freedom fighters in Afghanistan — not bin Laden and his thugs.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?


I assumed that was fake, it’s just too over the top. Though really, you never know with complete nutters.


Fuck, why didn’t I read the whole thread? I’ve been PWONT!!!

PWONTED, I tellz ya!


Fuck, why didn’t I read the whole thread? I’ve been PWONT!!!

I was just about to write that. Like a NOOB, I might add.

Question is, have any of the Goopers picked up on it being a fake?

low sodium hunchback

Fucking time, how does it work?

Steady rollin


Question is, have any of the Goopers picked up on it being a fake?

They’re not very discerning!


Am I an uncultured philistine because I don’t get the bathtub reference in the Cialis commercials?

Is it wrong that I’m angry about that fact that I’m just trying to watch a fucking baseball game and I’m kinda tired of getting hammered by bonerpill commercials?

Am I the only one that is terribly irritated by commercials that ask questions? “When is a car more than a car?” I hate that.

This concludes todays whineytime with tsam. Tune in next week when tsam pouts about other drivers on the road.

low sodium hunchback

fucking baseball

With the seams.
With the seams.


fucking baseball

With the seams.

Watch out for the knucklers.


tired of getting hammered

Mm hmm.


Getting the hammer.

low sodium hunchback

Watch out for the knucklers.

and the split finger

Spearhafoc, who is now referencing Doctor Horrible

The hammer is my penis.


Am I an uncultured philistine because I don’t get the bathtub reference in the Cialis commercials?

No, you just don’t live on a cliff overlooking the ocean. Also, if the stuff worked, wouldn’t they prefer sharing the bathtub?

fucking baseball

How does it work?


The hammer is my penis.

When all you have is a penis, every problem looks like a **INSERT REFERENCE TO PREFERRED ORIFICE, WE’RE INCLUSIVE**

low sodium hunchback so clueless that he had to google Doctor Horrible.

I got nuthin.


All the cool kids are swapping hammer / Thor jokes at the House of Substance.


All the cool kids are swapping hammer / Thor jokes at the House of Substance.

I notice nobody whipped out Yggdrasil.


I notice nobody whipped out Yggdrasil.

Nobody wanted to Nidhogg the limelight.

low sodium hunchback so clueless that he had to google Doctor Horrible.

H of S.
Is there beer?

Spengler Dampniche

You kid, but that picture taken in the war room is a fake. This is the real picture. It was a Superbowl party.


Spearhafoc, who isn't seeing Thor until Thursday (appropriately enough)

The singular form of Æsir is áss.

Think about it.

low sodium Vanir

Freya dresses kinda slutty.

Ya know, just sayin……..


Two more comments evaporated, & one in moderation-limbo, which obviously only even got that far by virtue of being made under a proxy.


Welcome to the debate.

Unless you prove me wrong or disagree … because agreement is what debate is really all about.

PS: disagreeing with bullshit means you want the terrorists to win. Terrorists can’t stand the delicious aroma of God-fearing patriotic bullshit.



Just added another, awaiting moderation. This is fun!

Mega dittos, Brother Brown!

President Bam Bam lied and a terrorist died. Thank God that people like you, Brother Surber, Brother Rush and others understand the reality.

Who could have known that Osama bin Laden was in Pakistani military cantonment? Only by torture were able to find this out. And President Bam Bam wants the credit for this. For 8 years, Bush/Cheney humanely tortured thousands of Arabs. It was through that torture we learned about horrible WMD Saddam Husssein had aimed at Israel and the USA. Sure,some innocents may have maimed and killed, but you have to break a few eggs to make an omlette. Bush/Cheney were bold enough to make that kind of decision.

If FDR and Harry Truman had resorted to torture, we might have ended the WWII a few weeks earlier. And we would have sent a signal to the friend and foe alike.

Some liberals are already suggesting that Bush/Cheney were dupes — torturing people while providing some $20 billion to the government officials hiding bin Laden. Liberals just don’t get it. It is called good cop/bad cop. And Bush/Cheney played that well.

The economic dividends from the good cop/bad cop strategy were there for all to see. Bush/Cheney had such a robust economy we could give over $500 billion in taxpayer money — not welfare queens — but to banks and investment banks.

In January 2009, Hank Paulson was able to give Bank of America a $250 billion guarantee so they could cover bonus payments to Merrill Lynch. That is free market conservatism in action. If only President Bam Bam would end his socialist policies and see how the Bush/Cheney admin ran things!

Hope that your Mother’s Day was enjoyable!

Spengler Dampniche

Barry, hats off to you. I’ll put a hat on just so I can doff it.


Once again this week, someone tried to use the N-word.

norwegians? at least that’s what the n-word is in these parts…


Barry, hats off to you. I’ll put a hat on just so I can doff it.

barry has my deepest admiration…i was trying to figure out which one of the sadlies was wilson…well done, you!


Thanks dudes! The saddest part is the GOOPERs over the years consistently believe that this is true:

but the GOP (after all it is the party of such great Presidents as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Woodrow Wilson, and Harry Truman)


Is there beer?

Nah, you’re thinking of the House of Substance Abuse.


Bynum and Odom and Laker organization: Keep it classy, guys.


well, this mother was taken out to dine an unheard of 3 times this weekend…awesome…but now very sleepy from over serving myself after aforementioned dinners…catch y’all tomorrow…


over serving myself


humanely tortured thousands of Arabs

HA! This cracked me up.


The Cialis bathtub really bothers me, too. Why can’t they snuggle together in a hot tub? I mean, they could wear bathing suits and look, uh- not too horny. But separate bath tubs overlooking the ocean? WTF?


No, you just don’t live on a cliff overlooking the ocean. Also, if the stuff worked, wouldn’t they prefer sharing the bathtub?

You would think so. I keep having these weird thoughts about 2 tubs, one pill…or some shit. I don’t like running themes that mean nothing. At least when people sit on a small dog all the way through a movie, that’s funny.

I don’t like it. I think it’s code for the terrorists. Activating sleeper cells and shit.


Why can’t they snuggle together in a hot tub?

Why don’t they just get it the fuck ON? If I ate bonerpills, some poor girl would be getting it until I had to seek medical attention.


I suspect it’s supposed to be artsy. PROTIP advertisers: Try an allegory that someone besides you soul bereft suits can understand. And stop activating terror cells.


Too bad instead of torturing Osama bin Laden and getting him to tell us a bunch of lies, all we got was his computers and stuff.


all we got was his computers and stuff

Whatcha wanna bet W woulda ordered the computers to be waterboarded?

Concern Troll

That tsam guy sure is yakkity.


W would have gotten the Pakistanis and Indians confused and sent the computers to Pakistan for analysis.


modifying the moderation.


Moderation of modifiers.


Modifying the modifier.


moding the mode.


modifying moderation.


moding the mod.


modyifing the mood.


mood moderation. and so on.


mediating the modifier.


mediation modification.


modifying mediation.


The net result is that it is exceedingly difficult to distinguish between wingnut snark and a wingnut’s prophetic proclamation that Obama was really raised in a Madrosa and wants to destroy America with Sharia Law–or whatever phoney crap that instigates the latest pant-shitting episode.

Madrosa, is that like a Chicken Madrosa?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

And stop activating terror cells.

Look, those Fruity Oaty Bars aren’t going to sell themselves.


Added a few more — he did delete one. I accidently used by own IP instead of the via the remote log in on that one.


my the thread is dead, all the Sadlynuaghts must be stoned

And stop activating terror cells.

Is that like activating your mobile number?


Wow! Brother Surber now claims his “Obama Lied, Osama Died” was misinterpreted and he as deleted it!


Does that count as small victory in the War on Terror?


This post was so misinterpreted by readers that I decided to hell with it.

if you ever have to offer the above sentence, you aren’t a very good writer…


Does that count as small victory in the War on Terror?

and yes, barry, you get full credit for the taking down of the surber post despite the ineptitude of brother surber himself and the repeated attembpts to breach it by other sadlies…martini, sir?


breaching the post


I had a little poem:

Obama lied, Osama died
A dangerous precedent
A dangerous President

And I had the usual GOP non-facts about Jimmy Carter funding the B1B while starving funds for the B2. I asked where would be be if Reagan had not wisely halted the B1 program. I asked why the liberal media doesn’t ask who is responsible for the B2 that are still in use today!

Along with some real facts: Bush twice failed at Tora Bora to get bin Laden.


I had a little poem:

hmmm, this may have tripped them on to your homoislamicgheyabortionsocialist identity more than goofing up the ip…any attempts at culture which are non-randian cause alarms to go off in their heads…


Along with some real facts: Bush twice failed at Tora Bora to get bin Laden.

actual facts also cause the alarms…


We shall call it a great victory in the War on Error.

Martinis for all.


HAHAHAHAHAHA Shorter Verbatim Power Line:

Power Line, in conjunction with the Freedom Club, is offering a grand prize of $100,000.00 to whoever can most effectively and creatively dramatize the seriousness of the federal debt crisis. Any medium of communication is eligible: video, song, screenplay, television commercial, painting, Power Point, essay, performance art, or anything else.


Conservative poetry slam, anyone?


I bet the fix is already in to give it to the Young Cons.


YES!!! More conservative rap, please!


Interpretive dance to dramatize the federal debt crisis:

Dancers enter, freestyle, wearing the names of Repub pols pinned to their clothes..

A large neon $ sign lowers from the flyloft.

Dancers shit in unison.

Lower curtain.


Our nation faces an unprecedented financial crisis.
unprecedented, really?
Every knowledgeable citizen understands that the fiscal path we are on is unsustainable.
there must be a way to squeeze more money out of poor and brown people, there must!!!

Indefinite continuation of the status quo is not an option.
there must be a way to squeeze more money out of poor and brown people, there must!!!
There are only two possibilities: reform and collapse. tax cuts for the rich!!!


i just faced an unprecedented tag fail…indefinite continuation is not an option…


pounding on the cockpit door


Wow! Brother Surber now claims his “Obama Lied, Osama Died” was misinterpreted and he as deleted it!

I know we are all human and all capable of mewling about how misunderstood we were after writing/saying something idiotic, but holy crap cons raise it to an artform.

Dancers shit in unison.

Ah, les grands pliés merdants. When those dancers say “merde!” to one another, it’s a command.


OT from Shrill one:

So it was the bad judgment of the elite, not the greediness of the common man, that caused America’s deficit. And much the same is true of the European crisis.

You’d think more people would jump on a message like this. “It’s not you, it’s the elites” doesn’t seem like all that tough a sell.


$100 grand is a lot of money to give to someone who’ll just end up photoshopping a Hitler ‘stache on Obama…


This post was so misinterpreted by readers that I decided to hell with it.

But this sentence is in no danger of being misinterpreted.


Comment from mark f’s link:

I’ve always wondered why the conservative side seems content to concede the artistic battle to the left.

I don’t know–I thought the whole death panel thing was pretty creative. The epic concern trolling about the deficit, which was largely created by conservative fiscal policy was pretty awesome too.

Fox News is a masterpiece.


You’d think more people would jump on a message like this. “It’s not you, it’s the elites” doesn’t seem like all that tough a sell.

Except that it undermines their poutrage about unions, immigrants, non-whites, aid for families, social security, medicare, foreign aid, infrastructure projects, government upstart assistance for clean energy, tax incentives for clean vehicles, college tuition assistance, and a myriad of other things funded by the government that make conservatives really really mad, despite the fact that they use these services at the same rate as everyone else.

It shouldn’t be a tough sell, but we’re not talking about people who are able to tune out the bullshit and think things through.


Conservative poetry slam, anyone?

Thank goodness for nu thread as this statement is an almost irresistable call for me. Oh, wot da heck.

The deficit feasts on the blood of our future,
And the wounds to the budget are difficult to suture.
The Nation’s treasure leaking out to welfare queens
Watching it makes me sick to my spleen.
And all these taxes, it dosn’t seem fair –


Maybe they could get the guy that did this


Tough sell, easy sell, we don’t give a fuck either way … but who pays top dollar?

Ohhhhhhh YEAH baby.

When you can outbid our current pimps, we’ll be delighted to get out on that streetcorner and wiggle our ass for YOUR agenda.

That’s always been the way we roll.

Stag Party Palin

“Power Line, in conjunction with the Freedom Club, is offering a grand prize of $100,000.00 [etc]”

Sounds like one of the Koch brothers is being blackmailed by his poolboy and needs to launder 100 large ASAP. Pro tip: watch for the word “chlorine” in the winning entry.



( me does traditional-style happy naked snarkmongers’ victory-dance in kitchen)

You foolish humans! You ALL misunderstood me! This entry is now Going Galt-Gestalt! *

So heartwarming to see a man honoring the courage cowardice of his “convictions.”


* Exclamations are purely speculative content from Surbers “ultimate draft” of the missing post & are to be in no way misconstrued as relevant to his motivation for deleting same … but WERE hella fun to type. Which is pointy to my centre.


You don’ts understands Mr Surber!!! Taking toys, goin’ home.


Power Line, in conjunction with the Freedom Club, is offering a grand prize of $100,000.00 to whoever can most effectively and creatively dramatize the seriousness of the federal debt crisis.

1. Hunt through archives of Socialist Realism painting.
2. Replace Ho Chi Minh or Stalin standing staunch in defense of the children with Boehner.

why the conservative side seems content to concede the artistic battle to the left.
When someone uses the words “artistic battle”, you know you are dealing with a plonker.


(comments are closed)