Droit de Seigneur, And Other Great Ideas In Trickle-Down.
Posted on April 29th, 2011 by Tintin
ABOVE: Mona Charen’s homage to Nancy Sinatra
Shorter Mona Charen, America’s Shittiest Website™
A Wedding: Not Just For Royals
- The royal wedding that occurred today should truly be celebrated by all Americans because the marriage of two extremely wealthy, over-privileged elitist white people in London will serve as an inspiration to the lower classes in this country to get married and stop having bastards and shacking up with each other.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Not so Veiled Peen Reference:
“The organ will have boomed the recessional.”
Dirty, dirty , Mona.
Booming the recessional.
A Ron Paul superfan acquaintance of mine on Facebook today:
Actual evidence of said liberals being completely enthralled? None that I saw. Perhaps it’s not mutual friends. I don’t actually know anyone who gives a shit. Except at NRO, where there’s about a dozen posts celebrating and analyzing the thing.
It’s like a “Amorphous Roberto,” but with a hymnal and a shoe horn.
People like Kate and William (absent the title) — college-educated, upper-middle-class .
Umm, no, Mona. There is nothing middle class (and remember, this is fucking England where class distinctions are pretty fucking clear) about Prince Willy.
Also, is Mona now backing gay marriage?
I suspect that it is an Amorous Amorphous Roberto, and I really don’t want to know.
Something about The Blob being attracted to a Diner? Maybe a Mexican restaurant?
The future King of England is upper middle class? Who the fuck is upper class, then?
“For the past several decades, we’ve been conducting an experiment to determine whether marriage really matters all that much to society.”
One might ask Charles and Diana how their experiment came out.
Adorning the royal carriage.
The future King of England is upper middle class?
Still lives with his parents and grandparents…
Who the fuck is upper class, then?
Scrooge McDuck, the Egyptian pharaohs, and George Soros.
The juxtaposition of the headline and the photo fair ruined my lunch, it did. Please stop.
One might ask Charles and Diana how their experiment came out.
I’ve always felt that what happened to their marriage was god’s terrible retribution for not following the obvious path laid out for them. Had they named William “Upton,” they could have been Up, Chuck, and Di.
There’s gotta be some kind of template out there that everybody, on the left and the right, is using for their Royal Wedding articles. Just plug in:
1. Why we, as Americans, are so obsessed with royalty and royal weddings;
2. Why we, as Americans, should NOT be obsessed with royalty and royal weddings, and should not waste our time discussing them;
3. Lengthy discussion of royalty and royal weddings.
4. Run that sucker through spell-check and click “submit”
Mona really, really, wanted to be the princess bride. Lonely tears and a box of cheap white will be the highlight of her weekend.
I read somewhere the bride’s younger sister was the HAWT one.
For the record, I am still looking for a rich elitist girl to marry.
“For the past several decades, we’ve been conducting an experiment to determine whether marriage really matters all that much to society.”
By steadfastly refusing it to people who are clamoring for the right. I’d tell Mona to lick my bunghole but lord only knows where her mouth has been.
“Up, Chuck, and Di”
Did the wrecked mercedes burst into flames? If so, at least there you had Di in a Fire.
I read somewhere the bride’s younger sister was the HAWT one.
Citation needed, for, *ahem*, high-minded scholarly research purposes, of course.
I am amused by how many of my rabidly liberal friends are completely enthralled with this royal wedding. The very concept of royalty is appalling, and if you were a liberal with any brains whatsoever, you’d realize it’s anathema to your supposed principles.
Direct the fuckwit to Balloon Juice, would you? There’s some vehement anti-royalist sentiment in a couple of today’s threads.
And if he had any brains whatsoever, the fuckwit would know that Britain is a constitutional monarchy and that the royals essentially have no bearing on the political system. It’s possible to attack the concept of rule-by-hereditary-monarchy without hating a de-fanged royal house that’s closer to Hollywood stardom than it is to government.
Chris: the guy is a Randian superhero who pulled himself up by his public schooling to be a stockbroker/ultimate fighter. And sometimes he emails me weird shit about how this guy he had lunch with confirmed that Scott Brown is DEFINITELY GAY!!!!!!!
In other words, he’s a buffoon not worth my time. But he does sometimes put amusing shit up on Facebook.
I am completely appalled that Her Majesty would allow any of her spawn (or grand-spawn) marry a commoner!
HAH! The mere mention of Melancthon brings a new thread!!!!!!!!!!
you know, I’m holed up in the hospital under observation, and I’m on my own computer, so there’s absolutely no reason I shouldn’t get out of the boat and read the link, but even so, I ain’t going after those mangoes.
And didn’t Kate and Wills shack up, anyway? so what kind of example are we talking now?
BTW, come visit me, I’m bored.
Some guy I’ve never met marrying some woman I’ve never heard of pretty much sums up my (lack) of feelings on this. I wish them well and all, but why are the personal lives of the members of a (powerless) foreign royal family any of my concern? Last I heard, nobody makes alliances by marriage anymore.
PENISEUPHEMISM.Low Sod: I think you’re right, although Martin Luther did write at least 95 things deemed to be of significance. Melancthon was a weird guy whose heart wasn’t always in it. Maybe he was just smarter than Luther and Luther knew that? I don’t know enough about it, although I bet Chris does.
This has moved from cultural terrorism to corporate terrorism. That’s what this is. Now, back in the 80?s and early 90?s I worked with the state department in anti-terrorism and we trained about fifty different countries in defending against terrorism, and it’s, at it’s base, what terrorism is, it’s a strike against the general populace simply to spread fear and intimidation so that they can disrupt and destabilize the system of government. That’s what the homosexuals are doing here to the legal system.
I would have thought today is “Kerners are GO!” day. But with the way the media is going with Trump, there will be plenty of time for that next week.
Incidentally, PDFs always have the text in a separate layer, that’s a part of the scanning process. Just sayin’.
Do you still believe this chump can’t win the Republican nomination?
He is Rush Limbaugh crossed with the worst of Ross Perot. I think he is the odds on favorite.
I’m einstein. wut?
The low expectations of soft bigotry
The reincarnation of Huey Long?
so what kind of example are we talking now?
They didn’t have any royal offspring before the wedding, and getting married assures you economic success in life, be you a serf, commoner, or noble.
high-minded scholarly research purposes
Oh, but Trump is coarsening the culture!
come visit me, I’m bored.
Is there beer?
The new Breitbart smear job. This time its unions. How will the media respond?
Is there beer?
Good drugs are not far away.
Philippa Middleton
True fact: Actually zombie Philip Melancthon.
The reincarnation of Huey Long?
Wait. Who? Trump? That’s giving him way, way, way, way, way, way, way, waaaaaaaayyyy too much credit.
Did you watch the video Chris? What do you think? I am no expert on Huey Long so maybe I am talking out of my ass.
People want to TAX these middle-class strivers!
She approaches…
So very close…
And then manages to boot it into shrill scold territory.
So…it doesn’t mean that the poor and uneducated need extra support and help to learn how to make good choices so that their children have a better chance than they did?
Oh right, that would be soshulizm.
No, I didn’t watch the video…
And I’m no Huey Long “expert,” but I do know the man was a radical populist back when that word meant something. He was a believer in boss politics and a bit of a megalomaniac, but I can’t imagine Trump tearing into Wall Street the way Huey Long did, or demanding a cap on personal fortunes, or demanding energetic subsidies for the poor. Huey Long would have hated Trump’s guts as much as anyone on S, N!
ABOVE: Mona Charen’s homage to
Nancy SinatraSharon Stone.ABOVE: Mona Charen’s homage to
Nancy SinatraSharon StoneBetty Rubble.And I’m not worshipful nor hateful towards Billy and Katie, and wish them a happy marriage. Mark f, I would bet the house on the fact that your Randian friend has a couple of Heroic Producers he slobbers over and treats like American royalty. Frankly, give me the real thing any day.
Often times watching that video I wondered what was so wrong with what the professors were saying. Discussing Marx and revolution is wrong in a class about the labor movement? Then I realized Breitbart and co. are probably offended by the idea of having a class on the labor movement in the first place.
Mona Charen’s homage to …….. Sharon Stone.
Do you still believe this chump can’t win the Republican nomination?
I think he doesn’t want to. He said something to the effect of “I can’t say for sure if I’m running until I know if NBC is renewing my contract,” yesterday. Does that sound like someone who really wants it? It’s all for the Trump brand.
Of course the most delicious scenario would be if he attention-whores just a bit too hard and accidentally stumbles into the nomination anyway. So you’d get a situation where he wishes he wasn’t running, the GOP wishes he wasn’t running, and maybe he just torpedos the whole thing out of sheer spite. That’s what I’m hoping for anyway.
Betty Rubble had tits and personality.
Unlike Moaner up there.
Watching Betty Rubble.
ABOVE: Mona Charen
’s homage to Nancy Sinatra Sharon Stone Bettybeing reduced to Rubble.Now THAT I would enjoy
Then I realized Breitbart and co. are probably offended by the idea of having a class on the labor movement in the first place.
Just make it about thuggish Alinskyites who wrecked innocent old Detroit and they’ll be fine with it.
Chris said,
“And I’m no Huey Long “expert,” but I do know the man was a radical populist back when that word meant something.”
Fair enough, but I intended it as more style over substance. The substance of Trump is more Limbaugh and the style more Huey Long.
How about:
Trump is what would result if a child could be conceived by combining the worst parts of Huey Long, PT Barnum, WC Fields, Rush Limbaugh, Steve Forbes, Bernie Madoff, Archie Bunker and Rudy Giulliani.
I object to Barnum’s inclusion in the list. He always provided entertainment for the fee and did not – to my knowledge – hurt people in the process.
Trump is a short-fingered Vulgarian.
And the GOP deserves him.
I would say there are probably good parts of all of the people on the list (except to Limbaugh); Trump is a combination of all of them, minus any redeeming qualities
“It’s all for the Trump brand.’
But he is destroying the Trump brand. In his 25 years in the public eye, he has been non-partisan. The Trump ‘Brand’ has been a “straight talking albeit arrogant can-do businessman.” He had been very popular among moderates and independents. He has pissed off many of them. There is cvurrently attempts to boycott sponsors of the “Apprentice” and one already has (I forget their name, the discount coupon company).
Why would he do this if he did not intend to run? Is he stupid? Maybe. The only thing that gives me pause would be his reluctance to release his tax returns. They may show him to be far less wealthy than he pretends. On the other hand, he has a chance (and money) to win the nomination. Can he deny his ego that?
Invest in popcorn futures is all I am saying.
Is there beer?
alas, I’m not even allowed water
WC Fields?
As a lovable drukard myself, I take offense at his inclusion.
I would say there are probably good parts of all of the people on the list [Huey Long, PT Barnum, WC Fields, Rush Limbaugh, Steve Forbes, Bernie Madoff, Archie Bunker and Rudy Giulliani] (except to Limbaugh)
I dunno. After the “phony troops” thing Limbaugh donated several million dollars to the Wounder Warriors Project or something similar. Sure, he was shamed into it, but that’s gotta be a lot of prosthetic limbs. Madoff, on the other hand, stole from his own family.
Hey! I resent the comparison to Trump.
Then I realized Breitbart and co. are probably offended by the idea of having a class on the labor movement in the first place.
Sadly, yes. This isn’t even hyperbole.
That’s not a defense of Limbaugh, or at least not meant to put him on the positive side of the ledger. Just saying I probably wouldn’t rank him as worst of that list.
Trump would be insane to run. His past history makes Newt Gingrich look like an altar boy.
“Who the fuck is upper class, then?”
Anyone with a monocle/top hat/ascot.
Welcome to the Tump nickname contest!
[Sponsored by Sadly, No! and also PENIS!]
We have so far:
Short-fingered vulgarian [Spy magazine]
Captain Combover [submitted by gocart]
Get your entries in by midnight tonight.
First prize is a lifetime subcription to Sadly, No!
Second is . . .
We shall over comb!
“gocart mozart said,
April 29, 2011 at 22:50
The new Breitbart smear job. This time its unions. How will the media respond?
By sucking his cock?
“We shall over comb!”
Awesome! Could be his campaignsong. I am stealing this joke by the way even if you do mind.
“Who the fuck is upper class, then?”
Anyone with a monocle/top hat/ascot.
Strangely, I’ve always thought of Mr. Peanut as a populist.
. . . because who is gonna stop me?
I’ve always thought of Mr. Peanut as a populist.
And he killed his wife.
Sadly, Prince William was one monocle and a persian cat away from being upper class. Times are tough indeed.
I’ve always thought of Mr. Peanut as a populist.
And he killed his wife.
In the library with a revolver?
“And he killed his wife.”
Did she have a serious peanut allergy?
I was thinking of a book I haven’t actually read.
Mona: “The results are in. But the news hasn’t yet been taken on board.”
She just forgot the news hasn’t been taken on board her cruise ship, those of us who live on terra firma, the young women who work hard in this world and hold up the lower portions of America know damn well that most of the time a marriage is just a ball and chain wherein she’ll be having to deal with some drunkard, lazy half-employed ass while she works in a grocery store or as a nurse supporting him.
Better off to just split up with him, have the kid and live in peace. More and more women are choosing that and African American women have for years, but Mona, like so many others of her ilk, think Ozzie and Harriet make for a real social program, not just a sitcom program.
As for Trump, please stop insulting the late, great Huey Long. For all his bad deeds, the man was a good man gone bad; substance that somehow sat in the field too long and rotted.
Compared to Long, Trump is nothing more than a shriveled, smelly old walnut hull, with its inner core long gone and rotted, empty and so gross even a rat wouldn’t naw on it.
“We have nobody in Washington that sits back and said, you’re not going to raise that fucking price”–Trump
I don’t know what the fuck this means, and of course Trump would be first in line to call Obama a communist dictator if he told anyone “you’re not going to raise that fucking price.” Do the authoritarian followers really think that a big enough dick (Bush or Trump) can accomplish with ad-hoc dickishness what others attempt with laws, policy, etc.? How does that constitute and end-run around dictatorship, I wonder. But I’m wasting mental effort doing so.
“Do the authoritarian followers really think that a big enough dick (Bush or Trump) can accomplish with ad-hoc dickishness what others attempt with laws, policy, etc.? “
I’ve been hearing that kind of talk since I was a kid, “We shoulda just gone in and bombed Hanoi until it was a parking lot, that’s what I say.”
Trump has done a lot of public appearances on behalf of the WWE with that McMahon dude, so guess who his followers really are?
He’s playing to his crowd.
Their attempts to argue that nuh uh, liberals are the real authoritarians and class worshippers is constantly undermined by their constant need to lick the boots of the powerful whoever or wherever they are and claim all members of the upper class as untouchable supermen who are examples to us all.
Gosh, if it wasn’t already a given that everything (and I do mean everything) a wingnut says is projection, I’d start to wonder if something wasn’t going on here.
...drunkard, lazy half-employed ass
Sounds like……nah…….
Honey babe sweetie lambikins? Izzat you?
really, I WAS lookin for a job…..I mean I AM….with uhhhhhh
mark f, yeah, it’s with mark f….
Good article that agrees with me.
That wasn’t enough. I half-expected the next contender to be a lung-fish draped in the Stars and Stripes. But it wasn’t anything so sophisticated. Enter stage (far) right Donald Trump, the bewigged billionaire who has filled America with phallic symbols and plastered his name across more surfaces than the average Central Asian dictator. CNN’s polling suggests he is the most popular candidate among Republican voters. It’s not hard to see why. Trump is every trend in Republican politics over the past 35 years taken to its logical conclusion. He is the Republican id, finally entirely unleashed from all restraint and all reality.”
“So who should be the Republican nominee? I hear the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were considering running – but they are facing primary challenges from the Tea Party for being way too mild-mannered.”
I was just typing a clever rejoinder about Donald Trump when my team of doctors arrived.
Lots of info, but long story short, the antibiotics they’re going to put me on for a prolonged period of time have a side effect that makes you sick as a dog if you have a sip of alcohol.
Between that and not eating anything for three days, I think I might be able to get down to a size 8!
Yeah, that’s what he’d like you to believe. But beneath that hard shell beats and even harder heart.
Also… Mona Charen: knee-high boots and above-the-knee-skirt. That is about 37 kinds of wrong.
Marriages are in trouble if you don’t have knee-high boots and above-the-knee-skirts.
I was gonna do a spoof on “We Shall Overcome” as “Over Comb” Meh, doesn’t work, but I stumbled across this. This song is where the melody comes from.
from « The Jubilee Singers »
by Gustavus D. Pike, 1873
and quoted in « The Music of Black Americans. A History »
by E. Southern, 1983
No more auction block for me
No more, no more
No more auction block for me
Many thousand gone
No more peck of corn for me…
No more driver’s lash for me…
No more pint of salt for me…
No more hundred lash for me…
No more mistress’ call for me…
“knee-high boots and above-the-knee-skirts.”
I used to be a fan but Mona has ruined it for me. GODDAM YOU MONA!!!!!
Mona Charen: knee-high boots and above-the-knee-skirt. That is about 37 kinds of wrong.
I’m with gocart: the only thing wrong with that fashion is the choice of mannequin.
sick as a dog if you have a sip of alcohol.
We’ll pick up the slack , g. We’ve already covered for vs.
Will you be wearing
knee-high boots and above-the-knee-skirts any time in the near future?
The only difference is that the rich continue to be bastards even after the marry.
Regarding the linked article, I have two things to say. First, I echo the others who have wondered aloud how the person second in line to the throne of St. James could possibly be considered a “middle class striver”. Maybe she means Kate was a middle class striver, dog whistle for “gold digger”? That’s all I’ve got.
Second, granting for the sake of argument that all her correlations are correct, isn’t it just as likely that the correlations go the other way? Once you have financial security, it becomes easier both to handle the stresses of marriage AND raise successful, happy children? Maybe it’s all about the Benjamins, and not so much the wedding ring.
Oh, and the Cambridges totally shacked up before the wedding.
Actual evidence of said liberals being completely enthralled?
I honestly don’t care a whit about the lives of royalty. I do, however, like to look at pretty girls in fancy clothes. (That’s why I looked for photos of the wedding, but refuse point blank to watch video.) Hey, maybe I’m gay?
I’m actually a fan of the look. I think it can be classy and sexy in an understated way. I just think it’s at odds with her thin-lipped meanness and dyke-y haircut.
FTR, I’ve got absolutely nothing against dyke-y haircuts in and of themselves. I’m totally for women wearing their hair the way they want, strict gender binaries be damned.
I just think it’s at odds with her thin-lipped meanness and dyke-y haircut.
So…you would not approve of Ayn Rand in a short skirt with high boots? AFAstrangernamedrandpaul.
The TV at the hospital today was showing one of the inane morning shows and they were showing pictures of the wedding. I don’t give a shit about the royals…but as much as I HATE to admit this: Kate’s dress was gorgeous. And now I’m sorry I typed that.
I think a murderer-apologist would look pretty shitty in just about anything.
I just think it’s at odds with her thin-lipped meanness
The thin-lipped mean look doesn’t work on anybody.
Kate’s dress was gorgeous
I didn’t care for it. Little sister Pippa’s, on the other hand…
By coincidence and too long a story to say why I came across it, the bio of an 1930’s American celebrity opera star and actress. One Grace Moore who was widely criticized for simply curtseying to the Duchess of Windsor.
“She was widely criticized in December 1938 when she curtsied to the Duchess of Windsor, in Cannes. Upon her return to the United States after six months and ten days in Europe”
So it was not that long ago that republican sentiment was still strong in America. I’d date its decline to the Reagan Inagural. The Night of The Minks as Calvin Trillion declared it.
Nothing says disdain for heriditary dynasties like a hissy fit over the unfairness of the inheritance tax.
Really? I thought it was understated and elegant and extraordinarily flattering. Fuck, I’m talking about the royal wedding.
There’s more to being gay than liking pictures of girls, L.C.
So it was not that long ago that republican sentiment was still strong in America. I’d date its decline to the Reagan Inagural. The Night of The Minks as Calvin Trillion declared it.
Which was, what, six months removed from the Chuck&Di show? The country ODed on media-worship of royalty.
I thought it was understated and elegant and extraordinarily flattering
I don’t like lace, especially not lace sleeves, and I though the skirt was either too wide, or too boring, or both.
Fuck, I’m talking about the royal wedding.
Yeah. We really ought to stop this. T&U will beat the crap out of both of us.
I will not mention it again, I promise.
Yeah, I’m hoping T&U does not see this.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go find some cool new Charlie Sheen stories to link to.
There’s more to being gay than liking pictures of girls, L.C.
Yeah, but just ask a wingnut, it’s a slippery slope. Pretty soon he’ll be rearranging the living room, then dressing nattily and one day he’ll wake up with a cock in his mouth and then where will he be?
Maybe at PupMax’s house. I dunno.
OK, I laughed.
But where does the toenail painting come in?
Two things from looking at some idle chit-chat about the royal wedding at another forum:
1) One of the charities the couple is suggesting well-wishers donate to in lieu of gifts is an anti-bullying organization (supposedly the now-Duchess got a lot of crap in school when she was younger). Don’t know if it deals with GLBT bullying too, but it seems like a nice idea.
2) I fully expect Princess Beatrix’s Cthulhoid hat to go memetic at least as much as Arethra Franklin’s inaugural bonnet.
Yeah, that hat is beyond awful…and I’m saying this as a person who has a ring shaped like a pear that sticks an inch up off my finger. OMFG, I’m talking about it again. Goddammit. I’m leaving.
Based solely on Anon’s picture, I assumed that the hat was simply necessary to cover her horns. What am I missing?
Is that some sort of perversion I never heard of?
The phrase “I give thee my troth” just isn’t romantic, any way you cut it.
Will you be wearing
knee-high boots and above-the-knee-skirts any time in the near future?
If I get down to a size 8, damn yeah.
BTW – outside my curtain at the nurse’s station, the nurses are talking about 9/11, Armegeddon, health benefits, the gap between rich and poor, and whether they want another child someday. One woman is Eastern European, one is an LA native African American, one sounds like she is West African, and one is Filipina.
“You know the government knows what happened,” says one.
I love this city.
size 8
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the geometry of a woman’s body is at least as complicated as that of a man’s and arguably more so. How the hell can you have a one-dimensional index for clothing sizes? The minimum for a man is three dimensions (short size, waist, inseam), and if we’re talking about dress clothing it’s five (neck, chest, sleeve, waist, inseam).
Fuck. “shirt size” in my first parenthesis.
Yeah, that hat is beyond awful… .
It kind of rolls right around into “pretty fun” to me, like the best sort of bad movie.
Anyway, I look forward to a spate of ‘shops using the crazy thing.
Here ya go, nonny. http://www.b3tards.com/v/e8566f214b68cfa702b1/beatrice.jpg
How the hell can you have a one-dimensional index for clothing sizes?
The argument I’ve always heard for single dimensional dresses is precisely that women are complicated. It would cost too much to make clothes in the large set of permutations necessary for them to actually fit, so they just don’t bother.
I am skeptical of this claim, but there you go.
But they *need* to have overly silly hats… that’s what you do at a wedding like this.
They can either force all the guests to wear horrific sack-cloth gowns, or just whap a goofy hat on their head.
There, problem solved! Now noone outshines the bride royal.
Except possibly her younger sister…
Is that Monica with Beatrix?
Pupienus Maximus who wouldnt let a whingnut have the satisfaction of sucking my cock said,
I think you misunderstood who was the wingnut and who the cock sucker in that slippery slope scenario.
Between that and not eating anything for three days, I think I might be able to get down to a size 8!
I had the measles when I was around 30, & ate about two pieces of toast during the two or so wks. I was measly. Very slimming. Looked great afterward, except for an added pock-mark or two.
Great wedding hats n’ things site HERE.
Victoria Beckham looks like the ghost in the underblows, doesn’t she?
In a major political development, an actor I’ve never heard of who was on a show I’ve never heard of endorses a candidate who’s a joke.
She looks like she has hooves.
M. B. reminds me that i dropped 15 pounds during the three weeks I sent in the hospital following my crash. I don’t recommend crashing your motorcycle as a diet plan but I wanted to make you aware of the option.
Here ya go, nonny
Thanks! But I think I’m hoping the hat turns up in some shops by Tintin et al…
Ha, I dropped at least 20.
Oh, no wonder. Beatrice is the spawn of the real Fergie & Prince Andrew.
Hat commentary: J Crowley: Pretty sure that thing’s a Stargate
Anyone that considers the Longs needs to read AJ Liebling’s “The Earl of Louisiana” a masterpiece of the genre. Plus it make you want to go down to the Quarter, have a few dozen oysters and get hammered.
I hate all of you.
And lace. Especially lace sleeves.
Not fair!!!!! Cankle made me fat.
> I hate all of you.
> And lace. Especially lace sleeves.
Our Queen has returned!
Our angry, angry Queen…
Trump/Gingrich 2012.
I’m all in.
T&U, I am increasingly tempted to begin sharing ACW* stories of my own in the near future. I am debating whether such an effort would be cathartic and thereby healthy or in fact, corrosive and despairing since I spend would spend any free time thinking about such fucknuts. All I can say is a cumulative poisoning is underway, I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.
Think “The Office” with more xenophobia, wingnuttiness and less intelligence.
*Awful Co-Workers
Our angry, angry Queen…
I just spent an hour writing an epic takedown of someone I despise and the only people who will ever see it are close friends because of my morals or ethics or something. Damn right I’m angry.
All I can say is a cumulative poisoning is underway, I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.
Dude. Either find an outlet or get out before they grind you into dust. Really, ACW is just the cyanide-laced icing on the arsenic cake. I am quite positive that during the worst depths of my depression and despair, this place was the only thing between me and not leaving for lunch one day and never returning. Well, that and health insurance.
I doan no jack shit ’bout Huey Long but All the King’s Men is an interesting flick. With shit like that who cares?
She looks like she has hooves.
I just spent an hour writing an epic takedown of someone I despise and the only people who will ever see it are close friends because of my morals or ethics or something.
oh come on, share…..!
Re: the work griping online. I once used an online place to gripe about workplace issues and it was quite cathartic…for a while.Then it began to become self-fullfilling.
Re: hooves… I meant Victoria Beckham. Scroll down at the hats link. Or google her for the wedding.
Could be fun to eff w/ the above.
Um, was I really supposed to get H. Clinton vs. R. Santorum?
In any case I’m continuing to vote, choosing the craziest candidate I can at each offering. Not enough Looney Tunes in the top ten.
1. Rep. Paul Ryan 77 %
2. Gov. Chris Christie 76 %
3. Rep. Michelle Bachmann 73 %
4. Sen. Jim DeMint 71 %
5. Gov. Scott Walker 69 %
6. Sen. Rand Paul 68 %
7. Rep. Allen West 67 %
8. Gov. Sarah Palin 67 %
9. Gov. Tim Pawlenty 66 %
10. Gov. Bobby Jindal 64 %
11. Gov. Rick Perry 62 %
12. Newt Gingrich 60 %
13. Gov. Bob McDonnell 57 %
14. Sen. Rick Santorum 56 %
15. Herman Cain 56 %
16. Gov. Mike Huckabee 55 %
17. Amb. John Bolton 53 %
18. Gov. Mitch Daniels 53 %
19. Gov. Haley Barbour 49 %
20. Gen. David Petraeus 48 %
21. Rep. Ron Paul 48 %
22. Gov. Gary Johnson 46 %
23. Gov. Jeb Bush 44 %
24. Gov. Mitt Romney 43 %
25. Donald Trump 42 %
26. Rudy Giuliani 41 %
27. Gov. Jon Huntsman 39 %
28. Gov. George Pataki 33 %
29. Sen. Scott Brown 24 %
30. Michael Bloomberg 12 %
31. Sec. Hillary Clinton 6 %
32. Pres. Barack Obama 2 %
Cleavage at the hats link!!
Cleavage at the hats link!!!!!!!
myteaparty.org has a long way to go to catch up to My Little Pony.
Strangely on topic. This is my wedding present to William and Kate.
Clicked as much as I could before beginning to hallucinate.
I don’t get why it’s taboo for straight men to care about women’s clothing. I like the way women look, and I appreciate it when they wear things that compliment their looks.
Maybe it’s just because I care about aesthetics in general. You know, the whole artist-crap.
Yeah, I couldn’t bring myself to vote for any of those people – even in a completely useless Internet poll.
This has created a cultural gulf between classes in America that affects every aspect of life, and arguably threatens the cohesion of America itself.
Uhm, I think mona is laying the ground work here to blame the very real gulf in income and wealth between the rich and everyone else on the damn plebes not getting married. I sense a new wingmeme.
Charles Murray’s forthcoming book, Coming Apart at the Seams, which he previewed in a recent lecture at the American Enterprise Institute, examines marriage as one of four key virtues that conduce to a healthy polity (the others are industriousness, piety, and honesty).
Conduce to a healthy polity? Piety? Holy shit they’re trying to restore the 7 deadly sins.
Well, the housing bubble was caused by too many coloreds buying houses and the deficit was caused by the damned unions so you may have a point.
If Mona’s party of family values would actually do something to make it easier for families & children …
Oh, who am I kidding? Death to the hypocrites!
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
The seven deadly sins are wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.
The Seven Samurai are:
Kambei Shimada Shimada Kanbei?) (Takashi Shimura) — The leader of the group and the first “recruited” by the villagers, he is a wise but war-weary soldier.
Katsushir? Okamoto (Okamoto Katsushir??) (Isao Kimura) — A young untested warrior. He comes from an aristocratic family and wants to be Kambei’s disciple.
Gor?bei Katayama (Katayama Gor?bei?) (Yoshio Inaba) — He is recruited by Kambei and is a skilled archer, he acts as the second in command and helps create the master plan for the village’s defense.
Shichir?ji (Daisuke Kat?) — He was once Kambei’s lieutenant. Kambei meets him by chance in the town and he resumes this role.
Heihachi Hayashida (Hayashida Heihachi?) (Minoru Chiaki) — Recruited by Gor?bei. An amiable though less-skilled fighter. His charm and wit maintain his comrades’ good cheer in the face of adversity.
Ky?z? (Seiji Miyaguchi) — He initially declined an offer by Kambei to join the group, though he later changes his mind. A serious, stone-faced samurai and a supremely skilled swordsman; Katsushir? is in awe of him.
Kikuchiyo (Toshir? Mifune) — A would-be samurai (right down to the false noble birth certificate.)
[Fuck! were back to fake birth certificates again!]
There are also the Magnificent Seven.
To say nothing of the Seven Dwarfs (in their halls of stone).
My favorite Trump nickname comes from Bloom County: “a rube with too much money”.
The movie Seven which admittedly was not as good as the first six.
I love the Clash but that song perhaps the least so I will rewplace it with this Magnificent Seven.
To say nothing of the Seven Dwarfs (in their halls of stone).
Dopey Oakenshield… that could work!
rewplace is a word that means replace a song with something with the same name.
Best theme music ever. I like my westerns with past and vino.
pasta. I don’t eat paste.
g, sorry to hear about your recent health issues. to you i offer my current favorite internet movie.
“She was widely criticized in December 1938 when she curtsied to the Duchess of Windsor, in Cannes. Upon her return to the United States after six months and ten days in Europe”
So it was not that long ago that republican sentiment was still strong in America.
I don’t know this story, and I’ve just come in late after being gurneyed around the hospital, but I would think the real reason Moore was criticized for curtseying to the Duchess of Windsor was because the Duchess was That Woman.
Not because she curtseyed to British royalty. The Duchess wasn’t considered royalty, was scorned by the royal family.
It wouldn’t have been a showing of American democratic principles, it would have been a showing of Americans siding with the classier set of aristocrats.
If you want to hear music which has the”Jew’s Harp” or “Ozark Harp” which was invented in China a couple thousand years ago apparently by Jewish hillbillies as a lead lead instrument click the link.
additional info
I learned all this 5 minutes ago. You learn something every night at Sadly, No!
I don’t need no stinking commas!
Get better soon, g.
Best theme music ever. I like my westerns with past and vino.
Nothing wrong with library paste puttanesca!
One of my faves is Da Uomo a Uomo from Death Rides a Horse. Damn, Morricone could do no wrong!
I hope your stay in hospital is short, g, and you’re sipping wine on the veranda (or your favorite place) soon.
Why wouldn’t T&U be interested in the royal wedding? Kate left out ‘obey’ from the marriage vows. Interestment!
Did you see this Mexican – US border app?
Kate left out ‘obey’ from the marriage vows. Interestment!
If he becomes king, will she be considered a traitress?
Did you see this Mexican – US border app?
That’s awful! I need an app which will tell me when any of the local Indian restaurants is featuring goat curry in the buffet lunch.
‘What’s that smell?’
‘BBBB hit the goat curry for lunch again.’
‘Well, I’d rather goat curry smell than your annoying co-worker habits.’
Well, I’d rather goat curry smell than your annoying co-worker habits.’
Goat curry smell is a sure-fire aphrodesiac!
For which species?
Do you know any woman who can resist a Dutch oven filled with goat curry?
Gads, that sentence is just so wrong…
Do you know any woman who can resist a Dutch oven filled with goat curry?
Yes. Next question?
Yes. Next question?
Why a duck?
Because duck, duck, goose.
That’s a lot better than duck, duck, goatse.
Especially goatse in a dutch oven.
Carry on, good people- time to get some shuteye.
Yeah. We really ought to stop this. T&U will beat the crap out of both of us.
hopefully… have dudiciously spent the last 48 hours despratly avoiding any mention of ‘the event’, and I roll in here, and find hat and dress gossip….
however, Lurking Canadain can be partially forgiven, as Mrs. Lobbey proved, Canucks get all weak at the knees when it comes to our royalty. Can you take them, please !
Canucks get all weak at the knees when it comes to our royalty. Can you take them, please !
You’ve got to expect this sort of thing when you put them on your money.
You’ve got to expect this sort of thing when you put them on your money.
Queen E’s a loon?
SadlyNo! commenters make sense out of the senseless, give meaning to the meaningless, cull wit from the witless and suck the pretense out of the pretenders. Yes SadlyNo! commenters suck–and I mean that in the best possible way!
Charles Murray’s forthcoming book, Coming Apart at the Seams, which he previewed in a recent lecture at the American Enterprise Institute, examines marriage as one of four key virtues that conduce to a healthy polity (the others are industriousness, piety, and honesty).
“Bell Curve” Charles Murray? Yeah, he’s about as interested in honesty as I am in a Goldberg goatse. Anyhoo, for marriage, industriousness, piety, and honesty read no sluts, no blacks, no non-Christians, and no people who disagree with Charles Murray.
Well I did notice these were the keys for the “healthy polity” which may not include the elites like Charles Murray. I think lists of virtues are just for the peasants to follow, in the grand feudal tradition of the right. Piety for thee, harlots for mee.
Motorcycle crash weightloss: 20# and still dropping since Feb 12.
Royal wedding: watched it for an hour at the gym and was astonished at the number of times they felt it necessary to explain to the stupid American audience that girls are junior in line of succession and that the line of succession determines who is monarch. For fuck’s sake.
And Charles Murray should be roundly ignored. Might as well be Chuck Norris for all the scholarliness involved.
That was me, goddamnit. Motorcycle crash evidently wiped my cookies.
Motorcycle crash evidently wiped my cookies.
Sounds painful. Hope your recovery goes well…dare I ask how the bike is?
My own weight-loss plan is to be one of the very few who get seasick and never get over it. In a 30-day passage on our sailboat from LA to the Marquesas Islands I lost 20 pounds. Mrs. Chowder would ask me if I wanted to eat the meal she had just prepared or if she should just throw it overboard.
I looked great by the time we got there.
Please ignore any talk of more severe weather patterns as a result of global warming. We repeat: Please ignore.
OT? What?
And more OT (Hahahaha, I kill myself, I really do).
Ya think?
Zombie protest!
ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) – A group of “zombies” gathered outside 8th District Republican Congressman Daniel Webster’s office on Thursday.
Read more: http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/politics/042811-Zombies-protest-congressmans-office#ixzz1L1vCXJEx
The Christian case for genocide.
Evidence for the lack of climate change: It snowed in January
Absolutely not evidence for the existence of climate change: record breaking, lethal storm season across parts of the US
One day this woman might have the power to order teh governor-general to dissolve my country’s parliament.
I, for one…
I, for one…
welcome your new color-blind overlordress?
Geez. Get that woman a pork roast and some dumplings.
The Christian case for genocide. [No hyperbole intended] Rap your head around this shit. h/t P.Z. Myers blog.
By setting such strong, harsh dichotomies God taught Israel that any assimilation to pagan idolatry is intolerable. It was His way of preserving Israel’s spiritual health and posterity. God knew that if these Canaanite children were allowed to live, they would spell the undoing of Israel. The killing of the Canaanite children not only served to prevent assimilation to Canaanite identity but also served as a shattering, tangible illustration of Israel’s being set exclusively apart for God.
Moreover, if we believe, as I do, that God’s grace is extended to those who die in infancy or as small children, the death of these children was actually their salvation. We are so wedded to an earthly, naturalistic perspective that we forget that those who die are happy to quit this earth for heaven’s incomparable joy. Therefore, God does these children no wrong in taking their lives.
So whom does God wrong in commanding the destruction of the Canaanites? Not the Canaanite adults, for they were corrupt and deserving of judgement. Not the children, for they inherit eternal life. So who is wronged? Ironically, I think the most difficult part of this whole debate is the apparent wrong done to the Israeli soldiers themselves. Can you imagine what it would be like to have to break into some house and kill a terrified woman and her children? The brutalizing effect on these Israeli soldiers is disturbing.
From your link,
Honest summarization of fundamentalist morality or lack thereof.
The problem is not that Osama Bin Laden murdered 3,000 innocent men, women and children. The problem is that he was ordered to do so by the wrong God. Had he been ordered to do so by the right God, he would have been a saint.
(This a few paragraphs after they smugly claim that “there cannot be objective moral values without God.” Never mind that the whole point of objective morality is that whether an act is right or wrong doesn’t depend on who’s doing it or ordering it).
Thank you for once again confirming my opinion of fundies. And a heartfelt “fuck you” to the lot of them.
“Only following orders” has been tried before, unsuccessfully.
Here is the sociopath debating Christopher Hitchens. Apparently, sadly, he is not a nobody.
“The problem is not that Osama Bin Laden murdered 3,000 innocent men, women and children. The problem is that he was ordered to do so by the wrong God. Had he been ordered to do so by the right God, he would have been a saint.”
Chris, that might seem like a snarky comment but I think that is exactly what he is saying. He may even agree with that statement.
“there cannot be objective moral values without God.”
…and I will be the arbiter of whose God is authoritative.
Tagfail. I blame Android.
Fucking robot overlords!
Hey, God just told us to kick Donald Trump in the head! Who are we to defy God?
“Cameron tells Sarah in 2007 that Judgment Day is now set to occur on April 21, 2011. Skynet is destined to go online a few days earlier, 20:11 on April 19, 2011.:
[What did you get your robot overlord on its birth day last week? Or was it?]
[Hope is not lost]
“Both the Resistance and Skynet are actively seeking to interfere with the timeline and are having unforeseen effects. Due to ongoing temporal alterations, these events are probably still being altered.”
Turns out my clutch reservoir was almost dry. What I thought was fluid turned out to be dried crud. One new slave cylinder later all is well. Mang, what fluid there was in the lines was fucking narsty!
Fuck David Lane Craig with a cattle prod.
Queen E’s a loon?
Canadian grade school joke:
Queen Elizabeth with a bear behind.
From observing the weddings of our rich celebrity masters I have learned that the peasants need to ensure a proper degree of sincerity and solemnity in their own weddings by signing pre-nuptial agreements. Otherwise society is doomed.
Woo hoo! The Mt. Hood pass is clear – Fossil run tomorrow. WC, you really really really need to ride central Oregon. Lots of Steattellites come down for the destination roads like OR 218. Awesome.
The South always gets a bum rap for that Civil War stuff.
Chris, that might seem like a snarky comment but I think that is exactly what he is saying. He may even agree with that statement.
I’m sure he’d never phrase it like that, but yeah, that’s exactly what I read him as meaning.
The South always gets a bum rap for that Civil War stuff.
And it’s all goddamn Hollywood’s fault! Off the top of my head, I can count a grand total of two Hollywood movies that’re unapologetically anti-Reb: the Wild Wild West adaptation and the last Zorro movie, both quickly forgotten turn-your-brain-off B movies that weren’t exactly striving to make any historical point.
Meanwhile, the South gets virtually eighty years of Lost Cause bullshit going back to Gone With The Wind, plus the entire Western genre which tends to lean heavily in their direction. Poor babies.
The south always gets blamed for the giant, steam-powered mechanical spiders.
I’m not dumb, but I can’t understand why she walks like a woman and talks like a man. M-O-N-A Mona!
Indeed, how many noble Johnny Rebs who joined the U.S. Army post-Civil War to kill Injuns can we find in western movies?
Flashback to noble reb’s family being slaughtered and farm being burned by evil union soldiers…
Wild Wild West adaptation […] quickly forgotten
It would have been, if it weren’t for Salma Hayek’s cleavages.
My drag name was Bertha Van Aishen. But I’ve said too much.
On topic: A sophisticated bear with a mustache riding Abraham Lincoln with laser eyes into glorious battle.
OT: musical zombie-bait at my place. Actually, partially on topic, since it’s about selling out.
WC: I hit *two* goddamn deer. The bike is dead.
Long live the bike: new baby is a 94 BMW R1100RSA, a classic oilhead with which I am in ridiculous love.
The South always gets a bum rap for that Civil War stuff.
Breitbart gives column space to a Confederate apologist who thinks slavery was a side issue in the Civil War. But how dare you call him a racist! That’s the worst thing you can call anybody!
On the column: The statements “The South seceded to keep its slaves” and “The North fought to hold the union together” are not contradictory. Grant, Sherman and Lincoln coming to the understanding, over the course of the conflict, that slavery would have to go if the union were to survive is not hypocrisy, legend making or political correctness. Pretending you don’t understand these not-very-complex statements makes you look like a racist douchebag.
Oh,and Shell, I hope you were not injured. Car v. deer is bad. Bike v. deer, I shudder to contemplate.
Pretending you don’t understand these not-very-complex statements makes you look like a racist douchebag.
And, under those circs, being offended at being called a racist douchebag makes you look like an idiot.
Pretending you don’t understand these not-very-complex statements makes you look like a racist douchebag
It isn’t hard to look like a racist douchebag if you’re a racist douchebag.
It isn’t hard to look like a racist douchebag if you’re a racist douchebag.
LC: Yes I was injured. Lifeflighted out after somebody found the wadded up bike and body laying around, cause I was riding alone. Broken metacarpal, collarbone, a whole bunch of ribs, and scapula, and a bruised lung requiring a chest tube and two weeks in the hospital. My helmet was a fuckin mess. Arai. Never gonna wear anything else. Yes, bike v deer is very, very bad indeed.
Grant, Sherman and Lincoln coming to the understanding, over the course of the conflict, that slavery would have to go if the union were to survive is not hypocrisy, legend making or political correctness.
Well, I don’t think anyone “came to the understanding” during the war – it was always pretty much in the open that the North wanted slavery to go, they were just willing to put that on hold in order to keep the Union together (and especially in order not to piss off the four slave states that were still in the Union). As the war dragged on and became more unpopular in the North, playing up abolitionist sentiment became more important (but even the Emancipation Proclamation was delicately put, only freeing the Reb slaves and all).
Freeing the slaves was always a goal, but not the only one or the one that was prioritized.
Hey, Shell: Speedy recovery, please. Sounds like a very close thing.
Thanks Looch, I’m good now. Hand surgeon freed me last week and the orthopedic surgeon for the collarbone should release me this week, and I will officially be all better. On Wed the new bike gets delivered.
The Prez at the Nerd Prom. Looks like someone “brought the funny.”
Goddamnit, Shell, do none of you scooter trash ever learn?
If you don’t like people pointing out that you’re a racist douchebag, the obvious course of action is to stop being a racist douchebag. It’s astonishing how few racist douchebags pick up on that.
Oh I learned: send about five bikes through first to flush the deer. Then it’s Shell’s turn.
If you don’t like people pointing out that you’re a racist douchebag, the obvious course of action is to stop being a racist douchebag. It’s astonishing how few racist douchebags pick up on that.
They can’t help it, they think everyone else is deluded.
Good stuff all around. The Donald didn’t look all that amused.
Alas, the funniest bit was the very end.
The Prez at the Nerd Prom. Looks like someone “brought the funny.”
Just got through watching that. The right-wing butthurt will last through next week will be so thick one could cut it with a dull steak knife, and there will be much jolliness as none of them will be able to accept that the man most think is the worst president of all time of anything at best and the ultimate source of evil at worst has the audacity to poke fun at them. Also, many, many of them will not get most of the jokes. Also also, Donald Trump will have ulcers for a month at the amount of bile he had to swallow as Obama cut him with quickness.
You just watch.
If you don’t like people pointing out that you’re a racist douchebag, the obvious course of action is to stop being a racist douchebag. It’s astonishing how few racist douchebags pick up on that.
They can’t help it, they think everyone else is deluded.
Worse, they think you really think like they do but won’t admit it because you’re afraid of something or someone.* The “men’s rights” guys are much the same when it comes to anything dealing with women and relationships** and many homophobes are amazed that a straight guy doesn’t find the idea of two dudes doing it the most disgusting thing ever.
* Usually the mythical “political correctness police”, which leads me to wonder what happens if the one is busted by the “PC Police”. Are you forced to attend Cornell West lectures? Watch dramatizations of The Vagina Monologues? Buy Dick Gregory’s health books? Listen to world music? No one ever specifies.
** I’m thirty-six, single, straight, and what used to be referred to as a “committed bachelor”, so about one visit out of ever six to the local bar winds up with some miserable bastard deciding that I think all women are “scheming, nasty, sperm- and money-stealing harpies”. No, dude, I just don’t want to have meet and interact with someone else’s irritating friends and family. Relax and pay your child support.
They’ll look even stupider when they make the claim that the smartest guy in the room only got through life because of affirmative action.
That being said, I enjoyed his humor, but I need to see his righteous anger.
That being said, I enjoyed his humor, but I need to see his righteous anger.
Christ, can you imagine the collective shit-fit Conservative White America would through if Barack Obama actually showed a little righteous indignation? The guy’s already an arrogant, uppity, crooked, anti-American thug *winkwinkifyouknowwhatImean* that’s actively destroying mom and apple pie in their eyes. You wouldn’t be able to think from the howlings of fear and anger and “How dare that ‘man’ forget his place and raise his voice”.
It would be fun to watch, though.
Heh, I just ripped some Randian a new one at the CSMonitor Opinion site. jim’s example has been inspirational.
Christ, can you imagine the collective shit-fit Conservative White America would through if Barack Obama actually showed a little righteous indignation?
I fantasize about the reaction they’d have if Obama, surveying the wreckage in Alabama, calmly said, “Didn’t Reagan sound stupid when he said “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’?”
Damn, I wish he’d give them a hard verbal kick in the collective nutsack.
I’m afraid The Prez has Jackie Robinson syndrome.
Robinson was great, but if he’d been the kind of guy who’d use his bat on the first hunkie who called him something, the Brooklyn Bums wouldn’t have selected him to be the first guy to integrate baseball, no matter how great a player he was.
The Prez at the Nerd Prom. Looks like someone “brought the funny.”
My spouse just called me on my bed of pain and told me about it. i can’t watch the vid cause my roomie’s sleeping.
I assume it was brilliant? At the level of Colbert, even?
You gotta admit, sitting quiet and letting The Donald puff himself up for a couple of weeks, then releasing the certificate just before the WHCD – knowing that anything goes there but The Donald will be mike-less – is some awesome three-dimensional chess!
WC, you really really really need to ride central Oregon.
Would love to get down there sometime.
WC: I hit *two* goddamn deer. The bike is dead.
Jeebus. Just about as bad to hit a deer as a left-turner. You do get extra points for hitting two, though.
Another night on the graveyard shift, B^4?
g, you need some headphones.
Here’s a print recap.
Damn, I wish he’d give them a hard verbal kick in the collective nutsack.
I wonder if, after his second term is finished, he’ll pull an Al Gore, stop being polite and conciliatory, and start making the pigs squeal. I can understand his position, though, being not only a president in trying times that doesn’t belong to a party that seems to exist solely on making a buck on said trying times and being a Democratic president in a political culture wherein Dick Nixon would be considered a far-left radical. People call the guy a “socialist” and are not immediately pelted with sour oranges for uttering such inanity where impressionable children might be present.
Plus, he’s a black dude in a culture and a country terrified and bewildered by African-Americans, particularly the upper-middle-class straight white male type that make up so much of the Status Quo, either in fact or in spirit. Think about that for a bit. No doubt, there’d be much loss of life amongst wingnut circles from all the paper cuts endured during massive searchings in Roget’s for synonyms of “uppity” and “thug”, but I’m thinking the guy has to think he has a lot more to consider than partisan dick-thumping.
Besides, it’s really not his job, I think. Problem is, there’s no one in the mainstream press who’s willing to call down that righteous thunder and blast the screwheads and greedpigs, apart from maybe Rachel Maddow and she never really cuts loose. We are definitely in need of a Hunter Thompson circa ’73 or I.F. Stone in the ’50s, but I’m not holding my breath.
That all being said – and what the hell, no one else cares to hear me jibber like this and y’all don’t really have to read it if you don’t want to – I did like the bit at the ending, wherein he spoke about the press and what sort of job they’re supposed be doing. Taken in light of his comments at the presser over the birth certificate earlier in the week, it was quite a subtle thumb in the eye. “Do your job, motherfuckers, some people are dying in the process and you owe it to them to do it right,” he seems to be saying. “Spending time on a non-story – and you know this – by a ridiculous publicity hound – and you’ve known this for almost two decades – isn’t your fucking job.”
Sorry. Been in an HST funk/groove lately.
I’m afraid The Prez has Jackie Robinson syndrome.
Yeah, he’s too concerned with being reasonable with people who will never consider him acceptable.
Another night on the graveyard shift, B^4?
You know it, J.P.! Are you on as well?
g, when do you think you’ll be able to go home?
Fucking Trump can choke on it. Loved to see Obama dish it, some of the comments made me actually laugh out lout. I think he scored some points, too, although most of the public will never see it.
Matt T: Taibbi? Not mainstream enough? Neither was Thompson of course.
Yes we need a Thompson. We in fact need Thompson and have for years but he abandoned us, diving into the drink and staying there.
Still holding a grudge for that, yes, which is not fair, because if you see this stuff clearly drink is if not necessary then sufficient.
“You do get extra points for hitting two, though.”
It’s Texas, where the deer are the size of large dogs and you need two to get the stopping power of a regular ol’ Michigan deer. Still, I can use the points.
It’s Texas, where the deer are the size of large dogs and you need two to get the stopping power of a regular ol’ Michigan deer. Still, I can use the points.
You sure those weren’t javelinas?
You do get extra points for hitting two, though.
That depends. You need a judge to review the tapes. After all, deer travel in packs, the women crossing the roads first followed by a buck or two, generally. You get two points of they were in full flight but if they were sort of meandering, it’s one point only.
It’s Texas, where the deer are the size of large dogs and you need two to get the stopping power of a regular ol’ Michigan deer
Don’t be too quick to dismiss those points: that makes it harder to aim.
Also, you get a deduction if you’ve sprayed the urine of does in oestrus on your front tire!
On Wed the new bike gets delivered.
You can’t leave us hanging like that. What bike did you order? Are there pictures?
Oh so very sorry Helmut! It’s new to me. I mentioned it earlier: a 1994 BMW R1100RS in Pearl White. Mmmmm. It’s being delivered by my pal who has been petting and feeding it for me since I bought it a month before I could actually ride it. Which will be, god willing and the creek don’t rise, Wednesday.
B4: Javelinas have a lot of stopping power for their size. So it doesn’t make any difference except to the points system here, which is evolving rapidly anyway.
But my medical insurer recently forced me to get a copy of the accident report, which states deer. It’s the briefest accident report description I have ever seen: Unit 1 westbound on FM 153 struck deer crossing roadway. Unit 1 sustained damage to entire vehicle.
It does not state “Unit 1 operator taken away by aliens” although that was very much like what happened. Lifeflight is a fucking *trip.* It was like waking up mid-abduction.
Presumably, sans anal probing.
Boy, those Lifeflight medics are thorough.
I woke up they were cutting my kevlar jeans with the knee armor off me (which I recommend those jeans, I had NO roadrash) and almost panicked.
They also cut off my Firstgear leather which I am going to have a HARD time replacing, and for reasons unknown also cut off my new Held gloves despite the velcro.
Good to know that the kevlar works
I see a lot of guys riding in regular jeans and sometimes even tracksuit pants (‘sweatpants’ / ‘running bottoms’). Nuh-uh.
Shell G: glad you’re OK. All my collisions with ungulates have been when I was in trucks so the damage was only financial to me. The two deer thing is more common than one might think. A friend was happy to screech to a stop to avoid a young buck only to have the second one strike him amidships from the air. Despite the fact that he was stopped he was cited for leaving the scene of an accident when he went home and called the game warden. He still burns with fury. Always look for the second deer. Moose, not so much. And, yes, javalinas are dense and hard and good to avoid when driving. They also smell bad and are short tempered.
They also smell bad and are short tempered.
And vote Rethuglican.
And the Times fluffs Sippy Cupp.
g, you need some headphones.
They were across the room, and I was hooked to the IV and didn’t want to call the nurse.
Anyway, I’m off the tubes today, so I just watched the video. Well played, sir. And I liked the teleprompter bit – kind of neutralizes that old bit too, doesn’t it?
I’m here for another day, I think, but today I get to eat solid food!
That being said, I enjoyed his humor, but I need to see his righteous anger.
Absolutely. And fuck the TeaTards if they spaz out about it.
I would like to see some curl-into-the-fetal-position-and-quietly-weep ball shots as well.
It’s time.
That being said, what he did to Trump, in front of everyone, was pretty damn funny.
The Donald must have fired about 50 employees out of pique when he left that dinner.
The little toad got his, and I enjoyed it.
Yes, yes, I did.
And the Times fluffs Sippy Cupp.
Fluffing fluff.
Note that she skims the news, takes a few notes, blah, blah. A real digger, that girl.
That little blurb should be under the heading: “The Bimbo* Files.”
*This is non-gender specific.
Betty Boop’s boyfriend was a dog named Bimbo.
On topic: What does is say that the Conservative “Summit” is deep in a comfy chair?
“Apex” and “anus” have similarities.
Fucking Trump can choke on it. Loved to see Obama dish it
Yeah, but more than that I liked to see Obama take it. Meyers had a few “Obama isn’t liberal enough” type jokes and he accepted them with good humor. Whereas Trump was in a rage from the first joke.
“Always look for the second deer.”
Actually always look for the 2nd through 6th deer, in my experience. You see a deer, you stop or damn near it, cause there could be several more lurking. These two took me out mid-curve. I hit one and we both hit the second one. Ugh.
This is non-gender specific.
The equivalent of Hostess bakeries in Mexico is called Bimbo, and while I was down there I got a big chuckle out of seeing e.g. a loaf of bread labeled “Bimbo Grande.”
They now also have a U.S. branch and I see Bimbo trucks driving around here in Salt Lake City.
“I’m here for another day, I think, but today I get to eat solid food!”
Congratulations! Hope it’s edible. Don’t drink the coffee.
I hit one and we both hit the second one. Ugh.
The fact that you remember it shows that the Arai did its job.
I’m reading Hough’s Proficient Motorcycling right now, on loan from the liberry.
Mona Charen is even more clueless than I thought if she thinks a member of the British royal family, an heir to the throne no less, is merely “upper middle class.” Successful dentists are upper middle class. The future king of England is friggin’ wealthy beyond avarice.
Moreover, by what reasonable standard can these people be described as “strivers?” What exactly are they striving for? What consequences will they suffer if they fail?
Don’t get me wrong; I certainly don’t bear them any ill will, but holding them up as some kind of role model because they were born to wealth and privilege and are getting married is ridiculous.
Hough is invaluable. 10 years of safe motorcycling says it worked for me. Wait, 11 years. Dang the time does pass quickly.
[Some of the jokes]
Michele Bachmann is here, though, I understand. And she is thinking about running for President, which is weird, because I heard she was born in Canada. [laughter] Yes Michele, this is how it starts.
Tim Pawlenty:
He seems all-American, but have you ever heard his real middle name? Tim Hosni Pawlenty? What a shame.
Jon Huntsman:
Now, there’s something you might not know about Jon. He didn’t learn to speak Chinese to go there. Oh, no. He learned English to come here.
On Mitt Romney:
There’s a vicious rumor floating around that I think could really hurt Mitt Romney. I heard he passed universal healthcare when he was Governor of Massachusetts. Someone should get to the bottom of that. And I know just the guy to do it. Donald Trump.
Best Seth Myers joke:
Donald Trump said recently that he has a great relationship with the blacks, though, unless “the blacks” are a family of white people, I bet he’s mistaken.
Looch having reading comprehension phail.
Heel. Quickly.
Orders from the Mothership.
but holding them up as some kind of role model because they were born to wealth and privilege and are getting married is ridiculous.
You have isolated the moron particle.
That’s the word for most of these people.
We are definitely in need of a Hunter Thompson circa ’73 or I.F. Stone in the ’50s, but I’m not holding my breath.
Matt Taibbi tries. YMMV on how well he succeeds.
g- hospitals are awful, you sound remarkably cheerful under the circumstances: get out of there as fast as you can
Epazote grows wild here and is at it’s best in the spring so I’ve got a big pot of mole verde going. Epazote, cilantro, tomatillos, habaneros, some of the best smells of Mexico. Literary plus, I’m using a smoked turkey which always makes me think of Traven’s classic “Macario”.
I dunno . HST might be labeled ‘not helpful ‘ if he were still around. Just guessing that he would have had little patience with the Dem leadership as well.
if she thinks a member of the British royal family, an heir to the throne no less, is merely “upper middle class.”
To be fair, there is a school of thought within old-school British land-owners that the Battenberg-Windsors are dreadfully middle-class. Parvenus also. Yes, they have money, but evidently it did not buy them taste. Look at the people they hang out with… celebrities and the like.
What are you trying to re-start the War of the Roses? And isn’t it Saxe-Coburgs or something like that (can’t be arsed, etc.)?
Well Queen Betty is one of the Saxe-Cobag & Gothas, true, but she married Phil the Greek. And he’s one of the Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburgs, so it really would have been a step up for her. Except for some reason he went and changed his name to Battenberg (after changing it to Mountbatten as if he were ashamed of it or something). The Battenbergs are a morganatic branch so it’s really not good enough.
Don’t get me started on the Saxe-Cobags. I’m sorry, they’re no better than they should be. They might as well be trade for all the tone they show.
The Battenbergs are a morganatic branch so it’s really not good enough.
I’ve always preferred LeFay to Mordred.
Wait, did she seriously just describe an heir to the British crown as an “upper-middle-class striver”?