Long Form New Thread Certificate

Sorry for the sparse posting but I was kidnapped by mercenary agents of Donald Trump who heard that I had a copy of the Obama long form birth certificate and was about to release it. Yesterday Snowy jumped up onto Trump’s shoulder and ran off with his weave. My allies then were able to ransom me for the Donald’s weave and here I am. Posting will resume to somewhat normal — or at least normal for Sadly, No! — this weekend. In the meantime consider this the first, and hopefully only, open thread.


Comments: 219


I have no keyboard and I must rant.

The Internet Jerk



I, for one, welcome our new Open Thread.


There’s a guy named dirk gently (not really — he’s Steve Banks) who can write ya a script that will wrap Jerk droppings. He’s reasonable, and quick, too!


BTW, it’s RMF at my blog if you wanna talk about cool your music is or share a playlist or video…or maybe start a music-related flame war.


Whew – I thought something bad had happened…


I’m sorry, I don’t accept long-form thread certificates. Can you show a certification of bris?


Posting will resume to somewhat normal — or at least normal for Sadly, No! — this weekend.

So no new posts ’til Tuesday, right?


Yes. PENIS in the morning. Must start this thread off right. Yer welcome, everybody.


Thank you and happy POOP to you.

Spearhafoc, who thinks that all men should wear suits when they go out in public





What did the Donald pay Snowy to get his weave back?


I heard the price was options on quatro-triticale futures… which saddened Mr. Trump’s tribble, no end.


No self-respecting tribble would take up residence on that clown’s head.


What did the Donald pay Snowy to get his weave back?

Straight swap for Tintin. On a lonely stretch of county road. The Donald in a five armored SUV convoy. Snowy with a bicycle.


There are no shortage of tribbles with self-esteem issues.

Really, there’s no shortage of tribbles, which the Klingons keep telling me is a real problem.


Dammit, Jeffraham, you beat me to the tribbles with low self-esteem joke! Oh wait…

SO, which of you pervs has the infamous “Tribbles Gone Wild” videos?


Lotsa good eatin on one o them tribbles…

The Internet Jerk

Cuzzamuzzafuzz 2:


Not so much on Donnie’s head-honey-badger…


Getting a tree cut down, Trumpy has operatives watching for any matching squirrel pelts. The fear level is orange… Maybe orange-red, sort of a Walmart plaid?


iPhone spelling Thingy also creating fear.


After much dr-, I mean thinking, I’ve come to the conclusion that D. Trump is fated to be our next President. He embodies all the greatest American qualities: supreme arrogance and self-importance, a “rags-to-riches” back-story which is actually a shrewdly-spun “riches-to-celebrity” back-story, a complete lack of self-consciousness, irony and sense of humor, and a hairpiece for the ages (maybe I should take back that “sense of humor” crack?). I think we could do worse as a nation, and debatably already have.


Wow. It’s morning and I’m pregnant. So drinking is out if the question. More POOP and PENIS please.
Or maybe just “Tribbles Gone Wild: Cancun Nights”

Pupienus Maximus, a dirty, dirty boy

Here ya go vs, this ought to cheer you up.

Spearhafoc, who thinks that all men should wear suits when they go out in public

Isn’t it weird how “Tribbles Gone Wild: Cancun Nights” got retooled into a paranormal investigation show in its second season?


OK—mission accomplished. Pup and Spear actually made me LOL.

Oh, and Pup, I would party with that WW. I would party hard with her.


Wow. It’s morning and I’m pregnant.

I hate it when that happens.


Thirty Third and a 1/3!


Any politician who is truly serious about reducing the debt would never consider cutting taxes. Any voter who votes for a politician that says he will cut taxes and reduce the debt is an idiot.


Any voter who votes for a politician that says he will cut taxes and reduce the debt is an idiot.

We are talking about USAmericans, yes?


We are talking about USAmericans, yes?

They are, hands down, the worldwide leaders in this specialized form of idiocy.


And, hey! It’s 17:41 and Sadlytime is 17:00! I must be nearing the mothership.

Stag Party Palin

If you think


…therefore, you are


i don’t


They’re peanut butter cookies, kid. If you’re allergic, don’t eat that.


also point #27% is this: i’m sad that no more gavin, html, seb and so on remains in place. tintin, you are great and good and kind and sweet and etc. and c but wha happen? tell MEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Cutting taxes doesn’t count against the economy because it’s OUR MONEY and it goes into a special pool along with defense spending and the social security trust fund until it trickles down onto small businesses and family farms and buys 40 acres and a mule for everybody (except of they’re union) and the government drowns in a bathtub. Pray for rain in Texas.


And, of course, it WILL rain somewhere in Texas this weekend. Because Texas is a large state and it is April.

Pupienus Maximus, a dirty, dirty boy

Snabble snabble snabble flurf arach arach flurf thrim.

It came to me in a dream, that is not intended to be a factual statement.


Opening the thread.

A terrier riding a bicycle? Still more believable than that inexplicable artifact on Trump’s dome.

I get to vote on May 2nd!

The idea of Harper getting a majority up here makes me whimper – & I am not a man prone to whimpering easily.

He’s already acted like an angel-dust-dosed generalissimo withOUT a disempowered opposition. Canuckistan seems to be very curious to relearn just what an epic fuckup it is to give a pack of soulless coddleknobs like our Tories the majority-rule driver’s seat. The Right Honorable Brian “I Killed An Entire Town & All I Got Was This Lousy Mansion On Sussex Drive” Fuckface Mulroney played several remunerative rounds of Devil’s Roulette with the PQ/BQ for votes, & thus helped get them to within a hiccup & two cunthairs of terminating Canada for good.

Harper makes Mulroney look like FDR.

The Internet Jerk

Fafa fafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafa fafa.


Jim is sooo right. I fear for Canada.


Spotlight on Otis Redding now!



I was worried Tintin had been eaten by the hamsters.


Straight swap for Tintin. On a lonely stretch of county road. The Donald in a five armored SUV convoy. Snowy with a bicycle.

The Donald will never be a Randian superman if he insists upon returning his victims alive.


I fear for Canada.



jim could syndicate that. Canada’s political history in 20 seconds or less.


I fear for Canada.

You could always move south and join us in living the ***New & Improved*** American Dream. Which is, of course, woking too damn many hours for too damn little pay.


Thirty Third and a 1/3!


And since this an open thread, and someone mentioned Canada, here is an honest-to-goodness conversation I had with my six-year-old son last night:

Me: Brush your teeth, eh.

Him: **giggling** Eh? What does that mean?

Me: It’s Canadian for “okay.” They’re just more efficient and use one less letter.

Him: You’re silly.

Me: I know.


Otherwise known as the American Ream.

It’s missing a ‘D’ like FDR.


What I wouldn’t give for a grass skirt made of live badgers!




WTF. I wrote a big post about Jonah endorsing his commenter’s racism but it won’t post. Hmm.


Mark D-

Try “Bob’s your uncle” on him tonight, eh?


The Donald will never be a Randian superman if he insists upon returning his victims alive.

Sounds like the John Galt Corporation guys on trial now got it right, though.


Our S,N! overlords obviously need one of these. I think a trapezoid thread could be fun.


How do I form threddy?


How do I form threddy?

I don’t even know anymore.


Try “Bob’s your uncle” on him tonight, eh?

I can just see it …

Him: How do you pause the TV?

Me: Just push that button right there, the one with two lines going up and down on it, and Bob’s your uncle.

Him: What does that mean?

Me: **pause** It means the British and Canadians are very strange people.


Jim, that is what happened to Minnesota. Eight years of Pawlenty made Jesse Ventura look like Cicero.


I hereby declare this “Fuck It Friday” — I’m going to the beach and have me a big ol’ bowl of chowder.


In Texas, eleven years of Perry make Bush look like Perry look like Bush look like Perry….

Spearhafoc, who thinks that all men should wear suits when they go out in public

Chowdah! I’ll kill you! I’ll kill every one of you, especially those of you in the jury!


Spearhafoc, who thinks that all men should wear suits when they go out in public

Do wetsuits count? How about two wetsuits and a dild?




By Joe Conason

Everything we really need to know about the character of Donald Trump was revealed when the wannabe president frivolously accused Barack Obama’s late grandparents of committing fraud with his birth announcement. Trump told CNN that they had placed the Aug. 13, 1961, announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser because they wanted to get “welfare” and other benefits. But this casual falsehood revealed only the tiniest hint of the truth about Trump that Americans will discover if he actually runs for the White House.



Big old AHEM to the rusted out camper. I’ve posted links to both the Curtis Mayfield and Fishbone versions of that song.


I said GOOD DAY, sir!

Spearhafoc, who thinks that all men should wear suits when they go out in public

“Do wetsuits count?”


“How about two wetsuits and a dildo?”



I too have had trouble posting links.


I didn’t have anything as cool as Curtis Mayfield or anything but Jonah Goldberg did take to the comments at NRO to endorse the idea that the blacks have it too easy.


On this thread, vs?

i’m sure the ‘obama’s boose party’ placard on your windshield was obstructing your view…if you move it to the back of the camper, you should be able to read your computer screen more easily…


And, of course, it WILL rain somewhere in Texas this weekend. Because Texas is a large state and it is April.

With hailstones and tornadoes. Whadday think of that, Governor Good-hair?


I too have had trouble posting links.

while finishing up reading the previous thread that wouldn’t die, my computer was attacked by scareware…had to call IT in…oooops…


Pray for rain in Texas.

i am, actually. quite fervently…i am sick to fucking death of drizzle, snow and the ever popular rain mixed with snow that we have been enduring up here in mn…


Victoria Jackson Knows Andrew Breitbart!

To wit:

Andrew says 50 percent of liberals are default cultural liberals, conservatives who don’t know it … yet! ?I can’t wait to read his book!

A real mind-reader, that ADD Andrew.


“On this thread, vs?

No. But let’s not get technical. Now…GOOD DAY!


I’ve been unsuccessful in making it an internet tradition to include this sweet Breitbart portrait with every mention of him: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2009/10/024727.php?format=print


Southern Beale has the good take on Trumple.
I’m thinking that he will have an animatronic sqirral as his running mate that will live in the hair and pop up with inspirational messages at various times.
“You’d be nuts to vote for Obama’ and such.
Akchewally New Zild has already been to “Millionaire Business man does politics for kicks ” land in the 1980’s


Perot, Forbes, Trump: Why is it the freaky millionaires run for Pres?


Victoria Jackson Knows Andrew Breitbart!

that picture is perfect: she looks like a melodramatic moron and he’s stuffing his fat face and looking bored.


I guess that other guy in the Jackson/Breitbart picture replaced that Family Feud guy as the sidekick on Home Improvement. The Tea Party’s leading lights, ladies and gentlemen.


Jonah Goldberg did take to the comments at NRO to endorse the idea that the blacks have it too easy.

Well, of course they have it easy. They’re all good friends of the man, D. Trump. Some people just have it made.



On the way to my second tea-party speech, in ’09, I asked Breitbart if it was philosophically correct if I called the president a communist. “People admit he’s a Marxist, and Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto, so what’s the difference?” After a long pause, Andrew said, “Victoria, say whatever you want to say.” I took that as permission, so […]

I give this kind of permission to people all the time. I carry a camera at all times.


Even Breitbart with his tin ear for sanity could hear that Jackson is a few sammiches short of the whole picnic and wanted her to shut up.


Thread Bear puts the “o” back in “dildo,” if you know what I mean.

“People admit [Obama’s] a Marxist, […]”

Well that settles that. But then, people admit that Breitbart is a lying, emotionally-stunted racist.


Jonah Goldberg did take to the comments at NRO to endorse the idea that the blacks have it too easy.

Holy fuck. Jonah Goldberg, who has never done an honest day’s work in his whole life and is only employed because of his hideous ogress of a mother’s ratfucking, has more nerve than a pool-sized ganglion.


Here, I’ll try again:

Over at NRO Jonah is pimping a typically stupid column. Real quote:

[Obama] once said to a reporter during the 2008 campaign, “You know, I actually believe my own bulls***” about fundamentally transforming America, is now forced to run as a reactionary, defending “Medicare as we know it” from “radicals” who — gasp! — want to change America.

Pay special attention to Jonah’s use of quotation marks, and notice how they don’t appear around the words “fundamentally tranforming America.” I don’t know, but I think that might just be because Obama never talked about or campaigned on such a thing. In fact, the “believe my own bullshit” part comes from the book Renegade: The Making of a President, in which the context is Obama’s organizing strategy, not his policy preferences. But what does Obama say about fundamental transformation change?

“I don’t just want change for the sake of it. I want it for better schools for the kid on the streets. I want it for health care.”

Gee, that sure sounds like a guy who wants to get rid of Medicare, doesn’t it? I don’t know why I bothered typing any of this out and risking tagfails, though, because it’s so tranparently idiotic and dishonest for Jonah to pretend that Obama campaigned on anything like ending Medicare that I doubt he’s even fooling the doofuses who donate their tax returns to NRO before Uncle Sam confiscates them. But I do wonder if Jonah believes his own bullshit. He would be the one guy dumb enough to fall for it.


That’s not really my point in bringing this up. On a tangential note, one of Jonah’s commenters, Ed in Cary,” has some theories:

I think it is a serious neglect of reality not to include an acknowledgement of the boost that Obama got from fulfilling so many dreams specifically because he is (somewhat) black. IMO, race mattered more than politics. And he was also helped immensely by being rather stylish and glib (in dramatic contrast to either 43 or McCain). Being both black and a little stylish and charismatic were overwhelming advantages.

Which is why Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were such successful candidates! But please, Ed, continue!

[Blacks get] Free housing (Sect 8), free Medicaid, food stamps, huge payouts to non-farmers who allege discrimination in agricultural loans, huge preferences in hiring and (for those few he are interested in education) huge preferences in college admissions. Heck, it is even possible to ride affirmative action into the White House.

And the really, really sweet spot in all of this is you never, ever have to take any responsibility of blame upon yourself. If failure ever rears its ugly head, you just blame it on whitey. It’s BEAU-TI-FUL! What a country!

Now, it’s not fair to nutpick. Surely Jonah doesn’t agree with some crazy racist who shows up in his blog comments. Does he?:

Ed – I think your points are all fine. . . . There are only so many points one can make in a column at 750 words or less.

Oh. Well, then.


tigris is the epitome of brevity and the soul of wit and that.


victoria jackson on breitbart: I mouthed, “He’s big.”

as every photo he’s stuffing his face in will attest…


I puffed up with pride and pictured myself winning my third Oscar, shrugging my shoulders, thanking God and hearing whispers from the front row, “She’s the reason I switched to conservative!” “Me, too!” “I just love President Palin!” “I just got born again!” At the Vanity Fair party, Sean Penn sidles up to me and purrs into my ear, “Conservative women are so much sexier,” and then Susan Sarandon says, “I always knew you were smart!”

um, victoria? first of all, you would have to actually have a role in a movie that is even a smidgen oscar worthy to win your first oscar…and also, since she is a born again devout christian and mega-conservative, why does she want all these icky liberals to bone her?


“[Jonah Goldberg] has more nerve than a pool-sized ganglion”

I would aver that Rush has more nerve, and I’m surprised you’d make the comparison.

(More nerve, so long as he’s insulated from responses he’d find truly damaging.)


If you value your sanity DON’T CLICK MARK F’S LINK. The time would be better and more pleasantly spent practicing self dentistry.


Rush would need to lose serious poundage to reach merely pool-sized.


Tigris! That’s not fair. Jonah’s making the very serious and thoughtful point that Obama’s 2008 campaign was about ending Medicare!


from the comments at goldblargh:

I don’t believe he is a Muslim but I also don’t believe he is a Christian. He is an Obamist with loyalties to only himself and his ambitions.

so wouldn’t that make him almost randian? i would think they would admire that in him…

I also don’t think being President of the United States was or is his ultimate goal. I think he is shooting for President of the World, and this job is just a means to an end. What better way to woo the world than to take America down several pegs.

really? ‘president of the world’?!? i hope he has sharks with fricking laser beams for everyone!
It’s why he is constently irritated with his current job, because we are nothing more than bugs who dare question him. Oh and he really can’t stand that pesky Constitution thing we have. His arrogance is stunning, and apparent every time he is questioned, which isn’t often.
can someone explain to me where this comes from? i keep hearing how he is irritated, annoyed and bored being president…what has he done to create this meme?!?!

He needs to go before he can do anymore damage. Our next president will spend most of his/her time repairing everything Barry has broken…

aside from not really living up to our expectations, what. has. he. done. to. damage. america? besides being black, i mean…


dammit…tag fail again…you figure it out…


If you value your sanity DON’T CLICK MARK F’S LINK. The time would be better and more pleasantly spent practicing self dentistry.

although the shrill whine there does remind one of a visit to the dentist…


I’m reading the whole Jonah column now. Holy shit is it full of whoppers.

The Oval Office, I always thought I was going to have really cool phones and stuff. . . . I’m like, “C’mon guys, I’m the president of the United States. Where’s the fancy buttons and stuff and the big screen comes up?” It doesn’t happen.

— Pres. Barack H. Obama

The list of people I feel sorry for is long. . . . But one guy who doesn’t make the list is Barack Obama.

Yeah, because joking about the phone was genuine begging for pity.

His staff let it be known that the president feels the head of China’s one-party authoritarian regime has it better than him, because no one second-guesses Hu Jintao.

IRL Obama said the U.S. president has a special role as leader of the free world, and no one in Egypt cares about what Hu Jintao says.

“It’s Bush’s fault” could be the subtitle of his presidency.

Possibly because it’s nonfiction.

The guy who once said to a reporter during the 2008 campaign, “You know, I actually believe my own bulls***” about fundamentally transforming America, is now forced to run as a reactionary, defending “Medicare as we know it” from “radicals” who — gasp! — want to change America.

Pay special attention to Jonah’s use of quotation marks, and notice how they don’t appear around the words “fundamentally tranforming America.” I don’t know, but I think that might just be because Obama never talked about or campaigned on such a thing. In fact, the “believe my own bullshit” part comes from the book Renegade: The Making of a President, in which the context is Obama’s organizing strategy, not his policy preferences. But what does Obama say about fundamental transformation change?

“I don’t just want change for the sake of it. I want it for better schools for the kid on the streets. I want it for health care.”

Gee, that sure sounds like a guy who wants to get rid of Medicare, doesn’t it? It’s so tranparently idiotic and dishonest for Jonah to pretend that Obama campaigned on anything like ending Medicare that I doubt he’s even fooling the doofuses who donate their tax returns to NRO before Uncle Sam confiscates them. But I do wonder if Jonah believes his own bullshit. He would be the one guy dumb enough to fall for it.


Arrrrrghhh. Is there a new html limit here or something? Because what I just tried to post didn’t even have any links.


By the way, Jonah’s whole column about how Obama is a whiner who hates his job is based on a fucking joke Obama made about the Oval Office telephones being less cool than the movies suggest.


Arrrrrghhh. Is there a new html limit here or something?

Teh first rule of effing wordpress is don’t talk about effing wordpress.


is now forced to run as a reactionary, defending “Medicare as we know it” from “radicals” who — gasp! — want to change America.

the none too subtle point here, jonah, is that obama wanted to change it for the good of the whole country…not change it to benefit a few and fuck the rest…please learn to differentiate…


By the way, Jonah’s whole column about how Obama is a whiner who hates his job is based on a fucking joke Obama made about the Oval Office telephones being less cool than the movies suggest.

thank you…it was making me nutty trying to figure out where this came from considering that dubya cleared brush on his ranch for like 68 straight weeks…


Andrew says 50 percent of liberals are default cultural liberals, conservatives who don’t know it … yet! ?I can’t wait to read his book!

They’ve been saying that about every liberal demographic for decades. But I’m still waiting to see Harlem go Republican.


I also don’t think being President of the United States was or is his ultimate goal. I think he is shooting for President of the World, and this job is just a means to an end. What better way to woo the world than to take America down several pegs.

Whoever this commenter is is just reciting by rote a PJTV article that came out a day or two ago.


I also don’t think being President of the United States was or is his ultimate goal. I think he is shooting for President of the World, and this job is just a means to an end. What better way to woo the world than to take America down several pegs.

but really, can they be THAT stupid? or childish? or have no knowledge of how the world works?!?!


When is the election for President of the World? Is the U.S. a swing country, about the equivalent of Florida? Or is it a large but safe country like New York or Texas? (China must be California) Who’s Obama’s opponent? Putin? Or are the candidates all New Age faggetyfags?


When is the election for President of the World?

And are the phones cool? Because otherwise why bother?


Who’s Obama’s opponent? Putin? Or are the candidates all New Age faggetyfags?

i am hoping for a world-wide cage match, myself…


but really, can they be THAT stupid? or childish? or have no knowledge of how the world works?!?!

All three of the above generally apply to the conservative worldview.

The stupidity is staggering, but these are the same people who actually believe the Islamic world could not only unify into one super-caliphate, but then go on to take over the West. (Worse, people who believe that it is happening as we speak).


Jonah’s whole column about how Obama is a whiner who hates his job

Projection? UNPOSSIBLE.


Hey, this reminds me of another whopper in Jonah’s column.

Jonah claims that Obama wishes he could be a dictator and shut down the press just like Hu Jintao. IRL Obama said the U.S. president has a special inspirational role as quote-unquote leader of the free world and thus “nobody is criticizing Hu Jintao’s words in Tahrir Square.” Apparently Jonah confused Tahrir with Tienaman and thought Obama was saying he wishes he could run Krauthammer over with a tank. Jonah’s been harping on this for months.

Meanwhile, also too IRL, George W. Bush joked once about how much easier his job would be if he was dictator. Jonah has yet to opine.


jonah commenting in his comments (ed is the dude who started the ‘black people have it made’ thing:

Ed – I think your points are all fine. Yes, Obama won for a number of reasons and, yes, I absolutely think his race helped him a lot more than it hurt him. There are only so many points one can make in a column at 750 words or less. But the simple fact is that Obama’s success is attributable, at least at the margins, to the fact that he was the Mother of all Change Candidates at a time when that’s what the voters wanted.

especially when you aren’t used to making your own points and writing your own words…and again, his brilliant political analysis is spot on…i weep for our world…


“what has he done to create this meme?!?!”

My guess is “Presidenting while black.”


My guess is “Presidenting while black.”

that made me laff…thank you! between the good friday gloom, the never-ending incessantly grey and spitty skies directly above me, rising gas prices and michelle bachmann, i was about ready to throw in the towel…but your humor has raised my spirits enough to just drink myself senseless after work tonight…


You know, I was too busy thinking about Jonah’s endorsement of Ed’s theories about black and bodily fluids to notice this:

the simple fact is that Obama’s success is attributable, at least at the margins, to the fact that he was the Mother of all Change Candidates at a time when that’s what the voters wanted.

Holy shit. Obama won votes AT THE MARGINS by being the candidate that voters wanted. Someone–an editor, perhaps–should tell Jonah that he could squeeze more points into his 750 words if he removed all the extraneous buzzwords he doesn’t even understand.


Obama will have to settle for President of the world. He has no chance in a President of the Galaxy election against a Republican. Most have been living on a different planet for years.


A Kids in the Hall sketch that’s basically “The Donald Trump Story”:

Did my… shampoo arrive?

Pupienus Maximus, a dirty, dirty boy

Jeebus fooking Hoosane Keerist on a pogo stick. The GØP “mind” is truly unfathomable. First Amendment indeed.



should tell Jonah that he could squeeze more points into his 750 words if he removed all the extraneous buzzwords he doesn’t even understand.

He’d have a hard time getting to 750 that way.


He’d have a hard time getting to 750 that way.


Gordon, the Big Express Engine

I had a wingnut friend of mine tell me that being black was the main reason he got elected. Here’s why: he got to do the keynote back in 04 because he was black, he got on Oprah because he was black and that raised his profile and he got higher than normal turnout and votes from the black community.


And here I was thinking that the Editors were in some gulch somewhere, sequestered from the parasites.


I had a wingnut friend of mine tell me that being black was the main reason he got elected.

I had a wingnut friend of mine tell me that I voted for him out of white guilt, rather than the fact that his opponent was an old, spiteful hypocrite who was running with a lunatic.

Funny how wingnuts think they know us better than we know ourselves. I pretty much gave up all my wingnut friends, I’ll be goddamned if I’m going to try to rationalize hanging out with people who have lost their shit because of the President’s epidermal melanin content.


A brand-new iMac and an open thread to brag about it. What could be better?





I had a wingnut friend of mine tell me that I voted for him out of white guilt

Fuck that shit. He got my vote because Soros always pays top dollar.


Fuck that shit. He got my vote because Soros always pays top dollar.

Damn, missed the boat again!


vI had a wingnut friend of mine tell me that being black was the main reason he got elected.

People like that think being black is the only reason black people do anything, get anything, or have anything done to them.


How do we even know Obama is really black. Maybe his real father is Sweedish. Maybe that’s the real reason he won’t release the long form.

Spearhafoc, who has various strong opinions about how people should dress

Don’t get me wrong, Obama’s (faked!) birth certificate is an important issue, but I think we’re ignoring the real problem.

The problem of who these two guys are. And just what role will they play in Obama’s upcoming world-spanning dictatorship?


A brand-new iMac and an open thread to brag about it. What could be better?

Mebbe not better, but cool nonetheless: MacBook back from repairs (AppleCare-believe) with new display, motherboard, power adapter and hard drive.

Trying to keep it from the grimy little fingers of The Rotten Little Perisher.


How do we even know Obama is really black. Maybe his real father is Sweedish. Maybe that’s the real reason he won’t release the long form.

Without the teleprompter it’s all “börk börk börk” all the time.


Also, if being black is not an advantage in America, then why is Obama pretending to be black. Answer me that libtards!?


A brand-new iMac and an open thread to brag about it. What could be better?

A Big Mac & a new thread?

One question: What is it w/ y’all & wing-nut friends? I don’t know a single fucking reactionary.

Did know a few people in the late eighties who were sort of left-libertarians, but they’ve grown out of it & we never got into discussions about it.

Your friends are like your nose: You CAN pick them!


A brand-new iMac and an open thread to brag about it. What could be better?

Once again we see the disastrous result of America’s abandonment of the hookers’n’blow standard.


I’m glad that you’re OK, Sadly.

But don’t make me get up or somebody’s gonna cry.


By the way, Jonah’s whole column about how Obama is a whiner who hates his job is based on a fucking joke Obama made about the Oval Office telephones being less cool than the movies suggest.

If Democrats have learned nothing else from Obama’s first term, I hope they’ve learned to not make jokes anymore because Republicans are too goddamn stupid to understand them. Like the whole “57 states” thing? Joke. Bill Ayers “admitting” he wrote those books. Joke. But these dumb fuckers believe it. I suppose it’s because they’re so used to championing walking jokes like Palin, Trump, Bachman, Limbaugh and Reagan. Speaking of Trump, go read roy’s latest jewel. Apparently, Robin of Berkley’s throwing her political muscle behind ol’ Muskrat Head. It is to laugh.

I had a wingnut friend of mine tell me that I voted for him out of white guilt

A wingnut acquaintance told me the same thing, “reasoning” that of course I would vote for a black man because I like “black music” so much. Apparently, me digging Willie Nelson wasn’t enough to through me into Bush’s corner, but regardless. I told him, no, I didn’t vote for Obama as I do not vote for anyone for president. Like W.C. Fields, I always vote against. “Well, why would you vote against McCain? Palin, right? I knew all liberals were really hypocrites.”

No, says I, I voted against McCain because he’s a rotten excuse for a human being and would’ve continued the wasteful, disastrous and in many cases flat-out evil policies of the Reagan zombies that infest our political scene like so many maggots. “But McCain and Vietnam” my acquaintance said. “Yeah. Last honorable thing that douchebag did was 30 years ago and I give him props for walking tall then. Since he got back, though, he’s been slime and I’m glad he lost.”

Haven’t talked to that guy since, and only partly because I moved to New Orleans not long after that conversation. Guy saw me coming down the street, he’d cross to the other side. Still gives me a warm feeling.


One question: What is it w/ y’all & wing-nut friends? I don’t know a single fucking reactionary.

I got a co-worker that’s a self-described libertarian. We don’t talk politics anymore ’cause when I asked him where he got his info, he said talk radio and, furthermore, the only book he’s read in the past 10 years was one of Ann Coulter’s birdcage liners, and he didn’t even finish that. I bust out laughing and told him I couldn’t take him seriously, and that was pretty much that.


You know, you can pick your friends but you can’t always pick your neighbors, especially if you live in your dream house that’s walking distance to work and the school that your daughter attends and at which your wife is a prof.

I’ve got some wingnut neighbors, with the bumper stickers saying “Obama/Ayers ’12” and quotes from the Federal Papers. They’re pretty decent people and keep a nice yard. They’ve continued to be nice to me and my dog even though they’ve seen me with the “Unions = Jobs” t-shirt and my wife and daughter with all the Planned Parenthood gear. So, I figure I’ll be nice to them, too.

The funny part is that the old man is a retired fireman. The stuff in Wisconsin has caused him some cognitive dissonance. He doesn’t say it straight out, but I can see he’s not shaking his wingnut tail feathers the same way he did pre-Madison. He also asked me about the union t-shirt. I told him I came from three generations of union workers and that without unions I never would have grown up in a middle class family and gone to college which led to grad school and a PhD (which he seems to respect in a weird way since he calls me “professor”). He nodded and went about his business. I think it’s progress, actually. For the time being, I won’t be an asshole to him, although I definitely have it in me*.

(*..that’s what she said.)


“Well, why would you vote against McCain? Palin, right? I knew all liberals were really hypocrites.”

Holy crap, you’re standing right there and he’s making up straw man bullshit.


The problem of who these two guys are. And just what role will they play in Obama’s upcoming world-spanning dictatorship?

Damn, I was expecting a link to Ben & Jerry.

One question: What is it w/ y’all & wing-nut friends? I don’t know a single fucking reactionary.

I gave up on them (I had a handful)- one of them went full-bore AGW denialism (while accusing me of being naive and deluded by the deep pocketed Academic Industrial Complex), and the other went full-bore bircher/birther racist. Fuck if I’ll talk to these knuckle-draggers again.


I work for a very conservative airline. Most of the pilots are white, middle-aged, male, southern, ex-military. Now I fit 4 out of the 5 criteria, but somehow I slipped through the cracks.

When I find myself crewed with one of these guys and they start in, I usually find myself saying things like – “I’d really prefer not to talk about politics”, or “I really don’t want to have this conversation”, or “Hey, how about those Bears/Yankees/Buckeyes/Penguins (pick one)?”.

Usually that does the trick, but every once and a while one of them just won’t let it go. Then it’s – OK asshole you just eared my complete and undivided fucking attention……


Holy crap, you’re standing right there and he’s making up straw man bullshit.

I used to drink regularly with another self-described libertarian, and nine-tenths of our political discussions were were me saying something along the lines of “No, I do not actually believe that particular bit of strawman bullshit you just uttered. Have I ever said it? Has anyone you know that’s liberal, and you know a lot of liberal folks, ever said it? Of course not. Then why do you persist in yammering such nonsense and wasting both our time?” Another libertarian drinking partner would regularly call me a “statist” and “Marxist”, as well as claiming I was for high taxes solely to punish rich people, merely because I thought the whole “Free State” thing the Libertarian Party made smoke about a couple years ago was bullshit. Had a third guy defriend me on the Facebook ’cause my comment that there might be something racist behind the birther movement, the Arizona anti-Latino initiatives, and the whole not-mosque at not-Ground Zero business, with a very nasty email saying that I “knew racism was dead in America and racialist like you were just trying to shut out debate”.


Also, as I’m from the rural Deep South with a pronounced drawl, white and into country music, you’d be stunned at some of the horseshit jagoffs feel completely at ease repeating in my presence, figuring I’d be right along with them. As I get older and more committed to eternal bachelorhood, I find some of the men’s rights whiners doing much the same thing, with much the same shock when I call them knuckle-dragging test-tube babies.


“s, I’ll be goddamned if I’m going to try to rationalize hanging out with people who have lost their shit because of the President’s epidermal melanin content.”

You are so NAIVE. Dont you know black people have green blood?


We’ve gone from tribbles to Vulcans in the space of 12 hours.


Seems logical.


One question: What is it w/ y’all & wing-nut friends? I don’t know a single fucking reactionary.

There’s this guy I worked with, about 1985 or so, at a cheapjack community newspaper. We were close physically–our desks touched–and also personality-wise, thankfully. We shared the same sense of humor and had a high old time cracking one joke after another.

About politics, too. He was merciless about Reagan and that bombing-Russia sound check thing. I noticed a few odd signs, notably his enthusiasm for George Gilder, the most glibly “intellectual” of the women-should-stay-in-the-kitchen crowd. But I thought highly enough of this guy that he sat at the head table for my wedding. He had already married, soon a couple of kids came along, and we lost touch.

Fast-forward to today. I find out this guy is now some poo-bah in the Heartland Institute. For those of you not from the Midwest, the HI is a regional variety of the American Enterprise Institute or whatever that Koch Bros. thing is. Their big shtick is that no one should have to pay taxes for schools because public schools are eeeeeevil and if you just gave voucher money to those nuns they’d take care of everything.

It’s so sad when they go to the Dark Side. (My first Star Wars reference, and last.)


I used to drink regularly with another self-described libertarian, and nine-tenths of our political discussions were were me saying something along the lines of “No, I do not actually believe that particular bit of strawman bullshit you just uttered. Have I ever said it? Has anyone you know that’s liberal, and you know a lot of liberal folks, ever said it? Of course not. Then why do you persist in yammering such nonsense and wasting both our time?”

Nice! I told the AGW guy, “Look, you are arguing with a strawman, so I don’t have to be a part of the conversation, so I’d rather not waste my time listening to your bullshit.” Last contact I had with the guy, who I’ve known since high school.


OK. I am very sorry you all have jobs, lives.money & other shit which force you to interact w/ these cretins.

I’m the lucky ducky, not having to deal w/ any of them any closer than the arm’s length of the Interfestation.


Same here. Although I am kinda excited about getting to vicariously get the whole Wingnut Experience through you all.


Although I am kinda excited about getting to vicariously get the whole Wingnut Experience through you all.

The shit gets old fast- I only stay in touch with one sad-apple wingnut I went to high school with… the kind of guy who goes two years without a job, all the while complaining about his unemployment benefits being insufficient, and still votes GOP (d00d never moved out of his parents’ house, even though he hates them, doesn’t pay them any rent, and his mom still does his laundry). He’s now working for a local bank, and still whines about the money being insufficient. I kinda look at him the way the Romans looked at the conquered barbarians they’d parade in the streets during a triumphal possession, but I can only stand so much of his bullshit before it gets tiresome.

Funny thing is, he could have been a delegate for McCain in ought-eight because there are so few Republican voters in my district, but it would have necessitated using my address or a mutual friend’s address, and he was afraid he’d be found out.

low sodium hunchback

…jobs, lives.money ….





I hope I didn’t come across as ungrateful. I have a very good. I just get tired of having the same arguments over and over again.

If you were to walk through our crew room, there are banks of TV monitors on the wall, and guaranteed Fox News would be on at least 3 of them 24/7.


I hope I didn’t come across as ungrateful. I have a very good. I just get tired of having the same arguments over and over again.

Not at all! It’s good to swap “wingnut associates” stories.


One question: What is it w/ y’all & wing-nut friends? I don’t know a single fucking reactionary.

General observation: I find that I like a lot of conservatives just fine when politics isn’t the defining fact of their lives. There’s plenty of people out there who will vote Republican forever, but know how to leave it in the voting booth, and can still interact normally with people outside of their political group. I’ve got friends like those that I don’t mind a bit. It’s only when they can’t STFU about politics or even just talk about it civilly, when virtually every conversation is guaranteed to turn into some sort of bitching session about how much my side sucks, that I can’t be bothered to make time anymore. (Unfortunately, that covers a hell of a lot of conservatives).

Interestingly, I know people who’ve gone from being one of these things to the other, who used to be normal and rational but have gone batshit fucking insane since 2008. The girl I call my version of T&U’s evil coworker? Actually used to be perfectly tolerable. The year after Obama’s election was one long plunge into very overt wingnutiness: by the time the health care bill passed, I don’t think she could blow her nose without whining about how Obama was going to destroy the kleenex industry. And she’s far from the only one.



Tired of typing “Internet” over & over & over again, so I tried to come up w/ a more accurate description.

…jobs, lives.money ….


They confuse me too. Had them, didn’t want them …


Open thread?! wahooooo!

low sodium hunchback

Had them, didn’t want them

All at the same time???? OMFG!!!!!!!


Also, as I’m from the rural Deep South with a pronounced drawl, white and into country music, you’d be stunned at some of the horseshit jagoffs feel completely at ease repeating in my presence, figuring I’d be right along with them.

This suburban Yankee can testify to the same, for slightly different reasons. In person, I tend to shy away from controversial topics unless I know you really well, which means I usually avoid political pissing matches. That’s been mistaken from time to time for being undecided, indifferent, centrist or even supportive. And it’s fucking incredible how much people will reveal their ugly side to you if they don’t think you’re judging them for it. (I’m talking racism, religious bigotry, homophobia, the works).

Jackie Chan said it best. “You like to talk. I like to let other people talk who like to talk. It makes it easier to find out how full of shit they are.”


All at the same time???? OMFG!!!!!!!

Ah, that’s the problem. I was overwhelmed. Not a juggler.


And it’s fucking incredible how much people will reveal their ugly side to you if they don’t think you’re judging them for it. (I’m talking racism, religious bigotry, homophobia, the works).

I’m a burly white guy with a shaved head, think of how I feel sometimes…

low sodium hunchback

meh, I got nuthin……

Ohhhh Poor Lightnin sings it

kate is tired of fighting the idiots

Well it looks like most of you folks interact with people that should know better, being they have educations and such.

I usually have to interact with the unwashed and uneducated who have and continue to suffer the most pain from Reagan and on. To hear them spout some crap they hear on the tube or the radio really makes me feel a frustration so deep it really hurts.

Last I had to listen to stupid was when some unemployed carpenter who was begging for whatever work he could get said he thought Trump would be a good candidate because he’s such a self made man and we need more of those in the Big House. I usually waste my time trying to point out why these types of comments are dead wrong and part of propaganda fed to them by those taking from them, but I just get tired of it because I know I am just wasting my breath.

Funny thing is too, the begging carpenter wanted me to hire him and when I asked him his wage, he responded with near union level wages and I said, “Brother, I’m not the union! I can’t even get that out of the public!” then he went on to say that he expected to be able to pay his payroll taxes, have comp and such. I just laughed. His Republican buddies aren’t the least bit interested in him having a wage or rate that’ll pay that I told him.

As usual, he then agreed with me and disclaimed everything he told me earlier, because of course, he can’t figure out which road to take and will just tune his music to fit the audience.

kate is tired of fighting the idiots

My only comfort with that guy and most of them is knowing they won’t really bother to go vote, talking politics to them is like talking about a football game; they are spectators, not players.

To feel triumph in people’s non-participation is another failure in and of itself.

kate is tired of fighting the idiots

Well, just when you thought Republicans could go no lower in what we consider our advanced, civilized society:


I don’t know how to do the link-thing and I’m too mad to give a shit right now. I can’t believe this, except that I can believe that Maine and Missouri have the biggest pushers of this BS.

As if people in Maine aren’t fricken poor enough. I don’t know how many of you have visited the Maine of Bangor and beyond but the people live like slaves up there already.

Jesus F. Christ.



My experience is that maybe the suburban things plays into it, too, but for different reasons. Bigotry of some sorts is ingrained into the whole Southern Thang, but suburbs seem to have formed in at least some small part so’s as to allow bigotry of some sorts to survive unchallenged. Granted, that’s a half-baked (in more ways that one) theory based one mostly bad experiences with suburbs as a thing (and not necessarily suburbanites), so it’s most likely nonsense.

I used to go in full bore to political pissing matches and I used to get off on it. I burned out right around Katrina – and I’m never sure if that’s a coincidence or not – so nowadays, I avoid it for the most part. At work, most of my co-workers are apolitical (either in that all-American “why bother, they’re all the same, and besides my kids need dental work done and the rent’s due and WHO DAT!, I don’t have time to be really aware” way or “too busy partying, bitches” way) or much like my aforementioned libertarian co-workers, and those guys are all lower-middle class white dudes like me. I’m known as a tree-huggin’, peace-lovin’, pot-smokin’, book-readin’, pro-choicen’, gay-friendly, feminist, opera-diggin’, liberal-ass hippie who just happens to thoroughly enjoy Hank Williams Jr. and tends to pronounce “Saturday” without the “t”.

It is astound, though, how much dumb shit I do hear just because I don’t get in folks’ faces. All I do now is look disappointed whoever said the dumb shit isn’t being as cool and awesome and worth the effort as I know s/he really is, and for most folks, that works better than what my brother calls “getting out my preacher suit”.

And the ones it don’t work on, ehh… they’re the 27 percent anyway.


Gocart, can you get him to eat lutefisk?


Dive right in.

Love that cat.

kate is tired of fighting the idiots

“suburbs seem to have formed in at least some small part so’s as to allow bigotry of some sorts to survive unchallenged. Granted, that’s a half-baked (in more ways that one) theory based one mostly bad experiences with suburbs as a thing (and not necessarily suburbanites), so it’s most likely nonsense.”

Its not nonsense, there have been studies on the psychology of middle class white children who grow up in suburbs excluded from anyone or anything unlike themselves.

Suburbs are manufactured McCarthy era borne hovels designed specifically to hide form the hordes of the unwhite, “unAmerican”.

Comparisons of kids that grow up in isolated cul de sacs against those who grow up in diverse, gritty cities are pretty stark; cul de sac kids are more angry, tense, feel entitled and hold one dimensional, cartoonish views of those unlike themselves.

Why do you think gangsta rap is so popular? Not because ethnic minority, poor kids are buying that crap. White middle class kids drive the market and they want to believe all black males are the shoot ’em up – non-normative cowboys of their fantasies.


Yesterday Snowy jumped up onto Trump’s shoulder and ran off with his weave.

I love it when that happens.


One of the myriad reasons to love San Francisco is the relatively low density of wingnuts. I get a few here and there, but mostly no. Thank God.


Interesting little factoid here. The phrase, ran off with his weave , is an extremely close transliteration of an ancient chant that supposedly destroys the locks holding the Old Ones at a bay.

The more you know.


Bigotry of some sorts is ingrained into the whole Southern Thang, but suburbs seem to have formed in at least some small part so’s as to allow bigotry of some sorts to survive unchallenged.

I call it George Wallace racism versus Richard Nixon racism. The first is the overt, stereotypical “segregation now, segregation forever” ethic we know and love. The second’s a much broader and not-as-well defined appeal to racial anxieties. It drew support from a ton of people, ranging from Wallace-type racists to moderate, even liberal people who’d supported the civil rights movement but were really scared by the urban rioting, or didn’t think black people were grateful enough for what white liberals had done for them, etc… in other words, people who like black people just fine as long as they don’t try to marry their daughters or sit next to them in church. Of course plenty of those guys took refuge in the suburbs.

Suburbs are manufactured McCarthy era borne hovels designed specifically to hide form the hordes of the unwhite, “unAmerican”.

What suburbs are is a normal result of the New Deal and the middle class society it created – plenty of people had enough money for the first time in their lives, wanted to spread out and have more room than they did in the inner cities.

Today, I’d say they’re more fickle and harder to pin down politically than either rural or urban areas. Lots of economic conservatism and social liberalism. Lots of the “keep my taxes low and my government services working” schizophrenia. And they’re not as white as they used to be. What you’re describing would have been true in the fifties, but it’s becoming less so over time, I think.

Gordon, the Big Express Engine

Regarding wingnut friends, it is hard to completely avoid them because they are often your neighbors and co-workers.

The guy I mentioned upthread was one of my best friends in high school. Have not seen him for 20 years. We only recently reconnected. He thought that since I live in Texas, I must be Republican. Good guy, but a staunch Catholic and the anti-abortion angle is strong for him. He’s highly educated and well read, and if you talking about anything except abortion or politics, he’s a good guy. Loves home brewing, movies, literature etc.

My co-workers are either apathetic because they are not from the US or they are genuinely incurious. I am in the minority in terms of political leanings (I am in the energy sector) and in terms of willingness to openly discuss politics. I don’t do it as much now (as opposed to 2008), since most of it falls on deaf ears and you want to get along with your co-workers. Same thing with your neighbors. I live in a part of Houston that has a lot of civic pride (rotary club that hands our flags for key holidays for example) and I was pretty surprised at the number of Obama yard signs back in ’08. Tons of them. Tons of McCain/Palin too, but it was a pretty even split. We were new to the neighborhood when Obama won, so the yard signs told us a lot. Mostly, though, the political angle never really comes up with the neighbors.

kate is tired of fighting the idiots

“And they’re not as white as they used to be. What you’re describing would have been true in the fifties, but it’s becoming less so over time, I think.”

Yes, I stand corrected and remember that everytime I visit my homeland of St. Louis where suburbs demographics are changing. But here in NH, things are still a bit behind.

kate is tired of fighting the idiots

Most of the people I meet have been so bamboozled by the last thirty years of BS that they really can’t figure out what the hell is going on and most haven’t been taught the details that helps to understand a lot of it. Tragically, most high schools fail to produce any true understanding of the social or political process.

And if they don’t go to a decent college, well that’s it.

Things will get bad enough evenutally though that these people will figure out who’s giving them the giant butt-hurt. They can’t be fooled for too long, I’m certain of that, many are barely hanging on as it is.


I call it George Wallace racism versus Richard Nixon racism. The first is the overt, stereotypical “segregation now, segregation forever” ethic we know and love. The second’s a much broader and not-as-well defined appeal to racial anxieties.

The second also is the source of much confusion about just what racism is. I lost another Facebook friend, oddly enough, because I mocked his idea that a dating site that catered exclusively to African-Americans to the exclusion of any other group was racist. By the definition I learned in my sociology classes it’s not, for various reason that are fuzzy because of time and mood-altering chemicals, but by the practical, every day definition, it didn’t fuckin’ matter, really, so get over it, white boy. I eventually told them he should write a letter to the company demanding he be included in the dating pool for black persons who didn’t want to date anyone but other black persons, and he defriended me.

Concurrently, that Richard Nixon racism is the source of much, “You said something I said was racist, which means you think I’m racist, how dare you, I’ve never burned a cross, I know black people and my favorite singer is Lauryn Hill” that is so prevalent in comments sections much like this from people all over the political spectrum. That’s why I can sort of sort of respect out-and-out George Wallace racists who wallow in their racism, for their self-awareness at least.

Not the Klan, though, or assholes like singer Johnny Reb. Own that shit, dude.


Well, now. Being in Teh Showbiz gives ya a funny slant on all this…….suffice it to say a lot of music fans are way more conservative than the musicians.

Spearhafoc, who is wearing a black bowtie

Oh hai Sadly, No!

I just tossed around a football with Tommy Wiseau. My life is now complete.

Mr. Smith #380,940,628

Pleeeeaaase Mr. Smith, I don’t wanna go!


Obama was going to destroy the kleenex industry.

Veiled masterbation reference?


Nice! I told the AGW guy, “Look, you are arguing with a strawman, so I don’t have to be a part of the conversation, so I’d rather not waste my time listening to your bullshit.” Last contact I had with the guy, who I’ve known since high school.

perhaps being euroscum dilutes the wingnuttieness, yes we have our wingnuts, but they rare & usually know when to shut the fuck up. However, I lose a FB ‘freind’ after I posted an Earthday post the other day (yes, i know, very sad). One guy, whom I’ve known on and off for years started ranting, and demanding a discussion on Climate Change, and how it is a hoax perputated by the masons or jews or something. I countered with a crack about if he didn’t believe it was happening, I’d send him a membership pack for the Flat Earth Society (which exists, btw). he then called me a c***, told me he never liked me, and flounced off. I reported him to FB and defreinded him.

the sad thing is that he is PHD in Chemistry and we are both in our 40’s. Don’t know why, but it still bugs me a bit.


I was standing next to an offshore tax haven
I chopped it down with the edge of my hand
I was standing next to a tax haven
I chopped it down with the edge of my hand
I picked up all the pieces
And provided health care throughout the land

‘Cause I’m a progressive child
Lord knows I’m a progressive child

Didn’t mean to let conservatards take away all the good times
I’ll give them back to you one of these days
Didn’t mean to let conservatards take away all the good times
I’ll give them back to you one of these days
We’ll sit back and watch the Randians all go Galt
Wouldn’t that be great, wouldn’t that be great

Well I’m a progressice child
Lord knows I’m a progressive child

Tea party conservative Rascalin’ down the street
Pointing that misspelled sign at me
They’re all hoping my kind will up and work for $2 a day
But I’m gonna stick to my librul ways

(Yes, I’m combining two songs here, I call it artistic liscense.)


What’s really ironic is my wingnut co-workers are all members of a union (ALPA). The irony, of course, is lost on them.


Well? I still fucking waiting. If you can’t break away from Donald, what chance have we?


“Oh hai Sadly, No!

I just tossed around a football with Tommy Wiseau. My life is now complete.”

Oh, hai! I’m a big fan of your work.


“What’s really ironic is my wingnut co-workers are all members of a union (ALPA). The irony, of course, is lost on them.”

But you don’t understand: they DESERVE any of the rewards they reap from belonging to a union. Other people? Notsomuch.


Tossing the football


Suburbs are manufactured McCarthy era borne hovels designed specifically to hide form the hordes of the unwhite, “unAmerican”.

Comparisons of kids that grow up in isolated cul de sacs against those who grow up in diverse, gritty cities are pretty stark; cul de sac kids are more angry, tense, feel entitled and hold one dimensional, cartoonish views of those unlike themselves.

Having lived nowhere but cities (mostly NYC, a few years in two others), I find true suburbia terrifying. I like the country, I like small towns, but formless American-style suburbs are…what I picture hell as being.


perhaps being euroscum dilutes the wingnuttieness, yes we have our wingnuts, but they rare & usually know when to shut the fuck up.

I give you Neil Craig, Glaswegian eejit and probable Celtic supporter, who’s been hanging around in a thread at Righteous Insolence calling everyone eco-fascists because they dissed Anne Coulter. Likes radiation. Denier of AGW and the trendy liberal theory that smoking is carcinogenic.


Don’t want him.


Oh Tintin. When will you publish YOUR long form? (At least, I hear it’s long.) Tell you what, you show me yours, I’ll show you mine. 😉


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Last night i told her im going to buy something from store so i went out of the house
once i closed the door i heard weird voices
so i went inside again quietly and figured out that those voices are coming from her room
once i opened her door i found her watching p0rn and masterbutting !,
she ran to the bathroom and started crying
i didn’t really know what to do, i wasn’t that mad
shes 18 and i guess thats normal,
at the end of the day she went to sleep,
i entered her room and wake her up
and started discussing about this
actually i was out of control so i asked her if she wants to have smex with me
i even forgot she were my daughter
she accepted and was an amazing night
deserves to be recorder so here i am sharing it !:


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