I’m Dreaming Of A White District, Just Like . . .

ABOVE: Separated at Birth? Pigpen and Dough-Bob Loadpants (aka J-Load Doughberg)

Shorter J-Load Doughberg, America’s Shittiest Website™:
Chocolate City No More

  • I, for one, think it is a good thing that there are fewer blacks in DC. One of the many benefits of urban improvement is that it makes all the blacks move out, because they really don’t like to live anywhere but crime-ridden slums where they can sell drugs and mug people.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 500


Pigpen is a lot smarter than Doughbob Loadpants.


Two more points:

1) It’s National Airport, no matter what the reichtard corpse-humpers want to call it.

2) May the F.S.M. take Dan Snyder now.


On the bright side, if DC gets white enough, conservatives might actually support its right to representation in Congress.


Let us never forget the example of Christopher Hitchens.

‘For years now, since the time of the disgraceful Marion Barry, a rumor has been circulated in the black wards of the capital that there is a thing called “The Plan.” This sinister scheme involves the deliberate erosion of black neighborhoods and communities in the interests of a white/Hispanic ascendancy. That would make its supposed leader a Korean-American named Michelle Rhee who as the city’s chancellor of public schools was willing to close hopeless schools and to fire illiterate and unqualified teachers.’


Just wanna put the verbatim sentence in the thread:

I don’t think the emigration of blacks has improved the city, I think the trends that have improved the city have caused some blacks to leave.


And I love how he simultaneously says “black middle class is moving out of the inner city because they hate crime” and in the next sentence “white people are moving back in because there’s less crime in DC.” Which is it?


How can he read this shit and *not* think: “Hmm, I’m racist as fuck!”?


This is one of the dumbest blogs on the earth.

Back to junior high school, complete with the usual sexual attacks.

And, the standard racism hustle.

Dumb de dumb dumb. And dumber.


Fuck. Why’d I get outta teh boat?

According to Doughbob, blacks are moving out of DC because of the rise of the black middle class – meaning that they want to leave poor, crime-riddled downtown streets for the white picket fences of suburbia. And that is why crime rates in DC are going down.


Why can’t they all be like Juan Williams?


This is one of the dumbest blogs on the earth.

Back to junior high school, complete with the usual sexual attacks.

And, the standard racism hustle.

Dumb de dumb dumb. And dumber.

I think you posted this in the wrong place.


According to Doughbob, blacks are moving out of DC because of the rise of the black middle class – meaning that they want to leave poor, crime-riddled downtown streets for the white picket fences of suburbia. And that is why crime rates in DC are going down.

Whale, duh! Less middle class blacks means less for the you-knows to steal!


Damn you Chris and your fast, young fingers. One day, you too will be old and some new punk still wet behind the ears will post your relevant observation while you’re still reeling from teh wingnut assholery and then you will rue the day you beat me to the point and the onion tied around your belt will probably have gone bad.


Hey kiddies!

Who’s in? Who’s out?

Who’s gonna be prom queen?

And, most of all, who’s really doing stupid things we don’t like when it comes to sex?

Quick. Pass a note to the other member of the clique. We’re ostracizing Janie. She’s a whore!

Anybody who doesn’t agree with us about everything is a racist who hates blacks. Pass it on. Unfortunately, we’re all white, but we’re trying like hell to do something about that.

Maybe, we should go to that Rent a Black Friend site.

Ever thought of closing down this idiot site?


And raping white wimmin. Why is there no mention of this?


They’re so cute at that age.


Sounds like someone’s been watching “New Jack City” as research again…

Till Eulenspiegel

White flight is the reason US “inner cities” are shitholes, right? I mean, the central areas of London or Paris or Berlin (or just about any significant European city) are highly desirable, not abandoned to the poor.

Why can’t the US develop nice cities, aside from New York and San Francisco and one or two others? It pisses me off that the once-vibrant downtown Buffalo is a ghost town with half the real estate taken up by parking lots. That’s crazy. Mix residential and commercial buildings, make it very pedestrian-friendly, add a bit of public transit, and tada, you have a fucking nice city where people actually want to live.


OT, but conservatives are really going at academic freedom at full force and it’s getting scary.


Mix residential and commercial buildings, make it very pedestrian-friendly, add a bit of public transit, and tada, you have a fucking nice city where people actually want to live.



“Who’s gonna be prom queen?”

You, possibly. If you do something about that hair.


We’re ostracizing Janie. She’s a whore!

Hi, I guess you’re new here. Unless ostracizing is some sort of euphemism for something.


Unless ostracizing is some sort of euphemism for something.

Ostracizing the Janie.


His blog title is an awesome tribute to all manly manful things. Laaaaaaadies, I bet he’s SI-NGLE. Hope you don’t mind if he refers to you as a girl.


Nice to see Loadpants letting his inner racist out for a walk occasionally.


Pigpen is a lot smarter than Doughbob Loadpants.

And a much snappier dresser with better grooming.


His blog title is an awesome tribute to all manly manful things.

It’s almost like he’s overcompensating for some sort of perceived inadequacy of manliness. But, no. No loudmouthed idiots on the internet would ever project manliness turned up to 11 just to try to distract people they don’t even know from thinking, “Hmmm, do you think this stranger loves cock?”

And, hey, if he end up looking like a non-thinking idiot parrot who tries to piss people off at a much better website for clickthroughs, well that’s just fine. He might get some ad revenue to offset that gay pr0n site subscription he doesn’t want anyone to know about.

It’s okay, loudmouth shouting dude, we won’t judge you for your man lust. Your derivative stupidity, sure. That’s indefensible. But there’s absolutely nothing wrong with loving men. Many people do…


Junior High? WOOHOO!! The last troll guessed kindergarten!


“Bengay Does and Don’ts

DO change your underwear every day. A particularly tough one for a work at home guy. That Bengay stink builds up with successive applications.”

Where the fuck is this guy applying his Bengay, anyway?


Well, my fellow denizens of SN, how the fuck do you think Jonah Fatso Loadpants got the “load” in his undies in the first place?

Why, his fear of teh negroz, of course.


Pigpen is dirty on the outside. Jonah is dirty on the inside. Also, he is dirty on the outside.

Also, Shouting Thomas is a fellator of barnyard fowl.


You don’t want to know what else Thomas the Shouter uses for lube.


The rise of a black middle class was always going to send blacks out of Washington. That’s because blacks are just like whites and Hispanics etc. When they reach the middle class, they want middle class things — homes, yards, good schools, safe streets etc.

At the same time, the decline in crime has encouraged professional whites to move back into the city. The decline in crime is good and the inflow of educated and prosperous professionals is good, too.

According to Jonah, there is no such thing as a black professional
(unless you mean a you-know-what and I think you do).


You know, this is an open forum. Someone from the right could post a witty commentary or a link that he or she believes to be a nice piece of conservative snark. But, instead, all we get is sophomoric inanity.


On the topic of gentrification:

Yesterday I went to a talk by Patricia Williams, who is a wonderful legal theorist at Columbia. She told a story about some poor white friends of hers who had settled near 125th street in the 1970s and become community organizers. She called them “actuarial black people”.

A few weeks ago she received an email promising amazingly low mortgages to Columbia professors who wanted to move to the block that her friends lived on. She contacted them and learned that the bank was trying to force everyone on the block out. It struck her that she had become an “actuarial white person”.


The “wit and wisdom” of Shouter Tom

DO take a shower to get the stink off before attending any social occasion.

DO change your underwear every day. A particularly tough one for a work at home guy. That Bengay stink builds up with successive applications.

A ladykiller, to be sure.


Anybody who doesn’t agree with us about everything is a racist who hates blacks.

‘Cos, as we all know with kooky wingnuts, up means down, fat is the new skinny, liberals are Nazi fascists, and calling blacks “dirty, lazy, parasitic niggers” isn’t racist, nosiree, but pointing out that calling blacks “dirty, lazy, parasitic niggers’ is racist IS racist.

Get it, you moonbat loony libz? Fer christsakes already.


It’s funny. In 1950, when D.C. stopped being a majority-white city, if someone took that position they’d be called racist.

it’s really funny, because they would be called that today as well…


A ladykiller, to be sure.

It’s the only way to drown out the mocking laughter.


But, instead, all we get is sophomoric inanity.

Clean up the poopie from your weiners if you want to see Jesus unharmed.


But, instead, all we get is sophomoric inanity.

In his defense, sophomoric inanity can be pretty illuminating.


Did Shouty Thomas already give up and run away?

This is why Meade only posts in old threads. Anything else and the poor wingnuts get annihilated. Won’t y’all think of the poor wingnuts? Won’t you do something to assuage their delicate, Ben-Gay-smeared egos?




Thank you, thank you, thank you for that link!


A ladykiller, to be sure.

That’s JUST A RUMOR!!!


“DO change your underwear every day. A particularly tough one for a work at home guy. That Bengay stink builds up with successive applications.”

So this is the conservative humor everybody’s been assuring me actually exists.


The Shouter got Bengay on HIS DICK?

Whatever he’s trying to do, he’s doing it rong.


Shouting Thomas and some other douche named Lincoln TF showed up at LGM from Althouse’s comments section. Both got made fun of a bunch and then went to back Althouse to brag about their defeat of the stoopit LIEberaltards.


Commenter at Goldberg’s post:

“It’s ok, the Anacostia, under liberal management for many years, is still a chocolate river.

“Honestly, it was probably the fact that the Heller decision allowing the good guys to arm themselves that is driving off the thugs. If there is an inconvenient racial component to that, I’m sure the left has an explanation.”

And they keep telling us Buckley drove the snakes out of Ireland!


Pulling a muscle.


OMG, pedestian’s link.


A ladykiller, to be sure.
DO take a shower to get the stink off before attending any social occasion.

so the stink he is referring to is probably caused by the rotting corpses he keeps in his basement?


Hope you don’t mind if he refers to you as a girl

no deal…unless he calls me a ‘gal’


OMG, pedestian’s link.
i KNOW! i wonder how many takes journalist guy had to do before he could quit giggling every time he said weiner poopie…


I still say Shouting Thomas has odor problems because of turkey buggery. He doesn’t seem competent enough to actually commit a murder. But his short attention span is a perfect match for boinking turkeys and other barnyard fowl. A couple quick thrusts, and he’s got his rocks off (likely with a quick blissful sigh of “Althouse!”) and can be safely distracted by the interesting tastes of the bathroom carpet. Cleaning the turkeys up? That’s too much work. Hence, the stink of turkey creampie just gets worse and worse…


Hence, the stink of turkey creampie just gets worse and worse…

Dude. I’m eating.


If I was a juror, I would have trouble believing that Mrs. Jesuslover cleaned up ALL of the weiner poopie after the first warning. What possible incentive could one have to steal Jesus if all of the weiner poopie had been properly disposed?


Dude. I’m eating.

And so is Shouting Thomas.


“i KNOW! i wonder how many takes journalist guy had to do before he could quit giggling every time he said weiner poopie…”

I can’t imagine. Though now I’m wondering what kind of reporter gets put on kidnapped Jesus duty. Must be Tits McGee.


Dude. I’m eating.

Shouting Thomas probably has a recipe for you. Tupperware full of ingredients, too…


If I was a juror, I would have trouble believing that Mrs. Jesuslover cleaned up ALL of the weiner poopie after the first warning
i have trouble with her opining that it was a young person who stole jesus because no adult would take the time to put lines around jesus’ name…i think she’s framing a neighborhood kid who walked on her lawn…


Must be Tits McGee
i keep giggling…

Shouting Thomas probably has a recipe for you
his famous turkey cream pie no doubt….


Anybody who doesn’t agree with us about everything is a racist who hates blacks. Pass it on. Unfortunately, we’re all white, but we’re trying like hell to do something about that. Maybe, we should go to that Rent a Black Friend site.

It’s funny: “haha, you don’t haz black people” is a popular meme on the right, yet they can never explain why the percentage of black people who vote Democrat hovers in the 90 percentile.

Actually, the GOP has so many black friends it’s been known to actually do worse than the Green Statehood party here in DC. Central to his point, I’m sure…

Hysterical Woman

Took me a while to figure out the note was talking about dogs. I thought it was just being surreal.


It’s funny: “haha, you don’t haz black people” is a popular meme on the right

I would like to know what sort of special internets Shouting Thomass has that enable him to state unequivocally that we’re all white?


And I love how he simultaneously says “black middle class is moving out of the inner city because they hate crime” and in the next sentence “white people are moving back in because there’s less crime in DC.” Which is it?

Because middle-class blacks, like middle-class whites, have children who grow up to become teenagers. And the blacks listen to hip-hop and turn into drug-dealing thugs with their pants around their ankles and their hats on backwards and their boomboxes.


low sodium hunchback

short attention span is a perfect match for boinking turkeys and other barnyard fowl.

Not true!!
I read somewhere.


I still wish he hadn’t run away so quickly. It’s more fun when they hang around to get angry at us because we found out about the turkey buggery.


I would like to know what sort of special internets Shouting Thomass has that enable him to state unequivocally that we’re all white?

Black people are so poor they can only afford to use the internet at the library. Libraries block S,N! because of all the talk about pr0n and sex and gayness and Sasquatching Israel and whatnot.

Therefore, there can’t be any black people at S,N! Q.E.motherfucking.D.


Ha! Motherfucker don’t know shit. I’ve been commenting here for years under various nyms.


“I would like to know what sort of special internets Shouting Thomass has that enable him to state unequivocally that we’re all white?”

Well, see, the Internets are a series of tubes…some of these are like periscopes…


From Chris’ link:

“115 birds were euthanized on the spot.”

Shouting Thomas now has a sad.


Liberals are the real racists / Black people are too stupid to vote for their real friends, the Republicans

This is the hive mind of our conservative voter. More:

I’m voting to save fetuses for Jesus / Republicans have never tried to outlaw abortion, even when they controlled every branch of government

Taxation is theft! If only Saint Ronnie was around / Reagan raised taxes 7 times

We’re voting for fiscal sanity! / We have $14 trillion of Republican debt

George Bush freed the Iraqi people / Pammalammadingdong



I still wish he hadn’t run away so quickly. It’s more fun when they hang around to get angry at us because we found out about the turkey buggery.

i am just annoyed as hell with him because…well, just go look at the types of comments are up on althouse’s *blog*…pretty sophmoric…including shouty boy himself…hello, pot…my name is kettle! and that shit just really pisses me off…


re: chris’ link

Good grief. This commenter sums up my feelings:
“Wow. Joe Arpaio is actually making me feel sympathetic for a cockfighter?”


OT but we discussed this the other day…Anita Bryant: not dead…and today is the old bitche’s birthday…she is 71…

Honorary Black Man smedley

So, why did they have to kill all the cocks?


old bitche’s

damn…grammar fail…i hope shouty tom doesn’t come back cuz he will mock that fer sure…

also, sorry if i gave anybody a sad by bringing up anita bryant again…


Were they black cocks? ‘cuz…question answered.

Xecky Gilchrist

It’s more fun when they hang around to get angry at us

We haven’t had a good LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL session in forever, have we? Not that I miss Troofie, exactly.


So, why did they have to kill all the cocks?

All those cocks in one place made Arpaio breathe funny. If they hadn’t killed all of them, Arpaio would’ve had an incident and tried to get all those cocks in him at once…


Anybody who doesn’t agree with us about everything is a racist who hates blacks. Pass it on. Unfortunately, we’re all white, but we’re trying like hell to do something about that. Maybe, we should go to that Rent a Black Friend site.

Hey, that reminds me of that Seinfeld where George wants to make it look like he’s not racist, so he gets a random black guy to be the RNC chairman.


So this is the conservative humor everybody’s been assuring me trying to forget actually exists.


I cannot believe the guy blogged about putting Ben Gay on his dick. I mean, really? Seriously?

He must have thought to himself, “Hmmm … if I put “Ben gay on my tiny little peepee, maybe I won’t be gay.”

I’m actually surprised he didn’t mention something about getting it in his ears, given where his head is most likely located …


Anyone see the latest Goldberg column?

Shorter version:

Joe Biden is just like Jon Stewart and Yasser Arafat.

Actual excerpts:

[M]any of the liberal journalists atop the commanding heights of the media establishment see Stewart as their titular deity.

[mark f: I included that just because it’s stupid.]

Joe Biden . . . belches boring, scripted platitudes familiar to anybody who follows politics.

Joe is like the crazy relative at Thanksgiving . . . a sitcom’s wacky-neighbor character . . . Obama declared, “Nobody messes with Joe!” the same way jocks yell, “Nobody messes with the water boy!” All that was missing was a noogie . . . Charlie Sheen . . . Don’t be surprised if after the next terrorist attack, the president proposes giving Iran a brand new high-speed rail system.

Thank goodness Jonah took on Biden for being boring and trite.


What the hell is the Frankfort Violent Communist Organization? Sounds quaint.


Don’t do the boose anymore but a $150 imported steak sounds nommy.


It’s imported from Kenya and it’s made of WHITE PEOPLE


I didn’t want to cast the first stone, but Janie IS a whore. I vote we close down this idiot site.

Marion in Savannah

My favorite comment from VS’s linky:

Isn’t that Michele Bachmann’s campaign bus?

Which one of you is responsible?


Jeffraham Prestonian said,

March 25, 2011 at 15:22


take that back to Atrios where it belongs.


vs said,

March 25, 2011 at 17:55

Were you trying to link to a specific comment? Intense debate breaks down when it comes to direct comment links and there is more than one page of comments.

P.S. Did you ever get your comments enabled over there?


There is a new medical syndrome and I believe it clears up the mystery of why there are so many wingnut wankers.


Don’t do the boose anymore but a $150 imported steak sounds nommy.

See, I don’t do the steaks anymore but 150$ imported boose would be quite welcome. We really ARE the big tent party!


“Shaken Manchild Syndrome”… heh. Well, I’m too big to shake. There’s nothing anyone can do about me but gaze slightly upwards in dismay.


I didn’t want to cast the first stone, but Janie IS a whore. I vote we close down this idiot site.

No! No! No!.. I mean yeah, Janie is a whore but she’s the only one I can afford.


No! No! No!.. I mean yeah, Janie is a whore but she’s the only one I can afford.

Has something happened to DKW’s mom?!


“bare arms against the government”



Has something happened to DKW’s mom?!

You mean Janie Wangchuck? Not to my knowledge.


“bare arms against the government”


This is S,N! You really should have typed that in euphimism form:

Bare arms against the government!


The Founders originally intended a right to bare ankles, but reconsidered due to traffic accidents.


pedestrian said,

March 25, 2011 at 18:11

It’s imported from Kenya and it’s made of WHITE PEOPLE



Hey! Tigris and I can throw a par-tay! We’ll spend ten million dollors on steak and boose.


After all, right now Kobe beef is kinda hard to come by!

Ummm, too soon?


“P.S. Did you ever get your comments enabled over there?

I did not, but I have not emailed for help yet.


Has something happened to DKW’s mom?!

Actor has been suspiciously absent.


Which one of you is responsible?

After observing the common taters here for years, I find it hard to say that ANY of them are responsible.


Oh, and no. I was linking to the whole kit and caboodle.


I didn’t want to cast the first stone, but Janie‘s IS a whore GOT A GUN!

In her [self] defense, she has a right to “bare arms against the government,” as Michelle Bachman-Crazy-Overdrive’s campaign trailer so astutely reminds us.

So she has that going for her …


I was excited to see a new troll to play with, but now I’m bitterly disappointed to see he has no staying power.

[Veiled What The Turkey Said Reference]


Shouting Thomas probably has a recipe for you
his famous turkey cream pie no doubt….

time to revive the Wingnut Cookbook. IAnyone have Amber Whatsername’s ritz cracker and mayo pizza recipe handy?


“Actor has been suspiciously absent”

And I haven heard from my mOm, either.


Chocolate city, eh? Hey Goldberg, some black people use the N word, so that means it must be all right for you to use it as well.


After all, right now Kobe beef is kinda hard to come by!

Too soon?

You’ve got to strike while the isle’s hot.


After all, right now Kobe beef is kinda hard to come by!

The lawyer bills got to be too much.


Knowing Actor, best try to get ahold of your dad as well, VS.


America’s most trusted journalist, the old rusted-out camper, reports.
this line will keep me full of lulz all day…


Knowing Actor, best try to get ahold of your dad as well, VS.

Do you own any birds or rabbits?

Honorary Black Man smedley

Enabling the comments…..

Honorary Black Man smedley

“After all, right now Kobe beef is kinda hard to come by!”

The good news is it comes pre-cooked!


Joe BidenSarah Palin . . . belches boring, scripted platitudes familiar to anybody who follows politicsgibberish.


Conservatism’s growth has been the engine of its decay & decline – no surprise there, as fully-blossoming liberalism had politely opted to decay & decline in the 70s & 80s before it. Problem is that the stupid Banjostani shitheels are now morbidly embracing Teh Tao Of Reagan & going Full Nihilist.


Observing just how full of suck & sad wingnut websites often are leads to a generic Captain Obvious insight:

The US needs a media network with the transcontinental outreach, pizzazzy epic budget & stylistic flash of FOX, but explicitly & ruthlessly reality-centric. When your Zeitgeist is trending toward child slavery & privatized martial law, that may mean it’s overdue for a little essential conceptual ultraviolence – Edutainment 2.0. The Interwebs have the power to make this happen virtually overnight.

Conservatives have very good reasons to fear & hate the Interwebs.

Someone from the right could post a witty commentary or a link that he or she believes to be a nice piece of conservative snark.

{ citation plz }

* Insert “I miss RUGGED IN MONTANA” joke here.


Fuckin’ Nihilists. No matter what you say about the tenets of National Socialism, at least its an ethos


Mordor leads the nation! Arpaio sends in a tank and Steven Seagal to bust one guy for fighting with his COCK!


I just had to say, I came across this site recently, and while the stories you comment on are distressing (to say the least), your comments themselves generate much cubicle-neighbor-disturbing laughter. Thanks!

Honorary Black Man smedley

“Someone from the right could post a witty commentary or a link that he or she believes to be a nice piece of conservative snark.

{ citation plz } ”

What? You didn’t see the outpouring of right-wing hilarity with which my challenge was met?


Jesus Christ, Arpaio is a crazy motherfucker. What does he do for jay-walking, ninjas?

Honorary Black Man smedley

For some reason, I am reminded of a Celebrity Deathmatch between Tommy Lee and Ron Jeremy. That’s right, a cockfight.


“Dateline: Maricopa County Arizona. Upon the conviction of B. Geroff, late of Tucson, Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio plowed his lands under and salted them, then gave his daughters to prison guards to cast lots for. Geroff himself was stoned for the crime of embezzlement during a Monopoly game…”


This sinister scheme involves the deliberate erosion of black neighborhoods and communities in the interests of a white/Hispanic ascendancy. That would make its supposed leader a Korean-American named Michelle Rhee who as the city’s chancellor of public schools was willing to close hopeless schools and to fire illiterate and unqualified teachers.’

What’s with these people conflating East Asians and Hispanics?


Jonah is color blind. They all look alike to him.

Marion in Savannah

Jesus Christ, Arpaio is a crazy motherfucker. What does he do for jay-walking, ninjas?

With tasers. And death rays.


Crosswalk sharks.


Jonah is color blind. They all look alike to him.

The only color he sees is fake-cheese orange.


He was Senate Majority leader at the the time:

Phoenix police say state Sen. Scott Bundgaard likely had been drinking, twice refused a sobriety test and cited legislative privilege to avoid arrest in their full report on his February altercation with his then-girlfriend along a Valley freeway.

The final report, released Thursday, recommends filing a domestic-violence assault charge against Bundgaard. It largely contradicts a series of public statements the senator has made since the incident.

On the teebee noobs last night he was wondering why PPD was trying to smear him.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2011/03/24/20110324phoenix-police-report-bundgaard-incident.html#ixzz1HdRreJOf


Old rusted out camper is the only news source I trust.

Old Rusted Out Camper

…and that’s the way it is…


Jonah is color blind. They all look alike to him.

The only color he sees is fake-cheese orange.

Boehner-Americans are a minority group but I don’t want to think about ascendancy.


Boehner-Americans are a minority group but I don’t want to think about ascendancy.

The Boehner shall rise!!!

Pupienus Maximus



The alleged fact that you were vampricially challenged yesterday does not excuse your not reading all of my comments and following all of my links while you were out.

If I wasn’t iPadding today I’d put the fucking link to my comment.

Pupienus Maximus

“It’s funny. In 1950, when D.C. stopped being a majority-white city, if someone took that position they’d be called racist.”

Alternate shorter J-Load: You’re the REAL racists.


Arpaio’s been pretty quiet ever since his enabler and BFF former County Attorney Andrew Thomas was hit by both the Justice Dept and the State Bar. Right now Thomas and his #1 attack dog Lisa Aubuchon are bothon the verge of being disbarred. Justice charges still pending.

Let the good times roll!


vampricially challenged

That sucks.


Is that an actual un’shopped picture of Goldberg? Good lord.


Alternate shorter J-Load: You’re the REAL racists.

Bizarro paradigm is Bizarro!

* * * * * POOP * * * * *


“Chocolate City” / Parliament (1975)

Uh, what’s happening CC?
They still call it the White House
But that’s a temporary condition, too.

To each his reach
And if I don’t cop, it ain’t mine to have
But I’ll be reachin’ for ya
‘Cause I love ya, CC.

There’s a lot of chocolate cities around
We’ve got Newark, we’ve got Gary
Somebody told me we got L.A.
And we’re working on Atlanta
But you’re the capital, CC

Gainin’ on ya!
Movin’ in on ya
Can’t you feel my breath, heh
All up around your neck


has encouraged professional whites to move back into the city

They pay people to be white?!!!


They pay people to be white?!!!

Where do I apply? I would make an exceedingly adept employee.


T&U: How can he read this shit and *not* think: “Hmm, I’m racist as fuck!”?

Two mistakes, dear. He doesn’t read what he “writes” (using the term “writes” advisedly), and he wouldn’t know thinking if it bit him in the Cheetos.


may I frighten you?

Marion in Savannah

Where do I apply? I would make an exceedingly adept employee.

I’d be great at it too — I’m whiter than skim milk…


They pay people to be white?!!!

Where do I apply? I would make an exceedingly adept employee.

I’d be great at it too — I’m whiter than skim milk…

Whiter than milk,
Smoother than silk,
Seeking some pay
For those of my ilk.


I am prone to nostalgia

I wonder what he’s nostalgic for that makes him get in that position?


Well, we know BBBB probably isn’t white, what with those dope rhymes.


Vanilla Ice BBBB!


I wonder what he’s nostalgic for that makes him get in that position?

He yearns for a time in which white privilege was unquestioned, and gross nepotism was unmocked.

Well, we know BBBB probably isn’t white, what with those dope rhymes.

I’m white, but I’m suspect, because I’m ethnic.

Old Rusted Out Camper

Where do I apply? I would make an exceedingly adept employee

YES!!! i knew that someday my inability to tan would pay off!!!

because I’m ethnic
oooooooooh…. *shivering*


BBBB is swarthy?


I turn Eye-talian looking as soon as I get any prolonged sun exposure.

Of course, I’m living in Ohio now…


When I tan I start to look French Canadian.


I’m so untanned those haunted type TV shows keeping ringing my doorbell.


damn…rusted out old camper is me…and i can’t get my nym to change!!! anyhoo, when i tan, i burn terribly and then peel and then my freckles pop out…


BBBB is swarthy?

Not swarthy, but ruddy– I used to be a dirty blond, but now I’m a natural redhead (I spend a good deal of time outdoors).


I challenge thee to a duel, bbkf!


I’m so untanned I have a vitamin D deficiency and must take a prescription because I work nights and am in danger of acute boroboro PDA.


Fuckin’ A, bbkf, how can I completely miss the point if you’re bleedin faster than me!?!?!


Remember when we were insulted because ShoutingThomas thought we were all white?


Fixxored, for great justice.

Take off every zig!


rusted out old camper™³²®© said,

To the tune of Dueling Banjo’s


Maybe all the blacks in D.C. just need to trace their Irish roots.


thought we were all white?

It’s our accents.


That wasn’t an intentional insult, mark f.

Shouter Thomas assumes that wrongly colored people don’t have access to the internets. And even if they did, they couldn’t figure out how to make comments.

See althouse.blogspot.com for more.


Wait a sec, I thought Obama was Kenyan, but now he’s Irish? I wonder if they’ll let him back in the US of A without first consulting Congress.

I’ll check Fox to see if Ollie North has an opinion on this.


Confession Time: I’m not white, but I do have horrendously bland tastes.


Shouter Thomas assumes that wrongly colored people don’t have access to the internets. And even if they did, they couldn’t figure out how to make comments.

You mean like white people have names like “Lenny,” while black people can’t even open their own doors lol.


DKW is made of poi???!!!!—111


Ladies and gents, I give you today’s BESTEST OPPERTOONITY FOR LULZ!

So many videos to mock, so very little time, so how’s about we make it our project for they day?

Or not. Your call.


Confession Time: I’m not white, but I do have horrendously bland tastes.

Confession Time: I’m white, but am hung like a black guy and really, truly, honestly have a bunch of black friends! I’m even hanging* out with them tonight, as a matter of fact, to watch some NCAA tourney action.

(* See what I did there?)


I like the third day of the crack bing eyes on the woman.


Confession Time: I’m not white, but I do have horrendously bland tastes.

It’s true. DKW haz althouse /fic on his blog.


DKW haz althouse /fic on his blog.

And then Meade asked “would you like butter or margarine on your white toast dear?”
“Both, you silly man!”


The first guy put on a tux and everything!

What’s with the weird passive deliveries? This is supposed to be defiant! Don’t these people know they weren’t supposed to go Galt for the video?


Fuckin’ A, bbkf, how can I completely miss the point if you’re bleedin faster than me!?!?!

wait…i thought the duel challenge was in jest…perhaps not. thanks for alerting me to the blood copiously flowing from my wounds…do you have a bandage?


If you lOok up “white” in the dictionary, there’s a pictur of me making a black person stand awkwardly next to me. Also I am a freckled-American.


Also I am a freckled-American

freckles unite!!!

ooooh, if they literally did, then we would be tan, wouldn’t we?


“And then Meade asked “would you like butter or margarine on your white toast dear?”
“Both, you silly man!””

Which do they use for the hot Ann-al sex?


And then Meade asked said, “i like my women like i like my beer…cold and bitter!”


See althouse.blogspot.com

why does rusted out camper hate us?


Ruh-roh, we better show more respect.


“freckles unite!!!

ooooh, if they literally did, then we would be tan, wouldn’t we?”

“I’m not tan, I’m just large-freckled”


Ladies and gents, I give you today’s BESTEST OPPERTOONITY FOR LULZ!

Can you imagine what a fine place this would be if all these whiny fucks would gather their stones and JUST FUCKING GO GALT ALREADY?


Professor Althouse donned her largest black strap-on.

“Stride over here, Meade, with your short strides, and squeal like the pig you are!”


Can you imagine what a fine place this would be if all these whiny fucks would gather their stones and JUST FUCKING GO GALT ALREADY?

God, AMEN.


no need to rent a Black friend: We’re lurking.


I like how on the camper, where real estate is limited, the author felt he had to specify the steaks were (imported).


More Dueling Banjo’s.


no need to rent a Black friend: We’re lurking.

Unless your name’s Shouting Thomas, cause I’m pretty sure that’s the only way he’d ever get one.

Pupienus Maximus

“strap-on” “no parts”

That might be important.

Pupienus Maximus

Feck. I tried to put some symbols in there to indicate inversion but WP eated them.


Does that mean More Dueling Banjo won’t be in the mood for sex later?


Can you imagine what a fine place this would be if all these whiny fucks would gather their stones and JUST FUCKING GO GALT ALREADY?

I will be spending my “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO SPRING, MOTHERCUNTBITCHNATURE!” weekend watching snow kill my flowers, and leaving comments throughout YouTube, asking everyone who makes one of these videos to leave as soon as possible so the rest of us can get on with fixing our nation.

Should be interesting to see some of the responses …


I’m just large-freckled
it works well with my big bones…


Ladies and gents, I give you today’s BESTEST OPPERTOONITY FOR LULZ!

Ooh, so many good ideas come to mind. And only five seconds of video per shot! Easy!


I hope those steaks weren’t imported from Mexico. Or Iran. Or heaven forbid, 10 million dollors of imported California boof and beese!


Ooh, so many good ideas come to mind. And only five seconds of video per shot! Easy!

OK, this is one of the first times I have supported one of Substance’s hell-spawned ‘projects’.


even if they aren’t saying “butt”


Maybe they’ll invent a tanning cream for pipple with Irish/Scots blood that will even out the white spots between freckles.


I will be spending my “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO SPRING, MOTHERCUNTBITCHNATURE!” weekend watching snow kill my flowers, and leaving comments throughout YouTube, asking everyone who makes one of these videos to leave as soon as possible so the rest of us can get on with fixing our nation.

Sadly, there will be no! takers.

The idea of big businessmen going Galt was always a bad joke: can anyone picture the cream of the upper crust seceding from the world and retiring in a quiet canyon out west with none of the creature comforts of society? That’s just nuts. Supposedly, Ayn Rand herself sank into depression after writing John Galt and realizing that she wasn’t like her invention.


They’ll be saying ‘butt’ by the time S_McG gets through with ’em…


Ayn Rand herself sank into depression after reading John Galt

More acur-ate.


Isn’t about this time that D Aristophane walks over the top of Tintin’s post?


Isn’t about this time that D Aristophane walks over the top of Tintin’s post?

That used to happen a few times a day. Sniff.


Nah, we’ll be lucky to have a new post by Sunday.

Give me the keys, I’ll put up some crap!


I’ll put up some crap!

oooh, goody! i am going to need a monkey mind fix before the weekend! btw…you make a much better old rusted out camper than i!


They’ll be saying ‘butt’ by the time S_McG gets through with ‘em

and, i daresay, clenching them…


Ooh, so many good ideas come to mind. And only five seconds of video per shot! Easy!

OK, this is one of the first times I have supported one of Substance’s hell-spawned ‘projects’.

Supporting Substance’s hell-spawned ‘projects’.


Well, I’m “tke919” over there if anyone wants to help out a tad.

I’m getting bored with them, quite frankly. Too much typical and predictable Randian responses — “We’re losing our freedum!!” and “I shud keep all my $$!!” and “YOUURACOLLECTIVISOCIALISTFASCIST!!”

The dumb is strong with those people. It really is.


Shorter some guy at NRO:

What ruined Detroit? Black people not getting married.


You’re talking about YouTube, right? Count yourself lucky every response isn’t “Soshulizm!!!!11111*drool on keyboard*”


Well, I’m “tke919? over there if anyone wants to help out a tad.

you are doing a bang-up job over there!


Annnnnnnd “UncleDave” in comments:

[Responding to the question of why, if Detroit’s woe is thanks to it having a Democrat for a mayor, other cities are doing well]

Another factor to consider, though it may certainly be politically incorrect, is the percent of black population. Detroit is 83% black according to the census.

Mr. Payne mentions an 85% illegitimacy rate in Detroit. I do wonder what that rate is in Boston and San Antonio. Probably quite a bit lower is my guess.

For a discussion reference, here’s a wiki list of cities ranked by % black population where % is greater than 30%. None of the cities you mentioned as examples of successful-but-democrat lead are on this list.

I deeply appreciate a prior poster’s comment about hoping blacks will stop voting democrat lock-step.

Just a bit more rhetoric like this and they’re sure to join your party!



“I would guess that more than 75% of the cities with populations of greater than 700,000 have elected Democratic leadership. This would include, but is not limited to: Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, San Francisco, Boston, and New York. These cities are not doing as bad as Detroit. If it were the policies of the Democrats, one would expect that all major cities would be crumbling.”


Shorter some guy at NRO:

gaawd, black people are such a-holes…AND the reason we can’t have nice things!

also, did loadpants crib from payne or did payne crib from loadpants?


I’m even hanging* out with them tonight, as a matter of fact, to watch some NCAA tourney action.

I am bummed because I haz no TV and I’m in enemy territory, so I don’t know if anyone will show the KU game.


They should all be on national tv, T&U. If you’re in the states it shouldn’t be too hard to find a bar showing all the games.


I’m even hanging* out with them tonight, as a matter of fact, to watch some NCAA tourney action.

…insert dribbling and ball joke here…


it shouldn’t be too hard to find a bar showing all the games
not in mine…boss is boycotting the ncaa…



The mayor of Phoenix is a Democrat.


They should all be on national tv, T&U. If you’re in the states it shouldn’t be too hard to find a bar showing all the games.

I know, but I live somewhere where KU is not liked. At all. And people are super-petty about it.

Then again, they’ll probably want to watch on the off-chance that we lose.


Ladies and gents, I give you today’s BESTEST OPPERTOONITY FOR LULZ!

Ooooh, I cannot wait until I get home!


“I would guess that more than 75% of the cities with populations of greater than 700,000 have elected Democratic leadership. This would include, but is not limited to: Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, San Francisco, Boston, and New York.

MILWAUKEE, too. Madison.

Although that cross-eyed turdwaffle Walker managed to sneak in at County exec, and nearly sunk the County into the lake.


BTW, I’m totes going to make an “I Am John Galt” video. In my bathroom. Drunk. Other suggestions? (Not naked).



The AZ Legislature has a Republican super majority.
Arpaio is a Republican.


Other suggestions?

Puppets. Paper bag puppets.


PUPPETS!!! Substance is a GENEEEUS!


dribbling the ball.
manipulating the puppets.


Althouse monopolizes BloggingHeads for ten minutes to whine about Meade being banned from LGM.


Monopolizing BloggingHeads.


I wonder if there’s a way to make the puppets smoke?

I could do upside-down chin guy…


is that red stain really on the pantload’s shirt? looks like some of his cheek fell off on it.


How’s about a Jim Carrey type talking butt imitation? “I am John Galt!”


I got banned at that YouTube page. Fucking pansy asses apparently got tired of getting owned over and over and over.

At least I THINK I was owning them. Maybe that’s just my inflated ego.*

Note to T&(K)U — I realize MU fans are all over them thar parts, but there’s GOT to be a KU-friendly bar somewhere close. Check a KU message board or blog or somethin’ and I betchya they’ll be able to help you find one. There’s just got to be one within driving distance.

Otherwise, try the Intratubes. I bet you can see it somewhere online.

(* VerectionR)


KU is my last Final Four team and my eventual champion, so go them. Assuming we’re talking KU Jayhawks and not Kentucky, which I’ve never seen written that way.


KU is my last Final Four team and my eventual champion, so go them. Assuming we’re talking KU Jayhawks and not Kentucky, which I’ve never seen written that way.


I think that’s what most people have. Even Claire McCaskill.


I could do upside-down chin guy…
Yes to chin-face idea.


For a discussion reference, here’s a wiki list of cities ranked by % black population where % is greater than 30%. None of the cities you mentioned as examples of successful-but-democrat lead are on this list.

I deeply appreciate a prior poster’s comment about hoping blacks will stop voting democrat lock-step.

So majority black cities can succeed, they just have to vote for rich old white dudes? How nice! For the rich white dudes.


Black communities need to build more golf courses. That way they’ll attract more rich old white dudes.


I am bummed because I haz no TV and I’m in enemy territory, so I don’t know if anyone will show the KU game.

Thought I heard they were all available streaming…



Wait there’s a majority minority city that isn’t Democratically-led or rather isn’t “usually” Democratic-led?


Go to an appliance store with a folding chair and some brewskis. Sit in the TV section and tell them you’re shopping.


Thought I heard they were all available streaming…

They are, but my internet connection is not so great because I just tether my laptop to my phone…

I’m some sort of cheap-ass Luddite, I guess. I can always go somewhere with WiFi.


I just tether my laptop to my phone…


Interest, website, you know the driller….


Smokin’ the Puppet.


Going Galt.

I feel sure someone has done that one already.


Other suggestions? (Not naked).

There are other suggestions?


I’m not much of a techno, but wouldn’t it work better if you connect the phone to the laptop instead of just teathering them?


I wonder if there’s a way to make the puppets smoke?

Lighting them on fire usually does the trick.



Hey! With puppets you could watch the game on the radio and provide your own play by play action!


The idea of big businessmen going Galt was always a bad joke: can anyone picture the cream of the upper crust seceding from the world and retiring in a quiet canyon out west with none of the creature comforts of society?

Silly boy, the magic sparklepony perpetual energy machine would give them all the comforts of home, and PONIES!!!!!


With puppets you could … provide your own play by play action!

Boy, if that’s not a Rule 34 violation, I don’t know what is.


OO-ooo-ooo! Even better!
You could watch the radio in the bathroom with hand puppets and when KU scores, instead of having one shout”Goooooal!’ like the tv guy, you could have one shout “GAAAaaaaaaallllllllllttttt!”


I just tether my laptop to my phone…

Must be hard to use with the trackball-gag.


Providing the play-by-play.


Safe-word is “del *.*”


Strap-top porn?


How about:

“I am John Galt!”

Off camera person throws duffel bag at “Galt”

“Good, shove off already!:


Wait there’s a majority minority city that isn’t Democratically-led or rather isn’t “usually” Democratic-led?

Not one that the other commenter listed as successful-but-Democrat-led! Which PROVES all majority black towns with Democratic leadership aren’t “successful” because, well, um, HEY LOOK A GIANT STOAT!


“I am John Galt!”

Off camera person throws duffel bag at “Galt”

“Good, shove off already!”

Followed by Galtian loser getting beat up by hobos and thrown in front of a train.

Pupienus Maximus

PeeJ’s not-French onion soup. I just took the beef bones (and carrots, onion, celery) out of the oven where they were roasting to a dark brown and covered them with water. Deglazed the pan with red wine. Simmering with a tomato, and a bouquet garni. In just a couple-three hours (maybe four) I’ll dump some of the broth into a pot with a metric fuckton of sweated onions. Some thyme sprigs and red wine and black pepper. Into bowls for cooking in the oven and reduce reduce reduce. Fnally top with a big-ass crouton and gruyere for a spell under the broiler.

I also made a big batch of croutons for salad today. Strew some crushed croutons (aka herbed bread crumbs) over green beans or asparagus or other veg to add an easy, delicious and just plain special touch. It’s little things like that which make the difference between a good cook and a great cook.

I also started preserving a batch of lemons today.

/daily-food-blogging yeah, someday I WILL get around to it, really I promise.


Followed by Galtian loser getting beat up by hobos and thrown in front of a train.

I see what you did!

How about close up to Galtian loser sitting in an arroyo saying, “How was I to know there was no water?”

Then a slow pan to a turkey vulture, accompanied by a laugh track.

Pupienus Maximus

Yer welcome, B^4. I thought you’d go with “sweating the onions.”


You just sweat them, you don’t cook the bayjaysus out of them until they’re dark, dark brown?

Scratching naked noggin here…


Shoving off

Pupienus Maximus

Yes. And no. I cook them ’til brown but not dark dark brown. Medium brown. I think they lose some essential onioniness when taken all the way to dark^2. It’s just my way.


Strewing the croutons.


Scratching the noggin


Thanking B^4.


Triple posting at S,N!


Triple posting at S,N!




It’s the difference between “undead” and “never alive.”


Cyborg zombies are the worst.


I started a batch of limoncello, so I’ve got a dozen zested lemons (zesting the lemon) sitting in the fridge. When I’ve got lemons, I reach for Claudia Roden’s masterwork (LOOK IT UP!!!). I got a little kinky with the first batch of hummus, and added fenugreek to it.

I’m now eating hummus on raw napa cabbage leaves- good thing I’m working alone!


Fenugreeking the hummus.


Reaching for the masterwork.

Also, I read I got a little kinky with the first batch of hummus as “the first batch of humans” and started to wonder just what exactly happened to them and also the first of how many?

And really, eating humans on cabbage leaves? Finally, sir, have you no shame?



Well, shya

Cyborg zombies are the worst.

You ain’t kidding


And really, eating humans on cabbage leaves? Finally, sir, have you no shame?

Cabbage leaves were cheaper than rose petals.

Pupienus Maximus

Also too, tomorrow is the opening day for the Portland Marmers Farket! I am completely stoked – hop on the streetcar right in front of my building and 8 or 10 minutes later walking the two short blocks to what has to be one of the best marmer’s farkets in the whole damn country!

I haven’t been out morel hunting yet but I suspect someone will have the first of the season for sale tomorrow. Too early for garlic scapes though, alas.

FYWP though I shouldn’t be surprised that the notion of time is not well understood on this server.

Pupienus Maximus

“Claudia Roden’s masterwork (LOOK IT UP!!!)

Oh please, I’ve been to the museum in Philly.


I checked up on my favorite nettle patch (VMR?) and my prickly pretties are coming in well. Now, your preserved lemons, do you salt them (VMR?) or do you do something like marmelade or lemon curd?

Pupienus Maximus

Nah, I just make them for us. I use them in a lot of ways, both the pulp and the rind. Hummus, for one. Also with various chicken dishes (especially Moroccan , natch), with fish, in salads, vinaigrettes, the pulp works well in some sauces, …

Pupienus Maximus

I have the DVR set to record qualifying tonight, WC. You should do the same. And the race tomorrow night at 11:00 too.


How do you preserve them, old chum?

(especially Moroccan , natch)

Next Saturday, I’m going over to a Moroccan born-and-bred friend’s house for a “couscous party”. I hope to have a couple of bottles of limoncello ready by then (I’ve got a mixed-citrus infused booze currently in the freezer, which I’ll bring in a pinch).

Pupienus Maximus

Oh sorry, didn’t read the whole question. Yes, lemons, kosher salt, wide mouth glass jar (with standard taper lid). That’s it. Though I do adore and sometimes make lemon curd. And Meyer lemon marmalade. I really need to try my hand at limoncello, don’t I?

Pupienus Maximus

Infusing the booze.


I really need to try my hand at limoncello, don’t I?

Pure grain and lemon zest, old boy- simple syrup to taste, and diluted until you won’t go blind.

Rusting the camper… does that even make sense?

Pupienus Maximus

“Rusting the camper… does that even make sense?”

No. Which is why I stopped typing it somewhere around the ‘m’.


This is a freaking bloodbath.

And I am two and one quarter ciders in and I’m feeling it. Pathetic.

The bartender may be trying to get in my pants, but I haven’t shaved my legs since February.


The bartender may be trying to get in my pants, but I haven’t shaved my legs since February.

Do you have a pair of chaps you could change into?


and diluted until you won’t go blind.



The bartender may be trying to get in my pants, but I haven’t shaved my legs since February.

“Legs shaved?”



Unfortunately, no. I’ll have to start keeping a set in my purse, though.


I should’ve worn thigh high boots…

Why would you order Bud Light with salt at a microbrewery?



It’s a trial-and-error process- one gets pretty damn snockered while conducting “taste tests”.

Why would you order Bud Light with salt at a microbrewery?

Dehydration… sounds like a “sports beer”.


Fucking rednecks.


Braiding the leg hair.

Pupienus Maximus

“Why would you order Bud Light with salt at a microbrewery?”

To give it flavor, dummy.


Why would you order Bud Light with salt at a microbrewery?

Don’t like to light your bud with matches?


“Why would you order Bud Light with salt at a microbrewery?”

because you’re looking to get your ass kicked.


Salting the Bud.


Salting the head!


Some kid tried to order a Corona and two root beers.


Two root beer goes best with seven grain bread.


Two root beer goes best with seven grain bread.

and a thirty weight oil


OT, but what the hell is up with right-wingers and that “Maxine” cartoon?

I’ve been deleting e-mails from a former co-worker.


Is that the old lady that’s on cards?


Yeah, right wingers seem to dig it.


She’s crank and old and she smokes.


a thirty weight oil





There should be a link to a goatse cake, but I am too lazy.


Two root beer
Ginseng AND mandrake.


We must preserve our bodily brewed fluids, Mandrake.


Dumping the broth.


Maxine? It’s official: humor and conservatism simply aren’t simpatico.


Still no link to this marvy Maxine?

Harrumphh. I shall have to Google her myself then.


Harrumphh. I shall have to Google her myself then.

Dirty boy!



Try again, without “Safe Search”.


Geeze, the finest in “Get off my lawn before I fill your scrawny asses w/ rock salt, you little shits!” humor.

And “Old people not getting any” jokes.

I don’t understand the ick factor here.

Or the humor. It’s a documentary, right?


I don’t understand the ick factor here.

I periodically get wingnut e-mails from a former co-worker, and this cartoon character tends to be popular with the righties.


I’m on my iPhone. Did “it’s either one nation under god or bite my ass and leave!” not show up?


Oh, nm. Bartender is niot hitting on me, he’s setting me up for his friend.

Maxine is a “Shoebox Cards” thing. Ew,


I’d throw a drink at him, if I were you.


I’m on my iPhone. Did “it’s either one nation under god or bite my ass and leave!” not show up?

I didn’t bother clicking on the thumbnails.

Oh, nm. Bartender is niot hitting on me, he’s setting me up for his friend.

Is his friend “Bud Light and salt” d00d?



Do dudes care if you haven’t shaved in, like, a month?


Do dudes care if you haven’t shaved in, like, a month?

Depends on the dude.


Do dudes care if you haven’t shaved in, like, a month

OK, that’s floor-rolling funny.


Do dudes care if you haven’t shaved in, like, a month?

Gams gone Galt!


Did “it’s either one nation under god or bite my ass and leave!” not show up?

That, & “If you’re burning the flag, wrap yourself in it.”

Otherwise hideously bourgeois.

I do like the bug.


The fact is, blacks are generally lazy and poor being there own fault, and there is science to this, but liberals want to make them a protected class to the denigration of normal regular heartland Americans.


The fact is, I am still waiting for the “science” that refudiates my thenis that blacks are stupid and lazy, not to mention violence and smell bad


Gary, do you care if a woman hasn’t shaved in a month?


I call fake Gary – denigration?


I call fake Gary – denigration?

I am John Galt Gary Ruppert!


Althouse monopolizes BloggingHeads for ten minutes

I heart Bloggingheads.

DKW haz althouse /fic on his blog.



F5 F5 F5 … uh oh.

I plead temporary inanity, Yer Honor!


I always particularly love when “white boys” talk shit and spew nonsense. But given a chance to meet my brothers (from the same mother)…. would “roll” everything they’ve said back…… to this century, where they never meant it.


Boy, we are lucky.


That those “boys” would ever be anything but patriots. ” Standing Up” for….. what is it? White people? Oh, no. America. Sorry.


I know, off topic. Just get pissed sometimes. Glad I can vent instead of …. well, not venting.


Gary has a “thenis.”

(Theoretical penis?)

To vent, or not … to vent?


Refudiating the thenis.


Refudiating the thenis.



Also, Pup, I gots F1 on Season Pass so I never miss nuffin. Except when CBS or FOX grabs a race occasionally. Then I actually have to go find ’em, even if the coverage is shitty.


Someone should record a bunch of homeless people saying/stammering ‘I am John Galt’. Ah smell the individuality


Interesting. As usual, the shorter is more accurate than the piece.

The phenomenon of minorities fleeing inner cities is nationwide, and for good reason: there are fewer jobs in the cities that don’t require advanced degrees os some specialized knowledge, like service jobs.

These, unsurprisingly, have filtered out to the suburbs, because white folks are too lazy to cook their own meals, wash their own clothes or clean their own houses.

Indeed, many of them are too lazy to date their own women but I digress.


This is the conclusion that Jonah draws? Instead of saying “Look how successful we’ve been at assisting blacks out of poverty and maybe cutting those programs back in the middle of a recession is a bad idea,” he just has to go throw the NIMBY card?


The fact is, blacks are generally lazy and poor being there own fault, and there is science to this, but liberals want to make them a protected class to the denigration of normal regular heartland Americans.

The fact is, Gary, we don’t date fatties


Shorter PJM: Professor Wolfgang Benz is likening anti-Muslim paranoia to anti-Jewish paranoia 100 years ago. But Professor Wolfgang Benz also supports the Islamic Bankers’ conspiracy to take over the world! QED, bitches.

Lurking Canadian

As much as I hate to be on topic after the recipes and bartender pick-up portion, I haz confuzed.

Did Jonah really say “Successful people want to be in the suburbs, which is why the successful black people are leaving the city and the successful white people are moving to the city”? To translate to symbolic logic:

A implies B
Therefore B and not B

I would have thought even Jonah could detect a broken syllogism if it was all in one sentence.


Did Jonah really say “Successful people want to be in the suburbs, which is why the successful black people are leaving the city and the successful white people are moving to the city”?


I would have thought even Jonah could detect a broken syllogism if it was all in one sentence.

You overestimated the intelligence of a conservative “intellectual.” Don’t feel bad: it’s really easy to do.


Breaking the syllogism.


Addumdum, re the above post by me, the PJM link’s just a regular asshole spouting regular nonsense, nothing special. I just thought it was funny that in an article themed “I am NOT like the fear-of-Jew-mongers of yesteryear!” he had to talk about Islamic Banking cabals taking over the world.

At times like this, I have to wonder if the bloggers aren’t just fucking with their audience for the fun of it. I can see the two guys writing the article – “Hey, Clemens, let’s throw this in, see if any of them spot the irony.” “Come on, Til, nobody’s that obtuse.” “Fifty bucks says they are.” “You’re on!” [by this evening] “Okay, fine, here’s your fifty fucking bucks. But ONE DAY, you’re going to go too far with this!”


live streaming radio from the London Demo live interviews with people on the ground


approx 450,000 attending


I would have thought even Jonah could detect a broken syllogism if it was all in one sentence.

Jonah thinks a syllogism is how you caulk the shelf under a window.


OT, I’m reading an amusing thread at PZ’s about sexism in STEM fields, and specifically engineering. For some reason, this comment has me laughing my ass off.


Clarification: amusing because of the number of MRAs claiming no such thing exists.


Did “it’s either one nation under god or bite my ass and leave!” not show up?

That, & “If you’re burning the flag, wrap yourself in it.”

I’m not a big card buyer, so maybe these do show up in stores and I’m not aware of it, but my guess is they’re photoshops done by the spectacularly unfunny and uncreative. The font is different, and when I went through the Maxine “politics” section on Hallmark’s site there wasn’t anything like either of them.


,,,sexism in STEM fields, and specifically engineering.

In defense of engineering faculties at southern Ontario universities – uh, well, um,,, hey look over there, someone posted a video response to that I am John Galt thing!


Tigris, I don’t recall the Maxine cards being overtly political either. I bet you’re right-p-shopped by wingers.


N_B, that snickersnack is a piece of work.


N_B, that snickersnack is a piece of work.

Would your vagina like a cookie?


Feel my female privilege!


Feeling the privilege.


Would your vagina like a cookie?



FYWP, eating all teh dickerdoodles.


Pupienus Maximus

There should be a link to a goatse cake, but I am too lazy.

here ya go



Reaching for the masterwork.

this is now my favorite euphemism…


Well, see, the Internets are a series of tubes…some of these are like periscopes…

Also explains the BenGay mishap on his asshole.


ya know, i really don’t think there is a better way to get my saturdays started than coffee and s,n!…


Who wants to bring me a root beer float?


Floating the root beer. I dunno what it is but that has a EEEEWWWW feel to it.


Sounds like a toidy thing.


Icing the goatse cake.

Heh. Autocorrect properly suggested ” goatse” when I mistyped it. Heh.


Icing the goatse cake.


Geraldine Ferraro died.


“Geraldine Ferraro died.”

what, _again_?


Mourning the politician.


Finishing the tax return.


trying to find a chicken recipe


must go well with colcannon…have my heart set on that…


Defending the faculty.

Dubious, but Amiable P

Heh. Autocorrect properly suggested ” goatse” when I mistyped it. Heh.

Why does this not surprise me?

There’s an Apple joke in here somewhere, but I’m too damn lazy to figure it out.


resetting the nym


There’s an Apple joke in here somewhere, but I’m too damn lazy to figure it out.

rusted out old camper reports link between goatse and pancreatic cancer…


and i will now take larkspur’s former place as most terrible person…


heh, you with the hair. I’m, uh, astonished that you have my new password… anyway, I don’t like chicken, and I wouldn’t eat the hummus, if I was you.


I am suing N_B for the vagina cookies image


All your vagina cookies are belong to us!


“I am suing N_B for the vagina cookies image”

Suing in the way of a patent troll? AK is copyright troll!


Vagina cookies? Ewwwww….everyone knows vagina is PIE! And I LIKE pie!


Did you know link there’s a link between goatse and pancreatic cancer?


Did you know link there’s a link between goatse and pancreatic cancer?

It’s called the lower intestine and the pancreatic duct.

Pupienus Maximus

I love this fucking town. Hopped on the streetcar this antimatter (have I mentioned that it stops right outside our building?) and rode to Powell’s City of Books (largest independent bookstore in the known cosmos). Then back on the street car (it stops right outside Powell’s) back to the marmers farket in the park blocks. Got a gorgeous baguette, some leeks, a big bunch of wild cress, some fabulous heritage hazelnut fed pork rillette, venison tenderloin, duck eggs, some quail and an Oregon black truffle and some other stuff too. Did my shopping accompanied by a Stumptown Roasters bitter mocha. A bowl of Irish stew (organic, pastured lamb and local organic veggies, with a chunk of crusty bread slathered with local organic butter, $7) from the someoneorotherfarms stand for lunch. Perfect with the excellent cider from the stand next door. I fucking love this town.

Oh, eat your heart out B^4 – I also got a bag of young nettles for soup. I fucking love this town.


young nettles




fixed for ryhmeyness


but not for spelling…


<iI fucking love this town.

Oooh, a town.



also, pup, your marmers farket excursion is obviously the reason why i have not heard any suggestions on what i can do with my chicken breasts…i will wait an appropriate amount of time for suggestions to tumble forth…


As a Pink-American, I’m rather indifferent to the whole thing – everybody loves me! (usually smoked and sugar-cured).

I did find the heartbreak of blancmange to be very odd: the stuff is delicious. A flan by any other name carmelizes the same.

Pedestrian wins the thread with It’s imported from Kenya and it’s made of WHITE PEOPLE.

Ah yes, Long pig, beautifully marbled with fat, the meat delicate and soft as it never worked a day in it’s life….

“★★★★★” – A Man Who Knows Whereof He Speaks


Powell’s City of Books

Do people live there, in the manner of “Evening Primrose”? AFAF.


or not…as you are probably still basking in the joy of aforementioned shopping excursion, and the other foodies here are laying low…


everybody loves me!
alas, sadly no! awful ex-co-worker cannot enjoy your loveliness due to your cloven hooves and scavenging ways…


Oh, eat your heart out B^4 – I also got a bag of young nettles for soup. I fucking love this town.

Were your nettles free? Huh? WOLVERINES!!!

Do people live there, in the manner of “Evening Primrose”? AFAF.

More like the Library of Babel…

also, pup, your marmers farket excursion is obviously the reason why i have not heard any suggestions on what i can do with my chicken breasts…

Rub them with oil… after turning on your webcam… Colcannon, eh? I like to make mine with a mix of green cabbage and kale, and don’t be stingy with the butter!

I hit the local brewery to get my growler filled, then picked up some empanadas before going to work. I think I’m in love with the empanada girl- she’s a uniform honey color, except for a pair of beautiful, startlingly blue-green eyes. Ay, mi corazon!


Filling the growler…


the vagina cookies image

Finally I understand those “Access denied; Enable cookies and try again” messages.


like to make mine with a mix of green cabbage and kale,

i have not tried it like this mainly because i live in podunk, usa and fresh kale is not available year-round…

and don’t be stingy with the butter!
is there any other way?!?!?


Rub them with oil… after turning on your webcam

while this suggestion would probably be heartily endorsed by teh hubby, i think i will pound them, flour and brown them and serve them with a sauce consisting of chicken broth, jack daniels, cream, buttah, tarragon and lemon juice…


The weedy looking kid who made a John Galt video wrote this in response to Mark’s ribbing:

If I leave, the? motor of the world would stop… After all it is not people like YOU that made the world what it is today, but people like John Galt!



Powell’s City of Books (largest independent bookstore in the known cosmos)

i envy those who live in a place where there are stores filled entirely with books…


After all it is not people like YOU that made the world what it is today, but people like John Galt!

and he sees this as a good thing?!?! but, as you point out, he is a weedy looking kid, who has yet to have the john galts of the world beat him down…


is jack nicholson the only redeeming factor in ‘a few good men’?


and he sees this as a good thing?!?! but, as you point out, he is a weedy looking kid, who has yet to have the john galts of the world beat him down…

He’s probably a trust-fund weenie who doesn’t get out of the house. Hell, he thinks John Galt is a real person.



It was Galtowitz, but it got changed at Ellis Island.


people like John Galt!
Fictitious characters made the world what it is today. Hmmm. This sounds like a case for Tuesday Next.


My baby blue master notes the obvious flaw in the John Galt business: Show me the perpetual motion machine first.

Funny that an economist has to point out the “first, assume the solution” aspect of Rand’s Retarded Ravings.


It was Galtowitz, but it got changed at Ellis Island.

Oy, go Galt!


Picking up the empanada.


Picking up the empanada.

Damn straight!

Pupienus Maximus

Sounds fine, bbkf. Or you could gently stew them, cut up in big pieces, in stout with some root vegetables, mushrooms, peas. I think that would be lovely beside and slightly draped over the colcannon.


ooooh, that does sound lovely…

Pupienus Maximus

“i envy those who live in a place where there are stores filled entirely with books…”

Stopped at a light in front of a pawn shop yesterday. When I mentioned to The Ho, who was driving, that the sign said “TV’s Stereo’s Game’s Movie’s Tool’s” he immediately said “not surprising they don’t have “book’s”. He’s so clever.

Pupienus Maximus

Make a fairly thick stew. Ooh! Thicken the gravy with some rye bread if ya got it.


Stopped at a light in front of a pawn shop yesterday. When I mentioned to The Ho, who was driving, that the sign said “TV’s Stereo’s Game’s Movie’s Tool’s” he immediately said “not surprising they don’t have “book’s”.

They didn’t even have chess sets. Pawn shop, my ass!


They didn’t even have chess sets.
One wonders about their range of errortica.


Thickening the gravy


I can haz galt?

Kudos to Mark D for putting up with those Randian Moranz over at youtube. You were crushing them. They had nothing but, as you said, the typical talking points.

My personal fav: (which is the highest rated comment by the way):

@tke919 No–actually it is you collectivists whoneed to get out of America. YOU are the ones that need to move. This nation was meant for and will remain, until? our last breaths if necessary, a haven on earth for those who wish to be free individuals. So–with that said, move your altruistic, enlslaved mentality to Cuba.

Did altruism become a bad thing around the same time facts became unpatriotic?


Did altruism become a bad thing around the same time facts became unpatriotic?

It became a bad thing around the time his little sister wanted one of the cookies.


In America you are free to be individuals, unless your individuality takes the form of altruism which is Badthink.

When “going Galt” proves unsuccessful, or too much effort, the next step is for the Galts to stay where they are and get rid of all the Ungalts.


Remember who we are dealing with. They meant to write ‘autistic’.


It became a bad thing around the time his little sister wanted one of the cookies.

To do what with?


To do what with?

See 16:50


See 16:50

The guy who wrote that…what an asshole.


No–actually it is you collectivists whoneed to get out of America … a haven on earth for those who wish to be free individuals.

Now watch me jump on the “I am John Galt” Randwagon with a video just like everyone else’s, utilizing free and government-funded resources to be an unpaid marketing cog for Hollywood looters.


Looters, or SUPERMEN!!!!


I have designed a perpetual looting machine.

But damned government regulators won’t let me put into production.

Pupienus Maximus

The vagina of a redheaded woman, presuming the carpet matches the drapes, could fairly be called a ginger snap.


Hey, any word from Fenwick? He’s supposed to roll out his blog by today.

If you’re lurking laddie, time to reveal!


I have designed a perpetual looting machine.
Bring it to Christchurch.


I have designed a perpetual looting machine.
Bring it to Christchurch.

Meanwhile, some poor schmo with Asperger’s gets the crap beaten out of him by cops because he’s obsessed with fixtures.


The Christchurch City Council website states: “Demolition contractors undertaking commercial or red zone demolitions are not allowed to salvage materials. Where possible, goods of value, such as business equipment, will be returned to the owner or tenant.

Sounds like you could drive an old rusted-out camper through “where possible”.


Where possible, goods of value, such as business equipment, will be returned to the owner or tenant.

I guess this means no underwear on the head.


Demolition contractors undertaking commercial or red zone demolitions are not allowed to salvage materials

Stealing, however, is A-OK!

Where possible, goods of value, such as business equipment, will be returned to the owner or tenant.

If the identity of the owner or tenant cannot be ascertained, tough shit!


There were stories right from Day 1 of demolition firms deciding which buildings to knock down not so much on the basis of structural damage, and more on the value of their contents. Imagine the surprise of the owners when they saw on TV the space where their premises had been.

When the Earthquake Recovery Minister (Gerry Brownlee) proclaimed a month ago that “It’s absolutely necessary that strong sentencing is applied to those people, they’re disgraceful opportunists”, he did not have his demolition-company cronies in mind.

Where possible, goods of value, such as business equipment, will be returned to the owner or tenant.
“Return” is used here in the technical sense of “sold back at whatever price the salvager feels like charging”.

it’s either one nation under god or bite my ass and leave!

Hello stupid liberal usa-haters! we are all tired of you and want you to die! Shut up and stop disrespecting the consitution and Sarah Palin


The guy who wrote that…what an asshole.

Different joke. I think that one ends with,
“Where’s my lemon cookie?” Thump.


pup…the colcannon and chicken cutlets w/sauce were delightful! we finished it off with a triple berry crisp with cream…i feel like a bloated tick w/a cholesterol level of about 938…


Hello stupid liberal usa-haters! we are all tired of you and want you to die! Shut up and stop disrespecting the consitution and Sarah Palin

Fenwick? Is that you?

…could fairly be called a ginger snap.

ginger snatch?

Red Snapper?


OT, but a team from my old stomping grounds the UMD Bulldogs are going to the NCAA Frozen Four. They just beat #1 ranked Yale 5-3.

That’s college hockey for the uninitiated.


Fenwick? Is that you?

Be nice, Fenwick’s a good egg… and he’d better not be ducking his “roll out the blog” assignment!

While he’s at it, he really should get Chris involved as a co-blogger, I think they’d get a good back-and-forth discussion of policy going.


I have designed a perpetual-looking machine.



On the Lam? Lam poon? Lam to the slaughter? Lam I. Nation? Lam Duh? Lam Borghini?


I have designed a perpetual-looking machine.

Has it been built, or is it just speculative?

Lurking Canadian

Isn’t an Ungalt the two dots Germans put over vowels?

Pupienus Maximus

I find the incessant talk of specula here disturbing.


Isn’t an Ungalt the two dots Germans put over vowels?

The Germans use when the letter “E” scarpers off in a huff and hides in a gulch.


I’ve designed a professional-looking machine.

It dresses in business casual and says things like “yeah, I’m going to need you to work this weekend?”


I’ve designed a professional-looking machine.

Does it bogart the red Swingline staplers?


We’re going to work on team building in two hour seminars over the next three weeks…


Now watch me jump on the “I am John Galt” Randwagon with a video just like everyone else’s, utilizing free and government-funded resources to be an unpaid marketing cog for Hollywood looters.

I know not if you are man, woman, single, or married, nor that I love my wife and son more than anything in this world.

On the Intratubes, your snark haz my heartz.

**eyes aflutter**

On a related note, ’twas fun while it lasted, but … well, all stupid things will never end, so I’ll have some other chance. Just not on YT.

To be honest, I never post there ’cause it’s so full of suck; just did this once since the Randroids are the online equivalent of playing with a retarded dog* — you throw the metaphorical ball, but they keep coming back with random pieces of actual stupid. And sure, it’s fun for a short while, but you get bored quick.



Did altruism become a bad thing around the same time facts became unpatriotic?

Well, It’s A Wonderful Life was considered communist agitprop by the FBI and other patriotic souls when it came out. So in some circles, altruism’s always been bad.

Lurking Canadian

Mr Potter is clearly the hero of that tragic tale of moochers victorious.


I may get ahemmed but zrm needs to know that they’re on to his game:



OT: Houdini’s assistant dead at 103. Nice gams.


Hey, any word from Fenwick? He’s supposed to roll out his blog by today.

he’s probably helping T&U vote.


…could fairly be called a ginger snap.
ginger snatch?

Orange roughy.

the online equivalent of playing with a retarded dog*
I assume this dog would be called “Syndrome”, so you could yell out “Down syndrome!” when it misbehaved.

I may get ahemmed but zrm needs to know that they’re on to his game:
Consider yourself Ahemmed from a thread a few days ago.


Hello stupid liberal usa-haters! we are all tired of you and want you to die! Shut up and stop disrespecting the consitution and Sarah Palin

This actually made more sense in the original Farsi


Orange roughy.



The Power of Freedom to speak may infringe on others Freedom of Right to exist, and those who describe people with abstract colors,(black and white) are blind to the color spectrum.in a rainbow.


(comments are closed)