Do people get paid to write these things? I mean, does RenewAmerica pay their columnists, or is this just a “Gibbering Schizophrenic X sent us an e-mail full of ramblings, let’s put it online so we can stick some ads on it” set-up?
‘Cause if they’ll pay for crazy stuff, I can write some goddamn crazyass stuff…
Yes, Virginia, there is a post WWII era in which the U.S. government was infiltrated by not-so-innocent communists
Conservative revisionism on behalf of Joe McCarthy has to be one of the most weakass weapons in their arsenal.
What, you mean there were actually communist agents working to penetrate the U.S. government? NO FUCKING SHIT, BUCKWHEAT: it’s called espionage, it’s been around for five thousand years and no one needed McCarthy to make them aware of that.
The notion that those agents included Presidents Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower, as McCarthy claimed? Not so much.
I see the keen (as a dull spoon) intellects and cutting edge (of the abyss) analysts at ReNude AmeriKKKa are hard at work proving Mencken and Barnum right.
Two other things that I wonder if fawning conservatives realize about Joe McCarthy:
One, that during World War Two, the man lobbied to have the death sentence commutted for Waffen-SS soldiers who’d executed American prisoners, on the grounds that confession from the SS had been extracted through torture. Joe McCarthy: kraut lover and anti-torture Polyanna.
Two, it’s not liberals who brought down McCarthy, it’s conservatives. He repeatedly shot himself in the foot by accusing the wrong people (the Defense Department, the Eisenhower Administration, the Protestant clergy) instead of sticking to attacks on the faggoty fag Hollywood and State Department nancy boys, which is why so few people stood with him at the end. If he’d stuck to partisan politics only, there’d at least have been more of a fight to defend him.
I’ve never heard of any of these bozos before, not even at Re-do America. Which just reinforces the notion I’ve had that about the only thing this country is good at producing anymore is stupid people.
Johnny D. Symon
Even though the Ford Foundation urged a build-up in U.S. missiles during the Cold War, its true objective was to merge the U.S. and the Soviet Union into one country.
I love how he accuses someone of hypocrisy for not admitting in public some outrageous bullshit some other guy made up.
Whether it’s name calling by contemptible true-believers or silence by expedient cowards, the Democratic reaction to Congressman Peter King for holding hearings to shed light on the extent of “radicalization” in the nation’s Muslim community demonstrates the ugliness of liberal discourse one more sickeningly repetitive time.
It is true that Democrats did not support Republican hearings on the Catholic child-molester conspiracies.
Wow that DiCintio nut strings together the most adjectives since H.P. Lovecraft. An example:
And through de facto law promulgated by faceless bureaucrats so securely ensconced in the arrogant niches of labyrinthine Washington that an army of citizens supported by ten thousand bloodhounds just might be able to sniff them out.
The preceding paragraph is almost as good. Good as in “holy crap this guy thinks his readers even know these words?”
Whether it’s name calling by contemptible true-believers or silence by expedient cowards, the Democratic reaction to Congressman Peter King for holding hearings to shed light on the extent of “radicalization” in the nation’s Muslim community demonstrates the ugliness of liberal discourse one more sickeningly repetitive time.
Try this: until the post-9/11 backlash, the American Muslim community was so well fucking adjusted in their native country, they actually voted Republican. In droves. Just something to think about when you’re asking about the course of that radicalization.
Yes, but it loses its succulent frisson of desperation and paranoia without them, along with that spicy hint of moral degeneracy which gives the dish its unique complexion.
As for the article on Obama being the worst presidnet ever, every president is the worst president ever. The claim is always made and it is never true. Well, it was true one time, but the Obama claim is not it.
Yes, but it loses its succulent frisson of desperation and paranoia without them, along with that spicy hint of moral degeneracy which gives the dish its unique complexion.
A good cook substitutes. Panda meat provides excellent degeneracy, and I’ve heard that cocaine does wonders on the desperation and paranoia fronts.
OT: R.I.P. Knut. Despite evolution, he never hurt anyone and that put him ahead of most of us.
What strikes me is that TinTin actually reads these incoherent dribblings and not only finds the shorter but somehow maintains enough functioning brain cells to write it.
I mean, reading this stuff makes one “confused by a lightswitch” stupid.
Wow. The worst misogynists out there really are women.
So, if a woman is surrounded by male companions and advisors, what does that mean? Does it mean she’s being oppressed and abused? Or is that just dandy cuz the mens are there to be daddy and take charge? Omfg.
There seems to no longer be the need for a complaint to be deemed ‘credible’ in order for Church authorities to pull the trigger on the Church’s procedure, which was in recent years crafted to respond to cases of the sexual abuse of minors.
You know, if you keep claiming that Obama is the worst president in US history, you’re going to upset zombie Ulysses S. Grant. I mean, the man literally had government corruption named after him for years. Not even George W. Bush merited that distinction.
Monte Kuligowski is a DUI lawyer with a degree from Regent Law School, a/k/a Pat Robertson U:
He passed the bar in 1997, and Regent Law only got accreditation in 1996, and according to US News ratings even after improving a bit every year Regent is still “tier 4,” which is the worst group.
Obama is a leftwing globalist, and a damn foolish one at that. Instead of sending American troops to Libya to fight yet another war which has nothing to do with American national security, he should be sending troops to our southern border to defend against this illegal Mexican invasion.
War with Mexico would at this point indeed be justified. The Mexican government has been actively encouraging the “reconquesta” of the American Southwest through the active encouragement of illegal immigration. And the globalists in our own government have either turned a blind eye towards this or have tacitly supported it. More than half of Our Nation’s politicians are traitors. Their refusal to defend American National Soverignty is disturbing and is full fledged treason.
As for this foolhardy war with Libya, yet again our bloodsucking politician are getting us involved in another war that has nothing to do with us. Who cares if Gaddaffi kills his own people? It is none of our business. What he does in his own country doesn’t in anyway threaten American National Soveringty. But of course our cowardly blood sucking politicans will never go to war when Our National Soverigty is at stake, considering they want a one world government anyway.
La Althus: By the way, if you do a Google video search with the word “bangs” in it, Google assumes you’re looking for sex videos. Even if you say “bangs on door.”My original search was “wilma fred bangs on door,”
What kind of idiot searches for videos of the Flintstones without using “Flintstones” as a search word?
You know, if you keep claiming that Obama is the worst president in US history, you’re going to upset zombie Ulysses S. Grant. I mean, the man literally had government corruption named after him for years. Not even George W. Bush merited that distinction
On the other hand, Ulysses S. Grant became president thanks to what he accomplished, as opposed to whose family he was born into.
There seems to no longer be the need for a complaint to be deemed ‘credible’ in order for Church authorities to pull the trigger on the Church’s procedure
“The Church’s procedure” is to investigate the complaints, OH NOES. And he complains he got put on administrative leave while they investigate multiple complaints of sexual misconduct against him, just like what almost always happens when people in positions of authority are accused of wrongdoing, what does he think should have happened instead?
I fear for my sanity.
I read the Ken Connor, and, despite the odd ‘cons R in yer oldz homez, tattooing your granpa’ that Tintin points out, the rest of it seems not crazy, and even compassionate.
Of course that might be because Ken is lobbying his family to keep an eye on the staff when he ends up in a care facility.
I got off the boat to read Professor Boxwine. Too askeert to venture elsewhere.
The Mangoes are evil! The Mango shoots Bullshit, and makes new Bogosity to poison the Earth with a plague of wingnuts, as ever it was. But the Boat shoots Snark and purifies the Interwebs of the filth of Bullshit. Go forth, and snark!
Holy fuck! That Johny D. Simoom is fun to read. For a paragraph or two. I sense great resentment at getting kicked out of the RenFaire because he was too goofy even for them.
I reall should have paid more careful attention to his opening grafs
I guess that my scribbling history says it all. I have nothing but respect for those brave enough to read my thoughts on any given subject, […] . I’ve no problem bearing in mind that my readers are en masse far smarter than myself,
“Scribbling” is an apt word for that shit. It brings to mind the fevered psychoses drawn in crayon one might find at a psycho ward. Too, Trig is smarter than him all by himself.
In two minutes of the New Land’s rebirth
The gold fruit of India putrefies within;
Scylla lures six at a time from their boats
To engorge themselves (the reference is veiled)
Ok, I read the DiCintio one, which is actually really funny for 2 reasons:
1.) he definitely sounds like a hysterical middle-schooler who forgot to take his Ritalin and was trapped in an airless room with a thesaurus and
2.) he comes back to the same argument that all wingnuts eventually make, which is–if you vociferously disagree with us, you are shutting down speech.
Also too, he puts scare quotes around “radicalism,” and doesn’t understand that by doing so he is undermining his own argument. Tee hee!
I am not alone in this assessment, as multiple canon lawyers and civil and criminal attorneys have stated publicly that the procedure does grave damage to the accused from the outset, regardless of rhetoric denying this,
Maybe if the church hadn’t spent so much rhetoric denying and hiding their guilt, for so many years, only to be exposed as criminally culpable liars then people wouldn’t just fucking assume you are doing it again. ever think of that Fr. Crappy?
That Johnny Symon image appears to be from a painting by his wife, but thru the wonders of teh intertubez I managed to track down an actual photo of him.
There seems to no longer be the need for a complaint to be deemed ‘credible’ in order for Church authorities to pull the trigger on the Church’s procedure,
As opposed to the calm and measured reactions to those totes credible O’Keefe documentary videos hatchet jobs.
”My original search was “wilma fred bangs on door,”
Flintstones, hell. It sounds more like she was searching for Rule 34, Where Are You?
I often fail to follow recipes in this manner.
But do you pee on the side of the bowl?
I totally thought the Symon pic was a shoop. I mean, come on. I was all, “*snicker* Tintin, you sly bastard, sneaking one in at the end. Too funny.” But nooOOOoooo. I had to go check. Didn’t I? OhJesuswhatthefuckarethesepeoplethinking.
“Sadly No! Tintin Attacks Community Colleges as ‘Shitty’”.
No, it’s not a condemnation of community colleges. It’s a mocking of specific cretins that have somehow landed some sort of teaching position at these schools. And as Dr. Dick points out, the more drooling, moronic cretins appearing on the teaching rolls, the higher the chance that the particular CC is, in fact, shitty.
Cause and effect. Read about it, you pathetic loser.
[Trouble with my keyboard. Why? Spilled coffee on it. I will get a new one soon. (Not easy; very tight budget.) Lurking only today. I make a lot of mechanical errors when writing; I fix them in re-writes and edits. These sentences have taken me a l-o-n-g time! Hope you can decipher the writing below. Using CAPS; keying accurate tags is hard under the best of circumstances.]]
<blockquote“holy crap this guy thinks his readers even know these words?”
He KNOWS they don’t. That’s precisely why he uses highly-embellished language, ‘impressive’ words, foriegn words that his readers would have to look up in a dictionary. The dog-whistle is the noun, not the modifer. But note how he flatters the reader who is already pre-disposed toward hime. The effect is this: “This guy is really SMART. I am SMART. (He said so, and he should know: He’s got a fancy college degree.) And me and friends all agree, so WE are smart.”
Another variant, for those predisosed to him, who DO know the words he uses: “He has an erudite and sophisticad lexicon, as do I; ergo, all truly intellectual people should think as we do.”
(Here, ‘scribbling’ is a modest word the philosophes have used in journals from the Age of Reason, which the reader may have had some exposure to in college. Just a subtle touch the reader is not fully conscious of; merely an echoing word.)
And the writer is humble, to boot! That use of ‘scribbling’ at the front means “I’m not some stuffed-shirt LIBERAL academic who would only lecture you and get all superior .” Reader (later on): “This gut SMART! He’s only ‘scribbling’ spontaneously and–wow–look at all the words he knows!”
The reader, the audience, is everything….and we’re not it. He knows his audience and blows the dog-whistle well. This is another way of analyzing reichwing writing. At S,N, we mock the content–logical inconsistecies and hypocrisy– and blow their ‘evidence’ to smithereens and have fun mocking them with photoshops. With the cleverer ones–and I imagine this guy IS on Wingnut Welfare–it’s also useful to analyze their style. Know the enemy.
What strikes me is that TinTin actually reads these incoherent dribblings and not only finds the shorter but somehow maintains enough functioning brain cells to write it.
And he did SIX shorters today.! I particularly enjoy TinTin’s shorters, because I have learned to Always. Trust>. The Shorter.
I haven’t gone ashore for a couple of months. Today I took off the linen suit and replaced it with a tee and slacks. (Still have the panama hat on; baldness. Told the steward to bring me beer instead of juleps. It’s Spring!
On the bad days it can cause immediate brain death.
————————————– the Boat shoots Snark
Precise, accurate, rapid, and funny as hell. And nobody gets hurt! (except for delicate fee-ffee.)
Stephen, actually several of the helpful people here were actually rustling up lots of ladies’ pee-funneling devices a couple weeks back. But I don’t think any of them were paper! So kudos!
The banhammer has been dropped at LGM, incurring the wrath of the famously stupid Ann Althouse on behalf of her man-who-sounds-suspiciously-like-an-alcoholic-drink.
Note St. Looch when addressing the trolls. A true gentleman.
I do not which to scar my eyes with those mangoes. this is a taste of the future for those in Sturmbannführer Walker’s fief.
Cops taking moonlights to get enough money to make ends meet leads to corruption. I would never have guessed.
Cops taking moonlights to get enough money to make ends meet leads to corruption.
It’s mentioned in the article, though fairly well in, but the huge problem isn’t so much moonlighting, but who’s in charge of handing out the gigs. More often than not, in NO the beat cop is the contact with the businesses, and basically gets to decide who is going to get to work. This puts their “supervisors” in a terrible position where the subordinate is holding their pursestrings. While there are undoubtedly organizations that can benefit from a more “bottom up” approach to management, the NOPD ain’t one of them.
This has been a problem for decades. I was well aware of it and its implications twenty years ago when I lived down there and had a friend who was trying to convince me to join the force, and it wasn’t new then. The feds are just noticing this now?
I could go on forever about how deeply ingrained the corruption is, and how apparently acceptable to the general populace, but I have to do laundry.
Maybe I haven’t been around ’cause I got nuthin terribly interesting to say. The hurt that the Madison locals put on Althouse was great, but otherwise I can’t get too worked up over the meta-battles with them.
I do have an exclamation I coined yesterday: Holy Humping Harris Hawks!!!!
This coming Friday (26th) the Duchy of Grand Fenwickwill welcome tourists and visitors!
The Libyan War, I fear, will be going on a long time, certainly after my blog is up. So this is my last Libyan intrusion into S,N (unless asked)…which I imagine will be a relief for some commenters. This is largely based on the 4 PM Pentagon briefing:
NFZ established — No air opposition; long-range SAMs destroyed or crippled; radars turned off.; no emmisions except for Tripoli. US not attacking AA-artillery, will not target Gaddafi personally.
Recent strikes — (1) Non-US strike (w/ one US EW aircraft) against mech unit west of Benghazi; ‘dozens’ of vehicles destroyed; force ‘isolated and stressed’. (2) US strikes against aircraft protected-bunkers at military airfields in Sirte and Misrata. (3) AJ: Blast and large plume of smoke in the direction / vicinity of Gaddafi’s large Tripoli compound. [and his likely location].
BTW, a compound strike is Not inconsistant with no ‘personal’ attack:. Palace and command-control at west end; major ground equipment bunkers at east end. [I pushed in as tight as Google maps let me . Detailed description / analysis is the sort of thing that might show up in the blog. Good layout.] Odd fact: there is a significant roadway in Tripoli called ‘Pepsi-Cola Street. WTF?
Additional NFZ participants — Spain and Quatar announced active participatione; redeploying into the theater. Other Arab states–probably Saudi and UAE–seem probable, but want to announce it themselves.
They did indeed. Farley informed him that they have high standards for trollery there and he simply was not up to snuff. Trite, inane, insufferable and above all, boring!.
Yeah, I wasn’t entirely keen on the idea, though at the time it held a certain small appeal, like a regular paycheck. I am not, however, made for that shit.
The arguments for were pretty amusing. Beyond the “do whatever you want and no one can fuck with you” aspect, the one i chuckled at most was that there was apparently a whole subset of NO hookers that only did cops. Why this was supposed to make the idea more appealing is still uncertain. Not to mention, just how many hookers does one police force require?
I’m listening to To the Best of Our Knowledge. The host was talking to Mark Blyth (nerdcrush!) and was completely shocked when Blyth told him that our defense budget composes 46% of the entire world’s defense budget. He said, “Wait, could you please repeat that?”
SPORTS: In the NCAA Basketball Tournament battle of two schools whose funding is soon going to be trashed by the wingers running their respective states, University of Arizona defeats University of Texas.
I only read the “leadership” one. From it I learned the following “ideas”:
1) It doesn’t matter whether you want to go left or right, you need strong leadership, which is how I know Obama is failing to show strong leadership by not tacking to the extreme right like those nice Messers. Walker and Christie.
2) Since, as every American household knows, the best way to get out of debt is by voluntarily asking the boss for a 25% pay cut first, the best way to deal with a debt problem is cutting tax rates. For the same reason, businesses never, ever borrow money to make capital improvements that might improve long-run profitability.
3) Then there’s something about how liberals just want people to be free to make their own choices, which is obviously awful, but I’m not sure how to recognize it with Professor Goldberg’s well-reasoned proof that liberals are fascists and conservatives just want people to be free to make their own choices. I’m sure it’s because all my fuzzy-headed liberal thinking has rotted my brain.
“We can’t go back to that hyphenated days of, no we need to and can work together in working with Pakistan, and we have our issues there, too, and in a sense we do, but we need to work with Pakistan, but that’s one of those issues that we need to work on, as we strengthen our allies, there…”
Fuck! Seriously! If that shit was all I had to do all day the last thing I’d do is bitch for bitching’s sake. And for the record, If I ever see Ann Althouse…… I’m punching her. Yes, I know. I need to use my words………… There are no words. She’s as good as punched.
That Symon article is the gateway into a whole separate world o’ right-wing crazy. It led me to Norman Dodd’s Wikipedia article – which is a thing of right-wing beauty. I have no intention of even editing it.
Billy Dee Williams, gosh, I hadn’t thought of him. I met Mr Williams and one of my all time favorite actors, James Earl Jones, while they were filming this baseball movie at the Luther Williams Ball Park in Macon, Georgia. Mr Jones told me that his father, Robert Earl Jones, had been a vaudeville actor, and that I might have seen him in the movie, The Sting, with Paul Newman, Robert Redford, and Robert Shaw. Mr Jones also mentioned that his dad had worked with the famous heavy weight fighter, Joe Louis.
Looks like somebody is choosing to shovel her goods in India during Holi, when the bhang flows fast & abundant, & the dancing, body-painting & humping is hot & wild … a wise choice on her part – goodness knows it’d take a big weed slurpee or two to become altered enough to want to endeavor to parse the shapeless globs of USA#1WEEPINGEAGLELIBERTY blazing out of her shovelmouth.
Let the church say…… (all together now)……… Amen. I’m on my period and working two fucking jobs while people complain about Michelle Obama. Sorry if I get too mad at that …………. (and breathe….) Thank You.
Do people get paid to write these things? I mean, does RenewAmerica pay their columnists, or is this just a “Gibbering Schizophrenic X sent us an e-mail full of ramblings, let’s put it online so we can stick some ads on it” set-up?
‘Cause if they’ll pay for crazy stuff, I can write some goddamn crazyass stuff…
The ducks in a shooting gallery* are supposed to be arrayed horizontally.
*Now we see the violence inherent in the lib jokes!
From DiCinto’s article:
Conservative revisionism on behalf of Joe McCarthy has to be one of the most weakass weapons in their arsenal.
What, you mean there were actually communist agents working to penetrate the U.S. government? NO FUCKING SHIT, BUCKWHEAT: it’s called espionage, it’s been around for five thousand years and no one needed McCarthy to make them aware of that.
The notion that those agents included Presidents Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower, as McCarthy claimed? Not so much.
I see the keen (as a dull spoon) intellects and cutting edge (of the abyss) analysts at ReNude AmeriKKKa are hard at work proving Mencken and Barnum right.
Two other things that I wonder if fawning conservatives realize about Joe McCarthy:
One, that during World War Two, the man lobbied to have the death sentence commutted for Waffen-SS soldiers who’d executed American prisoners, on the grounds that confession from the SS had been extracted through torture. Joe McCarthy: kraut lover and anti-torture Polyanna.
Two, it’s not liberals who brought down McCarthy, it’s conservatives. He repeatedly shot himself in the foot by accusing the wrong people (the Defense Department, the Eisenhower Administration, the Protestant clergy) instead of sticking to attacks on the faggoty fag Hollywood and State Department nancy boys, which is why so few people stood with him at the end. If he’d stuck to partisan politics only, there’d at least have been more of a fight to defend him.
Oooh, look!
Johhny D. Symon is a knight!
Brave Sir Robin!
I’ve never heard of any of these bozos before, not even at Re-do America. Which just reinforces the notion I’ve had that about the only thing this country is good at producing anymore is stupid people.
Who wants some box-wine-soaked mangoes?
Matt C. Abbott
Somebody has made the preposterous accusation against a priest that he had sex with an adult woman
Matt C. Abbott
Help me out a victim
Johnny D. Symon
Even though the Ford Foundation urged a build-up in U.S. missiles during the Cold War, its true objective was to merge the U.S. and the Soviet Union into one country.
I love how he accuses someone of hypocrisy for not admitting in public some outrageous bullshit some other guy made up.
I’ve had that about the only thing this country is good at producing anymore is stupid people.
We’re still pretty good at creating bomb-cratered wastelands
and calling them peace.N_B – that’s a by-product of the stupid people.
So now Gerald Ford is part of the communist takeover of America? Fuuuuuuuck.
It is true that Democrats did not support Republican hearings on the Catholic child-molester conspiracies.
Wow that DiCintio nut strings together the most adjectives since H.P. Lovecraft. An example:
And through de facto law promulgated by faceless bureaucrats so securely ensconced in the arrogant niches of labyrinthine Washington that an army of citizens supported by ten thousand bloodhounds just might be able to sniff them out.
The preceding paragraph is almost as good. Good as in “holy crap this guy thinks his readers even know these words?”
Whether it’s name calling by contemptible true-believers or silence by expedient cowards, the Democratic reaction to Congressman Peter King for holding hearings to shed light on the extent of “radicalization” in the nation’s Muslim community demonstrates the ugliness of liberal discourse one more sickeningly repetitive time.
Try this: until the post-9/11 backlash, the American Muslim community was so well fucking adjusted in their native country, they actually voted Republican. In droves. Just something to think about when you’re asking about the course of that radicalization.
Wow that DiCintio nut strings together the most adjectives since H.P. Lovecraft. An example:
His thesaurus must be well-thumbed.*
His thesaurus must be well-thumbed.*
Any man who can masturbate with just his thumbs is either a microdick or a concert pianist.
Any man who can masturbate with just his thumbs is either a microdick or a concert pianist.
The former condition pretty well defines the conservative movement, though you left out the impotence and incontinence.
you left out the impotence and incontinence.
I often fail to follow recipes in this manner.
This dish: DO NOT WANT
I often fail to follow recipes in this manner.
Yes, but it loses its succulent frisson of desperation and paranoia without them, along with that spicy hint of moral degeneracy which gives the dish its unique complexion.
As for the article on Obama being the worst presidnet ever, every president is the worst president ever. The claim is always made and it is never true. Well, it was true one time, but the Obama claim is not it.
Monte Kuligowski is a DUI lawyer with a degree from Regent Law School, a/k/a Pat Robertson U:
Eric Holder has a degree from Columbia Law and has a long career as a US Attorney and AG.
Clearly, Monte’s resume trumps Holder’s.
Huh. DiCintio completely left out King’s support for the IRA. Can’t think why.
Yes, but it loses its succulent frisson of desperation and paranoia without them, along with that spicy hint of moral degeneracy which gives the dish its unique complexion.
A good cook substitutes. Panda meat provides excellent degeneracy, and I’ve heard that cocaine does wonders on the desperation and paranoia fronts.
OT: R.I.P. Knut. Despite evolution, he never hurt anyone and that put him ahead of most of us.
Do people get paid to write these things?
What strikes me is that TinTin actually reads these incoherent dribblings and not only finds the shorter but somehow maintains enough functioning brain cells to write it.
I mean, reading this stuff makes one “confused by a lightswitch” stupid.
I mean, reading this stuff makes one “confused by a lightswitch” stupid.
And that is on their good days. On the bad days it can cause immediate brain death.
“mac said,
March 20, 2011 at 16:22
Who wants some box-wine-soaked mangoes?”
Wow. The worst misogynists out there really are women.
So, if a woman is surrounded by male companions and advisors, what does that mean? Does it mean she’s being oppressed and abused? Or is that just dandy cuz the mens are there to be daddy and take charge? Omfg.
There seems to no longer be the need for a complaint to be deemed ‘credible’ in order for Church authorities to pull the trigger on the Church’s procedure, which was in recent years crafted to respond to cases of the sexual abuse of minors.
Everybody knows priests only molest young boys.
N_B, I was bummEd to read about Knut this morning. 🙁
I got off the boat to read Professor Boxwine. Too askeert to venture elsewhere.
I got off the boat to read Professor Boxwine.
First rule of the internets, NEVER get out of the boat.
Second rule of the internets, See rule one.
You know, if you keep claiming that Obama is the worst president in US history, you’re going to upset zombie Ulysses S. Grant. I mean, the man literally had government corruption named after him for years. Not even George W. Bush merited that distinction.
Monte Kuligowski is a DUI lawyer with a degree from Regent Law School, a/k/a Pat Robertson U:
He passed the bar in 1997, and Regent Law only got accreditation in 1996, and according to US News ratings even after improving a bit every year Regent is still “tier 4,” which is the worst group.
Zombies Pierce, McKinley and Andrew Johnson might want to fight about it too.
As for DUI lawyer, I spent a weekend in Hampton Roads recently and the Robertson tentacles are everywhere. Not in a good tentacle way either.
Obama is a leftwing globalist, and a damn foolish one at that. Instead of sending American troops to Libya to fight yet another war which has nothing to do with American national security, he should be sending troops to our southern border to defend against this illegal Mexican invasion.
War with Mexico would at this point indeed be justified. The Mexican government has been actively encouraging the “reconquesta” of the American Southwest through the active encouragement of illegal immigration. And the globalists in our own government have either turned a blind eye towards this or have tacitly supported it. More than half of Our Nation’s politicians are traitors. Their refusal to defend American National Soverignty is disturbing and is full fledged treason.
As for this foolhardy war with Libya, yet again our bloodsucking politician are getting us involved in another war that has nothing to do with us. Who cares if Gaddaffi kills his own people? It is none of our business. What he does in his own country doesn’t in anyway threaten American National Soveringty. But of course our cowardly blood sucking politicans will never go to war when Our National Soverigty is at stake, considering they want a one world government anyway.
La Althus: By the way, if you do a Google video search with the word “bangs” in it, Google assumes you’re looking for sex videos. Even if you say “bangs on door.”My original search was “wilma fred bangs on door,”
What kind of idiot searches for videos of the Flintstones without using “Flintstones” as a search word?
On the bad days it can cause immediate brain death.
What kind of idiot searches for videos of the Flintstones without using “Flintstones” as a search word?
An Althousian idiot, of course, or any other rightwinger.
I wonder why she’s thinking of The Flintstones. Also Google’s getting really good at assuming what you want to look for based on past searches, Ms. Altgangbanghouse.
Technogeek said,
March 20, 2011 at 18:45
You know, if you keep claiming that Obama is the worst president in US history, you’re going to upset zombie Ulysses S. Grant. I mean, the man literally had government corruption named after him for years. Not even George W. Bush merited that distinction
On the other hand, Ulysses S. Grant became president thanks to what he accomplished, as opposed to whose family he was born into.
There seems to no longer be the need for a complaint to be deemed ‘credible’ in order for Church authorities to pull the trigger on the Church’s procedure
“The Church’s procedure” is to investigate the complaints, OH NOES. And he complains he got put on administrative leave while they investigate multiple complaints of sexual misconduct against him, just like what almost always happens when people in positions of authority are accused of wrongdoing, what does he think should have happened instead?
I’m sure she got some very interesting results with that search.
I fear for my sanity.
I read the Ken Connor, and, despite the odd ‘cons R in yer oldz homez, tattooing your granpa’ that Tintin points out, the rest of it seems not crazy, and even compassionate.
Of course that might be because Ken is lobbying his family to keep an eye on the staff when he ends up in a care facility.
I’m laughed so hard at Johnny “Simple” Symon’s avatar I fell out of the boat, but I got back in without launching a mango foray.
Hey, I wonder if there’s an engorged version of that picture…
…what does he think should have happened instead?
Oh the accusations come from adult females?
FatherMonsignor Corapi!~
I got off the boat to read Professor Boxwine. Too askeert to venture elsewhere.
The Mangoes are evil! The Mango shoots Bullshit, and makes new Bogosity to poison the Earth with a plague of wingnuts, as ever it was. But the Boat shoots Snark and purifies the Interwebs of the filth of Bullshit. Go forth, and snark!
Veiled penis reference.
Holy fuck! That Johny D. Simoom is fun to read. For a paragraph or two. I sense great resentment at getting kicked out of the RenFaire because he was too goofy even for them.
I reall should have paid more careful attention to his opening grafs
“Scribbling” is an apt word for that shit. It brings to mind the fevered psychoses drawn in crayon one might find at a psycho ward. Too, Trig is smarter than him all by himself.
In two minutes of the New Land’s rebirth
The gold fruit of India putrefies within;
Scylla lures six at a time from their boats
To engorge themselves (the reference is veiled)
Ok, I read the DiCintio one, which is actually really funny for 2 reasons:
1.) he definitely sounds like a hysterical middle-schooler who forgot to take his Ritalin and was trapped in an airless room with a thesaurus and
2.) he comes back to the same argument that all wingnuts eventually make, which is–if you vociferously disagree with us, you are shutting down speech.
Also too, he puts scare quotes around “radicalism,” and doesn’t understand that by doing so he is undermining his own argument. Tee hee!
I am not alone in this assessment, as multiple canon lawyers and civil and criminal attorneys have stated publicly that the procedure does grave damage to the accused from the outset, regardless of rhetoric denying this,
Maybe if the church hadn’t spent so much rhetoric denying and hiding their guilt, for so many years, only to be exposed as criminally culpable liars then people wouldn’t just fucking assume you are doing it again. ever think of that Fr. Crappy?
Oops – forgot to add one of my favorite citations: “Your actions speak so loudly I can not hear what you are saying.” – R. W. Emerson
That Johnny Symon image appears to be from a painting by his wife, but thru the wonders of teh intertubez I managed to track down an actual photo of him.
From asshat Tintin’s Twitter to the Sadly No! asshats: “Sadly No! Tintin Attacks Community Colleges as ‘Shitty'”.
“Sadly No! Tintin Attacks Community Colleges as ‘Shitty’”.
No, just the one(s) where you teach are shitty. There is a causal relationship there, not merely a correlation.
And yet you feel it necessary to come here and flaunt your imagined superiority. How fucking pathetic does that make you?
As opposed to the calm and measured reactions to those totes credible O’Keefe
documentary videoshatchet jobs.Flintstones, hell. It sounds more like she was searching for Rule 34, Where Are You?
But do you pee on the side of the bowl?
I totally thought the Symon pic was a shoop. I mean, come on. I was all, “*snicker* Tintin, you sly bastard, sneaking one in at the end. Too funny.” But nooOOOoooo. I had to go check. Didn’t I? OhJesuswhatthefuckarethesepeoplethinking.
I often fail to follow recipes in this manner.
But do you pee on the side of the bowl?
Not while making rice.
“Sadly No! Tintin Attacks Community Colleges as ‘Shitty’”.
No, it’s not a condemnation of community colleges. It’s a mocking of specific cretins that have somehow landed some sort of teaching position at these schools. And as Dr. Dick points out, the more drooling, moronic cretins appearing on the teaching rolls, the higher the chance that the particular CC is, in fact, shitty.
Cause and effect. Read about it, you pathetic loser.
Re: shitty, DrDick nails it in one.
Also, too. What with “asshat” as every other word, I think Le Donalde finally found Fark.
Congress should also hold hearings to investigate everyone who criticizes Rep. King’s hearings on Muslims
Yeah, what we need is some sort of House… Committee to monitor… Un-American Activities.
“Are you, or have you ever been a Muslim sympathizer?”
Perhaps I should have linked.
Oh Donalde, how is that lawsuit coming along? Yeah, the one where the über liberal EFF is taking care of things for you? Shitty indeed.
[Trouble with my keyboard. Why? Spilled coffee on it. I will get a new one soon. (Not easy; very tight budget.) Lurking only today. I make a lot of mechanical errors when writing; I fix them in re-writes and edits. These sentences have taken me a l-o-n-g time! Hope you can decipher the writing below. Using CAPS; keying accurate tags is hard under the best of circumstances.]]
<blockquote“holy crap this guy thinks his readers even know these words?”
He KNOWS they don’t. That’s precisely why he uses highly-embellished language, ‘impressive’ words, foriegn words that his readers would have to look up in a dictionary. The dog-whistle is the noun, not the modifer. But note how he flatters the reader who is already pre-disposed toward hime. The effect is this: “This guy is really SMART. I am SMART. (He said so, and he should know: He’s got a fancy college degree.) And me and friends all agree, so WE are smart.”
Another variant, for those predisosed to him, who DO know the words he uses: “He has an erudite and sophisticad lexicon, as do I; ergo, all truly intellectual people should think as we do.”
(Here, ‘scribbling’ is a modest word the philosophes have used in journals from the Age of Reason, which the reader may have had some exposure to in college. Just a subtle touch the reader is not fully conscious of; merely an echoing word.)
And the writer is humble, to boot! That use of ‘scribbling’ at the front means “I’m not some stuffed-shirt LIBERAL academic who would only lecture you and get all superior .” Reader (later on): “This gut SMART! He’s only ‘scribbling’ spontaneously and–wow–look at all the words he knows!”
The reader, the audience, is everything….and we’re not it. He knows his audience and blows the dog-whistle well. This is another way of analyzing reichwing writing. At S,N, we mock the content–logical inconsistecies and hypocrisy– and blow their ‘evidence’ to smithereens and have fun mocking them with photoshops. With the cleverer ones–and I imagine this guy IS on Wingnut Welfare–it’s also useful to analyze their style. Know the enemy.
What strikes me is that TinTin actually reads these incoherent dribblings and not only finds the shorter but somehow maintains enough functioning brain cells to write it.
And he did SIX shorters today.! I particularly enjoy TinTin’s shorters, because I have learned to Always. Trust>. The Shorter.
I haven’t gone ashore for a couple of months. Today I took off the linen suit and replaced it with a tee and slacks. (Still have the panama hat on; baldness. Told the steward to bring me beer instead of juleps. It’s Spring!
On the bad days it can cause immediate brain death.
the Boat shoots Snark
Precise, accurate, rapid, and funny as hell. And nobody gets hurt! (except for delicate fee-ffee.)
Oh, you guys and your aim-able peein’. I’m…jealous?
Amiable Pee
I knew someone would make an amiable pee joke.
Left that one dangling…YOU’RE WELCOME.
Oh, you guys and your aim-able peein’. I’m…jealous?
Don’t worry, I have the solution for you.
Thank you, vs.
Haven’t been around much and am trying to find the groove again.
Stephen, actually several of the helpful people here were actually rustling up lots of ladies’ pee-funneling devices a couple weeks back. But I don’t think any of them were paper! So kudos!
Welcome back, low sodium hunchy!
This is for your troll aficionados out there. Some exciting trolling going on at The Beast.
The banhammer has been dropped at LGM, incurring the wrath of the famously stupid Ann Althouse on behalf of her man-who-sounds-suspiciously-like-an-alcoholic-drink.
Oh fuck you WordPress.
Also imagine I am linking to LGM. Ann Althouse – who is stupid! – is mad at Robert Farley for banning her idiot drone bee.
I’m imagining it–it’s glorious!
Note St. Looch when addressing the trolls. A true gentleman.
I do not which to scar my eyes with those mangoes.
this is a taste of the future for those in Sturmbannführer Walker’s fief.
Cops taking moonlights to get enough money to make ends meet leads to corruption. I would never have guessed.
Someone called?
Ann Althouse – who is stupid! – is mad at Robert Farley for banning her idiot drone bee.
No! They banned Manservant Hecubus???
Cops taking moonlights to get enough money to make ends meet leads to corruption. I would never have guessed.
I would have guessed. In fact it’s all part of the plan. Once all the cops are corrupt then it will be so much easier for us rich folk to buy them.
It’s mentioned in the article, though fairly well in, but the huge problem isn’t so much moonlighting, but who’s in charge of handing out the gigs. More often than not, in NO the beat cop is the contact with the businesses, and basically gets to decide who is going to get to work. This puts their “supervisors” in a terrible position where the subordinate is holding their pursestrings. While there are undoubtedly organizations that can benefit from a more “bottom up” approach to management, the NOPD ain’t one of them.
This has been a problem for decades. I was well aware of it and its implications twenty years ago when I lived down there and had a friend who was trying to convince me to join the force, and it wasn’t new then. The feds are just noticing this now?
I could go on forever about how deeply ingrained the corruption is, and how apparently acceptable to the general populace, but I have to do laundry.
Maybe I haven’t been around ’cause I got nuthin terribly interesting to say. The hurt that the Madison locals put on Althouse was great, but otherwise I can’t get too worked up over the meta-battles with them.
I do have an exclamation I coined yesterday: Holy Humping Harris Hawks!!!!
Left a note for The Donalde:
This coming Friday (26th) the Duchy of Grand Fenwickwill welcome tourists and visitors!
The Libyan War, I fear, will be going on a long time, certainly after my blog is up. So this is my last Libyan intrusion into S,N (unless asked)…which I imagine will be a relief for some commenters. This is largely based on the 4 PM Pentagon briefing:
Fenwick out.
Doesn’t need enemies:
a friend who was trying to convince me to join the force
Pot attacks kettle.
Film clip at 11.
Nostradamus: Prophecy revealed! Truly a special gift.
St. Looch: Sainthood becomes you. Great relics in the thread so far.
Gotta go light the water healer pilot. Between that and the keyboard, my day is not going so great.
*slips back into the shadows*
Left that one dangling…YOU’RE WELCOME.
I thank you for leaving it to dangle.
No! They banned Manservant Hecubus???
They did indeed. Farley informed him that they have high standards for trollery there and he simply was not up to snuff. Trite, inane, insufferable and above all, boring!.
What’s Hecubus to her, or her to Hecubus, That she should weep for him?
What’s Hecubus to her, or her to Hecubus, That she should
weep fordangle him?Fuqqst.
Dangling the Hecubus
Yeah, I wasn’t entirely keen on the idea, though at the time it held a certain small appeal, like a regular paycheck. I am not, however, made for that shit.
The arguments for were pretty amusing. Beyond the “do whatever you want and no one can fuck with you” aspect, the one i chuckled at most was that there was apparently a whole subset of NO hookers that only did cops. Why this was supposed to make the idea more appealing is still uncertain. Not to mention, just how many hookers does one police force require?
Pot attacks kettle.
Aaaaah hahahahaha!
*crosses fingers that he sinks to defending her in the comments on my blog*
I’m listening to To the Best of Our Knowledge. The host was talking to Mark Blyth (nerdcrush!) and was completely shocked when Blyth told him that our defense budget composes 46% of the entire world’s defense budget. He said, “Wait, could you please repeat that?”
I was shocked it was that low.
This next guy is a turd. I’m sure I’ll miss him when David Brooks comes on, though.
Nostradamus, that was inspired.
Stephen said,
“Don’t worry, I have the solution for you.”
Now I know what to do with my used Melitta filters. Iris will thank me, maybe not.
In other blog gossip:
Atrios made a vague reference to an unnamed Balloon Juice commenter.
CNN has a Libya war logo.
SPORTS: In the NCAA Basketball Tournament battle of two schools whose funding is soon going to be trashed by the wingers running their respective states, University of Arizona defeats University of Texas.
Of course they do. They’re libs, ya?
You can’t market a war without a logo. Not properly.
RUN AWAY!!!!!!
This is far more suitable Sunday listening.
Eric Holder looks latino to me, but I think that’s just his grandiose mustache.
Don’t give up now, Bones!
Crissa said,
“Eric Holder looks latino to me….”
He does favor Adolph Caesar.
I only read the “leadership” one. From it I learned the following “ideas”:
1) It doesn’t matter whether you want to go left or right, you need strong leadership, which is how I know Obama is failing to show strong leadership by not tacking to the extreme right like those nice Messers. Walker and Christie.
2) Since, as every American household knows, the best way to get out of debt is by voluntarily asking the boss for a 25% pay cut first, the best way to deal with a debt problem is cutting tax rates. For the same reason, businesses never, ever borrow money to make capital improvements that might improve long-run profitability.
3) Then there’s something about how liberals just want people to be free to make their own choices, which is obviously awful, but I’m not sure how to recognize it with Professor Goldberg’s well-reasoned proof that liberals are fascists and conservatives just want people to be free to make their own choices. I’m sure it’s because all my fuzzy-headed liberal thinking has rotted my brain.
Interesting stuff for Fenwick & others interested in Odyssesy Dawn.
Eric Holder looks latino to me, but I think that’s just his grandiose mustache.
Lando Calrissian, if you ask me.
So are you getting washed down a hillside, g?
Yeah g it looked like fierce rain.
Is that last writer a Dungeons and Dragons PC?
Diagram this sentence and win a free internet!
“We can’t go back to that hyphenated days of, no we need to and can work together in working with Pakistan, and we have our issues there, too, and in a sense we do, but we need to work with Pakistan, but that’s one of those issues that we need to work on, as we strengthen our allies, there…”
Diagram, you say?
That’s an Euler diagram, not a Venn diagram.
Or, if you fancy old-timey shoes, an Euler buckling diagram.
In the interests of zero-preposterous-growth, can we diaphragm that sentence?
Diagram this sentence and win a free internet!
That was a winner. So’s the link.
And “we can’t go back to the hyphenated days?” What the fuck does that mean?
Fuck! Seriously! If that shit was all I had to do all day the last thing I’d do is bitch for bitching’s sake. And for the record, If I ever see Ann Althouse…… I’m punching her. Yes, I know. I need to use my words………… There are no words. She’s as good as punched.
That Symon article is the gateway into a whole separate world o’ right-wing crazy. It led me to Norman Dodd’s Wikipedia article – which is a thing of right-wing beauty. I have no intention of even editing it.
g said,
“Lando Calrissian, if you ask me.”
Billy Dee Williams, gosh, I hadn’t thought of him. I met Mr Williams and one of my all time favorite actors, James Earl Jones, while they were filming this baseball movie at the Luther Williams Ball Park in Macon, Georgia. Mr Jones told me that his father, Robert Earl Jones, had been a vaudeville actor, and that I might have seen him in the movie, The Sting, with Paul Newman, Robert Redford, and Robert Shaw. Mr Jones also mentioned that his dad had worked with the famous heavy weight fighter, Joe Louis.
Sorry, link did not make it first time, but here it is again:
Diagram this sentence and win a free internet!
Looks like somebody is choosing to shovel her goods in India during Holi, when the bhang flows fast & abundant, & the dancing, body-painting & humping is hot & wild … a wise choice on her part – goodness knows it’d take a big weed slurpee or two to become altered enough to want to endeavor to parse the shapeless globs of USA#1WEEPINGEAGLELIBERTY blazing out of her shovelmouth.
Let the church say…… (all together now)……… Amen. I’m on my period and working two fucking jobs while people complain about Michelle Obama. Sorry if I get too mad at that …………. (and breathe….) Thank You.
For keeping me sane.
Wow. That’s quite a long list of doughy, terrified old white people and their conspiracy theories.