A Frickin’ GOLDMINE of Insanity

I’m too tired to review this Guy Adams piece tonight, but I’ll provide you with a teaser to hold you over until I stop being lazy:

Islam is a force for evil that opposes all who do not embrace it. Much like the homosexual agenda, all who oppose Islam must be silenced by whatever means. That is at the heart of Islam — convert to the worship of Allah or else slay all those who reject Islam.

I think Guy’s upset because the gays have been actively trying to convert him- what do the rest of you think?

Bonus laughs:

So if a Muslim says to you that he has peaceful intentions toward you, a non-Muslim, then you must ask him, “Are you really a true Muslim(?), because the Qur’an clearly states that you are commanded to kill me.”

At which point the Muslim guy slowly backs away and calls the police.


Comments: 29


I think Guy’s upset because the gays have been actively trying to convert him

It’s his own fault. That mustache is gayer than Paul Lynde.

And is it just me, or does he bear a striking resemblance to this dude?


Alternative title: “Why Do These Muslims Keep Sucking My Cock?”

[damn, beaten again!]


When did Stacy Keach lose his goddamn mind? Oh, that’s not him?


Ya know, one of my first roommates in college was a Muslim. Kid from Turkey, architecture student. Good kid, always paid his share of the bills on-time (as opposed to the other roommate, a yuppie jackass from Winter Park, Florida) and he always hung out with these smokin’ hot Middle Eastern exchange students who just loved my Mississippi drawl. Good times, y’all. Thing is, he was a fairly into-it Muslim. Did the daily prayers and went to his mosque regularly. Never once did he try to kill me, much an infidel. Good thing I never brought up that bit in the Qur’an, huh?


I would like to take this moment to point out the moon is not full.



Dude. You can just look at Guy and see the repressed homosexuality just itching to explode from every cell in his body.

Sad, that.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been to a Gay Mafia meetings, discussion how to blow up the “non-fabulous hetro devils”
I also find it amusing how, “hey, could you guys maybe stop tying us to fences and beating us to death.” somehow equates to destroying all who disagree with you.


So if a Muslim says to you that he has peaceful intentions toward you, a non-Muslim, then you must ask him, “Are you really a true Muslim(?), because the Qur’an clearly states that you are commanded to kill me.�

If Guy really believes this, does that make him a Islamic Fundamentalist?


If you run into a Catholic, and you’re not a Catholic, ask him if you’re going to Hell if you’re not a Catholic.

A similar principle applies to many of your other popular Christian denominations.


It would kind of deflate Guy’s whole bubble if he ever learned Hezbollah isn’t really an Islamic organization, wouldn’t it.


I fear the inevitable homosexual & Islamic crescent forming down South.


If you run into a Catholic, and you’re not a Catholic, ask him if you’re going to Hell if you’re not a Catholic.

The Bible also clearly commands the wealthy to sell all they have and give the proceeds to the poor. Among other more amusing things.


Man, if I ever ran into this guy, i wouldn’t stop humming the Lancelot song from Spamalot.
“His name is Lancelot, he likes to dance-a-lot,
and dreeeeaaam!”


Dude. You can just look at Guy and see the repressed homosexuality just itching to explode from every cell in his body.

Don’t try to push this asshole off on us, motherfucker. We. Don’t. Want. Him.


C’mon Marq. That come-hither look, that square jaw, that saucy lift of the left eyebrow. I’m not even gay, and I want a piece of that!


When will the looney right stop its war on satire?



Coyote vs. Roadrunner


You missed a word there:

I think Guy’s upset because the gays have not been actively trying to convert him


He must not have read the Judeo-Christian Bible, which states many times in different ways that nonbelievers deserve to die and that it is even better if a Christian does it.

It really is so sad that the whole Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion is basically a family fight over who’s mother is really ‘the whore’ and the kids have such low self esteem.


Well, help yerself, Major Woody. I certainly wouldn’t *dream* of standing in your way….


Why aren’t all of these so-called “Christians” out there trying to separate children from their parents? Isn’t that what Jesus said to do? Set sons against fathers and daughters against mothers?

All those family values “Christians” must actually be agents of Satan trying to lure people away from the real Jesus!


Come on, Otto Man. Nothing is gayer than Paul Lynde.


I fear the inevitable homosexual & Islamic crescent forming down South.

It’s too late. I’m in the South, and I just got served with papers to appear for my mandatory Islamo Nups arrangement.

Karatist Preacher

So if the person in question is gay and a Muslim, does that cancel everything out or make them many times more murderous and gay?


Come on, Otto Man. Nothing is gayer than Paul Lynde.

That’s true, of course. I’m ashamed to have ever doubted his rightful place as the King of Fabulousity.

In Vino Veritas

It’s a nice little Catch-22 the wingnuts have going: if you’re a moderate Muslim, then you’re not really Muslim. Real Muslims want to kill you and steal your puppies and shit in your fondue.


The clarity! the perspicacity!

and the equating of Islam and homosexuality! a tour de force of reasoning!

Claiming Islam is this way is like coming to conclusions about Christianity based on the lunatic homicidal pathological hypocritical (and just incidentally, completely non- and anti-Christian) ravings of Pat Robertson and his twisted ilk on “Christian� TV. Imagine how you would visualize Jesus if your only source for knowledge about him was the 700 Club. (Dear God, just take me now.)

But this is what happens when you get not only your “news� but your world view from Fox Spews.


Are you really a true Muslim(?) is right up there with are you a Jew? in terms of unintentionally funny utterances by batshit crazy bigots.

And Lord knows we’ve got plenty of those.


Did anyone hear about that interview he did where he said that a new trend among gays is “sex with infants”?
Guy’s clearly missing a few brain parts.


“sex with infants”?

isn’t that the Catholic Church’s specialty?

oh, pardon, I always confuse those two — they’re “sex with adolescents.”



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