Now THAT’S a Novel Idea!

The comments to this thread have gotten positively insane. Patterico’s there, but you’ve also got Deb Frisch and some guy who signs off all his posts by writing:


The OJ Simpson Case

To throw even more gas on the fire, Ginger Yellow writes:

Hey Brad/Gavin/Retardo, what say you update the thread with something about Prussian Blue so the neo-Nazis can join in the fun.

That is a truly excellent idea.





Comments: 145


Has anyone else noticed how much time Patterico spends accusing others of the exact wrongs which Patterico has committed (sometimes in the same thread as the accusation)?


Hellman v. McCarthy


This is nice. Room to stretch out. The riff-raff haven’t overrun the joint yet,
and (bonus!) a couple of pre-pubescent Nazi chicks.

Heaven with a back door.


See, it is stuff like this that makes Bradrocket our favorite.
Well done, Sir!

I’m going to recline and wait for the racialist/racists to show up via Google…. bwhahahaha!


:::please no more deb frisch, please no more deb frisch:::


Goldstein V. Frisch


Mark- Deb has made it crystal clear that she does not give a fuque what u think.


Deb & Jeff sittin’ in a tree


Can someone remind me again why I got out of blogging?

And can someone else remind me how much I want to get back into it again, only to make fun of things like how Patterico the Mighty can’t put together a fucking swing set.


Mark- Deb has made it crystal clear that she does not give a fuque what u think.

Or what any of you hombres think.


Patterico and hees eelk are nothing but thugs.

¿Ay, a great new idea for a google bomb, no?




Yowee. What the hell is up with the O.J. Simpson case person? And does he or she know that using Un-Called-For Capital Letters is a sure sign of a fanatic?

Kind of reminds me of Gare-Bear’s “gay sex is addictive, but I’m not talking about me” argument.

Lawrence v. Texas


Deb has made it crystal clear that she does not give a fuque what u think.

It was better than that. She doesn’t give a “phuque.”

So phunky. So phresh. So… Phrisch!


I am still firmly convinced that Frisch is Rue McClanahan.

Unless Rue is dead (I’m too lazy to look it up), in which case I am firmly convinced that Frisch is an ex-member of Drunks With Guns. Money’s on the bass player. If they had one.

Rinse and repeat.


Yowee. What the hell is up with the O.J. Simpson case person? And does he or she know that using Un-Called-For Capital Letters is a sure sign of a fanatic?


I have PROOF! demonstrable, tasty PROOOF that you are a cad and a LIAR that will NOT engage my DIOLOAGE!

Item one STF*******************************@#&######*KJSFHDSKJNFKSJFKJS&&#R*&$^*^#$*#UHKJSHDJSNK$YWIUEWIUIUYI%IUYIUYW%IUWIY%IY” Iseetthatsomethignhblahablahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah9876039876398760398749083740984069760983760934609347634693847968704376073049769437697347639469kC;lkajdaflskajf;aidsfopriutp09z8979999999999999999999999999999999999999

Item two *******************&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@@@@@@@@@^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^####################&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&!Iamabigpoopyhead-STH986-3985603954-0684-0368-4086-3049860-346-0394560834-0568345683408634856035406840586304609546084-506854-0968049560988

So as you cans I have demonstable PROOVED that you are LIAR and a FOOL that will not engage my DIALOGUE!


Oh man, margin busting still works here?

Sorry guys. Please remove that comment.


Are you kidding, Bas? I don’t do those stoopid internet abreviations, but that post made me Laugh Out Loud, swear t’gawd. It’s gotta stay. In case the nazis are busy, or maybe shy, can you hang out bait for more crazy people, Brad? I mean, my sister is (and always has been) crazy bait. You go out in public with her, some badly damaged bastard is gonna come up and start a conversation about the aliens and the conspiracy. We need to get more of those peeps here, they’re teh funny!!



Oh, and in case I forget, Brad, PHUQUE the Sox and Papi too!! Why won’t he engage in a dialog with me?? Huh? Why is that? What is Papi hiding?


The Balco Case


In 1972 a crack typesetting team was sent to prison by a military prison for a formatting error they didn’t commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the blogosphere. Today, still wanted by the font police, they survive as freelance graphic designers. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire… The Margin Busters.


Thanks for the giggle, Bas-O-Matic.

You might want to lie down for a while, though.


Deb reminds me of Betty White in Lake Placid.


Hey, you think if I shaved my head and got out my Doc Martens, these chix would dig me?

Just askin….



I have a sister who’s a “freak magnet,” too, Mikey. They usually get her when she’s trapped in a line with them at a store. I worked graveyard in a convenience store for years and never ran across as many crazies as she does regularly.

The capital letters are a good sign of the fanatic, but there’s also the starting to talk to someone you’ve never met as if you’re picking up the thread of a conversation you had earlier (see Mr. O.J. Simpson Case’s first post). And then there’s the “you all refuse to see the evidence even though it’s overwhelming and even though I’m not going to tell you what it is” that we saw recently from a certain troll.


Wow. Did you guys borrow PZ’s Giant Demented Fuckwit Magnet or something?

The Black Dahlia Case


Damn, I’ve been forgetting my legal precedents (I’m not sure what they’re supposed to prove, but I’m positive it’s highly significant).

Brown v Board of Education (an oldie but a goodie)


I think we should try to get Deb and crazy OJ guy hooked up. It would be a match made in heaven.

Maybe we could start a new dating service: Sadly, No Expectations!


Ahh, Gentlewoman, just in time. The forces of sanity and humor now are capable of standing off the assault of the whack-ohs. Thank goodness you’re here…



One of those Atlas Shrugs video blogs would go down pretty sweet right about now…

Or not.


I was wondering if the OJ Simpson case poster wasn’t Mario. He is connected to the OJ Simpson case and knows a hell of a lot more about it than our ADA with ADD from LA. Mario’s a little far out, but generally a good person, unlike Patterico, the asshole, who has stated that it’s acceptable to not look at evidence that conflicts with his world view and to dismiss any skepticism on his own faith-based acceptance of morans like Count Cockula and the Ma-ding-a-ling Marriage.


Do you suppose Paddy would rush to Pamela’s defense
as quick as he did for ‘la Michelle?’


Sadly, No Expectations!

Mark S! That is GENIUS! I vote we at least get t-shirts.

Heya mikey :=)

I read through that other thread. It’s like the dayroom in a state hospital down there. The reason I asked about the Giant Demented Fuckwit Magnet is, in addition to what’s going on the teh crazy thread, y’all have poached Jose Chung away from Digby.

No fair. You’ve already got Gary Ruppert. At this rate, you guys are gonna get all the funny trolls.

I have a feeling the troll supply may be running short at GOP headquarters or Netvocates or wherever the hell they roll these dudes out of.


Jesus, that woman is a fricking spaz.

I’ve been wanting to say that for a while, but I just haven’t gotten around to it.

Even having said it, I feel sorta bad because it’s obvious she has an untreated mental illness and it’s mean to pick on the mentally ill. Please note this is a rare moment of non-sarcasm for me – I really do think she’d benefit from a mood stabilizing medication.

And I sorta feel the need to reiterate what a weird, hothouse-like environment academic feminism can produce (not DOES produce, mind you, but CAN produce). Academia can shelter people from having to face those with whom they might find disagreement, and occasionally people who get that shelter lose the ability to respond effectively in the face of disagreement.

If it’s any comfort, this syndrome seems to be completely pandemic amongst the cultural conservative crowd.


Judging by the comments on these threads today,
the ‘blogosphere’ policy may have become:

Hire the handicapped, they’re fun to watch.


Hire the handicapped, they’re fun to watch.

*hits Siffl with her walking stick*

Next time I fall, I’m falling on you.


The Black Dahlia Case


Okay, for those interested in why I’d make statements about Mario and who are willing to go back a few years, let me direct you to a few posts at The Peking Duck on the OJ trial.

June 20, 2004
November 21, 2004

The comments end up being a bizarre look at some of the characters to that story, but Richard of The Peking Duck is very close friends with Joseph Bosco, who was in the courtroom every day and is the author of this book detailing the OJ trial and the screwups by the prosecution.


Hey! This is like a quiet, little side-party happening on the upstairs balcony while all the craziness and noise goes on in the living room.

Can you believe that Deb Frisch woman? Who invited her? Anyone have a light?


Leningen v. The Ants


This one time, at Band Camp I met a girl… and she was really pretty. I mean Really pretty… What, I can’t have a happy comment here? C’mon, people…

Then Jeff Goldstein sucked… I mean he really, really sucked. Like a baby pig sucks a nipple sucks. Hoovers have wet dreams, if you know what I mean. I guess I’m saying that Jeff sucks. For example, if you were watching a sink hole drain a small lake and nearby cars fell into the hole, you might say, “Wow, that sucks!’… But that doesn’t even begin to describe the Suckicity of Jeff Goldstein. The man sucks, is what I’m getting at. And Paterrico is very, very possibly involved in a quasi-sexual bloggerific relationship with him.

Im’ just rattling his chain. or cage… or whatever it is that needs rattling… Rrrrrr, big boy!

Troll Chow: Goldstein, Pablo, dick, Pablo’s face and Goldstein’s dick, Paterrico dick Pablo (that’s Portugese), Goldstein McPablo Paterrico…. Hillary Clinton….


It’d be better if you imbeded the Dead Kennedys in there…. going off to listen to that song now…..


Uh-oh, looks like someone brought a friend to help him out. Ain’t that sweet?

I just love the quiet.


The Jeffrey Dahmer Case


Jillian, don’t feel bad. You know I live with severe and persistent mental illness, that doesn’t make me an expert (there are none), but I have a strong opinion similar to yours. I don’t believe people choose to run amok, but the benefit of being insane is you are under no obligation to consider the reality of other people. This shouldn’t stand. I believe (if you want to get involved) confrontration is ethical and positive, I’m proud of what I’ve seen in the comments today, Travis and Brad set the example, never pretend, don’t collaborate. That’s good boundaries and self-preservation, but the idealist in me even believes it might do her some good.


Sorry, said Travis, meant Gavin.


Prussia Blue is like… Evil-er Olsen twins. But even less hot. Seriously. And the Olsen twins rank below even the cess that is Paris Hilton.


I stopped reading that thread once someone accused Retardo of being Amanda Marcotte’s strap-on. This thread is obviously where the cool people hang out. Some of the snark here is just beautiful.


Godzilla v. Mothra


That guy Mario G. Nitrini stalks me from blog to blog, talking about how he’s going to bring LEGAL JUSTICE to me because I had the temerity to ban him for claiming an LA Times reporter had committed murder.

And he’s been to prison. Which is always nice.

Luckily, using your real name to blog carries no downside.


Hey, guys? I don’t really think TBogg and Atrios are going to listen to me, but someone went and posted my old home address and telephone number on their comments sections, and they probably should be removed. I never met the guy who bought my old condo, but our daughter goes to school with his niece, and her family is nice, so he’s probably a nice enough guy to. I wouldn’t want some unhinged leftist to firebomb his place thinking it was mine.

I know, I know, it’s really still my place and I just want my personal information removed, bwahaha and all that. But seriously. You can even check my blog — I moved out of there in February. It’s not cool to have the new owner’s place as a target of hatred.


I have nothing substantive to add. I just wanted to be a part of this thread. Something to tell the grandkids about in a few decades.


Turner v. Hooch


gee, I guess distributing personal information could lead to any number of
unintended consequences.

whatever will you do?


I see you don’t care.

That go for everyone?


If you could explain to me why I should care about problems
people create for themselves, I would be very interested.


I wonder if what we have here is a question of liability.

I’m going to have consult an attorney.


pardon me …. please imagine there is the word ‘to’
between ‘have’ and ‘consult’ (above)


Dylan v. Dylan

(the divorce case)


I’m talking about a problem that TBogg commenters and Atrios commenters may be causing for SOMEONE ELSE — the guy who bought my Marina del Rey condo.

Probably you don’t care about him either. He bought something from a right-winger, so he must be evil too. Let’s leave his personal info up and put him at risk.


Well, looked at from a different angle, maybe his attorney
could make the argument that you caused the problem
for the man with the Marina del Rey condo.


Geez, Patterico, it sounds like somebody has done unto you as you (and Michelle Malkin) have done unto others. That sucks, truly.

I skimmed the comment threads on tbogg and didn’t see the posts whereof you speak. Maybe I’m looking on the wrong posts. Anyway, my humble suggestion to you would be that you send polite emails to Atrios and tbogg asking them to remove the offending comments. Emphasis on “polite.” Like, refrain from calling tbogg “scum” as you do in your latest blog post. Just a suggestion.

Personally, I don’t approve of anyone’s posting your personal information that you prefer to have kept private, even though you yourself would not extend the same courtesy to others.

I’m sure everything will be fine. Sorry that happened to you, of course. Good luck, sincerely.


Wow, please save anything related to Patterico and dedicate it to the future., Patterico is by the far the most advanced blogger working today. He’s like Epcot Center. It’s all blogspeak, all comments, all the time.

‘So guys, someone on IP 3233,424.323 said I’m inane. Care to denounce that?’

‘Just because I told him he sux doesn’t mean he can call me lame. It’s different, like Goldstein.’

‘Uh guys, I’m sorry, but there’s an issue in your 2/23/04 comments on Malkin thats bothering me. Answer me in ten minutes, else you’re assholes and all. Pussies. Talk to you later.’

‘Hello, don’t be afraid, I”m here to ask 8343243243253254 simple questions about your crackhead value-system. My name is Patterico, bitch.’


Perhaps if you stated your case ever so gently….?


Army v. Navy


I think I’ve misplaced my Bible — does anyone here — Xtian troll, perhaps —
remember the bit about reaping what you sow ?


Probably you don’t care about him either. He bought something from a right-winger, so he must be evil too. Let’s leave his personal info up and put him at risk.

And we probably sabotaged your swing-set too.

There I was thinking that prosecutors weren’t allowed to ask leading questions. Let’s draw conclusions from your silence, shall we?

Looney professors aside, the general rule is to ignore that stuff when it’s posted. Just update your damned domain registration: domainsbyproxy is your friend. Because the new owner is probably receiving junk mail as a result.


If you’re so concerned about it, P, why are you here telling US? It must be that Wednesday meeting thing again, where all us evil lefties get together and decide on our “story.” Atrios must have that in his comments because we all agreed to put it there!

Send Atrios and tbogg an e-mail if they haven’t caught it already. I would bet that they have, since revealing personal info is something that we decided to deplore in our last meeting.


Wow, between the multi-thread lunacy going on over here today and the extreme meta at DKos I can hardly tear myself away from my keyboard.

Wickard v. Filburn


I wish somebody would invite me to the meetings.

It’s so confusing; I never know what to say.


“Personally, I don’t approve of anyone’s posting your personal information that you prefer to have kept private, even though you yourself would not extend the same courtesy to others.”

What “personal information” did I post, specifically?

This guy outed himself. And he has everyone believing I did it.

So tell me the personal information I posted.


Maybe you could e-mail Michelle Malkin and see if she’ll help
you out. Hell, she owes you one.


“I’m talking about a problem that TBogg commenters and Atrios commenters may be causing for SOMEONE ELSE — the guy who bought my Marina del Rey condo.”

Ahh.. Wasn’t this the same Patty taunting anonymous lefties (but never someone like say, Pablo) to release their real names? Moreover, if Patty knows how shitty it is to get his own private info published by others, why would he take so much pleasure in outing Tbogg?


It’s so confusing; I never know what to say.
It should be obvious from the last few threads that you can say whatever you want.


Really? Anything I want? Damn. Free at last.


First, I didn’t out TBogg. He outed himself. And most of his readers already knew his name. Go read his comments.

Second, it’s not my information. It’s someone else’s. Not that any of you people care about that.

I left him a comment; we’ll see if the information is deleted.


Hey! This is like a quiet, little side-party happening on the upstairs balcony while all the craziness and noise goes on in the living room.

Is there an upstairs-upstairs? Cause I think the party just got crashed, and we’re totally gonna run out of ranch dip at this rate.


But, anyone accessing available internet records would think
it was your information. And they would be led to that information
by your name.

Like the man (above) said: update the info.


hmmm, is this starting to sound like a new set-up?

If Atrios and TBogg don’t delete the information from their comments
there will be a new round of right-wing hysteria?


This guy outed himself. And he has everyone believing I did it.

Nah. You repeatedly held the possibility over his head, as if it gave you some bwa-ha-ha power over him. And he made you look a tit by showing that no such power existed. And now you get prissy? Jeez.


He says he removed it.

And no, I don’t think I’ll be updating the info. As much as you and ex-con Nitrini might like to know where I live and publish it everywhere.


“Personally, I don’t approve of anyone’s posting your personal information that you prefer to have kept private, even though you yourself would not extend the same courtesy to others.�

What “personal information� did I post, specifically?

It was in regard to your “friend’s” personal info. C’mon, get with it now.

Shoot, just caught myself. Almost mentioned a Patterificly female body part….sheesh.


“You repeatedly held the possibility over his head, as if it gave you some bwa-ha-ha power over him.”

I held the possibility over his head. I should not have. But I did not out him. And I was never going to. I was yanking his chain.

It was wrong. But it’s not what you people claim.


Do you think it was hard to find your address?


“It was in regard to your “friend’sâ€? personal info. C’mon, get with it now.”

You said I would not extend the same courtesy to others. So I want to know specifically what personal information I posted.

I told the guy repeatedly I was not outing him. He outed himself. I said I wasn’t going to do it. And nobody got the oblique hints but him. Because I was simply rattling his cage.

It was wrong to do. But that’s all I did.


And no, I don’t think I’ll be updating the info. As much as you and ex-con Nitrini might like to know where I live and publish it everywhere.

Yes, and as much as you might want to steal our kittens, we’re not putting pictures of them online.

SadlyNo doesn’t have any personal information in its WHOIS entry, because it uses a proxy service. This is not uncommon these days. By not updating, you’re undoubtedly sending the nice new owner a shitpile of junk. How considerate of you.


“Do you think it was hard to find your address?”


whois lookup is easy.

Which is why I won’t be updating it.

Do you think it was hard to learn TBogg’s name?

Is that the standard?


I didn’t mean that address … not the condo in Marina del Rey.


the standard? You have “standards?” Well, that’s a new one
for a stalwart of the right-wing.


Ah. Now we have the threats regarding where I live now.

Here we go.


Relax. i was just

“yanking your chain,”

“rattling your cage” …

all in good fun. Right?


You know what? You have fun. Post where my kids live. Fuck you. You all think this is funny, because you’re little anonymous shitheads who risk nothing. And you threaten my family by threatening to post where I live.


Hi Everybody,

This has nothing to do with anything, of course, but I thought I’d mention it anyway. Just in case you run across somebody with anger management issues and poor self-esteem, there are lots of resources out there to help them. If a friend lashs out irrationally and constantly picks fights with others, it may be a cry for help. Don’t let that friend stew in their own misery and self-loathing, get help. I mean, get help for them of course.


Patterico just posted this “downstairs:”

Patterico said,
August 4, 2006 at 7:17

Your pal on the other thread is threatening to post my real address now. Where my family lives. And my kids.

Fuck all of you.


By ‘fuck all of you’, he means he’s going to take a leak.


Patterico, you are so tiresome. Even my republican husband thinks so. Nobody here wants to out you or your kids. Give it up. Go away. S,N! has funnier wingnuts to pick on!


Damn. And he seemed like such a stud.


Christ but you’re embattled, Patty. What the hell you trying to get?


“First, I didn’t out TBogg. He outed himself. ”

Patterico, your defense reminds me of a certain Bill Clinton moment. Fortunately, readers have enough info to judge for themselves on this issue.

“And most of his readers already knew his name. ”

And how would you know? If you count the response of the readers who knew tbogg’s real name verses those who did not, the later clearly dominates. Are you usually this dishonest?

“Second, it’s not my information. It’s someone else’s. ”

You owe to the poor fellow an apology then.

I know this is difficult for you but lets be honest now, do you REALLY think anyone would do anything? It’s just a guess but IMO there are alot more physically dangerous rightwing than leftwing crazies out there..


“You have fun. Post where my kids live. Fuck you. You all think this is funny, because you’re little anonymous shitheads who risk nothing. And you threaten my family by threatening to post where I live.”

Sheesh, Patterico you have some serious issues. Do you usually talk this way in front of your kids?

Please be responsible and honest with your statements. When has anyone in this thread threatened your family?


What a melodramatic drama queen narcissist.


Nobody “deserves” to be given shit in their private life because of online nonsense.

I should know. I hold no brief for Patterico, but leave his home & work life out of this crap, please.


Paddy has been going on and on how he was just “rattling his cage�
(Mr Boggioni’s, that is). So I rattled his until his natural God-given
right-wing paranoia came screaming out.

Unfortunately, I like to think of myself as Progressive/Democrat/liberal
and just can’t bring myself to fuck up a stranger for no good reason.

Major Wooderico

I know this is difficult for you but lets be honest now, do you REALLY think anyone would do anything? It’s just a guess but IMO there are alot more physically dangerous rightwing than leftwing crazies out there..

Oh yeah, dadddy? I suppose you lefty shitheads have never heard of Stalin, or Pol Pot, huh? (hee hee, I said a SWEAR WORD!!!11!!) Every time I go outside, I am followed by you anonymous chickenshit lefties. I know you’re looking at me and watching me all the time, but usually you look away just before I turn to look at you.

And laughing, laughing behind my back. Why, just the other day, I was standing in line at the IHOP waiting to pay for my “Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity”, and a couple of women up at the front of the line began laughing. I knew they were laughing at me! “There is the famous Major Wooderico” they were probably saying. “He does not know that we are anonymous moonbats, but we despise him for his intellect and courage”. And then the laughter begins. Stop it, stop it, STOP IT! But I knew, oh yes, I knew. “Fuck you!” I shouted. “You think it’s real funny, threatening my family? We don’t even live there any more, so you’ll never get my kids! Why don’t you tell me your names, assholes! Moonbats!” Well, that shut them up quick. AND I got my “Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity” for free, too, as the manager escorted me out quickly to protect me from all the anonymous lefties. He suggested that I never come back so the asshole moonbats would not be able to watch me there. It’s good to know there are still a few good Americans out there.


Hey Tom – Daai Tou Laam.



The OJ Simpson Case


Patrick Frey?

You Deceptive Gutless LYING SCUMBAG. I could care-less where you live. Have I “EVER” mentioned “ANYTHING” about where you live? No, Never.

And in Case you missed this post Mr. Frey:

Mr. Patrick Frey?


You say:

“Speaking of which: this guy Mario G. Nitrini? Yeah. He follows me around to every Internet thread he can find me on.� YOU ARE A LIAR………….


I have Never Tried to hide the fact that I was in Prison.

Go here:

and click on this Link

“My Legal Documents� On The L.A. Times Article written on me by Bill Boyarsky, I asked him to put that I was in prison, and he did, FOR REASONS.

You already know that though Mr. Frey, YOU Cowardly DECEPTIVE PIG.

The L.A. Times reporter you “BANNED� me over was/is Chuck Philips, and The OJ Simpson Case.

Again you say:

“Now he follows me around the Internet everywhere’

Mr. Frey, YOU ARE SUCH A LIAR and Chicken—— CLUCK…………..CLUCK


Or are you a CHICKEN?????…….CLUCK…CLUCK….CLUCK



OK, who thinks MarioGeorgeNitrini111 is Patterico’s sock puppet?


Mario, dude, if you’re trying to make the point that you don’t follow him around, ummm, following him around and ranting is not working for you.

PS Get a life

Pirate ghosts vs those meddling kids


See, this is the down side of living ‘cross the pond’ – I miss all the good threads! You all have been having a great time up here on the balcony, and even got Loony Tunes Patterico to join in the fun (god, does he not have a personal life? I mean, if he is an ADA, how the fuck does he find so much time to blog and fill up comments with his inane crap?). Wife? Kids? Please – they probably haven’t seen you for the last 3 years while you’ve been playing wank-off with Pasty.

Nobody cares where you live – remember, we’re not the ones who threaten to go to events with axe handles to show how tough we are. Getting lefties together to do anything is like herding cats, dude.
M. Gibson v. Judiasm


I thought he was Goldstein’s puppet


Jeez, this batshit crazy talk reminds me of someplace…

whoa… this place is like Protein Wisdom!

Quick, someone stop the madness!!!



I didn’t follow Patrick Frey here today. I got here by way of

Martini Republic
big apple martini. Q: How Many LA Times Reporters Does it Take to File a Story?
… advertise. Advertising at Martini Republic pays. Find out how! … – Cached

I posted here on this thread today:

3 You Can’t Be Serious

before Crybaby Patrick Frey posted on that thread.

I have a life, and some of it has to do still with my involvement in The OJ Simpson Case



So… you’ve never followed Pettico? I somehow doubt that, given that almost all of your posts have been weird rants about him.

As far as the Juice goes, that trial was over many years ago. Just move on, why not?

Custer vs. lots and lots of Injuns


Come on–in a way isn’t Mario showing us all something? I mean, I’ve been lurking around here forever and I’ve never seen anyone with enough sheer game just to keep calling Patterico a “Cowardly DECEPTIVE PIG” and clucking at him.


Bob Seger v. The Wind


don’t look now, genius, but the O.J.Simpson case has been over
for a decade


Mr Bath Bear has a point. There is a certain noble quality
to the blunt rage of Mario; (not to mention the eccentric



I didn’t say I haven’t followed Patterico. What I said is that I got here to this website by way of Martini Republic.

Patrick Frey says I am Stalking him. Patrick Frey is a LYING COWARDLY SCUMBAG.

He make’s LYING Statement’s about me like this:

Patterico said,

August 4, 2006 at 6:05

That guy Mario G. Nitrini stalks me from blog to blog, talking about how he’s going to bring LEGAL JUSTICE to me because I had the temerity to ban him for claiming an LA Times reporter had committed murder.

I NEVER SAID that Los Angeles Times Staff Writer Chuck Philips committed Murder.
How about Patrick Frey running the whole post he “BANNED” me for here? And how abour Mr. Frey Not Monkying with it? Remember Mr Frey, I am REAL GOOD at Documenting, REAL Good.

Here is the Thread

Patterico’s Pontifications » Hiltzik Suspension in the Media
Filed under: Dog Trainer, Hiltzik — Patterico @ 12:55 pm … My name is Mario G.
Nitrini 111. I was Personally involved in The OJ Simpson case. … – Cached

and More about Patrick Frey Banning me from his website:

“Ah, Mr Frey, The “Legally Talkingâ€? was >>>LOL

If you would Like, you can just talk to me as a Normal person, although I have Never benn Described as a Normal Person.

How’s Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley Doing. I was told recently by a Media person that The OJ Simpson Case is Closed, But, in June of 2004, Geraldo Rivera said that The Via The LAPD the Simpson Case is Sill Open. Do you Know anything about this???? It’s not Legal Talk, just Casual Conversation.

Do you Anything about Chuck Philips and His [libelous allegation removed, commenter banned]?????

As I read tonight, Michael Hiltziz got a Pulitzer Prize as Philips Did. What-a-Shame.

Mario G. Nitrini 111

Comment by Mario G. Nitrini 111 — 4/30/2006 @ 9:17 pm

Mr. Nitrini,

I can’t imagine why you have never been described as a normal person.

Comment by Rightwingsparkle — 4/30/2006 @ 9:40 pm

Black Jack,

Are you the black jack that used to chat at Townhall?

Comment by Rightwingsparkle — 4/30/2006 @ 9:41 pm


That’s Funny. I “DO� need a good laugh Now and Then. If you’ve “Googled� me, I would pretty much know how you got……Well, you Know.

How did you come up with An Original???? name like “Rightwingsparkle�?????>>>LOL

Mario G. Nitrini 111

The OJ Simpson Case

Comment by Mario G. Nitrini 111 — 4/30/2006 @ 9:50 pm

Okay, Mr. Nitrini. You’re amusing and everything, but you said something libelous above, and I had to edit it. That kind of ended the amusement. I’m sorry, but you aren’t welcome to comment here any more.

Comment by Patterico — 4/30/2006 @ 10:01 pm”



And, Mario, that post wasn’t so incredibly fabulous that we all needed to see it a second time. I’m afraid all you’ve managed to do is make yourself look like an obsessive and make it appear to be within the realm of possibility that Petty might actually be correct about you. Please, dude, give it a rest.

I just don’t know about these sorts of parties. There’s always somebody who gets toasted, then puts his arm around me and tells me how much he respects me and I’m a true friend, etc., etc., etc. And for God’s sake, nobody better tell PZ Myers that I’m the one who brought the fried calamari.

Nature v. nurture


“If you would Like, you can just talk to me as a Normal person,
although I have Never benn Described as a Normal Person.”

–Mario Ntrini

And there it is. I feel as if I was waiting for that sentence
all night long. Makes it all worthwhile.


Siffl said,

August 4, 2006 at 8:20

don’t look now, genius, but the O.J.Simpson case has been over
for a decade

Ummm… Sadly, No!

Due to the genius of the LA DA’s office (hey, they hired Patterico, didn’t they?) nobody has even been criminally convicted for the case. So it should still be open. (and if you poked around the links above, it would seem that OJ isn’t the killer but is deeply involved in hiring someone to do the job.)

And watch scumbag Patterico/ADA Frey dodge the arguments. What does an ADA do when they’ve got nothing to disprove a witness’ claim? Try to indict the credibility of the witness by calling them anonymous or an ex-con or a douche or teh GAY!!!!one!!!!! or a sockpuppet.

But in the end ADA Frey, you’ve got nothing. And if you don’t want your blog life to intrude on your real life, don’t force others’ blog lives to intrude on their real lives. And tell the same to your Paste Eating friends, ‘cuz living a double standard has a way of coming back to bite people in the ass.

Palsgraf v. Long Is. R.R.

I suppose this is what comes of publicly gloating about how one can dig up personal information on people on the Internet by googling their e-mail addresses.

While you’re updating the address for your domain name, you might also want to update your Moral Character info with the State Bar–if you haven’t already apprised them of your DBAs/aliases.


sweetbleedingJeeeeezus ! O.J. hired Patterico !!!!


Brad, you know we haven’t had much luck baiting neo-nazis lately, so perhaps you ought to try flushing out a few fanz o’ Limp Bizkit. I mean, they’re always fun, right?
And, jeeze, Patty, you’re just not happy unless you get to play the “victim” card, are you? Honestly, I don’t know why you’d think anyone here would have more pull with Atrios or TBogg than you have.

Well, OK, maybe some of us might have a tad more, but that’s only ‘cos we aren’t jerks to Atrios or TBogg. To their faces OR behind their backs. As I understand it you have your loyal minions furiously attempting to dig-up “dirt” on the authors of Sadly, No! So you’ll be lurking about, calling various folk “pussies,” until one of your drones comes up with something that you think is “damaging” enough. Then, WHAM, down comes the hammer–or so you think! It’s a cute act.


Aw Marq, you beat me to it. The Limps are ALWAYS good for a rumble.

Man, that Fred Durst SUCKS, don’t he?

*checks watch*

Any minute now….

P. Frey v. Everybody


I think Paste E. Coyote, Super Genius, may (a) have locked himself in the bathroom downstairs, then (b) fallen asleep on the toilet.


I just read where Fred Durst was found passed out alone in a seedy motel room with nothing but a mylar gecock.


Marq: if you’re still around I have three words to say to you re: The Long Thread (TM) –

German Time Stamp.

Please act accordingly.


[…] Guys- I love trashing Patterico as much as the next person, but por favor, do not post his- or anyone else’s- personal contact information in the comments. As Thers notes: Nobody “deserves” to be given shit in their private life because of online nonsense. […]


Well, I’m going to post my OWN contact info, so you can send me threatening letters if you wish:

Real Name: Hugh Jorgen

Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

But please, think of the children!


C’mon, y’all can do better than Fred Durst. Bring out the Juggalos, already…or, hell, a few unhinged Freepers would work, too.

Entertain me!


The Nazi bint on the right looks like the ex-wife of my best mate. She sure was one crazy mutha and a Nazi. Does this mean that there could be a Nazi gene out there?

All Nazis should Arkell v. Pressdram!


Deb has made it crystal clear that she does not give a fuque what u think.

No, Brad, she said: Brad, y do you think i give a phuque what u think?

It’s like a Zen koan, see? She’s asking for your thoughts on her lack of interest in your thoughts. Which she’s not interested in hearing. What do you think about that?

(Cue The Rock: “It doesn’t matter what you think!”)

Have you achieved enlightenment yet?

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

What a melodramatic drama queen narcissist.

I was going to go with “Smug, passive-agressive, ego-centric cobag”, but yours works too.


Bruce Campbell vs. The Army of Darkness

MacArthur Parker

It was the fucking Jews, sugar tits!! The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world!!! Fucking Jews!!!

Okay, it’s not Neo-Nazis, but something had to fill the void.


“I suppose this is what comes of publicly gloating about how one can dig up personal information on people on the Internet by googling their e-mail addresses.”

Patterico, pay attention to that. Apologizing for a mistake you made does not always make all the consequences of that mistake go away. You’re not five years old anymore. A little discretion and perspective can go a long way towards avoiding such consequences in the future. You took internet slap fight and YOU decided to escalate to “playing” the privacy game instead. It backfired.

Quit your sniveling and cowboy up. Pussy.



Earth v. Soup


Geez. It’s time to go upstairs and out on the balcony. Someone just puked in the pool. Your mom and dad are going to be pissed when they get home.



GoatBoy said,

August 4, 2006 at 17:20


Earth v. Soup”

Goatboy, I think I love you for that….

Earth vs. The Spider


You’re not five years old anymore.

No, but with all this running from blog to blog trying to find sympathy and for all around dramaqueeness, I’d say he’s got to a 13 year old girl.

Frankenstein v. The Wolfman


But WHERE are the Neo-Nazis?

I doubt that very many even exist anymore, and if they do, they’re likely holed up in their parents’ basements without any rudimentary computer skills or Internet-savvy knowledge (or any knowledge period, for that matter).


I haven’t been here before, but Jesus Cream, I’m going to have to hang out here more often if you have raisincakes like OJ Guy here.


Sadly, No has been sprouting wingnut loons like worms on the sidewalk after a spring rainshower…

I swear, all the best crazies don’t even post on Eschaton, Kos, and FDL anymore, they’re all over here. The only way you can keep them out is by posting dry literary threads.

All you need is an appearance by Marie Jon, Dr. BLT, and a Hillary obsessed skinhead for a clean sweep!

For sheer entertainment value, it’s better than an afternoon of MLB, and certainly beats the day of work that I have sitting here in the office.

You guys have completely destroyed my productivity. Me and Patterico-dependent are gonna hit you with a class action suit. Or maybe a no-class action suit…


Or maybe a no-class action suit…

You mean, something like… this?

Earth v. The Flying Saucers


I’m reading this thread while listening to Condi explain everything about Iraq and the Middle East on MSNBC. If the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ come to my door, I’ll have hit the trifecta.


Holy Crow, Batman! I go away for a few days, and when I get back, all tired and looking for wise, amusing conversation, what do I find?!? ‘Nuts in the pool, all the whiskey’s gone, and people are passed out drooling on the couch! Is it a full moon? What the hell happened here?

Manos vs. The Pod People



Gawd. I love this. I gotta remember this.


I’ve got nuthin’ to contribute. I just slipped up here ’cause I heard there was calamari.

Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad


Y’know, I’ve been too irritated all along to do one of these:

Freddy vs. Jason


Did someone mention ranch dip? Ok, who the hell invited Amber Powlik? And had her bring “food”? For shame!


yeah, chimera, there’s a little calamari left.

Just don’t let PZ Myers know.

Sir Dark Invader vs. The Fanglord


Jeez, TC, don’t even use that word! PZ is on this big “Pirates of the Caribbean” love fest and watching giant squid on the Discovery Channel; it’s wall-to-wall Squid Love over there today. I think he’s going to propose to Davy Jones any minute now. (I do like his ideas for the sequel, though.)

You don’t want to piss him off. He’s got some right scary friends.


Against my better judgment, I left a comment on Frisch’s site earlier today, thus feeding her patheic narscism. It’s wrong toward everyone involved, including Deb to the small extent that one can have compassion toward her, so I won’t do it again.

The comment was in response the Frish’s prior comment on the same thread:

“Lewis and Heidt [Goldstein’s lawyer and that lawyer’s firm] are MUCH more fun and interesting combatants than shlomo,” Shlomo now being her name for Jeff Goldstein.

So I wrote:
“OK, having watched this human trainwreck for a while, I told myself I wouldn’t comment, but what the hell…

Deb – why, pray tell, do you use the name “Shlomo” to denote people you have a problem with, e.g., Jeff Goldstein in comment immediately above?

Do you have – in addition to the many other problems evident from your writing – have a Mel Gibson-esque problem with, to use your crack-brained phonetic style, zee jooooos?”

Our friend Deb’s response?

She didn’t delete or change the content of my post – at least not yet – but she changed my name from Brian to….Shlomo.

She one brilliant word warrior, that Deb.


You went over to Deb’s blog? Did you wear your Hazmat suit?


No, and I feel like a should take one of those scrub-showers the corporate bad guys in that movie Silkwood forced Merl Steep to take. Decontamination shower, I think it’s called.

I don’t know if the Internet is a good or bad thing in Frisch’s case. One could argue that she’s merely “acting out” in the virtual world, while in the past she would have acted out in the actual world to much more dangerous effect. Or one can argue that the ease of commenting on the Internet gave oxygen to Frisch’s anti-social tendencies – which might now escalate and enter the real world – and which would otherwise have died on the vine.


I swear I saw those nazi twins in ahot girl-on-girl porn someone downloaded at work…

Anyway since no one has done it yet, let us partake of the wisdom of the Dead Kennedys:

Punk ain’t no religious cult
Punk means thinking for yourself
You ain’t hardcore cos you spike your hair
When a jock still lives inside your head

Nazi punks
Nazi punks
Nazi punks-f**k Off!

Nazi punks
Nazi punks
Nazi punks-f**k Off!

If you’ve come to fight, get outa here
You ain’t no better than the bouncers
We ain’t trying to be police
When you ape the cops it ain’t anarchy

[Repeat chorus]

Ten guys jump one, what a man
You fight each other, the police state wins
Stab your backs when you trash our halls
Trash a bank if you’ve got real balls

You still think swastikas look cool
The real nazis run your schools
They’re coaches, businessmen and cops
In a real fourth reich you’ll be the first to go

[Repeat chorus]

You’ll be the first to go
You’ll be the first to go
You’ll be the first to go
Unless you think

DK got me through high school with my sanity intact. (and the Ramones, Black Flag, the Clash (everything before their sell-out Combat Rock album)). The Ramones was the first concert I ever went to.


Aw Brian, your heart was in the right place. I’ve found myself over there a couple times too, working on “concern” posts that I ultimately deleted. It’s all grist for the mill.

In time the internet pathology studies will get serious treatment by the social scholars, meanwhile we watch the data unfolding. IMO the internets don’t ameliorate or attenuate true madness, since it’s a pervasive state. What Frisch is might well best be forgotton.


(comments are closed)