It’s Not Sleazy Being Green!
The New York Times published a pretty devastating article Tuesday pointing out the disconnect between Rep. Peter King’s jihad against American Muslims and the Republican congressman’s own well-documented ties to the IRA — ties that he refuses to sever even when pressed. Hypocritical, much? Well, yes, but for Jammie Wearing Fool, it’s not King who should be sweating in the face of the dreaded hypocrisy charge … but the Times:
So now to the New York Times the IRA is unequivocally a terrorist group. Not freedom fighters, not militants, the name typically reserved for Islamic terror groups. Their agenda is all too transparent: Peter King supports terrorists, therefore his holding hearing on radical Islamists in America makes him a hypocrite.
Well, yes, that’s pretty obvious … right? Not so, kvetchs the Fool:
Memo to the Times: The New York City and Boston areas are filled with Irish immigrants and the sons and grandsons of Irish immigrants, with a countless number who either had ties or sympathies with the IRA.
That such urban centers are now home to many Muslim immigrants does not occur to the Fool, who soldiers on with small regard for logic:
Yes, New York Times, a lot of people looked upon the IRA not as a terrorist group, but as those fighting for independence from Britain. Their actions and collaboration with radical leftists and terror groups — again, groups the Times openly has sympathized with over the years — left a bad impression upon many of us who later wanted nothing to do with them, family ties or not. The events of 9/11 also provided a stark realization for many: If we’re going to unequivocally denounce terrorism, you better be consistent. But for the Times, they prefer hypocrisy over consistency. [emphasis mine]
It’s a neat trick. The Fool readily admits that the IRA’s associations and the post-9/11 gestalt have combined to make sensible people reject the organization as a terrorist group if only just to be consistent. Furthermore, consistency — here defined by the Fool as the opposite of hypocrisy — demands that you do the opposite of what Peter King is doing if you want to ‘unequivocally denounce terrorism’. But calling out King for refusing to reject the IRA even as he holds his own hearing designed to force a non-Irish minority to ‘unequivocally denounce terrorism’ means that you are the hypocrite.
Here’s a news flash for the Jammie Wearing Fool — the New York Times is not the one conducting a witch hunt in the halls of Congress.
If the Muslims ever earn their whiteness the way the Irish did in the last century, we can return to this debate. Until then, apples and oranges.
What pedestrian said.
Every jammie wearing fule kno: Terrarists is wrong-colored folks.
15 people who would disagree with King i they could.
Pedestrian – speaking of which, what’s the difference between an apple and an orange?
A: There’s no such thing as an ‘apple bastard’.
(I am a hypocrite because I re-tell IRA jokes)
(I am a hypocrite because I re-tell IRA jokes)
An IRA man shows up at the pearly gates and St. Peter comes out to greet him. St. Peter takes one look and says “I don’t think you can get in here.The IRA man says”Who wants in? You’ve twenty minutes to get the *#!@ out!
Who needs to tell the joke when I can just post the punchline: “IRA? Funny, you don’t look Jewish.”
IRA? Middle eastern terrarists? Hmmm, sounds like a cue for a Delhi2Dublin video
Also – do a search on JWF’s website for ‘Robert Byrd’ to see how the Fool normally regards a politician who actually repudiated and apologized for his past nasty associations.
So now to the New York Times the IRA is unequivocally a terrorist group. Not freedom fighters, not militants, the name typically reserved for Islamic terror groups. Their agenda is all too transparent: Peter King supports terrorists, therefore his holding hearing on radical Islamists in America makes him a hypocrite.
Nice thing about having lived in an alternate media universe for so long is that you can post this kind of shit without anyone calling you on it. Course, the Times doesn’t really have a record of calling Islamic groups “freedom fighters” (militants maybe, the word’s not really positive or negative just generic), but in their world, everyone knows that liberals love Osama.
Memo to the Times: The New York City and Boston areas are filled with Irish immigrants and the sons and grandsons of Irish immigrants, with a countless number who either had ties or sympathies with the IRA.
Well, if that makes everything alright.
Yes, New York Times, a lot of people looked upon the IRA not as a terrorist group, but as those fighting for independence from Britain. Their actions and collaboration with radical leftists and terror groups — again, groups the Times openly has sympathized with over the years — left a bad impression upon many of us who later wanted nothing to do with them, family ties or not.
Again, the Times has never sympathized with al-Qaeda, or the Taliban, or the FARC. But it’s not like the reality thing matters at this point –
The events of 9/11 also provided a stark realization for many: If we’re going to unequivocally denounce terrorism, you better be consistent. But for the Times, they prefer hypocrisy over consistency. [emphasis mine]
Oh yes! That’s why Peter King did a complete 180 and stopped supporting the IRA after 9/11, or as he put it in his own words, the IRA is a “legitimate force” and it’s only “misinformed” people who see a parallel between the IRA and al-Qaeda.
But yes, the double standard is all on the Times’ side. Fucking terrorist-loving shitstain.
Yes, New York Times, a lot of people looked upon the IRA not as a terrorist group, but as those fighting for independence from Britain.
Oh, so terrorist acts are o.k. if your motive is driving out foreign occupiers?
That’s nice.
Am I missing a link? Where is this from? Who da fool?
Chris, to go the shorter route with Jammie Wearing Fool:
‘Here is a list of things published in the New York Times that correctly expose Peter King as a hypocrite on terrorism. Conclusion: The New York Times is a hypocrite!’
PM – sorry, I just put the link in.
There is no way that he did not materially support the Omagh massacre – if he ever went to a republican bar in New York or Boston, that money went to Terrariumists. When he apologizes for Omagh and turns himself in for 29 counts of murder, he can talk about his hearings.
I hate these fuckers. Also, very much, too.
Course, the Times doesn’t really have a record of calling Islamic groups “freedom fighters” (militants maybe, the word’s not really positive or negative just generic), but in their world, everyone knows that liberals love Osama.
Yeah, WTF?
Also, any sympathy for the IRA cause among all but the hard-core dead-enders evaporated after the Omagh bombing, which was so indiscriminate that it horrified even people who had Republican sympathies. Of course, 9/11 was an indiscriminate attack which horrified most of the Islamic world, but the subsequent indiscriminate attacks by the U.S. on innocent Muslims tended to squash any sympathy that Muhktar bin Schmo may have felt for Americans.
(I am a hypocrite because I re-tell IRA jokes)
Fellow walks into a pub in Belfast with a plastic bag under his arms.
The bartender asks “What’s that?”
“Six pounds of semtex”, he answers.
“Thanks be to Jaysus; I thought it was a bodhrán!”
Peter King. Walter Bishop. Ever seen ’em in the same room at the same time?
Conclusion: Peter King wants to toss Muslims in the Amber.
Oh christ, B^4 leaps into the lead in the IRA joke convention.
Somewhere Tintin quietly weeps.
Of course there’s only one politician they’re concerned about here.
How horrible of the NYT to be concerned about the one politician that is driving the witch hunt bandwagon! And why shouldnt they be concerned about Sen. McCarthy?
An Irish-American businessman is wandering around in Belfast in 1973 and gets lost. Suddenly he feels a gun against the back of his head. The gunman asks, “Catholic or Protestant?”
Not knowing who the gunman is, he hits upon a clever answer, “I’m Jewish.”
“I must be the luckiest Muslim in Belfast,” he hears just before dying.
If Peter King and Steve King are a representative sample then there should be a rule for no Kings in Congress. Because isn’t that what the founding fathers fought for?
Paddy and Mick were approaching a pub which had been destroyed by an IRA bomb only minutes before. As they passed, a head rolled out of the smoldering ruins and across the pavement before them. Paddy stooped, picked it up and held it for Mick to see.
“Shure now Mick, isn’t this Sean Murphy?” “No, Paddy, no, it couldn’t be.
It’s an amazin’ resemblance, but Murphy was shorter than that.”
Also, the last time the NYT called Islamic militants “freedom fighters” the Reagan administration was busy arming the Taliban.
FDL had a post up earlier about how the one and only, singular, just one mind you, law enforcement officer to testify at a hearing which will look at the cooperation of Muslim-Americans with law enforcement, was added to the witness list by Democrats. It would be enough to make my cats laugh if it weren’t so typical.
Here’s one of my crappy linkies ’cause I’m not all HTML smart like y’all:
Oh christ, B^4 leaps into the lead in the IRA joke convention.
To be fair, you beat me to the punch regarding the “Omagh massacre”.
Fuck, I remember a garrulous friend of mine being told by a Bronx barman, “If you’re gonna keep asking questions, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave.”
Thankfully, I haven’t heard this in a pub in many years.
It’s an amazin’ resemblance, but Murphy was shorter than that.”
oh, this made me laff!
Speaking of cats and laughing, go over to Balloon-Juice and look at the video of cats with thumbs.
“Thanks be to Jaysus; I thought it was a bodhrán!”
I didn’t larf, I howled.
Smedley, can’t look at videos here (cybernannies) but I’ve had 7-toed cats in my time who were probably more dextrous than I am. (I’ll check Balloon Juice when I get home.)
Course, the Times doesn’t really have a record of calling Islamic groups “freedom fighters”
I believe the phrase was “the moral equivalent of our founding fathers”, and it wasn’t the Times, it was that infamous Irish-American terrorist Ronald Reagan.
They planted it.
I don’t know any IRA jokes. Pathetic.
I don’t know any IRA jokes. Pathetic.
but you can still have craic, lassie!
This thread is screaming for a Dropkick Murphys video, but somebody removed all of ’em from youtube. Hmmm. Bloody Brit Bastards.
craic being one of my favorite irish terms…right behind feck and smirt
craic…feck and smirt
The names of the muppets sure have changed in the 40 years since I watched Sesame Street.
The Irish side of my family emigrated after the Potato Famine–aka “deliberate English attempt at genocide”–because my great-great-etc-grandfather killed a bunch of English tax collectors. He was a folk hero to the Irish at first, but then the English offered a bounty many times the annual yearly wage, and his fellow and starving Irish began looking at him funny. He fled to America. So what was he–a freedom fighter, or a terrorist?
He was a freedom fighter to the Irish, and a terrorist to the English. And that’s how it always has been. In the Reagan Years, El Salvadorian Death Squads that raped and murdered nuns were “the moral equivalent of our founding fathers,” and the Taliban were fighting for freedom from their Soviet Evil Empire occupiers. Today, heroic Libyan protesters fight our enemy Gaddaffi, and in Bahrein the government with a US naval base massacres protesters and…er, um, ahem. Stop getting killed by our friendly dictatorship, stupid protesters!
Side with the American government: HEROES! Side against it: TERRORISTS! Thus it has been, thus it always will be.
these are my faves…
Please don’t make IRA jokes — the value of mine is still down a bit since it’s high in early 2008.*
(* Quite possibly the worst joke in the history of the Intratubes.)
Dropkick Murphys “Hang ’em high”:
We waited together for the cowards to come
Outgunned and outnumbered but we wouldn’t run
No mercy, no quarter
They’ll pay for their sins
Now lower the cannons the battle begins
We waited together for the cowards to come
Outgunned and outnumbered but we wouldn’t run
No mercy, no quarter
They’ll pay for their sins
Now lower the cannons the battle begins
We weighed anchor in anger, set sail for revenge
Hoisted the canvas turned her into the wind
We’ll hang ‘em high for justice and the whole world will see
Now off with their heads boys and bring ‘em to me
We waited together for the cowards to come
Outgunned and outnumbered but we wouldn’t run
No mercy, no quarter
They’ll pay for their sins
Now lower the cannons the battle begins
We’ll rattle the sabers for the tyrants’ demise
Feed half to sharks and the rest to the flies
An honorable death for you would be too nice
I’d like to savor the moment and kill you twice
We waited together for the cowards to come
Outgunned and outnumbered but we wouldn’t run
No mercy, no quarter
They’ll pay for their sins
Now lower the cannons the battle begins
The battle begins
So NYT journalists are calling out the IRA — Peter King’s pet cause — as terrorists…
But the IRA are also supported by many Americans, which automatically redefines them as “Non-terrorists”…
But they hung out with leftwing causes, forcing me to recently redefine them as terrorists after all…
Therefore the real hypocrites here are the New York Times journalists, who need to consistently and “unequivocally denounce terrorism” like Peter King and me.
This is the sort of craziness that gives batshit a bad name.
The New York Times should instantly apologize for all the praise it gave for the, as it said, “heroic martyrs” who attacked America on 9/11 in what the New York Times called a “a noble intent to destroy the Zionist aggressor Washington government;” and given the New York Times‘ continual call for statues and giant murals of Ayatollah Khomeini to be placed around Manhattan, it’s high time that someone is brave enough to point out the paper’s hypocrisy.
Apple Bastard
1 pint hard cider
1 shot calvados
1 shot Yukon Jack
Combine, mix well. Enjoy.
From 1985, just after Ronald Reagan had created America and threw the liberal money-suckers out of the temple.
It’s really hard to imagine people saying such fringe right wing stuff in front of a group like CPAC.
Thankfully no one in the media went along with Reagan’s war against the civilians of Nicaragua.
Unless, that is, George Washington’s specialty was in blowing up hospitals. I just haven’t read enough Revolutionary War history. And I ran out of tri-cornered hats screaming about taxes.
I have a short haircut and know the lyrics to The Croppy Boy, therefore I am a terrorist.
No, wait:
Hard Cider + Whiskey. That’s it.
Hard Cider + Whiskey. That’s it.
Why haven’t I thought of this before????
In other notta-terrarist news:
Suspect in MLK bomb tied to racist movement
Kevin William Harpham, 36, has been a member of the National Alliance, a white supremacist group, the Spokane Spokesman-Review reported, citing the Southern Poverty Law Center.
“These are not the terrorists you’re looking for.”
This is interesting. I wonder how King would duck a question if he were asked about it.
“These are not the terrorists you’re looking for.”
“The National Alliance is a leftwing group.”
One thing I noticed about that Spokane story is when people from Spokane are interviewed, the response is “Must be one of those nazis from Idaho.” and when Idahoans are interviewed, it’s “Must be one of those Nazis from northern Idaho.”
this drink is literally the bomb
Well they like Hitler so, yes, definitely “Left”: Assuming a pantloadian logic system of course..
And when North Idahoans are interviewed, it’s ‘Must be Bruce Willis and Mohamed Al-Fayed.’
Hard Cider + Whiskey. That’s it.
Why haven’t I thought of this before????
I’m gonna go home from work and try it out tonight. More than once, even.
this drink is literally the bomb
Ordering that would get you hurt here in my neck of the woods- you’d have to call it a “depth charge” if you didn’t want some spalpeen with fists like country hams to rearrange your face.
I usually stick to Smithwicks or, if drinking whisky, Tullamore Dew, but a Baby Guinness (Kahlua with Bailey’s floating on top) makes for a nice-looking shot.
Baby Guinness (Kahlua with Bailey’s floating on top) makes for a nice-looking shot.
I’m going to have to buy some cider now, aren’t I? Although the whiskey I have now isn’t that good and I can’t afford to buy better…
Hard Cider + Whiskey. That’s it.
It’s called AppleJack. Laird’s makes a good ‘un.
I was in rehab at a place that had a druggie unit and a psych unit. Somebody says to the counselor, “I may be an addict, but I’m not crazy”. The counselor laughed, and noted someone in the psych wing had just said to him “I may be crazy, but at least I’m not a damned druggie”.
I may be an Irishman who blows people up but at least I don’t wear a rag on my head.
This just in: Dave Broder still dead.
I may be an ignorant, Reagan-worshipping, racist prick who loves to suck off rich people, but at least I don’t want to help the poor and I know that snow proves global warming is a hoax
I may be an Irishman who blows people up but at least I don’t wear a rag on my head.
Well, if you were Irishman who blows people you wouldn’t be able to march in the parade.
this drink is literally the bomb
I prefer Egbert Souse’s Depth Bomb myself.
I may believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead so that I could hate the homos but at least I don’t believe in praying five times a day and going to the desert once in my lifetime to worship a black rock.
I may believe only in the parts of the Bible that are approved by the White Citizens Council but at least I know it’s OK to eat cows.
I may think Chuck Norris jokes are funny but at least I never read any books by that somdomite Gore Vidal.
I may think Chuck Norris jokes are funny but at least I never read any books by that somdomite Gore Vidal.
Wasn’t Walker, Texas Ranger based on a Gore Vidal novel?
“Wasn’t Walker, Texas Ranger based on a Gore Vidal Novel?
No. It was (Angus) MacGyver.
this drink is literally the bomb
Ordering that would get you hurt here in my neck of the woods- you’d have to call it a “depth charge”
I’m still trying to get my mind around the concept of Guinness mixed with lager(??? –or something light, anyway) being called a “Black & Tan.” Weren’t the Black & Tans the British occupational police?
Weren’t the Black & Tans the British occupational police?
They were the same guys who fucked this up- the SAS.
Here’s another rebel song referencing them.
Memo to the Times: The New York City and Boston areas are filled with Irish immigrants and the sons and grandsons of Irish immigrants, with a countless number who either had ties or sympathies with the IRA.
Yeah, and this member of the New York Irish has always viewed the IRA the way my Sicilian-American friends viewed the Mafia: as a plague of violent morons who didn’t rise high enough out of the slime to deserve even the brutal deaths they routinely, unjustly — and with immense personal cowardice — gave to innocent others.
In a just world, we’d close Gitmo, after making Rep. King the last person confined there.
In a just world, we’d close Gitmo, after making Rep. King the last person confined there.
Make him Cheney’s cellmate.
I may be an out-of-work basement-dwelling retard with chronic halitosis but at least I fap regularly to Michelle Malkin in a cheerleader costume telling me that working class union members are commie thugs.
Weren’t the Black & Tans the British occupational police?
They were the same guys who fucked this up- the SAS.
Temporary constables / paramilitaries attached to the Royal Irish Constabulary in 1919-1921.
IIRC correctly it’s stout + mild — not lager.
I stand corrected– a rotten bunch, by most accounts.
Fuck me running. That asshole actually said the IRA wasn’t as bad as al Qaeda because they (the IRA) sought to minimize civilian casualties, and then goes on to include this comment in his quote:
Emphasis mine.
There is no more need to demonstrate the moral and ethical vacuum of these pricks; if you are reduced to comparing the deaths of a few thousand civilians to those of several hundred in order to make your point, you’ve lost already. I hope these assholes choke on their own bile.
The SAS was involved in Northern Ireland in a later period.
Back to the original topic, Rep. King is odious.
if you are reduced to comparing the deaths of a few thousand civilians to those of several hundred in order to make your point, you’ve lost already.
But… but… those several hundred were killed by white, Christian men!
While 9/11 was a dark day in the history of my city and country, at least it showed those pub patriots in Brooklyn and Boston what urban bombing of civilians really is. There’s nothing heroic or admirable about it — it’s just killing. 9/11 may have, unintentionally of course, contributed to peace in Ireland. (Yet another reason for Rep. King to hate Mooslims.)
Because clearly it is impossible to be sympathetic to an organization’s aims yet detest its tactics.
Also, too, teh NYT should be more like Leni Riefenstahl, but only for Republicans.
B4: Isn’t that the kicker? For morons like Jammie Wearing Fucktard, there is a world of difference between terrorist acts based solely on the color/religion/nationality/whatthefuckever of the perpetrators. Having personally seen too often the results of any kind of violence, I would love to shove JWF’s face into a pool of blood from any recent victim and ask him to identify which shade of red it is, and if he could tell me the nationality of the victim and/or the nationality of the perpetrator based on it.
Memo to the Times: The New York City and Boston areas are filled with Irish immigrants and the sons and grandsons of Irish immigrants, with a countless number who either had ties or sympathies with the IRA.
They can’t have been terrorists or terrorist sympathizers, they were white! Hey wait a minute… Boston, NYC… those are places that are filled with LIBERALS!!!! OK, maybe they could’ve been terrorists.
King explains why it’s OK to support this particular group of terrorists:
“The fact is, the I.R.A. never attacked the United States. And my loyalty is to the United States.”
9/11 may have, unintentionally of course, contributed to peace in Ireland.
I think it was the combination of the horror of the Omagh bombing and the “Celtic Tiger”. 9/11 could have been that “awakening” moment for Islamic groups opposing U.S. intervention, with its indiscriminate slaughter, but Bush et al. provided them with a provocation greater than any disgust at 9/11 when he invaded Iraq.
“The fact is, the I.R.A. never attacked the United States. And my loyalty is to the United States.”
I guess that lets Hezbollah and the PLO off the hook, then.
I guess that lets Hezbollah and the PLO off the hook, then.
No, they attacked our imperial client state. And an attack upon the client state being an attack upon the imperium, they have indeed attacked us. (For values of “us” which include imperialists, anyway.)
Slán agus beannacht, people… I am (no joke) heading to the pub to meet some people.
“Slán agus beannacht, people… I am (no joke) heading to the pub to meet some people.
Wait. Are you saying you have some semblance of a life outside of S,N? This both frightens and intrigues me. Is it as magical and wonderful as it sounds?
BTW, I was out having a semblance of a life earlier. Playin’ trivia at a local watering hole and purveyor of foods that if eaten regularly would probably lead to some sort of “jaws of life” situation somewhere down the road. So anyway, I’m kicking ass and taking names…and half the questions were–for some bizarre reason–about CANADIAN crap. WTF? I did not do well on those questions…*sigh*
T&U cries:
Hard Cider + Whiskey. That’s it.
Why haven’t I thought of this before????
Like the character (in Moliere?) who was pleased to discover he’d been “speaking prose” all his life, I’m thrilled to tell you that my college roommates and I invented “whiskey cider” (whiskey; cider) in 19-sixty-freaking-EIGHT. Try it, you’ll like it.
You know who else thought Americans like Peter King and the Fool were assholes for supporting the IRA?
Ted Kennedy felt about the same way but the House of Fool guy believes otherwise after reading and quoting a column by some equally ignorant English wingnut:
I believe the writer could have called Jammie Wearing Terrorist Sympathizer out by name in that article and it would have been cool with him as long as Ted Kennedy got his too.
Wis. GOP bypasses Dems on collective bargaining
I suppose hard cider + whiskey might be okay. Hard cider + whisky would be a sin.
Total analogy fail anyway – the issue isn’t “muslim = terrorist and IRA = terrorist”, it is “muslim = Irish and IRA = Al Qaeda”. Other than that, all the supporters of the IRA are supporters of terrorists. Does he think that since a lot of people support them, then they aren’t terrorists? I know, expecting a wingnut hypocrite to make sense is itself nonsensical, but still…
I suppose hard cider + whiskey might be okay.
I think Jim Beam black would work. You don’t really lose anything by mixing it with something, and it’s a little sweet.
I’d drink good dry cider, though, not Strongbow or that Woodchuck crap, which is actually just malt liquor.
King explains why it’s OK to support this particular group of terrorists:
“The fact is, the I.R.A. never attacked the United States. And my loyalty is to the United States.”
I’m sure that went over just peachy with the British troops who’ve spent the last decade helping us wage war on the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11.
Conservatives even hate puppies. It’s a fact.
Conservatives even hate puppies.
That’s insane. Puppies fry up FANTASTIC.
Puppies fry up FANTASTIC.
Right? Okay, this may sound weird, but they are rilly, rilly good with horseradish sauce. Preferably homemade.
Hell, even cheap sausage tastes good with horseradish.
You kids see what’s up in Wisconsin?
Do we live in a democracy, or what?
We live in a Tea Party, and we ain’t invited.
I’m fucking cross-eyed from this shit.
Do we live in a democracy, or what?
It’s not a democracy, it’s a
republicoligarchydictatorshipof the proletariat.It turns out that it’s actually very easy being soylent green!
Young men today are so gentlemanly!
(Also, shit like this is part of the reason dudes get the side eye when they’re in Women’s Studies classes).
And it’s not just in Wisconsin, either.
Ooops..wrong link. Cross-eyed, etc.
Proper link.
John Revolta said,
March 10, 2011 at 3:06
TruculentandUnreliable said,
March 10, 2011 at 3:56
Ahem ahem.
Okay, okay.
Read my blog anyway.
(I am shameless today).
Young men today are so gentlemanly!
When I was in college – at a technical school where women were ~22% of the population – any guy who talked like that identified himself as a virgin.
Speaking of cats and laughing, go over to Balloon-Juice and look at the video of cats with thumbs.
Certain blogs on certain people’s blogrolls linked to that video nearly a week ago.
“The fact is, the I.R.A. never attacked the United States. And my loyalty is to the United States.”
I’m sure that went over just peachy with the British troops who’ve spent the last decade helping us wage war on the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11.
It’s not really the best argument for convincing other nations to give a fuck about 9/11 and remain on board with the various aspects of the War on Terror-against-US-citizens.
Clarification: an asshole and a virgin.
Wow… like .the blog…it’s gone…like…WHITE…
C’mon, everybody KNOWS nail-bombs are much gentler than IEDs … which also sound suspiciously like IUDs (aka Lucifer’s Corks).
Yeah, that’s pretty much exactly what logic looks like to a fucking wingnut, alright.
Maybe when he loses the jammies for some big-boy drawers, he can learn to remain consistent within the same sentence. MAYBE.
I am very impressed with those of you who braved the swamp to search for the mangoes. The “logic” of the piece, as expressed in the shorter was so convoluted that I am afraid figuring it out might open a portal to a non-Euclidean dimension and summon therefrom an eldritch horror.
That asshole actually said the IRA wasn’t as bad as al Qaeda because they (the IRA) sought to minimize civilian casualties
He must just adore the Weather Underground then.
Looks like I got the Mujahideen confused with the Contras above. So it turns out that the MUSLIM terrorists (as opposed to the Central American fascist terrorists) were in fact referred to by Reagan as “freedom fighters”. It was the Contras who were “the moral equivalent of the founding fathers”. And Reagan is still an evil fuckwad who is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, thank you Lord.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
We live in a Tea Party, and we ain’t invited.
A revolution is not a tea party.
Re: WI.
Better be some motherfucking recalls now.
I may be an out-of-work basement-dwelling retard with chronic halitosis
Fuck, the job market’s still bad for smart-asses?
I am actually glad to see the GOP step on it’s collective dick as it’s doing in Wisconsin (& elsewhere). By finally stripping away the very last shreds of the veneer they’ve been trying to camouflage themselves in. they have finally painted themselves into the corner. The ONLY way for them to move now is to double-down on the most repugnant policies ever, and they cannot stop themselves. They’d have been able to pull this off with NO interference if the economy was doing fine, if they actually created jobs, etc. BUT they can’t help themselves.
The next move the WI GOP will try is rewriting the recall/impeachment rules – just watch.
@Mr. Wonderful:
“Like the character (in Moliere?) who was pleased to discover he’d been “speaking prose” all his life…”
Got it right. Its M Jourdain in Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. Still an excellent line after all these years.
By finally stripping away the very last shreds of the veneer they’ve been trying to camouflage themselves in. they have finally painted themselves into the corner.
It’s also painted the Democrats into a corner.
They’ve got their own last shreds of a veneer (wouldn’t that be last, well-worn layer, btw), clinging to the pretense that they represent the working people rather than the same corporations that the Repukes whore for.
I guess Obama is still trying to find his comfortable shoes.
Loose shoes, tight … uh, never mind.
No REAL conservative would ever support Muslim terrorism even rhetorically, let alone with millions’ worth of weapons, training & supplies. Plainly, Reagan was a closet liberal.
Can’t be THAT bad: after all, I got one … mind you, it pays shite & it’s graveyard-shifts, but it sure the hell beats Le Cuisine D’Smithrite.
All your thread is belong to me.
Sadly, this.
And yet……………….after all, the Wis. Dems stood up/ are standing against the shitstorm……………maybe it’s only out of fear for their jobs but hey, I’ll take that. Now all the rest of them need to get scared, too.
It bears noting that Sinn Fein is understood to be the far right of Irish politics. The IRA are the US right’s favourite thing: violent right wing Christian radicals. Of course a right wing asshole like Peter King supported them.
We talk about the “Christian Taliban” but I actually sometimes think we should be grateful the Dominionist Right doesn’t see Al Qaeda or the Taliban as actually allies in the grand struggle against homosexuals, women and masturbation. Maybe we lucked out that their racism against brown people outweighed their mutual goals.
I actually sometimes think we should be grateful the Dominionist Right doesn’t see Al Qaeda or the Taliban as actually allies in the grand struggle against homosexuals, women and masturbation.
open a portal to a non-Euclidean dimension and summon therefrom an eldritch horror
har. think that particular door has been open for awhile – it would explain the last 30 years of Republicans.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they are already talking.
Well, I think it’s Dinesh D’ Souza who blames America’s liberalism for attacks from Islamic extremists. So…
“The fact is, the I.R.A. never attacked the United States. And my loyalty is to the United States.”
Sadly — for Kenneth Salvesen — no.
blames America’s liberalism for attacks from Islamic extremists.
Liberalism -> Islamic extremism.
Feminism -> Rape.
Homosexuality -> Hurricane Katrina
Masturbation -> Charlie Sheen’s firing from 2.5 Men.
This is perhaps the most upsetting thing.
BTW, I would guess that roughly 95% of the people who post here have never seen “Two and Half Men.” I have. The show is awful. Just…AWFUL. Here’s the thing: IT’S NOT FUNNY. It’s jokes about retarded sexuality and farts. THAT’S. IT. And when someone like me complains about that…you know you have a televised abortion on your hands.
I would guess that roughly 95% of the people who post here have never seen “Two and Half Men.”
I saw one episode in the first season. Back then they also had AIDS jokes.
My 80 year old mother turns out to have a weirder sense of humor than she has let on or any of us suspected. Or she just doesn’t get the jokes.
The fact is, the I.R.A. never attacked the United States.
You know who else never attacked the United States?
You know who else never attacked the United States?
Saddam Hussein?
I actually sometimes think we should be grateful the Dominionist Right doesn’t see Al Qaeda or the Taliban as actually allies in the grand struggle against homosexuals, women and masturbation.
Not “yet” – “anymore.” For about forty years during the Cold War, those guys were a great fifth column against Soviet allies in the region.
It bears noting that Sinn Fein is understood to be the far right of Irish politics. The IRA are the US right’s favourite thing: violent right wing Christian radicals. Of course a right wing asshole like Peter King supported them.
Hmm. Wikipedia identifies it as “left wing.” The “policy and ideology” section seems to indicate they lean right on social issues, left on economic ones. In international relations, they support Basque independence, Palestinian independence, and an end to the U.S. embargo on Cuba.
As for the IRA, my understanding was that their ideology (other than Irish nationalism) was whatever their funders wanted to hear. So when they went to Boston, New York or Chicago to ask American Irishmen for money, they played up the Catholic, conservative, good-family-values rhetoric for all it was worth. Meanwhile, they were getting assistance from places like Eastern Europe or Libya by playing up the proletarian, revolutionary, anti-British-Imperialist rhetoric.
“It” in the first paragraph meaning Sinn Fein.
There’s nothing to get. I would not refer to them as jokes, so much as “jokes” or “joke facsimiles.”
Saddam Hussein?
Jesus Christ, people. I’m going to start trying to view this drain-circling from the position of academic objectivity, or at least detached amusement.
I mean, the only other solution is to *do* something about it…
I would not refer to them as jokes, so much as “jokes” or “joke facsimiles.”
Sinn Fein’s chief emmissary to US supporters, Bernadette Devlin, once said that she was more comfortable with the black residents of Boston than its Irish-Catholics because the latter group was so conservative. That was a rare comment on the differing political philosophies of Sinn Fein and their supporters here in the US. Sinn Feiners just stuck to talking about their shared enemy when they were here because doing otherwise was bad for business. Similarly, within Sinn Fein there are differing political philosophies on issues other than unification that get glossed over because that issue dominates. Gerry Adams is a socialist but not all of the leadership is as left as he is. Once unification happens the party will probably fall apart.
Funny thing is, it almost reads like satire. It feels like some half-aspie dork who’s trying way too hard to be one of the boys, going ridiculously over the top with the misogyny and obsessiveness.
So yeah. Virgin.
He’ll probably grow up to be just like Richard Keys, the sad little TV presenter attempting locker room banter with the real ex-footballers, and just making them desperately uncomfortable.
I would not refer to them as jokes, so much as “jokes” or “joke facsimiles.”
Watching the Twitter commentary on Peter King’s bullshit hearing. Frank Wolf (R-VA) just said that “Islamophobe” is a slur.
Sinn Fein’s chief emmissary to US supporters, Bernadette Devlin, once said that she was more comfortable with the black residents of Boston than its Irish-Catholics because the latter group was so conservative. That was a rare comment on the differing political philosophies of Sinn Fein and their supporters here in the US.
Yeah, and Devlin also had this to say about the Catholic Church: “Among the best traitors Ireland has ever had, Mother Church ranks at the very top, a massive obstacle in the path to equality and freedom. She has been a force for conservatism, not on the basis of preserving Catholic doctrine or preventing the corruption of her children, but simply to ward off threats to her own security and influence.” I can see how that attitude would cause a lot of Irish-Catholic Americans to flip right out.
(Bernadette Devlin’s also near the top of my “famous people I need to read more about” list, incidentally).
Gerry Adams is a socialist but not all of the leadership is as left as he is. Once unification happens the party will probably fall apart.
Interesting that you said “once” and not “if.” You think it’s really in the cards? (I don’t know enough about Ireland to judge, just asking).
Frank Wolf (R-VA) just said that “Islamophobe” is a slur.
Yeah, just like “anti-semite.”
Anyone calling someone else Islamophobic is the REAL _____.
Anyone calling someone else Islamophobic is the REAL _____.
An allergy specialist probably shouldn’t describe themselves as phlegmatic.
TruculentandUnreliable said,
March 10, 2011 at 15:59
Saddam Hussein?
I’m not Saddam Hussein. Duh.
Canadian food’s usually too spicey for me.
Frank Wolf (R-VA) just said that “Islamophobe” is a slur.
Yeah, but if the slur fits…
Hey folks: this report on public opinion and HUAC 2.0 brought to you by Gallup.
Utterly unsurprisingly, most Democrats think the hearings are inappropriate, most Republicans think they’re appropriate. The independents, being the bedwetting sheeple we’ve come to know and love, side with the Goopers 51-42%.
This is true even though independents agree with Democrats that Muslims living in the United States are not too extreme in their religious beliefs.
Interestingly, only 38% of Republicans think Muslims living in the U.S. are sympathetic with al-Qaeda, but they’re still on board with the hearings by a 69% majority.
Is islamophobia a fear of being confined in a mosque?
Anyone calling someone else Islamophobic isREAL!!!!!!!!
Today’s Libya dispatch.
With Zawiya quelled and all the bleeding heart mushy defectors having deserted, the regime has pivoted towards the east. Ras Lanuf is no longer in rebel hands. Today marked a serious escalation in violence. If Libya wasn’t in a state of civil war before, there is no doubt that it is now.
Interestingly, only 38% of Republicans think Muslims living in the U.S. are sympathetic with al-Qaeda, but they’re still on board with the hearings by a 69% majority.
Well, you know, no need to make beliefs or even “facts” interfere with a good old witch hunt!
Uh, at least that’s what it looks liek from my outsider’s chair.
Ha! All these geniuses who want to allow guns in preschools and concealed up your…eww, geuss what? That means Muslims can do the same thing! Those burkhas could conceal some major weaponry.
I have in my hand a list of Koran carrying Muslims.
From last week: Listing the Muslims.
“The fact is, the I.R.A. never attacked the United States. And my loyalty is to the United States.”
You know who DID attack the United States?
(And my loyalty, incidentally, is no longer to the United States.)
Fun thread to read, especially the Irish strand(s).
I recommend this book for Sadlies who love Irish culture (and for anyone interested in European history.
*steps bank into the shadows again*
I would not refer to them as jokes, so much as “jokes” or “joke facsimiles.”
Peter King is doing very important work with this hearing on radical Muslims. How are we to pick the American pockets clean if we don’t have an adequate distraction.
And no, at long last, the Republican party has no decency.
Dropped the link. FYWP.
You know who DID attack the United States”
I was just thinking that myself, Fenwick.
Frank Wolf (R-VA) just said that “Islamophobe” is a slur.
I wish someone in the “Liberal media” would question Rep. Wolf just exactly how he is going to defend America from bloodthirsty terrorists while having fee-fees so delicate Scarlett O’Hara envies him.
“I have in my hand a list of Koran carrying Muslims.”
You know who else used that exact McCarthy phrasing? I mean, seriously. Senator Alan fucking Simpson against Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings.
I wish someone in the “Liberal media” would question Rep. Wolf just exactly how he is going to defend America from bloodthirsty terrorists while having fee-fees so delicate Scarlett O’Hara envies him.
He won’t be able to answer: he’s preoccupied with getting the corset down to 16 inches.
Little Pig’s was better.
People say the same thing about “homophobe.” I’m happy to oblige their objections and call them “homobigots.”
Frank Wolf (R-VA) just said that “Islamophobe” is a slur.
In the interest of social harmony I will agree to limit my description of Wolf and coterie to “hate-filled hypocritical assholes so moronic they need explicit directions to figure out how to get out of bed.” Because I’m a giver.
In the interest of social harmony I will agree to limit my description of Wolf and coterie to “hate-filled hypocritical assholes so moronic they need explicit directions to figure out how to get out of bed.” Because I’m a giver.
Wow tigris, you appear to be in an exceptionally good mood today.
The independents, being the bedwetting sheeple we’ve come to know
I think you are far too sweeping in your assessment of Independents, Chris.
For example, Guerrilla Voters Cadre 18 has some damn fine iron-in-the- spine. Hell, we’ve taken to the hills precisely because we are NOT sheeple!
Frank Wolf (R-VA) just said that “Islamophobe” is a slur.
The only racism is anti-racism.
I’m in a shitty mood too. Moron America is winning.
Today is a day I have to tell myself that punching the wall will not make me feel better.
Not that anyone here needs a reminder, but Michael Tomasky has this on his blog at Guardian U.K.
one quick quote:
“A judge in Belfast threw him out of an I.R.A. murder trial, calling him an “obvious collaborator,” said Ed Moloney, an Irish journalist and author of “A Secret History of the I.R.A.” In 1984, Mr. King complained that the Secret Service had investigated him as a “security risk,” Mr. Moloney said.”
Moron America is winning.
And whodathunk that Idiocracy was prophesy?
I always used to think that the smart people would rule the world, eventually.
I always used to think that the smart people would rule the world, eventually.
They do. The smart people are those who figured out how to unite the morons, harness their stupidity and ride it into power.
Maybe I meant decent instead of smart.
you appear to be in an exceptionally good mood today.
The insufficient profanity gave me away, eh?
How the Irish Saved Civiliation: The Untold Story of Ireland’s Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe. 216 pages; by Thomas Cahill.
It is indeed an interesting book. You have to get past his adoration of the Catlick church and, at times, look to other sources to find out what he has elided but even so I can recommend it. “Mysteries of the Middle Ages: The Rise of Feminism, Science, and Art from the Cults of Catholic Europe (2006)” is another very good book that would be a great book if not for his painstaking “how wonderful the medieval Catholic Church was and nothing bad could ever be said about it” portrayals.
The insufficient profanity gave me away, eh?
Yes, exactly. VS apparently thought I was being sarcastic.
(I of course would never ever use sarcasm. Certainly not on a blog such as S,N! where such things are unheard of)
TruculentandUnreliable said,
March 10, 2011 at 16:51
Watching the Twitter commentary on Peter King’s bullshit hearing. Frank Wolf (R-VA) just said that “Islamophobe” is a slur.
Who’s afraid of
Virginia WoolfFrank Wolf?I always used to think that the smart people would rule the world, eventually.
Oh pooh! Don’t be a pessimist, they probably do!
For those who give a shit about this stuff….
Is WordPress truly so fucked-up (and corporate) that it interprets a pareThe independents, being the bedwetting sheeple we’ve come to knownthetic C as a copyright symbol?
*Slips away in the shadows again*
Would demagogue be considered a slur or a truth?
I’m rusty. Should have read:
‘interprets a parenthetic C as a copyright symbol’
I blame WordPress.
I wonder if they serve baby back ribs at a pediatrician barbecue?
Moron America is winning.
Don’t worry; at this rate the next big war will be between the greedy and the stupid. Question is: where will those who count as neither stand?
the next big war will be between the greedy and the stupid.
Going to be long one. Humanity never seems to run out of either.
An ode to Moron America written 40 years ago.
“I’ve come down from the upper class to mend your rotten ways.
My father was a man-of-power whom everyone obeyed.
So come on all you criminals!
I’ve got to put you straight just like I did with? my old man —
twenty years too late.
Your bread and water’s going cold.
Your hair is too short and neat.
I’ll judge you all and make damn sure that no-one judges me.”
The New York City and Boston areas are filled with Irish immigrants and the sons and grandsons of Irish immigrants,
Looks like all the daughters and granddaughters got fed up and left town.
Looks like all the daughters and granddaughters got fed up and left town.
Silly Snort! Personhood is for men!
From the Wiki-
During the 1990s King enjoyed a close relationship with the Muslim community in his congressional district. King often gave speeches at the Westbury Islamic Center, held book signings in the prayer hall, took in Muslim interns and was one of the few Republicans who supported U.S. intervention in the 1990s to help Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo. The Muslim community thanked King for his work by making him the guest of honor for the 1993 opening of a $3 million prayer hall. For years, a picture of King cutting the ceremonial ribbon hung on the bulletin board by the mosque’s entrance.
I thought maybe it was cuase they just couldn’t stand all the Irishmen.
During the 1990s King enjoyed a close relationship with the Muslim community in his congressional district.
Why wouldn’t he? They were solid Republican voting blocs throughout history up until the 2004 election.
Wow, Thread Bear. Jethro Tull. I’ll give you Jethro Tull.
I blame WordPress.
I would support an NFZ over WordPress.
re: Ras Lanuf – the attack was telegraphed by circling warplanes and they initiated it by dropping bombs. Which missed their targets (as per AJE’s Tony Birtley). An NFZ would have done bupkes about this. Also too, Zawiya was crushed with artillery and tanks. The 80’s era MiGs aren’t effective as anything other than a symbol. I am still opposed to an NFZ.
King Pete keeping out of the limelight-
King spoke in front of the Wantagh American Legion about the media coverage of Michael Jackson, saying people should be honoring the men and women of the Armed Forces rather than a “child molester” like Michael Jackson.
“He was a pervert, a child molester; and a pedophile. And to be giving this much coverage to him, day in and day out, what does it say about us as a country? I just think we’re too politically correct,” King said in the video.
DK-W: I noticed your post. I let my passion carry me away. Regret for pouring out such acid is one of the reasons–not the only one–for my stepping back into the shadows for awhile.
Given the diastrous record of Western political/economic manipulation of, and military intervention in, the Middle East, skepticism about the wisdom and consequences of a No-Fly Zone is both understandable and praiseworthy. It is not something to be done lightly.
How about this? No ordance at all: Stand-off in international waters and airspace and jam the ever-lovin’ shit out of Gaddafi’s military comms and blinding every damn radar under his control. Will that fly (as it were)?
Re NFZ, it seems that implementing such has quite a few hurdles and risks (some of which must be unknown). The benefit however, especially given the horrid condition and non-capabilities of G’s AF, are minimal. For now, I’ve got to side with D-K PENISchuck.
How about this? No ordance at all: Stand-off in international waters and airspace and jam the ever-lovin’ shit out of Gaddafi’s military comms and blinding every damn radar under his control. Will that fly (as it were)?
That’s a thought.
Thing is, I don’t think you can screw with Qaddafi’s goons nationwide without simultaneously screwing with the rebels.
Also too, anyone else having trouble loading S, N! over the last hour?
““He was a pervert, a child molester; and a pedophile. And to be giving this much coverage to him, day in and day out, what does it say about us as a country?”
He’ll, I don’t have the time nor inclination to respond to that directly so I’ll just say that it says the country doesn’t give a shit about the things you do.
I’d drink good dry cider, though, not Strongbow or that Woodchuck crap
I like Strongbow, mostly because it’s what 16-year-olds drink in the UK by the 2-litre jug. It’s the PBR of ciders!
Woodchuck is crap.
How much crap would a woodchuck crap if a woodchuck could chuck crap? Hey! Let’s ask andrew McCarthy!
Moron America is winning.
No – political/judicial FUBAR notwithstanding, they’re losing worse than anyone. The 21st Century is leaving them behind faster every day, & by & large they damn well know it, thus the abundant surplus of bile.
The rich aren’t winning – they’ve already “won” … & the brighter bulbs among them know that their triumph is usually the cue for angry peons to warm up the tumbrels for a nice fresh batch of warm soft aristo-meat, & are quietly trying like hell to mitigate the more obvious fallout from that victory (see: Gates, Pickens, et al, begging Obama for a tax INCREASE).
There’s two ways to win: get good enough at playing to become the best, or rewrite the rulebook. Maybe the worst damage the Reagan Revolution did was to convince America that it just isn’t good enough to be the best any more – that the only route to beating the USSR is to out-waste them, that the only way conservatives can prevail over liberals is for them to lie & cheat like a motherfucker at every opportunity, & that it’s not what you know, it’s who you blow.
Now for something completely different.
“The smart people are those who figured out how to unite the morons, harness their stupidity and ride it into power.”
No kidding.
the next big war will be between the greedy and the stupid.
I disagree. Those factions are on the same side, and indeed there is a lot of overlap there. It will be between those groups and everyone else.
Suck it libs!
I can always count on Chris to both educate me about topics I had clue about (which he had done quite often) … and, in this case, make me damn-near clinically depressed.
Oh, and the next big war will NOT be between the greedy and the stupid — they’re on the same side. The stupid are just … well, too stupid to realize it.
It will be between who have a regular shit ton of money, and those with metric shit tons of money.
The rest of us will just be fodder, whether we want to be or not.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go wash down about 600mg of morphine sulfate with a jug of grain alcohol …
Aaaaaaannnnnnnnd 77south beat me to the “the greedy and stupid are pals” insight.
And FYWP. Just because.
Jesus Christ, I can’t even convert fucking time zones anymore.
The insufficient profanity gave me away, eh?
We cannot allow the other side to open a
sarchasmsarcasm gap.Devlin also had this to say about the Catholic Church: “Among the best traitors Ireland has ever had, Mother Church ranks at the very top, a massive obstacle in the path to equality and freedom. She has been a force for conservatism, not on the basis of preserving Catholic doctrine or preventing the corruption of her children, but simply to ward off threats to her own security and influence.”
Some would say that Sinn Fein followed the same path. I could not possibly comment.
/Rod Serling voice
Submitted for your consideration (fragmentary mango from Althouse commentariat)
/end Rod Serling voice
Now for something completely different.
It’s good to know that some of the members of the Axe Gang have been rehabilitated.
How about this? No ordance at all: Stand-off in international waters and airspace and jam the ever-lovin’ shit out of Gaddafi’s military comms and blinding every damn radar under his control. Will that fly (as it were)?
I think I’d be okay with that. I’d even be okay with large military build-up at the Tunisian border (provided the provisional government of Tunisia agrees – i.e. can be bribed) – ostensibly to “protect refugees”.
Electronic warfare is definitely an active step – so engaging in such would be seen as foreign interference, which is vital to avoid. But it’s abstract enough interference that it may not resonate with the average Libyan. Then again, North Africa is not my area of expertise, so maybe others have better insight into how it might be seen.
Finally, there’s no problem with disagreeing with me. I may be the smartest person evar to have walked the earth – and humble too! BUT I’ve been wrong before and I’m sure I’ll be wrong again.
No problem other than my calling you names and making fun of the way you smell that is.
“Jesus Christ, I can’t even convert fucking time zones anymore.”
It’s 1:28 here, so I think I’m an hour behind you.
PS. You smell funny.
DKW may not be right, but he is never wrong.
I find keeping track of time zones by latitude is less confusing.
PS. You smell funny.
You have the smell beta installed on your computer? That shit’ll crash you hard every time you get email form your mom.
If DKW is right I want to be wrong.
“He was a pervert, a child molester; and a pedophile. And to be giving this much coverage to him, day in and day out, what does it say about us as a country? I just think we’re too politically correct,”
Yes, and the censors and the commissars require us to lavish identical attention on every pervert, child molester, and pedophile who dies.
And yet hetero-normative superstars get nary a word in the press.
It’s 1:28 here, so I think I’m an hour behind you.
Nope. It’s 1:28 here, too. Yesterday, I converted a time into Pacific even though it was for a conference call with someone in Colorado. Today I discovered a call that that was set for 4:00 eastern is on my boss’s calendar for 4:00 central.
I am turning into a total fucking dumbass.
Speaking of Rod Serling, there is an upside to women being excluded from personhood. Of course, they might have had something else in mind for the women.
That shit’ll crash you hard every time you get email form your mom.
March 10, 2011 at 20:51
It’s 1:28 here, so I think I’m an hour behind you.
Time stamps at S,N! are always wonky because Seb keeps 37-hour Centaurian days.
I like Strongbow, mostly because it’s what 16-year-olds drink in the UK by the 2-litre jug.
Do the kids still order Snakebites?
I disagree. Those factions are on the same side, and indeed there is a lot of overlap there. It will be between those groups and everyone else.
Right now, the greedy are giving orders to the stupid. Despite occasional freakouts by the stupid (e.g. Tea Party Movement), they’ve managed to mostly keep it that way by throwing sticks for them to go and chase after (Messicans on Medicare, Muslins in Lower Manhattan, etc).
The biggest risk for the greedy is that the current situation will invert, that the stupid will take over, and then drive the car right off the cliff, with the greedy (and everyone else) still in it. Which is basically what happened in Germany and Italy eighty years ago.
and no, I am not “posting” too fast.
Do the kids still order Snakebites?
Yes. Literally.
I tried jacking apples once. Made some “hard” cider that came out around 5% and left it outside over the winter, removing any ice that formed.
Tasted like shit and I didn’t get drunk. Would have done better to make pies.
Do the kids still order Snakebites?
Yes. Literally.
It mainly happens in Appalachia.
Something I did not know about the Irish.
Speaking of POOP! Remember the SF Low Flow Toilet fiasco a couple threads down? Well Rand Paul has waded into it. Plus abortion!
Booze talk? I just sugared up this and it is GOOD STUFF. Left it for 3 months instead of 2 and halved the sugar syrup. Decaf and half xylitol, even, so it’s practically health food! Started ~ 1/4 cup of grated fresh ginger in 2 cups of vodka today, we’ll see how that turns out.
(1) I am impressed by the ability of some website’s author to amplify two cases in India into a rekindled prevalent troubling drug trend.
(2) Less impressed by references to “addicts” when there is NO FECKIN’ ADDICTION.
Someone is wrong on the Internet.
Well Rand Paul has waded into it. Plus abortion!
“I think there should be some self-examination from the administration on the idea that you favor a woman’s right to an abortion, but you don’t favor a woman or a man’s right to choose what kind of light bulb, what kind of dishwasher, what kind of washing machine.”
Look at this array of abortion options I have! It’s like buying shoes, only murder-y-er!
Andagain, FYWP.
I just sugared up this and it is GOOD STUFF
If chimps have the spiny PENISes why are humans the pricks?
Rand Paul: I Have Less Choice In Toilets Than Women Have In Abortions
I am so sorry there are people working to make him have to fly out of state to have a safe, legal crap.
Someone is wrong on the Internet.
More like there’s easy grant money for research about them eeee-vile drugs.
That’s why the laws can’t be changed – too much money for cops, prisons and tacky academicians.
And if you have to flush your toilet ten times, you really need to think about going to the doctor or changing your diet or something, because that ain’t right.
Apparently, low-flow toilets fuck up your body, keep you awake at night, and cost $193,000?
“you favor a woman’s right to an abortion, but you don’t favor a woman or a man’s right to choose what kind of light bulb, what kind of dishwasher, what kind of washing machine.”
It is indeed self-contradictory and passing strange that men are not allowed to do whatever they like to public utilities and yet women are allowed health care.
“I think there should be some self-examination from the administration on the idea that you favor a woman’s right to an abortion, but you don’t favor a woman or a man’s right to choose what kind of light bulb, what kind of dishwasher, what kind of washing machine.”
Dr. Ron must have stood too close to the X-ray machine. Rand is a moron.
Randy Paul is afraid they’re going to find an energy efficient prostate exame and restrict all his fu… er, options.
Speaking of POOP! Remember the SF Low Flow Toilet fiasco a couple threads down? Well Rand Paul has waded into it. Plus abortion!
Once again, Libertarians assert “LIBERTY: NOT 4 CHIX!!!” Fuck, he’s repulsive.
Booze talk? I just sugared up this and it is GOOD STUFF.
My friend’s mother makes homemade Caffe Sport, which is a good digestif.
Started ~ 1/4 cup of grated fresh ginger in 2 cups of vodka today, we’ll see how that turns out.
I’ve got two bottles of grain alcohol sitting around awaiting the addition of lemon zest. I still have the remnants of my last batch- a multi-citrus experiment.
” I just sugared up this”
Damn. I’m stepping out for a smoke and cuppa Joe. brb
I am so sorry there are people working to make him have to fly out of state to have a safe, legal crap.
How many plumbers have been murdered?
Smedley, Thread Bear, I will submit this as being most appropriate for the day.
Darlings are you ready
For the long winter’s fall?…
Dark ages
Shaking the dead
Closed pages
Better not read
Cold rages
Burn in your head
Dammit! LINK!’
I am so sorry there are people working to make him have to fly out of state to have a safe, legal crap.
Any crap that is legal is not safe. Any crap that is safe is not legal.
How many plumbers have been murdered?
I don’t know, but there are people standing outside their businesses day and night with pictures of dislodged hairballs and mangled POOPs.
Home Depot= MURDER!
Rand Paul and his friends are totes going to start using plungers as the sign of their toiletary oppression.
“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)
“Some of the leaders in these churches have been bitten numerous times, as indicated by their distorted extremities. For example, the founder of modern snake handling in the Appalachian Mountains died from snakebite in 1955. In 1998, snake-handling evangelist John Wayne “Punkin” Brown died after being bitten by a timber rattler at the Rock House Holiness Church in rural northeastern Alabama. Members of his family contend that his death was likely due to a heart attack. His wife had died three years earlier after a snake bite while in Kentucky. Another follower died in 2006 at a church in Kentucky.”
I guess Luke was wrong.
“Let my people flow!”
B4, that multicitrus sounds scrumptious. I did make noyaux with cherry pits from my own tree a year or so ago, but my sad little potted citrus will never provide enough lemons for limoncello. I guess that’s what stores are for.
I guess Luke was wrong.
Nah. Just means they weren’t the Real brand of Christianity, and therefore not the people Luke was talking to.
Screw the Christian People’s Front. Splittists.
Then we have the Welsh.
And while we’re jamming the fucking bastard’s comms and radars, howsabout wiping his propaganda broadcasts off the air, too?
No ordnance. No hammering out detailed rules-of-engagement.(*)
How about we at least hamper his control over his air forces and fuck up their operations some? Warplanes and their munitions rely on radar; busting up in-flight voice comms also throws in a monkey wrench.
Blow Gaddafi’s ground-forces freqs right off the air. Okay, motherfucker, you got nothin’ but squeals, screeches, and white-noise on your goddam radios. (I guarantee that is one nasty monkey wrench for his paramilitaries.)
(*) Still would need some other operational planning, like IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) coordination, Electronic Warfare (EW) targeting lists, and other zoomie stuff I don’t know much about. I would be very surpised if stand-off jamming and EW operations needed 24 hours of preparation after the green-light.
“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)
What part of treading did they not get?
I guess Luke was wrong.
not at all. The ones that get bit aren’t true
scotsmenChristians.“Fear and the slightest form of doubt” as some handlers maintain can be enough to kill some worshippers which is why they encourage those, who have fear and doubt, not to partake in such practices unless they are living a morally correct life of holiness and total trust in God’s Will.
I had this all written up and then I refreshed. Well, I’m not going to let Chris getting there first end my fun. Re-read the thread and skip Chris’s comment, and then read this one.
there are people standing outside their businesses day and night with pictures of dislodged hairballs
I cannot help imagining that as a Bloom County cartoon featuring Bill the Cat.
I wonder if pharmacists are allowed to deny patients access to Immodium AD under the conscience clause?
(Okay, okay. I’m done).
“Fear and the slightest form of doubt” as some handlers maintain can be enough to kill some worshippers
Sure, blame the victim!
Re-read the thread and skip Chris’s comment, and then read this one.
No, I accept that. I probably deserve it for clinically depressing Mark.
And as a token of my heartfelt regret for that, please accept this Monty Python rip-off of great relevance on this day.
Rand Paul and his friends are totes going to start using plungers as the sign of their toiletary oppression.
We should encourage them to crap in buckets… for FREEDUMB!!!
WOLVERINES!!!!FECAL COLIFORMS!!!!The host says we’re going to hell. I think this shows we’re headed in the right direction.
We should encourage them to crap in buckets… for FREEDUMB!!!
You know, it is pretty fucking rich for Rand Paul to bitch and moan about his low-flow terlet, considering the fact that he’s from a state where indoor plumbing became accessible to all only within his lifetime.
The host says we’re going to hell. I think this shows we’re headed in the right direction.
Damn. I thought he was going to say his wife.
Rand Paul and his friends are totes going to start using plungers as the sign of their toiletary oppression.
Toiletarian could almost be a typo for totalitarian, so would fit perfectly into the TeaTard way of doing things… Somebody (pas moi, of course) should go troll their sites using that term…
Finally, there’s no problem with disagreeing with me.
Roger that, D-K. That’s a given at S,N…and one of the reasons I so like this place. And I’ve seen some heated and intense debate at Sadly, No!
Rather, it’s the tone in which I expressed myself….and grafting ad hominem shit onto clean arguments. That’s what bothered me and what I needed to cogitate on (among other things) Thanks for understanding.
*steps back into darkness again*
From Libya with love.
Article’s more confusing than anything else.
He thinks we’ll end up intervening, but with Arab League and UN consensus? Most of the Arab League is run by governments who’re next in line for popular revolution, and would like nothing better than to stop this domino thing in its tracks in Libya. Hard to believe that they’d rally like this.
And fuck the Saud, also too. Although the one guy in the comments section did make me laugh with his “The Spice must flow” line.
*checks thread
It’s dead, Jim.
“You know, it is pretty fucking rich for Rand Paul to bitch and moan about his low-flow terlet, considering the fact that he’s from a state where indoor plumbing became accessible to all only within his lifetime.”
It’s much worse, er better, er whingnutzish than that. Can we say TVA anyone? I suppose in his bizarre randian mentational train wrecks it was all built by John Galt ALL BY HIS OWN SELF.
*checks thread
It’s dead, Jim.
Star Trek?
It’s dead, Jim.
In this vein, M.B. found something funneh!
POOP. And such as.
Hard to believe that they’d rally like this.
Regional arab countries have already called for NFZ.
In the statement, Nahidmobarekeh said he took his own feces and dried it in the sun. He then used a cheese grater to grind the material into smaller portions.
A Hero of the Randian Revolution!
POOP. And such as.
Ewww. That seems like a lot more trouble than it’s worth. I don’t know about y’all, but I try and avoid touching POOP, even if it’s my own.
Also, I wonder what his neighbors thought.
Shorter John Hinderaker, JD, Harvard Law:
Soon to be another motion picture from Arkansas? *sigh*. The morons have already won.
Soon to be another motion picture from Arkansas? *sigh*. The morons have already won.
I call Poe.
Can’t watch the video at work, but I’m going to assume that “vulgar” = “they weren’t cheering for us” and “threatening” = “they were there instead of being in their schools and police cars and coal mines letting Us run the Affairs of State without irritating Little People running about.”
You can practically feel the author’s seething fury that once again, he/she doesn’t actually have any violence to pin on the libs.
Anybody have anything on the WI protests? It’s sounding…not good. Like, riot police not good.
Can’t watch the video at work, but I’m going to assume that “vulgar” = “they weren’t cheering for us” and “threatening” = “they were there instead of being in their schools and police cars and coal mines letting Us run the Affairs of State without irritating Little People running about.”
I think “threatening” = “there was a sprinkling of Negroes throughout the crowd”.
I think “threatening” = “there was a sprinkling of Negroes throughout the crowd”.
Ah yes. The mice to the conservative elephant.
The video was thirteen minutes, shot and edited by Mr. Althouse. I got through about 2:30, during which I heard college kids playing drums and a few swearwords. Then I got bored.
Ah yes. The mice to the conservative elephant.
Awesome imagery.
You are forgiven.
Rand Paul might be repulsive, but in no way can he ever match Okie Jim Inhofe (R-etarded) for nuclear-enriched stupidity:
So … legislation that hasn’t been passed (or even proposed in this Congress, IIRC) is more responsible for high gas prices than the fact oil-producing countries are currently a chaotic clusterfuck.
It’s almost as if these people think they can say such idiotic shit without the media ever calling them on it …
Haven’t seen anything about any new developments on the ground in Wisconsin- gadzooks, I hope the shit doesn’t hit the fan.
Interesting that pretty much all the people who were dragged out were young, except the woman in the wheelchair.
I don’t know, B^4, but this photo is creepy as fuck.
Zombies Ants! FTW
What are those light boxes on their chests?
I think it’s some sort of reflective tape, but they do sort of look like the cops in Fifth Element
Those are their uranium-powered cores.
Just more liberal fascism.
Meep-zorp, you are under arrest ci-ti-zen.
Here’s another pic.
They really do look like something out of a movie.
And here’s the fascist piece of shit the repugs “passed” last night in the Senate.
Soon to be another motion picture from Arkansas? *sigh*.
Was that letter written by “Sweet, sweet Connie” from Little Rock?
And here’s the fascist piece of shit the repugs “passed” last night in the Senate.
That Bill seems to be jam-packed with items having budgetary impacts, despite the claim that it was not budgetary and therefore required only a majority to pass.
gadzooks, I hope the shit doesn’t hit the fan.
I’m afraid that the shit will have to hit the fan if we’re to have any chance at all of reversing this trend. People died to gain the worker’s rights we currently have and if we don’t stop the backsliding soon our granchildren or great-grandchildren will have to do it all over again.
If only there was a centrist Law Professor from Madison who could be consulted as to its constitutional validity.
Authorize providers to deny care or services if recipient cannot pay cost-sharing
We truly are turning into a nation out of a Charles Dickens story.
Help! Help! I’m being repressed!!!
Now we see the Word Press inherent in the system!
So, who wants to move to Vermont?
That Bill seems to be jam-packed with items having budgetary impacts, despite the claim that it was not budgetary and therefore required only a majority to pass.
I know! That lying, weaselly fucker would never try to push through something that’s unconstitutional, right?
So, who wants to move to Vermont?
But it gets so coooooold there!
The war against fascism was lost before it started when the Defense Dep’t. started giving surplus military equipment to local police forces in the ’70s or ’80s.
Somebody just farted in here. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.
But it gets so coooooold there!
I know! I hear Burlington just got 3 feet of snow. Lucky bastards.
As if this was ever about anything else. You’re talking about people who in the middle of the worst recession in eighty years, had no other priority but to make the country ungovernable until they were back in power. If Rush Limbaugh could get away with “I hope he fails,” this’ll pass too.
The blunt problem is, Who Has The Money To Fund Elections? I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the liberal consensus in the 1950s and 1960s came after the New Deal had taxed away much of the rich people’s income, or that the Republican domination these days followed the Reagan union-busting era.
According to this hypothetical politically moderate Madison-based law professor, Ezra Klein makes “[a] nice effort at making a show of not being a hypocrite” for suggesting that the procedure may have been legal and legitimate. One wonders if selfsame hypothetical politically moderate Madison-based law professor said anything similar about “Obamacare” or if words like “shoved” and “down” and “throat” were involved in that analysis.
E$ is a stupid fucking douche. There’s a difference between “unusual legislative maneuvers” and “doing something that is patently fucking unconstitutional.”
POOP. And such as.
Behrouz Nahidmobarekeh.
Interesting name, sounds like could mean “bad breath”.
He may be a douche, but he also didn’t “admit” what Althouse says he did. He said “assuming” the move “was legal — and, as I’ll explain in a moment, there are some questions about that — then it was also legitimate,” but concluded that he “simply [doesn’t] know enough to evaluate any of [the] claims [against its legality], but this effort is worth keeping an eye on.”
So Althouse misrepresented what he said and then criticized him for being only a pretend non-hypocrite for saying it.
You’d think a law professor would have no problem with the if/then sentence construction.
He may be a douche, but he also didn’t “admit” what Althouse says he did.
I read the original. You’re right–that’s what I get for reading something out of context on Althouse’s blog. But he’s still a douche.
Sadly, yes.
I don’t imagine that anyone with three brain cells to rub together thinks that the rethugs and their masters are going to stop their Assault on America all by themselves because they realize that they have a large enough percentage of the national wealth.
It’s going to take pitchforks and torches and cliffotines. Getting to there is going to take scraping bottom in a way we haven’t yet. If only we didn’t have to. Unfortunately, the dickheads control the media, and a fairly large, complacent and/or misdirected portion of the populace supports them because of the pap they are continuously fed.
Someone here the other day said they were going to start calling them “Dark Agers.” I see it more as the classic Royalists v. Populists fight. I think I’m going to start referring to them as Royalists, because it’s as close a term as I can find.
Plus, it’ll make teatard heads explode.
“That Bill seems to be jam-packed with items having budgetary impacts, despite the claim that it was not budgetary and therefore required only a majority to pass.”
Yeah, they put it in the budget bill claiming it had absolutely essential budget ramifications. Then they pass it saying it has nothing to do with the budget. So it is unconsatoozhinal and faces a tough time in the courts. At the same time, by doing it as a non-budget item Walker shows what a lying sack of shit he has been all along.
GaddafiWalker is calling out the militia to suppress thefreedom fightersprotesters. And Assrocket cheers for martial law. I feel ill.It certainly did, for some poor bastard.
“Unfortunately, the dickheads control the media, and a fairly large, complacent and/or misdirected portion of the populace supports them because of the pap they are continuously fed.”
To be fair they don’t control _all_ the media. Yet. With net neutrality going by the boards and NPR/PBS soon to be toast the statement will be true. Shortly.
But he’s still a douche.
No disagreements.
I got it! Ironman! That’s them police deelies!
Awrite,awrite, I’ll go back to sleep.
We truly are turning into a nation out of a Charles Dickens story.
“A Tale of Two Cities”?
“A Tale of Two Cities”?
A Tale of Two Shitties.
Smut Clyde = Sydney Carton?
“A Tale of Two Cities”?
I’ve been getting a lot of knitting practice in these last few years.
It was the best of times (in someone’s fevered imagination). It was the worst of times. Until now when it has gotten even worse.
Sydney Carton?
True, I wanna be a paper-bag writer, but that’s different.
J’affûte la guillotine.
Oh, oh! What’s worse than a paper bag? A cardboard box. (Hee-larious in seventh-grade. Today’s yout’ finds it still amusing when frat-boy age.)
Hey, YOU! It’s all your fault!
(Anybody who recognizes the statement above gets a cookie.)
Today in frothy rectal discharge:
That part is honest, anyway.
So, who wants to move to Vermont?
um, me. I freaking love Bernie Sanders
Sydney Carton?
Nor an Aussie.
Hard to believe that they’d rally like this.
One way or another, we’ll know by Sunday, Chris. Arab League meets this weekend. Gulf Cooperation Council seems to be open to the idea, which is not what I would not have expected. There are so many wheels-within-wheels who knows what will go down over the weekend?
(Oddly it seems sorta like watching those ever-more elaborate and convoluted gyrations of ‘eccentric orbits’ that pre-Copernican astronomers used to explain planet regressions and thus preserve the heliocentric universe. Am I really stoneded right now, or what?)
What this place needs is Toots and the Maytals live at the Sombrero in Kingston. 1962
…any new developments on the ground in Wisconsin- gadzooks, I hope the shit doesn’t hit the fan.
This might be too international–which is sort of where my head is dialed now–but it is meant as Solidarity for Wisconsin.
Plus I am really stoned. That too.
I’m ready to move to Vt, fill my iPhone with Toots & the Maytals, and snowboard until I forget all about the teatardists. I guess I better see if I can pick Toots up on the way; I think he’s living in Westchester still.
Seriously, I’ve spent between 5 & 40 days in VT annually over the past 10 years, and how can a small, rural state be so much saner and more enjoyable than similar states? I grew up in Idaho, which is the anti-VT, even though in many respects people gravitate to both states for similar reasons. I guess the biggest difference is the damn holy-rollers and conspiracy nuts. Not that many holy-rollers in New England compared to the South and the West, and all the anti-government types in NE gravitate to NH. Idaho gets the nutjobs who think that Wyoming is too liberal.
On another note, while I’m glad to see the unions finally standing up for something, is anyone else pissed at how much time, energy, and money has been wasted in political battles between factions in major unions over the past several years? I’m specifically referring to the SEIU/UHW/NUHW clusterfuck, but I’m sure that the $10millionfuckingdollars spent on a single election for a couple thousand members could have been put to a much better use, even if it were just rolled into pointy sticks and used to poke teahardists in the face 10 million times.
I freaking love Bernie Sanders
I wrote-in Bernie for President in 2008. Gonna write-in Bernie again in 2012.
I live in Wisconsin and I wrote in Bernie Sanders for Governor in November. That’ll teach the corporatists a hard lesson.
Trying to help a friend with visa to U.S., questions: are you a terrorist, money launderer, whore, drug trafficker, child kidnapper, genocidal murderer, torturer….really, yes, no.
Fenwick, I think there are things happening in the Mediterranean which we are not privy to. At least I hope so. Seems so hypocritical to invade Iraq for regime change, which was a logistical nightmare (especially since Turkey denied flyovers), yet moan that Libya is some kind of strategic impossibility even though Tripoli and most Libyan cities are beachfront, within view of a carrier’s deck. It will be nice if the rebels win without U.S. (or Europe), but if they are not successful, and it is starting to appear that they will not be (Toyotas vs fighter jets), how will the Western states explain having sat on their thumbs while G(Q,K)adaffi and his blood thirsty son murdered their countrymen? Hey, what about those sanctions? And, don’t forget, we cut diplomatic relations!
Peter King, after Mooamar, is currently the world’s biggest asshole, and has more in common with deranged tyrant than not. CBS and the rest also suck for reporting nothing about King’s terrorist past.
Meanwhile, President Obama decries bullies.
Second Gran Reserva on the coffee table.
I live in Wisconsin and I wrote in Bernie Sanders for Governor in November. That’ll teach the corporatists a hard lesson.
I doubt if Bernie was eligible for Governor under Wisconsin state law.
A dedicated Guerrilla Voter must make sure that a write-in candidate is, in fact, eligible to hold the office. BTW, that becomes complex in local elections: Residency requirements (say, within a particular councilmanic district) or those requiring a candidate be a member of the State Bar.
[Eventually, the central political theses of the Guerrilla Voter Manifesto will be published in the Duchy of Grand Fenwick. Also the tactical doctrine used by Cadre 18, a particularly tenacious cell of Guerrilla Voters.]
This is OT, but I’m posting it everywhere because it makes me furious. The New York Times blamed an 11 year old girl for her own gang rape. Apparently, she dressed provocatively, the boys and MEN involved were “drawn into it”, (odd, since it takes a certain level of comfort to record it on a cellphone, as some of them did), and we should feel bad for the perpetrators because “they’ll be forced to live with this the rest of their lives.”
quoted from above nyt piece
poor chaps, them.
Plenty much! They suffered a LOT of self-inflicted damage, wasted assets, lost time, and–most devasting–loss of any compelling and united narrative voice. for labor. I didn’t track the details of the (ever-ramifying) disputes, but the effects seem clear to me.
“These boys have to live with this the rest of their lives.”
Maybe somebody’s son got arrested as one of the rapists because boo fucking hoo. You know how best not to live with the fact you’ve done something unspeakably horrible for the rest of your life? DON’T DO IT. Stupid asshole.
rodertrudis: I’m glad Libya is on your radar. I wish what was on the scope now looked less dismal for the Libyan people.
I can only imagine the stress your friend with the visa might be undergoing. Thanks for helping him/her prepare for the paranoic, land-mine strewn obstacle course of the United Surveillance State and United Security State.
“These boys have to live with this the rest of their lives.”
Unlike the women, of course.
It’s horrible isn’t it? Petition calling for an apology/retraction of NYT story is here:
Maybe somebody’s son got arrested as one of the rapists because boo fucking hoo. You know how best not to live with the fact you’ve done something unspeakably horrible for the rest of your life? DON’T DO IT. Stupid asshole.
There’s a thought. One that the Culture of Personal Responsibility might do well to adopt, but probably won’t.
You know some of these boys happen to be on the local
HEROESbasketball team, and this horrible event apparently has affected their game. (link missing – pandagon apparently down)Not nearly as pissed as I get at how much time, energy and money is wasted every other year in political battles between factions in the major corporatist organizations running our government, known as Parties. The next one is going to top the billion mark on each side just for the headliner’s fight.
Trying to help a friend with visa to U.S., questions: are you a terrorist, money launderer, whore, drug trafficker, child kidnapper, genocidal murderer, torturer….really, yes, no.
Whole thing is amusing, in that reinforces-your-cynicism way.
What kind of
person(I’m at a loss for a proper description) hears about eighteen guys raping an eleven year old girl and thinks, “Those poor boys”? Seriously? WTF? Shit like this is what lynchings are for. You’re not supposed to want to bake them fucking cookies.Wow.
Ten days later, when I returned for the swearing-in, a brief and final questionnaire asked if I had engaged in prostitution since the interview. I checked “No.”
Sneaky witch! Where was that critical question? Why a duck?
Threaddy’s dead
That’s what I said
It’s a horrible story, but I don’t see how the Times is blaming the victim or sympathizing with the attackers. What they’re doing is quoting what some of the locals have said about the matter and, parenthetically, giving me a feel for what sort of people said locals might be. If you know what I mean.
No shit. Ms. Harrison is a pretty detestable beast, if you ask me. A “hospital worker” with that little human compassion. One can only hope that her duties are confined to the laundry or replacing urinal cakes.
On the plus side for the Times, they have a lovely review for the band Soulive linked at the bottom of the page. Nice to see the guys get press. I worked a bit with the two brothers many moons ago, when they were in a different band. They were fantastic then, and I gather they still are.
Doomsday Report: Huge quake, tsunami in Japan; all Northern Pacific on alert for tsunamis.
“These boys have to live with this the rest of their lives.”
Putting aside the false equivalence of what the girl must live with and what her attackers must live with, this quote assumes that boys suffer with the memory rather than, say, thinking about the rape with nostalgia.
Let’s be honest about the homoerotic subtext here: X guys, one girl, if you know what I mean.
I think it’s even worse. I read it as “those boys will have to suffer the stigma of being a) seen as rapists and child molesters, and b) possibly convicted of a crime.” What will people think? Oh my.
‘Cause, y’know, actually being gang raped? Ppthhh, no trouble at all. ‘S like a walk in the park.
I try not to wish ill on anybody, but it’s really hard sometimes. I’m failing a lot lately.
Not only that, but come on, 18 dudes can’t come up with $90 between ’em?
On a related topic, I was over at PZ’s joint and I have to admit, I was once again surprised by how naive I am. I’ve always assumed that MRA was solely an insult, but there was a guy there discussing how proud he is to be an MRA.
It’s a horrible story, but I don’t see how the Times is blaming the victim or sympathizing with the attackers.
Seriously, the reporter couldn’t find *one* person who said “Damn, that shit’s fucked up”? Not one??? Or at least a legal expert that said “11-year-olds can’t consent to sex, so what the girl said or did is irrelevant.”
And I realize that journalists aren’t responsible to fix rape culture, but nobody thought, “Hey, that shit’s fucked up and if we repeat it without any sort of refutation, that makes it seem like we’re implicitly endorsing that viewpoint.”
I mean, if a fucking newspaper can report “both sides” of the global warming “debate,” why can’t they report “both sides” (ugh, bile) of the discussion of an 11-year-old girl being gang raped?
Also, I swear to fucking GOD, if I see one more description of what those evil fuckers did as “had sex with,” I will punch something. SHE CANNOT CONSENT. If they “had sex with” her, it was RAPE. Just say “allegedly raped.” Jesus Christ.
11-year-olds can’t consent to sex
Absolutely not. However, as the Repub revolution continues, they will be able to consent to working in a coal mine.
On a related topic, I was over at PZ’s joint and I have to admit, I was once again surprised by how naive I am. I’ve always assumed that MRA was solely an insult, but there was a guy there discussing how proud he is to be an MRA.
Aww, I’m actually kind of jealous.
Nah, dude, it’s an actual movement. If you can call misogynist douchebags typing on their computers about how they can’t get laid and how meeeeean their ex-wives are a “movement.” They literally believe that women control everything and are trying to wipe them out.
They literally believe that women control everything and are trying to wipe them out.
I never understand crush fantasies. But chasen sees gout as the froggies say.
“11-year-olds can’t consent to sex, so what the girl said or did is irrelevant.”
It reminds me of that creepy scene in East of Eden where the little girl tricks several older boys into raping her just to be a bitch.
Have you guys seen footage of Japan? Jesus fucking Christ.
It’s a horrible story, but I don’t see how the Times is blaming the victim or sympathizing with the attackers. What they’re doing is quoting what some of the locals have said about the matter and, parenthetically, giving me a feel for what sort of people said locals might be. If you know what I mean.
Ahhh – Cleveland, Texas. You know, based only on the Times story, I have very little information about who the gang-rapists are but I do know that the eleven-year old girl wore make-up and dressed older than a pre-teen normally does. If James McKinley Jr. meant the article to showcase the backwards fucked-upedness of Cleveland, Texas then it was an EPIC FAIL. And presenting odious views as “X says” in an article like that? Maybe you might want to context-ify it a bit. i.e.
When asked if forcible gang rape of women in their twenties was a common occurance in Cleveland, there was no comment.
Heh. You know, the funny thing is that not only do those statements reinforce rape culture, but they also illustrate a common belief in rape culture–that certain women are disposable based on how they act, their race, what their occupation is, etc. This is a twisted take on the “she was asking for it” “argument,” but I think it’s more pernicious because it’s much subtler, and uses classist and racist attitudes to undergird the sexist attitudes.
Also, too, there’s this, which I’d forgotten about: “Among them is, if the allegations are proved, how could their young men have been drawn into such an act?”
That’s directly from the article–not a quote. That’s really vile.
I wonder how the reporting would be if this girl were an angelic-looking blond Christian.
I wonder how the reporting would be if this girl were an angelic-looking blond Christian.
And the perpetrators were…um….of dusky hue.
Have you guys seen footage of Japan? Jesus fucking Christ.
To quote the doctor*, God doesn’t like mobile homes. When the tornado comes, they become very mobile.
*Dr. Johnny Fever, of course.
Tsunami expected on our beach at…..precisely the time I drive past it. Hmm…
Residents kept volunteering the fact that the victim wore make-up and dressed more like a woman in her twenties despite being repeatedly told that this was irrelevant.
In addition to everything that’s already been said, uh… how could you mistake an 11-year old for a woman in her twenties, regardless of what she’s wearing?
Terrorism is a perfectly justifiable tactic to drive a more powerful group from your ancestral lands. Primarily because no tactic that actually is ‘justifiable’ in the traditional sense of the word has a snowball’s chance in working.
If you think otherwise, you really have to explain why rape, genocide, murder, torture and slavery are preferable to blowing people up.
And the perpetrators were…um….of dusky hue.
Actually, they were.
I wonder how the reporting would be if this girl were an angelic-looking blond Christian.
and upper middle class
And the perpetrators were…um….of dusky hue.
Yeah, good lord.
There are all sorts of intertwining racial/class/gender dynamics to this act and the theoretical one on a white girl, but I’m going to let smarter people who have a better understanding of race and how it affects our views on sexuality than I do.
Surprise, surprise!
Actually, they were.
Yes, but because they were raping a black girl, that makes it all even. Or something.
Race issues regarding the assault are delicate, to put it lightly.
Shorter Mark Steyn:
Shorter Steyn fan “Dave”:
Race issues regarding the assault are delicate, to put it lightly.
Yeah, as I said, I think I’m going to let other people talk about those issues, although I am also left wondering what would have happened if the perpetrators had been white.
Nevertheless, I will say that anybody who blames this girl’s mother for what happened is an asshole. And if you’re going to do that, then you need to ask where where the parents of the boys who are in middle and high school?
But T&U, boys will be boys! We must protect our delicate 27-year-old boys from the temptations of those nasty grade school sirens.
Jesus. I wasn’t really tracking on the town in the story, but that’s along 59 north. When my mom lived up in Nacogdoches I used to drive through that town every time I visited her. It’s real godforsaken country.
between the texas story and the barbie story, i am quickly losing faith in mankind…
But T&U, boys will be boys! We must protect our delicate 27-year-old boys from the temptations of those nasty grade school sirens.
I wonder how many of the people who routinely use that argument pointed the finger at Egypt after the rape of a journalist in Tahir Square to say that it “proved” the savageness and backwardness of the entire Egyptian nation/Muslim world.
Of course, there was as much gloating and schadenfreude as mock horror coming from the right when it happened, so maybe they’re not so inconsistent after all.
MRA? Google gives me magnetic resonance angiogram but that can’t be right.
Militant raging atheist? I’d be proud of that.
I believe the response to that was a mix of “Muslims are filthy animals” and “slut had it coming” and “why was that delicate vaginated almostperson put in such danger by her
daddyin the first place?”“‘body images’ feed ‘eating disorders’”
You mean my friend’s anorexia that she still struggles with that almost killed her and gave her osteoperosis at 27 and stole years of her life until she went into residential treatment is fake? And another friend’s bulimia that took over her life so much that she couldn’t think about anything else was totes, like, a joke or something? And was I just imagining the cycling between compulsive binging and starvation and complete self-hatred that characterized a large portion of my 20s?
I’m sure that family members of girls (and boys) who are malnourished, obsessed, sick, and dead are comforted by the fact that eating disorders aren’t real. Maybe the thousands of dollars some of them spent on their kids’ treatments (if they were lucky enough to be able to get treatment) will be refunded. Magically.
Hey, girls, you can stop counting the number of calories in a packet of ketchup (true story) and exercising 5 hours a day (also true story) and hating yourself for being such a fatass for getting dressing on your salad because there’s no such thing as an “eating disorder.” Yay!
MRA? Google gives me magnetic resonance angiogram but that can’t be right.
Men’s Rights
AssholeAdvocatewhat is really pissing me off about these two stories together, is that like the rape victim, i was also sexually assaulted at that age. and then we have steyn using bunnie ears around the words eating and disorder and the fact that there are female commenters telling him how fucking awesome he is makes me want to…sigh i don’t think there is any action that can signify how pissed off i am.
the two are linked, you dumbfucks. i don’t have any data, but from my own experience and from other’s any sexual assault can play serious fucking havoc with your psyche and your body image. 34 years later, as i struggle with weight issues, paranoia, fear, self loathing, etc…i feel betrayed by ANY woman who says, oh those poor boys or mark steyn you’re awesome…
Militant raging atheist? I’d be proud of that.
Men’s Rights Activist.
Also, too, maybe Steyn wants to investigate eating disorder culture on the internet (Google “ana” or “mia”) where young women post photos of their “thinspirations” and trade tips on how to lose weight and hide their disorders before he talks out of his ass.
MRA? Google gives me magnetic resonance angiogram but that can’t be right.
Militant raging atheist? I’d be proud of that.
Men’s Rights Activists. The only more odious groups to join would be actively violent. The support group for those who have caught venereal disease from livestock doesn’t want to be associated with MRAs.
MRAs occasionally post YouTube videos explaining their positions: Cineplex Odious.
Men’s Rights Activists.
why does this phrase make me want to kick balls?
The story Steyn links(or the link to the Chron his linkee links) is actually fairly interesting, what the hell is his beef? Besides which the woman made it in high school, which he apparently doesn’t even realize. Did Steyn do ANY research before pinching off that steaming wordpile?
And is his “logic” really that eating disorders aren’t a big deal because fat people exist?
Because it’s a ball kick-worthy phrase.
BTW, I do want to add that eating disorders arise from a variety of circumstances and experiences, and there’s evidence that at least some eating disorders are linked to genetics. (Although, like a lot of mental illnesses, probably also brought out by environment). I don’t buy that eating disorders are 100% because of the unrealistic beauty standards for women, but they’re certainly a factor, and, furthermore, those beauty standards are part of a larger pressure girls and young women often feel to be “perfect,” which is a result of sexist attitudes and expectations.
In other words, the Barbie experiment oversimplifies things, but Mark Steyn is still a fucking asshole.
Did Steyn do ANY research before pinching off that steaming wordpile?
Are you kidding? Not researching it confirmed at least three of his preconceived notions (girls are stoopid especially at math and building stuff, eating disorders are a fake concern for the fainting set, and liberal college is liberal and suxxx); reading any deeper might show him he’s wrong about something. Why do that when you can get a reputation as the funniest guy ever in the conservative blogosphere by taking obvious swings at easy targets?
why does this phrase make me want to kick balls?
If the phrase makes you want to kick balls, wait ’til you read the MRAs’ blog posts and comments.
If you want to view it at a bit of a remove, check out the Man Boobz blog, which does sort of like Teh Sadly does with general wingnuts, finding egregious examples of the form and mocking.
Ah, I see. Can’t say that I am familiar with such animals but I am sure I can imagine the noxiousness they embody. I’ll bet they support Straight Pride Parades too.
If you want to view it at a bit of a remove, check out the Man Boobz blog,
bless you…
I let my co-worker borrow my space heater because her skinny ass was cold and now I’m fucking freezing.
bless you…
Still, fair warning – reading those assholes even through the Man Boobz filter is more than I can take, most days.
Yeah, I can’t deal most of the time.
If you can filter out the hatred, though, their paranoia and fake machismo are pretty fucking funny.
Reading them at PZ’s – where they are used as punching bags – is still annoying.
If you want to view it at a bit of a remove, check out the Man Boobz blog,
Not removed enough. Holy crap.
I let my co-worker borrow my space heater because her skinny ass was cold and now I’m fucking freezing.
Man, you’re a good person.
Thanks for the link, that’s hysterical.
Oh noes, I can’t imagine a world in which men used violence to assert themselves.
Someone needs a diaper change and a nap.
The media are creaming themselves with the tsunami watch. One can see the disappointment in the KATU reporter’s face each time the wave height estimate is lowered. Even more when _nothing_ happens. It is quite amusing to see them scrambling frantically, trying tofind something to say.
I don’t always like Amanda Marcotte, but this post on Nice Guys that I found via Man Boobz is full of awesome.
Man, you’re a good person.
I know, right?
I could have totally made her paranoid, too (not for the first time), but I refrained from doing it.
if it ever comes to violence, I will stand aside, and feel bad while all manner of nasty things are done…but I won’t lift a FINGER to stop it.
Actually, I believe him on this one. Except for the feeling bad part.
It helps to read them in the voice of Stewie, from Family guy.
“The outrages I have suffered today will not be soon forgotten. I will not be forgetting, (pause) those outrages. No they won’t be forgetten, not the outrages.”
It helps to read them in the voice of Stewie, from Family guy.
Or the Simpsons’ Comic Book Guy:
Worst. Outrage. Ever.
this post on Nice Guys that I found via Man Boobz is full of awesome.
I think the reason I cringe so hard at the Nice Guy® / MRA stuff is that I could have gone that way myself. I recognize a lot of the whiny horseshit they all spout as the same kind self pity I carried around when I was young. I can only imagine what it must be like to be over 30 and still being that species of miserable.
Sort of like how I dodged the Objectivist bullet, too. Maybe it’s that I met and interacted with some actual humans somewhere along the way, including women.
Same here. I wasn’t actually even nice. But maybe that was because I was so resentful because I was so shy. But, really, who cares? It’s all a feedback loop and the entry point is probably different for everyone. You need to break out of it at some point instead of blaming bitches and meatheads for not recognizing your special specialness.
“Someone needs a diaper change and a nap.”
And several boots to the only adult part of him, his balls.
Also PENIS too.
Ahhh, Nice Guys.
Yeah, that Marcotte piece is pretty good.
The thing is, chronic passive-aggression and manipulative self-entitlement for not being a complete dick are forms of abuse. And yeah, if the first thing you think about when you hear that a woman is being abused is “Why is she giving up her vajay to him and not me?” you’re showing that you’re just angry that you don’t have the physical strength/looks/charisma/money of the abuser, not that you give a fuck about the woman.
You need to break out of it at some point instead of blaming bitches and meatheads for not recognizing your special specialness.
Yeah, exactly. I mean, the way you overcome Nice Guy Syndrome is by actually being a *good person* and showing real empathy and understanding and accepting women as people, not complaining about how stupid they are for not fucking you.
showing real empathy and understanding and accepting women as people, not complaining about how stupid they are for not fucking you.
Yup. Empathy really is the key to all sorts of civilized behavior.
Yeah, it’s this sinister conspiracy in which they grow and mature and become better people as they develop.
Yup. Empathy really is the key to all sorts of civilized behavior.
Yep, my boss in Antarctica, who was used to leading a bunch of antisocial weirdo computer techs, told me “pretend to care”. He’s right. Every single interaction with other people goes easier if the other person believes you give a shit. And the easiest way to make them believe you give a shit, is to give a shit.
And is his “logic” really that eating disorders aren’t a big deal because fat people exist?
It’s the eating disorder version of “it’s snowing out so that means global warming is a hoax”.
Yup. Empathy really is the key to all sorts of civilized behavior.
Let’s see if I have this right. If people would just empathize with me, understand what I want and then just give it to me then I would be much more civilized. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Yeah, it’s this sinister conspiracy in which they grow and mature and become better people
as they developwho post POOP and PENIS at Sadly, No!.FOR PRESIDENT!
And also, you know who else was a nice guy?
“always keep your underwear on…”
Bathroom time just got UGLY.
It helps to read them in the voice of Stewie, from Family guy.
“The outrages I have suffered today will not be soon forgotten. I will not be forgetting, (pause) those outrages. No they won’t be forgetten, not the outrages.”
this has continued to make me giggle long after an appropriate amount of time…
also, OT, but effing weather…how does it work?
today, we have clear skies, sunshine and the everpresentmutherfucking wind…but our forecasted high temp is 42 (be still my heart!) BUT this afternoon we will have high winds and freezing rain.
at present, while i am looking out my window at the sunshine, i hear on the radio that a school not even 20 miles to the northeast of us is dismissing at noon because of the weather…super gusty winds and blowing snow…
with that freezing rain turning to snow tonight…with snow forecasted for tomorrow with high winds…aaaaarggggghhhh! this winter has gone on far too long…remember that scene in the shining with the snow maze and jack and catman struthers…yeah, that’s how i’m feeling right now…
To be fair, I’m in that poor category and I’m increasingly likely to favor beating the rich with a sack of nickles.
From the early ’70s and up into the ’90s the IRA set off many bombs that killed and injured many in London–many of them women and children. 1983 Harrods Bombing, anyone? And while they may have felt as if they were justified, it’s still terrorism. You can’t call it anything else. Will someone please tell me why the conservatives believe that you can only call it terrorism if it’s Islamic in nature??
Breitbart has a post up at HuffPo wherein he confirms everything that has ever been written about him at SN!.
Breitbart has a post up at HuffPo wherein he confirms everything that has ever been written about him at SN!.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I want to figure out a way to beat these fuckers at their own game. I don’t care if it’s undignified or immature.
if your goal isn’t to report the truth but to decide what it will be, and who’s allowed to tell it.
really, andy?
Just seen elsewhere on the toobz:
“The headline you won’t be seeing: Millions saved in Japan due to good engineering and government building codes.”.
Jesus God, not the “we have FOUR WHOLE VIDEOS covering SEVERAL MINUTES of time and NOT ONE shows anybody saying nigger” bullshit again. And why does James O’Keefe STILL get press and lose people jobs and the Koch/Walker story is shrugged off or ignored?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I want to figure out a way to beat these fuckers at their own game. I don’t care if it’s undignified or immature.
And if you do, please let me know. Can’t think of a more effective “talk off ledge” thing.
And why does James O’Keefe STILL get press and lose people jobs and the Koch/Walker story is shrugged off or ignored?
I don’t know, something about the media deciding what the truth will be and who is allowed to tell it.
Ok, so in Conservativeworld, “David Koch” calls Scott Walker and Scott Walker accepts the call and is careful not to offend the potential donor. NBD, bro, business as usual, etc.
Meanwhile, “The Muslim Brotherhood” calls NPR offering a large donation and an NPR fundraiser is careful not to offend the potential donor. Scandal! Biggest Scandal Since ACORN!
Oh, and Andrew? “There’s not one shred of objective evidence that corroborates the ‘Tea Party N-Word’ story.” John Lewis said it happened. John Lewis had his skull cracked while marching for the right to buy a hamburger, then he got out of jail and did it again. You bought a hamburger once and from a balcon you drunkenly flipped off some people a safe distance away because you mistook them for liberals or something, then you bragged about it. I think I’ll take John Lewis’s word for it, thanks.
“There’s not one shred of objective evidence that corroborates the ‘Tea Party N-Word’ story.”
and,maybe i’m just rambling here or waaaaay off base, but what about the scads of evidence in other incidents that shows the tparty’s racism?
and,maybe i’m just rambling here or waaaaay off base, but what about the scads of evidence in other incidents that shows the tparty’s racism?
And showing Obama with a bone through his nose isn’t racist at all and if you think that you’re the real racist.
And showing Obama with a bone through his nose isn’t racist at all and if you think that you’re the real racist.
central to their point…blarg, blarg, fap…
And showing Obama with a bone through his nose isn’t racist at all and if you think that you’re the
real racistRace Pimp and/or Race Hustler.FTFY with some more accurate and not-at-all-coded language.
So from what I can gather, someone from the “Muslim Education Action Center” wants to donate money to NPR, but doesn’t want the kind of big public stink that arises every time a Muslim does anything in the public sphere. The fundraiser says that he might be able to donate it anonymously, but she will have to confirm whether that is ok.
What was she supposed to do? Tell him to take his towelhead blood money back to whatever pedophile prophet sand pit he came from?
What was she supposed to do? Tell him to take his towelhead blood money back to whatever pedophile prophet sand pit he came from?
Well, apparently the NPR exec also said that the racist and anti-intellectual tea party is racist and anti-intellectual. This scandalized tea partiers so much they dropped the crosses they were using to light book bonfires and caught their robes on fire.
Predictions on Breitbart/O’Keeffe’s next target? Now that they can check NPR off their list, thereby proving that they are not at all racist, they will go after a Black Congressperson. Someone should let Maxine Waters know that she shouldn’t trust anyone bearing gifts.
You just wait until you catch your kid watching El Mohammad’s World one morning.
“There’s not one shred of objective evidence that corroborates the ‘Tea Party N-Word’ story.”
Between Rand “Poop” Paul and Breitbart, it’s apparent what these blowhards need is the full-on Charles DeMar Point & Laugh treatment.
What was she supposed to do? Tell him to take his towelhead blood money back to whatever pedophile prophet sand pit he came from?
Yes. Someone who hangs around this board as much as you do should be conversant in wingnut logic by now.
“Could it be that the rich, unsatisfied with simply always getting richer, are now getting meaner?”
No, I don’t think so. They’ve always been meaner. This is quite a generalization, no? We’ll have to talk about percentages, so maybe 80% are meaner, and the other 20% are just too tired to keep it up.
Whatever the number, the meanness seems to be taught, not inherited. I think fear has a lot to do with this, and there are plenty of fear outlets out there right now.
T&U, my mother tells me to kill them with kindness. That’s a hard thing to do, for me at least. I’m more prone to fight, to get just as nasty as I can, to think up the worst possible insult and bait them at every opportunity. It doesn’t help though. Sugar goes a lot further than salt. Somewhere.
I can’t believe that I actually listened to all 45 minutes of the NPR fundraiser “bombshell”. Points discussed:
Nothing at all inappropriate, as far as I can determine. But ZOMG the caller was a guy with a blurred out face and a beard! And his name is “Ibrahim Kasaam”. Ibrahim. And she was POLITE.
As others have asked, why can’t our side be as effective at framing issues and drawing making real connections? One hardy perennial argument that the Right uses is that if you raise taxes on the wealthy, more jobs will be pushed overseas. At that precise moment, someone from our side should scream “YES. And that is why it is ludicrous to assert that a corporation has the same free-speech rights as a person. If a person wants to move overseas, he would have to renounce his citizenship; a corpation can relocate to the Bahamas and still influence American elections.”
This scandalized tea partiers so much they dropped the crosses they were using to light book bonfires and caught their robes on fire.
I guffawed.
You just wait until you catch your kid watching El Mohammad’s World one morning.
I bought them the DVD set at Osama’s Homo-bortion-pot-commie-jizz-porium.
Someone who hangs around this board as much as you do should be conversant in wingnut logic by now.
Are you saying I need to get a life?
You just wait until you catch your kid watching El Mohammad’s World one morning.
I only let my kids wath Mullah Abdul’s Neighborhood.
I expected Rand Paul’s Poop Problems would have it’s very own thread by now.
The first TPM comment was golden: “Perhaps you should cut down on your roughage, Dr. Paul”
“This scandalized tea partiers so much…”
“I guffawed.”
I fell out my chair. That’s really why I come here, to laugh. Iris doesn’t understand it. She looks over my quaking shoulders and asks what’s so funny….
I am a weed amongst mighty oaks here. I feel very fortunate merely to have discovered this place. It’s so democratic.
Did you catch All Sharia Considered this morning? The sad thing is that “Science Friday” will no long be the weekly theme on Talk of the Caliphate, I’ll miss that. “Prayer Friday” just doesn’t do it for me.
Btw, any word from Pat Robertson yet on whether teh gheys or Mooslims invoked gawd’s wrath on Japan?
Can’t wait until they rerun I Khalidius.
I think it was the lesbian hentai.
“Wait, Wait… Don’t Behead Me!” is always good for a laugh.
This Jihadist Life always contains so much insight into the human condition!
LittlePig is right, Rand Paul’s latest is just screaming for a toilet p-shop.
Will someone please tell me why the conservatives believe that you can only call it terrorism if it’s Islamic in nature??
Because sometime in the last century the Irish became honorary White People?
Except that there was a very easy way to be sympathetic to the nationalist cause (and advocate for civil rights and against discrimination in Northern Ireland) while detesting the tactics of the IRA: you supported the SLDP and not Sinn Fein, and, if you were in the US, you told the Noraid hat-passers to fuck off.