Are You Still A Whore If You Enjoy The Fuck That You’re Getting Paid For?
Posted on February 25th, 2011 by Tintin
Shorter Nick Gillespie, Hit & Run:
Why the Evil Koch Bros. Must be Stopped: They Support Drug Legalization, Gay Marriage, Reduced Defense Spending.
- We support all the things that the Koch Brothers do because they give us money, which is, in and of itself, one of the many good things the Koch brothers do.
Alternate Shorter Nick Gillespie, Hit & Run:
Why the Evil Koch Bros. Must be Stopped: They Support Drug Legalization, Gay Marriage, Reduced Defense Spending.
- Libertarians: union busters who like to smoke dope.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
[h/t gocart mozart]
Are you telling me there are whores who dislike their johns? I am distressed for a friend.
needs moar pizza PIE
re: Post Title
If we’re talking about Nick Gillespie’s mom, then yes – she is still a whore.
Is there evidence that the Koch Bros. do, in fact, support those things that Nick G (nominally) supports? I say ‘nominally’ because I suspect Nick just trots those things out when he thinks he is pwning librulz.
Here’s Wikipedia’s article on David Koch’s political views, in which he opposes the Iraq War and supports gay marriage. He’s also against UHC (surprise), against Wall Street regulation (surprise), and thinks global warming’s actually good for the earth because it’ll mean more areas to cultivate. (Presumably, he means to take a page out of Captain Nemo’s book and start cultivating shit underwater).
Definitely not like his pop – no John Bircher would ever have supported gay marriage. Going to check his brother’s page, back in a sec…
The worthwhile comment from the thread:
Exactly the same as Reason.
Here’s Wikipedia’s article on David Koch’s political views,
thanks, too lazy to do this, and am unwilling to experience the top of my head blowing off (not an intentional VCR). I guess that they don’t worry too much how the peasants/serfs/lower classes entertain themselves, just as their Victorian-era counterparts didn’t care if the lower classes killed themselves with shitty gin.
Okay, nothing much on Charles Koch‘s wikipedia page on anything other than economics, where he’s totes libertarian, blesses the Austrian “school” of economics, and thinks we’re facing the worst loss of personal freedom since the 1930s (oh yeah – sure do miss those times when a worker could express his opinion without Pinkertons shooting at him).
This is rich, though: apparently,
I assume this was written before Governor Walker started handing out no-bid contracts to the Kochs?
Alternate alternate shorter:
Rich guys support Truth, Justice and the American Way!!111!1 Stoopid libruls can’t understand why they shouldn’t be able to buy every politician in America.
Given the type of political movements the Koch’s support – Teabaggers and assorted Galtian superdoofuses – I’m going to say pot legalization, defense spending and ghey marriage are low priority items.
Tax cuts and deregulation seem to trump everything.
If they were truly interested in protecting their profits, they wouldn’t be spending so much to shrink government; they’d be looking for a bigger slice of the pie for themselves.
Geddit? They’re not evil, they’re just fucking stupid. Vote etc.
free-market capitalism, not crony capitalism.
oh, well, that’s TOTES different then!! I feel much better about them getting all the money!
Is there evidence that the Koch Bros. do, in fact, support those things that Nick G (nominally) supports?
Sure there is. First and foremost, Koch Industries is about making Koch Industries moar rich. They are pro-business, anti-environment, pro free trade, anti-taxes. That some groups who are these things are also pro gay marriage or anti war on drugs isn’t surprising. Really they are all about Big Oil.
Here’s the Sourcewatch page on them.
Example: in the 05/06 election cycle, Koch Industries donated over $160K to Democratic candidates, putting it clearly in the Big Donor category. Therefore, by Gillespie’s logic Koch Industries is in the tank for Democrats. Nevermind that in the same cycle, they shelled out five times as much to GOP candidates.
It’s kinda a LOL FOOTBULLET thing. OMG Lefties are so stoopit for opposing teh Koch because Koch is all for gay-marriage and smoking pot!!!
Nevermind that they are also the funding behind FreedomWorks and most of the Climate Change denialism industry.
Soooooo, lemme get this straight: if you agree with conservative on one or two issues, you are retarded if you don’t agree with them on all issues? All right.
Wasn’t Hitler a vegetarian? I mean, I think vegetarianism is a good idea–even though I’m not a vegetarian–because it’s better for the environment. But I’m pretty sure I part company with Hitler on just about everything else. I’m allowed to do that, right?
Can I just make the general statement, having read the political headlines this morning, that we’re ut fucked? Now I’ll go a-fruitpicking amongst the orchards of teh sad links.
(Presumably, he means to take a page out of Captain Nemo’s book and start cultivating shit underwater).
Beach front property in Utah?
oh, well, that’s TOTES different then!! I feel much better about them getting all the money!
Actually, I do see the distinction. It’s just that if you want to guarantee a free-market capitalism, you need government setting and enforcing the rules. Otherwise, things tend to end up concentrated in a few hands awfully damn quick, as the Gilded Age demonstrates. Which of course is exactly what the Kochs want.
The Volkswagon Beetle was a great Idea. I got to hand it to that Hitler dude on that one.
Wasn’t Hitler a vegetarian? I mean, I think vegetarianism is a good idea–even though I’m not a vegetarian–because it’s better for the environment. But I’m pretty sure I part company with Hitler on just about everything else. I’m allowed to do that, right?
Well, that just proves Hitler was a liberal and the Greens were Nazis, after all.
I’m allowed to do that, right?
No. All or nothing. With us or with the terrorists.
I would leave the boat in (probably futile) search for mango goodness but I fear my head would implode if I read what he actually wrote. Is he delusional, stoopid, disingenuous or underhanded? Of course those are not disjoint possibilities.
Hitler was an artist and a vegetarian.
Is there evidence that the Koch Bros. do, in fact, support those things that Nick G (nominally) supports?
Not according to any information Nickie G provides, no.
Wasn’t Hitler a vegetarian? I mean, I think vegetarianism is a good idea–even though I’m not a vegetarian–because it’s better for the environment. But I’m pretty sure I part company with Hitler on just about everything else. I’m allowed to do that, right?
If you’re a vegetarian, you must love Hitler’s insipid, Kincaidish watercolors.
Is he delusional, stoopid, disingenuous or underhanded?
With us or with the terrorists.
I sure hope the terrorists are playing skins, because I don;t want to see the ‘merkin people without shirts.
It’s kinda a LOL FOOTBULLET thing. OMG Lefties are so stoopit for opposing teh Koch because Koch is all for gay-marriage and smoking pot!!!
Nevermind that they are also the funding behind FreedomWorks and most of the Climate Change denialism industry.
It’s a wonder they’ve never made the same argument with Ayn Rand, religion-hater extraordinaire. Probably because that would involve their recognizing in the first place that their great Galtian Prophet is at odds with their “Christian nation” narrative.
“you must love Hitler’s insipid, Kincaidish watercolors.”
Not so Kincaidish but judge for yourself.
Add some radioactive glow to this ( ) and it’s Kincaid.
This must be a joke
This must be a joke
It depends. Has D-KW left for his bunk?
I see a “worse than a thousand Kincaids” meme starting…
“Soooooo, lemme get this straight:”
if you agree with conservative on one or two issues,you are retarded if you don’t agree with them on all issues?”Unnecessary conditional deleted to reflect reality. And stop making fun of Trig!
I see a “worse than a thousand Kincaids” meme starting…
It’s always “me me me” with you.
Is Patton Oswalt hiding in that hat?
It depends. Has D-KW left for his bunk?
Whuh? It’s not like Hitler was a mom or anything.
Suck it, Adolph Kincaid. Did you ever paint Chuck Norris with Bruce Lee standing a yin/yang symbol?
It’s not like Hitler was a mom or anything.
No, but Kincaid does. Run rings around you logically!
I see a “worse than a thousand Kincaids” meme starting,,,
You know who else bankrupted hundreds of small independently owned art galleries with questionable business practices?
Roy’s take on the Tabitha Hale camera touching genocide.
Also, What the Fuck Acehole?
“And then the media can go on to explain why the usual rule of If It Bleeds It Leads has somehow stopped applying when someone on the right gets curb-stomped.”
It would be hard to be navel-gazing, attention-whoring, self-absorbed narcissist if it weren’t. I have a reputation to protect.
You know who else bankrupted hundreds of small independently owned art galleries with questionable business practices?
Fixt for more immaturity. And hotness.
Like LARPing but with negative redeeming features – as opposed to LARPing, which merely has zero redeeming features.
Interesting peer reviewed journal. Lousy band name.
Don’t tread on me. Cos I’ll cry like a baby.
Interesting peer reviewed journal. Lousy band name.
However its an OK song title. I could see Rush covering it anyway.
I could see Rush covering it anyway.
Rush is capable of covering anything smaller than an Escalade.
I find LARPers kind of endearing. I mean, that’s taking dorking to a whole ‘nother level. And as a fellow dork, I kinda have to admire the earnest dorkliciousness of it.
I didn’t know Dor had a king.
A reminder of the … logic we are dealing with when it comes to conservatavators:
“In this respect, granting homosexuals the right to marry is like granting plantation owners the right to own slaves.”. Alan Keyes
From WND, I won’t link.
“In this respect, granting homosexuals the right to marry is like granting plantation owners the right to own slaves.”. Alan Keyes
That’s a pretty egregious false equivalence he’s got there isn’t it?
I find LARPers kind of endearing.
Lightning Bolt. Lightning Bolt. Lightning Bolt. Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!! LIGHTNING BOLT!!!
I have no idea what this means. I’m not being snarky. I have no idea what he’s trying to say.
You guys, I am full of rage this morning. I do not know what to do with it.
“I have no idea what this means. I’m not being snarky. I have no idea what he’s trying to say.”
Try using less logic and more bigotry. It may help.
That’s a pretty egregious false equivalence he’s got there isn’t it?
No, conservative fee-fees being hurt by other people’s marriages is equivalent, in terms of actual evil committed, to three hundred years of slavery followed by a hundred of segregation. Little known fact, but evidently true.
I simply call Nick Gillespie et al Koch suckers.
A good explanation of Obama’s position on DOMA.
Why the Obama administration changed its mind about the Defense of Marriage Act.
By Dahlia Lithwick
“Dragon-King Wangchuck said,
February 25, 2011 at 18:34
I find LARPers kind of endearing.
Lightning Bolt. Lightning Bolt. Lightning Bolt. Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!! LIGHTNING BOLT!!!”
Rofl. Now you’re just testing my “endearing” theory.
Btw, whenever a wingnut does something piss me off, I’m just going to scream “LIGHTENING BOLT!” at him.
“Here’s what you need to understand: under equal protection law, statutes which are alleged to be discriminatory get decided under one of four standards:
* Strict Scrutiny: statutes discriminating on a suspect classification like race must be justified by a compelling governmental interest, be narrowly tailored to meet that interest and the discrimination in question must be the least restrictive means of fulfilling that compelling interest. Most statutes fail to meet this test, but, for instance, narrowly-tailored affirmative action programs can survive.
* Intermediate scrutiny: the statute must further an important/”exceedingly persuasive” governmental interest in a way that is substantially related to that interest. Usually used for evaluating gender-based discrimination, as in the VMI case.
* Rational Basis-plus: a statute seemingly motivated by animus against a politically unpopular group basically fails.
* Rational basis: If there’s nothing deemed particularly special about the classification, the law must merely be a reasonable means to an end that may be legitimately pursued by the government. It’s the deferential default standard of review.
Today, essentially, the Attorney General says that statutes discriminating against gays move from the bottom category to somewhere in the middle two groups, and that DOMA’s restrictive definition of marriage did not have sufficient non-animus-based justification to survive such scrutiny. ”
“You guys, I am full of rage this morning. I do not know what to do with it.”
I hope it wasn’t something I said.
You guys, I am full of rage this morning. I do not know what to do with it.
Vent at Fuck You Friday!! I was a little weak on rage this AM.
I hope it wasn’t something I said.
No, it’s this yammering dumbshit who’s dressed like a fucking bumblebee being all stupid and telling me to cancel her fax transmissions for her. I hope she leaves early like she said she might.
Also, her shoes are really fucking ugly.
Vent at Fuck You Friday!! I was a little weak on rage this AM.
Really? Wow.
I feel like an anger amateur.
As always with wingnuts and libertoonians, intentionally disingenuous and underhanded, unintentionally delusional and stoopid.
Like LARPing but with negative redeeming features – as opposed to LARPing, which merely has zero redeeming features.
It gets the gamers off the couch, so it’s good. I think Michelle Obama should have a national initiative to promote LARPing.
T&U, it’s time to kick this malingerer’s ass.
I prefer the Lucasfilms version of LIGHTNING BOLT!!!!
Okay, that particular timehole was a mistake. Now I have to run a bath and open my wrists.
I think the new warcry of the Trike Force should be, “I’m pretty sure I have a masters’ degree.”
Penis museum!
Incidentally, T&U, the rage might just be a testosterone spike. Go out and play hockey for a while and it will probably level off.
You know your coping mechanisms are about to fail when you wake up stoned. Not saying that happened to me, just saying.
“Okay, that particular timehole was a mistake. Now I have to run a bath and open my wrists.”
Hide those women from Captain Kirk!
I want to note, for the record, that it was NOT ME referencing a certain female’s spike in testosterone levels.
Damn link…
From Iggy’s link:
Hooboy. The Harryhausen Kraken, I assume.
Iggy said,
February 25, 2011 at 19:36
That guy REALLY cares about that iPhone.
Alicublog has some great stuff on this too. Also, Ace O Spades responds with a fun new fashion statement: Armbands of Butthurt!
You, in your unhinged desire to destroy America have now unleashed the Kraken. Your ship will be sunk.
I kind of miss the days when it was sleeping giants that were being awakened and the horns of the bull and all that.
Xecky is such a traditionalist.
Unleash the butt Kraken hurt.
Hey, they sank my battleship!
Btw, whenever a wingnut does something piss me off, I’m just going to scream “LIGHTENING BOLT!” at him.
That’s only ifthethunderdontgetim!
There are those who use the term Kraken metaphorically and those of us who are the Kraken. You, in your unhinged desire to destroy America have now unleashed the Kraken. Your ship will be sunk.
You are on the way to destruction make your time!
Also, the Kraken is released, not unleashed. That big head is too squishy for a leash to hold it.
threatening to shoot the Prez is ADORBS and hilarious!
There are those who use the term Kraken metaphorically and those of us who are the Kraken.
So saying you are the Kraken = TOTALLY nonmetaphorical.
threatening to shoot the Prez is ADORBS and hilarious!
Gods I hate Paul Broun.
Obammy has unleashed the kraken on himself.
I got out of the Kraken-threatened boat, and one of the Red State LARPers is suggesting using hornet spray on “Union Thugs”. WTF or LOL?
Nothing quite like keyboard kommando kourage.
Incidentally, T&U, the rage might just be a testosterone spike. Go out and play hockey for a while and it will probably level off.
Imma take a hockey stick to your shins. As soon as I find one.
Xecky is such a traditionalist.
Indeed. That was all, like, two months ago?
Which is an eternity compared to the wingnut attention span, true.
I want to marry this blog post. Not because I like it, but because it would provide HOURS and HOURS of entertainment.
I think this (aside from the Kraken), is my favorite: “I knew you then to be ineffectual and depraved but, by attacking a friend to so many, you have now sunk to the bowels of hell for which there is no redemption.”
“Gods I hate Paul Broun”
Oh, that’s right–he’s from your neck of the woods, isn’t he?
I think it was Parenti who pointed out long, long ago that the rich honestly don’t care one way or the other if you want equal pay for women, or equal rights for non-heteros, or BOOBIES & cuss-words in your movies, or even if you wanna legalize Da Herb – just as long as they can keep getting MOAR of your dosh. Forever. If that scenario winds up involving killing you, they’re dandy with that – as long as you don’t irredeemably soil any of that delicious money with your yucky entrails in the process.
So, yeah, what Koch thinks about gheys or weed is about as relevant as the number of angels that can dance on the head of my schlong. The folks the Kochs do the most to help elect are very prone to being lethally retrograde A-1 fuckheads with the lid off. If such hominid pond-scum were not their primary preference, they would easily be able to select other beneficiaries of their massive supply of moolah & juice to elevate.
What the Fuck Acehole?
Ohhh pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease YESSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Quick! Someone tell him this idea will totally scandalize & terrify everyone to the left of Saint Reagan Of Bitburg (pbuh)!
You guys, I am full of rage this morning. I do not know what to do with it.
Have you considered wearing a tricorn, ranting into a megaphone, and collecting sweet, sweet Koch dew.
” your yucky entrails”
How dare you, sir? My entrails are gorgeous.
If these fucking people ever had to deal with actual suffering and oppression and violence in their lives, they’d run away and become the boot-lickers we all know them to be. They’re pathetic.
they’d run away and become the boot-lickers we all know them to be.
Orwell described them as inevitably resembling beetles.
collecting sweet, sweet Koch dew.
I don’t have sex outside of my own species.
All the sasquatchi say that.
I don’t have sex outside of my own species.
Maybe you just haven’t met the right bonobo.
On the topic of town names in the U.K., why are “West Ham” and “East Ham” separated by “Plaistow” and “Upton Park” and not “Anus”? HMMMMMMMM?
lethally retrograde A-1 fuckheads with the lid off
I am so stealing this for next week’s Fuck You Friday.
Orwell described them as inevitably resembling beetles.
I thought that was Huxley.
I walked right into that one.
I thought that was Huxley.
I was paraphrasing. Winston Smith looks at his fellow workers in MiniTruth and thinks about how many of them resembles beetles.
Or was that Haldane? I get those guys mixed up.
I got out of the Kraken-threatened boat, and one of the Red State LARPers is suggesting using hornet spray on “Union Thugs”. WTF or LOL?
Sounds like assault to me, and according to Snopes most spray insecticide containers include warnings stating that “It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.” So yeah, GREAT idea.
Oh, that’s right–he’s from your neck of the woods, isn’t he?
He got elected after we left, and apparently has never taken that county, but it still rankles. He’s such an enormous anus I’d despise him no matter where he came from, but I guess I wouldn’t take it so personally.
So I guess Big Brother has an inordinate fondness for beetles.
Personal friend. Expert on bonobos. Apparently you could do worse than those little guys.
Dammit N_B I typed my Anus before you did yours and now I look like a big old copy cat because your Anus got posted first.
Dammit N_B I typed my Anus before you did yours and now I look like a big old copy cat because your Anus got posted first.
Sometimes the oversize and slow-moving fingers win the day. At least, that’s what D-KW’s mom says.
Dammit N_B I typed my Anus before you did yours and now I look like a big old copy cat because your Anus got posted first.
He’s more of an exhibitionist.
This is not a promise, this is not a threat. This is a fact.
i m askeered.
N__B is goatse guy???
I think this (aside from the Kraken), is my favorite: “I knew you then to be ineffectual and depraved but, by attacking a friend to so many, you have now sunk to the bowels of hell for which there is no redemption.”
Hilarious comments, there. My favourite: “Let’s make him imfamous…”
I’m famous, how ’bout you?
He’s more of an exhibitionist.
I’m part bonobo on my mother’s side.
T&U: You misspelled “Go to.”
“A name that is both fa-moose and in-fa-moose.”
I miss Actor’s mom.
No redemption from the Bowels of Hell! So – what about the Urethra of Hell? Or – the Spleen?
Apparently you could do worse than those little guys.
Absolutely – I was just suggesting that herself might consider starting with the less outré species.
Uncage the kraken and have it glower at everyone and then pick which soccer team will win the next world cup.Take that union thugees. Jareckon they would know about the thugees?
Speaking of Actor, what happened? Was he banned? If so, I missed it.
Did he “set up the bomb” with the last tagfailstravaganza?
Speaking of Actor, what happened?
DKW’s mom had one too many Twinkies. It was really quite tragic.
Oooh, the Twinkie Defense. I haven’t heard that one in years.
Geez, take a two-hour lunch and suddenly everyone’s picking on your mom. Well I have one thing to say to all you rude and insensitive peoples.
Absolutely – I was just suggesting that herself might consider starting with the less outré species.
I dunno, bonobos are pretty damn tame compared to bedbugs (heh- PNAS).
DKW’s mom had one too many Twinkies. It was really quite tragic.
Kilt in a b00balanche?
In all this talk about union thugs lately I haven’t heard one person say whether “thizzle” is involved or not. What am I supposed to think?
B00balanches could be avoided by dynamiting the upper slopes
threatening to shoot the Prez is ADORBS and hilarious!
Bless the wiseass in the comments who went “Paging General Sherman…”
Geez, Spengler – you must be a LARP-n00b. You have to yell SNICKER-SNACK to use a vorpal sword.
DKW, not if the mome raths are outgrabe. As they clearly were. Watch the video, you can see them just to the union thug’s left.
Kilt in a b00balanche?
Yes. Tragic. The fifth this year.
This thread has gotten way too silly and random. I really must call LIGHTENING BOLT! on you all.
I am so stealing this
Oh lawd NO, Br’er Sadlynaut! Not THAT! Please don’t throw me back in that big nasty ol’ meme-patch again! I’d rather have to bust up a chiffarobe with my PENIS than that! Lord have mercy, ANYTHING* but that!
* ( VanythingR )
DKW, not if the mome raths are outgrabe.
Your mom’s raths are outgrabing!
I knew you then to be ineffectual and depraved but, by attacking a friend to so many, you have now sunk to the bowels of hell for which there is no redemption
Y’know, strictly speaking, unions and union members have probably done far worse (nobody’s perfect, there’s corruption everywhere, and, well, yes, there are unions that’ve had good mob ties before, so…) Whacking a harpy’s camera out of your face hardly seems worth mentioning by comparison.
But the central story is that “this happened to me, or at least to someone I know,” so now it’s totally the worst thing that’s ever happened to anyone EVAR. The hysterical tone in the post and the “now it’s personal” tone speaks volumes for the poster’s narcissism.
Almost straight downgrabe, at this point.
B00balanches could be avoided by dynamiting the upper slopes
Do you how many
Bothansnavvies actually diedgiving us this informationtrying to accomplish this?Yes. Tragic. The fifth this year.
All of the funerals were closed-casket, because the undertakers couldn’t cover up the “stretch marks” around the victims’ mouths.
gocart mozart: Just wanted to thank you for the new thread alerts. You’ve done that for the last three thread. You are piling up major Good Karma.
Others: Got lots poppin’s this afternoon; won’t be able to catch up until the evening.
I think it was Parenti who pointed out long, long ago that the rich honestly don’t care one way or the other if you want equal pay for women, or equal rights for non-heteros, or BOOBIES & cuss-words in your movies, or even if you wanna legalize Da Herb – just as long as they can keep getting MOAR of your dosh. Forever. If that scenario winds up involving killing you, they’re dandy with that – as long as you don’t irredeemably soil any of that delicious money with your yucky entrails in the process.
The explanation being that when you’re at that level of wealth (and when you’re as well connected politically as the Kochs are), it doesn’t matter what the law is. What, you want to get an abortion, and the people you elected just made it illegal? No problem: hop on your private jet, fly to a country where it is legal, get it done and go home.
A poor woman in Harlem may not have that choice, but hey, maybe she should’ve thought of that before she became poor and from Harlem, amirite?
Confession Time: I LARPed as a teen. No joke, for reals. But only because it was so subversive at the time.
Others: Got lots poppin’s this afternoon; won’t be able to catch up until the evening.
Snidely, that you? STICK TO ONE NYM, baby- it gives you a better “brand identity”.
You can blow a liberal senator’s head open and it’s free speech in action, but smiting a camera phone? THIS is totalitarianism even Skeletor would recoil from.
[editor’s note: WordPress is obv unaware I now copy all my posts for future re-submission]
Confession Time: I LARPed as a teen. No joke, for reals. But only because it was so subversive at the time.
D00d, you’re lucky you didn’t meet a grisly end in the steam tunnels.
When I was a teen I probably larped five times a day.
[editor’s note: WordPress is obv unaware I now copy all my posts for future re-submission]
I thought I was the only one… oh, sweet mystery of life and all that happy horseshit.
When I was a teen I probably larped five times a day.
You’re lucky you didn’t die from a surfeit of LARPing.
Chris: Gotta say that I diverge from some of your views in the longer post at the end of last thread. This thread probably isn’t a suitable vehicle for the discussion; everybody has moved on.
We agree on so much, so I felt it important to note divergence, that’s all.
sorry, fapped.
All of the funerals were closed-casket, because the undertakers couldn’t cover up the “stretch marks” around the victims’ mouths.
Yes. Disturbing. They all looked like this.
Note the divergence
Agree to disagree
Spank the Thalidomide baby
mome raths?? I think you mean Rahm tomes?? Union Agit thug
<i.[editor's note: WordPress is obv unaware I now copy all my posts for future re-submission]
I thought I was the only one… oh, sweet mystery of life and all that happy horseshit.
I thought I was the only one! And felt incredibly dorky for it! YAY I AM NOT ALONE!
(BTW, on Chrome, you can just hit the back button and the post is still there).
Fucking tag fail.
The Fenwickians said,
February 25, 2011 at 20:45
Seemed to agree with your premise – that Qaddafi’s military couldn’t be relied on anymore and that the paramilitaries were his main source of support. I agree about the vehicle for discussion, but will keep checking the other thread if you wanted to keep talking about it there.
Heh heh… b00bage…
I also agree with many of you on most things, though not without noteworthy exceptions which are not worth noting here.
¡¡¡WONDER TWIN POWERS, ACTIVATE!!! This is your brain.
Fucking tag fail. This is your brain on Chrome.
Any questions?
This is your brain on Chrome.
Nope. I use Firefox at work.
And yes, I have bbcode, but I keep forgetting to use it.
This is your brain on Chrome.
It was hot the night Chrome burned me…
It was hot the night Chrome burned me…
[golfclap] Even if Quine was a real asshole.
Even if Quine was a real asshole.
I think using Windows Vista drove him over the edge.
Using Vista was probably what kilt McCoy Pauley.
Goddammit, I am so fucking sick of these people.
Goddammit, I am so fucking sick of these people.
Hopefully, they’ll word the legislation is such a way as to keep the 10 Commandments out of courthouses… I call such a development being hoist on your own retard.
I while ago I asked a question on your blog about how T. Rex managed to do it. Well, I thought you might be interested in what my research turned up.
In re: sharia law fearmongering, I’ve always though this one was a classic.
We staged this fake thing that didn’t happen to show how bad it would be for realz. Prove it didn’t happen!!!!! You know why you can’t? Because of it did happen, and we have pictures of it. Not real pictures, but still. MUSLIN ISREAL!!!!!
Because I’m late to the
HITLERthread, you know who else liked rainbows?I while ago I asked a question on your blog about how T. Rex managed to do it. Well, I thought you might be interested in what my research turned up.
Dear Smithsonian, I never thought this would happen to me…
The tricky thing about using birds to model dinosaur sex is that there is such a variety of bird mating habits, from the “cloacal kiss” of the peenless passerines to the alarming intromission of the mighty ducks.
From Spengler’s fake Sharia link,
Oh, I love it! Anti-Catholic and anti-Muslim all in the same thread! These guys are old school from the old school!
T. Rex reproduced by forcing our hominid ancestors to carry buckets full of dinosaur spooge back and forth from the male tyrannosaur’s schween to the female’s cloaca. This was thankless, dirty work. It only ended when MR. JEEBERS used his magic lightning attack to defeat the dinosaurs, money changers, and Jewish polity.
This is settled fact.
“And on the third day, God created the Remington semi-automatic, so that man could fight the dinosaurs.”
“And the Ho Mo Secshalls.”
T. Rex reproduced by forcing our hominid ancestors to carry buckets full of dinosaur spooge back and forth from the male tyrannosaur’s schween to the female’s cloaca. This was thankless, dirty work. It only ended when MR. JEEBERS used his magic lightning attack to defeat the dinosaurs, money changers, and Jewish polity.
you will never get that book published in America.
This is settled fact.
I don’t suppose you could find some time in your busy schedule to write the foundational document of a new religion or two? I have a feeling they would be vastly more entertaining than that slop thrown together by the deuteronomists or Joseph Smith or L Ron Hubbard.
“gocart mozart: Just wanted to thank you for the new thread alerts. You’ve done that for the last three thread. You are piling up major Good Karma.”
I’m working on my Sadly, No! merit badge. Thanks for the support.
re: birds and dino sex
Also problematic – the rarity of birds in excess of twelve metres in length*. I was impressed with the use of medullary bones** to determine gender. Although an older discovery, it was news to me.
** Not a VPR – presence of medullary bones indicates females.
“peenless passerines”
veiled non-penis reference.
There should also be no doubt that Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II (JP1 did not live long enough to be considered), and Pope Benedict XVI should be considered as being among the heads of the beast spoken of in the Book of Revelation. (Might possibly be the beast’s three separate horns with diadems.)
I love this sort of matter-of-fact discussion, hammering real people and events into compliance with millennia-plus-old fever dreams. I bet they also scoff at people who can believe something so wackadoodle as anthropogenic climate change.
anthropogenic climate
That’s an awfully fancy phrase for sweaty balls.
,I.It only ended when MR. JEEBERS used his magic lightning attack to defeat the dinosaurs, money changers, and Jewish polity
False. Dinosaurs are still alive and well in Mexico.
I love this sort of matter-of-fact discussion
Me too,it’s the sort of everyday thing everyone knows
birds in excess of twelve metres in length
I welcome our new avian overlords.
False. Dinosaurs are still alive and well in Mexico.
I love the “scientist’s” CV.
Me too,it’s the sort of everyday thing everyone knows
For Christian Girls Who Have Considered Science When the Bible Is Enuf.
I love this sort of matter-of-fact discussion, hammering real people and events into compliance with millennia-plus-old fever dreams. I bet they also scoff at people who can believe something so wackadoodle as anthropogenic climate change.
One of the hardest times I’ve ever had keeping a straight face was driving a couple of people, one of them a very religious conservative, who (don’t ask me how) got onto the topic of dinosaurs and wondered what could’ve happened to them, and her theory was they must’ve died out in Noah’s flood. (All of them college students).
I imagine scientists experience the same headache/hilarity combination when watching an episode of Star Trek. Except people don’t demand that government policy be based on episodes of Star Trek…
the topic of dinosaurs and wondered what could’ve happened to them
what an idiot.
It’s obvious they became Republicans.
I love the “scientist’s” CV.
Studied chemistry at the University of Wisconsin (note = “studied” =/= graduated)
Worked in paint factory
Auto mechanic
Helped wife deliver baby
Wears white coat and nerdy tie.
I’m convinced!
As seen on Twitter:
Roasting the fingerling potato.
Wears white coat and nerdy tie.
.I’m sorry, what were we talking about?
I thought yesterday was the masturbation thread.
I thought yesterday was the masturbation thread.
Every day is the masturbation thread here at Sadly, No!
Is anybody here turned on by guys that favor tweed jackets and knit ties? Bonus points if there’s a pipe in one of the jacket pockets, yes, but
I’mthe person in question is also happy to see you?Playing air guitar with the vein pickle
And leather elbow patches.
Elbow patches are for poseurs. POCKET SQUARES, man.
Does that tweed jacket have brown leather patches on the elbows?
‘Cause you ain’t gettin’ nowhere w/o ’em.
STOP IT. I’m at work!
Also note important detail: “Brown.”
Ones that coordinate with the tie, but do not literally match? *fans self*
Don’t forget the half-eaten tuna fish sandwich stuffed back into its wax paper and abandoned to an obscure vest pocket.
It will begin to smell funny in a couple of days.
A battered and worn satchel with bits of umbrella poking out.
Don’t forget the half-eaten tuna fish sandwich stuffed back into its wax paper and abandoned to an obscure vest pocket.
Oh, we’re including the Brits?
Leather elbows on a tweed coat, oh is that the best you can do?
Any one suffering low blood pressure effect a cure here w/ this selection of reactionary radio ratbags & their compassionate conservatism.
Stupid is stupid.
“The entire argument based on marriage “equality” is just gas. Homosexuals already have full marriage equality: they can get married, same as everybody else, to an adult, non-relative member of the opposite sex. Don’t let them fool you with all this “equality” bloviation. They already have full equality under the law; they have exactly the same rights as everybody else. What they want are special rights based solely on sexually deviant behavior. No sane society should ever commit such folly.”
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread. — Anatole France
*fans self*
There is a difference between the doddering British professor stereotype and a well-dressed intellectual-nerd type.
Guess who’s leaving early???
That it posts.
Funny name: By Martin Asser
And, the two are related.
Guess who’s leaving early???
Me, for one.
mingo: I saw you step out of lurker mode in the last thread, make some posts, and you are back posting early in this thread. Welcome to poster mode!
I was a long-time S,N lurker who stepped out about nine weeks ago. I’ve had a huge amount of fun. The people are patient and friendly with n00bs.
Oooh, good one!
Any one suffering low blood pressure effect a cure here w/ this selection of reactionary radio ratbags & their compassionate conservatism.
Doo doo doo, stayin’ in the booooat!
Guess who’s leaving early
The people are patient and friendly with n00bs.
There must be another Sadly, No.
There must be another Sadly, No.
“The people are patient and friendly with
nb00bs” is what he meant.The people are patient and friendly with n00bs.
Passive aggressive.
Famous quotes:
Do you not know that a child badly taught is farther from being wise than one not taught at all? — Rousseau
Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside a dog, it’s too dark to read. — Groucho Marx
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. –Albert Einstein
Of what use is a philosopher who does not hurt anyone’s feelings? — Diogenes
Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket. — George Orwell
Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear. — Thomas Jefferson
[This one is for Tintin]
The sun shineth upon the dunghill and is not corrupted. — John Lyly
[This one is for wingtards]
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices. — William James
The world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel. — H. Walpole
There is no sin except stupidity. — O. Wilde
The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad. — Neitzsche
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread. — Anatole France
The people are patient and friendly with n00bs.
It is much more effective to be patient and friendly at first, getting the n00b to let down their guard.
Then, when they finally reveal something personal and show vulnerability, it is all axes and woodchippers.
It is, frankly, terrifying. And has made many commenters become frequenters of ICHC, or worse, Townhall.
Then, when they finally reveal something personal and show vulnerability, it is all axes and woodchippers.
See also: Unreliable, Truculent A.
So, yeah, anyway, my vile co-worker just left, after having quizzed another co-worker about her dying friend. Said quiz included questions such as, “Is she dying?” Nice.
Yes but you are very reliable in your unreliable truculence. You could almost set a watch to it.
You could almost set a watch to it.
I was actually lamenting the mean comments regarding my alleged gargantuan size and hirsute appearance.
Still, that’s disappointing. I’ll endeavor to be more unpredictable.
or less predictable. Whichever.
Then, when they finally reveal something personal and show vulnerability, it is all axes and woodchippers.
See also: Unreliable, Truculent A.
T&U shot first!!!
Said quiz included questions such as, “Is she dying?”
Technically, we all are, but this does come across as callous.
I was actually lamenting the mean comments regarding my alleged gargantuan size and hirsute appearance.
Rule 34!
T&U, zombizzles know how hurtful appearance -based comments can be, so we try to be considerate.
Not saying that when the zompocalypse comes, I ain’t gonna eat your brains, but I won’t mock your appearance first.
Technically, we all are, but this does come across as callous.
Yeah, especially the way she asked it, like a child asking for candy.
Not saying that when the zompocalypse comes, I ain’t gonna eat your brains, but I won’t mock your appearance first.
That’s really all I can ask, isn’t it?
The people are patient and friendly with n00bs.
Pure self protection, as DK’s insatiable mom means it stings to pee now.
“I’ll endeavor to be more unpredictable.”
No! Then you will be even more reliably unreliable. Stop being so truculent mkay.
T&U, I realize I went too far in my mockery. It crossed over into cruelty. That’s never acceptable.
Let me be perfectly clear: you’re not disproportionately large, not unduly pilose, nor did your recent injury cause you any disfigurement. You’re perfect just the way you are, and you deserve love, respect, and admiration.
The stutter, the flop sweats, the stale corn chip/ bacon smell, and the weeping blackheads are beneath mentioning, so I won’t.
I always wondered what a petard was and how one could be hoisted upon one’s own so . . .
Like so
They made some famous petard-launchers out of iron-bound logs, which is impressive. You want to use only exactly enough powder in that situation. Otherwise you’re picking splinters out of your heart.
When bunnies were racist.
I used to share an office with a woman who I actually liked, but who had (like we all does) some annoying habits. One was her method of casual conversation. I think she liked to keep the chatter going because it made things seem collegial or whatever. But she was so smart that she was clearly thinking of other things when she’d engage in this banter. At its simplest, it would go something like this:
She: Did you go for a run this morning?
Me: Yup.
She: Hmmm?
Me: Yes, I went for a run.
She: Oh, you did, huh?
Me: Yes. Yes. Yes.
She: That’s nice.
Me: (silence)
She: Gonna go for another run later?
Me: I don’t know.
She: Hmmm?
Et cetera.
I can imagine her asking “Is she dying?”
Me: I’m going to go visit my friend at hospice. She’s dying.
She: Huh. Is she dying?
Me: Yes.
She: Hmmm?
Me: Yes. Yes. Yes. And now you will die too!
Stabbity stabbity stab. The end.
Spengler, they are always still alive when you leave them, aren’t they?
Holy shit, it’s a movie. I see Uma Thurman as you.
Hard to tell. The dirt kind of muffles their cries.
Spengler, you know I was referencing your condolatory remarks to actor212, yes? It was a bit of work that will burn brightly in my memory forever and ever, leastways till I’m dead.
I’ve been trying to regret that.
Maybe we should get a room. I sense the others are trying to give us some privacy.
I’m going to fuck some fuckers up, is all I know.
The stutter, the flop sweats, the stale corn chip/ bacon smell, and the weeping blackheads are beneath mentioning, so I won’t.
Thanks for your kindness. For that, I’ll avoid discussing your clubbed foot, your fifth nipple, what appears to be public hair glued to your face, and your breath that smells like you and the zombie have been sharing a meal.
Louis C.K. Asks Donald Rumsfeld: Are You A ‘Lizard From Outer Space’? (AUDIO)
“He asks him outright, over and over: “Are you a lizard? Are you a lizard person?” to which Rumsfeld responds, “Here’s the short answer,” before telling a pretty lengthy, seemingly unrelated story about how people recognize him in public, pay for his dinners at restaurants and ask for handshakes and autographs.”
Hmm, so he ducked the question. Kinda makes you think don’t it?
:::settles down with some popcorn:::
Hmm, so he ducked the question. Kinda makes you think don’t it?
I don’t think. I KNOW.
Time to question the duck.
Maybe we should get a room.
One with a camera.
and your breath that smells like you and the zombie have been sharing a meal.
hey now. I was trying to be NICE.
You’re probably luck I vented all my rage this morning.
One with a camera.
Trust me. You don’t want to see the other four nipples.
Well, MOST of my rage.
Okay, Some of it.
Time to question the duck.
Be careful!
hey now. I was trying to be NICE.
I didn’t say anything about *your* breath. I know you can’t help it.
I didn’t say anything about *your* breath. I know you can’t help it.
No, I mean I don’t breathe. Zombie, remember?
No, I mean I don’t breathe. Zombie, remember?
There’s my breather privilege kicking in again!
Hey, Truculent-Lisa Loeb, betcha didn’t know I used to work in a Liberry, didja?
Time to question the duck.
Time to witness the badger.
Hey, Truculent-Lisa Loeb, betcha didn’t know I used to work in a Liberry, didja?
I didn’t!
Man, why do I always get called Lisa Loeb? Or Daria?
That article on duck peckers* is absolutely brimful of double entendres. Hard to know where to start.
* yes
Question the duck
Witness the badger
Release the kraken
Or, in high school, when I wore contacts and had short hair, I was called Natalie Imbruglia a lot. But I think they were just making fun of me for being a virgin.
Dam the beaver
T&U hurt my fee-fees. I’m going Galt.
In re: Natalie Imbruglia, she is neither wooly, gigantic, nor deformed.
Man, why do I always get called Lisa Loeb? Or Daria?
if you had straight bangs, you’d be called Betty, so you’re probably better off.
wooly, gigantic, … deformed.
“Time to question the duck.”
What do they do when they are not using it? They can’t very well tuck it into their sock like I do since they don’t usually wear them.
I see what you do there.
Hmm, I got called Morticia. Bewitched and Elvira were other apparent favorites.
Take that union thugees
Surely the thugees are the ones who have been thugged.
Or, in high school, when I wore contacts and had short hair, I was called Natalie Imbruglia a lot. But I think they were just making fun of me for being a virgin.
It was probably due to your habit of lying naked on the floor.
Hmm, I got called Morticia. Bewitched and Elvira were other apparent favorites.
One of these things is not like the others.
All of the funerals were closed-casket, because the undertakers couldn’t cover up the “stretch marks” around the victims’ mouths.
Yes. Disturbing. They all looked like this.
Some people would take that as a challenge to find worse imagery.
when I wore contacts
Red ones?
One of these things is not like the others.
I suppose the same high school-level logic was behind them all.
Some people would take that as a challenge to find worse imagery.
Now there’s a room that didn’t need a camera. Ew.
Surely the thugees are the ones who have been thugged.
Fans of the Insane Goddess Posse call themselves Thuggalos.
Fuckin’ rumals, how do they work?
The same high school-level logic and a forgetfulness for the character’s name. And a fanatical devotion to the pope.
The same high school-level logic and a forgetfulness for the character’s name. And a fanatical devotion to the pope.
You went to high school with Ross Douthat?
Now there’s a room that didn’t need a camera. Ew.
Goatse does not work at both ends. Bonus mouth-stretch image.
a fun new fashion statement: Armbands of Butthurt!
You know who else had Armbands of Butthurt?
Snidely, that you? STICK TO ONE NYM, baby- it gives you a better “brand identity”.
Yup. I’m trying to shift over to this for compatability with the blog (whenever I put it up). Trying to do it for exactly what you mention.
The Fenwickiansis gonna be my Forever Nym henceforth unto the Ending of World when I’m Raptured up on High to meet my Lord and Maker and all you heathens and pagans will descend into the fiery pits of Hell. Or not.
I’ve been all over the map with the nym. N00b to the who internets toobz. But now I am honest-to-gosh trying to stabilize it and set up the ‘brand identity’ before I unveil the blog. Indeed, that’s part of the reason for delaying the blog somewhat: I want folks here to get familiar with it. (This almost the only place I post, excepting some Sadlies blogs.)
Holy crap, according to wikipedia Douthat is almost exactly 10 years younger than I am. Apparently being a professional scold doesn’t keep you looking your freshest.
who = whole
“One of these things is not like the others.”
True, I still have a thing for Samantha Stevens and I would totally let her do her magic any time she wanted unlike that dick Darrin.
Red ones?
No. That would’ve been awesome, though.
I was also told that I was a lesbian and a hippie.
Holy crap, according to wikipedia Douthat is almost exactly 10 years younger than I am.
It also indicates that he’s a convert to Catholicism.
Fuckin’ converts’ zeal, how does it work?
I was also told that I was a lesbian and a hippie.
That’s a relief, at least they weren’t putting you down.
W, W?
Also, the conversion to Catholicism explains a lot about Douthat- he’s all about the authoritarianism and ecclesiastical prudery, without any of the boozing, dancing, card-playing, and general carrying on.
I love this sort of matter-of-fact discussion
Matteroffactiness makes things be REELZ!
“The people are patient and friendly with n b00bs” is what he meant.
I have boobs!
Mr. The Fenwickians: Hello! I like your comments – when I can keep up with your nym changes. [update: no moar changes!]
and I mainly lurk because of my intense intimidation with the quicksilver brilliance of everybody’s witsiness!! /suckup
It also indicates that he’s a convert to Catholicism.
FROM Pentecostalism. I didn’t know that EVER happened. That snake dying after he bit it must’ve been really traumatic.
Apparently being a professional scold doesn’t keep you looking your freshest.
I KNOW! I think conservative commentators are permanently little boys (Tucker Carlson) or age at an accelerated rate (Ross Douthat, K-Lo).
That’s a relief, at least they weren’t putting you down.
W, W?
I know, but they certainly thought they were.
Mr. The Fenwickians: Hello! I like your comments – when I can keep up with your nym changes. [update: no moar changes!]
The best thing is, there’s always a tell, a verbal tic, a phrase dropped- usually the “back to lurker mode” comment.
and I mainly lurk because of my intense intimidation with the quicksilver brilliance of everybody’s witsiness!! /suckup
Don’t be shy, bubeleh, just jump right into the maelstrom of madness.
“The people are patient and friendly with n b00bs” is what he meant.
Solve for n.
I assume it is an integer value.
Are talkn’ bout people/characters we’re compared to?
I’ve gotten Samantha from Bewitched, the original Buffy, Barbie Doll and Disney Princess. Which I think can easily boiled down to ” any pert-nosed blond.”
Tucker Carlson is a clockwork robot. The bowtie is really a winding key.
Don’t be shy, bubeleh, just jump right into the maelstrom of madness.
why, thanks! you are one of my favorites! (there’s about 50 or so vying for 1st place…)
I’m a big fan of minge.
Off-topic, but there it is.
ack. that does it, nym change coming up.
@ The Fenwickians, a branding exercise eh? There will be snacks? I would expect there would be sammiches and little pies.
A string quartet would be nice, but not to eat. ZRM would be OK with a banjo player.
Aw, shucks, mingo… I bet you say that to all the bastards.
In my high school days, I had a big blond ‘fro- I usually got compared to this guy or this guy.
Oh! I once was compared to Nanny McPhee, but he clarified that he meant the *pretty* Nanny McPhee, not the Nanny McPhee with warts all over her face. Which is better, but while Emma Thompson is lovely, I look NOTHING like her.
I bet you say that to all the bastards.
nah, just the big bad bald ones.
going home now – had training the last two days, which has wiped me out. maybe check in later.
new nym possibility: poco rit
1) music reference
2) pertains to the speed of my wit
I suppose there is some goddamn sexual reference or other that will come back and bite me in the butt.
There it is.
I always get Hugh Jackman, except I’m in better shape.
Ah, the beauty of nobody know who you really are, I can lie with impunity. This must be what being a Republican feels like.
And re: The Fenwickians or whatever you’re calling yourself now: I have a blog, have since the mid-noughties. You’re thinking about it too hard: Write about what you know, as frequently as comfortable, and check your spelling/grammar. You’ll be ahead of 99% of teh Intertrons.
Oh, and FYWP!
B^4 was my Doctor!
Captain Caveman was a weeeeeird cartoon.
There it is.
I like to be generous with the leading lines…
B^4 was my Doctor!
Yeah, all those good times spent in that van parked outside your high school… stupid restraining order!
Yeah, all those good times spent in that van parked outside your high school… stupid restraining order!
It’s your fault for thinking my dad would actually believe you were my tennis partner.
Yeah, all those good times spent in that van parked outside your high school… stupid restraining order!
Maybe you shouldn’t have whipped out your big club before she was ready, Cavey.
It’s your fault for thinking my dad would actually believe you were my tennis partner.
It’s played on a court, how was I to know that one didn’t wear a robe while playing it?
I like to be generous with the leading lines…
So does DKW, apparently.
Maybe you shouldn’t have whipped out your big club before she was ready, Cavey.
None of the other Teen Angels objected!
Oregan beer snob, you gotta link to your blog, that won’t reveal your sekrit identity??
AK’s just looking for new brews!
It’s played on a court, how was I to know that one didn’t wear a robe while playing it?
At least you were wearing a robe. Actor only had on thigh-high boots and tried to claim he was my calculus tutor.
Beer is good.
At least you were wearing a robe. Actor only had on thigh-high boots and tried to claim he was my calculus tutor.
Plot the curve along the Y-axis!
I’ve been described as a cross between Dr. Seuss and Leonard Nimoy, if they were both sedentary and smoked a lot of dope.
my calculus tutor
You know who else had a single small stone or pebble?
You know who else had a single small stone or pebble?
This, too, shall pass!
Alas, my sekrit would be out, then everybody would know how awesome I am IRL and people would start dropping by the house, begging for beer, etc. Nobody wants DKW’s mom to know where they live…
Also, the conversion to Catholicism
I got married in a Catholic church.
Didn’t burst into flames or nothin.
“I got married in a Catholic church.
Didn’t burst into flames or nothin.”
Me too. Well, I mean, there were a couple of sparks but I don’t think anyone noticed.
Didn’t burst into flames or nothin.
Does holy water work on zombies, too???
Bonus mouth-stretch image.
Interesting that in the French caption, “1915” is translated as “1914.”
Didn’t burst into flames or nothin.
You, or the church?
Don’t be shy, bubeleh, just jump right into the maelstrom of madness.
…and then zombies eat your brains.
But you know, that’s the risk you take.
Are talkn’ bout people/characters we’re compared to?
I have gotten Penn Jillette, which is particularly amusing since I have appeared on stage with him.
Swear to bawd [sic, but better] when I was, say, 15ish & sported horn-rims, I looked quite a bit like the founder of the Young Socialist League does in this shot. (Mouth not as wide, but otherwise …)
Then I switched to aviator style cheaters, gained weight, got old, & am now ready to die. (Or at least take a nap.)
(Sudden realization: Damn. Just wrote my one-sentence autobiography.)
Ha! Yves was sort of endearingly nerdy-loOking back then. Cute! So M. was cute!
Gosh, Davey, I wouldn’t have mauled them and ripped their throats unless you told me to. You made me do it.
Emphasis on the “was.”
I am now pure evil, & reflect it in my corporeal incarnation.
guys that favor tweed jackets and knit ties
Elbow patches are for poseurs.
Winter: Medium gray corduroy w/darker gray elbow patches; dark trousers; light blue, white, or light gray shirts, with some texture in the cloth, some button-down (depending on the client); discreet paisley or striped ties (again depending on the client). I prefered black loafers but I removed the tassels and similar nonesense.
I was a poseur, in a way: The wardrobe was useful for my occupation. After all, my federal governement clients were hiring a scriptwriter / writer (via the firm for which I worked). Therefore, I chose clothes that deliberately played into stereotypes of writers ‘should look like.’ I was what they expected. The wardrobe was quite different in color, texture, and style than the typical consultant’s attire, nothing at all like a Beltway Bandit. (Nor was I. Nor was the firm.)
I built the summer wardrobe around much lighter shades and weights. (DC Sadlies can attest to the brutality of some summer days.) My favorite ensemble was based on a cream-colored sports coat.
The full beard–neatly trimmed and streaked with two gray racing stripes down the chin–also played nicely. Indeed, I was often part of the supporting cast in meetings with prospective clients, particularly those demonstrating the firm’s video capabilities. Most of the directors / editors and sound / lighting techs were younger people (which made them a blast to work with); having a more fully-matured face present helped re-assure clients.
So what is the purpose of this long and semi-rambling post? Curiosity, of course.
What do other Sadlies wear to work? And why? (For example, Spengler: What are you planning to wear for the pitch in the bullpen?)
I’m trying to do is provide others a springboard into conversation about clothes, style, fashion, and grooming.
style, fashion, and grooming
Fascist conformity, Discussion over.
(Did I mention I’m an extreme reductionist?)
So, in other words, Fenwickians, you looked like Dr. Benton Quest.
My grooming habits are pretty obvious. As far as fashion, I have the fashion sense of a grad student in the geology department.
“I am now pure evil, & reflect it in my corporeal incarnation”
That’s unfortunate. I find my disguise very useful.
In the cigar rolling factory we wore nuthin’ baaby. And we liked it
I find my disguise very useful.
Not fooling anyone.
“As far as fashion, I have the fashion sense of a grad student in the geology department.”
I’ll be in my bunk? No, seriously, expound. What does this mean? I never took geology.
As far as fashion, I have the fashion sense of a grad student in the geology department.
Please tell me you don’t wear pleated khakis.
It varies but is always FABULOUS. To be perfectly honest, since when I do work anymore I work from home in the summer my wardrobe is a colorful (but definitely not not lamé) jockstrap. Bright red and bright yellow are faves. It varies in the winter but an Eddie Bauer bathrobe is often the top layer.
Is that gay?
“So, in other words, Fenwickians, you looked like Dr. Benton Quest.”
What WAS the deal with Race Bannon anyway? I mean, c’mon, I was a wee lad but it seemed obvious to me that _something_ more than met the eye was going on there. And sheesh, how did they never get prosecuted for keeping the sex slave Hadji? Times were different, I guess.
What do other Sadlies wear to work?
Sometimes it is the French maid’s costume. Sometimes the airport security uniform. It’s all up to the Frau Doktorin.
Is that gay?
Depends. What color pocket square do you wear with them?
I’ll be in my bunk? No, seriously, expound. What does this mean? I never took geology.
Those “grunge” musicians in the Pacific Northwest? Totally ripped off mah style!
Please tell me you don’t wear pleated khakis.
I typically go for flat-front pants, but I have to confess, I pretty much just grab whatever’s on the rack. Like I said, I have the fashion sense of a grad student in the geology department .
NOOOOO. Pleated pants are of TEH DEVIL.
Honestly, the only geology grad student I’ve ever known was my closeted aunt who later married a minister and home-schools her kids.
Fuck, I never sent that reading list to her…
Oh, and I wear Juicy track suits, platformed heels, and canvas Coach bags every day.
What WAS the deal with Race Bannon anyway? I mean, c’mon, I was a wee lad but it seemed obvious to me that _something_ more than met the eye was going on there.
You’re not the only one. Some bastard also covered this topic a while ago.
That acknowledged, this is a reasonable representation of my barnacle-crusted WASP mode de la beauté as celebrated in all the wateriest holes of Europe.
Oh, and I wear Juicy track suits, platformed heels, and canvas Coach bags every day.
Where do you wear the bag? AFAF
Honestly, I view clothes more as an impediment than anything else.
Where do you wear the bag? AFAF
It’s a fanny pack.
closeted aunt who later married a minister
A gf had a lesbian affair after dumping me. Lost touch, but Internet stalking revealed she’s now married to a clergyman of some sort & they have a foundation/NGO that works in Haiti.
I *could* link to my Polyvore account, but I’m embarrassed to even have one.
Meh. I was wearing juicy track suits way back in high school. Those two- mile runs
were sweaty affairs.
I have the fashion sense of a grad student in the geology department.
Is that a stalagmite in your pocket?
I assume you meant that to be read in a Maynard G. Krebs-stylee.
Is that on YouTube?
Searching now for Harvey Birdman Dr. Quest/Race divorce episode.
Hitting sounds like a fine idea. Running?
Only to get some friends to join in.
You are the second person TODAY who has linked me to that.
People. I am not a hipster.
Stabbity stabbity stab. The end.
Another universal ending. As versatile as the Mack truck. I, however, am a traditionalist.
You know what? Fuck it. I dress like John Drinkwater, and I’m proud of it. Google it, Libs.
I never heard of polyvore. I could raise hell over there. Ruin hipsters for a generation.
Is that a stalagmite in your pocket?
It’s a column. Talk speleologically to me!
T&U and myself on the right. I’ve since shed most of the weight.
I never heard of polyvore. I could raise hell over there. Ruin hipsters for a generation.
It’s where thirteen-year-old girls put together outfits and share them with each other.
T&U and myself on the right. I’ve since shed most of the weight.
Somebody must have bribed me to get into that outfit, because I avoid white shoes at all costs.
Ooh, B4, tell me about your apatites…
Newsletter… no, never mind.
People. I am not a hipster.
Why fight it?
Ooh, B4, tell me about your apatites…
Well, I have an Apatite for Destruction, if you will…
Why fight it?
Because I haven’t had PBR in ten years and I hate those stupid fucking glasses and I look like a fucking blimp in skinny jeans, OKAY?
You are the second person TODAY who has linked me to that.
Late again. (On the other hand, don’t blame the messenger(s).)
I never heard of polyvore.
Me neither. Is it as embarrassing as implied?
“Ooh, B4, tell me about your apatites…
Well, I have an Apatite for Destruction, if you will…”
If the cave’s a-ROCKIN’…
It’s like digital Fashion Plates.
polyvore = eater of parrots
If the cave’s a-ROCKIN’…
Welcome to the CAVERN!!!
It’s like digital Fashion Plates.
I’ve got to work until 8AM, I could totally derail fashion trends for the foreseeable future.
Sounds like SOMEbody is not a gneiss guy.
Lesson 1: Lying In Wait
When a confessional statement is made, unless a particularly opportune jape suggests itself, store the confession away for future use. In any fast-moving conversation between regular commenters on a blog, there will be many occasions to make light of such things; the trick then is to spring the gag, jape, or joke at an unexpected moment. The element of surprise compounds the humorous effect.
If possible, tie such comments back to some earlier conversation in which some remark about back hair, the person’s grooming habits, or extraordinarily large hands was made. This has the consequence of lending the earlier characterization authority, as if it were settled fact, e.g.:
“You know, those skinny jeans make your ass look so large they considerably ameliorate the orangutan-like fringe of fat around your head.”
Q: How many times will I watch “This is Spinal Tap”?
A: As many times as it takes.
Pumice not to tell?
“You know, those skinny jeans make your ass look so large they considerably ameliorate the orangutan-like fringe of fat around your head.”
I hope you know I deliberately set that one up for you, you fucker.
Lesson 2: Be Safe
If you are one of those persons who does not conceal his real identity from his fellow commenters, be aware that it is not difficult to locate people through a variety of websites, go to their homes, and kill them.
gocart mozart: The Louis CK / Rumsfeld audio (@ 0:10) was great; LCK in top form. Also I particularly loathe Rumsfeld. That too.
We need more absurdist attacks (counter-attacks?) in America/
I am SO far behind on getting caught up on this thread. I’m following links and shit. Plus I’m a slow reader.
But that’s okay. Because I’m good enough … I’m smart enough … And, doggonit, people like me.
Q: How many times will I watch “This is Spinal Tap”?
A: As many times as it takes.
The local radio station just played this bit on their daily retrospective.
question the duck.
Add that to list, too.
These rock jokes are getting out of control. Please be aplite to your friends or dacite will become unpleasant. Don’t take it for granite or someone might stick a picrite in your head and you’ll drop a schist in your drawers.
Just wait a minette and think it over.
I can’t come up with anything that uses knotenschiefer, but who cares? The whole thing is a skam.
Hah! I do not rate for ducks!!!
If you are one of those persons who does not conceal his real identity from his fellow commenters, be aware that it is not difficult to locate people through a variety of websites, go to their homes, and kill them.
Nobody here would do that! They’d just burn your house down. Fire is very pretty, you know.
T&U, absolutely no one here thinks you are a hipster in any way, shape or form.
We are old, jealous of your wisdom beyond your yrs. & bitter. (Well, I sure am.)
Plus which, we “kid because we love.” And can get away w/ it over the cobweb. (It wouldn’t be funny if we didn’t know you despise them.)
Raining like heck here.
Did you know? From:
question the duck
Spengler forbears rebuking with an AHEM. Decent chap.
There is shrimp in my takeout. How the fuck did that happen?
OK, that’s weird There are three links in what I pulled above, & one of them came along w/ the copying, but not the other two. I’ve never seen a link copy here.
‘Cause you can bet your sweet ass that I didn’t bother to throw in the link to that shit.
Thank you, Bouffant.
Now, if we could get SOMEONE here to stop accusing me of being some sort of hirsute she-beast (*GLARES*), I’d appreciate it.
Maybe the hamsters are becoming sentient.
There is shrimp in my takeout. How the fuck did that happen?
The cook overheard you saying you were going to consume some prawn.
They’re lobsters, but obviously for you the scale is off.
The cook overheard you saying you were going to consume some prawn.
Bouffant is correct in gentle affection. I kid.
Now I must go walk the dogs, because they are farting. This is a harbinger.
They’re lobsters, but obviously for you the scale is off.
What was that, Methuselah? I’m afraid you’re going to have to put your teeth back in.
There is shrimp in my takeout. How the fuck did that happen?
Mulligan- the cook heard you singing Bitchin’ Camaron.
I’m afraid you’re going to have to put your teeth back in.
Not to worry about Mr. Dampniche, it’s likely his hillside manse will be filled w/ mud soon, if not actually washed into the street.*
Or else he figured, well, hipsters don’t eat meat.
Sorry. No offense to the be-dentured. Some of the people I love most were/are sans natural teeth.
Or else he figured, well, hipsters don’t eat meat.
I thought they ate bacon in “ironic” fashion.
Or hipstresses, for that matter.
Veiled titty bar reference?
Or else he figured, well, hipsters don’t eat meat.
I gave up vegetarianism in 2004!
intense intimidation with the quicksilver brilliance of everybody’s witsiness!
mingo: Me too at the start. I’m still in awe. I’ve been feeling my way, seeking the best way to fit in, the way the gives and recieves the most pleasure. (I try to provide set-ups and hooks for other people.) Also idiotic autobiography, which people have tolerated much more than I had any right to expect. My posts are sometimes way too windy, so that’s why I’m trying to start a blog.
when I can keep up with your nym changes. [update: no moar changes!]
I didn’t handle it very well, not really knowing how nyms work. I had one that I used everywhere on the toobz. Then went through several here that didn’t reflect me. So now, at long last–and way overdue!–I’m stabilizing my nym as The Fenwickians.
My posts are sometimes way too windy, so that’s why I’m trying to start a blog.
How are your efforts coming along? You ready for primetime, old chum?
I am asking you to join them in the fight.
Erick Erickson invites you to join the Union of People Opposed to Unions.
be aware that it is not difficult to locate people through a variety of websites, go to their homes, and kill them.
Consider also the possibility that people have realised just enough information about their real-life identity in order to lure you into an elaborate mantrap and harvest your body organs at leisure.
Pelvis coiffure? How is this better than a hairy back?
Dibs on the liver.
Dibs on the liver.
You can fatten him up for some tasty foie gras.
What was that, Methuselah?
Everyone speak up for T&U’s sake. Too many loud concerts.
Or give her back her ear-trumpet.
I’m listening to Elliot Smith now, thanks to you bastards.
“It also indicates that he’s a convert to Catholicism.”
FROM Pentecostalism.
I’ll probably put a blog post about the time I went to a United Pentacostal church in Independence, Kansas Too long for here, but for the theologically inclined, this was the essence of it:.
The United Pentacostals had splinted off from regular Pentacostals on this single doctrinal conflict: Should a person be baptised “in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost”? Absolutely not! said the United Pentacostals. If you weren’t baptised “in Jesus name”, you were headed to Hell, bucko.
But don’t worry, there’s going to lots of other stuff on the blog. Baseball. Critters. Military History. Guerrilla Voter Communiques. Old Masters paintings. Rock ‘n roll. Castles. I’ve been cogitating on writing a short piece on Pick-up Trucks and SUV’s as the inaugural post.
I have no idea what I’m doing as a blogger, but I’m determined to have fun.
You know who ELSE listens to Elliot Smith?
Or give her back her ear-trumpet.
Too déclassée. Milady uses a Renaissance ear cornetto curvo.
I gave up vegetarianism in 2004!
Funny…………so did Mrs. Revolta. I’d put it down to my bad influence, only there’s more- one of the first nonveggie things she ate was…………..shrimp!!
Weird, right? It’s like there’s this lattice of coincidence that lays on top of everything.
Good eatin’ if you’re a bastard.
be aware that it is not difficult to locate people through a variety of websites, go to their homes, and kill them.
Ouch. Was that at one of Erick-Woods’s links? Please ignore the email address at the bottom of his letter. I live in a security bldg., it won’t do you any good. Thank you.
Milady uses a Renaissance ear cornetto curvo.
With chocolate at the end?
I love the way her underwire bra always sets off the x-ray machine.
So, in other words, Fenwickians, you looked like Dr. Benton Quest.
Exactly like him! Except for my very dark brown hair. And my bald pate. And my mustache that grew into my beard. And I wasn’t a lame kids Saturday morning cartoon. (More of Chuck Jones sort of cartoon.)
I am never going to catch up the thread. I can hear the locomotive whistle growing ever fainter in the distance. I’m going downstairs to fix some rice for sustainence.
Aaaaaand linkfail.
lattice of coincidence
Exactly like him! Except for my very dark brown hair. And my bald pate. And my mustache that grew into my beard.
So, you looked more like Ming the Merciless, eh?
You know who ELSE listens to Elliot Smith?
Whatever. That ho listens to ABBA. Ironically.
Now I’m going to drink more to get that image out of my head.
PS: I have so much better taste than that, it’s not even funny.
The United Pentacostals had splinted off from regular Pentacostals on this single doctrinal conflict: Should a person be baptised “in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost”? Absolutely not! said the United Pentacostals. If you weren’t baptised “in Jesus name”, you were headed to Hell, bucko.
This reminds me of the debate scene in The Name of the Rose about if Jesus owned the clothes he wore.
Good movie too.
Good eatin’ if you’re a bastard.
I really have to get in contact with a good mycologist. I heard a red-winged blackbird trill yesterday, so spring is around the corner, and with it, a plethora of tasty nettles.
Good movie too.
Have you read the book? Highly recommended, as is Foucault’s Pendulum.
The wit here is quicksilver
funnier than Bob the builder.
Though it’s very seldom called art
having more to do with a fart.
Any day now I’m going to read Foucault’s Pendulous, yep any day now.
I did like The Nym of the Rose, book and film and Umberto Eco has written some very interesting stuff about symbols and such
Any day now I’m going to read Foucault’s Pendulous, yep any day now.
It’s a good ‘un- it’s kinda like Illuminatus! written by a comp. lit. professor, rather than a couple of counter-culture figures.
The wit here is quicksilver
funnier than Bob the builder.
Though it’s very seldom called art
having more to do with a fart.
The wit here is quicksilver,
Watch out for the mercury taint.
The tone is sometimes highbrow,
But most often it ain’t.
I liked the book as well, maybe I will have time to read Focault’s this summer over break.
Another Kiwi said,
February 26, 2011 at 5:57
The wit here is quicksilver
funnier than Bob the builder.
Though it’s very seldom called art
having more to do with a fart.
Foucault’s Pendulum. Sounds like a piece of writin’ that has some mighty big words. And a deceptively ambiguous ending. Are there zombies as well? Or at least pix?
S. cerevisiae, you have a break? Over the summer? Like those thugs in Wisconsin? Neat. I got your back. Now watch me smack that camera.
Larkspur, I am going for my Masters, so there really won’t be too much “break” in my break.
Need a laugh? I cannot praise Dick Morris invitation to a lecture on “Political Warrrr!!!r which Mr Dick Morris will give to you. PLUS for a mere 5,000 smackeroos he will have 1 hour facetime with you.Make sure you have a change of underwear with you
Full, juicy, succulence here
S. cerevisiae, to be honest, I figured as much. But I still got your back, and if I could, I’d bring coffee and make sammiches for you over your break.
The snark here is fantastic,
It’s more flexible than elastic,
Though it sometimes turns quite heinous –
Something something something PENIS.
Foucault’s Pendulum. Sounds like a piece of writin’ that has some mighty big words. And a deceptively ambiguous ending. Are there zombies as well? Or at least pix?
Yeah, it’s a pretty involved book, but totes fun for nerds like myself. The whole book is deceptively ambiguous. No zombies, but a guy who claims to be immortal/maybe unded. No pix, but some weird Cabbalistic diagrams.
I would suggest using The Name of the Rose as an introduction to the author- it’s a little more accessible.
PLUS for a mere 5,000 smackeroos he will have 1 hour facetime with you
You can make it back, plus a little extra, by letting him suck on your toes.
Larkspur, I am going for my Masters, so there really won’t be too much “break” in my break.
Molecular biology and biochemistry?
In the cigar rolling factory we wore nuthin’ baaby. And we liked it
one of the offices I worked in out of college was a former cigar rolling factory.
We used to refer to the stinky corners of the office as “Kiwi nests”
Molecular biology and biochemistry?
That would be appropriate, but no. There are courses here in brewing science and analysis though, that could be fun.
What do other Sadlies wear to work?
Whoa, so you are pursuing a masters in brewing science?
Spengler Dampniche said,
February 26, 2011 at 3:47
So it was a joke? I’m relieved!
Fuck you all. I am catching up, and drunk, and giggling so hard that the dog is looking at me with that cocked head thing where she obviously doesn’t understand, but is concerned for my well-being because it may impact her food-delivery.
Now I must go walk the dogs, because they are farting. This is a harbinger.
LUCKY. Lucifer, our orange, leaky ass dog, like to go outside and just nose around until we open the door and yell “POOP!” out into the neighborhood, and after a couple years of this, we are known as ‘That House’.
I wish. No, they are just some stand-alone courses although you could possibly put together an undergrad minor with the brewing classes and a bunch of microbiology.
I did a course with the Trappist Monks in “Brewing Silence”.
Thanyew thanyew thanyew. Please see my agent Mr. Zombie for bookings
By launching, American Majority is taking the fight to the public sector unions across the United States.
I am asking you to join them in the fight. We have to win this one, folks.
OK, that fucker is in for a world of hurt. Fucking around in MY STATE with his stupid stupidity and rich fuck knob-gobbling. He better get his ass up here and I will meet him.
Dammit I am old an out of shape but I will beat his ass. Wisconsin is not a pawn in his CNN parlor games. Easy for him to be all “general Pansy-ass” from miles away. Fucking Atlanta jerkwads. Can’t even deal with 2 inches of snow.
Fuck. FUCK.
We should have a Sadlynaut Corvallis brew fest… Or at least drink some beer sometime.
Spengler forbears rebuking with an AHEM. Decent chap.
wait, are we talking about the same guy? Prolific. literate, claims to have written a book, insults everyone?
I’m for that! Or any excuse to drink good beer.
Everyone speak up for T&U’s sake. Too many loud concerts.
OK, here’s a little autobiography for all of you to mock.
I have been going to see loud noise displays since 1978 or so. Maybe not the Who or anything, but I also spent plenty of time standing directly in front of bar-band speaker stacks.
by the 90s, when my age cohort were starting to move to the suburbs and listen to AOR mellow crap I noticed that at one local department store, I was VASTLY annoyed by the squeaking of the escalator. When I finally mentioned it to someone, they gave me the cocked head doggy look; WTF are you talking about? After mentioning it to several other people, it became apparent that I was the only one who could hear it.
But hey, that wasn’t the weirdest thing in my life, so I let it go.
And then, after we bought our house, I would often walk to Landmark Lanes for darts and alcohol. And there was one house, on the way, where I would hear a high pitched whine….you could see the signs on the house announcing protection by some security company.
But at that point I realized, that even after decades of rock concerts, I was still hearing wavelengths well above 20 kHz.
In the years since, my hearing has declined from that point. I no longer hear ultrasonics.
So, as far as I am concerned, turn it the fuck UP.
be aware that it is not difficult to locate people through a variety of websites, go to their homes, and kill them.
or try.
But at that point I realized, that even after decades of rock concerts, I was still hearing wavelengths well above 20 kHz.
Uh, that could have been tinnitus
Zombie, I agree about loud rock. Nazareth made my ears ring for a day but even with them and all the other loud bands I have seen my hearing is still pretty good.
Uh, that could have been tinnitus
I respect your concern, but no, there were no other apparent effects to my hearing then or since.
somewhere in there, my ears were checked and approved for general usage.
believe me, there were bands where I wished deafness would make them sound better.
Nazareth made my ears ring for a day
Oh man, i really love that No Mean City album. There are some really heavy cuts on that disc.
Uh, that could have been tinnitus
that doesn’t bode well for the near future, when I have front row tickets stage left for Robert Plant.
Heh. I kid, we are all WAY older, and it’s in a smallish theater. Really, I am just bragging about HAVING FRONT ROW TICKETS FOR ROBERT PLANT.
How are your efforts coming along? You ready for primetime, old chum?
I’m okay with the progress so far. But definitely not ready for primetime. (Hell, not ready for primetime here….)
I’m expecting to have the basic shell in place by the end of the weekend. My tech-savvy friend’s Road Trip to Find the Snow, sorta derailed my timetable. But I had a good talk tonight with another friend who has been encouraging me to build a website for a long time.
I don’t want to rush the blog. I’m trying to do this well. In the meantime, I’ll concentrate on nym stabilization: The Fenwickians.
Consider also the possibility that people have realised just enough information about their real-life identity in order to lure you into an elaborate mantrap and harvest your body organs at leisure.
I don’t want to rush the blog. I’m trying to do this well. In the meantime, I’ll concentrate on nym stabilization: The Fenwickians.
Hey, don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the actual! I knocked mine together in one night because things were quiet on the job, and I saw how much fun AK and Smut were having. Once you get started, things come naturally.
So, you looked more like Ming the Merciless, eh?
Eggs-actly. Liked the XB, btw. Never heard them before.
Those blue lights on the runways? Major Kong and I knows what they signify. And we’re not tellin’!
That was the tour! I still have the vinyl. One of my favorite cuts by them is Woke Up This Morning off Razamanaz.
And we’re not tellin’!
Not even in a blog post? Honestly, this particular group is very supportive- Tintin, D.A., Gavin, Mencken et al. managed to inspire a lot of the commentariat to take up blogging.
This reminds me of the debate scene in The Name of the Rose about if Jesus owned the clothes he wore.
Good movie too.
I’ll double down on that, cerevisiae.
((There is something sysyphean about my effort to catch up on the thread. Or make than Tantalus: I keep reading, but the end is perpetually just out of reach. Not that I’m complaining. This has been an entertaining thread, my fave in the last week or so.))
Saw The Dictators at The Whiskey a-Go-Go (Smallish, but two story room) in 1976/7ish. Ears would still ring in small rooms four days later.
I’m guessing zrm is an alien or mutant merely throwing us off w/ the zombi schtick.
Wait’ll you f
ucksine human beans can’t see for shit at night.Fun Friday Facts:
Virginia passed legislation today that could shut down 17 of the state’s 21
abortion clinics by making them meet the specifications of hospitals rather than
of doctor’s offices. “It is simply about caring for women”, one
mealymouthed fuckstate senator said.Reason 564 that I’m glad I moved the hell out of Va.
Also too, A Kaiser Foundation poll says that 22 percent of Americans believe that the Affordable Care Act has already been repealed, and another 26 percent aren’t sure.
Fuck. Where the hell I’ma move now?
jim: (@6:20) Super. I envision a police procedural.
I’m guessing zrm is an alien or mutant merely throwing us off w/ the zombi schtick.
Great ear genes, is all. All that hard drinking and large horned instruments in the heritage…
Saw The Dictators at The Whiskey a-Go-Go (Smallish, but two story room) in 1976/7ish
Hell, just a couple months ago, I saw the Figgs and Soul Asylum in the same kind of room, and abandoned my compatriots (not to mention the guys who were buying me drinks) so I could go down and stand in front of the stage.
I insisted that the kids down there referred to me as “Santa”. They didn’t want to.
Yes, am THAT OLD GUY at the punky shows.
John Revolta said,
February 26, 2011 at 8:35
[making notes]
dogdammit, I can hardly keep up for Fuck You Fridays. Is there any chance all of you could slow down the fuckery on your end?
I insisted that the kids down there referred to me as “Santa”.
Kids? When did Soul Asylum put out their last record?
I knocked mine together in one night
Victory, my friends! My Impossible Dream of catching up has come true.
B^4: I’ve mentioned here that I like your blog. I dig paleontology (and geology). Here’s the thing: I looked for one of those ‘automatic e-mail notice deelybobs and didn’t see one. Can you, as Lord and Master of yer domain, just sign me up?
I’ve also tried to make comments at your place for some time, but have been unable to do so. (Have the same problem at Martinis for Babcock.) You mentioned something once about recalcitrant cookies? Any suggestions?
Also I’m gong to make some coffee and keep the Night Hawks company.
Also listen to gongs.
I dig paleontology (and geology).
Here’s the thing: I looked for one of those ‘automatic e-mail notice deelybobs and didn’t see one. Can you, as Lord and Master of yer domain, just sign me up?
I’ll play around with the settings and try to get this function set up… hell, I’m here at work until 8.
You mentioned something once about recalcitrant cookies? Any suggestions?
You can delete your history, and that usually works, or go to the privacy settings and “allow cookies”. If you sign up on blogger, you will get a brief “how to”.
Kids? When did Soul Asylum put out their last record?
OK, you snotty east coast elitist, the last one was 2006.
Plus, the FIRST time I saw them was in (roughly) 1990. When my hair was much less gray than now. Although frankly I do not recollect whether it was short or long, because I alternate.
But, dude, I had hair, and I still do. It is very gray, but still extant. Hence, Grampa or Santa, on the floor of any punky bands I like…..
Kids? When did Soul Asylum put out their last record?
Now I look back, I am frankly a bit dismayed that you are not apparently aware of the last SA disc, Silver Lining, which is pretty fine.
Now, i understand that you east coast elitists tend to ignore Fly Over Land, but still, they are pretty significant post-punk rockers.
“…style, fashion, and grooming…”
Fascist conformity
Yeah, mostly. Now I wear tees and jeans….and a gray-white-black lumberjacket coat in the winter. Pretty much lost my whole wardrobe in the house fire, and it was no freaking loss. Never replaced any elements of my old ‘professional’ wardrobe. Side benefit: I have an excuse to avoid weddings and funerals.
Now, i understand that you east coast elitists tend to ignore Fly Over Land, but still, they are pretty significant post-punk rockers.
Not really- I was totally up on the Minneapolis/St Paul music scene of the 1980’s (of which SA is seemingly “last band standing”) and Ohio was pretty much a hotbed of avant garde music in the 70s. These days, I can’t be arsed trying to find out where any bands are from.
Soul Asylum just tends to fall into that gray area of “not commercial enough for commercial radio anymore, and too commercial for college radio”.
Soul Asylum just tends to fall into that gray area of “not commercial enough for commercial radio anymore, and too commercial for college radio”.
Larry Kirwan may want to discuss that classification with you.
But I read it as I just don’t want to be bothered enough to care.
Sir, I may need to challenge you to a sparring match.
Strictly jeans & whatnot here, but I do have a large bag of neckties, for some reason or another.
Loudest (for the room) guitar ever: Eric Burdon’s* picker, San Gabriel Civic Auditorium, a maybe 350 seat place, hard, reflecting walls, & the guy had it up to 12! I actually went outside for a while.
*Hepness Quotient: Went to see the opening act, Willie Mae “Big Mama” Thornton, not Limey Eric.
B^4: Thanks for trying to get me onto auto e-mail. I’ll try to investigate the ‘cookie’ thing when I contact my Silicon Valley tech-savvy friend. Eventually I’ll get all this stuff straightened out.
My interest is science is v-e-r-y late-blooming. I hated everything except Earth Science and Geometry. I saw a reason for both. Earth Science got me more into terrain and surface topography…helped me ‘read’ terrain in the service. Geometry helped my pool game. (No physics, though, so I’ve got no English.)
My interest in geology has snuck up on me over the years. My step-brother–only four months younger than I–is a professor of chemical geology in Eugene. I’m interested in plate tectonics, volcanism (my bro’s interest), and especially hotspots. The Empress-Hawaiian chain … and the Yellowstone Caldera!
I’ve noticed that you are interested in living critters, too. Me too. I am fascinated by animal communication (in all its forms), and by extreme or very odd creatures. For example, the Deep Dives of sperm whales are so cool. I’m hoping to put up some Science Duffer stuff on the blog.
There is a science streak in one branch of my family. My neice–the geologist’s daughter–is a professor of evolutionary biology. She married an astrophysicist whose specialty is exo-planets. I’m learning to appeciate science much more than I ever did as a young man or in my middle age. I like learning. I learn nifty stuff at your place.
Larry Kirwan may want to discuss that classification with you.
He’s a local guy, so I follow his career more closely. Hell, I’ve had a beer with the guy a couple of times in the past year, and I am a friend of the woman who dueted with him on Living in America.
Sir, I may need to challenge you to a sparring match.
Maintain a decent distance, don’t let allow a “clinch” to occur. Either that, or make it a drinking contest.
Hey, I finally figured out that “Jennifer” and “Jennifer” are two different people. Took me long enough!
I do have a large bag of neckties
They only items that survived the fire. I’ve got some outrageous paisleys from the 60’s….the only clothing artifacts from my Head days.
ZRM: I haven’t even looked at the recent Wisc news today. Last thing I saw was the shit-bag sucker-punch in the Wisc House.
(I really should pop out for a half-hour and get caught up on the world. The Long March through the thread ate up lots of time.)
Anyway, Solidarity!
Hey, I finally figured out that “Jennifer” and “Jennifer” are two different people
The S,N Jennifer(s) ? Doppelgangers? Ebil Twins? Got any tells to distinguish them?
Jeremy Bernard: A historic choice for White House social secretary
By Jonathan Capehart
“The White House is set to make news and history this afternoon when it announces the new social secretary. Jeremy Bernard, currently the chief of staff to the U.S. ambassador to France, will become the third person to hold the job in the Obama administration. But he will be the first man and the first openly gay person to be the first family’s and the executive mansion’s chief event planner and host.
This is bullshit! What do the gays no about planning parties? What’s next, styling the First lady’s hair? Plus I see that he has been to France. Wake up America!!
B^4: Thanks for trying to get me onto auto e-mail.
I think I’ll have to set up an e-mail account just for the blog.
I’m learning to appeciate science much more than I ever did as a young man or in my middle age. I like learning. I learn nifty stuff at your place.
I like to post a recap of the monthly lectures at our local “Learning While Intoxicated” series.
When was the fire?
MB: So if you had a large bag of neckties, you must have once labored in the fascist conformist world?
This is bullshit! What do the gays no about planning parties? What’s next, styling the First lady’s hair? Plus I see that he has been to France. Wake up America!!
White House falls to Lavender Mob!!!
Larry Kirwan & Eric Burdon on consecutive posts!
Bonus points: Big Mama Thornton & Soul Asylum.
I love it here.
When was the fire?
Late Aug 2007. My internet use begins a few months thereafter, late Dec. I replaced my equipment and my techie friends convinced me to get on it.
i had been working with computers for about a decade, but only as electronic typewriters. To this day, I’m very rudimentary with my word processing skillz. I can do very simple stuff, but no bells-and-whistles. I just turned my marked-up text over to the firm’s WP staff and they formatted and produced the docs.
I’m going to do a quick recon of the news. (I guess this IS a tell of mine when I exit. Really all I’m trying to do is be courteous.) Back @ 4 AM Eastern.
I love it here.
Yeah, we’re all over the damn place!
Big Mama Thornton = best version of ‘Hound Dog’.
What is Elvis doing singing about a cheating man anyways.
“The S,N Jennifer(s) ? Doppelgangers? Ebil Twins? Got any tells to distinguish them?”
Jennifer has nicer tits.
What is Elvis doing singing about a cheating man anyways.
If he hadn’t died, maybe he could’ve been chief White House event planner!
“If he hadn’t died, maybe he could’ve been chief White House event planner!”
Peanut butter and banana sandwiches at all state dinners motherfuckers.
Peanut butter and banana sandwiches at all state dinners motherfuckers.
WIngnuts would still be crying “elitism!”
American bananas grown by real American oligarchs not those so called plantains favored by illegal peoples you stupid hairless bastard.
American bananas grown by real American oligarchs not those so called plantains favored by illegal peoples you stupid hairless bastard.
Chiquita Koch, eh?
Have a Koch and a smile.
veiled blow job reference.
Back from the recon. The news from Wisconsin make me want to puke.
The news from Libya makes me want to grab Very Important and Serious People in the EU, NATO, UN, and US by their lapels, shake the shit out them and bellow: “So exactly when are you fuckers gonna get of the goddam dime? This ain’t no ‘internal problem’ or ‘national soveriegnty’ thang anymore. That threshold was crossed three fucking days ago. Put up the damn no-fly zone!”
Does that make me an interventionist asshole?
I’ve finished my second cup of Night Hawk coffee, so I’m bailing soon. I’ve been so locked into the thread–and have enjoyed myself so much–that I realized I still haven’t seen the Thursday Stewart and Colbert shows! So I’m off to watch those…and then catch some Dream Movies.
Have a Koch and a smile.
Always leave ’em laughing….and I’m laughing as I leave. Thanks for all the entertainment today and tonight. Great thread in progress.
525, btw.
“Put up the damn no-fly zone!”
I agree Mr Fenwick (are you Snidely I forget?) It is time for a no fly zone with the Arab League and African League and EU on board. Quadaffi (however you spell the fuck’s name) is crazy and will kill as many as he can on his way out.
labored in the fascist conformist world?
Actually, had to wear ’em in high school, then for a yr. in two in the corp. world that eventually drove me to madness, when I was co-opted into being an ass’t.
supervisoroverseer. Was never actual management ‘though; preserving my amateur status.As a public worker currently into the 13th hour of what is most likely going be a 14 hour shift. I must say that about the only thing keeping me from “going all isolated wingnut incident” (formerly referred to as “going postal”) is the comfort I take in knowing that due to collective bargaining they will have to pay me overtime for my time over.
Query: Is Austan Goolsbee a total and complete idiot and/or asshole?
“Does that make me an interventionist asshole?”
Just because most interventions are wrong does not mean that all interventions are wrong.,
“Query: Is Austan Goolsbee a total and complete idiot and/or asshole?”
Larry Kirwan*: Related to Danny Kirwan, of Fleetwood Mac before they went for girls over guitars?
*Old, no idea.
It is time for a no fly zone with the Arab League and African League and EU on board. Quadaffi (however you spell the fuck’s name) is crazy and will kill as many as he can on his way out.
Yeah, fuckin’ Qaddafi’s gotta go- I take this shit personally, having lost a friend in the Pan Am 103 bombing back when I had hair.
Just because most interventions are wrong does not mean that all interventions are wrong.
Damn straight!
As a public worker currently into the 13th hour of what is most likely going be a 14 hour shift. I must say that about the only thing keeping me from “going all isolated wingnut incident” (formerly referred to as “going postal”) is the comfort I take in knowing that due to collective bargaining they will have to pay me overtime for my time over.
I’m doing a 16 hour endurance tour… couldn’t say no, my co-worker’s son is in the hospital gravely ill… bring the suit to the dry cleaners ill, if you catch my drift. I could never say no under these circumstances.
*Old, no idea.
He rocked the Bronx. He’s a gadfly and an unabashed socialist.
Something something something PENIS.
Laydees and gennlemun: S,N! has been shortered.
S,N’s penis has been shortened?
Foreblog Holocaust!
Genial mutilation
I was going to mention Larry Kirwan’s politics as he was the socialest guy I ever met when I first met him. I was already familiar with Black 47 via mixtapes when I met him in the early 90s. One of my friends was partners with Chris Byrne in the Midtown North precinct and used to bring them home from work. Then we all used to hang out at Rocky Sullivan’s when Chris opened up that place. Drinking our asses off and giving drunken readings of favorite Irish authors. It was a golden time to be drunk and Irish in the city. If you wanted to romanticize your burgeoning addictions and nourish them in a literary and musical wonderland, Rocky’s was the only place to be. And do you know who else used to hang out at Rocky’s when it was on Lexington and listen to “Celtic-influenced hip hop? That thundra guy, that’s who.
In Galway I saw Kila perform with the guy from Afro Celt Sound System. All-Gaelic rap. I’d have gone deaf if I’d remained conscious.
Holy shit, trying to get Arcade Fire tickets was HARROWING.
A no-fly zone might work (certainly better than the boots-on-the-ground-kill-Qaddafi-and-convert-them-to-Christianity stuff I’m reading from righties). I’m skeptical that the Arab League would go along with it, though, because most of their governments are terrified of something like this happening to them next, and probably would be very happy to see Qaddafi crush the momentum of the democracy movement.
Don’t know about the African Union, or the UN, for that matter. If I remember right, though, the Iraqi no-fly zones were decided and enforced by the West without any explicit authorization from an international body. Might have to do the same thing here…
Teh Sadlies is the place to be all right
danzig is on vhi classic right now…just thought you would wanna know…
also, a good tip for everyone:
do not mix jack daniels, absolut, hendricks and guinness in the same night…
characters we’re compared to
Without my glasses my dad reckoned I looked like
Hey Fenwick Snidley Icenine Variants. What I did was to start a blog and put up posts for a few months -but told nobody about it-. Then when I had (what I though was) a decent blog entry list I started telling people about it. Felt like less scrutiny of each post.
Just got Dears tickets for London. Thinking about maybe Manchester and/or Netherlands too.
Hey, new Decemberists album is pretty good
characters we’re compared to
N__B Option 1
N__B Option 2 (when sober)
There are worse things than being Bobby Goren’s doppleganger. I could look like that self-righteous prick, Jack McCoy.
There are worse things than being Bobby Goren’s doppleganger. I could look like that self-righteous prick, Jack McCoy.
or whoever he is in men in black…
Scrutinizing the post
the comfort I take in knowing that due to collective bargaining they will have to pay me overtime for my time over.
heh…it just goes to prove again that you are all over-paid greedy s.o.b.s. the editor of our local weekly ‘news’paper, just had a huge rant about wisconsin…he went on and on with the typical teachers are greedy, overpaid, only work part of the year, etc. etc. and then used the analogy that teachers are like doctors and shouldn’t refuse to teach.
my gob was completely smacked…this is a new height of wingnuttery for him…
also, he mentioned that this was also the opinion of a ‘close, personal teacher friend’ of his…
a ‘close, personal teacher friend’
You look more like the polar bear than Donofrio.
Donofrio being the David Caruso of the L&O franchise…
I am not flattery operated. However, if you say I’ve got a nice set of wits, you can have your way with me.
THATS who you remind me of.
“I am not flattery operated. However, if you say I’ve got a nice set of wits, you can have your way with me.”
Oh, good. Because I’m not paying for the lobster dinner just to get some action.
Hey, if you post no text but an open tag, would Sadly, No! blame it on the next commenter?
Or, a seemingly benign comment with an open tag at the end?
hi, everybody – back from pro-union rally, then a surprise pro-choice march. Lots of folks at the rally – we heard over 3000.
ok, now to read the thread…
It was a golden time to be drunk and Irish in the city.
It was good in the whole metro area- McLean Ave blossomed in the early to mid 90s, going from post-industrial moonscape to lively nightlife destination. The Poor Mouth on 238th St in the Bronx also opened around ’94, and was a hotbed of literary drunkenness or drunken literariness… uh… yeah…
it’s quiet in here. too quiet….
It was a golden time to be drunk and Irish in the city.
You guys ain’t kiddin’. I was running a Celtic rock band outta Hoboken then
(one of the first in the states; pre-Black 47 by a couple years) and we played
all over town. I particularly remember the Coney Island Irish festival every year
and the Guinness Fleadh was amazing(that was later though)……………and
An Beal Bocht on 238th Street (is it still there?)…………..
Lordy. Good timeses.
Yeah, the Poor Mouth is still there- Mary Courtney plays trad ballads every Friday night. Have you heard Jameson’s Revenge? They do a “not-so-trad” sesiun Sunday evenings at the Rambling House on Katonah Ave in Woodlawn.
Mr Fenwick (are you Snidely I forget?)
Yup. That’s us. We are indeed The Fenwickians.
Hey Fenwick Snidley Icenine Variants.
We are the The Fenwickians henceforth for evah and evah.
exford: posting before unveiling the blog is an excellent idea. I’m going to do that. Thanks for the suggestion.
mingo: As you can infer from the above, I really screwed up with multiple nym changes here in far too short a time. I hope you avoid making the same mistake. Instead, invent some entirely new, and fresh, and exciting mistakes!
Excellent that you went to pro-union and the ‘surprise’ pro-choice march. How was it a surprise? Did it form spontaneously at the pro-union march? Did it appear down a side-street? Parachute from the sky? (My fave.) Also where are you located?
Proximal demonstrative!
it’s quiet in here. too quiet…
We are vewy, vewy kwi-ett when hunting wabbits.
How was it a surprise?
merely a surprise to me, although ‘spontaneously teleporting in from various locales’ would be fun, too. We went from the union rally at the Capitol steps, down the 16th St mall about a half-mile, and back, no doubt seriously irritating drivers along the way.
I am in Denver, btw.
on second thought, ‘spontaneous teleportation’ would be sort of disconcerting.
Sounds like a good day, mingo… bringing the fight to the fat cats and the woman-haters.
Sorry to clog the thread with a long post. I enjoy conversation with Chris on international affairs and security policy… and neither of us has a blog. S,N is our only vehicle at present.
B^4, I moved out of NYC in 2004. Haven’t been keeping up. Miss it badly though.
You ever go to the 11th St. Bar? Talk about your mis-spent youth…………..
I am in Denver, btw.
Baltimore here. Last Tuesday, I was faced with a dilemma of either going to Annapolis for a pro-union, Solidarity-with-Wisconsin rally … or doing my regularly scheduled volunteer work at a library. Went to the library but was in Annapolis in spirit.
B^4 lives in the Ebil Empire of NYC. Speaking of which…
B^4: When do you sleep, fergodssake? You double-shift for 16 hours and now you’re back on the internets toobz? (BTW, that was a kind and generous act to fill in for your colleague in crisis.)
Oh, wow, it worked.
SAfrica’s government will unfortunately support Gaddafi. During our struggle, he supplied weapons and training camps to the ANC who will not turn against him now. Same problem with Mugabe in Zimbabwe.
B^4, I moved out of NYC in 2004. Haven’t been keeping up. Miss it badly though.You ever go to the 11th St. Bar? Talk about your mis-spent youth………….
Yeah, they made a great hot toddy. I went there to see Mary Lee Kortes play a series of Tuesday night concerts, and ended up dating one of the lovely waitresses of Neptune Polish Restaurant around the corner for a year and a half (the petite, curvaceous green-eyed brunette who wore the Okocim hat), if you were familiar with the waitstaff.
“Democracy to mobocracy to genocide”
Ellis Washington intentionally misunderstands the English language in order to make a stupid point. For added lols, click on any of his embedded links which are actually ads and not citations to original sources.
“Imagine Muslim caliphates in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Libya; communism and state socialism in South America, China, Russia, Europe; Marxist unionism exploding in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, California, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey. While circumstances are different, the ends are inevitably the same: Absent a republic under Natural Law and the Bible, democracy = mobocracy = genocide.”
You double-shift for 16 hours and now you’re back on the internets toobz?
Baby, I’m at work now! I’ll sleep until noon tomorrow, then it’s back to work. When I have to be, I’m well-nigh unstoppable, and I have to be these days.
At some point, i imagine my blog will have an Over-the-top Rant and Hyperbolic Screed aimed at NYC.
What? You don’t have ANY irrational prejudices in your life?
Suezboo: Exactly.
Marxist unionism exploding in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, California, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey.
And this a bad thing?
All right, what happened to you in NYC?
Mingo : The worst thing is not so much being shouted at or shot down (although those are pretty devastating). It’s being totally ignored, like that’s how unimportant you are to us. That’s the one that gets ya where you hurt.
Suezboo, were you at a protest today as well?
Baby, I’m at work now!
When does yer iron-man shift end? I’ll stick around here to keep you company.
When I have to be, I’m well-nigh unstoppable
You would have been good in the Watch Office when shit was breaking. Not everyone has that quality; some folks degrade noticeably over time. I was fortunate enough to be able to sustain peak energy on four hours of sleep (or multiple naps) over 24 hours.
I’m also thinking of Thread Bear, who was putting in 14 hours last night.
Verdict on cute cats combined with batshit Charlie Sheen quotes? Cats not needed
All right, what happened to you in NYC?
I’ve never been to NYC. I will never go to NYC. As I said, utterly irrational prejudice against the place and attitude. Doesn’t extend to individuals, of course. You and N_B are among my favorite people here.
Sorta like how I am a lifelong Yankee hater, even though I have greatly admired individual Yankee players. And I hope Joe Torre goes into the Hall.
The Fenwickians are not known for being entirely rational.
VS: I’m still laughing. I needed some good, down-from-the-gut laughing today.
FYWP! It’s eatin’ mah posts!
My endurance tour ends at midnight- if my relief isn’t waylaid by his family situation.
You would have been good in the Watch Office when shit was breaking.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
“VS: I’m still laughing.”
I know, right?
Get thee to a nunnery.
So I just had a nice chat with a friend of a friend on Facebook, speaking of copypasta. He’s a Libertarian of the “if only society wasn’t holding me back I’d be king” stripe.
Here’s his last post, responding to a numbered series of responses I made to his previous post. It took him three hours to write:
And I do have some other stuff to do today, so I replied:
My question is, should I have read what he wrote before I replied? I didn’t.
VS: I’m still laughing. I needed some good, hearty, down-from-the-bellow guffaws today.
Shit. Belly. I bellow very, very rarely.
Also dint see that the early post went up. For some reason, my Re-load Page isn’t working. Or else I am hallucinating.
599. Who is the lucky winnah?
And I hope Joe Torre goes into the Hall.
I am in the Hall. I guess nobody told you.
Sheesh. I don’t blame you. Has this person ever actually lived in the Real World(TM) ? This whole “Taxation is theft” thing burns my butt. (UBR).
This is us putting common money together for common ends. Someone has to collect it and decide what the spending priorities should be – that’s why we elect governments. Grade 1 kids understand this – who ARE these guys?
Freedom seems to be off your radar
Freedom is just another word for dying in the gutter!
Quite the contrary. History shows that a more libertarian society is the opposite, with more voluntary benevolence than under statist regimes like today.
For feck’s sake, history shows absolutely nothing about libertarian societies, because there are no such societies. It’s as much a fantasy as a Marxian communist society, and in some ways it’s even the same fantasy. (“Put us in power, and the state’ll just… fade away. Yeah. Just like that.”)
No, you didn’t do wrong, your answer was perfectly adequate and actually reading the thing would’ve been a waste.
Grade 1 kids understand this – who ARE these guys?
They’re the guys who don’t want the government to steal their money after they invent their magic perpetual power generator and impenetrable, invisible force field. They’re the kind of guys who, even though The Rifleman has been off the air for almost fifty years, think it would be cool to live in a gulch.
You know, MORANS!!!
Spengler: That was one of very finest specimans of radical libertarian ‘thinking’. Find the appropriate dogma to fit, cut-and-paste it, job well done. Memorable jaw-dropping assertion:
History shows that a more libertarian society is the opposite, with more voluntary benevolence than under statist regimes like today.
Historical examples, please.
Ahhh, Chris beat me the punch. We sorta think alike on a lot of things.
The UN? Ponderous as hell, of course…and that’s the problem. Action is needed NOW. (Actually, four days ago, IMO, when the civilian massacres began.) The Security Council has been in a five-hour meeting, and it appears that something tangible will emerge, though not a no-fly or force authorization.
Yeah, I don’t mind admitting I’m a UN skeptic. For the reasons you listed, and some others (specifically: the fact that most of its member governments are authoritarian ones makes me take pretty much all their claims to high-minded principles of human rights and democracy with a big grain of salt. Libya being on the human rights council for as long as it was is a perfect example. And then, there’s the permanent member/veto thing, which pretty much ensures that international law won’t be applied evenly).
Don’t get me wrong… the UN’s better than nothing. Just, not by much.
Anyways, back on topic: I agree the EU and NATO have a ton of interests and since they’re the ones who’d have to set up the NFZs in the first place, they’d better get on with it ASAP. And I agree that the Egyptians would agree to provide assistance, if only because that would allow the current Army government to tell its people “see, we really are on the side of freedom.”
And heck, this isn’t the first time we’ve done it. If memory serves, the Navy flew freedom of navigation exercises in the Gulf of Sidra during the eighties, tangling with Libyan fighters twice.
The thing these cats always get wrong is “libertarian society.” Ain’t no such thing.
My definition of a libertarian is “somebody who erroneously believes his right to be an insufferable asshole is being infringed upon.”
Security Council sanction decisions…passed unanimously.
Refers Libyan events to International Criminal Court. (Only the second time they have ever done that. Pressures the Gaddafi’s inner circle to break.)
Weapons sales and deliveries suspended.
Travel ban.
Assets freeze.
About six years before you were born, if I recall correctly. GET OFF MAH LAWN!!
About six years before you were born, if I recall correctly. GET OFF MAH LAWN!!
The first time was six years before. The second time was two years after.
And it’s not “your” lawn. It belongs to the Bank! (Too soon?)
Security Council sanction decisions…passed unanimously.
Refers Libyan events to International Criminal Court. (Only the second time they have ever done that. Pressures the Gaddafi’s inner circle to break.)
Weapons sales and deliveries suspended.
Travel ban.
Assets freeze.
Nothing about NFZs or any kind of direct action, though?
Is there any way of getting Italy to take point on Libya? They had their colonial mitts on Libya last. They were very mean to Bedouins. I don’t know too much about it, but let’s get Italy to do it. It is very unsuper-powery of me, I know. Sorry.
This guy’s PRICELESS!
“This guy’s PRICELESS!” I know! I think maybe Spengler’s correspondent is actually his beautiful and smart wife who is trying to gaslight him.
On the International Criminal Court. This is first time the US has ever voted for referral to the ICC.
I am a strong believer that the US should and must joing the ICC. If we had belonged, then our failure to investigate and prosecute war crimes wouldn’t be such a bitter blow. The bastards couldn’t travel abroad at all; indeed the US would be obligated to surrender them to the court.
Failure to join the ICC is among the very worst aspects of American exceptionalism.
Is there any way of getting Italy to take point on Libya?
Sadly, no. Berlusconi’s foriegn and trade policies are deeply connected to Libya. He was the only European head-of-state to openly and unambiguously declare for Gaddafi in the earliest days. He may have backed off in public rhetoric, but he’s surely not going to walk point.
1) ending occupational licensure and medical school licensure,
That may be one of the dumbest fucking things I have ever read in my entire goddamn life.
Soon enough, soon enough.
Priceless is the wrong word for libertarians — valueless is the word you seek.
Don’t forget Maybe 5) tort reform.
What with all the unlicensed doctors and surgeons, I’d think tort reform would be pretty much mandatory.
Sadly, no. Berlusconi’s foriegn and trade policies are deeply connected to Libya.
Qaddafi promised a continuous pipeline of underaged strippers to entertain at Silvio’s “bunga bunga” parties.
I’m confused as to how ending licensure would reduce health care costs, other than by letting any fucking asshole who wanted wield a scalpel operate on people for $30.
Or is that what he wants?
“Several hundred” cops have entered the Wisconsin State Capitol and are
joining with and supporting the protesters.
Oooooooo………..makes me feel kinda warm & squishy inside.
What with all the unlicensed doctors and surgeons, I’d think tort reform would be pretty much mandatory.
I was about to say that. Otherwise, I’m quite sure that health care costs would be higher than they are now, what with all the killing of people and sepsis and whatnot resulting in lawsuits.
Our healthcare system is PLENTY fucked on its own. We don’t need a bunch of libertarian douchebags coming in and running it based off ideas that don’t, you know, work.
Or is that what he wants?
It would reduce the number of chronically ill persons.
JR, since leaving NYC, where ya been? Also, what band did you play with back in the day?
It would reduce the number of chronically ill persons.
It would reduce the number of persons in general.
What’s scary is guys like this have made it all the way to Washington, and everybody — even the preznit — are listening to them.
I guess the only way Italy can help Libya is to weaponize Berlusconi and deliver him directly to Qaddafy. Surprise! Splat.
It’s kinda hard to get worked up about libertaridiots unlicensed paradise when some bastard already knocked this one out of the park.
true, true.
I guess the only way Italy can help Libya is to weaponize Berlusconi and deliver him directly to Qaddafy. Surprise! Splat.
A moisture seeking missile… he’d just take out Qaddafi’s “nurse”.
re: Libya
Ain’t it too late for NFZ? Cuckoo-daffy is holed up in Tripoli having lost most of the military to defections. Mobilization to enforce no-fly-zones takes more than zero time, and zero time is looking moar and moar like what Moamar’s got left.
1) ending occupational licensure and medical school licensure,
That may be one of the dumbest fucking things I have ever read in my entire goddamn life.
Near the beginning of my commenting here, I referred to Mr. Whutzlwhateverthefuck as Not Joe the Not Plumber, and Troofy took off on me about how licensing of plumbers was a racket. These people deserve to die of cholera, but unfortunately, they’d take the rest of us with them.
It takes a special kind of failure of the imagination though, doesn’t it? They take their fears, prejudices, and a rough calculation of how much money they could save on taxes, decide they’d be one of the WINNARS that never needs police, fire department, or medical care, NOT EVAR, and announce they need MOAR FREEDOM to become truly free.
Meanwhile, none of them move to Liberia. Beats me.
What’s scary is guys like this have made it all the way to Washington, and everybody — even the preznit — are listening to them.
It’s like this mass delusion has swept the country–ideas that would have been laughed off as insane 30 years ago (hell, even 20 and 10) are now up for legitimate debate. Sometimes I feel like these people are living in a completely different universe.
Seriously, I wish there was some way to make libertarians go for a week without taxpayer-funded services so they could see how fucking insane they are. Of course, they’d probably just claim that we were being unfair because there was no private infrastructure to take care of their needs like there would be in Galt’s Gulch.
Silvio’s “bunga bunga” parties
Allegedly he got the very phrase “bunga bunga ” from Q.
Without my glasses my dad reckoned I looked like
The envy of all!
M.Bouffant, dooce is now “sowing”. The correction happened yesterday. No oats were harmed. The standards, they need to catch up sometimes.
The ‘y’ triggered this: Ga-daffy
That. That right there is what irritates me so much about the glibs. The spend every fucking minute of their waking goddamn lives bitching and moaning and about how nobody treats them the way they want to be treated. Every single one of these cocksnot pussies does nothing but complain. Which is THE PRECISE FUCKING OPPOSITE of rugged individualism.
On some fateful day when they were eight years old, mark my words (bookmark it), every single libertarian got told, “no, you were naughty, so today you have to stay inside.” And their feelings of resentment and disempowerment just grew and grew from that moment, without surcease, until they became the whinging diaper babies with the fiercely hurt fee-fees we are dealing with today.
I’m confused as to how ending licensure would reduce health care costs, other than by letting any fucking asshole who wanted wield a scalpel operate on people for $30.
Or is that what he wants?
Ah, but the invisible hand of the free market will save the day! Obviously any doctor that kills too many patients will soon be out of business. It certainly puts a huge damper on return customers and word of mouth anyway.
I’ve never met a Libertarian who’d last a minute in a situation in which they had to rely on their own skills. I couldn’t picture any of the Libertarians I’ve known changing a tire, much less taming a wilderness or building a multinational industrial power.
I apologize for the superfluous “and.”
Of course, they’d probably just claim that we were being unfair because there was no private infrastructure to take care of their needs like there would be in Galt’s Gulch.
The superfluous and of the free market?
until they became the whinging diaper babies with the fiercely hurt fee-fees we are dealing with today.
They remind me of college students who talk about supporting themselves and whine that their parents never give them money because they have to work part-time to buy beer and condoms. Yup, you’re TOTES self-sufficient there, Sparkles.
They also tend to confuse authority and influence with guns, but that’s another aspect of the thing.
Hey, we somehow ended up on-topic. That’s kind of nuts.
Uh-oh. Gawker reports that the voluptuous Ukrainian nurse has left the employ of Qaddafi and is headed home to Kiev. Good luck with the flight, ma’am.
headed home to Kiev.
They also tend to confuse authority and influence with guns, but that’s another aspect of the thing.
Yeah, it’s funny–the most FREEEEEEEEEEEDUUUUUUUUUUMB!-oriented libertarians often tend to be the most authoritarian. It’s not that they want people to be free; it’s that they fetishize power and anyone who accumulates it. (As long as they fit the libertarian ideal–if they don’t, then it’s the failure of the corrupted system, not the ideas behind libertarianism). Ultimately, I think that’s how they conceive of humanity in general. Everything about human life is a power struggle, and any attempt to thwart that natural order is BAD.
So ANOTHER libertardian got into it and said the following in response to my rude remark:
So I said, not even trying any more:
It’s like shooting fish in a barrel of duck cum.
What’s fun though is you always know when you got ’em — they all have the same tell, which is the sudden reversion to stilted, mock-lawyerly speech. “I, for one…”
B^4: I moved from NYC to Richmond VA at first. Didn’t work out and now I’m in
KCMO (Hi T & U!). It is, natch, a long story.
shorter long story: At first I had this band called the Clan. After a few years we
morphed into this other & better known
outfit. After I left NY that gradually fell apart and I’m currently trying to reassemble it
out here in flyover land.
Oh dear, I feel a bit faint……………..I’ve just lost my lurkerhood for good & all!!
I’ve never met a Libertarian who’d last a minute in a situation in which they had to rely on their own skills.
No doubt. I encounter dozens of them in the programming biz and the moar loudly Libertarian they are, the worse their skills (and, curiously, their smell.)
Though the self-label isn’t all that reliable. The tech staff where I now work is to a man self-ID Libertarians but nearly all of them supported healthcare reform, on grounds of they had families and had dealt with healthcare as it was and it sucked. So this crowd is clearly not real Libertarians.
The misuse of the term “ad hominem” is always a good giveaway, too.
Our libertarian overlords will banish sarcastic humor. Meanwhile, singing pigs!
They also tend to confuse authority and influence with guns, but that’s another aspect of the thing.
Well, if they whined about how Obama was going to take their authority and influence, they’d be laughed at ever more.
Revolta, holy shit! The music, it starts!
Welcome to the proud minority of out Sadlies. We’re here, we’re querulous, get used to it.
Some advice: your band needs MOAR B00BIES.
Your ad hominem attacks are just another form of reductio emptor sum. The fact is that a truly free libertarain paradise is entirely possible if we get rid of all the regulations and such. Fuck you if you think otherwise. Also, take back what you said about Santa not being reals. I mean, cease and desist forthwith et al.
John Revolta, cool link which I am just now exploring. You may need a new nym in this post-lurkerhood era.
Hi, JR!
Welcome to the puppy mill capital of the United States!
Oh dear, I feel a bit faint……………..I’ve just lost my lurkerhood for good & all!!
ONE OF US! ONE OF US! Do you know Mary Courtney, or any of the ladies of Morning Star? Mary’s pure class, and Margie has to be one of the most enchanting women I’ve ever met.
No doubt. I encounter dozens of them in the programming biz and the moar loudly Libertarian they are, the worse their skills (and, curiously, their smell.)
Hygiene is theft!
“Several hundred” cops have entered the Wisconsin State Capitol and arejoining with and supporting the protesters.
Oooooooo………..makes me feel kinda warm & squishy inside.
That’s great. It shows ever more starkly to the general population of Wisconsin what is going on. And this event is significant enough that there will be strong Wisconsin media coverage–interviews with union leaders, and guy-in-crowd (probably cops).
Also, it suggests the FOP has thrown the hat into the ring in a public way, moving beyond position statements to a more vigorous role.
Here’s what I hope happens: Walker and his Wrecking Crew wanted to destroy the unions as a model for other Wrecking Crews. If the Wisconsin Crew is defeated in the first assult, that also ripples: Other WC chapters will be less inclined, less confident, and surprise–or ‘momentum’ or whatever– will have evaporated.
So, instead of the decisive victory that topples dominoes nationwide, Wisconsin might have the opposite effect, strengthening understanding and support for unions in the general population; and, providing a resistance, mobilization, and coordination model.
Dunno. Haven’t been following Wisc closely–only headlines & skimming.
It’s like shooting fish in a barrel of duck cum.
Humor discombobulates them. It is the stuff of empathy, connection and community.
Ergo, completely foreign to them.
Spengler, you made of better stuff than I am. I wouldn’t either bother.
Heh to various.
Not “either.” Even.
Brane-fingah interface phail.
Exeunt stage left, pursued by a bear.
…yeah, D-KW, ’cause it’s a sovereign thing, about which I has my sovereign rights. Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est!
Also, I adore CDBaby.
Looch! How are you?
Exeunt stage left, pursued by a bear.
Running with a bear behind…
Shamelessly stolen from Benny Hill… gadzooks, I wish I were eight again.
My question is, should I have read what he wrote before I replied? I didn’t.
Oh GOD yes. Read it out loud to yourself, over and over, rolling the words around your tongue and savoring the disconcerting euphoria of high test crazy, and if it ever starts to make sense kill yourself.
Hey, T&U!
Good here. New yob, new house, settling into a routine not disrupted by crazy people. All I can say is that the crazy takes a time to wash out of your hair (even if you are sporting a thin complement of said folicular matter). Life slowly settling into to something that still somewhat disorienting, i.e., calm.
Whatever shall I do?
How you? The cankle healing?
Exeunt stage left, pursued by a bear.
I don’t have to outrun the bear. I just have to outrun you.
having lost most of the military to defections.
DK-W: That’s seems to be true. But the real backbone of Gaddafi’s force are the paramilitaries. See my longish comment in the previous thread, titled Libyan military. (@ 11:35)
(I would put in a direct link for you, but I don’t know how.)
Lack of cray cray is always good, Looch. Glad things are going well.
I’ve gotten my full range of motion back (at least as much as I can), and I’m working on building back muscle, which is going to take some time. The swelling hasn’t gone completely down and it’s still sore and achey a lot, but I’m walking! I may even be able to run soon. And I have badass scars.
I don’t have to outrun the bear. I just have to outrun you.
Unless there’s more than one bear.
This makes me so MAD!!!
Hah! I bet N_B is smarter than the average type bear.
Hah! I bet N_B is smarter than the average type bear.
He may know about structural engineering, but all of his attempts to purloin pic-a-nic baskets have been debacles.
Every single one of these cocksnot pussies does nothing but complain. Which is THE PRECISE FUCKING OPPOSITE of rugged individualism.
The Chorus joins that shout.
Fenwickians, how’s the blog project going? I expect a roll-out in a week, lad! Get Chris to join you, get an intergenerational international policy dialogue going!
re: NFZ
I understand that what remains of Codaphleigh’s forces are para-militaries and mercenary troops. My point still stands – WTF good would a no-fly-zone do now? The remaining action is in Tripoli. There’s no redeploymnent, there’s no mobilization issues. It might prevent an escape by key regime individuals, but then again it may not. Regardless, doesn’t seem like a particularly important step on the path of forging a New Libya.
Obviously any doctor that kills too many patients will soon be out of business.
I’m curious. Does anyone know what orthodox libertarian doctrine says about the FAA? Is it on the list of hated and despised but perhaps legitimate functions of government?
No liscensing of pilots? Any rugged individualist pilot hired by the airline could do it! Standards and inspection of aircraft design, construction, maintenance? Let the bold entrepreneurs find exciting and bold cost-cutting measures, and use the most cost-effective materials!
But my favorite would be to pin there fucking ears back on air traffic control. To return to Thread Bear’s observation: After enough planes fall out of the air and enough mass casualties, the poorly performing airlines or private ATC companies would go out of business. Makes sense to me!
B^4: 30 minutes to go. You’ll go home with Good Karma for filling in. I’ve enjoyed conversation during yer double-shift.
I’m curious. Does anyone know what orthodox libertarian doctrine says about the FAA? Is it on the list of hated and despised but perhaps legitimate functions of government?
Libertarians would prefer a system of high speed trains running on rails of high-tech supermetal.
Hey, we somehow ended up on-topic.
Weird, huh? This has been some fun roller-coaster thread.
B^4: I walked right into that one.
It’s like shooting fish in a barrel
And you surely shot-gunned the bastard. I’m still laughing.
Mercy! I had to go lie down and fan myself vigorously.*
Thank you all for your kind words. I’m only afraid that now I’ll be pissing away even
more time around here, if that’s even possible.
B^4, I don’t know Mary but I’ve seen them…….lovely stuff. I know Larry K. though……
send him my regards next time you run into him!
*Oh yes indeedy.
I’m still running 50/50 between Mad Max and Soylent Green for our immediate future – what say you?
“libertarian society.” Ain’t no such thing.
I am not convinced that ‘libertarian’ and ‘social’ are compatible.
John Revolta, cool link which I am just now exploring.
I double-down on that. My first real exposure to Celtic Rock was here on S,N. I’ve liked the samples I’ve heard, put up by multiple folks here. I only took a peek, but I will mos def amble through the site!
I went to HS in Lawrence; my sisters both live in KC–one on the west of State Line in KS; the other east of State Line in MO. One–a librarian–works at the Nelson-Atkins. KC is a nifty place. (Others: State Line is a street.)
Btw, I’m a fairly recent ex-lurker. If you change your nym, avoid my my mistake of running through so many in the last ten weeks. (I blame Sharia Law.) I’m still trying to stabilize it:
We are The Fenwickians for evermore.
Looks like the reason Anonymous shrugged at their recent baiting by WBC was that they found a more delectable lulzcow to milk.
Methinks certain Randian supermen are about to have a free tutorial in Serious Fucking Business 101.
I encounter dozens of them in the programming biz and the moar loudly Libertarian they are, the worse their skills
Xecky: Given so many self-ID’s colleagues, It sounds like an occupational hazard.
Fer instance, every dentist I’ve ever met (except one) has been hard-core Republican. One had fucking Ronald Reagan on the wall opposite the patient chair. Talk about inflicting your politics.
OTOH, it may have been an appopriate association…Reagan and pain.
The misuse of the term “ad hominem” is always a good giveaway, too.
I prefer “ad homonym”. Because I’m writerly.
the moar loudly Libertarian they are, the worse their skills
Much like “do your own thing” libs tend to own their fuckups & actually try to fix them, while “personal responsibility” cons tend to deny, run away or pass the buck.
Like I always say: when in doubt, ignore the mouth & watch the hands.
You will note the list of the angriest US cities: (B^4 @ 5:17)
(1) Detroit
(2) Baltimore
(58) NYC
We also crush NYC on the murder rate. (We’ve been contending with Detroit for years.)
City Hall will make a great backdrop for our Tahlil Square if we ever explode against the corporate overlords and the Wrecking Crew. (In the first place, we don’t elect them.)
BTW, Baltimore is a BIG union town. Remember when MLB owners wanted to use scab ‘replacement’ teams during the players strike? Peter Angelos–owner of the O’s– made much of his fortune representing unions. He stood against the other 29 owners and declared that Baltimore would forfeit the entire season rather than field a scab team. And when play resumed after the resolution of the strike, other teams suffered low attendence but Camden Yards was filled to capacity.
Much like “do your own thing” libs tend to own their fuckups & actually try to fix them, while “personal responsibility” cons tend to deny, run away or pass the buck.
“The buck stops here” – Harry S. Truman.
“Heckuva job, Brownie” – George W. Bush.
DK-W: I understand your point.
We disagree about the value of a NFZ. I sketched three reasons in the previous thread; a fourth concerns the larger international landscape and re-establishing Western credibility with The Street. I also disagree somewhat with your reading of the current situation on the ground.
The UN actions today–esp. the referral to the ICC–may be far more significant in bringing Gaddafi down, even though they stopped short of a NFZ. I believe Gaddafi when he says he will die in Libya; he is in full dead-ender, Fuhrer-in-the-bunker mode. That last-bullet stuff wasn’t just rhetoric, IMO. The ICC referral makes it more likely that the hard-core loyalists will arrest or assassinate him.
I’m sure we agree on this: The bloodshed and massacres need to stop; and the Libyan people must be the architects of their new country. Shall we leave it there?
I’m curious. Does anyone know what orthodox libertarian doctrine says about the FAA? Is it on the list of hated and despised but perhaps legitimate functions of government?
The FAA is competely unnecessary. Real rugged individualistd drive their Hummers whenever they travel.
Get rid of licensing? But then my degree from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College would be worthless! People would just go to Moe “that’s right; I’m a surgeon” Szyslak.
Longer John Hinderaker over at Powerline
Pumping vast amounts of money into ultra-reactionary causes is just part of their desperate search for companionship.
Why can’t they just use like all the other ultra-reactionaries?
We do disagree about NFZ and air power. I read your three points – I think they are all moot. Caveat, I know just about nothing regarding North Africa.
1. Strafing civilians. This is indeed a horrible thing – but with Ghoul-dolphees influence limited to the capital, his ability to use his planes his limited. Who’s going to pick targets for the planes? How is that info going to get to the pilots? The logisitics and infrastructure demands to be able to run sorties is considerable. Remember too that the fighting is taking place inside of Tripoli. MiG’s are pretty fearsome, but not particularly well suited to urban environments. I figure if he’s still flying planes, that’s a lot fewer mercenaries roaming the streets with automatic weapons.
2. Evacuation and relief flights. Evac has been going on for days. China flew several thousand out on Friday. The only air space that’s in question is that within striking range of Mitiga Int’l Airport. This adds a step (and admittedly, a fairly significant one) in making people go overland or by boat to another port if they want to leave the country – but it’s not like there’s no flow into or out of Libya right now.
3. There are no deployment issues. He’s holed up in the Capital. I suppose that he could transfer some high priority folks from one stronghold to another via helicopter, but I don’t know if a NFZ would have prevented this.
Here’s my reasons against a no-fly zone:
1. I’m reflexively against military action.
2. Setting this up – getting enough power down into the area to enforce it, non-trivial. I think the window for it to be useful has passed. If the UN added a no-fly zone to yesterday’s resolution – how long would it take before it could practically go into effect?
3. Also, means that in the coming weeks as the mess gets sorted out (and new messes start-up elsewhere in the region) there’ll be this big block of foreign power sitting in the neighbourhood.
4. Speaking of foreign power – the Libyans have already almost won this thing on their own. They didn’t need no stinking Western air superiority fighters to do it – and they don’t need them now. Enforcing a no-fly zone this late into the game is like that end scene in Dragonslayer when the king stabs the carcass of the beast.
5. I am reflexively against military action.
6. This whole thing was powered by a popular movement of Libyans in Libya. They could easily avoid accusations of being puppets for the West simply by not being associated with the West at all. I think that the best that the West can do for Libya right now is to stay out of their affairs while they sort things out.
7. Here’s the key part – in the coming weeks, Libya will recreate herself. My strong feeling is that this is something for the Libyans to decide for themselves and external influences should stay the fuck away. Look at the current crop of Constitutional amendments being discussed in Egypt. Sure the US already has a strong and prominent position in Egypt, but it is only through hardware acquired by military aid. There’s no direct influence on what the pro-Democracy forces are affecting in their coming system of government, and a lot of those changes look pretty good.
8. I am reflexively against military action.
9. Something about someone’s mom.
Did I mention that I am reflexively against military action? Because I am.
UPDATE: Dan Blatt of Gay Patriot adds what I think is also a valid point: the Left’s war on the Koch brothers reflects liberals’ inability to understand conservatives, and what motivates them.
Ah yes: “you don’t understand us, you have no IDEA who you’re dealing with!” is an oft-recurring theme in conservative writing.
You got me. I admit it: I don’t understand you. I defy any logically reasoning human being to tell me that they “understand” what it is that makes people believe that their President was born in Kenya; that HCR includes death panels; that the same health care system operated by every other industrialized democracy somehow equals “communism” and “poverty;” that taxes have gone up since Obama’s election; that a president who had three chances to nationalize a vital part of the economy (cars, banks, health care) and declined to do so is a “socialist;” that a soaring national deficit was something to ignore during twelve years of Reagan/Bush and eight years of Bush but suddenly matters when a black liberal made it to the White House; that underpaid public teachers are “elites” and people making over $250,000 a year are working-class; and that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destructions and ties to al-Qaeda.
No, I don’t understand you, any more than I understand the people who used to believe that the Jews control society. But as with these people, I don’t really need to.
Welcome to the puppy mill capital of the United States!
Nother True Story (shamblingly sure BBBB will ding me for this one too):
Lucy, The Orange, Leaky-ass Dog came as a rescue from one of those mills.
Want her back?
a black liberal
as a liberal zombie, I object to this characterization of Obama.