
Shorter G. Murphy Donovan, American “Thinker”:
Risky Business: Lara Logan and CBS

  • Lara Logan was attacked by the mob in Egypt because she was a slut, so she should have known better than to go to Tahrir Square in the first place. Of course, I’m okay with her being a slut because I think she’s a hottie, but still it was all pretty much her own fault. Maybe CBS’s too, because they also knew she was a slut and still sent her there. One more thing: Anderson Cooper was attacked in Tahrir Square because he’s as purty as a girl.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 716


Linky no worky.


The link doesn’t work, but that’s probably for the best. Much like Mr. Donovan probably thinks I don’t exist, I’d like to think no one that stupid is alive.


José Ferrer: You’re very pretty, reporter. Such white skin.

Anderson of Arabia: Let go of my microphone.


PEW and other polling agencies, that survey Egyptian and Arab attitudes, also document wide-spread support for terror, religious law, anti-Semitism, and political Islamism.

Not surprisingly, the word “terrorism” (let alone “support for”) does not appear in that PEW poll. But, I’m sure that’s central to Donovan’s point.


Reposting this “marriage of sexism and islamophobia” thing from the last thread, cause this seems like a more appropriate location for it.


wide-spread support for terror

When I fill out the warranty card and it says “What are you using this product for?” I always tick the “Terror” box.


The country of Africa is in serious turmoil.


Next on American “Thinker” – blame Jews for the Holocaust.


Well, it’s not really the Egyptians fault. They don’t have the innate, genetic subconscious that is needed to participate in democracy like the nearly-25% of Americans do.

All Egyptians have are Grabby Hands.


Holy fuck, the shorter is accurate. Some tasty, tasty (ok, shitty) mangoes:

Presumably, CBS executives, and possibly Ms. Logan herself, bought into this false narrative and wanted to be in Tahrir Square for the victory lap. Al Jazeera was the worst of the “revolutionary” shills, seldom broadcasting any footage that would challenge the anti-Mubarak narrative.

The drumbeat from most reporters, following al Jazeera’s lead, was to portray the demonstrators as peaceful, diverse, ecumenical, and enlightened

Make sure you understand: Al Jazeera is now part of the Liberal Mainstream Media. Presumably that’s while they’re not advocating Anti-Americanism or promoting Sharia Law. ‘Scuse me while I clean up the mess from my head exploding.

…OK, back. Glue’s still setting but my cranial cavity is mostly back together.


Surely, all of this is well enough for CBS ratings, but to send such a high profile, risky icon into a conservative, religiously intolerant, and misogynistic Arab hothouse approaches some unfathomed level of cultural ignorance and stupidity.

…because the people in Tarhir Square all follow CBS News and especially the personal lives of the correspondents.

Pressure’s building but the glue is still holding.

Apologists regularly defend genital mutilations in Egypt as “cultural” practices, as if that matters to young girls butchered to suppress their sexual pleasure.

Wait, aren’t these the people who think a woman’s sexual pleasure is a sin? That wimminz are to be baby factories and nothing more (outside the kitchen)?

There’s a dangerous bulge forming near the occipital bone.

Lara Logan wasn’t assaulted because she was a vulnerable, attractive woman caught in a city of fanny pinchers. She was attacked for the same reasons that Daniel Pearl was beheaded. She was a journalist (aka spy), an American, and thought to be a Jew.

So…Logan wasn’t assaulted because she’s a dirty hoor after all?

*head explodes*. Again.


Not surprisingly, the word “terrorism” (let alone “support for”) does not appear in that PEW poll. But, I’m sure that’s central to Donovan’s point.

He’s basing it on the slim majority support for Hamas and Hezbollah in a few countries. Frankly, that’s easily explained: Israel regularly fucks over thousands of Arabs in both countries, and Hamas and Hezbollah are the only ones fighting it. They also run welfare organizations and the like in ways that are seen as much more efficient than how the corrupt governments run it (think of the way Mafia families operated in immigrant-rich American cities a hundred years ago).

It’s also worth noticing that people who support suicide bombings are consistently a minority: the highest number is among Lebanese Shi’a, with 46% saying it’s “often” or “sometimes” justified, and 54% saying “rarely” or “never.” That’s as close to using the word “terrorism” as the poll goes, and the results do not confirm Thinker’s thoughtless thoughts.

As usual, the conservative line has shit all over it. Fucking reporter’s obligation to tell the truth, how does it work?


The focus of this screed seems to be more about making Egyptians into raping savages and infantalizing Lara Logan than anything else. It’s all done in a VERY SERIOUS, non-hysterical tone, though.


Lara Logan wasn’t assaulted because she was a vulnerable, attractive woman caught in a city of fanny pinchers. She was attacked for the same reasons that Daniel Pearl was beheaded. She was a journalist (aka spy), an American, and thought to be a Jew.

Irish South Africans are the jews of something something fascism.


Lara Logan wasn’t assaulted because she was a vulnerable, attractive woman caught in a city of fanny pinchers. She was attacked for the same reasons that Daniel Pearl was beheaded. She was a journalist (aka spy), an American, and thought to be a Jew.

Logan was assaulted because even peaceful Muslims want to behead you.


Also…isn’t it WEIRD how so many wingnuts turn rabidly feminist when discussing Islam?


Apologists regularly defend genital mutilations in Egypt as “cultural” practices, as if that matters to young girls butchered to suppress their sexual pleasure.

When will islamohomosatanist liberals stop their slavish kowtowing to Clitoridectomy-PAC?


Also…isn’t it WEIRD how so many wingnuts turn rabidly feminist when discussing Islam?

It’s their version of a gotcha question. Do you think women have rights? Well then you should help us wipe out the billion and a half Muslims out there, QED! And then vote for us forever, please.


And his line about the silence from feminists being “deafening” is ironic given that, once again, American feminists were virtually the only group that cared to criticize the Taliban in public during the 1990s (enough to sink one of Clinton’s oil pipeline deals). But sure, we were always at war with Eastasia. Or something.


That’s as close to using the word “terrorism” as the poll goes, and the results do not confirm Thinker’s thoughtless thoughts.

Ahh, that makes more sense. But still, according to this chart from that PEW poll, Egyptians don’t seem to worried about Islamic extremism. So, I’m still confused as to how Donovan claims they support extremism if they aren’t even concerned about it… May be because THEY ARE ALL EXTREMISTS!!11! *shits self*


Do you think women have rights?

Besides the right to clean up after me? Hmm..


So … what we’ve learned is:

1. CBS is unaware that all Muslims are filthy, rape-hungry savages;

b. Had they known this, they never would have sent some slutty liberal whore in the middle of these savages; but

iii. It was the whore’s fault anyway since she is a whore, which everyone in the world knows already.

Fantastic analysis! My guess is that this dude will have his own show on CNN in 5 … 4 … 3 …


Even shorter American Shithead:

These are filthy, retrogade, Mooslem cultures. We should not support secular change over there.”

Slight aside. The one and only arguably very slightly non-evil justification for the Iraq War was that we could remove Saddam and Create Democracy. But obviously when teh brown people take matters into their own hands, and shock-and-awe a former BFF of ours, that’s not acceptable. And any collateral damage, so to speak, or Abu Ghraib-type misadventure, is totally a confirmation of their inherent savageness and such.


But CBS is part of the LIBURAL media! And all liburals want maximum mandatory abortions. So obviously they knew that all Muslims are filthy, rape-hungry savages and sent the slutty liberal whore into the middle of these savages on purpose. How else are we going to provide the grist for the greedy abortion mills?


slutty liberal whore

Interest. Website. Newslet.. oh, nevermind… the internet is littered with those.


Staying in the boat lalalalalalalalalala!

Say, do we have gin on this fucking thing?


And his line about the silence from feminists being “deafening” is ironic given that, once again, American feminists were virtually the only group that cared to criticize the Taliban in public during the 1990s

Yeah, that makes me want to punch things. All of the sudden conservatives give a shit about the rights of Afghani women because they want to kill them.


Also…isn’t it WEIRD how so many wingnuts turn rabidly feminist when discussing Islam?

They also turn rapidly pro-ghey. As in, “Look how teh ghey gets persecuted in Iraniabia, why won’t teh murkan ghey see that they lucky there’s no shania law in the Constitution? When will teh sinners learn to appreciate the closet we want them to live in?”


Say, do we have gin on this fucking thing?

How do you think they got Logan to Egypt?


They also turn rapidly pro-ghey. As in, “Look how teh ghey gets persecuted in Iraniabia, why won’t teh murkan ghey see that they lucky there’s no shania law in the Constitution? When will teh sinners learn to appreciate the closet we want them to live in?”

I always laugh when they bring up Shania Law…cuz frankly I can’t figure out what their issue is with it.


T&U: Staying in the boat lalalalalalalalalala!

Say, do we have gin on this fucking thing?

No, but Ann Althouse will gladly take nine minutes out of her busy, busy life to personally deliver a box of rose’ to you if you have any dirt on the sailors’ union.


It’s their version of a gotcha question. Do you think women have rights? Well then you should help us wipe out the billion and a half Muslims out there, QED! And then vote for us forever, please.

Oh goodness. You’d think if they were so concerned about women, they’d worry about their fellow countrywomen first. No wait. Women have it perfect here. NO NEED FOR FEMINISM ANYMOAR.


Yeah, that makes me want to punch things. All of the sudden conservatives give a shit about the rights of Afghani women because they want to kill them.

Took them even longer to start giving a shit about Saddam’s victims, too.


Such hazards are something of a tradition at CBS.

If that were true, it would mean that they were reporting important international news on location. I haven’t seen much of that from them; rather that would be more along the line of the BBC’s way of doing things.


The extent of concern for women’s rights and the general concern for human rights is inversely proportional to the distance between the scribbler and the subjects of his scribble.


I… I got nothing. It’s too awful.


Posted in the wrong thread, maybe for the better:

When I was in Egypt I met a couple. The woman was blonde and luminously beautiful. They’d play a little game in which the woman would walk a few paces ahead and the man would carry a rolled up newspaper and whack the gropers as they made their way around the streets.

If I was Lara Logan’s superior and I knew something about Egypt I would have tried to forbid her to go to that place at that time or at least cover up.


The woman was blonde and luminously beautiful.

Strict radium diet?

If I was Lara Logan’s superior and I knew something about Egypt I would have tried to forbid her to go to that place at that time or at least cover up.

Uh…maybe suggesting she think about how she wanted to deal with the issue? Non-blond, non-radioactive, but hot Mrs. __B was in Cairo a few years ago for a conference and handled herself okay.


Sorry Tintin, G.Murphy beat you to the shorter.

In short, you might say, as they did back in the day, she had a reputation.


Non-blond, non-radioactive, but hot Mrs. __B was in Cairo a few years ago for a conference and handled herself okay.

Awesome for her, but blondness is a pretty obvious marker of the outsider. I certainly hold nothing against Lara Logan for being courageous enough to try to do the job that should have been done.


I certainly hold nothing against Lara Logan for being courageous enough to try to do the job that should have been done.

I meant that it’s got to be Logan’s decision not CBS’s.


If I could weigh in here… being blond is something of an attention-getter even here in the States. When I was a toddler and small child, I lived for a short time in both Turkey and Mexico. People would try to touch my hair because they simply found it…I dunno…alien, fascinating, whatever.

But, Lara Logan is adult. If she wants to take chances, that’s her call. Frankly, I admire her.


a conservative, religiously intolerant, and misogynistic Arab hothouse….

Arabs are running the Republican Party?


I meant that it’s got to be Logan’s decision not CBS’s.

I don’t know what the supervisory particulars are, but obviously Logan’s decision is the last in the chain that counts, proving that she is far and away more courageous than, say, me.


a conservative, religiously intolerant, and misogynistic Arab hothouse….

Arabs are running the Republican Party?

I know, right?


Anderson of Arabia: Let go of my microphone.

Is that what the kids are calling it?


Do you think women have rights? Well then you should help us wipe out the billion and a half Muslims out there, QED!

Coming from folks who are now actively out-Sharia-ing the mullahs themselves right at home in America (because Sharia is just so cold DFH {yo} that it grants abortion-absolutions for rape or incest) renders this argument in need of a big STFU chaser to wash it down.

Banjostan indeed.


Arabs are running the Republican Party?



being blond is something of an attention-getter even here in the States

So is wearing those slutty reporters vests.


a conservative, religiously intolerant, and misogynistic Arab hot House of Representatives….

Fixed to match the 2010 choice of clinically retarded fuckstains American voters.


I don’t know what the supervisory particulars are, but obviously Logan’s decision is the last in the chain that counts, proving that she is far and away more courageous than, say, me.

Based on where we’ve seen reporters in wartime, I’d guess that it’s left to their discretion.


I can’t help liking George Soros.

ZAKARIA: Do — do you think that there is some — I’m struck by the fact that when I first met you, you were always accused of being this ultra capitalist. You were the speculator, you were the person who, you know, understood markets better than anyone.

And now, you’re painted as this kind of left wing iconic figure. It’s been quite a journey.

SOROS: Well, you just had the experience of speaking through the — to the puppet master and the extreme left wing manipulator, and you and the audience can make their own decisions.


Post-mortem commentary

G.Murphy Obfuscate speaks for the dead.


So is wearing those slutty reporters vests.

Well, sure. But I could never look as dreamy as Anderson Cooper.


It appears that there was a race to see who could get closest to the story. Dangerous work, if you can find it.


I wonder (not really) what the Amurican Tnunker’s tone would be if if Newt Gingrich were attacked and raped in a DC hotel room. After all, he’s an adulterer with more than one marriage to his name.


Libya is next (now)!

“An analyst for London-based consultancy Control Risks said the use of military aircraft on his own people indicated the end was approaching for Muammar Gaddafi.”

“These really seem to be last, desperate acts. If you’re bombing your own capital, it’s really hard to see how you can survive,” said Julien Barnes-Dacey, Control Risks’ Middle East analyst.

“But I think Gaddafi is going to put up a fight. I think the rumours of him fleeing to Venezuela are going to prove wide of the mark. In Libya more than any other country in the region, there is the prospect of serious violence and outright conflict.”


When I was in Egypt I met a couple. The woman was blonde and luminously beautiful. They’d play a little game in which the woman would walk a few paces ahead and the man would carry a rolled up newspaper and whack the gropers as they made their way around the streets.

So you’re saying your friend is a slut?


FOX News Channel’s veteran foreign correspondent Greg Palkot and his camerman Olaf Wiig have suffered severe injuries in Cairo while covering the unrest in the Egypt capital.

Sluts. Dirty, dirty sluts, the both of them.

Otherwise they wouldn’t have been beaten up, amirite?


It’s Egypt. It’s not Saudi Arabia or even Iran.

Of course, gang rapes in public places never happen here.

(I am so getting fired for Googling “gang rape.” There are other cases, but I can’t really look any further).


I really do wish everyone would drop the Lara Logan story.

While a tragedy, and certainly worthy of some comment, there’s a revolution going on in a half dozen countries that should really be getting that airtime instead.


“I wonder (not really) what the Amurican Tnunker’s tone would be if if Newt Gingrich were attacked and raped in a DC hotel room. After all, he’s an adulterer with more than one marriage to his name.”

They would blame it on SEIU union thugs or the Gay Muslim Alliance.


While a tragedy, and certainly worthy of some comment, there’s a revolution going on in a half dozen countries that should really be getting that airtime instead.

What’s the funniest revolution?


This is not to shoot the wounded or to suggest that the victim is to be blamed.

Sorry, you can put as many candles and sparklers you want on this misgonitic turd you call journalism, but it still remains a turd that was written to blame the victim, no matter how much you deny it.


While a tragedy, and certainly worthy of some comment, there’s a revolution going on in a half dozen countries that should really be getting that airtime instead.

I think women being the target of sexual assault is always an important story. I think most people can pay attention to several things at the same time.


“FOX News Channel’s veteran foreign correspondent Greg Palkot and his camerman Olaf Wiig have suffered severe injuries in Cairo while covering the unrest in the Egypt capital.”

So they were into that spanking / S&M shit I see. Why doesn’t that surprise me.


While a tragedy, and certainly worthy of some comment, there’s a revolution going on in a half dozen countries that should really be getting that airtime instead.

I agree to some extent, but the sexual assault of female reporters is actually a pretty widespread problem. It’s just been swept under the rug because women don’t want to be taken off assignments or viewed as weaker because of it. Hopefully, it will bring some attention to this issue.


Oh, and by the way, if you Google “gang rape,” it’s fucking horrifying. I mean, beyond the pr0n. I just picked up a couple that were in public…a lot of them tend to involve young men and very young girls or women with mental/physical handicaps. It’s sickening.


Oh, and by the way, if you Google “gang rape,”

No thank you. Only thing I’m gonna Google on this gloomy day are pictures of kittens and merciless mockery of wingnuts.


VS, it’s nasty here, too. And my hair is frizzy.


The drumbeat from most reporters, following al Jazeera’s lead

Anyone who thinks a drumbeat will follow someone else’s lead has never been subjected to a 15-minute percussion solo.


While a tragedy, and certainly worthy of some comment, there’s a revolution going on in a half dozen countries that should really be getting that airtime instead.

Some cooment? How about some action? Sexual assault is severly under reported.
Why isn’t American Thinker commenting about the former and active women in the U.S. military who’ve felt it necessary to sue not only the armed forces but also Donald Rumsfeld and Robert Gates to get justice for being sexually assaulted?


There has always been something to push violence against women on to the back burner. That is probably why after centuries it still a huge problem.


My hair has no chance to be frizzy ‘cuz I just have it all piled up on top of my head in a rubberband ‘cuz I never got around to “doing it” after I washed it. Glamour!


Something that’s far more depressing to me than the predictable hate-spew from fascist blogs: I have a lefty-libertarianish acquaintance who recently said that he flat-out refuses to believe Lara Logan was raped, because such an event could be used to further right-wing narratives. The logic seems to be: 1. “remember the Maine” was bullshit; 2. therefore ships cannot explode.


Why isn’t American Thinker commenting about the former and active women in the U.S. military who’ve felt it necessary to sue not only the armed forces but also Donald Rumsfeld and Robert Gates to get justice for being sexually assaulted?

Because as I explained upthread, women have nothing to complain about here. Only women in predominantly Muslim countries are oppressed.


Apologists regularly defend genital mutilations in Egypt as “cultural” practices

Citation needed.

FWIW, the islamic authorities in Egypt are at the forefront of the movement to eliminate FGM there.


“What’s the funniest revolution?”

This maybe.

The Penis Gym community makes it easy to get personal advice, ask questions, stay motivated with like-minded men, start your own PE blog, and much more.
Penis Devices Forum Clamping, hanging, pumping, using an extender, and other penis devices.

Hanging Revolution
“I am recently finding that hanging with my captain’s wrench, that there is always pressure built up at the head, when hanging at around 6kg. I usually find that I have to release the clamp to release the tension then re-clamp. Basically do any of you fellow hangers have a solution to this problem? Cheers”


Because as I explained upthread, women have nothing to complain about here.

I tip my hat to you. Still needs lots of repeating tho.


My hair has no chance to be frizzy ‘cuz I just have it all piled up on top of my head in a rubberband ‘cuz I never got around to “doing it” after I washed it. Glamour!

Dude, the fact that I’m not wearing it in a bun or a ponytail is a minor miracle. I bought a wet to dry flat iron and flat ironed it when I got out of the shower last night. I’ve decided I have to do as many things as I possibly can at night because I am not a morning person and most days I wander into work looking like a zombie with dirty hair who got dressed in the dark. Sort of like a hipster, come to think of it.

I’ll be glad to talk about my hair more. It’s a much more pleasant topic.


FWIW, the islamic authorities in Egypt are at the forefront of the movement to eliminate FGM there.

Yup. The attempt to use this to paint Egypt as some sort of oppressive Islamic republic is racist, obscene, and disrespectful to women who have been victims of brutal rape in “civilized” countries.


Hanging Revolution
“I am recently finding that hanging with my captain’s wrench, that there is always pressure built up at the head, when hanging at around 6kg

WHY? Omg, WHY?


Apologists regularly defend genital mutilations in Egypt as “cultural” practices

Citation needed.

Amen. This Thunker should be cited for his lack of.

Marion in Savannah

@ Whale Chowder said,
February 21, 2011 at 21:18

Well, if they hadn’t learned those pro-Mabarak slogans in Arabic and hadn’t been chanting so loud…


just have it all piled up on top of my head in a rubberband ‘cuz I never got around to “doing it” after I washed it. Glamour!

Does the rubberband go under your chin then over the top of your head?



February 21, 2011 at 19:26

works now.

Yeah, right.


IIRC the Murbarak government banned FGM but the ban was not enforced because the practice was not threatening Murbarak’s income or power and no-one saw any reason to pick a fight.
Perhaps a new regime will be more active… though US rightwingers will wet themselves if the most vocally anti-FGM groups are allowed to take part in a new government, those groups being the islamic authorities.


What’s the funniest revolution?

Number nine.


Number nine.

Not when you play it backwards.


Paul is dead.


I prefer dark.


Obladi Oblada


I prefer dark.

You like to drum in the dark? Twice?


You like to drum in the dark? Twice?

You kids and your slang.




You like to drum in the dark?

You kids these days.

Lawn. Uphill. etc.


Poop on you Substance!


Sorry Substance, age has…..I forgot.

I owe N_B a darn it.


Who is this Albert J. Zeera everyones talking about?


Here we go again.

Playing with.. by myself.


February 21, 2011 at 19:26

“works now.”

The link was prolly on its union mandated coffee break earlier. Fuckin’ union badgers. When do they work.


| | | () | () | () | | ||
| (_| -()- -()- -()- -()- | -()- -()- -()- -()- ||


I leave for a half hour and the I.Q of this thread drops fifty points. I am sure it was just a coincidence right?


Does anyone know Morse code?




Look, it’s not my fault the drugs make me stupid, okay?


I am sure it was just a coincidence right?

Not my fault. I’ve only been here about half an hour.


Didn’t Unicode that one. My bad.


If I take off my sunglasses is that David Morse code?


Iiii aaaammm nnnooottt pppooosssttinnnngg ttooo qqqquuuuiiccckkkllly.


246 1/2


If Snort fell in the forest would anyone hear him?


How’s it going?


Good! Yourself?


Can’t complain.


fucking union pelicans


I know, nobody would listen anyway.


Dammit badger now I have to act sort of sane.


Libya fall down, go boom.





Seriously? This guy went to the “she had it coming to her” route? Did he want her to wear a burqa?


Actor!!!! Ware ya bin?


Did he want her to wear a burqa?

Jeez, a burqa is kind of extreme, don’tcha think? No, he just thought it was all her fault for being out of the fucking kitchen in the first place! If she were at home and pregnant like she’s a-sposed ta be none o this woulda happened.


No, he just thought it was all her fault for being out of the fucking kitchen having a vagina in the first place!

Fixed that thar sentence for ya.


I choose to believe that what he is saying is that If Logan had only dressed as Coulter, the prosthetic Adam’s apple would have scared them off.


Nice to see you back actor.


15 minutes ago, State Dept releases bold statement from Sec Clinton deploring the ‘unacceptable bloodshed’ in Libya.’

Whenever it is published, I’m eager to read State’s highly-nuanced White Paper on Acceptable Bloodshed.


Nice to see you back actor.

Second that, bro.




Louise Brooks?


Spengler speaketh with sporked tongue!


I will give everyone here all of my Soros bucks if they refrain from making tranny jokes, especially about Ann Coulter.

(gocart, I’m not trying to single you out or make you feel bad. They just really get under my skin and I’ve promised myself I’d call them out if I see them. Soros buck?)


Ann is so hot.


I will give everyone here all of my Soros bucks if they refrain from making tranny jokes

I await the next Amy Alkon post.


Ann is so hot.

Well, we don’t have to go *that* far.

I await the next Amy Alkon post.

Soros bucks for ALLL!!!


I admit it: I’m guilty of making jokes about Ann. It’s not that I even necessarily find her ugly. But I do genuinely think she looks like a man. I’m not sure there’s a nice way to say that. But I’ve gotten in trouble for making tranny jokes before, and I’ve tried to lay off them since.


“It’s the eyes that draw you in.”

Gah! Eye-goatse.


Any poster with a link to anything Coulter will never receive another penny from me.


What are those two white dots on her pupils?


Tunisia and Egypt were represented as “peaceful and democratic,” never mind that neither country had any experience with democracy since the Roman republic.

This dumbfuck actually thinks Rome brought Democracy to Carthage.

“Carthago delenda est”


It’s the eyes that draw you in.

…for definitions of “draw you in” that include “repellant”


I really do wish everyone would drop the Lara Logan story.

While a tragedy, and certainly worthy of some comment, there’s a revolution going on in a half dozen countries that should really be getting that airtime instead.

Second that, too.


I like trains!


Nice to see your back actor.

Fixed for more entendre.


“I really do wish everyone would drop the Lara Logan story.”


If she wants to talk about it when she feels up to it fine we’ll discuss it then but otherwise QUADDAFI MUST GO! WOOT!


Third Punic war in 146 BC:

“The Romans pulled the Phoenician warships out into the harbor and burned them before the city, and went from house to house, capturing, raping and enslaving the people. Fifty thousand Carthaginians were sold into slavery.[13] The city was set ablaze, and razed to the ground, leaving only ruins and rubble.”

The beginning of Democracy.


You may consider the Vietnam War an experience with democracy too.


Note: I didn’t misspell the Libyan colonel’s name because apparently the rule is, “Spell it any damn well you like.” Also, he is the fucking dictator for chrissakes, why doesn’t he just make himself a goddamn 4 star general already.


well = way


Uhhh…Phoenix doesn’t have a harbor. Sky Harbor airport?


Has anyone else noticed that Kadaffi has no Adam’s apple and womanly hands. Makes you wonder doesn’t it?

[Sorry for the trans joke T&U]


I didn’t misspell the Libyan colonel’s name because apparently the rule is, “Spell it any damn well you like.”

You spell it like this: معمر القذافي‎?



The birth of shock and awe. No wonder G. dumbfuck McShithead thought it was democracy

“The Romans pulled the Phoenician warships out into the harbor and burned them before the city, and went from house to house, capturing, raping and enslaving the people. Fifty thousand Carthaginians were sold into slavery.[13] The city was set ablaze, and razed to the ground, leaving only ruins and rubble


Ooh, is that a non-rendering character?

معمر القذافي‎


If I take off my sunglasses is that David Morse code?

If I vote against the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, is that Wayne Morse code?


I really don’t want to have to deal with any Scipio Africanus tranny jokes.


Apparently, people’s experiences vary quite a bit.


Tunisia and Egypt were represented as “peaceful and democratic,” never mind that neither country had any experience with democracy since the Roman republic.

The half-century of elections in Tunisia since independence don’t count as “experience with democracy” because SHUT UP THAT’S WHY.


Cannae get a break from the Carthege jokes?


Dilemma: I’ve got a choice to make tomorrow…

(1) Go to Annapolis and rally in front of the state house in support of the Wisconsin unions.

(2) Go to Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped and put in my regular volunteer hours.

Incompatible times; it is an either-or-choice. Thoughts?


is that Wayne Morse code?

If you tap-dance out a message with your wooden clogs, it’s Morris code.


Substance, I am talking about the American alphabet like the one Jesus used.

Where can I get one of those keyboards with all the Muslimy charactors by the way?


No more Morris dancing jokes, plz.


Where can I get one of those keyboards with all the Muslimy charactors by the way?



No more Morris dancing jokes, plz.

As I remember, Morris mostly sat around and judged catfood.


Wait, T&U, are you gender-crossed? Whence this sensitivity? Curious, but not interested in newsletter. I guess it could be mere ordinary human decency, but I don’t know how to recognize that.

If so, I don’t think Ann Coulter looks like a man. She looks like Martha Stewart’s cock.


(2) Go to Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped and put in my regular volunteer hours.

Just have the gimps lie to the blind people and say you’re present, but lost your voice.


??. ? What? I don’t speak French.


WP has both a penis and a vagina so it should go fuck itself.

[Sorry about the tranny joke T&U]


I don’t mean anything with the “sorry about the tranny jokes” T&U. In my mind, dick jokes about Coulter (or Alkin or WP) are insults to those who deserve it and not anyone in the trans-gender community whom I respect. I disrespect assholes and I guess I “go there” only because I think it would piss them off a lot. I am not so sure about WP who seems to discriminate against everyone equally so at least it has that going for it.


You see man made the cars
To take us over the road
Man made the train
To carry the heavy load

Man made the electric light
To take us out of the dark
Man made the boat for the water
Like Noah made the ark

This is a man’s, man’s, man’s world
But it wouldn’t be nothing, nothing
Without a man dressed up as a woman or a girl


Where can I get one of those keyboards with all the Muslimy charactors by the way?

Rick Blaine’s Casablanca Office Supplies still has some in stock.


“As I remember, Morris mostly sat around and judged catfood.”

You say that like there’s something wrong with it.


You say that like there’s something wrong with it.

It ain’t dancing.


If you tap-dance out a message with your wooden clogs, it’s Morris code.

So does that mean that The Smiths’ obscure lyrics is Morrissey code?


Apologists regularly defend genital mutilations in Egypt as “cultural” practices, as if that matters to young girls butchered to suppress their sexual pleasure.

Wow that is weapons grade strawman there. I dont think ANYONE in the US, left or right, said genital mutilations is ok, ever


I was looking for recipes for toasting marshmallows but they were all in Smors code.


Omg, look how young John Cleese is.

Also, angus is one of the names i like for boys…but our dog is alreadY named that. 🙁


Spirits rap on mediums’ tables in morts code.


When I feel bad about something but I’m not ready to apologize yet, I speak in remorse code.



Pawing the ground with your foreleg is, of course, horse code.


Witches speak in warts code.


I sense a great disturbance in the force code.


Beer makers speak in wort code.


I gotta get a typewriter that’s sexier.


Talkin bad about your ex? Divorce code.


Texting from the thicket? Gorse code.


Turning stuff into funny gibberish? Morse Node.

(that one was for Sub!)


I gotta get a typewriter that’s sexier.
Happy to help.


Talk about a tranny!


Apologists regularly defend genital mutilations in Egypt as “cultural” practices, as if that matters to young girls butchered to suppress their sexual pleasure.

Wow that is weapons grade strawman there. I dont think ANYONE in the US, left or right, said genital mutilations is ok, ever

Misdirection, really. Certain people claim FGM is an Islamic deal. People who know something stand up & say, no, it;’s not Islamic, it’s from local cultures, & probably pre-dates Islam. To the scaredy-cats, this is an apology, & a defense because multi-culturalism, that’s why.

To those who would like to stop FGM, rather than those who’d like to have it available for use against Islam, it’s simply identifying the real origins. Which can help if you’re trying to stop barbaric practices.


I do not rate for Ann Coulter is a tranny jokes. I prefer to make fun of her for being 1/2 of Nelson back in the 90s or whenever that was over talking about her having a hairy nutsack.


“I prefer to make fun of her for being 1/2 of Nelson”

She is so not like a head lock.


To those who would like to stop FGM, rather than those who’d like to have it available for use against Islam, it’s simply identifying the real origins. Which can help if you’re trying to stop barbaric practices.

Well there’s yer problem. These people don’t fucking care about FGM except as it serves as a stick to beat up on Islam with. Understand? What’s to fucking understand? These assholes have shown over and over that facts and truth and shit like that just get in the way of the narrative.


Sorry, but no way is Ann as purty as the nelson twins.


Sorry, but no way is Ann as purty as the Nelson twins.

Taller though. Gunnar used to patronize the adult video rental dump where I worked for a while.


Wow. Gay or straight pr0n?


To the scaredy-cats, this is an apology, & a defense because multi-culturalism, that’s why.

I don’t credit them with that much subtlety. They’re against “Islam” and everything they think might be connected. Anyone who disagrees with any particular of anything they believe, even unrelated stuff like taxation, must be the Enemy and hold all completely opposite views. Therefore, liberals must support everything any Muslim does.


Ya know, this whole convo reminds me of one of my very first posts here. It was actually shortly after I’d been chewed out for making a tranny joke at DK. I came here and made some dumb crack about getting my “vajayjay whacked,” someone asked for WIN, I chuckled, and the rest–as they say–is history.


When I feel bad about something but I’m not ready to apologize yet, I speak in remorse code.



I guess that should be wacked not whacked. Should it?


I don’t even know any tranny jokes. Brakes and shocks are more my speed.


Wait, T&U, are you gender-crossed?

As far as I know, I was born with female genatalia, and I’ve always identified as a woman, so no.

It’s just that I know and like some transpeople, and I admire anyone with the strength to deal with the day-to-day bullshit they have to deal with, not to mention the utter danger that they face just being *themselves*. I just don’t feel like I would be a good ally or feminist or semi-queer if I didn’t say something.

The jokes about various vile people being really men bug me because they imply that being trans is somehow *bad*, and behind that is the idea that, if these women were once men, then they aren’t truly women now.

Obviously, I’m not anti-offensive joke. It’s just something that bugs me. And, quite frankly, jokes about Ann Coulter “really” being a man are usually not all that original. If you’re going to do a joke with collateral damage, the payoff should be really, really good, IMHO.

Also, being trans is hard enough. I can’t imagine how it would feel to be associated with Ann Coulter.


some dumb crack


A typewriter who’s insectsier.

I wrote my master’s thesis on that baby.


Well fuck. I was had a Naked Lunch joke all queued up…and the pic is FROM Naked Lunch. *foiled*


Or just HAD.


Just saw the seismic news. I hope all our Kiwis are accounted for.


“A typewriter who’s sexier.”

That second one makes me want to write real hard if you know what I mean and I think you do Smut.


Geez. Well, I got an email from one of them not long ago…and smut just posted.


Smut, are you accounted for?


The Shrill One is right.

What Mr. Walker and his backers are trying to do is to make Wisconsin — and eventually, America — less of a functioning democracy and more of a third-world-style oligarchy. […] You don’t have to love unions, you don’t have to believe that their policy positions are always right, to recognize that they’re among the few influential players in our political system representing the interests of middle- and working-class Americans, as opposed to the wealthy.

It really is that simple.


In what regard, Charlie?


Who’s Charlie?


“The jokes about various vile people being really men bug me because they imply that being trans is somehow *bad*, and behind that is the idea that, if these women were once men, then they aren’t truly women now.”

Fair point but speaking for myself, that is never my intent. I also like to make gay jokes about homophobes because 1. I think it would really bug them, and 2. I think most are closeted gays. Anyone who devotes most of their waking hours, and probably much of their sleep time, obsessing over anal sex is gay in my book not that there is anything wrong with that. The gay thing, not the homophobe thing.


gocart mozart, that’s it. When we make the jokes, we are going for the hurt, not the truth. We don’t know these people, so we zing them with what they’ve publicly stated offends them. It doesn’t have anything to do with the trans person we really know, or the gay people we know (or are), or the Down syndrome people we know.

It’s much more caustic when we fight with someone we know, because then you know all the secrets and vulnerable points, and you can really get some awesome hurt going. Hee. This is why I am a simple spinster lady.

I don’t particularly like zinging people in this mode, but I get it that people do it despite knowing full well that actual real trans people, gay people, black people, women people, Down syndrome people, and other people people are real live people.


Goddamn, people in New Zealand, please report in! I just clicked on the link and I am really worried.


Thread, don’t die on me now.


This is why I am a simple spinster lady.


When we make the jokes, we are going for the hurt, not the truth.

The least dangerous way of doing this is to make jokes about the target’s self-perceived strengths, rather than their weaknesses.


Thank you Larkspur. My point exactly.

What is going on in New Zealand?

I’m still here with you maaann.


I’m still here with you simple spinster lady I mean.

“The least dangerous way of doing this is to make jokes about the target’s self-perceived strengths, rather than their weaknesses.”

How very Karl Rove of you N_B 😉 Find your enemies weakness and then kick him in his metaphorical balls I say. That is from Machiavelli or maybe Sun Tzu I think.


Find your enemies weakness and then kick him in his metaphorical balls I say.

In argument, yes, absolutely. In joking, maybe not.


Big earthquake in New Zealand. In my universe, nothing bad is ever supposed to happen in New Zealand. New Zealand is where never is heard a discouraging word, and the nymphs and the unicorns play.


the nymphs and the unicorns play.

I! W? N? Email to VS!


Karl Rovism is “Attacking your enemy’s strength in order to best neutralize your client’s weaknesses.” See Gore/Honesty or Kerry/War Hero


“…That is from Machiavelli or maybe Sun Tzu I think.”

Now I just thought of that Firefly episode, War Stories. Damn, that was scary and hilarious. “Are you familiar with the work of Shan Yu?” That is enough to send me to my bunk in abject terror.


Karl Rovism is

I know. I was talking about making jokes, not full-out attacks.


6.3 quake, many casualties, in the Christchurch area.


Agggh, just saw that. I don’t think either of our friends live or work in Christhurch, however.


I know. I was talking about making jokes, not full-out attacks. This is Ann Coulter’s refuge: O God, I was joking! Maybe it’s our refuge, too. When any of us gets Coulter’s megabucks in book advances, I expect the largesse to be distributed…liberally.


Which doesn’t mean they couldn’t be visiting.


I don’t think either of our friends live or work in Christhurch, however.

Yeah, but…

The distance that damage extends out from the epicenter has a lot to do with bedrock continuity and soil density. Earthquakes in California die fast as you move out from the center because the rock is fractured by so many faults. That’s not true everywhere. And if you have shitty soil (Mexico City, for example), you get hit bad by an earthquake a good distance away as your soil fails from relatively small movements.

Sorry to be a bummer, but I worry any time there’s a quake anywhere remotely near anyone I know. (Yes, I know that’s selfish. Sue me.)


This is Ann Coulter’s refuge

Which is why I suggested not making jokes about weak points. Example: I don’t make Coulter/tranny jokes. I make jokes about her obvious lack of understanding of law and religion, two fields she thinks she’s an expert in.


Wow. Gay or straight pr0n?

A-hem. What sort of place do you think I’d be working? (Not nearly attractive or young enough to work in a gay smut spot.) Though there was a gay section. $ = $, after all.

Anyway, Gunnar usually came in w/ his girlfriend, or at at least a young woman, no gay videos.


N_B, that is my preference as well. I’m just saying that I understand the reason why the jokes are made, and I don’t necessarily assume that the joker is serious or vile. At least, not when they are our jokers, because I am very very fond of our jokers.

Also, Christchurch is apparently built on silt, sand, and gravel, on top of a water table. This is not the stuff of unicornosity. M.Bouffant, I’d like to say my apartment is built on bedrock. And it may be. But I’m surrounded by filled-in wetlands. JELLO.


Sand and gravel are generally good to build on, although wet sand can liquefy disturbingly in a quake if it’s fine enough; silt is bad shit.

As for jokes, I think we talked right past each other and ended up at more or less the same point.


Our think-they’re-rightside-uppers are both on the other, or “North” island, & Christchurch (My fingers burn when I type that! Fist of Thor!) is almost 200 miles SW of North Is.

I’m on bedrock, I hope, myself. Under three stories of (reinforced, but c’mon) brick from 1923. Lessee, 1994, carry the … we’re about due for fun down here.


Also, leave Ann & Amy alone. I like tall, thin & crazy dames.


Under three stories of (reinforced, but c’mon) brick from 1923.

You sure that’s reinforced? The first meaningful seismic codes weren’t until after the 1932 Long Beach quake.


Hey, building inspectors and regulations and rules are for whiny-ass liberals.


Hey, building inspectors and regulations and rules are for whiny-ass liberals.

And ductility detailing is for commies. Real ‘merkins like their buildings brittle.


ADA is for liberals in wheelchairs.


There was mandated retrofitting post 1933. Look for plates w/ bolts in them on brick bldgs. on tee vee, then you’ll know it was shot in L.A. Seinfelds’s a good example, if you watch that sort of thing.


Sorry, scroll to 9.5.4.


There was mandated retrofitting post 1933. Look for plates w/ bolts in them on brick bldgs.

Good eye – not everyone understands what they’re seeing. A buddy of mine has spent the last twenty years retrofitting, first in SF and now in LA.


Footage from Christchurch on the AJ half-hour update. Looks like serious to me. Christchurch Cathedral collapsed. Multi-story building collapses; thought I saw a six-to-ten story building down. Numerous victims still trapped; city in full rescue mode.

The NZ authorities are being very tight-lipped at all levels of government: They acknowledge there have been multiple deaths, many injuries, and severe damage. There is a scheduled Ministerial [of Interior?] announcement coming in a few hours.

I surely hope the Sadlynaut Kiwis are North Islanders.


I have fondled one of the Naked Lunch typewriters. Something of a disappointment that I still have that hand.


I have fondled one of the Naked Lunch typewriters.

If it had fondled you, I’d be impressed.


Good eye – not everyone understands what they’re seeing

Crazy, but too smart for my own good.

I’ve had an SCM portable electric typewriter since 1965.


NZ corrections: On clip re-play, the collapsed multi-story was 5-6 stories. New–indeed, first–aerial footage shows the cathedral’s main vessel intact; the collapse was a nearby spire.


AK checked in at his place and figures the Smut household is fine.


Spengler: Decided to do the volunteer work tomorrow.


Thanks, Sub.


figures the Smut household is fine

Maybe he should have left that at “undamaged by the event.”


Hind-rake engages in several hundred words of sheer projection.


Evangeline van Holsteren pulls the ‘special’ tap lever, and M.B. drops into the basement at the Old Entomologist.


That’s where the VIP room is, innit?


The country of Africa has decended into turmoil and anarchy.

Maybe we should build a coalition with our allies in North Korea and invade that place.

That Danged Ambassador

Hey Sadlies! Did you feel that wasting your time with overly-creepy rankings of Sonic the Hedgehog characters was worth it? Do you have a morbid curiosity to know more about right-wingers like that Cigarskunk guy, and what they believe in?

Well allow me to grant you the gift of rotten mangoes, for this boat has been scuttled and only your curiosity will let you reach land. There is no shorter, only fair warning: Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here.

The rest of the site is extremely NSFW and will probably want to make you weep, so venture to the other boards at your own risk.


What is going on in New Zealand?

All well in Wellington. Would have commented earlier but I was away from the office picking blackberries with the family (not a VanythingR).

The earthquake in Christchurch was closer to the city than the earthquake last September. It was also in a bad time of day, when people were in the office buildings that are not buildings any more.
The Civil Defense people are well-trained, and have received the funds they need, so currently they are using a combination of heavy machinery and bare hands to dismantle piles of rubble. Currently 60-odd fatalities reported, but that will increase.

The NZ authorities are being very tight-lipped at all levels of government:
No, it’s more that people in Christchurch had more important things to do than talk to reporters, or indeed than informing REMFs, so authorities at the national level didn’t have much information either.

The Gospel of Ayn Rand has not really taken hold in NZ. Thus things did not descend immediately to a Lord of the Flies survivalist scenario. Instead it’s have been all about people in demolished buildings ensuring that children are rescued first, then the injured, with the able-bodied preferring to wait till last and take the risk of further collapses.


New–indeed, first–aerial footage shows the cathedral’s main vessel intact; the collapse was a nearby spire.

I dunno, this looks pretty collapsed. Or prolapsed. (May, of course, be an entirely different religio-edifice.)


I believe that to be the Old Trinity building, a couple of blocks away from the cathedral.


I am OK too. A Christchurch friend is Ok and his family but all on edge and wondering WTF next.
Just an awful afternoon


This looks horrible. Devastation.

Glad all is well, Herr Doktor, & I hope this isn’t contagious.


Whoops. In what respect, Charlie?

The country of Africa has decended into turmoil and anarchy.

Maybe we should build a coalition with our allies in North Korea and invade that place.

Soooo, Sooper Sarah speaks in Moose Code?


“Soooo, Sooper Sarah speaks in Moose Code?”

Something like that.


Anyone who disagrees with any particular of anything [movement Republicans] believe, even unrelated stuff like taxation, must be the Enemy and hold all completely opposite views. Therefore, liberals must support everything any Muslim does.

In other news, Doonesbury has ridiculed the vaccines-cause-autism belief system. I am wondering how long it will take the right bloggosphere to respond by adopting that belief system as another loyalty test and shibboleth of tribal membership.


In other news, Doonesbury has ridiculed the vaccines-cause-autism belief system.

I don’t think it rises to the status of “belief system.” Calling it that is denigrating cargo cults and step-on-a-crack-break-your-mother’s-back.


Late to the thread again. I ain’t gettin’ out of the boat, but I’d just like to point out that Lara Logan was assaulted after being separated from her security detail. She’s spent the past 18 years as a foreign correspondent, most of which was travelling from one war-zone to another. Meaning she’s spent a lot of time in the Middle East. I suspect she was quite well aware of the situation and it was a case where the extensive precautions they had planned on failed under the chaos of the situation.

Tahrir Square too dangerous? I’d like to remind y’all that we’re talking about this Lara Logan. Here’s another incident from her life:

In November 2001, for example, Ms. Logan, then a correspondent for the British morning show “GMTV,” managed to infiltrate the upper ranks of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, where she gained exclusive interviews at Bagram Air Base with General Babajan, a commander.

We are talking about a hardcore overseas war correspondent. Is she stunningly attractive? Sure. Did she do some swimsuit modelling in college? Apparently. But we are not talking about a frail and dainty princess who ignorantly wandered into a deadly dangerous situation. We’re talking about one of the world’s elite war correspondents.

Shorter D-KW: Just because she’s hot doesn’t mean she ain’t also a badass motherfucker.


Also to clarify, I may sound like a Lara Logan fanboi, and I certainly was. Same time we all were, when she was smacking down the “where are all the good Iraq stories” bullshit. I kinda got put off by her love of all things military. Also note, I’m not saying that what happened to Lara Logan was any less horrific because she knew what she was getting into. Outrage is warranted, and IMO shouldn’t be lessened by the fact that Lara logan is not a halpless defenseless girl.


Also to clarify, I may sound like a Lara Logan fanboi

Tell me about her mother.


Tell me about her mother.

I actually don’t know anything about Mrs. Logan – but she’s probably yet another one of those painfully gorgeous South African blondes. Out of respect for Lara though, when I do plough her mom, I’ll keep quiet about it.


Since it’s quiet around here, I’m just linking to horrifying interesting stuff I’m finding this morning.



What? Pluff? Speak ‘merkin, boy.


I doubt she wears a merkin. However, if she does, I think I can still figure out what to do with my tongue.


I wonder why so many people here doubt Ann Coulter’s sex when clearly the doubtful issue is her humanity itself. Clearly she is some badly designed android or none too fresh zombie or golem.


I wonder why so many people here doubt Ann Coulter’s sex when clearly the doubtful issue is her humanity itself.

Only humans consistently act like assholes to that degree.

Clearly she is some badly designed android or none too fresh zombie or golem.



or none too fresh zombie

I hope, for your sake, zrm does not see this.


I hope, for your sake, zrm does not see this.
I can take him.


Fair point but speaking for myself, that is never my intent.

I understand. Which is also why I was trying to be nice about it and bribe you instead of beating you over the head. 🙂

It’s cool; do what you want. I just felt like I had to get that out there. I’m not angry and I don’t think you’re a horrible person or anything.


We get any touchy-feelier in here, I’m gonna be groping myself.


If you can sucker people into a grope, er, group hug, you won’t have to do that.


I really need to stop leaving a tiny bit of coffee in the bottom of my travel mug to ferment and assault my nose a few days later when I decide to use it.


The coffee has milk in it, I should add.


This thread has been dying a slow agonizing death since very very early this morning.


Also too I tried to give it the breath of life by linking to stuff…but nobody cayured. Hey, it’s all right. I’ll prolly just cry myself to sleep tonight. *sniff, tear* “MY LINKS ARE SMELLY!”


I live right in Madison, and I don’t know how the protesters can stop all three of Scott Walker’s Terribly Bad Ideas:
1. the effective gutting of state worker unions
2. the sale of state assets (power plants) to private companies at no-bid, fire sale prices with no oversight.
3. the dramatic cut back in medicaid and Badger Care heath coverage for low income Wisconsinites.

The protests have been a paragon of well behaved non-violent outspoken protest, and as far as I can tell, they are completely ineffective.


As smelly as Jay Nordlinger’s asshole? To be fair, he has a tremendously long wang:

In Impromptus today, I have some fulminating about the “public employees” in Wisconsin, but I also have some notes about DeLand, Fla., the lovely town from which I am now tapping you.


Nordlinger tries to tap me, he’s pulling back a bloody stump.


Republican governor is fair and balanced. He pledges that he will veto the KKK license plates. On the other hand, he does not denounce Nathan Bedford Forrest, because on general principle, “I don’t denounce individual people whether they’ve been dead 100 years or not.”

How noble. Why won’t you denounce Osama Bin Laden, Governor? Do you hate America? Do you want us to lose the war on terror? Are you sympathizing with our enemies?


because on general principle, “I don’t denounce individual people whether they’ve been dead 100 years or not.”

How’s about Adolph Hitler?


Once upon a midmorning dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious Imporpmtu from a bore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently fapping, fapping all the way from DeLand, Flor(ida).
`’Tis Nodlinger,’ I muttered, `tapping with his thousand mile wang –
Only this, and nothing more.’


“As smelly as Jay Nordlinger’s asshole? To be fair, he has a tremendously long wang:”

I’d bet a substantial amount of money he doesn’t.


The protests have been a paragon of well behaved non-violent outspoken protest, and as far as I can tell, they are completely ineffective.

Well, he just said he could start firing them within a week if this didn’t end, and I don’t see what’s going to stop him.

Reposting something I posted last December during the Bush tax cuts fight, because my mood after reading Wisconsin stuff is pretty much the same.

I’m this close to the “fuck it, let the country go up in smoke” stage.

If so many people (not politicians or bankers but regular citizens like you and I) are committed to the idea of shooting themselves in the foot just so the bullet can go through the floor and hit the dirty unamericans beneath them, then one, the liberals are building a castle on sand; two, if solidarity is as dead as it seems to be and “everyone for himself” is the new “e pluribus unum,” then there’s no point in even having a country in the first place.

Countries, after all (see Jennifer’s 4th of July post) are groups of people who look out for one another; if we’re not doing it anymore, then we’re not a country. Simple as that.


Wasn’t Nordlinger a character in Animal House?


To be fair, he has a tremendously long wang:

Not anymore.


The comparison of teachers with the Philharmonic (capital P!) is just the kind of demonstration of privileged idiocy that Nordlinger excels at.


“I’m this close to the “fuck it, let the country go up in smoke” stage.”

Yes, this Wisconsin stuff is really weighing heavily on me, too. It bothers me that when given the opportunity to root for David or goliath, so many people always default to Goliath. What’s more is I think many folks don’t recognize Goliath when they see him.


Reposting something I posted last December during the Bush tax cuts fight, because my mood after reading Wisconsin stuff is pretty much the same.

I don’t know. We could also choose to see this as a breaking point, which it may be. The fact that people are protesting (and the fact that people give a fuck), to me, means that there’s some life left.

I’m not holding my breath, but I’m hoping this is the beginning of something.


For example, this isn’t so bad.


GEez, you emascualting dick chopping women and __B’s, why you gotta be such h8rs? This is teh Intarspoor where every guy has a humongous wang.

Mine is so massive that it needs special structural supports (buttresses, actually – I do enjoy resting my PENIS on butts).
It’s so large it submits census forms in six separate tracts.
Sattelite’s need wide angle lenses to take photos of it.
There are fluctuations in planetary orbits when I pee.
Dark matter? MOAR LIEK MY WANG!


So you’re saying that you’re all dick.


Well, DK-W, I’m much more likely to believe men like you when they make such claims, mostly because I don’t get the feeling you’re constantly trying to make up for a Small Wang with bullshit bravado and armchair general-izing.


Chris, same as it ever was.


My COCK is SO HUGE that it transcend infinity in moar than the standard three orthognal directions of space and cannot be contained by ordinary maths. It can only be described in multi-dimensional membrane spaces (what do you think the P in p-brane stands for?). Minor fluctuations in the intercepts of the hyper-surface of my WANG are so powerful they can alter fundamental physical constants. When I get an erection, the exponent on Planck’s Constant becomes POSITIVE!


Yes, this Wisconsin stuff is really weighing heavily on me, too. It bothers me that when given the opportunity to root for David or goliath, so many people always default to Goliath. What’s more is I think many folks don’t recognize Goliath when they see him.

One of the Ten Paradoxical Commandments reads “people favor underdogs but follow only top dogs” (and adds “fight for a few underdogs anyway”), which is fairly true. People don’t want to help underdogs so much as they like the emotional gratification of considering themselves underdogs (same is true if you switch “underdog” for “rugged individualist.”)

The image of fat, bloated, Wall-Street-drunk Governor Christie comparing a teachers’ union to a bully on a playground pretty much personifies the concept.


My COCK is SO HUGE that it transcend infinity in moar than the standard three orthognal directions of space

So you’re saying it’s invisible to the naked eye.


So you’re saying it’s invisible to the naked eye.

Only when it’s near your mom (which is a lot) because she is so fat.


For example, this isn’t so bad.

I’ve been waiting for days for a Gallup poll on the topic to come out. This is good too, though, thanks for sending it over. Although, as with DADT and taxing the rich, I’m sure “the will of the people” will be irrelevant to Walker and the other fucksticks in his party.

The Android, Zombie & Golem Coalition

“I wonder why so many people here doubt Ann Coulter’s sex when clearly the doubtful issue is her humanity itself. Clearly she is some badly designed android or none too fresh zombie or golem.”

That was completely uncalled for. At long last sir, have you no sense of decency? We demand an apology!


Although, as with DADT and taxing the rich, I’m sure “the will of the people” will be irrelevant to Walker and the other fucksticks in his party.

Agreed, except that they’re trying to argue that a “silent majority” is for this, which is patently untrue. And you can recall your governor in Wisconsin, so I’m hoping he’ll take this as a signal to step lightly.


And you can recall your governor in Wisconsin, so I’m hoping he’ll take this as a signal to step lightly.

I didn’t know that, and frankly, I’m hoping someone does it. He just threatened to fire them: I say counter that with a recall threat.


People don’t want to help underdogs so much as they like the emotional gratification of considering themselves underdogs (same is true if you switch “underdog” for “rugged individualist.”)

Plus the fact that fears of the “them” are being played to the max. “They” are out to steal something that I didn’t know I needed or wanted, but by God someone else, especially “those kind”, better not get it. I’m afraid that if I don’t have that something I will have lost out and “our kind” will be overrun.


Recall started but have to wait a year before officially can begin getting signatures.


There’s a very small commentary about Ann Coulter, humanoid simulacra and right-wingers in Hit and Run by Lawrence Block.


Plus the fact that fears of the “them” are being played to the max. “They” are out to steal something that I didn’t know I needed or wanted, but by God someone else, especially “those kind”, better not get it. I’m afraid that if I don’t have that something I will have lost out and “our kind” will be overrun.

Yeah, but somehow “them” includes just about everybody with the sole exception of the rich, e.g. the people who actually are stealing stuff (retirement plans, tax money, job opportunities, hell, they’ve stolen the economy and the government both). But you can’t point that out, or you’re a socialist engaging in class warfare.


He just threatened to fire them:

I’m sure that Wisconsin parents would be stoked about that.


Recall started but have to wait a year before officially can begin getting signatures.

By which point this can be over already – and it’ll be harder to reestablish unions than it would’ve been to preserve them. In the future, you can easily avoid this kind of thing; don’t elect Republicans. Just don’t.

I’m sure that Wisconsin parents would be stoked about that.

Reserve army of labor baby! Fire all the teachers and give their jobs to a bunch of unemployed people who’ll work for peanuts. Of course, they probably won’t be nearly as qualified, but hey, we’ve all gotta sacrifice something in these hard times; for teachers it’ll be their pensions, for kids it’ll be their education. And the Invisible Hand will just take care of us all.


somehow “them” includes just about everybody with the sole exception of the rich

Eventually. But as long as they slowly marginalize then disenfranchise separate groups, their base thinks they are are still part of the “them”.


When I get an erection, the exponent on Planck’s Constant becomes POSITIVE!

You had me until this. You see I’m an expert in Panko Consonant, so I know you’re full of shit. What a shame. I was so…impressed.


New Zealand is paying the price for transsexual tolerance.

Jerry Falwell, from his special place in hell

New Zealand is paying the price for transsexual tolerance.

I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, — all of them who have tried to secularize New Zealand — I point the finger in their face and say: ‘You helped this happen.’


Fire all the teachers and give their jobs to a bunch of unemployed people who’ll work for peanuts.

I wonder what the teacher certification laws are like in Wisconsin? Because I can guarantee there’s no way they would be able to replace everyone with certified teachers, even if they were bad.


Also, too, they were under the heel of the British. You know, William the Conqueror, or whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, we will serve you if you’ll get us free from the British. True story. And so, the devil said, okay it’s a deal.


I wonder what the teacher certification laws are like in Wisconsin? Because I can guarantee there’s no way they would be able to replace everyone with certified teachers, even if they were bad.

In seriousness, I think the idea is they’ll just fire a certain amount of people and hope the rest will fall into line. Rule through fear of force rather than through force itself.


Speaking of which, I picked up a little meme from here and am now using it in all troll-flaming comments: I rate all trollery on a scale, such as “4.5 for originality, 8 for rage, 3.25 for factual content.”

This has infuriated them no end; hence I recommend it to one and all. The real goal is not to argue with lunatics, but to hasten their dispatch from the world.


In seriousness, I think the idea is they’ll just fire a certain amount of people and hope the rest will fall into line. Rule through fear of force rather than through force itself.

I was thinking that, too. I can’t say what I’d do in that position, but my hope would be that most of them would say, “Oh, fuck no. FUCK YOU.”


I wonder what the teacher certification laws are like in Wisconsin?

Four year B.A. in Education with “Alternate” pathway to licensure for non-Education Bachelor’s degrees (or higher) requiring field work (read practicum).


Also, non-union, white and Christian. No Irish!


Four year B.A. in Education with “Alternate” pathway to licensure for non-Education Bachelor’s degrees (or higher) requiring field work (read practicum).

I was unclear–I meant more if you had to be licensed in order to teach, or if they let people without licenses teach on a provisional basis. I see that you can apply for an emergency license, but it looks like the requirements are the same.

It may not even be legally possible to replace fired teachers–I can’t tell. It’s certainly unprecedented.


Must also despise the Packers and the Jets.


I don’t think too many “scab”‘ teachers would line up to be hired at a high school in a union town.


I was unclear–I meant more if you had to be licensed in order to teach, or if they let people without licenses teach on a provisional basis.

From teh link:

Wisconsin law requires that all professional school staff be properly licensed for their assignments to teach in the public schools.

There’s licensure requirements for substitutes as well.


<i.I don’t think too many “scab”‘ teachers would line up to be hired at a high school in a union town.

Yeah, I was thinking about that, too. Good luck finding scabs in Wisconsin, folks.


The economy sucks. People will line up for jobs, and it’ll be a scramble so all kinds of people can get hired. I dunno what the proposed rate of pay would be but I’ll bet there are teachers who might consider a move. It’s important for the teachers to hold fast and for others to stand with them.


Wisconsin law requires that all professional school staff be properly licensed for their assignments to teach in the public schools.

Thanks. I can’t concentrate well enough to read much right now–my brane’s all fuzzy from drugs.

Jerry Falwell, from his special place in hell said,

I was pleasantly surprised at the number of my colleages, associates, friends and fellow evangelists who are sharing eternity with me.


Or, if you want to get pedantically technical about it:

Except as provided in s. 118.40 (8) (b) 2., any person seeking to teach in a public school, including a charter school, or in a school or institution operated by a county or the state shall first procure a license or permit from the department.

The loophole? Virtual Charter Schools (118.40) which are limited to an annual enrollment – 5250 in 2009-2010 [118-40(8)(h)1].


I’ve had to do a rewrite and add a special circle for Republicans, especially Republican evangelists.


New–indeed, first–aerial footage shows the cathedral’s main vessel intact; the collapse was a nearby spire.

I dunno, this looks pretty collapsed.

The spire is a semi-detached structure adjacent to the main vessel (where services are held). The stump of the spire is intact; the upper portion fell. Falling debris may have damaged the south aisle–hard to tell in the photo–but the main structure of the cathedral seems to have survived pretty well.

btw, I can’t disguise the links with text. I do all the tags routine carefully and it just doesn’t work anymore. Hasn’t for the last three days. FYWP.,r:20,s:21&biw=1048&bih=975


re: replacement teachers

Wisconsin ranks 28th in terms of “Salary Comfort index” whatever that is. Plus you lose your seniority and all union derived protections.

In state scabs just lose their seniority and all union derived protections. Wisconsin’s economy was actually doing okay – one of four states (IIRC, can’t be arsed, &c) that was projected not to be in deficit (before Scott Walker taking the reins) and an unemployment rate down in the mid 7’s (Yayyy!). Career teachers will likely lean towards saying Fuck You. Most others who have the option of not going back, probably won’t even if it’s just out of spite. These are all people with minimum Bachelor’s degrees – also I imagine that the demand for child care services, which is at least related to their current work experience, may increase in the near future.

Will there be a shortage of licensed teachers? Most definitely. Can licensing requirements just be legislated away? Dunno enough about Wisconsin rule-making, but I suspect that Walker will find a way, even if it isn’t legally valid. Clearing it through the courts ought to take long enough to kill opposition.

All of which is a long and tired roundabout to say that I basically agree with McGravitas. Important part right now (and at least until Friday when the debt payment penalty comes up) is solidarity and holding fast.


DKW, they may be able to have substitutes teach on an extended basis, but I don’t know.

It sounds like an empty threat to me, as long as people see it that way. Then again, Reagan fired all those air traffic controllers, so I don’t know.


Anyways, massive teacher shortages isn’t a problem for Scott Walker or WI State Senators. That’s a local school board problem. BWAAHAhaHahaHAHAH.

No, it’s gonna be fucking bad.


In other stupid-ass, sexist Lara Logan news.

That’s my hometown rag! I tried saying nice things about it before somewhere else but that got me banned. Hmm, the Toronto Sun has a pretty good Sudoku and daily colour comics.


In other stupid-ass, sexist Lara Logan news.

I LOL’d. At the single lone comment:

Good job Mr.Worthington, I find your editorial to reach a very essential moral truth, women should stay at home and leave ambitious public lives to men. As a sexist and open bigot, I condone the views stated in this article. As for the problem of war, we really should get around to eating the poor and think about the mistake that was abolishing slavery.

You tell ’em, sonny.


It sounds like an empty threat to me, as long as people see it that way. Then again, Reagan fired all those air traffic controllers, so I don’t know.

The Reagan precedent is why it worries me. Especially because he’d then get to go all “I’m just like Reagan! WOW, go me!” when talking to his base.


“I would argue the same should apply to mothers of young children who are in the army. They should not be in combat zones or away from their domestic responsibilities. A double-standard, perhaps, with men, but that’s the way it is. Or should be.”

Oh. OK.


The Reagan precedent is why it worries me. Especially because he’d then get to go all “I’m just like Reagan! WOW, go me!” when talking to his base.

Yeah, exactly. Plus, there’s the argument that “nothing bad happened” after Reagan fired them.


Oh. OK.

I don’t know about you, but that’s the best argument I’ve seen for women keeping their asses in the kitchen in a while.


I don’t know about you, but that’s the best argument I’ve seen for women keeping their asses in the kitchen in a while.

You jest, but actually, yes it is. It’s not like the arguments “It is the Order of Things” and “God wants you in the kitchen” are any more logical than “you should be in the kitchen because I say so.”


“I don’t know about you, but that’s the best argument I’ve seen for women keeping their asses in the kitchen in a while.”

Because I said so IS a good argument. I guess if women have children they should just live lives of quiet desperation so as not to abandon their “domestic responsibilities”. In the meantime, the men can just, what? Play golf I guess.


Wisconsin law requires that all professional school staff be properly licensed for their assignments to teach in the public schools.

There’s licensure requirements for substitutes as well.

Too much government interference! Let the free market decide what teachers need to be able to teach. I bet the market would tell you that teachers don’t need to be nearly so qualified, AND they could cost a lot less!


A woman’s born to weep and fret
And stay at home and tend her oven
And drown her past regrets
In coffee and cigarettes.


but that got me banned



You jest, but actually, yes it is. It’s not like the arguments “It is the Order of Things” and “God wants you in the kitchen” are any more logical than “you should be in the kitchen because I say so.”

Oh, I know. Oppression is ultimately the result of saying “because I said so” by a few people who have the power.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“I don’t know about you, but that’s the best argument I’ve seen for women keeping their asses in the kitchen in a while.”

This is impractical in urban areas, where most apartment kitchens couldn’t accomodate a pig, much less a donkey.


Change cigarettes to Glenlivet.


Jian Ghomeshi made Billy Bob Thorton cry.


“This is impractical in urban areas, where most apartment kitchens couldn’t accomodate a pig, much less a donkey.”

What about kardashians?


Change cigarettes to Glenlivet.

While I would gladly agree to bowdlerization of Huck Finn or rewriting all of Shakespeare’s plays down to Three Acts a piece – I do have to say this:

Don’t fuck with Black Coffee.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

What about kardashians?

I usually keep my kardashians in an outbuilding behind the house- a kardashian coop, if you will.

Don’t fuck with Black Coffee.

Yeah, it ceases to be black if you fuck it… WHAT?


Yayyy! Polluting the thread FULL OF MOXY Trigger Warning: Almost eleven minutes of Fruvous live at the link.


That better be a RickRoll.


Don’t fuck with Black Coffee.

in bed


I’m this close to the “fuck it, let the country go up in smoke” stage.

I think the country is sliding ever nearer the precipice. I don’t believe it can be reversed. 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of Bush, 8 years of Obama. That’s a quarter-century of damage.

In terms of my self-identification, I’ve been in exile from the United States for years now. If I had the means to legally change my citizenship and move to a civilized and rational nation, I would.

So why resist the collapse? It sounds like a cliche, but I’m think about the young people and the kids and the world they will inherit. All we can do is try to delay the misery and try to soften it. It’s a hopeless rearguard action.

(Ahhhhh. I must post my essay on The Forlorn Hopes at my blog. It is a stand-alone excerpt of a grad-school analysis of a Wallace Stevens’ long poem [27 cantos] Examination of the Hero in a Time of War.) Best non-fiction I’ve ever written.)

I’m an older guy; I will probably die before the country actually plunges over the precipice. So why should I give a shit at all? It sounds like cliche, but I care deeply about the young people and children who must live thereafter in the misery and ruin. Nieces, nephews, their kids. Younger friends and their childrten. Younger Sadlies and their children.

You know, DFH altruism and concern for other people.

I do believe, however, that the United States will go over the cliff. At this point, too much damage has been done to reverse it. All we can do is delay it. Sorry for the thread downer.


That better be a RickRoll.

You’re just lucky I can’t find a YouTube of Hate Letter.


Who the HELL is Moxy Fruvous and why is channeling Russell Brand a decade before Russell Brand even came on the scene (here at least)?


I think the country is sliding ever nearer the precipice. I don’t believe it can be reversed. 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of Bush, 8 years of Obama. That’s a quarter-century of damage.

Don’t forget Reagan! And Bush Senior.


Yeah, I’d say Reagan is the one who really got the ball rolling. He really brought hatin’ on the government into fashion. Which is at the root of all this mean-spirited wingnuttery.


Yeah, I’d say Reagan is the one who really got the ball rolling.

I was two months old when he was elected. THANKS A LOT, FUCKERS.


The Variants said,
February 22, 2011 at 20:01

Like I said before, I don’t think we’re going over the edge per se: the analogy is less like a car going over a cliff and more like a satellite slowly, sloooowwwwly having its orbit decay. The middle class is going to keep shedding people. The rich are going to get richer, the poor and what’s left of the middle class are going to get poorer. The country itself won’t crash and burn, it’ll just stagnate while other countries (not all of them nice folks, see China) get ahead.

And I don’t think it’s eternal or irreversible: I’m actually fairly certain that the cycle will end at some point. What I’m worried about is how long that’ll take and how much damage will happen in the meantime. Today in 2011, Spain is a perfectly nice place to live: but the Enlightenment also didn’t win in that country until the 1970s, and some really egregious shit happened in the meantime.


the analogy is less like a car going over a cliff and more like a satellite slowly, sloooowwwwly having its orbit decay.

But going over a cliff is more fun! And we can hold hands like Thelma and Louise!


… in a union town.

Vaguely connected, because its about unions and ownership. (And about baseball, one of fave things.)

Remember the players strike that wiped out the World Series in 1994? The owners wanted to bring in scab players for the 1995 seasons. The plan fell apart when Peter Angelos, owner of the Baltimore Orioles, refused to go along with it. He stood up alone against the other 29 owners and said the O’s would forfeit every game of the 1995 season rather than field a scab team.

Something to think about when Your Fans want to mock the Baltimore Woes, the perennial cellar-dwellers in the AL-East.

Union towns. I lurves ’em.


He really brought hatin’ on the government into fashion
He made it so easy to hate.


sorry if the SN cometariat has allready commented upon this…

but now that Libya and that rouge Qaddafi is in the cross hairs, I suppose these Arab mobs are kind of OK now?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Ahhhhh. I must post my essay on The Forlorn Hopes at my blog.

Got a link, laddie? I kinda sorta spent the last couple of days in a daze. Effin’ benders, how do they work?

And I don’t think it’s eternal or irreversible: I’m actually fairly certain that the cycle will end at some point. What I’m worried about is how long that’ll take and how much damage will happen in the meantime

Think of the lost decades since the seventies- the environmental degradation, the erosion of the middle class, the devolution of discourse, the countenancing of despots… posterity is going to damn us for letting this happen.


The analogy I was thinking of is the unstable top of an oceanside limestone cliff being undermined by waves. Or something. Decaying satellites, houses on fire, Thelma & Louse also work just fine.


Jerry F. and Dante: Wonderful riffs!


but now that Libya and that rouge Qaddafi is in the cross hairs, I suppose these Arab mobs are kind of OK now?

I haven’t seen them commenting on it much. I think they have to be told what the party line is and haven’t yet.

I think they’re all obsessed with what’s going on in Wisconsin. They are referring to the Democrats who left Wisconsin as “fleebaggers.”

Abraham Lincoln (R - Illinois)

I am glad to know that there is a system of labor where the laborer can strike if he wants to! I would to God that such a system prevailed all over the world.


The analogy I was thinking of is the unstable top of an oceanside limestone cliff being undermined by waves. Or something. Decaying satellites, houses on fire, Thelma & Louse also work just fine.

How about driving a car over a cliff, which as T&U points out is more fun, and yelling “WOLVERINES!!!!” on the way down? This patriotic way to make an exit would totally make the crash at the bottom of the cliff worth it, yes?


but now that Libya and that rouge Qaddafi is in the cross hairs, I suppose these Arab mobs are kind of OK now?

Would’ve been OK if the Arab mobs had done it in the 1980s when he was a bad guy, but as of about 2003ish, Qaddafi came over to our side.

Then again, enough Americans probably never noticed this fact and remember him only as Reagan’s favorite punching bag (not that he didn’t deserve the hate, but the actions Reagan took against him were largely for show).

I think they have to be told what the party line is and haven’t yet.

This, not just for Libya but all Middle Eastern countries who currently have the democracy bug.


Got a link, laddie?

The band is still working on setting up the site. And it has been further delayed. My brilliant Silicon Valley techie friend is on a Grand Road Trip with his daughters to show them what SNOW is like. Middle School and so-to-be HS girls…and they have never seen snow!

So that will further delay my blog.

BTW, B^4, your encouragement helped tip the balance in favor of blogging.


I am glad to know that there is a system of labor where the laborer can strike if he wants to! I would to God that such a system prevailed all over the world.



I’m sure the Party of Lincoln will get RIGHT ON THAT!


I haven’t seen them commenting on it much. I think they have to be told what the party line is and haven’t yet.

According to Quatrain MXIV, lines 2213-2214 of “teh oracle of jimstradamus, profit of dooooooom,” the wingnuts will, & I quote:

Trumpet the evil of both mob & tyrant-clown,
A pretty easy pick, when both sides are brown.

Bookmark it, libs!


that rouge Qaddafi

I hope he gets pancaked, too!


According to Quatrain MXIV, lines 2213-2214 of “teh oracle of jimstradamus, profit of dooooooom,” the wingnuts will, & I quote:

Jim, why are you a genius?


I hope he gets pancaked, too!

There you go trying to appeal to the base again.


There you go trying to appeal to the base again.

That argument really has no foundation.


In the meantime, the men can just, what? Play golf I guess.

You might be surprised how many men have never played golf. Perhaps I am not I a Manly Man. (Oddly enough, that’s not what the wimmins tole me….)


but now that Libya and that rouge Qaddafi is in the cross hairs,

rouge Qaddafi? Sort of a dark, blood-red blush, for when you want to really glam it up for an evening occasion?


That argument really has no foundation.

You’ve glossed over my points.


It’s much more caustic when we fight with someone we know, because then you know all the secrets and vulnerable points, and you can really get some awesome hurt going

heh…this is why the men in my sphere of contact DO NOT FUCK WITH ME…



Don’t blame me, I voted for the peanut guy with lust in his heart.


I could just snuggle with all of you in one great big feather bed, that’s how scrunchywunchy you are. But then I’d pee.


You’ve glossed over my points.

I saw what you said! It was kohled.


sphere of contact

veiled buttseqs reference?


Enough cosmetics jokes. We’ll never makeup for lost time with all these one-liners, as amusing as they may seen at first blush.


I saw what you said! It was kohled.

Give ’em lashes!


Jim, why are you a genius?

As a wee bairn, Mom fed me only the smartest kids in my neighborhood.
A lot like porkchops, in case you were wondering.


We’ll never makeup for lost time with all these one-liners, as amusing as they may seen at first blush.

there’s not a shadow of truth to that.


There was mandated retrofitting post 1933.

one of my favorite signs i saw in england was at warwick castle…the sign read: ‘sorry, the torture chamber is not wheelchair accessible.’


Besides, you don’t want to be labeled a concealer just because you expended all your powder on some distraction like personal beauty.

I just gave myself a hernia trying to think of a pun involving bronzer and eyebrow pencils.


I guess you could say I’m on the matte, finished.


Spengler: Decided to do the volunteer work tomorrow.



I guess you could say I’m on the matte, finished.

Sounds like you need a primer on pun-writing.


Bronzer? I hardly know her!


Your dad puts the paint on with bucket and trowels
Sadly the truckers just want in his bowels
Yes they’ll tear at his wig while they ream out his bum
But the whore done up dirty is really your mum.

Marion in Savannah

one of my favorite signs i saw in england was at warwick castle…the sign read: ‘sorry, the torture chamber is not wheelchair accessible.’

Was that the same place that had the charming little sign at a fork in the path that read “This way to the dungeon, torture chamber and gift shop?” I’ve got a slide of that somewhere at home. We howled.


I could just snuggle with all of you in one great big feather bed, that’s how scrunchywunchy you are. But then I’d pee.

This is one example of how you are similar to my sweetie’s manchester terriers. A difference would be they never wrote a fantastic zombie novel.

Wow, I haven’t written a compare and contrast essay in years. Still got it.


Your dad is practically a mason
In the mornings when plasters his face on
To look all pretty while his ass is pounded non-stop
But your mom, the whore, lathers it on like a trollop.


A difference would be they never wrote a fantastic zombie novel.

Terriers are weird that way. My French Bulldog has written several surprisingly good westerns, but my Boston Terrier can’t even read. On the other hand, he’s quite good at math.


Reagan’s damage: Deep and self-evident. His policies, sure, but even moreso for handing out all the memes that have poisoned honest discussion ever since. All true. (Bush Senior was more a road-bump in comparison).

IMO, however, Clinton was the key turning point. He and the DLC turned the party over to corporate control and introduced triangulation. The Democratic party was thereafter crippled as a cohesive opposition or effective advocate.

It has been irreversibly poisoned. It has never been the same since Clinton seized the reins, and the DLC mindset dominates now–in its calculus, internal party mechanisms, leadership, and policies. The Democrats sloganeering and marketing have yet to catch up with the slickness and effectiveness of the Wurlizter. The are invertebrates. (Also missing testicles.)

So Reagan, sure. But Clinton is the real watershed, because he and the DLC mindset captured the party, gradually turned it into a tool of corporate power. Pale Repiblicans now.

Sure, you can cite this-or-that couragous individual Senator or Representative, but that is anecdotal.

Leprosy, folks.


Your father’s broad backside’s an ocean
On which every navy has sailed
Your mother, by contrast, is like Jesus
She’s spent two thousand years getting nailed.


Your father greasepaints his face
To hide his shame and disgrace
At things that have been done with his bum.
But even he looks down at the whore that’s your mum.


Was that the same place that had the charming little sign at a fork in the path that read “This way to the dungeon, torture chamber and gift shop?”


Yeah, I’d say Reagan is the one who really got the ball rolling. He really brought hatin’ on the government into fashion. Which is at the root of all this mean-spirited wingnuttery.

These two comments somehow belong in a thread together.


Your father’s broad backside’s an ocean
On which every navy has sailed
Your mother, by contrast, is like Jesus
She’s spent two thousand years getting nailed.

I’d like to amend line three to read “Your mother, by contrast, is Christ-like”. It scans better and conveys the meaning more effectively.


Here is a dumb question… have any Democrats tried to confuse the teapartier vote, trying to redirect their outrage more towards the people whom they ought to be outraged about? I know it won’t be wildly successful, but it doesn’t have to be. even 10%-15% splitting would have a big impact, and confuse the messaging system.

Attacking the enemies strengths is not just for right wingers. Their base is pretty easily led by the nose, and we even have truth on our side.

We could also stand to generate some pseudoconservative commentators to compete with their pseudoliberal ones.


Your dad puts is face on to hang at the park
But the rouge goes to waste when he’s humped in the dark
None see the smears when his eyes tear up sucking
But your mom leaves the lights on for real whorish fucking.

Marion in Savannah

Or it could be “Your mother, instead, is like Jesus” if you want to use his first name…


“but my Boston Terrier can’t even read. On the other hand, he’s quite good at math.”

Must’ve attended M.I.T.


I am very proud to have provided the hook for the Cosmetic Strand!

It is only the second real contribution I’ve made to extended joke-etizing on S,N. (My other one was the Sharia Law motorcyle gang invasion of dystopian Oklahoma and the Sadlynaut Movies. I feel like I’ve actually contributed something worthwhile today.

Spengler: I had to dig out my car from the snow. Extra points today. Also, you are on a major roll in the comments.

Marion in Savannah

Just in case you hadn’t all already noticed this — there is a significant difference between “asses” and “assess” when you’re transcribing a clinical and vestibular examination. And your spell checker will not catch it… Glory be to FSM I didn’t blink and saw it.


… in a union town.

gah! now i have ‘life in a northern town’ going on in my head…thanks…


W-a–y off current topics.

bbfk: Saw you are/were here (upthread). Earlier in thread there was a long and earnest discussion upthread–beginning about 23:46–about the propriety of making tranny jokes and the pain it causes people.

During the convo, I thought of you and your daughter. I was wondering what your reaction is to the use of ‘retarded’. (I noticed that you used the phrase ‘mildy retarded’ in a post in the previous thread.) Can you offer me (us) any guidance or observations?


Attacking the enemies strengths is not just for right wingers.

Attacking the enemies’ strength in any meaningful way means taxing the shit out of the rich, IMO.

I don’t often see people asking blunt questions like “where’s the other side’s money coming from, and how do we dry it up,” but they should. Seems to me it’s no accident that the power conservatives have today comes on the heels of three decades of union busting (e.g. destroying the liberals’ main source of money, votes and infrastructure). Or that the liberal consensus of the 1950s and 1960s came after the New Deal had taxed away a ton of the capitalist class’ income.

Their base is pretty easily led by the nose, and we even have truth on our side.

Bug. Not feature.


The band is still working on setting up the site.

variants, if you still haven’t settled on a band name yet, may i suggest ‘hot mayonnaise’?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Here is a dumb question… have any Democrats tried to confuse the teapartier vote, trying to redirect their outrage more towards the people whom they ought to be outraged about? I know it won’t be wildly successful, but it doesn’t have to be. even 10%-15% splitting would have a big impact, and confuse the messaging system.

I’ve been thinking about détournement a lot lately (got Debord on the brain lately). I think that an effort to send “tweaked” right wing style e-mails would be an interesting exercise in culture jamming. I got a couple of ideas in mah noggin, but nothing concrete.


Your dad is a regular at MAC
he’s pegged by the girls dressed in black
He uses red lipstick up his butt
And still it’s your mom who’s the slut.


I don’t like the couplets. I think we should switch to actual limericks.


I think that an effort to send “tweaked” right wing style e-mails would be an interesting exercise in culture jamming. I got a couple of ideas in mah noggin, but nothing concrete.

My uncle was talking about doing that! I think it could work, but you’d have to be careful not to encourage more paranoia.


Hi, Marion! As always, glad to see you here today.

The Wise Voices of Life Experience need to help the whippersnappers understand the way the world really works.

Now you young folks get offa our lawns!


DKW, i sincerely hope you have this shirt. i saw it this weekend and thought of you…


I think that an effort to send “tweaked” right wing style e-mails would be an interesting exercise in culture jamming. I got a couple of ideas in mah noggin, but nothing concrete.

I occasionally post on PJM under a fake wingnut ID just to stir things up, but very rarely. I’m open to the idea if anyone has any.


‘hot mayonnaise’

Heh. I like it. “White Chocolate” is a timeless classic too.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I saw your dad down by the docks,
He’s sucking on longshoremen’s cocks.
He’s guzzling the sperm in great dollops,
It’s yer mom, though, who’s queen of the trollops.


…and still I have no idea who or what Moxy Ru-whatever is…



I love old-fashioned words for sluts. I also enjoy “tart” and “jezebel.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

My uncle was talking about doing that! I think it could work, but you’d have to be careful not to encourage more paranoia.

I think the key is to redirect the paranoia- make the Peoples’ Front of Judea go after the Judean People’s Front, so to speak.

I occasionally post on PJM under a fake wingnut ID just to stir things up, but very rarely. I’m open to the idea if anyone has any.

Have you had any success? Have you had any hilarious moments?


Attacking the enemies strengths is not just for right wingers.

Hiya, Chris. As long as we’re using military analogies, I tend to prefer Liddell Hart’s ‘Strategy of the Indirect Approach’. (Or in baseball, ‘hit ’em where they ain’t’.)

I’m not sure about its application to political strategy. But then there might be some utility in political frontal assaults, considering the the famous and widely-known (and sometimes misunderstood) dictum in Clausewitz.

Maybe I’ll write some about military theory when I arrive in Blogostan.


I was wondering what your reaction is to the use of ‘retarded’.

i absolutely HATE the term used disparagingly, juveniley, or casually!!! it really, really hurts my heart because 1) the daugher 2) all her wonderful friends and co-workers, who through no fault of their own are handicapped in various ways, yet overcome it and are so full of innocent hope and are sometimes so wise it just fucking gobsmacks you 3) again, through no fault of their own–they should not be mocked or considered second rate FOR ANY REASON AT ALL.

i’ve always been like this even in high school, back when such kids were either at home, institutionalized or at best, shuttled into the ‘special ed.’ room.

i have started an informal campaign against the ‘r word.’ my key club kids and even adults now know not to use that word around me. i’ve also got a ban on the ‘g word’ and every time its used, i either say, ‘yes…you’re right! that IS bright and cheerful!’ or ‘um, no…you are mistaken, that is anything BUT bright and cheerful!’

some people can’t help how they are…they all have their special talents and whatnot and are useful members of society…unless you are just an ignorant asshole…then there’s no hope for you…

thanks for letting me rant


Have you had any success? Have you had any hilarious moments?

Nah. The comments usually just get lost in a torrent of even wingnuttier comments.


Was that the same place that had the charming little sign at a fork in the path that read “This way to the dungeon, torture chamber and gift shop?”

why i believe you are right, and probably have a snap of it somewhere. i also enjoyed a sign in the women’s toilet at the Canterbury Cathedral: ‘Warning! Male toilet attendant on duty!”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I love old-fashioned words for sluts. I also enjoy “tart” and “jezebel.”

You’d probably get a kick out of this bit of cultural ephemera.


But then there might be some utility in political frontal assaults

What about backal assaults?


i’ve always been like this even in high school, back when such kids were either at home, institutionalized or at best, shuttled into the ‘special ed.’ room.

I was the same way with the colloquial use of the word “gay,” from middle school onwards. Never thought about “retarded” that way, but will make an effort to avoid the word in the future.


You’d probably get a kick out of this bit of cultural ephemera.

Oh my. Some of my favorites there. Harlots and strumpets and courtesans–OH MY!

Also strumpets rhymes with crumpets.


I love old-fashioned words for sluts. I also enjoy “tart” and “jezebel.”

hands down fave: strumpets


Can we still say ‘gimp?’


Demimondaine. Personal fave.


You’d probably get a kick out of this bit of cultural ephemera.

dang it…now i want to change my nym to ‘saucy tart’


It probably says very bad things about me, but you folks sure are a tonic.


Can we still say ‘gimp?’



Can we still say ‘gimp?’

That’s an insult to Sadistic-Americans.


You guys, my co-worker has left early TWICE this week.

And it’s only Tuesday.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

You guys, my co-worker has left early TWICE this week.

And it’s only Tuesday.

She’s trying to make sure that she’s at the head of the line to peg yer dad!


It probably says very bad things about me, but you folks sure are a tonic.

You’re sick individual. Which makes us sickos for liking you too. It’s an endless loop of sickness.


Can we still say ‘gimp?’


although my nephew are one of those…he got the physical limitations of cerebral palsy, while my daugher got the cognitive and a second cousin with the physical….and they say it doesn’t run in families.

also, the nephew would pee himself laffing at t & u’s sadistic americans comment…


It’s an endless loop of sickness.

S,N is a like a pre-school. Disease-ridden, but you get to poop your pants and play a lot.


And it’s only Tuesday.

i am going to be a day off all week…stayed home yesterday due to horrendous snowfall…we got around 20″ of it on Sunday…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It probably says very bad things about me, but you folks sure are a tonic.

Damn wordpress must’ve eaten the “cata” prefix!


I love old-fashioned words for sluts

One of my faves: ‘slit’ (See Phillip Roth’s Great American Novel.

bbfk: Thanks for the help. I’m completely on board with yer campaign: I expunged it from my own writing and discourse years ago, and found substitute words.

My thinking was mainly about the kids and parents, so that’s why I was especially curious. I don’t know any such children or families myself, but when I encounter such a person, I try to engage in some small way.

Example: At a supermarket I patronize, there is a young man who retrieves carts, and helps patrons put groceries in the I always smile, make eye contact, and try to engage with some friendly greeting or comment, e.g. the weather (that wonderful standby!). It distresses me when people avert there eyes and pretend he isn’t there. I’ve also stopped by the management and let them know how much I appreciate their hiring him.

And thanks for the guidance. Your daughter is so lucky to have loving and nurturing parents.


She’s trying to make sure that she’s at the head of the line to peg yer dad!

Thank you so much for that image. I’m going to go dunk my brane in a vat of acid. BRB.


bbfk: I’m so ignorant, I don’t even know what the ‘g word’ is. Help?


I think B^4 should do this. Only with a significantly better artist.


bbfk: Also, what are descriptive words that are NOT hurtful? I’ve only got ‘special needs’ in my lexicon.


Strumpet ain’t the half of it.

An article with diagrams and such.


“On the one hand, women who ‘put out’ for men are described as hags, slop jars, and pisspallets”

Really? I’ve never heard any of those terms for women who “put out,” although I’m assuming that “cum bucket”=”slop jar”.

I love that diagram so much I want to update it using Visio.


An article with diagrams and such.

ROFL! I very much enjoyed ASS(piece of).

BTW, for future reference, if anyone would like to call me by some anachronistic term for slut, my preference is “tart.” Because it’s cute and tarts are yummy. Also, sometimes I smell like sweets.


I meant Sadist Americans! Fuck!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I think B^4 should do this. Only with a significantly better artist.

Scare Club for Men!


You know how hard it is to pick up piss with a forklift?


If you look at that article she’s using some sketchy things for sources:

My sources were varied, and there will probably be a large number of terms with which many readers are unfamiliar. Aside from dictionaries like the QED, Partridge’s Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, Wentworth and Flexner’s Dictionary of American Slang, I have also drawn from books like Down in the Holler, a book on Ozark slang, from The SodWeed [sic] Factor by John Barth 2, and I have used information provided by friends, colleagues, and students. Omitted from this list are some terms that are limited in their use to literature, like bona robe, demimondaine, callat, callet, giglot, blowen, and fricatrice.

The Sot-Weed Factor has a few pages of name-calling between prostitutes, and Barth himself doesn’t know which ones he made up. It’s very much like a thread at some crappy comedy site on the internet.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Brazen Reagan Praisin’

That tattoo is placed a little too high.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

John Barth 2

Semantic Boogaloo.


T&U: If you update the list, definately add ‘squaw’ — derived by whites, as I understand it, from a Native American term for ladyparts.

Also you can add ‘slit’. I’ve never encountered it anywhere except the Roth novel, so perhaps it is too marginal to make the list….


VS what about Lamppost Loralie


Brazen Reagan Praisin’

I’ve never wished to be a dude, but….


Your dad’s sphincter is a celebrity
Renowned for elastic integrity
But no matter how clenching that shag
Still, it’s your mom’s the jizz rag


It’s very much like a thread at some crappy comedy site on the internet.

I hate those.


VS what about Lamppost Loralie

I’m only sorry I’m having a boy…*sigh*

BTW, tramp stamps are extraordinarily lame on their own….but, damn…REAGAN? Really? As others noted in the comments, I’m pretty sure she was a CHILD, if not pre-born while he was in office. *rolls eyes*


unless you are just an ignorant asshole

As an Ignorant Asshole American, I object to this usage!


Ignorant Asshole

I’ll have you know my asshole is quite learned. It’s at least as smart as Sarah Palin.


I do believe, however, that the United States will go over the cliff. At this point, too much damage has been done to reverse it. All we can do is delay it. Sorry for the thread downer.

Down the road, not across the street. Make sure you go in deep enough too.


It’s at least as smart as Sarah Palin.

Probably more coherent, too.


Probably more coherent, too.

OK, that made me make some sort of wheezing, snorty laughing sound.


Your daddy takes peggings while in schoolgirl leggings
From ladies who work at Sephora
They paint up his face to his utter disgrace
But hey it’s your mom that’s the whora.


From ladies who work at Sephora

Oddly it’s the reference to Sephora that most impresses me about this poem.

Now if I can find a man to write poems about Philosophy and SkinStore, I’ll probably have to divorce my husband.


VS: Wonderful photos, wonderful song at your place.

Jeebus, I wish I could get a comment through AT your site. I’ve failed to get one through for a week now. But I’m able to post at other sites. You that’s (partially) why I put up the plaintive ‘Why does VS hate me? comment several days ago.

Also, there is/was non-response to an e-mail I sent a week or so ago…wanted to explore a commission.

But I still love you and your artwork, darlin’! I visit every time you send me the auto-email.


T&U totally missed that one and took the MAC store instead.


Now if I can find a man to write poems about Philosophy and SkinStore, I’ll probably have to divorce my husband.

Bi dudes. They’ll help you pick out clothes, too.


Your dad likes a certain man part
Up his bum; though it surely does smart
And although it seems crass
Loves coke cans in his ass
Even so, yer mom still is the tart


T&U totally missed that one and took the MAC store instead.

I couldn’t figure out how to rhyme “Sephora.”

I was coming up with one for Ulta (my personal favorite, because I am cheap), then got bored.


I’ll have you know my asshole is quite learned.

Pics? Video?


I used to be bi, but then I wasn’t getting laid by twice as many people.


BTW, for future reference, if anyone would like to call me by some anachronistic term for slut, my preference is “tart.”

“Some dumb crack” is available.


Your father, named Clint
(An incorrigible bint)
Liked a peg in the keister
(Peg being your seester.)


I love that diagram so much I want to update it using Visio.

I like the inclusion of “wife”, in the “Expensive” section, classified as “legalised prostitution”.


Your dad likes to hang out at Lush
on natural products he has a crush
like bath bombs up the ass
but still he has class
compared to your mom’s ravaged tush.


That was terrible, btw. I don’t think I’m good at this.


That was terrible, btw. I don’t think I’m good at this.

Use the Run-DMC method: could either of those two say that to the beat? Of course there’s always the Dee Dee King method.


Your dad likes a romp in the hay
He can take it and take it all day
So the men from the farm
And the factories will swarm
But your mom’s still the easier lay.


I dug it.

I’m too sick to come up with poetry now. Literally ill. Well, figuratively too, but…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Having been on a bit of a bender, I’m catching up… I know that Peak Wingnut is an impossibility, but Limpball’s attack on vegetables, and his assertion, “Jack Lalane exercised and ate vegetables AND HE’S DEAD!” has got to approach some sort of asshole asymptote.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Of course there’s always the Dee Dee King method.

I had tried to block that particular episode in pop culture from my mind, but Mickey Leigh mentioned it in I Slept with Joey Ramone.

The link’s broken… please don’t fix it!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

who’s gonna work in santorum?

With it’s frothy texture, it really doesn’t work well as a sculpture medium.


who’s gonna work in santorum?

I suspect it makes a poor skin care product.


With it’s frothy texture, it really doesn’t work well as a sculpture medium.

I bet there’s a Farrelly brothers gross-out comedy that disagrees with you.

Also, didja know that Rush Limbaugh thinks Michelle Obama is fat?


I was WRONG about gummint shutdowns. Apparently it’s all automated now. Whew!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

who’s gonna work in santorum?

Uh… warning everyone not to be ingesting any comestibles of any sort now…

You’ve been warned…

Your dad’s got a butt-fucking quorum,
He’s smeared head-to-toe with Santorum.
The froth is so thick he could smother,
He’s a saint, though, compared to your mother.


I was WRONG about gummint shutdowns. Apparently it’s all automated now. Whew!



Your dad’s got a butt-fucking quorum,
He’s smeared head-to-toe with Santorum.
The froth is so thick he could smother,
He’s a saint, though, compared to your mother.



“Butt-fucking quorum” is a thing of beauty.


who’s gonna work in santorum?

It’s been done. At your request, too. How quickly they forget.

Big Bad Bald Bastard




Apparently, “quorum” is the only word we can come up with to rhyme with Santorum.

Also, I am concerned about this obsession with Sanatorum that VS has.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It’s been done. At your request, too. How quickly they forget.

Nicely done, Whale Chowder… I stand chastised and dismayed.


WC, I have pregnant brain….and I’m obviously obsessed with crude poetry about Rick Assfroth. Forgive me. But that was awesome. Btw, how the Frick did you find that so fast? I was looking something up for someone here the other day an dit took me like a half hour.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Apparently, “quorum” is the only word we can come up with to rhyme with Santorum.

The worst letter to Penhouse forum,
From a guy who’s obsessed with santorum,
He waxes quite wroth, if there is no froth.
That results when large rough-housers bore him.


Nice link, B^4. I like tip-o-the-hat to doo-wop. Sometime I might put up some doo-wop when I’ve safely arrived in Blogostan.

Also, your ‘forum’ poem (?) Wins, IMO.


Your father will swim in santorum
Like he’s hoping for boner Gorham
He swizzles the froth
It’s a flame to his moth
But yer mom’s still the big whore-am.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Also, I am concerned about this obsession with Sanatorum that VS has.

Hey, anything which keeps the “crude sexual neologism” high in the search engine results is a good thing.


OK that was weak.



The thing is, anybody who has been through the collapse of a nation will tell us we’re more fucked than Captain Pissgums’ cabin boy. The only reason to imagine the US will survive this period more or less intact is its sheer economic reach, which is unprecedented in the world. The closest we come is the British Empire, and that descended into a sort of anemic, tribal twilight from which it has yet to emerge.
The place we most resemble is the late-period USSR. Plenty soviets saw it coming, didn’t believe it, and didn’t care, because they were so totes disenchanted with everything. Down it came, and the venture capitalists rushed in, stripped the corpse, buggered it, and left it to rot.

I see no reason to expect better for the US. Unless Obama decides he doesn’t want that billion dollars of campaign money as much as he wants to be remembered fondly for saving the nation from the Red-State Menace.


Gizoogling’s harder when you’re trying to remember someone else’s words.


Brazen Reagan Praisin’

i thought u couldn’t be drunk while getting tattooed…how did althouse work around that?


I totally admit that Rick Santorum is pretty high on my list of wingnuts I want to punch in the crotch.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

i thought u couldn’t be drunk while getting tattooed…how did althouse work around that?

Couldn’t be Althouse… I figure Althouse would get the tattoo done in “Helvetica” and it would end up looking like Gothic lettering.


“Butt-fucking quorum” is a thing of beauty.

It’s what the Wisconsin Republicans are hoping for right now, if only the Dems would show up.


Once said a wise man named Santorum
(Or steatorrhea, to those who deplore him):
“No fucking goats,
Or monkeys, or stoats,
No matter how much you adore them.”


bbfk: I’m so ignorant, I don’t even know what the ‘g word’ is. Help?

that would be gay…

also…there aren’t any descriptors besides special needs, which I favor since it covers it all…and thank u for engaging your cart boy at the supermarket…altho I hate seeing special needs kids doing these types of jobs when it’s freezing cold or rainy or something. especially if they don’t have a job coach or somebody to make sure they are dressed for the weather. they sometimes are such creatures of habit and singleminded that they won’t quit a task come he’ll or high-water or both!

and giving management kudos for hiring him is awesome too…and i’m glad u are volunteering tomorrow!


I agree with this guy. He must be a writer or something. Clearly an alcoholic.


For receiving a punch in the crotch
Rick Santorum owns the top notch
He’s a corporate whore
And a Catholic bore
As a tart, yer mom thinks he’s topnotch


The closest we come is the British Empire, and that descended into a sort of anemic, tribal twilight from which it has yet to emerge.

I’d say the British didn’t exactly go out gracefully (ask some of the people in the third world), but at least they knew when the game was up. I’m not sure Americans have that in them, not with “history” being mostly a long succession of us getting what we want.

When I look at the enormous shock Vietnam gave us and the way wingnuts reacted to that by going even more batshit-American-exceptionalist-insane (a phase that still hasn’t ended), I have to wonder what losing our place as the world’s leading power will do for our national psychology. I could easily see it driving us nuts in a way that would make the teabaggers right now look completely sane.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I spray my yard with dinosaur repellent. It must be working — I’ve never seen a dinosaur around here. That’s an old joke, of course.

**PEDANT**You’ve never seen a dinosaur? Yer not looking!**/PEDANT**


Link fits into multiple discussions and topics within the tread:

Monday night’s Daily Show.

In case you missed it or in case you do not watch television. (I don’t)

1st Segment — Wisconsin & Unions (w/deft Mid-East detour)
2nd Segment — Camera Three: Stewart talks to workers.
Interview — Discussion of gender-identity. (Lisa Ling, of television documentary series Our America.)


The Variants said,

February 22, 2011 at 22:30

Also you can add ‘slit’. I’ve never encountered it anywhere except the Roth novel, so perhaps it is too marginal to make the list….

“Slit” was used, appropriately, in Frank Zappa and the Mothers “Fillmore East – June 1971” — track 4 “Bwana Dik” — here’s the appropriate snippet:

And if his dick is a monster
If his dick is a monster
If his dick is a monster
We will give him our hearts…

Hold it! Please hold it!
My God, Madge… you voluptuous New York City slit…
Why didn’t you tell me before?
It was so hard to tell with your little blousey-poo on,
but.. now that I see you… I would have helped…
I didn’t know you were so obviously.. PREGNANT…

Give it a listen…

Actually, that whole album is kinda how I might imagine some of the threads here might sound if performed live.


Didja see? I got the text-for-link tag to work in the Daily Show link !!! Small victories are victories nonetheless.

So Fuck You WordPress for screwing with me again and again and again for the last three fucking days.

I mean, really, really, really FYWP. With a splintered and rusty corkscew.


I wish chris and spengler were in my cranium…oh, the knowledge and wordskillz….sigh…


I wish chris and spengler were in my cranium

I bet if you asked nicely and batted your eyes…


Alternatives: “Self-retarded,” ’cause that’s what most of them are.

And “cretin.” Pronounced kreh-tin, not creet-un. From French for Christian. Quite appropriate.


Also, nice piece over at the HuffPoo, Señor Moistened Crevasse.


Whale Chowder said,

February 23, 2011 at 0:47

Also, nice piece over at the HuffPoo, Señor Moistened Crevasse.

Can you/someone share a link? Wading through the re-Post to find morsels makes me all stabby feeling. Also I’m lazy also too.


Alternatives: “Self-retarded,” ’cause that’s what most of them are.

And “cretin.” Pronounced kreh-tin, not creet-un. From French for Christian. Quite appropriate.

well done, you! i should have consulted you long ago…


Spengler: Chorus is an honorable role.

I agree with everything you wrote. And I honest-to-god-actually-in-truth laughed out loud. Muchly. My only divergence is this sentence:

In any case, I look forward to a time of change for the better.

My divergence may be product of mood or temperment or from long practice seeing through the lens of worst-case analysis. Or some mixture of those.

I like your style. I’m looking forward to Rise Again. (It is up to number three in my queue. I read slowly because I read carefully.)


Well, I just invented “self-retarded,” but I almost think it has legs.

Cretin I’ve been using since before The Ramones & their mispronounced version.


OBS: Right above your head.

Bah, sorry! Not only am I lazy, I’m evidently blind too.

And yes, that was a good read.


‘sokay, how often do you get to use “watch out for dripping santorum” in a sentence?


And regarding dinosaurs, I bought myself this shirt. When I wear it people either get it or look at me like I might be a religious nut.

They also have one I like for zombies.


I’m evidently blind too.

which is prolly why wading through re-posts makes you feel stabby…wanna know what is making me feel stabby? posting from my ipad with its stupid ‘keyboard’ and even stupider auto correct!!!


Santorum 2012 IS REAL
That’s the convention where your dad feels
Cocks up his ass until he’s sore,
But your mom, she’s the whore.


‘sokay, how often do you get to use “watch out for dripping santorum” in a sentence

not often enough, by which I mean fucking never…


I wish chris and spengler were in my cranium…oh, the knowledge and wordskillz

Me too. (Also–taking full advantage of the opportunity–gives another gentle nudge to Chris.)

Speaking of braanz…

I have pregnant brain.

Slayer get my vote for Teh Winnah of the thread.


There were some pols in Wisconsin
Looking for asses to put cocks in.
With willful teabaggers much fun was had, until
slipping one yelled “watch out for dripping santorum!”


Meh, falls apart in the end.


Spengler’s column, while important, lacks any discussion of magic pixies who will, Republicans believe, fix everything. They are more dependable than underpants gnomes and leave a smell of minty freshness when they are done.
I am not sure as to the arsehole of whom they are currently residing.


The missing article is what makes it s-o-o perfect. Plus I’m going to steal the phrase ‘pregnant brain’.

Goddam it. Just shut up, Joey, okay?


“currently residing in” I dunno how that got posted, honestly it just did


Meh, falls apart in the end.

Still, I chuckled.


Meh, falls apart in the end.

And funny as hell.


DKW…AHEM! you still have not answered my query regarding the shirt


I’ve done my damage here. Trundling off to AJ for a while, then some other stuff. I’ll probably be back in the Night Hawk hours. Have fun.


AHEM! you still have not answered my query regarding the shirt

Sheee-itt. VS doesn’t answer her e-mail. (BTW, I thought the shirt was great. You gotta order one, Dragon-King.)


That shirt is indeed AWESOME. I do not have one yet.


Spengler, I enjoyed the read, although clearly the author has some major issues. I like how it lacked that “everything is fucked and nothing will ever get better ever” feel.


He must be a writer or something. Clearly an alcoholic.

You repeat yourself.


“American’s CIA Ties Imperil Pakistan Cooperation”

I’m surprised that the guy advertised his employer so blatantly… a discreet lapel pin would have been enough.

No mention in the article that the CIA are contracting Xe mercenaries. Who claim to be diplomats. And shoot peoples from the host country. In the back.


Who claim to be diplomats. And shoot peoples from the host country. In the back.

In self-defense. Five times. Don’t read Glennzilla because as they say on the teevees infomercials, there’s moar.


Smut–It was a robbery! He was protecting himself! (Notice the “robbery” part has conveniently

I heard something about an SUV driving up and carting him away from the scene a week or so ago, but I haven’t heard anything else since then.

Oh! It gets worse! Raymond Davis, a 36-year-old former special forces soldier, had taken command after the CIA station chief’s cover was blown, according to reports.


In the back.

Picky picky picky.


What a fucking asshole. What a FUCKING ASSHOLE. WHAT A FUCKING ASSHOLE!

I may or may not have been shouting that in my car on the way home today. I’m sure I looked…stable.


Would it help if I wrote an hilarious limerick about how he’s getting fucked up the bum in a Pakistani prison?


..but your mom’s the whore?


“conveniently disappeared.”

I don’t even have a fetus to blame.


I may or may not have been shouting that in my car on the way home today. I’m sure I looked…stableby.

Fixxored. I’ve been feeling stabby all day.


Raymond Davis, a 36-year-old former special forces soldier, had taken command after the CIA station chief’s cover was blown
Putting a Xe mercenary in charge of the station is going to do heaps for CIA’s reputation and credibility.

Would it help if I wrote an hilarious limerick about how he’s getting fucked up the bum in a Pakistani prison?
I gather he’s in a secure wing away from risk of assassination or rough justice; he’s too good a bargaining chip for the Pakistanis to let anything happen to him. They’re even getting dogs to sample his food, for fear of poisoning attempts. At least that’s the excuse when they present him with meal plates covered with lick marks and dog slobber.


Putting a Xe mercenary in charge of the station is going to do heaps for CIA’s reputation and credibility.

Right??? How the fuck is that even allowed???


I gather he’s in a secure wing away from risk of assassination or rough justice

Funny, seems like the secure wings of prisons are places where rough justice has a good chance of taking place. Especially to “Enemies of the State”.

Anyways, I asked because the shootings occured in Lahore, which is begging to be rhymed.


And yes, DKW, a limerick certainly can’t hurt.

I’m just…ugh. It’s American foreign policy in the Middle East in a fucking nutshell, isn’t it? Sickening.


Clyde & T&U: Thanks for the links. I’ve watching the Middle East. This development wasn’t on my radar. Now it is.


Stabby? Pikers!! I’m dying to kill someone.

Click my name (everything today after the Rolling Stones Rice Krispies® advert) & see what happens when one reacts to America after being awake for several hrs. w/o consuming anything but coffee & Camels®.


A spy named Davis in Lahore
Shot two men in the back and the fore
But now he’s in jail
Nightly you hear him wail
As his ass gets used moar and moar.


Recent Libya items: Italian army on alert, sent five fighters to Malta. Tunisian army on alert; redeploying some units to the Libyan border. UK deploys RN vessels (probably in stand-off positons) off of the Libyan coast.

Libyan Navy vessel off Malta, believed to be defection. The Libyan refugees at Malta have some chilling tales. Libyan Interior Minister resigns.

Christchurch: Deaths currently at 75. @ 100 missing. Hospital and airport still closed.


Bouffant, that does not help.


And in his resignation, Interior Minister urged military to join the revolution.


It is not a good look when the Agency has lost so much capability that even a core government function like killing foreigners has to be outsourced to whichever private company offers the lowest bid or has the best connections.

Anyways, I asked because the shootings occured in Lahore, which is begging to be rhymed.

No-one could complain if the guy undergoes extraordinary rendition to an unknown prison elsewhere in the world.

The Android, Zombie & Golem Coalition

“even a core government function like killing foreigners has to be outsourced to whichever private company offers the lowest bid or has the best connections.”

The second gunman was a tech support guy from Mumbai.


That was me.


Here’s teh funneh part – in a watching the ship go down/gallows humour kinda way. What if Pakistan did exactly as the US wants?
“As Davis entered Pakistan on a diplomatic passport, we are turning him over to the US. The US says that a full criminal investigation will be conducted so we know that justice will be done, In light of recent events in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, we know that the US won’t do anything to endager the political fortunes of her allies by covering up any wrongdoing.”

BWAAhhaHaHAHAhhAHAHHah. Be careful what you wish for Obama, because you would be fucked, and not in teh good way, if it happened.


That piece by a guy posing as me is of course bowdlerized for the Puffington Host audience (frail blooms all), but what I really mean to say is there’s une fucking tempête parfaite brewing with astonishing speed over the yoo ess of ay presently — it looks like Indiana may join Wisconsin and Ohio, and there are several other befuckit states wobbling* on the edge; meanwhile it’s looking moar and moar like there’s going to be a Republican shutdown of the federal gummint. We’re talking about states paralyzed at the same time as the fed. That’s a recipe for mass ass plastering.

Luckily, our Comprobatio-In-Chief has made several bold, vigorous statements and taken decisive action that will help stabilize the situation. Or not.

If I were Obama right now, I’d be taking the reins, because his preznitcy is about to go down the shitter of history. Maybe I’m just a big fussbudget.



Yes this is a FUBAR for Obama. I am comfortable throwing Davis to the wolves because fuck him. But, I wonder what he was doing, what his mission was. Perhaps Wikileaks will inform us at some point.


I’m stealing “befuckit”.


“Comprobatio-In-Chief” – This word I do not know.

“his preznitcy is about to go down the shitter of history.”

Or the voters will see the Republicans for who they are. One can hope.


“Comprobatio (com-pro-ba’-ti-o): Approving and commending a virtue, especially in the hearers.”

Well done sir. Apropos of Obama.


M. Bouffant, re: thine blogge, I owe you a Los Angeles-based beer one of these days.


Gocart, there are so many lovely words we just don’t use enough. Most of them to describe some form of assholery. We should bone up* on them for the coming shitstorm.



Sadly, No! contest. How many words for “assholery’ can YOU think of? Last prize is a date with DKW’s mom. First prize is not a date with DKW’s mom and a lifetime subscription to Sadly, No!


How many words for “assholery’ can YOU think of?

After the crossbow and long bow, I’m pretty much out.


What is this befuckitry.


Bouffant, that does not help.

Makes me feel (marginally) better.

Really, I was only trying to demonstrate what a proudly hateful asshole I am. No promises were made as to improvement of anything.


meanwhile it’s looking moar and moar like there’s going to be a Republican shutdown of the federal gummint.

And who’s flying to DC on Saturday the 5th, the day after the idjits shut the gubmit down? Me, of course.

I figure there are probably bars with drinkable beer where I can spend the week I should be spending in meetings, waiting for maybe possibly them to open back up. At least the various monuments will be accessible since they’re outdoors.

Of course my trip will be funded on the gubmit’s dime. Brilliant.


The second gunman was a tech support guy from Mumbai.

That was me.

Don’t blow your cover.


Little know factiod: the “G” in G. Murphy Donovan stand for “Goldilocks”. Because he’s a pretty girl.


KNOWN, also


Los Angeles-based beer one of these days.

Indeed. One of these days, we should organize a Drinking Like Fish, But Sadly! Event for local Southland yokels.

g offered her house once, but I dissuaded her, out of security concerns. (You’d hate to have Gary Ruppert show up. Or even for his ilk to know one’s address.)

I’d vote for a Sunday afternoon potlatch/BBQ/BYOB in Griffith Park, but there may be bars or the like. Geography a consideration, as always.


This interests me:

I think that an effort to send “tweaked” right wing style e-mails would be an interesting exercise in culture jamming. I got a couple of ideas in mah noggin, but nothing concrete.

I used to go fishing at wingsites, introduce myself with some negrobama fistjabs and highfives, then cast my hook for some real bottomfeeders. I usually filled my basket in five or ten minutes then I’d throw all the carp overboard. I think someone has a good idea to do this, but differently. It isn’t necessarily a new gimmick. Aaron Barr may believe he invented this game, but children have taught him a lesson in reality. Which brings me to this: even the biggest fish are attracted to shiny lures, and they don’t have to be fake. Nothing convinces better than feeling like you’re being let in on a secret, especially a secret that you know is, after all, true. But one no one has shared with you, and one you’re too scared to go looking for yourself.

So, whaddyuh tink. Could this work?


And who’s flying to DC on Saturday the 5th, the day after the idjits shut the gubmit down?

Maybe not. Air traffic controllers are federal employees. I hope your pilot is good with visual flight rules in the air…and doesn’t need instrument landing systems on the ground. Take extra cash for in-flight booze.

Not sure about TSA gropers, either.

(Going for the cheap joke. There are exceptions to the ‘gubmint shutdown’. You think Presidential Security Detail is going on furlough?)


How many words for “assholery’ can YOU think of?

Odd. I got all excited, and then got overwhelmed. There must be 30,000 ways to convey this particular quality.


There must be 30,000 ways to convey this particular quality.

Yet only 50 ways to leave your lover. I only remember the ones in the lyrics. What were the others, again?


647, btw


So, whaddyuh tink. Could this work?

Your ideer seems sound to me. But I’m unfamilar with reichwing sites. They make my head want to explode. (Basically, I only read the mangos here.) So I don’t know the terrain at all.

W-a-y upthread Chris wrote a comment about peeling off teapartiers. If I remember, he seemed to be in the same headspace you are.

I like the patience of establlishing your ‘cred’ first. Recon well, then quick-strike ambush. Another possibility: Tag-team with other people doing the same thing at the same site. Strength in numbers and mutual support on hostile ground.

Dunno. Just spitballing some ideas.


I like when you photoshop someone on a toilet. It is very original. Especially when you do it all the time. You need to trademark it.


Stop Laughing! “Yeesh”


rouge Qaddafi? Sort of a dark, blood-red blush, for when you want to really glam it up for an evening occasion?

ok, ok, posting while stoned……


Dear Penthouse Forum
I found some Santorum
While slamming a dad in the butt
He loves it in the pooper
He thinks it is super
But it’s the wife what taught him to rut

Poetry, bitches.


What? Nobody wants his coffee frothy?

Scott "Hosni" Walker

What? Nobody wants his coffee frothy?

ok then.


That shirt is indeed AWESOME. I do not have one yet.

this i cannot believe…


Dude sounds pissed he wasn’t there help in the assault.


this i cannot believe…

In her vigorous eagerness, your mom ripped mine off of me last week.


Gallup finally weighed in.

“As you may know, one way the legislature in Wisconsin is seeking to reduce its budget deficit is by passing a bill that would take away some [edit: LOL! “Some”? Try “all.”] of the collective bargaining rights of most public unions, including the state teachers’ union. Would you favor or oppose such a bill?”

33% favor it, 61% oppose it and 6% aren’t sure. That’s a consensus that dwarfs any poll taken during the health care debate. Might I expect them to start giving a shit about democracy?

(No, of course not. They’re Republicans. Might as well expect a dog not to scratch its fleas).


I like when you photoshop someone on a toilet. It is very original. Especially when you do it all the time. You need to trademark it.

Soooomebodyyyyy doesn’t get the idea of a running joke and the post-modernist hilarity that ensues when you overdo it…


In her vigorous eagerness, your mom ripped mine off of me last week.

This was much more horrifying out of context.

Guess who called in sick after leaving early Monday and Tuesday?


In a crisis of conscience, I must admit my girlfriend’s Manchester Terriers have never peed in the bed. However, they still have not written any novels, zombie or otherwise.


Justin Beavmaster is teh Great Satan over at Clown Hall, because doctors in Canada apparently work at gunpoint.


How do you get through to Governor Walker? Be the magic Koch:


From Spengler’s link: And he claimed that without Obamacare, “the government will go bankrupt” (we’ve got Obamacare, and we’re still headed towards insolvency).

Is he being deliberately dimwitted, or is he really that fucking stupid?

Also, Beebs doesn’t believe women who are rape victims should be allowed to get abortions. You’d think that would mitigate at least some of his evil Canadian Canadnianness.


Ladies and men-folk, all that stuff about fishing at wingnut websites? Try fishing for wingnut Governors.


Try fishing for wingnut Governors.

Let me guess. You use a wet fly?


Um, Chris. What am I, dried Santorum?


Let me guess. You use a wet fly?

You’re thinking of Governor Sanford of South Carolina.


Um, Chris. What am I, dried Santorum?



Well, the link worked for a while. But, apparently I get to join the chorus:



The Buffalo Beast website is down for some reason.


Links from Balloon juice, Rumproast as well as Google directly don’t work, not just smedley’s.


Weird, the links still work for me. I’m using Firefox, could that make a difference?


Majorly OT, but I can smell death on this thread, so sue me. My nephew––WHO IS ADORBS!!–dancing on youtube.


Your nephew’s dance smells of death? What?


Chris, it was down for me, but it was back up again. I think it’s just getting too much traffic.


“February 23, 2011 at 17:25

Your nephew’s dance smells of death? What?”

Well, apparently he just got over an illness, so…this is not his finest work.



Or at least do some work. Damn, I’m lazy.


Chris, it was down for me, but it was back up again. I think it’s just getting too much traffic.

“You are clicking on the link too quickly. Slow down and try again.”


I would totally lose in a laziness contest because trying to win it might involve effort.


The Beast’s hamsters are underpaid even by S,N! standards.



Just add animated gifs.


“I’m using Firefox, could that make a difference?”

I am using Firefox also and linky no worky


I am using Firefox also and linky no worky

Well, now the entire Balloon Juice website isn’t working for me either. Weirdness.

I blame Al Gore. The Internets have never been the same since he invented them. Plus, he’s fat, and it snowed the other day.


My nephew––WHO IS ADORBS!!–dancing on youtube.

That was adorable. He’s so happy. He even came up from his spill with a smile on his face.


Oh. You may have noticed the band’s new name. Even Ralph likes it, so that means we’re going to stay with this one.


Shameless blogwhore alert: I just put up a new post and I think it’s a pretty good one.


The Fenwicks ain’t shit until they start jamming with Dr. BLT and leaving links to their collaborated upon songs here. What does Ralph think of that?


Are you fucking kidding me?

Someone’s either been studying Mubarak’s MO, or Kadhafi’s. Maybe even those Ayatollahs in Iran.

Also, I’m trying to re-find the picture of a protestor’s sign in Tahir Square that said something in support of the people in Wisconsin – anybody remember that one, or what it said exactly? I think it’s on S, N! that I saw it…


N_B says he found it on Digby.


For those of you keeping score at home, every commenter here, with tow exceptions, is blocked to me at work. The exceptions are VS and Spengler. So, to VS and Spengler, moar subversiveness is apparently required. That is all.


Damn. The masks are coming off.

It turned out that lawyer, Jeff Cox, is a deputy attorney general in the state. And — perhaps unsurprisingly — he’s left a long online trail of controversial statements and diktats.

“[A]gainst thugs physically threatening legally-elected state legislators & governor?” he tweeted back at Weinstein. “You’re damn right I advocate deadly force.”


I mean their websites are blocked. And “tow?” Also, two, also, too.


It turned out that lawyer, Jeff Cox, is a deputy attorney general in the state. And — perhaps unsurprisingly — he’s left a long online trail of controversial statements and diktats.

Yup. BTW, aren’t there children in that crowd? And who was “physically threatening” elected officials? Jesus Christ, they’re teachers!

Marion in Savannah

We are so fucked.

But only if we are married to someone of the opposite sex… In order to cover everyone “we are so fornicated” may work better.


“We are so fucked.”

This is good news. What am I missing NOM or are you anti gay marriage?

“After careful consideration, including a review of my recommendation, the President has concluded that given a number of factors, including a documented history of discrimination, classifications based on sexual orientation should be subject to a more heightened standard of scrutiny. The President has also concluded that Section 3 of DOMA, as applied to legally married same-sex couples, fails to meet that standard and is therefore unconstitutional. Given that conclusion, the President has instructed the Department not to defend the statute in such cases. I fully concur with the President’s determination.”


Damn, I’m lazy.



For those of you keeping score at home, every commenter here, with tow exceptions, is blocked to me at work. The exceptions are VS and Spengler. So, to VS and Spengler, moar subversiveness is apparently required. That is all.

I wonder if it has to do with our platforms.

In the meantime, I will try to include more midget porn on my blog.


This is good news. What am I missing NOM or are you anti gay marriage?

Just who/what NOM is. Not that you should know. I’m not really them.


Thanks, GM. Great sign, I’m filing it away. And I’m more than a little touched that from the other side of the ocean when faced with the kind of problems they are, this protester had time to think of workers in Wisconsin too.

Kind of brings back the workers’ rights and women’s rights movements in Europe cheering for abolitionism when that issue came up in the U.S.


I wonder if it has to do with our platforms.

It’s largely domain name. Blogspot is pretty obviously an at-work timewaster and it’s easy to eliminate whole swaths of folks.


I will try to include more midget porn on my blog.

Mini__B is ready for his close-up, Mrs. DeMille.


I suspect the poster known as NOM is taking on the persona of the National (heh) Organization (haw) for Marriage in order to demonstrate that NOM, itself, is fucked.

If you could actually fuck an organization. Unlike an organism, like yer mom, which can and has been fucked, repeatedly, brutally and with extreme prejudice.


Thank goodness for Digby

She does a primo job of calling out Jon Stewart on his smug, pearl-clutching “both sides doit” shtick.

Yes, Jon. Both sides do do it. It’s that one side does it A WHOLE LOT FUCKING MORE than the other side. So much more, that it makes your smug little observations look inane and insane. In the membrane. Please refrain. Because you cause me pain.


Or what Lawnguylander said.


New thread, kids. Good thing too, this one was beginning to smell.


Mini__B is ready for his close-up, Mrs. DeMille.

LOL! Dude. I have to draw the line SOMEWHERE. Baby-pr0n is probably it.

It’s largely domain name. Blogspot is pretty obviously an at-work timewaster and it’s easy to eliminate whole swaths of folks.

That’s gotta be it. That makes a lot of sense.


New thread, kids. Good thing too, this one was beginning to smell.

HURRAH! Thanks, broheim.


Thank goodness for Digby

I know we’ve moved on, but thanks for linking.

Can we all see the pattern here? I’m sorry that people are misbehaving and failing to have the Oxford style debate that Stewart seems to think we should have, but this is a big argument that’s taking place and I’m fairly sure that it’s not going to be resolved by having some elite representatives of both sides sitting around Charlie Rose’s table hashing it all out and then going out for drinks afterwards. Neither do I think that’s what’s important. If the Tea partiers had been well-behaved, would it have made their noxious politics any better? I don’t think so.

I had this argument with various people, my mother included, during the health care debate. People are living entire lives in sickness, others going broke to have it cured: “decency” means helping these people, not having a polite conversation with those stomping on their necks as they increase the pressure.


I have to draw the line SOMEWHERE. Baby-pr0n is probably it.

Way to take a stand.


““decency” means helping these people, not having a polite conversation with those stomping on their necks as they increase the pressure.”

Well said.


(comments are closed)