If By Privileged You Mean Free To Eat All The Ramen Noodles They Want

Shorter John Hinderaker, Powerwhite (Minus One) Blog:
Obama: Defending the Privileged, As Usual

  • Public school teachers, not CEOs, are the most privileged class of people in America.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 261


Riiiiiight. The poster boy for Wingnut Welfare (Claremont Institute fellow????) wants to paint hardworking and grossly underpaid teachers as privileged? He can his my hairy, white, over educated product of the public schools ass.


Urk! That should read “He can kiss my hairy, white …..”


“Public school teachers, not CEOs, are the most privileged class of people in America.”

Whew. Someone (psychotic) finally had the guts to say it!

I hate those school teachers, teaching our kids, making shitty money. I HATE THEM SO MUCH!


” They are among the more privileged members”

“Most” not “more,” genius.


I hate those school teachers, teaching our kids the facts and truth, making shitty money. I HATE THEM SO MUCH!

Fixorated for greater accuracy.


It is infuriating to see our President weighing in on behalf of overpaid, underworked and greedy members of public employee unions. They are among the more privileged members of our society, but, as full partners in the Democrats’ scheme to suck up ever more money even if it bankrupts the country, they have Obama’s complete support.

It’s of interest to me how righteously outraged middle and working class Republicans (not just fat news anchors) are when people at their social level are perceived as making a dime more than they are, but leave the upper class completely immune from the resentment.

Also too, I don’t know if this has been posted here yet, but if not, Balloon Juice presents a very simple explanation as to why the poor rich darlings are paying so damn much in taxes.


I clicked on the link. What the hell is that cartoon? Is that supposed to be the president?

It all seems so surreal to me. There’s a lot of effort to construct teachers as a privileged class. But it most states, they need to get a master’s degree on their own (limited dime) to stay certified. They’re highly trained professionals who teach out of a sense of duty. Who really believe that in that environment that there are people who just got into it because it was easy? Well, clicking on the link will tell you, I guess.

A friend of mine taught high school math, a subject in demand. It was a 60 hour/week job. It sucked for the pay, but he enjoyed it until the standardized test squeezed the fun out. He left, taking a job as an actuary. He makes double the money for a 40 hour/week job that doesn’t have work following him home. Who do you expect to teach kids in these sorts of environments?


There’s a lot of effort to construct teachers as a privileged class.

Indeed, this continues despite a lot of research showing that they are actually underpaid compared to private sector jobs with similar requirements. As you note, there is also a lot of unpaid overtime work in class prep and grading (the joys of being salaried). Part of the issue is the deliberately misleading perception that teachers only have to work 9-10 months a year and then get the whole summer off. Unfortunately in reality most teachers have to take summer jobs to make ends meet or else take one or two (unpaid and uncompensated) graduate classes over the summer to meet state continuing education requirements.


Unfortunately in reality most teachers have to take summer jobs to make ends meet or else take one or two (unpaid and uncompensated) graduate classes over the summer to meet state continuing education requirements.

Growing up in a small town meant occasionally seeing a teacher tending bar or working at Wal-Mart. So very privileged – why, most people don’t have the time for two jobs!


why, most people don’t have the time for two jobs!

In many places, teachers often have to take part-time jobs even during the school year ( I knew several who worked weekends as waitresses/bartenders).


The poster boy for Wingnut Welfare (Claremont Institute fellow????)

Claremont Institute staff


There are a lot of douchebags in this country who a) didn’t get much out of their education as far as critical thinking (e.g…you can lead an Assrocket to a J.D. but you can’t make him think of what the US would be like if teachers got minimum wage and no benefits, as he would like) or b) either had kids and they’re finished school, or they have no kids, but either way, they want 100% of their school tax dollars refunded because, well, *they* don’t have kids in school. Never mind that if they had kids in the system, at ~$10k a year for 12 years, they paid nowhere *near* $120k in School Taxes (times X number of kids).

Why do I have a feeling Assrocket is both a and b?


It’s not really surprising. Conservatids are the people who explain to women how liberals’ support of personal autonomy is an a trick to put them down, explain to Latinos how the Arizona papers law is not racist, explain to people in three-quarters of the countries in the world how U.S. military interventions are good things….

To quote an old Doonesbury:

College professor: “Black is white! Up is down!”
Student: “I didn’t know half of this.”


Well, most of them are white, after all.


What a shithead. Name any other profession that requires a fucking bachelor’s and professional certification 100% of the time that has a starting salary of $25,000, asshole. Even taking into account two months of unpaid leave. Go on, douchebag. I’m waiting.

The Tragically Flip

our President weighing in on behalf of overpaid, underworked and greedy members of public employee unions.

I thought greed was good?


BTW, aren’t some of the protestors firefighters?



BTW, aren’t some of the protesters firefighters?



Teachers have my total respect because they can put up with a room full of kids all day without resorting to weapons. I don’t know how they do it.


And of course, military supply contractors (who work on a cost-plus basis and therefore cannot possibly lose money) are public-minded citizens.


Oh, let’s not forget that teachers have to have continuing education. Which is normally paid out of their own pockets.


The stupidity of the teabaggers.

I think I need to go take a walk.


The stupidity of the teabaggers.

And here is the real data. As Colbert said, reality and the facts have a well known liberal bias.


OT: The stupidity of Americans: Reagan listed as greatest president again, as he has been for eight of the last twelve years.

George Washington led an army in rags for eight years against the greatest military power on earth, then became President when he could just as easily have seized power and become the new king like most revolutionaries do. Lincoln kept the union together, ended slavery and took a bullet for it. Roosevelt faced the worst economic crisis in history and the biggest war in history, won them both and turned us into a middle class nation in the process.

What the fuck did Reagan, or even Clinton for that matter, do with their lives that propel them anywhere close to that level of “great”ness?


George Washington led an army in rags for eight years against the greatest military power on earth, then became President when he could just as easily have seized power and become the new king like most revolutionaries do. Lincoln kept the union together, ended slavery and took a bullet for it. Roosevelt faced the worst economic crisis in history and the biggest war in history, won them both and turned us into a middle class nation in the process.

I don’t know those people. Reagan made the bad guys go away and Clinton was really good at playing the saxophone.


Wow, I didn’t know I could actually hate the right wing more than cancer, but thanks to shit like Hindraker’s latest, I just do.

So the Koch brothers = not privileged.

3rd grade teacher = privileged.

low sodium hunchback

What the fuck did Reagan, or even Clinton for that matter, do with their lives that propel them anywhere close to that level of “great”ness?

Ruined most of the things Washington, Lincoln and FDR did?


What the fuck did Reagan, or even Clinton for that matter, do with their lives that propel them anywhere close to that level of “great”ness?

Enriched the wealthy and empowered the corporations, silly boy.


Is this a bad time to point out that the idiots in the NYC City Council are seriously considering renaming the Queensborough bridge after Ed Koch, making it officially the Edward Ira Koch Bridge and unofficially either (a, OT) The Douchebridge or (b, on topic) The Koch Bridge?


They are among the more privileged members of our society, but, as full partners in the Democrats’ scheme to suck up ever more money even if it bankrupts the country, they have Obama’s complete support.

Yeah, Obama! Stop using money to actually make shit happen – THAT’S FASZISM! All of the good wholesome upstanding GOP freedom-fighters still shambling under Reagan’s shadow in 2011 know to focus the bulk of the rubes’ tax money like a laser only on destructive &/or pointless things! The Smoking Gun? There’s not even one line that says “doing useful stuff with taxes” anywhere in the Constitution – LOOK IT UP! Also, if you TRULY loved America you’d give it a shiny new CGI-sexed-up war. Think of the poor helpless KBRs & Halliburtons & Burson-Marstellers! When will you finally honor the Blow More Dark People Up 4 Profit Clause of the Umpteenth Amendment? IMPEECH!!!!!!!!!1111111111111!!!!!!!!11!


The cartoon is, of course, by the vile Michael Ramirez, once of our now degraded and decayed Los Angeles Times.

The Tragically Flip

That polling is just a consequence of the fact that movement conservatism has made Reagan a living symbol to rally around. The left has no comparable unity about who the best president was – you can make cases for FDR, LBJ, JFK, Truman, Lincoln, Washington and T. Roosevelt, but each also had serious baggage.

We’re just not able to ignore the bad stuff done by the better presidents the way the Right has chosen to forget St. Ronnie raised taxes and hated nukes (not actually bad stuff, just bad from their twisted view).


“So the Koch brothers = not privileged.

3rd grade teacher = privileged.”

Hard to wrap your brain around, right?


A guy I know don’t make much money and he ain’t got no benefits and they might fire him.

It’s only fair if we can make sure other people ain’t got no better.


Reagan a living symbol to buy stuff around.



From Chris’s earlier link: Comment LoLz


I love government workers. Without them, this country might be full of morons who think I don’t exist, instead of only half-full.


Hindraker really excelled himself there didn’t he? I mean, at Riddled, we have been known to put a picture with some words but we are a serious blog investigating some ….stuff.
Mr Hindleberg puts down 25 words or less that he could have written at anytime in the last 245 years , slaps in a cartoon which is so obvious as to be visible from space. And viola! The wingnut welfare gravy train is entering the siding


So the Koch brothers = not privileged.

3rd grade teacher = privileged.

Ugh…I’m going to go bang my head against the wall, repeatedly .


The wingnut welfare gravy train is entering the siding

You know, I really should look into this wingnut welfare thing. Mama needs some new boots. And a trip to Sephora.


Lazy privileged teachers are completely free to buy their OWN legislators & senators! THAT IS WHY AMERIKA IS FAT PERFECT.


You know, I really should look into this wingnut welfare thing.

Mmm, ooh yeah, frothing at the mouth, snarling, bug-eyed, spastic, shrill … ROWR.
‹ /basementdweller ›


You know you want to watch this video. You KNOW IT. WATCH IT.


I’m not sure Lincoln chose to take a bullet for this country. The other stuff, okay.


Can he even spell privileged ? He sure doesn’t know what it means.


Oh, yeah, Brilliant cartoon (so full of ideas) by M. Ramirez, the same cartoonist who portrayed Iranians as scurrying cockroaches just begging to be exterminated during one of the NeoCon’s endless attempts at starting another pointless, multi-trillion $ Mideast war. Glad to know he’s on board with the ReThuglican agenda even though he couldn’t go out in public in Arizona without repeated requests for his papers.


Funny, my mom (who’s an elementary school teacher) was saying the same thing to me while she was chipping off chunks of gold from the vault so we can by another yacht.

Seriously, how can you say someone lives a privileged life when they can’t take off longer than a week from their job for fear of losing it? Or, more to a point, when they work a (relatively-speaking) 9-5 job?


Poverty level: In 2009, the poverty guideline was $20,050 US for a family of four.

Teacher’s starting salary in Wisconsin: $25,222

That’s some privilege.


That’s some privilege.

Sounds like a 25% privilege to me.


25K before tax? I bet they can buy food with that!!


I bet they can buy food with that!!

Some of it even hooman food!




Also I would like to see one of these arse lickers DO some teaching. A coupla months in an inner city school. Lets see how privileged they feel then. Mind you the psychiatric work to help the kids will be expensive.


That’s the home-ec teacher’s salary….they are expected to do more with less, eliminate waste and fraud and stretch cornflakes with grass clippings.


Just a little FYI: When you take into account the education level most public employees have, they in fact usually make LESS than their private sector counterparts. See they usually trade a little (or A LOT) of extra money in exchange for some security and in some cases the chance to do good.

But I’m sure the wingtards won’t let that FACT get in the way of their arguments.


But I’m sure the wingtards won’t let that FACT get in the way of their arguments.

Yep. Take this thread for example.


g said,

February 20, 2011 at 19:22

The cartoon is, of course, by the vile Michael Ramirez, once of our now degraded and decayed Los Angeles Times.

As low as the L.A.T. has sunk, I think the War Criminal Post has plummeted even deeper.


Oooh, thanks, Dr. Dick!!! This is going to be as entertaining as the last LGM thread that was linked to! *grabs a drink*


T&U: Eight minutes of my life gone foreover…watching stupidity about Sonic the Hedgehog babes when I don’t even know who the Sonic the Hedgehog is. I would never ever have encountered this in my life, had you not posted it and semi-dared the Sadlies to watch it.

I recommend you do lots of nice things for people for the rest of the day as penance. Your soul is surely in peril.


Name any other profession that requires a fucking bachelor’s and professional certification 100% of the time that has a starting salary of $25,000, asshole.

Airline pilot. Except $25,000 is on the high side for starting salary.


Lettum eat cake. Geophagia in Georgia. Common amongst the privileged on the Piedmont.


Well, honestly, how important are pilots and teachers.?


I thought this site‘s image needed a makeover.


The documentary “Airplane” conclusively proved that inflatable autopilots are perfectly capable of both flying planes and performing cunnilingus.


Comment from Dr. Dick’s link:

Let’s qualify that. The jobs from the perspective of the worker may be good jobs, but you’re right in that government is an expense, a consumer of the economy. Government doesn’t produce and those that work for the government do not produce.
I know we need government workers. That’s not the point. As Brad says, it’s the arificially high wages and benefits above the equilibrium of the market that is so wasteful.

And yet, it’s at the expense of the rest of us (taxpayers).


The documentary “Airplane” conclusively proved that inflatable autopilots are perfectly capable of both flying planes and performing cunnilingus.

But can they do both at the same time? Hmmm?


Name any other profession that requires a fucking bachelor’s and professional certification 100% of the time that has a starting salary of $25,000, asshole.

Then there’s all those student loans to pay back out of that princely sum.


But can they do both at the same time? Hmmm?

Sounds like we need to set up a John-Henry-type competition between Major Kong and Otto.


Sometimes the company I fly for has to put us on a commercial flight to whatever city our scheduled trip starts from.

The guy sitting next to me was (or at least claimed to be) some real estate developer from LA. When he saw my airline uniform and my ALPA lanyard he started going on and on about unions.

I tried to point out that in my business we all have to equally qualified because you can’t have an unqualified person flying an aircraft. Therefore a seniority based system is the only way that really works for pilots.

This of course didn’t register and he kept going on about how the unions stifle creativity.

I finally looked at him and said (politely because I was in uniform) – “Sir, it’s not about creativity. It’s about me not planting 300,000 pounds of screaming metal in your back yard some night because I’m too fatigued to do my job properly”.


Comment from Dr. Dick’s link:

IIRC that comes AFTER a post pointing out that when you control for educationa and experience, public sector workers actually make less than those in the private sector (with links to the data).


Major – I want to marry that comment.


Madagascar proved that penguins could fly.


Sounds like we need to set up a John-Henry-type competition between Major Kong and Otto.

Sadly in the freight business we don’t have flight attendants – and few or our female pilots would inspire me to “die with my hammer in my hand” a la John Henry.


I finally looked at him and said (politely because I was in uniform) – “Sir, it’s not about creativity. It’s about me not planting 300,000 pounds of screaming metal in your back yard some night because I’m too fatigued to do my job properly”.

I have enough Irish friends to know that the word “sir,” pronounced properly, is one of the worst curses there is.


Sadly in the freight business we don’t have flight attendants – and few or our female pilots would inspire me to “die with my hammer in my hand” a la John Henry.

We can apply for a government grant to cover the cost of the planes and a few flight-attendant stand-ins.


Gee Jennifer, you’d marry anybody.


Madagascar proved that penguins could fly

As God is my witness, I thought that turkeys could fly if properly incentivised by a free market untrammelled by red tape and collective bargaining.


The idea, I suspect, is that the market will provide in the form of qualified immigrants. No point wasting money in teaching your own population.


As God is my witness, I thought that turkeys could fly

Best WKRP episode ever.


Best WKRP episode ever.

Episode? I thought it was the news.


On the topic: This is one of the S,N topics that I dare not comment on. Nor should I follow on-topic links that Sadlies put up.

I must keep the Demon Rage Monster inside me from escaping and rampaging through the Comments with half-a-century’s worth of observations about teachers (and public servants in general).

Lurking is the safest thing for me today. I’m trying to protect the thread from the indescribable carnage of the Demon Rage Monster.

(No, Joey, that’s a crappy name for the band! ‘Demon Rage Monster’ is the kind of name some not-very-imaginative wannabe heavy-metal headbangers would use. And NO! That won’t work either! It’s w-a-y too long for the marquee.)


Turkeys do fly. Just ask my cousin County Line (so named because he was born on the county line between Early and Calhoun counties.) He flew for the first time last year, from Orlando (Erlander) to Miami (Miamuh), where nobody talks English.


Anonymous refuses to be baited by Phred Phelps.

“To Anonymous: It’s a trap. They’ve got their ports wide open to harvest IPs to sue. Don’t DDoS, and boycott Operation Westboro. If you really want to continue messing with them, just send them a few male prostitutes and faxes of goats. Nothing more.”



I’ve had the “unions are evil” discussion with several wingnuts IRL. Inevitably, their example is of the autoworkers, who “demanded so much but were making CRAP cars.” Oh, I say, what was crappy about the cars (even as I know they were crap cars) and of course the answer is “because they broke down all the time.” So, I say, the problem wasn’t that pieces just fell off of them when they were going down the road? Because the autoworker on the line just puts together the parts provided the way they’re supposed to be put together. They don’t engineer the cars; they don’t beancount and specify cheap parts for the cars. The guys who do THOSE things aren’t the union guys. So how was it the fault of the guy on the line when the cheap-ass water pump the beancounter specified for the car went out? How was it the fault of the lineworker when your Pinto blew up because the engineer put the gas tank in a stupid place?

One of the guys I had this discussion with was a realtor – this was during the auto “bailout” when wingnuts were insisting that autoworkers should be cut to minimum wage and be thankful for that. This guy was ranting on and on about these guys being “overpaid”, using the fake wingnut numbers of $75 an hour (in reality, it was $27 an hour) and talking about how people work at the local box factory for $8.50 an hour; there’s no way these guys could be “worth” that much more. I mean, nevermind that cars generally sell for about 15K to 60K times as much as boxes, so you would expect there to be a bit more to the job…anyway, I just said, “how many houses have you sold to people who work at the box factory?” Shockingly, none. I wondered aloud how many he might have sold to people making $27 an hour, or even $18 an hour, if it was considered a good thing to pay people enough to live on anymore.

That was pretty much the end of that conversation.


I just said, “how many houses have you sold to people who work at the box factory?” Shockingly, none.

So your guy was not only dumber than Henry Ford but incapable of learning from history. Yup, that’s ‘merka.



“More than 400 amendments were filed Monday night. Among them were a proposal from Rep. Steve Womack, R-Ark., to eliminate funding for the president’s Teleprompter and one from Rep. Randy Neugebauer, R-Texas, to strip funding for the alteration, repair or improvement of the executive residence of the White House and instead divert that amount to deficit reduction.”


stupidity about Sonic the Hedgehog babes

…goodness. I only made it through a minute or so of that. I was a big fan of the Sonic games, but only the early ones – until about Sonic & Knuckles. I never watched any of the cartoons, either, so I hadn’t known there were female characters.

Sonic does seem to be this weird sort of gateway-lit for furries. No idea how that happened.


Jennifer, I remember that exploding Pinto case:

“Although Ford had access to a new design which would decrease the possibility of the Ford Pinto from exploding, the company chose not to implement the design, which would have cost $11 per car, even though it had done an analysis showing that the new design would result in 180 less deaths. The company defended itself on the grounds that it used the accepted risk/benefit analysis to determine if the monetary costs of making the change were greater than the societal benefit. Based on the numbers Ford used, the cost would have been $137 million versus the $49.5 million price tag put on the deaths, injuries, and car damages, and thus Ford felt justified not implementing the design change. ”

Here it is in summary.


rodertrudis: Please tell me the counties weren’t named for Jubal Early and John Calhoun. (The ACW sesquicentennial is gonna be such a cesspool of historical distortion that I loathe it already.)


Sonic does seem to be this weird sort of gateway-lit for furries. No idea how that happened.

1. Sonic the Hedgehog

2. ???

3. Cigarskunk


ittdgy: exactly. Glad I got out when I did!


John Caldwell Calhoun and Peter Early.


“I work for the union ’cause she’s so good to me…”

Put this up at Teh Zombie’s place in solidarity with his Righteous rant. Thought I’d re-post it here. Definately ON-TOPIC:


Can’t get the link / text-substitution tags to work for some reason. FYWP. With a chipped and jagged obelisk. (Goddam it, Joey! Get back to the garage!)


Heheheheheh. I am evil. Sorry, guys. It’s like The Ring–I had to pass it along, otherwise some creepy little girl would eat my soul.

Sonic does seem to be this weird sort of gateway-lit for furries. No idea how that happened.

I think even furries would look down on this guy.


Major Kong: I salute you, sir, for your 22:20.

BTW, it is entirely possible you might have seen one or two of the videotapes (*) I wrote for the FAA, produced with pilots as the primary audience.

I did a boatload of training work for numerous FAA clients: Air Traffic Control (mostly) … Airway Facilities … Aircraft Certification … Aviation Medicine … and FAA / Controller’s union relations. In fact, the FAA would have been a central theme in my Demon Rage Monster rants: Controllers are among the most earnest, hard-working, and thoroughly dedicated public servants I’ve even encountered.

(*) [1] Explantion / illustrations of new, unified runway markings, lighting, and taxiway signage. Domestic commercial pilots … international pilots … private pilots. FAA handed them out like aspirin.
[2] Volcanic Ash Hazards.


Follow-up on Air Traffic Controllers. When people list the conventional ‘Heros of 911’, they cite the firefighters, police, emergency services, and construction-worker volunteers in NYC and the Pentagon.

They forget the controllers who first identified what was going on while the planes were still in the air … much less the heroic work they did in safely clearing the ENTIRE US airspace in a matter of hours.

Fuckin’ pointy-headed Big Gummit at work.


See what I mean? This is a BAD topic for me to weight in on.

Christ, don’t get me started on the Department of Transportation — NTSB … the HAZMAT experts. OSHA at Department of Labor. Census Bureau.

Jeebus, I worked closely with federal Subject Matter Experts–that is training-design jargon–at HUD, DOT, DOL, Interior, Treasury, HHS, Energy, DOD, Exec office of the President, FEMA, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, others.

The eebils of Big Gummit crap absolutely enrages me. I’m livid as I key this. I gotta leave the thread now or I’ll esplode.


3rd grade teacher = privileged.

Third GradeTeacher’s wknd. gig.


I’d be interested in hearing the rest of this rant Variant, there isn’t much to lost except an iota of bandwidth.


Teabaggers for corporate rape of the middle class has announced their lineup.

I STAND WITH SCOTT WALKER RALLY (organized by American Majority)

NOW Featuring Andrew Breitbart of Breitbart.com, Joe the Plumber, Herman Cain, Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit, Ned Ryun – President of American Majority, Tim Phillips – President of Americans for Prosperity, and Vicki McKenna. More Speakers TBA.


Ugh…I’m going to go bang my head against the wall, repeatedly.

See, here’s the problem. Don’t bang your own damn head, find Hindy & bang his head against something for a while.


Quit your leeching, start teaching. That’s what they say.


Oh good, WP doesn’t want me to post anything over 30 words. I’m going outside.


*takes deep breath*

The band is now ready to begin the formal process of actually creating and designing the blog (via Blogger).

Need advice from Sadlie bloggers:

I already have a Google account and use it for my e-mail. Should I create a separate g-mail account for the blog?

My current in-box is relatively low-traffic. I imagine that the blog will be so obscure that the additional in-box burden wouldn’t be a problem. As you know, I’m a complete Luddite; my inclination is to keep things as simple as possible.

Also, will using the same Google account–or indeed the blog itself–expose me to malicious attacks? I am dreadfully afraid of viruses.

I would appreciate recommendations before I proceed further. I’m going to take a break for a few hours, awaiting your advice before proceeding further with the set-up.



I’ve already sorta screwed up three times on the fucking first page of the form! But I did get some nifty words for Sadlies to play with…you know those things to type in to ensure that you’re a person, not a machine.

previcriVeni, vidi, previcri “I came, I saw, I lied.” (or is that ‘prevaricate’? I’m sure your Latin is better than mine.)




Variants, I created a new email account with a new address which is a fucked up g mail suggestion BUT NEVER MIND.
I don’t think it leaves you open to more attacks but means that you can keep your real name secret if you want to. Sadly my first gmail account is about the same as my real name, heh.


Thanks, Anthony. That’s why I’m trying to set a blog. I can just put up a self-promo link instead of clogging the S, N comments.


Also, if my blog turns out to be really sucky, can I change it later?


Forget ‘name’: If my blog NAME turns out to be really sucky…. The blog itself will, of course, be sucky. At least in the opening period.


Incidentally, here’s the blog name the band decided on. Well, except Ralph, who hates it…

Grand Duchy of Fenwick


Ants, you can change the name & descriptiion all you want, but the “___.blogspot.com” URL will remain the same; choose wisely.


NOW Featuring Andrew Breitbart of Breitbart.com,

Oh, great. So the guy from Brentwood who went to Harvard Westlake (or was it Crossroads?) is coming to school the blue collar workers and public school teachers.


Glenn Beck-a-rama:

the United Nations, Wisconsin protestors, and Muslim Brotherhood are all in communication with each other about overthrowing the nature of international governance by making a single, Marxist, Islamist world government that respects human rights and freedom according to the resolutions of the UN.

Sure, that makes sense as far as it goes, but it doesn’t explain if the hippie hallucinogenomaniacs are still negotiating with the Jupiterian space mummies on when to unleash the twitching hordes of sex-crazed Chinese gun-control gimps.


FWIW on public employees – I happen to be one, and one of the things that I and many of my colleagues do is spend hours of our days analyzing financial data – you know, accounting for the revenue my employer takes in and making sure it’s not being diverted improperly, providing information that can be disclosed on public websites. Some of my colleagues spend their time auditing ME so that the public can be sure that I’m accounting for the public’s money properly. Others of my colleagues spend their time providing written documents that are accessible to the public that describe exactly what the financials are about any new program that our elected officials implement.

My employer is preparing specifically to enter into a public/private partnership, with a revenue and cost-sharing plan. One of the jobs that I and my colleagues will be performing is to oversee and account for the revenue and cost, to make sure the “private sector” company we’re working with isn’t screwing the taxpayers. I’m not sure are partner has the equivalent people on their side – they have accountants to make sure they get theirs.

As a public employee, it’s my duty to make sure that I apply the same rates and policies to every single one of the companies or people I do business with. And you know what? Every private business person I work with tries to feed me a line of bullshit about how much their company is contributing to the community and why I should give them a break. Seriously – I’m a low-level public employee and they all expect me to make a deal with them.

In my particular agency, it’s drummed into us what our duties are as a public employee, including objectivity and equitable application of policy. Maybe it’s not so much in other place – Bell, CA comes to mind – but I challenge any of these assholes complaining about public employees to do my job for a week and not commit a violation of public trust and an illegal gift of public funds to someone.


We hyah in the American South, the most patriotickest place in the whole nation, never had to deal much with the scourge of unionism.

Sure, the seditionists gave it a shot all across the South in 1929 and 1934, but it was a bad time to strike what with nobody buying much anyway.

Plus we was able to get law enforcement to beat a bunch of ’em and shoot ’em when necessary. And the coloreds never did get to get uppity since FDR had to keep ’em outta all those commie labor standards since they was working in ‘agriculture’.

And we just don’t like the notion of people getting together and doing shit to stir up trouble. Well, I mean trouble against the wrong people. The hoods and red shirts were just there to give trouble to the white people.

The mill owners figgered out too that it was a bad notion ta keep all the workers in the same mill village ’cause they began to run their mouths to each other and whatnot, so they put the mills in the middle of nowhere and them poor ass workers got there however they could.

And ain’t no way you can say that them Yankee unionified places is better off than right to work Mississippi or Alabama or Louisiana or Arkansas or Oklahoma or Georgia or South Carolina and whatnot.


nd ain’t no way you can say that them Yankee unionified places is better off than right to work Mississippi or Alabama or Louisiana or Arkansas or Oklahoma or Georgia or South Carolina and whatnot.

Yep. Those black folks that went up to Chicago in the ’20s just went because they liked the cold.


g’s story reminds me of spending $500,000 in investigation & enforcement to stop $50,000 in welfare fraud.

If the damned legislators didn’t set up such often needless oversight, bureaucracy would be significantly lessened. (And the down w/ gummint types would have less to complain about.)

Now if we could something about the legalized bribery of campaign contributions …


> Grand Duchy of Fenwick

Wow. Going for the Middle-Aged British Hipster demographic?

Is the joke that we aren’t supposed to remember the ‘Mouse that Roared’ films?



Yep. Those black folks that went up to Chicago in the ’20s just went because they liked the cold.

It’s still hard to believe that a couple million negroes were so damn selfish that they left the South and took with them all the training and experience we gave them, stole all the work they should have done for us, and didn’t even thank us for all we did for ’em.

Like it was any better in Chicago than Selma! What the hell’s that city got that Selma ain’t?


reminds me of spending $500,000 in investigation & enforcement to stop $50,000 in welfare fraud.
A personal story?
Time to move on, MB.


g’s story reminds me of spending $500,000 in investigation & enforcement to stop $50,000 in welfare fraud.

The Heritage Foundation cheers Obama’s call to trim the LIHEAP heating bill assistance program for the poor and elderly back to 2008 levels. (Despite all the whining by these various ‘state agencies’ and ‘community organizations’ about how the numbers of people needing it have doubled since 2008 for some unknown reason.)

LIHEAP was filled with so much fraud and abuse that there was this one postal service guy one time who got $940 in LIHEAP assistance but he really made $80,000!

I mean, just imagine all those people earning well over $50,000 who are going to go to the trouble of forging forms and carrying on deception in order to get almost $1,000!

How could you justify funding a program which had counties able to aid many of the people losing their jobs and incomes 2009 – 2010 when there are several anecdotes of people defrauding us out of funds in the high 3 digits?

This is just about the principle of the thing. Heritage knows that what you need to do is let the oil companies loose wherever they want and without all these Al Gore restraints and then fuel prices and heating oil prices will come down because they will, they just will.


If the damned legislators didn’t set up such often needless oversight, bureaucracy would be significantly lessened. (And the down w/ gummint types would have less to complain about.)

I get what you’re saying, but I don’t see how you can have a clean system without layers of oversight.

Look, let’s say my operation pulls in $5000 in cash every day. Somebody has to count it and deposit it. You want to trust only one person to do that? If Burger King’s cash receipts person pockets 10%, they’re only stealing from Burger King. But if the person I supervise pockets 10% in cash, they’re stealing from taxpayers.

And there has to be someone to keep me from saying, “Sure, Ethel; you give me 5% and I’ll sign off on it.”

I take it seriously, my coworker takes it seriously, and the auditors in Finance I answer to take it seriously.

I’d probably take it seriously if I worked at Burger King, too, but whatever.


Like it was any better in Chicago than Selma! What the hell’s that city got that Selma ain’t?

Where do I start? (FWIW, I grew up in Oklahoma and spent 12 years in Chicago after college).


My dear and sainted mother worked for the Monmouth County, N.J Welfare board back in the 1980s, she worked in the heating assistance program.

She was also a staunch Republican who didn’t believe in big gummint. She’s got a nice state pension keeping her warm now, though. That and Medicare.


Oh Jesus Christ, don’t read the comments.

I fucking hate it here.


Mock,paper,scirrors has teh crazee winners in this arena, I think


On the upside, 12-year-olds may be able to work legally to make up for that $60 a month a household headed by a TANF recipient that tests positive for drugs would lose.



and one of the things that I and many of my colleagues do is spend hours of our days analyzing financial data – you know, accounting for the revenue my employer takes in and making sure it’s not being diverted improperly, providing information that can be disclosed on public websites.

See!!! That’s the problem right there in a nutshell! If it weren’t for you meddling kids, we’d be able to rob the State blind without anyone knowing. You just have to screw everything up, don’t you?

And that, folks, is why we have to do away with the gummint.



AK, that post was great, but I can’t stop laughing at this.


“Taxpayers are not happy to work hard, hard, hard and to see their tax money going for illegal means,” Brandom said.

By extension, shouldn’t you be able to point a finger at any State legislator and make them piss in a cup as well?

Also, FYWP. I am not posting to fast.


From AK’s link:

““African slavery is a 4,000-year-old African institution that affected us a couple of hundred years,” he said. “It is, historically, an error.”

*mouth agape*


AK, that post was great, but I can’t stop laughing at this.

I wonder if someone got him a cake for his troubles.


Also too I think that since the catholic church institutionalized child molestation that all kids should be fair game now. Sure, it would be an ERROR to molest children, but the fault would lie with the church, right?


Oh Jesus Christ, don’t read the comments.

I fucking hate it here.

Your town is no worse than most, I bet. All newspaper comment sections are cesspools, barely – barely – a hundred times more enlightened than YouTube comment sections.


I wonder if someone got him a cake for his troubles.

A cream-filled cake for that occasion is a non-apology apology.



“What is it in a man,” he asked, …

*stunned silence*


On the upside, 12-year-olds may be able to work legally to make up for that $60 a month a household headed by a TANF recipient that tests positive for drugs would lose.

I hope you’re not suggesting that we start mollycoddling 12-year-old rockbreakers and sewer workers with princely $60 a month salaries.


you can have a clean system without layers of oversight.

And that is exactly why what g does is so important! You want to know how / why those billion-dollar pallets of cash disappeared in Iraq?

So let me stand MB’s isolated anecdote on its head. Do you imagine that rigorous accountability and transparency mechanisms by the Provisional Authority would have cost billions MORE than than the fraudsters stole?

I’m glad you do what you do, g, and I honor your integrity in doing it.

Man, I really should stay away from this thread! The topic really sets me off. I’m so passionate about public service and the value of government. I get aggressive and belligerent and truculent and adversarial and right-up-close-in-your-face. It’s not good for me or the thread.

If I lived in Wisconsin, I would be with you in the crowd and inciting for all I was worth. Solidarity.


Crap. In my frenzied haste, I failed to grab g’s COMPLETE sentence:

I don’t see how you can have a clean system without layers of oversight.


I wonder if someone got him a cake for his troubles.

Believe it or not, that cake was quite delicious.


Blog-whoring time. Over at my place: U.S. Army 0, NYPD 1.


Or even near by Wisconsin. I would put in hours of road time to be there with you.


Oh Jesus Christ, don’t read the comments. I fucking hate it here.

Why those seem almost moderate compared to the kind of thing we hear up here in Montana. Two cities (I use the term loosely), Missoula and Bozeman (home to the University of Montana and Montana State University respectively) in the state have human rights ordinances which go beyond the state law and protect against discrimination on sexual orientation or gender identification. There is a bill before the legislature to ban any ordinance which goes beyond the state law. One of the sponsors, a God fearing preacher man, got up in front of God and everybody and said he thought those laws discriminated against him and others like him who consider homosexuality an abomination.


One of the sponsors, a God fearing preacher man, got up in front of God and everybody and said he thought those laws discriminated against him and others like him who consider homosexuality an abomination.

In a literal sense, they do. Fortunately, that is not the legal meaning of “discrimination.”


Pres Barack Obama, the new Jim Jones.


rodertrudis: I made it through the first four paragraphs. Then I had to go find some brain bleach.


Dubious P: I had sort of overlooked that memorable quote which finishes

“that would cause him to deny his fellow man the pride and dignity of his heritage?”

Neo-Confederates asked this question. I assume that they are writers from The Onion.



First off, I tried to post a comment at your place. To do that, i had to sign up through Disqus (sp?). I entered The Variants as my user name, but Disqus rejected it with this message:

Your user name may only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores and must start and end with an alphanumeric character.

The Variants — sure seems to fit this requirement. I’m one baffled Luddite.

So I just post the comment here, even at the risk of cluttering up the S,N thread. (Maybe this will send some more folks over, too. I enjoyed it!)

Public servants rescuing other public servants. Ho hum. Nothing to see here.

Embarrassing for the Army and NYSP perhaps; the NYC unit sparkles like a gem.

For me, voice comms are always the most fascinating element of any highly-charged, dangerous, and dramatic situation: Airline cockpit / controller in crisis … rescues of any type … tactical traffic in a firefight … cruiser radios in pursuits (and officers on foot).

Voices give the drama a special *human* dimension. The comms are invariably between professionals, intensely focused on what they are doing, using the jargon and shorthand of their occupation(s). But you can glimpse the *people* as individuals … and as a team. And comms reveal the immediate *decision-making* situation so vividly, much more than visuals alone could ever do.

Thanks for putting up a great clip. I’m going to replay it concentrating solely on the audio.

That long list of federal agencies I worked with? Forgot to include the United States Coast Guard.


Some commentatter at the Obama is Jim Jones site

Anyone who does not support Gov. Walker doe NOT belong on this Patriotic American site! Let’s ALL remember to pray daily for Gov. Walker’s efforts…

Anyone who doe not belong heyer please leav.


Note: The audio in N_B’s post kicks in at 1:07 into the clip. Do NOT crank your audio wide-open at the start … or it will blast the bejeesus out of you when it kicks in.


Powerline: Time Magazine’s 2004 Blog of the Year!

I hate Powerline more then any other rightwing blog. They are propagandist scum. They’re never thoughtful, they’re never creative, they just help propagate whatever the current Republican talking points are in the least creative way they know how.

The world is worse off for having Powerline in it.

Anyway, Sonic the Hedgehog:

It’s all Archie comics fault. They publish the Sonic comic book here in the states, and while it isn’t overtly sexual, it is packed with romantic intrigue. Sonic himself is at the center of a complex web of love triangles that I can’t even begin to unravel in a concise way. It does involve Sonic’s fox girlfriend whose name I don’t recall breaking up with him to date an evil duplicate of Sonic from a mirror universe, which makes Tails sad, because he had a crush on Sonic’s girl from way back when Robotnik created an evil robotic version of her with the specific purpose of seducing and then murdering Tails.

And understand that that summary up there doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface; that whole story also involves at least three other hydrocephalic animal girls who are attracted to Sonic, plus a bunch of even more peripheral male characters who are in turn attracted to them, AND everybody involved has an evil mirror universe duplicate.

I used to buy the latest issue whenever I went to the grocery store, but now my grocery store doesn’t sell it anymore 🙁

I can list all of Knuckle’s sidekicks from Chaotix but I doubt I could list all the supreme court justices 🙁 🙁 🙁

Anyway, my point is, this guy may have created a video ranking the Sonic characters in terms of hotness, but at least he’s not writing for fucking Powerline.


The Variants: The Variants — sure seems to fit this requirement. I’m one baffled Luddite.

My guess is it doesn’t like the space between “The” and “Variants” and it’s trying to tell you to replace the space with an underscore.


And ain’t no way you can say that them Yankee unionified places is better off than right to work Mississippi or Alabama or Louisiana or Arkansas or Oklahoma or Georgia or South Carolina and whatnot.

I frequently hear conservatives gloating about how the Sun Belt’s getting all the jobs while the DamYankeeLand up north is just rusting away.

Okay. I’m from DC, I don’t claim to be an expert on either the Sun Belt or the Rust Belt, but from what I understand, the only thing driving those businesses down there is the fact that labor’s cheaper (no unions, ergo lower wages and less benefits).

Which only raises two questions; One, it might do you well enough for now, but what happens when you have to retire and your package is substantially less than it ought to be? Two, you may be cheaper labor compared to the DamYankees, but you sure as hell ain’t cheaper than the Messicans and Central Americans down to the south of you, so, what makes you think the locusts won’t leave you behind the way the left the Rust Belt as they eat their way to the bottom?


One of the sponsors, a God fearing preacher man, got up in front of God and everybody and said he thought those laws discriminated against him and others like him who consider homosexuality an abomination.

Your right to have a nose ends at the tip of their fist-swinging radius.

Is it weird that this reminds me of Saddam, Milosevic and every other tin-pot dictator who squeals “imperialism!” the minute the UN, the West, the human rights community or anyone else tries to tell him to stop massacring his people?


what happens when you have to retire and your package is substantially less than it ought to be?

If that’s the case, you shouldn’t have been starring in porn in the first place.

Varients – I’m pretty sure you can post with registration at my place. It’ll get held in moderation, but if the name is one I recognize, I’ll approve it.


I’m so passionate about public service and the value of government.

Right on. Here’s to government bureaucracies, the real invisible hand of our society.

delurking retired furry

“…[E]ven furries would look down on this guy.”

As a veteran of furry fandom (no longer active, I grew out of it, but I still love funny animal cartoons and comics), I was going to say just that.


As a veteran of furry fandom (no longer active, I grew out of it, but I still love funny animal cartoons and comics), I was going to say just that.

I should say I don’t mean to harsh on all furries, though the fandom isn’t my cup of tea. I’d far rather hang out with typical furries – not the cigarskunk type with the MAJOR issues – than, say, Men’s Rights Activists.


Xecky – Perhaps surrealism isn’t your cup of fur.


U.S. Army 0, NYPD 1.

Stupid worthless lazy fucking gov’t.employee assholes. I’m surprised they weren’t out drinking or something.


I’m actually okay with corporate taxes being zeroed out. Make there be high income taxes – which cover all benefits and services – and environmental/impact fees instead, like a carbon tax, which are focused on balancing out the socialized costs they bring in.

But sure, I’m totally okay with the concept. But if you control the money, it’s your income, and you get to pay income tax on that. That should also include any money you use to donate to political efforts – us regular people have to, too, you know.


I’m surprised they weren’t out drinking or something.

Your proof they were not?


PS, Clinton pulled us from the edge of imperialism, balanced the budget, and put us on the path of equality for gays, lesbians, and other gendered people. Now Obama has such people in high positions. That’s something we wouldn’t have had without Clinton.

Of course, Carter bartered with the PLO and led to their dissolution; he foresaw peak oil and the climate crisis we’re driving straight into today.

There were, of course, twenty other useless years of recessions and spend and spend crony disasters.

And they say there’s no diff between Republicans and Democrats… Yeah right.


I frequently hear conservatives gloating…

El Cid is no conservative. He’s an Ultra-Maximalist Anarcho-Syndicalist Triple-Maoist with a Back Flip who’s dedicated his life to overthrowing The Man. He wasn’t gloating, he was mocking.


Sink me, Percy.

Furries: when grranimals attack.


Your proof they were not?

Could be from the old school. “Couple drinks & I fly better than when I’m sober. Don’t wanna be too tense, y’know?”

Bet the cadets had had a few at some point.


I hate Powerline more then any other rightwing blog. They are propagandist scum. They’re never thoughtful, they’re never creative, they just help propagate whatever the current Republican talking points are in the least creative way they know how.

Shorter: Lawyers, a/k/a “mouthpieces.”


Christopher (@ 4:47): I learn all sorts of stuff at S,N. I didn’t even know Sonic the Hedgehog before this thread. Now I know about his love life. This is the sort of quirky stuff that makes S,N irresistable.

…what makes you think the locusts won’t leave you behind the way the left the Rust Belt as they eat their way to the bottom?

Chris: Finely turned, sir. I enjoy your style and like your analysis on so many topics. Clear, intelligent, informed, persuasive, well-organized, crisp, and witty writing.

Is that long string of praise enough to break down your reservations about blogging? (If not, I intend to chip away from time to time in the future….) IMO, you would be a natural.

N_B: I’ll try to sign up later.

Right now I’m steeling myself for actually trying to set up my blog. I vowed to begin at midnight (EST). Apprehensive about carving some tangible in stone.

Also there’s the Blank Page, Blank Canvas problem. I’m going to make some coffee now. About a half-hour before I plunge into it.


Also there’s the Blank Page, Blank Canvas problem. I’m going to make some coffee now. About a half-hour before I plunge into it.

Pictures & videos.


A good old vine Zinfandel, that’s my cure.


I hope there are some Night Hawk blog veterans who can stick around, or check back every now and again, in case I need help. (Hell, tomorrow is a holiday!)

I am sure that your altruism will be rewarded with lots of Good Karma!

30 minutes to go.


Hooray! MB is here. Night Hawk.


And they say there’s no diff between Republicans and Democrats… Yeah right.

Crissa, I’d really love to engage with you on Clinton and the Two-Party system! There IS a difference. Plague and Leprosy,

Now I’m really looking forward to blogging! I can publish the Manifesto of Guerrilla Voter Cadre 18.


He’s an Ultra-Maximalist Anarcho-Syndicalist Triple-Maoist with a Back Flip

Also has a Triple Lutz.

(Shuddup, Joey.)


Rat fucking is too good for them. I want to go all medieval on their ass.


First question: I would prefer to use a different display name on the blog than I use at Sadly, No. (The premises are quite different.)

Is this recommended or not recommended? Using the same display name would be simpler, of course.

Also, would that confuse visitors linked to S,N? (in either direction)?

So, okay to use something other than my S,N nym?


Query the Second:

Should I use the same password on the blog that I use for my Google gmail account?

I have entered a different password on Blogger’s Create Account page. It says the blog password is Strong.


Use the same display name or we will get all confused and mill about aimlessly and eat all the snacks. I’ve seen it before and it’s not pretty.
Passwords; use one you can remember is about all I could advise. Some special code in a notebook if you have trouble.
Now post a damn link so I can come and do the upsidedown ninja thing


Hmmmmm. Now that I cogitate on this, perhaps it would be better to wait until tomorrow. I can get real-time telephonic support and advice from a tech-savvy friend who is a retired software engineer in Silicon Valley. He is now a wargame designer / publisher.

Indeed, there will be a (very) few posts about wargaming on the blog. And military history. And fiction writing. Also critters (alive and extinct), jokes, cathedrals, geology, baseball, politics, castles, music, and Old Masters. And odd stories from my past and present.

Alas, no food pr0n.

Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do: Bowen will help walk me through it and give me sound advice.



Everything Old Is New Again!


Use the same display name or we will get all confused and mill about aimlessly and eat all the snacks. I’ve seen it before and it’s not pretty.

Yeah, I was afraid of something like that.

Would it work if I slowly changed my S,N nym to align with the blog nym? Get folks here used to the changeover? I hardly post anywhere else (except Sadly bloggers) and very infrequently.



This is exactly the sort of place where I would expect to find someone who knows COINTELPRO!

Will you reveal yourself, sir or madam?


Crucial component of Mark Williams’ “Infiltrate the union organisers” rat-fucking site:

I need to travel beyond Sacramento to the other SEIU rally cities and then Madison, and in short order! Please contribute!!!


Now post a damn link so I can come and do the upsidedown ninja thing

Gee, Kiwi, my timeline doesn’t call for rushing anything up fast. My target for actually unveiling is about next weekend. I need to learn stuff, try it, and experiment first: inserting links, photos, videos, and suchlike. Ludditehood, y’know.

More than anything, I want to polish the writing.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. I so want to do this well, now that I’ve made the commitment to it.


Ah-ha! It was Mr. Clyde!


Don’t polish nuthin’. Just let it roll and fail like the rest of us.


The first time I made a blog, I pooped right in my drawers. It weren’t pretty but I larned somethin that day.


Substance McGravitas said,

February 21, 2011 at 7:34

Don’t polish nuthin’. Just let it roll and fail like the rest of us.

So sez Dr. Gimp Drag and Drop.

Now that I’ve downloaded the GIMP onto my pc, how many decades do you think it will take for me to have Joke Line drag’n’drop flies on my blog?


Now that I’ve downloaded the GIMP onto my pc, how many decades do you think it will take for me to have Joke Line drag’n’drop flies on my blog?

I’ll just take this seriously: you can steal the dragging code from Smut or I as we are drag queens, and as long as you remember to add alpha channels – means you can make borders transparent – to your layers and save as a GIF (animation enabled) or a PNG (not) you’ll be fine.


Please contribute!!!

That jumped out at me too. But of course, it’s those freeloading public workers who are greedy and looking for a free lunch.

I wonder if I can come up with some sooper-seekrit-projekt-to-do-away-with-all-lieberals-once-and-for-all and make a mint off of the rubes. I could use the dough, but I don’t know if I have the stomach for diving that deep in the fishtank.


The only surviving attacker in the Mumbai assault will be executed. His final appeal was denied.


Oh, and I wouldn’t think COINTELPRO would be an obscure reference around here. I worried more about the film/music ref.


Don’t polish nuthin’. Just let it roll and fail like the rest of us.

Shoot, I ain’t buyin’ this from you, Sub. I read your I am a liberal post. You let it roll, that’s for sure. But I’ll wager a stack of pancakes you polished it before you put it up. (Didn’t fail either.)

Words to live by: The worst draft in the world is infinitely better than the best unwritten story. Then rewrite, rewrite, rewrite.

Spengler knows why I want to polish before I post.


Correction: The condemned man has one more appeal left — to the Indian Supreme Court. It is expected to take several years.


Wisconsin is currently the second story (after Libya) on AJ’s half-hour update newscast. They gave Wisconsin five minutes and used it to springboard into the unions / collective bargaining struggle, referencing Kasich in Ohio and Christie in NJ.


“Even if it becomes known that we are plants the quotes and pictures will linger as defacto truth.”

Why even bother showing up if you plan to lie about it all anyway?

Oh that’s right,…

You’re the obnoxious assholes you’ve been waiting for.


Libya is very interesting. Entirely different than Egypt.

The Libyan ‘Army’ is quite different; it has no independent identity respected by the population. I very much doubt that its chain-of-command is as solid and professional, either. (Unconfirmed reports of Army units aiding protesters in Benghazi, who claim they control the second-largest city. And protests have now spread to Tripoli itself.)

(Sidebar: So far, it appears Gaddafi is using sub-Saharan reservist units, hired mercenaries, and Presidential security / elite forces. It has been bloodier than Tunisia or Egypt–hospitals put it at 300 dead so far. Sadly, I’m guessing it will get bloodier still.)

Another major difference: Egypt has no oil: Libya sits on the largest oil reserve in Africa, sixth largest in the world…and it exports primarily to Europe & US. Different sort of economic interests at stake for EU and US. (BTW, Libyan oil workers on strike at major production field.)

Many, many other differences too, of course. But I’m sure few of them will ever make into US cable news, or into the ‘analysis’ of our punditocracy.


Bahraini protests still going strong. Continuous occupation of the square continutes into–what?–its second week? Army has withdrawn.

Yemen’s Salah is trying carrot-and-stick bullshit after 11 days.

Recently breaking: Sundan’s Bashir announced he will not stand for re-election. Wonder what the changes in neighboring Egypt and the coming independence of southern Sudan may have played. Implications for Darfur?

I find all of this far more fascinating than the United States politics.

…and just breaking now from Afghanistan: Suicide bomber hits government building; reports of 40 dead.


Too windy? Too long? Hell, its Night Hawk time and I’m pretty stoned.


“Even if it becomes known that we are plants the quotes and pictures will linger as defacto truth”

That’s exactly what I find so despicable and so toxic, owl. I really want to go medieval on the fuckers.


How stoned?

Well, I see a weird physical resemblence between Gaddafi’s son (public front-man for the regime) and Micheal Steele. Seriously, I’ll bet Stewart could use his MS puppet! New costume, maybe. Get Aasif to do the voice perhaps?

That’s how stoned.


Reports that Libyan State TV in Tripoli has been ransacked. Governement buildings reportedly on fire.

…and Iran is stirring again; people going back into the streets again. They are gathering in silence this time. Non-violence with a curiously dramatic twist.


Egypt may have provided more the encouragement, hope, and momentum for change; the Egyptians may also have provided something resembling a template or model, one versatile enough to be adapted to circumstances elsewhere in the Middle East (and North Africa, of course).

Reality is so much more fascinating to watch than kabuki.


I have totally killed this thread. The guilt and remorse are overwhelming me. I’m going to drown my sorry in egg salad sandwhiches.



BTW, spelling is optional this early in the morning.



Read up on Art Chance…..It’s a threadjack, even the RS goons hate him now.. ha ha ha….



ha ha ha…

Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)

Sunday, February 20th at 4:22PM EST

I have been moving this week and the site has descended into chaos in the comments.

There are multiple petitions by many of you, the diarists, readers, and commenters of this site, to disband the recommended diaries list because it is being gamed by a number of diarists at the expense of new and, frankly, quality non-conspiratorial material.

Being Scandinavian, let me introduce you to Thor’s Hammer, which I now am going to wield in an awesome manner.

A few accounts will cease to work at RedState effective in the next five minutes.

Likewise, being a fan of Greek mythology, you should know that I’m going to be away for the next 24 hours filling in for Neal Boortz and also going to a super secret meeting of the vast right wing conspiracy.

I have released the Kraken into the site. He will be returned to the watery pit from whence he came upon my return and not a minute before.

There have been a few spoiled apples in the bunch. They have harassed contributors, contributors’ employers, my employer, threatened to sue me and this site, etc. I have been super lenient. I have been patient. I have been tolerant. I have been kind.

That all ends today with no pity and little mercy.





Dumber than a bag of thor’s hammers.


Eric is smokin’ Kraken.


Dubious P said,
February 21, 2011 at 8:30

Oh, and I wouldn’t think COINTELPRO would be an obscure reference around here. I worried more about the film/music ref. [cut from All That Jazz]

Bye Bye Life. 10 minutes of brilliant film, music, dance, and drama.


This explains why I could never get my Nokia cell phone to work. I needed to press the “Thor’s Hammer” button to end a call.


He will be returned to the watery pit from whence he came…

Wha? He will be returning his come to a watery pit? Hunh?



I wouldn’t even fuck next to him.


I wouldn’t even fuck next to him.

Veiled periscope-PENIS reference.


Red State has always been at war with Art Chance.


If old Cancer hAt can irk Erk I guess he can’t be all bad.


I fear the wrath of the Elder Gods. The kraken ain’t shit.


I’m not scared of any gods that need a walker. Or, for that matter, a Walker.


The kraken has been released so often that he’s now huddling in the maelstrom with a “Do Not Disturb” sign. He’s got his ( 10 ) feet up reading the Carnival Cruise Lines catalog for spring.


(To be clear, that is a list of “New Years Rulin’s” from Woody Guthrie. I particularly like “keep hope machine running” and “wash teeth if any.”)


Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)

That is an impressive collection of clichés and misplaced modifiers!


Over the weekend, while running some errands, I saw a bumper sticker that read “So Far The Change Sucks”. As I sat there in my little four cylinder second-hand Honda reading this off the shiny bumper of a brand spnkin’ new Lexus SUV I couldn’t help but think “yeah buddy, I really feel your pain.”



This is odd. Jonah told me that the left loves fascism. He couldn’t be wrong, or could he?


“He will be returned to the watery pit from whence he came…”

Veiled santorum reference.


Nordlinger is tired of teachers lying to little Susie

Wake up, little Susie, wake up
Wake up, little Susie, wake up
We’ve both been sound asleep, wake up, little Susie, and weep
The school day’s over, it’s four o’clock, and we’re in trouble deep
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie, well

Whatta we gonna tell your mama
Whatta we gonna tell your pa
Whatta we gonna tell our friends when they say “ooh-la-la”
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie, well


“I have released the Kraken into the site.”

Never trust a guy who has a pet name for his penis.


Never trust a guy who has a pet name for his 10 tentacled penis.


Never trust a guy who has a 10 tentacled penis.

With my heart. *sob*


“Sundan’s Bashir announced he will not stand for re-election. Wonder what the changes in neighboring Egypt and the coming independence of southern Sudan may have played. Implications for Darfur?”

Actually, cultural differences were a major factor. It became known recently via wikileaks that Bashir prefers French mustard on his falafal rather than the more traditional mild white mustard common among true Libyans from the heartland.


So, does a 10-tentacled PENIS have small PENIS tentacles, or are they more like octopi?



OT: Courtesy of one of my Lebanese high school classmates, whose facebook has been alive with Middle Eastern activist stuff for as long as she’s had it; The Marriage of Sexism and Islamophobia; Re-Making the News in the Middle East.


What actually happened that day to Lara Logan, chief foreign correspondent for 60 Minutes, is not yet known and I have no interest in speculating over the lurid details of a sexual and physical assault, particularly while the victim remains in recovery. In this post, I want to focus on how much of the coverage of this “affair” has revealed the ways in which female bodies are a site that marries Islamophobia to Sexism. This marriage, in turn, reproduces one of the most enduring colonial tropes; the native (and in this case, foreign) woman who needs to be rescued from uncivilized and misogynist men.[1] Cue the- oh so civilized and feminist military invasions and/or occupations of British controlled India, and US controlled Afghanistan and Iraq. In addition to being a discourse that is used to legitimate war, this use of female bodies (and increasingly, gay bodies) as a mark of civilizational status has also been cynically mobilized to continue colonial projects in apartheid South Africa and contemporary Israel.


ASKING FOR IT detected:

A few accounts will cease to work at RedState effective in the next five minutes.

“PS: if this site turns into an ocean of headshot videos, gay grandpa-porn & malware, do not be alarmed – it just means that I am playing rope-a-dope with a particularly irksome troll. Continue to post on RedState as if nothing is amiss until I can get my people to fix it.”

Red State has always been at war with Art Chance.

Meh. MEH, I say! In a Clash Of The Dipshit Titans, I just don’t see a horse worth betting on. Pair of arrogant, mentally-turbid old poofters deserve one another.

Stupidity avenges itself upon itself.


So, does a 10-tentacled PENIS have small PENIS tentacles, or are they more like octopi?


T&U / VS tentacle pr0n? This smells* of D-KW.



Nordlinger is tired of teachers lying to little Susie.

Because little Susie was unable to do so herself, I pitched the following gob of sludge into the NRO Queue on her behalf:

Fighting to retain the basic right to collective bargaining as a deficit of civic spirit? 9/10 for creativity.

Histrionic pearl-clutching over the dire atrocity of teachers calling in sick? Sorry, only 6/10 for drama – NEEDS WORK.

Morphing your wish to put more Americans out of work into a high-minded desire for justice? 8/10 for artistic merit. Those salad days of warblogging have really paid dividends.

Too bad none of those subjects can redeem the utter eye-stinging pungency of the actual content itself. You get a D-, & may God have mercy on your soul.




I took some drugs for my cankle (fucking hurting up into my hip, what the fuck?) and I can’t concentrate and I have shitloads of work to do.

I’m seeing something here about Red State and granny pr0n?


With my heart. *sob*


T&U, the problem is you masturbate too much. Try prayer. It takes the weight off your ankles and transfers it to your knees.


Jim, I think you’re in line for win of internet today.


Try prayer. It takes the weight off your ankles and transfers it to your knees.

“Prayer”, huh?


“Prayer”, huh?

That’s what the priest called it. He consecrated my wafer, I assure you.


That’s what the priest called it. He consecrated my wafer, I assure you.

Did he bless you with his own special holy water?


Being Scandinavian, let me introduce you to Thor’s Hammer

(1) How does he know that ALL his readers are Scandinavian?
(2) Why does he think this makes them avid to meet his weapon? (perhaps it gets bigger when he strokes it)

(3) Is there an equivalent for lady bloggers?
Let me introduce you to Gerðr’s golden ring Draupnir. More gold spills from it every ninth night when I SHUT UP SMUT


Kneeling in the presence of priests wouldn’t be so painful but for the traditional Catholic propensity for hard wood in churches.


New thread alert!


Yes, teachers are privileged! After all, they only work nine months out of the year, six hours a day where your average bankster works nine and a half months out of the year and six and a half hours a day for only five times the money, not counting stock options, bonuses and expense accounts.


Stupidity avenges itself upon itself.

Not often enough, unfortunately.


Quite a while back, I created a blog because I had what I thought was a great title for one, but I had nothing to write about and no interest in blogging.

The title was the name of a crime Amy Goodman was being charged with.

Anyway, I feel like I’m domain-squatting this totally rad name, but what are you gonna do, right?


George Washington led an army in rags for eight years against the greatest military power on earth, then became President when he could just as easily have seized power and become the new king like most revolutionaries do

plus, he could really cut a rug…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Privileged not to die destitute in the streets…


What did you expect from a political party that views science with suspicion and book learning with disdain?


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