Sometimes A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
Posted on February 15th, 2011 by Tintin
ABOVE: Andrew Breitbutt and “Friend” at 2011 CPAC
Shorter Andrew “Sexy Beast” Breitbart, Big Gay Government:
Correction Request
- I am NOT gay!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
The hobbit in the photo seems a little bit too excited.
looks more scared than excited.
he’s got some sort of deranged hogwarts professer clamping down on his shoulder.
I’d appreciate it if someone would please tell Mr. Breitfart that I have no interest in inspecting his nostril hair. Thenkewverymuch.
Where’s Retardo the Junk Punching Guanaco when you need him?
Theme song: Guanaco Crazy On You
I am NOT drunk!!
ok, that’s got to be wonkette’s own Riley Waggaman, who has an inexplicable fondness for being photographed with fucknuts.
…not that there’s anything wrong with that.
It Gets Breiter.
Oh he’s gay alright. Just not in the good way.
Wow, Randy Quaid looks like shit!
God that new Harry Potter movie is going to be terrifying if this production still is indication!
I got out of the boat, only to find this in the main article:
Are these real, living human beings or just Animatronic simulacra? I refuse to believe that a human woman would mate with that…
ok, that’s got to be wonkette’s own Riley Waggaman
It is.
I will correct: Andrew Breitbart is a cocksucker.
Other Shorter Breitbart:
Shouldn’t have to say it, but I’m not Drudge.
“The truth is that it is liberals in America who are bent on dividing people, on forcing people into ideological boxes based merely on their race, religion, sex or sexual orientation,”
yeah! if everyone would just sit down, shut up, get to the back of the bus or back into the closet and do what white men fucking tell them to do! Life was so much better before we had to notice these people.
liberals in America who are bent on dividing people, on forcing people into ideological boxes
First it’s shoving down throats, now it’s forcing into boxes. Make up your minds, libs!
Sub McG:
It almost puts me off cocksucking if that’s what I might turn into….
“Mr. Breitbart has a beard and four children.”
Sure, he’s not gay, but if you look closly I think he’s in this video.
Breitbart said at CPAC that every liberal he met–to a person– was a hate-filled monster. Srsly. He said this.
Srsly. He said this.
Okay, so he’s right about one little thing.
Listen, I’ll cop to the fact that I’m a monster…but I am NOT hateful.
every liberal he met–to a person– was a hate-filled monster
er… well, they were talking to him (Bitefart), weren’t they??? I would be hate-filled, that’s for sure.
There’s certainly nothing to condemn in people who do it with the appropriate amount of love/perversion. If it helps, Andrew Breitbart is a fucker.
I am full of hat. Just yesterday I coughed up a sombrero.
Breitbart said at CPAC that every liberal he met–to a person– was a hate-filled monster.
I’ve never met the man, but I’d be willing to bet that he has a way of driving liberals to that kind of attitude in fairly short order. It is, after all, basically how he makes his living. And if he can’t drive them to being a monster he can always edit the tape to make them look that way.
He is not gay in both meanings of the word. He is a mean, deranged arsehole.
Also, no conservative closet gays have ever had a wife and kids, nosirree
Where’s his other hand?
Where’s his other hand?
Do. NOT. Want. To. Know.
Should be useful in the Sherrod suit.
I’m sure Riley is a lovely fellow…but anyone else think he kinda looks like a 12-year-old girl who somehow managed to grow facial hair?
Don’t gay guys generally have better grooming?
I see a guy desperately trying to look like a bad motherfucker in that picture. I bet he owns a black leather jacket and models with it in front of the mirror.
Breitbart said at CPAC that every liberal he met–to a person– was a hate-filled monster. Srsly. He said this.
Perhaps it’s your breath, Andy. Or the fact that you’re a professional liar and propagandist, which tends to tick liberals off.
“Should be useful in the Sherrod suit..”
Ooh, let’s hope!
I’m sure Riley is a lovely fellow…but anyone else think he kinda looks like a 12-year-old girl who somehow managed to grow facial hair?
You say that like it’s a bad thing. SEXIST!
Another good excuse to share one of my favorite paintings.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. SEXIST”
Actually, I’m being looksist, which isn’t great either. Poor little dude really took one for the team there…I should be lauding him, not making cracks about his odd manscaping choices.
I’m sure Riley is a lovely fellow…but anyone else think he kinda looks like a 12-year-old girl who somehow managed to grow facial hair?
he’s kind of got that French ‘belle-laide’ thing going, only instead of ‘beautiful/ugly’, it’s ‘funny-looking/winsome’.
I think Riley is looking for the nearest exit.
“Halps!! third rate horror movies are coming to life!!!”
I’d do his mother.
“Another good excuse to share one of my favorite paintings.”
Erm, in what universe is blartblart in possession of that jawline?
cracks about his odd manscaping
and, let me just say that I am sincerely looking forward to Shirley Sherrod ramming a big, black farming implement right up Bitefart’s poop chute.
In what universe is Breitbart a genius a couple of times over?
“and, let me just say that I am sincerely looking forward to Shirley Sherrod ramming a big, black farming implement right up Bitefart’s poop chute.”
Pics or it didn’t happen.
In what universe is Breitbart a genius a couple of times over?
In the country of the bonobo, the chimpanzee is king.
At least bonobos fuck pleasantly all day.
At least bonobos fuck pleasantly all day.
I was thinking more about shit-flinging.
This universe.
“I’d do his mother.”
Today the role of Dragon-King Wangchuck will be played by Substance McGravitas.
yeah! if everyone would just sit down, shut up, get to the back of the bus or back into the closet and do what white men fucking tell them to do! Life was so much better before we had to notice these people.
Yeah, don’t you love it? The finger-waggling “you shouldn’t see them as gays first” from people who actually demand they be kept out of the military and denied adoption rights because they’re gay: “you shouldn’t be so obsessed with their cultural identities,” from people who’re candidly terrified at the prospect of other cultures contaminating America.
Hey assholes. We didn’t create this situation, you did. We’d be the happiest liberals on Earth if gays weren’t judged as gays first, or if Muslims weren’t judged as Muslims first, or if Hispanic immigrants (and citizens) weren’t judged as Hispanic first. Unfortunately, you’ve pretty well seen to it that that won’t be happening any time soon.
Today the role of Dragon-King Wangchuck will be played by Substance McGravitas.
You got a program? The usher just gave me a funny look.
Scott Johnson at Powerline doesn’t understand why the University of Minnesota Law School doesn’t give a shit about his Dodge Stratus.
It’s not really a program. It’s just that Substance comes over to your house and tries to have sex with your mother.
Breitbart said at CPAC that every liberal he met–to a person– was a hate-filled monster.
Sure, if you define “hate-filled monster” as “person I hate because he’s a liberal.”
See, even I won’t go so far as to generalize about “every conservative I ever met, to a person” the way he does to liberals – because it just wouldn’t be true. If political identity correlates to “hate-filled monster” that perfectly, it’s because he chooses to see them that way because of their politics. Which, in turn, would seem to make him the “hate-filled monster.”
From Sub’s link:
My head just went splodey all over the place. NOW WHO’S GOING TO CLEAN UP THIS MESS?!!!!!
It’s the succeeding that’s the relevant issue.
There is no doubt that tongues were inserted in cheeks.
UPDATE: Of all the thousands of posts we have done over the years, this one seems to most outrage the Left, I suppose because it is so at odds with liberals’ cherished illusions about President Bush. The tone of the post is obviously tongue in cheek, but liberals never seem to notice. They are, to put it charitably, not big on nuance.
I do love how Bush is alternately “their guy” and “that liberal RINO” depending on what’s convenient – often about the same issue.
There is no doubt that tongues were inserted in cheeks.
Must I repeat myself?
The tone of the post is obviously tongue in cheek
That would make practically all of Hindy’s posts “obviously tongue in cheek.” Cases he tries must be a hoot, because just about every sentence he writes is hyperbolic in the extreme.
Yes. When heads are in asses…
Hey Chris, check out the Brian Kilmeade stuff.
For example: “[T]he sinister forces of liberalism” include US Magazine.
Hey Chris, check out the Brian Kilmeade stuff.
I’m sorry I can’t watch the clip at work, but this sentence was fantastic:
My head just sploded AGAIN.
Alternate title for this post:
Sometimes a Gay Notion
Is Breitbart’s wife Chinese perchance?
Today the role of Dragon-King Wangchuck will be played by Substance McGravitas.
Other parts of me are being played with by your mom.
You know who else wasn’t really gay even though a lot of people say he was?
In the country of the bonobo, the chimpanzee is king.
I accidentally left thisshorter Bobo in the last thread:
You know who else wasn’t really gay even though a lot of people say he was?
O.M.G. I know. And it is SO totes unfair, because I would send those faggots to the camps in a tranny-tucking minute.
OOOOH — slap fight! Erky Erksome is calling out a buncha Republican LOSERS…
Please pass the popcorn.
Grover Norquist should totally find some non-profit to donate that money to, like Americans for Tax Reform.
Oh, this is gold.
Yeah, and Grover Norquist, who’s fucking married to a Muslim, might just know what he is talking about. Just a thought.
And crikey, Rush Limbaugh’s a loser now? What did he say at CPAC?
I’m bracing myself for when Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin get the boot…
Survey says… yes.
Well it’s kinda the reverse, with Grover calling non-CPAC-lovers losers and Erick claiming pride in the word “loser” much like Breitbart reclaiming “queer”.
I’m bracing myself for when Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin get the boot…
Yesterday’s thread brought me to Col. Mustard’s, where his commenters were throwing out Chris Christie for being soft on dhimmi.
West, who served in Iraq and was a civilian adviser in Afghanistan, might just know
what he is talking about.a thing or two about attacking Muslims.This too.
For conservatives, the main forums for interaction with the outside world seem to be either military service or missionary work. In other words, either killing foreigners or telling them why their way of life (which they know nothing about and strive never to learn anything about) is wrong.
Not a surprise that they and the non-American world are on such shitty terms.
Yesterday’s thread brought me to Col. Mustard’s, where his commenters were throwing out Chris Christie for being soft on dhimmi.
ME, soft on rag heads?
Bring Captain Solo and the Wookie to me. They will all suffer for this outrage.
Seriously, I think Breitbart has his head up so he can lower the chin count. Same thinking that leads to celebrities doing the ubiquitous “turn to the side, face to the camera ” pose for pictures. He is a creature of Hollywood after all.
Oh, it’s true. Some are throwing out Ann Coulter (for liking Christie), too.
My head just went splodey all over the place. NOW WHO’S GOING TO CLEAN UP THIS MESS?!!!!!
Dunno about the bone fragments, but zrm will take care of the branes.
Is Breitbart’s wife Chinese perchance?
Breitbart’s Beijing Beard Bazaar Bride!
Oh, it’s true. Some are throwing out Ann Coulter (for liking Christie), too.
So much for Reagan’s “thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”
“zrm will take care of the branes.”
*sniff, tear*. Love that damn zombie.
NOT hating such a sociopathic contemptible bullshit-pimp would constitute a seroius moral failing.
He unleashed his Bonnie & Clyde griefer duo on a national organization whose mandate was to help the poor to have better lives, & squealed with glee when he finally succeeded in getting its funding killed. Not even Ebeneezer Scrooge advocated closing the poorhouses. Perhaps one day he can aspire to rise to the level of snakeshit.
The one true thing Breitbart ever said was when he referred to himself as “a clown.”
From a RedState commenter: Nordquist is “a tool for the open-borders/amnesty for illegals/cheap labor for big business lobby.”
Amnesty would mean those icky Messicans get citizenship, right? Sort of wrecks the “cheap labor” angle when you can’t hold deportation over their heads any more, I would guess. That there is sure one mighty conflicted lobby.
Defending eternal increases in mostly-obsolete Pentagon pork: trillion$ of dollars.
Getting Obama to give teh upper-crust a few more years of epic tax breaks: many many billion$ of dollars.
Being in total denial over just how much all that cheap-as-fuck illegal-immigrant labor is propping up the US economy: PRICELE$$.
“Being in total denial over just how much all that cheap-as-fuck illegal-immigrant labor is propping up the US economy: PRICELE$$.”
Bingo. Housing in Texas is cheapest in US because it is dependent on undocumented labor. And the governor will not consider signing any bill that mandates penalties for employers of illegals. Care to guess who Perry’s biggest contributor was? Houston homebuilder Bob Perry. They are not related (by blood).
Ripe mango from comments.
“Thanks for this article EE. Norquist, and those who have embraced Norquist (who are many) are beyond worthless.
It’s been WAY too long since anyone has spelled it out clearly about Norquist.
Let Norquist have his own conference and political group. His tenants are clear – support the Muslim Brotherhood, support maximum union domination of the country, support corruption, and ensure opposition to anything that is conservatism.
Norquist has been, and continues to be, really bad news.
My stand is that any GOP official, candidate or group that is aligned with Norquist, should get immediately primaried. I don’t plan on changing that stand either.”
Now, that is not a “caught at the wrong moment” shot. He consciously decided “I am going to unbutton my shirt, turn my head at a 90-degree angle, and put my arm around the shoulder of the weirdest-looking dude for a hundred miles.” What was he even going for? Intimidating?
Also, I support any and all efforts for the money boys and the nativists to start tearing at each other’s throats. Keep it up guys!
I thought we abolished slavery.
Bingo. Housing in Texas is cheapest in US because it is dependent on undocumented labor. And the governor will not consider signing any bill that mandates penalties for employers of illegals. Care to guess who Perry’s biggest contributor was? Houston homebuilder Bob Perry. They are not related (by blood).
So… Texas Republicans are refusing to do anything that might actually drive illegals away from the U.S. But their base doesn’t complain about it because they rant against the illegals (and sometimes the legals) in public and encourage them to form militias to shoot Hispanics at the border.
That’s fucked up.
His tenants are clear – support the Muslim Brotherhood, support maximum union domination of the country, support corruption, and ensure opposition to anything that is conservatism.
How do support Maximum Union Domination and support illegal immigration at the same time?
Then again, I might as well ask how you can “support corruption” and “oppose anything that is conservatism” at the same time.
What was he even going for? Intimidating?
I think Froley at 22:09 nailed it- this is a “dewlap mitigation” attempt.
So… Texas Republicans are refusing to do anything that might actually drive illegals away from the U.S. But their base doesn’t complain about it because they rant against the illegals (and sometimes the legals) in public and encourage them to form militias to shoot Hispanics at the border.
That’s fucked up.
Well, they need a focus for Joe Schmo’s rage, because if Joe Schmo ever woke the fuck up, the shit would hit the fan.
So much for Reagan’s “thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”
It reminds me of when I was little and we used to play Jacobins and Girondists.
Care to guess who Perry’s biggest contributor was? Houston homebuilder Bob Perry. They are not related (by blood).
Also denying any relation to Tyler Perry
Breitbart’s Beijing Beard Bazaar Bride!
NO! No more B’s, BBBB, you’ve had too many! Leave some for the others.
that’s got to be wonkette’s own Riley Waggaman
It is.
What’s he doing standing next to a large, unpleasant object generally reminiscent of a phallus?
Yes, we liberals sure are the stupid ones.
What, with our science … and evolution … and love of higher education … and not protesting about taxes two weeks after receiving a tax cut … and calling a war bullshit before the guy who lied us into it did … and pointy-headed facts and statistics and “reality” we always use …
You know, I used to think these people were evil, but that requires actual thought processes. In reality, these are people so blinded by ideology that anything that contradicts that ideology is totally ignored — just like you see in a cult.
Tax cuts create jobs! The Bush tax cuts paid for themselves! Iraq will be a cakewalk! Reagan never raised taxes or ran a deficit! Democrats just tax and spend! Obama is liberal!
All of these are contradicted by irrefutable, undeniable, unquestionable facts. Not opinions, but truth in the same way “2+2=4” is truth.
But they’ve decided that “2+2=Whatever the fuck they want.”
I’d love to be optimistic, but we are totes fucked as a nation. We truly are.
(Sorry, got some catching up to do.)
From Riley’s Wonkette bio:
Sounds more like a singles ad.
Posted to M-seeking-LUOGROAP, prehaps.
Andy, dood, that does not look like “no closer than 1000 feet” like like we agreed to in the settlement.
Plus, looking like you’re about to fall in a k hole is not the way to make friends with the judge.
jus sayin you might want to think about your intake is all.
Seriously, I think Breitbart has his head up so he can lower the chin count.
Yup. I do it all the time.
Speaking of Riley’s home, best headline in months.
NO! No more B’s, BBBB, you’ve had too many! Leave some for the others.
Get your own B’s, boyo! Because BIS IB SBARBA!!!!
Shorter Notverybreitbart: “I’m not gay — I even have a wife and kids! I just enjoy the taste of dick. Totes different.”
That looks like a still promoting one of those creepy anti-pedophile after-school specials from the 1980’s.
Run young lad, run!
His tenants are clear
Does anyone know if this is true? Does Norquist really rent to clears? If so, fuck him. Glass jobs shouldn’t be living near decent, hardworking opaque folks like us.
“N__B said,
February 15, 2011 at 23:27
Speaking of Riley’s home, best headline in months.”
This is what happens when you steal the cheetos for your local tea party meeting.
“We haven’t run an articulate Republican for president since Ronald Reagan.
wtf?!?!? i am in agreement with ann coulter? did i take crazy pills or something?!?!?
Reagan wasn’t articulate. He only bent at a select number of joints, like a Ken doll.
Seriously, I think Breitbart has his head up so he can lower the chin count.
i think he just got caught doing his joey imitation…’howyoudoin….’
like a Ken doll
thats where i’ve seen that hair!
I think that means they’re Scientologists.
These earlier Breitbart/Waggaman shots were great too.
Reagan wasn’t anatomically-correct? How did Ron jr. get here?
Now cough.
How did Ron jr. get here?
Spotted ashore: “it’s inaccurate to say that Andrew Breitbart is “gay,” much less “openly gay.” While there certainly wouldn’t be anything wrong with that if he were gay, Mr. Breitbart has a wife and four children.”
So that only proves he’s not a 6 on the Kinsey scale. Which, when combined with a wife and kids, suggests he’s fathered at least one of those sproggen while fantasizing about Mr Waggaman, or someone theresuch.
Re: we’re all monsters to a person:
Shorter Breitbart: “I a priori hate every liberal I meet, and gleefully boast everywhere I can (including national tv) that my entire Raison d’Etre is to ratfuck them and their causes whenever possible (and have done so on many, many occasions), but for some odd reason, despite the fact that I grok ‘nuance’ far better than any of them, they seem to react…poorly…to my presence! What’s wrooooong with them?!?”.
turn my head at a 90-degree angle
Head is tilted back like that so the midget at the controls can see out its nostrils.
midget at the controls
I believe they prefer to be called “little people with big
hollywoodsideas.”because FOX always gets it right
(Sorry if someone posted this first. Still catching up, and I have a boss who keeps showing up when I try to take a break.)
Waggaman’s side of the story. (Sauce for Tintin’s photo?)
Also: Poop.
“support maximum union domination of the country,”
Norquist! Perhaps I have misjudged you.
Holy shit.
bughunter’s catching up with the latest Snark is interrupted by this breaking story:
(Tigger Warning)
CBS’s Lara Logan brutally assaulted in Egypt. It sounds as bad as you might imagine.
Holy Fuck, that’s so wrong.
This sounds so much better than it actually was.
How did Ron jr. get here?
well, OBVIOUSLY! since ronnie is god, it therefore follows that ron, jr. is jesus…he better get crackin’ on some miracles and healings and such is all i can say!
CBS’s Lara Logan brutally assaulted in Egypt. It sounds as bad as you might imagine.
i hope jay newton-small feels like a huge piece of crap now…
How’s the weather report from Hell? Freezing over yet?
<How’s the weather report from Hell? Freezing over yet?
heh…yes, i realized my error in using “feeling” directly after hitting ‘submit comment.’ but i stand by ‘piece of crap.’
i also just realized my tag error…damn it…
“CBS’s Lara Logan brutally assaulted in Egypt. It sounds as bad as you might imagine.”
“She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers.”
Omg. That’s horrible.
“She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers.”
The story is horrible, but the involvement of women in her rescue is a good sign- hopefully the women of Egypt will demand greater freedom and participation in the running of the country, and a truly pluralistic society will result.
On a lighter note, this is some funny shit.
” . . . could radical Reaganites really be abetting radical Islamists? . . .
“I believe the conservative movement is being subjected to a concerted Muslim Brotherhood infiltration effort,” Gaffney told us, adding that Norquist began his insidious effort in the 1980s. Norquist’s wife is Muslim.
. . .
Showing he was deadly serious, Gaffney warned that the Mulslim Brotherhood “will kill homosexuals, they will kill feminists, they will kill Jews.” And saying the left “has the most to lose,” Gaffney complained that the progressives has “enabled” the insidious Muslim infiltrators by promoting equality and fighting Islamaphobia.
“Gaffney took a shot at Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol, calling him “ill-informed” for criticizing Fox News host Glenn Beck’s conspiracy theory about Egypt. Beck has been propagating a theory that Communists and radical Muslims are teaming up in the chaos of Egypt to start a Muslim caliphate that will one day taker over the world, but Kristol slammed the theory in a rare public rebuke of a fellow conservative, calling Beck “hyster[ical].” Gaffney dismissed Kristol and suggested that Beck is knowledgeable about the Middle East and Islam. “
Gaffney warned that the Mulslim Brotherhood “will kill homosexuals, they will kill feminists, they will kill Jews.”
Frank, if you’re trying to explain to the right why Muslims are so terrible, make sure you’re warning them about things that they don’t want to do themselves.
And saying the left “has the most to lose,” Gaffney complained that the progressives has “enabled” the insidious Muslim infiltrators by promoting equality and fighting Islamaphobia.
Ooh, concern troll is concerned! Thanks for the warning Gaff, but I’ll stay sane.
Women in Egypt have a social power that is unlike the usually pictured norm in Muslim countries. They still have many legal disadvantages but in the streets they can enforce norms of behaviour in a strong way.
Foreign women, however, don’t have such power.
Showing he was deadly serious, Gaffney warned that the Mulslim Brotherhood “will kill homosexuals, they will kill feminists, they will kill Jews.” And saying the left “has the most to lose,” Gaffney complained that the progressives has “enabled” the insidious Muslim infiltrators by promoting equality and fighting Islamaphobia.
Why, why, why won’t the “leftists” submit to the authority of the Christian fundamentalist dominionist patriarchy for protection from Islamic fundamentalist? Hmm… submission… wonder where I’ve heard that before…
Not to be a topper, but …
Pamalamdingdong weighs in on this important controversy.
GELLER: I think that he should resign his seat and let true conservatives — … Here is a man, where the basic premise of freedom of speech. This is the tenant of conservative values. … So I think there’s something really wrong at CPAC.
TP: And you said something about the Muslim Brotherhood at CPAC? What did you mean by that?
GELLER: I didn’t mean anything about it. It’s been documented that he has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
TP: Who does?
GELLER: Suhail Kahn and Grover Norquist.
Fat Republican Guy With a Website documented it. IN CAPS.
The rabid islamophobes are just pissed at Grover for marrying a Kuwaiti woman.
Because, of course, she cast a spell on him so that she can use his standing with the Klingons to steal the secret of firesticks and sell it to the hill people. Or something equally idiotic *and* twisted nearly beyond recognition.
could radical Reaganites really be abetting radical Islamists?
It’s not like ultraconservative capitalists haven’t been cozy with the Taliban before…
Projection: it’s not just a river in Egypt.
So Gaffney supports liberals and leftists in their fight against the Muslim-dominated Radical Reaganites? Good to know.
If you can’t be a liberal, be a liberal supporter.
“February 16, 2011 at 2:06
If you can’t be a liberal, be a liberal supporter.”
Sounds good.
Check out the libs on that chick!
I haven’t even read past this first sentence, I just HAD to comment –
could radical Reaganites really be abetting radical Islamists?
Gee, I don’t know. Why don’t we ask Lt. Colonel Oliver North?
Women in Egypt have a social power that is unlike the usually pictured norm in Muslim countries. They still have many legal disadvantages but in the streets they can enforce norms of behaviour in a strong way.
Foreign women, however, don’t have such power.
I can confirm that last part. Also too, the anonymous above was me.
Why, why, why won’t the “leftists” submit to the authority of the
Christian fundamentalist dominionist patriarchyfascist totalitarianism for protection fromIslamic fundamentalistcommunist totalitarianism?Fixed for historical precedent.
What’s all this this I hear abut the tenants of conservatives?
Have they talked to that man in the Rent Is Too Damn High Party?
Huh? Oh. Never mind.
The rabid islamophobes are just pissed at Grover for marrying a Kuwaiti woman.
It really is that simple, and no matter how devoutly conservative his politics are, it don’t matter. He married an Outsider, and a Hated Outsider at that. End of story. “Muslim sympathizer” is all it takes to be thrown out of the country club these days.
What was he even going for? Intimidating?
he’s got his nose pointed way up in the air trying to hide the double-chin.
It’s not like ultraconservative capitalists haven’t been cozy with the Taliban before…
Funny, I can still remember when American feminists were the only group in America that publicly opposed the Taliban. Enough that they actually sank an oil pipeline project under Clinton, if I recall.
Which makes it doubly facepalm worthy when conservatives who’d never heard of Afghanistan or the Taliban until September 12th, 2001, started railing “why won’t you feminist liberals stand against the Taliban?”
Or Dana Rorhrabacher!
“In the November/December 1996 issue of Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Rohrabacher was reported as saying that the Taliban were not terrorists or revolutionaries, that they would develop a disciplined society that would leave no room for terrorists, and that the Taliban posed no threat to the United States.[34]”
It really is that simple…
Yep. And the tell is that it’s the worst of the radical xenophobes who are leading the charge to ostracize him.
Not that I feel sorry for him. Nope.
The left were prematurely anti-Taliban.
He married an Outsider, and a Hated Outsider at that. End of story.
“Outmarrying” was apparently the preferred accusation.
he’s got his nose pointed way up in the air trying to hide the double-chin.
If I found myself habitually adopting that pose, I would get a second face tattooed under my chin so people couldn’t tell when I was looking at the lightbulbs instead of them.
“The left were prematurely anti-Taliban.”
Holy shit. Nice work if you can get it. Think he approves of maternity leave, too?
Riley looks like a Jewish Pete Townsend. but less drunk.
Holy shit. Nice work if you can get it. Think he approves of maternity leave, too?
gack…just when i thought douchehat couldn’t sicken me any more, he drags me back in!
Riley looks like a Jewish Pete Townsend. but less drunk.
one of the wonkette commenters compared him to john lennon…i can see that…
Barbara Streisand looks so short! Yentl was my fave too!
Only semi-OT, in re: every post here for the last year, I am sincerely vexed by the question of what to do when the country implodes. It’s become clear that it must do so.
The Soviets didn’t think any kind of order-of-magnitude shit was going to go down, and their empire folded up almost overnight. The Depression came along and gauntlet-fisted the world. World War Two followed a little contretemps they used to call “The War to End All Wars.” Twenty-one fucking years later.
Anyhoo, I’m just a-scratchin’ my pate and wonderin’ how our own evidently inevitable collapse will occur. Clearly, Mr. Barack Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman Alfaisal Osama Hussein Luther King Obama intends to try to extinguish the fire by insisting the Republicans use low-octane gasoline when they torch the nation, so he’s no help; the rest of the Dems are just kindling. The Repugs have gone so completely insane we might as well fill the capitol dome with gibbons and PCP smoke.
The plutocrat folks seem to have a plan. That’s what interests me. Are they so sincerely blinded by greed that they think there won’t be some kind of violent backlash or whatnot? Or if the nation falls apart, it won’t have some effect on their lifestyles?
I don’t get it. Color me nonplussed. But mos def experiencing free-floating dread at this time.
Oh. I almost forgot I actually popped in to mention this, just in case you get bored reading your mail.
“His tenants are clear…”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Bless their little hearts, they try so hard! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
[Disconnecting Snob Knob now.]
Yentl was my fave too!
I’m more of a
MentlNuts fan.Women in Egypt have a social power that is unlike the usually pictured norm in Muslim countries. They still have many legal disadvantages but in the streets they can enforce norms of behaviour in a strong way.
Foreign women, however, don’t have such power.
I was told by an Egyptian friend that Egyptian women have a very strong, matriarchal reputation among Arab countries. He thought that this was because so many women are the heads of households.
I also have two good friends who are American women that worked for the UN refugee project in Egypt for several years, and they both experienced vicious harassment in the street on a daily basis. One did tell me that Egyptian women are famous for running their homes and neighborhoods, and demonstrate a lot of collective power. However, she also knew a woman who was nearly beaten to death for talking to her.
Curveball admits his story was a crock of shit.
Gee. He ‘tricked’ the CIA. Because the CIA had no reason to doubt him.
Shorter every gay man in the entire world: Thank you Jesus.
Dog does an impression of Breitbart gobbling a
cawkburrito.I hope that someday soon Grover Norquist gets Gaffney and Geller down to a size where he can drown them in a bathtub.
If it weren’t douchehat I’d point out that parenting ain’t a piece of cake. I’m guessing that his version of parenting is chasing the nanny around the apartment.
If I found myself habitually adopting that pose, I would stop doing so much blow. Also remember to carry tissues.
The left were prematurely anti-Taliban.
Just like with Mussolini and Franco and Hitler… although I guess many were late with Stalin*. I sometimes wonder when I would have figured out that despite all the bullshit capitalist propaganda saying he was an evil fuckstick, Stalin actually was and evil fuckstick.
Nuts. What a great movie. Honestly, I do believe that that was Streisand’s best performance on film. Maureen Stapleton was perfect as the passively complicit mother and Karl Malden, well, I can still see him slipping money under the bathroom door. Sick. The courtroom scene too, when Streisand made the prosecutor (forget who played this role, not Dreyfus?) sexually uncomfortable. Great movie. Too bad she went and ruined Pat Conroy’s Prince of Tides.
“What would Gabby want?”
Gee. I dunno. How about some honest fucking reporting about domestic terrorism with a side of ending the goddamn coverups?
If it weren’t douchehat I’d point out that parenting ain’t a piece of cake. I’m guessing that his version of parenting is chasing the nanny around the apartment.
true, but he’s sooooo pompous about it…how to juggle blogging and parenting…hmmmm ross, try working a couple of actual jobs and parenting…i think he’s just bragging that he actually got a woman to a)sleep with him and b)got her knocked up and she didn’t abort and c)hey everybody, don’t forget! i slept with a chick! here’s the pics!
So his codename is Curveball, but that’s supposed to mean “believable”, apparently. Why not, Spitball, or T-Ball, or Squirrel Nut Zippers. If you’re going to war based on One Man’s Word, why not just call him Warball.
Too bad she went and ruined Pat Conroy’s Prince of Tides.
you know who ruined prince of tides for me? my dad. i’m watching the movie, he comes meandering through the tv room, glances at the tv and goes, ‘oh…he hasn’t been cornholed yet, has he?’ and blithely meanders out of the room…
i’m watching the movie, he comes meandering through the tv room, glances at the tv and goes, ‘oh…he hasn’t been cornholed yet, has he?’ and blithely meanders out of the room…
In defense of your father, you could say that during any movie and stand a 50/50 chance of being on target.
In defense of your father, you could say that during any movie and stand a 50/50 chance of being on target.
this made me laff…as did re-telling a story about my dad…gosh, i miss him…
After an event like CPAC, here’s some brain bleach: Transcript of Stephen Colbert’s comments at the 2006 White House Correspondents Dinner.
I thought that we went to war because Ahmed Chalabi said we should. Remember how Ahmed Chalabi was totally trustworthy until he betrayed us and then it was like, whelp, it’s a good thing we didn’t manage to install HIM as dictator.
Sometimes the evil and the incompetent cancel each other out, though not often enough.
So I went to the link and there’s this:
“It might not seem like much, but one month after a failed assassin fired a bullet into her brain….”
Yeah. We know where the fucking bullet went, Mr Reporter (forget your byline). And you know what else? He didn’t fail completely, did he? I mean he did manage to kill six people and shoot six others. So to be really accurate, he’s not really a failed assassin. He’s an assassin who failed to kill Rep Giffords. Horrible story.
If anyone can lead a crusade inside the beltway against domestic terrorism, it will be Rep. Giffords… let’s hope she tries.
“…Only semi-OT, in re: every post here for the last year, I am sincerely vexed by the question of what to do when the country implodes. It’s become clear that it must do so….”
You know, I feel the same way, Spengler, except then I wonder: is an implosion really inevitable? I mean, what did the fall of the Soviet Union seem like in, say, Omsk? (I’m totally prepared to be enlightened, btw.) Because things sucked in the Soviet Union, unless you were a highly connected party official. For everyone else, it was bleak and hard. So then it collapses, but how does it look different in Voronezh? Things just get harder for most folks, although now there is the remote possibility that non-party people might strike it rich, even if they have no underworld connections.
Oh, I am going on too long. My point is that for many people in the former Soviet Union, the implosion wouldn’t have been stark or terribly dramatic. It would be a different kind of bad, one in which the potential for self-loathing might increase. (This is something we’re familiar with here, because if you aren’t doing just great, it’s because you didn’t try hard enough, or you have a profound character flaw.)
Our implosion might be vaguely similar. No Tahrir Squares, no pitchforks and torches, just a steady grinding away as the middle class disappears, and the average life span drops, and everyone gets less educated. Eventually the suburbs are lit by cookfires, bridges just fall down, cholera is an everyday threat, and the only people having fun are the very wealthiest, in their secure fortified enclaves. But even they are uneasy, because they still have to employ non-enclave workers to do stuff for them.
What I mean is it’s already imploding. If anyone has read this far, I propose a toast to those Egyptian women and the soldiers who took the risk and came to Logan’s aid. That’s one for our side.
I’m guessing that his version of parenting is chasing the nanny around the apartment.
OMG, smut clyde. Chasing the nanny. You are good.
Agree Bughunter. I hope she challenges the NRA as well.
well played…martini, sir?
I’m w/ Larkspur on the end of empire. (Dampniche, don’t be such a worrywart, man!) We’ll barely even notice until the water’s actually boiling.
Not w/ a bang, yada.
m w/ Larkspur on the end of empire. (Dampniche, don’t be such a worrywart, man!) We’ll barely even notice until the water’s actually boiling.
every time i start to think about it…i have to stop…but i tend to agree with both of you…
“June, did they have any eggs today?”
“No, darling, no eggs, but I did manage to pick up an extra box of oatmeal.”
“I’m really getting tired of oatmeal, June, especially since there’s no butter or sugar.”
“The soldier at the check-out said they would have an allotment of sugar by Friday.”
“Thank god. I am sick of this bitter coffee.”
“Well, you need to give up the coffee anyway. It’s just not necessary, you know, not absolutely necessary. And the girl at the clinic told you the coffee was bad on your kidney. We could afford an extra loaf of bread with what you spend on coffee every month.”
“Every month it’s something else June. Last month it was your tea, the month before that it was the cooking oil, the month before that…….goddamnit I don’t remember what it was before that. But it was something, it’s always something.”
“Well darling, these are the times we live in. Everyone is having to give up something. Just remember, we are sacrificing for the soldiers. We are making these sacrifices so we can be free. I just hate to think what it would be like if those dreadful people were allowed to cross the ocean and invade this beautiful country. We’d lose everything, just everything.”
“June, I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but we are already losing everything.”
“Oh darling, don’t say that. We still have each other. And, you know, we still have a roof over our heads and we still have a TV to watch. That, at least, is free.”
“Yeah, June, it’s free if you like watching the President all day. I, for one, am just sick of listening to his nonsense. It’s all about how things are improving, how things are getting better every day. You and both know that nothing is getting better. Least ways not here.”
“Sacrifice, darling, sacrifice.”
rotertrudis, get out of my brain. (I’m saving it for ZRMcD.)
So if nothing we do matters, all that matters is what we do. It’s the end of the goddamn world, and we’re all going to die, but wait: that foreign journalist over there needs some help. Okay, let’s go.
Sherrod Statement on Breitbart Lawsuit
“Former USDA Official Shirley Sherrod has filed a lawsuit against blogger Andrew Breitbart, producer Larry O’Connor and an unknown “John Doe” defendant for defamation, false light and infliction of emotional distress. . . . ”
I think Breitbart has his head up so he can lower the chin count.
Nailed it, Froley.
I hate arriving to a thread so late that I can’t play in the fun stuff. Still have much catching up to do.
That already looks familiar. Like a lot of people I live right on that line where I can afford to eat, but I can’t afford many frills. Bulk grains, eggs, legumes, the cheaper vegetables, etc. I found a place where the bagels are $1.69 for six and another shop that has generic pasta sauce for $1.25. I treat myself with whatever is on sale – cherries, cheese, soy milk, orange juice, etc.
Lately things haven’t been on sale like they used to be and the prices on basic items are going up. Just yesterday I checked in again to see if the soy was at a discount, and it made me feel a little sick. I know lot’s of people around the world don’t even have what I have, but it’s pretty god damn frustrating to worry about food. From the numbers I read, that’s what about a quarter of the country is doing right now.
ately things haven’t been on sale like they used to be and the prices on basic items are going up.
IKR? i’m glad there is only two of us at home now…but i really feel for my 21 yr. old who’s in school…good thing he likes the dollar menu…
Who should always be remembered as Sesame Street Freakout Guy.
Sorry to downer the thread, but this thing does worry me. I’d like to believe it’s all just going to be a gradual downgrade, but it isn’t. People are going down the crapper by the thousands. They’re utterly erased, no longer even listed as jobless. They’ve become unpeople. Federal/ union workerswith jobs are now honorary negroes, hated for existing.
At some point, the dissonance has to reach the center of the spiral. Orouboros reaches his own neck. I guess what I’m thinking about is how close we’re getting to that point.
On a lighter note, wonder how the forcible rape folks will spin the awful Lara Logan news in Egypt?
Gaffney and Horowitz vs. Khan and Cleta Mitchell.
The fact is, what Obsama has done to USA is like what Hitler did to Germany. His socialism has bankrupted us, I say no more freeloaders, no more welfare or abortions, also more tax cuts will help simulate growth.
That “simulate” is just a little too cute, Gary.
Gary! Jesus Christ, I missed you so bad! How was prison?
Damn. Fake Gary. Thanks, Pedestrian. Between that and reading about your diet of gruel, insects, and mallow bars, I have nothing left to live for.
Aw, Spengler, it isn’t all bad. If things get really tough we can all get together and invent a new form of music for rich white yuppies to enjoy around mid-century.
They can have my banjolele when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.
They’ve become unpeople. Federal/ union workerswith jobs are now honorary negroes, hated for existing.
I never thought I would see the day when cops and firefighters were being attacked as lazy parasites sucking the teat of the common weal, but here we are.
On the fireworks at CPAC and the relegation of Grover Fucking Norquist to the ranks of the Islamomarxist infiltrators…Well, two thoughts come to mind. The first is the eternal struggle between the Judean People’s Front and the People’s Front of Judea. The second is to wonder when, exactly, did President Obama first utter Voltaire’s prayer, and how surprised is he at how it worked out?
I don’t understand the whole Norquist thing. He’s a neocon hero: the only person to fuck Islam more times than Donald Rumsfeld.
On a lighter note, wonder how the forcible rape folks will spin the awful Lara Logan news in Egypt?
I don’t know, but I felt masochistic enough to listen to Savage Weiner in the car tonight and he was lamenting how Anderson Cooper was whining about his hair while she was being raped. Then he was playing stuff from the Westminster Dog Show…he’s even more batshit than I remembered.
In other depressing holy shit we’re losing to the nutjobs news.
Which is going to hit first? The inevitable economic meltdown or the Crazy Party takeover?
The plutocrat folks seem to have a plan. That’s what interests me. Are they so sincerely blinded by greed that they think there won’t be some kind of violent backlash or whatnot? Or if the nation falls apart, it won’t have some effect on their lifestyles?
If the nation falls apart, they’ll simply emigrate. PJM’s Bill Whittle wrote a tearful article begging them to do just that after the Great Negro Muslim Usurpation Of Two Thousand And Eight, which proved how unworthy of their Galtian benevolence we knaves had become.
Historically, it’s what every upper class does when faced with regime change.
I was told by an Egyptian friend that Egyptian women have a very strong, matriarchal reputation among Arab countries. He thought that this was because so many women are the heads of households.
I also have two good friends who are American women that worked for the UN refugee project in Egypt for several years, and they both experienced vicious harassment in the street on a daily basis.
The American women in my study abroad program can testify to that last one, but it’s also true that I didn’t see it happening to Egyptian women much. It helps that Western women are stereotyped as being loose. Also, the double standard where you treat the women in your culture with respect, but make up for it by treating women outside your culture like whores, isn’t an uncommon one in human history.
Gary! Jesus Christ, I missed you so bad! How was prison?
Damn. Fake Gary. Thanks, Pedestrian. Between that and reading about your diet of gruel, insects, and mallow bars, I have nothing left to live for.
you are freaking killing me tonight!
In other depressing holy shit we’re losing to the nutjobs news.
yes…i’ve already been in a ‘spirited’ fb argument on this topic…
Mrs. __B lived through the USSR implosion as a college-age teen in Siberia. Trust me, we’ll notice when it happens to us.
Which is going to hit first? The inevitable economic meltdown or the Crazy Party takeover?
goddamn…i’ve been trying to lower my alcohol intake lately, but jesus, i don’t think it’s worth it…
Does Mrs. _B have a blog, or a memoir? I ask this not in a PIX OR IT DINT HAPPEN way, but because I am interested in her perspective. Holy shit, I mean, anyone who lived through Siberia as a college-age teen, I’m interested in the story. I don’t care which decade, I’m interested.
goddamn…i’ve been trying to lower my alcohol intake lately, but jesus, i don’t think it’s worth it…
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit birth control.
Does Mrs. _B have a blog, or a memoir?
No. She’s underwhelmed with blogs in general and especially mine. She’s from Novosibirsk, which is the third largest city in Russia and sort of the Cleveland of Russia* – cold, industrial, unmemorable.
*Yes, a Yakov Smirnov hat-tip.
I sometimes wonder when I would have figured out that despite all the bullshit capitalist propaganda saying he was an evil fuckstick, Stalin actually was and evil fuckstick.
For a lot of socialists, that was figured out in the aftermath of World War Two, when Stalin was right on Europe’s doorstep and therefore, for the first time, a real cause for concern. It was usually enough to get them to hop onto the Cold War bandwagon, if not as fanatically as the right did.
People who are making babies right now? I love you. I love you. The future is weird, way beyond my abilities to describe it, but I will do my very best to help and watch out for your wee bébès.
The absence of commenter El Cid explained?
Earlier today, Philadelphia magazine published an article by Natalie Hope McDonald in which Andrew Breitbart was described as “openly gay”. Mr Breitbart is not openly gay. Philadelphia magazine regrets the error.
Russia seems to have a lot of Clevelands.
Hot babes in Novosibirsk though!
People who are making babies right now? I love you. I love you.
I have to say that it’s very difficult to feel depressed and hopeless about the future when you’re surrounded by babies and children. I think working in the children’s section at our public library this last summer gave me the eensiest bit of hope…I couldn’t *not* have it.
Mr Breitbart is not openly gay.
I see what you did there.
I have to say that it’s very difficult to feel depressed and hopeless about the future when you’re
surrounded by babies and children.continually cleaning noxious fluids off the furniture.Fiqqst to reflect my life.
Hot babes in Novosibirsk though!
Mrs. __B’s lime-green leotard is at the cleaners.
continually cleaning noxious fluids off the furniture.
And he’s not even walking yet!
And he’s not even walking yet!
He can projectile
vomitspit like a frat pledge pro.Hot babes in Novosibirsk though!
Who can tell, swathed as they are in layers of thick woolens to keep out the Siberian winter?
That’s why I hang around in pediatric burn wards.
Chris, pedestrian, larkspur, bbkf, Spengler, et. al. — I’ve been worried about the same thing for at least two years now. And I fear that the extreme right engineers crises hardship in part to foment dissatisfaction (and make money) in the hopes of blaming it on liberals/immigrants/mooslims/nutria eaters/whatever so that they can unite the propagandized masses and usher in a totalitarian state.
But then I hang around young people and have my hope renewed every time. They aren’t fooled. Their bullshit detectors are in good working order, and they’ve learned to recognize trolls and sockpuppets when they encounter them.
But they aren’t pissed off, either.
God help the trolls and assholes when they become so.
OK. Fuck this. WP is eating my posts again.
What is it? It seems to pick specific themes and will just NOT LET ME POST that message, in any format.
Fiksed for the imminent failure of infrastructure ’cause the wankstains can’t think beyond tomorrow.
Personally I’m stocking up on ammunition and brewing ingredients, two things that will survive any societal breakdown…
That’s why I hang around in pediatric burn wards.
The fact that you’re now cuter than they are is the most uplifting part.
Spengler! Go to bed, love. Are you home? Is your beautiful wife there? Put down the mouse. Go to bed. That is where I’m going. I am going to the bed, where your wife isn’t, but where I might could dream of her.
He has a wife and kids, fer Chrissakes! That proves he is SO not gay!
He can projectile
vomitspit likea frat pledge protiger woods on a putting green.fixxxxed to reflect current events…
One thing that occurs with an eated post is the page that loads doesn’t jump to the new comment… cuz it’s not there.
It must be some string or combination of letters that triggers the bug.
But I can post this whine, no problem… FYWP
Just another smear of a conservative like TOTALLY straight republican.
Its just dithguthting!
Chris, et. al. — I’ve been worried about the same thing
for at least two years now.
And I fear that the extreme right engineers crises hardship in part to foment dissatisfaction (and make money) in the hopes of blaming it on liberals/immigrants/mooslims/nutria eaters/whatever so that they can unite the propagandized masses and usher in a totalitarian state.
But then I hang around young people and have my hope renewed every time. They aren’t fooled. Their bullshit detectors are in good working order, and they’ve learned to recognize trolls and sockpuppets when they encounter them.
But then I hang around young people and have my hope renewed every time.
I’m not gay, either. I COMPLETELY dig chicks, even the dirty tuna smelly breeder parts.
Cuz I am totally like straight, okay?
They are not
Jesus. It’s the word f00led.
Spelled correctly, that is.
I can make a post with just that word, and it fails every time.
Anyway, the rest of the post:
Their bullshit detectors are in good working order, and they’ve learned to recognize trolls and sockpuppets when they encounter them.
But they aren’t pissed off, either. Yet.
God help the trolls and assholes when they become so.
One more experiment:
Chris, et. al. — I’ve been worried about the same thing
for at least two years now.
And I fear that the extreme right engineers crises hardship in part to foment dissatisfaction (and make money) in the hopes of blaming it on liberals/immigrants/mooslims/nutria eaters/whatever so that they can unite the propagandized masses and usher in a totalitarian state.
But then I hang around young people and have my hope renewed every time. They aren’t FNORDed. Their bullshit detectors are in good working order, and they’ve learned to recognize trolls and sockpuppets when they encounter them.
But they aren’t pissed off, either. Yet.
God help the trolls and assholes when they become so.
Yep. It’s the string ‘f o o l e d.’ (without spaces) that fucks wordpress. If I make any post with that string, it gets eated.
Now you know how I got my nym.
Also came to say that when I told my wife the news about Lara Logan, she sobbed.
mrs bughunter is PISSED. She’s ready to fly to cairo with a machete and start hacking sacks.
Sorry, Tom. Sorta stepped on your affirmation there. Keep repeating it, maybe we’ll believe it, too.
How’s Xenu, btw?
bambibughunter, this is no place for an entomologist.Stuff that made me larf muchly
So much for Reagan’s “thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”
It reminds me of when I was little and we used to play Jacobins and Girondists.
Serious stuff:
Bug: I’ve enjoyed your multiple contributions. Kudos for tracking the Taliban / pipeline history. (BTW, do you know Robert Fisk’s writing?). And for tracking ‘Curveball’. And for the Colbert transcript.
Spengler: Again I’ll play the Greek chorus to your 3:12 comment. I have only suppositions about the future, but I believe the United States will play out as a catastrophic tragedy.
IMO, it’s already begun, sliding toward the edge of the cliff. I’m an older guy; I hope I shall not live to see the country go over the precipice. But I feel so sorry for my nephews and neices and the the infants they have just brought into the world.
If I were younger and not so poor, I would leave. For New Zealand or Europe.
Way late, but I’m going to write my promised commentary on the Chinese Anti-Aircraft Carrier Missile (AACM). I’ll probably put it up in the wee small hours of the morning.
In re emigration, of us to wherever: Who wants us, if we don’t have money? They might turn us back at the border. Our stuff doesn’t have much stuff in it anymore. I kind of want to hunker down with young Dudeskull and make sure he learns to read, and that his toothpaste has fluoride in it, and that he know what we was and what we become, and that right up until it’s the end of the world, it is not the end of the world. He’ll giggle. I love him. Good night.
bughunter, this is no place for an entomologist.
Well, I’m also a etymologist, a bouscoprologist, and an apprentice eirontech. Can I stay?
Great, V. Your tagfail broke the thread.
So you did hear that Debbie Schlussel thought it was justice by gang-rape? That’ll teach Logan to interview sand-monkeys, ha ha. Read it and hurl.
Also, I would like to reduce Grover Norquist to the size where we could drown him in Lake Michigan.
ho, ho…i thought the screen looked weird…
RvB…you have got to be kidding!
Oh, yes, you may stay. Please. It just reminded me of that old X-Files episode with entomologist Bambi Berenbaum, and I was feeling…I don’t know… protective. Now I am gonity gone gone gone.
Freaking LOL. THIS is a new kind of threadbreak.
RvB’s right.
Shorter Debbie “Trigger” Schlussel: Bitch had it comin’ cause she went to Muzzieland.
Printed and PDFed for posterity, in case Debbie chickens out and takes it down.
She’s got a ton of defenders in comments, too.
Sure, but the plutocrats will have the money (all the money they fleeced from the rest of us), so they’ll easily emigrate. The rest of us, yeah, we’ll be stuck in the country… but hey, Galtianism FTW, man.
Kidding? To coin a phrase, sadly, no. Can’t put up the link because this mobile ain’t smart enough. A quick googling should suffice…
and no, RvB you were not kidding…i just read her post. i can’t even begin to comment on it…
schlussel is inhuman and so are her followers
Thanks, bughunter…
yeah, i should probably learn how to read up-thread…
No threadbreak in Firefox on a Mac. Too bad. Sounds like a good one.
WP got pissed cuz I figured out it’s neurosis, so it got a new one.
FYWP, in the Schlussel, with a wart-encrusted Breitbart.
Yep, we can it sure does remind us who the animals are.
Not broken in FF. Weird.
LOL – still can’t post the string ‘f00led.’
Fool me twice… erm.. won’t get fooled again.
Once again, I love the cognitive dissonance in Debbitch’s article.
As I’ve noted before, it bothers me not a lick when mainstream media reporters who keep telling us Muslims and Islam are peaceful get a taste of just how “peaceful” Muslims and Islam really are. In fact, it kinda warms my heart. Still, it’s also a great reminder of just how “civilized” these “people” (or, as I like to call them in Arabic, “Bahai’im” [Animals]) are
YEAH! Fucking Muslims. Can’t trust the bastards. They turn on us. But wait, what’s this?
In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew. She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers. She reconnected with the CBS team, returned to her hotel and returned to the United States on the first flight the next morning. She is currently in the hospital recovering.
Gee. I wonder what religion the women and soldiers might have been. I really fucking wonder. That’s okay. Saving the CBS reporter was a good deed, therefore it can’t be counted as Muslim.
While blaming a rape victim and dehumanizing an entire religion is evil, ergo Debbie is Muslim.
Debbie Shloochel* is the worst kind of attention whore. She saw how much attention mr ‘eyeroll’ from NYU was getting, and couldn’t stand it. So she posted this and now is having the blog-gasm she so desperately wanted.
* ‘Shlooche’ is Yiddish for slut. Too fitting.
Also, too appropriate!
Going further:
I just love it when the people of the profession of “the public’s right to know” suddenly want “privacy.” Tell it to your next interview subject, Lara.
Does Lara exercise “the public’s right to know” with regards to other rape victims? Does she badger victims of traumatic acts mere hours after their trauma? Has she ever applied “the public’s right to know” in such a violation of personal space? Then, objection, relevance, move to strike, and please log into the record that Debbie Shussel is a soulless bitch.
Now, if they were Christians or Jews, well, then there would be comments galore.
Does the media report “galore” every single rape of an American woman committed in a Christian or Jewish majority country? Does the media add gratuitous commentary about how this proves Christians and Jews are animals? The way you just did re Egypt/Muslims? They do not. As much as you and your entire party get off on believing you’re some kind of persecuted victims, you’re not. And as much as you’d like to justify the piece of shit you just wrote with a “the other side does it too,” they do not.
And that special hell of Shephard Book’s, the one with all the child molestors and people who talk at the theater? Way too good for you.
I dunno about leaving. As sick as it seems the US has been through this sort of crap before.
I’d have an emergency plan, that’s for sure but I’m not sure anywhere else would be good enough to uproot your life for. I would have recommended Australia but I think the environment is fighting back and it is not as nice as it was.
Here is too small and too far away and has a head-up-the-arse government.
BUT if you want to come here it will be ok. Get a job sorted before you move tho’
The absence of commenter El Cid explained?
He was always a little too good at parodying right wingers.
In honor of Schloochel’s post, I made a shoop.
Q&D. Was gonna use a real one, but felt Vonnegut’s* would be more fitting*.
(* read Breakfast of Champions, you won’t regret it)
(** as in, far easier to convert its background to alpha)
Good night all. I’ll be dreaming of Malkin, Gellar and the Schlooche swirling around and around and around, grasping at floating wads of toilet paper but finding it offers no purchase. And finally, with a satisfying ‘schloop-oop-oop’ they’ll be gone… And I have a plunger just in case Debbie gets stuck.
BUT if you want to come here it will be ok. Get a job sorted before you move tho’
Be nice to AK & SC if you want sponsors. Start saving now!
Beck went off the deep end, now Ubergroupenfurher Schlussel. Maybe the cheetos and wormwood diet has a cost?
In honor of Schloochel’s post, I made a shoop.
Appreciate it. Kind makes her look like a Jaffa (Stargate SG-1 reference).
Also, I haven’t had the urge to puke at one of their productions this badly since Alex Knepper’s article gloating about the gay kid who committed suicide.
Gloating really does bring out the best in them. For Obama, the liberal elite and all the rest, they rant, rave, scream, tear their hair out, and sometimes point and laugh. But the real gloating always gets reserved for people who’re as beaten down as possible: dead kids, rape victims, the works. Think that’s a commentary on them? I do.
This thread got really weird.
This thread got really weird.
When the going gets weird. something yada.
it bothers me not a lick when mainstream media reporters who keep telling us Muslims and Islam are peaceful get a taste of just how “peaceful” Muslims and Islam really are.
It seems kinda unlikely that the reporter in question would have said anything vouching for the peacefulness of Islam, but that doesn’t really matter here since
(a) From Debbie Schlussel’s perspective, anything less than full agreement with her own views on islam is effectively the same as defending it; and
(b) Debbie only wants someone to represent The Enemy, and she’s not going to endanger her schadenfreude by bothering with the reporter’s identity and and actual record of public statements.
Debbie’s hatred of journalists, oh dear, not a pretty sight. She really does not like it when people travel to places where events are happening and send back their own first-hand descriptions of those events.
The only people I can think of who hate journalists as much as the right bloggosphere would be the dictators, who would like to crush popular dissent without visitors from the outside world sending back their first-hand descriptions… so they send security police to arrest the reporters,* and hired thugs to beat them up and rape them. Who would have thought that Debbie Schlussel and a dictator like Mubarak would have so much in common.
* Except in the universe inhabited by Annie Althouse, in which the people wearing security-police uniforms and arresting journalists and taking them to security prisons were in fact more likely to be representatives of the Egyptian uprising.
In honor of Schloochel’s post, I made a shoop.
Ohmy gosh, that woman has a spider on her forehead.
In a proper blog, that spider would be drag-&-droppable. Just saying.
we might as well fill the capitol dome with gibbons and PCP smoke.
I, N, W?
“Debbie Shloochel* is the worst kind of attention whore”
So I still have a lock on being the best kind? SCORE!
Oops. I’m a supportive bra.
Which is going to hit first? The inevitable economic meltdown or the Crazy Party takeover?
The meltdown is already going on now: the snowball of unresolved debt & frozen capital that started rolling in 2008 hasn’t stopped by a long shot (just ask the Europeans) … & I’m not totally convinced that the Crazy Party is crazy enough to want a real takeover – not when what they’re going to inherit is a bed they’ve deliberately shat in for decades on end to win their game of Realpolitik Roulette, & that is now catching on fire. It’s a lot easier to use their thumbs for buttplugs & baaaw over how scary gheys & Muslins & Messicans are while turning the “UNREALITY” button up to 11.
They’re used to the Slightly Less Crazy Party cleaning their disasters up for them – but their usual “loot & borrow” con-game went a bit TOO well this time.
I’m so pissed I made another highly imaginative shoop.
S’ok. I washed my hands when I finished.
And sorry, Clyde. That would require me to be proficient in Flash or something. And that would imply S,N is a ‘proper blog.’ Ain’t gonna happen.
As usual, Roy connects powerfully, and sends it over the fence.
Mein Gott! Der Thread ist fixiert! Danke, Tintin!
Oops. I’m a supportive bra.
I’m a divisive bro.
I’m so pissed I made another highly imaginative shoop.
Is that a picture of her asshole.
I’d hate to see her face.
Howard Kurtz does some actual research before reporting, unlike almost everybody else dealing with Ms. Logan’s story.
Howard Kurtz does some actual research before reporting, unlike almost everybody else dealing with Ms. Logan’s story.
Thanks. Appreciate you posting that.
On a less disgusting note:
From the headlines I’ve seen in the last couple days, looks like the newest hot spot is Bahrain.
Why that’s a big deal: Bahrain is ruled by an Arab Sunni, pro-U.S. sheikh. But demographically, a shit ton of the population (almost half) is non-Bahraini (guest workers from South Asia and elsewhere), and a majority of the population (outnumbering Sunnis by something like two-to-one according to unofficial estimates) is Shi’a. So, like in Iraq, the majority of the population is from the same denomination as Iran, and like in Iraq, the Iranians are going to exploit that for all it’s worth.
Expect a lot of unease over the Bahraini democracy movement in the West, possibly even more than we had over Egypt.
Yesterday, I wrote about Gov. Perry, Bob Perry, and illegal immigration. Here’s how it works: A Republican legislator has introduced a bill that would make it illegal for an employer to “knowingly, intentionally and recklessly” hire an undocumented worker. Clearly, the more qualifiers, the harder it is to prosecute. And, also, too: Perry has been governor since Bush was elected President. Where has he been on this issue up to now? It is obvious to anyone with working brain cells that Perry, and his good friend and benefactor, Bob Perry, want this as an ISSUE in perpetuity, to keep the base riled up.
A Republican legislator has introduced a bill that would make it illegal for an employer to “knowingly, intentionally and recklessly” hire an undocumented worker.
It’s already illegal a the federal level. That’s why I have I-9 forms on file for all my employees.
Pam sez:
Liberal plants, that’s an easy one. The Tea Party rapists have not ever been conservatives from the very moment that they committed an atrocity. Both sides do it, etc. Good catch on the women though – the lib media loves to over-insinuate the proportion of women in women/soldier mixes.
He was always a little too good at parodying right wingers.
I warned him about that stuff a while ago. I bet someone startled him right while he was parodying an anti-Islam blogger and he got stuck that way.
I’ve been wondering whatever happened to J-. Did he retire from the internet?
“It’s already illegal a the federal level. That’s why I have I-9 forms on file for all my employees.”
So, you (and homebuilder Bob Perry) get a pass. “See, officer, it was not my ‘intent’ to hire an illegal. I didn’t knowingly hire an illegal. It is not my job to check the validity of the documents presented.”
He’s hiding.
So, you (and homebuilder Bob Perry) get a pass. “See, officer, it was not my ‘intent’ to hire an illegal. I didn’t knowingly hire an illegal. It is not my job to check the validity of the documents presented.”
No, I actually ask for exactly the docs specified by the feds. If someone has given me a forged passport (which is what I have for 5 of the 7 people) there’s not much I can do about it. Or are you suggesting that every business owner should hire an investigator?
It is obvious to anyone with working brain cells that Perry, and his good friend and benefactor, Bob Perry, want this as an ISSUE in perpetuity, to keep the base riled up.
Illegal immigration is the new abortion.
Pam sez:
Somebody in the comments asks a good question (which Clyde touched on above already): whoever said she was a liberal?
I look at her biography and see only two controversies. One, when she fought to run a report about fighting on Haifa Street in Iraq: two, when she criticized a reporter for releasing the report about McChrystal. Going on one stereotypes, that’s one liberal act (pushing to release ugly news from the Iraq war) and one conservative act (pushing to protect a U.S. military general during a disagreement with a liberal administration).
Other than that, she’s married to a defense contractor (not the most stereotypically liberal job). And she’s South African, so she doesn’t even have a dog in the liberal/conservative fight.
Seriously, we’ve got a woman whose politics aren’t even known (as far as I can tell) being paraded as a Muslim sympathizing liberal overnight because Schussel and Geller happen to need a punching bag. Again… this is seriously the most vomit-inducing news I’ve read in a very long time.
Or are you suggesting that every business owner should hire an investigator?
Course, if you’re paying them less than minimum wage because you know they won’t/can’t go to the cops about it, chances are good that you’re aware of their illegal status. But there I go thinking again…
because Schussel and Geller happen to
need a punching bagresent her for being more attractive than they are.FIXED!
Sorry, I know that sounds sexist, but that often seems to be the case, especially with Schlussel.
Maybe some good will come out of Breibarfs being sued. FUX may actually have to call themselves entertainment instead of “News”.
BTW, more good news from Mordor. The Crypt Keeper is allowed to keep 250,000 people off Medicaid without losing Fed funds. Mordor to disadvantaged, “We got ours FU.”
because Schussel and Geller
happen to need a punching bagresent her for being more attractive than they are.And going on pictures, it’s totes true.
Is he still not gay?
From the headlines I’ve seen in the last couple days, looks like the newest hot spot is Bahrain.
To think of all the life and limb we’ve spent on Iraq when Hussein most likely would have fallen eventually.
Do you really want Joe Schlub the owner of Seat Of The Pants Inc, to possess the ability to access the SS info of the entire population of the US??? What could go wrong with that??
“Or are you suggesting that every business owner should hire an investigator?”
No, silly. That is the point. It’s not their job. The idea is to give the appearance of doing something while doing nothing. You know, wink wink, nudge nudge.
You know, wink wink, nudge nudge.
Yeah, we’ve got not only Fed laws but also tough state immigration laws. It’s still pretty much what you said. Ourpiehole does his sweeps now and again to make headlines, but that’s about it.
Can’t be imperilling that cheap, compliant labor.
The idea is to give the appearance of doing something while doing nothing. You know, wink wink, nudge nudge.
No, I don’t know. I check the background of my employees by asking for proof of citizenship or a work visa. You seem to be suggesting something, but are apparently unwilling or unable to come out and say it.
And now major riots in Libya! And Algeria a couple days ago. And Iran too, though the regime thugs kept that one under wraps, mostly (but then Iran already flew nearly off the handle in 2009 – if you need to falsify election results for an already unimportant Presidency, your legitimacy’s gone).
The weird thing is the one country I’m not hearing anything: Syria. Wonder what’s going on in there.
The idea is to give the appearance of doing something while doing nothing. You know, wink wink, nudge nudge.
ya, know…i’m beginning to think that all these laws are a bunch of wink, wink, nudge, nudge: sd, with it’s mandatory gun ownership, az with it’s ‘oh, i’m sorry officer i forgot that i have a loaded gun in my pickup truck, and golly, i did not know that shooting a bullet at somebody’s head could kill them, and this ‘well, as long as you circumspectly looked at this guy’s papers before you hired him, even though he speaks funny and you only have one working eye–that’s good enough’ crap.
we keep hearing, especially from the right, that we have to do something about the mess our government and our country is in, but how can we when these twatnozzles are the ones making up the wink, wink, nudge, nudge bills?!?!?
Hercule and Gary are the only ones that are real.
Is he still not gay?
nope…no matter how hard they try to shove it down his throat, he hasn’t turned ghey yet…
So, to re-cap: In bidness-friendly Texas, Governor Perry is never going to sign a law that: requires more paper-work for employers; insinuates more government into hiring practices; would increase the cost of housing by paying workers a living wage; would further isolate Republicans from the Hispanic community. Instead, we get kubuki.
Hercule and Gary are the only ones that are real.
how did you know that’s what i call ‘the girls’? and they are real…totally…
yay! my first boobie joke…vs must be sleeping…
Do you really want Joe
SchlubPOOP the owner of Seat Of The Pants Inc,Does that work better for ya?
I knew they were a couple of boobs, but I didn’t know they were yours bbkf.
What else can employers be asked to do, besides checking for the necessary papers? They shouldn’t be profiling during hiring. “Sorry, you may have a U.S. passport madam, but you also have an accent. BACK TO MEXICO!!”
I do think that employees must be educated on employment law and allowed to report workplace violations without the risk of deportation. But if the employer is paying minimum wage, giving breaks, etc., there is only so much enforcement that can be pushed off on to businesses without effectively enforcing systematic employment discrimination.
Look at it this way: Drugs are illegal. Drugs are baaad. Most employees do not want to hire drug users and consider failure to pass a drug test grounds for termination. The same is true of most employers with regards to undocumented workers. But we don’t expect every employer to run systematic drug tests on every person every day. They aren’t supposed to be the DEA, they have a business to run.
Yikes. Let’s see if we can make things bettar:
“…Only semi-OT, in re: every post here for the last year, I am sincerely vexed by the question of what to do when the country implodes. It’s become clear that it must do so….”
Don’t worry, baby- nettles are plentiful and delicious, and acorns are plentiful…
Protip: Don’t eat the brightly colored bugs
Protip: Don’t eat the brightly colored bugs
OTOH, fakers are delish
Also, think of the brightly coloured POOP!
Also, too – I nevar would have suspected that B^4 engaged in anti-aposematism.
Also, think of the brightly coloured POOP!
Instead, we get kubuki.
It’s called the local evening news here in Mordor.
Protip: Don’t eat the brightly colored bugs
But I like it when my mouth goes numb and I vomit explosively!
The weird thing is the one country I’m not hearing anything:
SyriaWisconsin. Wonder what’s going on in there.Fixx0red for accuracy. Haven’t heard a damn thing on the “news” radio.
Also, too – I nevar would have suspected that B^4 engaged in anti-aposematism.
I’ll come right out and say it- I hate the hues!
Little known Dr. Seuss: B^4 Hears A Hue.
I’ll come right out and say it- I hate the hues!
Thanks. Now I’m going to have to explain what is so damned funny about the workbook I’m doing a QC check on.
I’ll come right out and say it- I hate the hues!
Damn, dude. Even you-know-who didn’t hate the hues.
I’ve been watching the news on the radio. Nothings changed.
I’ll come right out and say it- I hate the hues!
Well, they did crucify our Lord.
B^4 spends his weekends rounding up the hueish in his diabolical nets.
How do you know their hueish? Are they circumscribed?
The Battle of Aposemattox. Lot’s of hues slain.
B^4, have you ever read the Protocolors of Magenta Yellow and Cyan?
I suspect that B^4 and bughunter may be part of an anti-aposematist, neo- entomologist, drab supremicist organization.
they’re, dammit.
The tag-fail was fuckin’ Joey’s fault!
That stupid stoner messed up the whole goddam thread. I was totally shocked when I saw how fucked up the thread looked on the screen. On behalf of all the guys, let me apologize for his monumental tag-fail screw-up.
(The group really needs to get our engineer / equipment guy / roadie back. Eddie is such a querulous pissant, but he closes the goddam tags!)
Also, I’m so deeply humiliated, that I’m not going to post the longish comment about Aircraft Carriers. It was unwieldly anyway; perhaps I’ll try to boil it down to a shorter. Probably best to drop it altogether.
Out of complete chagrin–and as penance–The Variants will only Lurk for the remainder of this thread. Again, our apologies to all.
they’re, dammit.,/i>
Damn, dude. Even you-know-who didn’t hate the hues.
Then why did his painting career fail so miserably?
The Variants has a variety of variables.
If you’re looking around for your next target, you can’t do any better than Debbie “Getting nasty e-mails is just like being raped” Schlussel.
Out of complete chagrin–and as penance–The Variants will only Lurk for the remainder of this thread. Again, our apologies to all.
How about starting that blog we’re pressuring you about? Lurk all you want, but start up your own little fiefdom!
They’re there, in their lair.
Opps, moar tag fail.
I thought that they were brackets
But without the [SHIFT]
They turned into commas
And the whole thing turned to [SHIT]
Come fail away
Come fail away
Come fail away with me
Then why did his painting career fail so miserably?
He just loved them too much.
“I’m not going to post the longish comment about Aircraft Carriers. It was unwieldly anyway”
I can’t imagine anything less wieldly than an Aircraft Carrier.
A Hue sympathiser.
Wow. If I didn’t have to sit two hours in rain-induced traffic jams and then actually work while on the job, and then sleep off the resulting fatigue, I could keep up with you sadlynauts.
So I still have a lock on being the best kind? SCORE!
If by ‘the best kind’ you mean the kind that shows off her boobies at the drop of a hat, then, sure. You still have a chance.
[skipping ahead a bit, brother]
I believe that’s a double negative. I’m simply pro-posemaniac.
But if Shlooche’s ugliness is aposematism, then I’m at least grateful for the warning.
Also, I’m so deeply humiliated, that I’m not going to post the longish comment about Aircraft Carriers. It was unwieldly anyway; perhaps I’ll try to boil it down to a shorter. Probably best to drop it altogether.
Shame. I was somewhat looking forward to it.
BBC looks at the declination of the nation
Henry Ford painted model T’s basic black because he hated the hues.
comment about Aircraft Carriers
Water under the bridge?
If you’re looking around for your next target, you can’t do any better than Debbie “Getting nasty e-mails is just like being raped” Schlussel.
I tried posting something there and got a WP fail tag. Decided it was the Almighty’s way of telling me to find something better to do with my time. I concur with the Almighty. There’s paint drying on the wall that bears some careful watching.
I tried posting something there and got a WP fail tag. Decided it was the Almighty’s way of telling me to find something better to do with my time.
She’d just delete your comment, and complain about how you’re stifling her First Amendment rights.
BBC looks at the declination of the nation
A good article, but he misses the point and goes for conventional wisdom when identifying the debt as the main problem.
He’s right about the basics, however: the nation is in decline, and this time it is different. I’d attribute it to the simple fact that the country doesn’t want to fix the problem this time and that it doesn’t want to turn the ship around and reverse the decline. Or if it does, it’s not willing to pay for it. Either way: country declining, this time for real.
She’d just delete your comment, and complain about how you’re stifling her First Amendment rights.
My right to have a nose stops at the tip of her fist-swings.
Wait, that’s not how it goes…
Lara Logan was among the chief cheerleaders of this “revolution” by animals. Now she knows what Islamic revolution is really all about.
From Schussel’s update. Am I reading what I think I’m reading? Blame the victim?
The beer was cheap and the food was good. I am pro-Hue.
Lara Logan was among the chief cheerleaders of this “revolution” by animals. Now she knows what Islamic revolution is really all about.
From Schussel’s update. Am I reading what I think I’m reading? Blame the victim?
From what I’ve heard, she was attacked by pro-Mubarak thugs.
The beer was cheap and the food was good. I am pro-Hue.
They got these soups…
I love the hues, it’s just the brutal dictatorship of Pantone® that I despise
Oh, and Chris, start blogging, bro. I am sure all the other regulars would echo this request.
I suspect the war of declination will not be a short or an easy fight.
I love the hues, it’s just the brutal dictatorship of Pantone® that I despise
We must resist the tyranny of candied orange peel!
I love the hues, it’s just the brutal dictatorship of Pantone® that I despise.
Join the DayGlo revolution!
From Schussel’s update. Am I reading what I think I’m reading? Blame the victim?
You expect something different?
Additionally, I love the added touch of referring to people as “animals.” Had to get the eliminationist dig in there.
Oh, and Chris, start blogging, bro. I am sure all the other regulars would echo this request.
Amen to that.
Additionally, I love the added touch of referring to people as “animals.” Had to get the eliminationist dig in there.
Go into the comments, there’s one guy saying “we’re not racists. Islam is Nazism.” Once again – meet the teabaggers, the first fascist movement to come to power by calling their enemies fascists.
Schussel is deranged
Pantone is a centrist compromise between trousers and no trousers.
And is way better than Teh Pantload.
From the Washington Post, Five Myths About The Suburbs – thought some might be interested.
Best part is myth three: “Suburbs are a product of the free market.” Response:
Indeed, suburbia’s the Mecca of the “I’m a rugged individualist who deserves all these subsidies” schizophrenia. But they’re also right to point out, lower, that suburbia isn’t exactly a dyed-in-the-wool conservative demographic.
You expect something different?
Not really, but the “She got what she deserved” tone coming from another woman is especially base and disgusting. I geuss she’s showing her true colors.
Serious question T&U. I think I know the answer, but I would like to know if a woman can truly be mysoginistic?
Pantone is a centrist compromise between trousers and no trousers.
And here I thought it was the sound my dog makes when he’s breathing hard.
Lara Logan was among the chief cheerleaders of this “revolution” by animals. Now she knows what Islamic revolution is really all about.
Animals, frau Schussel?
You know who else thought of certain religious groups as animals?
(I know that all humans are animals but I doubt that was what she was going for here)
I’ve received many moronic insults and threats of violence from the left in the hours since I posted this, showing me more and more that there is very little difference between the left and the dominant, violent, fanatical forces in Islam
Move over Sarah, Lil Debbie wants to get on the cross too.
Sorry to downer the thread, but this thing does worry me. I’d like to believe it’s all just going to be a gradual downgrade, but it isn’t. People are going down the crapper by the thousands. They’re utterly erased, no longer even listed as jobless. They’ve become unpeople. Federal/ union workerswith jobs are now honorary negroes, hated for existing.
On the upside, Spengler, this is a country that has stepped away from the brink before. We are capable of producing Huey Longs and Roosevelts and Kings. We are capable of being persuaded and led by them. We just haven’t had many who have tried for a long time.
Our stupidity is national now, instead of locally dumb yokels, but it is largely the same stupidity. We have always had a large group of religious nuts, and ungrateful southerners, and bigots, and the same groups of greed heads.
Look to the early 1930’s; that is about as bad as the nation has got.What were people doing then? We didn’t have much of any welfare state then, certainly less than what the ‘pugs will be able to dismantle anytime soon.
There are definitely a lot of wild cards, like energy and food production and TV/radio demogogues, but the most likely outcome is the pendulum swings back. Hopefully the next time we keep putting the boot into the conservative ideology so don’t have to keep relearning the lesson.
An important thing now is to start planting the ideological seeds in people; find the little cracks of reality in dumb people’s ideological walls and plant a few seeds. Use agreement in those tiniest of cracks to spread the cracks just a little wider each time. And make sure that they recognize that a right winger has lied to them in just that little way. Prime people to accept reality.
King Glenn Beck will be a benevolent ruler, weeping for those he has to burn.
Actually, if Lara is anything, she was pro-US-military. All of her 60 Minutes segments were very flattering towards the servicemen in theater, sometimes almost fawning. While she didn’t hesitate to show the realities (stark and otherwise) of the job, and occasionally intimated criticism towards the corruption and graft that she encountered there, she never ever expressed any opinion whatsoever about why we were there or the bigger political picture.
The last thing anyone can call Mrs. Logan is a ‘liberal.’ Schlooche and Gellar et al are just vile harpies.
Serious question T&U. I think I know the answer, but I would like to know if a woman can truly be mysoginistic?
On the upside, Spengler, this is a country that has stepped away from the brink before. We are capable of producing Huey Longs and Roosevelts and Kings. We are capable of being persuaded and led by them. We just haven’t had many who have tried for a long time.
I’d say the difference is that between now and then, there’s been a New Deal, an extensive if incomplete welfare state, thousands lifted out of poverty and a fairly well-off suburban middle-class created.
Cue the IGMFY ethic, and the corollary we’re seeing today – that a ton of people are less interested in getting their due from the rich, and more interested in protecting what they have from the poor and minorities that they imagine are coming to get them.
That, and conservatives have done a lot since the eighties to propagate the myth that welfare state politics were tried and failed, which is something they couldn’t say in the 1930s. And other things too. I’d love to see the pendulum swinging back and people being primed to accept reality, I just don’t see it happening right now.
The last thing anyone can call Mrs. Logan is a ‘liberal.’ Schlooche and Gellar et al are just vile harpies.
I think I get where that claim comes from: Schussel and Gellar are saying that because she was in Cairo covering the revolution, she was sympathetic to the howling Muslim mob (which she very well might have been, most people were) and therefore deserved exactly what she got by being raped in a way that reveals the true nature of the Howling Muslim Mob.
(And of course, being sympathetic to the Howling Muslim Mob’s cries for freedom makes you a liberal. Goddamn you, George W. Bush, you and your liberal “democracy agenda.”)
Join the DayGlo revolution!
Already did!
I’ve received many moronic insults and threats of violence from the left in the hours since I posted this, showing me more and more that there is very little difference between the left and the dominant, violent, fanatical forces in Islam
Examples, or it didn’t happen.
I wonder if Debbie will rail against these “animals”. Fucking double standards, how do they work?
We are capable of producing Huey Longs and Roosevelts and Kings.
Problem is we’re producing the wrong sort of Kings these days,
Curses, Smut beat me to the Hué punch. Imperial palace, great market, superb and sophisticated food and some really friendly folks. All the bullet holes make for atmosphere, of a sort. I still have my (original, do not be confused by imitations) Lac Thien bottle opener.
Insert ‘Hue and Cry” joke here.
Serious question T&U. I think I know the answer, but I would like to know if a woman can truly be mysoginistic?
It’s not a gender thing, it’s a tribal thing.
Logan is not part of Debbie’s tribe: she’s not conservative (at least not the way Schussel would like), she’s not even American, she’s attached to the “liberal media” and can (however ludicrously) be tied to the liberal/Muslim sympathizer agenda: therefore, she deserved to get raped.
If she’d been a man getting raped in Egypt (statistically far less likely but it does happen), Schussel would’ve gloated just as loud (probably louder).
I think most wingnut conservative women are. Unapologetically so. As a matter of fact, I think that’s a large part of their appeal for their fellow nutters.
Am I reading what I think I’m reading? Blame the victim?
It is possible to go through life as a happy person, by waiting for bad things to happen to someone — anyone! — and then making stuff up about that person so you can revel in the calamity that they retrospectively deserved so much.
That, and conservatives have done a lot since the eighties to propagate the myth that welfare state politics were tried and failed, which is something they couldn’t say in the 1930s.
They were saying that though. Union-busting had gone on for decades by that point. Communism was actually a real, viable, in your face threat. Social Darwinists still preached from the papers, and the leading industrialists fell in love with shouting fascist dictators who pointed the way past immigrants and other parasites towards a new, glorious empire.
Most americans don’t like violence on the streets. When they are confronted with brutal unfairness, they push for change. As unemployment rises, or food and energy become too expensive, they demand and usually get action.
I’m not saying collapse is impossible, just that it is a lot less likely than the impression one might get reading the blogospheres.
Interesting that Oberleutnant Schussel sees the crowd as “Muslim” and that’s it. No Coptics, aetheists, Catholic etc etc. No they’s all brown and that means Muslims.
And then lefties were mean to her just because she dissed the victim. I bet righties wouldn’t do that to her. Which is, of course, THE FUCKING PROBLEM
Ann Coulter makes remarks about taking away a woman’s right to vote, which is fine in her case as she doesn’t seem to understand how to do it.
Has anyone else pointed out here that Logan’s rescuers were, like, you know, most likely Muslim?
So I guess Justin Bieber was on Conan O’Brien and in describing his trip to the White House did a pretty decent impression of the president. NRO commenters are split: does the Biebs’ gentle mockery signal a shift whereby comedians will finally take shots at Obama, or should we hate Bieber for endorsing his native Canada’s health system? It’s a conundrum! But wait! K-Lo is on the case! And it turns out the Bieber’s a good kid after all, because he doesn’t like abortion. What a hero!
You mean K-Lo brought a conversation around to abortion? I don’t believe you.
Chinese Carrier Killer Not a Threat
I work in the defense industry, and the industry press has been abuzz the past few weeks with stories about the emerging threat of projected force by the Chinese. It came out of nowhere, like someone turned on a spigot at the sewage treatment plant and this shit started flowing out, including scenarios of hypothetical US Naval attacks on mainland China.
First, the Chinese is not a threat to project military force. They don’t care to, and don’t need to, and couldn’t outspend or outgun us if they wanted to, despite the dire picture being painted by war profiteer propagandists. They have us by the short hairs economically. They own the majority of our foreign debt, manufacture a large fraction of our goods, control critical strategic and commercial resources, and prop up our currency as an international exchange. If they ever yank, we’ll yelp. They know it. They planned it this way. It’s been their MO for centuries.
Imagine for a second if they dumped all of our bonds on the market, sold all their dollars for Euros, withheld rare earth metals, and stopped manufacturing for and exporting to the US. We’d experience crushing hyperinflation, food and durable goods shortages, and rioting that would make Myanmar and Cairo look like block parties. This arrangement isn’t accidental, either.
Second, and very simply, the war in Afghanistan is ratcheting down. The military industrial complex needs a new war in order to sustain their business model. So, you see, we’ve always been threatened by East Asia, after all.
Interesting that Oberleutnant Schussel sees the crowd as “Muslim” and that’s it. No Coptics, aetheists, Catholic etc etc. No they’s all brown and that means Muslims.
Like I said and like I posted there last night: you could just as easily have written the article as “Muslim Women And Soldiers Rescue Western Woman From Rape,” but of course, that’s not the spin you’re supposed to put on it.
Also, so far most of the reviewers on PJM adopt the same conventional wisdom re “filthy Muslims,” but add that their heart goes out to the “poor woman” who was raped, because nobody deserves it. I’m truly impressed: Debbie Schussel and Pam Geller manage to sink to a level of inhumanity lower than the average PJM commenter, which, I’m not sure how that’s even possible.
Also too, teenage boys are the FIRST people I consult when I want to get thoughtful answers to questions about abortion. Totally.
Actually for some reason the Rolling Stone reporter did. But K-Lo did find that otherwise unwanted tidbit and give it a home at the Corner.
Like I said and like I posted there last night: you could just as easily have written the article as “Muslim Women And Soldiers Rescue Western Woman From Rape,” but of course, that’s not the spin you’re supposed to put on it.
Ah, you said that. Nevermind.
As a matter of fact, I think that’s a large part of their appeal for their fellow nutters.
Sooo, I may be late for the train again (waves), but since a lot of male wingers are asceerd of wimmens and show it through their misogyny, then if a female winger shows her misogyny she is prized because she enables the males fear of sceery wimmens.
Waaayy too much Freudian shenanigans for my simple noodle.
Agree 100% with Mysticdog at 21:00.
I work with young, smart millennials every day. These people are distracted right now with iPads and iPhones and Angry Birds and making money and spending it. They aren’t interested in the poop-slinging-fest that is national politics, but they’re very active locally.
They’ll mature, and get interested, and mellow the national discource
I’m not saying collapse is impossible, just that it is a lot less likely than the impression one might get reading the blogospheres.
Like I’ve said before, I don’t think total collapse is likely: but stagnation and slow decline as other nations race ahead and leave us behind, and as the middle class continues to slowly but surely bleed people away, that seems quite possible.
Whoops… somehow that got posted – was trying to alt-tab to something that looked like work and hit a ‘submit’ button.
Anyway, nearly a complete thought. But not spellchecked.
I assumed Der Shlussel was just jealous.
Can someone gay be homophobic? Hmm, where was that pic at the top of the thread taken?
“I work with young, smart
millennialsmillipedes every day”Ficksed for bughunterryness
Preview shows me that millennials is crossed out, who am I to disagree?
It is possible to go through life as a happy person, by waiting for bad things to happen to someone — anyone! — and then making stuff up about that person so you can revel in the calamity that they retrospectively deserved so much.
Debbie’s drinking poison in the hopes that liberals will die.
Uh, gotta attribute that to, of all people, Carrie Fisher.
“Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. ”
— Carrie Fisher
Jesus Bughunter, this scares:
The military industrial complex needs a new war in order to sustain their business model.
In high school (military high school), we were taught Chinee history like this: If you lined up all the Chinee and shot one every second, it would take four hundred years to kill them all, and that’s if you can keep the ones at the end of the line from reproducing.
Thanks for the commentary;
Second, and very simply, the war in Afghanistan is ratcheting down. The military industrial complex needs a new war in order to sustain their business model. So, you see, we’ve always been threatened by East Asia, after all.
And indeed, if you remember the Bush Administration’s 2001 strategic overview, China was indeed the main focus of it (used as a good reason to re-start SDI research).
As far as the carrier-killer’s concerned, my reaction when I read that wasn’t concern that they’d hit us with them, more concern that they’d proliferate it to people who might.
By the way, since you’re in the defense industry, you don’t happen to have advice re finding a job in it, do you? My degree’s in national security studies (Middle East focus) and I’ve been trying to get a job since 2009 (mostly in the intel community). Just wondering.
it would take four hundred years to kill them all, and that’s if you can keep the ones at the end of the line from reproducing
Would that be a population explosion?
Someone at The Corner wrestles with the idea of lying. It is embarrassing.
Read bughunter at 21:28 !!!
He covers the larger strategic-political points I wanted to make…and more concisely too. Thanks for doing the work for me, bug!
(I also had a critique of carriers themselves. I believe carriers are anachronistic. (1) Don’t build any more. (2) Decommission half of the carrier fleet in an orderly fashion, based on age. Get it down to six by @ 2020. No need to mothball or scrap them: Their hulks will make great tourist attractions! They are already becoming museum pieces, after all…)
By the way, since you’re in the defense industry, you don’t happen to have advice re finding a job in it, do you? My degree’s in national security studies (Middle East focus) and I’ve been trying to get a job since 2009 (mostly in the intel community). Just wondering.
I hear China is hiring 🙂
Someone at The Corner wrestles with the idea of lying. It is embarrassing.
Not getting out of the boat. Lemme guess, though — it’s damn near a moral imperative if I lie because my motives are high and pure and sweet, and it’s the worst sort of perfidy if you lie because you’re, well, you know, NOT ME. Anywhere close?
If you lined up all the Chinee and shot one every second, it would take four hundred years to kill them all, and that’s if you can keep the ones at the end of the line from reproducing.
That’s basically what the Pentagon wargames are saying. Read this link from above. Shorter: “If we fired every missile we have at a Chinese jet, and each one took out one plane, they’d still keep coming.”
So, one can draw two conclusions from that. 1) Don’t fuck with the Chinese, or 2) build weapons that can take out more than one jet per shot.
I think conclusion 1) is smarter. But if you sell weapons, number 2) is your meal ticket.
Don’t guess: it’s pretty weird.
FYWP. You’re supposed to remember me from one post to the next, you freaking moron. I am NOT anonymous…
I would amend that to “if you run America”. Really the US has an enormous free-trade-proof way to have absurd domestic subsidies, and that’s to supply, or pretend to supply, the world’s security needs. It’s unfortunate that the production of military hardware results in things that, if used, are catastrophic, but it’s the kind of economic advantage that a pragmatic politician is gonna find it hard to dispense with.
the defense industry, you don’t happen to have advice re finding a job in it,
Technical? RF Engineering. The number one hardest thing to find is a good RF engineer.
Non-technical? Hone your writing and public speaking skills. Get an MBA and specialize in contract law, especially government subcontracts, with a minor in Program Management, IMP/IMS, and EVM. Then join the Air Force or Army, and go for PsyOps or Special Ops (though for the latter, you better be fit and fearless). Then, when you get out, you’ll have the connections you need in industry to get a good job with decent pay rather than a career of soul-sucking corporate drone work for a pittance wage.
Good luck.
Really the US has an enormous free-trade-proof way to have absurd domestic subsidies, and that’s to supply, or pretend to supply, the world’s security needs. It’s unfortunate that the production of military hardware results in things that, if used, are catastrophic, but it’s the kind of economic advantage that a pragmatic politician is gonna find it hard to dispense with.
Socialism ISREAL!!
What the fuck was that “Lying” article about? Was it a big fib? “Ha ha, you thought this was about lying when it’s just a whole lot of gibberish”? And therefore some sort of performance art?
Taking notes in one of that guy’s lectures must be enthralling, a Glenn Beck blackboard sort of mess.
Next week: Angels and Pinheads, How Much is Too Much?
Non-technical? Hone your writing and public speaking skills. Get an MBA and specialize in contract law, especially government subcontracts, with a minor in Program Management, IMP/IMS, and EVM. Then join the Air Force or Army, and go for PsyOps or Special Ops (though for the latter, you better be fit and fearless). Then, when you get out, you’ll have the connections you need in industry to get a good job with decent pay rather than a career of soul-sucking corporate drone work for a pittance wage.
So, pretty much like everywhere else.
(The military is still on the table, though not the preferred option).
Good luck.
Whatever you do, don’t compromise your moral views. You can’t wear them on your sleeve, but you must use them when making career and business decisions.
Part of the reason why the US is viewed as Imperialist Assholes* is because liberals and progressives shy away from careers in the military and defense. That leaves too many Imperialist Assholes* running the show…
* Wow. I’ve been using that word a lot lately.
Totally. See also “foreign aid” har har har.
concern that they’d proliferate it to people who might
Building missiles isn’t easy. Launching missiles isn’t easy either. Even if you get the plans, you need schloads of people experienced in building, assembling, testing, and operating the systems… which include substantial ground support and logistical segments as well as the actual fly-go-boom parts.
They’re one of the most complex, failure-prone systems mankind has ever invented.
And good thing, too.
My degree’s in national security studies (Middle East focus) and I’ve been trying to get a job since 2009 (mostly in the intel community).
That explains a lot, Chris. Your comments always seem to show a deeper interest and more nuanced understanding of foriegn affair and military policy than one typically finds.
I hope you succeed! If your S,N comments are any indicator, you would be a top-flight analyst, IMO.
(There is, however, at least one drawback: You must take a LOT of security oaths, which will limit (or at least greatly inhibit) what you can say publicly. I’ve been out it so long, that most of material I worked with has been disclassified, and there is no danger or revealing sources or methods which have been utterly transformed in the last 30 years.)
Christ. Another tag-fail. We gotta get that pissant Eddie to come back. He’s an asshole, but he works the equipment well….
Are you olive-skinned?you’re probably an illegal!
Justifiable homicide?
So, pretty much like everywhere else.
(The military is still on the table, though not the preferred option)
It’s a long road. The military route is lower risk, in some ways, but a lot more difficult to tolerate, in others.
An MBA isn’t hard. It’s at the apex of the educational cost/benefit curve. It also allows you to pursue your undergraduate degree in almost anything. And it assures you a lot of headroom in your salary range. Without an advanced degree you might never earn six figures, but with an MBA you can almost start there.
Really the US has an enormous free-trade-proof way to have absurd domestic subsidies, and that’s to supply, or pretend to supply, the world’s security needs.
I’d say in a lot of cases, “supply” is the legitimate word. I’m okay with the U.S. military shield protecting places like Eastern Europe, South Korea or Taiwan. The idea of North Korea invading South Korea, Russia bullying Poland/the Baltics, or China doing some combination of the two to Taiwan might seem ridiculous today, but if you took the U.S. out of the picture, it wouldn’t be.
So I’m grateful for the military. It’s just that a ton of bad (the Iraq war for one) comes with the good. Seems to be a pretty fair mix of “supplying” and “pretending to supply.”
They own the majority of our foreign debt, manufacture a large fraction of our goods, control critical strategic and commercial resources, and prop up our currency as an international exchange. If they ever yank, we’ll yelp. They know it. They planned it this way. It’s been their MO for centuries.
Fair enough, but the same was true of the world just before the outbreak of WWI. In fact, I’ve read that the global economy did not reach the same level of integration until the late 90’s. Finance, resource extraction and manufacturing were incredibly dependent on international trade. That is why even in the face of impending hostilities, pundits claimed that war was impossible because everyone had too much to lose. It was calculated that fighting could only go on for a few weeks at most because both sides would quickly run out of basic things like food, coal, and bullets.
Instead they did they go to war, and transformed most belligerent countries into totalitarian factory-states. All of the rules of international finance were simply rewritten. That isn’t to say it will happen again, but where people buy guns they tend to want to use them.
So I’m grateful for the military.
Addendum: not trying to imply anyone here isn’t, sorry that came out the wrong way.
Dirty martinis are olive-ginned.
Have something else type your tags for you. I use AutoHotkey on the PC, which is awesome and free.
See here:
The “btw” example is pretty easily replaced with
And there you have two-letter blockquote typing.
Yes. The latter was not meant to supplant the former.
“Dirty martinis are olive-ginned.”
Hope they never become illegal because…yum.
Just one question, isn’t an ASBM inherently defensive? Designed specifically to hit moving targets – more specifically aircraft carriers. You’d get either better range or bigger payload with a lower top speed, also you wouldn’t need all that fancy pants guidance crap. Incidentally, that fancy pants guidance bit makes the thing manifestly unsuitable for sale to “rogue states” or “terrarists”. Basically, you need spy sattelites in order to use this missile, so proliferation isn’t exactly a concern.
Part of the reason why the US is viewed as Imperialist Assholes* is because liberals and progressives shy away from careers in the military and defense. That leaves too many Imperialist Assholes* running the show…
It sounds like the same thing I see in the Catholic Church (and other religious institutions): the good people (regardless of ideology) don’t like the bullshit, so they shy away from positions where they get to make the decisions and prefer working “on the ground.” The bad people (which today tends to mean Republicans) love climbing the power ladder, so they get to run the show.
Whatever you do, don’t compromise your moral views. You can’t wear them on your sleeve, but you must use them when making career and business decisions.
Thanks for the heads up, but just FTR: foreign policy is one of those things where I legitimately don’t know what my views are until I find out what’s going on. I have my biases, which tend to skew liberal, but I was happy with the Bush people, for example, when they (and the French) applied pressure to force the Syrians out of Lebanon in 2006.
In college, I and some other liberal friends once tried to position where each of us was within the party (New Deal Democrat, city machine/union Democrat, New Left Democrat, etc). I wasn’t sure what I was: friends rated me “Truman/Cold War Democrat.” Take from that what you will…
Chris, there aren’t a lot of library science jobs out there right now, but you could always get an MLS. There are a lot of things you could do with your background that would give you a leg up in the job search, especially if you decided to go for your MA in a field related to your bachelor’s. You could either work at a university or for the government–I know the CIA has opportunities in information management, and I’d imagine similar opportunities would exist in the military and other departments/programs.
The bad people (which today tends to mean Republicans) love climbing the power ladder, so they get to run the show.
Yeah, authoritarians do tend to seek authority.
Of course, if you want to make actual *money*, then that’s a terrible suggestion.
Fuck that shit. I’m going to piss in their eyes.
Are you olive-skinned?you’re probably an illegal!
Get your government hands off my financial aid! Maybe if we actually funded education, her son could get some of that sweet, sweet welfare tittie milk.
I also liked how the man after her pointed out that illegal immigrants are already ineligible for state or federal money, so someone must be lying.
Building missiles isn’t easy. Launching missiles isn’t easy either. Even if you get the plans, you need schloads of people experienced in building, assembling, testing, and operating the systems… which include substantial ground support and logistical segments as well as the actual fly-go-boom parts.
They’re one of the most complex, failure-prone systems mankind has ever invented.
And good thing, too.
The precedent I had in mind was 1973, where the Arab countries relied on Soviet SAMs to counter Israeli air superiority, and ended up knocking off something like fifty jets: that scared the U.S. so much it prompted the development of stealth aircraft.
My understanding’s that as complicated as missiles are, they’re still cheaper, more low-maintenance and easier to operate than the airplanes they shoot down, which is why they were an ideal countermeasure for the Arab powers. I was thinking of something like that when it comes to carrier vs. carrier-killer – think how cheap it’d be when compared to the thing it kills, if it actually worked.
Thanks to Bughunter, T&U and Variants for all the job-related advice and wishes, also too, very much appreciated over here.
The same kind of imbalance is shown in the Toyota war.
Chris: Let me echo bughunter’s 22:11 as strongly as possible.
As to going the military route: It is indeed more difficult to tolerate. You live entirely inside a hierarchy…and everyone wears it on their collar or sleeve. You sign away most of your rights when you raise your hand and take the oath; henceforth, you live under the Uniform Code of Military Justice instead.
And yet, for me, the decision to leave the Army was FAR more difficult than my decision to enlist. Indeed, it was the hardest decision I ever made in my life.
My understanding’s that as complicated as missiles are, they’re still cheaper, more low-maintenance and easier to operate than the airplanes they shoot down
Which I believe is why our ilitary is turning more toward unmanned vehicles, especially aircraft. Can cram more into a smaller less complicated aircraft without having to worry about g-force or losing the plane. No pilot, no MIAs. Not too many people get upset over a machine getting shot down.
I think I skipped an M.
“Get your government hands off my financial aid! Maybe if we actually funded education, her son could get some of that sweet, sweet welfare tittie milk.”
A huge deal for me. I think any student who makes a c average or above should be able to attend a state school gratis. Under c, a trade school. Education is the great equalizer.
Fuck that shit. I’m going to piss in their eyes.
Have another beer, then, my friend. On me.
Here’s another. And a big helping of asparagus also too.
Huh-huh! Substance is linking to Forbidden sites! Huh-huh! snurt
Oh dear: not a tag-fail but a URL fail.
Not too many people get upset over a machine getting shot down.
Chris, have you considered a policy group like the Center for American Progress, or Media Matters?
Can I request a mulligan?
“Meatist” would have been funnier.
Fair enough, but the same was true of the world just before the outbreak of WWI. In fact, I’ve read that the global economy did not reach the same level of integration until the late 90?s. Finance, resource extraction and manufacturing were incredibly dependent on international trade.
Yours is not the first comparison to pre-WWI global politics I’ve seen made to today’s situation. I see it myself, and wonder who the next Archduke Ferdinand is going to be.
That global economy was built on a foundation colonialism, however.
Today we have ‘free trade’ instead. One might argue that ‘free trade’ is a form of economic colonialism… it’s an interesting comparison to explore.
The best part of that Toyota War article is the GUNT Rebels.
Chris, have you considered a policy group like the Center for American Progress, or Media Matters?
I have, but it turns out you have to do something more with your academic career than smoke weed and turn assignments in late.
Oh, and all this Middle Eastern democracy and rebellion and stuff (sans rape) is awesome, but if this interferes with the scheduled Formula 1 race in Bahrain in a couple of weeks, I’m gonna be pissed!
I mean jeez people, priorities.
OMG! I hate it when that happens!
I have, but it turns out you have to do something more with your academic career than smoke weed and turn assignments in late.
Well, there’s always NORML!
Which I believe is why our ilitary is turning more toward unmanned vehicles, especially aircraft. Can cram more into a smaller less complicated aircraft without having to worry about g-force or losing the plane.
Oy vey. “Chair Force” may become a quite literal description. Especially if what I’m hearing, that the F-22 and F-35 will be the last generation of manned combat planes, is true.
No pilot, no MIAs. Not too many people get upset over a machine getting shot down.
And the more you make war consequence-free for one side, the more you’re giving that side a license to start one whenever they want. (Unfortunately, war’s never consequence free for the people in the war zones. And the days of having battles in the middle of the ocean far from every civilian are long gone).
but it turns out you have to do something more with your academic career than smoke weed and turn assignments in late.
Why bother turning them in? fwwwwwwwwwwpp!
It’s not gonna be long before people can manufacture swarms of tiny one-shot disposable robot helicopters to wipe out anything that moves in a battle zone.
Or non-battle zone.
if this interferes with the scheduled Formula 1 race in Bahrain in a couple of weeks, I’m gonna be pissed!
Wasn’t that a two-part episode of Speed Racer? Entitled “The Sand Digger Revolution Race” iirc.
Oh, and Chris, start blogging, bro. I am sure all the other regulars would echo this request
yes please!!!
You expect something different?
Not really, but the “She got what she deserved” tone coming from another woman is especially base and disgusting. I geuss she’s showing her true colors.
you know what else really pisses me off about this post and the original one? the ‘r.i.f.-reading is fundamental’ thing they got going on there. we are reading it you fucking twats…it’scomprehension that’s important. and byt the choice of words you wrote and the tone of those words, clearly implies that the bitch got what she deserved and that makes you happy.
and now i just want to go punch her in the face…
if this interferes with the scheduled Formula 1 race in Bahrain in a couple of weeks, I’m gonna be pissed!
Just think Death Race 3000! Bring the Kids and Grandma!
Chris, have you considered a policy group like the Center for American Progress, or Media Matters?
I’ve applied to think tanks before (don’t remember if CAP or MM specifically were applied to) and didn’t get in. The Aspen Institute was the only such group I got into, but that was an unpaid internship after graduation, and they didn’t have room to hire. (After that, couldn’t afford to take it unpaid work anymore).
Best job I’ve had by far: the census last spring. Hours and work locations all over the place, great co-workers; and while not hardly “fun,” going to places like prisons, retirement homes and soup kitchens gives a glimpse into all kinds of places that I’d normally never get to see. Not even remotely related to anything I studied, but that’s life for you.
It’s not gonna be long before people can manufacture swarms of tiny one-shot disposable robot
helicopters to wipe out anything that moves in a battle zone.Nope, it won’t be long at all. You think UAVs are a game changer now? Just wait.
Well, there’s always NORML!
I don’t think I smoked *enough* weed for that.
“If we fired every missile we have at a Chinese jet, and each one took out one plane, they’d still keep coming.”
I have to fault their assessment. China according to widely available sources has 1617 combat aircraft. This is probably enough to overwhelm Taiwan.(which is what the article seemed to be about) But, the US has a few aircraft too. Combined, the USAF and Navy have 9,273 aircraft, not counting unmanned aircraft. This also does not count the air forces of South Korea(abotu 500 combat aircraft), Japan(374 fighter aircraft), and Taiwan(400 combat aircraft). Nor does it count any fixed Anti-aircraft capacity the Taiwanese would employ. The only way china wins in a air engagement is if the US and its allies give up.
Mr McGravitas is fucking genius, as somebodies mom told me
Hotkeys baby
You forget the launching of its inexhaustible supply of soldiers via trebuchet.
My degree’s in national security studies (Middle East focus) and I’ve been trying to get a job since 2009 (mostly in the intel community).
I had a quite interesting argument/conversation with someone online a few years back, who said he worked in Army intel with psyops.
His job involved regular interaction with the CIA, so he learned all about their nuts-&-bolts operations. He noted something that struck him – & me – as highly unusual: the CIA has field-offices &/or active agents everywhere, & I mean EVERYWHERE … with one conspicuous exception.
No Canadian bureau, no Embassy staff, no agents in the field, not even one lousy safe-house. There’s no formal agreement that I know of to stop them from having people in Canada (as if that would stop them anyway) but as far as I know the only time they come up is for recruitment or consultation – & then they go back home again. A large country that shares an enormous & wide-open border with America, whose natural resources are vital to its national security, & they don’t have so much as one single solitary spook here? WTF?
Short addendum: My 21:51 refers to aircraft carriers, not to helicopter carriers.
Helo Carriers still have utility. They–and their aviation–are less expensive to build, maintain, and operate. (FWIW, HC’s would be far more useful than AC’s in disaster-humanitarian aid operations.)
Shit. I’m going leave right now and think about possible titles and content for a blog. And have a serious dialogue with the other guys in the band about blogging.
(I was really hoping I get Chris to jump in at the same team. We could be Blog Noobs together. You know, that Solidarity thing….)
Best job I’ve had by far: the census last spring.
It was a fun job- I pretty much stuck to my neighborhood, and still keep in touch with my co-workers. I only have one “woman in a bathrobe” story.
going to places like prisons
You had to go to prisons? I figured the state dormitory authority would handle this. Years ago, I had to go to prison to interview a claimant in an auto insurance case- “Junior” (no lie) claimed he was involved in an auto accident in Brooklyn, and was subsequently sentenced in MA for drug trafficking. I had to get up at four in the morning and drive to his lawyer’s office, and the lawyer took me to the Correctional Facility.
Good times!
No Canadian bureau, no Embassy staff, no agents in the field, not even one lousy safe-house. There’s no formal agreement that I know of to stop them from having people in Canada (as if that would stop them anyway) but as far as I know the only time they come up is for recruitment or consultation – & then they go back home again. A large country that shares an enormous & wide-open border with America, whose natural resources are vital to its national security, & they don’t have so much as one single solitary spook here? WTF?
A hallmark of how much we trust the Canucks, plus, that’s probably seen as police work rather than intelligence work (the same reason DEA and FBI are so involved on the other side of the other border, even though that’s technically outside our purview).
But I did not know that, and find it quite interesting.
Outside *their purview, outside *their purview, goddamn it.
(I was really hoping I get Chris to jump in at the same team. We could be Blog Noobs together. You know, that Solidarity thing….)
Blog n00bs, but policy wonks… play up the age difference by calling it the blog “Chico and the Man Discuss Foreign Policy”, or “Snidely, and the Kid What* Plays on His Goddamn Lawn”
I say, old man! New thread!
You know, he could have just posted his ad in a different section of Craigslist and found someone who would have consented.
Chris: One last thought before the band trundles off to the garage to discuss the blogging…
You will have to go through a Background Investigation for TS. I’m sure you can find examples of the form(s). ‘Research’ your own life carefully as advance preparation you can do right now. (Mine was especially difficult because I had resided in so many places.)
In 1973, my clearance took 7 months. A civilian friend–who applied in 1983–recieved clearance after 13 months. I have no idea what the BI load or backlog is today. I surmise it is becomier heavier as the country becomes more-and-more of a Surveillance State.
Once you have the TS ticket punched, however, it is huge asset in your career.
Final thought: Back when I went through BI, there were almost no personal computers and no internet (except DARPA?). As you know, I am a Luddite, but it would not surprise me if a BI now included internet searches–sites and commentary. I dunno. Just puttin’ it out there.
Oh, fer crissakes, Ralph! Yeah, I’m on my way!
*mutters* Asshole.
And the charming, ALSO NOT-GAY young man beside me is not looking like I just tugged on his butt-plug chain (while encouraging it in the other direction with my knee). Srsly, folks. Andrew Breitbart’s BIG GAY GOVERNMENT site is all over covered with rightards today screaming about how Andrew Breitbart is NOT GAY! and only demented Libs would think those gayey gay thoughts about TEH GAY!
Substance McGravitas said, February 15, 2011 at 20:25
“If it helps, Andrew Breitbart is a fucker.”
No, it does not help. Because now I have to lie awake of nights wondering about what on gawd’s green earth would allow him that close.
A hallmark of how much we trust the Canucks
Why? Better yet, HOW? Saying “just trust them” at Langley HQ would be like shouting “God is dead! Hail Satan!” live on The 700 Club. The culture of intelligence breeds people who don’t even trust their own leaders or citizens, let alone foreigners. Even leaving aside all that yummy oil, there’s grain, timber, cadmium, uranium, tritium, potash, iron, copper, nickel, gold & silver, etc., at stake – all of which are growing progressively scarcer & more vital for survival … not to mention a strategically signifigant level of mutual capital investment: China overtook us a while back as #1, but we’re still a major trading partner with the US. Rich Canadians have been quietly but steadily buying up American companies & resources for years – if I was DCI, I’d want some moles inside the Ministries Of Foreign Affairs & Finance to make damn sure there wasn’t some sort of nasty long-game afoot.
Not to mention that the hush-hush Privy Council has said some truly batshit-insane* stuff that goes right under the radar both here & abroad … & only a lunatic or a dolt would trust the freak-show that is CSIS (Canada’s FBI/CIA, who were kicked out of their original home in the RCMP after their grotesque bungling of the FLQ crisis in the early 70s).
I just find it singularly weird that there’s this unwritten-yet-strictly-enforced “EXCEPT EUROPA – ATTEMPT NO LANDINGS THERE” clause at play among folks who LOVE snooping in everyone else’s private business.
* From Wikipedia:
Breitbart looks like John Lithgow’s Lord Whorfin (he’s imitating Italy’s Mussolini) from Buckaroo Banzai. And I bet Breitbart is just as crazy as Dr. Lizardo!
So is Riley Waggaman that small or is Bigbritedick that tall?
Okay, fine. I saw Breitbart’s, um, correction on BJ (subtext anyone?) and I thought: Must alert the sadlies! But then I thought: No!. You guys–well, Tintin–would pair that denial with some unforgettable photo of Breitbart and, I dunno, a live action hobbit or something along those lines and then I’d suffer brain damage at 5am and end up drooling all over my Wheaties. Gotta go, sadly my Wheaties are getting soggy.
Y’know, I was in a made-for-Hallmark (meaning it went straight to cable and by “cable” I mean it first aired on some Canadian backwater cable network, not even one of the CBCs) movie with Martin Short and damned if that wasn’t precisely the makeup he wore…
If not already linked somewhere above, a couple more creepy-ish Breitbart-Riley pics here.