Bizarro World

So I’ve been watching FOX News for the last half hour. When I first flipped it on, they were interviewing some lunatic who said that Europe was demanding an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah because of “anti-Semitism.” After that, they had a piece about how Fallujah was “transforming” for the better because a bunch of Sunnis had fled there after their neighbors in Baghdad threatened to kill them! “It’s become a safe haven for Iraqis looking to escape violence!” the reporter laughably said. During the segment, they actually cut to shot of some guy painting a school. I’m completely serious.

I cannot imagine how deranged you’d have to be to rely on FOX as your sole source of information…

…or on second thought, maybe I can.

Gavin adds: No Powerline spinny-spiral experience is complete without…


Comments: 73


Europe was demanding an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah

The EU (which I suppose “Europe” was referring to) isn’t demanding a cease fire, but calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities, clearing the way for a later cease fire, mainly because of pressure from Germany and the UK, with ample support from a few other countries. It may seem like pedantry, but is actually a rather important distinction. Arguably, as the EU’s common foreign policy in general, the EU statement on the war in Lebanon ended in a rather mealymouthed compromise; a vague appeal based on the lowest common denominator, open for the 25 national governments to interpret as they see fit.


When will you moonbats learn that a ceasefire is no way to stop the fighting? If you truly want the fighting to stop, you continue to fight on and on!

Ah buh dee, ah buh dee, ah buh dee, that’s all, folks!


Did you happen to catch Tarek Mitri on PBS Newshour last night? Heartrending stuff. Here’s a guy who is basically willing to compromise any of his core beliefs, make any promise, take any path, just to stop the destruction of his country and the killing of it’s citizens. It was one of the most honest, tragic and sad things I have ever seen. The man was clearly exhausted, angry, scared and desparate. He came close to tears a couple of times, but still managed to maintain a diplomatic sensability while crying out “They are DESTROYING my country!!”

I’d truly love to see these “Pro War” (Gawd, is there any greater indictment of one’s humanity than that?) Wingnuts and Neocons reaction if israel was bombing THEM. They wouldn’t think it was so great if the bombs were falling on them and their families.

I keep wondering why Israel won’t back off, even a little. And I wonder if they are going to keep turning up the heat until Syria is forced into the conflict and Israel can do the same thing there. And I keep wondering if this is part of a deal with the US…



Be careful you don’t get seduced by Shep Smith’s come-hither stare, Brad. Papi looks like the jealous kind.


I heard that the Sunni and Shia militias massacring eachother in Iraq offered to have a cease fire, but Rice declined the offer in preferemce for a “sustainable peace.”

Its a new era of diplomacy, indeed.


I think the important thing to remember here is that you all have less personal courage than Jeff Goldstein.


I would venture to guess that ninety-nine and nine-tenths of the buildings in Lebanon don’t have a scratch on them.

Meanwhile, the Kuwaiti daily, Al Seyassah reported that Hezbollah shot eighteen people last week. These people were suspected of being collaborators to Israel (sounds awfully like what’s been happening in the Palestinian territories in the past years). The executed were accused of helping Israeli airforce to pinpoint where Hezbollah fighters were hiding by tracing signs with phosphorescent paint. Numerous witnesses to the execution were German citizens who were being evacuated by boat through Tyre.
Funny this did not make the news, right?


>I think the important thing to remember here is that you all have less personal courage than Jeff Goldstein.

Ah yes, Kath – and Jeffy the Paste King will KEEP ON SLAPPING US ACROSS THE FACE WITH HIS COCK – at least, until somebody invents sustainable zippers…


I would venture to guess that ninety-nine and nine-tenths of the buildings in Lebanon don’t have a scratch on them.

Same with the buildings in New York, circa 9/12/01.

Of course, That’s Different™.


I would venture to guess that ninety-nine and nine-tenths of the buildings in Lebanon don’t have a scratch on them.

Also, have you seen the murder rate in Detroit lately? Positively out of control.

The executed were accused of helping Israeli airforce to pinpoint where Hezbollah fighters were hiding by tracing signs with phosphorescent paint.

Is there something to the story you’re not telling us? I mean, someone who risks their life to help get Hezbollah killed is a hero in my book, but certainly it’s not shocking if Hezbollah executes them once caught. It must be the liberal MSM, though.


Funny this did not make the news, right?

and yet you heard about it, *gasp* IN THE NEWS

life is crazy sometimes.


Damn, Gavin M. beat me to it.

Who’s paying you, Oh-say?


Funny this did not make the news, right?

Funny how so many other blogs repeat this verbatim, right? Almost as if you’re following orders, right?


Also, have you seen the murder rate in Detroit lately? Positively out of control.

I heard there are a lot of deaths by car accident in California as well.



Once again, Jose is confusing me. What’s the point, Jose? Are you saying that Israel should continue to attack neighborhoods with modern military power because Hezbollah executed some people for wartime collaberation? I’m trying to connect the dots.

Lemme try to help you out, Jose, ’cause I think you’ve missed the point. What a surprise. Pretty much everybody here agrees that the armed wing of Hezbollah did attack Israel and Israel has every right to fight back. What Israel does NOT have is the right to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity in so doing. They have an obligation, as a civilized nation, to try to protect innocent human life, and by that I mean non-combatants, as some on the Right seem to be confused about the meaning of the word innocent when used in this context. Collective Punishment, needless desctruction of infrastructure, targeting of civillians – these are war crimes and crimes against humanity. Who came up with that silly construct, you ask? Oh, snap, it was US. Yep, Nuremberg, ’47. And later codified in the third Geneva Convention.

And come on, don’t hit me with that old crap “Hezbollah isn’t a signatory to Geneva, and as a non-state actor they are not entitled to it’s protections”. If the best argument you can come up with is “HEY, we’re no worse than the terrorists”, then you need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.



I cannot imagine how deranged you’d have to be to rely on FOX as your sole source of information…

You don’t have to rely on anyone for your “sole source of information” anymore, thanks to Google.


“less personal courage than Jeff Goldstein” —
I sure couldn’t eat that much paste.

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

Man, that is some old school Doctor Who theme music, pre-1979.

I always thought that theme was good for mind control, Damn you BBC Radiophonic Workshop, damn you!


And come on, don’t hit me with that old crap “Hezbollah isn’t a signatory to Geneva, and as a non-state actor they are not entitled to it’s protections�.

Actually, as a party in the Lebenese government, wouldn’t they have such protections? Aren’t they then at least partially a state actor? It’s complicated, of course, because in the U.S. we don’t have parties with militia wings, so it’s kind of a weird concept. But I can’t see how anyone can argue that Hezbollah is a non-state actor. Hezbollah is a political party. Hamas is a political party. Sinn Fein is a political party. As legitimate* actor in state politics, these parties are then by default subject to the Geneva Convention–both as beneficiaries and as violators. Right?

Of course, I’m not a lawyer, just a library clerk.

*i.e. legal; by saying “legitimate”, I don’t mean I think their actions are good.



War crimes?

The blood of Qana is on the hands of Hezbollah. It is a WAR CRIME to use human shields, and that’s what they were doing.

Jan Egeland, the United Nations’ emergency relief coordinator — and no friend of Israel — condemned the Hezbollah strategy as “cowardly.” Speaking to reporters in Cyprus he said: “I heard they were proud because they lost very few fighters and that it was the civilians bearing the brunt of this. I don’t think anyone should be proud of having many more women and children dead than armed men.”

Firing indiscriminately into a a civilian population is a WAR CRIME. Hezbollah has done that thousands of times in this war with those missiles.

Then there was the execution of the those eighteen men in Tyre.

Not to mention the cutting up of the bodies (i.e. arms, legs, heads) taken from the Israeli tank that ran over an IED to use as bargaining chips along with the two captured Israeli soldiers from the first day of war.

The fact is that Hezbollah makes NO DISTINCTION between combatants and civilians; to them EVERY Israeli is a militant.

And does anyone honestly think that if it were Hezbollah that possessed the more powerful military machine it would show any mercy whatsoever to the Israelis?


I love you, Tak. You’re different from the other human monsters!


The fact is that Hezbollah makes NO DISTINCTION between combatants and civilians; to them EVERY Israeli is a militant.

That’s true.

What we differ on is whether that’s wrong or right. Specifically, whether advanced democracies should let themselves be pulled down to that same level, letting terrorists set the agenda.

I’d like to hold Israel to a higher standard than Hezbollah, but the American right seems determined to support any atrocity at all in retaliation.

And there goes roughly 3,000 years of progress and humanity. Simply put.


Jose. If we were talking, I’d have to shake you and shout “ARE YOU DEAF”. Nobody. That’s NOBODY, got it? Nobody is saying Hezbollah is the good guys. Even Juan Cole agrees that their firing artillery rockets indiscriminately is also a war crime. They’re bad guys. No matter how you feel about the cause they are supporting, their activities are wrong, imoral and illegal.

Now, let’s talk about Israel. A nation, not sponsoring terrorism, but using it as a tactic. Killing civilians (and you are a sick, heartless idealogue to blame ANYONE but the nation using 500 and 1000 pound aerial bombs against NEIGHBORHOODS for the deaths of those civilians) is evil. Israel has the right to defend herself, but she does NOT have the right to destroy infrastructure, roads, bridges, fleeing civilians, power stations, hospitals, homes. If you cannot see that Israels actions are unacceptable and uncivilized, brutal and criminal, then there is no hope for your humanity. How can you thugs NOT stand up and say “It’s too much – it’s GOTTA stop”? Bastards…



I’d like to hold Israel to a higher standard than Hezbollah, but the American right seems determined to support any atrocity at all in retaliation.

And there goes roughly 3,000 years of progress and humanity. Simply put.

Gavin said it better than me, but I never could use 20 words when 200 or 2000 would effectively obfuscate my meaning. Dammit…


Smiling Mortician

I’m with Mikey.

The saddest and most frustrating thing about Jose’s posts here is that he assumes a pro-Hezbollah, anti-Israeli bias among the S,N! regulars in this thread that just doesn’t exist. Why is it that when those of us on the liberal side of things argue in favor of everybody — everybody — putting down their weapons and figuring out a way to stop killing each other, we’re assumed to be taking a side? Jose supports Israel and condemns Hezbollah. I get that. But when others want to condemn the actions of both the Israeli government and Hezbollah for the utter devastation they’re wreaking on the innocent citizens of Israel and Lebanon, he cries “Supporter of Hezbollah!” Man, I wish people would listen to each other a bit more carefully . . .

In Vino Veritas

The blood of Qana is on the hands of Hezbollah. It is a WAR CRIME to use human shields, and that’s what they were doing.

Are you suggesting that’s what happened in Qana?

Sadly, No!

It now appears that the military had no information on rockets launched from the site of the building, or the presence of Hezbollah men at the time.

The Israel Defense Forces had said after the deadly air-strike that many rockets had been launched from Qana. However, it changed its version on Monday.

The site was included in an IAF plan to strike at several buildings in proximity to a previous launching site. Similar strikes were carried out in the past. However, there were no rocket launches from Qana on the day of the strike.

Smiling Mortician

You don’t have to rely on anyone for your “sole source of information� anymore, thanks to Google.

Yeah, GoogleNews is nice. But none of us have ever had to rely on anyone for our sole source of information. We’ve had access to a wide range of print, broadcast, electronic and other sources of information for our entire lifetimes (well, for some of us, the electronic sources came along mid-stream, but still). The reality is that a lot of people choose to rely on a single source. That’s scary.


And I find it ironic that religious fundies and wingnuts even turn to Fox for anything at all.

I once heard some old church ladies talking about how they only watch Fox News, because all the other news was liberally biased.

I really, really, wanted to ask them if they watch the rest of the crap that Fox plays. The Family Guy? Wife Swap? A host of other intensely anti-christian shows are played on Fox every day, with murders, sex and drugs in the forefront.

How do these people hate everything except the News on Fox, but are able to watch only that channel’s “news”?


Israel has the right to defend herself, but…

…but not if it’ll harsh your lazy moral equivalence. The Jews should stop bothering everyone and just get used to being murdered in their beds. Got it, thanks for clarifying.

War is a sledgehammer, not a scalpel.

Trying rephrasing your sentence: “Israel has the right to defend herself, therefore…” and take it from there.


Why is it that when those of us on the liberal side of things argue in favor of everybody — everybody — putting down their weapons and figuring out a way to stop killing each other, we’re assumed to be taking a side?

Because for all practical purposes that’s what you’re doing. In your virtuous liberal moral superiority, you surely don’t intend that Hezbollah should have breathing room to escape, regroup, refinance, rearm, and recommence killing Jews. But that would be the consequence of doing things your way.

Correction: From 2000 until now that has been the consequence of doing things your way.


In what way, since 2000, has US foreign or military policy been conducted to the standards of liberal morality? Neoconservatives were handed the keys to the war machine on January 20, 2001.


Trying rephrasing your sentence: “Israel has the right to defend herself, therefore…� and take it from there.

Can I just say that I HATE arguing with mindless drones? Thanks.

NO, your phrase does not say what I am saying at all. Israel is comitting horrendous crimes, destroying an entire country and killing it’s citizens. There is no need to discuss causes, to argue about who started it, or who’s better or worse. They just need to stop, rejoin the community of civilized nations. Period…

War is a sledgehammer, not a scalpel.

Gee, thanks for telling me that about war. You do recognize that it is an excuse for mass homicide, don’t you? I mean, I, for one, KNOW there are ways to wage war, not entirely without civilian casualties, but a damnsight fewer than in Lebanon. It is the very un-necessity of the civilian deaths and displacement and the widespread destruction that IS the problem we are complaining about…



Wellll now, that’s kinda the point, isn’t It Jose?
The reason we’re at war, (I’ll say, for the sake of arguement) is because THEY’RE the bads guys, and WE’RE the good guys. They’re evil, they’re amoral, they’re desperate, and have no qualms killing dozens to get to one of us.
When you dare to turn around and try to argue for using the same mindset, you’ve commmitted the most grievous act of betrayal to this conflict possible.
Israel gets much well-deserved crap, because Israel is supposed to be BETTER then thier enemies. We take the harder path, we take the restrained path, because that’s what you do.*
If you’re not willing to do that, then sit down and shut up.

*That’s kinda the “First World Nation” We.

Inspector Dude, you missed the point. If everyone STOPS killing each other and works out a good compromise, then there won’t BE a recommence of the killing.
Under your thought process, I guess, Israel needs only to bomb the ever loving fuck out of everyone who doesn’t like them. This will magically stop the violence, because if there’s one thing that has proven true in the middle east, it’s that they get intimidated real easy, and aren’t ones to hold grudges.
Any serious, long-term Solution to this will involve quite a long amount of time; simply that there’s going to have to be several new generations with a radically different mindset. Something beyond, “That tribe over there killed my grandpa, so I’m going to strap a bomb to myself and blow up a cafe. THAT’LL show ’em!”
And that is STILL a crazy-oversimplification of the situation.
I’m curious, since Republicans have been more or less in entire control since 2000, WHAT has been the consequence of “doing things our way”? Seriously, pleased to be giving an example, cause I have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.

In Vino Veritas

Hezbollah should have breathing room to escape, regroup, refinance, rearm, and recommence killing Jews. But that would be the consequence of doing things your way.

How did a thread on Fox News’ PCP-induced reporting reporting on Iraq turn into an Israel-Lebanon thread.

Fucking Mel Gibson. Responsible for all the flame wars in the world.

Anyway, Israel has killed twenty times as many civilians as Hezbollah. If their purported aim is to destory the terrorists, perhaps they should focus, at least for now, on not creating more, especially in a country that, among Arab countries anyway, is the most friendly to you.


Israel has the right to defend herself, therefore it should not commit war crimes.

oh, and you are an idiot.


Sorry to interrupt, but I have a (most likely) dumb question.

Whenever I click on any link for —
(I know: a bat-shit crazy thing to do) — I am redirected
every time to SadlyNo.

Why is this happening.

Your faithful tenant


How did a thread on Fox News’ PCP-induced reporting reporting on Iraq turn into an Israel-Lebanon thread.

Because Fox News drives sane people mad. I’m starting to twitch a little just reading this thread.


the phrase “war crime” has always seemed
(at least to me) somewhat redundant


Israel has the right to defend herself, but…[…] War is a sledgehammer, not a scalpel.

See, I think that’s a great way to finish that sentence, right there. War is sledgehammer, not a scalpel, or a screwdriver, or a drill press, or hell, even a chainsaw. Problem is, is the sledgehammer actually the correct tool here? Sledges have pretty limited uses (some variation of “knocking down a wall”, really): most people will go their whole lives and never need one, and people who think they do need a sledge can usually make do with a claw hammer instead.

I think the situation is more like an electrical problem than a “take down a concrete wall” problem. The circuit causing the problem is integrated into the wiring, it can cause sparks and fire hazards at the other end of the wiring, well away from the actual source of the problem, it may depend on having a certain number of appliances plugged in before it flares up, and it may be some bizarre combination of faulty appliances causing the problem in the first place.

No one in their right mind would try to a circuit box with a sledgehammer. All you will do is damage more circuits, take out the power to the house and potentially the neighborhood, and potentially fry yourself or start a fire in the process. Now, I may not have or may not even know what the correct tool is to fix the electrical problem, but I don’t have to have that expertise to say “Dude, the sledgehammer is only making it worse. Put it down and let’s come up with something else.” Cause until you put that sledgehammer down, no electrician is going to step up to help you.

(And an air war is more like a sledgehammer and a watermelon at a Gallagher performance: stupid, pointless, sprays red pulpy mess everywhere, indiscrimately, and considered hysterically funny by people who really ought to know better.)


Well, I will be goddamned.

Dorothy deserves some sort of award for taking a metaphor, stretching it well past tolerances, spinning it into an enhanced version of itself and having it all still make an incredible amount of sense at the end.

I am in awe.

Oh, and Vino, thanks for the pointer to that Qana article. I eagerly await Right Blogistan’s rush to correct its earlier misrepresentations of the situation.


Smiling Mortician

BReasonable, SomeGuy, Vino & Dorothy:

I had heaved a sigh and girded up for a response to Sanity Inspector’s response to my post, but y’all have made my efforts unnecessary. For this I owe you, at the very least, a beer.


Then Blair and Bush are now anti-semites according to The Times (the first and only one!).

Britain and the United States, in a dramatic about-face, are ready to back a UN resolution calling for an immediate end to the fighting in Lebanon as the first step in a political settlement, diplomats said today.

Perhaps they were just waiting for Freedom Fries to disappear off the menu

I really wonder how the wingnuts are going to handle this if it is true. Maybe, like they did the bombing of Qana


Slightly off topic from all the Hezbollah love here, but where is the third Powertool?


Regarding the right-wing fflogging of the phrase “moral equivalency”:
THings are judged by their output, generally; a policy is as moral as its outcome.
Given the fact that Isarael has now killed at least ten times as many Lebanese than Hezbollah has killed Isrealis, I’d say that any attempt to assess Israel’s moral standing doesn’t reflect well on the Light Unto Nations.

Might be time to try on some new phraseology.


The fact of the matter is that the inherently anti-semitic racist left has their sights locked on destroying Israel and destroying Joe Lieberman.

Despite the fact that other Democrats, such as Harry Reid, support the President more often than Lieberman, they still insist on targetting Lieberman and portraying him in blackface.


If you relied on Fox for your news you might think that the five Hezbollah fighters captured from a hospital in Lebanon really were Hezbollah fighters. On the otherhand if you went to Angry Arab for your news you might learn that they were construction workers!

Hasan Dib Nasrallah is now in Israeli custody.

So you heard about that brilliant Israeli special forces’ operation in Ba`albak. So Israeli Orientalists as you all know think that there is one Mahmud Husayn in the entire Arab world, and one Muhammad `Ali. New TV just explained the “daring” Israeli operation at a hospital, HOSPITAL, in Ba`albak. So Israel “was told” that there is a certain Hasan Nasrallah at the hospital. The very commander of the airforce was put in charge to plan this daring kidnapping of Hasan Nasrallah. Well, it was a civilian by the name of Hasan Dib Nasrallah. They kidnapped other civilians along with him. Of course, the Nation magazine gives Israel the right for those kidnapping because it is all part of “its right to self-defense.” Hasan Dib Nasrallah is now in Israeli custody wondering why he was kidnapped. In that “daring raid” Israeli occupation soldiers also kidnapped Muhammad Nasrallah, a shepherd, but later released him. He was 14. Israeli Orientalists thought that Hasan Nasrallah is a bit older. Later, to cover the fiasco, the Israeli army claimed that they kidnapped “members of Hizbullah.” Even that claim was a lie, says New TV which investigated the story and interviewed the family members. The kidnapped Lebanese are poor construction workers.
PS. This is really something. The commander of the Israeli Special Forces still claimed in a press conference that the “operation” worked according to plan. What does that mean? That the Israeli government has been really trying the capture Hasan Dib Nasrallah, not to to be confused with Hasan Nasrallah, the Hizbullah leader?


interesting use of that word “fact”

I think you meant to type: “in my nasty, biased opinion”


As a rule, whenever I hear the phrase “The fact of the matter is …”
I am immediately prepared to hear a basesless opinion or a bald-
faced lie.


The Fact of the matter is…

The fact of the matter is if Gary Ruppert is out pounding Left Blogistan in support of Joe Leiberman (even if it is in a clumsy and ham-handed way), well, that’s pretty much all I need to know about Leiberman to vote against him…



Targeting civilians is criminal and must be repudiated, but Israel’s actions are somewhat more disturbing, because we are paying for it. Those are OUR rockets, bought with money we gave them. We despise being a party to this; that’s what boils our blood.


Painting schools? Seriously? They’re still using that?

Why hasn’t anyone had the balls to ask HOW MANY OF THESE SCHOOLS ARE OPEN AND TEACHING KIDS?

`Scuse me, I think my pills have expired.


Will this close the italics tag?

Hate Encrusted Eyes

Yeah Gary its all a big conspiracy man.
You are such a fool, which is why you vote for republicans and their failed policies. Drag America down Gary, drag drag drag.


Thanks Pen Brynisa!!!


The fact is that Harry Reid never told rape victims to suck it up, crawl off of their gurnies, and walk to a different emergency room if they expected to receive the standard, medically recommended treatment for rape including “morning after” birth control, but were unlucky enough to be raped near a Catholic hospital.

But only an anti-Smite would think that this appalling lack of empathy for a crime victim is a valid reason not to vote for someone.


How sad is it that Gary Ruppert gave the most on topic comment in this entire thread?


Dan, I have generally found that he who lives by the metaphor can easily be killed by the very same metaphor. 😉


Well, shit, M.Sphinx, was the “topic” all that important to you>


I know I’m gonna have to say this time and time again, because the Right Blogistan quite simply has trouble making the distinction.


That’s it. Not Jews. I doubt they give a fuck who they kill, so long as they’re Israeli. Israeli Jews, Israeli Christians, Israeli Muslims, Israeli agnostics, Israeli Objectivists, Israeli Scientologists. If it’s got an Israeli in front of it, Hezbollah would like to blow it up. If it hasn’t, enh, who cares.

I haven’t been threatened with murder by a member of Hezbollah. I’ve been threatened by a bunch of Right-wingers, either personally or by proxy of my political beliefs, with murder, but nobody speaking as the voice of the Party of Allah has told me to die. I doubt many Jews outside of Israel are even on the fucking checklist.

Your fucking shorthand is atrocious. Either say Israelis and let the audience come to their own conclusions, or don’t say anything at all.


When will you moonbats learn that a ceasefire is no way to stop the fighting? If you truly want the fighting to stop, you continue to fight on and on!

Well, when your enemy “absolutely will not stop, EVER, until you are dead!!!” this is actually true.


Screw the italics tags, c’mon, boys, fucking warn us before you do automatic noise. My computer is aging and in order to get any decent volume out of some applications, the general volume has to be way up. Give me a break, okay? If I didn’t click on it, I don’t want to hear it.


D. Sidhe:

How I wish I understood what you were talking about.
I feel sure it is something I really should know.


It’s even worse in mikey land, Sidhe. I get a Firefox error that it wants to install a missing plugin, and then it can’t find one. Looks in the source like a plain old .wav file, so media player oughta be the appropriate player, but I can’t even get firefox to agree to that. Just awkward, nasty and annoying…



[…] Earlier today, I wrote that I couldn’t imagine how deranged you’d have to be to rely on FOX News as your sole source of information. Well, I don’t have to imagine anymore, as FOX has asked its readers to give their views on the budding alliance between Hugo Chavez and the Iranian government. Behold: […]


Promise: No more automatically-playing embedded audio, evar1!!1


Is that a parody Gary Ruppert? I can’t even tell anymore.


Thank you, Gavin. I’d give you my firstborn if I were having one, but would you like a box of origami cranes instead? Automatic audio: a blight on the interwebs to rival only [reply to all] by emailers.


Sorry I’m late. I want to play too! Here goes…

“Israel has the right to defend herself, therefore…pie is delicious!”

“Israel has the right to defend herself, therefore…your shoes look fabulous!”

“Israel has the right to defend herself, therefore… a stitch in time saves nine!”


Baker era theme baby!


jose chung is really joe lieberman.



You don’t know what you are talking about. Hezbollah does not want to kill Israeli Arabs. That is why they apologized for killing the two little Arab boys in Nazareth. They want to kill Jews.

Read “IN THE PARTY OF GOD” by JEFFREY GOLDBERG, in The New Yorker, a liberal magazine.


In what way, since 2000, has US foreign or military policy been conducted to the standards of liberal morality? Neoconservatives were handed the keys to the war machine on January 20, 2001.

By 2000, I mean the start of the second Palestinian intifada, the only fruit of the misbegotten Oslo accords, with libs counseling restraint, inaction, and surrender to the Israelis, while progressives cheered and fist-pumped over every blown up bus and every murdered Jew. Israel is right to tell the Western Left to f— off.


Read “IN THE PARTY OF GOD� by JEFFREY GOLDBERG, in The New Yorker, a liberal magazine.

And I liked your X-Files episode better.


(comments are closed)