One Wrong Turn After Another
Posted on January 9th, 2011 by Tintin
ABOVE: Jennifer Rubin (Isn’t a caricature supposed to
be uglier than the subject?)
Shorter Jennifer Rubin, Right Turn (A Fred Hiatt Blog)
The Arizona Tragedy
- Over-the-top violent campaign rhetoric is not as noxious as liberal complaints about over-the-top violent campaign rhetoric
Alternate Shorter Jennifer Rubin, Right Turn (A Fred Hiatt Blog)
The Arizona Tragedy
- The shameless left is making political hay of the Tucson massacre for its own vile purposes. I, however, am not politicizing the massacre by using it as an opportunity to accuse the left of politicizing the massacre. So just shut up.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Fuck Jennifer Rubin with a Teabagger’s AK-47. Regardless of the personal motivations of the shooter, the right owns this for creating an environment that not only tolerates political threats and violence, but actively promotes it. Anyone tempted to make false equivalences may want to consult this list. there is simply nothing even remotely similar on the left.
there is simply nothing even remotely similar on the left.
In the teabagging mind, because some leftists promoted violence in 1969 means they have free rein. Just as Lincoln, 1864, means no R is a racist ever.
it just makes itself visible through her face.
But not in a John-Hurt-in-Alien kind of way.
Dr. Dick beat me to it (hey, it’s still a humor blog, even when, Sadly, So!, this is our topic).
On a more serious note:
Only one side has made a fetish of guns, Second Amendment solutions, and printed posters like this Sarah Palin effort.
Now watch me be fair to both sides…here’s what Camp Mooselini had to say:
A Palin staffer, Rebecca Mansour told a radio talk show host Saturday that doing so is “obscene” and “appalling.” In fact, she said that the “target list” was not intended to allude to guns.
“We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sights,” she said.
“It’s surveyor’s symbols,” the interviewer Tammy Bruce suggested. Bruce, a Palin supporter, describes herself as “a gay, pro-choice, gun owning, pro-death penalty, Tea Party Independent Conservative. ” Her show is promoted as a “chick with a gun and a microphone.”
Go it, people? Surveyor’s symbols.
Finally, lettuce hear from the “liberal” NYT:
Not since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 has an event generated as much attention as to whether extremism, antigovernment sentiment and even simple political passion at both ends of the ideological spectrum have created a climate promoting violence.
Hurray, both sides to blame, now let’s get back to blowing up foreigners and hating on wrong-colored folks…nothing to see here, people. Move
But Bill Ayers said bad things 40 years ago, so Everybody Does It ™, and the Democrats Are Worse.
I wonder if it has occured to the other Jennifer that it would be unnecessary to defend irresponsible rhetoric if no one ever said it in the first place.
Whether or not this shooting was prompted by any particular comment, tweet, graphic or whatever, we may never know. But the question arises BECAUSE so many irresponsible comments, tweets, graphics and whatnot have been floating around out there. Hey, maybe if people would stop promoting irresponsible ideas, and if other people who generally agree with them politically would call them out when they do promote irresponsible ideas, we would never have to have this discussion ever again.
The thing about a surveyor’s target is that it’s always half filled in for easy visibility. So, Ms. Bruce, you’re a moron, a liar, or both.
Just keep fucking that chicken, Sarah.
Yes, all you silly libtards are simply concern-trolling … because surely noone could have foreseen that mere cultural peccadillos like “Liberal Hunting License” stickers & slogans like “DON’T RETREAT, RELOAD!” could ever have any connection to such unfortunate events.
The fact that nearly every single one of the folks who get smoked are government employees or pols who are identified as moderates or lefties is central to her point, sheeple! Stop weaponizing your maimed & dead victims to oppress America’s glorious Second Amendment remedy freedom Jesus crying eagle Trucknutz! If you keep getting so upset over these totally unpredictable random isolated incidents
it’s that much harder for our useful-idiot Khmer Douche brigades to draw a bead on youit means you’re probably just as bad as the killers!Sounds SO much more highbrow than “from now on just shut the fuck up & die quietly, unlebenswerten pinko filth,” dontcha think?
But hey, that’s the good ol’ can-do Yankee wingnut spirit at work: their bodybag quota is half-full, not half-empty!
Yeah, the surveyor’s target bullshit would be a lot more credible if people hadn’t complained about the gun sight targets at the time Palin put it up, (Gabrielle Giffords ironically being among them) months ago, and she had explained that, or taken it down, or something acknowledging that it could be construed as promoting violence, instead of just saying, “stuff it you pussies! I’ll do what I want!”
Oh fucking please. If Giffords were a Republican wingnuts would go full berserkus: a four alarm Drudge alert would tag the shooter as a Muslim liberal pro-choice global warming advocate, a close personal friend of Obama and the guy who rejects Jeff Goldstein’s submissions to Random House. His countertops would be Malkinized, Jonah Goldberg would call for his immediate execution, Newt Gingrich would denounce him as “fundamentally leftist,” and George F. Will would compare him to the designated hitter.
Of course, Jennifer Rubin would have kept her mouth shut.
Tucson, not Tuscon. (Pet peeve.)
Whether or not this shooting was prompted by any particular comment, tweet, graphic or whatever, we may never know.
It is not about any single, individual incident, but rather an pervasive environment which not only permits, but positively promotes political threats and violence. This is an exclusively rightwing phenomenon. There is no leftist blog comparable to Red State, LGF (until Erickson suddenly got nervous about possible accountability), or FreeRepublic where violent eliminationist rhetoric is the rule. There are individual cases of such rhetoric on the left, but they are routinely marginalized and often deleted by the site monitors.
It’s like starting a sentence with, “Now, I’m a Christian, but…” You know whatever comes next is going to comploetely negate that assertion.
“Now, I would never advocate violence against a political opponent, but…”
Anyone tempted to make false equivalences may want to consult this list. there is simply nothing even remotely similar on the left.
well,according to them, there is lots and lots of evidence on the leftie violence.. however when asked to present this evidence the response is; “Shut UP”
Tucson, not Tuscon. (Pet peeve.)
There is no leftist blog comparable to Red State, LGF (until Erickson suddenly got nervous about possible accountability), or FreeRepublic where violent assimilationist rhetoric is the rule
Shurley shome mistake….
there is lots and lots of evidence on the leftie violence
Having to hold scissors backwards drives them insane.
well,according to them, there is lots and lots of evidence on the leftie violence.. however when asked to present this evidence the response is; “Shut UP”
The longer response is, “SHUT UP OR I WILL KILL YOU WITH MAH GUNS!!!!!!!”
I really think this may sink Caribou Barbie politically. No matter how furiously she backpedals that graphic is going to cause a visceral reaction in many people who may have been previously indifferent to her. Scrubbing her websites within moments of this horror tells us that she knew full well what her rhetoric could do.
I was actually looking forward to watching the other R’s tear her down in 2012, now I don’t think they need to worry.
Well, obviously.
Just like ‘Don’t Retreat, Reload!’ clearly refers to fountain pens.
What is there to say, really?
Those putting out the extreme rhetoric do so because it gets them attention = devoted fans = book sales, speech fees, votes = money. Those fans believe the extreme rhetoric do so because it gives them a dramatic story where they’re powerful and righteous action heroes just by listening.
And the rest of us who live in the same country as these freaks may just have to stop hoping for a day they’ll eventually die out, and may have to start telling them how they’re full of shit in a way that they’ll actually get it.
And it looks like we won’t have much help from most of the major media, as they’re in the category of supporting the punditry. We’ll get hand-wringing and false equivalency and a couple of finger-wags, and then Sarah Palin will come on and explain with a straight face that the poster’s crosshairs were really a surveyor’s symbol. And the interviewer will accept this without slapping her.
I just created a scenario where Sarah Palin was slapped! See, the Left is just as bad as the right!
Anyone tempted to make false equivalences may want to consult this list.
Goddamn JUST FUCKING SECEDE ALREADY. And take shit-spewing moron Jennifer Rubin with you. Assholes.
I really think this may sink Caribou Barbie politically.
Violence! Drowning!
If Giffords were a Republican wingnuts would go full berserkus
And that’s if the shooter was white. Let’s imagine for a second he was black, or had once eaten a shwarma.
Dear N_B: Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! You beat me to pointing that out about surveyor’s sights. Bless you. Palin and her daemon minions can rot in hell.
I just created a scenario where Sarah Palin was slapped! See, the Left is just as bad as the right!
I said the other day that the only way I’d watch the season finale of Sarah Palin’s Alaska would be if they left in the footage of Sarah being eaten by bears. Clearly, the Left is much worse than the right, as proven by my violent extremist eliminationist rhetoric. Some crazy bear might hear what I said and actually eat Sarah Palin.
Just like I might start kidnapping elected officials and guillotining them.
Scrubbing her websites within moments of this horror tells us that she knew full well what her rhetoric could do.
Seeing someone draw her as Lady Macbeth might be fun about now.
Humbert –
It annoy the shit out of me when they lie; some lies are easier to disprove than others.
Seeing someone draw her as Lady Macbeth might be fun about now.
And that artist would be Worse Than Hitler, since Lady Macbeth dies in the play. That drawing would be on Red State in minutes as proof Both Sides Do It.
And that artist would be Worse Than Hitler
From what I hear, Hitler’s paintings really stank.
The Donalde’s reading skills are as good as always
Anon, I wish I had any talent for drawing, because that could be a classic – out, out, damned graphics!
And I would never condone throwing Sarah Palin into a 500,000 gallon holding pond full of hog manure. That just wouldn’t be right.
Did anyone here point out Giffords’ recent opponent had a rally as well.
I have a screencap in photobucket….will WP allow it?
nevermind, fdl has it.
Congratulations to Doughbob Pantload. I have seen tons of claims that Loughner was a leftsist because his book list included Mein Kampf.
Anyone who uses Doughbob as support for their argument deserves only howls of derisive laughter in return.
I didn’t see Pantload cited – just his basic argument that Liberals are the real nazis.
Anon, I wish I had any talent for drawing, because that could be a classic – out, out, damned graphics!
Well, there’s always the Faithmouse guy, though his set style now is rather more about pancakes and fetishistic imagery.
There was one artist out there who was doing a grand deranged-looking Palin, but for the life of me I cannot remember her name, and Google isn’t helping.
I really think this may sink Caribou Barbie politically.
I doubt that as she really does not have much of a future anyway. She has the highest negatives of any potential presidential candidate. All this will do is confirm those of us who think she is unsuited for office and make her a martyr for her supporters.
Let’s imagine for a second he was black, or had once eaten a shwarma.
Hey, I once ate a schwarma and I am a white, formerly Christian, native born American.
The Donalde’s reading skills are as good as always
Yeah. He needs to stop listening to those voices in his head or he will end up like Loughner.
Was it Eric Cantor or Lou Dobbs who was freaking out about leftist death-squads when someone found a spent bullet casing somewhere in the general vicinity of one of his offices?
Now we have a Democratic representative who had a bullet go through her fucking head, but if we should happen to bring up politics in this, well, clearly we’re just indulging in petty theatrics there to silence the majestic call of Real America.
From what I hear, Hitler’s paintings really stank.
His landscapes are innocuously pleasant. Better than Kinkade, so you have to wonder what would’ve happened had he been born at a different time. Or if Kinkade had…
The thing is, would be inclined to give Caribou Barbie somewhat of a pass on the crosshairs thing, if she hadn’t brazenly defended the use of the shooter imagery when they first appeared and were discussed, and if she hadn’t subsequently gloated about how well the tactic had worked, using the word “bullseye” to describe them.
But let’s just say for the sake of argument that she had no idea such a thing would happen, no intent.
Why not, then, NOW, after an act like this occurs, wouldn’t she do the right thing and say, “Hey, you’re right. Of course I didn’t intend it, but now I realize our political discourse is getting too heated.” Her supporters follow her lead. If she were a decent person worthy of a leadership role in this country she would make efforts to turn the fires down on this heat. She’d set an example of trying to make the nation heal.
She could have appeared in person and plead with her followers for calm, for respect, for patience. She could have said, “hey, we shouldn’t be killing innocent 9 year olds over our policy disputes over health insurance or banking regulations.
She chose not to. She chose to allow her rabid spokeswoman to defend her with a ludicrous self-serving lie, something that only the most deranged and avid fan could believe.
She had a choice to be worthy. She chose not to.
Yeah. He needs to stop listening to those voices in his head or he will end up like Loughner.
No. Donalde will never be the gunman. He will be like the as-yet-unnamed-person who dropped Loughner off at the event. Hell, after the shooting, Donalde was still calling people like TBogg “demons.”
Donalde is all about winding people up, and being shocked when the insane actually follow his advice.
Better than Kinkade, so you have to wonder what would’ve happened had he been born at a different time. Or if Kinkade had…
Bob Ross could totally kick that dude’s ass.
Even McCain, during the campaign when some nut-case told him that Obama was an Arab terrorist, had the common decency to say, “No, Ma’am, that’s not true. He’s a decent man.”
I wish the nut-case had spoken to Palin instead of McCain. Had she responded like she has here, her goose would’ve been cooked long ago.
being nominally shocked when the insane actually follow his advice.
There, I fixed it for you.
Ms. Bruce, you’re a moron, a liar, or both.
As someone very familiar with the execrable miz Tammy, I assure you that she is both. And nasty, too also.
‘Fuck Jennifer Rubin with a Teabagger’s AK-47’.
Even Keith Olbermann’s apologized for left-wing violent rhetoric. Stop politicizing this and grow some decency, dick.
I have always and will continue to pronounce it Tuxen. Privately.
Okay, fuck Donalde Douglas with a Teabagger’s AK-47.
From Olby: ‘Violence, or the threat of violence, has no place in our Democracy, and I apologize for and repudiate any act or any thing in my past that may have even inadvertently encouraged violence. Because for whatever else each of us may be, we all are Americans’.
Good try, I must say, although overwhelming bulk of the “special comment” blamed the right, despite the fact that Giffords was targeted by Dems, Daily Kos fanatics.
That’s why Maddow had no comment: ‘Rachel Maddow Crestfallen — Giffords Shooter ID’d as Crazed Conspiracy Theorist and Marx-Reading Progressive Atheist..
Let me know when Dr. Dick rams a ‘Teabagger’s AK’ up Rachel Maddow’s privates …
Stop politicizing this and grow some decency, dick.
I would say the same, but I gave up hoping for the impossible decades ago. I note that you have not even acknowledged the pervasive violent eliminationist rhetoric on the right (which really has no parallel on the left). When you come out and publically condemn Palin, Bachmann, Angle, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, O’Reilly and all the rest for their violent statements, then maybe we can talk. Until then, fuck off you pusillanimous shit.
Better than Kinkade
You’re a cruel, cruel woman. Remind me never to cross you.
Someone who makes up bullshit about how bad his political opponents are for being disappointed they can’t politicize a tragedy is a hypocrite with no ground on which to stand in a call for decency.
“We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sights,” she said.
“It’s surveyor’s symbols,” the interviewer Tammy Bruce suggested.
Actually, it’s the symbol the Zodiac Killer used…
I really think this may sink Caribou Barbie politically. No matter how furiously she backpedals that graphic is going to cause a visceral reaction in many people who may have been previously indifferent to her. Scrubbing her websites within moments of this horror tells us that she knew full well what her rhetoric could do.
Her show isn’t going to be renewed, or so the Interwebs told me.
It always smelled to me like she has acted coy about running for Commandante-In-Chief in 2012 because she wants to make her serious run in 2016. But if nobody buys into this particular interpolation of Teh Palin Divine Right To Troll Humanity Doctrine, she may indeed wind up being done like dinner.
Was it Eric Cantor or Lou Dobbs who was freaking out about leftist death-squads when someone found a spent bullet casing somewhere in the general vicinity of one of his offices?
Cantor had a bullet lodge in a windowsill at one of his offices. Ballistics showed that said bullet had been fired at random up into the air, quite possibly by an intoxicated enthusiast of the Second Amendment remedy for boredom that he had handy.
Good try, I must say, although overwhelming bulk of the “special comment” blamed the right, despite the fact that Giffords was targeted by Dems, Daily Kos fanatics.
Nice try, but your English comprehension remains as impaired as ever. He specifically only targets conservatives and includes those on the left to be inclusive of anyone who incites violence without naming anyone except himself. He also clearly makes the distinction between those on the right who deliberately employ violent imagery and those on the left, naming only himself, who have done so inadvertently. As I said, when you publicly denounce and repudiate those on your side who do this then you have a voice in this debate. Until then you are just another rightwing hate monger who fully endorses political violence.
Her show isn’t going to be renewed
Wild animals everywhere breathe easier.
As I said, when you publicly denounce and repudiate those on your side who do this then you have a voice in this debate. Until then you are just another rightwing hate monger who fully endorses political violence.
He has a graphic on his site of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Obama. You think Donalde is going to tone down the rhetoric?
I think my favorite Jared Loughner funfact going around is that one of his favorite books, listed on Youtube, is The Communist Manifesto, which means he is obviously a communist!
Except that in the context of the full list (fizzed for spellzorz) (Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Wizard Of Oz, Aesop’s Fables, The Odyssey, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan, To Kill a Mockingbird, We the Living, The Phantom Tollbooth, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Pulp, Through the Looking Glass, The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha, The Old Man and the Sea, Gulliver’s Travels, Mein Kampf, The Republic, and Meno), that’s really not that alarming.
I know plenty of sane people who enjoy a little Marx, but Mein Kampf being on anyone’s list is the fucking red flag to beat all red flags.
I too loved The Phantom Tollbooth HIDE THE GUNS!
Shooter’s classmates talk. More Here.
Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Wizard Of Oz, Aesop’s Fables, The Odyssey, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan, To Kill a Mockingbird, We the Living, The Phantom Tollbooth, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Pulp, Through the Looking Glass, The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha, The Old Man and the Sea, Gulliver’s Travels, Mein Kampf, The Republic, and Meno), that’s really not that alarming.
Sounds like his freshman literature reading list to me.
Sounds like his freshman literature reading list to me.
I think it’s literary descriptions of talking animals that drove him mad.
You think Donalde is going to tone down the rhetoric?
Not in the least. I was just giving him the reasons why he needs to permanently shut the fuck up about everything.
I have the full set of The New Zealand Cricket Almanac from 1983 to 1997 excluding 1988. You’ll never take me alive, coppers!!!
What happened in 1988?
I have all the Two Fat Ladies cookbooks.
What is the best way to cook two fat ladies?
I have an original (US) press of the Rolling Stones Out of Our Heads and I saw Elvis on Ed Sullivan.
What is the best way to cook two fat ladies?
Slow roasted, I hear. Grumpy, fat old men, however, are better slow braised or we turn out tough and stringy.
Slow roast, for a confit-like result.
+1 to DrDick for culinary expertise.
fat old men, however, are better slow braised or we turn out tough and stringy.
I can see the book now: The Joy of Long Pig – from the comments at Sadly, No!
The right/conservative politicians & pundits espouse hate, rage and violence because that is all they have to offer people. They have no idea at all on how to govern the country because they don’t want to govern. They have no notion of how to help poor people who are suffering because they believe the poor are lazy and deserve to suffer; they don’t want to alleviate it even for innocent children or powerless elderly because it costs them money, and they and their Owners intend to keep all the money. They won’t stop the Wars because they started the Wars and they love the Wars. They won’t raise taxes to pay for infrastructure repair because They and their Owners would have to pay higher taxes.
What do they have to offer their supporters? Jingoistic blather, constant gnawing fear of everyone and everything, and violent hatred toward those they fear.
How can they walk back their murderous rhetoric when it is all they have?
What happened in 1988?
I was in Cuba learning to blow up infrastructure and do eye operations. Jebus you don’t want to get those two mixed up, I tells ya.
I see what you did there.
blow up infrastructure and do eye operations. Jebus you don’t want to get those two mixed up, I tells ya.
I can believe it. I would have to stick on a post-it note: remember to always change the power setting on the laser!
The water treatment plant is pleased about not having to wear glasses anymore, though.
FWIW the second “person of interest” is cleared. He was a cabbie trying to collect the fare the Loughner had stiffed him on.
Jebus you don’t want to get those two mixed up, I tells ya.
An eye for an eye, a culvert for a culvert.
I think it’s literary descriptions of talking animals that drove him mad.
Keep drinking that Black Op and write some more.
That N__B sure has an eye for a culvert. Like nobody’s bizness!
FWIW the second “person of interest” is cleared. He was a cabbie trying to collect the fare the Loughner had stiffed him on.
He stiffed the cabbie? That pretty much pegs him as a Tea Partier, doesn’t it?
Hey Republicans now you know what happens when you start waving guns around and telling your followers to eliminate your opponents.
How many more children have to be gunned down for you to feel ashamed?
How many more children have to be gunned down for you to feel ashamed?
All of them. Conservatives are incapable of feeling shame, just look at their policies and public statements.
Conservatives are incapable of feeling shame,…
Yeah, I guess people who can insist ten years of zero job growth proves giving tax breaks to the wealthy creates jobs, can’t possibly feel shame can they?
Well, some anonymous smartasses on liberal websites have said mean things, so both sides are equally guilty and you shouldn’t take right-wingers seriously when they make veiled threats because SHUT UP AND UP AGAINST THE WALL FAGGOT!
They’ve learned that they never need to feel ashamed so long as they always blame someone else.
He stiffed the cabbie? That pretty much pegs him as a Tea Partier, doesn’t it?
At least as a Republican.
…so both sides are equally guilty…
When somebody walks up waving a gun in your face and telling you how he thinks you should be eliminated you are supposed to lay down an die not mouth off. It is a gun after all. Why aren’t cowering?!?
“Calling somebody stupid is exactly the same as pointing a gun at them.”
The Conservatives’ Defense.
That N__B sure has an eye for a culvert.
How to look at a culvert.
The cabbie, eh? I knew it! I knew the other person of interest would be Some Guy Who Dropped Him Off. He’s not the type to own a car or keep a license. He just drives the bus to Crazytown.
Keep drinking that Black Op
The next best thing. I have it.
Yeah, pretty much.
I thought “So, his favorite books list is his every book list.” when I saw it.
He’s not the type to own a car or keep a license.
Hey, gettin’ a little close to home there!
(Less car, more guns, if you know what I mean.)
Dear Ms. Rubin, since when is bringing firearms to a political rally “rhetoric”?
Liberals:Taxes on the Rich?
Conservatives: I have a gun!
Liberals: Global climate change?
Conservatives: I have a gun!
Liberals: Healthcare for America’s children?
Conservatives:I HAVE A GUN!!!!
Two sides of the same leaf, Ms. Rubin?
Okay, so it’s a new thread and I’m only 100 comments behind! Sheesh. Oh well. Back to the top and dig in….
Went looking for something about the recent smear campaign against Jane Mayer of the New Yorker, post-Kochtopus article, found this gem of a headline in the google hits. It’s an American Spectator magazine article:
“Jane Mayer’s Violent Assault on the Koch Brothers”
Yep, she’s one of them thar word-processy terrorist assassins.
Maybe Mayer used purple prose and AmSpec writers cain’t spele?
I truly have nothing to say about this that is funny in any way, shape, or form.
Did you guys read about why the little girl was there in the first place? I’m not ashamed to say it made me cry. She must have been so excited.
Republicans need to sit down and shut the fuck up for once.
Maybe Mayer used purple prose and AmSpec writers cain’t spele?
See? No different than waving a gun at them.
Republicans need to sit down and shut the fuck up for once.
It’s not part of their skill set.
They’ve been getting encouragement from the likes of FAUX Nooze, and excuses from the WaPoop and the New York Slimes for so long, they haven’t needed to learn it.
“Did you guys read about why the little girl was there in the first place? I’m not ashamed to say it made me cry. She must have been so excited.”
No, but I did see that a Fux commontater said “she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.” The wrong place, mind you.
“she was in the wrong place at the wrong time”
We are all in the wrong place at the wrong time, an America with Fox News, the Teabaggers, and an insane Republican Party.
No, but I did see that a Fux commontater said “she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.” The wrong place, mind you.
What an asshole. She was recently elected to student council and was going because she was interested in government. She was also born on 9/11/01, incidentally.
Wrong place. At the Safeway on a Saturday, five minutes from home. What were the child’s parents thinking?
Yay! LittlePig is back!
The Ho is in Nashville for a conference. Fucker took MY ipad so now I’m back to using my iPhone at the doggie park. I used looove my iPhone, now not so much.
And no, I did NOT mean “Tucker” nor “Ducker” whatever the fuck that might be. Really, Ducker?
Nobody’s favorite books include The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. Seriously, one would do well to read both if for no other reason than to better understand the 20th century, but neither are awe-inspiring books. The Manifesto has some interesting poltical thoughts, but Mein Kampf is just a shittily written book. Some whiny shit there, boy.
The only folks who truly like Mein Kampf are the same people who like The Turner Diaries and dig the folks at VDare or Stormfront.
I’m going to take a wild guess here and say that nobody who likes The Communist Manifesto feels the need to balance it by saying they also like Mein Kampf,
The little fascist fucks at another site I frequent are falling all over themselves. Lots of “So you can PROVE that he did it because Palin/Beck/whoever told him to?!11WOLVERINES1!”
Gorram I hate those scumbags.
So you can PROVE that he did it because Palin/Beck/whoever told him to?!
Can they prove that Palin has no intention of inciting violence?
Me either. Take a break: It’s only 5:25. PlusTina Weymouth is hawt–and short!–and plays bass well.
” It’s only 5:25. “. Where? Not even in SadlyServerZone, I think.
So you can PROVE that he did it because Palin/Beck/whoever told him to?!
What is their take on Palin’s haste to scrub her site and pretend that she had never called for 2nd-Amendment remedies?
Playing catch-up.
Overall theme, I concur that the hypocrisy is mind-boggling, and the whining about how Republicans are being unfairly profiled is ludicrous. Muslims, immigrants and leftists, to name only those three, have been held collectively responsible for the actions of each and every one of their members for as long as I can remember, even when (see the DC sniper) politics, ideology and identity clearly weren’t relevant.
So today, for the first time in I can’t even remember how long, people are connecting the dots between a random crime and movement conservatives. Welcome to our world, goose-stepping shitstains. It sucks. We know. You’ll get over it.
Oh, and call me back when the backlash against the GOP actually turns violent, like the backlash against Muslims after 9/11 and after Park51 did. Until then, you have no sticks and stones to complain about, so shut the fuck up, you thin-skinned ninnies.
Never forget Pajamas Media. If Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion had had comments sections, it would’ve looked like PJM’s.
So, how long will it be before a conservative pundit, right-wing blogger or Republican congress person uses violent, eliminationist rhetoric against political opponents, ya think? When will the next Sharon Angle pop off about using “Second Amendment solutions” or the next Glen Beck speak vaguely about an “us versus them, take back our country” type deal concerning a centrist policy decision s/he doesn’t like?
I say two weeks, tops, and I bet I’m being generous.
Why not, then, NOW, after an act like this occurs, wouldn’t she do the right thing and say, “Hey, you’re right. Of course I didn’t intend it, but now I realize our political discourse is getting too heated.” Her supporters follow her lead. If she were a decent person worthy of a leadership role in this country she would make efforts to turn the fires down on this heat. She’d set an example of trying to make the nation heal.
Her supporters follow her lead? I wonder if they do. Churchill had a saying about dictators “riding to and fro on tigers that they dare not dismount.” E.G. if Palin started to moderate herself, would they follow her lead or turn on her for no longer being a true conservative?
‘Fuck Jennifer Rubin with a Teabagger’s AK-47?.
Teabaggers have AK-47s? What’s this communist shit?
Exactly. That’s like saying you enjoy reading your grocery receipts.
His book list looks like what a clueless and confused kid might think heavyweight intellectuals would read. He was trying to look impressive.
“What is their take on Palin’s haste to scrub her site and pretend that she had never called for 2nd-Amendment remedies?”
STFU that’s why.
John Kyl criticizes Sheriff Dupnik. Motherfucker.
What do they have to offer their supporters? Jingoistic blather, constant gnawing fear of everyone and everything, and violent hatred toward those they fear.
Jingoism and fearmongering I can take. It’s the constant victim-card playing and the fake hurt that drives me off the wall. Weep for us poor lil’ conservatives, unjustly persecuted by mean liberals! Don’t you see how hurtful it is that some people occasionally point out what we do wrong!
The asshole factor is one thing, the whiny little bitch factor is another.
What is their take on Palin’s haste to scrub her site and pretend that she had never called for 2nd-Amendment remedies?
Respect for the dead, concern that it would be taken out of context by hatemonger liebruls, it was never there, etc. etc. etc.
All of them. Conservatives are incapable of feeling shame, just look at their policies and public statements.
This. Anyone who considers it worse to be called out for killing a million Iraqis, than to kill a million Iraqis, has no shame and not a shred of morality.
I say two weeks, tops, and I bet I’m being generous.
Waaaay too generous.
Teabaggers have AK-47s? What’s this communist shit?
It is one of life’s special ironies that one of the gun nuts favorite weapons is the AK-47. Best tactical weapon ever built, almost indestructable, and easy to repair even under rather primitive conditions. Afghan gunsmiths could hand forge replacement parts during their war with the Soviet Union.
Jon Kyl just made me vomit. Before that he was just an asshole. Now I truly despise that evil bag of shit. I’d say he was excess human baggage, but for the human part.
Speaking of Beck, NO ONE but him was babbling about the Tides Foundation.
DAVID BROCK, FOUNDER & CEO, MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA: Sure, yes. I mean, the concerns that we raised in the op-ed that you cited today, one, Glenn Beck incited an attempted assassination plot against innocent employees of the Tides Foundation in San Francisco.
But that`s not all. There`s a history here as Ilyse said — he has attempted to poison in effigy Nancy Pelosi on his set. That led to a death threat by a guy in San Francisco who threatened to burn her house down. That guy`s mother said he gets all his ideas from FOX News.
And let me give you a personal one. Dick Morris is on the air every night on FOX News raising money for his political activities. One of his consultants after “Media Matters” fact-checked one of their ads and found it false tweeted that our staff should be curb-stomped. OK?
So, there`s a whole pattern here what`s going on. And I think the question is what to do about it.
So, I think there — this is how we get to Sarah Palin. Basically Beck, Beck`s erratic, he either won`t or can`t control himself even after he loses a hundred advertisers, so you can`t go there.
Murdoch was asked at a shareholder`s conference a couple of weeks ago about Beck, shareholder concerns about Beck — he said he doesn`t agree with everything that goes on on the FOX News Channel, but he`s standing with Beck.
Ailes recruited Beck to do this. So, he`s standing with Beck.
That leaves you with sponsors. So, PFAW has backed up a Tides Foundation call with “Media Matters” called Drop FOX to ask for advertisers to take responsibility for this rhetoric.
I was recently told by a member of the Murdoch family that if you could affect the bottom line, you might get attention by the News Corp board. But the truth is, we can`t wait for that.
So, Sarah Palin, right now, in our view, needs to step up. She needs to step up because she`s a leader of the Republican Party, of the conservative movement. She`s a Tea Party favorite. She is the one person in this country right now, today, who in the national interest, just in the moment to put partisanship aside, could pull this country back from the precipice of another Oklahoma City. And that`s what a real leader does, that`s what we`re asking
Sadly, No!
Doc: Right you are.
Not, for once, going to be lured over the thwarts fruitwards. Because if the shorters are correct, and I knoze they is, I will mos def have to open a vein and die.
Evil, evil, evil, evil.
Actually, the AK is a huge score in the gun-collecting world. They fuckin’ love em.
Stay. In. The. Boat. I am for the love of my sanity. Beyond the boat be horrors beyond yer ken. I know, for I once … NO.. ONGOD NO!!!!
Also, Atlas Slugged. Speaking of evil. Shooter = lefty because shut up, that’s why. Freedom, wolverines, &c.
Ha, he listed an Ayn Rand book as a fave on MySpace.
I actually agree on the AK as a survival weapon, it is great against people. But if I want to eat give me a Ruger 10-22 and a .410 or 20 gauge shotgun. Or hell, just the .22. Between that and a coil of snare wire I could eat.
Easier still would be a book on edible weeds. Those lil bastards are wicked easy to catch.
How about a a few lures and a nice set of pots and pans?
Tigris, keep Euell Gibbons – In Search of the Wild Asparagus and the Peterson’s Medicinal Plant field guide handy both are very useful.
A .308 is the gun for getting food. I used to hunt with my great grandpappy’s model 1886 Winchester .33 but it’s too precious for use anymore.
Those lil bastards are wicked easy to catch
Which would be why 60-70% of hunter-gatherer diets normally come from plant foods (except in the boreal forests and arctic where there is very little edible plant food).
How about a a few lures
For purely subsistence purposes, nets and fish traps are far more efficient and effective.
The .308 is also a great sniper rifle, not that I ever, you know, went beyond the temptation. Good thing I don’t live in AZ – Jon Kyl might drive me over the edge.
I’ve been thinking — seeing as the job market has apparently no further use for my services — it might be nice to get one of those $20k farms in Maine with a few acres and a squalid old house and just subsist for a few years. Write books, grow cabbages and dope, and scrape by.
Vegetarian, so no need to hunt. Just a long, pointy thing for staving off overzealous fans.
Vermont is working on setting up single-payer health care…
For purely subsistence purposes, nets and fish traps are far more efficient and effective.
P.S. A favorite from back when I was a kid.
Just a long, pointy thing* for staving off overzealous fans.
A .308 is indeed a good rifle, and ITSHTF it is a 7.62 NATO round that will be usable in many assault rifles. If I had my choice I would have one of those H & K ‘s but I could not afford one right now. I still like my old Win. Model 70. 30-06 for any game that walks or crawls. Sorry if talking about this frightens anyone but if the peak oil people are right (and I think they are) then we all need to be discussing this.
I should say big game.
I should say that the white Rooster Tail™ worked the best.
For N__B,
Reading about that BlackOps reminds me of Unibroue’s Trois Pistoles. It’s probably a bit fruitier, but you may want to give it a try.
Sadly, yes, my novel is chock fulla guns, and I do know em pretty well. These days, you don’t have a gun to kill some asshole — you have a gun because some asshole wants to kill you.
I suppose you’ll be staving them groupies off night and day.
I should say that the white Rooster Tail™ worked the best.
I prefer the yellow Panther Martin with a gold spoon.
Just during the day.
“Nobody’s favorite books include… Mein Kampf. (It’s) just a shittily written book.
Exactly. That’s like saying you enjoy reading your grocery receipts.”
Fuck you. My receipts are brilliant.
Don’t bring your PANTHER Martin voter intimidation around here, dude. Woverinis!!!!!
…and George F. Will would compare him to the designated hitter.
Stop making me laugh so goddamn hard!
Slayer! Exactly who this thread needs! It’s gotten pretty dark and grim and began drifting into firearms. Save us!
It’s probably a bit fruitier, but you may want to give it a try.
I’m sure D-KW means that in a totes heterosexual way.
It’s dangerous asking a SLAYER to save you. But the savage beast inside has been soothed by Greek tapas. So I will do my best to help…until I fall asleep in ten minutes.
Public service announcement: Go to Radio NZ dot co dot nz. Live streaming
Jimi Hendrix interview is on.
I really think this may sink Caribou Barbie politically.
Now that I’m home, and don’t have to give myself a headache trying to read the teensy screen AND type on that misnomer of keyboard, I will finally reply to this.
The thing is, imho, she was already underwater politically. If not tits up she is at least out of air. She did not have, never has and never will have a fat flying Philadelphia fiddler’s fuck of a shot at a national office. Which makes her all the more despiccable.
Greek tapas
Please. Mezze. “Greek tapas” can only mean buttseks.
Not that there’s s anything wrong with teh buttseks, mind you.
I’m sure D-KW means that in a totes heterosexual way.
Only before the third Trois Pistoles. Uh, totes heterosexually of course.
Kiwi, if they’ve got Jimi streaming live, put on your razor wire helmet cuz y’all’s got the zombies real hard.
I KNEW Jimi was just hangin out somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why thanks for asking! With The Ho away, I’ll be opening with queso fundido con chilis and closing with some of the metric fuckton of chicken enchiladas I made yesterday. AFTER another martini or seven.
It would be selfish to ask everyone to become a teetotaler until after the baby is born, right?
Also, for those who doubted my butchosity.
It would be selfish to ask everyone to become a teetotaler until after the baby is born, right?
Not selfish at all. Just delusional.
Selfish? Perhaps. Foolish, definitely. Especially with this crowd. I’M LOOKING AT YOU SMUT
finished now, sorry but same time tomorrow
“Not selfish at all. Just delusional.”
Well, in that case I think everyone should get shitfaced in my honor.
vs – too late.
Well, in that case I think everyone should get shitfaced in my honor.
Your wish is my command. Huzzah!
FYWP. I now see that the hover text got eated too. FY with a teabagger’s AK-47.
Embarrassing pics, texts, emails or vids or the shitfacing didn’t happen.
I suppose you’ll be staving them
groupieshungry people willing to kill for gruel off night and day.Fixed for future accuracy.
It would be selfish to ask everyone to become a teetotaler until after the baby is born, right?
Haven’t had a drink since Xmas, if that helps. NOT guaranteeing I’ll hold out w/ you.
Speaking of right wing patriots with East Bloc firepower, in my city back in the 90’s, a Nazi skinhead shot another kid in the leg, from the window of his Ford Pinto. The other kid’s crime was, uh, IIRC, being white but “dressing black.” I believe the weaopn was an SKS carbine.
Same dumb kid had been leafletting this city and one near it with White Pride/Nazi type leaflets in previous months. I don’t think he was even 19.
I found it very unpatriotic of him to not use a Colt AR-15 or somesuch. But, of course, these folks can’t afford that kind of stuff. I’m sure if you asked them why, they’d say “affirmative action.” Or “reparations.” Or, “the job-killing Goodyear Blimp.”
P.S. It was not a red Ford Pinto wagon.
P.P.S. I hate Illinois Nazis.
It’s all right, M. I like functioning alcoholics better anyway.
PlusTina Weymouth is hawt–and short!–and plays bass well.
I don’t really dig short chicks. They make me feel gigantic and self-conscious. Plus I’m always afraid they’re looking up my nose.
Peak oil – even if we’re not at it, peak demand ain’t here yet. Our econom is flat on its back. China’s is not, and India didn’t have enough “financial innovation” to get sucked into this whole mess. Just wait until all three of us, and Yurp, want that sweet, sweet crude, hard, all at once.
I’m sure before they put me in the nursing home we’ll find out that the whole point of Iraq, and then their boner-fondling re. taking out Iran, was to get there and sit on it before China or India could. And I’m somewhat certain W. will then be hailed as a misunderstood visionary, a regular Teddy Roosevelt. Fuck.
But before I’m in the nursing home, I’d also like to think that we’ll be so far into alt energy, or booger-earwax fusion, that we’ll look back on this war-for-oil savagery and be very embarrassed.
P.P.S. I hate Illinois Nazis.
Yes, but how do you feel about Rhode Island Nazis?
VS, I’ve resolved not to drink during the week until I lose my cankle weight. Does that help? I mean, I am drinking now, but that’s because I’m still engaging in the interminable process of unpacking all my shit.
Why the fuck do I have so many books, again?
It would be selfish to ask everyone to become a teetotaler until after the baby is born, right?
Easy for me. I’m glad you’re being a good mother-to-be. Screw up ‘lil Dudeskull (or whatever) after he’s born.
Pup: Moar food pr0n please. Also, nifty wheels!
D-KW –
Unibroue has yet to disappoint me. Of course, it’s Quebecois, not LEAFS SUCK, so no big surprise.
Plus I’m always afraid they’re looking up my nose.
They probably are. That’s why I put toy soldiers up there to confuse them.
I am unpatriotic enough to want one of those commie rifles from the E.U (and that’s .30 caliber, thank you very much) We don’t deal in that heathen 7.62mm. But an H-K or Sako would be very nice.
Republicans need to sit down and shut the fuck up for once.
This statement is always true, but especially apropos this weekend.
I am impressed by the sheriff, who seems to be standing by what he said, despite the predictable bullshit about “politicizing the tragedy”. I hope he sticks to it.
They probably are. That’s why I put toy soldiers up there to confuse them.
Do you just keep jamming more and more up there? Because that would explain so much…
I do find it funny that the people singing the praises of American capitalism to the highest heaven are forced to concede (not that they’d ever think of it that way) that a communist shithole at the height of its oppressive period somehow managed to turn out the bestest gun ever. You’d think even they couldn’t miss irony of that magnitude.
But, of course, these folks can’t afford that kind of stuff. I’m sure if you asked them why, they’d say “affirmative action.” Or “reparations.” Or, “the job-killing Goodyear Blimp.”
Yeah, everything that’s wrong with their life is because of affirmative action – they should be doing better, but their job went to a black guy!
Yes, but how do you feel about Rhode Island Nazis?
Never met one. Are they as whacked-out as Oklahoma Nazis? I think not.
I am impressed by the sheriff, who seems to be standing by what he said, despite the predictable bullshit about “politicizing the tragedy”. I hope he sticks to it.
Douchebags are already calling for his resignation.
Do you just keep jamming more and more up there?
That would be ungreen. I recycle. Once they come out the other end, they are washed are reinserted. Mini__B’s training for this work will begin shortly.
I have the suspicion that the champion of the Iquitarod is not in the game to boost her political viability. I mean, look at Glenn Beck and how much he rakes in. Think of how much better you could do with a set of gams in a short skirt and a determination not to cry on the air!
The shooter looks like a wannabe to me. His YouTube video was full of incoherence he intended to express in accordance with the classical rules of logic but didn’t, and his reading list is standard 100 Most Important Works of World Literature as Taught in American Junior High and High Schools. I believe he wants to be thought of as an intellectual powerhouse, but he really ain’t got the toolkit. The answer to why the world economy is no longer on the gold standard is available with ninety seconds of Googling. See, you miserable Glock-wielding poseur, that’s how smart people do it: if they want to know something, they research it. Yes, this involves work, unlike the life of your Wasilla-based aspirational multimillionairess wank muse.
Welp, whether homicidal mania is driven by envy or lack of critical thinking skills, you can’t kill every smart, effective Democratic Congressperson. In his case, he couldn’t even kill one.
T&U, I promise to never look up your nose in your honor.
They probably are. That’s why I put toy soldiers up there to confuse them.
I larfed.
T&U, I promise to never look up your nose in your honor.
Are there options other than up the nose or down the shirt? Because I can’t think of any.
Never met one. Are they as whacked-out as Oklahoma Nazis? I think not.
I have no idea. I’d imagine that the added ingredient of meth makes any Nazi extra-likeable. As I try not to venture into southern Missouri, I don’t quite know for sure.
Are they as whacked-out as Oklahoma Nazis?
Ain’t much of nobody as whacked out as Okie Nazis (I have met a few growing up there and all) and I have also met the Illinois variety when I lived in Chicago. While seriously whacked, the latter are just not up to our proud Okie standards of the crazy.
“Douchebags are already calling for his resignation.”
Oh, fuck me. No…fuck THEM.
T&U, I promise to never look up your nose in your honor.
Thanks! That’s very generous of you.
“Douchebags are already calling for his resignation.”
Given that he had the spine to say what he did, knowing what would happen, I’d like to believe he can withstand some public tantrums.
Oh Bilo, they will eat us long before we ever get to the nursing home. The Road is our home…
the added ingredient of meth makes any Nazi extra-likeable
It definitely adds a bit more spice to the relationship.
Oh, fuck me. No…fuck THEM.
I’m surprised he’s stayed under the ire radar this long, honestly. He also called the AZ anti-brown people law racist and refused to enforce it.
Given that he had the spine to say what he did, knowing what would happen, I’d like to believe he can withstand some public tantrums.
Oh, he can. But notice how the jerking off over law enforcement officials ceases when they express opinions that show that they’re human beings, not authoritarian wet dream automatons.
I avoid watching right-wingers jerk off. You need to upgrade your pr0n habits.
What the hell do they put in Meow Mix? The girl I subleased this place from left a bag behind and it’s turning my cat into an obese demon. She’s going to need a 12 step program and bariatric surgery before long.
Just to give you some perspective I was a hard core, damn-near-john birch conservative back in the day but I realized I could not be a sociopath and live with myself.
Upgraded pr0n, by request.
Holy shit, that French onion soup look amazeballs.
BTW, I hope that store-bought bread was at least from a decently respectable bakery.
Does Meow Mix contain The ‘Nip?! Cats be straight up dope fiends on that shit.
And now I am far more commie than when they called me Commie! HA! YOU STUPID MUFUS! Sorry, I had to.
I try not to venture into southern Missouri
How can you resist Branson? The music may be crap, but the sociology is fascinating.
Yeah, Jennifer Rubin is tokin’ up some honking hypocrisy buds but the boys over at RedState have hauled out the six foot crack pipe.
Agreed. I suspect that Palin’s supposed presidential run was just a way of maximizing the money she can squeeze out of the rubes.
Which conservative would it be least erotic to watch get off? Let’s not ponder this.
Some of those Quebeckers know their way around a wort pot. Fin Du Monde and Maudite are the popular Unibroues (and with plus AWESOME names) but Trois Pistoles has them both beat. IMO.
Does Meow Mix contain The ‘Nip?! Cats be straight up dope fiends on that shit.
It might. I wonder if the ‘nip gives you the munchies…
the sociology is fascinating.
Only if you are into geriatric doomsday cults.
…the boys over at RedState have hauled out the six foot crack pipe.
Veiled Comically Enormous Butt Plug Reference.
While seriously whacked, the latter are just not up to our proud Okie standards of the crazy.
Ain’t nothin’ like ’em nowhere, Doc.
T&U, I promise to never look up your nose in your honor.
Pfft, not me, not now that I know you’re all using them for storage.
Which conservative would it be least erotic to watch get off?
All of them.
How can you resist Branson? The music may be crap, but the sociology is fascinating.
I actually fucking love Branson. I need to get someone to go with me.
Which conservative would it be least erotic to watch get off?
Saxby Chambliss.
Eureka Springs is pretty sweet, too. Especially Jesus of the Ozarks.
All comically enormous butt plugs will be veiled when Sharia Law is enforced.
Holy shit, that French onion soup look amazeballs.
BTW, I hope that store-bought bread was at least from a decently respectable bakery.
First, it’s NOT-French onion soup. And it is beyond amazeballs. Homemade beef stock, red wine, looooong cooking, it comes out kind of like a savory syrup with onion bits. NOM NOM
It is against the law to sell anything but finest quality artisanal bread in Portland.
Eureka Springs is one of my fave places…and not ironically. It’s incredibly charming and there some great artists and artisans there. Little shops…Victorian houses. *wistful sigh*
Also. And such as.
Does it contain corn? That’s what all American food products need more of. I know dogfood’s got it.
I peeked at some “four grain” Cheerios that were trying to look all health-er and nutritious (regular Cheerios ain’t bad themselves!) and I noticed that of all ingredients, #1 in the list is … corn meal. Motherfucker! I dropped that box like a hot potato.
I actually fucking love Branson. I need to get someone to go with me.
Group tours / charter buses. They run from <everywhere. Guaranteed to be a fun ride there and back. I’ve never been to Branson, but there’s some lovely country in So. Missouri.
Also, I dint mean to be mean. There are probably a half-dozen shows I would go to. (I’ll pass on Jim Nabors, though.)
So… I guess the difference is that the conservaturds have fantasies of sending bullets through Democrats, persons of color, women, LGBT folks, the educated, and anyone who disagrees with them, while DFHs have fantasies of… um… not watching conservaturds make the “O” face.
Kill or not watch fuck? Gentlepersons, welcome to spectator politics, American flavor, turn-of-the-millennium style.
Eureka Springs is pretty sweet, too.
Never saw ES, either. Always wanted to. I love Victorians!
First, it’s NOT-French onion soup
Oh, pls to forgive.
I would hate you for that bread comment, but it would be pointless.
Ain’t nothin’ like ‘em nowhere
Never has been and I left before the crazies took over the state and ratcheted it up to 11.
So the question is: how much drugs?
Damn, I need Hunter S. Thompson quantities.
Fuck the world.
And to the haiku purists: Fuck you too.
Best east coast Victorian cluster: Cape May, NJ
Best west coast Victorian cluster: Eureka / Ferndale, CA
(Deliberately provoking SF ‘Nauts. *mustache twirl*)
Please don’t hate me. It’s just the way I am.
Fuck haiku purists
With their dedication to
Stiff and rigid forms.
Confession Time: I would totally go to Branson. And enjoy it ironically and unironically. Hey, I’m open-minded.
Group tours / charter buses. They run from <everywhere. Guaranteed to be a fun ride there and back. I’ve never been to Branson, but there’s some lovely country in So. Missouri.
I am greatly amused at the thought of taking a group tour from mid-Missouri to Branson. I would most likely be the youngest person on board by decades. I’d have to stock up on Dramamine, anyway.
We used to go there on family vacations almost yearly, but I haven’t been in about 10 years.
Southern Missouri is fucking beautiful–I was just down in the Mark Twain forest over Thanksgiving. There’s no way in hell I could live there, though. It’s kinda…scary…
Oh God, T&U, You Like Branson?
OK People we have a level 5 intervention.
Wake up dammit, that Missouri mud aint that good!
Best west coast Victorian cluster: Eureka / Ferndale, CA
Nope. Though it’s not ‘Mellican it is on the west coast: Victoria, BC ftw. Delightful place.
Connecticut fascists: Nutmeg Nazis?
OK, Honest and for true there is some very beautiful country down there.
Eureka Springs is in Arkansas, not CA.
“Fuck haiku purists
With their dedication to
Stiff and rigid forms.”
I sense PENIS.
There’s no way in hell I could live there, though. It’s kinda…scary…
Don’t know about that. My mom grew up in SW MO and my hillbilly grandfather was still trying to farm 60 acres of flint rock and white oak with a horse team (when he was in his late 70s) there in the late60s.
Best east coast Victorian cluster
V sport-among-the-she-noodles R
Pardon my length.*
* Veiled Giant Post Reference
A few more answers for Snidely, and maybe Paleotectonics.
“Or go even further back. Similar creatures appear in myth and legend, in multiple guises, mutliple forms, often large, hairy, and terrifying. Potent ancient memories are stored in the ‘primitive’ brain, and find expression in myth. ”
That’s how I first approached it. I started reading about it the ‘net, assuming it had to be that, as I had stumbled across yet another local legend, one in the VN/Camboida/Laos region. Just figured every culture had inherited some fear-of-a-larger ape anxiety from our hominid days. Started reading up on bigfoot. The more I read, the more curious I got, but still skeptical, until I read of an encounter or two that reminded me of my own childhood encounter of the “bear” that was looking in my bedroom window one night. (It wasn’t a bear, and there were zero bears in that state in those days, and black bears don’t get that tall, or have trapezius muscles like that.) Then I was hooked.
Plus, Jungian stuff doesn’t leave footprints on the ground or hurl rocks and sticks at you. Footprints, hand prints, butt prints, hip & Achilles tendon prints have been casted.
I can understand if most want to say that it’s either a worldwide oogy boogy myth that mankind creates out of anxiety, or just misidentified black bears. We feel there’s too much else going on for it to be that. And the vast majority of the behaviors reported are similar to other great apes.
Yes, social animal, small family groups, maybe some loners, and some teamwork when hunting or, first hand experience here, dealing with intruders.
I posted a “sounds” link last night, some of those vocalizations can be played by humans with PA systems, or imitated vocally, and get a response, or bring one in closer to check you out (in the dark, always.)
Game cameras, we’re working on it, it’s a problem. Game cam may have caught a young one in PA. It’s debatable. (Mangy bear with very long rear legs?) Game cams look like boxes on trees, and other animals may fall for that, but it’s not working for us. Also, electronic noise from these devices can be heard by deer, we don’t know about the apes, but the flashes, hoo boy, experience has show they’re not keen on getting their acute night vision blasted. They may be shrewd enough to sneak up behind a game camera and place leaves over the lense or hurl sticks past it to make it go off.
Passive infrared thermal is our current hope. It doesn’t send out anything, and we’ve had some success so far.
Habituation is, of course, the best hope, and there IS good footage, daylight footage, close up footage, but that project is ongoing, ongoing, ongoing. Not my gang of folks, but we have good info from the beginning of that project. It may or may not come out on DVD any year now. (The talk of that’s been going on since winter 06/07.)
The not-bad/but-dammit-not-good-enough infrared footage captured about a year ago is also a habituation situation, at this location, humans get checked out quite regularly while camping.
Large range, maybe. Identifiable individuals (say, a white streak of hair on the head, or a badly deformed foot) have been spotted in various locations tens of miles apart. Adaptable omnivores, but also predatory and fans of deer liver.
Predatory, yes… >: )
As for bones, it would be nice. I’ve read of one little girl having found a dead one many years ago, and running away in fear, and one Canadian man has come forth with his story of having shot one 60+ years ago in the bush, thinking it was a moose he was pursuing. What it was was an ape following the same blood trail. (And yes, they may hunt moose. Ponder that shit!) Ape, bent over, looked like moose rump in the thicket, man put a bullet in its spinal cord. He approached, saw it up close, dead as a doornail, ran home, was scared to death for a variety of reasons to talk about it(poaching, ethnic minority), and I think he never went hunting again. But that’s about it. People have claimed to put rounds in them but they tend to scream and run off. Large, heavy, thick things. A few hunters may have shot and killed one, but other than the Austrian-Canadian man, not on the spot, and who wants to follow that blood trail? Most armed people don’t shoot at them when they see them. Too baffled or toooo skeered, and it can look too much like us. A flat face, a humanoid face, hard to shoot. (Until it votes for tyrannical mandatory health insurance.)
As for bones, bones are hard to find for lots of animals, and many animals go off and hide when in their final illness. Also, with a social creature like this, who knows what survivors do with remains? Dunno. Consider chimps living to 60, too. My back-of-envelope calculations one day said we could be facing one corpse per state per year in the lower 48. Good luck finding that!
We’ve been sharing the continent all along, night shift and day shift. : )
Okay, that’s too much, I’ll stop.
Pup: Thanks! The schnitzel, rotkohl, spaetzle really takes me back. I could smell the aromas.
Eureka Springs is in Arkansas, not CA.
True. Eureka, however, is in CA. County seat of Legendary Humboldt County. It’s got the most spectacular, over-the-top Victorian residence I’ve ever laid eyes on. Take the Photo Tour!
V sport-among-the-she-noodles R”
Oh my.
Heh. My nephew lives in Eureka. He works at Costco. The Costco in Eureka is, far and away, the most cash-based Costco in the world. EVERYBODY pays in cash in Humboldt county.
Speaking of which, Humboldt Blue hasn’t been seen in this neck of the woods in ages. If I may speak for others, we miss ya HB.
Annnnd, looking at the foodpr0n pics leads me to revise and extend my earlier remarks with repsect to vs question #somethingorother. I’m not ready to go to the boards on it but an argument can be made that preserved lemons are the greatest thing ever.
Oh my.
In 1980, when I was 16, I read a paperback of The Pearl on a bus to visit my brother at Cornell. Scranton is more interesting with Victorian erotica.
Oh God, T&U, You Like Branson?
Silver Dollar City fucking rules!
Don’t know about that. My mom grew up in SW MO and my hillbilly grandfather was still trying to farm 60 acres of flint rock and white oak with a horse team (when he was in his late 70s) there in the late60s.
Oh, I was talking more about the bootheel. And actually, everyone was nice, but I got a lot of “you ain’t from around here, are you?” looks. Of course, I got those where I grew up, too. My aunt and uncle who live there get shit for being from Kansas, which I find to be funny (some Missourians are still all WATB about the border wars).
It’s much prettier country than where I’m from, so I really shouldn’t say much.
Also, Eureka Springs *is* cute. I like the little houses they have built into the hills. I just find Jesus of the Ozarks amusing.
I just find Jesus of the Ozarks amusing.
How does he feel about the view up your nose?
I want to go to the Dixie Stampede, but do the horses poop? That would be gross to see while you were eating.
How does he feel about the view up your nose?
Dude, I’m not *that* tall.
Ummm, can T&U even eat bread? Ya caint, kinya?
Passive infrared thermal is our current hope. It doesn’t send out anything, and we’ve had some success so far.
That’s what I was thinking of. They used that for the snow-leopards; video, not stills. Motion-sensor triggers. Maybe rig at the ‘landmark logs’?
As for bones, bones are hard to find for lots of animals, and many animals go off and hide when in their final illness. Also, with a social creature like this, who knows what survivors do with remains? Dunno. Consider chimps living to 60, too. My back-of-envelope calculations one day said we could be facing one corpse per state per year in the lower 48. Good luck finding that!
Much cleaner and sharper expression of what I was vaguely groping for with ‘elephant graveyards’ stuff.
Thanks for the links. And…
Ummm, can T&U even eat bread? Ya caint, kinya?
No. 🙁 And I love good bread. I even briefly contemplated becoming a pastry chef/baker until I remembered that my fine motor skills are pathetic.
I worked in a couple of bakeries, and I COULD NOT figure out why my stomach was upset all the time. It took me breaking out in hives constantly to admit that I had a problem with gluten. I am vain.
Deserves to be screenplay dialogue.
Deserves to be screenplay dialogue.
Where’s Zombie Preston Sturges when you need him?
It’s true that bone don’t last long – Look how hard it is to find a shed.
I am really sounding like a hick- must be the six IPA’s
Acoording to my people (Anishnabe) the forest people can move between at will, If they want we can not follow.
She walked in
to the bakery
like she was falling off of a bike.
You’re so vaaaaain,
you probably think this food is against you…
I’ll stop, I’m tired.
T&U – we just refer to him as the 70-foot Jesus.
I like to collect stories about his odd proportions. I mean, the damn thing looks like a milk carton with arms. The story goes that he was gonna be taller, but that would have violated FAA regs if they didn’t put a beacon on his head or somesuch, so they just…cut him off at the knees.
Don’t know if it’s true or not, but I like the story. One that is true…he was built by a neo-Nazi.
my people (Anishnabe) I’m fascinated. May I ask about your background?
Acoording to my people (Anishnabe)
How’s the manomen this year?
*begin operaticvoice*
Good night, good night….
Or, maybe, I’m so tired
Vegetarian, so no need to hunt. Just a long, pointy thing for staving off overzealous fans.
hey now.
I usually spell it Manoomin, and I need to ask my niece who harvests with her husband every year. I can probably get y’all some, for around 8-9 bucks/lb. This is the real thing, not that gravel they sell in the store. I don’t know how good last year was so I am guessing on price but if you paid less than six bucks a pound you got that worthless paddy rice.
Pup: Great exit link! G’night.
Wuups! Forget to change the nym.
I’m off for chow. Have fun!
And as for the bigfoot, we know all about him. If you see him it is a spiritual message to you – get your shit together.
VS, hobo signs post = teh funneh. That is all. I have a job interview tomorrow. How drunk should I be right now? Cuz oops.
There’s a sort of field with trees behind it and a house on the left of the picture. The sky has clouds on the horizon but the rest is blue, and in the middleground there are some bushes and what looks like the edge of a sidewalk. There’s either a fence or wall on the far right edge of the field, but it’s mostly obscured by more bushes.
That’s why I put toy soldiers up there to confuse them.
I’ve got a ferret sticking up my nose.
Ferrets in the nose and beans in the ears.
I have a job interview tomorrow. How drunk should I be right now?
Ask us again just before the interview. Or during it.
…Fuck haiku purists
With their dedication to
Stiff and rigid forms…
I sense comically
enormous veiled butt plugs
-Eric Erickson
Hmmm, I’m not sure there’s a seasonal reference. Maybe change “butt plugs” to ‘crack pipe”? I think crack pipes are a fall reference.
Making a Red State haiku generator would break haiku. It’s dain bramage ugly over there. (Nothing new but I guess I hoped, not thought, that they might wait a few days.)
I think crack pipes are a fall reference.
You don’t ever want to fall on your crackpipe. Especially if it’s stuck up your butt.
Yeah, I’ve never understood why most crack pipes are glass. Seems like you’d want to use, say, stainless steel.
If you’re suffering from cracked pipes, I suggest switching from cast iron to copper.
I love Victorians
Why thankyou!
“VS, hobo signs post = teh funneh. That is all. I have a job interview tomorrow. How drunk should I be right now? Cuz oops.”
I know, right? Betta than BOOBS.
And a real man drinks DURING the interview, offers the interviewer a swig, and films it all for my amusement.
Which conservative would it be least erotic to watch get off? Let’s not ponder this.
Michelle Malkin eating out J-Lo… while Mark Steyn watches, gimp style….
You know; there’s such a thing as over-sharing.
there’s such a thing as over-sharing
That’s not what Mrs. Benjamin said in 3rd grade. She said that if I brought fantasies to class I had to bring enough for everybody.
Fuck me, your right, red state is in the process of metldown. While Erik and the admins attempt to keep the conversation on topic, while furiously screaming ‘look away, nothing to see here’, his commentators have lost it. While some are parody from the likes of you, im sure, the rest are quite scary, and obviously from minds that lost touch with reality a while ago.
i’m just glad they dont have guns… what… !!!
*wonders what 3rd-grade N_B fantasies would be like*
Bet they were cute.
You know; there’s such a thing as over-sharing.
sure that is the opposite of what you mum said the other night..
Bet they were cute.
No goddamned unicorns.
Some sci-fi stuff, death and dismemberment of a few people, Mets unsucking, lying on my back in the street while a Coca-Cola tanker truck ran its tap. Maybe others I’m repressing.
“No goddamned unicorns.”
This seems harsh. *sniff, tear-trickle*
MY misanthropy did not begin until high school. You were hardcore.
looks like the wingnuts and such may have some reasons to spin like dervishs on this one
“Investigators are exploring suspected links between Loughner and an online publication known for its strongly anti-immigrant stance,”
“Other organisations monitoring extremist groups have noted that Loughner spoke despairingly of a “second American constitution”, a reference used by some extreme rightwingers to post-civil war constitutional amendments that ended slavery and gave former slaves citizenship.”
among others… can’t think of many lefties that talk like that
Okay, I have to admit my stupidity here.
Only just now have I connected that the “gun magazine taken from his hand” was not Guns & Ammo.
Reposting this because it was awesome
R. Porrofatto said,
January 9, 2011 at 19:10
Oh fucking please. If Giffords were a Republican wingnuts would go full berserkus: a four alarm Drudge alert would tag the shooter as a Muslim liberal pro-choice global warming advocate, a close personal friend of Obama and the guy who rejects Jeff Goldstein’s submissions to Random House. His countertops would be Malkinized, Jonah Goldberg would call for his immediate execution, Newt Gingrich would denounce him as “fundamentally leftist,” and George F. Will would compare him to the designated hitter.
Of course, Jennifer Rubin would have kept her mouth shut.
The DH line is the mot de juste.
Only just now have I connected that the “gun magazine taken from his hand” was not Guns & Ammo.
Thank you Republicans for not extending the AWB which would have prevented this lunatic from having a 30 round magazine for a fucking hand gun. Because you can’t defend your family with anything less than 30 rounds. Criminals are known to laugh out loud at 14 round magazines as they ravish your wife and steal your silverware.
I’ll believe “both sides do it” when someone tries to force-feed Eric Cantor a bag of salted dicks, or yells “POOP!” at Michelle Bachmann.
I have a job interview tomorrow. How drunk should I be right now?
Break a leg.
That’ll keep the interviewer from running away while you deliver the monologue. Where do I see myself in five years? Ruling over all you peasants with an iron fist! BwaHAhaHAHaHAHA!
Where do I see myself in five years?
Perfecting the time machine that allows me to see myself five years into the future.
Now if a convenient innocent near the shooter were other than white, and the place was Phoenix, Joe Arpaio would whistle, look the other way and I think we’d have our first major multiple lynching in a long while. Nobody would investigate (who, the FBI?), and we would be told “there is no such thing as collective punishment” by Rubin and her sleazy cohorts, while they mutter (with obvious insincerity) in print how it was such a regrettable thing to happen whilst claiming the innocent was guilty even though he tackled the shooter, because you could just see that he was because he wasn’t shot. Or that he was shot in an attempt to make him not look like a conspirator. Just because he’s on a respirator doesn’t make him innocent, after all, and the video evidence is inconclusive.
The woman has the mind of a diseased maggot, and I bet the maggot was glad to get rid of it.
I suggest switching from cast iron to copper.
I suspect N__B is putting this out as bait.
Because cast iron pipes = DWV, and copper is water supply.
Can’t replace one with the other. I suggest PVC.
I suggest PVC.
Trying to create more zombies through environmental degradation, eh?
Because cast iron pipes = DWV, and copper is water supply.
That’s what I’ve got in my 60s backsplit in the suburbs of LEAFS SUCK, but I’m pretty sure cast iron was historically used for supply pipes. At a minimum, considering the lengths and pressure heads required of water mains, I imagine most of these were cast iron before PVC became available.
You guys, do I have to go to PT? She’s going to make me do lunges.
There’s an advantage to this: you can look up HER nose.
re: PT
Yes. No backsliding on rehab, else you may start shambling and people will mistake you for the undead.
This morning on MSNBC that sheriff is standing by his remarks.
Yes. No backsliding on rehab, else you may start shambling and people will mistake you for the undead.
Anything but that!
Actually, I’m not so stoked about walking there and back in the cold more than anything else.
She’s going to make me do lunges.
Go to VS for “nice lungs” references.
If I hear “on both sides” one more time, I’m going to take this TV and hurl it out the window.
Epic victimhood alert. Shorter CNN contributor Irkson:
It’s important I say this. Preznit Blackety Heathen does not feel your pain.
If I hear “on both sides” one more time, I’m going to take this TV and hurl it out the window.
I screamed at Cokie Roberts this morning. I mean, even more than usual. It wasn’t even “both sides” bullshit–she was straight-up implying that the Democrats are trying to politicize this and that they’re being inflammatory.
If I hear “on both sides” one more time, I’m going to take this TV and hurl it out the window.
I’m looking to get a massage on both sides.
From TtS’ link
Literal Irksome (emphasis in original):
Shorter-ish Irksome:
It’s outrageous when people politicize political assassinations!
It’s amazing that the right has succeeded in making “politicization” of issues necessarily a bad thing. All politicization is, of course, it taking an issue and saying that politics should respond to it through some kind of policy, law, or other societal collective action that results in improvements/solution/amelioration of said issue.
So yes, a bunch of people got fucking shot and killed by a lunatic with political motives. So the left wants to politicize it so that something is done to make less lunatics shoot up less people. How dare we!!!
To be fair, these were the actions of a madman so it’s premature to assume that this was a political assassination. He may have instead been motivated by a desire to impress Jodie Foster.
Calling it a political assassination is over-the-top vitriolic rhetoric aimed at killing the free speech rights of people to call for political violence against lefties. A serious charge that needs serious evidence.
Uh – pay no attention to the blockquote behind the curtain.
Note for right-wing butthurtees and complicit-media fuckbags:
Fuck you and your politicization bullshit. You want to know what “using this tragic event to further your own personal goals” looks like? It looks like this.
Erik: For those still attacking Sarah Palin for daring to use the word “targets” and maps against Democrats, including Gabrielle Giffords, please note that the DLC and DCCC, the D is for “Democratic”, also had maps with targets in earlier years.
Of course, one came from a woman who is often photographed holding a rifle and used what looked like gun sights, listed names, and called for a “solution,” one used stylized bull’s eyes on districts, but yeah otherwise tooootally the same.
It also helps that the left is not chalk full of gun toting lunatics so even if our leaders did call for violence, there’s very little chance of it actually being acted upon.
We have crazies of course, but they tend to be of the “mumble on streetcorners handing out leaflets smoking too much pot” variety.
Fuck you and your politicization bullshit. You want to know what “using this tragic event to further your own personal goals” looks like? It looks like this.
It also looks like blaming the 9/11 attacks on feminism and faggotry (if you’re an unhinged preacher for the “Moral Majority”) or on Bill Clinton (if you’re a respectable, Very Serious Person working for this or that media).
Or, alternatively, it could look like tying your opponent to Hamas and to the Weather Underground during the 2008 campaign and afterward.
they include “or reflection” to get around namby-pamby atheist objectors.
But the left uses it too. The left uses it to accommodate atheists.
“Get around” = accommodate, idiot. But nice hand waving.
Can’t replace one with the other. I suggest PVC.
I recommend using pipes made of elemental sodium or potassium. That will be far more exciting than boring old pvc or copper.
I think Irksome actually was trying to make a point – regarding motive. That the left sees accomodating atheists as some sort of acceptable endeavour instead of a burdensome obligation that’s worse than a thousand Hitlers. Or something. Or maybe he just meant (with apologies to Edroso) FFFfaaAfAAFFaaaRRRrrrrrrTTtttTT.
Wonkette has begun referring to Palin as Sarah the Surveyor.
Wonkette has begun referring to Palin as Sarah the Surveyor.
Sarah’s always been a surveyor at heart. Didn’t she name her own son Trig?
Sarah’s always been a surveyor at heart. Didn’t she name her own son Trig?
TBogg (via LGM): “Johnny Cash once surveyed a man in Reno just to watch him die.”
I suppose someone’s already made the joke about surveying from helicopters.
Fact – bullseye is a very popular nickname for surveyors.
Anyways all this talk about inciting the mentally deranged to acts of gun violence misses the point. Giffords was shot in the head – therefore we know who really was goading Loughner to violence.
Jared Lee Loughner is a delusional madman that writes hideously bad poetry.
And now I find myself talking into empty space, just rambling on and on with no one replying,,,
I didn’t kill the thread. It was using grammar to mind control my new currency.
Oh, wait. Everyone’s just upstairs. Nevermind.
I suppose someone’s already made the joke about surveying from helicopters.
Joke, hell. N__B has a whole post about it:
Late to the thread… damn, this whole tragedy has made me heartsick.
It’s been a while, Sadly Naughts.
This whole thing reeks of the third grade mentality of “but they do tooooooo!!1eleven”
Driftglass rulz:
How many more children have to be gunned down for you to feel ashamed?
Please, remember that to modern Republicans, “children” are found only in wombs. The term you want is “collateral damage.”
Hey, it’s Esteev!
Don’t worry DK, as you can see, I’m always lurking. Always.