
ABOVE: Me, in disguise

Just up at Undie Press is an interview that Tim Hall did with me a little while back. Although I am disguised in the picture that accompanies the interview, with a pair of undies obscuring my facial features, you can hear my real voice. I’m sure that The Nutty Associate Professor is busy trying to garner clues from the interview and the sound of my real voice so he can call my workplace and tell them that I am “truly demonic” or a “demonic gay commie” or something.


Comments: 209


Tintin, as his name implies, is of French origin

Hein? Tintin est Français? Qu’est ce que c’est que ce beans?


…or masturbate frantically to your honeyed tones


These fuckers started the war on Christmas without me!
Quick, someone point me to the nearest nativity scene. I need to pee on Baby Jesus right now.


“If not for the folks at political humor website Sadly, No! a lot of people would have no doubt gone batshit fucking insane by now. ”

Ummm, I hate to say this, but I’m not sure that’s true.

Also, I am sad I cannot listen to this right away.


I’m waiting for the CNN transcript.


If not for the folks at political humor website Sadly, No! a lot of people would have no doubt gone batshit fucking insane by now

Hang on…so by being batshit fucking insane, we’re saving other people from going batshit fucking insane?



I’m waiting for the CNN transcript.

Something about a jar of condoms…


french, fag, or both


Is there supposed to be an ad mixed in with the articles? is the page not rendering correctly on my machine? Do the underage gnomes that code this webpage need another therapeutic whipping? I am confused.



Speak to the hunchback who washes dishes. He’s in charge of the dungeon now, too.


Tintin, as his name implies, is of French origin

Huh? Not Belgian? This is most troubling.


Huh? Not Belgian? This is most troubling.

Doesn’t make much difference to me!


The Secret is out. Mild-mannered “Tintin” is actually the world famous author of Rise of the Mutant Undead Alien Zombie Carwash Cheerleader Robot Ninja Dinosaur Monsters From the Future Again, Also, Too.

“Spengler Dampniche” is just an alias he uses to throw everyone off his tracks.

So is “Actor 212”

And “Dragon-King Wangchuck”, “D. Aristophanes”, “Zombie Rotten McDonald”, “Whale Chowder” and “Gary Ruppert”, as well as every other troll that posts here.

In fact, He is the only one who has ever posted or written a comment here. Including this one.


In fact, He is the only one who has ever posted or written a comment here. Including this one – Steerpike

I am not Tintin. I am Sparticus, however.


And I am Spartak Ass!


Damn, Steerpike, I figured me out! There’s actually only one reader of this blog, but in order to fool the ad buyers, I have numerous computers proxying in thru different servers.

How did I guess that????


Spengler Dampniche” is just an alias he uses to throw everyone off his tracks.

So is “Actor 212?

And “Dragon-King Wangchuck”, “D. Aristophanes”, “Zombie Rotten McDonald”, “Whale Chowder” and “Gary Ruppert”, as well as every other troll that posts here.

But apparently not me. Freedom!


In fact, He is the only one who has ever posted or written a comment here. Including this one.



Damn, Steer, I figured me out! There’s only one reader of this blog, and I have numerous computers all hooked up via different ISP’s to fake out the ad buyers into thinking I have millions of hits a day!

How did I know that???


I am Tintin, and so is my wife!


Grrrrrrrrrr, FYWP for that stoopid “fuel” filter!


We are all TinTin!


We are all Tintin!

Are you deliberately taunting and invoking the Donalde? That could be fun. We have not roasted a good troll in quite a while and the old ones are all tough, stringy, and bland.


“Spengler Dampniche” is just an alias he uses to throw everyone off his tracks.

Let’s dissect that obvious clue:

Spengler – A German name. Germany is known for its beer, also its faggy attitude towards the fat Belgian bastards.

Dampniche – An obvious play on words, “Dampniche” is clearly a neologism of “damp niche” or wet orifice. So, if Germans are all gay and shit about Belgians, and Dampniche is a wet orifice, clearly TinTin uses that nym in order to signal my, I mean, his availability as a gay fat Belgian bastard!


It’s all just blogsturbation!

monkey knife fight

I’m sure that The Nutty Associate Professor is busy trying to garner clues from the interview and the sound of my real voice so he can call my workplace and tell them that I am “truly demonic” or a “demonic gay commie” or something.

I can imagine that conversation right now:
TNAP: Did you know that you have, in your employ right now, a demonic gay commie?
Employer: Who? Tin Tin?


@Actor212 But spengler is German for plumber! This is clearly a reference to Watergate, by which I conclude Spengler , who as we have proved earlier is Tintin, is really…

G Gordon Liddy!


“Hang on…so by being batshit fucking insane, we’re saving other people from going batshit fucking insane?”

That opening graf of mine doesn’t make any sense, Actor212, but in my defense I was completely batshit fucking insane when I wrote it.


The disguised voice is hilarious.


I hope those undies are clean, because if not, that’s just…demonic…


That opening graf of mine doesn’t make any sense, Actor212, but in my defense I was completely batshit fucking insane when I wrote it.

You should have taken a hit off our bong, man….


I hope those undies are clean, because if not, that’s just…demonic…

Are you suggesting they might be….tainted?


But spengler is German for plumber!

I did not know that! That’s central to my point!

Plumber Wet Orifice! The ship’s Prussian captain IS the giant rat of Sumatra!

guitarist manqué

How does he make his voice do that?


How does he make his voice do that?

I think it’s the trousers.


Plumber Wet Orifice!

How does the conversation always return to VS?


You know who else had a German name, right?


How does the conversation always return to VS?

She finally tipped.

If you know what I mean….and I think you do….


You know who else had a German name, right?

President Eisenhower?

General Schwartzkopf?

Governor Schwarznegger? (Yeah… you know what that means in German, right?)


You know who else had a German name, right?
Albert Schweitzer?


You know who else had a German name, right?

German McGermanstein?


German McGermanstein?

Too Jewish.

the ugly hunchback that washes dishes and rings the dinner bell

Do the underage gnomes that code this webpage need another therapeutic whipping? I am confused.
Speak to the hunchback who washes dishes. He’s in charge of the dungeon now, too

They are 18 in gnome years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The dungeon has been a pain to reorganize these past two days…..I was told that menus have been hidden in prophecies by various posters. Is this true?

Now to listen to the interview.


I was told that menus have been hidden in prophecies by various posters. Is this true?

You are confronted with a room full of hieroglyphs…


The voice is a dead giveaway. Tintin is Darth Vader.



and I don’t celebrate X-Mas and I wouldn’t let my daughter put a christmas tree up in my house.

I also think they the idea of giving gift certificates for abortions is a great idea and we should give them to anyone related to Rush Limbaugh.

And I didn’t listen to the article cause I’m listening to kick-ass music and someone called me “bubbly” yesterday.

Then I realized that I’m happy everyday that I’m still fucking alive because no gun-nut whackjob has killed me or that I haven’t decided I’ve had enough of this life myself.


and I had a big hardcover book with Tintin and the captain and the spaceship and the little dog.

and I loved it and I don’t give a shit about how you are not supposed to start sentences with ‘and’ because I am a liberal.

and my name is “SPART-UH-CUSS”


Tintin is Darth Vader.

No I’m not. Neither are you. And get out of my head!


I also think they the idea of giving gift certificates for abortions is a great idea and we should give them to anyone related to Rush Limbaugh.

This is something I can get behind.


You know who else had a German name, right?

Frau Schlusselreinheitsgebot?


You know who else had a German name, right?

Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern- schplenden- schlitter- crasscrenbon- fried- digger- dingle- dangle- dongle- dungle- burstein- von- knacker- thrasher- apple- banger- horowitz- ticolensic- grander- knotty- spelltinkle- grandlich- grumblemeyer- spelterwasser- kurstlich- himbleeisen- bahnwagen- gutenabend- bitte- ein- nürnburger- bratwustle- gerspurten- mitz- weimache- luber- hundsfut- gumberaber- shönedanker- kalbsfleisch- mittler- aucher von Hautkopft? of Ulm?


The disguised voice is hilarious.

No disguise. TT uses his rich, mellow, golden bass voice in his secret career in opera. An absolute triumph in Boris Gudunov! Here, however, he slips into his Boris Badenov role. So who does Rocky, Bullwinkle, Peabody, Dudley Do-Right? (I suggest VS for Natasha.)

Dibs on Snidely Whiplash, btw. Tying up damsels is my main kinky thing. Also villainy.


Dibs on Snidely Whiplash

Dibs on the snarky announcer!


I am *not* going to be the chick with the thing for the horse…


I am *not* going to be the chick with the thing for the horse…

You can be Natasha. VS is blonde, anyway.

I think. I never checked if the carpet matched the drapes.


If you knew me you’d say I was a ringer for Bullwinkle. No antlers or fur but the rest is spot on.


As a matter of fact, I’m thinking about changing my regular monniker on SN! to Snidely Whiplash. Is it okay to do that? (I’m such a newbie here that I’m not aware of all SN! traditions.) It would be much easier to riff off that monniker in the Name block.


“If you knew me you’d say I was a ringer for Bullwinkle. No antlers or fur but the rest is spot on.”

You must have a huge……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….snout.


As a matter of fact, I’m thinking about changing my regular monniker on SN! to Snidely Whiplash. Is it okay to do that?

And so you may!



VS is blonde, anyway.

How about T&U? Marion in Savannah?



How about T&U? Marion in Savannah?

*sipping herbal tea*

I’ll never tell.

*fingering picturebook*


“VS is blonde, anyway.

I think. I never checked if the carpet matched the drapes.”

Since she is, like 13 months pregnant, VS prolly doesn’t know if the carpet matches the drapes.


Rise of the Mutant Undead Alien Zombie Carwash Cheerleader Robot Ninja Dinosaur Monsters From the Future Again, Also, Too.

Now THAT I would read!


And so you may!

Yay! Of course, I began my new identity by screwing up hitting Submit Comment prematurely. I’m an expert at bumblingvillainy.


I’d like to think there is a little TinTin in all of us.

Which may mean he follows Andrew Sullivan’s prophylactic advice.


I’m an expert at bumblingvillainy.

Ah, so you’re union?


Which may mean he follows Andrew Sullivan Julian Assange’s prophylactic advice.



The adoration expressed toward Jonah Goldberg’s scholarly masterwork, Librul Fatcystm, was one of the highest points in this policy blog’s history for me to participate in and centralize many of my uni-dimensional points in which fascism is when we make politics a religion but also when we try to go beyond politics.


I’d like to think there is a little TinTin in all of us.

Be nice. I’m sure it was cold.


You know who else had a German name, right?
Maybe it’s a trick question.
Mario Andretti?
Marcel Marceau?
James Joyce?
Miguel de Cervantes?


Last night I poked around more in the links to the Commenters. Actor: I like the orchids! It’s a Nero Wolfe thing…


El Cid said,

December 16, 2010 at 18:28

Spoken like a true socialist!

I mean, sociologist….


Actor: I like the orchids! It’s a Nero Wolfe thing…

That was YOU?

Oh hell, I thought it was this stalker I had in the past, who has this black dahlia fetish….


The disguised voice is hilarious.

It’s Royal Pain from Sky High!


But thanks, Snide. Orchids are one of my favorite subjects to shoot, for the colours and textures.


Be nice. I’m sure it was cold.



“Orchids are one of my favorite subjects to shoot, for the colours and textures”

Please don’t shoot our kids!


I’d like to think there is a little TinTin in all of us.

Be nice. I’m sure it was cold.

Golf clap, martini, etc


Please don’t shoot our kids!

It’s just a modest proposal.


Steerpike said,
December 16, 2010 at 16:41

Much as I am flattered (OMG, I’m listed before DA!) I curse you for making follow after actor. Again.



It’s 11:15 here, so I’ll take that martini.

Not that it really makes a difference to me.


Much as I am flattered (OMG, I’m listed before DA!) I curse you for making follow after actor.

At least you were listed. Hmph.


Ah, so you’re union?

Absolutely! Amalgamated Villains and Evil Scientists Local 666. We’re pushing hard for card-check: We have great hopes for unionizing the bankers and the armaments industries.


“If you knew me you’d say I was a ringer for Bullwinkle. No antlers or fur but the rest is spot on.”

Nothing up your sleeve?


At least you were listed. Hmph.

To be fair, I was listed along with “as well as every other troll that posts here.”


Amalgamated Villains and Evil Scientists Local 666.

So you’re not Local 12 of the Villains, Thieves, and Scoundrels Union?

Uh oh. Is this some Teamsters/AFL-CIO rivalry thing?


Uh – reading that again, I didn’t mean to imply that T&U is a troll. Even if she is. Troll.


General question: I’m a newbie as a commenter, but I was a long-time lurker at SN! Is HTML Mencken no longer an Article Poster? I miss his material!


Uh – reading that again, I didn’t mean to imply that T&U is a troll. Even if she is. Troll.

You really have to stop confusing me with your mother. It’s really offensive. And slightly creepy.


Is HTML Mencken no longer an Article Poster?

Not regularly, sadly, no.

See what I did there?


You really have to stop confusing me with your mother. It’s really offensive. And slightly creepy.

Brought a bag of quarters with him, huh?

the ugly hunchback that washes dishes and rings the dinner bell

Tintin sounds much too adult in the interview. So in his honor…

and since we have no one besides ourselves to ridicule today, I offer this from yesterday’s Daily Colic. It has Inhofey Poopy Goodness and Bolton Mango Sauce. Byline of John Bossanova or something like that.

So, let’s see…. a shorter ……

Obama is so desperate to control the world that he is using the intelligence gathering apparatus to try to find out what other countries are thinking/doing about Climate Change Initiatives, Treaties, and other stupid environmental stuff. They should only be used to target civilians we can then bomb.

Marion in Savannah

How about T&U? Marion in Savannah?

Well, Snidely, everything matches here, and being tied to the railroad tracks would be a welcome respite from listening to The Stupidest Woman On The Planet (TM) who sits right outside my office. As long as you’re okay with Medicare-card-carrying victims…


Brought a bag of quarters with him, huh?

Yes! I can’t be bought! At least for less than $100! And/or booze and/or weed and/or books. Possibly records, too.


At least you were listed. Hmph.

But we love you, anyhoo.

Nothing up your sleeve?

Coffee through my nose. Now stop that, tigris!


Yes! I can’t be bought! At least for less than $100! And/or booze and/or weed and/or books. Possibly records, too.

Hm…is this negotiable? I have etchings.


As long as you’re okay with Medicare-card-carrying victims…

Sure! I’m one, too! We’ll make a great team. Of course, I’ll need to collect your union dues….


““VS is blonde, anyway.

I think. I never checked if the carpet matched the drapes.”

Since she is, like 13 months pregnant, VS prolly doesn’t know if the carpet matches the drapes.”

Check with my doctor.


Hm…is this negotiable? I have etchings.

Ah, who are we kidding? I’d settle for a shoulder rub and a couple of Advil at this point.


I’d settle for a shoulder rub and a couple of Advil at this point.

I have Vicodin.

Marion in Savannah

Of course, I’ll need to collect your union dues….

That’s okay. What sort of arrangements have you made for getting me up off the tracks? Winch? Hoist of some sort?


Ugh. Got out of the boat for the idiocy of Inhofe. He is an evil bastard.


From hunchy’s link:

“He has to use every resource that’s available to him to get this liberal agenda through, knowing it won’t go through,” Inhofe continued.

That’s some crazy there, I tell you what.


What sort of arrangements have you made for getting me up off the tracks? Winch? Hoist of some sort?

That’s some nice innuendo you got there!


Check with my doctor.

I did make extensive notes, but you know how doctor’s handwriting is. I’ll have to repeat the examination. Let me get the stirrups into the right position.


“I did make extensive notes, but you know how doctor’s handwriting is. I’ll have to repeat the examination. Let me get the stirrups into the right position.”

Let me guess: you’re going to use that special “super accurate” method of taking my temperature.


Bailing out to chow down. Have fun!


I am the walrus….


“Let me guess: you’re going to use that special “super accurate” method of taking my temperature.”

he’s out of bottled, so he’ll have to use draft…


Let me guess: you’re going to use that special “super accurate” method of taking my temperature.

Hey, I work with the probes I got. And if the established medical procedure requires multiple readings in order to accurately assess how hot you are, then that’s what we gotta do. For science.


I have Vicodin.

Works for me. I have a neck cramp.

the ugly hunchback that washes dishes and rings the dinner bell

The wikileaks memo’s the Caller links to have the Climate Change discussion in section G ….

Titled: Other crap that someone should keep an eye on…..


Hey, I work with the probes I got.

The doctor is in… The doctor is out… The doctor is in… The doctor is out…rapidly.

OK, I can’t believe I just made that joke. [/shameless]


If he says you won’t feel a thing, believe him…


Ok, that made me snigger.


The doctor is in… The doctor is out… The doctor is in… The doctor is out…

…and then the doctor is done.

the ugly hunchback that washes dishes and rings the dinner bell

Oh sure. I try to up the level of discourse……with this media exposure, surely someone from S,N! will end up with a major Village gig……

oh hell


Marion in Savannah

Oh sure. I try to up the level of discourse……

I think you have. We were sloshing around in the sewer and now we’ve made it all the way up to the gutter. You are to be commended.


…and then the doctor is done.

You’ve been watching too much pr0n. I’d finish on the inside, just like I do with your mom.

Uh, not to mean that you aren’t special vs. Everything’s totes different with Whale Chowder’s mom. All she means to me is lots of cheap and easy sex filled with degradations I haven’t ever dreamed of before – and a lot of weeping in shame afterwards.


With you, the weeping in shame happens before. With actor’s mom, the weeping in shame is during.

the ugly hunchback that washes dishes and rings the dinner bell

Keep an eye on them white people.

Two white British al-Qaeda members……
….the surnames of the British pair were Stephen and Dearsmith.

They got Droned in Pakistan….



i’m on hold for a phone conference at work and the muzak is playing the beatles “i wanna hold your hand” in German.

Marion in Savannah

Welcome to hell. For your listening pleasure today we have…


Hang on…so by being batshit fucking insane, we’re saving other people from going batshit fucking insane?

We serve as a warning to others.

the ugly hunchback that washes dishes and rings the dinner bell

commended by Marion in Savannah.

That is sooooooooooo going on my resume.

Is CNN looking in?



“With you, the weeping in shame happens before”



“The doctor is not interested in cuddling”


*fingering picturebook*

You’ll go blind if you keep doing that.

the ugly hunchback that washes dishes and rings the dinner bell

Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand


“Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand”

Boy, does that sound dirty.


i almost didn’t want my conference to start

the ugly hunchback that washes dishes and rings the dinner bell

It’s the Dirty Sigfried.


the weeping in shame is during.

you say that like it’s a bad thing….


It’s the Dirty Sigfried.
Dreckige Sigfreid.

the ugly hunchback that washes dishes and rings the dinner bell

Dreckige Sigfreid

Thank you.


“Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand”

Boy, does that sound dirty.
Not as dirty as Sie Liebt Dich

the ugly hunchback that washes dishes and rings the dinner bell



Going back to the hunchback’s earlier Daily Caller post (BTW, hunchie, wasn’t the hump on the other side yesterday?), I’m puzzled by the fact that, with a few notable exceptions, the rest of the world is waiting for the US to catch up on AGW, neh? So what the fuck is Inhofe on about trying to use all the resources to get cap’n trade through?

Also, wouldn’t you want to send out feelers to be sure you knew where everybody stood before going in to negotiations? Isn’t that what good negotiators do?

Oh wait, I forgot, Bolton and Inhofe are batshit insane. Nemmind.


Speaking of SF6 — it’s just wrong. A molecule that oxidized and with that much fluorine should be hella toxic. But it’s not toxic. That’s just wrong.




The doctor is in… The doctor is out… The doctor is in… The doctor is out…

…and then the doctor is done.

And you have to finish the exam by yourself.


Also, wouldn’t you want to send out feelers to be sure you knew where everybody stood before going in to negotiations? Isn’t that what good negotiators do? – Whale Chowder

Somebody forgot to tell Obama this before he started negotiating the tax cut compromise with the GOP. Perhaps he should have made sure the house Dems were on board with negotiations first? Perhaps instead of first saying “I want to negotiate with the GOP” he should have first made his position clear “what we want is […]” and then said, almost as an afterthought mentioned an openness to negotiations?


With you, the weeping in shame happens before. With actor’s mom, the weeping in shame is during.

That’s because mom doesn’t point and laugh.

Hey, she needs the quarters.


“Hey, she needs the quarters”

Quarters??!!!! That slot is big enough for a frisbee!!!


Quarters??!!!! That slot is big enough for a frisbee!!!

Yea. Too bad DKW only has a bar coaster.

the ugly hunchback that washes dishes and rings the dinner bell

.…wasn’t the hump on the other side yesterday?

Gets ’em every time.


Hey actor, if I was one of them insecure d00ds who are obsessed with the size of their PENIS, that might have been a zinger. Sure I’m not hung like a pr0nstar with a baseball bat between my legs, but I haven’t had any complaints. Well except from your mom. I tell you what, that lady is insatiable.


I even tried a baseball bat once. Literally, an entire Louisville Slugger. Luckily the spelunkers were still in their base camp and retrieved it after I lost my grip.


OT – DADT repeal back in play. President Snowe and Playboy Brown have pledged for it, and also Lisa Murkowski.

Lisa Murkowski racked up scores of 0%, 20% and 35% from this past term. I have to wonder if the Palin-Tea Party powered Joe Miller campaign had anything to do with Murkowski’s slipping from the GOP fold.


OMG, pregnant women should not be allowed to watch the Foof Network. I want a hot dog SO FREAKIN BAD right now. *drools*


Rofl…OR the FooD Network. The Foof Network is entirely different.


Well except from your mom. I tell you what, that lady is insatiable.

Can you blame her? TV station identifications last longer than you.


I want a hot dog SO FREAKIN BAD right now. *drools*

Mmmmmmmmm, pregnant sex…




Ya know, I’d warn you my doctor might get angry, but apparently he’s busy doing a trio of very iffy moms.


Ya know, I’d warn you my doctor might get angry, but apparently he’s busy doing a trio of very iffy moms.

Well, since Bush was president, many OB-GYNS are practicing their love…


Well, since Bush was president, many OB-GYNS are practicing their love…

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! That’s one of my ALL-TIME favorite Bush verbal fuck-ups. Man, that guy was fucking retarded.


“Man, that guy was fucking retarded”

Hey, don’t put me in that idiot’s company!


Ya know, I’d warn you my doctor might get angry…

You aren’t talking about me, right? Hey, I’m just your doctor – I don’t own you or anything. If you really want to sample actor’s hot dog, I ain’t one to tell you that you can’t.

Just make sure to put a glove on it because the results from his screening test fill multiple binders. Also, accept no beverages from the man – I can’t vouch for the safety of roofies on Dudeskull.


Hey, kids! We’re “some of the best commenters on the Web!”

Boy, talk about soft bigotry of low expectations.

Marion in Savannah

The Stupidest Woman On The Planet (TM) is sitting outside of my office hacking and coughing and sneezing to the point where it sounds like a tubercular ward out there. Cover her mouth? Nah…

Will y’all alibi me if when I kill her? Just tell anyone who asks that we were playing tiddlywinks or something…

Marion in Savannah

FYWP, I did SO have proper strikethrough codes for “IF”. Fucker.


Just tell anyone who asks that we were playing tiddlywinks or something…

*holding palm up behind back*

Yea. Tiddlywinks…


Hey, kids! We’re I’m “some of the best commenters on the Web!”

FINALLY! Props for my rapist-sharp wit.


I think you meant rapiest?


FINALLY! Props for my rapist-sharp wit.

Does that Assange your bad feelings?


What? Too soon?


Just curious, VS, but what made you hunger for a hot dog? Have you ever craved a donut? More? Less? Same? How about an oyster?


with this media exposure, surely someone from S,N! will end up with a major Village gig

“Today on “Meet The Press” our guests are Senator Rand Paul, Charles Krauthammer, Patrick Buchanan & someone who wishes to be known only as “jim” – with a lower-case “J” no less. Our first question for the p- OH JESUS! What in hell are you doing? Quick, get Security in here! See, Bob? I TOLD you we should’ve bolted down those chairs! Oh God, cut the feed! CUT IT NOW, DAMN YOU! AAAAAAAAAHHHH!”


Have you ever craved a donut? More? Less? Same? How about an oyster?

Or a taco? A fish taco, to be specific?

Marion in Savannah

jim, with a lower case “J” no less, has given me a lulz.


I would pay so much for that video.


Just curious, VS, but what made you hunger for a hot dog? Have you ever craved a donut? More? Less? Same? How about an oyster?

I was watching Bobby Flay on the Foof(d) Network grilling hot dogs…and then he put bbq sauce and coleslaw and a pickle spear on top. Unfortunately the only thing I have to pop in my mouth right now is a chocolate calcium supplement. Joy.

I was on a BIG donut kick a few weeks ago.

Oysters, I have not craved.

Why do I feel like I’m lying on a couch as I type this?


I would pay so much for that video.

Mysticdog wants a jim with lowercase “j” video?!


Mysticdog wants a jim with lowercase “j” video?!

Quit judging him!


Quit judging him!

Not that there’s anything wrong with that…


“I was on a BIG donut kick a few weeks ago. ”

I thought we moved on from actor’s mom…………………..


I totally think that jim needs his own question and answer show on MSNBC.
Tonight on “In the Octagon with jim” we have John Boehner! Can his walk match his talk or will we end up with another senator in traction?


Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

Goddam breeder!


I thought we moved on from actor’s mom…………………..

Well, it’s hard to move, when there are so many guys blocking your way.


Goddam breeder!

SUPER guilty!


Marrion, you owe it to yourself to go visit your coworker, and tell her how bad you feel for her, and that you sincerely hope its not that horrible skin flu going around that makes people sneeze and get achy and then itch like fire ants are crawling all over their skin, because you’ve heard a lot about it and the itching just sounds so horrible and it takes weeks for it to go away. A friend of yours’ dad got it really bad and he just felt the itching all the time and they had to tape oven mitts on his hands because he was making himself bleed. It seemed like just a normal cold at first but then the itching started and it just got worse and worse…


Viktor Davis Tiberius Hessian Galactica Omnitron Hansen goes on a bike ride:

Many of the rural trailer-house compounds I saw appear to the naked eye no different from what I have seen in the Third World. There is a Caribbean look to the junked cars, electric wires crisscrossing between various outbuildings, plastic tarps substituting for replacement shingles, lean-tos cobbled together as auxiliary housing, pit bulls unleashed, and geese, goats, and chickens roaming around the yards.

Without a glimmer of self-awareness or shadow of self-doubt, he blames the libs.


Without a glimmer of self-awareness or shadow of self-doubt, he blames the libs.

Over the summer, I chanced upon some Haitian refugees working in one of the illustrious resorts in the Catskills, and they were telling me how some of the houses they walked past to get to work reminded them of home.

Only not as nice.


Viktor Davis Tiberius Hessian Galactica Omnitron Hansen goes on a bike ride:

Where, with Sarah Palin in Haiti?


I thought we moved on from actor’s mom…………………..

Well, it’s hard to move, when there are so many guys blocking your way.

Dressed like this.


Dressed like this.

Only if they “forget” to tip.

Marion in Savannah

Mysticdog, that’s a great idea! However, I think if I got that close to her today I’d choke the life out of her. I’ve got tomorrow off, and if she’s still alive on Monday I may give that a whirl.


Ahem, back on topic. If I were to do such an interview, I would wear my prefered high cut panties. My eyesight is less obstructed.


Tonight on “In the Octagon with jim”

I want bendy-straws & pre-sorted M&Ms – no green ones – as well as a salad bowl filled to the brim with BC’s finest vegetation-based medicinal brain-vitamins … ah, hell, who am I kidding. I’d pay to do that show (right after my Diplomatic Immunity certification goes through).


(right after my Diplomatic Immunity certification goes through).
Who are you kidding jim? For the right guests, you’d do it without the immunity and pay for the opportunity.


No…dressed like this.

What have we discussed about “judging”????


What have we discussed about “judging”????

Hey, the oompa loompas I have no problem with…but those dudes are FASHION DISASTERS.


However, don’t wear boxer shorts when robbing a bank. Trying to hold the front flap open, carry a gun and a bag of cash at the same time doesn’t work real well.

Not that I would know.


those dudes are FASHION DISASTERS.

Says the chick about to start her wardrobe of mumus and circus tents…


Says the chick about to start her wardrobe of mumus and circus tents…

Uh, actually she’s wearing maternity cut French Maid outfits and cheerleader uniforms.


I believe actor was out that day. He needs to see the teacher after class to get the notes. Hey, VS: do you have a maternity schoolteacher outfit?


actor, I’ll have you know I’ve been getting super-cute maternity sweaters and such. I plan to remain cute thru this thing!

“Uh, actually she’s wearing maternity cut French Maid outfits and cheerleader uniforms.”

Those are just for my appointments.


Without a glimmer of self-awareness or shadow of self-doubt, he blames the libs.

For what? It’s rugged individualism at its finest. And golly gee, like someone said during the health care debate, isn’t so exciting to live like this? Think of the satisfaction they must derive from all the manly energy they put into making lemonade out of life’s lemons. With “The Eye of the Tiger” playing in the background.


“I believe actor was out that day. He needs to see the teacher after class to get the notes. Hey, VS: do you have a maternity schoolteacher outfit?”

No, but i do like to wear my hair in a bun, then dramatically remove a pencil from it and shake it out sexily.


Uh, actually she’s wearing maternity cut French Maid outfits and cheerleader uniforms.

Yes, and you hang fourteen inches, and TinTin is really in Tom of Belgium films, and Whale Chowder’s mom is a virgin.

You believe everything you read on the Internet?


Soryy bout that.

Travels with Vikki in the Glorious State of the Golden Bear:

Yesterday, for example, I rode my bike by a stopped van just as the occupants tossed seven plastic bags of raw refuse onto the side of the road. I rode up near their bumper and said in my broken Spanish not to throw garbage onto the public road. But there were three of them, and one of me. So I was lucky to be sworn at only.

Vikki D. in biker shorts.

This is Spurta!!!1!!!


Whale Chowder’s mom is a virgin.

She is!

…for a price.


Think of the satisfaction they must derive from all the manly energy

What is with the right with all their butchness? I was watching a show on the start of the Third Reich and they were showing some early Nazi propaganda with lots of healthy young men in tight tee shirts and shorts, being all manly around each other. Not much attention paid to the women. Starting to sound more and more familiar.


Governor Schwarznegger? (Yeah… you know what that means in German, right?)

Black plowman? (Schwarzen-egger) (scroll down a bit)


VD Hanson is such a pompous ass. You can just hear the condescension dripping from his writing. He should be pissing on the grave of Howard Jarvis if he is so concerned about California’s bad infrastructure.



Time to throw a curveball into the thread. Here is my favorite history joke.

Scene: Post-WW2 Berlin. An elderly Russina man and his wife being interviewed by a re-settlement officer….

Officer: Where were you born?

Man: I was born in St. Petersburg, your honor.

Officer: Where were you married?

Man: We were married in Petrograd, your honor.

Officer: Where were you living when the war broke out?

Man: We were living in Leningrad, your honor.

Officer: Where would you like to return to?

Man: St. Petersburg, your honor.

You think that curveball was wicked? You should see my hard slider! [That should provoke some ribaldry…]


I rode up near their bumper and said in my broken Spanish not to throw garbage onto the public road. But there were three of them, and one of me. So I was lucky to be sworn at only.

Oh yeah, cause those Messkins, they’ll shoot ya as soon as look at ya.


Here is my favorite history joke.

Veni, Vedi, Lulzi!


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