From the Department of BWAAH-HAA-HAAAA!!!
Posted on July 29th, 2006 by Brad
Here’s the latest super-awesome right-wing t-shirt:
Nuclear genocide: it’s what’s for dinner.
Here’s the latest super-awesome right-wing t-shirt:
Nuclear genocide: it’s what’s for dinner.
(comments are closed)
Gosh, they’re so goddamned witty over there. It’s getting to the point where we’re going to have to confine Americans to a special section of the intertubes just to prevent international diplomatic incidents.
Y’think this means they’ve given up on the whole “bringing freedom to the Iraqis” thing?
If wonder if this means they don’t know where Mecca is. Or what the word “ally” means.
Freedom from this mortal coil is the freest freedom of all, man.
Thank you, Mr. Mordant, for saying what needed to be said.
But the same doesn’t apply for stem cells. Just remember that.
Oh, Brad, you’re so transparent. It’s obvious you’re just posting that tee shirt to distract us from the fact that you made an anti-rightwing tee shirt of your own that the wingnuts used to distract their readers from their own teeshirts that you show to *your* readers that….wait…I mean…I….oh, never mind.
A part of me wishes that they would get what they want – only so the resulting shitstorm would have them swimming in the blood of those close to them. Then I could go BWWWWWAAAAAH-HAAAAA-HAAAAAAA!1!!!!1 as they suffer. Of course, too many innocent people would suffer as well.
Really, can the culture war turn hot sometime soon so these fucks can be dealt with? America is sitting complacent and relatively (key word) unscathed while American policy is murdering scores of people. It’s time for some pain to really come home to the South. Where is Sherman when you need to teach some rednecks the meaning of collective punishment???
The fact that the T shirt says “Mecca” — a religious and cultural target — instead of something like Sadr City or Nablus — poltical targets — speaks volumes.
What is it with these guys?
I can understand a political fight. I can understand regional border disputes. I can understand war over tariffs and barricaded harbors; about one side advocating laws that would destroy the other sides economy. The Rulers use their subjects to kill each other to settle these arguments, and when its over some eventual compromise is made.
But for these people, this isn’t about who is going to govern whom, this is about designating a certain group of people as “the enemy” and then killing them, rejoicing in it, joking about it. I mean, seriously, that shirt is about obliterating the sacred site of a world religion, for fun. I don’t understand it. I truly, truly don’t understand it.
Check the other Tshirts out at the link. Can you imagine the kind of person who would wear an Ann Coulter portrait and quote? Are these people STILL hating the French? What’s wrong with them?
Really, can the culture war turn hot sometime soon so these fucks can be dealt with? America is sitting complacent and relatively (key word) unscathed while American policy is murdering scores of people. It’s time for some pain to really come home to the South. Where is Sherman when you need to teach some rednecks the meaning of collective punishment???
Uh, dude, don’t blame people in the South. Bush is a Connecticutt product, after all…
Oh, jeez, I’ll be receiving that pathetic attempt at humor in an email from my wingnut former friend, fer sure. “Real funny, please read and pass along.”
Oh, and boycott those Muslim “Christmas stamps”.
“the kind of rudimentary sense of humor that finds feeding firecrackers wrapped in bread to seagulls endlessly amusing” – Stephen King. (The writer said that, not the asshole congressman, Steve King. Being from Iowa, I’d like to apologize for that, by the way. But at least we have Senator Tom. Who is negated by Idiot Chuck Grassley… kind of like a married couple not voting because they just ‘cancel each other out’, huh? But I digress. Waaaaay too much coffee this morn.)
“Being from Iowa, I’d like to apologize for that, by the way.”
Being from Oklahoma I’d like to reassure you that relatively speaking you have nothing to apologize for when it comes to congressional representation.
Check the other Tshirts out at the link. Can you imagine the kind of person who would wear an Ann Coulter portrait and quote? Are these people STILL hating the French?
Good questions. I run into a fair number of obedient Americans who still think Bush’s war (which one? I dunno, take your pick) is being fought to “protect our way of life” from . . . someone. But I’ve never seen an actual, live human being wearing the ugly Coulter venom or ludicrous anti-French stuff on their T-shirts. American flag T-shirts? Yup. Support-our-troops magnets ironically affixed to their SUVs? Everywhere. But the winger stuff? Never. Really. I do live in a blue state, but in a fairly purple area, so . . . who wears this stuff?
But the winger stuff? Never. Really. I do live in a blue state, but in a fairly purple area, so . . . who wears this stuff?
You never see them because they never leave their houses.
***Being from Oklahoma I’d like to reassure you that relatively speaking you have nothing to apologize for when it comes to congressional representation. ***
I’ve been a bit touchy lately, on account of every time I pick up the paper, Stevie Boy has a NEW CRAZY IDEA, like presenting to the House his model of the fence, complete with nice topping of electric wire, that he wants to build along the border of Mexico. Shorter Steve King: “It ain’t that bad, we use electric fence for livestock all the time!”
I’m gonna move back to Seattle, even if they’ve just taken a giant step backwards on gay rights.
But Steve King is one guy. Oklahoma’s entire delegation consists of full on loonies. Say what you will about Nickles and Boren (I did and do) but at least they usually had the bearing of actual statesmen.
I’ll list the names just to make everyone shudder. Here but for the grace of FSM go you (in order of ascending insanity):
The words fucking disgusting do not do this piece of shit justice.
WtF is it with these people? Don’t they realize why the nuke has only been used TWICE as an offensive weapon in the past 61 years? Don’t they realize it kills thousands of people initially and then leaves many more to die both from radiation poisoning and the inability to provide adequate medical care/food supplies due to the complete destruction of infrastructure? Haven’t they seen the pictures of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with old men, children and women having melted faces, horrible burns, vomiting blood and hair coming off in patches?
If these bastards ever have there way, I will personally frog march every last one of them past Mecca (or Damascus or wherever they playfully advocate genocide) fallout be damned and make them face the fucked up abomination they advocate.
Thanks, I do feel better now! And Nussle has left Congress to run for governor, and I have pretty good hope he’ll lose that race to Chet Culver. So we could have a Dem to replace him in the House. Boswell, who is almost but not quite a Joe Lieberman Dem, is still better than the alternative, and has incumbancy on his side. Yes, I do feel more hopeful. And one of our Repubs, Leach, is at least ‘moderate’…
Inhofe…….. *shudders*
Thanks, GoatBoy! And my sympathies…
Thanks, GoatBoy!
Coburn makes Inhofe look like Thomas Jefferson.
You’re right Brad, it’s not just the South. I’m starting to agree with Mal de Mer – America fucking sucks. The Israeli’s just may be onto something – if the people of the US tolerate Bush speaking in their name, if they tolerate the type of people that make T-shirts like this, then the people of the US should be held accountable. America will be hated, and with good reason. I for one will be laughing the next time America gets the shit knocked out of it. The US can’t fall fast enough for my tastes.
I’ll have to get a T-Shirt that asks the question “Have you spit on an American lately?”. It would be a big hit here in Canada, and I’m sure it would do well all over the world.
A little more about wingnut obsession with France — about 2 weeks ago, I had a close encounter with a Road Rager. Stopped at a red ight, it’s 5:30 in the morning, and this idiot in a black pickup truck in the lane next to me was yelling at the driver in front of him “Hey asshole! Why don’t you get out of my way?” and other pleasantries. Sprinkled among the stream of invectives was “Hey, are you from FRANCE? Go back to France, asshole!”
Nothing, I might add, about the other driver gave any indication that they were French, foreign, liberal, or anything other than typically American.
HAve these idiots been nursing a hatred of France in their breasts for going on 5 years, just because that nation opposed a UN resolution of ours?
I can see where Xeroman is coming from, but I’m still not prepared to cast my net that wide. What about our yank homies on the blogosphere, trying very hard to fight the good fight and restore a proper progressive attitude to the US? I wouldn’t be pleased if anything to any of them, I can tell you.
‘Course, my attitude may be coloured by the fact that I’m very much in love with an American woman, mind you she IS very keen to get the hell out of dodge and move up here with me at the earliest opportunities.
French men have a reuptation in the U.S. for being cultured, effete, slim and handy with the ladies. It makes sense that rednecks would hate their polar opposites, non?
I for one will be laughing the next time America gets the shit knocked out of it. The US can’t fall fast enough for my tastes.
I have a rule that goes like this: it’s wrong to say that innocent civilians should pay for the actions of their governments. Even if they voted for them.
“mind you she IS very keen to get the hell out of dodge and move up here with me at the earliest opportunities.”
I’ve said it before: if Canada relaxed their restrictions on immigration and citizenship for Americans they’d eclipse the U.S. in 10 years. Hell, I’d be willing to put in five years’ labor on beefing up the infrastructure such an influx would require for the chance to live somewhere relatively sane until the midwives greet the bridegroom.
Just don’t pull any mean tricks like making us all reside in Alberta.
If they nuke Saudi Arabia, where’s all the gas to power their gas guzzling SUVs going to come from?
We’ve been wanting to move to Vancouver for ages, but I’m really concerned that it’s not going to be far enough away from the States if and when all hell breaks loose … I’m starting to think South America might be a better idea.
I lurve pomme d’terre frites, btw. What’s that you say? Freedom Fries? Yuck!
(I prolly spelled that wrong… college French was quite a while back…)
The largest non-nuclear explosion that has ever been detonated on the face of the Earth was on Oct. 23, 1983 in the suicide bombing attack of the Beirut barracks of the US Marines that Killed 241 Americans.
The driver of the truck bomb was from Iran.
The largest non-nuclear explosion that has ever been detonated on the face of the Earth was on Oct. 23, 1983 in the suicide bombing attack of the Beirut barracks of the US Marines that Killed 241 Americans.
The driver of the truck bomb was from Iran.
Um . . . non sequitur much?
There is no place on earth you can go to escape Islamic terror. It strikes every continent.
You mention South America as a safe haven. Well, I have been to Brazil and Argentina. Buenos Aires is the most beautiful large city I have ever seen in my life. I love it, for many reasons. But certainly you must be aware that in 1982 Hezbollah blew up the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 29 and wounding over 200; and two years later blew up a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, killing 85 and injuring over 250?
Not only is it a non sequitur, it’s also apparently not true. Move along, Jose, Gary Ruppert’s working this side of the street.
“The largest non-nuclear explosion that has ever been detonated on the face of the Earth was on Oct. 23, 1983 ”
Fact check that one, please?
Largest by what measure?
“The driver of the truck bomb was from Iran.”
Which means…..?
Horrors!! I bet he was also Muslim! Was he also gay? Believed in evolution? Supported gun control? Ate food on the streets? Allowed his wife to work out of the home? Supported a woman’s right to choose? Listened to gangsta rap?
“you must be aware that in 1982 Hezbollah blew up…”
That’s right, Candy. You can never be safe in the continent of South America, because 24 years ago, a terrorist organization blew up a building in one of the countries there.
Joe Chung doesn’t even measure up to Gary Ruppert’s standards as a troll.
Weirdest bumper sticker I’ve seen lately: “Send liberals to Afghanistan.” Uh, I thought we mission-accomplished there and turned Afghanistan into some sort of paradise?
“There is no place on earth you can go to escape Islamic terror. It strikes every continent.”
It’s also a fact that there is no place on earth you can go to escape telemarketers.
You misunderstood me, Jose. I am not in the least scared of the “terrorists”, unless you mean the terrorist fascist neocons. I believe it is possible that Uncle Dick and his puppet George are not going to cede power, and that we are well and truly on the way to dictatorship (Dicktatorship?), in this country.
I used to laugh at conspiracy theorists. i don’t think it’s so funny, anymore, when we have Brown & Root and Halliburton and secret prisons being constructed in the good ol’ USA.
Hell, if this country is going to turn back into a place where I can’t make biological decisions involving my own body, I might as well put on the bourka now. Baptists would probably really freakin’ dig it if they could get some form of Taliban type laws into effect for women.
And I was more thinking of Venezuela.
Ahh, Brad, c’mon. It’s Saturday morning. It’s actually pleasantly warm today, as opposed to the oven-blasted heat of the last two weeks out here on the coast. I’ve got a nice day planned, and a date with an intelligent and thoughtful woman tonight. And here you go, trying to make me start sputtering and cursing and flinging poo in all directions. Nope. Not gonna do it. Wouldn’t be prudent.
Ok, nice and calm now, let me speak to the children. The ones who have not yet learned hatred and prejudice at the knee of their parents. The ones that, unlike that un piece du merde Jose, (did I get that right?) have an opportunity to grow up in peace and prosperity. *AHEM* Look, kiddies. Don’t believe them when they say war solves problems. It doesn’t. People die, get hurt, lose their homes, their lives and their histories. The winning army doesn’t win, and the losing army also loses. And the place the war is fought? Ruined for a generation, more if they actually were to use nuclear weapons. For millenia, leaders have told young men that there is glory in war, that you must prove yourself in the crucible of battle. These are lies of the most foul variety. They are inspiring you to go give up your innocence, your lives and your health to serve their agenda. They are creating a false enemy, so they can create this breathless, nightmare fear in the people. A fear you can see and smell, dripping and pouring off Jose Chung, a fear that some muslim is going to kill a few Americans if we don’t kill millions of them first. Lies.
War is the great lie. For thousands of years, humans have sought to better their lives or change their conditions by waging war. In a few cases it has been justified. In most, it is a tragic waste of lives and treasure for the benefit of the ruling elite, who, at least in earlier times had to lead the army into battle.
Just listen to these evil people when they encourage war, when they tell you the best solution to any problem is to kill. Listen and think. Can it possibly be so? Will America really be better off starting and engaging in more war, more killing, more destruction of lives and legacies? Will Israel? If we try real hard, can we possibly come up with a wiser path?
I’ll have to get a T-Shirt that asks the question “Have you spit on an American lately?�
One size XXL black, please.
Welllll now. The truck driver was Iranian, you say? So, then, we should immediatly invade teh Iran, you insinuate?
Ruh-Roh, Scooby.
Anyways; conservative : witty humor :: Neitherlands : Fine Champainge
Baptists would probably really freakin’ dig it if they could get some form of Taliban type laws into effect for women
Some of them, yeah. Maybe most. I don’t know. But there’s at least some hope when an evangelical Baptist preacher loses only 20% of his mega-congregation for steadfastly refusing to promote the link between Jesus and W:
I know, I know, this sets the bar fairly low, but I’ll take my good news where I can find it.
Jose: The terrarists have never struck Antarctica! Ha! Maybe you should move there.
Well said, Mikey.
Yes. What Mikey said. Wilfred Owen got this one just right in 1918. Should be required reading for everyone, and I mean everyone.
I believe I did read something about some dissent in the ranks at the Southern Baptist convention, concerning backing a party that doesn’t follow Jesus’ teachings about taking care of the poor and sick. Or maybe I dreamed it. could be.
Christians who follow the teachings of Jesus would be so nice. Nuking Mecca? WWJD? I’m guessin’ turning the entire Islamic world into a smoking pile of radioctive rubble would not make it into Jesus’ day planner.
mikey, you have a pleasant day.
From Smiling Mortician’s link, a nurse commenting on victims of mustard gas:
“I wish those people who write so glibly about this being a holy war and the orators who talk so much about going on no matter how long the war lasts and what it may mean, could see a case–to say nothing of ten cases–of mustard gas in its early stages–could see the poor things burnt and blistered all over with great mustard-coloured suppurating blisters, with blind eyes . . . all sticky and stuck together, and always fighting for breath, with voices a mere whisper, saying that their throats are closing and they know they will choke.”
Plus ca change, plus le meme chose.
The above T-Shirt is merely further proof that the radical leftist loonies in the liberal blog fever swamp are unhinged dangerous bigoted moonbats who advocate violence against political opponents.
What? It does. It just does.
Having a verb tenses agree between sentences is a sign of affinity for limp-wristed, bloodless, ivory tower elite frenchness.
It is. It just is.
Personally, i think “moonbat” is kinda nice. I love the moon, and I really dig bats. A bat can eat its body weight in skeeters every night, which would make me love them even if they weren’t so freakin’ cute. So I wanna be a moonbat.
What’s the provenance of the moonbat thing, anyway? Is it just that we leftists, wallowing in our fever swamp, are loony? it’s not like the Rght to be cleverly creative in any way, so I imagine it’s just a variation of dingbat.
chauve-souris de la lune?
Has very little to do with the topic at hand, but I’m just using the current thread to point you guys to
a piece I found. Anthony Bourdain is pretty cool anyway, and he happened to be filming in Beirut when the bombs started falling…
Jose Chung is full of shit.
First, the drivers of the two trucks that hit the U.S. and French barracks were Abu Mazen and Abu Sijaan, members of a Lebanese extremist group. They weren’t from Iran.
Second, the trucks each contained 4,000 pounds of explosives. Compare that to the 5,000 pounds a certain homegrown terrorist packed into the Oklahoma City truckbomb — you know, the terrorist that the wingnuts never want to talk about because he wasn’t Muslim.
But the idea that either of these is the largest intentional non-nuclear explosion is also bonkers. Both the Minor Scale test, using 4,000 tons (not pounds), and the British Big Bang on Heligoland (also 4,000 tons).
The capacity of nutcases like Mr. Chung to make up shit to justify bombing other people is, quite simply, staggering
Umm, I didn’t finish that sentence:
Both the Minor Scale test, using 4,000 tons (not pounds), and the British Big Bang on Heligoland (also 4,000 tons) were larger
“Will there be bread?
Will there be water?
Will the power come back on?
Is my family OK?
Will I die today? ”
Ah, Mikey. Always it comes down to this. And yet, these people aren’t falling down Bush’s slippery slope of destroying human life for political gain, like those poor frozen embryos.
Nader Ajluni a Des Moines physician was in Lebanon when the bombs started falling. From the Des Moines Register: “Food and water supplies were adequate, which he attributed to the kindness of the Lebanese people. Some, including an Internet cafe owner, seemed more worried about the American family’s safety than their own, he said.”
I’d like to think that we in the US would be so worried about our Lebanese guests, in similar circumstances…
I’m still trying to figure out what “moonbat” is supposed to mean. I’ve heard that the term comes from a story in which it describes people living on the dark side of the moon. However, as far as I can tell, it was just something some libertarian dreamed up.
What’s it even mean? At least we can trace the etymology of “wingnut.”
Oklahoma delegation is teh scariest … came up today when I skewered Richard Viguerie. Coburn is his model senator – remember him? He’s a doctor who doesn’t believe condoms can prevent STD transmission.
***”At least we can trace the etymology of “wingnut.â€? ***
At least! 🙂
Wow, looks like Jose is almost Ruppert-esque … place the flaming bag of dog poo on the doorstep, ring the doorbell, then run like hell as it gets stomped out.
Mikey — good luck on your date. What ya got planned?
Ah man, this weekend is HOSED! Grand Prix has downtown San Jose all fucked up – roads closed, parking non-existant. South? Fugeddabout it – the Gilroy Garlic Fesival (used to be a fun little local event) has the freeways at full stop. Nice weekend on the coast – forget santa cruz and monterey. Nope – gonna go up to San Francisco, have a nice Thai dinner and hit a couple of the more grown-up clubs. None of that shouting over the BOOM – BOOM – ZIP – ZIP for me…
Sounds like fun. I get to stare at my computer for the next eight hours.
Could Jose Chung be a nom de plume for everyone’s favorite bat-poop-crazy wannabe-American, Adam Yoshida? Alls I’m saying . . . Asian last name, decidedly non-Asian first name . . . hyper-right-wing bleatings that make even shithouse rats look sane . . . you do the math.
Jose Chung said,
The largest non-nuclear explosion that has ever been detonated on the face of the Earth was on Oct. 23, 1983 in the suicide bombing attack of the Beirut barracks of the US Marines that Killed 241 Americans.
In case this is not too late…
My 1917 Halifax explosion (227 tonnes TNT and shitloads of picric acid) trumps your Beirut bombing! (even if they measured the quanities in effete dandified babe-magnet units like ‘tonne’).
Then Clif trumps my Halifax explosion with his Minor Scale and Big Bang tests. Curses. I’ve already been beaten by someone wearing baggier Pedantry Pants than mine.
Doug, you may have something there.
Well, Jose’s clearly a big chicken shit… took his toys and sub-standard factoids and ran away. Ah, well, I had a date to do laundry, so I’m gonna make like an amoeba and split.
Yes, Virginia, there are such things as amoebas, and they do split, even if you can’t see them and they aren’t specifically mentioned in the Bible.
Entretien à vous plus tard. Ayez une grande nuit !
I lurve the Babel Fish.
“they don’t know where Mecca is”
It’s on highway 86, just down the road from Thermal, on the northern shore of the Salton Sea.
Y’see, nuking Mecca will mean all those Muslims will stop being Muslims, just as demolishing the Temple in Jerusalem meant Judaism ceased to exist. Oh.
Hey! at least they aren’t burning the Saudi flag. THAT would be a real threat.
“someone wearing baggier Pedantry Pants than mine.”
Oh my. I love it.
Tigrismus got there first with the Wikipedia reference. But that’s unsporting. The equivalent of an entire pedantry wardrobe.
Seriously, anybody wearing that shirt is just begging to get their ass kicked.
‘Customers who bought this item also bought..’.
Ismalal Ascari, an Iranian, drove the 19-ton truck over the barbed wire fence around the barracks, past two guard posts, and into the center of the compound, according to a federal court order issued earlier this year in a case brought by relatives of the victims.
“The resulting explosion was the largest non-nuclear explosion that had ever been detonated on the face of the Earth,” the court order read. It was equal in force to between 15,000 and 21,000 pounds of TNT.
“I believe it is possible that Uncle Dick and his puppet George are not going to cede power, and that we are well and truly on the way to dictatorship (Dicktatorship?), in this country.”
I’m at a loss. Not going to “cede power?” You can’t be serious? I’m embarrassed for you that you would even entertain an idea that is so foolish. You’ve been listening to nuts and crackpots. Come back to the light.
“The driver of the truck bomb was from Iran.�
Which means…..?
Horrors!! I bet he was also Muslim! Was he also gay? Believed in evolution? Supported gun control? Ate food on the streets? Allowed his wife to work out of the home? Supported a woman’s right to choose? Listened to gangsta rap?
g, the fact that the suicide driver was an Iranian-born member of Hezbollah simply underscores the historical and proven connection between Hezbollah in Lebanon and its sponsorial father Iran.
Was he gay? Who knows? But that is one thing you don’t want to be, in the Muslim-Arab world, is gay. Next week in Israel a gay pride march was scheduled (now cancelled because of the war) that was expected to draw 300,000. You see, being gay in Israel is no problem, you can be open about it, you have equal-protection under the law, etc. But gays have no such freedoms in the Arab world.
Arab Muslims are anti-gay, anti-women’s rights, anti-reading (anything but the Koran), pro-gun, anti-abortion, anti-freedom in general, anti-free press, anti-drinking, anti-multiculturalism, etc.
If it wasn’t for the terrorism, liberals would hate them.
“Arab Muslims are anti-gay, anti-women’s rights, anti-reading (anything but the Koran), pro-gun, anti-abortion, anti-freedom in general, anti-free press, anti-drinking, anti-multiculturalism, etc. If it wasn’t for the terrorism, liberals would hate them.
If it wasn’t for the Koran, republicans would vote for them.
“The resulting explosion was the largest non-nuclear explosion that had ever been detonated on the face of the Earth,� the court order read. It was equal in force to between 15,000 and 21,000 pounds of TNT.
Hmm… A judge said it, so it must be true. Even though it’s plainly wrong, according to, you know, the facts. A review of the actual ruling shows that the court made its findings of fact, from which the above quote is taken, solely on the basis of materials submitted by the plaintiffs. (The name and nationality of the driver were obtained from the unchallenged testimony of a Hezbollah member calling himself “Mahmoud”; the fact that he was not cross-examined does not mean he was lying or wrong, but I did not see any corroboration mentioned as to that piece of his testimony. Other parts of his testimony were corroborated.)
So Jose, I guess we can excuse you for being misinformed, since the ultimate source for your “fact” was apparently misinformed. But I hope you would agree that it is incumbent on every reasonable person to try to correct such misinformation, and to avoid using it to support some further point?
“If it wasn’t for the terrorism, liberals would hate them. ”
See, this sentance is where Jose illuminates the right-wing world-view. In his world, you have to hate someone.
Acutally, Jose, liberals don’t make a practice of singling out entire categories of people to hate. You guys, on the right, do that. You guys decide that certain people – Muslims, gays, liberals, judges, whatever – all believe and all act the same way for the same reasons, consistently, and that alliances and support of certain positions, opposition to certain actions all stem from that same monolithic categorization. You think liberals act that way, because you guys act that way, and you can’t imagine any other way to think.
So, Jose, your thinking goes like this: The “fact” (debunked, actually, above) that a bomb-setting truck driver was born in a certain nation means that all people born in that nation share his views.
Another Jose belief? – The “fact” that liberals don’t believe people born in that nation should be bombed into pulp means that liberals support the setting of bombs.
Another example of Jose’s logical thinking? – The political motivation of the bomb-setting truck driver 24 years ago is exactly the same as the motivations of combatants now – despite the fact that the world has changed 9horribly, in that region). Funny, too — the same gang that says “9/11 changed everything!” seems to think it only changed it for them; that other people’s thinking is static.
Good line.
See, this sentance is where Jose illuminates the right-wing world-view. In his world, you have to hate someone. (COMMENT: Those on the Right hate evil; those on the Left hate those who hate evil.)
Acutally, Jose, liberals don’t make a practice of singling out entire categories of people to hate. (COMMENT: Howard Dean: “I hate Republicans and everything they stand for.”
“But I hope you would agree that it is incumbent on every reasonable person to try to correct such misinformation, and to avoid using it to support some further point?” (posted by Dan Someone)
I agree wholeheartedly.
Jose. You’re an idiot. Try this. I am a liberal. In every sense of the word. I am VERY anti-war. Not anti-iraq-war. Not anti-waronterror-war. Anti war. Now, here’s the part you have to try real hard to get your tiny brain to grasp. I am against america killing iraqis. I am against israelis killing palestinians. I am against sunnis killing shi’a. I am against palestinians killing israelis. I am against indians killing pakistanis. I am against russians killing chechnyans. I am against sudanese killing sudanese. I am against tamil rebels. I am against indonesian rebels. I am against nigerian rebels. I believe there are lots of people in the world who have a real, genuine complaint that the world, if it truly cared, would help them address politically. Powerless, hopeless, they fight. I don’t condone it, but I understand it.
Now, given that information, can you really develop a construct whereby I support terrorism and evil? I mean, that’s objectively stupid. You’d have to have no self-respect to even put it forward in public discourse. I submit that it is the republicans and the neo-cons that do a great deal more to support evil and terrorism, in it’s true definition, than liberals ever have, or ever will. Dood, if bombing dirt-poor families from f-16s isn’t evil AND terrorism, you simply ain’t paying attention…
Explosion trivia!
The manifest for the Mont Blanc which exploded in Halifax in 1917.
At 9:04:35 Mont-Blanc exploded with a force stronger than any manmade explosion before it.
The steel hull burst sky-high, falling in a blizzard of red-hot, twisted projectiles on Dartmouth and Halifax.
Some pieces were tiny; others were huge. Part of the anchor hit the ground more than 4 kilometers away on the far side of Northwest Arm. A gun barrel landed in Dartmouth more than 5 kilometers from the harbour.
After the Blast
The explosion sent a white cloud billowing 20,000 feet above the city.
For almost two square kilometers around Pier 6, nothing was left standing. The blast obliterated most of Richmond: homes, apartments and business, even the towering sugar refinery.
On the Dartmouth side, Tuft’s Cove took the brunt of the blast. The small Mi’kmaq settlement of Turtle Grove was obliterated.
More than 1500 people were killed outright; hundreds more would die in the hours and days to come. Nine thousand people, many of whom might have been safe if they hadn’t come to watch the fire, were injured by the blast, falling buildings and flying shards of glass.
And it wasn’t over yet.
Within minutes the dazed survivors were awash in water. The blast provoked a tsunami [?] that washed up as high as 18 meters above the harbour’s high-water mark on the Halifax side.
People blown off their feet by the explosion now hung on for their lives as water rushed over the shoreline, through the dockyard and beyond Campbell Road (now Barrington Street).
The tsunami lifted Imo onto the Dartmouth shore. The ship stayed there until spring.
“Those on the Right hate evil”
Oh, please. You LOVE evil as long as it furthers your goal. Witness the efforts of Tom Delay on working conditions in the Marianas. Witness Ralph Reeds support of gambling — for his clients. Witness the unspeakable torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. IDo you approve of water-boarding? f that’s not evil, what is?
[…] Og Mellemøsten, den kan sat’me bare fÃ¥ et lag atombomber. Vi advarer pÃ¥ dansk, svensk og urdu 12 timer i forvejen, sÃ¥ ikke-muslimer kan nÃ¥ at flygte. Dem, der sÃ¥ er tilbage, er det kun fordi, de havde en hemmelig trang til at konvertere, sÃ¥ de er selv ude om det. […]
No X-Files fans here?
“There is no place on earth you can go to escape Islamic terror. It strikes every continent.�
Including Antarctica?
As an American Muslim my only conclusion is that this sort of behavior is not only idiotic but a shallow attempt at promoting hatred and burning bridges. It may make me a bit angry at first but at the end of the day I’m not the one choking on my own hatred.