Another Reason Not To Hire Col. Mustard As Your Lawyer

Above: \Will-i-a-m Ja-c-ob-s-on\ n. 1. Birther. 2. Teabagger. 3. Col. Mustard. 4. Buttmunch.
5. Diploma-er. 6. Second Worst Law Professor in America™

Shorter Col. Mustard, L-eg-a-l I-ns-u-r-erec-t-i-le D-ysf-u-nc-ti-on
Mosques Attacked Again, Stop The Hate

  • Somebody blew up a mosque in Pakistan, so I really don’t see the big deal if we blow up a few here.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 113


That’s a funny-looking light saber he’s holding.


No comment on the content. Just wanted to state that the picture made me laugh.


I swear to god that there is an affirmative action program for brain dead conservatives at America’s law schools. Either that or they have absolutely no academic standards in hiring.


I love the first comment for the article. Not only does the author have no clue how most Muslims view the Saudi royalty, he also adds the whole best Arab, as viewed by Westerners, line. High comedy. ‘Grond Qero’ ??? must be code for a domestic terrorist attack in Chelsea.


Hitler killed a few Jews in Germany, so it’s OK to kill a few here, would be the equivalency.


That’s a funny-looking light saber he’s holding

It’s continued from last Photoshop.


\?l?-g?l\ \?in(t)-s?-?rek-sh?n\: “a rising up against established authority; rebellion; revolt” “in conformity with or permitted by law”

Funny, from the blog content I would have guessed “mindlessly slurping for the authoritarians”.


I LOVE this mango!

“I’m not sure why we should expect world outrage when it seems no cartoons were drawn and no korans were flushed. “Firsters,” (As I call those who reflexively blame America and Israel first for all the world’s ills), will once again conveniently ignore this. I had an impromptu debate at work with an otherwise highly intelligent woman recently. After saying we had much more to fear from conservative Christians in this country, she pulled out the abortion-clinic bombing eqivalency card. When I politely pointed out that there had been something like six or seven abortion doctors murdered over the past 35 years or so and that that total would mark a very slow day in the muslim terror world, she, unable to answer, sputtered something about “Fox News” and stormed off. At times like this, I’m almost glad I’m not a Jew, because talking to young, (again, often otherwise intelligent young people) I get a feeling of complete and very disturbing disbelief at their firmly held, yet completely ridiculous views on this subject.”


Rally to restore sanity signs:

Fourth one down


I swear to god that there is an affirmative action program for brain dead conservatives at America’s law schools.

I’ve spoken to my lawyer father about this, and apparently it’s not uncommon to see crazy people teaching law. These tend to be the people who were too unstable to get work at a decent law firm.


I get a feeling of complete and very disturbing disbelief at their firmly held, yet completely ridiculous views…

That’s strange. I get feelings of complete and very disturbing disbelief at the firmly held, yet completely ridiculous views of the douchebag who wrote the post about how disturbed he is by the views of non-douchebags.


My contribution. Let’s see how long that one lasts…


Fuckin daylight savings time — how does it work?


VS, thank you for that delicious slice of mango. I guess I’ll go give myself cholera by wading through the dung-muddled fever swamp.


Bastard! That was a slice of imported mango. I’m beshitten for naught. Unless having my core temperature drop fifteen degrees from the sheer pseudo-legal, “we care deeply and ethically” hauteur over there.


…Unless something something something. Sentence fragment. Dammit.


William A. Jacobson said…

@SirCraig – nice try, via your SadlyNo masters. This post doesn’t rationalize violence anywhere, but points out the hypocrisy of those who are silent in the face of violence abroad.

Maybe the point is that no amount of outrage or condemnation by anyone would affect religious and/or sectarian violence in places like Pakistan, so, what’s the point?


“Fourth one down”

explain, please? I am ilcuturate.


In more news about the ridiculously violent conquering of major areas of Mexico by the narco-paramilitaries, Mexican forces killed the leader of the largest drug army (“Tony Tormenta”, or Tony the Storm) in Tamaulipas state (which borders the Gulf of Mexico and thus called themselves Los Golfos), and in response, the rival narco-death squads took out billboards bragging that the coward traitors were now gone.

Fighting then spread to 10 other cities.

In response we must keep all narcotics and weed fully illegal, so as to preserve their profit motives, and to keep Texas gun dealers and the nation’s private prison industry raking in the cash.


When I politely pointed out that there had been something like six or seven abortion doctors murdered over the past 35 years or so and that that total would mark a very slow day in the muslim terror world, she, unable to answer, sputtered something about “Fox News” and stormed off.

Yep, cuz it’s not terrorism if a body bag isn’t filled.

And Billy, if you’re just going by body-count, don’t worry. Your team is WAY up on that score.


The fourth picture on the website: The guy has a big sign that is just the ‘image error’ icon. The way I read it is ‘We’ve got a glitch in the system. That’s not the America you should be seeing’.


This is one of those blog articles that is so freaking dog-whistle, I don’t even really get it.

I’m guessing the implication is – “See what violent dicks they are? Therefore they suck -> any violent shit we do to them is cool -> let’s deny their rights in the US and blow any of their overseas shit or people that could be on top of our oil”.

But it isn’t even that clear, it’s all so deep implied. I’m really only guessing.

It’s like a story based on Star Wars, where only the true believers in Boba Fett can understand the significance of Life Day. And to everyone it’s a particularly crazy and sad TV special that was an early sign of the crass commercial hackness that would years later doom the entire universe to Shit Street of Hacksville.


Hey, you take that back!

The Star Wars Holiday Special is a masterpiece! Where’s you LIfe Day spirit?


“your” LIfe Day Spirit, rather.


Illiteracy is a harsh mistress.


I’ve spoken to my lawyer father about this, and apparently it’s not uncommon to see crazy people teaching law. These tend to be the people who were too unstable to get work at a decent law firm.

Crazier than in-house corporate lawyers?

This post doesn’t rationalize violence anywhere, but points out the hypocrisy of those who are silent in the face of violence abroad.

Pacifists and international human rights organizations are always right-wing. Besides which, he’s not speaking out against it, he’s gloating that it happened abroad because American exceptionalism!!!, which frankly makes him worse than the silent strawmen.


shit, you started a new thread…..


My contribution. Let’s see how long that one lasts…

still there, but he has noted that your secret instructions from SN HQ have been revealed…



“Firsters” looks like “fisters.”



This post doesn’t rationalize violence anywhere, but points out the hypocrisy of those who are silent in the face of violence abroad.

D’oh. I forgot that that failure to boot up WordPress in response to a tragic event that some other guy has selected out of a hat as a Super Symbolic Case in Point was a sign of a larger character flaw.

World outrage to follow.

Snarky one-liner at the end! Now I know the concern is for realz!


re: The douche who lied about the “otherwise intelligent” lib storming off… Let’s examine his logic shall we? So, he’s comparing several terrorist attacks on 360 million people to (BTW dozens and dozens…NOT FUCKING FIVE) terrorist attacks on doctors and clinics? There are millions of people in the US. There are not 360 million abortion clinics. I’m sure if you put the statistics in context, the amount of violence and terrorist attacks perpetrated against doctors and clinics (everything ranging from murder to anthrax attacks) is pretty stunning.


Not to mention the fact that stalking patients and doctors and clinic workers is a form of terrorism. They post these people’s license plate numbers online, not to mention their addresses. And, as far as I’m concerned, harassing someone for getting a fucking medical procedure is as close to terrorism you can get without actual violence. Killing people is secondary. The point is to create a climate of fear.

Oh, and it totally works, by the way.


I blame Muslim women for failing to observe the universal need to wear clothes which enhance the hourglassity of their bodies in order to please their men.

Rude fucking bitches. If only the could read Smeagol Alkon.


Stop talking about abortion when you’re preggers. It makes Jesus want to do ironic things. IRONIC THINGS.

Not entirely off-topic, the conventional whizdom that the election was a rebuke to Democrats for moving so far to the left seems to have been set in stone. So that’s the historical record. Here are some things the teabaggers will demand payback on, and which I expect to be under attack within the next few weeks:

1. reproductive rights
2. freedom from religion
3. ?????
4. taxes

Obv not necessarily in that order. But religious nuts clearly got shown the door during the Bush years, and they were pissed off enough not to mobilize against Obama. This time they turned out. Message received. It’s time for payback on social issues.

This is actually perfect for teh corporate overlords, because while we spend all our energy trying to defend the most rudimentary civil rights against a religiofascist takeover, they can secure absolute freedom from restrictions of any kind for multinational corporations.

It will be fun.


Not entirely off-topic, the conventional whizdom that the election was a rebuke to Democrats for moving so far to the left seems to have been set in stone

Nasty Democratses just need to dress hotter.


1. reproductive rights
2. freedom from religion
3. ?????
4. taxes

Obv not necessarily in that order.

Spengler, I think they’re starting on the poor first. I’ve seen multiple seemingly serious Rethugs talking about how great it’s going to be to get rid of Social Security, welfare, and Medicaid.


Not entirely off-topic, the conventional whizdom that the election was a rebuke to Democrats for moving so far to the left seems to have been set in stone

That train’s been steaming down the track ever since Unicorns and Magic Ponies didn’t materialize across the USA on January 21, 2009.

One nation, controlled by the media…


Spengler, I think they’re starting on the poor first. I’ve seen multiple seemingly serious Rethugs talking about how great it’s going to be to get rid of Social Security, welfare, and Medicaid.

You’ll be hearing it from Fred Hiatt and company soon enough.

All hail the Catfood Commission!



I feel so dirty.


I thought Firsters were those annoying people who always have to post the first comment on a new thread, usually something insightful like “FIRST!” or god help us, “Frist”.


I thought Firsters were people who ignored the Alphonse-and-Gaston phase of sex and insisted on having their own orgasms first.

Teh Catfood Commission

Catfood? Hell no, that shit’s expensive. We are unveiling a new nutritious source of food for the poor made from soy – it even comes in fun colors!

The Republican Party

@ITTDGY: Jan. 21? Nigga, please. Maybe some RINOs took that long. Us true believers had already been fucking that horse since November.


I worry about what the nuts will do when they don’t get their ponies and unicorns. Another OKC more than likely.


It’s like a story based on Star Wars, where only the true believers in Boba Fett can understand the significance of Life Day. And to everyone it’s a particularly crazy and sad TV special that was an early sign of the crass commercial hackness that would years later doom the entire universe to Shit Street of Hacksville.


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist




FYWP for eating my initial comment.

One nation, underfoot…One nation, underwater…One nation, under surveillance…One nation, underfed…One nation, underpaid…One nation, under guard…One nation, under arrest…

Got outta the boat to check out SirCraig’s retort. Nice work, pulled Billybot out of his hole for some more puke spewing. High 5, bro!
Looks like Chris imbued some rationality over there, too. Great bunch o’ folks over here.

I think the last unemployment check the 99ers get should be spent on a firearm and ammo. That’s my projected plan, if it gets to that juncture. Desparate times, desparate measures, etc. The average amount should cover that, and, well, it’s a sound investment in a secure future. I’m sure the compassionate conservatives will see it that way, especially when you show them your level of committment to social justice in their compassionate society. Domestic terrorism- I don’t think it means what they think it means.


Disclaimer; that last message imbuing rationality wasn’t me. I approve its content, however.


Cancel that, actually no, I don’t. The post is quite clearly criticizing a world that blames America and Israel for their crimes while refusing to blame al-Qaeda & co. for theirs.

So the post isn’t ambiguous. It’s just bullshit. World outrage has followed; it’s been following for years and years in the form of a war in Afghanistan and global efforts by police and intelligence agencies to bring down the Salafist terrorists that commit this violence. Like most conservatives, Colonel Mustard is finding personal vindication by making a glorious stand against something that doesn’t exist.


vacuumslayer said,

November 7, 2010 at 18:47


PS–Did I leave anyone out?

I’d like a kitten, plz.


Why do I bother spending the money on spray paint and paper bags, when I could just get out of the boat for free?


One wonders how Col. Mustard gauges the outrage out there in the world. Perhaps he reads the Pakistani papers, especially those printed in Urdu. Surely he monitors the media in India, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and elsewhere. Should I question his ability to keep up on “world outrage” between blogging, allegedly teaching and doing whatever wetsuit thing he surely does? Or shall I take it on faith that he has the pulse of the entire world from his whingnut bunker in Ithaca?


You guys are giving out orders now?

Where’s mine? What am I, chopped liver?


Where’s mine? What am I, chopped liver?

I don’t supposed anyone has trolled Adam Yoshida in a while.

If you’re looking to help around the house, and such as.


“I’d like a kitten, plz.”

A kitten you shall have!


Given the choice between Adam Y and a kitteh, I’d choose the kitteh. Much smarter.


Or shall I take it on faith that he has the pulse of the entire world from his whingnut bunker in Ithaca?

Christ, he doesn’t even know what they’re saying at the bottom of the gorge.


Chris, apologies offered herewith. I shouldn’t juggle care for the Li’l Creaturette and reading various bleatings of lunatics. Focus dispertion has its disadvantages, evidently. After further perusal, the post in question does leave a lot to be desired in the area of objectivity. I’d go back to school, but, the baby…

VS, you can talk about abortion while pregnant. The pre-born citizen will hear (and READ) your views and thank you later for not implementing your legal right to commit legal homicide. Makes for a good argument later when the little whipper gets all uppity and rebellious- ‘I coulda had a doctor get rid of you, instead of havin’ to do it myself, now!’ Both my other kids made to adulthood, the oldest is real grateful I didn’t throw him off the roof like I wanted to, that one time…damn, another diaper! Man, that’s a lotta poop!


Being pregnant, if anything, has even made me more pro-choice. Because this has mostly been a joyful, wanted thing. Not everyone is so lucky. So yeah. I’m even more rabidly pro-choice now. Suck on that, fetus-huggers.


… she, unable to answer, sputtered something about “Fox News” …

In other words he was so absorbed with the wonderfulness of his “argument” comparing Abortion Clinic bombings/murders with Islamic terrorism, he did not hear much of she said in response. And couldn’t understand her comments anyway.


Well, it’s so obviously a lie and classic conservative projection. Running off in a huff and muttering something about Fox News is their game.


That train’s been steaming down the track ever since Unicorns and Magic Ponies didn’t materialize across the USA on January 21, 2009.

Actually, it has been going around since Nixon beat McGovern.


“Disclaimer; that last message imbuing rationality wasn’t me. I approve its content, however.”

It was me. My name is Chris, and so when I used Google to comment there, that’s what you saw.





On a completely unrelated note, I was just in a Los Angeles frogurt joint, and picked up a local Jewish-oriented weekly. Apparently the well known Dennis Prager – – had written an article the previous week saying that people are not “basically good”. This edition, he was answering the critical mail – and basically calling everyone wrong without showing their arguments or evidence.

The most mind-bending part for me was one respondent who had apparently found a specific point in the Torah where God said “all human beings are of intrinsic value”. Prager said that didn’t mean people were basically good.

How can something be of value, without being good for something?

So, to sum up, I think this is a perfect illustration of how may conservatives think that all people are shits and attempt to prove it by their personal examples; and then think this proves they are still gooder than everyone else who’s dumb enough to believe in goodery. Which is why they’re going to heaven.


Just googled the original shitty article here:

And Prager’s response to those who dared criticize his original thesis:

Just offering mangoes. Feel free to walk on by the cart.


hat train’s been steaming down the track ever since Unicorns and Magic Ponies didn’t materialize across the USA on January 21, 2009.

Actually, it has been going around since Nixon beat McGovern.

Back in the 80s, there still were journalists who would type out the facts: Ronald Reagan was a near-senile, lying hypocrite.

But the people loved the spectacle, the debacle of 20% interest rates that resulted from the policies of Nixon and Ford was blamed on Jimmy Carter, and…

Pinch Sulzberger inherited the NYT and Donald Graham inherited the WaPoop and there’s your ballgame.


In my post as “Chris” at Jacobson’s place, I hoped to draw him out. But I bet he’s too Glenn Reynoldsy for that.

Even after years of listening, I still do not hear dogwhistles as well as the dogs, or benevolent beastmasters like Chris of evident S,N! fame.

Chris at 20:53 does a fine job. But dogwhistlin’ depends on ambiguity, no doubt about that. Roughly: it requires multiple audiences, plausible deniability, and a general steadfastness about not explaining what points where. So I was foolish to think that by exaggerating my confusion I could draw Jacobson into elaborating. Not that my comment there is insincere. The surface meaning is defensible in itself. It’s not at odds with the numerous, better, thorough arguments against “where’s the outrage” variants that I seem to recall reading.


Col. Mustard in the library in a wetsuit with a dildo up his ass? Has anybody made this joke here before? It came to me in a dream, right after the angel told me where some golden plates were buried.


But the people loved the spectacle, the debacle of 20% interest rates that resulted from the policies of Nixon and Ford was blamed on Jimmy Carter

Democrats attacking Carter from the left picked him apart just as much as Reagan did, and over just as much bullshit.

It’s an important thing to understand. Not because it would be relevant or similar to our country’s current situation, oh no. But it might come up on Jeopardy! or something…




Somewhere, Elektra weeps.


You frist, mon vieux, I insist.

Amusement that a regular who posts under a fake name thinks that the American people (if that’s really what they are) would know, care about, or recognize the “truth,” were it shoved down their throats by an honest, &c., media.


a regular who posts under a fake name

I’ve assumed that “M.” was the simply the standard abbreviation for “Monsieur.”


The M. can go either way.

Originally “Malignant,” which becomes less funny as one ages & the harder-livers drop like flies.

But let’s not type about me.


But let’s not type about me.

How ’bout them G’ints?


…apparently found a specific point in the Torah where God said “all human beings are of intrinsic value”.

I think that god is referring to the value of the metals and minerals that are naturally found in the human body.

Alternate response:

god never met dick cheney.


Dennis Prager – – had written an article the previous week saying that people are not “basically good”.

Dumping on Anne Frank? Say it ain’t so.


G’ints nothin’, Chiba won!

NAGOYA, Japan (AP) — The Chiba Lotte Marines defeated the Chunichi Dragons 8-7 Sunday to win the Japan Series in seven games.

Lotte won the series four games to two with one tie for its first championship since the team was managed by American Bobby Valentine in 2005.

Yoshifumi Okada drove in the winning run with a triple in the top of the 12th inning at Nagoya Dome.

The Marines finished third in the Pacific League standings to qualify for the playoffs. They became the first team in the history of Japanese baseball to finish third and go on to win the Japan Series.


The Chiba Lotte Marines defeated the Chunichi Dragons

Wait until they play the Guadalajara Chupacabras!


Browns win two in a row versus top teams.

Good news for Republicans?


Democrats attacking Carter from the left picked him apart just as much as Reagan did, and over just as much bullshit.


For values of bullshit that range from funding the Taliban (left complaint) to having your own CIA help the Ayatollah stab you in the back (righties win!), perhaps.

Hint: The Left has been RIGHT, as in correct, for longer than you’ve been alive. You want to play a false equivalence game? Let’s do it.

Throw down your marbles.


With all due respect to Chris @ 20:53 — If Jacobson is dogwhistling, he’s exploiting ambiguity. Multiple audiences, plausible deniability, and a steadfast refusal to pin things down are some hallmarks of dogwhistling, in my limited understanding.

“The post is quite clearly criticizing a world that blames America and Israel for their crimes while refusing to blame al-Qaeda & co. for theirs.”–Chris

Well said, and that’s one good interpretation. It also encapsulates a point of view that’s indefensible, and that Jacobson took pains not to express overtly. In my comment over there (sorry for the confusion), I tried to draw Jacobson out. I have not been back to see if he took the bait, but I doubt it — he seems too Glenn Reynoldsy for that.

Not to say that my comment there was insincere. The surface meaning is defensible in itself. My comment was of a piece with long, thorough, and damning criticisms I seem to recall reading of “where’s the outrage” variants. For myself, I cannot help thinking of Chomsky’s responses over decades to folks that questioned his focus on U.S. and client-state policy. Other views aside, he’s never failed to convince me that his outrage and analysis is well-directed. Of course, he’s never succeeded in convincing the Right of that, but I need not get into why.


Not only is that a horrible article, every time a mosque is destroyed he makes the same article. Maybe he should get a program that posts every article from his Google Alerts with the comment “Where’s the outrage?”


Yes, the Pakistani Taliban are worldwide pariahs who have made enemies of numerous powerful governments and are currently being hunted by squadrons of CIA assassin robots, but that’s not nearly as bad as having a foreign newspaper publish an editorial against you.


It came to me in a dream, right after the angel told me where some golden plates were buried.

That kind of thing never ends well.



The back story on the Star Wars “Life Day” episode –

A day that shall live, in infamy.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

A day that shall live, in infamy.

No doubt – I was one of those unlucky children who, as a ten-year-old Star Wars geek in those pre-VCR days, was beside himself with anticipation for the Holiday Special. That letdown wasn’t equaled until this turd plunked into the turlet of pop culture.


Hey VS, lemme sweeten that mango for ya:

At times like this, I’m almost glad I’m not a Jew ^because I hate those fuckers as much as I hate Muslims.

Also2: “Intellectual woman at work” should be “inflatable doll at home.” The sputtering actually happened, but that was just the air leaking out.


My comment over there:
Wow, it’s amazing that you looked through all the newsmedia from South Asia and from the entire Muslim world and didn’t find any outrage!


I like drinking a lot.


Oh wow –

PJM claims the reason the Democrats “conspired” against Rubio is because he was from Cuba and therefore knows what the Dems are trying to impose on the country. (It also proves that Dems are racist against Hispanics).

Closing line,

Progressives support so-called minorities only if they are the “right kind” of minority.

Correct. That’s because progressives support candidates in general only if they are the “right kind” of candidates; someone who wants to abolish the welfare state, imprison every Muslim and bomb every country in sight isn’t going to get our support no matter what color he is.


Lindsey Graham still really, really wants war with Iran.. Idiot.

And the comments over there are almost as bad – all kindsa “TEH JOOS IS MAKING US DO THIS” bullshit.


Lindsey Graham still really, really wants war with Iran.

How else can he get a hard-on, now that Obamacare has death-paneled his Viagra prescription?


Lindsey Graham still really, really wants war with Iran.. Idiot.

“Under current conditions, attacking Iran is more likely to guarantee an Iranian nuclear arsenal than to preclude it.”

Duh. And at this point I’m almost wondering if the world wouldn’t be better off if they had one.

Iranian democracy activists have been very vocal against a U.S. attack on Iran.

The people the Repubs want to free don’t want to be freed by them? How about that!


With all due respect to Chris @ 20:53 — If Jacobson is dogwhistling, he’s exploiting ambiguity. Multiple audiences, plausible deniability, and a steadfast refusal to pin things down are some hallmarks of dogwhistling, in my limited understanding.

True. I didn’t read this as a dogwhistle, just a lame attempt at smartassness. But then that’s kind of the point of a dogwhistle, that only the right people can hear it.

For myself, I cannot help thinking of Chomsky’s responses over decades to folks that questioned his focus on U.S. and client-state policy. Other views aside, he’s never failed to convince me that his outrage and analysis is well-directed. Of course, he’s never succeeded in convincing the Right of that, but I need not get into why.

I haven’t read Chomsky, but based on what you’re saying I’d say he fulfills a necessary purpose. People like him “focus” on U.S. and client-state abuses because those are the ones the public ignores or doesn’t know about.

Everyone already knows about the abuses of communists and islamists – the government, conventional wisdom and the right-wing media machine bombard us with news about it 24/7. It’s our own crimes and those of our allies that we never seem to want to hear about. Hence Chomsky’s focus. No one here needs to be convinced about Hamas’ evils; nearly everyone on the other side needs to be convinced of the IDF’s.


The people the Repubs want to free don’t want to be freed by them? How about that!

They freed Iraq real good.


They freed Iraq real goodly



They freed Iraq real good and hard. Bitch was totally asking for it.

Conservatives In A Nutshell

Iraq is like a beautiful woman; when it says “no,” what it really means is…


Speaking of those callers, I must say that the more I think about it, the more revealing they were. I haven’t counted or anything, but it seems to me that a plurality of the lefty callers were simply obsessed with race.

Certainly, a man whose only claim to fame was writing a book about how disagreeing with him makes you a fascist, would know quite a bit about how people can become obsessed with race.


I haven’t counted or anything, but it seems to me that a plurality of the lefty callers were simply obsessed with race.

I feel no need to back up my impressions with anything empirical, but it seems to me that Jonah Goldberg is 50% full of shit and 50% confirmation bias. It also seems to me that most people who share Goldberg’s ideology feel the same way.


Also C-Span’s voice-recognition keeps mishearing “Mussolini” as “Miscellany.”


Isn’t this all central to his point?


Three long hours of Jonah Goldberg

Does Todd Seavey out their gay affair?


HAHAHAHA, from 11:10-11:26, in response to a question about how liberalism is trying to crack the shell of the traditional family:

Everybody basically agrees that one of the great lessons of the Holocaust and of Nazism and fascism is to say “never again.” You know, that this was a period that we never want to go through again. And I agree with that entirely.

Never with such detail or care, folks.


You know, that this was a period that we never want to go through again. And I agree with that entirely.

So uhhhhhhhhhhh why are you fomenting hatred towards a particular group of citizens, Fudgie?


” the harder-livers drop like flies.”

I had the mental image of cyrrhotic livers falling on the floor.


I haven’t read Chomsky, but based on what you’re saying I’d say he fulfills a necessary purpose. People like him “focus” on U.S. and client-state abuses because those are the ones the public ignores or doesn’t know about.

My take on it is that Chomsky’s reason for “focusing” on U.S. and client-state abuses is that, being part of a democratic society, we are to some extent responsible for them — and in a position to do something about them. Being critical of a dictator who is an official enemy, say, Kim Jong-Il serves very little purpose in terms of actually improving anyone’s situation, because Kim Jong-Il is not going to say “oh no the American intellectual says I shouldn’t be a vicious bastard so I will stop doing that”, whereas in, say, the US and Israel, people might start thinking about the consequences of policies they support and start opposing them — and they can actually effect change.


My take on it is that Chomsky’s reason for “focusing” on U.S. and client-state abuses is that, being part of a democratic society, we are to some extent responsible for them — and in a position to do something about them.

As many of my European friends told me in 2004: “Look, we understood that mistakes happen and we forgave you for Bush, but re-electing him?”


a plurality of the lefty callers were simply obsessed with race.

If you define “any callers concerned about the re-emergence of overt racism” as necessarily “lefty”, then I can see how you would reach that conclusion.


(comments are closed)