The Insult Comic Blog

We mentioned the adventures of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog in Quebec last week. The story picks up some steam today on the pages of the New York Times:

And of a third, rather plump, man the puppet asked: “Are you a separatist? Maybe you should try separating yourself from doughnuts first.”

Worst of all, perhaps, the Toronto audience laughed heartily.

In the comments to our first post, Robert McCleland had noted that the “outrage” was coming from the NDP, and that there was no real firestorm in Canada. If the New York Times article adds anything, it is that English-speaking federal politicians are those who are upset. [Yet sadly, we have no video to offer.]

This article in Montreal’s second largest paper does mention a few more of Triumph’s jokes:

‘I can guess that you’re French, I can smell your crotch from here.’ O’Brien’s team also changed some street names in Quebec with such signs as ‘Quebecqueer Street’ and ‘Pussy Street.’ [Our translation]

Until we can find a video clip, here is a picture of Triumph in Quebec city:


Thanks to Frederick for the NYT link.

Update: Robert McCleland kindly posts a link to the video. We’re having problems connecting, but from the part we’ve seen so far it’s just typical Triumph speaking (only?) to non-English speaking Quebeckers.

One of the fake street signs Triumph puts up is called “Celine Dion sucks.” That sounds about right to us.


Comments: 13


‘I can guess that you’re French, I can smell your crotch from here.’

The French in France are (in)famous for not showering and bathing. Are French Canadiens the same way? I know they are very concerned about not being taken over by the evil English-speaking hordes, but this aspect of French culture could profitably be dispensed with, IMO. You appear to be something of a “traitor to the race,” what with writing a blog in the accursed English language (albeit with a French word or phrase thrown in occasionally), and none in French as far as I know.


Kerry: intern’s TV confession
From David Gardner in Washington – 16th February 2004

A woman who claims she had an affair with presidential hopeful John Kerry has taped a kiss-and-tell interview with a U.S. TV network, it was revealed last night.

The news is the latest blow to hit John Kerry, the 60-year-old senator who is expected to be George Bush’s Democrat challenger for the White House in November.

Former Washington intern Alex Polier, a 24-year-old journalist, is said to have recorded the potentially explosive interview over Christmas.

The network is reportedly sitting on the tape while it carries out its own probe into her claims.

Polier, who works for the Associated Press news agency, is now in Kenya on holiday, allegedly at the behest of married father-of-two Kerry, until the storm blows over.

But an American TV executive said: “She wants to tell her story.

“She is claiming this is a two-year affair. The problem is that no one is believing her.”


“She is claiming this is a two-year affair. The problem is that no one is believing her.”

Not even her own mother and father, who told the taboids that all Kerry did was hit on their daughter, and that she rebuffed him. What a sad story — it sounds almost like an Alfred Hitchcock movie. Perhaps, “The Intern Who Slept With Senators Too Much.”

Anyway, the tabloids much be getting desperate: this is the stupidest Kerry scandal update yet.


I made this point in the other post, but Robert McClelland is off base on this.

Even though most people (French or English) don’t care about this, all the political parties in Canada have made a big deal about it, certainly far more than those second-rate comic hacks deserve. In the story you quoted before “Mauril Bélanger, the deputy government House leader, told the House of Commons that the government found nothing amusing about the sketch.” That seems to be a pretty obvious sign that it isn’t just the NDP.

It’s also not just a lefty thing, if you look around a bit you’ll find quotes from the very right-wing Stephen Harper attacking O’Brien and Triumph for their comments. It’s a multi-party pileup … and yes, it is mostly politicians worked up about it.

And no, the Quebecois aren’t any less likely to shower than any North American (nor to my experience are the French, the ones I’ve met are immaculate in their personal grooming).

The reason for the hoopla is that there is an election in the offing. With the collapse in support for the separatist Bloc Quebecois, all of the major political parties are looking to make inroads in there. The centre-right Progressive Conservatives and the right-wing Canadian Alliance have merged into the Conservative Party of Canada and they are looking to move beyond the Canadian Alliances’ Western province power-base. The Liberals did well the last time and hope to continue that. The left-wing NDP has never done well in Quebec even though it is the most progressive population in Canada.



Since I made my comments the hoopla over this has indeed spread to the other parties. But I still maintain that the uproar is limited to politicians and columnists who are clearly out of touch with the public on this issue.


All I know about Triumph is that he had Terry Gross laughing out loud in her interview with him.

I think he toned down the swear words for the Public Radio audience….


All I know about Triumph is that he had Terry Gross laughing out loud in her interview with him.

S,N!’s last post on his old site (see link at right to the original site) has portions of this interview, although it seems not to have a link to the whole thing for some reason.


The NPR interview is here.

We think the whole thing is there btw.


Hell, I *live* in Montreal and heard nothing about it until I read the blogs.

In that case, you must not read the papers–it’s been all over the Gazette, for one.


Return of the Linky Dink

It has been quite a while since On the Fritz has posted a Linky Dink Wednesday list. To be quite honest, there hasn’t been a lot of time for blog surfing lately. We are happy to announce that this anti-social…


Return of the Linky Dink

It has been quite a while since On the Fritz has posted a Linky Dink Wednesday list. To be quite honest, there hasn’t been a lot of time for blog surfing lately. We are happy to announce that this anti-social…


Personally I don’t see why people get so uptight about jokes…. I mean, the puppet’s right most of the time. I may be biast being a devoted Conan O’ Brien fan, but still… he’s JOKING people! it’s not like Triumph/Robert Smigel really has anything against French-Canadians. It was MEANT to be kind of offensive, and if you watch Late Night With Conan O’ Brien a lot like I do you’d know that a lot of the content kind of almost crosses the line… but it’s entertainment and I don’t know about you guys but it was funny. If you don’t like it don’t watch it for crying out loud! It’s like that whole “The Passion Of Christ” movie… if you’re OFFENDED, DON’T GO SEE IT. People are getting dumber every day.

“I Keed!!” – Triumph The Insult Comic Dog


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