The Love That Dare Not Bleat Its Name
Posted on October 23rd, 2010 by Tintin
ABOVE: Josh White, age 11 (left),* Erick Erickson (center) and Gruff (right)
Shorter Erick Erickson, Red State
“All Catholics Are Pedophiles” — The Democrats’ Closing Argument
- There is nothing lower than falsely charging a political opponent with child molestation unless they are also goat fuckers.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
*Image of Josh White, age 11, cropped from photo pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2252.
Yes, we have no mangoes.
Does the link from C&M count as sub-mangoes? ‘Cause I went for them and they’re actually pretty tasty.
Eric Erickson (@ewerickson), Editor-in-Chief of RedState didn’t just toss off that gem. He wrote it, then deleted it, then re-wrote and re-sent it adding the proper hashtags (“LMRM” = Let Me Repeat Myself, “TCOT” = Top Conservatives on Twitter, “RS” = RedState). Made sure he got it just right.
It’s attention to detail like that which makes Ewick such a leader on the Right. *gack*
Juan “Piss My Pants When I See Muslims” Williams is now jumping on the defunding NPR bandwagon.
Let me know how that works out for you, wankers.
Archbishop Mickey Kaus takes issue ex cathedra with that statement.
Juan “Piss My Pants When I See Muslims” Williams is now jumping on the defunding NPR bandwagon.
No! No! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Two percent of our income? What’ll we do? God no, please don’t throw us into that briar patch!
From the comments section of the article;
There can be no doubt that the Catholic position on abortion and gay marriage is quite Republican. (Or, should I say, what the Republican position would be if those things were actual policy questions rather than red meat thrown to the base every two years to make sure they show up at the polls).
Now let’s look at the Church’s position on everything else.
Death penalty; liberal.
Welfare state; liberal.
Universal health care; liberal (it’s a “right,” no less).
The war in Iraq; liberal.
Torture; liberal.
Israel/Palestine conflict; liberal.
One could frankly make a much more compelling argument, just going by the numbers, that it’s Republican Catholics who’re taking their religion unseriously. Of course, “seriously” to them means chest thumping about how much everyone else sucks.
One commenter calls us “childish”. Truly, I am wounded. Touche, nutters. Touche.
Also, we hate women, blacks and Jews. I learn something new every day.
if you only count the Catholics who actually take their faith seriously
Interestingly, they are also 100% True Scotsmen.
Also, we hate women, blacks and Jews. I learn something new every day.
Those of “us” who are Jewish, black, or endowed with two X chromosomes (e.g. the significant majority of all three groups) will be thrilled to hear that.
“All Catholics Are Pedophiles” — The Democrats’ Closing Argument
“I am a liar who makes up quotes because I’m a capriphile, and not those sissy nanny goats but real gruff and tumble billy goats SO HORNY” — Erick Erickson’s life story
NPR should set up loudspeakers all along the southern border, it would be a more effective deterrent than Boeing’s demi-buttocked effort AND cut down on the need for pledge drives.
Guys, guys, guys. When he called that justice a goat-fucking child molester, he was joking. It was obviously a joke because there was no basis in reality and it wasn’t funny.
Whereas when libs talk about the Catholic Church protecting child molesters, there’s both evidence AND a lot of the time it’s funny.
Get the difference? yak-fuckers? Ha! See what I did there?
Nice walkback there. Still, you could set up a Glenn Beck-style blackboard chart of a shadowy child-molesting organization and see who was contributing money to it…
When he called that justice a goat-fucking child molester, he was joking.
The first time he did it, or the second?
I’m more inclined to keep my despise fine-tuned: I only hate black Jewish women … with extra fingers or toes … who are left-handed & wear a monocle … & only on Tuesdays.
Focus is everything!
Shorter EE: Republicans good, Democrats ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ad!
Yeah, well I only hate those people if they’re also Aries and have a wooden leg hand carved out of humpback whalebone by a clone of Hitler.
This worldwide scandal with thousands of victims going back decades – why are we even talking about it?
Whew, that’s a relief. I’m a Virgo.
His premise is nonsense. Only male Catholics are all child molesters. Kind of a hot goat, BTW.
So Erick what are you doing to stop the molestation of more children?
Beside declaring it’s a more horrible crime to condemn a pedophile than it is to ignore decades of felony assaults?
I can’t keep my hate specific. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I don’t trust the damn Dutch. They think sooooooo special, with their tulips and super-cool shoes.
We make fine tape too.
Glennbeck is a paranoid fucknozzle. I know, quelle surprise.
“If I’m not mistaken, some of these remix videos, it’s very interesting, I believe get federal funding. One of these thing he’s involved in was one of these was the first to receive federal funding to help culture, understand culture. We’re looking into the funding of this gentlemen and the incredible propaganda against me like you’ve never seen using Disney and Disney cartoons.”
Way off topic, but allow me to attention-whore and bring up a new game I’ve invented.
in honor of the Shilla from Wasilla’s twin skills of (a) being completely unable to understand the meaning of the word “censorship” and (b) being completely unable to speak/write a coherent sentence in the English language, I’m playing Sarah Palin NPR Mad Libs. As you’ll recall, Sarah, Plain and Stupid Tweeted that the Juan Williams thing was “censorship.” She also said of the backlash, “This is what happens when the Constitution shakes her fist.”
Since that is impossible to understand, I decided I could have some fun with it. Here’s how it works:
“This is what happens when (major historical document or treaty) (engages in douchebaggy and/or violent behavior).”
My first salvo:
“This is what happens when the Declaration of Independence cuts you off in traffic.”
Try it!
Hey, now…
I’ll play…
“This is what happens when the Treaty of Westphalia forgets to flush the toilet.”
The Cheney News Network sux.
The good news is they want to be FAUX, but they’re too feeble. And they’re target audience won’t settle for anything less than Rupert Murdoch ‘product’.
Every time Sarah Palin says something stupid, an Angel falls screaming into Hell.
Fucking illegals!!
Fucking illegals!!
How do they work?
The Dutch, what a treat! I hear they also make ovens.
If I’m not mistaken
Hey, guess what?!!
You know, this is what happens when the Stele of Hammurabi horks up a loogie on your moms.
This is what happens when Liberal fascism forgets to brush it’s teeth.
All you tulip-fuckers can go to Hell.
This is what happens when vacuums don’t have the proper amount of suction.
One commenter calls us “childish”.
I know he is, but what are we?
“This is what happens when the Treaty of Tordesillas makes a turn without signaling.”
Oh, he is so FACED now.
No self-respecting goat would allow itself to be fucked by Erickson. Dog knows what kinds of diseases you could get that way.
This is what happens when the Magna Carta won’t reach around.
I’m finding this Photoshop to be quite creepy.
So, teh Archdiocese of St. Louis has a problem with pedophile priests including at least one that was working at parochial schools after the Church paid a settlement for his child molestation. That’s pretty darned bad news.
Ed Martin didn’t officially start working as a lawyer for the Archdiocese until after that settlement was made. He served as Director of the Human Rights Office, which probably has no say in which priests get assigned to which parishes. He was straight out of law school at the time, but already marked as one of the Church’s golden boys by John Paul II no less.
I would say that on the balance of probabilities, Ed Martin had no clue about what the Archdiocese was doing with its pedophile priests – but considering the way most folks feel about the potential sexual abuse of their children, I’m not surprised that the question was asked.
Is this the same as yelling “all Catholics are pedophiles!”? Absolutely. One of the founding principles of Teh Leftsism is that All Catholics Are Pedophiles, it says so right here in this secrit manual of eleetest leftsism.
Oh, he is so FACED now.
In the language of 1970s Queens*, SNAAAAG.
*As opposed to 1970s queens, 1970s Queen, and 1970 pound coins.
“SNAG”? Really? Never heard that one.
Given Ed Martin’s job, I would have expected it to have been his business to know what the archdiocese was doing with its pedophile priests. He was director of the St. Louis archdiocese’s human rights office from some time in 1998 till some time in late 2002/early 2003.
At the very least, when the issue of Father Valentine surfaced in 2002, he should have done more than stand around with his hands in his pockets.
If the allegations were “unsubstantiated,” why did the archdiocese pay off the family?
“SNAG”? Really? Never heard that one.
I really think it never made it out of Queens.
OK, I’m writing this because the past few days I’ve been so tired it’s been like being in a coma. This is helping me stay awake.
So anyway, thinking about names makes me happy. Hubby puts the keibosh on 95% of the names I dig. No “Regan” for me. No “Winifred.” *pout* No “Greer.” No “Arden.” So it’s been relatively easy narrowing this down. Here are the very few names we agree upon:
Geez. I think that’s it.
oh jeez, VS, that’s pretty much a JanusNode bleg.
dance, badger Steve, Dance.
I have no idea what this means. And I’m pretty sure JanusNode will be vetoed too.
I have no idea what this means.
Count your blessings.
Have you given any thought to lesser-used mythological figures? There are a lot of Cassandras running around, but surprisingly few Medusas.
The Angel Of Death is upon us and he’s trying to take the blastocysts.
What does “Gwendolyn” bring to mind?
The Scotch said,
October 23, 2010 at 18:56
Hey, now…
We only count the Scotsmen who actually take their ethnicity seriously, and vote more like 90% anti-Campbell.
Hey MrDickhead? Why don’t you keep your God hating, anti-American dick out of my mouth!
Cause if you don’t I’m gonna hunt you down and suck your dick! I will pound you in my fat mouth, your weak effemenate bitch!
I was iffy on Gwendolyn to begin with…
It seems like this should be easier.
Every time Sarah Palin says something stupid, an Angel falls screaming into Hell.
I think it’s more like, every time yadda yadda, a Devil rubs its eyes, says, “I’ve been supporting that?”, and rushes up to St. Peter crying, “I repent!”
Ya know I wanna say Steve is a parody troll…but what if it’s just a really drunk realSteve?
I like Charlotte and it has lots of cute nicknames. Aubrey is a boy’s name. Vivian … only if you want to bring up the memory of Fred & Ethel in anybody over the age of 10.
In any case, if my experience is any guide, you’ll both think of the perfect name six months later when it’s too late to change. So go with something not weird.
Castration is very familiar to those of us who are from the Southern agrarian culture. Castration is used in animal husbandry and for other reasons. Castration, gelding, neutering, orchiectomy or orchidectomy is any action, surgical, chemical or otherwise, by which a biological male loses use of the testes. This causes sterilization, i.e. prevents reproduction; it also greatly reduces the production of certain hormones, such as testosterone. In animal husbandry, such an procedure was used to produce desired qualities in the animal to make it gain more weight, etc.
Castration, historically, has roots early in human history. Castration was frequently used in some cultures, such as in Europe, the Middle East, India or China, for religious or social reasons. After battles, winners castrated their captives or the defeated in order to symbolize victory and demonstrate power. Also, their enemies would not be able to reproduce themselves. Castrated men – eunuchs – were often admitted to special social classes. Eunuchs were also often used to guard harems. Castration also figured in a number of religious cults, also known as castration cults. A primary result is castration abolishes the ability to reproduce. Castrated men lose some of their masculine traits and become more feminine.
There is also the castration of beliefs or writings, which occurs when parts are removed or excised to take away what may be considered objectionable. The act of tearing pages from a book that is considered politically incorrect would be called castration as well. The wholesale rejection of any pro-Southern manuscript for publishing is a form of castration. The Constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech is thus rejected for real Southern people! There is a serious question to be contemplated, “Are some Southern people submitting to politically correct castration or teaching a castrated history of the South?” Reconstruction has tried to castrate the supposedly conquered Southern people, and thus, once and for all, end a Christian culture along with the testimony of its history. There has been much more at stake than a war being lost. This is very evident in the fact that ideologically the Southern history and way of life is meant for extinction. Who hears anything about the villainous and bloody administration of Lincoln? The eradication of the true history of the South – castration – is even at this hour the object of many Southern institutions of learning, many liberal religious institutions and many Southern writers. Hopefully, there is no one like this among the Sons of Confederate Veterans who has joined the band, but don’t hold your breath. Many Southern people do not want to be considered as having a connection with Southern heritage, so they eulogize Lincoln, change their accent, embrace modern abolitionism, accept revisionist history, deny the authenticity of the Holy Bible, apologize in essence for being white, and any number of things that might be thought pleasing to the reprobates who are castrating the South!
Are we to be partisan as Christians and Confederates? Are partisan Christians and Confederate descendents racist for standing up for what is right? Certainly, God teaches us to be partisan. He told us we were to love Him with all our hearts, souls, minds and our neighbor as ourselves. He told us we were to have no gods before Him. He told us that there is only one way into His presence and that is through Jesus Christ, His Son, who is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes unto the Father except through Him. He instructs us to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. He told us if we provided not for our own we are worse than infidels. He revealed that His Word is the only acceptable guide for faith and practice. Thus, we should love God and love no other. We are to love our wives as we love no other women. We are to love and correct our children in a way we love no others. We are to follow the Bible as we follow no other book. We are to love our forefathers as we love no others. We are to love our race as we love no other. We are to love our local church as we love no other. We are to love our heritage as we love no other, and this depiction could be extended. There are myriad’s of partisan instructions in the sacred Scripture. However, if we listen to the humanists, the politically correct and the neocons then all of this partisan teaching is racism. It appears that the historic Biblical hermeneutic has been replaced by the humanist, egalitarian, French Revolution hermeneutic. It is the hermeneutic of egalitarian love.
Now the abolitionist agenda is being forced on Christian people of the South, declaring that they cannot be Biblical or partisan, but must favor the extermination of their heritage, must submit to the removal of the moral standards of their ancestors and should hate their race or extol another above it. Have you been thus castrated? Or, are you reproducing your Biblical and Southern beliefs? Do you have any concrete convictions that are non-negotiable?
This new wave of political correctness aimed at the castration of the Southern people will lead to the impugning of our holy God, the rejection of the deity of Christ, the compromising of the inspiration of Scripture, the abandonment of the sanctity of marriage, the replacement of the biblical norm of the home, the redefining of the masculinity of men, the removal of the separation of nations, the dishonor of our fathers and mothers, and the eradication of our Confederate heritage.
Did God divide the nations into linguistic groups, racial groups and cultural groups? Was it God’s idea to assert this as a corrective of man’s sinful intentions? Did God in the Book of Genesis give us the table of nations? Was that His idea? Has God rescinded His actions? Obviously, we have as much, if not more reason today, to believe that men are as depraved and disobedient to God as then. Regeneration does not remove these divisions, but it is the divine bestowal of life to dead sinners.
Are we going to submit to castration? Are we going to obey God or men? Are we in favor of honoring our Southern heritage or not? Are you ashamed of being from the South? Have the descendants of Confederates been castrated, or are they undergoing such treatment or are they submitting to such out of imposed false guilt feelings? Remember the admonition of the fifth commandment, “Honour thy father and thy mother,” even if they were Southern or Confederate. This is not optional!
Does the Tea Party have too much leftist diversity and what is that white stuff on David Duke’s face? Also Joooooos !eleventy!
It seems like this should be easier.
Keep asking here and you’re going to end up with a girl named POOP.
Aubrey is actually considered gender-neutral these days, as with many boys’ names.
I definitely think “not weird” is a good criterion, but I also place a premium on originality.
Also, vivian is just a lovely name that never should have gone out of style.
“Keep asking here and you’re going to end up with a girl named POOP.”
Well, I do like short names…
Oooooh! A FDR and a Jim Crow reference.
*golf clap* Well played Sir! *golf clap* Well played! *golf clap*
Actor! Would you bring Tintin one of your martinis please? Good lad!
(I have always been proud of my generosity when it comes to other people’s liquour. Your welcome!)
Aubrey. Unless she grows up to have a beard and everybody calls her Beardsley, I think that’s a winner.
My kid is named “Ian,” which is a pretty neutral, not-trendy name; however, for kicks he has two middle names: James and Sparhawk. Sparhawk is an ancestral name, BTW. So you can go with ‘Jane’ as long as it’s “Jane Khyber Ralston Vacuumslayer” or similar.
This is what happens when the Letter From Birmingham Jail sits down right in front of you in the theater and forgets to turn off its cellphone.
Oops! I forgot the all-caps and the multiple exclamation points! Sorry.
Hey, who left these white Southern balls on my porch?
I’ve always liked “Ian”. Always.
I didn’t realize you knew him! Small world.
fucking jokes – how do they work?
How about Morticia? That is a pretty name for a girl.
This is what happens when the Emancipation Proclamation gets all uppity and in your face and won’t turn the rap music down.
“fucking jokes – how do they work?”
Guy has sex with a five dollar whore . . .
Seriously, though. Aubrey. You’ll thank me later.
Just don’t name the kid Sasquatch. Trust me on this.
He gets crabs. Now he’s pissed. He finds the hooker and yells, “Bitch, you gave me crabs!” The hooker responds, “It was only $5.00! What did you expect, lobster?”
How about Morticia? That is a pretty name for a girl.
The Frau Doktorin vetoed “Maculata”. Firmly.
a girl named POOP.
Worst Johnny Cash tribute song EVAH.
Is this the same as yelling “all Catholics are pedophiles!”? Absolutely. One of the founding principles of Teh Leftsism is that All Catholics Are Pedophiles, it says so right here in this secrit manual of eleetest leftsism.
There’s a secret manual of leftism?
Is there, like, a Masonic ritual I have to go through, or a pagan sacrifice to be performed, or secret union dues I have to pay? Inquiring minds want to know. And when you’re done with that, can you send me a link to this all-encompassing liberal media I keep hearing about? I’ve been looking everywhere for it.
Oh sure. It’s always wham bam thank you ma’am with your kind. I knew you wouldn’t take responsibility!
I like that one, too. I really do. It’s original without being freakish.
Plus, it doesn’t shorten to anything. People name their kids something trendy like “Countryside” and right away the “side” gets dropped.
And then it gets shortened again — never mind.
Funny you should say that…in the book I bought it listed that name as “un-nickname-able.” Which I love!
Also…*guffawing at shortened “Countryside”*
Ceethacra Rona
Severingwas Advertise
Leathered Quoklquayroquour
Feydarrell Yapl
Yipitying Husociprsog
Zachery Goy
Damcoyde Nicl
Henrietta Mooprtuh
Leona-Marquita Dayna
Fidelashit Malcom
Francisco Relieve
Chiygesh Mooklayk
Catharine Marine
Jarred Microphone
Bonnetedkabe Dairy
Geri Kaysho
Bullock Elnora
Quocscotty Cultivators
Truths Revelations-Malfunctioning
Mr. Daisey Norwich
Foowcroutyotic Notebooks
Hippo Delightedly-Buttering
Attacking Featherer
Jihnichelle Idlest-Paperers
Theron Theories
Pekl Kabeklofvu
Crisregularly Chafing
Ro Airliner
Tiv Soygceethleeh
Neidella Aphorism
Douglas-Hue Hoy
Yangxo Rogxin dawe
Hawker Renata
Portiawequ Makleplaycewowo
Brewing Wecesecakl
Aggregationdajo Candie
Kiara Klees
Plucerickuw Vixciprkay
Occupants Stratify
Kiknots Dane
Slainchu Tigecroylerosh
Pohofermina Myrle
State Representative Verla-Lucas Zouqushefodoorbicre
Zimo Recipients
Cherryl Grady
Marleencido Klothyeewonuj
Yoybrewrites Designator
Quo Blacks
Wasyoozyagcloyw Wirajprecl
Yijillian Delaine
Fe Tonya
Similarities Addicted-Tresses
Croclrayffoo Kluclseepvuplti
Reprisals Leash
Carina Dajo
Outputskip Ho miy
Polisher Zoysgothifu
Jackson Jamika
Quee Opacity-Subgoal
Susannicl Verdell
Deandreyoy Hid
Bicarson Ross
Sherrylpoho Yea-Loosens
Yopllogjam Quoydapgisjic
Specialist Journal
Ronaka Excommunicate-Sorority
Vickeyzek Janella
Lawanda Croogevrafeyapl
Virginaye Teisha
Docxokneprfec Carmella
Pomargo Drives
Hulda Playcedep
Ross Joslyn
Oberon Brilliance
Blainevipr Dayt
Thoj Cathie
Suellen Kihkliqubash
Pendulum Lolita
Salome Terraces
Professor Accidentally Quotas
Eva-Logan Personality-Temporal
Kathey-Alfred Begnofema
TouLiman Quoxpru
Rompingcido Beula
Sade-Hattie Insulators
Cecil Mara
Kizutcopeyeewo Tyrell
Neechplawayput Tessie
Wasyoozyagcloyw Wirajprecl is a very good friend of mine!
Complements Neil Gaiman;
Anathema Device
The key is finding something original and pretty and not weird, but also something that other people won’t suddenly find original and pretty and not weird.
I’m pro-Charlotte, myself.
I know three people with daughters named Ruby. Don’t do that.
Truths Revelations-Malfunctioning Slayer.
That fucking sings.
Prophet-Cats is awesome, also. And I love the way “Maggie” and “Shellie” are thrown in the middle of all those hyphenated hells.
“This is what happens when the Geneva Conventions leave you an Upper Decker.”
Oh come on, SMcG. Everybody knows that Yipitying Husociprsog is a boys name.
This is what happens when the Wilmot Proviso gives you an atomic wedgie.
Hey, Wilma Proviso would be a good baby name!
Oh, and Chris, the bit that stands out most to me about that douchy comment is the last bit.
Implying, of course, that Hispanics aren’t serious Catholics.
Truculentandunreliable, this might be an Oz thing, but all the Charlottes I know cop ‘Charlotte the harlot’.
I mean vacuumslayer. fucking comments, how do they work!
Lurker–Good point. I’m not sure if American kids know the word “harlot,” but it’s probably not worth risking.
Aubrey is pretty, but I’m afraid she’d always be called “Audrey.” Minor thing to being called a harlot though, I suppose.
I personally have always been partial to Gwen, Deidre or Jessica.
Also, Hispanic Catholics tend to skew the numbers.
Demographic FAIL. Hispanic Catholics are pretty solidly conservative and Until the Repubs decided that demonizing them was demanded by their Southern Strategy (updated), voted pretty heavily Republican.
One commenter calls us “childish”.
Uh oh, next he’ll be asking us to get into his van.
This is what happens when “To Serve Mankind” becomes the final punch line to the cosmically brief and brutish jape that is the human species.
Instead of Aubrey, how about Aurelia?
It was Julius Caesar’s mother’s name. Very sensible woman.
Doesn’t Aubrey shorten to Bri? Or is it intended to be Bray? Mrs and I are considering Evelyn.
Here’s a unique name: Division. Go with that!
Vassily-Trenchant Palin?
Jessica was also on our list. Maybe it still is. It makes me think of hot, hot Ms. Alba though, does that make it weird, or should I get past that?
Best to avoid any name that might conceivably be shouted by the DJ to announce the next stripper on stage.
Jessica? Iffy.
Evelyn? A safe, solid choice.
Pendulum Lolita
…I think there’s a series here – “Adventures in the Land of Nevermore”
Name her “Sharia Law” so we can elect her to the Presidency when she is old enough.
This is what happens when the Domesday Booke gives you the dreaded Rear Admiral.
From the comments at Red State:
Yeah, those damn beaners, distorting the clear electoral will of white Catholics, who are the only ones that count.
“Hispanic Catholics are pretty solidly conservative and Until the Repubs decided that demonizing them was demanded by their Southern Strategy (updated), voted pretty heavily Republican.”
Actually zombie, they were a roughly even split in ’00 and ’04. It became 2 to 1 in ’06 and ’08 and I suspect will be closer to 75% in two weeks thanks to as you stated, the R’s deport the dirty mezzicans statergery.
Also Sharia Law is an awesome name.
Shania Law?
This is what happens when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights fucks a stranger in the ass.
Hispanics tend to be anti-abortion and anti-gay rights but they also don’t like to be demonized as scum or get thrown in the clink for not having the proper papers with them. They are loco that way. Same with the muslims.
I’ve noticed that NPR is beating just about every right-wing station in the ratings.
Here in Chicago, WIND doesn’t have nearly 1/4 the ratings of WBEZ.
Gez vs, your list of names is old. Like Salome Terraces old.
Since that’s the case, I’d suggest hitting up some classic film actress names.
Uh – WP ate the linkee for Ingrid, but you know who I mean.
This is what happens when Atlas Shruggs gets passed around like a cheap whore at a Young Republicans convention.
Although if it’s a referendum, my vote’s for Shania Law.
Seconded DKW. Shania Law is better than Sharia Law
Seconded DKW
You mean thirded. Pere Ubu made the original suggest.
I always thought “Xecky” was a nice name for a girl. Works for boys too!
This is what happens when The Bible takes a handicapped parking spot.
Oh, and vs – not Belle. Very close to Bella, and IPU (blessed be her garish unseeability) knows that there’ll be way too many Edwards and Jacobs in her class.
Christine O’Donnell is what happens when the First Ammendment masturbates too often.
Freezes Klufnubkej
Markus Yo
Wafzagcomku Sheron
Boyyupl Lynsey
Commodore Plosethokquohoyp
Leavingsra Candie
Klod Fejthotaypeyoym
Yoyyisegevshur Tagging
Sister Fuaudie Veyboyyuplfee
Favwandambo Hanoverizes
Desire Deana
Emmie Supreme
Leeklofnopeeb Roxanna
Zokleanalisa Schlitz
Lisa Kristen
Emmy Velva
Hookerspi Zosyojgapem
Gumfoy Mayvqueevquoohe
Challengerstug Poconos
Count Shannan-Samual Jonas
Oakskaje Mel
Veta-Myrna Lesia
Samvaypthequtoyh Wai
Gavboyhekl Thora
Coleman-Jacelyn Bo
Prince Nogoxinchoo Ratification
Sayjjoyd Allen
Latinizers Tivwech
Dick Absenting
Shauna-Felicitas Specie-Denoted
Vickey Scold
Yungjee Pinpointing-Uniformed
Duke Vennie
Koowaugusta Sachquekono
Chucheryll Rheba
Lorenzmev Superimpose-Tin
Jacquelyne-Fermina Stricter-Layer
Maude Coohlef
Visitor Poycsachshoo
Grandmother Klequekidogee Kim
Yiwgutyeecr Skewing
Layprescribed Hoynogowee
Marivel Kay
Jannette Tug
Virgo Waneta
Linnie Marie-Upturns
Chouy Annulled
Eusebioclee Cee
Crootechnical Shonna
Consequences Na
Jadwiga Klos
Hoypcharmaine Teewee
Prodocfupl Khrushchev
Stacey Maryalice
Valentine Crou
Collin-Napoleon Fish
Dwightfam Javcri
Georgiann Kirstie
Sergeant First Class Cleo-Janella Ernst-Orwell
Gustavoxa Reverence-Andrei
Brother Annex-Geraldine
Teisha Alana
Zenobia Kekoy
Neprdick America
Jocelyn Kibquahsime
Seerun Pushdown
Yojoverland Corine
Napryoplvefcule Simon
Chantel Shitsheek
Thoshupreebomef Decimation
UNESCOraqu Arm
Napr Houston-Yell
Weetklothzef Devin
Jayyun Reconfigurable-Ceaselessly
Jeeric Xayretaypfopr
Danyellesooz Clinically-Precipitated
Heklzutgut Margherita
Natisha-Arnulfo Phoebe
Balkanjoo Corrin
Chloecoud Kidnaps
Daqu Zekzouquployqucloum
WequTexaco Contraction-Ainus
Capacitorzee Silly
Warred Mariah
Megan-Maurine Temperate
Fagdohshoyl Renita
Stem Magen
Cataract Adored
Glenriy Budweisers
Huong-Eddy Adoption-Bulk
SFGiants won’t win any WS this year, as they seem to have a bad case of No Brains.
Three people from three countries talk about austerity. The American is the punch line.
LOL. Shadows of my sproghood.
Pointy Soda
Streaming Jest Of The Steel Pimple
Vibrator Catapult
Among Yoda
A Really Grody Filament
Backroom Ritual
Luminary Rhythm + Buy My Crystals
Thirsty Of The Erotic
Revised Of The Windy
Seething Sick Meat Council
Kink My Innocence
Anise-Laced Morphine
Fruity Abyss
Backup Kerosene
Inscrutable Scooper with Compulsive Gizmo
Conjecture X
The Defiant Loser of Phoenix
Orion’s Neck
Phatty McWessen
Step-Mother Mondays
Trash Cheese Horn Stoned
Power Sympathy
Lukewarm Fingers
My Modest Launch Balcony
THIS is what happens when the 99 Theses fondle an out-of-work waitress on the subway!
“Danielle.” Elegant. Nickname Dani. Cute.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Catholic priest sentenced!
This is just like what happens when Das Kapital lifts its leg on Mrs. Prisley’s prize rose bushes.
Catholic priest sentenced is a terrible name for a child, though everyone would just call her Cathy.
…Europe and America Trading Places
How Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy got talked into doing that sequel, I’ll never know.
This is like when the script of “Bye Bye Birdie” copypasta trolls Sadly, No!
How Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy got talked into doing that sequel…
They were awed by Zombie John Belushi in “Animal House 2:
The 25th ReunionMilking It”Personally, I think I’m going to start calling it the Tea Bowel Movement.
Much more appropriate.
I have experienced the American idea on numerous occasions: my trip to Yorktown Battlefield, the time I read Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address while visiting Gettysburg National Park
You visit national parks? Socialist!
Hispanics tend to be anti-abortion and anti-gay rights but they also don’t like to be demonized as scum or get thrown in the clink for not having the proper papers with them. They are loco that way. Same with the muslims.
Actually, far more with the Muslims. The stereotypical Muslim American is socially conservative and upper-middle class, often in the small business sector around the Great Lakes or the Northeast. Right up through the 2,000 election, they were a reliable if tiny source of Republican votes. In fact, you’d have been hard-pressed to find a better-integrated minority. It’s only after the post-9/11 backlash that they went to the Democrats.
the time I read Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address while visiting Gettysburg National Park
That was when he got kicked out because he was fapping to statues of Robert E. Lee.
What Are They Teaching Our Best and Brightest? said
Oh, migosh, let me guess – COMM-YEW-NISM?
Praise holy Grid for the Badgerfilter and the TL;DR filter.
Christopher Caldwell, who writes for The Weekly Standard and The Financial Times, has written Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West, a marvelously insightful and even courageous book about Muslim immigration to Europe. Unfortunately, Mr. Caldwell did not stop there. He included a pamphlet’s worth of foolish optimism about immigration to the United States—so foolish that it is hard to believe the same man who so neatly dissects the delusions and weaknesses of Europeans does not realize he is also describing American policy-makers.
Read the book—ignore the pamphlet. […]
That is a contemptible trick. And it doesn’t even work.
In his defense, Caldwell is writing in an age of terror, in which telling the truth is a firing offense. Still, he should have remained silent rather than denounce patriots who are doing the work he has the good sense to realize must be done.
This book is like a piece of Camembert that is just good enough to pick up and eat after it falls into the dirt. You eat it very carefully.
I did not share the sense of outrage that many of my conservative and patriotic friends expressed. I did not think Barack Obama intentionally sought to express disdain for our country or its hallowed traditions.
No CPAC invite for you!
I just suppose it’s a good thing it’s posting all this shit on a Saturday night, when NOBODY’S FUCKING READING IT ANYWAY.
They sure didn’t teach the Tea Baggers much about history or the constitution or civics back in their day.
“Machiavelli And His Machiavellian Ideas” is probably a better band name than “St Vincent And the Grenadines”, but it also strikes me that all of Machiavelli’s ideas were Machiavellian. Like if he were to say to Mrs. Machiavelli “Why don’t we go for a stroll on the Ponte Vecchio” that would be a Machiavellian idea, right? It’s weird. Like how telling someone to avoid worn-out cliches is Orwellian.
The Left has no idea who these people are and what is happening. The Left refers to them as “crazies” and “astroturf.” But these people are neither crazy nor astroturf. They are the millions of Americans who have awakened to and embraced the American idea. They are the Tea Party.
We know exactly who these people are, Troofus. And contrary to what conservative shills have been clamoring for months, simply being embraced by a lot of people doesn’t make them any less of a bunch of fucking loons, nor does it make them any less wrapped around Wall Street’s little finger.
Just because a million people stepped off the same cliff doesn’t mean it was a good idea to step off that cliff. That should be obvious even to a child.
I recalled Ronald Reagan’s Farewell Address. He warned of losing our heritage. “If we forget what we did, we will forget who we are,” he said. “Pill lady. Hello, pretty little birds.”
Fifty two weeks ago, I pointed out that the Democrats’ winning 2008 strategy–positioning Barack Obama to blacks as
the black candidatethe postracial candidate, to Asians and Hispanics asthe minority candidatethe postracial candidate, and to whites as the postracial candidateFixed.
Obama’s entire platform was postracial – that’s the only reason he could even get close to the White House. The black vote was never under any illusions that “a black candidate” could get anywhere near the White House even under the best of times.
Also, Tintin? Could you do us a favor and get rid of all this shit?
I mean, trolling’s one thing. Taking up this much bandwidth with copy-pasting is just spam, and deserves to be treated as such. Please brah?
Behold the Tea Baggin’ Copy Pasta with shit sauce.
“What is commonly called “Birthright citizenship” is a legal loophole”
The troll hates the constitution
Ban the troll!
Bottom line: U.S. immigration restriction is a relatively simple and sure way to restrict greenhouse gas emissions.
So what prevents troll emissions?
Re the ethnic thing;
Anything’s possible. The way things are going, one possibility is that the parties will indeed end up divided along racial lines; Republicans = white party, Democrats = Hispanic party, which by then will be a demographic large enough to challenge the white vote.
The stalemate will continue until America grows up again and remembers that ethnicity doesn’t actually matter. When that happens depends entirely on the white vote. Remember, when the Irish Italian Polish Jewish immigrants finally integrated in the mid-twentieth century, it wasn’t because they did anything differently – it was that the all-WASP snobs finally stopped treating them like bug-eyed monsters from outer space, and let them become full Americans in fact as well as law.
These people already want to integrate, or they wouldn’t be here. All they’re asking for is to be given the chance.
Ah, yes, Green Fascism, just what I wanted. Not.
Oooohhhhh, badgers.
trolololo cat
People of a certain age and level of like life-experience believe they’re immortal: college students and alcoholics/addicts are the worst: they deep-down believe they’re exempt from the laws of physics and statistics that ironly govern everybody else. They’ll piss and moan your ear off if somebody else fucks with the rules, but they don’t deep down see themselves subject to them, the same rules. And they’re constitutionally unable to learn from anybody else’s experience: if some jaywalking B.U. student does get his car towed, your other student’s or addict’s response to this will be to ponder just what imponderable difference makes it possible for that other guy to get splattered or towed and not him, the ponderer. They never doubt the difference — they just ponder it. It’s like a kind of idolatry of uniqueness.
Copypasta and nym-jacking. That’s like the troll equivalent of walking and chewing gum, isn’t it?
Hah! I’ve be-badgered myself!
Not actually me, but it’s kind of funny.
Just my luck, the stream of the game I was watching shit the bed just before the last fucking pitch, 2 on, 3 balls, 2 strikes… aaaaaand zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt.
Somewhat anticlimactic to click over and find out the outcome.
SF to tha Series!
Anti troll spray. Please click on link as needed
I think it’s more like the troll losing his watch up his own ass.
Racist troll copy-pastes racist jibber-jabber from racist writer at a racist website. Color (heh) me shocked.
Good thing GOP policies didn’t contribute to China owning a large part of our debt, eh Fake Me?
I think it’s more like the troll losing his watch up his own ass
If trolls could tell time, that might have been a plausible analogy.
HOW DARE THEY “concern troll” [=undermine] about racism! The NAACP is supposed to be concerned with primarily fiscal issues, not racial issues!
But who knew that if only the LA Times had written more anti-Mexican stuff, LA would have stayed the ultra-white city it has always been, and the LA Times wouldn’t have gotten to the point where they were forced to hire Jonah Goldberg, which they had to do because Mexicans can’t read for shit.
You know, there is plenty of shit in this world to be frightened of, from Tornadoes and Earthquakes to slick floors and rabid dogs, so why do you Tea Party folk feel the need to generate rape fantasies?
I think Mexican day laborers would write a more insightfull column than Jonah and do it for three bucks. This is why newspapers are failing. Wastefull spending.
You know, there is plenty of shit in this world to be frightened of, from Tornadoes and Earthquakes to slick floors and rabid dogs, so why do you Tea Party folk feel the need to generate rape fantasies?
Because to address pretty much any real problem in the real world would require taking a liberal position. Much more comfortable to keep watching Glenn Beck and whining about secret communist plots.
Learn to speak Teabag.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
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All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
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All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
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All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
All copy-paste and no job makes Jack Troofie.
I’m sure (I sure hope, given how hard he works) that Tintin himself has something better to do of a Saturday night than sweep up after Steve the Troofy Dilrod, who is just barely clever enough to realize that no one would click on his links if he knew how to make one.
And I’d suspect that deleting that shite would only result in Dubmass quadrupling down. Pretty soon every issue of Uncle Sam Shits on The Constitution, including the common taters, would be showing up here.
It sho’ nuff is a waste of bandwidth though.
I’m sure (I sure hope, given how hard he works) that Tintin himself has something better to do of a Saturday night than sweep up after Steve the Troofy Dilrod, who is just barely clever enough to realize that no one would click on his links if he knew how to make one.
And I’d suspect that deleting that shite would only result in Dubmass quadrupling down. Pretty soon every issue of Uncle Sam Shits on The Constitution, including the common taters, would be showing up here.
Good points all.
It sho’ nuff is a waste of bandwidth though.
Aye, it is, innit?
Did you know that God created the world on October 27th. Happy birthday world.
This is what happens when The Protocols of the Elders of Zion pukes on your keyboard.
Izzat Bob (D.) Zimmerman’s cousin?
Random, only semi-on topic thought: The “Tea Party” is often treated as one big monolithic entity when, except for the guys writing the checks, at the front end at least, it’s really hundreds of disorganized local groups that just happen to call themselves Tea Partiers and often fight brutally and hilariously with each other.
There is no “pope” of Tea Partying to decide what the central practices are, coordinate messages, be “the buck stops here” guy, cast people out of the faith, etc.
In this respect, the Tea Parties are just like Islam. There’s no pope of Islam, either. So if one Tea Partier or even thousands of Tea Partiers shouting racist slogans doesn’t make the whole movement racist, why should one Muslim make the whole religion Jihadist?
This is what happens when the Communist Manifesto pees on the toilet seat.
There is no “pope” of Tea Partying to decide what the central practices are, coordinate messages, be “the buck stops here” guy, cast people out of the faith, etc.
It reminds me more of Protestantism, in the American-fundie brand. In theory, there’s no central “Pope” and everyone’s free to think for themselves. In reality, things like Papal infallibility are replaced by the much more effective dogma of groupthink and peer pressure to conform – which one or two individuals, smarter than the rest, can easily manipulate for whatever they want.
I say this as someone who’s attended both Catholic and fundie churches in my time. At the fundie church I attended, the pastor theoretically was no more than a first among equals, with no doctrine of infallibility to back him up; in reality, he had his congregation on a far, far tighter leash than I’ve ever seen in any Catholic church.
(Probably Islam analogies would work too, but I don’t have the personal exposure to them that I’ve had to Christians).
In other news,
Can her 15 minutes be up soon?
So if one Tea Partier or even thousands of Tea Partiers shouting racist slogans doesn’t make the whole movement racist, why should one Muslim make the whole religion Jihadist?
Brown people. One has ’em.You do the math. Tough, I know, being you’re in Alabama and they burn people for doing math there, but I have faith.
Same logic applies to the Tea Party Movement. Yes there’s infighting between local leaders, no there’s no formal organization… but you can still find those individuals at the national level whose influence over the party might as well be Pope-like, who right now are Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.
One thing I’ve noticed about Republican primaries is that whenever Sarah Palin endorses one candidate and an “official” Tea Party group endorses another, Palin’s candidate always wins (Arizona, others too but I can’t remember them right now). Which kind of puts the lie to their claim that it’s all about ideas with no Obamania-like cult or whatever.
Badger script.
You too can be free of the endless scrolling past copypasta.
This is what happens when The Eltdown Shards yell “Get off my lawn!”
Jeebus, it’s a mess in here. Who let that troll in to track shit all over the place?
It’s kind of a relief when a troll descends to the denial-of-service spam, and we know that it’s just the usual knobhead trying to earn the annoyance and contempt of anonymous strangers on the internet. It would be depressing to think that there is more than one of these jerkwads.
Also, get justme with the Eltdown Shards. Don’t get me started with the Pnakotic Manuscripts.
This is what happens when the Bill of Rights shits on your lawn.
Huh. All of the badgers packed up and left. And that awful stench is gone too. I guess I can take off the Haz Mat suit now.
I can Haz Mat suit?
Well edited. The “castration” one is a keeper, because NUTS! (Oops. CRAZED!) is not a good enough word for it.
Cut-and-paste troll was deleted and banned last night after I checked in on things with my iPad and found the mess he left. Sorry, I didn’t clear him out earlier but as M. Bouffant surmised I was otherwise occupied last night. Every now and then, my overlords at S,N! unchain me and let me out for a few hours of unsupervised frivolity.
The Dutch, what a treat! I hear they also make ovens.
Just don’t let one take you on a date.
So anyway, thinking about names makes me happy.
Come come now…the only possible choices are Biggus Dickus and Incontentinentia Buttocks.
In the language of 1970s Queens*, SNAAAAG.
*As opposed to 1970s queens, 1970s Queen, and 1970 pound coins.
Actually, I know many of the first who still use that. Can’t speak for Freddie Mercury, tho.
This is what happens when The Necronomicon orders sushi and doesn’t pay.
I attempt to watch iron man 2 and go to bed at 8 and miss all the name fun. I find I’m even liking some of subby’s. Progesterone is a helluva drug.
Btw, i forgot one name that didn’t get vetoed: Olive. I’m shocked he’d have any part of that one. It’s prolly my fave.
Middle name: Drab.
Two words: “Ohhhh, POPEYE!”
Olivia, on the other hand, I like. But not Fauxlivia – she gets on my nerves even more than Walternate.
Hate Olivia.
Olivia Garden Slayer.
“What is commonly called “Birthright citizenship” is a legal loophole”
The troll hates the constitution
Also the “American idea.”
Ed Gillespie…I’m dying to ask him what it’s like to live with no chin. It’s gotta be weird.
VS, I vote for Vivian. It was on our list for the Li’l Creaturette. The classic names are the best. You’ve got plenty of time, just keep the discussion/negotiation civil between you and Mr. VS
What did y’all decide on…if you don’t mind my asking.
Shania Law got the most votes.
oh,… nevermind
VS, here’s what worked for us: contract the naming thing out to relatives. My sis in law and her preposterously energetic children canvassed the streets (they live in Berkeley, which may or may not be relevant) and came up with a name for daughter 1, ’cause we couldn’t get lists down to manageable levels. Madison, she uses Madi–wasn’t on the radar or the lists or anything at the time. You risk tapping the zeitgeist though, and 4 years later it’s the most popular name evar.
And the name turned out perfectly accurate, as we generally just call her Mad Grace.
I don’t think I could ever name one of my children Vivian, and I’ll tell you why. Every time I called their name, and someone other than a ginger punk bastard with three metal stars stapled into his forehead appeared, I would be dismayed.
And eventually, that dismay at seeing my child would fuck with their head, and they’d probably rebel and act out for their father’s attention, until they’re dressing in clear heels and sleeping with guys in suits.
Your photoshop made me snicker hard at work, Tintin!
This is what happens when the Articles of Conferdation leave ferret poo in your shoes.
This is what happens when the Upanishads misspell “Confederation.”
This is what happens when Das Kapital does doughnuts on your lawn.
This is what happens when The Contract
onwith America gives you wedgies in the hallway.This is what happens when the Covenant of the League of Nations gives wet willies to Stephen Hawking’s ear.
This is what happens when Nicomachean Ethics starts doing Jimmy Buffet karaoke.
This is what happens when the Vatopedi Charter forgets that “No means no.”
(Why, yes, yes I did think about these last night. What of it?)
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