Thank You! I’m Here All Week!! Try The Crate-Raised Veal!!!
Posted on October 22nd, 2010 by Tintin
Jim Geraghty, one of the crazy kids at America’s Shittiest Website™, brings down the house
So who still says that “conservative humor” is an oxymoron? Huh?
(And here’s another knee-slapping tweet from Geraghty)
Why, I was going to point out how had failed to grasp the actual cause of the American Revolution (representation, not tax rates, numbnuts), in favor of so much pseudo-historical bullshit, but he’s just so hilarious that I can’t bring myself to!
“They’ll probably won’t” – Jim apparently speaks Unglish, which is like English but with much more fluid rules. “They will probaby will not…” is perfectly acceptable in Unglish. However, the full statement in Unglish would be, “When I be on that plane, if I see people who is in NPR garb, I become worried get & nervous. They’ll probably won’t shut up the whole flight.”
“People who can think more than 140 characters at a time scare me.”
-Clarified Jimbo
He should send some of his cleverer bon mots to Prickly City. (He has a way to go before he’s ready for Mallard Fillmore.)
That twit / tweet / twat / whatever is so ironic.
Like rain on your wedding day or something.
Yes that’s right, the Kraft Corporation speaks for me.
Thank You! I’m Here All
WeekWeak!!The last time NPR was liberal, Vanilla Ice was burning up the charts.
The sad thing is, there’s actually the skeleton of a decent, if not terribly original, joke buried in there, and it wouldn’t take much more work to unearth it. Jim just can’t (or can’t be arsed to) do it.
Maybe he should have taken someone else’s page out of Jonah’s book and asked his readers to come up with a punchline for him.
“Nation founded by men willing to shoot people over tax rates recoils in horror at threats to lawmakers.”
Hey, everybody, let’s not don’t (sic) recognize credit where credit is due. This is a new development in Wingnut Projection(TM). In colonial America, the tax rates were set by Parliament. Plenty of triCornered prehysteric wingnuts were willing to shoot parliamentarians, but couldn’t be arsed to travel across the Atlantic Ocean to, y’know, actually do so. Which was central to their point, etc. And blargh, also, too.
Demanding humor be funny is a typical liberal construct.
Billionaires are the new colonists!
Eh, it wasn’t funny, but I agree with Sophist it was funny-like, though perhaps other Juan Witticisms work better as raw materials? eg. “Jim Geraghty has got this Stokely Carmichael in a designer dress thing going.”
Of course, one day after NPR cans him, Fox has picked up Williams, apparently full time, at a considerable markup.
Must be nice to snivel and cower for six hundred large a year.
Oh, the comments are just lovely, complete with “muslin” and such.
& fixx’t!
At least Williams won’t be the “even NPR liberal Juan Williams says…” guy anymore. True, he’ll be the new Fox News House Liberal, but that’s a lower rung on the ladder of people who make our discourse stupid. He’ll just be there to make conservatives feel good by agreeing how terrible liberals are at every turn, but won’t be taken as seriously by the MSM.
He also won’t be on NPR anymore confusing people about what liberals actually stand for.
In France they’ve outlawed the wearing of NPR garb in public.
When I get on a plane and see people in National Review garb, I hear myself telling a bad joke so instead STFU.
Let’s be clear — the joke would have been to reference a tote bag and the overhead space. But he failed miserably. This is a humor fail, and it was incredibly easy to capture a win.
Car Talk is liberal? Wait, wait, don’t tell me.
***** BREAKING NEWS *****
Dear Mr Roger Ailes
Just last week I was warming up a TV dinner in the microwave and I forgot to pierce the plastic wrap with a fork. And just around the five minute mark it went BANG! And I was, like, really really really scared.
Okay, that’s it basically. You can send me the check any time in the next week or so. It doesn’t have to be two million dollars, I think $500,000 will be enough. But it has to be before Thursday because that’s when my girlfriend’s mom is coming round and apparently she’ll be wearing the scary scarf with the pattern which looks like a demon face. Okay thanks bye.
What, no, “I get nervous when hippies get on a plane because they smell?” No “I get nervous when Michael Moore gets ona plane because he is fat?” No “I get nervous when gay people get on a plane because they may try and jump me?”
Fucking conservative humor; how does it work?
When I’m on a plane and notice a fellow passenger with a Stars & Bars patch on his jacket, wearing a red or blue Sears large size handkerchief as a bandanna, with a copy of the Weekly World News tucked under his arm, I get nervous because he might high jack the beverage cart, drink all the Jack Daniels, commandeer the plane and make us land in Branson where the plane will be converted to a militia-air force transport to combat the Obamanator’s determination to turn the nation over to Bat Boy.
“justme said,
October 22, 2010 at 8:50
Oh, the comments are just lovely, complete with “muslin” and such.”
It’s not the muslins that bother me; it’s the taffetas I dont trust.
The muslins aren’t really a threat to our country. What concerns me is the rise of satinism.
Juan Williams also worries a lot that he might see that gargoyle thing that William Shatner saw sitting on the wing in the Twilight Zone episode, but he just didn’t want to say that one out loud.
I just don’t get on planes.
Problem solved.
That $2 million is for filling the FoxNews Alan Colmes Chair for Ineffectual Liberal Punching Bag.
Ailes can afford this because the chair has been vacant for a while.
That $2 million is for filling the FoxNews Alan Colmes Chair for Ineffectual Liberal Punching Bag.
That kind of money buys a lot of donut pillows and Preparation H.
NPR is to liberal as FOX News is to fair and balanced.
For just two million dollars (US) you can see first-hand a humanoid straw man. Step right this way….
Can we define precisely what “NPR garb” is? I assume for women this is flannel shirts, chinos and work boots, but what about us metrosexuals?
Maybe what really needs to come out of this Juan Williams hoopla is the fact that there’s a HUGE fucking difference between being a journalist and a celebrity pundit.
Being a celebrity pundit nowadays is much like being a celebrity game show panelist back in the 70s. Like the 70s game shows, today’s “news” shows feature a panel of has-been celebrity pundits and are just forums for washed-up gasbags to get some face time on the boob tube. There’s no journalism or newsworthy discussion involved in the process, just a bunch of pompous jackasses expressing their tired, boring, and often out-of-touch opinions.
Juan Williams is the Nipsey Russell of FOX News, a semi-clever black man trying very hard to be hip with the mostly white audience.
Juan Williams is the Nipsey Russell of FOX News, a semi-clever black man trying very hard to be hip with the mostly white audience.
Yeah, but Nipsey never forgot that the mostly white audience was itself the joke. Forget about all his silly rhymes, Nipsey was the postmodern hipster extraordinaire of game show celebrity guests.
*hides This American Life mug*
There’s no journalism or newsworthy discussion involved in the process, just a bunch of pompous jackasses expressing their tired, boring, and often out-of-touch opinions.
I include Markos and Hamsher in that. They want to be taken desperately seriously by the MSM so they can get face time.
I hate that they represent me.
Humor, like reality, has a well-known liberal bias.
It really does. Humor requires self-awareness, reflection, timing, and an interest in how others will respond. Not strengths in the land of the Caucasian Wingnut.
I’m surprised he didn’t go with “jerk store”.
*hides This American Life mug*
We’d prefer you used this flimsy, unstable plastic cup. And the wingnut gentleman in the next aisle has asked that you not yammer at him. Can I sell you a pillow?
Can I sell you a pillow?
Only if I can have it brought to me in a tote bag.
Wow! So those Bush tax cuts might actually have triggered the Bush recession!
“It is usually only left-leaning rich people that care about inequality in the U.S.,” said Carol Graham, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution think tank who studies the economics of happiness.
Call for Junkpuncho…. call for Junkpuncho…
“It is usually only left-leaning rich people that care about inequality in the U.S.,” said Carol Graham, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution think tank who studies the economics of happiness.
Good to know that my friends, my family, and I are all rich…
Finally getting around to addressing wealth inequality in the RICHEST DAMN COUNTRY ON TEH PLANETE is a good thing, but not if it feeds into the bullsqueeze “populism” of the Teabaggers and their re-cycled stinky pantload of conspiracy ranting about “international bankers” and “elites” who are keeping them down.
Hint, guys: It’s the people YOU MORONS keep voting into office who’ve done this, not New York Juses.
Good to know that my friends, my family, and I are all rich…
We’re all rich in spirit.
And spirits, because God knows, I have to drink alot to forget asshats like Graham…
Pot, meet kettle:
The Obama administration wants to give $2 billion in military assistance to Pakistan, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday. However, the United States will withhold funding from some Pakistani military units because of allegations of extra-judicial killings and torture.
[. . .]about half a dozen Pakistan military units were believed to have killed civilians and unarmed prisoners and would be affected by the removal of funding.
Hell, under that logic we should stop funding the Pentagon and the CIA.
I include Markos and Hamsher in that. They want to be taken desperately seriously by the MSM so they can get face time.
In my city (Worcester, Mass) there’s a second alt-weekly newspaper. It’s self-published by a woman who has done all kinds of admirable work to secure advertisers the distribution and has kept it going for several years now. She’s also delusional, prone to petty grievances, personalizes everything, and is clearly paranoid. Her paper holds itself out as the city’s true progressive voice standing up for the little guy. But she despises the “old boys’ network” of elected politicians, most prominently Congressman Jim McGovern, one of the most liberal members of the House and a guy who has brought loads of federal dollars to the city for urban revitalization projects that more often than not preserve the character of some pretty run down areas (focused on neighborhood initiatives over gentrification). So what does this lady do? She gives a forum to his opponents, because it’s more important to oppose entrenched politicians than to work for progressive causes.
I’ve gone on too long. My point is that Jane Hamsher is the national equivalent to this woman.
Finally getting around to addressing wealth inequality in the RICHEST DAMN COUNTRY ON TEH PLANETE is a good thing, but not if it feeds into the bullsqueeze “populism” of the Teabaggers and their re-cycled stinky pantload of conspiracy ranting about “international bankers” and “elites” who are keeping them down.
If the comments section of the Yahoo article is any indication, they’re all still whining about Obama and class warfare and welfare bums who want to steal their dinner. I don’t know why so many teabaggers read Yahoo News, but evidently they do.
And spirits, because God knows, I have to drink alot to forget asshats like Graham…
Me too. Even if I’m so poor that I have to start making moonshine in my bathtub.
Just for Pere, I posted this at Yahoo:
Class warfare? Really? That’s the best your rightwing asshats got?
The only “class warfare” has been the crap “trickling down” on the middle class and poor for thirty plus years. Grow up and realize YOU’RE VOTING FOR YOUR ENEMY!
Yeah, I love how it’s only “warfare” when the middle and lower classes finally snap back. As long as it’s the upper class taking a piss on them, that’s just the order of things.
Grow up and realize YOU’RE VOTING FOR YOUR ENEMY!
They know. They’d rather spite the people they don’t like, than take a positive step that could help everyone. Cause there’s a chance that someone black or Hispanic might get a nickel they don’t deserve.
I saw something last night…think it was on Free Speech TV, but it might have been a replay of Colbert…that the Bush “recovery” of the mid-2000s was the first recovery in American history that saw the middle class actually shrink, instead of expand.
They know. They’d rather spite the people they don’t like, than take a positive step that could help everyone. Cause there’s a chance that someone black or Hispanic might get a nickel they don’t deserve.
Early twentieth century all over again.
Most of the Republican base already agreed with the Democrats on economics before the Great Depression (given the choice between Bull Moose Progressivism and the conservative elite, they overwhelmingly went for the left). They just couldn’t bring themselves to vote with the Democrats, because they were the party of Southerners and immigrants (OMG! Unamerican!)
At least until the Great Depression drove them so deep into the shit that they no longer had a choice. But think how much sooner Gilded Age inequality could have ended, and think how many immigrants and Southerners might have lived decent lives, if obsessive bigotry hadn’t paralyzed the political system for one or two generations.
Thanks, Actor!
Like my freind Mark used to say, “The only thing that ‘trickles down’ is yellow”.
They just couldn’t bring themselves to vote with the Democrats, because they were the party of Southerners and immigrants (OMG! Unamerican!)
Well, admittedly this was not so long after a lot of Southerners had, indeed, proved to be unAmerican.
f the comments section of the Yahoo article is any indication, they’re all still whining about Obama and class warfare and welfare bums who want to steal their dinner. I don’t know why so many teabaggers read Yahoo News, but evidently they do.
Every once in a while I get this strong urge to feel extremely depressed over the future of the nation and humanity. Then I feel the need to justify my depression. So I go read Yahoo comment strings.
It doesn’t matter what the article is about. It could be about politics. It could be about football. It could be about beloved celebrities adopting injured kittens. But the comments are all hatred and vitriol. Every single time.
They’d rather spite the people they don’t like, than take a positive step that could help everyone.
Remember, you’re dealing with people who can ‘t figure out how to set the clock on their VCR and that not reading the instructions is an act of courage.
Well, admittedly this was not so long after a lot of Southerners had, indeed, proved to be unAmerican.
Sure. But would you (as a liberal who like me isn’t too fond of the South even now let alone back then) rather nix an effort to help everyone just because “everyone” happens to include a few states full of assholes? Of course not.
(That, and the Republican North wasn’t that much more tolerant than the South, as exposed when the KKK reached its peak not in the post-Civil War South but in the 1920s Midwest going after Juses and Cathylicks).
Wow. Jane Hamsher. Awesome guys – like rilly awesome.
I’ll try and remember how obviously paranoid and deranged teh Hamsher is, how she’s totes a secret double agent for PNAC she is – the next time we poke fun of the right for their PURGE TEH UNBELIEVER binges.
Remember, you’re dealing with people who can ‘t figure out how to set the clock on their VCR and that not reading the instructions is an act of courage.
Facts are for suckers and liberals! A sense of entitlement and outrage was all my grandfather needed and its all I need too!
I include Markos and Hamsher in that. They want to be taken desperately seriously by the MSM so they can get face time.
I hate that they represent me.
I thought you said you were a moderate republican?
Why don’t you work your ass off for face time?
the next time we poke fun of the right for their PURGE TEH UNBELIEVER binges.
You’re taking it to an extreme that isn’t even implied in either of the comments about her.
I said I hate that she represents me in the mainstream media. That doesn’t mean her voice isn’t welcome in my world, just that she’s a shameless media whore.
I thought you said you were a moderate republican?
I? A moderate Republican?
Man, I’m somewhere to the left of Michael Moore…
OK, I’ve been coming back to Mr Geraghty’s twit three times today, and I read the comments, and I still don’t get how it is even considered an attempt at humor. Is there a pun disguised by the major grammar fail? Or is equating NPR listeners with loquacious people the only funny part?
Every once in a while I get this strong urge to feel extremely depressed over the future of the nation and humanity. Then I feel the need to justify my depression. So I go read Yahoo comment strings.
If you haven’t got enough, go to the youtube comments. My favorite ones are the Americans getting mad when people engage into a discussion in an exotic language, like Spanish or Swede. But yeah, I’m glad I haven’t any suicidal tendencies. A masochist one, maybe…
Why don’t you work your ass off for face time?
You really want me representing the left? Seriously?
Man, I’m somewhere to the left of Michael Moore…
Wow, you hide it really well.
My favorite ones are the Americans getting mad when people engage into a discussion in an exotic language, like Spanish or Swede.
Whenever I see that, I keep expecting some asshat to post “Why don’t you go back to Spainland (or Swedeland)?”
I keep expecting that. I really do. That’s the sad part.
Wow, you hide it really well.
Because I’m reality-based.
But would you (as a liberal who like me isn’t too fond of the South even now let alone back then) rather nix an effort to help everyone just because “everyone” happens to include a few states full of assholes? Of course not.
Well, quite frankly, if I wasn’t living down here I’d be more than happy to see the yahoos go ahead and secede again. The GOP here in SC are actually proud of the fact that they’re “leading the country” on suing the Feds over health care. Kind of like they’re proud of being the first state to leave the Union.
What DKW sez. We’ve got enough to do without taking an honors course in Circular Firing Squads.
Why don’t you work your ass off for face time?
You really want me representing the left? Seriously?
That statement was made when I thought you were a moderate republican.
Wow, you hide it really well.
Because I’m reality-based
Is that what you kids are calling it these days?
Is that what you kids are calling it these days?
Maybe if you spent a little time over at my blog, you’d realize just how assholic you sound, son.
Well, quite frankly, if I wasn’t living down here I’d be more than happy to see the yahoos go ahead and secede again.
I woulda been happy to let them secede the first time, if that hadn’t condemned the blacks to perpetual slavery (in all likelihood would still be around today). Similarly I’d be hpapy to let them secede, but then there’s all the poor and minority folks down there who’d have an apartheid boot stomp down on their necks in a New York minute.
If you haven’t got enough, go to the youtube comments.
Check out any given YouTube comment thread on the Falklands War.
It’s kind of reassuring that furriners can be just as stupid and hold as big a grudge as Americans.
“Similarly, I’d be happy to let them secede again,” corrected.
But the point is, they didn’t secede, they were part of the country, and keeping food from your children’s mouths in order to also keep it from the Johnny Rebs’ children would be beyond ridiculous.
You’re taking it to an extreme that isn’t even implied in either of the comments about her.
If you say so. You did call her one of a bunch of pompous jackasses expressing their tired, boring, and often out-of-touch opinions and the other comment says she’s the equivalent of someone who is delusional, prone to petty grievances, personalizes everything, and is clearly paranoid.
I guess y’all meany that in teh nicest way.
Maybe if you spent a little time over at my blog, you’d realize just how assholic you sound, son.
You never can take it can you?
And the complete lack of respect you’ve demonstrated about peoples’ privacy insures that will never happen.
Similarly I’d be hpapy to let them secede, but then there’s all the poor and minority folks down there who’d have an apartheid boot stomp down on their necks in a New York minute.
If it’s any consolation a lot of the poor seem to be Teabaggers who’d be more than happy to serve the Empire.
But yeah, you’re right. Back to feudalism, even more than it is already. DO NOT WANT.
What DKW sez. We’ve got enough to do without taking an honors course in Circular Firing Squads.
We are modern liberals we can totally do better than that! I demand N-dimensional closed manifold firing squads!
It’s kind of reassuring that furriners can be just as stupid and hold as big a grudge as Americans.
Indeed. On our own news sites (in France), the right wingers are about as obtuse and dumb (though less religious). To discuss politics in France if you’re right wing, just say “socialists suck”, “socialists ruined the country”, “Mitran” (mispronunciation of the shady socialist Mitterrand, president who died in 1995 but who still has this evil clout that ruins the country), and, of course, end your “participation” with SFU, that’s why, which seems to be international.
You did call her one of a bunch of pompous jackasses expressing their tired, boring, and often out-of-touch opinions
I agree. She is a pompous jackass yadayadayada, which is why I don’t want her representing my point of view on the air. But that doesn’t mean she should be drummed out of the corps. It means that I wish the MSM would go and find some fresh and relevant voices.
I also note you aren’t defending Markos, which means you at least at some level understand that point, but are just being panty-twisted because you hold some faint hope of fucking Hamsher, possibly in a threesome with your mom.
Good luck with that.
You never can take it can you?
Is that what your attack is all about?
Wow, sure hope you didn’t strain a muscle stretching that point.
I demand N-dimensional closed manifold firing squads!
With frikkin’ lasers!
Oh no! No strain involved.
Oh no! No strain involved.
So you’re basically saying you’re spineless, merely confirming our opinion of you.
No I am saying that revealing your cowardly mean side doesn’t take much effort.
HappyCamper said,
October 22, 2010 at 16:58
I vote in France too, but haven’t lived there in ten years and don’t have nearly as good a feel for the politics. Thus, any input is always appreciated.
After the recent nativist turn Sarkozy’s taken, though, I’m rather inclined to settle down with the Socialists – if I knew what their position was exactly. The websites and statements they put out can be rather vague.
No I am saying that revealing your cowardly mean side doesn’t take much effort.
So if it doesn’t take much effort, why did you bother?
I tried ignoring you actor but the board becomes a wall of badgers if I do.
Why spend all your wit here? You do have a blog of your own.
What’s the matter, owlbear? Run out of Jolt Cola in mommy’s basement while waiting your turn? Why so sad?
Because I find the ‘throw shit at the wall” style of comedy annoying.
I tried ignoring you actor but the board becomes a wall of badgers if I do.
So basically you’re saying you’re spineless and have no self-control, as I said earlier.
I’m rather inclined to settle down with the Socialists – if I knew what their position was exactly. The websites and statements they put out can be rather vague.
Typical politicians.
I don’t think I suggested that Hamsher should be thrown off the team, so to speak. I just think that she’s someone whose voice is not worth more than any number of liberals’, but she’s made it into one of the loudest. And it’s mostly her penchant for leading the circular firing squad that I find objectionable.
Because I find the ‘throw shit at the wall” style of comedy annoying.
Ohhhhhhhhh, so “Sadly, No!” exists solely for your amusement! You’ve suddenly become the sole arbiter of comedy!
Well, give me your email address and I’ll make sure to run every single joke of mine thru your comedy filter. I’m sure the blog would appreciate it.
…but are just being panty-twisted because you hold some faint hope of fucking Hamsher…
That’s totes it. She is pretty hawt.
Look, I haven’t seen a lotta ‘kos hate on teh left except during the Primary Season That Brough The Left Together As One Loving Family (PS hi lambert!). Maybe this anti-self-declared-progressives-that-get-airtime is actually about the self-declared progressives that get airtime. Okay, great. But I seem to recall a period of time when Hamsher was persona non grata because she sullied herself by working with the Norquist thing. It just sounded like leftovers from that.
Headline on
Football coach headed to Afghanistan
Listen! You can almost hear the “Badoodley-boo!” echoing from Kabul Airport…
Ohhhhhhhhh, so “Sadly, No!” exists solely for your amusement! You’ve suddenly become the sole arbiter of comedy!
Nope, just that it was funnier before you showed up…
But I seem to recall a period of time when Hamsher was persona non grata because she sullied herself by working with the Norquist thing. It just sounded like leftovers from that.
It didn’t help, to be sure, but I had actually forgotten about that until you thought I was attacking her.
I’m not. I just wish the media would stop trotting out the same four faces every time they need a token liberal.
Nope, just that it was funnier before you showed up…
Well, I’m Change You Can Live With.
…or not. Get over yourself.
I’ll make sure to run every single joke of mine thru your comedy filter.
You have a filter?
I’ll make sure to run every single joke of mine thru your comedy filter.
You have a filter?
Oh God no! That would mean I actually care what assholes like you think.
Listen! You can almost hear the “Badoodley-boo!” echoing from Kabul Airport…
The cool coach was my favorite.
But I seem to recall a period of time when Hamsher was persona non grata because she sullied herself by working with the Norquist thing.
No idea who Jane Hamster is, but working with The Evil Empire seems to be a valid reason for dissing her.
No idea who Jane Hamster is…
The FireDogLake woman. Apparently some leftie blogos got upset with her at one point because she supported Hillary so much that she was allegedly unfair to Obama.
…but she’s made it into one of the loudest.
Yes she has. My hats off to her for that. And yes, she uses her position to attack folks “on our side”. But lest y’all forget, Joe Lieberman is considered “on our side” – at least by mainstream standards.
I guess it’s a hypocritical position I’m taking – that you can’t pick on Hamsher just because she picks on others on the Left. wev. I don’t want to imply that there are no valid criticisms of her, I just wanted to point out that there is a bit of “Hamsher Derangement Syndrome” that affects teh Left.
So yeah – I’m totes on side with expressing frustration or even outrage that Crazy Jane gets to be “your” voice. Still, gotta admit that her voice is better than Juan’s.
Apparently some leftie blogos got upset with her at one point because she supported Hillary so much that she was allegedly unfair to Obama.
The incident DKW is referring to happened later. She and Grover Norquist issued a joint statement calling on Rahm Emanuel to resign for his activities (pre-Obama) at Freddie Mac.
Apparently some leftie blogos got upset with her at one point because she
supported Hillary so much that she was allegedly unfair to Obama.allied with Grover Norquist because Rahm Emanuel hurt her feelings.My first FTFY ever!
Still, gotta admit that her voice is better than Juan’s.
My first FTFY ever!
See, if I had known that, I wouldn’t have stepped on your post. My apologies.
Oh God no! That would mean I actually care what assholes like you think.
And the posting up responses to just about every other post on the board completely proves that doesn’t it?
…trotting out the same four faces every time they need a token liberal/
Incidentally, I don’t watch much teevees outside of Around The Net so I don’t actually know this, but when was the last time Jane was on teevee?
And the posting up responses to just about every other post on the board completely proves that doesn’t it?
I do that for my pleasure. I’m not here for you, I’m here for me.
Have a nice day!
when was the last time Jane was on teevee?
It’s not just her teevee appearances, DKW. She’s all over the MSM.
Offered withtout further comment
I suppose in a way we should be glad to have ANYONE left of center on the teevee at this point.
The Very Serious Media does seem to select for the most obnoxious though, much the same way every time they deign to cover a left protest they gotta get the guy with a giant rainbow Afro with a “Free Mumia Isreal” sign.
Circular Firing Squads.
I want to experiment with an elliptical firing squad. The shootee goes at one vertex, a bunch of shooters go at the other and shoot at the surrounding elliptical walls, bouncing all the bullets RIGHT ON TARGET!
The Very Serious Media does seem to select for the most obnoxious though,
It sucks they see it as a way to generate profits.
I want to experiment with an elliptical firing squad.
Now you’re just being hyperbolic.
Or more accurately, it sucks that the most obnoxious ones draw the crowds.
The Very Serious Media does seem to select for the most obnoxious though, much the same way every time they deign to cover a left protest they gotta get the guy with a giant rainbow Afro with a “Free Mumia Isreal” sign.
“Next up, we’ll have a debate on whether we should go to war in Iran and China and North Korea all at once. On one side we have Sen. John McCain. Arguing against will be
Sen. Carl Levin, the Chairman of the Armed Services CommitteeSec of State Hillary Clintonan expert in military affairssome kid who kicked in a Gap window.”BRING BACK LAWN DARTS!
Last night one of my softball teammates and I figured it all out. (After a resounding loss and much beer.) This country used to produce, distribute and sell lawn darts. This practice ended due to government nanny-state meddling causing the loss of numerous manufacturing jobs. And perhaps more importantly it removed a wonderful American pastime along with it’s critical, but often overlooked, role of eliminating the most stupid among us before they reach voting age.
Offered withtout further comment
I’ll comment then. The entire front page of hits is people writing about Jane Hamsher. That she posted something on her blog. The one crazy Christian Post hit cites an actual interview – conducted in 2008.
Most of the hits are about her taking offense at Gibbs’ “professional left” jab. A position I’m sure we all disagree with Jane about.
Anyways, to answer my own question – she was on MSNBC less than three weeks ago. And despite being constantly baited to attack Obama, it sounded to me like Jane was quite reasonable. But that’s probably only because I want to do her.
Anyways, it appears that she does end up on MSNBC pretty often.
And perhaps more importantly it removed a wonderful American pastime along with it’s critical, but often overlooked, role of eliminating the most stupid among us before they reach voting age.
Also a great argument against gun control.
The entire front page of hits is people writing about Jane Hamsher.
The WaPo seemed to interview her, but I only glanced at the results.
along with it’s critical, but often overlooked, role of eliminating the most stupid among us before they reach voting age.
Also a great argument against gun control.
Sadly, no. Guns only seem to kill the least bulletproof among us. And the Venn diagram of the most stupid and the least bulletproof does not have a lot of overlap.
It pays to be rich.
Only on FOX
Were the September 11th hijackers wearing “Muslim garb”?
What, exactly, is Muslim garb?
Okay, I”m on the goodamn verge of just giving up even LOOKING at The Very Serious Media. Especially
It’s not class warfare when they never cover so much as a peep from labor (unless it’s another strike you should be enraged about) but they’re constantly going on about the countries you should visit, the cars you should buy, the most expensive baubles that you can buy, billionaire kids, the latest CEO bonus, yadda yadda world without end amen?
When I see white dudes with close cropped hair driving U-Haul trucks, I get a bit nervous and anxious.
Hamsher’s a little douchey, but she really spearheaded the hcr movement before most lefties even gave a shit about it. She is a bit of a media whore, but I found the vitriol directed at her during the whole healthcare debate to be bizarre.
Kos wanted to primary Kucinich. That alone earns my lifelong hatred of that motherfucker.
What, exactly, is Muslim garb?
I think they are reacting to women wearing head scarves.
What, exactly, is Muslim garb?
Wearing clothes while being aggressively dusky & foreign.
When I’m on a plane, if I see people who are in NPR garb, I get worried & nervous because…
… they’ll demand a lapel pin and box of Will Shortz books for completing the crossword …
… every 30 minutes they’re going to interrupt whatever I’m doing to spend 10 minutes grovelling to try to convince me to pledge my support for continued flight service …
… they’ll keep us sitting in the plane on the runway to hear the end of the tower broadcast …
Speaking of Brett Favre, check out the lengths
and girthssome writers will go to to get around the self-imposed injunction of mentioning PENIS:Heh. Flogged the floggers.
Speaking of flogging, Brett Favre’s injury is to his elbow. Some sort of repetitive strain thing I believe.
That was really really really stupid, stupid enough to remember any time the name Jane Hamsher is mentioned. That said I think I can forgive it if she does otherwise-good stuff.
Look, I realize it’s a full moon and all, but this just is going too far with the crazy.
“This monument stands as hallowed ground,” said Martini, a tall, trim man with a tattoo on his right arm commemorating the day in 1988 when he became a born-again Christian. “It kills me when I think people want to essentially desecrate it.”
Why are certain Democrats willing to go on TV and be emo for money? Because certain Democrats are willing to on TV and be emo for money.
Hamsher’s a pretty doctrinaire liberal except when she sees a chance to make a buck. I’m all for people holding eclectic beliefs if they actually believe them. It’s pretty clear to me at least that she does not. She believes whatever will get her on TV the most. That’s what I have trouble with.
If Sarah Palin wanted to call herself a Democrat because that’s the way the wind was blowing, would that be cool? No, of course not. I strongly support her saying whatever damaging or stupid things she wants if she actually believes them, and isn’t just doing it for money or attention, and isn’t arguing in bad faith. As a pretty non-doctrinaire Democrat myself I would love to see a more diverse set of opinions coming from “The Left”.
It’s the difference between finding lesbianism offensive, and finding gay-for-pay lipstick lesbianism for the amusement of straight dudes offensive. Finding the gay-for-pay stuff damaging to the cause and offensive doesn’t make you less of a supporter of LGBT rights, does it?
Oh, and speaking of which, as a bi dude, I rarely if ever attempt to play the LGBT discrimination card, but for my biannual usage, I’d like to point out her calling John Cole a “fagbagger” is really, really, really, really, really fucking offensive, stupid, mean and completely indefensible.
Oh, and speaking of which, as a bi dude, I rarely if ever attempt to play the LGBT discrimination card, but for my biannual usage, I’d like to point out her calling John Cole a “fagbagger” is really, really, really, really, really fucking offensive, stupid, mean and completely indefensible.
Ew, what? Ugh.
Oh, and for other Hamsher-related matters, I defer to my imaginary internet girlfriend, Angry Black Lady.
I’m not going to play the bi card and say that’s offensive–I’m just going to play the decent human being card.
Oh, and I totes forgot about the Lieberman in blackface thing, too. Ugh.
Fagbagger? What does that even mean?
the decent human being card
So very rarely used, that one.
FY, WP. I am not posting too quickly. I haven’t posted in over an hour.
What, exactly, is Muslim garb?
I was once informed, by a deliciously if predictably ignorant Blue Dog, that it consisted of looking like the “towelheads and dotheads” who infuriated him by passing through the metal detectors on airplanes without always being searched from head to toe.
I think I’ve mentioned it here before, but the image of the man screaming “BUT LOOK! LOOKIT THAT DOT! THEY’RE MUSLIMS I TELL YOU!” while pointing at a family of Hindus is too entertaining not to unearth again.
Fagbagger? What does that even mean?
He was calling the FDL folks “firebaggers,” so I guess….I don’t know…maybe John Cole teabags “fags”? I have no idea.
So very rarely used, that one.
I know, and it’s the best one in the deck!
Oh, BTW, cankle update.
Either my physical therapist is a pessimistic bitch or my doctors are LIARS. *sniff*
My USB hub died today. I feel so disconnected.
I wish the MSM would go and find some fresh and relevant voices.
I hope it doesn’t – because every time it does it smothers them.
Anyone on the big networks daring to say what really needs saying (as opposed to the usual comforting marathon of oral farting that passes for commentary these days) is a direct threat to their bottom line … let a few in & the next thing you know the audience EXPECTS more than watery gruel. Not to mention that what needs saying the most right now = “if you really want to take back your life, first you need to unplug your fucking idiot-box & cut the power-cord with a knife.” What sponsor wouldn’t welcome that message with open arms?
They want fresh & relevant voices like I want a cyst on my dick.
Fagbagger? What does that even mean?
He was calling the FDL folks “firebaggers,” so I guess….I don’t know…maybe John Cole teabags “fags”? I have no idea.
But “firebaggers” are FireDogLake readers who are willing to join with the Tea Party to throw out Democrats. The roots of the word are I believe in the aforementioned Hamsher/Norquist alliance, although I think Hamsher has had other odd alliances in the same vein. So “fagbagger” would only make sense if she was calling him a gay Tea Partyer.
So “fagbagger” would only make sense if she was calling him a gay Tea Partyer.
Hey, I didn’t say it made any sense.
I’d like to point out her calling John Cole a “fagbagger” is really, really, really, really, really fucking offensive, stupid, mean and completely indefensible.
Especially when presented with no context.
If Sarah Palin wanted to call herself a Democrat because that’s the way the wind was blowing, would that be cool? No, of course not.
Hellooooo, James Webb…
Whoops, that was the related link. Here’s teh one where fagbagging is flagged (not flogged):
Either my physical therapist is a pessimistic bitch or my doctors are LIARS. *sniff*
Here, you left this hanging out there.
So. What. Happened?
The context doesn’t really help Jane’s case much.
Here’s teh one where fagbagging is flagged (not flogged)
In the chalice from the palace
“Here’s teh one where fagbagging is flagged (not flogged)
In the chalice from the palace”
Oh, I get it now. Fagbagging is a reference to Danny Kaye.
So. What. Happened?
The doctors told me that I’d probably start being full weightbearing by now, or within a couple of weeks. Homegirl said it would be about six weeks.
All I want to do is walk. At least a little. And driving would be nice, too.
She also seemed rather skeptical that I’ll ever be able to wear high heels again. 🙁
The context doesn’t really help Jane’s case much.
Rilly? She’s uses fag because the prompting issue deals with DADT.
Without context it seems like she’s just using “Ghey” as some sort of pejorative.
I dunno. I mean you can agree with John in that LGBT folks are stupid for passionately protesting DADT so close to an election – that’s an opinion and there’s soem valid arguments for it – but even in that case, you gotta admit that Jane’s case looks better than if she was just yelling “FAG” for no reason at all.
Yeah, it looks like her implication was that Cole was anti-gay, i.e. bagging on gays. Still pretty damn stupid, but not quite as stupid as I’d thought at first.
Fagbagging is a reference to Danny Kaye.
“The Secret Life of Walter Fagbag”
Disclosure. Balloon Juice often does unspeakable things to my browser – because I am an idiot who uses IE. So I guess I’m biased. Plus I’m still hoping that John loses his shit again and busts out with “the Jane Hamshers of the Right” – because that would be fan-fucking-tastic.
She also seemed rather skeptical that I’ll ever be able to wear high heels again. 🙁
The other PT dude acted like it was quite achievable. Why is she so mean to me?
Stand up in high heels again, I think your physiotherapist means
Why is she so mean to me?
Cuz you’re probably hotter than she is.
Stand up in high heels again
“Why don’t you work your ass off for face time?”
If he’s working his ass then it’s not “face time.” That would be working something else.
If he’s working his ass then it’s not “face time.”
Depends on how close the pole is to the audience.
I was gonna say…I find the best use for heels to be when they’re pointing up in the air.
I find the best use for heels to be when they’re pointing up in the air.
Threatening pigeons?
Stand up in high heels again, I think your physiotherapist means
Well, if I have to wear nurses’ shoes while I’m out, I don’t think it really matters.
Cuz you’re probably hotter than she is.
I dunno. She’s pretty adorable.
Yes. Pointing heels up in the air also helps one’s body drain oedema from cankles, you know. Very wise, VS.
Depends on how close the pole is to the audience.
Now that was fucking funny.
Threatening pigeons?
I think this is how you do that.
She’s pretty adorable.
So this is the PT that has you flexing your ankle and massaging your leg on the table?
In the private little therapy room?
Wearing a white uniform, with thigh high stockings and garters?
And then there’s what she’s wearing….
Oh wait, sorry, that’s in my head. I have no filter.
actor, get a blog…
Buy a bowel, owl.
“I was gonna say…I find the best use for heels to be when they’re pointing up in the air”
That explains the helium bottle in your boudoir then.
That explains the helium bottle in your boudoir then.
Nothing’s sexier than Donald Duck talk.
In case you were wondering why DKW suddenly disappeared today…
Burn a Quran, get called on the carpet by the world. DON’T burn a Quran, get a car.
I would like to announce that I am burning TWO Qurans.
I would like to announce that I am burning TWO Qurans
That might get you a Camry.
I’m not burning millions of Qurans. Aston Martin DBS please. In green, BRG.
Screw high heels. That is hot…literally!
Screw high heels.
I thought that was the idea, sort of.
Fucking Hyundai?
Cheap bastards.
Screw high heels.
I thought that was the idea, sort of.
I think I’ve seen that magazine.
Fucking Hyundai?
Do. Not. Want.
I think I’ve
seen thatbought, lovingly-laminated and cataloged every issue of that magazine.Fixed!
I would like to announce, that I have not and will not burn any Koran ever. Having said that, now that Valentino Rossi has signed up to race for Ducati, there will inevitably be a Rossi edition superbike or MotoGP replica racer. That is what I want.
In actually following the link, if Jones follows through, the ending could have been a lot worse.
“firebaggers” are FireDogLake readers who are willing to join with the Tea Party to throw out Democrats
Whoa. Talk about cutting off your head to spite your neck.
Sorry, but having Birkenstocks, good weed & a bitchen CD library won’t do much of anything to cut that stink, & neither will patchouli.
Did any of these brainiacs perchance notice that the GOP’s version of their sacred purity-fetish is probably going to cost them at least 20-30 Senate & House elections next month? A jobless recovery after the harshest recession in at least 30 years won’t even get them 50/50 odds of taking the Senate in a midterm election. With a minimally competant campaign strategy, they should be all set to turn the Democrats into a decorative boot-scraper, but “Operation Leper” & all the more-hardcore-than-thou BS in its wake has been nothing but fail for them.
Like I keep saying: your goals are no more to me than amusing trivia – what I watch is your results. When your results are preventing people with the power to make good things happen from staying in a position to do so & spawning epic sagas of pointless infighting among good people, your sweet words will always ring hollow to me … because I know exactly what you are.
Leftards: making good ideas look bad since 1848.
If you want to fuck a car, there’s only one choice.
Well, for the discerning car-fucker, anyway. actor, I’m looking at you.
Well, for the discerning car-fucker, anyway. actor, I’m looking at you.
since when?
If you want to fuck a car, there’s only one choice.
For a second there, I thought you were linking to the Don Surber lingerie picture…
since when?
Since the prostate started acting up.
Leftards: making good ideas look bad since 1848.
If there’s a historical reference there, I have missed it.
“when I get on a plane, and see a right-wingnut, I get worried and nervous. Because they HAVE been known to shoot to kill.”
*shudder* That’s not how I roll.
The mother was also charged with disorderly conduct.
Heh. Disorderly conduct. Heh.
A second choice, driven hard already.
your sweet words will always ring hollow to me … because I know exactly what you are.
One of my favorite .sig’s quotes the sage of Concordsaying something similar.
I’m not sure I’m ready to see DKW’s mom.
My time spent with vacuumslayer’s mom has made me appreciate plus-sized sex partners. That’s why you won;t find me humping anything smaller than a large SUV.
Not surprisinly, the MSM is misrepresenting what Juan Williams actually said. He didn’t say “people in Muslim garb scare me, yo”. As a friend of mine (“Timmy” to the five people who read my blog) pointed out, what WIlliams said was that “if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims […]”, which is far more pernicious.
Imagine if he said “if I see people who are wearing kippot and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Jews” or “if I see people who are wearin crosses and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Christians” … certainly many of the same people who think it was so unfair for NPR to fire Williams would be screaming for his head!
What she said seems different that what she’s being blamed for.
re: Hyundai
I kinda like the new Sonata… uh… I mean something derogatory about someone’s mother.
bought, lovingly-laminated and cataloged every issue
Not when you work in a porn store.
I saw a LOT of stuff I wouldn’t have taken home with me.
I’m always happy to someone coming out as a supporter of the BBC* community.
Big Beautiful Cars
“if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims […]“, which is far more pernicious.
I’d still like to know what precisely is Muslim garb? I mean, there’s the Arabic burnoose, but there are Christian Arabs. There’s the Indonesian kebaya (and there are many more Muslims in Indonesia than in most Arabic nations) but I doubt anyone would worry about that, there’s the dashiki, the African shirt that was popular amongst left wing black power militants in the 60s, but….
Oh. OK. I get it now…
if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims
So Mr. Williams is a psychic, now?
How the hell does he know what they identify as?
the dashiki
What she said seems different that what she’s being blamed for.
Um, they held a PRESS CONFERENCE together. She did not just sign a letter that a hundred other people including Grover Norquist signed…
the dashiki
Got a tissue?
The flayed skins of unbelievers, which I must say redefine frumpy.
I’m not sure I’m ready to see DKW’s mom.
Oh, come on! Don’t be a coward! Everyone else has!
Besides, you know the saying: Once you see her, you never go fur.
The flayed skins of unbelievers, which I must say redefine frumpy.
Beats militant Jewish garb which, when it gets cold, shrinks into a Speedo.
actor, what about what she said?
Not who she said it with?
My time spent with vacuumslayer’s mom has made me appreciate plus-sized sex partners. – DWK
I actually appreciate, aesthetically, very petite, thin women, but I gotta wonder, how does sex work with such a partner, mechanically speaking? After all, I’m a Democrat not a Republican, so my sex life doesn’t involve rubber wet-suites, diapers and men’s bathrooms but often involves the missionary position with a long-term partner. And while I’ve never been with a plus-sized woman, I’ve only been with women with a little meat on their bones.
I am truly curious — how does sex with a waif-type actually work? Wouldn’t I crush her?
Also, I’ll just come right out and say it: comments about your own mother aren’t nearly as hilarious as jokes about other people’s moms. What’s up with that? Better rub that ACME Skin Thickener in better.
DAS said,
October 22, 2010 at 20:56
You make a bloody good point.
If the problem is that these people [seem to] identify as “Muslim first” (and American second, which I guess is what he meant), then one could easily point to people who identify as “Jewish first” in a way that weighs on our foreign policy by draining us of money which is then used to support thousands of murders and forced displacements – to no benefit whatsoever for the United States.
We’ve already seen what happens when a reporter applies the same standards to Jews. And most of the people currently screaming that Juan was unfairly treated were cheering back then.
I’d still like to know what precisely is Muslim garb?
Conservative media;
Q: What is _____________?
A: Whatever they say it is at any given moment.
actor, what about what she said?
Not who she said it with?
Pixie, she’s entitled to her opinion. I have no problem with her disliking Rahm Emanuel.
I think the *content* objection most people here had was to the “fagbagging”
I am truly curious — how does sex with a waif-type actually work? Wouldn’t I crush her?
She gets on top, you don’t. You just have to be careful about things.
Oh my LAWD!
I’d still like to know what precisely is Muslim garb?
I did a quick gazoogle searchy thing. I found that there are actually 2 types of Muslim garb. There is traditional Muslim garb as well as overtly Muslim garb. Hmm, who knew.
I have no problem with her disliking Rahm Emanuel.
Yet it always comes back to her and Norquist.
And her being a whore.
Yet it always comes back to her and Norquist.
Right, which is not about what she said but who she said it with.
Are you paying attention or just whoring yourself out for free?
actor, what about what she said?
Not who she said it with?
The question wasn’t directed at me but I’m going to answer it anyway. Why would anyone agree to separate it into two issues? It’s stupid to be calling for an investigation of the President’s chief of staff for the reasons she did, but choosing to do so in alliance with one of the biggest right wing assholes in the country was a clever move on her part. Right away she started appearing on Fox News in the role of the “liberal pundit who hates the President’s HCR bill.” For this and other reasons I consider her a political enemy. Why don’t you try to convince me that she’s not?
In re: what Chris said @ October 22, 2010 at 21:14
Well, as I said, I didn’t catch this … my friend “Timmy” did.
Anyway, I guess the summary of your point and Timmy’s is that “Muslims are the Jews of conservative Communism”
Are you […] just whoring yourself out for free? Actor212
You say that as if it were a bad thing 😉
You say that as if it were a bad thing 😉
I have no problem with it, but when I whore myself, I expect to be paid.
Ask my mom. Hell, ask DKW’s mom!
I am truly curious — how does sex with a waif-type actually work? Wouldn’t I crush her?
How much weight do you typically put on a partner? Cuz, you know, even the bigger girls need to breathe and lung compression doesn’t depend on what SHE weighs(nor even necessarily what you weigh). If you can’t use your arms to lighten her load, try side-by-side, sitting up, her on top, standing up… you get the idea.
Oh my LAWD!
It helps that most Americans had no idea who Osama Bin Laden or what al-Qaeda was prior to 09/11/2001, so as far as they’re concerned we only started counting the score after that event.
Of course, Clinton should have known because blargh liberal stab in the back cigargate blargh.
I don’t know what “traditional Muslim garb” means, but in my experience “traditional Jewish garb” means “whatever the WASPs were wearing a few decades ago”: for example, WASP preppies used to wear things like pink shirts and khaki pants with blue blazers. Now Jews wear such things to shul in spring and fall.
This observation explains Ralph Lauren.
Anyway, I guess the summary of your point and Timmy’s is that “Muslims are the Jews of conservative Communism”
And of the 21st century. Word to your friend TIMMEH!!!
It helps that most Americans had no idea who Osama Bin Laden or what al-Qaeda was prior to 09/11/2001, so as far as they’re concerned we only started counting the score after that event. – Chris
Anyone who says “9/11 changed everything” is someone who did not understand the danger of fundamentalist caused terrorism pre-9/11 (which includes terrorism caused by fundie Christians as well as OBL, et al), and hence they should not be taken seriously on matters of national security.
Unfortunately, our so-called liberal media has decided that the “9/11 changed everything” crowd are the only people who are “serious” about national security.
So just to be clear, you think that since she called for Rahm’s resignation and for an investigation into the activities at Fannie/Freddie along with Norquist, she’s a whore and needs to STFU?
Of course, Clinton should have known because blargh liberal stab in the back cigargate blargh. – Chris
Oh yes … let’s go to the way-back machine, shall we?
How many people who are upset at liberals for not wanting to fight hard enough against terrorism are the same people who back when Clinton did use military force against terrorists shouted “see the tail wag the dog!” ?
BTW — thank you all for your “advice” 😉
even the bigger girls need to breathe
Wait. So tying the bag off was why she called the cops?
So just to be clear, you think that since she called for Rahm’s resignation and for an investigation into the activities at Fannie/Freddie along with Norquist, she’s a whore and needs to STFU?
Nope. And if you need a clear delineation of what I said, then you can go to…the thread and read 🙂
Of course, Clinton should have known because blargh liberal stab in the back cigargate blargh.
Of course they say that now, but FWIW Clinton DID know and at the time those jokers accused him of being obsessed with Bin Laden, wagging the dog, etc.
Hamsher’s a little douchey, but she really spearheaded the hcr movement before most lefties even gave a shit about it. She is a bit of a media whore, but I found the vitriol directed at her during the whole healthcare debate to be bizarre.
Lefties have cared about HCR forever. It hasn’t been on the agenda in any serious way since early on in Clinton’s first term but it was always there as an issue. If anyone’s going to get credit for reintroducing the subject I nominate John Edwards in the 2008 campaign, followed closely by Obama and Hillary. What did Jane Hamsher do that was so integral to the cause? And even if she did make some special contribution, so what? Why would people who decided she had become counterproductive feel loyalty to her over the cause of reform?
Of course, Clinton should have known because blargh liberal stab in the back cigargate blargh.
Right. Nevermind that he, you know, actually stopped numerous terror attacks not only here but abroad, including a plot to kill Pope John Paul II…he simply should have donned a superhero’s costume, travelled forward thru time and singlehandedly yanked those terrorists off those flights, while Command Codpiece and His Lost Planet Airmen played snooker and enjoyed brandies.
Wait. So tying the bag off was why she called the cops?
I’d wager that was certainly one element in her complaint to authorities.
As inevitable as flatulence after Chipotle, this
Well put.
Having lived, however briefly, in places like Cuba or Egypt where “no freedom of speech” means people will literally break down your door in the middle of the night and kill or torture you, I find few things more obscene (or pathetic) than the way wingnuts over here bawl every time one of them gets fired for saying something incredibly stupid, because OMG!!! That’s just like communism!
Look, shit for brains. The Constitution guarantees you the right to say whatever the fuck you want (though it’s not clear if you always realize that, as your attempts to ban mosque construction and WBC protests demonstrate). It does not guarantee you the right to be employed, and it does not oblige other people to print or air the shit that comes out of your mouths. And you are the last people on earth I should have to explain this to given your obsession for defending the rights of employers.
I’d wager that was certainly one element in her complaint to authorities.
So when she screamed “Knot that!” she really was saying “Not that!”…dammit.
How much weight do you typically put on a partner? Cuz, you know, even the bigger girls need to breathe and lung compression doesn’t depend on what SHE weighs(nor even necessarily what you weigh). If you can’t use your arms to lighten her load, try side-by-side, sitting up, her on top, standing up… you get the idea.
Yeah, I was wondering about that, too. I mean, if you just lie on top of her and kind of stick it in…well, ur doin it rong.
Right. Nevermind that he, you know, actually stopped numerous terror attacks not only here but abroad, including a plot to kill Pope John Paul II…he simply should have donned a superhero’s costume, travelled forward thru time and singlehandedly yanked those terrorists off those flights, while Command Codpiece and His Lost Planet Airmen played snooker and enjoyed brandies.
And if he had, they’d have said he was playing politics.
By the way VS, thanks for the Bush link.
With him out of office for two years, during which we saw the rise of a teabagger movement insanely right wing enough to make him look like George McGovern, one almost forgets what a complete piece of shit George W. Bush was. Not something I ever want to forget.
It really depends on the partner.
If anyone’s going to get credit for reintroducing the subject I nominate John Edwards in the 2008 campaign, followed closely by Obama and Hillary.
I was talking mainly about the netroots, and she was an advocate before the 2008 election, but fair enough.
Why would people who decided she had become counterproductive feel loyalty to her over the cause of reform?
I don’t give a shit if you feel loyalty toward her or not. I certainly don’t. I was talking about vitriol, which is different. Nobody seemed to want to engage with her on the issues, instead it was all like, “OH NOES SHE WANTS TO KILL HCR!!!!!!”
I mean, if you’ve read what else I’ve written, you’ll see that I’m not the world’s biggest fan of hers. I just find the “sit down and shut the fuck up” voices within the Democratic party to be tiring at best.
I mean, if you just lie on top of her and kind of stick it in…well, ur doin it rong.
It really depends on the partner.
Right. Lonely nights down at the morgue, and well…you know…if they move, you tend to panic.
They want to be taken desperately seriously by the MSM so they can get face time.
she’s a shameless media whore
She is a pompous jackass yadayadayada, which is why I don’t want her representing my point of view on the air.
First the Business meeting, then the whores.
None of which supports your boneheaded contention that: So just to be clear, you think that since she called for Rahm’s resignation and for an investigation into the activities at Fannie/Freddie along with Norquist, she’s a whore and needs to STFU?
She just needs to shut the fuck up.
The greatest sexual athlete I have ever known – an argument for God if there ever was one – could guarantee a come by having a partner just lie down on her and stick it in. The other stuff was lots of fun, sure…lots and lots and lots of fun…did I mention how fun she was?
Command Codpiece and His Lost Planet Airmen played snooker and enjoyed brandies.
Hey hey hey! That crew isn’t fit to lick Commander Cody’s and the LPA’s shoes. How insulting to CC.
You know, I’m not down with the whole “whore” thing – watch Bouffant get in trouble! – but it’s okay to dislike Jane Hamsher, even for trivial reasons like her manner.
… just lie down on her and stick it in…
Who was sticking _what_ in whose _where_? Was there any Velveeta involved?
That crew isn’t fit to lick Commander Cody’s and the LPA’s shoes. How insulting to CC.
In truth, I couldn’t come up with a good allegory for the LPA. My apologies.
What big, round, white and wet underneath?
No, not DKW’s mom…
In truth, I couldn’t come up with a good allegory for the LPA. My apologies.
Actor is lost in the ozone again .
You leftists are so ignorant and stupid. LA liberal idiots even violated their own Arizona boycott by traveling to Phoenix to protest Governor Brewer.
Btw, you libs do realize that you would be the first to face execution if the mohammedans even took over this country, because of your support for homosexual deviancy, abortion and feminism. And yet you liberals carry their water here in the States.
You leftists are too stupid to be alive. I’m surprised you people even know how to breathe.
Crater bottom pole-plunge probe’s moist bonanza
Actor is lost in the ozone again .
Beat me, Daddy, eight to the bar…
Crater bottom pole-plunge probe’s moist bonanza
I think they misspelled “bananaz”…
I’m surprised you people even know how to breathe.
I’m not surprised you think you need lessons to do it.
if the mohammedans even took over this country,
Are you planning on surrendering, “Steve”?
Cuz you Limpy jackoffs have been threatening ‘libs’ for years death and that hasn’t shut us up…
Then why aren’t you more sympathetic to them?
Btw, you libs do realize that you would be the first to face execution if the mohammedans even took over this country, because of your support for homosexual deviancy, abortion and feminism.
The United States military has more weapons and better training than any military in the world. Than the next two militaries combined.
So Steve, the question must be asked: Why are you such a fucking chickenshit?
Btw, you libs do realize that you would be the first to face execution if the mohammedans even took over this country
The odds of that happening are roughly equal to my chances of dating Scarlett Johansson. The probability of either is so remote as to approach zero.
The odds of that happening are roughly equal to my chances of dating Scarlett Johansson.
By wingnut logic, Scarlett Johansson is therefore your mistress.
Better rub that ACME Skin Thickener in better.
Don’t forget to turn on the webcam.
By wingnut logic, Scarlett Johansson is therefore your mistress.
Wingnut logic is starting to sound appealing.
The GOP had so much fun defunding ACORN that they decided they’d try it again.
Typical dumbazz repukes & their “conservative” azzholes, too stupid to know that NPR stopped relying on tax dollars years ago. Take away that 2% & NPR will still be on the air.
Awwwwwwwwwwww! They wanted public broadcasting to be private; they got what they wanted. Schadenfreude, guys!
how does sex with a waif-type actually work?
Steve, the answer is still no, you may not lick my butthole. The answer will always be no. Just stop pestering me, go away.
Eww, did someone take a dump in he–
oh, it’s Stevie.
you may not lick my butthole.
Release the Cracken!
Pup–ROFL! \m/\>.</\m/
Hey hey hey! That crew isn’t fit to lick Commander Cody’s and the LPA’s shoes. How insulting to CC.
Thank you for saving me the trouble, Mr. Pupienus Maximus!
Saw those boys a-fore they wuz even signed to a label, they wuz good. Drunk, & good.
I don’t give a shit if you feel loyalty toward her or not. I certainly don’t. I was talking about vitriol, which is different. Nobody seemed to want to engage with her on the issues, instead it was all like, “OH NOES SHE WANTS TO KILL HCR!!!!!!”
Vitriol on the internet? What’s this world coming to? Whatever you don’t go anywhere near FDL or Jane Hamsher’s twitter feed if vitriol bothers you. She dishes it out as well as anyone so I don’t understand why you’re particularly concerned with her being on the receiving end sometimes. And plenty of people did engage her on the issues during the debate and she didn’t always respond in like fashion.
I mean, if you’ve read what else I’ve written, you’ll see that I’m not the world’s biggest fan of hers. I just find the “sit down and shut the fuck up” voices within the Democratic party to be tiring at best.
She’s a pundit that gets criticized for what she writes by people who disagree with her. What’s so unusual about that? Get as tired over it as you want but it doesn’t equal trying to get her to shut up anymore than you expressing your opinions about her critics equals you trying to shut them the fuck up.
I am truly curious — how does sex with a waif-type actually work? Wouldn’t I crush her?
No. I mean maybe if they’re heroin addicts with rickets or something. Just because they’re small doesn’t mean they’re frail.
So – key point number one: if she says “you’re crushing me” then back off and try something else for a while. Reverse cowgirl or doggiestyle or maybe some odd scissoring thing. Well, unless she’s got a ball-gag on, but I’m going to assume that if you’ve moved onto the ball-gag phase of the relationship, you probably know how much weight she finds comfortable to carry.
“moved onto the ball-gag phase of the relationship”
Huh? How does one “move onto” step 1?
Does watching America’s Funniest Home Videos count?
Huh? How does one “move onto” step 1?
What? No coffee enema?
You know, I’m not down with the whole “whore” thing – watch Bouffant get in trouble! –
Oddly, while I was essentially quoting the Brown aide, but went the comedy shock route by not placing whore in quotes or something; when Thers places words in Ginni Thomas’ big fat mouth w/ quotation marks:
the Ladies Auxiliary of the Word/Thought Police do not show up to have fits. And if “bitch” isn’t as (More?) “sexistly weighted” than whore, well …
Btw, you libs do realize that you would be the first to face execution if the mohammedans even took over this country, because of your support for homosexual deviancy, abortion and feminism.
You know who really carries water for America haters? People who actually hate other Americans for the terrible crime of disagreeing or being different, people who try to tear down Constitutional protections from the inside, in short: people like you. YOU ARE THE TERRORISTS’ BEST FRIEND, MOTHERFUCKER.
Yeah, yeah. I get it – I’m an antiquated relic with old-timey notions of when it’s appropriate to introduce props. Maybe alla youse kids oughta get your BDSM gear offa mah lawn.
Well there you go: you can make a character say “whore” but no being that character.
I agree that it’s best not to call women whores but I’m amazed that anyone thinks that saying something like this:
is going to cause any thought in the offender other than, “oh, shut up you precious twat.”*
*That’s the character I created saying that, just to be clear.
Wanna talk about getting porked? I just made pork tenderloin, browned then braised with apples, onions and potatoes in an apple/mustard sauce. I seasoned with bacon, fresh sage and rosemary. Omgf. I’m brilliant.
Wanna talk about getting porked?
Interest, newsletter, yadda yadda.
I guess my knocked up status is the best I can do re: my porkability.
omg, I love this
All those Christian and/or animist places in Africa where homosexuals are in danger of being executed, those are not a real concern because shut up, that’s why.
I actually appreciate, aesthetically, very petite, thin women, but I gotta wonder, how does sex work with such a partner, mechanically speaking? Wouldn’t I crush her?
Where is the concern for short skinny XY-type people? Harumph.
When I’m on a plane, if I see people who are in NRO garb, I get worried & nervous. Because they’ll probably want to charge me with assault after I hawk a big loogie on them.
When I’m on a boat, if I see T-Pain, I get worried & nervous.