The Malkinization of History

Ah, Michelle Malkin. How silly can you get?

By Michelle Malkin · July 22, 2006 11:20 AM

Anonymous blabbers and their stenographers at the NYTimes are at it again:

The Bush administration is rushing a delivery of precision-guided bombs to Israel, which requested the expedited shipment last week after beginning its air campaign against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, American officials said Friday.

The decision to quickly ship the weapons to Israel was made with relatively little debate within the Bush administration, the officials said. Its disclosure threatens to anger Arab governments and others because of the appearance that the United States is actively aiding the Israeli bombing campaign in a way that could be compared to Iran’s efforts to arm and resupply Hezbollah.

Reader Thomas W. writes: “Michelle, the NYT is doing it again. Throwing one of our best allies under the bus, and openly disclosing future military war plans against our enemies.” He sends a screen cap of the story:


And adds: “What’s the difference between that and this?”


“All in the Public Interest, right?”

Funny thing about that (my emphasis):

By noon on 28 July, OWI’s (Office of War Information’s) presses on Saipan were rolling with notices warning civilians to evacuate 35 Japanese cities scheduled to be bombed within the next few days. About 1 million leaflets fell on the targeted cities whose names appeared in Japanese writing under a picture of five airborne B-29s releasing bombs. Given the extent of the effort, it is extraordinary that many Americans are not aware that Japanese cities were warned prior to being bombed. Even today, members of the B-29 crews recall their fears that the warnings would make them easier targets for Japanese planes and antiaircraft artillery. However, they concurred with Gen. Curtis LeMay’s proposal at the time. Military newspapers featured the unprecedented action under such headlines as “B-29 Command Now Calling Its Shotsâ€? and “580 B-29s Follow Up Leaflet Warnings With 3800 Tons Of Fire And Explosives.â€? Visualize what it must have been like for people in the targeted cities to look up and see more than 100 B-29 “Superfortressesâ€? overhead. The image lends understanding to the Allies’ decision to warn civilians, even at their own risk.

Damned traitorous military!


Comments: 49


They are so so SO mad that “We are at war” doesn’t (yet) equate to “The news is what we say it is”. They dig the WWII propaganda posters but going back and actually reading some wartime newspapers? That’d take effort and time and they’re sure the experience would only prove them right so why bother.

So that’s right, wingnuts. All news gathering and reporting was suspended in total for the duration of our involvement in WWII. In fact, all the daily papers in the country shuttered for four years or so, right?


The other aspect of this is:

1.) Do you really think Hezzbollah DOESN’T know we’re supplying Israel with weapons?

2.) Did Hezzbollah really not know that Israel would bomb them were it not for the NEW YORK TIMES?

I mean c’mon, Michelle…


At the risk of pointing out the incredibly obvious:

As of the first of August, 1945, the existence of the atomic bomb was a closely-guarded secret. Fewer than two hundred people knew that operational A-bombs existed.

By contrast, the US military has boasted repeatedly of its precision-guided munitions (“smart bombs” sounds so 1992, n’est-ce pas?), and our role as ordnance sugar daddy to Israel is not exactly well-concealed.

I know that people who habitually read Malkin are incontinent of the word “treaason”, but might someone please point out any secret that is being revealed by this article?


… *gurgle*
I, it’s… what?! We’re somehow tipping our hand by printing that the US supplies ISRAEL?!

Bitch, my dear sweer GRANDMOTHER knew we are supplying Israel.


Finally, the great mystery of where Israel acquired those F16s and the munitions for them is solved. Osama and the gang will be overjoyed to learn that the US is backing Israel, contrary to what they’ve suspected all along.

More likely, her sensitivity is owning to the fact that the Bush administration is rushing the delivery of said munitions, at a time at which Israel is using US-made weapons to engage in the collective punishment of Lebanon for the actions of Hizbullah. Daring to call attention to the fact that the US pretty much always backs Israel, whatever they choose to do does border on treason.


He sends a screen cap of the story:

I expected to see ‘American Officials said’ highlighted in red. Hmm.


Yet again, further proof that wingnuts think the only American publication, indeed, the only source of news and information for the Middle East, is the New York Times.


I think they even have their own news sources there.

Good ones.


Michelle, ma belle —

please take time today and go outside for a walk
in what’s left of the fresh air ….

oxygen is good for the brain


My favorite part is when Thomas W. asserts that the “Times” is “openly discussing future military plans…” it’s fucking awesome.
Like some arab openes his copy of the nyt does a spit take and just loses it. “Oh shit Fatima, don’t look now, but according to the times Isreal may be planning to bomb us.”
Nevermind the sea of smouldering rubble just out the window.


Again, these wingnuts are extremists, not “conservatives”. It is THEY who hate America. They cannot stand for anyone to hear any dissent. A free press is anathema to their authoritarian political beliefs. Just as they attempt to quash all dissent (see Sheehan, Cindy or Murtha, Jack), they are attempting through intimidation to muzzle the press. Having effectively abrogated the fourth amendment, they are now salivating and snapping at the first. And make no mistake, while no terrorist group or tin pot dictator could destroy america and our way of life, we certainly have that power internally. These authoritarian theocratic bigots are the greatest existential threat to America and our way of life since Stalin. And it’s not a given that they will lose…


Worst. President. Ever.

Michelle Malkin was just illustrating Charles Barkley’s point: “I was a Republican- until they lost their minds.”


Is Malkin so freaking stupid she doesn’t realize the Administration intentionally leaked this and wants this information known.

So BushCo sends their signal to the world AND gets the wingnuts to accuse the Times of treason (again!). I guess that’s what they call a twofer.


This is a little off topic, but did you catch this? This is from the front page of Yahoo:

Will the Red Sea part again?

Satellite photos show tectonic activity is helping widen one end of the sea that Moses once parted.

As if it’s a fucking fact that Moses parted the Red Sea. Some of us prefer to call that “legend” or “fictional” or “bullshit.” Moses did not part shit. He didn’t live to 900 years old like fucking Yoda either. Please, good people of Yahoo, pretty please stop referring to obviously fantastical, legendary Biblical events as legitimate history.

Now, back to Maglangalgnlang.


The CIA link is broken – it goes to a redirect announcing that most sites have been moved to use SSL encryption.

Replace “http” with “https”, and it works just fine…


Uh, from this:

The decision to quickly ship the weapons to Israel was made with relatively little debate within the Bush administration, the officials said.

It seems pretty clear that the NYT’s source was from the administration itself.


Like some arab openes his copy of the nyt does a spit take and just loses it. “Oh shit Fatima, don’t look now, but according to the times Isreal may be planning to bomb us.�

Or like Garry Trudeau once wrote about another place and another time:

“Look, Martha, here come the bombs.”


As if it’s a fucking fact that Moses parted the Red Sea.

Say what you will about Moses, but he sure wasn’t a spaghetti pusher!


Small children jumping rope on the playground sing rhymes about the US supplying Israel with munitions.

It’s not a fucking secret.

Although, I think the terrorists know everything early, because they go out on Saturday night to pick up the first edition of the Sunday Times, to get the theatre reviews. Just sayin’


Michelle’s an expert on this kind of thing, and probably did oodles of research on it. So I blame her husband.


JK47, I noticed that too. It’s like in the Los Angeles Times story a few weeks ago about farmers trying to bred red cows so that the Apocalypse will happen NOW, not once, on a story that took up a whole page, did they even remotely come close to hinting that a) the people in the article were batshit insane and b) they got this from a 2,000 year old book written (poorly) by goatherders, not from any evidence. Yay liberal media!

Notorious P.A.T.

“How silly can you get?”

Nick Rivers rocks on!!!


Every word out of her mouth must be gospel! Why, she has a SCREEN CAPIII (Tactic courtesy of the Patterico School for Convincing Arguments.)

You just can’t make an omelette without slaughtering some women and children.


And what’s the point in using a screen cap for proof, if you’re just gonna turn around and easily manipulate the frackin’ thing to prove another point? Doesn’t that discredit all uses of screen caps as Exhibit A? The stupid never stops.


Heh, great Doonesbury quote.
I love the one where Phred the Terrorist’s mom is testifying before congress that American jets bomber her village, and the congress guy is like, “Well, how do you know they were American jets? There are many kinds of jets, you see, large ones, small ones…”
“It was Macdonnel-Dougles F-4 Phantom II”
“Uh, err, yes. That’s one of ours.”


Uh, Michelle, not to belabor the point, but my CATS knew that we were supply Israel. Silly quiff.


So, besides making fun of wingnuts and posting obnoxious videos, what’s the haps, S,N! krew? Will no one speak for the kittens?


Why exactly did we leave Poland?


I keep wondering if wingnuts have some kind of master plan, or if they really are just this stupid.


I keep wondering if wingnuts have some kind of master plan, or if they really are just this stupid.

Clearly both, though their masterplan is underpants-gnome-like:

1) Illegally invade Iraq.
2) ???
3) Democracy spreads around the world and all domestic political opposition disappears.


I keep wondering if wingnuts have some kind of master plan, or if they really are just this stupid.



Isn’t supposed to be:
Step 3.) PROFIT!one!!
Wot? RU 4 C0mm13?!?

It must be… interesting… to be part of Michelle’s target audience and be so consistently surprised by things that are so screamingly, patently *obvious*. Their brains must hurt a lot. Often.

Colonel Cathcart

But the NYTimes is ignoring the IMPORTANT news:

“US Speeds Up Paint Supply Delivery to Meet Glorious 5 Year Iraqi School Beautification Plan”

What about the schools?!?!! Won’t anyone think about the incredibly well-painted schools?!?!!?!!!!


Nick Rivers rocks on!!!

Glad to know i’m not the only one who went immediately to Top Secret.


I think the reason Michelle may be all a-twitter about this particular leak is that the “decision to quickly ship the weapons to Israel was made with relatively little debate within the Bush administration […] because of the appearance that the United States is actively aiding the Israeli bombing campaign in a way that could be compared to Iran’s efforts to arm and resupply Hezbollah.” (from the article)

They’re not upset that the terrorists “found out” about the weaons. They’re upset because the American people and the international community found out that the administration’s line about “we hope there is a peaceful solution” is “objectively bullshit”.


I fail to see how the NY Times story throws one of our best allies under the bus. Or how it discloses future military war plans against our enemies. How does he think that this information is going to help Hezbollah?


How does he think that this information is going to help Hezbollah?

Ok, I think I’ve got it. See, Hezbollah’s been counting the bombs being dropped by Israel, like one of those old Western shootouts. You know, where the guy counts six shots and then knows that the other guy’s got to reload his revolver, so the first guy takes advantage and unloads on him.

So, this guy in Hezbollah is all “19,678…19,679… they’re almost out Ali, they’ve only got 19,700 of those bombs, as soon as they’re out, we’ll rush ’em! There’s nothing they can do!”

Ali, perusing a copy of the NYT, says: “Wait, Mahmood! It says here that the US is rushing a resupply over!”

“Dammit! Foiled again! Well, thank Allah and the New York Times that we found out. We would have been in trouble!”


Wait a minute… You mean, Israel is our… customer? And now the terrorists know about it?



(Announcer) “We interrupt this echo chamber for the following news bulletin”:

Atomic bomb: SECRET

Incendiary bombs: NOT SECRET

Please cite where the Japanese were warned that Hiroshima was about to be hit with an atom bomb.


That’s what I thought.

Malkin’s point still stands. Buh bye.


Malkin’s point is completely ridiculous, because obviously this was something that the Administration purposely leaked for the purpose of the Media reporting it and showing that the US is backing Israel.

Basically, there’s absolutely no reason we should think that this is comparable to Hiroshima in any way at all. This is a purposeful PR leak by the US government which (like the Cheney’s house thing) nobody has any reason to believe is intended to be secret.

The whole thing is so blatantly absurd on its face it never ceases to amaze me when they do this shit. I almost hope she’s acting in bad faith in pushing this shit, because I find it unbelievable that anybody actually believes this garbage.

But the S, N boys seem to have missed the point again, I must sadly say. Instead of going to history to demonstrate some kind of point about the Japanese, they should have hit the obvious point that there’s no reason to think this is secret at all.

Basically, from now on, it would seem that the right is just going to take any reporting in the New York Times and show how it demonstrates treason.

“The United States has troops in Iraq, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said in Tuesday’s press conference.”

“Look at that traitorous New York Times, making our troops unsafe by reporting their locations to potential terrorists.”

It’s gotten to the point of complete self-parody.


Incendiary bombs: NOT SECRET…Malkin’s point still stands. Buh bye.

So Malkin’s point stands because incindiary bombs are not a secret? I’m sure that logic made perfect sense to you, but I also know you should be in a well-ventilated area while mixing paint. You may want to keep that in mind for next time.


Forgot something. You know what else was never secret? Precision-guided bombs. Malkin’s point still stands how, exactly?


perhaps marcus was confused as to which part of the post was Brad R’s and which part was quoted from Malkin’s sight. That’s the only thing I can think of.

On another tack – maybe another purpose of the report was for the benefit of investors in whatever company makes the munitions.


oops. “site” not “sight” – but you guys probably realized that.


There’s also the point that the hypothetical headline #2 is about Americans rushing a new American weapon to the front lines where American troops will use it in a battle when America itself is in a state of declared war. Whereas the actual headline #1 is about Americans shipping weapons overseas to a alien power in the midst of fighting an undeclared war of the most dubious legality, in which, at least formally, we claim to be a non-combatant. Is the United States of America at war with Lebanon? That seems to me to be a very significant distinction, obviously not to Ms. Malkin though.

Karatist Preacher

blogenfreude said,

July 23, 2006 at 0:57

As if it’s a fucking fact that Moses parted the Red Sea.

Say what you will about Moses, but he sure wasn’t a spaghetti pusher!

Laughing – preach it Coach Dave!


I’d like to squeeze this in between Marcus’s synapse sparks:

The United States has a public domain ordinance-sales agreement with Israel, part of which is concluded in 2005. (Read the fucking article.) It includes a certain number of “smart-bombs,” of which only the delivery date is uncertain. Not secret. Uncertain, since it is customer dependent. (RTFA, again.) Smart bombs? Existence not a secret, in current use in Iraq and Afghanistan. Your point is taken. However: sales of such bombs to Israel is not secret. Hell, the delivery schedule isn’t secret. It’s just published, now, too.

At the instigation of the military and political apparatus that wants to be seen as helping Israel while we (wink) keep a hands off posture on the matter. The NYT is transcribing what the Bush Administration wants known about this matter, and Michelle her ilk reflexively want to feed the Borg with it. That is unhinged.


Malkin, that sweet, silly queefer! But seriously, SN, why DO you hate America?


Yeah – it’s ok for us to supply Israel with weapons galore, but entirely wrong for Iran to (supposedly) supply Hezbollah with weapons.

No double standard there. Nope, none.



Newsflash idiot! The US has supplied Israel with all kinds of weapons since the 1970s and will continue to do so! Most of Israel’s airforce is American-made!!! The only people who are in the dark about U.S. weapons shipments to Israel are you and Malkin. Get a clue and read a fucking American History book.


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