On The Beach

What you’re about to see is a true story. The names have remained the same to expose the guilty. The man is John Derbyshire. The woman is some poor lady who had the misfortune of running into him while working with a film crew.

Source: “A Failure of the Free Market,” America’s Shittiest Website™, October 7, 2010


Comments: 201


I think that gets right to the heart of the matter. In the “Free Market” common courtesy has no value. Either that or John Derbyshire is just a penis wrinkle.


Arolpin – no reason why it can’t be both.


Why did I get out of the boat?

What a tool derbyshire is. “What’s in it for me? What’s in it for me? What’s in it for me?” Failure of the free market? More a failure of manners.


More a failure of manners.

I’d go a step beyond and call it a failure of society. That sort of universal mutual antagonism is the end of goal of glibertarians, and I’ll never understand why.


The fact is, when hippys demand sepcial rights to use pubic property we have to give in but when a Freedom Loving Feee mARKET usa PERson does they look bad for nigotiating a contract? this is why i am GOING GALT

Smiling Mortician

Christ. It’s verbatim? Once — just once! — I’d like to discover that someone here has somehow twisted their words or been even infinitesimally unfair. What an absolute puke of a man.

And since the video uses almost all of his text, I’m not left with much to quote, but this? On a pleasant afternoon when I don’t feel like working . . . Asshole not only goes to the beach to be an asshole to an apparently very decent human being, but can apparently afford to go Galt to do it. Grr.


Hey, easy on the vanity slide there.


Must not have been one of the NewWorldOrder/OnamasoshulistNazzi helicopters- he got to snivel about his weak thug skillz, didn’t he?

Every fucking time I get off the boat- I realize WHY I don’t get off the boat. Dammit.

And no Li’l Creaturette yet!


Christ, what an asshole!


I guess wingnut welfare doesn’t pay enough to keep him from trying to make a little extra off of somebody else also using a public park on an off day. I hope it was a National Review film crew.


What a conclusion this man draws.

Since the firm may well have emerged from this incident out of pocket, and I went home no richer than before, the outcome was non-optimal — a failure of the free market.

Uh. Yeah. The free market failed. That’s it.

Douchebag. Douchebag. Douchebag. Triple-double dog douchebag.


From the mango patch, Derb sez:

Even if you did have state authority, it would only apply down to the high tide mark. Beyond that, you’d need federal authority. (This is sheer embroidery. I just made it up. I have no idea if it’s true. As it happens, this is low tide.)

Low tide is one way of putting it.


Evidently an insufficiently armed society.


This is a 50-50 deal for me. A goddam real estate company exploiting my commons, Derb expecting to be paid not to use said commons yada. Where even to start? If this was a failure of the free market, good.

(Guessing that the woman wasn’t young enough to be nubile in J. D.’s eyes, or we could have been treated to his attempts to negotiate something else. Bleahh!)

Of course, Derby is all hot & bothered about the commons when his time & use of them are being affected. There was something a wk. or two ago about someone exercising their rights against McDonna, who was directing a film on the very streets of New York City, & dared interfere w/ yet another typist busily doing nothing, who also had a forum from which to bitch. Didn’t end quite as well, & I’m not looking for it, but central to the thesis of “universal mutual antagonism.”


Actually, the real winner here in terms of the free market is whoever’s making that film. They are using publically-supported park land to a) increase the value of their product, and b) add value to their promotional material. (This assumes it’s actually a real estate company.) They’re relying on the ‘niceness’ of others to make it seem as though new homebuyers will have a whole beach all to themselves.

The real question to ask is: Do you have a permit to film here? Have you taken proper safety precautions and abided by all regulations for filming? Is that helicopter not restricted from being this close to a state park without some sort of permit?

Of course, these legitimate questions would never occur to John Derbyshire. Mr. Derbyshire would try to extort someone.


I thought Republicans were against panhandling.

(I cannot believe the script is actually REAL.)


Dear Penthouse Realty and Investment,

I never thought this would happen to me…..


Wow. This guy acts like an asshole out in public and proudly describes his boorish behavior as a demonstration of free market dynamics.

Here’s a shorter of his script:

Derb: I can haz soshul skillz?



From the title I was hoping this was going to be something about how Derb had to take a suicide pill ’cause he thought fallout was heading his way.


“What’s in it for me? What’s in it for me? What’s in it for me?”

Unfortunately, the answer was not a knee to the yarbles.


How much cash does Derbyshit want to drink a couple of quarts of antifreeze?
‘Cause I’ll totally pay it.


I’m sure they’ll be prepared for their next commercial by having a sniper in the helicopter.


I know it’s fun to rag on Derbyshire, but as far as I’m concerned, this is one of those times of day when the stopped clock is right. A private realty company? Fuck them, and fuck the “we’re just asking people to be nice” argument.


What. A. Putz.

My ask was absurdly high, of course, but that’s how you negotiate in a totally “open” situation like this. Nobody’s making a market on the pleasure I take from my beach walks. I’d have settled for a hundred.

And a low rent, petty putz at that.

Of course, these legitimate questions would never occur to John Derbyshire. Mr. Derbyshire would try to extort someone.

Of course.

The whole thing makes me want to go stalk the fuckwad and be as inconvenient as humanly possible, just because. Start asking for absurd sums of money for not being a complete douche. Maybe have a bunch of folks rotate. I wonder how long it would take for him to turn into a screeching madman howling about how nobody has the right to get in his way.


I know it’s fun to rag on Derbyshire, but as far as I’m concerned, this is one of those times of day when the stopped clock is right. A private realty company? Fuck them, and fuck the “we’re just asking people to be nice” argument.

Nah. Fuck the realty folks, unless they do have permits and whatnot, which I’ll say they didn’t, or they’d have had a different approach. But fuck Derbs thrice for being a weaselly little shit about it. You want to walk on the beach even though someone asked you not to? Okay. Walk on the fucking beach. Tell them to go fuck a rake. Whatever. The fact that extortion is his plan A fallback in any situation makes him infinitely more loathsome than some cheeseball RE joint trying to shoot on the cheap. That he considers it worthy of attention is just that much worse.


Not only is he a dick, you missed the part where he misspelled his own fucking name as “Debryshire” under the title of the post. And has done so two other times (2003, 2005).

A Failure of the Free Market
October 7, 2010 9:22 A.M.
By John Debryshire

Not that it make him more of a dick or anything. That’s not possible. I’m just mocking here.


Also: “We’ve already established what you are, ma’am. Now we’re just haggling over the price.”


A private realty company? Fuck them,

Why? They’re just doing a job. Is every company the devil now? As far as I’m concerned Derb is the only one who should get fucked (and I’m pretty sure I mean that literally).


I’m totally with Anonymous37 here. The extortion attempt is lame, but actually gives a lesson in how private interests externalize their costs on everyone else and expect us to just go along with it. They will gladly mooch off the taxpayer until it comes time to build a school in a different neighborhood, at which point they cry Stalinism.
However, had Michael Moore or any other cheeky liberal pulled this stunt and used it to illustrate this sad fact of American business, Derbyshire and the rest at ASW would have come down with the usual cases vapors and conniptions at such rude, anti-business actions.


Next time you’re near some sort of meeting or speech by right wingers in a public space where a permit is not needed, go stand by them in an Obama T-shirt, right by the podium or what ever, and stand as close as you can, and then if they ask you to move back, tell them you’ll do it for $500.


Beaches are theft.


Beaches are theft.

High tides are the Berlin Walls of liberal gravitationalism.


“I especially like to do this on weekdays, when there is nobody much in the park.”

“…nobody much in the park.” Huh?

Notice he doesn’t bother asking how long they need him to stay off the beach, which says that his intention is to be non-cooperative from the start–unless they’re willing to meet his price. It’s not that he’s non-cooperative that’s so troubling, it’s that he takes such great pleasure in his self-righteousness and its denial of common sense & courtesy.


While I’m sitting on my arse, with the Creaturette on ‘bed rest’ (aka ‘Can you get me a…’), since when does a real libertarian want to interfere with the creation of wealth (advertising footage for real estate outfit), unencumbered by the constraints of government regulation (probable unauthorized use of public park property), driven by entreprenurial spirit (or goosed by the thumb of the invisible hand- same thing). Derbyshire is a poseur- at being a libertarian, and a human being.

Maybe his next encounter will be with a truly deranged individual, who really believes the voices in their head. And takes decisive action, too. You know, a real libertarian.


mmy> Why? They’re just doing a job. Is every company the devil now?

They’re filming on a public beach, and if they had paid for a permit, there’d be a park ranger there to stop Derbyshire (and she would have brought it up). But if they had paid and properly obtained all the permits, then I’d be on their side, private realty company or not.

And the complaints about extorting money being Derbyshire’s default mode of operation? I absolutely would have done the same thing instead of just ignoring her, because they’re doing it to make money, and I would have made it clear that if they’re going to inconvenience me, I expect to be reimbursed for my trouble.


Dear Mr. Derbyshire:

Having learneed of your recent conversation on a local beach, I now have an interest in using your services for an upcoming project.

If the price is right, would you be willing to gnaw the head off a live rat, while I videotape it for a YouTube video? You can expect ample remuneration for your time & effort, not to mention the additional satisfaction of bringing happiness to untold numbers of Interwebs users. Please reply ASAP, as the rat may have rabies & I’m not sure how long the poor little duffer has left to live.

PS – you’re advised to take advantage of this offer soon, since both Michelle Malkin & Bob Owens have already sent me e-mails asking if they can take your place.


How about we just have Malkin gnaw Confederate Yankme’s head off?


America was built by staunch, unflinching, principled individuals who would stand up for their rights until they were offered at least $200.


“More a failure of manners.”

Manners are theft.


News just in.


Comments are coming to The Corner.

We should start a dead pool on how long the ability to post comments lasts before it gets disabled.


How about we just have Malkin gnaw Confederate Yankme’s head off?

I approve, so much so that I will even double the price!

So we’re talking TEN bucks.


Fuck realty companies, yes. Not all private biz is evil, but real estate certainly is.

Maybe the woman said “reality show,” rather than realty. Either way, although I do play an asshole on the Internet, I’d probably be sympathetic to the woman (probably a P.A. already cheated out of the chance to be in the ‘copter, rather than a real estate mogul) & let her finish her job rather than be an asswipe in meat-space.

That said, the only laws what applies here is FAA Flight Regs. You can record anything you want from the air, other than Area 51 & whatnot, long as your chopper isn’t too low or in restricted airspace or flight paths.


“For a thousand dollars, I’ll turn round and go back.”

Wouldn’t that be extortion? Just like the mob, Derbyshire’s business plan is a little skewed.


“For a thousand dollars, I’ll turn round and go back.”

How much do you think he’d charge to take four umbrella steps?


In other news, Pammycakes gets a 3-part writeup on the New York Times’ website: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/10/nyregion/10geller.html?pagewanted=3&_r=1

Good Christ. How has The Shrieking Harpy risen to such prominence? And why did she welcome the NYT’s writer to do the profile, when she considers them to be, at best, dolchstoss-enablers?


Oh! It’s a public park? And he’s trying to do business in a public park? Would that be a federal concern?


When Derbyshire says he’ll “turn right around” for $500, he normally prefers to be speaking to a big burly hairy guy in a public bathroom stall.


In the sidebar on the YouTube page for this video what do I see? A Thom Hartman show on:

John Derbyshire’s view on women’s suffrage

Just so people don’t forget what an incredible douchebag Derbyshire really is.


Comments are coming to The Corner.

What could possibly go wgnor?


We should start a dead pool on how long the ability to post comments lasts before it gets disabled.







Boy, how ironic. I mean, if the guy WANTED to make capitalism look like the biggest absolute failure of human civilization, he couldn’t have done a better job. All leftwing hippies should send him flowers, Amen.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge


zadig said,

October 11, 2010 at 3:43

Not only is he a dick, you missed the part where he misspelled his own fucking name as “Debryshire” under the title of the post. And has done so two other times (2003, 2005).

A Failure of the Free Market
October 7, 2010 9:22 A.M.
By John Debryshire

Not that it make him more of a dick or anything. That’s not possible. I’m just mocking here.

You shouldn’t call Derbyshire a dick. He has neither the penetration nor the potential for growth.


Hey Noen,

Thanks. It’s just so perfect to hear him say, “Yes,” America would be a better place if women couldn’t vote. /facepalm


You shouldn’t call Derbyshire a dick. He has neither the penetration nor the potential for growth.

Nor is he much of a stand-up guy.


The woman is some poor lady who had the misfortune of running into him while working with a film crew “Flo” from the Progressive commercials, making this a progressive attack on Derbyshire’s freedumb.

Fixx0red, for Flo-obsessives

Oddly enough, I discovered that I am not the only one to find the “Progressive girl” attractive.


I see a new career here, looking for tourists posing for one another’s photographs on public beaches or in public parks, and barging into the foreground until they pay me money to go away


I see a new career here, looking for tourists posing for one another’s photographs on public beaches or in public parks, and barging into the foreground until they pay me money to go away

Get your own beach, buddy, I’m working this stretch.


A very special message from the McMahan for Senate campaign to the women of Connecticut (May not be safe for work)


With any luck, you can get a government grant to carry out your plan… you just need a kickass proposal.


M. Bouffant said,
October 11, 2010 at 2:37

(Guessing that the woman wasn’t young enough to be nubile in J. D.’s eyes, or we could have been treated to his attempts to negotiate something else. Bleahh!)

My thought exactly M.B. Although most likely young and attractive, the young lady trying to film the commercial was presumebly on the wrong side of 17and thus too old for the Derbert.


Also, isn’t this a socialist beach. Can’t Derby buy his own fucking beach? Goddamn freeloader.


There ought to be plenty of room for everyone to have his own park since the Earth is hollow, though you may have to compete with hordes of other civilizations.


I’m positive stock footage of a Douchebag Derby on Shire (Man vs.Bike on Beach in Park) has intrinsic value. I anticipate its debut.


“the Earth is hollow”

Fucking geography, how does it work?


El Cid since you seem to be the only one up at this time, seriously watch the vid at 7:34 or at the link below. Spouse of a potential U.S. Senator, Vince McMahon orders the WWE diva to get on all fours and bark like a dog, which she does, demands she take her shirt off, which she does, demands she take her skirt off, which she does, demands she take her bra off, which she half does and then he tells her to stop and that he forgives her and then SHE apologises to him!

The WWE is S&M porn for 14 year old boys



“The WWE is S&M porn for 14 year old boys”

It sure is a far cry from when I was little and watched Gene Gagne, The Baron and the Crusher with my grandpa.

Amanpour: “I’m a woman, you’re a woman, isn’t this demeaning?”

HAHA! Doesn’t she know that female GOPers are really lizard people from inside the Earth?


Oddly enough, I discovered that I am not the only one to find the “Progressive girl” attractive.

Just last night I found out that the actress had played the archivist at Wolfram & Hart.


There ought to be plenty of room for everyone to have his own park since the Earth is hollow, though you may have to compete with hordes of other civilizations.

If you think Derbyshire is bad, just wait until you have to share a subterranean beach with a bunch of Deros.


HAH! I ran a YouTube of Linda kicking Jim Ross in the gametes in August, & was going to link it, but the WWE has had it removed on copyright grounds. Better look at gocart’s link real quick.


What Derbyshire did has nothing to do with any “free market” ideology. <G. Ruppert>The fact is,</G. Ruppert> Derbyshire knew that this woman didn’t have a thousand dollars on her person, nor did she have authority from the people who hired her to promise a thousand (or five hundred, or one hundred) dollars. He knew there was no way in the world he was going to make some kind of “free market” deal and get that cash. And we can assume that he wasn’t protesting the temporary appropriation of public space by private businessmen; after all, don’t all the Cornerites want to privatize all public facilities? So, since he wasn’t going to get any money no matter what, why did he then interrupt the rather expensive filming session? Obviously, he proceeded to deliberately ruin the film crew’s work out of sheer spite.

He didn’t do it for money or out of ideology. He did it because he’s a fucking prick.

You could argue that “being a malicious prick” is identical with “professing libertarian ideology.” However, I don’t think they are the same thing. “Being a prick” motivates people to become libertarians, but it isn’t the same thing as being a libertarian; after all, while there are apparently no libertarians who aren’t pricks, there exist pricks who haven’t yet discovered libertarianism.


As long as they had a camera crew, I think a little assault and battery would’ve been okay. The revenues from sale of the film would’ve certainly paid for all court costs.


Also, five’ll getcha ten, Derbs wouldn’t have tried a stunt like this with a man. He gets off on being an asshole to women.

I expect he went home afterwards and had a truly epic masturbatory epic combining this with his secret stash of kiddie porn…


Oddly enough, I discovered that I am not the only one to find the “Progressive girl” attractive.

<rant> I HATE those freaking commercials and by extension I hate Flo. I hate her even more than the “Thattsa Low Price!” freakazoid on the Staples commercials and the Aussie idiot who hawks Oxydol. I would rather be forced to spend a weekend trapped in dank basement with Jim Hoft than spend three seconds within five feet of Flo. The only show Flo should be on is Dexter, if you know what I mean. The Staples guy also. </rant>


Omg, Paladino is now going on about men in speedos grinding on each other at gay pride parades. Countdown to the incriminating tape starts….NOW!!


I have to ask, if they had planned to shoot the film from the helicopter, wouldn’t it be smarter for the company to get the permit to use the park?

I mean helicopter filming is not cheap, and all you need is one asshole to walk into the area to ruin it (or could they still have used the film then?)

If you already want to spend the money on the helicopter, why not use a bit extra to quarantee the helicopter money is not wasted. The permit can’t be THAT expensive. Or are helicopter flights really cheap over there?


NRO ought to pay you for these posts. It generates the only traffic that site gets.

Derbyshyre is a penis with ears. Also.


In other news, Pammycakes gets a 3-part writeup on the New York Times’ website

While it’s stupefying that this woman is getting attention apart from SN!, I will say that the NYT didn’t downplay her craziness in that article. Coulda been worse.


“For a thousand dollars, I’ll turn round and go back.”

…into the surf, you mean? Here’s fifty thousand–keep going…


“Not only is he a dick, you missed the part where he misspelled his own fucking name as “Debryshire” under the title of the post. And has done so two other times (2003, 2005).”

I snarfled my coffee a little. What a fucking dipshit.



The real question to ask is: Do you have a permit to film here? Have you taken proper safety precautions and abided by all regulations for filming? Is that helicopter not restricted from being this close to a state park without some sort of permit?

Well, it’s just as likely that they DID have a permit as it is that they DIDN’T.

As someone who issues such permits on occasion, I know that most legitimate filming companies find it more cost effective to get the permit than to try to skirt around it. But there are also a lot of hacks out there, too.

The one thing I always know, though, is that random security personnel aren’t briefed on the legal details of the permit. They really, truly are sent on to the job without little more information than just to “ask people to be nice.”


I’m surprised they didn’t hover the helicopter right above the Derb while he was busy being an a-hole. All that sand whipping around would have really bothered his contacts 🙂


Flo is hot.

Pammycakes is not.

That is all.


Re: Gellar. Oooooh, burn.



In his debate with Macdonald, however, Dobbs claimed that not only was he not obligated to find out the immigration status of those who were working for him, he was legally prevented from doing so: “The reality is this: There is a law against you or me inquiring about a legal status for a person in this country…. That’s a violation of their rights.”

Funny how it’s all about “their rights” when it’s his nuts on the chopping block.


In his debate with Macdonald, however, Dobbs claimed that not only was he not obligated to find out the immigration status of those who were working for him, he was legally prevented from doing so: “The reality is this: There is a law against you or me inquiring about a legal status for a person in this country…. That’s a violation of their rights.”

Sadly, No! As an employer, I have a completed I-9 form for every employee. This has been a requirement since 1986. Not only is it not illegal to ask, it’s illegal not to ask.

guitarist manqué

All this might just make Lou Dobbs (unacknowledged shirt-tail relative of J.R. (Bob) Dobbs, no doubt) snap completely. Not only are evil illegal messicans destroying the moral fiber of our great nation they’re calling from inside the house!


I’m torn on this one, because obviously Derbyshire is a twunt of the first water, but at the same time, if a representative of a private company “asked” me not to walk on the public beach by saying “sir, you can’t go here”, I would suggest that they go fuck themselves.

Blinking Emoticon

I’m thinking it’s possible that Debberyshyre did no such thing & his article is just a macho fantasy fueled by impotent rage that he cooked up after doing as he was asked.

Blinking Emoticon

Also, as well, can I just give a vigorous shout-out to Tintin who has lately been carrying this storied blog singlehandedly on his broad Belgian shoulders?

And here’s a biscuit for Snowwy.


And here’s a biscuit for Snowwy.

I’ve never seen him go for biscuits, only bones. And alcohol.


I’m torn on this one, because obviously Derbyshire is a twunt of the first water, but at the same time, if a representative of a private company “asked” me not to walk on the public beach by saying “sir, you can’t go here”, I would suggest that they go fuck themselves.

Sure, but the sheer douchery by which he did it (and the subsequent bragging) is still obnoxious as fuck.

guitarist manqué

can I just give a vigorous shout-out to Tintin

Me too. Although I seem to be in the minority, western civilization wise, I just love Belgium. If Tintin is really there I’m jealous and commend him for his yeoman labours. It can’t be easy.


@Chris, @guitarist

Aw, shucks,folks. Thanks. And Snowy (whose real name in the original is Milou) is grateful for the biscuit. This was a good time for a shout-out, because making this damn video yesterday took effing forever, and there still is stuff that I would have made better in it if I had more time.


He doesn’t say it was a realty company, btw, he said it was a company he’d never heard of but it “sound[ed] like a realtor.”


Although I seem to be in the minority, western civilization wise, I just love Belgium.

I love them for making the best graphic novels evar. “Tintin” is the most famous one, but there’s plenty more where that came from.


I imagine most SadlyNaughts read The Shrill One, but I’m posting this column just for the benefit of those who don’t, it’s worth the read


Till Eulenspiegel

Although I seem to be in the minority, western civilization wise, I just love Belgium.

Beer, chocolate, mussels, Freedom fries. What more could anyone want?


Sure, but the sheer douchery by which he did it (and the subsequent bragging) is still obnoxious as fuck.
Way to summarize every conservative ever. We can close the site down now, and go home.


It’s very possible that Belgium will soon not be Belgium.

In Just Seven Days, The Goddamn Batman Can Make You A Man

If you tried, that would be an assault, or — depending how far matters went — possibly even a battery. (NB: I’m just having fun here. The lady is about 5?7?, 120 lbs. I am 6?1?, 190 lbs.)

Derbyshire is 65; if the woman in question has had any kind of martial arts training, or even some decent strength training, she could have easily handed him his ass. Someday he’s going to make that mistake with someone who isn’t in a mood to take his shit, and the results will be epic.


An asshole, and proud of it.


It’s very possible that Belgium will soon not be Belgium.

I heard about that.

I suggest a trade. The French-speaking part of Belgium can break away and become part of France, and what’s left of Belgium can have Corsica in exchange. Tintin, what say you?



I thought Tintin was French.


Way to summarize every conservative ever. We can close the site down now, and go home.

But what will I do at work all day???!


I was born in Belgium. I was an Army brat and dad was stationed there at the time. I moved away before I was six months old. So I don’t really have anything to add to the ‘merits of Belgium’ discussion.


It’s shame the woman filming wasn’t that Amy “Rudeness makes me want to KILL!!” Akonsometooweakmeds gal — Derb may have gotten his ass kicked. And, IMHO, the massive dickmove was the fact he ADMITS to lying about the law, yet used that lie to try and extort money. (I thought extortion was illegal, so maybe someone should turn this over to the proper authorities.)

Also, too: Without Belgium, where will I get my waffles?


Belgium, man, Belgium!


But what will I do at work all day???!

Lie back and think of England. Belgium.


WTF is it with the GOP and gays all of a sudden?


WTF is it with the GOP and gays all of a sudden?

Maybe they figure it balances out the damage that’s done to them every time Alex Knepper opens his mouth.


It’s very possible that Belgium will soon not be Belgium.

Not as realistic as presented by the BBC. The chance of it breaking up are pretty minimal. Support in Vlaams (the flemish, northern bit) has always been more light than heat.

The French-speaking part of Belgium can break away and become part of France, and what’s left of Belgium can have Corsica in exchange.

Assuming France would take them and the Francophone Belgians would accept it. French Belgians (in my experince) tend to look down on the French, not as worshopful as the Qubecer’s get. As for Corsica, I think they would prefer independence to anything. It was a shoddy deal that put Corsica (an ex Genoan fiefdom) as part of France


Here’s my thing about libertarians.

If the USA becomes their ideal little “survival of the fittest” model, let me, a self-professed pacifist and civilized man who believes in the rule of law, the primacy of an egalitarian society where sharing the wealth is tantamount to peace and security, and where self-sacrifice and magnanimity are the primary virtues of citizens, that I will, on the first day of this “ideal libertarian order,” proceed to knock the living fuck out of these flabby little shitbirds like Derbyshire and his ilk, steal all their wealth, fuck their women (and not by force; they will do it willingly with a real man), and make all these little right-wing libertarian shitbirds my personal slaves for the rest of their lives, Roman style.

Because I can if I wanted to. I chose not to live like this, to dominate, steal, and ruin the lives of those weaker than I, because it’s barbaric and uncivilized. But if this is the world these little creeps want, I will gladly live by their rules and start inflicting upon them. They fancy themselves as Nietzsche’s “supermen,” and I’d like to be the first person to prove, rather easily, they are not.

Thank you very much. Back to our regularly-scheduled show.


Assuming France would take them and the Francophone Belgians would accept it. French Belgians (in my experince) tend to look down on the French, not as worshopful as the Qubecer’s get.

Well, the Quebec crowd gets to worship France from a distance, while the FBs are right on the border with France.

As for Corsica, I think they would prefer independence to anything.

And they can have it… dear God, yes they can. Please.


I think Mat missed a verb. Nonetheless that was bloody inspirational.


Corsica is lovely. The Corsicans? Not so much.


Because I can if I wanted to. I chose not to live like this, to dominate, steal, and ruin the lives of those weaker than I, because it’s barbaric and uncivilized. But if this is the world these little creeps want, I will gladly live by their rules and start inflicting upon them. They fancy themselves as Nietzsche’s “supermen,” and I’d like to be the first person to prove, rather easily, they are not.

Kneel before Zod Mat.


“I am Nietzsche’s Superman.”

“No, I am Nietzsche’s Superman.”

“No, I am Nietzsche’s Superman!”

“I am Nietzsche’s syphilitic spirochetes!”


I’m with Derby here. Make the assholes who are ruining your time at the beach pay. They’re making money off the empty beach, they should fucking pay for it. Of course, I’m from L.A. and have to deal all the time with assholes who are shooting ads and think they own the world.


If the Repubs’ Nietzschean utopia ever came about, I think they’d have a very, very rude awakening about what their talents would really be worth in a dog-eat-dog world.

Conservatives are people who equate bluster with strength; anyone who isn’t parading around revolutionary-era drag screaming that he’s about to take the government down, therefore, is a wimp and nothing to be concerned about. People like that are always shocked when they find out that just because someone doesn’t talk about guns and revolution all day long, doesn’t mean they can’t kick your ass.


In Just Seven Days, The Goddamn Batman Can Make You A Man said,

October 11, 2010 at 16:52

The Goddamn Batman just left a happy glow-worm in my heart … now I have to go in to get that fucking thing taken outta there before it eats a hole through one of my ventricles.


God Damn you, Goddamn Batman. Now I’m gonna have that musical running through my head all day.

I’ll try to drown it out by nomming on this blood and bone biscuit…


It’s very possible that Belgium will soon not be Belgium.

What!!? What about the waffles?

I blame Leopold.


People like that are always shocked when they find out that just because someone doesn’t talk about guns and revolution all day long, doesn’t mean they can’t kick your ass.

If they had any idea the extent the laws (that they claim are socialist/unconstitutional/whatever) protect them…hell, if they knew what having an entertainment-hungry society has done to keep them safe, they would shut the hell up and hide in their homes.


Wait. He remembered all that dialogue? Verbatim? Ten bucks says he did what she asked, turned around, left, and started inventing the scene as soon as he stepped away from her.


I tend to believe he sentiment stated upthread that Derbyshire turned and walked back the other way and came up with this great scenario of what he should have done on the way home. Funny how he almost channeled the evil socialest Michael Moore there. Although, I see MM, who would have a camera crew with him as well, saying something like “well, we’re filming here too and we would like you to please leave the beach. And get that helicopter out of here, it’s ruining our shot!” Now if I had been the company rep on the beach dealing with Derbyshire, I would have simply negotiated with him, starting at… oh, say a nickle. Eventually we would meet somewhere in the middle, then I would have to start gathering info for the 1099 form and other various required paperwork. I’m sure I could have kept him occupied with the idea that he was going to make some easy money until the filming was completed.


You mean you don’t have to be a mall ninja to be badass?



I’m sure I could have kept him occupied with the idea that he was going to make some easy money until the filming was completed.

Or you could have just shown him something shiny.


If they had any idea the extent the laws (that they claim are socialist/unconstitutional/whatever) protect them…hell, if they knew what having an entertainment-hungry society has done to keep them safe, they would shut the hell up and hide in their homes.

Oh yes. And law & order security’s just the tip of the iceberg, when you think of everything else the government does for them. Heck, the suburban middle class most of them come from is itself a direct product of twenty years of New Deal.

You know what the real invisible hand is? Big government. All those bureaucracies that work to keep things together, in whose shadows the phony populists have lived for so long that they don’t even realize they exist.


Time to log in.

Not so fast, lib-bot! Don’t forget, you also have to register, too!

Sure, lulz be lulz, so what the fug? Why not?

Done & done & … uh, yeah, no space to slap text into appears whatsoever. Nor any way in which to reply to existing comments.

“The F5 key – it does nothing!



Damn! I never knew there was a reason to eat at McDonalds.


You mean you don’t have to be a mall ninja to be badass?

As a generic Beta Drone in the mall ninja industry, take it from me – training one is much more grueling than merely seeing, hearing or smelling them.

I just got through a few weeks of relieving a temp who was a true Blart, but much less IQ-y. Homelier, also.

Stupid enough to be potentially lethal on an industrial post, which mine is.


Tintin, if everyone pitched in a few bucks to cover your ticket, would you consider attending Karl’s Kruise? Maybe all of the Sadly lab technicians should go? Think of all the time you’d save on Photoshops.


Looks like a lot of fun!


Looks like a lot of fun!

Jesus Christ. Fucking sausage party, much?

Blinking Emoticon

@Chris, @guitarist

How do you say “ahem” in Belgian Flemish French?



If I were a prayin’ man, I’d be prayin’ that the Bermuda Triangle might up and swallow that ark of awful.

Not that I’ve got anything against the Bermuda Triangle, mind you. I’m sure the indigestion would fade.


Jesus Christ. Fucking sausage party, much?

Yup. Pretty much as expected, also in that they’re ranging from useful idiot to super-creepy psycho.


Looks like a lot of fun!

On the ms Neiuw Amsterdam? Why do these people hate America?


Who’s on the cruise?

Mah InterWebs, it is blocked.


If I were a prayin’ man, I’d be prayin’ that the Bermuda Triangle might up and swallow that ark of awful.

Not that I’ve got anything against the Bermuda Triangle, mind you. I’m sure the indigestion would fade.

I’m sure the Bermuda Triangle is just a vortex that takes you inside the hollow earth. The lizard people that live there will surely have no problem recognizing this crowd for the snakes that they really are.

Blinking Emoticon

If the USA becomes their ideal little “survival of the fittest” model

Today, in worker’s paradise Canuckistan, is Thanks4governing. We celebrate in early October because hockey.

The central ritual actually occurs two days previous with a frenetic Gathering of the SUVs at supermarket parking lots.


ark of awful.

Ship of fools / ship of shit.
Boat of bigots.
Scow of scum.
Dory of dregs.



On the ms Neiuw Amsterdam? Why do these people hate America?

Don’t be dissin’ NYC.


If I were a prayin’ man, I’d be prayin’ that the Bermuda Triangle might up and swallow that ark of awful.
I’d like them to be stranded in the Sargasso Sea as it is portrayed in fiction. Which is to say a vast morass of seaweed and kelp that ensnares whatever approaches it, and from which escape is nigh impossible.


Public beach? Socialism!


Just because they are secretive, human eating predators, lizard men from the Hollow Earth would object vociferously at the notion that they could be compared to Republicans, much less the TeaTards.


i do this all the time. you get permits. you canvass the neighborhood. you pay people who demand money. or you go elsewhere. that’s about it. derbyshire is actually well within his rights to demand money from them IF:

a) he lives in the neighborhood where filiming is occuring or
b) his life is being negatively impacted by filming.

the latter is arguable. but it is what it is. people in LA are blase about this by now–they know enough when you knock on their door to look at your shoes as it were before asking for cash.


Pere, I had the whole list, but WP ated it.

Let’s just say an EPIC gaggle of douchebags.


I mean, seriously. It just kept getting worse and worse.


I mean, seriously. It just kept getting worse and worse.
Can we hope for some kind of accident leaving them in a ‘Lord of the Flies’ situation?


I mean, seriously. It just kept getting worse and worse.
Can we hope for some kind of accident leaving them in a ‘Lord of the Flies’ situation?

Ohhhh, man, somebody needs to write a fucking short story of that shit. It would be awesome.


If I were a prayin’ man, I’d be prayin’ that the Bermuda Triangle might up and swallow that ark of awful.

How come the Somali pirates are never around when you really need ’em?


I wonder who would come out on top in that scenario…


Fucking dancing bananas – how do they work?
They don’t. Dancing bananas are nothing but parasites and they are a collective pollution of the essence of America’s bodily fluids.


Dancing bananas are theft!


Can we hope for some kind of accident leaving them in a ‘Lord of the Flies’ situation?

Sort of where they’re most comfortable, I imagine.

Throughout the Bush years, everybody kept saying 1984. I kept thinking Lord of the Flies, and hoping to wake up one morning to a shiny set of shoes on the beach.


Also, OT.

Cee Lo has a chick band.

And the drummer is kind of awesome.


Don’t be dissin’ NYC.

I ain’t dissin’ NYC. If they were cruising on the ms New York City that would be cool and all [insert verb] nine/eleventy Real Amerca stuff. But the ms Neiuw Amsterdam? That’s all foriegny and almost French sounding. That’s why we had to change the name in the first place.


Fucking dancing bananas – how do they work?

Look, if you’re trying to fuck a banana, and its Mom’s home, fuck its Mom!



Cal Thomas, Lileks AND the entire Korner Kidz?

Anyone know where I can pick up a couple Exocets cheap?


That’s why we had to change the name in the first place.

I thought it was so that process servers couldn’t find us.


Or should I honor our trade with China and pick up some Silkworms?


OOOOH. I hope they all get one of those nasty gastrointestinal illnesses that are all the rage on cruise ships these days.


Or should I honor our trade with China and pick up some Silkworms?
Silkworms are AA missiles. So, unless the cruise ship is cruising at 35,000′ they won’t really help you. But if the cruise ship is at 35,000′ you are golden. Getting the cruise ship to 35,000′ is left as an exercise for the reader.


Or should I honor our trade with China and pick up some Silkworms?

It takes a lot of them to make a shirt. You gotta be committed to it.

Fucking silkworms — How do they work?


I hope they all get one of those nasty gastrointestinal illnesses that are all the rage on cruise ships these days.

I was gonna say – Norwalk doesn’t kill you, though it makes you wish it would.


Silkworms are AA missiles. So, unless the cruise ship is cruising at 35,000? they won’t really help you.

So I should go with the Exocets then.


Getting the cruise ship to 35,000? is left as an exercise for the reader.

On the one hand, lots of hot air and other, best un-thought-about, gasses. On the other hand, Jonah Goldberg.


Because I can if I wanted to. I chose not to live like this, to dominate, steal, and ruin the lives of those weaker than I, because it’s barbaric and uncivilized. But if this is the world these little creeps want, I will gladly live by their rules and start inflicting upon them. They fancy themselves as Nietzsche’s “supermen,” and I’d like to be the first person to prove, rather easily, they are not.

Well, I don’t know how effective I’d be at kicking the crap out of them because most of them outweigh me by a good amount, and I’m not interested in fucking their women, but…yeah. Because I am a fuckload smarter than them. How do I know this? Simple. They’re libertarians.

Which is, you know, pretty much synonomous with “inability to think deeply or follow ideas and their implications to their logical conclusions.”

I always have thought that the best illustration of what life would be like in Galt’s Gulch, or in the libertarian paradise which they’d like to impose on the nation after expelling all the smart people, is that Far Side cartoon in which a bunch of cavemen are holding critters over a fire and grimacing as the fire burns their hands, while one guy has his critter skewered on a stick holding it over the fire. Caption: “Hey! Look what Zog do!”


that Far Side cartoon

I always think of that Bob the Angry Flower one.


So I should go with the Exocets then.
Sure, if you want to be all french and shit. Real American patriots wouldn’t settle for anything less than Boeing’s own Harpoon ASM.

Marion in Savannah

that Far Side cartoon

Mmmm… I love these things. Crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside.

Marion in Savannah

I haz killed thred?


We get pretty much continuous film shoots in our town, which is unincorporated Los Angeles County, so cheap to permit, and with the good architecture and whatnot. And it’s understood locally that you don’t fuck with all the excited showbiz kids from points west, even if they snarl up traffic and get a little officious now and then. Cost of doing bidniss. With luck, someday the filming will be on your street, and you’ll get a grand or two for letting them set up the catering tables on your lawn.

Libertarians hate this kind of thing, naturally — mostly because it’s all about paying attention to somebody else.


I got out of the boat. My error.

No doubt the film company didn’t feel the need to secure a permit for a state park because, you know, it’s October and only grifters and the lazy and unemployed scum of the earth go to the park during a fall day.

And she asked politely. Derby acted like a dick. He was allowed to continue on, despite being delayed by a simple polite request (had I been the PA, he’s be spitting sand up still, but I digress). He tried to extort money from the crew, got nothing and was allowed to continue on.

And somehow, he’s gloating about this?

What a doosh.


Real libertarians assemble their own cruise missile.
Or rather, they send money to the guy who claims to have built his own cruise missile, asking for a copy of his plans, and good luck with that.


Real libertarians assemble their own cruise missile.

I don’t think a turd propelled by a fart is really a “cruise missile”…


Real libertarians assemble their own cruise missile.

So they pirate technology originally developed by the same State that cannot accomplish anything?


I got out of the boat. My error.


Jonah Goldberg's Whore of a Mother

I don’t think a turd propelled by a fart is really a “cruise missile”…

Never been to K-Lo’s house on Chili Night, have ya?

Still got scars from that — emotional and otherwise.


Jonah Goldberg’s Whore of a Mother said,

October 11, 2010 at 21:54

Would you like to see my boat?


but…yeah. Because I am a fuckload smarter than them. How do I know this? Simple. They’re libertarians.

Well put.


So they pirate technology originally developed by the same State that cannot accomplish anything?

And they discuss this piracy across the Internet.


Silkworms are AA missiles.

Sadly, no. They’re an anti-ship missile.

Consumer Unit 5012

“the best illustration of what life would be like in Galt’s Gulch”

The obligatory Bob The Angry Flower cartoon

Also, Another theory. It involves the phrase “thin strips of Objectivist Jerky”.


If Derbyshire reported the conversation truthfully, then he’s pretty much in the right, ethically, and you guys are making a big fuss over nothing. If she started with “you can’t go any further. We’re filming”, and it was a company doing it, then she deserves getting played around with, for instance by using silly demands for money, and then their filming deserves to be interrupted by him using the public beach for its purpose, ie the leisure of individuals, rather than private gain.

If the company had paid the state for exclusive access, then at least the populace would gain (though I doubt Derbyshire would see that as good), but she said they didn’t have authority. As reported, she screwed up by starting with a demand rather than a request, which means she was the one who threw civility out of the window, and the company was just trying to get something for nothing, and hoping people would inconvenience themselves.


You didn’t show Derbyshire’s bicycle, but it would only damage the credibility of this. Viewers would wonder what dooche brings a bicycle down to the sand and salt water of the beach when he is obsessed about economic outcomes? How’s he going to sue the ocean for damage, ’cause it never his fault.

Oh, never mind. He can make his wife scrub and wash the bike, as always.

the fourth Yorkshire republican

derb’s lying, as has been previously noted. He visited the beach, someone asked him to leave, he complied, and then later composed “what he shoulda said’ and unlike most bitter drunks, got someone else to read it.
he’s a low rent schmuck, lying is his go-to tactic.


he’s pretty much in the right, ethically

No. What the hell entitles Derbyshire personally to $1000 compensation for restrictions on his use of a public beach? If he was that pissed about it he should have called a park ranger.


So they pirate technology originally developed by the same State that cannot accomplish anything?

The actual “advantage of backwardness”.


What the hell entitles Derbyshire personally to $1000 compensation for restrictions on his use of a public beach? If he was that pissed about it he should have called a park ranger.

He made an offer, as an alternative to his spoiling their profit-making enterprise. What he’s entitled to is to use the beach as normal, without having to call a park ranger to allow him to do so. She ignored the offer, and he used the beach as he would have anyway.


He made an offer, as an alternative to his spoiling their profit-making enterprise. What he’s entitled to is to use the beach as normal, without having to call a park ranger to allow him to do so. She ignored the offer, and he used the beach as he would have anyway.

And so you’re point is…what, precisely?

That he was right in being an asshole? That he’s a senseless asshole? That rather than be a good neighbor, he chose to be an asshole?

Well, at least you agree he’s an asshole.


From Anon37:
“I know it’s fun to rag on Derbyshire, but as far as I’m concerned, this is one of those times of day when the stopped clock is right. A private realty company? Fuck them, and fuck the “we’re just asking people to be nice” argument.”

I was just watching baseball and Liberty mutual was showing all kinds of people ‘doing the right thing’ and then claiming that they as a company do as well.

The difference is that an insurance company has a contractual obligation to do the right thing for its customers, unlike all the examples shown. They want extra credit for not skipping out on their obligations. Of course, that is how insurance companies make their money, so it is notable.


Derbyshire’s trying to hide his lack of common civility under cover of free market principles. ‘Nuff said.

Now, a somewhat off-topic question: What software did the sadlyno crew use to generate that movie?


My point, actor212, is that she was an asshole first, by telling him he couldn’t go any further, rather than asking him, and her company were assholes to think they had the right to exclusive access to public property for some time, inconveniencing the public. Derbyshire, however much it may hurt us, is a member of the same human race as us, and is part of the public.

Was he an asshole back? A little. But Sadly, No! is all about being assholes to people who deserve it. And the company deserved it. They are not his ‘neighbor’ for him to be good to; they are a profit-seeking corporation. If they actually are realtors, they also belong to a class of company infamous for lying and treating people like shit, and partly responsible for the house price bubble and subsequent crash. For instance, if a realtor is artificially keeping a beach free of people for filming, they may be lying about the number of people in the state park, to make it seem more ‘unspoilt’.

It’s hard to believe people here have sympathy for a rich realty company that can afford helicopters for commercials.


I’m pissed that this fuckwit has all of my last name in his.

Blinking Emoticon

What software did the sadlyno crew use to generate that movie?



My point, actor212, is that she was an asshole first, by telling him he couldn’t go any further, rather than asking him, and her company were assholes to think they had the right to exclusive access to public property for some time, inconveniencing the public.

Excuse me, but if they thought that, they wouldn’t even have bothered with being polite.

You may assume from my nym that I have a wealth of experience in this. When a production company has a permit, particularly on a public street or beach where it’s likely people will wander by, they have at least a police officer or two.

Derby would have been confronted in no uncertain terms. Had he attempted the extortion that he did, given the proclivities of the Suffolk Police Department (again, lots of personal experience, just not professionally 😉 ), he’d have been posting bail.

She asked nicely. He was a doosh. End of discussion.


She asked nicely. He was a doosh. End of discussion.

Not the end of discussion. She didn’t ask nicely. She told him he couldn’t go any further. Yes, there was no police officer, or park ranger, involved. That’s because the company had no permit. They just tried to stop people using the public area, with no permission at all. They pretended to have the authority to do this. They are a money-making operation, who, if they had any competence at all, should have have some answer ready to “how much will you pay me to help you make money by disrupting my day?” They may be piss-poor capitalists, but they are still capitalists who tried to deprive a citizen of his rights. Put them on the list of people who will be up against the wall when the revolution comes (though, if they are realtors, they’re already on the list, near the top).


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