Tim Graham Defends Gay (But Only As An Insult)
We all know that lots of weird and lazy shit comes from the crumb-flecked keyboard of Tim Graham when he takes a moment to get off the Twinkie, candy bar and chocolate pudding train long enough to type something. But this latest post from the triple-chinned media “analyst” really takes the cake off of Tim’s plate — which, as anyone who has tried to take cake from Timmeh knows, is no mean feat. Tim’s only pretext for his paycheck from his red-bearded sugar daddy Brent Bozell is simply to find something on the TeeVee that can be used to stoke up right-wing rage — like someone saying “shit,” a blurred shot of Janet Jackson’s nipples, or Bill Maher making a joke about Sarah Palin. Not really a challenging job, if you ask me, even if the whole enterprise is more than a little silly.
So you have to wonder what’s up with a lengthy post from Tim complaining that Anderson Cooper has a crusade against the derogatory use of “gay” as in, for example “electric cars are so gay.” I mean, what the fuck? Is this the best he’s got when all he has to do to collect his wingnut welfare check is to wallow around in front of the television all day looking for something that might upset the Beck and Palin crowd? How hard is that? How desperate does he have to be when the only thing he can find to whip up a tsunami of poutrage is Anderson Cooper saying the derogatory usage of “gay” needlessly stigmatizes people? It’s as if someone pointed out to me that making fat jokes about Tim isn’t very nice and my response to that was to get into a high dudgeon over being told that fat jokes aren’t very polite. Yes, they’re not nice even though Tim deserves them.
I suppose that Timmeh is trying to argue something like this: “First they came for ‘nigger,’ next they came for ‘faggot,’ then they came for ‘gay.'” “What next?” Tim asks. “Will they say I can’t say “porch monkey,” “beaner” or “rag head” anymore? Another perfectly good slur ruined by intolerant liberals!”
Of course, the highlight of Tim’s post is when he reaches into his limited bag of rhetorical tricks, fumbles around in it for a “Snap!” line and then pulls out this:
The offending line is Vaughn selling an electric muscle car: “Ladies and gentlemen, electric cars are gay.” … It’s a lame line. But it’s hardly grist for the suicide hotline.
Although the line may be par for the source or sauce for the chat line. (Does this boob even know what grist means?) Leaving aside Tim’s fractured English, what on earth is he even trying to say? That something is not impolite unless it makes you want to shoot yourself? Does this mean that the n-word is okay because it too isn’t “grist for the suicide hot-line”?
Not surprisingly the comments section to the post are pretty much overrun by people calling Anderson Cooper gay and responding to some unstated challenge to show how many ways they can use “faggot” in a sentence. Obviously, the commenters have never heard Tim Graham talk or they might not be so fast to call Anderson gay. Listen to Tim Graham and decide for yourselves:
[audio:http://www.sadlyno.com/wordpress/uploads/2010/10/tim_graham_voice.mp3]I say gay, as in gay gay.
Calling gay people gay is so gay! Right, Timmah?
Oh, and hooray for Wanda Sykes:
In the video we see his hands fluttering around his cheeks as he speaks.
Tim Graham is such an electric car.
Thanks for the minimal excuse to post this Fry and Laurie sketch.
I was only experimenting with those electric cars in college.
Who holds back the electric car? Who made Steve Gutenberg a star? Who robs gamefish of their sight? Who rigs every Oscar night?
“October 9, 2010 at 21:07
I was only experimenting with those electric cars in college.”
Does this mean I should bitch about being called a Polack? Or other other for Europeans? Bad enough gov’t is passing “hate crime ” bills. Who’s going to make those calls? So if someone killed someone during a robbery and it turns out the person was gay that makes it a hate crime. Glad I won’t be around in 20 years. Won’t recognize this country.
Or other other for Europeans?
Stupid Polack.
Does this mean I can’t call Timmeh lardass, lardbucket, beached whale of any of the other appropriate appellations?
Does this mean I should bitch about being called a Polack?
Why not? Every other Polish American I know does. As to that whole “hate crime”, I think you pretty much define clueless and give Polacks everywhere a bad rep.
Sasquatch is Polack!!! (on my mother’s side).
Hey slayah!
What a bunch of poofy ass-bandits!
So if someone killed someone during a robbery and it turns out the person was gay that makes it a hate crime.
Um, no, unless it can be proved that the person was murdered based on their sexual orientation, like if the robbers targeted anyone who “looked faggy”.
But do go on setting up straw men. It’s easy and fun for the whole family.
Tim Graham is a right wing jerk.
But what’s with all the weird weight-shaming in this post, too? I mean, it’s kind of messed up to rightly call someone out for using hateful slurs and then have this weird and ungly “callouts” about his weight.
Don’t you know those silly faggots just kill themselves over ANY little thing?
After hearing that, I’m wondering
whowhere Tim’s beard is.Wanda Sykes is pretty damn awesome, but that chef was totes GAY. I mean sweet IPU, that thing was phaggortzedly mincing prancy-pony ghey.
It’s easy and fun for the whole family
Also gives us someone else to make fun of.
Glad I won’t be around in 20 years. Won’t recognize this country.
Oh, I talked to that guy a couple weeks ago. Terminally ill, in such bad shape, can’t work, but doesn’t want to take the least amount of time to study logic… Or do anything else that could prolong his life but ride around in a Wal-Mart scooter and complain about Teh Mooslins.
Bad closing tag. BAD!
Something for Tintin to think about regarding the Tim Graham image up top.
Oh wow. Wow.
This rancid fart from Tim Graham actually stinks so much worse than it seems at first glance.
Tim’s invocation of the suicide hotline and all this talk about gay got me thinking about the recent incident with Tyler Clementi. But then I thought, no – not even Tim Graham would be inhuman and insensitive enough to use a short soundbite, taken totally out of context, from a long and serious discussion about bullying and the social pressures that lead teenagers to commit suicide.
With apologies to our gracious hosts and the warning that a six-and-a-half-minute discussion about teenage suicide follows beyond the link but Sadly, No!
not even Tim Graham would be inhuman and insensitive enough to use a short soundbite, taken totally out of context
It actually struck me immediately that the remark about suicide hotlines was in exceedingly poor taste. Then again, I’m not into giving these people the benefit of the doubt anymore.
The liberal criticizing conservatives for being hateful is an unconstitutional violation of freedom of speech. Congress needs to shut down these propaganda outfits!
Grist for something.
Liberal media I mean.
Proofreading FAIL 🙁
Hey Shawn Struck,
But what’s with all the weird weight-shaming in this post, too? I mean, it’s kind of messed up to rightly call someone out for using hateful slurs and then have this weird and ungly “callouts” about his weight.
Did it make you call the suicide hotline? It’s rhetorical. That’s the point. When will they come for lard-ass!?
So Timmeh would be perfectly okay with someone saying “You’d have to be a retard to think that Palin is a good mother.”
What a bunch of ungly callouts!
Shorter Tim Graham:
First they came for the queers, the faggots, the homos, the queerbaits, and I said nothing, because I didn’t want them to know I was a queer faggot homo queerbait.
Then they came for the pointy headed liberal elitist intellectuals, and I said nothing, because I wasn’t a liberal or intellectual.
Then they came for the fatties, and there was no one left to speak up for me. But it was ok because by then I’d gorged myself on so many Twinkies, Ho-Hos and Ding Dongs that they couldn’t move my fat ass through a doorway.
Don’t forget Poland.
They say the ungly bird gets the whirm, so allow me to insert this statement in the record (note veiled use of the word ‘insert’): if electric cars are so gay, how come [wordplay involving ‘battery’ as a classification of crime, denoting machismo]?
I haven’t worked out the exact details of the gag, but it’s going to kill, I assure you.
The BBC is gay.
Subby – I can picture an illustrated novel, subject of which is Bush & Blair’s illicit extramarital relationship. In one dramatic frame, Bush tenderly holds a quivering Blair, whispering into his ear, “…we’ll always have Poland…”
I asked last night, and this seems to be a very slow weekend on the intertubes so maybe no one here at the time fit the bill but…I really need to talk to a techie about software that will generate warehouse pick tickets. If any Sadlynaughts reading fit the bill, please speak up. I just need someone to point me in the right direction.
It’s been a long time since I used it, but I really liked Filemaker.
I think it’s just awful that a violent criminal gang starts abusing people so badly. What happened to just shooting people in an alley or doing a drive by at their house at night? Have gang members no respect any more?
Substance – that’s funny, because filemaker had occured to me too – I’ve used it before, but not in the past 10 years.
Our problem is this: we get in order forms with items ordered in no particular order and hand-written, so they aren’t very useful as pick tickets. We have a total of about 120 different products, so a checklist for a pickticket won’t really work either – it will be too hard to read and too easy to miss something. What we need is a ticket that shows only the items on that order, arranged in the order we’ve got them stocked in the warehouse. And fucking Quickbooks won’t do that. It will sort them in semi-order, meaning that it will print it out with the vendor prefixes in order, but if we’ve got 20 or 30 products from that vendor, the picker is going to have to be going back and forth on that vendor aisle to pull products. Also, it takes fucking forever to enter every order on Quickbooks, and there’s no other reason to do it other than needing these picktickets.
What we really need is something where we’ve got a line for each different product, listed in the order they’re stocked in the warehouse, where we can go in and just enter a quantity by each item that’s been ordered, and it will print out only those items and on a single sheet. This should be pretty fucking easy and Quickbooks damn well should do it but it doesn’t.
Anyway, that’s the broader parameters – thanks for the Filemaker suggestion, I’m going to go look at that. If you think of anything closer to the mark after hearing exactly what we need to do, please post.
I don’t have more suggestions, but that absolutely sounds like something that would have been easy to set up in a old version of Filemaker.
Oh wait: check out Sun’s OpenOffice, which has a free database I’ve never investigated. Couldn’t be worse than Access could it?
Jennifer: an Excel macro?
Geez, this guy even hates sea monkeys.
But, I’ll bet he luuuuved “300.”
Hmm, I dunno what the guts of Quickbooks entails, but the OpenOffice database seems to like to connect to other databases, so maybe you wouldn’t have to trash what you have.
Happy people are gay. No, really. They are.
exford legs – see, you said a scary word there – macro. I have been looking around online to see if anyone can describe how to do what I need to do with excel…mostly what I found was a lot of “how the hell do I get excel to print out only lines where I’ve entered a value in one particular column” which really made me shit my pants, since it clearly involves doing or adding something to the software, which I’m not adept with in the first place.
Fucking macros, how do they work?
wait, his name is Tim and he likes gladiator movies? Was that him as a boy in “Airplane”???
What a bunch of macro Quickbooks!
Glad I won’t be around in 20 years.
Hey, we have something in common- I’ll also be glad you won’t be around in 20 years.
Stupid tagfail!
ha ha, Hoosier
Try an Excel Filter. There are tutorials on youtube made by real nerds. I think you’d have to have an original data list for your 120 products with a whole bunch of 0 values in it, with a 1 in the cell of the product that was on your customer’s list. Then filter it for all values >0 and it might give an output of just the selected products.
I’m looking at the help stuff for the spreadsheet in Google Docs, which is kinda like Excel.
Thanks for the tip, exford.
As for how lame my knowledge of just about any program other than word is, I didn’t get Hoosier’s joke. At all.
Sounds like your application is better suited to anything-but-Excel. It hurts me to say that, because I love Excel and think it is awesomely awesome.
That said, if you really do want to figure it out in Excel, I would suggest you start by reading up on Pivot Tables.
Subby – I can picture an illustrated novel, subject of which is Bush & Blair’s illicit extramarital relationship.
Well, the movie already came out, but it’s a short one.
Ha ha ha! That’s really funny. Especially since there aren’t any gay kids killing themselves because sad little fucks like Tiny Tim won’t leave them alone and this not being the 12 year anniversary of the attack that claimed Matt Sheppard’s life and this also not being the week a particularly brutal premeditated attack on three gay men took place in New York.
Tee. Fucking. Hee.
I’d say I wish that bloated sack of protoplasm would DiaF but I know the smoke from burning fReichtards is bad for the environment.
I mean, I’ve HEARD it is.
This is a really really depressing read about bullying. One to avoid if you’re in a good mood.
I don’t know that I’d think Tim gay, but that clip sure does sound like he’s got in a buttplug a size or two bigger than he’s used to.
In a totally heterosexual way, of course.
I don’t know that I’d think Tim gay, but that clip sure does sound like he’s got in a buttplug a size or two bigger than he’s used to.
I think that’s just the consequences of his appallingly low-fiber diet.
exford – you rule, dude.
The filtering thing totally works. I did a sample list, filtered for everything > zero, and it collapses it down to just the things ordered. Bookkeeper says we can also use it to get total quantity (each set of orders will be an excel workbook), enter that into Quickbooks for accounting and inventory control, and save ourselves a massive amount of butthurt.
By the way, the SadlyNo! types might want to take a gander at IFC’s David Cross series, The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret. One of our most famous out gay comics other than Margaret Cho and Ellen Degeneres. I’m probably forgetting someone but I don’t recall any out gay comics at the moment, unless you count that guy (the secondary guy) from Will & Grace.
The real story, Jennifer, is that you’ve grown to the extent that you need a warehouse. Bravissima!
El Cid – and Wanda. Don’t forget Wanda.
warehouse pick tickets
Doesn’t actually sound very technical, but I have no idea what that means.
Please do not explain, though. I am proud of my blissful ignorance of your ugly world of commerce & consumption.
WARNING: the following link contains Godwin triggers.
B4 – thanks, man. The scary bit is, if we had had our catalog printed before school ended in the spring, we’d have 2 – 3 times as much business this fall. We may be moving into an even BIGGER warehouse in the next 8 – 10 months.
Cheers. Sounds good.
I meant out gay male comics. Again, if I’ve forgotten peeps, let me know. But I don’t know anyone more surreal than Cross.
Well, I feel silly. Anyways, awesome that a list filter was all you needed. Hooray for Excel!
We may be moving into an even BIGGER warehouse in the next 8 – 10 months.
Before you move your inventory into it, you should ride a motorcycle in said bigger warehouse.
That would sound incredible
B4 – or rollerblade. Bigger warehouse for us still isn’t going to be huge & cavernous – probably more on the order of 2,500 sf. But still, as they say, grow or die.
We’ve actually had enough demand from random people who’ve seen the catalog to work out a parallel retail pricing structure, which we’re using to market to large institutional customers – banks and other businesses who want to buy gifts for customers or employees, hospitals, etc. The retail side is gonna be sweet; we’ll make a lot better margin with it and it will help carry us through the holidays, when there are no fundraisers going on.
Jennifer et al, and semi-off the OT: I like and use OpenOffice, but its database capabilities stink on ice. If your needs outgrow a spreadsheet filter, it’s very easy to do something like what you need in Filemaker. I have a project database in Filemaker that we use to make custom brochures for RFPs (this one needs churches, that one needs facade restoration…), it took me a few hours to build and my somewhat tech-phobic partner uses it happily.
Hey anyways, the other thing I was reminded of with the teen gay suicide thing was reading about ItGetsBetter in Savage Love. That was what, three weeks ago?
Here’s the channel now. The list of videos is long enough already that it takes longer to scroll through than Zombie Thread. I watched a handful, and even as a straight guy in his late thirties I was moved.
Yeah, that there are douchebags like Tim Graham spewing his asinine bullshit is a fucking terrible thing – but he’s a fucking dickless twerp who’s only read by other dickless twerps or people looking to make fun of him.
But those fuckers are on the way out. Their hateful exclusionist rhetoric is already being pushed out of society. They are old and growing smaller and smaller in number everyday.
It’s a fucking shame that it’s taking so goddamned long and that tragedies continue to build up while the screaming howler monkeys rage on about pro-gay propaganda or whatthefuckever. It’s fucking criminal.
But I’m holding on the the message that it gets better. Not just for the people being punished by ignorant assholes, but for all of us. Well, all of us except the ignorant assholes.
What DKW said.
A friend of a friend topped himself for the same reason. Come to think of it, he was a violinist too.
I believe QuickBooks can do what you’re asking for. Check out this link:
It gets better!
QuickBooks is so
gay.Obviously, the commenters have never heard Tim Graham talk or they might not be so fast to call Anderson gay.
They’d also avoid calling Anderson gay if they knew how badass he is.
What a bunch of Jennifer exford Wangchucks!
Snowwy – yes, we can generate a pick ticket from Quickbooks.
The problem is, Quickbooks will list the items in the order they were entered. Which means you have to manually search each handwritten order form – which may have 30 or 40 entries – and enter them in the correct order if you want Quickbooks to generate a ticket in an order that keeps the order picker moving in the same direction through the warehouse, not having to go back and forth. I had thought Quickbooks was semi-ordering them according to the vendor prefix; when I talked to the bookkeeper this evening she said no, she had to search each form and enter things in the proper order to get the program to print out in that order. Which of course takes a whole lot longer than it should and increases the likelihood of making mistakes.
They’d also avoid calling Anderson gay if they knew how badass he is.
It’s funny because it’s true.
David Cross isn’t gay.
That guy who played the retarded character on LA Law wasn’t retarded, either!
Cooper had very slowly become desensitized to the violence he was witnessing
“Me glazzies!”
That guy who played the retarded character on LA Law wasn’t retarded, either!
He played a lovable aristo on Firefly.
cavefish not gamefish
David Cross isn’t gay.
Race Bannon, however… he was bendin’ Benton.
When I read “armed gang sodomises teen with plunger,” I assumed they meant the NYPD.
they meant the NYPD
No doubt an inspiration.
“A college professor took two days out of her fucking life to specifically attack us,” says Violent J. “Oh yeah, she had it all figured out.”
One of the ICP road crew locates the video on his iPhone, and it is indeed withering: “The [Miracles] video is not only dumb, but enthusiastically dumb, endorsing a ferocious breed of ignorance that can only be described as militant. The entire song is practically a tribute to not knowing things.”
“Fuck you, man,” says Violent J. “Shut the fuck up.”
[Shorter “Fuckin’ magnets, how do they work?”
“God! Sometimes he sucks and sometimes he blows.”]
“I don’t know how magnets work,” I say, to put him at his ease.
“Nobody does, man!” he replies, relieved. “Magnetic force, man. What else is similar to that on this Earth? Nothing! Magnetic force is fascinating to us. It’s right there, in your fucking face. You can feel them pulling. You can’t see it. You can’t smell it. You can’t touch it. But there’s a fucking force there. That’s cool!”
Fuckin’ unemployment. How does it work?
I’ve always wondered if gay teenagers refer to things that are lame or dull or silly or stupid as “that’s so straight”. If not, they should.
I got down to the end of that article and actually found myself feeling sorry for those wienerheads. They still suck, though.
completely off topic, but the ‘on, no, were not racist’ Teabaggers are ‘forging links’ (Fwarrrrr!) with the EDL, our very own Quasi skinhead racists. Nice company you keep, boys..
gocart, I was the same, I almost felt sorry for them….. The SNL parody really nails it, though:
(….where does the sun hide at night….)
WARNING: the following link contains Godwin triggers.
After last year’s extremely popular re-enactment of nazi war atrocities…
100 posts- the century mark.
Sea monkey are fucking real, fucker.
completely off topic, but the ‘on, no, were not racist’ Teabaggers are ‘forging links’ (Fwarrrrr!) with the EDL, our very own Quasi skinhead racists. Nice company you keep, boys..
Old news. They’ve been cheering on the BNP, the FN, the BZO and every other happy band of Holocaust deniers on the other side of the Atlantic, for ages. (But “WAAAAAH!!! Why won’t the unfairminded Jews vote for us? Their BIASED!!!)
Last title I remember on the subject was a blog that said “Don’t Let The BNP Speak For Britain,” which I suppose translates to “Why Aren’t More Parties Racist?”
I too go take a gander at the Guardian‘s inquiry on the latest scientific conference presented by the Insane Clown Posse, now with Extra Evangelical Flavor.
That right there is a very quotable line, that: “Gravity’s cool, but not as cool as magnets.”
You would imagine that somewhere in one of those studios was a whiteboard where they did a ranking of things they didn’t understand for the level of cool.
This has to be some parody. There has to be some Sasha Baron Cohen or whoever behind the scenes. Maybe not. With Carl Paladino and Christine O’Donnell as leading Republican candidates, it could just be a new level of not just public lunacy but lunacy as brilliantly written by a comedic troupe of the Fates.
It took me a few readings to get that fucking the girl was regarding the sexual act, and fuck the mom referred to angrily dismissing the relevance of the mother’s presence and being willing to insult her.
So, I guess this roughly translates into “when I’m trying to feel wonder and amazement at something in nature I don’t understand, but scientists are telling us something, I don’t like it, it bothers me, gets in the way, and so they can go to hell.”
Alternatively, they could just be completely blasted out of their mind on all sorts of narcotics and pot for the entire day, every day.
OT sorry – does anyone here know how to lodge a complaint about a church advocating for a particular political party? This a.m. I caught Coral Ridge Ministries, aided by Charles Colson, claiming Obama is a socialist and offering an “Issues Guide for Voters”. I’d like to pop their ass if I could.
aided by Charles Colson, claiming Obama is a socialist and offering an “Issues Guide for Voters”.
Yeah, I want to get lectured on political issues and values by a fucking felon, sure.
Yeah, lectured on political issues – in church. I wonder if any “worshiper” gets sick of hearing political shit when all they want is to hear about god. Maybe they are too stupid to notice the sermon isn’t about god or spirituality.
Ladies and gentlemen, picture if you will, Tim Graham in a movie theater:
Buddy comedy preview appears on the screen. A man gets hit in the groin with a golfball.
Tim Graham, dull-eyed and slobbering, shoves Reese’s Pieces in his mouth with his left hand, popcorn with extra butter and salt with his right. Graham’s eyes dart back and forth, waits until audience begins to laugh to see if he should laugh. Then laughs, a sound much like the sound of an Persian cat with feline leukemia coughing up a hairball or a brain-addled elderly chain-smoker on her deathbed: HUUUUUUUUHUUUUUUUUHHHHUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH.
Graham tries to fart discreetly, fails, hopes the sound of laughter has covered his error. It has not. Returns to eating, now shoveling Goobers into his mouth with his left-hand, Sweet Tarts with his right. Odd squeaks and moans froth from his swollen lips between bites. Two women seated at the far end of Graham’s aisle move to another part of the theater. Moments later, they will leave entirely, deciding to see the film at another time.
The buddy comedy trailer continues. A man makes a gay joke. Graham’s eyes light up like a seal who knows if he pushes the red button with his nose he’ll receive a nice fish treat. The few remaining neurons in Graham’s brain that haven’t been smothered by decades of chocolate frosting fumes try to fire: gay joke, he thinks, equals… fish treat? No… pizza? No… funny? Yes! Gay joke equals funny.
Graham’s eyes begin darting crazily around the room trying desperately to make sure this association is correct. He hears laughter, oddly this time sounding much like his own, a forced and pre-programmed hiccuping trying loudly to call attention to exactly how funny the people laughing really think the joke is… really, really they do; really, really, these people think its funny. See, look how hard we’re laughing: HUUUUUUUUHUUUUUUUUHHHHUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH.
Graham feels suddenly smug. Comfortable, until he begins choking on an undigested M & M. He gives himself the Heimlich Maneuver, spits up the M & M, then pops it back into his mouth. Graham begins to feel the need to pee. He hurries to the men’s room, hoping to make it before the feature film begins, not because he might miss some of the movie (he’s usually unable to follow much of the plot anyway), but because during the trailers the men’s room will likely still be occupied.
He positions himself at the middle urinal. His eyes begin to drift…
Ladies and gentlemen, picture if you will, Tim Graham in a movie theater:
Thanks! I’ll bookmark that for the next time I need to induce vomiting.
OT sorry – does anyone here know how to lodge a complaint about a church advocating for a particular political party? This a.m. I caught Coral Ridge Ministries, aided by Charles Colson, claiming Obama is a socialist and offering an “Issues Guide for Voters”. I’d like to pop their ass if I could.
I’m not sure where the line is at which point they violate their 501(c)3 (did I get that right?) status is. The Catholic Church put out an “issues guide for voters” of their own in 2008, letting them know where the church stood on most of the issues, but never actually endorsed either party or any candidate, nor did they even refer to them, so it was all legit.
I’m interested in this too, if anyone has any idea…
Ladies and gentlemen, picture if you will, Tim Graham in the video arcade at the back of the porn store.
Thanks Chris – I’, still working on finding out.
I found out complaints are made to the IRS. I’ll try it, but the IRS site tells you there are special ways they are allowed to investigate religious organizations that doesn’t apply to other organizations. Thanks, congress for these laws that help the crooks.
Thanks, congress for these laws that help the crooks.
Religious freedom, wheee!
Ladies and gentlemen, picture if you will, Tim Graham in the video arcade at the back of the porn store.
It gets better. It has and it does. The other day someone posted in the lgbt reddit how they hatred to read it any more becuase it’s so depressing. Bullying, homophobia, suicides, never any good news. I had to respond.
Kid, this IS the good news. I recall a time when a killed fag deserved what he got if anyone even talked about it which was rare. The bullying, the homophobia, the suicdes have ALWAYS been ahppening; the only difference is that now it’s being talked about, and as bad thing to boot. You don’t know how good it is.
Thoughts about PENIS.
Ladies and gentlemen, picture if you will, Tim Graham in the video arcade at the back of the porn store.
I’m trying, and it all ends up kinda Lovecraftian. Like Y’Golonac crossed with Nyarlathotep’s Goddess of the Black Fan avatar…
At least we’re not Serbia. No real difference in rhetoric, though.
someone posted in the lgbt reddit
Someone also posted recently (in /r/AskReddit maybe?) about how using “gay” as an insult was just fine, since gay doesn’t mean gay, and they really loved fags and here’s my liberal permission slip because I support homo marriage. Fuck that. This is why I have not so much faith that the death of the older generation will lead to greater tolerance. It’s a move from overt hatred to mere insensitive indifference.
I am not a racist.
UnHoly fuck! Someone went and got herself pregnant! Way to go VS!
Good luck with the IRS. I think the main problem is that in order to prove their 501(c)3 status should be revoked, you basically have to have footage of them endorsing a candidate – e.g. even if you’re saying “Jesus was a conservative,” the fact that you’re not telling your people “Go out and vote conservative” means you’re not breaking the rules. I think. Like I said, though, good luck. Just because they have the freedom to preach whatever they want doesn’t mean they’re entitled to tax breaks.
Thx for the clip PM. The guy listening to the call took it pretty well considering his skin color.
I am not a racist.
Could have been worse – she could have said “the colored boy”.
Sheesh. “We gave you people welfare and free everything, and you still complain about the whole slavery thing! How ungrateful!”
Ya know, I don’t know where my dear little city of DC ranks in terms of federal money.
But if I was from New York or California, and my state had been bleeding money for seventy years to pay for highways in the red and rural states so those fucks could brag about how driving a car makes them rugged and individualistic, I’d be getting sick to death of hearing them whine about how unreal America doesn’t respect them and never thinks about them.
The welfare queen campaigns have worked out well for the right. I’ve wondered for a while what would happen if politicians on the coasts started their own similar campaigns against the rurals. God knows they’ve got far better grounds than South Carolina will ever have.
(Proximate cause of above rant = hearing yet another old white conservative bitch about how her money subsidizes
lazy niggers“colored people.”)@ Jennifer.
Open Warehouse Management System
No support but it might be worth a shot. Congrats on your business! I remember when you would carp about the dolts you used to work for.
But if I was from New York or California, and my state had been bleeding money for seventy years to pay for highways in the red and rural states so those fucks could brag about how driving a car makes them rugged and individualistic, I’d be getting sick to death of hearing them whine about how unreal America doesn’t respect them and never thinks about them.
I’m not sick to death of it. I’m in a murderous rage about it. Is it possible to stick a twig in the spokes of an SUV’s wheels so that the driver dies a header?
“UnHoly fuck! Someone went and got herself pregnant! Way to go VS!”
I blame the liberal media!
(And thank you.)
a twig in the spokes of an SUV’
Try some rebar instead of a Trig.
Well, DC is #1 and then some in terms of federal money received vs federal money taken. Something like six or seven to one.
Not that this is terribly surprising, what with the lion’s share of the federal government actually being there. It’s not like taking care of The Smithsonian, The National Mall, the Capitol or the Supreme Court is going to come out of local coffers. I suspect the amount spent on security alone might dwarf all of what gets sent to, say, Rhode Island or Vermont. With a population somewhere just shy of one Congressional district, it makes perfect sense for that ratio to be where it is.
The more general red state – blue state skew, on the other hand…
*desperately resisting the urge to post a FucktheSouth link*
Allow me to offer a counter, not as an excuse but as a partial explanation: following the Civil War, there was no Marshall Plan for the south. To the contrary, punitive tariffs depressed the economy of the entire region, poverty was endemic (it’s not for nothing it was called “the pellagra belt”) and this persisted until WWII – 75 fucking years. It encouraged economic systems like sharecropping and child labor, for the simple reason that for any southern good to be competitive, it had to be produced substantially cheaper than it could be made in the north.
Such a system produced the entirely predictable result of encouraging oppression of the poor, and in particular, blacks.
There are many people still alive today who grew up in the final decades of this era and many more whose parents or grandparents lived through it. A great deal of the “damn yankee” carping stems from all of that – it was more prevalent in the 60s than it is now and I assume, even stronger in the 50s and the 40s.
It is a mistake to believe that southern resentment is rooted ONLY in the civil rights struggles of the 60s. It goes back 100 years before that, and for the period following the Civil War up until WWII, it is not entirely unjustified.
While the proximate cause of the grievance is now 70 years in the past, in many areas, the effects linger and they have been taken up by subsequent generations, which is not rational but…it’s there.
The thing that I find inexplicable is that in major metro areas of the region, the natives are now outnumbered by those who have moved in from other regions, and yet the crazy seems to be growing, not getting diluted. Perhaps the transplants are self-selecting to live in crazytown? I don’t know. But when we take up the issue of the “welfare states” I do think people should take into consideration that we’re talking about a region that was a conquered territory, and treated as one, until the fairly recent past. It has suffered, less as time goes on, from all the implications of that – in everything from poor schools to substandard infrastructure. And the only reason it’s as far along as it is today is because of that federal welfare. But it would never have fallen as far behind as it did, or continued to lag today, if not for those 75 “lost years” following the Civil War.
Just something to keep in mind, because, you know, it’s still the minorities and the poorest in the region that continue to suffer most from those decisions made almost 150 years ago.
Perhaps the transplants are self-selecting to live in crazytown?
Absolutely. Galtian ubermenschen decamping unreal rustbelt America for the lands of low taxes, weak unions & cheap labor.
No, the oppression of blacks was part and parcel of the system both before and after the civil war. The resource of slavery could not be simply replaced, as a cheap source of labor (upkeep & security), and violence to deter poor people and black people from participating in politics to further their interests was fought with violence from the very end.
Yes, there were long-standing unfair trade terms, but these were also supported by many of the Southern elites to reduce potential competition. They were devastating to regional development, but there was often collusion by the powerful.
The forcing of the rural white poor from independent yeoman farmer homesteads to blighted sharecroppers was done by a combination of local trade oligopsonies, the threat of violence (typically through ‘law enforcement’ forces), the buying up of land. Poor whites didn’t just happen into trading homesteads for sharecropping.
It was a combination of Northern investor exploitation of the South as a producer of cheap primary goods and materials in a combination with reactionary elites to prevent Southern industrial development, right up to the point at which Northern manufacturers sickened of paying union wages, and the textile and processing industries urbanized the South into a manufacturing force within mere decades.
‘Free’ trade with Mexico, for example, prompted not greater and more even development, but replicated the Southern model — luring manufacturing in via cheap wages, plentiful and cheap resources, and little to no regulation. Mexico ‘underdeveloped’ as a consequence of NAFTA, and industrial wages dropped as domestic manufacturers fell to subsidized US competitors.
One might wonder how different things might be had the “conquered” actually stopped proudly flying a flag of treason, proclaiming the certainty of the South rising again, and tried to integrate into the American whole rather than spending the last 150 years ratfucking and playing insurgent.
Did they get fucked in the aftermath of the war they started? Yes. They’ll get zero sympathy from me about it until they can distance themselves from the mindset that started the trouble in the first place. Amazing that a half dozen generations later it still persists, but there it is. And it triple pisses me off that they somehow think it could be okay to simultaneously claim that they are Real America while glorifying secessionism and treason. Fuck you. You can fly one of those flags, or the other. You can’t have it both ways.
The thing that I find inexplicable is that in major metro areas of the region, the natives are now outnumbered by those who have moved in from other regions, and yet the crazy seems to be growing, not getting diluted. Perhaps the transplants are self-selecting to live in crazytown?
I’ve noticed it too. The suburban, middle class “New South” types, usually first or second generation whose families moved from the Northeast or Midwest… tend to fly their colors even more proudly than the old Southern crowd, and display even more obsession with “their” newfound heritage.
Maybe it’s peer pressure. Maybe it’s contempt for the North they left behind. Maybe it’s just their way of being cool and rebellious – the Confederate flag is to American conservatives what the Che T-shirt is to hippies, more a matter of shock value than an actual statement of belief.
Or maybe they’re all just fucked in the head. That explanation works for me. Besides, the Southern ethic of “find someone even lower than you [the blacks] and kick them when they’re down” fits in perfectly with the ethic of Northern carpetbaggers moving south to make a quick buck.
One might wonder how different things might be had the “conquered” actually stopped proudly flying a flag of treason, proclaiming the certainty of the South rising again, and tried to integrate into the American whole rather than spending the last 150 years ratfucking and playing insurgent.
What I wonder is what would have happened if the North, instead of pulling its troops out, letting the South write the history books and completely abandoning the blacks… had done something more like what we did to Germany after the war.
Put a gun to their head and said “listen shitbags, your forefathers were a bunch of racist inhuman sons of bitches who fought an immoral war; you will no longer follow in their footsteps, you will integrate, you will sit next to the negroes in class, in church and in restaurants, you will let them marry your daughters, you will treat them as equals AND YOU WILL LIKE EVERY MINUTE OF IT OR SO HELP US GOD WE WILL BURN YOUR CITIES TO THE GROUND AGAIN UNTIL YOU GET THE MESSAGE.”
Or something like that.
What I wonder is what would have happened if the North, instead of pulling its troops out, letting the South write the history books and completely abandoning the blacks… had done something more like what we did to Germany after the war.
Some of my ancestors are from the Carolinas, and a good number of my cousins still reside in Tennessee. We’ve long thought the problem after the end of the Civil War came from not using punishment for treason as method of cleaning up the rancid system which had produced the seditious violence in the first place.
Had the surviving Confederate officers been publicly executed for treason, under the Stars & Stripes, in the squares of their home towns, their property given to their former slaves, and their widows and children relocated (dispersed) across the West, we might have avoided the hundred years of impoverished agony between 1865 and 1965.
In no other country, in no other time, will you find a group of violent, treasonous thugs coddled more than the Confederates after 1865. And we’re still paying for it.
If only.
Alas, I think WWII was a real first in that way. Before that, the vanquished were supposed to suffer horribly. Hell, if it hadn’t been for Versailles, there might not have been Part Deux, Electric Boogaloo.
While in many ways, the American Civil War was the father of modern wars, that sort of enlightened aftermath was not one of them.
In no other country, in no other time, will you find a group of violent, treasonous thugs coddled more than the Confederates after 1865. And we’re still paying for it.
Liberals taking conservatives out for an ice cream, hugging them, soothing their hurt feelings while they go on throwing tantrums? We’re still doing it.
If I understand it right, our policy after the Civil War was to basically exploit the South (as described above) while softening the blow by coddling their egoes, letting them write the history books, and above all, letting them take out their anger on the blacks. What we did after WW2 was the exact opposite; we didn’t coddle the Germans and we damn sure stamped out their ideology everywhere we could, but we didn’t exploit them, we helped them rebuild instead.
Twenty years later, President Kennedy was an idol for young Germans. There’s lessons to be learned here.
I do think people should take into consideration that we’re talking about a region that was a conquered territory, and treated as one, until the fairly recent past
Point of interest; my (French) mother went to college in New England. One of her introductions to American culture came through a good friend from Texas who sympathized with her as a “fellow foreigner” (not at all jokingly). She could never understand what he meant until she figured out that he was from the school of thought that still thinks it’s an occupied country.
And this was a college student in the seventies, not an old coot living in a trailer in Alabama. Long, long memories some people have.
How desperate does he have to be when the only thing he can find to whip up a tsunami of poutrage is Anderson Cooper saying the derogatory usage of “gay” needlessly stigmatizes people?
Tim Graham is sooooooooooooo gay!
Does this mean I should bitch about being called a Polack?
Only if you’re a crappy canvas filled with paint smears. And I think it’s spelled “Pollock”…
Living in the liberated but still ungovernable tribal provinces as I do, I have to say, yes, there is a breed of Yankee that moves South and fits in just fine and likes it here plenty. Guess who they are? Racist conservative white males.
Newt G. is but one example. He’s from PA, not a real Georgian.