Gavin & Brad, Live and Uncut
Posted on July 22nd, 2006 by Brad
Gavin and I were interviewed by T-Rex over at Firedoglake regarding last week’s hilarious S,N!/Patterico smackdown.
Hey Gavin! We’re total stars! Look at me, hanging out with celebrities like Sifu Tweety!*
¡Ay caramba! With this newfound fame, I’ll be able to buy a whole wardrobe of these shorts!
*That really is me’n’Tweety, btw. Well, not the heads, but the rest of us.
Damn! Now everybody knows that I wear t-shirts! My cover is blown for good!
I’m sure there’s a leak of classified information in there somewhere.
Wait, is Gavin really Devastatin’ Dave, the Turntable Slave?
No, Otto Man, that’s ME!!! Gavin is the shorts guy. Tweety is the guy from Dschinghis Kahn.
Heh. You said uncut.
Hol’ up, the Dschinghis Khan guy died in South Africa in 1993. What’s the half-life of German kitsch stars?
My mistake, Brad. I love your work. And your jheri curl.
I beg of you, please stop posting that shortsmodel and saying it’s Gavin. I love you guys, but that pic totally creeps me out. It’s like preppie kiddy pr0n or something.
PS Loved the interview with TRex. It must have been like a Snark Summit over there 😉
I beg of you, please stop posting that shortsmodel and saying it’s Gavin.
Oh, there’s a real pic of me and Travis on the ‘about’ page as of…like two weeks ago? Def. not as cute as the shortsmodel, but less barely-legal.
That really is me’n’Tweety, btw. Well, not the heads, but the rest of us
Nice basement.
Huh. I pictured Sifu taller.
I was thinking “smaller”… and “yellower.”
Huh. There *is* no “figure 4.” Go figure.
What you don’t realize is that Brad is approximately 8 feet tall
Patterico wouldn’t be using any governmental resources to access your site,would he?
Nice hat, Tweety!