Just Lie Back, Boy, And Think Of The Vatican

ABOVE: Bill Donohue

Shaking your head, burying your face in your palms, and saying “Holy Fuck” is really a far too moderate a reaction to a press release by the Catholic League’s Bill Donohue titled “Not All Sexual Abuse Is Equal.” Seriously.

You don’t even have to read the press release to know where Donohue is going. He’s going to say that having sex with a manly, kindly, gentle man of God isn’t such a bad thing and, in fact, the boys probably purposefully tempted the priest and enjoyed the sex to boot. It’s not like they were being fucked by a leather bear or anything like that. It was a PRIEST! And best of all, a priest can absolve the boy from all his sins immediately after wiping up.

You don’t believe me?

It’s time to ask some tough questions. Why did this young man not object earlier? Why did he allow the “abuse” to continue until he was 18? The use of the quotes is deliberate: the charge against the former priest is not rape, but rubbing.

At last someone has the courage to tell the truth about the sordid underbelly of the whole matter and it is this: eighth grade boys, prancing around like little bubble-butted fauns in front of the Holy Fathers, are just begging for sacerdotal rub-downs knowing full well that when the clerics, who after all are just normal men subject to normal temptations, succumb to their wiles, they can, after years of hot consensual sex rubbing, turn around and sue the Church and never have to work again.

Here’s what we know. We know that this case, like most of them, was the work of a homosexual, not a pedophile. And like most of the cases of priestly sexual misconduct, there was no rape involved. … The time has come to object to all those pundits who like to say that the scandal is all about child rape. Most of the cases did not involve children—they were post-pubescent males—and most weren’t raped.

Well, how can you argue with that? As long as four-year old boys are still safe from the clergy, it sounds to me like a win-win all around.

[h/t Evan Hurst]


Comments: 126


Never turn your back to a priest.


Yep, a global, generations-long rubbing kerfuffle. That’s all it was. Yep.

Who falls for this shit?!! Oh wait, obedient little right wing authoritarian follower sheep, that’s who.

I’m allergic to mangoes — did he blame the media for telling us about all of these things that happened?


Who falls for this? Maybe the abusers themselves, in order to have peace of mind. Does Bill Donohue have something he wants to confess?


Was Bill Donohue molestered by a priest as a child? Or should he be gang raped by pirates now?


Or should he win a dream date with Alex Knepper and some Rohypnol and a webcam?


Have I mentioned lately just how much I HATE these people?


Was Bill Donohue molestered by a priest as a child? Or should he be gang raped by pirates now?

I don’t see it as either/or…


Where does Donohue stand on being date-raped or interview-raped by James O’Keefe? I can’t imagine Billy coming out against* a good Irish right-wing lad.

*You know it.


Being an apologist for abuse by Priests ought to make one a pariah in society. Or at the very least lead to a friendly little gang-rubbing in a back alley.


Wow. This guy is so evil he thinks he can recycle his own bullshit.


Seriously. Yet another over-stuffed white guy who CLAIMS to be a Christian yet would get punched repeatedly in the face by Jesus were they ever to meet (unlikely), spouting off blame-the-victim bullshit and hair-splitting to the point he should end up in Dante’s Inferno immersed in shit for eternity.


Was Bill Donohue molestered by a priest as a child? Or should he be gang raped by pirates now?

A, probably and B, certainly.

C, one look at that grin in the picture and I’m going to say that the cycle of abuse has not been broken, if you know what I mean.

Shorter Billy Don: A little priestly abuse never hurt me none.

Sister Mary Elizabeth

They’re not “boys” they are Consenting Adults From the Future!


Does Bullshit Bill really not understand the concept of “consent”? Or assault on a minor?


Does Bullshit Bill really not understand the concept of “consent”? Or assault on a minor?

I feel like he should understand that there’s no such thing as “consent” where a minor’s concerned. Why do I feel like he should understand this? Because that’s the basis of their whole argument for “Prophet Mohammed was a child molestor.”


Was Bill Donohue molestered by a priest as a child? Or should he be gang raped by pirates now?

This false dichotomy highlights the poignancy of this situation. While the former was (and still is) a monstrous and grotesque crime, the latter is a well-merited punishment and would make for damn good television. Yes, it’s a lose-win. But that’s the world we live in.


Was Bill Donohue molestered by a priest as a child?

He was molestered by Fr. Chester.


Alright! It’s not really rape if a priest buggers a 12 year old! Donahue is making the Polanski apologists look like serious moral philosophers.


I wonder if he has kids and how he would take the news that one of his sons was “rubbed” by a priest? I am starting to think that this evil SOB has probably offered his kids to the clergy as toys…


Didn’t Bill also try “Well, the Church only moved those priests around rather than expose them to spare the victims from the trauma of having to reveal what had happened”? Because you’d think recognition that revealing abuse is traumatic–though not as traumatic as the abuse itself–would lead to recognition that it might take someone years to work up the courage to do it.


I feel that any activity considered sexual (e.g., inappropriate touching/rubbing, rape, etc.) directed towards a minor is misconduct if not outright illegal. Priests are not exempt and I wish that particular sin would be considered a grave sin equivalent to suicide being a grave sin. Per wikipedia on suicide: The chief Catholic Christian argument is that one’s life is the property of God and a gift to the world, and to destroy that life is to wrongly assert dominion over what is God’s and is a tragic loss of hope. It appears to me that priests are destroying the lives of the children they touch.


If “most” were post-pubescent, does that mean the many who were pre-pubescent are now some minor detail?

If “most” weren’t raped, does that mean all the rapes just belong in the footnotes somewhere?


Donahue on many levels is the livng embodiment of Upton Sinclair’s observation that it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his paycheck depends on not understanding it. He is also a genuine asshat.


Also shorter Bill: If there’s grass on the field, play ball!

Does Bullshit Bill really not understand the concept of “consent”? Or assault on a minor?

Offhand, I’d say no. He doesn’t.

Also, too: According to the John Jay Report, of US victims,

22.6% were age 10 or younger, 51% were between the ages of 11 and 14, and 27% were between the ages to 15 to 17 years.

One has to wonder where Bill draws the “post-pubescence” line.


Roman Polanski’s apologists couldn’t have said it any better.


If “most” were post-pubescent

Nice use of a minor technical distinction in psychology for defining paraphilias which has no standing or meaning in law.

If “most” weren’t raped

More semantic games from Donahue in claiming that this was consensual sex. Can 12-13 year olds actually give consent? If not then it is rape. The law says they cannot. Indeed for contracts, marriages, enlisting in the military, and most other purposes, you are not able to give “consent” until you are 18.

Lurking Canadian

The only possible explanation is that Donohue’s a ratfucker. I just can’t imagine that he thinks these horrifying apologetics are doing anything except making the disgrace of the Church worse every time he opens his mouth.


Most boys officially enter puberty at 11-12 according to the biomedical definition. Puberty, however does not in any sense confer anything resembling the rational competence needed for “consent” (just the opposite in my observation). He is also playing games with the percentage thing when he says “most” as 23% is a very large minority.


The only possible explanation is that Donohue’s a ratfucker.

Now, now. Don’t go disparaging those post-pubescent boys as rats.

Seriously, though, I know it’s easier to think that this kind of shit is brilliant performance art rather than actual worldview-on-display, but Bill’s no Colbert. No such luck. There are people who think like this, and people who listen to people who think like this.


gosh what a horrible shell of a person this guy is – I dont know at what point these asshats are forgivable in the christian sense

truly orwellian that anybody listens to and agrees with somebody like this


wow justme and me had the same groupthink lol


Didn’t Bill also try “Well, the Church only moved those priests around rather than expose them to spare the victims from the trauma of having to reveal what had happened”?

I don’t remember that one, though it certainly sounds like something he’d say. In fact, here are the Bill Donohue excuses for sex abuse, in no particular order:

1.) The media only obsess over Catholic sex abuse because they are biased in favor of Protestants.
2.) The media should be following sex abuse by teachers/government workers.
3.) Most of the accused are not priests, but other Church officials.
4.) Kissing, rubbing and looking at naked children is not rape and therefore should not be considered sex abuse.
5.) Most of the alleged victims are lying to get money.
6.) The predatory priests were all homosexuals who infiltrated the Church.

Feel free to add any I missed.


Some times its so hard to be a liberal
that you just want to excercise your 2nd Ammendment rights
and ask yourself, what if the Beatles were Irish?


So, does Bill do PR for NMBLA now, too?


“We then learn that the student was really a middle-school student, in the eighth grade, when the abuse began.”

So this makes it OK, then. He wasn’t in grammar school! He’d graduated to middle school! Never mind that catholic grammar school goes through the 8th grade.

And I’m sure ol’ Bill calls himself “pro-life”. Fuck him.


I dont know at what point these asshats are forgivable in the christian sense

If what Bilious’s church teaches is true, he has a guaranteed reservation in a fiery lake.


How do you seriously write something like this without vomiting all over yourself?


And I’m sure ol’ Bill calls himself “pro-life”.

You always have to remember that human life is only sacred and worthy of protections until birth. You know, when they are actually alive.


Donahue on many levels is the livng embodiment of Upton Sinclair’s observation that it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his paycheck depends on not understanding it.

I don’t agree with that with regard to Donahue. He’d happily advocate the same 9th century policies and barbarities and abuse and domination if he weren’t being paid. He just wouldn’t appear on the TV box so much.


I would have thought that defending the indefensible had a limit, but it does not.


How do you seriously write something like this without vomiting all over yourself?

Apparently, the same way you go on tv and vociferously defend the abuse of 12-13 year old boys as not being pedophilia. I’m guessing an internal stomach clamp of some sort.


There’s something very strange about this behavioral tendency to seek public scorn by making ghastly declarations. It’s a sort of damaged social gene, this “Most people won’t say this horrible thing because their too scared of being rejected, being ostracized, being ridiculed; but I’m brave and courageous and honorable so I’ll speak the truth whatever the consequences.” When Alex Knepper said he didn’t mind being hated for his views he was only half correct. The other part of it is that his views are deliberately constructed so that he IS hated. Social biologists would probably call this a parasitic adaptation.


They’re! There.


Please send them some feedback on this at the link I provided. Here is my contribution. Any chance they wil get the message? Naw… I do not think so… but It is worth your while anyway.


How things have changed. So it is fine for me to fondle boys as long as they are post pubescent. That is just Sweet!

Thanks! You made my millenium!


How you fuckers can live with your loatsome selves is beyond me. You should be the ones offing themselves not sweet gay kids.


Bill Clinton did not have sex; he just rubbed his dick inside of Monica Lewinsky. Totes different!


It’s time to ask some tough questions. Why did this young man not object earlier? Why did he allow the “abuse” to continue until he was 18?

What kind of hold do authority figures have over people that could keep them quiet about stuff, especially authority figures who claim to be able to affect people’s eternal fate? IT IS A MYSTERY.

Here’s what we know. We know that this case, like most of them, was the work of a homosexual, not a pedophile.

Without restrictively defining words in highly convenient ways, you know what we REALLY know? They were Catholic priests.

guitarist manqué

Way back in the early eighties I used to hang with some buddies on the CART racing circuit. The only great spine tingling race I saw was a Pocono 500 ( 83 maybe?) that was sponsored by Domino’s and was won in an amazing finish by the Domino’s driver (Danny Sullivan? oh the mists of time). Donahue had bussed in all kinds of Domino’s franchisees and he himself was omnipresent in the pits. His astonishing sense of entitlement, smugness and self-righteous aura could be felt at 100 meters. I went to get a good look at him and will never forget it.

Bill Donahue: asshat defined.

Lurking Canadian

Here’s what else I know. Whether you call the perp a pedophile, a homosexual or fried chicken, it was a CRIME, YOU DOUCHEBAG. The perp should be in jail and the people covering it up should be charged as accessories, too. The rest is just chaff.

(NB: Donahue’s the douchebag. Not tigris, in case I dangled a participle there.)

guitarist manqué

Ooops, different Donahue. My bad.

guitarist manqué

Monaghan, Donohue, what’s the farking difference. Somehow I conflated priest raping apologists. I blame Juses.


” I dangled a participle there.)”

You really ought to get consent before you do that.


You really ought to get consent before you do that.

As minor parts of speech, participles are legally incapable of giving consent.


God damn you, comments! I did too close that html tag!


Well shit. I was all set to let my kids get christened to appease my mom, and then there’s this.


Uh, close enough, Guitarist. The Domino’s pizza guy is also a right wing Catholic blowhole:


With probably more influence than Rapey McGee here. Being a billionaire and all that. And one who is active in politics with his donations. Odds that Rapey McGee here gets money from Tom M? I’d say very high.


As disgusting as Donahue is, I’m going to take comfort that he has enough shame to not come here and defend his depravity. Likewise he can take comfort that he is not as horrifying a person as Alex Knepper.


I worked for the Catholic Church for over a year — despite my secular humanist beliefs. (I found this site one day when I was trying to waste time and ignore the crappiness of my job). I had been unemployed for over a year prior to taking the job; I was desperate — these post-pubescent boys know what I’m talking about.

While working for the church, my boss held a brainstorming meeting to ask why people weren’t going to church and donating money. The money part was always a huge concern because they were closing churches and schools; all while the Bishop drove around in a Lexus while wearing more gold on than Rakim

As someone who didn’t go to church or donate money (they didn’t know this fact), I had intimate knowledge of why people weren’t attending or donating. I told them it was because of the sexual abuse scandals. I was screamed at. I was told: “That’s not the problem! It’s old news! Real Catholics aren’t affected by the scandals!” It was frightening to see how seemingly normal people can completely ignore the sexual abuse of young boys because they have “faith”.

While it was the worst job I ever had, it definitely solidified my belief that Catholicism is a complete joke. From the health care debate to terrorism, I had some interesting discussions with so-called Catholics. Bill Donohue is a prime example of how desperate people will go to defend the superstitions that run their lives.


Or should he be gang raped by pirates clowns now?
Fixed, Awareness of internet traditions, etc. No newsletters however.


SO in fact no crime occurred, and anyway it was the fault of the gays. Is that it?

guitarist manqué

Uh, close enough, Guitarist. The Domino’s pizza guy is also a right wing Catholic blowhole:

Thanks, that’s what I thought too. It’s hard to keep them straight without a scorecard. And I’m too cheap to buy a scorecard.


The only possible explanation is that Donohue’s a ratfucker. I just can’t imagine that he thinks these horrifying apologetics are doing anything except making the disgrace of the Church worse every time he opens his mouth.

Baghdad Bill’s circle of associates (can you really call a group of hagfish “friends?”) are probably just like him. Most likely he doesn’t realize there’s a problem because he never sees people recoiling in disgust from the noxious slime he spews.

So, yeah, he totes thinks he’s helping. It would almost be funny if his victim-blaming bullshit wasn’t so very horrific.

hells littlest angel

If the kids were strutting around in church wearing those slutty altar-boy outfits, they were asking for it.


Also too, PedoPope.

(NSFW if your W objects to blasphemous graffiti)


Most likely he doesn’t realize there’s a problem because he never sees people recoiling in disgust from the noxious slime he spews.

Catholics love Donohue because he “stands up for Catholics” against evil yet sexy altar boys.


If the kids were strutting around in church wearing those slutty altar-boy outfits, they were asking for it.

Kids today (or in the last 30-40 years) have no sense of decency or respect for authority or they would not needlessly tempt poor defenseless priests like that.



Y’all don’t get it.

Bill Donohue is in it for the money. Nothing more, nothing less.

No point debating what he really believes — he believes in making more money.

He doesn’t really care about the “anal sex loving secular Jews in Hollywood” except for the donations he gets.

It is a scam.


Here’s what we know. We know that this case, like most of them, was the work of a homosexual, not a pedophile.

That’s funny, because I’m a homosexual and I’ve never once been attracted to an 11 or 12 year old boy. Not even a little bit. Statistically men who are tend to be heterosexual and are drawn to the feminine qualities of boys and the whole power trip or something – well, I can’t be arsed to look it up.

It makes you wonder about Mr. Donahue here, that he thinks this sort of thing is perfectly normal.

Charlton Heston loudly



Most likely he doesn’t realize there’s a problem because he never sees people recoiling in disgust from the noxious slime he spews.


A lot of conservatives have enough common sense to censor themselves in non-conservative society so as not to offend people… but they’ve usually grown up in such a sheltered cocoon that they often manage to say offensive things without even realizing they’re offensive.


The words Donahue spews are not offensive to his target donors.

They’re his income.


Catholics love Donohue because he “stands up for Catholics” against evil yet sexy altar boys.

I was just reading your post. It’s absolutely mind-boggling to me that the reason why people are fleeing the Catholic Church is a big mystery to them when the abuse scandals (and the public revulsion over the Church’s response) have been all over the news. Then again, I’d suspect that these were loyal Fox viewers you’re talking about.


But hard-core patriarchal societies in Africa are not recoiling.

Catholicism is a growth industry in Africa, and the CHURCH is going to town.

This is really old news. Hispanic-American liberation theology is dead.

The CHURCH under the panzer pope is doubling down on its evil.


here are the Bill Donohue excuses for sex abuse, in no particular order:
Feel free to add any I missed.

#7: Priests abusing their power are a symptom of the broader secular, over-eroticised culture, and are therefore the fault of atheists, so the problem will only go away when everyone becomes more obedient to priests.

Though that’s the line from the Vatican and I have no idea whether Donohue himself has repeated it.


Priests abusing their power are a symptom of the broader secular, over-eroticised culture, and are therefore the fault of atheists

I love how the failings of the religious are always the fault of us nonbelievers. Funny how, without benefit of a vindictive sky daddy or threats or an eternal BBQ pit, I have managed to not abuse children, commit rape, frequent hookers, embezzle, abuse my power (such as it is) for personal gain, or any of the other things I am supposed to have forced them to do by my unbelief.


I have managed to not abuse children, commit rape, frequent hookers, embezzle, abuse my power (such as it is) for personal gain, or any of the other things I am supposed to have forced them to do by my unbelief.

Your librul card is revoked.


abuse my power (such as it is) for personal gain

When the university appointed you as professor, did they warn you that “With great power comes great responsibility”?


This is why I’m glad Michael Critchon is deader’n hell. He crapped out overpraised trash-novels in which gorillas slaughtered great white hunters, superpowerful career women sexually harassed and destroyed their helpless male underlings, and climate change was a sham maintained by liberal supervillians and their worldwide network of weather-control technology. I predicted he’d eventually write a story about little boys raping priests, but then he went and croaked.


When the university appointed you as professor, did they warn you that “With great power comes great responsibility”?

Nah, they just told me, “Fuck up, son, and we will can your sorry hillbilly ass.” Folks aren’t much for putting on airs here in western Montana.


To Mr. Donohue Fucktard regards;

I must first aknowlegde your success in making me WISH there WAS a god, and that he would keep a private BDSM dungeon. Because I would just love to entertain you there. In your view I would be one of the fallen since I do not even believe in your twisted deity. You on the other hand would be one of the dammed, for many sins but specialy the one you just comitted in writing that letter.

Someone needs fuck that knot off your ass! Not me, I have standards!

I wish you the worst.


I predicted he’d eventually write a story about little boys raping priests, but then he went and croaked.

I noticed the same theme in “The Great Train Robbery.” “Victorian crime, like modern crime, is totally because criminals are smart and amoral, not because of poverty or lack of education or any pussy liberal shit like that.”


I suspect it’s something besides being a money thing. I think he’s internalized the twin ideas that “IOKIYAR” and “anything that makes libruls mad is a good thing.”

Since he’s a Republican and belongs to the Catholic Church, he “knows” that Catholicism is a Republican Religion. Therefore, it’s OK for priests to rape children because they are Republicans. At the same time, the Church’s opponents must be libruls, and so he goes out of his way to anger libruls and people who don’t think children should be raped by mounting (ahem) every more enthusiastic defenses of child rape.

In other words, he’s not merely greedy — he’s crazy as a fruitbat. Five’ll getcha ten, his basement looks like “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.”


What the fuck?

These are the arguments that pedophiles make to excuse their behavior.

Is Donohue angling for a guest editorial spot in NAMBLA’s newsletter?


These are the arguments that pedophiles make to excuse their behavior.

You noticed that as well. Actually, I think he is angling for a position in the church administrative structure.


Shorter Donohue: “Homosexuals are giving pedophilia a bad name.”


The argument that because an abuser did not forcefully shove his cock into an orifice, that the victims should be grateful for the restraint and admit complicity for not kicking the shit out of the authority figure abusing them and blowing the whistle right away, is a pathology that I want to see die, die, die. It’s amazing how often issues of sexual abuse have pathological frames. Of course, it wasn’t that long ago that if a woman told a shrink she was sexually abused by her father, she would be assumed to be “in love” with her father and indulging in fantasy.

I want all children to be trained to kick the holy shit out of adults who abuse them sexually and to blow the whistle right away.


I noticed the same theme in “The Great Train Robbery.” “Victorian crime, like modern crime, is totally because criminals are smart and amoral, not because of poverty or lack of education or any pussy liberal shit like that.”

Did he mean crime in general, or big epic crimes like the Robbery as opposed to just coshing someone on the head and riffling their pockets?

[I may have to re-read that section. Great Train Robbery’s the only book of his I liked because I’m a bit of a sucker for Victoriana.]

Padre Pederastia

Why is it that the liberal secular homosexualist media never reports on all the boys not molested by priests? Is it their all-consuming anti-Catholic bias, or their blinding anti-Catholic hate? I’m pretty sure it’s one of those.


How do you seriously write something like this without vomiting all over yourself?

I have the distinct feeling that Billy’s little head was puking itself silly all over the side of his thigh while he was writing this.


“Eaters of the Dead” is a damned fine Michael Crichton read too.


Sort of reminds me of another of that great bunch of guys, Bill O’Reilly, and his take on how so-called kidnapping “victims” were actually loving all the attention and having a super time I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP.


Eaters of the Dead was pretty great actually. Could’ve used more boasting, but all in all a good read.

Ahmed ibn Fahdlan

“Eaters of the Dead” is a damned fine Michael Crichton read too.

Lo, I see my father.


I want all children to be trained to kick the holy shit out of adults who abuse them sexually and to blow the whistle right away.

It’d be nice if the adults were trained to, say, not molest children. Particularly adults in trusted authority positions. A bit too much to ask, I suppose.

Of course, the way to train adults is to prosecute them publicly for their crimes, that they be removed from the opportunity and others might learn the consequences. When you have an enormously powerful international organization trying to hide, downplay and otherwise obfuscate the issue for them, hell, why not bugger a few deaf kids.


Bill O’Reilly… on how so-called kidnapping “victims” were actually loving all the attention and having a super time I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP.
It says a lot for the power of the authoritarian mind-set that someone will automatically take the side of the kidnapper.


If it is possible to train adults not to molest children…so many sociopaths and enablers, so little time.


Priests abusing their power are a symptom of the broader secular, over-eroticised culture, and are therefore the fault of atheists

Mmmm, over-eroticised culture


My theory, based on the way that St. Teresa’s toes are curling, is that she was carved after a drawing by Don Martin.


This is really old news. Hispanic-American liberation theology is dead.

Going off on a tangent from this point, it’s depressing as hell that in this world, pretty much every movement that called against the injustices of society is dead. It used to be liberalism, and later socialism, that performed that job, and they existed in some form pretty much everywhere in the world. Even religion had to rise to the occasion, with the Protestants coming out with the social gospel and the Catholics inventing “Christian Democracy” as their solutions to the evils of the time. (And of course you had all the big twentieth century icons; Gandhi, Martin Luther King, even John Paul II).

I look around at the world of my time and I don’t see a damn thing like that, despite the fact that the world still needs it very badly. We are all Panglossians now; everybody seems to have pretty much decided that the post-1980, Washington Consensus values are the best humanity can do. No one’s suggesting an alternative, no one’s even trying to push the system into working better. It’s depressing as hell.


Did he mean crime in general, or big epic crimes like the Robbery as opposed to just coshing someone on the head and riffling their pockets?

Crime in general. It made me wish I could send a cockpunch via Ouija board.


I’m starting to think this Phil Donohue person isn’t a very nice man at all.

Also, First!


Most of the cases did not involve children—they were post-pubescent males…

“Males”? Sounds to me like O’Dogafew is a leetle too focused on the ol’ oysters vs. snails debate here … much like Andy the Shriveled or whatever his name is, the state attorney/stalker guy. Can you say “closet case,” boys and girls?


Crime in general. It made me wish I could send a cockpunch via Ouija board.

Ehhh, IDK. Crime, like everything else, is complicated. But there are a lot of cases where I agree with the Victorian view.

Mostly I’m talking about the brains of the criminal world, not the random footsoldier who picks pockets or joins a gang. Pimps, gang leaders, organized crime bosses… those guys are amoral shit. And they prey on people who suffer from “poverty, lack of education” and the rest just as surely as any “respectable” capitalist does. E.G. snakeheads who smuggle people into the West for exorbitant prices and force them to work it off for years to come, are exploiting the poor just as much as those businesses that hire illegals for peanuts.

I look at the criminal world, and in a lot of cases, all I see is the lower class equivalent of Wall Street or military-industrial complex crooks. Smaller scale, but same basic principle. They may not start wars for oil, but they still hurt, ruin or outright end a lot of lives that deserved to go on unharmed.


The lack of Catholic consistency chagrins me.

Hey guys, you want to go with “those saucy little kids were all ASKING FOR IT” as an excuse? Fine. That’s your choice … but I want my atavistic superstitions to have only ONE rationale per cult, dammit!

So I expect the next Papal Bull to clean up some loose ends:

Galileo? Deserved it because rational thinking is really hard he was a heretic – neener neener neener, apology withdrawn. We’ll be digging him up & burning his bones at the stake to bump up our ratings during Sweeps Week.

Several million so-called witches? Deserved it because mmmmm lots & lots of delicious free land they were all sexy heretics. Take THAT, Sabrina!

Victims of the Inquisition? Deserved it because secularism was winning & making us look like chumps they were obviously all sexy, sexy heretics – now let us get out our festive racks & whips as we celebrate our new holiday, Saint Torquemada’s Day.


“So, does Bill do PR for NMBLA now, too?”

No. Bill thinks the N.A. part is too restrictive.


We are all Panglossians now; everybody seems to have pretty much decided that the post-1980, Washington Consensus values are the best humanity can do. No one’s suggesting an alternative, no one’s even trying to push the system into working better.

You sure we’re not all a group of rather beaten-down Candides, figuring all we can do is cultivate our own damn gardens?


Does anyone really think the American political system is capable of fixing itself at this point? Unlimited corporate cash, FOX-brainwashed populace, lots of Good Germans nodding along as Obama claims extrajudicial assassination powers… What’s a rational, civic-minded person to do other than cut his or her losses, give up, and emigrate?


Donahue is useless.

The Onion already did it better


Funny, isn’t it, that the argument defending the church is somehow even more heinous and slimey than the act itself which he is defending the church from.

Now that’s a whole new way to call bottom.


I hope the next time Donahue appears on some cable news show to present “the Catholic view,” someone flings this in his face. And follows it up with a big, gooey dog turd.


Yet another over-stuffed white guy who CLAIMS to be a Christian yet would get punched repeatedly in the face by Jesus were they ever to meet

I dream of this. Jesus coming back and just beating the holy fuck out of all these people committing pedophilia in his name, and then their apologists, and then on down a big list carried by group of Green Halo troopers behind him.

Just slapping the shit out of these shitheads, throwing them down the church steps into the gutter and then kicking them some more. It’s not particularly enlightened or liberal. Just being true here.


Once again; The only people who rationalize rape like this are rapists.


@jim “Several million so-called witches” – ‘fraid you’re laying yourself rather open to the apologists there. The real figure is probably about 50-100,000.

Of course, in the real world, ONE person hideously tortured to death for a totally imaginary crime is too many. But in the minds of the kind of people who wish the Burning Times had never ended, the fact that the Church only offed a hundred thousand is evidence of saintly restraint. Mention “millions” and they will rush forward with cries of “Hey, we didn’t murder THAT many, and being slightly less prolific mass slaughterers than you thought makes us the good guys and invalidates everything you say about anything!”


the fact that the Church only offed a hundred thousand


If you only count “The Burning Times” inflicted on rural European pagans in Ye Olde Medieval Dayes, you might get a figure that low – but recall that Mother Church also genocided the Cathars, classifying their (admittedly weird as fuck) beliefs as heresy, which was the original impetus for the Inquisition. That too was probably largely done for the primo real estate – Cathars were notoriously introverted & were probably no real threat to anyone but themselves. One branch of Christianity declared the clergy of another branch as apostate, then systematically butchered or converted them & their followers until they’d wiped an entire major religious creed out of existence.

Later, Native religion in the New World was also treated as heresy, & its shamen were automatically considered to be witches or warlocks, with gruesomely predictable results. Oodles of top-quality free land coincidentally just happened to become available immediately thereafter.

If only witches & heretics wouldn’t keep living on all that kick-ass property – they’d save a fortune on life-insurance premiums!

Eleven is the New 22

Feeling good was good enough for me
Good enough for me and my Rapey McGee

Michael Crichton, roasted, with a few french fries, broccoli, & horseradish sauce

Not raw, cooked.


Its just fullfilling the third part of the Eucharist, which is the “Seed of Christ”. This one is just a little less metaphorical than “Body of Christ” and “Blood of Christ”, but they swear the transubstantiation is real!

The Last Supper afterparty got a little crazy, and none of the disciples wanted to talk about it much. But apparently, thats where the “Parable of the Bridgebuilder” originated.


I noticed the same theme in “The Great Train Robbery.” “Victorian crime, like modern crime, is totally because criminals are smart and amoral, not because of poverty or lack of education or any pussy liberal shit like that.”

Its what the wealthy imagine they would do if they hadn’t been born that way. As Randian supermen unconstrained by lesser moralities, they still know that whatever they can steal is rightfully theirs, and is no different than what they do now through business or politics.


Tell you what — we’ll eat the dead, and then if you feel guilty about it afterward, we’ll dig a grave and you can throw up in it.


Tell you what — we’ll eat the dead, and then if you feel guilty about it afterward, we’ll dig a grave and you can throw up in it.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

The worst thing about Donohue is that he thinks he’s defending Catholics, when the vast majority of the victims of priestly pedophilia are, you got it, Catholics.

Goddamn authoritarian monster.


But not obediant catholics, or else they would have kept their yaps shut.
Its really the obediance that gets Billy off.


Rubbing a child’s genitals is not rape? Mr. D, how dare you! Remove religion and sexual orientation from the equation. What is it then?
What if the victim were a thirteen-year-old girl? What if the perpetrator were a teacher or a doctor or a counselor or some other position of trust and authority? It is rape. Contact with the genitals of a minor – even through clothing – is a sexual offense, regardless of the age or gender of the victim, as long as he or she is even one second under the age of consent, and regardless of the age, gender, occupation, sexual orientation or religious orientation of the rapist.
Even if allowed to follow the sickening train that the child “enjoyed” anything, it was only a basic physiological response. Even if “no sex” (Mr. D’s method or reference) occurred, the psychological damage and scarring can be as immense as or even greater than full on intercourse – especially when it is a repeated abuse of power situation.


Bill Donohue is a shit stain.


“This is why I’m glad Michael Critchton is deader’n hell.”

It’s so nice to go to a bookstore/library and know that there won’t be anymore of MC’s dishonest-ass screeds-posing-as-thrillers cluttering the new book tables.


It seems that Bill Donohue and Astro-Bagger Ron Johnson would make the perfect couple in hell.


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