Google? Is That Something You Wear While Scuba Diving?


ABOVE: Don Surber in front of his newly-remodeled

Don “Jim Bob” Surber impresses the yokels that read him by scanning most of the least reputable British tabloids and linking to them, safe in the false assurance that everything you read in a newspaper from the country that gave the world crappy cars, bubble and squeak, and milk in tea would never publish anything of less than the highest journalist standards. Today Jim Bob has put on a fashionable ascot, brewed himself a cup of hot tea and surfed over to the website of the Daily Fail, best known for its vigorous support of German fascism in the 1930s.

Jim Bob is particularly taken with an article claiming that the evil conservationists are running around claiming that non-extinct animals are actually extinct, all apparently for the purpose of shaking pennies from gullible grannies to contribute to the conservationists’ lavish lifestyles. So Jim Bob quotes the article at length in his own post titled “Extinction is Forever . . . Not!”

Some of the more reclusive creatures managed to hide from sight for 80 years only to reappear within four years of being officially named extinct in the wild.

The shy okapi – which resembles a cross between a zebra and a giraffe – was first discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1901.

After increasingly rarer sightings, it vanished from the wildlife radar for decades from 1959, prompting fears that it had died out.

But five years ago researchers working for the WWF found okapi tracks in the wild.

Why, hello, Mr. Google. Do you have something you’d like to say? No, you’re kidding! There are okapi in the San Diego Zoo, The Philadelphia Zoo, the L.A. Zoo and many, many more? And a worldwide population of 10,000-35,000. No, that doesn’t sound like extinct to me either. Well, thanks for letting us know. Perhaps you could go visit Mr. Surber and let him know? What, you said you’ve tried that before? He called you what? He said you were a liberal? Oh dear, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Well, thanks for your help. We’ll see you again soon.

Of course, Surber is never content to leave stupid alone, but has to pile on and say something even more foolish:

I am always amused by the fact that some of the most ardent supporters of evolution are the save-the-critter crowd. Isn’t extinction part of this whole evolutionary thing and if your species cannot adapt, well, tough?

What part of “natural” selection does Surber not understand? Population extinction by hunting, poaching and habitat encroachment aren’t mechanisms of “natural” selection, and even if they were, that doesn’t mean that it should trump biodiversity in terms of wildlife management.

This has been installment number 12,206 in our series as to why Don Surber, political columnist for the Charleston Daylee Male, will never win a Pulitzer Prize.


Comments: 222


This has been installment number 12,206 in our series as to why Don Surber, political columnist for the Charleston Daylee Male, will never win a Pulitzer Prize demonstrates that his level of competence (which he continues to try and exceed) ended at “doorstop.”



But as long as he can make it to the Charleston Chik-Fil-A, he’s always guaranteed to get the Pullet Surprise.


But as long as he can make it to the Charleston Chik-Fil-A, he’s always guaranteed to get the Pullet Surprise.

Naw, you don’t actually have to get to the Chik-Fil-A for that. Just the alley out back next to that dumpster that always smells like rotten mangoes…


Trig is having a very good day.


It’s times like these that I think, “I could be a conservative columnist.” Then my soul jumps in to interrupt that line of thinking.


Don’t be too quick to predict who will and won’t get a Pulitzer. They gave one to Kathleen Parker, after all.


I’ve always considered trying to fake up some Repub columns and sell ’em to RenewDuhmerica or somewhere, just to earn a little extra scratch. I just wish there was a way to do it without it showing up on my resume somewhere… :/


Oh, am I an “ardent supporter” of evolution now? Because it’s gotten along fine for 3.5 billion years now without my support. Do I have to make a contribution now?


Scott, why not use a pseudonym? Oh, wait, I see, you want to get paid. In that case, I suggest you give the articles erudite titles that don’t sound wingnutty. Like, “Macroeconomics Variables in Industrial Output,” or “Mortality Statistics for Australian Endodonts.” Of course, they’ll change them for publication. For example, “Krugman Wrong Again” and “Evolution Disproven.”


“Mooooommm! You can’t come in – I’m… I’m ordering Pullet Surprise!”


“Supporters of evolution”, indeed. Never ceases to amaze me that folks insist on describing belief in scientific theories in sports-fan language.

Still, if I had to, Team Heliocentricity would be my nostalgic choice, and maybe I’d get a season ticket for Team Second Law of Thermodynamics for its propensity to attract the really stupid opponents.


For example, “Krugman Wrong Again” and “Evolution Disproven.”

New Game!

“Republicans continue admirable “Free Breathing Air” policy for all citizens”


“GOP endorses “Water From The Skies” initative”


“Republicans continue admirable “Free Breathing Air” policy for all citizens”
But they’re gonna charge you double for the ground you stand on.


“GOP Hails Filipinos “Can Do” Spirit in Landfill Food Acquisition Program”


Tailpipe Sex “Perfectly Normal” GOP Declares


“Do As We Say, Not As We Do” Declared Non-Hypocritical By GOP Leaders


That second quote is…somethin’.


I am always amused by the fact that some of the most ardent supporters of evolution are the save-the-critter crowd.

I am always amused by the fact that some of the most ardent Christians and Biblical literalists completely ignore God’s commandment to Noah to fill his ark with two of every creature on earth, which would seem to indicate that no species is unimportant in God’s eyes, and that letting any of them die off would be a stewardship fail.


‘Extinct’ Bird Caught Then died as a result of being caught …

1 post – 1 author – Last post: Sep 15
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – A short-tailed albatross died as a result of being caught … one of the endangered birds by a U.S. commercial fishing vessel since 1998. … killed in late August was hooked on a long line from a cod fishing boat. ……/extinct-bird-caught-then-died-as-a-result-of-being-caught-t31610.html
Sep 21, 2010 – An endangered bird once thought to be extinct has died after being caught … The American Bird Conservancy says the short-tailed albatross was killed in … CachedAlbatross death in Alaska | Birdwatch
Sep 18, 2010 – A Short-tailed Albatross, a species listed as Endangered under the US … was killed in late August, hooked on a long line from a cod fishing boat. … – CachedTop News – National Fisherman – Search our commercial fishing news …
Sep 13, 2010 – Commercial fishing hook snags rare albatross off Alaska … recorded death of one of the endangered birds by a U.S. commercial fishing vessel since 1998. …. was lifted off a fishing boat after apparently suffering shellfish poisoning. ……rcid... – Cached – SimilarJournal 334
Sep 21, 2010 – For some that can be an annual affair, but for some young albatrosses, … the hake fishing boat out of Vancouver, B.C. that hosted my first trip. …. Like 19 of the 21 albatross species, the Black-footed is endangered with less than … – CachedSurfWax: News, Reviews and Articles On Commercial Fishing
6 days ago – Endangered bird dies on longline fishing hook Sep 16, 2010. ANCHORAGE – A short-tailed albatross died as a result of being caught on a longline … They moved to Bodega Bay in 1957 and purchased their first commercial fishing boat, … – Cached – SimilarNational Fisherman – Search our commercial fishing news, marine …
4 days ago – Commercial fishing hook snags rare albatross off Alaska … recorded death of one of the endangered birds by a U.S. commercial fishing vessel since 1998. …. was lifted off a fishing boat after apparently suffering shellfish poisoning. … – Cached
Commercial fishing hook snags rare albatross off Alaska: Wildlife …
Sep 15, 2010 – The short-tailed albatross killed in late August was hooked on a long line from a cod fishing boat. Most often, the birds are killed while baited hooks ……/commercial-fishing-hook-snags.html – CachedCommercial fishing hook snags rare albatross off Alaska …
Sep 14, 2010 – A short-tailed albatross died as a result of being caught on a longline … death of one of the endangered birds by a US commercial fishing vessel since 1998. … killed in late August was hooked on a long line from a cod fishing boat. ……/commercial-fishing-hook-snags.html – CachedFairbanks Daily News-Miner – Endangered bird dies on longline …
Sep 14, 2010 – The birds, listed as endangered, now number about 3000. A federal program has helped greatly reduce … The short-tailed albatross killed in late August was hooked on a long line from a cod fishing boat. Most often, the birds are killed ……/article-Endangered-bird-dies-on-longline-fishing-hook-in-Alaska?... – Cached

the fourth Yorkshire republican

I shot an okapi once, in my dinner jacket.
In those days we didn’t worry about whether there were enough okapi to fully staff the Nashville Zoo. We shot ’em and we were proud of it. There was an okapi around every corner, or a gnu. Some of those gnu were wiley. Wiley, you could see the cunning in their gnu eyes. I shot a gnu once, in my jodhpurs. That gnu had doubled back down the side street parallel to the boulevard, trying to make it to the mall before I caught up to him.


I’ve heard Pascal Picq two hours ago on our secular, government controlled radio. He’s a paleo-anthropologist, and he spent 30 seconds of the 50-minute program to diss creationists with a simple question: what evidence have they ever shown to prove their theories?

None, that’s how much. I remember my exchange student years in the US, under the last year of Reagan’s reign, and my complete amazement when I found out that the people I lived with believed literally in the Bible. They seemed normal, but then… I got a lengthy reply from my grandfather (biology professor AND conservative Catholic guy) who gave me many arguments to prove them wrong. I never brought them up, as I had understood that it’s impossible to disprove faith-based brainwashing.

It seems that “debating” with creationists is akin to necessarily having a representative of the Children Killers and Rapists Association when doing a report on Jeffrey Dahmer for the sake of “balance”.


I shot an okapi once, in my dinner jacket.

Daring rescue my good man! Hopefully the jacket was un-harmed.


The shy okapi – which resembles a cross between a zebra and a giraffe – was first discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1901.

After increasingly rarer sightings, it vanished from the wildlife radar for decades from 1959, prompting fears that it had died out.

Whoever wrote the original article obviously went to Wikipedia but skipped most of it and made up the rest. The 1959 final sighting mentioned is in a particular park, not throughout its habitat. I can’t find that its status was ever listed as extinct. For Christ’s sake, it’s not even listed as threatened.

The Goddamn Batman Will Never Let His Patron Animal Die Out, Even If He Has To Spend His Last Dollar On Bat Chow

It’s not just that Don is wrong, of course, but that when one of his own commenters patiently explains to him why the Daily Fail article is wrong, he ignores it. Instead, he frets about some comedy short about climate change denialists blowing up. If Don hates it, how can it not be good?


“Dinosaurs for Jesus Month” Enacted with Bi-Partisan Acclaim, GOP Leaders reveal.

Stag Party Palin

[i]”It seems that “debating” with creationists”[/i]

Don’t remember where I read it first, but: you can’t have a logical discussion with someone who reached his conclusion without logic.


I shot an okapi once, in my dinner jacket.

Really? But their own coats are so natty!


I am always amused by the fact that some of the most ardent Christians and Biblical literalists completely ignore God’s commandment to Noah to fill his ark with two of every creature on earth, which would seem to indicate that no species is unimportant in God’s eyes, and that letting any of them die off would be a stewardship fail.



Sasquatch is okapi!!!!

Coach Urban Meyer

Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? Looks like Dominant Don, the Super Surber, has you clowns runnin’ scared! You dopes don’t understand how bogus your junk science is! Take some advice from Da Cool Coach- read yourself some Discovery Institute, ya tools!

Hear that, libs? That’s Da Cool Coach’s SPREAD of VICTORY, about to reign down on Alabama and then Congress in ConservoVictory ’10! Suck on that! Urban out.


Don Surber is living proof that”survival of the fittest” does not mean what he thinks it does.

teh Universal Schlong

That’s Da Cool Coach’s SPREAD of VICTORY, about to reign down on Alabama and then Congress in ConservoVictory ’10! Suck on that! Urban out.

More ass-to-mouth, Coach?

You Got It!!

But you’re gonna have to wait a little while before I can rain again.


Sasquatch is Buckeye.


Take some advice from Da Cool Coach- read yourself some Discovery Institute, ya tools!


Yeah, I’ll get right on that, sure.


Don Surber: poster child for the Dunning–Kruger effect


Running Scared?

Junk Science?

Chicken Little is that you?

Physical Educator NIck Saban

White people discovered evolution, so they are superior to brown people, who did not. Yet brown people are having far more babies than white people, which by evolution’s definition, means they are superior. Therefore, evolution is false.

Oh and ask not for whom the loony lib badoodles. It badoodles for thee, cool coach. I’m taking you down like the “Draft Hillary 2012” website this weekend, you jackhole.

Marion in Savannah

This alone makes me want to rush off to the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi:

Besides the stray dogs that run rampant on the streets, a 4-foot cobra was found at the tennis venue and another snake was caught in a room at the athletes’ village.

The langurs are only dealing with other smaller monkeys. I guess they’ll hire a 30 foot anaconda to deal with the cobras…

Junkpuncho's Supervisor

The langurs are only dealing with other smaller monkeys. I guess they’ll hire a 30 foot anaconda to deal with the cobras…
What will they hire to deal with unruly people?


I shot an okapi once, in my dinner jacket.

How he got in your dinner jacket, I don’t know!


oops. Nymfail. the unruly people question was mine.


What will they hire to deal with unruly people?



“Extinction is Forever . . . Not!”

Wow, Don sure is homely for a twelve-year-old.

you can’t have a logical discussion with someone who reached his conclusion without logic

Oh, now now – let’s not be so pessimistic! Believe it or not, I’ve found the odd git for whom (despite all indications to the contrary) it eventually can be worked directly into their hide via constant exposure & friction – not unlike salve.

Looks like Dominant Don, the Super Surber, has you clowns runnin’ scared! You dopes don’t understand how bogus your junk science is!



White people discovered evolution, so they are superior to brown people, who did not. Yet brown people are having far more babies than white people, which by evolution’s definition, means they are superior. Therefore, evolution is false.

My all time favorite is “white people discovered racial tolerance, so they are superior to brown people, who did not.” Less mental gynmastics, more blatant sheer mind-boggling stupidity of Jupiterian proportions. And it’s an even more common argument across the right wing blogosphere.


Sasquatch is okapi!!!!

Sasquatch is Buckeye.



Sasquatch was Tony Curtis?


Take that back about milk in tea!

I apologise for the Daily Mail. It’s small minded Britain at it’s worst.



Just had a customer – runs insurance on BOTH Tri-Care AND Medicare – well, the Medicare is messed up somehow so she’s not getting the $0.00 copay she’s used to. And guess who she blamed? Obama, of course.

Gotta love the hypocrite wingnuts… not.


Exo-topic: Boehner, during generic bloviation, says Congress is the branch of the US Govt. that’s “closest to the people.”

Americans will surely enter a new Golden Age once municipal government joins other unspeakable abominations such as critical thought, comprehensive history & evolution in being rounded up & deported to Camp Doubleplusbadthink, some time late in the second season of “That’s Juntatainment! 2: Corporatist Boogaloo” …


Popping in to say there has been ANOTHER gay youth suicide.

GOD fucking DAMMIT.

Now I’ll read the thread.


Pere Ubu said,
October 1, 2010 at 19:16

I hate to say this, but Obama’s going to get creamed for the state of health care in the future, not entirely undeservedly so.

The bill that passed back in March, the feds are now legally obligated (or will be soon) to provide funds to help people pay for their health insurance. But if I understand correctly, there are no price controls included. Is that correct?

Because if it is, that means insurers are going to be able to simply make their prices skyrocket – hey, if the client can’t afford it, the taxpayers can. Which means we the people are going to be paying more doctors’ bills AND more taxes. Not hard to see where this is going.

Physical Educator NIck Saban

While we’ve got British people apologizing for shit, how about apologizing for RyanAir? You know what every nook and cranny of Eastern Europe doesn’t need? Limeys on stag-do’s/hen-do’s vomiting in them.

Also, Elastica never putting out a 3rd album. I’d like an apology for that one, too.


I would apologize for RyanAir but it’s an Irish company. There is a little bit of history there.

Ah yes, the stag bashes in Eastern Europe. Great times….

Elastica? Pffffh.


ANOTHER gay youth suicide.

Just. Damn.

I wanted post this on the yesterthread, but was too busy kkeping the corporate maching humming:

I have something to say to the vile peice of dogshit who drove his roommate to suicide:

No, you are NOT a murderer.

You did not take a gun and shoot Tyler Clementi; you did not push him off the GW Bridge; you did not take his life. If you had, you would be a murderer. What you did, and what you are, is something much, much worse.

You drove a confused, sensitive, artistic young man to a despair so black and deep that he took his own life, rather than go on living in the hell you made his world that night. What that makes you is a monster.

Nothing you can ever do, no act of contrition, confession, penance, no absolution can ever erase that stain from your soul. For the rest of your life, every day when you wake up, you will face that monster in the mirror, and know that you can never, ever consider yourself a “good person” again. Until one day, hopefully soon, you will realize what a loathsome creature you have become, and you will choose to take your own life, too.

And this might surprise you: I hope your suicide attempt fails. I hope it leaves you paralyzed and helpless, but with your mind intact. Because, as an atheist, I don’t believe in hell, or an afterlife of eternal damnation, so I want you to live a long, long life, with nothing to do every day, for years that stretch out ahead of you like an endless desert, but to contemplate how horrible you are, and what a monster you will always be.

That is all.

Marion in Savannah

Take that back about milk in tea!

Absolutely. If it weren’t for tea with milk I’d never get out of bed in the morning.


Staying in bed is really quite nice.


Absolutely. If it weren’t for tea with milk I’d never get out of bed in the morning.
I feel the same way about strippers and beer.


Wait, so because a species is so rare that specimens haven’t been seen in 80 years,but there’s still one or two out there means that it’s not endangered and needs protection?


Steerpike said,

October 1, 2010 at 19:46

my thoughts exactly…thank you…


Wait, so because a species is so rare that specimens haven’t been seen in 80 years,but there’s still one or two out there means that it’s not endangered and needs protection?
So the reason we haven’t seen passenger pigeons, ivory billed woodpeckers, moas, and stellar’s sea cows is because we aren’t looking hard enough? Fuck that guy with a rusty ice auger.


I hate to say this, but Obama’s going to get creamed for the state of health care in the future, not entirely undeservedly so.

Oh, agreed, but it’s like that Teabagger who was mentioned in one of the recent threads who was getting mony from the government he so despised.

I don’t blame Obama for the crap bill that got passed, though. It’s the combined work of go-along-to-get-along Dems and selfish Repugs who were worried that anything that didn’t give the insurance companies OBSCENE profits (instead of just outrageous) was Stalinist Communism.

Lurking Canadian

I disagree on only one point. I think hunting and habitat destruction are evolutionary forces. Humans being part of nature, I don’t think you can count what (throwing an anchor to windward) beavers, say, do to their environment as natural, but not count us.

On the REALLY BIG other hand, though, I don’t see where accepting the scientific evidence for evolution means we have to help it along, wherever possible. It’s not like I think we have an obligation to create antibiotic resistant bacteria, or three-eyed fish, or giant fire-breathing lizards just because we can.


Wait, so because a species is so rare that specimens haven’t been seen in 80 years,but there’s still one or two out there means that it’s not endangered and needs protection?

If Don was Noah he would have taken two of every animal aboard the Ark… but they’d both be male.


It’s da jooooooooooooos! The Jews run CNN!


giant fire-breathing lizards just because we can

*slump* We NEVER have any fun around here.


“Humans being part of nature, I don’t think you can count what … beavers, say, do to their environment as natural, but not count us.”

Facts vs Values. The fact that we are a part of nature doesn’t help us in deciding what we should do. In a universe of 80 billion galaxies I am sure that there are or have been many intelligent life forms that have nuked their planet till it glowed. That doesn’t mean we should do the same.


On the REALLY BIG other hand, though, I don’t see where accepting the scientific evidence for evolution means we have to help it along, wherever possible. It’s not like I think we have an obligation to create antibiotic resistant bacteria, or three-eyed fish, or giant fire-breathing lizards just because we can.
I think the issue is less about creating species of critter and more about how we destroy existing species. Clearly extinction is a natural process, but there is no need to create the largest mass extinction since the K-T event just because we are collectively too lazy or greedy to control our own breeding and consumption.
After all, those plants and animals we are so busy bulldozing under each represent the culmination of a billion plus years of iterative evolution. Each one is uniqely adapted to its own (sometimes very fragile niche) Who’s to say, maybe that protein in some endangered plant or animal could be the cure for cancer, or for an example closer to Don Surber’s interests, explosive diarrhea or impotence.


Wow. I can’t believe that I found something that I actually agree with you liberals on. In addition to being a conservative, I am also an avid conservationist. I don’t see a contradiction here. To me conservative means to conserve and protect tradition. And what is more traditional than Our Nation’s wild places and wildlife that so enthralled the early heroes of Our Republic such as Thomas Jefferson, Meriweather Lewis, and William Clark?

The answer, not much. Our Nation’s wilderness areas and wildlife do need protection. Laws that conserve Our Nation’s natural and historic heritage are justified and are indeed conservative. America is the greatest Nation on earth, and part of what makes us great is our bountiful natural heritage.

Lurking Canadian

Well, you could argue that we are creating a new criterion for “fitness” in an evolutionary sense. Used to be, if your species wanted to survive, you had to be able to withstand season variation, predation and the odd asteroid impact. Now you also have to withstand pollution, overfishing, habitat destruction and climate change, but those are still evolutionary pressures, is all I’m saying.

But once again, that does not mean it’s a good thing we do it that way. And it’s utterly stupid for somebody like Surber to claim that “liberals” (or “leftists” or “progressives” or “scientists” or “sane people” or whatever’s blowing up his skirt) should be in favour of doing this because they “believe in evolution”. The observation that we interact with our environment using methods copied from the Shadows from Babylon 5 does not imply support for this practice.


I pick my guns from trees. Therefore hunting to extinction is technically natural.


giant fire-breathing lizards just because we can
Until we breed giant fire breathing lizards, we will be unable to stop the unchecked growth of Japanese megalopolises. In Asian island ecosystems, the atomic fire breathing lizard has come to occupy the niche that in America is filled by giant skyscraper climbing gorillas. Without regular pruning from atomic monsters, megalopolises quickly outrun their resources and wither. With regular pruning, these megalopolises can remain vital for centuries.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

What will they hire to deal with unruly people?

Seems like the langurs could deal with that as well:

In 2007, the deputy mayor of New Delhi was killed when he fell from his balcony during an attack by wild monkeys, while 25 other people were wounded when a monkey went on a rampage in the city.



some of the most ardent supporters of evolution are the save-the-critter crowd.

Supporting evolution? I must have missed the street marches from the Coalition for Speciation Events.
“What do we want? Sharks with Lasers on their Heads!
When do we want them? NOW!!!”

If in fact he meant “believers that evolution is true”, then I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a large overlap with the “save-the-critter crowd” (and I’m quietly confident that Surber has some survey in mind and is not smugly spouting his stereotypes as evidence). Though it’s not that one causes the other, so much as both resulting from a third variable, i.e. intelligence.

Isn’t extinction part of this whole evolutionary thing and if your species cannot adapt, well, tough?
So Surber is one of these people who would be happy if his children inherited a world occupied solely by human beings, rats and cockroaches. He can die in a fire.


77south said,
October 1, 2010 at 20:43


I’d offer you a martini, but I’m too petty and bitter to acknowledge anyone drinking while I’m sitting in this cubicle.


Don Struber is a complete idiot if he believes that animal species should be allowed to go extinct.

The man is no conservative. He is a corporate elitist in the same manner that destroyed American jobs by supporting trade with the communist Chinese. Corporate elitists are just as much the enemy of this country as big government elitists.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

So Surber is one of these people who would be happy if his children inherited a world occupied solely by human beings, rats and cockroaches. He can die in a fire.

I’m sure langurs would thrive in such an environment, and evolve into apex predators. Sasquatch is real, indeed.


I see the cow is back, taking a dump in our living room.


DAMN, Steve;

You almost had a lucid thought going there. Keep swingin’ the bat, kid.


It’s not like I think we have an obligation to create antibiotic resistant bacteria

We’re certainly doing that, though I had always imagined that people were splashing antibiotics around out of greed and stupidity, rather than out of deliberate support for evolution.

Speaking of antibiotic misuse,

The United States apologized on Friday for an experiment conducted in the 1940s in which U.S. government researchers deliberately infected Guatemalan prison inmates, women and mental patients with syphilis.

I am amazed how many medical researchers saw Dr Mengele and Unit 731 as inspirations.

Lurking Canadian

The answer, not much. Our Nation’s wilderness areas and wildlife do need protection.

Careful, Steve. The Objectivists will kick you out of the club house for saying this. Baby Rand sheds a tear every time a spotted owl doesn’t die.


I am amazed how many medical researchers saw Dr Mengele and Unit 731 as inspirations.

We never prosecuted the Japanese the way we did the Nazis, partially because their research from Unit 731 was viewed as so useful by the military.


Baby Rand sheds a tear every time a spotted owl doesn’t die.

Isn’t there a line from Crazy Ayn about how useless trees are, unless they’re cut down and used for Man’s works?

Lurking Canadian

Isn’t there a line from Crazy Ayn about how useless trees are, unless they’re cut down and used for Man’s works?

I don’t know quotes, but my understanding is that she was, literally, pro-pollution. She didn’t just take the Milton Friedman position that it’s a negative externality and corporations shouldn’t be responsible for it and we shouldn’t have regulations because if the public really cared the market would take care of it and blah, blah, blah. No, she actually thought pollution was a good thing, because it showed Man’s Triumphant Conquest Over His Environment or some such bullshit.


I must say I’m somewhat shocked by Steve. Course, you realize, any deviation from The Movement marks you as a flaw in the pattern, a stain that must be wiped out. But… take it from me. Not being a True Conservative isn’t so bad.

Isn’t there a line from Crazy Ayn about how useless trees are, unless they’re cut down and used for Man’s works?

Other than recycling carbon dioxide into the oxygen we need in order to exist at all, what have trees ever done for us?


You will not find more avid and dedicated conservationists in this country than hunters. We are the ones who pay for the protection of wildlife habitat with the purchases of hunting licenses, firearms, bullets, hunting gear ect…

Being a conservative and a conservationist is not a contridiction. Just ask Theodore Roosevelt. If an idiot like Struber ever walked into my gun club spewing this nonsense about “survival of the fittest” and “animal extinction” he would be walking out of their with some broken bones and minus a few teeth to boot.

Especially after we’ve been drinking.


…he would have taken two of every animal aboard the Ark… but they’d both be male.

That is so hot.


Don Struber is a complete idiot if he believes that animal species should be allowed to go extinct.

The man is no conservative. He is a corporate elitist in the same manner that destroyed American jobs by supporting trade with the communist Chinese. Corporate elitists are just as much the enemy of this country as big government elitists.

That maybe, but I give you both an equal invitation to stick your dicks in the nearest light socket.


…he would have taken two of every animal aboard the Ark…for BBQ



There are many conservatives who are conservationists.

Check out this article.

Also, make sure to check out the cofcc’s statement of principles. Scroll down to the very bottom of that page to read their position on conservation.


Laws that conserve Our Nation’s natural and historic heritage are justified and are indeed conservative.

Like the Endangered Species Act, signed into law by President Richard Nixon on December 28, 1973


I can’t believe you got me to click over to that racist bullshit.

Marion in Savannah

Richard Nixon would be run out of town on a rail by today’s Tea Partiers as being a filthy Commie.


“I can’t believe you got me to click over to that racist bullshit.”

That “racist bullshit” you describe is posted by one of the leading conservation groups in the Nation. It is also Our Nation’s leading conservative organization.


I can’t believe you got me to click over to that racist bullshit.

Ah Paleocons! Even your alleged virtues turn to shit when mixed with your predominating ideological viewpoints.


Sorry, I didn’t mean to kill the thread.


That maybe, but I give you both an equal invitation to stick your dicks in the nearest light socket.

I do NOT want to know how said dicks are actually shaped.


Being a conservative and a conservationist is not a contridiction. Just ask Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt was not a conservative. The man was a trustbuster who regularly “shook down” Wall Street in ways that would make Obama cry tears of capitalist outrage. He led the Progressive revolt against the conservative wing of his party (the only such revolt), actually broke away to form his own party in the 1912 election (and got a bigger share of the vote than the conservatives), and was a not so small inspiration of Franklin Roosevelt’s government a generation later.

If someone really wants to bring back Bull Moose “conservatism,” they’re welcome. It’d be a huge improvement in at least one area over the madhouse that is the current conservative movement.


That “racist bullshit” you describe is posted by one of the leading conservation groups in the Nation. It is also Our Nation’s leading conservative organization.

Like he said.


I do NOT want to know how said dicks are actually shaped

Dunno about shape, but I’m pretty sure that Steve and Surber would have no size-related issues with the task at hand (so to speak).


There’s an evil hand afoot, ahead…


Popping in to say there has been ANOTHER gay youth suicide.

Aw geez, and he hanged himself too.

Anybody want to start a betting pool on when the IT WUZ AUTOEROTIC ASPHYXIATION CUZ HE’S A PERVERT DERP comments start showing up?


Conservation, Schmonservation. Aint nobody gonna care how many animals are left when Jesus II, Cataclysmic Boogaloo starts, amiright? Jesus sure isn’t, he’s just gonna wanna know why we didn’t use more of Earth’s abundant resources to kill more heathens. But he’ll be forgiving, just more for Jesus to kill.


And guess who she blamed? Obama, of course.

I heard a campaign commercial being discussed on the radio in which the Republican astroturf/dessert topping group scolded Joe Sestak for supporting the healthcare bill because it was going to cost too much, and in the very next sentence lambasted him because they claimed he voted to “gut” Medicare. It was surreal.

because a species is so rare that specimens haven’t been seen in 80 years,but there’s still one or two out there means that it’s not endangered and needs protection?

Well, I think this particular example is more like “because lied and said people thought an animal was extinct when they never did, when it turns out not to be extinct I can scoff at everything they say about actually endangered species, etc.” but he probably believes yours, too.


it vanished from the wildlife radar for decades from 1959, prompting fears that it had died out.
Sadly, No!

[Capturing okapi for export] continued until the early 1960s, when the country became independent … De Medina’s replacement, Jean Bosco, collected okapis until 1973, and after that time only one okapi was exported until 1984. Since 1987, the Epulu Conservation and Research Center has been run by a Swiss couple, Rosemarie and Karl Ruf. The majority of the research on the okapi in this area has been undertaken during their tenure.

Drs John and Terese Hart … began their work on okapi in 1986 with funding from the Wildlife Conservation International Division of the New York Zoological Society. Their research focused on the status, biology, and conservation of the okapi in the Ituri Forest … Between 1986 and 1993, the Harts placed radio collars on 25 free-ranging animals. Twenty-two okapis were monitored systematically for periods ranging from three months to over four years.


(and I’m quietly confident that Surber has some survey in mind and is not smugly spouting his stereotypes as evidence)

Smut: Right again.

According to a new study from Australia’s University of Queensland, up to one-third of all mammalian species believed to be extinct are actually still around and hiding in the wild. The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, finds that 67 of the 180 species thought to be wiped out over the past few hundred years are still alive, suggesting that conservationists are overestimating the threat of extinction. The okapi—aka the “forest giraffe”—is the poster animal for the study, re-emerging in Africa five years ago despite being labeled extinct in the 1950s. In recent years, the Christmas Island shrew, the Vanikoro Flying Fox of the Solomon Islands, the Australian central rock rat, and the Talaud Flying Fox of Indonesia have also come back from the dead. Authors also found invasive species—including humans—were likely to be the main cause of extinction. “If you think that a missing species is extinct and the main cause of decline was introduced predators such as feral foxes, cats or rats, then you are very likely to be right,” said study author Diana Fisher. But, she noted, “If the main cause of decline was habitat loss, you are quite likely to be wrong if you say that it’s extinct.”


M.B.: Late again!


I heard a campaign commercial being discussed on the radio in which the Republican astroturf/dessert topping group scolded Joe Sestak for supporting the healthcare bill because it was going to cost too much, and in the very next sentence lambasted him because they claimed he voted to “gut” Medicare. It was surreal.

Not quite as rich, but I saw a commercial yesterday which lambasted one of our SC candidates for being a trial lawyer (EEEWWW EEEEWW EEEEWWW) and therefore being in favor of lawsuits which destoryed jobs. Pleasantly issue free, beyond that.


The best part, IMHO, is that he’s wearing a Danzig shirt.


The best part, IMHO, is that he’s wearing a Danzig shirt.

He may get a percentage of every shirt, so if he buys enough he will become wealthy.


He may get a percentage of every shirt, so if he buys enough he will become wealthy.

I lolded a tad.

Alex Knepper calls our own Tintin a “gay jihadist.”


He may get a percentage of every shirt, so if he buys enough he will become wealthy.

Aw, c’mon, he silkscreens every shirt himself.


According to a new study from Australia’s University of Queensland, up to one-third of all mammalian species believed to be extinct are actually still around and hiding in the wild.

Ah, so that’s the source of the Daily Mail piece that Surber is recycling.

The okapi—aka the “forest giraffe”—is the poster animal for the study
Not good for the study, then, what with the Harts studying okapis in the wild through the 1980s.
Looking further down the list, we find the Vanikoro Flying Fox. Turns out that there were concerns about its continued survival in the 1990s, and “Further surveys are urgently needed to confirm the existence of this species”… further studies were evidently conducted, and found it.

How about the Talaud Flying Fox? Was that thought to be extinct, only to come back from the dead? Evidently not, though it was listed as Endangered in 2008.


Gay jihadist? Needs more Hitler.


I’m not retracting anything, but since certain sectors of the blogosphere are erupting, I’ll tack on a few points of clarification.

As evidenced by the thread below, a lack of clarity was not Knepper’s problem.


Aw, c’mon, he silkscreens every shirt himself.

I never knew Danzig was so crafty!


From the Daily Crud link:

Alex Knepper is a rising political and cultural commentator. He has been featured by the CBS Early Show, National Public Radio, the New York Times, and other media outlets, and has been spotlighted internationally for the Human Rights Service of Norway. He contributes regularly to Big Hollywood and FrumForum, and is a member of the Independent Gay Forum. After years of seeking a label, he currently deems his political and cultural beliefs unclassifiable and anti-ideological. Alex can be contacted at


After years of seeking a label, he currently deems his political and cultural beliefs unclassifiable and anti-ideological.



After years of seeking a label

I like to think the Sadlies helped him in this little quest yesterday


his political and cultural beliefs unclassifiable

Oh, I can classify them, but probably not according to normal understandings of politics.


After years of seeking a label, he currently deems his political and cultural beliefs unclassifiable and anti-ideological.

“I pretty much hate myself, and by extension, everyone”


Which poses the question – if his beliefs are so “unclassifiable”, WTF are the NYT and NPR and CBS having this yutz on? Aren’t they worried he’ll spout off about teaching fetishes to high school kids, like he did to us yesterthread? Are they that hard up for page space or airtime which could be better spent on stuff that’s, you know, worth our attention rather than a Randroid Vulcan who’s mystified by human emotion?


I still can’t find any evidence the okapi was ever declared extinct; the IUCN site evaluated it as “near threatened” in 1996 and again in 2008. They say it is regionally extinct in Uganda, that is the only time the word occurs in the record. And as Smut and the IUCN record point out, people have been studying them for decades now, so how on earth can the okapi be the poster beast for Lazarus species?


Which poses the question – if his beliefs are so “unclassifiable”, WTF are the NYT and NPR and CBS having this yutz on?

If his views are unclassifiable, why is he only on wingnut websites such as Newsbusters and the Daily Tucker?



I could understand being against specific ideologies, but being against ideology in general is kind of stupid.


I could understand being against specific ideologies, but being against ideology in general is kind of stupid.

Wouldn’t that mean he doesn’t actually believe in anything?

Wheee, Chaotic Neutral Randroid.


After years of seeking a label, he currently deems his political and cultural beliefs unclassifiable and anti-ideological.

He just hasn’t opened the right book


Theodore Roosevelt was a conservative on social issues. He was one of the Nation’s early opponents of abortion he would have been appaled at the modern gay rights movement, which of course wasn’t even spoken of in polite society in those days, he also didn’t believe in evolution. He was a White Nationalist who opposed illegal immigration and believed that English should be the official language of the Nation.

Some of his economic issues leave much to be desired, however he was a great man and a great patriot who stood firm for American supremacy on the world stage, for White Nationalism (he coined the term white masculinity to describe our superiority) and for traditional values.


Okay, Racist Steve is goin’ in the kill file.


how on earth can the okapi be the poster beast for Lazarus species?

I’m beginning to suspect that the paper in Proc.Royal Soc.B never actually mentioned the okapi, and the connection was made by lazy / stupid journalists.

Teh library doesn’t give me access to the paper until that particular issue is actually in print, but the academic summaries suggests that reports such as the one from CNN (“claims that conservationists have been overplaying the number of species driven to extinction”) are simply lying about its contents.

Then I got sidetracked reading about the evolution of tetradotoxin resistance in garter snakes.


Some of his economic issues leave much to be desired, however he was a great man and a great patriot who stood firm for American supremacy on the world stage, for White Nationalism (he coined the term white masculinity to describe our superiority) and for traditional values.

So where do Jewish people fit in the whole White Nationalist thing? I mean besides in cattle cars and ovens?


But regardless of our differences on every other issue except for conservation, it looks like we are allies now.

Well, at least on this one thread.

Preserving Our Nation’s wilderness resources is important. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to leave them with our wildlands and animals to be enjoyed by them and for many generations to come.

I grew up hunting and fishing. If I ever have kids I want them to enjoy the same pastimes I grew up with.


Adolph Hitler was a conservative on social issues. He was one of the Nation’s early opponents of abortion he would have been appaled at the modern gay rights movement, which of course wasn’t even spoken of in polite society in those days, he also didn’t believe in evolution. He was a National Socialist who opposed illegal immigration and believed that German should be the official language of the Nation.

Some of his economic issues leave much to be desired, however he was a great man and a great patriot who stood firm for German supremacy on the world stage, for National Socialism (he coined the term Master Race to describe our superiority) and for traditional values.


“So where do Jewish people fit in the whole White Nationalist thing? I mean besides in cattle cars and ovens?”

Who ever said anything about cattle cars and ovens? White Nationalism is simply the defense of Our Nation’s White heritage. America was founded as a White Christian Nation, White Christians have shaped our unique American civilization and all of Western civilization. And as white people and part of the greater Judeo Christian tradition, Jews are considered our own.

While we certainly believe in the superiority of our own race, we don’t advocate the murder of anyone. We simply advocate for White people to remain in the majority, and we seek to accomplish this by using our Christian religion to encourage the births of more white children, a ban on interracial marriage, the deportation of all illegal aliens, and the ban of all non white immigation to America.


He was one of the Nation’s early opponents of abortion he would have been appaled at the modern gay rights movement

So why was he willing to work with the SD, many of whom were TEH GHEY?

Answer: because he was a fucking sociopath who was willing to use anyone to further his plans.


I’ve yet to meet a conservative vegetarian. Driven to extinction perhaps?


The Hitler post wasn’t mine, it was a name stealer. Just another example of more personal attacks by the left when all I’m doing is advocating my political views, not engaging in personal attacks on anyone.


The Hitler post wasn’t mine, it was a name stealer. Just another example of more personal attacks by the left when all I’m doing is advocating my political views, not engaging in personal attacks on anyone

Vdare is thataway——–>


“So where do Jewish people fit in the whole White Natioalist thing? I mean besides in cattle cars and ovens?”

Who ever said anything about cattle cars and ovens? White Nationalism is simply the defense of Our Nation’s White heritage. South Africa was founded as a White Christian Nation, White Christians have shaped our unique South African civilization and all of Western civilization. And as white people and part of the greater Judeo Christian tradition, Jews are considered our own.

While we certainly believe in the superiority of our own race, we don’t advocate the murder of anyone. We simply advocate for White people to remain in power, and we seek to accomplish this by using our Christian religion to encourage the births of more white children, a ban on interracial marriage, the deportation of all illegal aliens, and the ban of all non white immigation to South Africa.


The Hitler post wasn’t mine, it was a name stealer. Just another example of more personal attacks by the left when all I’m doing is advocating my political views, not engaging in personal attacks on anyone.

Hey, just so long as no one else nymjacks me pretending to be me pretending to be Steve, I’m happy.


I’m even happier when I remember to close my italic tags.


Anyone have the link to one of those lovely anti-troll Greasemonkey kill scripts?


In related news of the day, Rick Sanchez has been fired for antisemitic remarks claiming that the media is run by Jews. Wow, that was fast.


Don’t get Rickrolled, Pere.


This one I like because it gets rid of all evidence of the offender.


Rick Sanchez has been fired for antisemitic remarks claiming that the media is run by Jews.

He and Steve should get together. They could have a lovely evening holding hands and reading Stormfront.


America was founded as a White Christian Nation, White Christians have shaped our unique American civilization and all of Western civilization. And as white people and part of the greater Judeo Christian tradition, Jews are considered our own.

About half of America was founded on an economic system entirely built around slavery. The man who penned the phrase “all men are created equal” was a slaveowner, Steve. Does that justify it, since our founding fathers were slave owners? Nationalism rises out of a temper tantrum over the fact that being white doesn’t give you privelige above all others. It’s no different from white supremacy.

Think, Steve. It’s a little bit of work, but it won’t hurt you, I promise.


Wow. Thanks, Sub. That’s a really effective script.


Djur’s RSS filter is still up, which can also be nice when the trolls get frisky. Format the URL as below to eliminate problems.|Disemv*|Truth*|CONTINUE*|The+Foo*|troll*|The+Authentic*|Bookmark*|Troll*|The+Truth*|St.+*|Gary+Rupp*|jurassicpork|The+Malf*|Malfunc*


In related news of the day, Rick Sanchez has been fired for antisemitic remarks claiming that the media is run by Jews. Wow, that was fast.

I have no problem with the swift removal of Ricky for those remarks. I only wished CNN would acted at least half as quickly in firing junior Minuteman member Lou Dobbs.

Oh wait, Dobbs was allowed to resign. He was never fired from CNN. Even when he did shit like this:

On the May 23, 2006 edition of Lou Dobbs Tonight, Dobbs’s program displayed a map of Aztlán sourced to the controversial Council of Conservative Citizens. CNN spokeswoman Christa Robinson apologized for the graphic’s use, saying: “A freelance field producer in Los Angeles searched the web for Aztlan maps and grabbed the Council of Conservative Citizens map without knowing the nature of the organization

Big Bad Bald Bastard

How about the Talaud Flying Fox? Was that thought to be extinct, only to come back from the dead? Evidently not, though it was listed as Endangered in 2008.

The Talmud Flying Fox is quite plentiful in Williamsburgh, Brooklyn or so I have heard.

Laws that conserve Our Nation’s natural and historic heritage are justified and are indeed conservative ancient.

Fixxored for Eris’ sake.

Oh, and I know I posted the link earlier this week, but I any mention of Danzig forces me to link to this yet again.


Sadly however, Eric Ericson is still employed.


“The Talmud Flying Fox is quite plentiful”

They are easily caught with Matzo traps though.


Rick Sanchez offended Jews while Erick Erickson offends all Cerebral-Americans.


Talmud Flying Fox

least erotic furry character ever

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“The Talmud Flying Fox is quite plentiful”

They are easily caught with Matzo traps though.

There’s a conservation project under way, using combination mezuzah-bat boxes.


Rick Sanchez does not love Juses.


And as white people and part of the greater Judeo Christian tradition, Jews are considered our own.

You do realize, old man, that the very term “Judeo Christian” is a concession to political correctness and modern social pressure?

A hundred years ago, you couldn’t have found anyone in Real America who thought of this as a “Judeo Christian” nation. Back then, we were a Protestant nation God damn it, and if those filthy Mary worshippers and Moses worshippers on the other side of the tracks didn’t like it, they could GIT OUT!!! (The word back then would have been “Christian heritage,” with the tacit understanding, still true today in many churches, that Catholics aren’t real Christians).

But the Jews and Catholics just wouldn’t go away, and the political changes set in motion in the thirties and forties made them respectable despite the best efforts of the old order. So after the sixties, even committed nationalists had to start using that ridiculous phrase “Judeo Christian heritage.” It has all their ancestors rolling in their graves, but what can I say? Even bigots need to evolve once in a while.


The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

I’m curious “Steve”, how do you explain the above quote from the U.S. Constitution?
Seems to say nobody has to prove any religious afflliations to be a full fledged citizen.

I’m also kinda of curious?
If you are so superior? Why do you to bludgeon so many people to stay there?


I’m curious “Steve”, how do you explain the above quote from the U.S. Constitution?
Seems to say nobody has to prove any religious afflliations to be a full fledged citizen.

That’s why Glenn Beck tells them to say Islam is not a religion! And since atheism is a branch of Islam and the church Obama went to is really a front for jihad, “Islam” means everybody else.

Clever, clever Steve!


Preserving Our Nation’s wilderness resources is important. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to leave them with our wildlands and animals to be enjoyed by them and for many generations to come.

veiled bestiality reference?


“Why do you to bludgeon so many people to stay there?”

To a bully, which is all these people are, the fact that they *can* beat you up is proof that you are inferior.


…but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

I’m curious “Steve”, how do you explain the above quote from the U.S. Constitution?

That only means written exams aren’t part of the process.


That only means written exams aren’t part of the process.

yeah, but oral exams are out (ask Bill Clinton)


Wow. Thanks, Sub. That’s a really effective script.

dancing badgers:

Ted "Double Duty" Radcliffe

The bill that passed back in March, the feds are now legally obligated (or will be soon) to provide funds to help people pay for their health insurance. But if I understand correctly, there are no price controls included. Is that correct?

No, that is not correct but if you’ve been only casually paying attention it’s understandable that you missed one of the key components of the bill.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Back then, we were a Protestant nation God damn it, and if those filthy Mary worshippers and Moses worshippers on the other side of the tracks didn’t like it, they could GIT OUT!!!

I think the proper anti-Catholic slur was “mackeral snapper”- at least that’s what my mom recalled from dad’s days at Fort Gordon in Georgia. The Southrons would sometimes throw fish heads at the cars parked by the church.

Charming people {snagglepuss} quaint, even {/snagglepuss}.


I think the proper anti-Catholic slur was “mackeral snapper”- at least that’s what my mom recalled from dad’s days at Fort Gordon in Georgia. The Southrons would sometimes throw fish heads at the cars parked by the church.

Never heard that one. I’ve heard “Mary worshipper,” “beadswinger,” “Catheelick,” and of course what’s an anti-Catholic rant without “whore of Babylon” and/or “Antichrist.”

Nice story about Georgia. How old are you? I didn’t think there was much Catholicism in the deep South until pretty recently. Even today, the Church still considers it missionary territory.


Never heard that one. I’ve heard “Mary worshipper,” “beadswinger,” “Catheelick,” and of course what’s an anti-Catholic rant without “whore of Babylon” and/or “Antichrist.”

You had me at “Mary worshipper”


Big Bad Bald Bastard

Nice story about Georgia. How old are you? I didn’t think there was much Catholicism in the deep South until pretty recently. Even today, the Church still considers it missionary territory.

My dad served in the army at Fort Gordon in the late 60s. He wasn’t sent to Vietnam because he had two brothers serving there already, and the Sullivan act kicked in.


Also: “Bead-rattler.”






New heap for reactionary slag.: RIGHTNETWORK.


Too early for suicide jokes? Either way, hide sharp objects before clicking.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Too early for suicide jokes? Either way, hide sharp objects before clicking.

Something tells me that clicking that link would lead me to thoughts of homicide, not suicide.

Actually, since these people are pigs, may suidcide would be the proper term.


If an idiot like Struber ever walked into my gun club spewing this nonsense about “survival of the fittest” and “animal extinction” he would be walking out of their with some broken bones and minus a few teeth to boot.

Especially after we’ve been drinking.

Well then…..stay drunk assole.


this one.Why are you liberals attacking me? I am on your side on this one. I support conservation and I agree that Don Struber is a complete idiot and an unpatriotic one at that for advocating the destruction of America’s wilderness areas.

So why the hate? I’m on your side on


Why are you liberals attacking me? I am on your side on this one.

One swallow does not a summer make.

However one swallow would have made my summer, if you know what mean.


There is something to the idea of human-caused extinctions as a part of natural selection. The end result of this, though, would be basically a world of raccoons, cockroaches, and those weeds that grow out of cracks in the street.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I’ve yet to meet a conservative vegetarian. Driven to extinction perhaps?

He shot himself in a bunker 65 years or so ago.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The end result of this, though, would be basically a world of raccoons, cockroaches, and those weeds that grow out of cracks in the street.

Yeah, Monsanto is doing it’s damnedest to make sure that our major crops all go extinct.


Due to unforeseen Surmontil-related circumstances,I missed out on Friday and came up more-or-less smiling on Friday evening. At least not quite as miserable. Anyway, since I have to say stuff:

You’re better off putting the milk in first, then the tea — you raise the temperature of the milk gradually. So, “tea in milk” is more accurate, even though there’s probably a lot more milk than tea.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

New heap for reactionary slag.: RIGHTNETWORK.

For all those who are sick of those RINOs at Fox.


B^4, are you drunk, or is it just me?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

B^4, are you drunk, or is it just me?

It’s just you… pity, that. I am still at work, and I have to get up early in the morning to teach children how to fight.

No booze for me tonight.


I’m straight-edge like two judges.


It’s just you… pity, that. I am still at work,


and I have to get up early in the morning to teach children how to fight.

AWESOME. With brass knuckles?


I had a somewhat painful afternoon. My foot slipped off the boxes I was propping it on and landed with a quite uncomfy ka-chunk.

So, technically, I’m not drunk. Just Percoseted up with a couple of ciders and some candy corn in my tummy.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

AWESOME. With brass knuckles?

Good gravy, no! My brass knuckles are only for show… why would I mar their beautiful metallic finish by hitting some d00d with them when I could hit said d00d with the ground?


“Wouldn’t that mean he doesn’t actually believe in anything?

Rather than being a Dadais, he’s a DuhDuhist.


Hey- hope this thread a’int over….

There was mention ofthe Piciform upthread that illuded the ESA for about a hundred years, perhaps extinctish, it was extinct for that long and believed alive in Cuba that was immitating a guise using a closely related and not endangered Pileateshit species that wuld cover for underground members of teh ivory bills.
They were all ways on spot and in sync, to jump on a branch to cover for their ivory billec- sanctioned relative.

I wish I could hide as well as them ivory bill’s sometime…But even the obama intrned blew his cover!

Cornell link- the same guys with the lawbooks that keep hitting you up………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Welcome — Ivory-billed Woodpecker
Includes details of the rediscovery in 2004, past searches, and the bird’s slide toward extinction.

Ivory-bill Acoustics – Final Reports – Photo Gallery – Cached


Woody Woodpecker was a pileash8 woodpecker wit teh lips..

nHanha ah HAH- HAH nha ah HAH- HAH

nha ah HAH- HAH nha ah HAH- HAH!


Woody Woodpecker was a pileash8 woodpecker wit teh tight lips..

nHanha ah HAH- HAH nha ah HAH- HAH

nha ah HAH- HAH nha ah HAH- HAH!


Hey- Steveer-

Take it from an imposter of an anagram of your fellow ASSHOLE redstater AChance. There’s a reason that that guy after 65 months eventually got kicked to he curb (as much as the redstaters were hopefully recruiting genuises at the time) and as much as the Redstaters try to rid themselves of non-purists at teh drop of a hat:

In the eyes of their moderators there is no excuse for your being on a librul blog givin’ a plook about nothing or anything other than your own semn and stock ports.

And the comemnt/trouble is conjectural of course, but I bet accurate.

As a would-be yuppy who may finally find a “soul mate-,” Is it guaranteed that her’s [soul] is just as black yours , or just a grey area as much as you attempt to delude yourself ?


cAnceR haT said,

October 2, 2010 at 3:52

If an idiot like Struber ever walked into my gun club spewing this nonsense about “survival of the fittest” and “animal extinction” he would be walking out of their with some broken bones and minus a few teeth to boot.

Especially after we’ve been drinking.

Well then…..stay drunk assole.

Steve said,

October 2, 2010 at 3:58

this one.Why are you liberals attacking me? I am on your side on this one. I support conservation and I agree that Don Struber is a complete idiot and an unpatriotic one at that for advocating the destruction of America’s wilderness areas.

So why the hate? I’m on your side on

Yeah , Okay, Stevo, so you got the loaderd guns , and You can Go put Struber out of his misery …if you want…….on your own volition.

I bet the moderators will pick up on it , make a thread with your pic.

Blinking Emoticon

[sifts ashes]



This guy and his minions scour the sea enough to find Sasquatch aready. That’s how you know sasq don’t exist. He hadn’t showed up in the nets yet. Not even a floater.


Blinking Emoticon said,

October 2, 2010 at 10:08

[sifts ashes]
Hey Steve- Go hunting with DickCheney , Make sure he gets to play wit the flame thrower!


A few thoughts very, very late to the thread:

1. This thread, along with the Kneedeepinstupidler one are why I love this place. So very, very much win. I keep interrupting The Boy’s Dinosaur Train and I think he’s going to kill me with his toy Diplodicus.

2. I’m concerned that this …

This one I like because it gets rid of all evidence of the offender.

and this:

dancing badgers:

… require more geek than I currently (and perhaps, ever will) possess. HALP!

3. To Chris: You, sir, I’d like to have a drink with instead. Even though I can’t drink alcohol (I like to breath) and you probably live somewhere I’ll never visit, and vice versa. But the invitation stands.

4. Really? She’s a candidate for our national legislative body? We’re DOOOOOOMMMMED!


Mark –

Re item 2: Use Firefox as your browser, install the Greasemonkey add-on, then install the script. Personally, I like having badgers perform jumping jacks every time an asshole speaks.


Already use Firefox, so will do that here in a few (I tagged the script pages).

And, yes, badgers will be the choice.

No if I can just do that with my work email when it comes from my boss …


if I can just do that with my work email when it comes from my boss …

Explain to him that the most efficient method of sending intra-office messages is to post them on S,N!
You do work for the pointy-haired boss, right?


Talmud Flying Fox

least erotic furry character ever

When they go vampire you find holes in your sheets.

Thrutch Grenadine

Dan and Dan have something to say about the Daily Mail


You do work for the pointy-haired boss, right?


Make him a her, and add in some issues — specifically, the belief that no one should have a family and sacrifice everything for their jobs, and it’s spot-on.

Just installed Greasemonkey and the dancing badgers script.

Fucking. Genius.

**standing ovation**

They should give Nobel Prizes for shit like that.


Question: How do you add users to that thing?


On the date line for each comment, below the commenter’s name, should be the word “kill”. Click on that and that name gets badgered.




no one should have a family and sacrifice everything for their jobs

But without a family, you have no-one for the sacrifice. Boss needs to think again.


Damn – it seems my comments at the World’s Bestest Charleston Daily Mail Blogger™ site are forever being blocked. ‘Tis a brave man who can successfully wield comment blocking.


“I guess they’ll hire a 30 foot anaconda to deal with the cobras…”

And Jon Voight to deal with it…


Conservationism – save those critters and fishes! I might want to kill them later, for fun! And to build character!

Environmentalism has different motives. They often have similar goals, but the motives affect the methods, and the outcomes. Duh.


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