Please, Alex, Do The World A Favor And Set Yourself On Fire

ABOVE: Alex Knepper

You would have thought that the tragic death of Tyler Clementi at Rutgers would be something that the chattering gay Republican quislings would have had the decency to at least shut up about. But then you would be underestimating the sheer loathsomeness of America’s homeliest gay quisling and date rape apologist Alex Knepper.

Not surprisingly, Knepper’s column on Clementi, which is printed in The Daily Tucker, starts off by blaming the victim:

First of all: forgive me if my sympathy runs thin for someone who commits suicide over a sex tape. This incident is humiliating and shameful, to be sure — but in the grand, cosmic scheme of things, it doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic. We have got to be realistic when assessing this event and maintain publicly that humiliation is a preposterous rationale for suicide.

This is easy for Knepper to say who, one would imagine, has had to become accustomed to a great deal of public humiliation of all sorts, little of which probably has anything to do with his claims to be gay.

At this point, specialists in psychobabble are apt to remind us of the inherently irrational nature of suicide and admonish that we have “no room to judge” what was going on in this boy’s head. But this is ridiculous: thousands of people are humiliated on this scale in the United States on a yearly — perhaps monthly — basis. Most of them deal with the shame in ways other than throwing themselves off of a bridge.

Alex dealt with his shame by becoming a Republican, for example.

Having more or less spit on the corpse of Tyler Clementi, Alex now get to his real point which is to use this incident as an opportunity to splutter on about gay liberals who — unlike Alex, who has no ulterior motive — are trying to use this incident for their own dastardly agenda of bringing an end to suicides by gay youth bullied by their classmates.

As is typical when these sorts of events transpire, the Gay Party — in this case, its representatives are Garden State Equality — is jumping all over this bizarre saga to hijack it for its own wants. To recapitulate: the organization’s spokesman deemed the incident a “hate crime” and said that he was “sickened” that anyone would “consider destroying others’ lives as a sport.”

Well, which is it? Were they out to destroy innocent life for kicks, or were they calculating, hate-filled homophobes? The statement makes no sense.

Uh, maybe, Alex they were both? The real crime here is the one being committed by Knepper as he collaborates with, and gives support to, the forces that want us to pretend that bullying doesn’t exist, or that it is only directed at gay youths, who don’t count because they’re gay or, worse, who don’t count because they allow humiliation to drive them to suicide.

Pardon me for thinking that the world would be a better place if it had been Alex Knepper who jumped off the GW Bridge and not a talented, sweet-tempered young violinist.

UPDATE: Vox Day can set himself on fire and jump off a bridge too. [h/t Evan Hurst]

SECOND UPDATE:For every useless POS like Alex Knepper that wants to blame gay teen suicide on the victims, there are a hundred people like Dan Savage who want bullied gay kids to know that “It Gets Better.”

THIRD UPDATE: Alex took the discussion to Twitter


Comments: 574


Pardon me for thinking that the world would be a better place if it was Alex Knepper who jumped off the GW Bridge and not a talented, sweet-tempered young violinist.

A-fucking-men. I have no snark for this whatsoever.


C’mon, that photo of Knepper has to be photoshopped. He can’t actually look as stupid and transparently self-loathing as he apparently is.

I’ve always said that the undoctored photos of wingnuts are a crucial part of getting to know who they are and what they’d like to do to the rest of us.

My grandma used to say you can tell everything you need to know about a person from their face. She wasn’t referring to beauty or lack thereof, but character. Knepper has nothing like character, and his expression (if it is indeed an undoctored photo) tells us who and what he is.


@PopeRatzo: the photo is unaltered other than being cropped from a screen capture and adjusted to correct the exposure.


I can’t snark about this at all. I can, however, keep mentioning the best thing Dan Savage has ever done: the It Gets Better Project.


As is typical when these sorts of events transpire, the Gay Party — in this case, its representatives are Garden State Equality — is jumping all over this bizarre saga to hijack it for its own wants.

Wants like “being able to live their life without being harassed at every turn by mouth-breathing conservitrash? Yeah, how unseemly.

I support the “set yourself on fire” edict, and would like follow up with a “drink bleach”.


Well, which is it? Were they out to destroy innocent life for kicks, or were they calculating, hate-filled homophobes? The statement makes no sense…

…no sense to him because he’s as stupid as he is bigoted, and he’s as bigoted as he is lacking in compassion.

I bet he considers himself a christian.


Oh that dastardly Gay Party and their mean old Homosexualist Agenda of trying to keep queers from dying.

All proper unbiased faggots know that the proper thing to do to respect the All-Important Fee-Fees of our Teabagger Overlords is to off oneself with expediency to spare them the shame of having to share a world with such “deviants” and especially the open-faced bigotry of having to treat them as humans with full equal rights to God’s chosen.

Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go brush my teeth, because just typing that out made me throw up in my own mouth.


Were they out to destroy innocent life for kicks, or were they calculating, hate-filled homophobes? The statement makes no sense.

“First you didn’t want me to buy the pony. Now you want me to take back the pony! Make up your mind, Marge!”


Setting himself on fire wouldn’t be slow or painful enough.

Being eaten alive by fire ants? Maybe.


Oh my. *shakes head*


BTW – nothing on the headlines on about this guy being gay. Probably too controversial to mention above the fold, as it were.


UPDATE: Vox Day can set himself on fire and jump off a bridge too. [h/t Evan Hurst]



I’d like to remove his kidneys with a spork first.

popeye the man's man

“It doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic.” What, I wonder, does rank for young Mr. Knepper?


You omitted something rather important, darlings:

“We don’t even know what the deranged students’ motivation was for deceiving Clementi. To assume that anti-gay “hate” was the driving force behind the tape simply because the sex was male/male says a lot more about the ideologues running Garden State Equality than it does about the Rutgers student body.”

“The idiots who videotaped this student are sublime examples of douchebags. They are not, however, killers. Let’s not allow Clementi’s poor decision to cloud our judgment of the culprits. Kick them out of school, prosecute them for exploitation — they deserve all of the ridicule they’ll receive. But don’t brand them murderers. Humiliation, no matter how heinous, is not murder. They humiliated Mr. Clementi. They didn’t kill him.”

Keep ta-ta-talkin’ that…

Alex Knepper


I can’t snark about this at all. I can, however, keep mentioning the best thing Dan Savage has ever done: the It Gets Better Project.

I love that so, so much. I really think it will mean a lot to a lot of kids.


Tintin, it seems your intern mistakenly posted a photo of Christine Todd Whitman (here shown with pimp hat) Please correct.


From Vox: “While Clementi may have been taught that his desires were wrong, (we don’t have any details on his upbringing, but the last name suggests a Catholic heritage), he was also steeped in years of indoctrination telling him that his abnormal desires were perfectly right and should not be resisted. That is why he felt free to act on them as soon as he got to college and out from under his parents’ eyes.”

Excuse me, dear Trig, but this is FUCKING RETARDED. So he killed himself because he wasn’t *adequately* ashamed of his own desires and his own identity?


Humiliation, no matter how heinous, is not murder. They humiliated Mr. Clementi. They didn’t kill him.

We are not familiar with the phrase “fate worse than death”, are we?


To assume that anti-gay “hate” was the driving force behind the tape simply because the sex was male/male says a lot more about the ideologues running Garden State Equality than it does about the Rutgers student body.”

Knepper, you give miserable, stupid piles of shit a bad name.


“We are not familiar with the phrase “fate worse than death”, are we?”

Some retarded, embarrassing college prank is a fate worse than death? You know what they say, right, Pere? “Better to be thought a fool than to…”


Apparently Mr. Knepper is too young/illiterate to wade through the thousands of pages of literature on the effects of anti-gay bullying, and/or envisions himself above such things, and/or is too busy fellating Reagan’s dead corpse to pay attention to any of that shit, but if he weren’t so ignorant, perhaps he might understand the cause/effect nature of bullying/being outed before one is ready, especially when one is a shy, mind-mannered kid, likely with self-esteem issues.

In other words, fuck you, Alex.


Hey Alex,

I see you’ve made friends at NRB:

<a href=";



Ok, was going to be serious for a second (I know, sacrilege), but I’m glad that the mask is being ripped off the demon of homophobia and the conservative campaign against the gays. The lies about being obsessed with linguistics so much that civil rights needed to take a back seat or about “loving the sinner” were getting tired and serious people kept engaging them as if they were at all related to anything.

And now with the conservative campaign against anti-bullying laws, we see the beast unfettered and completely honest. They want queer children beaten in the schools just like they want queers beaten in life. They want queers to die, whether by their own hands or the hands of a “brave patriot”, so that every young queer learns a “price” for daring to be open and comfortable with themselves as they are.

They feel the coming openness and how that is draining the supply of young men for their “down-low” meetings, young men so terrified of coming out that they’ll a)accept the one-sided “love” of an abusive relationship, b)will kill themselves before telling, and c) will actually sleep with the grotesque forms of Republican leaders.

And they will gladly support the deaths of as many kids as they can to get back that supply.

This is the true face of homophobia, the earnest wish for death, the support for torture and abuse to “correct the wrong”.

I’m glad that they have thrown all their chips behind supporting school bullying, because it is here that their true characters are revealed in startling clarity. They are the same bullies, all grown up, bullying their kids, “toughening” them up until their kids see no other recourse than bullying others.

Of course, this quisling sees nothing wrong. He is in the party of bullies, he sees the raw hatred of said bullies towards people like him, but thinks that he’s safer if he’s behind them rather than in front of them.

This is all something to keep in mind the next time someone tries to complain that we’re not seeing the “good people” of the right or who are in opposition to basic rights.

No, they are not good people. They are people who cheer bullies killing children. Who pledge money and time to ensuring such continues. There is no good there. Ever. No matter how many bake sales or Little League games one attends or volunteers at. At that point there is no soul there, no single glimpse of conscience.

There is only monstrous, cartoonish evil.


I love that so, so much. I really think it will mean a lot to a lot of kids.

I hope the ones who need to see it do see it. Tintin is updating with awful stuff like Vox Day. I hope he’ll consider adding adding a link to the Project to the front page, rather than leave it buried in comments.

I really can’t snark here. I remember hating my life so much when I was that age – you don’t even need to be attracted to the same sex to be labeled a fag, you just need to be different. I remember being sure it would always be awful.

Fuck anyone who thinks the word “gay” is a slur.


The idiots who videotaped this student are sublime examples of douchebags

You should know, you useless hunk of shit.


This incident is humiliating and shameful, to be sure — but in the grand, cosmic scheme of things, it doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic.

Good God.

We have got to be realistic when assessing this event and maintain publicly that humiliation is a preposterous rationale for suicide.

I suppose it’s a worse rationale than realizing you are a soulless, revolting human skidmark who renders the universe loathsome by your very existence HINT HINT HINT.

At this point, specialists in psychobabble are apt to remind us of the inherently irrational nature of suicide and admonish that we have “no room to judge” what was going on in this boy’s head.

God damn, even your fucking strawmen have more character and compassion than you do.


I’m not your darling.



@map106 — David Horowitz and his minions are deranged:


This is too funny.

Knepper a word in danish. It directly translate for fucking (verb) or fucker (noun).


This incident is humiliating and shameful, to be sure — but in the grand, cosmic scheme of things, it doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic. We have got to be realistic when assessing this event and maintain publicly that humiliation is a preposterous rationale for suicide.

Given how many Rwandans were hacked to death in the 1994 ethnocide, surely the number of Americans who were killed on 9/11/2001 is pretty much not worth mentioning.



*Knepper IS a word in Danish.


Were they out to destroy innocent life for kicks, or were they calculating, hate-filled homophobes? The statement makes no sense.

Premise one: People who destroy innocent life for kicks.
Premise two: Hate-filled homophobes.


Yeah, I don’t see even in wingnut logic how this contains no overlapping parts. I mean, I know that they are exaggerations to begin with, childish attempts to simplify any argument made into a way to dismiss “unserious” “hysterical” girly hippie type losers, but, he forgot to make them in any way contradictory.

I mean, maybe he was trying to argue that sociopaths don’t feel hate, because they are just emotionless robots like the Terminator, but even then, even using wingnut logic, it still doesn’t add up to a contradiction.

It’s like he was trying to use a “dismiss the hippies” tactic, but realized halfway through that his intended audience doesn’t even care about pretense to logic and just decided, fuck it, let’s knock off early and just left the construction there so that his audience would remember to stop picking their nose and switch to dismissing hippies.

I’m surprised he didn’t just go whole hog:

“Were they hippie argument A or hippie argument B? The statement makes no sense, moo with me in agreement audience.”


“They humiliated Mr. Clementi. They didn’t kill him.”

True enough from a legal standpoint Alex but you are moving the goalposts. I beleive the question at hand is whether or not you are a fucking asshole and from where I stand, that evidence seems pretty conclusive.

Wikipedia'd the bed

Alex Knepper (born July 8, 1959) is an American douchebag. He is best known for starring as Theodore “T-Bag” Bagwell in the Fox network’s drama series, Prison Break, for which he was nominated for a Satellite Award.


@Cereberus —

Doing something “for sport” does not overlap with having a concrete motivation. If they just liked to destroy innocent life for sport, then why target just gays? It could have been anyone.

But there’s no evidence that the culprits at hand were targeting him because he was gay.


No, they are not good people. They are people who cheer bullies killing children. Who pledge money and time to ensuring such continues. There is no good there. Ever. No matter how many bake sales or Little League games one attends or volunteers at. At that point there is no soul there, no single glimpse of conscience.

Yup. The people who call for “coming together” with these people have never been oppressed, bullied, threatened, harassed, dehumanized, ad fucking NAUSEUM by people like them or because of policies they’ve advocated. And if they have, it’s because their pathetic little quislings like our friend Alex here, who is really worth of nothing but our contempt and pity.

You can only hide behind being a good queer for so long, Alex. Those assholes you support want you as dead or oppressed as the rest of us.


Excuse me, dear Trig, but this is FUCKING RETARDED. So he killed himself because he wasn’t *adequately* ashamed of his own desires and his own identity?

No, he killed himself because he wasn’t adequately ashamed of his own sexual orientation and identity to the point where he could marry a woman in a sexless marriage, become an anti-gay activist, take a rentboy to Portugal and later hang himself wearing a wetsuit with two dildos up his ass.


Li’l nugget from comments to above linked Vox Day:

I don’t get it. Women have bumholes too. Plus their’s look better (at least the ones on the internet).


First of all: forgive me if my sympathy runs thin for someone who commits suicide

Uh, no. It’s unforgivable.


Two tweets before Ravi’s open invitation to everybody to spy on his gay gay gay roommate, he advised someone else to “Suck my dick.”

But, you know, he definitely had no issues.


” two dildos”

veiled James O’Keefe reference?


Doing something “for sport” does not overlap with having a concrete motivation. If they just liked to destroy innocent life for sport, then why target just gays? It could have been anyone.

No, you fucking moron. It doesn’t have to overlap, but it can overlap. The world is perhaps more complicated than a fucking idiot like yourself can comprehend. They targeted teh gay because stupid motherfucking apologist donkey-cocksuckers like you help make them easy targets.


If they just liked to destroy innocent life for sport, then why target just gays?

Because they could. Because the target was convenient. Because sad, weak people lash out at those they perceive as weaker. Because quislings like you feed the perception that gays are somehow weak.

It could have been anyone.

Even if that were true, how is that a defense?


And Tintin, thank you.


“Two tweets before Ravi’s open invitation to everybody to spy on his gay gay gay roommate, he advised someone else to “Suck my dick.”

Well, that settles it! He clearly hated gay people since he used a sophomoric phrase.

“Even if that were true, how is that a defense?”

Because you’re claiming the kid was targeted because he was gay!



Yeah, see, I’m trying to understand the contradiction even in wingnut logic.

I guess I just can’t surrender enough earth logic to make the connection.

Cause see in the real world, people who really have no target and just want to enjoy the act of slaughtering life still often target marginalized groups for two reasons: 1) They still grew up in a bigoted culture that tells them X groups are less worthy of life and 2) Marginalized group killings are less investigated than crimes against “real people” so you’re more likely to get away with it and thus enjoy a longer spree of mindless murder.

Additionally said people (if they didn’t already) learn to hate their victims because that eases the cognitive dissonance and more justifies getting off on the snuffing.

Additionally, people who hate targeted group often dehumanize the group in their mind and see them as sub-human to better justify killing them. Said groups (see the White Southerners during Jim Crow who made picnics and town spectacles out of lynchings) often end up deriding sick pleasure out of the act of ruining these “sub-humans” (see also the main motivation for voting Republicans these days).

I guess in wingnut logic though, as long as construction A is paired with construction B, it’s hippie moon logic, because arguments are for fags.


“Because quislings like you feed the perception that gays are somehow weak.”

LOL. What is this, now?


Last post was in reference to either the person playing the persona of quisling Knepper or the real deal rather than the other Alex who started posting before I hit submit.

Sorry for any confusion.


Was there a word there you were too fucking stupid to understand?


@Alex Knepper If these kids are smart enough to get into Rutgers, they’re smart enough to know that actions don’t happen in a vacuum – actions have consequences.

Why did they target this kid, because they liked him? Or because they didn’t give a damn what happened to him?

They deserve everything that can be thrown at them. If it ruins their lives, too bad. At least they still have lives. There target doesn’t – he’s dead.


@Cereberus — You still have presented no evidence to me that this kid was targeted because he was gay or was perceived as such. Before we go into the hows and whys of it, we still need to establish, as a baseline, the What of it, which is a question mark, right now. We can’t just assume for the sake of argument that he was targeted because he was gay.

(By the way, I’m not a right-winger, at least as you guys imagine them. Do you morons think that anyone who opposes the left is automatically a “wingnut”? I’m an atheist who thinks that sexual fetishism should be taught to high-schoolers. Do I sound like a wingnut to you?)


Well, that settles it! He clearly hated gay people since he used a sophomoric phrase.

It was a homophobic sophomoric phrase, you soulless douche. I can think of about ten different phrases off the top of my head that could convey the same meaning without being homophobic. The majority of which I’d like to hurl at you, but I’ll try to refrain.


From Vox day:

“despite the pansexual propaganda of the public and private schools,”

Clearly I went to the wrong high school.


Shorter Alex:

“Suck my dick!” has nothing to do with gay contempt! Everybody says it!!!1!


So let me get this straight:

A guy has what he thinks is a private moment with another consenting adult, and some first-grade fuckholes decided to, with malice of forethought, videotape/stream video of the encounter, post it online, then send it around to everyone they knew at the University. So then, every time Clementi left his dorm room, people harassed him relentlessly.

To make matters worse, this is the THIRD TIME harassment-to-the-point-of-suicide has happened to young person from the LGBT community in less than a month.

And yet, here we have Knepper saying that is was somehow the fault of those who were bullied and whose lives were destroyed!


Here’s a thought:

Go tell that to the parents of these kids, you worthless fuck.


If you’re such a goddamn tough guy, Alex, why don’t you send a letter to these families telling them all how their kids just weren’t tough and strong and brave like you, or that it’s just not that big of a deal to be bullied, abused, and harassed by bigots.

After all, if you have the courage of your convictions, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, right?

So do it, you fuck. Prove that you’re right by sharing your “thoughts” (I used that term loosely) with these families.

Or are you a coward in addition to being a complete un-empathetic, morally and intellectually bankrupt, and just cancer-worthy piece of shit?


Earlier this summer in my neighborhood, a young man who had been my son’s classmate died of a drug overdose.

He was a kid I knew in elementary school and car-pooled briefly during junior high. My son had lost contact with him after junior high, but he was a troubled kid, had learning disabilities, issues with his parents. To tell you the truth, I didn’t much care for his parents, always thought they were a little bit driven, careerists.

anyway, this summer at the age of 22 he OD’d. His parents started a fund to support drug abuse education and intervention, and there was a little story in the local newspaper about it.

Our resident right wing teabagging wingnut posted about it on our local community chat blog, basically saying it was all the family’s fault and of course the fault of liberals everywhere. Mind you, the wing-nut wasn’t responding to someone else’s post on the chat site, he deliberately started the discussion to exploit his own neighbor’s (they live a couple blocks from him) family tragedy to score some cheap points in an ongoing political internet flame war.

That’s what this Alex jerk reminds me of. Someone who is so obsessed with scoring his own cheap political points that he’s lost all sense of human decency, and lacks the humanity to mourn the loss of a promising young person too soon.



You’re a wingnut, to be sure. Just a wingnut of a different sort.

I’d like to know if you have any opinions that are LESS loathsome, regarding the other FOUR gay teens who have committed suicide in the last two weeks, having been bullied to death, or is your acceptance as a token faggot in Conservatardia so tenuous that you don’t feel led to speak on such subjects?


(By the way, I’m not a right-winger, at least as you guys imagine them. Do you morons think that anyone who opposes the left is automatically a “wingnut”? I’m an atheist who thinks that sexual fetishism should be taught to high-schoolers. Do I sound like a wingnut to you?)

Darling, I don’t think you’re a right-winger. I just think you’re a shit-stirring, self-loathing misogynist.

God, what is it with American University churning out DOUCHEBAGS? Is it because you couldn’t get into Georgetown?


“If these kids are smart enough to get into Rutgers, they’re smart enough to know that actions don’t happen in a vacuum – actions have consequences.”

You think the kid’s response — killing himself — was easily foreseeable? Rational? Justifiable? You give people very little credit.

“Why did they target this kid, because they liked him? Or because they didn’t give a damn what happened to him?”

Who the fuck knows? Revenge is a common motive in these types of scenarios. There’s a lot that we don’t know. Let’s not rush to judgment!

“If it ruins their lives, too bad. At least they still have lives. There target doesn’t – he’s dead.”

That’s not the fault of those who made the video. Nothing that they did to him was fatal or life-threatening. They didn’t kill him — he killed himself! That was his choice, and the two morons shouldn’t be punished for that.


Knepper has a point here, perhaps.

When I say “Alex Knepper is one stupid motherfucking cocksucker” it has nothing to do with him allegedly being gay.


“I’m an atheist who thinks that sexual fetishism should be taught to high-schoolers. Do I sound like a wingnut to you?”

Sort of Ayn Rand meets David Vitter? Are you into godless diaper wearing? Atlass Buggered? The Golden Fountanhead?


Jesus, Alex, don’t you have the decency to STFU?


“If you’re such a goddamn tough guy, Alex, why don’t you send a letter to these families telling them all how their kids just weren’t tough and strong and brave like you, or that it’s just not that big of a deal to be bullied, abused, and harassed by bigots.”

Inappropriate. I’m a news commentator, not the world’s morality police.

“I’d like to know if you have any opinions that are LESS loathsome, regarding the other FOUR gay teens who have committed suicide in the last two weeks, having been bullied to death, or is your acceptance as a token faggot in Conservatardia so tenuous that you don’t feel led to speak on such subjects?”

What in hell is there to say? Tragic cases, all. No need for me to pile on to a dominant, correct narrative. I only contribute my thoughts if I have a unique angle.

“I just think you’re a shit-stirring, self-loathing misogynist.”

Translation: “Anyone who disagrees with me hates women!”

This is a fascinating difference between the left and the right — when the mainstream right disagrees with you, they attack you as naive or foolish; when the mainstream left disagrees with you, they question your *motives.*


By the way, I’m not a right-winger, at least as you guys imagine them.

The self-loathing homosexual is also a self-loathing Republican? WHAT ARE THE ODDS?


You think the kid’s response — killing himself — was easily foreseeable? Rational? Justifiable? You give people very little credit.

Compound questions are typically asked by stupid people.

Foreseeable that if you humiliate a teenager on the internet? Easily foreseeable.

Rational? Probably no.

“Justifiable?” What kind of miserable stupid asshole asks that question about a despondent teenager who was just driven to commit suicide. You really are a piece of work.


Last post was in reference to either the person playing the persona of quisling Knepper or the real deal rather than the other Alex who started posting before I hit submit.

Whoops, me too.


“Sort of Ayn Rand meets David Vitter? Are you into godless diaper wearing? Atlass Buggered? The Golden Fountanhead?”

Why not?

I have a realistic view of sex and human nature; all of you are living in a Pollyanna dreamworld where cruelty and dominance are bizarre deviations from the so-called norm of human kindness.


If you’re such a goddamn tough guy, Alex, why don’t you send a letter to these families telling them all how their kids just weren’t tough and strong and brave like you, or that it’s just not that big of a deal to be bullied, abused, and harassed by bigots.

No. Those poor parents are already reading crap like this. I guarantee you they will read that Vox Day column before the week is out. I guarantee that there is some anonymous piece of shit out there who has already sent a letter to them that reads just like the letter you propose.

You mistakenly attribute a conscience to people clearly have none.


You think the kid’s response — killing himself — was easily(sic) (reasonably forseeable you mean)?

Well, that is a matter for the civil jury to decide isn’t it?


@Knepper They didn’t look for a consequence because they didn’t care if there was a consequence. The question is why didn’t they care? Was it because he was gay? Did they make a habit of making sex videos and streaming them to all their friends? Did they make videos of their straight acquaintances as well?

They had better have or the question is going to be apparent, why target the gay guy?


Also, since we have the “benefit” of someone depicting Alex Knepper’s “thought process”, for lack of a better word, let’s look at something.

One suicide, let us say, is not tragic. Things happen, let us say.

So how many suicides make this tragic?

Lately, we’ve had in a matter of days, at least three high-profile youth suicides by gay teens being bullied. One in Texas, the boy at Rutgers, and another in California. Matter of days.

Perhaps we’ll say, a freak occurrence, nothing to get one’s knickers in a twist about.

Okay, we’ll say, let’s look at the long view. Suicide rates in the US average at 11.1 per 100,000.

For teens, suicide is the third most likely cause of death.

Gay teens kill themselves at a rate of 4 times the rate of their straight peers, often citing bullying or an unsupportive general or family environment in the depressions leading to their deaths.

It’s quite clear that 3/4 of these teens would not be offing themselves if it wasn’t for homophobic bullying and the general culture of hatred regarding gays in society.

But hey, let’s pass over thousands of unnecessarily dead living breathing kids with hopes and dreams for the future.

Remember how I said that suicide statistics are measured in the 100,000 generally.

Well, there is one group where that’s not the case. One group who suicide is not measured by every 1 in 100,000 who offs themselves because of the cruel, cruel world.

That group?

Transgendered people. Trans youth and trans people in general off themselves at a rate of 1 in 3.

Not 1 in 100,000. Not 10 in 100,000.

1 in 3.

Let that sink in. There is a group of living breathing Americans who are so bullied, so reviled by their fellow man, that they see no other option but the sweet embrace of death at a rate of 1 in motherfucking 3.

There is a term decimate.

This term is meant to evoke an unforgivable culling of life, the hallmark of tragedy, of horrifyingly epic slaughter. It is meant to evoke the sheer essence of what it means to be a tragedy.

This word means the elimination of 1 in 10.

So, tell me, mind of Knepper, is 1 in 3 dead trannies tragic enough yet to alert your attention?

Dear Bob in Himmel, I despise these people.


By the way, I’m not a right-winger, at least as you guys imagine them. Do you morons think that anyone who opposes the left is automatically a “wingnut”? I’m an atheist who thinks that sexual fetishism should be taught to high-schoolers. Do I sound like a wingnut to you?)


You sound (or, rather, read) like a self-loathing sociopath who, if there were any karma in this world, would die a slow, painful, cancer-ridden death.



I have a realistic view of sex and human nature; all of you are living in a Pollyanna dreamworld where cruelty and dominance are bizarre deviations from the so-called norm of human kindness.

Oh, I see. So, where’s the line between encouraging basic human decency and living in a Pollyanna dreamworld? We already know that rape lies in the Pollyanna area. What about assault? Murder?

I don’t live in a dreamworld, you ass. I just give a shit about my fellow human beings.


@Clyde-B — Every time something bad happens to a gay person, you morons assume that the world must be engaged in some evil, anti-gay plot, as if gay people don’t live normal lives, too — who knows why this happened? Maybe it was anti-gay, maybe it wasn’t. Let’s wait and see before going after the idiots based upon idiotic conjecture. People do this kind of shit all the time — for revenge, as a prank — whatever. Who knows? We don’t have enough information. Your identity-politic ideology is blinding you to the unknowns of this case.


who knows why this happened?

Then why don’t you just keep your fucking mouth shut until we find out?


Do I sound like a wingnut to you?

Well, you’re half right.


“Then why don’t you just keep your fucking mouth shut until we find out?”

As I said in the piece: normally, I would, but ideologues like you are trying to hijack the narrative and appropriate it for your own stupid identity-politics needs.


Free clue, Alex. “Libertine” and “liberal” are two very different things.

Why do conservatards think we’re supposed to be impressed when we find out they’re completely ruled by their id?? “I’m a drug-addicted, boy-raping, bigamist, rubbersuit-wearing, whore-diapered, undearged-sexting sleazebag – not your TYPICAL Republican conservative!! Ho Ho Ho! Makes ya THINK!”

[Meanwhile, mentally insert that O RLY? LOLcat owl picture. Thanks….]


Another important angle.

Adding a camera and footage changes consent, because there is a world of difference between what you are willing to do in private with a sexual partner and what you are willing to do on camera with a sexual partner, and even more with what you are willing to do on camera with a sexual partner before a wide audience that may or may not contain your peers, and again with what you are willing to do with a sexual partner that will now be shown to everyone in every one of your fucking classes.

Bottom line though, changing consent without well, consent, is sexual assault.

These people didn’t just kill a young violinist. These people didn’t just bully, deride, and mock a young violinist.

They raped a young violinist.


Who knows? We don’t have enough information. Your identity-politic ideology is blinding you to the unknowns of this case.

the Gay Party

Someone has issues, and it’s not us.


There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy. All the rest – whether or not the world has three dimensions, whether the mind has nine or twelve categories – comes afterwards. These are games; one must first answer.


You mistakenly attribute a conscience to people clearly have none.

Yeah … probably should stop doing that, shouldn’t I?

And great point about them getting all kinds of letters from worthless fuckstains like Alex boy, here.

Side note: The more times I see that picture of Alex at the top of this thread, the more I’m starting to think that he’s just pissed no one has ever wanted to shoot a sex video of/with him.

I mean, dear lord, unless they’re going to put it on a site featuring Freak Show oddities, people who look like their mommy still cuts their hair, or one just for the retarded love children of Buddy Holly and Mo Rocca, not sure even the Internet would allow such a thing.

Just … bleh.


” Let’s wait and see before going after the idiots based upon idiotic conjecture.

Exactly what do you mean by “going after”?

So on one hand, you have no sympathy for a publicly outed and bullied gay student who kills himself, but you want everyone to please exercise restraint before “going after” the known perpetrators. I see…


@Knepper Blinding me to the unknowns? I’m the one asking the fucking questions to uncover the unknowns. We know that a gay kid is dead because his sex life was photographed and made public.

Tell us Alex, how would you react under the same circumstances knowing that everyone you meet, maybe everyone on campus may have watched you screwing?


I’m an atheist who thinks that sexual fetishism should be taught to high-schoolers. Do I sound like a wingnut to you?

Yes, you sound like a by-the-book Straussian neocon of the “religion and morality are for the little people” variety to me.


So what Knepper is really concerned about is that this incident might somehow favor the dreaded Liberal Homosexual Agenda. He couldn’t care less about the dead kid OR the bullies.


As I said in the piece: normally, I would, but ideologues like you are trying to hijack the narrative and appropriate it for your own stupid identity-politics needs.

Um, no.

Unlike you, I have a fucking conscience. I don’t give a shit about identity politics. I care about individual people being able to live their lives peacefully and in the way they see fit.

The fact that people like you see people like us decrying these incidents and automatically assume it’s because of “identity politics” says a lot more about you than it does about us.


retarded love children of Buddy Holly and Mo Rocca



As I said in the piece: normally, I would, but ideologues like you are trying to hijack the narrative and appropriate it for your own stupid identity-politics needs.

Holy shit!!

I am literally LOL at the fact that you’re too fucking stupid to realize that’s exactly what you are doing!!

Self awareness: You’re doin’ it wrong.


I have a question. Is there any indication, one way or another, that the jackasses who recorded the poor kid would have done the same thing if he were a hetro guy making out with a girlfriend?


This is how the right thinks: Assistant Attorney General in Michigan overly concerned with a gay college student. Just listen to Chris Shervill defend what he’s doing:;

They’re batshit insane.


“It doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic.” What, I wonder, does rank for young Mr. Knepper?

Probably gay kids not killing themselves. He seems the type to be quite enthused about it. Gets the blood pumping…


Oh, what a huge fucking surprise.

Knepper, when called out, turns to the standard troll dance of shifting arguments every three feet.

Oh, was the argument I was using five minutes ago, completely and utterly indefensible?

Oh me, oh my, that’s just because you didn’t have the immense super brain power to know that when I said Incredibly Offensive and Moronic Statement A, what I really meant was Argument B. Oh is Argument B still mind-numbingly stupid?

Well, that’s cause it really was part of overriding Point C.


Yes, Knepper, we get it. You lack any basic level of human empathy. No wonder you view some inherent divide between sociopathy and hate. It’s because you personally are a sociopath, devoid of an ability to relate to humans as they are.

But you are so wrapped up in how Libertarian Jesus has given you a space brain that you must win an argument, even if it’s not your argument per se, that you’ll run a marathon of shifting goalposts until even you don’t know what you stand for anymore.

Did I mention that I hate these people?

Do I even need to?


“We know that a gay kid is dead because his sex life was photographed and made public.”

We don’t even know if he’s gay! Perhaps he was bisexual, or just curious! Maybe in your world of rigid sexual categories, they “count” as gay, too, so you can preserve your narrative — but we have no idea if this kid was actually gay or not.

“Tell us Alex, how would you react under the same circumstances knowing that everyone you meet, maybe everyone on campus may have watched you screwing?”

I’d be embarrassed, of course, especially since I’ve gained a few pounds in the past few months. 🙁

But, um, I’d probably say: This is embarrassing, punish those who did it, but ultimately there’s nothing I can do about it — and — Wow! I have sex! People have sex! What a shocking revelation!

Just because you people are so uptight about sex as to think that being seen doing it is humiliating doesn’t mean I or anyone else has to be. You people are a bunch of Puritans.


I have a question. Is there any indication, one way or another, that the jackasses who recorded the poor kid would have done the same thing if he were a hetro guy making out with a girlfriend?

Douchebag Dharun knows full well he would have gotten his ass kicked.


<i.We don’t even know if he’s gay! Perhaps he was bisexual, or just curious! Maybe in your world of rigid sexual categories, they “count” as gay, too, so you can preserve your narrative — but we have no idea if this kid was actually gay or not.

Oh, because people who hate queers give a shit about the difference?


@Knepper So you’d walk around campus, and when people smiled at you you’d smile back never wondering if they were friendly or simply laughing at your performance from the previous evening? Day after day, smile after smile, you’d never care one way or the other whether you were a walking joke?


taaaaaaaaag faaaaaaail.


Maybe in your world of rigid sexual categories,

So much fail.


<a href="”>Are you a Gay Christian?

(about 1 min in…)


And I’m getting the feeling that Alex has sent his own video to Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” project: “It never gets better! NEVER! Kill yourselves now!”

Christ, what an asshole.


Alex K: the one-man disprover of Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” thesis.


So much fail.

As someone who is Teh Bi, I lolded.


Yo Alex! C’mere – I want to bash a hole in your head and skullfuck you. And blame you for it, you vile worthless excess human baggage. Gawdfuckingdamn I hate people like you.


Just because you people are so uptight about sex as to think that being seen doing it is humiliating doesn’t mean I or anyone else has to be. You people are a bunch of Puritans.

Words fail me.

No, there’s no stigama attached to gay sex, nope, nosirree. Especially with so many open-minded citizens of the United Snakes who put no mind towards the private acts of their neighbors, particularly if TEH GHEY is involved.



Damnit! 1 big SHRA* on my ass!

(Wait. Does that make me gay?)

*Shoulda read ahead.


We don’t even know if he’s gay! Perhaps he was bisexual, or just curious!

Does the vid show their ballsacks touching? Everyone knows it’s not gay unless the balls touch.


or “stigma” even.

Feh. HIs stupid is clouding my mind, it is.


Um, no.

Unlike you, I have a fucking conscience. I don’t give a shit about identity politics. I care about individual people being able to live their lives peacefully and in the way they see fit.

The fact that people like you see people like us decrying these incidents and automatically assume it’s because of “identity politics” says a lot more about you than it does about us.

Well, yeah. Of course it’s projection.

And it’s really predictable projection.

The right for the last umpteen years has been in the habit of politicizing the very existence of marginalized groups, maintaining that there is something inherently sinister when said groups have basic human rights, when they arrive at positions of power, and even when they try and do human things like use public or private buildings, try and go to the potty, or kiss and hold hands.

Where marginalized people are allowed to live and by which parameters they are allowed to live is an obsession of the right.

And the devil’s deal with the bigots that the right made during the Southern Strategy means that they equate electoral success with fighting against basic dignity and humanity of others.

So yeah, gays existing, reminding others by our lives and deaths that y’know, conservative arguments and actions have like consequences, is inherently “politicizing tragedy for the left”.

It becomes something that must be opposed by standing stalwart against human decency.

And that leads to Knepper.

Knepper must erase, marginalize, or justify the dead gay man, because to do otherwise would reveal the social cost of political and social homophobia, a current pillar of the Party he has decided to devote his life to.

And so we get him trying to say that a gay teen driven to suicide deserves no sympathy, no recognition or humanity, but those who made a porno of him without his consent and sent it to his entire school to humiliate and destroy him for daring to be gay, who raped him to make him remember that the world will not support his existence, they must be protected, must be the real story.

Because if they are the real story, we don’t focus on the reality of gay people, what they suffer through, the indignities that are the result of political and social homophobia, of which the Republican Party is currently running on.

And this is why I like liberals. Liberals believe in human decency, and they have the in-fighting to prove it. They don’t try and erase human suffering in order to protect the Party’s indefensible election strategies. Hell, you can’t get them to shut up about the various ways the Democrats have disappointed them.

It’s also predictable.

Liberalism has become the only place to find people who are still human, because conservatism has become entirely about finding justifications for assholic, monstrous, cartoonishly villainous behavior.


@Lobbey — Are you asking me if I’m a Christian?

Hell to the no. I’m an atheist. Like, hardcore atheist in a Hitchens-Harris mode, not one of those ‘religion-is-still-inspiring-and-beautiful’ atheists. I despise religion.

@Clyde-B — Oh, God! What a tragedy! Other people making fun of my sexual performance! Man, wouldn’t that be life-destroying! Jesus Christ, what is the matter with you people? Are you that insecure? This is so provincial — but so revealing.


I love how suddenly the evil liberals are the sexual prudes. Who knew?


@Knepper And you’re bravado is so unconvincing. (In case you thought we didn’t notice.)


There’s no stigama if you’re both circumcised and in a deeply committed relationship.


“No, there’s no stigama attached to gay sex, nope, nosirree. ”

Who caaaares? Learn to be self-sufficient instead of reliant upon the good graces of your neighbors.


Like, hardcore atheist in a Hitchens-Harris mode

Ah, a Fundimentalist Atheist. Just as bad as a Fundie-anything else.


Who caaaares?

Tyler Clementi evidently did.


Cerberus: Damn. Fuckin’ A, man.


Who caaaares? Learn to be self-sufficient instead of reliant upon the good graces of your neighbors.

Those stupid gays, walking around being gay, relying on the good graces of their neighbors not to beat the everliving shit out of them.

Silly Tyler Clementi, expecting to have safety and privacy within his own home. So non self-sufficient.


And I gotta say — PZ Myers would kick this motherfucker’s ass.


“Cerberus: Damn. Fuckin’ A, man.”



“Liberalism has become the only place to find people who are still human, because conservatism has become entirely about finding justifications for assholic, monstrous, cartoonishly villainous behavior.”

Ideology is like the Throne of Heaven; you sit upon it, anoint yourself Master and Arbiter of Virtue, and declare that everyone who does not agree with you is a subhuman villain. But — like Heaven — it does not exist; it’s based on a foundation of air. I hate ideologues; I hate dogma. It’s your dogma that led all of you to believe — without evidence — both that this kid was targeted because he’s gay and that I’m a far-right fanatic. Ideology demands no evidence. You all view the world through a comfortable, predictable lens with a fixed set of variables that serve as a shortcut to understanding our infinitely complex world.


You know, Steve was an unamusing Troll. Donalde, with his fo-shizzle pseudo-ghetto-speak, accomplishes nothing but announcing his own stupidity, but he’s kinda harmless, at least over here (what he inflicts on his students is anither matter).

Alex is someone who defames a dead kid. Full stop – he’s mocking a dead kid. He’s the same as the worthless pieces of shit who sit their worthless asses behind their computers and laugh at Rachel Corrie Pancakes. Who do you think you help by your actions, Alex?

The world is just a little bit worse today for your actions. Not a lot, granted. I’m old enough to know that none of us will ever make that much difference one way or the other. But you chose to make the world worse. You chose to add to people’s pain. You chose to mock a kid’s death.

So fuck you. You are not worthy of my attention, only my contempt.


Dot said,

September 30, 2010 at 20:36 (kill)

This is how the right thinks: Assistant Attorney General in Michigan overly concerned with a gay college student. Just listen to Chris Shervill defend what he’s doing:;

They’re batshit insane.

The general consensus at the gaggety gaggy sites I inhabit is that Sherville is batshit in love with Armstrong. And dealing with the only way someone with the emotional maturity of an eight year old can. The squeaky wheel gets greased*, and all that you know?

*Sorry for the VBR – I couldn’t help myself.


“Those stupid gays, walking around being gay, relying on the good graces of their neighbors not to beat the everliving shit out of them. Silly Tyler Clementi, expecting to have safety and privacy within his own home. So non self-sufficient.”

Great job ripping my words out of context. You’re a regular Alan Grayson! But I was replying specifically to the problem of stigma. Obviously any assault should be handled by a neutral police force.


So yeah, gays existing, reminding others by our lives and deaths that y’know, conservative arguments and actions have like consequences, is inherently “politicizing tragedy for the left”.

Sorta like holding hands with your same-sex partner in public is rubbing your gayness in everyone’s face, right?


“Hell to the no. I’m an atheist. Like, hardcore atheist in a Hitchens-Harris mode, not one of those ‘religion-is-still-inspiring-and-beautiful’ atheists. I despise religion.”

Like I said above, that’s totally compatible with being a Straussian neocon. Do you disagree? Smoking pole doesn’t make you not a Republican stooge any more than smoking pot does. You’re not a libertarian iconoclast. You’re just another hypocritical self-hating douchebag.

Just because you people are so uptight about sex as to think that being seen doing it is humiliating doesn’t mean I or anyone else has to be. You people are a bunch of Puritans.

So prove us wrong — post your own sex tape. Show us how open-minded and free of shame you really are.


So Alex K, we are “prudes” now, are you for real?


Oh fuck me – “faggety faggy” I gotta get these hands fixed sometime.

Also FYWP.


Shorter Alex Knepper

“I hate that dead kid for making sociopathic douchenozles like me look bad”


Remember, folks, for conservatives, empathy is a defect.


But I was replying specifically to the problem of stigma. Obviously any assault should be handled by a neutral police force.

Because stigma is TOTALLY unrelated to assault.

For someone who is denigrating people for not understanding our infinitely complex world, you certainly looooooove isolating people’s actions from their environment.


“Like I said above, that’s totally compatible with being a Straussian neocon. Do you disagree? Smoking pole doesn’t make you not a Republican stooge any more than smoking pot does. You’re not a libertarian iconoclast. You’re just another hypocritical self-hating douchebag.”

Strauss, echoing Tocqueville, believed that religion was vital to public life since not everyone could be a philosopher and without a moral foundation, society would embark on the road to nihilism. It’s a nagging, even haunting doubt — one that may be ultimately correct — but I fight against religion anyway, since I’m convinced that I can play a small, functional role against its ugliness. Islam, in particular, has got to be tamed. You think that Evangelicals are mean to gays? You should see what your friends the Muslims do to them.


Amen, Cerberus, Ay Fucking Men.


So prove us wrong — post your own sex tape.



And I notice that Knepper is now on an argument about how we don’t know if the kid is questioning or bi as if that is in any way an argument regarding why we shouldn’t give a shit about dead gay kids who had their sexual consent violated by malicious roommates who didn’t give a shit about ruining his life and driving him to suicide using his “gayness” as a weapon to that aim.

And I notice not even a bite about the fact that 1 in 3 trannies off themselves because of the bigotry people like Knepper support and cheer on (and I’m directly referencing this fucking dismissal of the violinist’s death, you piece of shit).

Maybe that was just too difficult to dodge or twist into his argument du jour.

Maybe 1 in 3 members of a group compared to 10 in 100,000 or 40 in 100,000 is just one of those mind-numbing gaps that the last vestiges of his soul scream in cognitive dissonance rather than face.

I mean think about that. For every 2 young transpeople walking the streets of San Francisco, being all “rebel” or quietly living their lives in shadow, another one fellated a barrel or took the short sharp drop.

Every trans person alive is carrying the weight of a dead brother and sister. And that’s before the obscene rate of murder as hate crime for such a tiny group (at least once a month in America).

But that, that isn’t tragic. Dead children offing themselves because they tried living openly and their roommates decided it’d be funny to add sexual assault to injury and humiliate them, remind them that their pastor was right and no one would respect a freak like them.

Yeah, not fucking tragic.

Try living with their fucking ghosts asshole.

I know you think the silver spoon in your hand protected you, but that used to be you in the 1 in 3 category, white gay men like you. It still is for people who weren’t blessed by the protections you take for granted, the protections fought hard, by blood and sweat by the very people you make your living decrying.

You are scum, Alex Knepper.

And not because you are gay, but because you have carefully cauterized all human decency in order to protect the electoral viability of a group that hates you just so you can make a little more money and enjoy the protections won for you by the people you attack.


Is “Islam!” the new Hitler reference?


You should see what your friends the Muslims do to them.

Oh sweet baby Jesus on a stick, sometimes I am quite glad that I cannot smack people through the internet.


“So prove us wrong — post your own sex tape. Show us how open-minded and free of shame you really are.”

Unfortunately, I’m not in shape right now. ;\

“So Alex K, we are “prudes” now, are you for real?”

If you think that being seen having sex — even against your will — is a life-destroying, fate worse than death, then you’re more outlandishly prudish than the Christians.


“It’s your dogma that led all of you to believe — without evidence — both that this kid was targeted because he’s gay and that I’m a far-right fanatic”

You, sir, are delusional. No evidence that a man filmed having gay sex is gay? No evidence that someone employable only by Tucker Carlson is “a far-right fanatic?”

I know it is trite, but, seriously, what color is the sky in your world?


“Is “Islam!” the new Hitler reference?”

On sites like this, one would think it would be Pat Robertson. Robertson doesn’t want you to get married; under sharia, you’re executed.


Pardon me for thinking that the world would be a better place if it was Alex Knepper who jumped off the GW Bridge and not a talented, sweet-tempered young violinist.

Its pretty clear Alex would be happier as well.


“I know it is trite, but, seriously, what color is the sky in your world?”

Rainbow, of course.


Cerberus, you are a better person than Alex will ever hope to be. Of course, that’s true of almost anyone, but I intended it as a compliment.


“No evidence that a man filmed having gay sex is gay?”

A straight friend — honest-to-God pussy-lover — asked me to fool around with him once. He was curious. Maybe that was this kid’s scenario. That would be a lot more embarrassing — being caught in confusion and being misrepresented — than being filmed having gay sex as a gay man, I think.


You should see what your friends the Muslims do to them.

Yes, your hatred of ideologues is certainly shining through.


If you think that being seen having sex — even against your will — is a life-destroying, fate worse than death

It’s not my call what other people think is humiliating.


On sites like this, one would think it would be Pat Robertson. Robertson doesn’t want you to get married; under sharia, you’re executed.

Er, I meant as a thread-killer. Clearly, you are not aware of all Internet traditions!!


“And I notice not even a bite about the fact that 1 in 3 trannies off themselves because of the bigotry people like Knepper support and cheer on”

Right. I didn’t reply to this because it is totally irrelevant to my argument. There’s no evidence of any ‘bigotry’ in this case. If it arises, I’ll gladly change my tune. Right now, let’s not rush to judgment for the sake of some stupid Gay Party narrative.


Arguing with Alex is like arguing with a waterfall – it will keep on spewing the same damn thing no matter what you do. Worse, it gives him credibility, it reinforces his vile notion that therre is some reason, some logic, some thought behind his monstrous behavior.

So Alex, do the world a favor and STFU already. Better yet, ESAD. You’ve already got the eating shit part down pretty good, you’ve apparently swallowed all that the GØPcan cram down your throat. So just die already.


“Yes, your hatred of ideologues is certainly shining through.”

Let me guess: Islam is a kindly religion of peace that’s been hijacked by a few extremists? LOL.

Gay Republicans get compared to Jewish Nazis — I’ll tell you the real Jewish Nazis here: Gay men who stick up for Islam!


If you think that being seen having sex — even against your will — is a life-destroying, fate worse than death

It’s not my call what other people think is humiliating.

Furthermore, when something like this happens, a person doesn’t think, “Hm, humiliation or death? Which is better?” He or she thinks “OMFG my life is OVER, everyone will KNOW and I won’t be able to escape it, everyone will be laughing at me, how do I make this pain and shame stop?”

If Alex doesn’t get that, then I’m glad, because nobody should ever feel that way, even him. But some empathy would be nice.


You should see what your friends the Muslims do to them.

My friends the Muslims? That totally negated my point I made.

Wow, with rhetorical skills like that you must be the king of your local grade school’s playground.


Alex is disappointing. I imagine he has parents that had great hopes for him. Just like Tyler Clementi’s parents had great hopes for him. Tyler Clementi’s parents at least knew their precious child was worth something. He was a promising violinist at a prestegious University. He was a sensitive kid with his whole future and the whole world in frond of him. Who knows. He might have been a mediocre musician and gone on to live a totally unremarkable life and do nothing more exciting than pay his taxes every year. Or, with a little practice he might have been the next Paganini and given the whole world something to listen to and be humbled by for the next 200 years. But we, and more importantly the people who knew Tyler will never know. They were robbed. By ignorant hateful shitstains who thought tormenting the sensitive kid was worth more than anything that sensitive kid could accomplish in his entire lifetime.

Alex’s parents on the other hand have to face the facts. The boy they raised with high hopes, has just announced to the entire world that he is the sort of person that makes fun of dead kids. Of people who were driven into a corner so they thought the only way out was to take there own life. If I had a kid that turned out like that, I woulnd’t just write him out of the will, cut him off, move in the midlle of the night and not leave a forwarding address, I would curse the day I caught his mother’s eye.


A common debate tactic — try to switch the topic to something you think you can win at.

Nobody’s sticking up for Islam here, asswipe.


Gay Republicans get compared to Jewish Nazis…

Actually, Alex, gay Republicans are more like Kapos. Persons like yourself, who rationalize and excuse harassment that leads to suicide, are the card-carrying Jewish Nazi Party members.


So you hate Muslims as well as wanting Homosexuals to commit suicide.?


Gay Republicans get compared to Jewish Nazis — I’ll tell you the real Jewish Nazis here: Gay men who stick up for Islam!

It Gets Halal.


but in the grand, cosmic scheme of things, it doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic.

I feel the same way about King Lear, Oedipus Rex and Oresteia.


ideologues like you are trying to hijack the narrative and appropriate it for your own stupid identity-politics needs.

It’s true, we are stridently opposed to useless hatebuckets.

Just because you people are so uptight about sex as to think that being seen doing it is humiliating doesn’t mean I or anyone else has to be. You people are a bunch of Puritans.

People have a right to set their own boundaries, ideologue.


My TG youngest child has had to deal with a lot of angst and derision, living in Redneckistan Klanville USA. I have worried about getting that phone call, that no one with a trans or gay child wants to get. Luckily, she haven’t indicated any real self-loathing. Sub-humans like Knepper just don’t understand the level of hatred and fear directed toward the GLBT people in Amurikkka. Getting equal civil rights- how about just being recognized as real people. Somehow, I imagine a sextape of Knepper would be viewed as hilarious because someone would actually get that close to him.


Anyone else notice the zero-sum game Alex plays? It started with: “Well, which is it? Were they out to destroy innocent life for kicks, or were they calculating, hate-filled homophobes?” And now, it is “your friends, the Muslims.”

Maybe a Venn diagram would help him out?


“Well, which is it? Were they out to destroy innocent life for kicks, or were they calculating, hate-filled homophobes?”

Alex, here’s a tip it can be both when you’re a sociopath


“So prove us wrong — post your own sex tape. Show us how open-minded and free of shame you really are.”

Unfortunately, I’m not in shape right now. ;\

So, you’re not free of shame, in other words, and are not just a hypocrite, but fully aware of what a hypocrite you are and don’t think it negates your point at all. Lovely.


Let me guess: Islam is a kindly religion of peace that’s been hijacked by a few extremists? LOL.

How many straw individuals do you intend to construct?


Maybe a Venn diagram would help him out?

I think you’re being overly optimistic, smedley.


I know it totally negates everything I said before and proves me to be a total hypocrite, but hey, I put a smiley at the end! QED, bitches!



Alex is someone who defames a dead kid.

A dead kid who was sexually assaulted by his peers, who had his consent ripped from him at his most vulnerable time, because the idea that this kid would be homosexual somehow was funny to or triggered learned hate or something in his attacker so that the only thing to do was humiliate in a fashion likely to end in death for his victim, ideally by his own hands.

We see this in the straight world. Die-hard misogynists trying to manipulate consent say with roofies or getting them so drunk they can’t give meaningful consent and then going around defaming the woman they’ve assaulted as “a dirty slut”.

But in Knepper world, this interferes with the narrative, his only loyalty is to the narrative and that’s why there has been nothing on topic from him in any of his responses, merely dances back down the rabbit hole. Nothing on 1 in 3 dead trannies, nothing on 4x the rate of suicide for gay youth, nothing on the culture of homophobia he is maintaining, and nothing on the life of a sweet kid and the monstrous thing that happened.

In Knepper world, the kid was a tool who offed himself for no reason, his roommate, an upstanding citizen who ridded the world of a filthy queer didn’t mean any harm and besides, hasn’t everyone violated someone else’s sexual consent for “kicks”. I know sexual assault is a party game for me.

Because otherwise, we might start caring.

We might view the kids who didn’t make it because in addition to the usual traumas we through on kids like molestation by family members, torture by peers (called bullying), and the like, they have to go through internalized shame about their own fucking bodies, their own fucking minds, active and passive bigotry designed to humiliate and make them lesser.

We might see these kids as tragic, as unnecessary, suicide as a problem, rather than a solution that leaves the perpetrator’s hands clean to strike again. We might see it as something that needs to be solved and those who support bullying and cultural hate as something monstrous.

I could have been 1 in 3 rather than 2 in 3. I was tormented by peers for things I didn’t even know about myself yet and things that actually weren’t in me like gay male homosexuality. I believed that this was my life forever and I strongly considered taking the plunge off that high bridge onto the concrete below. Strongly considered taking the razor to my skin.

I even took the razor to my skin a little, cutting patterns into the flesh to alleviate.

I survived. I made it through that dark hallway and I’m one of the 2 in 3. Alex Knepper, Scum Incarnate, would say that I was stronger, that I was more deserving of life.

I wasn’t. I was lucky. I stumbled through a war zone I didn’t know was happening. And I was two of three that wasn’t cut to ribbons. Every step in that fog was over the dead corpses of my brothers and sisters.

Alex Knepper doesn’t want us to focus on that.

Alex Knepper wants us to hate this dead abused boy and cheer the people who violated his sexual consent and drove him to suicide.

Alex Knepper is scum incarnate.


“Let me guess: Islam is a kindly religion of peace that’s been hijacked by a few extremists? LOL.”

Are we talking about the Republican Party since Reagan?


You all view the world through a comfortable, predictable lens with a fixed set of variables that serve as a shortcut to understanding our infinitely complex world.

Um … you admitted that you decided to post upon this subject — and to do without all the facts, which you also admitted — simply to prevent “ideologues like [us who] are trying to hijack the narrative and appropriate it for [our] own stupid identity-politics needs.”

So you have fully admitted that YOU decided to appropriate it for your own “stupid identity-politics needs.”

Otherwise, why the worry of what “the left” does? If you’re so special and free of any ideology, why make some lame and sociopathic first strike?

You see, not a single one of us has tried to act as if we don’t believe in some ideology, political or otherwise. Only you have done that, while simultaneously blasting others for it.

That’s why we’re so amused/disgusted by you: You lack not only empathy, but basic self awareness.

And the more you post, the more you prove it.


Maybe a Venn diagram would help him out?

No, Straussians believe they know so much that they don’t need to learn anything.


So prove us wrong — post your own sex tape.

Most of the tape is his hand crying itself to sleep.


Scum Incarnate-

sex — even against your will

Sex against someone’s will is rape you fetid pile of shit. Have you ever been raped? My partner has, at least twice. I’ve been sexually assaulted, molested like a bag of meat.

You have no idea how that makes someone feel.

How remotely far away it is from the experience of sex, the joys consensual sex can bring sexual people. I’m asexual and I can fucking see that clear as day.


Rape is just sex with extra roofies, I guess. I fear for any partner you have or may have in the future.

Fucking shit, rape and sex aren’t the fucking same, not even remotely, standing against rape doesn’t make one a fucking prude.

I don’t even know why I have to point that out.

God, you are scum.


“because the idea that this kid would be homosexual somehow was funny”













If anyone else got off the boat, you would have seen a headline on Tucker’s rag, reprinted from the WSJ, about McDonald’s dropping it’s health insurance. Well:

“McDonald’s said Thursday in a statement it has been speaking with federal agencies to understand the law, but the company called reports that it planned to drop health care coverage for employees “completely false”

Another example of the fine journalism practiced by these “people.”


Cerberus: Again, Fuckin-A, man. You rock beyond all possible thresholds of rockin’.


If you are still reading this, Alex Knepper, I suggest that you stop, go have a nice walk or workout or whatever it is that serves to relax yourself, clear your mind and then just think about what you have written. No need to report back.


I am glad you survived, Cerberus. I hope it has gotten better. If it has not, it will.

For Alex, who constructs his own prisons our of his own petty hates, well, I imagine being Alex is it’s own punishment, and one he richly deserves. Because at the end of the day, he is the sort of person who has mocked the death of a kid. Whatever he may do later, whatever he may become, he will always have once been the sort of person who mocked the death of a kid.


Digression —

“rape and sex aren’t the fucking same”

Oh, God, you’re one of those delusional rape-is-a-crime-of-power-not-of-sex types.

Sex and power are inextricably linked.

Rape is a crime of power *and* sex.
































Wow, Cerberus … just … wow.


::standing ovation::













So, why did you use the suicide as a way to try to smear people who want human rights?


I’d like to remove his kidneys with a spork first.

The Henderson Castration Tools are meant for horses but I see no reason why they couldn’t be applied in other circumstances.

Note: above video link NSFW unless maybe you’re a farmer.


“:Rape is a crime of power *and* sex”

when is your trial date?


Just like Tyler Clementi’s parents had great hopes for him

77south said everything I would have said, only better. My heart is just breaking for that poor boy’s family.

What kind of a shitstain does this to a kid? What kind of a shitstain tries to minimize the horror of what was done to this kid? What the fuck is WRONG with people?


Note: above video link NSFW unless maybe you’re a farmer.

Or Carl Paladino.


You all view the world through a comfortable, predictable lens with a fixed set of variables that serve as a shortcut to understanding our infinitely complex world.

What, like “people who disagree with me are Muslim-loving Puritanical ideologues” or “suicides are not tragic if I wouldn’t commit suicide in the same circumstances?”


“rape and sex aren’t the fucking same”

Oh, God, you’re one of those delusional rape-is-a-crime-of-power-not-of-sex types.

Sex and power are inextricably linked.

Rape is a crime of power *and* sex.

Hey, Alex? So, what exactly happened to you as a child to make you such a monstrous, soulless piece of shit? Just curious.


Scum Incarnate-

Right. I didn’t reply to this because it is totally irrelevant to my argument. There’s no evidence of any ‘bigotry’ in this case. If it arises, I’ll gladly change my tune. Right now, let’s not rush to judgment for the sake of some stupid Gay Party narrative.

So, your argument is that the young violinist is the 1 in 4 gay youth who off themselves for the traditional youth reasons for suicide rather than the 3 in 4 gay youth who off themselves for reasons of bigotry.

And your argument is that if he is in the 1 in 4 gay youth who off themselves for the traditional youth reasons, he is:

A) Unworthy of sympathy
B) Should be reviled, while his bullies should be cheered
C) That those who mention his death in the context of the extra 3 in 4 who off themselves for the reasons of bigotry are somehow “beneath contempt” and must be fought against.
D) Unimportant and thus must be ignored.

This is pretty monstrous to begin with.

But then, we have the assertion that there is no bigotry involved.

Not internalized by the victims, not inherent to the bullies when they decided that the best way to spend an evening is deliberately humiliating and sexually assaulting their roommate, not capitalized on by his bullies who were counting on a public lack of support for their victim and thus being turned on for their prank.

How many are the pills you are on, because I think you either need to cut the dosage by half or double it.

P.S. The argument is with regards to when is it tragic, when you believe we should start caring with regards to the obscene amount of suicide in victims bigotry breeds. What amount of blood is enough for you to suddenly start caring about victims rather than perpetrators.

Because you’ve made it crystal clear, there isn’t, you will defend perpetrators and decry victims. You’ll see one as strong and another as weak, because you are an authoritarian-worshipping parasite with no fucking conscience.


Also, Cerebrus, <3. Too.


You’ll see one as strong and another as weak, because you are an authoritarian-worshipping parasite with no fucking conscience.

As good a definition of a Straussian as I’ve ever seen.


Cerberus: Again, Fuckin-A, man. You rock beyond all possible thresholds of rockin’.

This is true.


Hey Knepper, here’s a tweet from that poor, innocent bully all us mean folk are pickin’ on:

“”Roommate asked for the room till midnight. I went into molly’s room and turned on my webcam. I saw him making out with a dude. Yay.”

“Saw him making out with a dude. Yay.”

Now, mister Wise-In-The-Ways-Of-Man, do you think the guy just wanted to catch his roommate making out, or did he specifically want to cath him making out with a dude?

Please, take your fucking time…


Here, I’ll tell you Alex’s problem — it’s one that a lot of Republican and Christian demogogues share. In fact, it’s very specifically shared by people ranging from Fred Phelps and Pat Robertson to Breitbart and O’Keefe: he’s a sadist, and he can’t get off on consensual stuff, and he knows that if he went out and found random people and exercised his desires on them the way he wants, he’d go to jail.

So instead of physical pain, he revels in emotional pain. He can’t go to jail for words, so he can say any cruel, inhuman thing he wants, no one can do anything to him, and he gets his rocks off, both by causing pain and by enjoying people’s reaction to his awful behavior. It’s a happy coincidence for him that he’s able to inflict his abuse on a dead kid and ultimately, his family and friends.

Like Albert Fish, he’s probably already sent a copy of his column to Tyler Clementi’s family. Because he can make them suffer, too, and that makes it twice as nice.

Alex Knepper is so hard right now it hurts.


Rape is a crime of power *and* sex in which the victims deserved what they got.

Fixed to actually reflect your repulsive worldview.

It’s not often one runs across a misogynistic self-hating fag who mocks the death of a bullied kid.

I mean, that’s gotta be a once in a lifetime event.



You keep saying there is no evidence, but Gawker reported last night that he had reached out for help on, in the forums. That would be a gay website.

So. There goes that argument of yours.


rape and sex aren’t the fucking same”

Oh, God, you’re one of those delusional rape-is-a-crime-of-power-not-of-sex types.

Wow, it’s almost like you didn’t even notice that the WHOLE FUCKING COMMENT WAS ABOUT CONSENT.




You all view the world through a comfortable, predictable lens.

Not true! I personally view the world through a pair of Summitar F2 lenses from Leica, the early ones with the 12-bladed iris diaphragm. They’re easily scratched but provide a nice soft-focus effect.


I mean, that’s gotta be a once in a lifetime event.

Thank God. I don’t think my blood pressure could handle much more.


The evidence is right in front of everyone, including you, so STFU Alex.

What really pisses me off about you, you little whining and posturing piece of shit is that you can enjoy all the advantages that I and others fought for, long before you were potty trained. We marched in the streets, we organized, we made it possible for you to be openly gay without fear of being beaten to death, jailed, tormented, unable to get a job, refused housing, and all that horrid shit that happens far less frequently than it used to (though still far too often).

When completely and uttrly clueless, vile, sociopathic, psycho freaks like you rush out to defend the indefensible, and dance on the dead but still warm kid’s grave it makes me vomit.



I am glad you survived, Cerberus. I hope it has gotten better. If it has not, it will.

Thanks and it has. Though it’s still rough, especially with the blow to self-esteem job-hunting always is. Hey, I should do X to alleviate Y, but I can’t do X until I have actually functional health insurance from a job and I shouldn’t even spend much time on alternate ways to deal with X because I should be spending most of my time job searching.

Today is the most break I’ve given myself from the rigmarole in a month and already I feel guilty.

For Alex, who constructs his own prisons our of his own petty hates, well, I imagine being Alex is it’s own punishment, and one he richly deserves. Because at the end of the day, he is the sort of person who has mocked the death of a kid. Whatever he may do later, whatever he may become, he will always have once been the sort of person who mocked the death of a kid.

I just wish the Alexes of the world stopped insisting we share their personal hells with them. Stopped trying to make the real world reflect the brutal nasty hell they’ve constructed for themselves and stopped trying to pass laws to make our lives worse because they are suffering.

Maybe I should have more sympathy for how they torture themselves, but it’s hard when they insist on stabbing me in the eye the entire time.


Holy shit — Scott just hit one out of the park.

And the proof is in Alex’s own words:

all of you are living in a Pollyanna dreamworld where cruelty and dominance are bizarre deviations from the so-called norm of human kindness.

In Alex’s world, cruelty and dominance are totally normal and anyone who thinks otherwise is some sort of Pollyanna (even though that makes no sense in this case, but whatev) who thinks kindness and treating others equally should be the norm.

What a sick, twisted fuck.

I’m done with the dude.


Also polarising filters, but that goes without saying.


I am not sure I have encountered Vox Day previously but never have I wanted to punch some stranger in the face so much as this one.


Obviously any assault should be handled by a neutral police force.

Like Justin Volpe. That guy knew from assault!

I have a realistic view of sex and human nature; all of you are living in a Pollyanna dreamworld where cruelty and dominance are bizarre deviations from the so-called norm of human kindness.

Violence is pretty normal too. And theft, and rape, and greed. And if we were a bunch of primates flinging poo at each other from little tribes on the savanna we would definitely have no right to expect better of ourselves.

Last time I checked though, we had evolved thick cortexes and formed larger and larger social groups and made guns and cool shit like that so that we had to figure out how to live with each other with a bit more consideration than animals.

In our world, parents are supposed to be teaching their offspring to not be douchebags. It’s a shame yours failed so spectacularly.


It’s not often one runs across a misogynistic self-hating fag who mocks the death of a bullied kid.

I mean, that’s gotta be a once in a lifetime event.

Haven’t been to many Republican Political Rallies, have you?


I am not sure I have encountered Vox Day previously but never have I wanted to punch some stranger in the face so much as this one.

Pretty much everything he writes is face-punchable.


You all view the world through a comfortable, predictable lens.

Not true! I personally view the world through a pair of Summitar F2 lenses from Leica, the early ones with the 12-bladed iris diaphragm. They’re easily scratched but provide a nice soft-focus effect.

Also too nettle eyepieces.


Cerberus, I am glad you made it this far. And thank you for your articulate passion. I think everyone here loves you today (with the obvious exception). Please do something really nice for yourself. You deserve it and you will benefit from it.

I wish humor were appropriate, but it’s just not. Next thread, please.



It’s not an assumption after you’ve offered us so much evidence in your defense of the indefensible, so thanks for dropping by and hanging yourself on your own petard


the so-called norm of human kindness.

Have a hug.


I refuse to be lectured on “making things fit your ideological bias” by someone who’s bought into the whole bullshtick line of “DEM MOOSLIMS IS ALL VIOLENT AND TERRORIST AND STUFF GRRR BLAUGH ARRRGH”.


Let me guess: Islam is a kindly religion of peace that’s been hijacked by a few extremists?

no, that’s Christianity.


Wow, it’s almost like you didn’t even notice that the WHOLE FUCKING COMMENT WAS ABOUT CONSENT.

That’s because he’s not arguing in good faith. As Scott points out, he’s a sadist. He realizes that we care about this, so he argues in bad faith to get a rise out of us, because that gets him off. He’s the least interesting type of troll there is. He’s never going to address Jacob’s point, he’s never going to address Cerberus, all he will do is defend the bully who he hopes will cut his taxes and kill brown people who like the wrong imaginary god. And he’ll believe that he’s cleverer and more enlightened than us, because Strauss naturally attracts assholes who believe in their own superiority despite all evidence to the contrary.


Another note:

Alex’s distraction campaign (I refuse to call his tour of the World Hall of Fame of Unrelated Douchebaggery anything akin to an “argument”) seems to rely heavily on this idea that people who commit suicide are “weak” and undeserving of respect.

Moreover that people who take the easy way out deserve to be dead for not having the skin to stay in the game.

It fits in with the Libertarian insanity that pathetic white men who are leeches to society are actually manly man tough people who survived where other, more effeminate and pussy-like failed simply by living the same unremarkable life they always have.

Thus, we’re supposed to agree on some part that yeah, we who survived are “tougher” than those who kill themselves. People who kill themselves are “weak”.

It’s flattering to the self and it’s complete horse-shit.

People who survive aren’t “tougher”. They had different circumstances, different mental states, maybe protections or support or even a fear of death so strong it kept them from offing themselves even when in the pit (hi, me).

And frankly, if I had to choose between a world filled with the “toughest of the tough”, those who survived hard emotional times by completely closing off their ability to see others as human and shutting off basic empathy and the “weakest of the weak” what those would have been if suicide hadn’t cut their lives tragically short?

I know which I’d choose.

And wouldn’t everyone, if they really thought about it, rather have the latter as well?

Well, maybe not Alex. Hating on the “weak pussy who couldn’t keep it in the game” is probably one of the few things that distracts from his meaningless, unproductive, unfulfilling life of shilling for the enemy, washing himself in hate, and planning his next rape.


@so-called Norm: OK, I woz rong. Laugh good, hate bad.


Thanks and it has. Though it’s still rough, especially with the blow to self-esteem job-hunting always is.

Ugh. I can’t imagine job-hunting in this economy with the added difficulty of discrimination. Good luck. I’d bake you some cookies if I could.



Cerberus, I am glad you made it this far. And thank you for your articulate passion. I think everyone here loves you today (with the obvious exception). Please do something really nice for yourself. You deserve it and you will benefit from it.

I actually am. Tomorrow me and my partner are moving to a new apartment that doesn’t suck nearly as much as the one we’re currently staying at.


Sometimes I wonder if stupidity and evil aren’t pretty much the same thing.

Alex Knepper is just about the best evidence I’ve ever seen that this is true.


Ugh. I can’t imagine job-hunting in this economy with the added difficulty of discrimination. Good luck. I’d bake you some cookies if I could.

Hey, hey!

Everyone knows there is no such thing as discrimination against employment of minority groups. That’s tout suite a liberal invention to cover up for our love of collecting the hard-earned money of hard-working retired Republicans and spending it on debauchery and Illegal human beings.



Isn’t this the Midterm campaign slogan of the Republican Party?


Sometimes I wonder if stupidity and evil aren’t pretty much the same thing.

George Bush: stupidity and evil were the same, yes.
Dick Cheney: evil, but probably not stupid.


Stupid and evil are not the same. There are blithering idiots out there who wouldn’t hurt a fly, and there are intelligent people out there who I wouldn’t trust with anything I cared about. Of course it is possible to be both stupid and evil, but no one doubts that both defects can live in the same person.

Having said all of that, If I had to spend the rest of my life on a desert island with only stupid people or only evil people, I am choosing the stupid people every time. Stupid people can overcome their limitations. Evil people don’t even realize how broken they are.


Everyone knows there is no such thing as discrimination against employment of minority groups. That’s tout suite a liberal invention to cover up for our love of collecting the hard-earned money of hard-working retired Republicans and spending it on debauchery and Illegal human beings.

I have noticed that it’s quite difficult being a straight white cis dude these days. I mean, there are hardly ANY of them in our government or leading our top corporations.


Gay Republicans get compared to Jewish Nazis — I’ll tell you the real Jewish Nazis here: Gay men who stick up for Islam!

You know what other gay muslim nazi was… exactly……


Isn’t this the Midterm campaign slogan of the Republican Party?

Did you see Operation Rescue / Save America is now not only attacking TEH GHEY (yeah, we’re the ones who’re intolerant) but blocking entrance to mosques in the name of converting Muslims?


Also, can I just say that I kinda love all you guys today? (Except Alex, of course). Too?


Yep. Sociopath.


Alex the Douchebag. Not the other Alex.

The Tragically Flip

I’d like to go back to one of Alex’s asides here:

This is a fascinating difference between the left and the right — when the mainstream right disagrees with you, they attack you as naive or foolish; when the mainstream left disagrees with you, they question your *motives.*

This is simply hysterically, bafflingly wrong. If anything the single defining characteristic of how the right has responded to criticism over the past 10 years at least (if not forever but let’s stay contemporary) has been by questioning the motives, and character of the critic rather than responding to the substance of the criticism.

Global warming: Scientists invent this to bilk juicy government research dollars!
Richard Clarke’s book: he’s just bitter that he got passed over for promotion
John Kerry: Coward who lied about his service in vietnam and faked the incidents which earned him medals for valour
Al Gore: Fat with a big house and he flies in planes so all that global warming stuff is a lie. Also fat, too.
Michael Moore: “Fat” sums up about 99% of the response to him from the right, the rest being “hypocrite since he makes money off movies” and “socialist”
Michael Schiavo: Really just wanted to kill his wife because he’s really a wife beater and wants insurance money or something
The Frosts: Have granite countertops how dare they support SCHIP
Paul Krugman: He once legally took $50K from Enron so everything he ever says is a lie.

I can go on and on, but one only need look at the average wingnut book title for an unending supply of ad hominem and mind reading of motives based reasoning. All of this is entirely predictable in a “when neither (facts or law) is on your side pound the table” sort of way, but still bleakly amusing that Alex offers it in seemingly on-the-level punditry, showing the acumen of an NFL season ticket holder who has never noticed football to be a physical sport.


Damn. I think the Kepplester went away.

And I had a song in his honor.


Greg Giraldo died?!


No, Straussians believe they know so much that they don’t need to learn anything.

As is typical for morons.

On another topic: Cerberus, that was a beautiful (verbal) beat-down.


Greg Giraldo died?!

As did the Bronx’s own Bernie Schwartz.


And I had a song in his honor.
I’m sure he’s heard the Horst Wessel Song already.


As did the Bronx’s own Bernie Schwartz.

Yes he did. That was a little less unexpected, though.


And since the thread has been probing some dark areas (insert immature joke here), a little bit of light.

Like the project says, it gets better. It’s gotten better.

People like Alex, the bullies at Rutgers, the bigot at the Michigan AG’s office. They used to be the norm. They used to wield total power, completely free from recrimination, social rebuke. They were celebrated for “toughness” when picking on the faggot kid, it was a means to acquire even greater prestige.

Now, the people who show their open sociopathy for this minority group, act in ways that were for years considered perfectly socially acceptable, the world is beginning to revile them as monsters.

These kids may very well go to jail. They may get off, but at least there’s a possibility they’ll be rotting in prison for a while. That didn’t always used to be the case. At the Angie Zapata case, for the first time in a very long time, possibly ever, the crime of killing a trans person for being a filthy it actually merited a sentence, a harsh sentence, rather than immediate release and acquittal. That didn’t always used to be the case. The AAG of Michigan is being mocked around the internet as a pathetic closet case who just needs to come out already. Again, that didn’t always used to be the case.

Every year, we’re getting more used to seeing LGBTs as human beings. Sure, the 28%ers will continue to fellate the old hates, sure, people like Alex and the bullies want us to continue killing ourselves at obscene rates, sure there is rape and torture, and hate and strong political action against our very existence.

But it gets better. It got better.

Life today sucks far less than it did even in the recent past. Life tomorrow will suck even less.

Gay people used to be like trans people now, their rights only fought for by the dreamers, the radicals, the always hated “filthy hippies”.

Now, a gay person feels comfortable enough in their privilege and the hard won victories of liberals he can spend his life railing against the people who made it safe for him to come out, built the communities he exploits so he can walk with his partner or potential partner in safety. Whole groups of these assholes feel safe to suck on the ass drippings of their oppressors.

Tomorrow, perhaps, the suicide rate will plummet and we will stop losing promising young violinists and shy sensitive kids whose only crime was trying to be themselves free of hatred and violations of consent.

But I can say something, Dan is right, tomorrow will be better, just like today is better.

Look at the once proud KKK, now riding scooters at Teabagger rallies, laughed at by clowns, and treated as a national joke by everyone with a brain.

Look at the once proud anti-feminists and their campaigns against sex and look at Christine O’Donnel and how much of a laughing stock she is for arguing against masturbation. 30 years ago, such arguments against masturbation actually got traction, were actually heavily relied upon.

Things got better.

Things will always get better.

And sorry for the long post, but I thought it was an important reminder.


As did the Bronx’s own Bernie Schwartz.

Yep, I saw that this morning. All day I keep hearing “Yondah lies the castle of my faddah”.


Things will always get better.
Only as long as we keep making things better.
Other than that, well said!


Yep, I saw that this morning. All day I keep hearing “Yondah lies the castle of my faddah”.

Dammit, I should know by now that if there’s something worth posting in a Sadly thread, somebody will do it before me.


Inappropriate. I’m a news commentator, not the world’s morality police.

You must be joking. If you aren’t the morality police, how is it that you feel you are within your rights to pass judgment on the victims or the antagonists here? You deemed yourself the morality police when you advised your readers to forgive you for not having much sympathy. You’ve just made the assumption that you have some right to decide for this kid what is worthy of suicidal feelings and what is not. You don’t get to do that, asshole.

You are not a news commentator, you are a water bearer for the dark side of our society. Those who can’t take a break from tormenting their enemies long enough to let the family mourn this kid’s death.

You’re a real class act, Kneppler. Should I even bother asking how your scummy little rant would sound if your son just committed suicide? I didn’t think so.


Alex Knepper asks:

Do I sound like a wingnut to you?

Dunno. All snivelling assholes sound alike to me.


Cerberus said,
September 30, 2010 at 22:28

Well said, Cerebrus.


Things got better.

Things will always get better.

If there is a direction to history, it is this. And people like Alex will always be on the wrong side.

May your job hunt go well, may your move go smoothly, may your life continue to improve.


I had a freind at college who killed himself over his gayness back in 1986 or so. He wasn’t even closeted – he admitted to all of us from the first that he was gay. And he received nothing but contempt from some of the people I used to ahng around with; only now do I realize just what a bunch of yahoos some of them were. His mere presence threatened their macho manliness, so he had to be taunted. And now he’s gone, no thanks to people I used to mistakenly call “friend”.

So, yeah, Alex, if you’re still here – it does happen. I knew someone it happened to.

And kindly roll your views on the subject into a tight cylinder and insert them in your self-righteous fundament.


“Bullies are innocent and should not be held accountable.”

And apparently;

“An armed society is a polite society.”

In the same head. Demanding respect for it’s opinions.

The Tragically Flip


The Tragically Flip

wp says:

Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!

No i didn’t you piece of shit, you won’t let me!




Only as long as we keep making things better.
Other than that, well said!

Of course, sorry, should have included that.

It’s thanks to the constant hard work of the people that Alex Knepper derides that the slow push of progress is indeed progress. Unhinging the massive weight of generationally grown bigotries and carefully trained ignorances is very difficult. Many in privilege would rather see people die in pain and suffering than suffer any change to the world they’ve grown accustomed to.

But as long as we struggle?

We win.

And it may seem glacial, so much that we haven’t changed anything.

But we’ve changed everything.

And so we fight.

Cause in the end, it gets better. It always gets better as long as the brave continue the fight, the young inheriting the battle standards of the old.

I’m proud to be of the tradition of progressivism and liberalism that has fought on the side of right of every good battle we take for granted these days and against the side, whose “common sense” arguments are quite quickly reduced to sounding like ancient foreign bigotry in a matter of decades.

Alex Knepper is apparently proud of supporting people who would like to kill him, because it makes him feel smarter than the people who won the battles he takes for granted.

Alex Knepper is not only scum incarnate, he is also dumber than toast.


“I prefer reason to emotion”. Ahhh, Asperger’s. I was thinking that was likely.


Ahhh, Asperger’s. I was thinking that was likely.

Hey, now. My little brother has Asperger’s and he would have nothing but contempt for this piece of shit and sympathy for Tyler Clementi. He understands what it’s like to feel like an outsider, and what it’s like to be humiliated.

Also, re: the update…hilarious!


Boy, it seems Junkpuncho is going to be busy this week….

Junkpuncho's Supervisor

Boy, it seems Junkpuncho is going to be busy this week….
Junkpuncho has been pretty behind on his work lately. That alpaca better straighten up and get to work. He’s going to need to work nights and weekends to clear this backlog. If he can’t keep up, we’re going to have to find an alpaca that can.

The Tragically Flip

I give up WP you fucking suck at least give me a god damn error message as to what ASCII character from my post you don’t like. There’s 255 of them, I know it’s hard to write code to handle so many!


“An armed society is a polite society.”

Demonstrably false. If that were true then “The Ugly American” meme wouldn’t exist, as Americans are much better armed than the average European – we should be the politest folks outside of Somalia.

Somebody supposedly embracing “reason” prefers ideology over evidence. I think the word he’s looking for is “rhetoric”, not “reason”.


I’m proud to be of the tradition of progressivism and liberalism that has fought on the side of right of every good battle we take for granted these days and against the side, whose “common sense” arguments are quite quickly reduced to sounding like ancient foreign bigotry in a matter of decades.

Boy I wish Democratic politicians would say stuff like this.


@Alex Kipper – if you refuse to learn, you will never understand the situation.


“An armed society is a polite society” only if you believe death is an appropriate punishment for rudeness.


Hey, now. My little brother has Asperger’s and he would have nothing but contempt for this piece of shit and sympathy for Tyler Clementi. He understands what it’s like to feel like an outsider, and what it’s like to be humiliated.

The word is still pretty vague, and conflates empathy with autism in an odd way. I’m mildly that way myself – I cannot read facial cues to save my life – but my empathy has always seemed to thrive. I use it too cavalierly.

No offense meant. Mr. Knepper has *emotional* autism.



“Bullies are innocent and should not be held accountable.”

And apparently;

“An armed society is a polite society.”

In the same head. Demanding respect for it’s opinions.

Yeah, we saw how much “an armed society is a polite society” meant to them when some of the school shootings turned out to be bullying victims who couldn’t take anymore of it. We also see it during the Jena 6 or the Jersey 4 where defending oneself with fists suddenly became the worst crime ever.

It’s almost as if it’s self-effacing bullshit that is to be used to cheer on the various serial killers who kill the “little people” (all while giving them a chubby about how manly and action-heroey they’d be if they were there and packing). And the second some home-boy or one of their faggy little bullying victims starts waving the piece or even resisting in the minutest their constant attacks, it’s a violation of everything sacred and the “LAW MUST COME DOWN HARD!”

I think it’s the combination of evil and hypocrisy that gives it the special flavor of insufferable. If they merely wanted evil laws that applied universally, that’d be one thing, but they somehow believe every law they fight for has an addendum that states this will never be applied against them.

“No more government spending”, but fund my wars and my medicare, and my state job, and my unemployment benefits, and make sure all the roads are perfectly maintained, I have full use of schools, police, fire department, electricity, water, and sewage, and all the other million benefits of civilization only possible because of the government.

“Kill the fags”, but not me if I turn out gay or I get caught “wide-stancing” on the down-low.

“Ban abortion”, but leave the back of the clinic open so I, my wife, or my daughter can slip in when we need to and correct the mistake that’s totally different than those little sluts.

I would wish on them exactly the society they wanted if I didn’t have to share a country with them and knew we’d have to suffer it along with them.


You know who else went to Twitter?

The guy who made the tape of Clementi:

Roommate asked for the room till midnight. I went into molly’s room and turned on my webcam. I saw him making out with a dude. Yay.

Since he didn’t explicitly say: “I’m doing this because I know Jesus wants me to hate fags” then I suppose Knepper can still cling to his lame sophistry that we don’t know any homophobia was involved.

But I’m only interested in the responses of sane people.


“An armed society is a polite society” only if you believe death is an appropriate punishment for rudeness.

This was why Emily Post always carried nunchucks with her.


This was why Emily Post always carried nunchucks with her.

Use the wrong fork and Emily would Fuck. You. Up.


Use the wrong fork and Emily would Fuck. You. Up.

I wonder how she would view mocking the death of a child?


And the second some home-boy or one of their faggy little bullying victims starts waving the piece or even resisting in the minutest their constant attacks, it’s a violation of everything sacred and the “LAW MUST COME DOWN HARD!”

Conservative Fascist principle: the weak should never be allowed to defend themselves because they’re weak.


I would wish on them exactly the society they wanted if I didn’t have to share a country with them and knew we’d have to suffer it along with them.

What I always wish for is an incurable empathy virus.


Use the wrong fork and Emily would Fuck. You. Up.

If you forgot to send her a “Thank You” note, horse head…in the bed…guaranteed.


I once used the wrong form of greeting to a member of society in high regard and Emily Post…

Well, let’s just say I now walk with a limp.


It was obvious from the start that the orientationally-challenged activists would attempt to blame Clementi’s death on his roommate. But the surreptitious filming of sexual activity, while an obvious breach of etiquette as well as the law in some states, is neither uncommon nor tantamount to attempting to destroy someone’s life. Nor should the online streaming be considered anything but a joke; American Pie is a comedy, not a horror flick, after all. The problem is not that American university campuses are intolerant of the orientationally challenged, as the subtext of the media coverage suggests, but rather that they are much too tolerant.

Jesus, where do we start with this psychosis?

Yes, it’s definitely a breach of etiquette. Waterboarding, after all, is just fraternity hazing. A joke, like a make believe movie. However the victim didn’t think it was much of a joke, did he?

The intent to destroy a life doesn’t need to be there. The contempt it takes to commit this act, knowing full well that the effect would be painful, isn’t much different than a deliberate attempt to destroy the life. This fucker knew that was a possibility.

Just what do you think is the right amount of tolerant, you fucking slimebag? No, the problem is YOU. You are the problem. You and all of the other useless fucks who defend these actions. Does it “get better” for gay teens when they know full well that fucks like you have made sure there is no justice for them? No, it really doesn’t.

Fuck you, Vox. You suck at life and blogging.


No offense meant. Mr. Knepper has *emotional* autism.

It’s cool. Just bristled at the idea of my brother, who has done a shitload of work to improve his ability to show empathy and understanding, being compared to this dude. I know you meant no harm.


Learn to be self-sufficient instead of reliant upon the good graces of your neighbors.

How old is Mr Knepper? 20 yet? Just saying, he wouldn’t be the first teenager who prides himself on his emotional self-sufficiency and his hard-headed unsentimental outlook on existence, and sneers at all those people aged 30 to 70 who have such a poor understanding of how the world really works. Nor will he be the last.

Ayn Rand is partly to blame.



What I always wish for is an incurable empathy virus.

I did get that Master’s in Biology…

Hey if anyone needs me I’ll be down in the lab.

For Science!


I just cannot believe these…words fail.

I don’t know why I can’t believe it. It fits completely in their m.o. – no sympathy for anyone whosoever that might make them question their ideology.

Rachel Corrie, Iraqi civilians, union auto workers, and so on.

But for fuck’s sake. This poor kid kills himself, and they can’t even shut the fuck up.



Shorter Vox Day-

“What’s a little rape among friends?”


Nothing that they did to him was fatal or life-threatening

@Knepper…ever hear of Matthew Shepard?


I did get that Master’s in Biology…

Hey if anyone needs me I’ll be down in the lab.

For Science!

Please make those of us who have more empathy than we know what to do with immune. Thanks.


But the surreptitious filming of sexual activity, while an obvious breach of etiquette as well as the law in some states, is neither uncommon nor tantamount to attempting to destroy someone’s life.

I would really like to know what states allow the videotaping of private sex acts without the knowledge or consent of the actors. Since this is apparently common, I’d like to avoid those states.

Or is Vox simply making shit up because he thinks it sounds good?


How old is Mr Knepper? 20 yet? Just saying, he wouldn’t be the first teenager who prides himself on his emotional self-sufficiency and his hard-headed unsentimental outlook on existence,

I think three or four years on a deserted island would do him a world of good.


Rachel Corrie, Iraqi civilians, union auto workers, and so on.

Corollary to the previous principle: nobody is allowed to defend the weak, either, because the proper place of the weak is underfoot. Usually justified with some line about nature and “what must be”.


Nothing that they did to him was fatal or life-threatening

It was bullying, plain and simple. How can this guy be so heartless?


jim x/another jim-

That’s feature not bug.

If they shut up, they might start hearing what the other person was saying.

If they hear what the other person was saying, they might start caring.

If they care, they might awaken their empathy.

If they awaken their empathy, they would no longer be monsters.

If they were no longer monsters, they could no longer support an ideology of hate and they’d lose their entire justification and face the harsh cold reality of supporting evil for a large portion of their life.

Much too frightening. Better to double down and keep it riding, don’t shut up, don’t let reality sink in.

I mean, what’s a better life?

Believing you are a Randian superman who is tout suite better than everyone who fights for your rights?

Or facing the reality of supporting the exact shit that killed this young violinist and that you have his motherfucking blood and the blood of so many others on your hands?

If one is willing to constrain all vestiges of a soul, it can be a nice ride while it lasts.

And it’s probably why it’s so easy to ride the crazy.

You’ll notice not many are left who are proud of fighting segregation or women’s rights or the right to consensual sex and so on.


Or is Vox simply making shit up because he thinks it sounds good?

Why not? If it’s good enough to be the motto of the National Review, it’s good enough for Vox.


How can this guy be so heartless?

He evidently works hard at it.


Oh, And:

We have got to be realistic when assessing this event and maintain publicly that humiliation is a preposterous rationale for suicide.

It can be in Japan. Just sayin’.


Whatever Knepper’s “crimes” in disagreeing with you buncha trolls… the SHEER HATRED shown toward him on this page vastly outweighs his misdeeds. What a bunch of hypocrites y’all are.


I did get that Master’s in Biology…

Hey if anyone needs me I’ll be down in the lab.

For Science!

Someone sent me this story a while back. Wasn’t surprised it was by Brin, ’cause he seems to generally have his head screwed on right…


Projection – it’s not just for breakfast!


He’s tweets are rather precious considering the avatar he uses on his own site.

I really love the “infrequent” cavalier attitude affected by WATBs.


What I always wish for is an incurable empathy virus.
Normally a hard-wired feature.

How can this guy be so heartless?
He evidently works hard at it.

I can see the self-flattering value of seeing oneself as strong, unsentimental, self-sufficient, etc. but as Pere Ubu suggests, maintaining the persona takes a lot of work.


Shorter Meghan

“You intolerant Libs are hypocrites for making this asshole look like a douchebag:


I’ll pray for you while I’m praying for Knepper, Meghan.


Sorry, Meghan, we’ll try to be more loving and understanding to the psychotic sadist reveling in the death of another person.


We have got to be realistic when assessing this event and maintain publicly that humiliation is a preposterous rationale for suicide.

We’ve got to be realistic when assessing what goes on in a suicidal mind. That would involve NOT deciding for the departed if his suicide was justifiable in light of recent events, ya dig? Ya fucking dick. You are not the arbiter of what justifies suicide for others.


It really would surprise me if Alex wasn’t a Randroid, between the absolutist contempt for religion and the sociopathic Vulcan routine.

Oh, and Meghan? Kindly feel free to incinerate yourself as well.


Cerberus, your posts have made me cry but in the good cry way. Thanks for the last comment. Sometimes we all give up hope because change seems to take fucking forever to occur but you’re right, it will and it does get better. Take care of yourself. C


Armed and polite.

I hear tell Judith Martin is packing heat. Big iron too, they say.


Amazing! The liberal mind that cannot see its own hypocrisy. Calling anyone who disagrees with him a “hater” while spewing far more vile rhetoric than the other side ever dreamed of.

I’m sorry, did Knepper say the poor kid should have set himself on fire or had someone disembowel him. You lot are a nasty, nasty bunch.


Vox Day is a complete douche bag.


BTW, Cerberus, some of the commenters at Pharyngula were remarking earlier this afternoon that they wished you were around to help eviscerate some douchebag…


I don’t know who this Pere douchebag is, but he’s a prime example of liberal hatemongering.

I dared to disagree with him — so I should incinerate myself.

Right. Okay. You guys are pathetic!


Pup, I totally wanted to make a Judith Martin joke but I could not remember her last name. Thank you!


I assure you we all feel colossal shame over being a nasty, nasty bunch, Meghan.

But hey, at least we’re not hanging around and expressing support for a sadistic psycho who wallows gleefully in the death of a college kid. Even we aren’t that bad…

So, you know, fuck you.


Sorry – not willing to give Shit-fer-brains any clickage. What he’s said here is way more than enough for me.

I can remember a time back in the late 1980s when my life was a lake of shit, & I found myself in a leaky canoe without a paddle or life-jacket, tumbling over a shit-waterfall into a SEA of shit, with no tropical isles (mangoless or otherwise) in sight … also the canoe was on fire, & I was wearing a celluloid jumpsuit & a gonch made from cans of lighter-fluid … & I came very very close to checking out.

I didn’t pull back because I’m such a tough warrior dude, or even because of fear or instinct. I think it was a combination of dumb luck & that I was just too much of a stubborn fucker to let the Reaper have some free meat that day. Even though things kept getting worse for some time afterwards, even unto a truly epic depth of soul-killing fugliness, that desperate urge to make everything go away forever never returned.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure I can guess what kind of living hell that kid was going through. Plainly Shit-fer-brains lacks that ability & likely always will.

It isn’t “hijacking” a tragic event when people point out the obvious: that heteronormative prejudice still exists globally, even in 2010, or how that prejudice makes such tragedies occur – & basic human decency isn’t an “ideological agenda” unless you’re idiotic enough to take pride in being the black toxic fungus at the bottom of the societal gene-pool. To aver otherwise disqualifies you from any serious consideration from me as a sentient individual.


Meghan, it is not mean to make fun of someone WHO IS MAKING FUN OF A DEAD KID. Once you make fun of a dead kid, you really cannot cry about someone turning around and criticizing you for that.

And Meghan? If we were on Alex’s site, you could make the case we were trolling. But since you are unclear on basic concepts, this is not Alex’s site. He came here to troll. He trolled quite effectively. He was, Cthulhu help me, better at trolling than you.

At the end of the day, Alex mocked a dead kid. And you are not even as interesting as he was. You fail as a troll.


Meghan’s precious, worried about Knepper’s poor widdle fee-fees.

Sorry dear, but Alex jumped into this one with both feet.


“I don’t know who this Pere douchebag is, but he’s a prime example of liberal hatemongering.”

And the guy who blames the victim for his suicide is the font of human kindness?


Right. Okay. You guys are pathetic!

So pathetic that you read this whole thread and posted, like, three times!



Knepper said that the kid’s death was his own problem as if the video taping had nothing to do with it. And in real douche bag style, instead of debating his view, he’s upset about the photo Tintin used.


The liberal mind that cannot see its own hypocrisy. Calling anyone who disagrees with him a “hater” while spewing far more vile rhetoric than the other side ever dreamed of.

We have contempt for Alex because he has contempt for the entire hard-to-figure-out emotional-at-times non-logical human race, and particularly for someone who killed himself thus forcing the Alexbot to murmur “irrational…irrational…does not compute” while fretting about what other people might make of a young man humiliated in public committing suicide.

Surely even you can see the point there.


I’ve perplexed Vox Day.

Esteev: 9/30/10 4:49 PM:
I’m not emoting, I’m trying to inform you that your ideas of homosexual acts being “evil” are wrong and outdated…. You are one evil scum bag.

VD:You must be in possession of a fascinating moral system. On what grounds do you attempt to simultaneously declare that homosexual acts are not evil, but I am?</blockquote



I know, I will get back to commenting around Pharyngula once I’m back in the employed column.

I swear to Bob, the privileged fucks who whine that the unemployed have it easy and have all the time in the world are idiots (moreso than usual).

All the time I don’t spend working on job apps (or as now, the move), just make me feel intensely guilty. This is the first morning/early afternoon I’ve just let myself goof off and web-search and that’s just because I’ve mostly got light packing and things like laundry going on.

Well, that and the kitty has thoroughly claimed my lap.


“Calling anyone who disagrees with him a “hater” while spewing far more vile rhetoric than the other side ever dreamed of.”

Have you seen the signs at Tea Party rallies?


Meghan’s led one hell of a sheltered life if any of this rates as “hatemongering”.


My mind is a helluva lot more nimble than yours, Pere Ubu, whatever the hell that name means.

My PROBLEM was not that you were taking him to task for his somewhat callous opinion, assholes. My problem was that you, throughout this thread, said some of the nastiest, most horrible things regarding HIS potential death, and the painful way you’d all like to see it happen — and you are all such DUMBASSES that you can’t see the hypocrisy.

Don’t cry me the sob story that you were just picking on a bully. You all fell way, WAY below his level with the toxins you’ve been spewing.

And the fact that someone can wish ME to incinerate myself for expressing that opinion makes my point perfectly.

Losers all.


Meghan, a troll is someone who goes to a site with the express purpose of stirring shit up, eg. Alex and you. And if you’re going to come here and express support for his brutality rather than the people willing to call it what it is you deserve nothing but contempt.


I’m sorry,

You don’t sound sorry.

did Knepper say the poor kid should have set himself on fire or had someone disembowel him.

He said this about Clementi’s suicide:

it doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic.

Several commenters here suggested violence against Knepper, violence that didn’t happen, and will never happen. (You need to stop being so inconsistent on your political correctness stance.)

Knepper is gloating over a real suicide. And not being very honest in his responses.

You need to get some perspective if you want sane people to stop looking at you funny.


My mind is a helluva lot more nimble than yours, Pere Ubu, whatever the hell that name means.

The fact that you miss the reference disproves your assertion.


Shorter Meghan

“Calling somebody a douchebag sociopath is much worse than Alex acting like a douchebag sociopath”


OH PLEASE. Not the signs at the Tea Party thing again. What the fuck are you people smoking? PRETTY SURE none of them ever called for someone to incinerate himself.

Now you ARE making me laugh.


You see, Meghan, not all human lives are equal. That kid was a good person, so his death is a tragedy. You and Kneppler are evil, so terrible painful deaths for both of you wouldn’t be tragic, they would be simply just. Got it?


I’m sure Meghan is equally upset at all the homophobia that’s being spewed AT ALL THE GAYS IN AMERICA in all the comment sections about this on pretty much every single news site carrying the story, so much so that many sites had to close comments because of the hatred. Yep, our attacking this one schmuck is easily just as bad as wanting all gays to die, like that staffer in Saxby Chambliss’ office.

Yep, I’m sure she’s equally upset.


You, Prospero, another shining example of the perfectly hypocritical liberal “mind.” ha ha HA


Shorter Meghan

“Calling the President Hitler I can understand but this making fun of a guy who thinks it’;s okay for homosexuals to commit suicide, this will not stand, man”


So, “Meghan”, tell us – what’s your opinion on the Tyler Clementi situation?

You insist on sympathy for a intolerant anti-humanist nutcase who openly mocks another person’s suicide; do you have any sympathy for the suicide? Never mind what we said about Alex. Where are YOUR priorities?


Where do you see hypocrisy?


Whatever Knepper’s “crimes” in disagreeing with you buncha trolls… the SHEER HATRED shown toward him on this page vastly outweighs his misdeeds.

Your concern-trolling has been duly noted.

I make no secret of my prejudice & I wear it with pride: I will never apologize for being a moronophobe. The only thing deadlier than a rogue is a moron, & the only thing worse than a moron is a roguish one.

Based on his statements here, particularly his “unique” POV on sexuality, some might argue that the cops should be going through Knepper’s garden right this minute with a backhoe & some bloodhounds.


“You, Prospero, another shining example of the perfectly hypocritical liberal “mind.” ha ha HA”

And you are also a sociopathic douchebag, being a perfect example of the conservative mind, notice I didn’t use scare quotes


Pere Ubu, whatever the hell that name means.

It means your education is woefully lacking. Christ almighty, not only do you fail to recognize the band, or the play, but you know so little of your own culture’s heritage that you cannot translate something as basic as Pere Ubu?

Better trolls, please.


Okay Jacob Singer, let me say this slowly since your kind have so much trouble in the “understanding” department:

It’s BAD when people wish terrible painful deaths on each other. No matter what their opinions, or their lifestyles, or their politics.

It’s bad. It’s evil. And you guys — well, you’re all filthy with it. Keep justifying it, you haters. Keep on hatin’.


Several commenters here suggested violence against Knepper, violence that didn’t happen, and will never happen.

Knepper is gloating over a real suicide. And not being very honest in his responses.

THIS. The inability to distinguish the abstract from the concrete is a key feature of the disconnect Mr. Knepper and Meghan are experiencing.


Don’t cry me the sob story that you were just picking on a bully. You all fell way, WAY below his level with the toxins you’ve been spewing.

Internet tough guy is tough.

Concern troll is concerned.


“It’s BAD when people wish terrible painful deaths on each other. No matter what their opinions, or their lifestyles, or their politics.

It’s bad. It’s evil. And you guys — well, you’re all filthy with it. Keep justifying it, you haters. Keep on hatin’”

But it’s okay when Alex Knepper says the guys suicide was no big deal? I’m confused by your morals


No Meghan, there’s nothing morally wrong with wishing painful death on you.


Oh SORRY I didn’t recognize the BAND. Good god. I daresay I know more about literature and music than the bunch of you put together, since I had the privilege of NOT attending a public school in this country. Ha ha ha that will give you something to chew on, no?


but in the grand, cosmic scheme of things, it doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic
Evidently Knepper is following the Mel Brooks definition of ‘tragedy’, i.e. me cutting my finger.


Robertson doesn’t want you to get married; under sharia, you’re executed.

I know that Alex Kneppler scampered off by now and I haven’t read the entire thread. Once again, I’m late but at least this time I apparently spared myself needless aggravation here.

However, did anyone gently explain to little Alex that when it come to the lives of gays, evangelicals as a whole don’t stay their hand out the kindness of their fucking hearts?


Meghan? My question?


Shorter Meghan

“Don’t make fun of me for not getting a reference, this and my confusion over the definition of hatemongering makes you worse than Hitler”


Oh poor Meghan, you are such a dimwit, even leaving aside your shocking unfamiliarity with Alfred Jarry. No one is really asking Alex to set himself on fire, even if asking such a thing could result in its accomplishment. It’s a figure of speech and a sly reference to a comment someone else made about Matt Drudge. It’s like — to use an example you might understand — when your mother told you to go play in traffic, she didn’t really mean for you to go play in traffic, or at least she probably didn’t.


I daresay I know more about literature and music than the bunch of you put together, since I had the privilege of NOT attending a public school in this country.

One that left you unable to translate “Pere Ubu”. Your mom’s homeschooling failed.

But keep imagining that we are uneducated.


You all fell way, WAY below his level with the toxins you’ve been spewing.

That wasn’t toxic. Here’s some toxicity: go fuck yourself sideways, you ignorant, whiny little fucking bitch.


I daresay I know more about literature and music than the bunch of you put together, since I had the privilege of NOT attending a public school in this country. Ha ha ha that will give you something to chew on, no?

That you are so insecure you have to keep harping on your own perceived superiority? Not much chewing required for that one.


See what I mean? Prospero is the big liberal douchebag who keeps on giving.

Anyway, assholes, kindly find where I said that it’s okay Knepper thinks the guy’s suicide is no big deal? Oh, couldn’t find it? That’s cuz I didn’t say it.

You all missed the point. Because you’re stupid liberals whose all-too-predictable responses show that you don’t even read posts before responding to them.

You know what else is funny? That you guys think I am the one with an inability to distinguish between things. You guys just get funnier and funnier. Spew on, losers.


It’s bad. It’s evil.

I am envisioning a giant Care Bear gnawing you to pieces slowly.


I just saw Meghan saying that she knew more about literature than all of us even though she didn’t understand that Pere Ubu was the main character of Alfred Jarry’s Ubu Roi. Epic fail.


“Meghan”….whatever the hell THAT means…


Welcome to Meghan’s live internet meltdown, I’m Dick Clark


My position on this isn’t a liberal one. You’d recognize that if you had a clue about liberalism.


Y’know what, Meghan?

I don’t wish either you or Alex kill yourselves. No, in fact, I wish a long healthy life for the both of you, so that, on your deathbed decades from now, with your family mourning over you, you both can have a sudden epiphany over what a massive fucknozzle you’ve been all your lives and can spend your last moments regretting the totality of your insensitivity and bile-spewing bigotry, too late to do anything about it.


Lame troll is lame.


She’s no fake Gary Ruppert


I daresay I know more about literature and music than the bunch of you put together, since I had the privilege of NOT attending a public school in this country.

Ok, so you know literature and music but you believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Not a good trade-off, IMHO


Meghan sure showed US!

Look at that! She even spelled literature correctly.

We got burned!


Shorter Meghan: My mommy said the Bible was the only important literature there is, and anybody who reads other books is probably a witch that should be burned, and definitely a hater.


Look at that! She even spelled literature correctly.

Meghan is aware of all internet traditions.


I wish a long healthy life for the both of you, so that, on your deathbed decades from now, with your family mourning over you, you both can have a sudden epiphany over what a massive fucknozzle you’ve been all your lives and can spend your last moments regretting the totality of your insensitivity and bile-spewing bigotry, too late to do anything about it.

Damn, that’s COLD, dude.

*golf clap*


Because you’re stupid liberals whose all-too-predictable responses show that you don’t even read posts before responding to them.

Says the person who’s pretending everyone responded the same way.


And let me say this: you’re an insecure bunch, too.

But yes, pat yourself on the back for that cutting comment about anyone being SHOCKINGLY unfamiliar with Alfred Jarry. Who’s acting superior now?

You guys reach new levels of douchebaggery!!!


Meghan said,
September 30, 2010 at 23:19
Whatever Knepper’s “crimes” in disagreeing with you buncha trolls… the SHEER HATRED shown toward him on this page vastly outweighs his misdeeds. What a bunch of hypocrites y’all are.

Perhaps you could link to something showing where we initiate any of this? No, Meghan, these threads always follow a right winger’s failure to be smart and then putting that failure on the internet.

Are we vile and vicious toward people who aren’t vile and vicious? Anyone who gets shredded on this site has it coming because they have it coming


I’m not mocking you for not knowing about Alfred Jarry. I’m mocking you for being unable to do basic translation.


Anyone else get the feeling that Teh Megster and Alex K. are the exact same person?

Funny how “she” appeared just about the time Knepper-boy disappeared.


Damn, that’s COLD, dude.

Yeah, but I’m just not seeing the epiphany part.

Or the mourning part, come to think of it.


What does the scouter say about her ip address?


Well Tigris, forgive me, but a quick review of the responses shows a mind-numbing similarity — as in their minds are clearly all fairly numb.

Pot meet kettle, folks. I’m printing this out to show my class the amazing groupthink of the genus hatefullus liberalus. heehee


Anyone else get the feeling that Teh Megster and Alex K. are the exact same person?

No. As I said above, Alex was a better troll than Meggers.


Meghan wrote:

I should incinerate myself

Now you’re getting the idea. If you need any accelerant or matches, let us know.


Looking at his picture I think he should make up his mind … spit or swallow

The Ghost of Matthew Shepherd

Thank you for your concern, Meghan.


Thanks for the excellent material. It will be shared with a university class tonight.



Funny how “she” appeared just about the time Knepper-boy disappeared.

Yeppers. Probability of random occurrence is quite low. Megs either is Knepper or a minion thereof.


Meghan is trolling from a dorm room in California, so she’s not Alex.


Anyway, assholes, kindly find where I said that it’s okay Knepper thinks the guy’s suicide is no big deal? Oh, couldn’t find it? That’s cuz I didn’t say it.
You all missed the point. Because you’re stupid liberals whose all-too-predictable responses show that you don’t even read posts before responding to them.
You know what else is funny? That you guys think I am the one with an inability to distinguish between things. You guys just get funnier and funnier. Spew on, losers.

You sound hot.


Psst! Your Starfleet Academy chat room does not qualify as a university class.


And let me say this: you’re an insecure bunch, too.

In fact, you’re so insecure, I’m smarter and better educated than you! And you better not contradict me either!!


I guess we should all try to be more politically correct so as not to upset Meghan.

(Dear me! What a mean and nasty thing to say!)


Thanks for the excellent material. It will be shared with a university class tonight.


Center Left Grrl, is that you?


Well Tigris, forgive me, but a quick review of the responses shows a mind-numbing similarity — as in their minds are clearly all fairly numb.

Like a mind-numbed lefty robot or something? AChance? Is that you?


Meghan is trolling from a dorm room in California, so she’s not Alex.

Not from a **GASP** public university??? Quel horreur!



Hello Alex.

Nice new tactic.

Why are you using a girl’s name and a concern troll shtick rather than keeping up with our lovely little conversation?

Did you catch a glimpse of what a monster you have become and wanted an extra persona of shielding from clarity?

So, “new person”, what’s your opinion with regards to the substance of ours and Alex’s arguments.

I mean, I know for you Alex, I mean totally new person, words are merely poetry in service to a narrative and substances can be abandoned on the fly in order to win whatever argument your meager abilities can win, but here in the real world, substance actually matters.

And the substance of yours, I mean Alex’s argument regarded mocking the death of a kid bullied into suicide because he was gay. Further Alex’s arguments subsequent argued that there is no way this death should be seen as tragic, it’s wrong for gay groups to highlight the much higher rate of suicide for gay youth compared to straight youth caused by bigotry, that consent is meaningless and dismissable and rape is just like sex, and so on.

He danced away from the numbers of 1 in 3 trannies offing themselves, the gripping personal tales of suicide and surviving suicidal holes, the facts of the matter, and so on.

Because you, I mean he, was a troll, desperately fighting his cognitive dissonance of just what a monster you, I mean he, was and is.

You, I mean he, are scum incarnate. I have very diminished sympathy for your, I mean his, lot in life or the very deserved backlash he received for his monstrous lack of human decency.

Perhaps that’s a failing on my part. Or perhaps it’s a sign that I’m still human and sane enough to recognize substance over style and the obscene in substance versus the obscene in style.


She never answered my polite question about her priorities.

So! As it stands, we’re the most hateful humans on God’s grey Earth for making fun of Knepper-san, but “she” has no opinion whatsoever on someone committing suicide from public humiliation ’cause she’s too busy playing victim.

Guess I see where “her” priorities in fact lay.


Psst! Your Starfleet Academy chat room does not qualify as a university class.

I spend a lot of time with sci-fi geeks. I’ve even been to conventions. And I have to say, large groups of sci-fi geeks are shocking to observe, because in my experience they are the only environment I’ve ever seen where looks-ist, sex-ist, able-ist, heteronormativist behaviours are simply shut down if the occur.

Meghan would find herself shunned at a con.



I’m on iPhone so can’t be arsed to copy, paste, quote. so would someone please put Mugham’s first claim about knowing so much about lit. and music together with “who’s acting superior now?”

Self-pwn much Mugham?


Why do I have the phrase “Ignorant slut” stuck in my head?

What? Oh, he’s here? Ugg. Burn the room.



And she runs off right about the time someone suggests she’s actually Alex. Gee, isn’t that funny?


Show your classmates, if they’re anything like you no one gives a shit about their opinion, either. Make sure you show them Alex’s article, too, and if they’re appalled by it and you, well, to them I say WELCOME.


Meghan is real!!!!


a quick review of the responses shows a mind-numbing similarity

Your all-too-predictable responses show that you don’t even read posts before responding to them.


“Why, hello, my name is (rolls d20) Barney (rolls d20) Gomez. I just got here, randomly, for some reason, and I am SHOCKED AND APPALLED that you have behaved so badly to me. I mean, Alex. And Marilyn. I mean, Meghan. Yes, that’s it. Mmm, so crafty. No one will ever know.”



Meghan is going to show this thread…what by interrupting her teacher’s lecture so she can show everyone 200+ comments on a comedy blog?… to her class…

And what?

I mean what class outside of some fucking hick bible college would contain students who wouldn’t be more appalled at Alex than the “mean responses” to him that often quoted his douchebaggery verbatim or described his various sociopathies?

What are all the “mean liberals” in her class going to see that some liberals respond meanly to people so devoid of human empathy that they exploit a dead boy’s death to shit on the dead boy and anybody like him and suddenly decide, hey the crazy bitch who keeps interrupting class to show us random internet pages is right! Liberalism is a mug’s game, I’m going to join Team Sociopath!

Or does she go to a brain-dead bible college and this will be her attempt to reinforce the “don’t stray from the path” BS, and some young queer kid shipped off here by his parents is going to look at this and look at all the good “Christians” standing around nodding and hopefully decide to run off and join those “mean old liberals” before they find themselves fellating a gun barrel?

Either way, I’m rather glad for her sake this is just a bizarre flounce and not something she’s planning to do cause I don’t see how that would in anyway not make her look like a goddamned, monstrous idiot and psychopath and instantly get her even more shunned than she already is.

Thrutch Grenadine

Oh, Nut-meghan, Prospero was not a liberal, he was an autocrat and dictator who was deposed. He spends the nearly entire play plotting revenge, manipulating and gaming until his daughter forces him to see beyond his own selfishness.

Shakespeare was one of the finest writers at exposing the perversion that power exposes in us all


Liberalism is a mug’s game, I’m going to join Team Sociopath!

Well the pay is better over there.


Whoa, who showed up while I was at that meeting at Finance?


Shakespeare was one of the finest writers at exposing the perversion that power exposes in us all

but but but Megghie knows SO MUCH more about literature than we do! ’cause she didn’t go to no socialyest public school!


So tell me Meghan:

Which of the following is correct:

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

“Methinks the lady doth protest too much.”


The fact is, here in the Heartland, we produce fine, quality trolls. On the elitist coasts, trolls are mass-produced, using sweatshop labor. The difference is clear.


Being a mean girl is an art form that libs do not excel at. So what if a fagboy killed himself? The boy who punked him is a budding master in the O’Keefe school of internet reality.


The fact is, see what I mean?

Heartland: when you care enough to troll your very best.


I remain convinced that the arc of history bends towards justice.


The circle of trollery will be complete when we find out that Meghan is attending a poly sci course at Long Beach Community College, where her professor tells her about the nihilist demonologists at S,N.


Heartland: when you care enough to troll your very best.

Now THAT’S the Gary I know and love.


I just read the entire depressing thread. Knepper’s obviously scum, and his comments here are so agressively bad faith-like in their “arguments” they’re almost comical, but most of you seem to be missing the salient point here: That Knepper’s basically exploiting the death of this poor kid purely as a means of promoting himself. He may as well be rolling around in a puddle of his own filth, screeching, “Lookit me! Lookit me! Lookit me!!!” It would have much the same effect.


“I daresay I know more about literature and music than the bunch of you put together… since I had the privilege of NOT attending a public school in this country.”

That explains a lot.


I am envisioning a giant Care Bear gnawing you to pieces slowly.

Repub furry!


Meggles, darling, do come back, we want to know your opinion of Shakespeare’s sonnets.


large groups of sci-fi geeks are shocking to observe, because in my experience they are the only environment I’ve ever seen where looks-ist, sex-ist, able-ist, heteronormativist behaviours are simply shut down if the occur.

I love you man, but you simply have to be fucking kidding me. The average scifi convention, is in my experience, whiter than a NASCAR event, but with more misogyny. The sci-fi fandom world is unbelievably sexist. Here’s a hint: count the number of chicks in skimpy costumes vs. dudes in skimpy costumes at the next convention you’re at.

The average scifi conventiongoer is, in my experience, male, 20-30’s, straight and white, libertarian, with pretty fucked up beliefs about and limited experience with women. The fact that there are a few token white women who wear revealing costumes to get attention from straight white men at such events doesn’t make it diverse.


Oh, nice. Remember what I said a while back about Alex being a sadist? Someone at Roy Edroso’s place pointed out this pro-date-rape column in which he cites the Marquis de Sade as one of his heroes.


Knepper’s basically exploiting the death of this poor kid purely as a means of promoting himself.

Yes. This. After all, the premise of his whole post is:

…forgive me if my sympathy runs thin…

Who gives a flying fuck in hell about your sympathy?

This is making me think of a Dylan Thomas poem I read in college called “A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London.” It turned out to be a nuanced thing about how grief objectifies the victim, but I remember thinking, I doubt this girl’s parents gave a damn about Dylan Thomas mourning or not.

And Knepper, you sure as fuck ain’t no Dylan Thomas.


I love you man, but you simply have to be fucking kidding me. The average scifi convention, is in my experience, whiter than a NASCAR event, but with more misogyny

They are whiter than demographics should indicate, yes. But at least in the NorthEast, in the limited sample I’ve seen, I’d say the gender breakdown is no worse than 60/40. I’d also ballpark the average age at 35+.

It could be all a matter of sample size, however.

Either way, I stand by my assertion that they are better people than Meghan.


A. Camus-

Geek events vary.

Some are indeed Libertarian filled sausage fests that react in fear and hostility to anything perceived as feminine.

Some such as say Renn Faires are filled with LGBT and supporters and support the crazy diversity of human existences.

And then some are both at the same time, like say Comic-Con where giant F-Us to Fred Phelps occur alongside problems with rape and assault.

But the good geek groups tend to be really good, even better than normally “good” groups of other populations, but you have to sift through the bad.


Addendum to last post:

Of course, the color problem is a separate issue and a sad one combining racism in the geek community, with POC backlash against geekery as something that is “too white” or “too effeminate”. There have been some interesting essays I’ve read about the problems of black geekery and breaking through white-dominated geek industries.

But yeah, real problem, needs to be solved, same as the scourge of libertarianism.


Someone at Roy Edroso’s place pointed out this pro-date-rape column in which he cites the Marquis de Sade as one of his heroes.

I guess if Camille Paglia extends her current sabbatical from Salon, Alex has a career opportunity lined up:


What an absolute cast-iron cunt. I genuinely hope he breaks at least six bones very soon.


Meghan, others have done better than I will. But let me break it down in my own way.

Mocking people who are innocent and have killed themselves is FUCKING HORRIBLE.

Mocking people who do the above is perhaps not the highest expression of being – but it is an honest expression of humanity towards those who have done something that is FUCKING HORRIBLE.

Perhaps we should all be higher beings and consignKnepper to some possible Whatevah for judgement. I personally think the best afterlife punishment would be for a higher power to show Knepper’s life to Knepper, without allowing Knepper the capacity for denial.

But the honest expression of disgust and anger towards someone who shows the empathy of a roach, is not the same as having the empathy of said roach.

That’s my thought on the matter.


I’ve only been to a couple of small cons, which were generally polite.

I remember the blowback from Comic-Con a couple years ago, where security wasn’t really doing anything to control thugs who thought “convention” meant “time to grope female artists.” People screamed about it on the comic blogs, and San Diego tightened up their rules.

I’ve been told by a horror writer I know that horror conventions are the most polite. Seems a bit hard to believe, but I’ve always kinda suspected that modern horror writers tend to be liberals…


Someone at Roy Edroso’s place pointed out this pro-date-rape column in which he cites the Marquis de Sade as one of his heroes.

I guess if Camille Paglia extends her current sabbatical from Salon, Alex has a career opportunity lined up:

Nym – You are a horrible person and a hypocrite for using Alex and Camille’s own words to show them to be emotionally stunted garbage. I would say that you should set yourself on fire, but then I’d have to set myself on fire.


he cites the Marquis de Sade as one of his heroes

Well now ain’t that some shit?



Of course he’d support date rape and be a rape apologist anti-feminist. Somehow that makes perfect sense.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that same article ripped to shreds on a feminist blog somewhere. It seems extremely familiar (though that could be all of those “anti-PC culture warrior” essays all sound the same).

Ah yes, Jezebel.

And yup, a belief that standing against rape equals standing against sex.

God what a immense douchebag Meghan wanted us to fellate with sorrowful tears of regret.

I shouldn’t have to explain the vast separation of sex and rape.

I really shouldn’t.

But then, to the Alex’s of the world, I guess they need hand-holding to realize that rape is not sex and that trashing a kid who committed suicide over homophobic bullying in order to defend the homophobic bullies in your self-centered ideological movement is wrong.

Did Mommy never explain basic empathy or humanity to the scum incarnate?


I would say that you should set yourself on fire, but then I’d have to set myself on fire.

And then you’d have to set yourself on fire for setting yourself on fire.


thugs who thought “convention” meant “time to grope female artists.”

Forgive me if my sympathy runs thin for chicks getting a goddamned freebie now and then.


And then you’d have to set yourself on fire for setting yourself on fire.

Mmmmmm, refried N__B….


Tsam, if you want a free hand job, go to Chase and try to get a loan.


Tintin talks about the date rape shit in the post. I had *just* forgotten that this hunk of shit existed, and then this happened.


Mmmmmm, refried N__B….

Thus, his career as a restaurateur began.


Tsam, if you want a free hand job, go to Chase and try to get a loan.


Well played, sir. Well played.


Thus, his career as a restaurateur began.

See this.

Turbine Yukon Palin

Whatever point you may have had about not jumping to conclusions about motives got utterly, hideously lost. Your post is a remarkable train wreck of tone-deafness. Just for starters:

First of all: forgive me if my sympathy runs thin for someone who commits suicide over a sex tape.

Tone deaf error #1. When you’re calling for calmer heads, don’t depict your own as stone cold dead in order to overcompensate. And if you’re not merely rhetorically overcompensating, it’s probably better to keep it to yourself.

Because the result here makes it seem like what you’re saying is not, “You shouldn’t commit suicide over a sex tape,” but “I wouldn’t commit suicide over a sex tape,” and, well, I’ve only just met you, and I already don’t like you because of your “thin sympathy.” Who the hell are you?

Also, “sex tapes” are survivable by the rich and famous because they are rich and famous. People with neither riches nor fame have a lot less insulation against loss.

This incident is humiliating and shameful, to be sure — but in the grand, cosmic scheme of things, it doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic.

Tone deaf error #2 Because in the grand, cosmic scheme of things, if the Yellowstone supervolcano erupted tomorrow and wiped out most of life on Earth (and made it a living hell for those who were left), the cosmos would tick on, with nary an increase in the rank of overall tragedy. It’s just business as usual, in the cosmic scheme of things.

This doesn’t help your point. See #1 re: still not liking you or listening to what you may be trying to say.

We have got to be realistic when assessing this event and maintain publicly that humiliation is a preposterous rationale for suicide.

Tone deaf error #3, and historically innaccurate. See also, Shaming; Blacklists; Hoover, J. Edgar.

It sounds like you may be genuinely, free-wheelingly carefree about your sexuality and whoever knows about it. The implication here is that, “If you’re not so blythe, well, what’s wrong with you, weakling?” That may not be a charitable interpretation of what you’re saying, but between #1 and #2, I’m not feeling very charitable toward your POV right now.

The difference between a free spirit and a douchebag is that both might have no shame, but the latter doesn’t care if someone else does.


Nym – You are a horrible person and a hypocrite for using Alex and Camille’s own words to show them to be emotionally stunted garbage.

Actually I’m a horrible person for not discovering earlier that Knepper might already be Paglia’s understudy. A sample of Alex’s nighttime reading:

“The Myth of Male Power” by Warren Farrell,
“The Sexual Spectrum” by Olive Skene Johnson
“Vamps and Tramps” by Camille Paglia
“Philosophy In the Bedroom” by the divine Marquis de Sade
“Who Stole Feminism?” by Christina Hoff Sommers

Put down the Andrea Dworkin and embrace the fires of sexuality!

And if you get burned by sociopaths for it, it’s your own fucking fault.


The best thing about this post (other than that the comments made me love you guys) is that it makes me keep thinking of this song.


Of course he’d support date rape and be a rape apologist anti-feminist.

Anyone else got a Sublime song running through their head now?



Never heard the song, but it’s very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

I don’t know about any other part, but the part with Meghan, all I could hear was this.


Wow, really just wow. Remind me to never mention here my Marquis De Sade rape-apologia & Hate the ‘Other’ blog I run. Because then I’ll have to set fire to my smouldering remains while ‘having a case of the vapors’, and I’m pretty sure that’s physically impossible. And prove that you all are the Real Haters, also.

Is it douche-nozzly to finish the with an “LOL” & a;-)?

Sadly, Yes!


Because then I’ll have to set fire to my smouldering remains while ‘having a case of the vapors’, and I’m pretty sure that’s physically impossible.

It’s completely possible if you fart out your mouth so that your vapors are flammable.

You’re welcome.


N__B said, “Because then I’ll have to set fire to my smouldering remains while ‘having a case of the vapors’, and I’m pretty sure that’s physically impossible.

It’s completely possible if you fart out your mouth so that your vapors are flammable.

You’re welcome.”

Damn you & your Science!! (stamps foot)

Lurking Canadian

I’ve perplexed Vox Day.

Esteev, nobody seems to have addressed this yet, so I get a chance! My guess is that his problem is more of that “moral relativism” bullshit they run. There is a class of conservative (the pope foremost among them) who honestly do not understand that people might have different opinions about morality than they do.

Thus, if there’s something they think is evil, and you don’t think it’s evil, it must be because you don’t think there is any such thing as evil; no objective right and wrong in the first place. They simply cannot accept that you might think that thing (which they abhor) is OK, but this other thing (which they do) is evil.

That’s why he’s just spluttering like you’re Jim Kirk, he’s a robot, and you just laid, “This statement is false” on him.


I wish a long healthy life for the both of you, so that, on your deathbed decades from now, with your family mourning over you, you both can have a sudden epiphany over what a massive fucknozzle you’ve been all your lives and can spend your last moments regretting the totality of your insensitivity and bile-spewing bigotry, too late to do anything about it.

Also, Meghan and Alex can watch the continuing spread of liberalism and tolerance over the years, leading to a happier, more peaceful, and more just society and world; while their cancerous rage slowly eats them from the inside out, finally leading to said epiphany.

I like it. I need to figure out a way to add that as an optional upgrade on the Wingnut Processor.


I need to figure out a way to add that as an optional upgrade on the Wingnut Processor.

Channeling 1993, might I suggest “turbo”?


The fact is, here in the Heartland, we produce fine, quality trolls.

yes, but the problem is that the Heartland is also the Rust Belt, and since proto-teabaggers have constantly deferred infrastructure maintenance in favor of giving greedy rich assholes ever-increasing tax breaks in the service of largely imaginary jobs, the bridges that the trolls live under keep falling on the trolls, making them drool and walk funny.

Well, drool more and walk funnier.


I dropped my Mom off in the airport this morning – she’s heading North to visit my sister.

And I looked at what just getting on a fucking plane takes these days, and I wonder – how the hell did we get here? Are we that willing to submit to paranoia? (Never mind, I know the answer to that one)


At least they don’t force you to chug breast milk anymore.


Hoosier X is lying about what I wrote.

“He said this about Clementi’s suicide:

it doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic.”

I said that the VIDEO TAPE does not begin to rank as tragic, which is why it was such an absurd suicide. The suicide was absurd but still tragic; the taping is what wasn’t tragic.


Fuck you, douchebag. Who the fuck are you to be the arbiter of what’s a “good” suicide and what isn’t?


At least they don’t force you to chug breast milk anymore.

yeah, I miss that.


The suicide was absurd but still tragic

Suicide is “absurd” because it’s an emotional reaction, and we don’t figure you comprehend the concept.

People are emotional and rational beings. Sometimes the emotional takes over. It’s called “being human”.


Scum Incarnate said:

“First of all: forgive me if my sympathy runs thin for someone who commits suicide over a sex tape. This incident is humiliating and shameful, to be sure — but in the grand, cosmic scheme of things, it doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic.”

Scum Incarnate pursuing Rabbit Hole 348 @ 2:23 said:

“Hoosier X is lying about what I wrote.

“He said this about Clementi’s suicide:

it doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic.”

I said that the VIDEO TAPE does not begin to rank as tragic, which is why it was such an absurd suicide. The suicide was absurd but still tragic; the taping is what wasn’t tragic.”

Scum Incarnate is not just scum incarnate.

Scum Incarnate is also a lying scum incarnate.


This incident is humiliating and shameful, to be sure — but in the grand, cosmic scheme of things, it doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic.

Yeah, quote fail. You don’t specify the video taping, you say “this incident”. Forgive me for being insufficiently willing to allow you cobaggery wiggle room here, but since you were talking about the suicide, your very own words say exactly what you claim they do not say.

So, the fire thing; get started because I like my wingnut brains crispy-barbecued.


Fire’s too good for him.


Cerberus, I bow to your faster cut n pastery. Well played, friend.


Fire’s too good for him.

what, you prefer a crock-pot?


Oh by the way Scum Incarnate, what level of gay suicide do you feel as acceptable? What response to gay suicide due to homophobic bullying wouldn’t be “politicizing it”? And why do you continue to be unable to understand the difference between rape and sex?


Secretly videotaping a private sexual act and streaming it on the internet is a wicked and indefensible act that doesn’t ever really end. Anyone who wants to downplay the pathology of such a humiliating act while blaming the victim for being mortified is, in effect, defending pathological cruelty and is, therefore, fighting on the side of cruelty and humiliation and pathology, and is, therefore, a pathological asshole worthy of mockery and shame (though he won’t feel it).

FUCK YOU ALEX KNEPPER. We got your number. You’re just wasting your time with your “arguments.”


Anderson: ‘You say this is all just a political campaign though, a) you’re not running for any political campaign, nor is he, he’s already the student council president. He’s not some national figure, and you’re putting swastikas on his face and saying he’s Satan’s representative. That seems like below-the-belt campaigning. I don’t know what campaigns you’re used to being involved with, but don’t you think that’s beyond the pale?’

Shirvell: Well, no, I don’t think it’s beyond the pale. Like I said I think, I sense a lot of anger in your voice Anderson, and I don’t understand where that’s coming from. As an obstute observer of political campaigns…

beyond the fail



He has written long ranting essays (with his name proudly featured) defending the practice of date rape.

Defending pathological cruelty is all he’s got because it’s all he is.

I think I recognize the symptoms. I once knew a wingnut who was the same sort of misogynist, rape-apologetic, suicides are weaklings, all-around douchebag libertarian. He whined about women getting uppity about his date rapes and infidelities and then got whiney when the woman he was cheating with was found out to be consensually trying to open the relationship to someone else.

He was rich, born on Third Base, so on, white, male, cis. He worked in a position where he fired people for various corporations. Later he admitted that that gave him a steel hard-on moreso than any other activity.

In short, he was possibly the worst man I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing.

Knepper reminds me of him. He’s got to defend the indefensible, the cruel and inhuman, the violation of consent, the murdering of joy, the destruction of stability.

Because like Douchebag Prime I mentioned, he needs that power over another person to help him get over the emptiness and powerlessness of life and because consensual BDSM isn’t misogynist and violatey enough to fully meet the utter contempt for humanity they feel.

In even shorter, they are scum incarnate.


“Knepper reminds me of him. He’s got to defend the indefensible, the cruel and inhuman, the violation of consent, the murdering of joy, the destruction of stability.”

LOL. It’s hilarious how we actually have a culture that encourages an entire strain of activists to depict their opponents as one-dimensional, cardboard-cut-out villains of the universe — and themselves as the Righteous Defenders of Virtue and Love.

This is awful. This is no way to conduct a political debate. At least the Christians will actually argue point-by-point with me. You people are engaging in the equivalent of a food fight.


There’s no debate.


Scum Incarnate-

I’ll stop believing my opponents are one-dimensional, cardboard-cut-out villains of the universe, when they stop trampling over my good faith and reveal themselves to be one-dimensional, repeating cardboard-cut-out villains of the universe.

I’ve argued with people I’ve had strong disagreements with and they haven’t been one-dimensional, cardboard-cut-out villains of the universe. But you?

You’ve been nothing but one-note, same-old entitled douchebag dodging of debate in service to a narrative you have already decided on where you are master of the universe and the things you defend are cartoonish, cardboard-cut-out villainy.

It’s the shit that Silver Age Lex Luthor wouldn’t be caught dead saying, because the writers would never believe anybody would believe in someone that nakedly without empathy and conscience.

When what you say is less disbelievable than Silver Age Villain rationales, I’ll be happy to believe you are anything less than an one-note, cardboard-cut-out villain of the universe.

But that kinda means you have to stop arguing like a one-note, cardboard-cut-out villain of the universe.

And if you’re noticing this happens to you pretty damn frequently, maybe it’s time to acknowledge the problem is you.


This is awful. This is no way to conduct a political debate

Well, there’s your problem. This is not a political debate blog. Perhaps we need to post signs for you.

“Here’s your sign…”


LOL. It’s hilarious how we actually have a culture that encourages an entire strain of activists to depict their opponents as one-dimensional, cardboard-cut-out villains of the universe — and themselves as the Righteous Defenders of Virtue and Love.

well, yeah,I agree, but the Teabaggers are supported by Koch funding and Fox news….


Guys I hate to say it, but you’re getting played. Alex and Vox will do anything for attention, anything to get the mean ol’ liberals to beat up on them, so they can rush into the soothing arms of some wingnut welfare “think tank” to protect them from those mean ole libs who didn’t like their fetal alcohol syndrome logic. This is the James O’Keefe method of fame for young conservatives today: a tragedy occurs, some wingnut crafts a tinfoil hat article about it filled with suppositions and assumptions and lies, and when everyone denounces him, he can claim he’s a deep thinker unloved by the great unwashed. Save your Snarkbolts (Rank 9) and Rain of Derision (Rank 4) for something else, because these guys are just trolling trade chat for a reaction.


The idiot bastard son of the Marquis de Sade & Ayn Rand. Hoo boy.


Guys I hate to say it, but you’re getting played. Alex and Vox will do anything for attention, anything to get the mean ol’ liberals to beat up on them, so they can rush into the soothing arms of some wingnut welfare “think tank” to protect them from those mean ole libs who didn’t like their fetal alcohol syndrome logic. This is the James O’Keefe method of fame for young conservatives today: a tragedy occurs, some wingnut crafts a tinfoil hat article about it filled with suppositions and assumptions and lies, and when everyone denounces him, he can claim he’s a deep thinker unloved by the great unwashed. Save your Snarkbolts (Rank 9) and Rain of Derision (Rank 4) for something else, because these guys are just trolling trade chat for a reaction.

you think we don’t know that? It’s so weird you’d think we don’t know that. Of course we know that. You think we don’t know that?

Softens their brains up though. It’s like puffer fish; they are so filled with poisonous bile that if they aren’t prepared just exactly right, they can kill you.

Well. They would kill you if you’re not already dead. But even then, they make you plenty sick.


And if you’re noticing this happens to you pretty damn frequently, maybe it’s time to acknowledge the problem is you.

“the only common denominator of all your failed arguments is you.”

Sweet, cerb.


well, I zombified this thread pretty thoroughly. My work here is done. Time to go soil N__B’s bloggo….



But Litty! Someone is wrong on the internet!

Seriously though, yes, but it’s worth dissecting to a) know the pathology of one’s political and social opponents, b) vent at the bullshit that takes too many young sensitive violinists and not enough homophobic bullies and rape apologists, c) snark as a healing mechanism from unfortunate truths to get back the energy to keep fighting, d) remind oneself just how depraved one’s enemies are, e) feed that last little flame of hope one keeps in the ring box that maybe just maybe, this time, the harsh cold of shame might finally pierce the willful delusion and restore some humanity to the wingnut or troll (hey, it’s happened once or twice in my entire life), and f) reminds the troll and other denizen of wingnut fantasy land, that they can get away with that bullshit in the cushy arms of wingnut welfare, but they can’t get away with it here, because (cue tired 300 reference)
Bitchez. And fuck their self-serving delusions and the noise they use to prevent empathy from getting in.

Also g) It’s sometimes entertaining and therapeutic to rip out a troll’s guts and leave them lying on the side of the road as a warning to others.


At least the Christians will actually argue point-by-point with me.

That may be so, but

“A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult”


Also g) It’s sometimes entertaining and therapeutic to rip out a troll’s guts and leave them lying on the side of the road as a warning to others.

But the brains need to be baked into a casserole.


I have to comment because this crap just has me soul-sick. I had thought I wouldn’t join in the comments because what happened to this poor kid is sad enough without even taking into consideration the reactions of people like Knepper or Vox Day. But their smug judgments reveal a level of callous self-righteousness that’s rare, even for the empathy-challenged assholes we already knew them to be.

These assholes both believe that this kid had no right to be humiliated to the point of becoming suicidal, and that he really doesn’t deserve sympathy. Presumably, this kid only became suicidal because he was “orientationally challenged” (ugh!) and shame-filled, or he was just a big pussy. Wow. You know, with almost no effort, I was able to imagine myself in Tyler’s place — finding out that a private sexual encounter was recorded and broadcast in order to humiliate me. At age 18, an event like that could very well have made me suicidal. And I’m pretty sure that if I had taken my own life over it, everyone (except maybe the most vile, soulless humans) would have been sympathetic to me. But hey, I’m heterosexual and feel no shame for the sex I’ve had with my partner. So how would they dismiss and blame me for my suicide? Well, they wouldn’t. And the only reason they would see it differently is because of the sexual orientation of the person who died.

Please forgive me for processing through this here on this thread. I’ve always been aware of hatred toward lgbtq people, but I experienced these particular expressions of it as shockingly stark and chilling. And these guys feel perfectly at ease expressing it.

I feel sick.


Couldn’t have used an attractive picture instead?

Tintin- couln’t you have photoshopped something up to give this guy a lesson in the meaning of :

“Be Careful what you wish for?”


Softens their brains up though. It’s like puffer fish; they are so filled with poisonous bile that if they aren’t prepared just exactly right, they can kill you.

Zacly. It’s all for you, buddy.


“Guys I hate to say it, but you’re getting played. Alex and Vox will do anything for attention, anything to get the mean ol’ liberals to beat up on them, so they can rush into the soothing arms of some wingnut welfare “think tank” to protect them from those mean ole libs who didn’t like their fetal alcohol syndrome logic.”

Yup. I suggested as much myself a bit earlier when I pointed out the miserable shitstain was simply using this tragedy as a means to promote himself. Camille Paglia used to pull this kind of stunt back in the day when she was still “relevent” (that is, when people still bothered to pay attention to her).

Wether Knepper has delusions of highjacking this situation to actually hoist himself into some kind of paying gig, I don’t know. If it really is just an attempt to make himself an online “hero” among the mouth-frothing circles of the far right, he probably is just a sociopath, and a rather dull and stupid one at that. But if he’s fool enough to assume this particular brand of ugliness is his pathway to the Big Buck$, I’d like to point out 3 things to the little maggot. So, Knepper, if you’re reading this, consider the following points:

(1.) In the arena of pandering to America’s burgeoning homegrown fascist movement, there’s already far too much competition for what amounts to an extremely limited audience. I know it may not seem that way at times, but trust me, that marketplace is already glutted beyond belief. They don’t need you. Particularly when…

(2.)…based on your “contributions” here, you’re neither cunning enough to engage the wingnut ‘mind’, witty enough to entertain the scum, or a good enough writer to pass muster wuth them, or anyone else. And if that pic above is representative, you’re one homely piece of shit as well and hopelessly untelegenic to boot. If the latter point seems needlessly mean spirited, well, you were perfectly willing to dance in Tyler Clementi’s blood just to draw attention to yourself. So fuck you.

(3.) And this is the clincher. The audience you’re so desperate to appeal to wants nothing more than to round up people like you and me and many of the others here and shove us into ovens. It doesn’t matter how ‘conservative’ you are, or how willing you are to suck their cocks like the worthless lickspittle you are, this faction out-and-out HATES FAGS. Can you not understand that? You’re obviously not very bright, so here it is as plainly as I can state it: Those good friends of yours’ in the republican right? The “tolerant, centrist, middle-of-the-road” ones want us disenfranchised and powerless, while the “conservative” ones want us dead. You can grovel before them all you want; it won’t make a difference. They hate you as much as they hate the rest of us. You fucking moron.

And I don’t doubt for a second that a group of these good buddies of yours’ ever elects to string you up from the nearest lamppost, the unbelieving shriek emanating from your yap will be some variation on, “B-bu-but, fellas, I’m on your side!!”, followed by, “


I have a explanation that will make everybody happy:

Alex is an immigrant from fiction.

Like in a Jasper Fjorde novel.

Obviously he escaped from Clockwork orange.

Everybody is probably as relieved as I am.
I mean, to think , just for a moment, that a real human being…


“Guys I hate to say it, but you’re getting played. Alex and Vox will do anything for attention, anything to get the mean ol’ liberals to beat up on them, so they can rush into the soothing arms of some wingnut welfare “think tank” to protect them from those mean ole libs who didn’t like their fetal alcohol syndrome logic.”


I believe I pointed out as much a bit earlier when I noted the miserable shitstain was simply looking to promote himself via this tragedy. Camille Paglia used to pull this stunt fairly regularly back in the day, when she was still “relevant” (i.e. when people still bothered to pay attention to her). It’s a very cheap and transparently obvious parlor trick, and you hardly have to be a great intellect to pull it off.


Meet FOX News’ soon-to-be first (openly) gay host: Alex Knepper!


John D-

I’ve never understood the point of that type of attention seeking.

With enough effort, deliberate masking of my humanity, and the writing of the most obscene of statements that will have loved ones shrink to acknowledge they know me and partners loathe to initiate anything with me, I will finally be famous all around the world as…

That fucker who…

I mean, I guess in the wingnut welfare circuit, it’s the key to rising up, see O’Keefe, but it’s still very weird from the perspective from someone in that old-fashioned reality-based community.

Maybe I lack the necessary Narcissistic Disorders or desperate fear of irrelevance that make infamy just as good as fame.

Or maybe it’s wrestling logic, where it’s just as good to be good at playing the heel rather than the face. But the difference between reality and wrestling is that wrestling is soap opera for men who like to watch oily half-clothed men wrap their hands around each other.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the point is that is fiction and the crowd boos them because they’d hate someone who acted like that in real life.

Single male badger

This is no way to conduct a political debate

Okay, using small words: we are not a debate society. We don’t believe in “polite” here. What we are is, in general, a group of people who will ruthlessly mock the bigoted ,the cruel, and the stupid. You’ve shown yourself to be all three.

If you want polite debate, try ObWi or Balloon Juice.


Damn nym fail.


Hmm, though now that I think about it. Maybe it’s the job market.

I mean the wingnut welfare circuit always seems to be hiring and they seem to have no standards. A mere grasp of grammar could launch you to second-tier overnight. You start wondering about job prospects after college and you know you can’t compete with the big boys.

But damn it, you can pump out 500 words on how everyone like you deserves to die for being faggot pansies who can’t cut it in the manly world of manliness. It only costs one their soul, but hey, semi-stable employment.

Hmm, maybe I should get in on this.

All trans women except for me are hairy-legged faggots who make up the entirety of the feminist movement because they are all so manly. Also Jesus, Glenn Beck. And for good measure, Obama is Hitler.

Now where’s my check?



Malaclypse said,

October 1, 2010 at 3:54 (kill)

Damn nym fail.

Also, I believe you may be receiving an ‘ahem’:


fuck. tag fail in a comment mentioning nym fail. That is so meta it hurts as much as trying to think like Alex Knepper.


I dropped my Mom off in the airport this morning – she’s heading North to visit my sister.

You know, if you substituted a word here or there, that would make one hell of a good insult.


ZRM types fast for a zombie. I blame the badgers.


It’s an interesting question, though: Is Knepper actually hoping this ugliness will be his ticket to some actual paying gig on wingnut welfare, or is he only trying to be an online hero to the mouth-frothers of the far right? If the latter, he probably is just a sociopath – and a rather dull and stupid one at that – if the former, though, he may not find this little plan to be that easy to pull off. Let us consider the following points (and Knepper, if you’re reading this, you should pay particular attention):

1.) When it comes to making actual money by pandering to America’s burgeoing homegrown fascist movement, we’re talking about an already grotesquely overcrowded freakshow that’s dancing non-stop for a very limited audience. I know it may not seem that way at times, but trust me, this specific marketplace is already dangerously overcrowded, and they don’t need the competition, i.e. you. I wouldn’t quit the day job just yet if I were you…

2.) From your “contributions” here, you’re neither cunning enough to engage the mouth-frothers, witty enough to entertain the scum, or a good enough writer to pass muster with anybody. I might add that if that pic of you above is genuinely representative, you’re one homely piece of shit, and hopeless untelegenic to boot. No high-paying tv gigs for you, Creeply, not even in the token right wing fag seat vacated by Andrew Sullivan. At least he’s not unpleasant to look at.

And if that last point seem a tad mean spirited, well, you were perfectly willing to dance in Tyler Clementi’s blood just to draw attention to yourself. So, y’know, fuck you.

3.) And this is the clincher: the puppet masters who actually control the right are not giving up as useful a tool as homophobia anytime soon, and the mouth breathers, of course, eat that shit up like it was manna from heaven. In other words, your good buddies in the Republcian Party want to round up people like you and me and many of the others here, and shove us into ovens. Not all of them, yes, but many of them do, and enough of them that they pose a genuine danger to us. Most of these cretins have zero interest in adopting some pet gay who only wants to grovel before them. It don’t matter shit how much you suck their cocks, miserable lickspittle that you are; they don’t hate you any less than they hate the rest of us. At best, they want nothing to do with you. Are you so fucking stupid that you can’t, don’t or won’t understand that?

And I don’t doubt for a single second that if it ever gets to the point where a mob of these precious ‘friends’ of yours’ elects to string you up from the nearest lamppost, I daresay the disbelieving shriek enamating from your yap will be something along the lines of, “B-buh-but I’m your side!”, followed by, “WHY DIDN’T ANYONE EVER WARN ME ABOUT THESE GUYS???!!???”


Tintin- couln’t you have photoshopped something up to give this guy a lesson in the meaning of :

It would be a shame if Alex’s headshot were to get photoshopped onto the picture of Sturber with his truck. It would be juvenile. It would show us as a bunch of haters, and make Meghan cry. But since Alex is above bourgeois morality and has no sexual hangups, he won’t mind at all, I’m sure. After all, nobody was ever really hurt by images.

Tintin, can I ask a second favor in one day?


“I’ve never understood the point of that type of attention seeking.”


In Paglia’s case, ego did play a big role in it. When she first arrived on the scene, she often exhibited a barely concealed rage towards anyone who didn’t kiss her bony, wrinkled old ass to her satisfaction. This was her main contention with the feminist movement. In a weird way, it was almost commendable that Paglia was so open and honest about this motivation.

Of course, money played a role as well, as long as the venom was directed towards appropriate targets (liberals, democrats, anyone who couldnt or wouldn’t fight back). Things really began to turn this way back in the 90’s, a fitting background for the emerging tabloid culture we now find ourselves living in. Whee.


“The divine Marquis de Sade” = ?!?

If Sarah Bernhardt was alive today, I think someone would be in for an aesthetically-flawless ass-kicking.

De Sade was well aware that his deviant nature was both pathetic & disgusting, despite all the purple prose he wasted on trying to justify it & render it heroic – & he admitted as much several times, in his more lucid moments.

Time to add “mental dust-mite” to “ethical skid-mark” on Knepper’s list of achievements.


Most of these cretins have zero interest in adopting some pet gay who only wants to grovel before them.

I disagree. Judging by the sex scandals, a pretty good number of them DO.


This is no way to conduct a political debate

You don’t get it, boy. This isn’t a political debate. It’s an operating table. And we’re the surgeons.


ZRM types fast for a zombie. I blame the badgers.

Zombie badgers, Norrys. They’re in the walls!


You don’t get it, boy.

Boy, ain’t THAT the trooth.

….It does still perplex me at wingnut’s inability to get the faintest grasp of the beginnings of the whiff of the idea of ‘consensual’.


ZRM types fast for a zombie.

depends on how many of these N__B-style cuba libres I’ve had.


I wonder how Meghan’s class went?


It’s was reported that the young man’s parents did not know he was gay. It is a tragedy that immaturity is ubiquitous in American society, and that an immature perspective continues to dominate a minority of vocal Americans. Political leaders and pundits also use the hetro/homo as a means of dividing so-called values voters from modern thinking about sexual identity. Psychologists have written that the fact is there are multiple sexual identities and that these identities can change throughout one’s life. It is psychologically unhealthy for young children to have a sexual identity imposed on them. Once a person deals with parental prejudices he or she must venture out into a world filled with people like Alex who are screwed up to the point that they become republicans. Maybe, there will come a time when the worst label one can have imposed on him is “republican” because it represents that which is most damaging to the human spirit, and worse toward all living things. People who spread hatred and prejudice are like parasites in the human mind, because they create beliefs that are damaging to all living creatures. The beliefs are so damaging to the human spirit that many of the parasites’ victims, become sociopaths, (a deadly disease of the mind and soul that leaves one empty and manipulative.) Poor Alex probably is unaware of what a fool he appears to be to reasonable people who until he opens his mouth or commits his thoughts to print and felt empathy for him until that point. Instead, he chooses to surround himself with people who would burn him at the stake if punishment was not a problem.



I mostly remember the “it’s not rape if she’s drunk” article from last spring ( The real prize came, as it so often does, from the comments section, but still from Knepper;

You people are a bunch of Victorians. Who is the woman-hater? The guy who says that women have sexual power, or the person who says that women are porcelain dolls? The guy who says that women are tough enough to take some cat-calls, or the person who says that constitutes “sexual harrassment”? The guy who says that rape should not shatter a person’s life – or the person who says that it constitutes utter trauma?



My mind is a helluva lot more nimble than yours, Pere Ubu, whatever the hell that name means.

ooooh, yes! the nimbleness of meghan’s mind is astounding!


Alex Kipper tweets: “I prefer reason to emotion”.

The purpose of reason is not to give cover to sociopathy.


horror conventions are the most polite
Horror authors may not be armed but I would still not risk discourtesy to a person whose working day consisted of dreaming up nameless abominations and novel ways to inflict agony.



Wow that quote is like staring into the Heart of Darkness, if you replace the word Darkness with Douchebaggery.

It’s a purity that will surely drain your sanity the longer you stare it. Yeah, how dare you say exploitation isn’t just an explosion of teh Sexay!

And the post itself is a maze of every single rape apologetic known to man including if you dare you know, expect men not to drug your drink or don’t make sure you mistrust men not to molest you if they get you alone, well then you deserved it and tout suite consented to the raping because jokes on you. And then a follow-up accusing feminists of being mistrusting of men, despite the fact he just got done telling people they’d be fucking idiots not to trust men to rape them because of their inner Sexay! (Again, how monstrous do anti-feminist douchebags see men as anyways. They are all just waiting to rape you at all times and women should be on guard at all times, but also accept all men otherwise they are “sex-hating” so be okay with rape and gah, the wingnut mind drives me insane.)

Anyways, the whole thing is archetypical really.

I just noticed this time that all the books on his list were by anti-feminists or at least renowned women-haters. I mean makes sense considering he’s writing the standard rape-apologist anti-feminist essay.

But then I noticed that his own contribution of special douchebaggery is to try and recommend these anti-feminist and poorly written books as a sort of feminist complement to the “anti-sex” views of “radical feminism”.

Cause among the many things Scum Incarnate doesn’t understand, feminism is one of the biggest. Thus he missed the entire third-wave of feminism which included a shit-ton of sex-positive feminists including ex-sex-workers like Michelle Tea. (Not that second-wavers and the always defamed Andrea Dworkin were really all that anti-sex but that’s a separate rant).

I guess the shorter of this is that Scum Incarnate is not only Scum Incarnate and lacking the morality of toast, he is also dumber than toast and borderline illiterate.


Horror authors may not be armed but I would still not risk discourtesy to a person whose working day consisted of dreaming up nameless abominations and novel ways to inflict agony.

Alright, I am offended.


the divine Marquis de Sade

I figure that if Citizen Sade hated the aristocracy enough to renounce his title, then the least I can do is respect his wishes when I claim to admire him.



Yeah, he had to go with the sadist who believed that his own twisting writings should never be followed by anyone and were a warning about the darkness inherent to the human mind and power structures in general (as well as a revelation to deSade’s own bevy of personal issues).

I mean if he had even heard of good faith he could cite a BDSM-friendly feminist like Dossie Easton, but then, consensual non-consent removes all the fun out of raping someone.

Calming Influence

frist, babe!


You know, if (Bruce Campbell forbid) Alex K were to *actually* set himself on fire, I bet we’d all feel really terrible about it. So maybe it’s not the best way express disagreement with the stupid and/or evil thesis of his column.

Still, I have to say that especially on the internet, where “go die in a fire” can mean “no thanks”, it doesn’t really compare to deriding an actual suicide.

Calming Influence

I think the problem that Knepper is trying to work through is his anger over the hate he has that he is disgusted with his self-loathing.

Hence the face.


Dr. Robert had something interesting to say to someone who wrote about how much disdain he felt for people who took their emotions seriously.

“Why be proud of something—immunity to the influence of emotions–which has arisen automatically, and prior to any decision or exertion on your part? You aren’t doing any “segregating” at all; you simply rely on cold logic because that is all you have to rely upon. You are unmoved by emotion, not because, through efforts of your own, you have acquired some special ability which non-psychopaths lack (what you think of as the ability to “segregate” emotions from facts) but rather because you don’t have much emotional material to segregate.”

He also asserted that emotions are facts. So true. It’s sad that so many people don’t see that when someone who rejects all reasoning but linear arguments in which their premises are assumed to be truth and the emotional impact of actions is negated that people of conscience should be hearing warning bells.


It really would surprise me if Alex wasn’t a Randroid, between the absolutist contempt for religion and the sociopathic Vulcan routine.

To be fair to Rand, she’s not the only author used by young lads with problems to buttress their fantasies of vindication. You also get the ones who read some Nietzsche and decide that Man and Superman and the whole take-down of slave morality was written just for them.

Calming Influence

If Ayn Rand had been a human being, she probably would felt a slightly positive emotional response to this enema nozzle.


I am glad to see Smut loses his ability to use blockquotes or italics tags when he is up too late also.

Seriously, isn’t it like 32 O clock down there?


Smut may just be off work & starting the week-end. Probably posting via iPhone from Ye Olde Enterologist [sic].


He is on a 37-hr. day, IIRC.


Smut may just be off work & starting the week-end

I have never been able to do the metric calendar conversions.

Of course, I also have a honking big rum drink in front of me, and not the frist, so perhaps I am on Aussie time.


Probably posting via iPhone

I believe Down Under, it is branded as the OiPhone.


You mush be drunk. They may not like being confizzled w/ Aussies.


From here, they all look the same, upside downey and wearing funny hats.


You mush be drunk. They may not like being confizzled w/ Aussies.

ppfft. even if they try and find me to force-feed me Foster’s, they are likely to get lost in Kansas or Nebrask and will wind up in some bizarre World History or Wax Museum.

Plus, if they make it this far, I will dazzle them with our Fonzie Statue.


But since Alex is above bourgeois morality and has no sexual hangups, he won’t mind at all, I’m sure. After all, nobody was ever really hurt by images.

Tintin, can I ask a second favor in one day?

Maybe a movie shortie. Dick Cheney- Two pigs on leashes- bottom pig…..this guy can be an internet star, too.


since I had the privilege of NOT attending a public school in this country.

I think somebody has a daddy who still calls her princess…


Maybe a movie shortie. Dick Cheney- Two pigs on leashes- bottom pig

Two Dicks One Cup.

fuck, now I feel dirty.


Maybe a movie shortie. Dick Cheney- Two pigs on leashes- bottom pig

Are you suggesting that Cheney will be on the bottom of the pig-on-pig sandwich? OK, I’ll pay to see that. Will it be in 3D? Or just “Spit-Vision”?


LOL. It’s hilarious how we actually have a culture that encourages an entire strain of activists to depict their opponents as one-dimensional, cardboard-cut-out villains of the universe — and themselves as the Righteous Defenders of Virtue and Love.

Seriously?!? Motherfucker could play Hoover Dam as a drive-in with projection that strong. I know that any sort of critical self awareness is verboten in Outer Wingnuttia, but Damn.

I was actually going to link a couple of pictures or stories of wingnuts being wingnuts into a droll “Yes. How hilarious.” but I really can’t be arsed.

…he is disgusted with his self-loathing.

Hence the face.

Perhaps. Could be the other way around, too.


TinTin, the next toilet photo you do should include Alex. As a piece of floathing shit.


This guy does the twitr constantly?

@Politisite — “SCOTT BROWN IS A RACIST HOMOPHOBIC SEXIST TEABAGGING BIGOT!!!!!!” — Olby. Classic meltdown!
about 1 hour ago via web .

@1OverNFactorial – There is ZERO evidence that the videotapers in this case were motivated by anti-gay bias. ZERO.
about 1 hour ago via web


I was picturing Cheney as just the guy out walking his misbehaving pet or pets…. but were’ not even to the story books yet.


@1OverNFactorial – There is ZERO evidence that the videotapers in this case were motivated by anti-gay bias. ZERO.

As a matter of fact, the whole thing was motivated by the all-consuming LOVE Tyler’s roommate had for Tyler’s skills as a violinist. He was hoping to show the world, via You-Tube, of the amazing talent Tyler had. Unfortunately, he only caught the part of the concert where Tyler was entertaining his fans. Can’t you see how hurtful it is to accuse this young man of wanting to expose Tyler to ridicule and hate by people less evolved on the evolutionary scale as Knepper and himself. We all know that there is no such thing as ridiculous as “Anti-Homosexual Activity”. Anyone who says there is, is a poopy-head, who DOESN’T HAVE THE INTELLIGENCE THAT MEGHAN AND KNEPPER HAVE, BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL FOOLISH LIBERAL H8TR DRONES (LOL) SHUTUP.

Actually, Axel’s droning on about “videotapers” is false because NOONES VIDEOTAPED ANYTHING, therefore it didn’t happen. It was all mpeg video, so there.


I feel so proud – my first EATED WP comment. Big time, Here I come!

Also, the reference to the “videotapers”? Never happened – nobody uploads “videotape” to YouTube, unless, like Alex Knobbler, you are a complete tool.


Man accused of stealing 40,000 hotel coat hangers dazzles court with wit and intellect.

I split my sides. It’s pure Monty Python.


“…she didn’t understand that Pere Ubu was the main character of Alfred Jarry’s Ubu Roi.”

…and the name of a very good progressive jazz band . Actually, I thought SN’s Pere had named himself after the latter.


You mush be drunk. They may not like being confizzled w/ Aussies.

It is my understanding that Aussies don’t mind being confused with drunk, as a step s\upwards in social status, whereas drunks as a broad international group do intensely resent being mistaken for Australians.


Now adding nym-fail to tag-fail, on account of (1) using
the downstairs computer, and (2) beer.

Just thinking, someone using the nym of James O’Keefe came to dominate the previous thread by being feckin’ funny, whereas someone under the nym of Meghan came to dominate the present thread by dint of his or her persona being aggressively stupid. The latter strategy is probably easier but if it were me I would take more pride out of accomplishing the former.


Cerberus said,
[Sade] believed that his own twisting writings should never be followed by anyone and were a warning about the darkness inherent to the human mind and power structures in general

Hence Citizen Sade’s insistence on the whole “Bury me in an unmarked grave so my name might fade away” business.

Also worth noting that when he was appointed to head a Revolutionary Tribunal — being a hero of the Bastille and all — Sade refused to sentence anyone to execution or painful and unjustified tortures, failing so conspicuously to fulfill expectations that he was eventually sacked from the job (and nearly sent to the guillotine himself). In other words, SADISM FAIL.


Greathouse was found by Ottumwa police with a gun in her hand, threatening to shoot Forrest Jamison, who “she believed [had] made derogatory postings about her on the internet.” And, as if that wasn’t nuts enough, her mom was arrested too, for “calling and harassing the same victim.”

I’m becoming more polite already.


Come an’ get me! Alla you punks. C’mon, wassa matter?


Dammit, M. B.! You kilt the thread!


You know, if (Bruce Campbell forbid) Alex K were to *actually* set himself on fire, I bet we’d all feel really terrible about it

That’s true. I’d gladly piss on Alex if he were on fire.


IIRC, actor212 has mentioned having mason jars of urine stacked up in his basement, and he would probably let you use them in such an emergency.


PJM’s having a good morning.

Remember that episode of Star Trek (original series) where Captain Kirk, Scotty, Dr. McCoy, and Lt. Uhura accidentally transported into a parallel universe which was an eerie mirror image of the real world? […]

Well, sometimes I feel like I’ve just woken up in a political parallel universe. Otherwise, how else can we explain a world where:

[…]The Europeans are lecturing us about the need to reduce government spending?

France is chiding us for being too soft on Iran?

Sweden refused to bail out its leading car manufacturer Saab, whereas the U.S. bailed out General Motors?

Mirror universe it is! Course, it could also be that the depiction of Europe you’ve clung to for the last… too many years for me to rememebr the number, was exaggerated, distorted and simply wrong.

And then there’s this;; Dr. Jonathan Spyer, the first Israeli analyst to meet with Kurdish leaders in northern Iraq, shares his experiences in an interview with Barry Rubin. Evidently, the Kurdish region of Iraq is a rational place, pro-American, sympathetic to the Israelis and very proud of having kept the al-Qaeda type crazies at bay.

It is also, incidentally, chock-full of Muslims. You know, that crazy religion whose followers PJM writes about every day to tell you that they’re uniformly too crazy and anti-Western to ever be trusted because even the nice ones are just practicing taqiyya. But ssh!!! Not so loud! You’ll wake the base!


Just looked at this, and the whole thing is tragic. From what I have read, there were cameras all over this dorm room. Now, I could be wrong on this. If I am, I stand corrected. Anyways, if it was me, I’d get these jerks for invasion of privacy, making, and broadcasting porn without the peoples permission, wrongful death, mental abuse…. etc. What was done was intended. Who puts video cams all over a dorm room, and does not tell your room mate about it, etc.
Blaming this all on the “so called victim”, makes me want to scream. Oh he/she made there own choice to kill themselfs, etc. Can’t finish the rest of this, cause I would prob put my fist thru the wall. Some people have no clue, don’t care, and I really feel sorry for. Beside the urge, to give said people, a slap up along side the head, for talking, and acting stupid.


Actually, I thought SN’s Pere had named himself after the latter.





By my green candle!


Why does Tintin have so many stalkers? Told him not to wear that Drakkar Noir.

But then look at the way he flaunts himself on this blog…with his tight little entries. He brings it on himself.


I always figured Pere Ubu was actually a priest.


Meghan, you’re a cunt. And not in a good way.


Sir! We are most definitely not a priest; far from it, as we assuredly oppose those woul would keep us from exercising our strumpot in the manner We have become accustomed to!


Alright, alright, keep yer pants on, padre.


This is depressing and disturbing me. Could we have a new post, please?


I have a realistic view of sex and human nature; all of you are living in a Pollyanna dreamworld where cruelty and dominance are bizarre deviations from the so-called norm of human kindness.

Alex, muhboy, this kind of sums it all up for me.

In your world, cruelty and dominance are OK because they are the norm. As such people practicing such behaviors are “normal.”

I would not only beg to differ on that assessment, but would like to point out that when we stop calling out such behavior for what it is we slide into darkness. You apparently are more than happy to participate in and hasten the velocity of that downward journey.

The shorter: You’re a scumbag.

Cerberus: Thank you.


Just went to see “It Gets Better” which I can’t do at work. I love Dan Savage.


I love Dan Savage.

The contrast in compassion and caring between Dan and Alex is breathtaking, isn’t it?


VS, T&U, I agree. But let’s clear out of this thread (and the odious Alex) by remembering Dan Savage’s efforts.

New threedle thataway—>


Brad Hall, the articles I’ve read indicate that the roommate and his girlfriend have each been charged with two counts of invasion of privacy. The prosecutor has also said, “we will be making every effort to assess whether bias played a role in the incident, and, if so, we will bring appropriate charges.”


Brad Hall, the articles I’ve read indicate that the roommate and his girlfriend have each been charged with two counts of invasion of privacy. The prosecutor has also said, “we will be making every effort to assess whether bias played a role in the incident, and, if so, we will bring appropriate charges.”

The whole webcam thing here is creepy. I read that the victim found that his roommate had set up the camera for a second recording and disabled it.

What the fuck?


It’s a bit funny for those who see that human nature includes cruelty and kindness, competition and cooperation, etc to be chided for having an unrealistic, one-dimensional worldview by someone who only believes in viciousness.


Looch, on article I read had Clementi’s comments on a board where he’d asked for advice, and the thing that bugged him most was that everyone in the dorm seemed to be not just siding with Ravi, but sympathizing with him, as though Clementi had wronged Ravi by having sex with a man in the shared room. Whether the crime was based on bias or was more just an asshole being an asshole, the response was bias-based plain and simple.


Alex Knepper,
I am generally a reasonably tempered person who can hold my own in debates regarding subjects I hold dear, but in your case, I can only muster two words:

Fuck you.

Hysterical Woman

I have to admit I didn’t know what Pere Ubu meant either. Until I searched it. Course, I didn’t try and pretend to be smarter than everyone to mask my embarrassment.


Alex Knepper puts the ‘less’ in ‘heartless’

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

To be fair to Rand, she’s not the only author used by young lads with problems to buttress their fantasies of vindication.

Or you get the ones who read Young Werther and feel it’s talking to them personally. In the end, all three are ultimately in the realm of young men indulging in self-destruction.


What, I wonder, does rank [as tragic] for young Mr. Knepper?

The dearth of attractive men willing to fuck ugly* loathesome sacks of shit?

Question for Sadlynauts more familiar with the Homosexual LIfestyle (TM) than I am: is there a market for Drag Megan McArdle Impersonators? Because Knepper was born for the role.

* I mean morally, not physically, ugly. But judging by the photo up top, well, yeah, that too.

Illuminati Repton

What are the odds that Meghan is a sockpuppet of Alex? 2:1?


Vox Day can set himself on fire and jump off a bridge too.

Isn’t that just standard everyday advice for Ted Beale?


Oh sweet baby Jesus on a stick, sometimes I am quite glad that I cannot smack people through the internet.

If I were a mad scientist, that’s what I would create: a machine that lets you carve out morons’ eyeballs with spoons over the internet. And the world would love me for it.


Re “Pere Ubu, whatever that means”, it still amazes me that people who can post to message boards or blogs or whatever are incapable of using Google. I mean, it’s one thing not to know something when you’re on the spot, like at a party or on Jeopardy, but you’re sitting right there at a computer, jeez.


…you simply rely on cold logic because that is all you have to rely upon…

Lack of emotion does NOT equal “logic” or intelligence of any kind.

Knepper is neither logical or intelligent, he is just a garden-variety psycho with, apparently, a fairly good education.

And I would not “feel bad” if he burned to death.


That Twitter reply is a fucking masterstroke.


Hey, I would prefer him to use reason instead of the sole emotion he seems to have, too.


Knepper should have been locked in the gym with Carrie.


Pere–one man drives while the other man screams. 😉


I don’t have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem.


The GOP is full of sadists and masochists. I wish they’d keep that shit discreet, but they keep wanting to influence public policy along those lines.

And yes, they’re pro-bullying. The abnormal must be punished!


Oh, Sadly No!, I am disappoint.

Alex is a troll. It’s painfully obvious from both his “I don’t mind (translation: I get hard) if people hate me” statement from the linked article and his responses here. The fact that he comes back here not to defend his views but to provoke more reactions is clue enough.

The “wish he’d drink bleach” stuff only fuels him. If you want to fry his ass, PITY him. Not mockingly, but sincerely. Lord knows that’s fully justified.


This is easy for Knepper to say who, one would imagine, has had to become accustomed to a great deal of public humiliation of all sorts, little of which probably has anything to do with his claims to be gay.


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