Fewer Pieces Left Behind
Posted on September 26th, 2010 by Tintin
Shorter Don Jim Bob Surber
Why California Is Out of Toilet Paper
- It’s because of the Mexicans. (Fun fact: I have 21 rolls of toilet paper at home right now just in case I use up all the Yellow Pages before the next Yellow Pages book comes.)
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Link done broke.
[Fixed. -Tintin]
You’re supposed to insert it yourself. Personal responsibility and the market of links and all that.
I dunno, Republican, you figger it out.
Just cut down the redwoods and pulp them.
If I have to insert Surber’s link myself it will stay uninserted.
I will sell you the link for two Megan McArdle links.
I will pay you to keep those two.
Is it me, or is there a liquid stain on the overalls?
Following the links I get to George Skelton at the LA Times.
Urban state parks: just like Don Surber, all stocked up. And the rural ones:
Finally, some perspective and hope for future TP distribution:
Come on, California voters, do the right thing!
What has search overload done to us?
Did Adam and Eve need toilet paper in the Garden of Eden?
I rest my case.
I thought the reason that California was out of toilet paper was because all the Republicans keep shitting themselves with fear that somebody might possibly tax them even a little bit for something. Free Lunches for Everybody!
I don’t know, but I’ll just bet you’re gonna tell us.
Don, you are cordially invited to eat shit and bark at the moon.
Voters passed it in 1994 — the Save Our State proposition — and the politicians promptly blocked it. The proposition would have saved the state by ending state handouts to illegal immigrants.
You know, a link proving this is where ALL their money is going, which of course subtracts out the sales tax income from illegals, would be useful here if one really wanted to prove one’s assertions. Of course an honest person would also include the cost of the screening system required by prop 187 in his assumptions.
A federal judge said it was unconstitutional and the state never fought to protect the will of the people.
Usually judges do this in court, and the only way it continues to a judicial finding is the state continues in the role of defendant. Yeah, sure, Gray Davis could have continued in the appeals, in which case we should add those court costs to the toilet paper tally. We should also consider that after spending all that money appealing, the proposition would still have been found unconstitutional as it was, you know, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, leaving the state in an even worse financial position.
In other words, representative democracy failed.
Even if this were the case in California, the propositioniest state EVAR(which propostions we would need to look into to ACTUALLY determine why CA is hurting for money), CONSTITUTIONAL representative democracy won. Motherfucker.
which propostions we would need to look into to ACTUALLY determine why CA is hurting for money
Prop 13.
California, the propositioniest state EVAR
California offered me a danish for a blow job.
California is not the only state that did this.
But it is the worst.
The refusal to say No over the years has led to the inability now to say Yes.
If you write for a living
You should be good at it.
The refusal to Learn how to read has led to the inability to now Write.
“In other words, representative democracy failed.” is a Surber quote and should’ve been in italics.
And don’t we Californians just LOVE it when dumbfucks from the other side of the
universecountry opine on our state’s crises without the slightest clue of what’s happened here in recent memory.dumbfucks from the other side of the
universecountry opine on our state’s crisesYou almost had it right the first time. DonBoy actually occupies a non-contiguous universe totally unconnected to this one. The only point of contact is through a pinoidal singularity on DonBoy’s ass.
“It’s because of the Mexicans. (Fun fact: I have 21 rolls of toilet paper at home right now just in case I use up all the Yellow Pages before the next Yellow Pages book comes.)”
Ha ha! That’s not true. We all know that Don Jim Bob Surber uses the fingers on his left hand to wipe himself like his granddaddy did ‘afor him.
Never shake a Republican’s hand, you don’t know where it’s been.
OT (now there’s a surprise): I’m in my office with the windows open, and there’s a fire-fighter’s funeral taking place at Trinity Church next door. A bagpipe serenade for all the tourists dumb enough to go to Wall Street on Sunday when there’s nothing to see.
Well, at least he didn’t blame me.
“My wife and I have a joke that has been running throughout the first 32 years of our marriage: You can never have too much toilet paper.”
It’s not a joke if it causes you to keep track of exactly how many rolls you have on hand.
It’s also not a joke because it’s just not fucking funny.
My wife and I have a joke that has been running throughout the first 32 years of our marriage
I could have struck “have” and substituted “are,” but I’m still gobsmacked by the idea that Don HAS a wife.
Tintin fail. Again.
Maybe this might be a better topic:
‘Obama’s Malaise’.
A federal judge said it was unconstitutional and the state never fought to protect the will of the people.
In other words, representative democracy failed.
When voters fail to overturn the Constitution we pretend to love and cherish, America fails.
I’m still gobsmacked by the idea that Don HAS a wife.
The mind she absolutely boggles. I can only imagine that she is a blind, mentally handicapped, quadriplegic.
Damn! Who farted? There is a really foul stench over there at 20:51.
but I’m still gobsmacked by the idea that Don HAS a wife
The GOP won’t let him marry the truck we saw him with last time.
Obama promised us jobs. So where are they?
If Obama were to make good on his promise and just hand out jobs to those unproductive masses that have the audacity not to be in the top 3% income gap, that would be socialist. We don’t want socialist things, do we? It’s your own fault you don’t have jobs. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps! You’ll get over it!
“…throughout the first 32 years of our marriage…”
I know I shouldn’t ask this, but what hilarity did you two silly-heads cook up to amuse yourselves during your second 32 years of marriage?
The GOP won’t let him marry the truck we saw him with last time.
Now that you mention it, does anyone know if it actually is illegal for a man to marry his pickup in Don’s home state? It really would explain a great deal.
It’s pointless to bring it up to Surber yet again, but California is what’s known as a donor state, i.e., California taxpayers receive only about 75 cents in federal expenditures for every dollar in federal taxes. On the other hand, in Surber’s toilet paper utopia, for every dollar of federal taxes collected West Virginia gets back about $1.75 in federal spending, which ranks them 5th highest.
So maybe it ain’t the “illegal immigrants” getting the handouts here.
Tintin fail. Again.
Anyone who bases half a blog post around not being able to spell “Israel” shouldn’t be using the word “fail” on others.
Here’s some Donald Douglas fail, since he brought up the concept.
Still there, btw.
So maybe it ain’t the “illegal immigrants” getting the handouts here.
Of course not. It never was. It’s just the conservative’s ever-present need to persecute someone else for his own sins.
Yes, there really are welfare queens, they’re called red states. And it’s not that I mind the Northeast and West Coast shelling out money to help the less wealthy states. But those drowning in federal dollars are the last people on earth who should climb on soapboxes, pontificate about their “rugged individualism” and scream “WHY CAN’T YOU BE SELF-RELIANT LIKE US!!!” at the people in the inner city.
So maybe it ain’t the “illegal immigrants” getting the handouts here.
Actually it is rich people and large, highly profitable corporations that are getting the bulk of government handouts in this country.
Anyone who bases half a blog post around not being able to spell “Israel” shouldn’t be using the word “fail” on others.
LMAO!!! I didn’t even realize it was the same guy – actually bothering to stop by and spam a comedy site? That’s pretty friggin’ sad, but I guess the comments here really do get under his skin.
This column is an example of a gameRepublicans like to play, kinda like “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon”. The rules are simple: just identify a problem, any problem, and determine how it’s Obama’s fault.
In fact, it is the only game they know.
actually bothering to stop by and spam a comedy site?
He is kind of a regular feature here and over at LGM. I think 90% of his web traffic come from folks at these two sites going over to try to figure out what the fuck he is talking about.
He showed up at my site once for some reason.
He is hard up.
Spouse says ‘of course someone full of crap would know.’
Apparently he doesn’t know that 187 was overturned as unconstitutional, as in, violating the US Constitution.
The reason we’re out of money is Prop 13. Sheesh.
Hey! I visit AmPow for the Maxim-style bikini pix.
The internet has BIKINI PICS???
Tintin fail. Again.
Awwww, Tintin! Look at him following you around like a lost, mangy, toothless, not-too-smart, half-blind dog. Adorable.
Smelly, also. Too.
PS. prop 187 meant I had to provide a doctor’s note and in-state verification that I changed my name out of state when I moved back into California after living outside of California for all but one year of my life! Bah!
It was a serious pain in the ass moving back into California. I had to get a new copy of my birth certificate and they wouldn’t take any of my out of state documentation. Took about four four-hour visits to the DMV to get it fixed.
Then they’ve never, ever sent me a renewal on-time since, because my ID is flagged from that. I can walk up to most cops and they’ll just say I have the best fake-ID they’ve ever seen ’cause their computers say my ID is a sealed file.
The internet has BIKINI PICS???
It does indeed, though Donalde’s traffic dropped off a lot when people discovered that you could post full frontal nudity on the internets. He does still get a few Talibangelicals that only go for good, clean fun.
Oh, and Surber sucks. Imma encourage undocumented immigrants to go to public bathrooms and use FOUR SQUARES.
I’m listening to On the Media from last week, and they have a story about the teabaggers and their use of media. It’s pretty good.
I am doing house cleaning and listening to Boubacar Traore
The internet has BIKINI PICS???
That atoll’s not what it used to be. Also: they don’t think so but they’re dressed for the H-bomb.
(For the H-bomb!)
they’re dressed for the H-bomb.
Oh yes, those swimsuits are the best bit of atomic fallout evar.
Or inflatable.
Or inflatable.
Or a truck. (see mine at 21:10)
Or inflatable.
The GOP would allow marrying those before they allow gays to marry.
The GOP would allow marrying those before they allow gays to marry.
Well if y’all did not insist on consistently voting for the party which does not reflexively demonize and marginalize you, you wouldn’t have this problem
Bikini pics!
or an inflatable truck…
That Surber fits a lot of stupid into a little blog post.
or an inflatable truck…
That is the only kind he is allowed to drive.
The GOP won’t let him marry the truck we saw him with last time.
I just assumed he named his truck “Shirley Ford” and used that name for the marriage license.
He probably uses corn cobs.
The fact is, liberals are fully supportive of Sharia Law because it displaces Gods Law and the Consitution which comes from God, One Nation Under God, USA, Freedom never Forget 9-11 TEA Party Activate to destroy Socialism and the Black kenyan Usurper.
THE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck. Who knew there were other folks as rock-stupid as Don.
Mom-ing: yurdoinitrong.
California would be much better off it all the immigrants left and finally Californians could wash and bus restaurant dishes and do landscaping chores and be housemaids and hang drywall themselves. Hardworking people like Don Surber, for whom no work would be too menial or backbreaking.
What’s West Virginia foreplay? get in the truck woman! /oldjoke
Hey Sub…I finally got around to downloading some Dethklok.
Go into the Water
And one more I can’t remember right now. Good stuff. Lemme know if I’m missing anything super-awesome.
Can’t think of anything funny to say about mexicans.
I like Laser Cannon Death Sentence a lot but The Lost Vikings has great lyrics.
Hungry and tired the frigid plain yeilds little
We trudge on further, eating pride and snow that’s brittle
We ride
We ride
We come upon a witch who takes us in
To let us share her mighty fire
She asks of us our story and we lie and say
We ride around for hire
She asks us if we’d like to have her map
And points us in some direction
But we are far too proud and strong so we keep silent
And ignore her suggestion
Lost but still we ride
Search until we die
All the fault of pride
The gods weep in the night
In my day, we would have to walk from West Virginia to Long Beach Community College just to get a programmed instruction book to learn that municipal budgets are subject to judicial review! Then we would grovel before the magistrates to get the forebearance to flog the w*gs. Nowadays the courts won’t let you flog the w*gs even if you have a majority vote in an off year election with only 20% of the registered electorate showing up to vote. Its all “jurisdiction this” and “habeas corpus that” until everyone must be badgered in their evening paper with excessive jurisprudence. Just try telling them it was better in the old days!
Ok, I’ll grab those two, too.
flog the w*gs
There’s one we missed the other day.
Dethklok RULZ
That song list plus S McG’s suggestions has the essentials, IMO, though I do like “Hatredcopter” for a bit different vibe.
Isn’t Dethklok a villain in one of the X-MEN titles?
I am doing house cleaning and listening to Boubacar Traore
I really appreciate the interesting music I get introduced to here. Dethklok not so much however. Here is some anti-Dethlok (which I find as annoying)
Okay that didn’t work. second try
this is more my thing
liberals are fully supportive of Sharia Law because it displaces Gods Law
*head -> desk
I can’t believe DonDug came around here trolling for attention.
OT, but here’s a great thread with suggestions for signs to wave at the Stewart/Colbert Rally.
Some of my faves:
Full of win
“When I receive new information, I rethink my position. What do YOU do?”
GENIUS!!! Especially since the original quote’s from John Maynard Keynes.
“When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”
Teabaggers, sick of taking it on the chin!
Only a moron runs out of toilet paper.
Yes, Don just can’t get enough of that delicious toilet paper. High in fibre – & it goes great with salsa!
Please don’t tell him it’s supposed to be for the other end … it’d break his poor heart (& he’s just getting over being dumped by that truck).
Please don’t tell him it’s supposed to be for the other end …
We already did! But because we were liberals, he decided to piss us off by eating even more of it.
We already did! But because we were liberals, he decided to piss us off by eating even more of it.
Next time, tell him not to gargle with Drano, run with scissors or drive while intoxicated.
Another vote for Hatredcopter
Another vote for Hatredcopter
I just watched “28 Weeks Later” last night, with the scene of the helicopter mowing down the zombies. Not as good as the original, I guess, but not too bad. (Full disclosure: gory zombie flicks are a guilty pleasure of mine)
I just watched “28 Weeks Later” last night, with the scene of the helicopter mowing down the zombies.
You’re gonna give zrm a sad.
Hatredcopter has the great line “You will most likely die.”
Hatredcopter has the great line “You will most likely die.”
They stole that from the fortune cookie I got last week.
Another vote for Hatredcopter
Awesome vid!
I like the verse that goes “I am likely to find / from my failure to fly / that I will be fired / for not killing you / cause that is my job”
Another vote for Hatredcopter
I knew that there was a reason I stopped listening to metal almost 40 years ago.
(I’m also a big fan of Go Forth and Die, partly because of its time signature – no musical expert, but I think it’s 6/8 but paced so you could waltz to it.)
DrDick – I’m not sure I’d bother with Dethklok either, if they weren’t a parody.
Lazy shitbag couldn’t even be bothered to just credit NBC, had to force Drudge down his throat. And then wrote the worst emo “e e” cummings blank-verse poem-blog post EVAH.
Sometimes I think this and then I remember those Manowar and Cannibal Corpse tracks I like.
I’m not sure I’d bother with Dethklok either, if they weren’t a parody.
Last metal I listened to was early black Sabbath (used to have the original press of their first album). These days it is mostly blues, garage rock, Americana, and alt country.
Last metal I listened to was early black Sabbath
I could make an exception for these guys.
Last metal I listened to was early black Sabbath
I really dug Danzig’s collaboration with Shakira.
I really dug Danzig’s collaboration with Shakira.
Hee hee – further proof that Shakira’s bum goes well with any soundtrack.
I’m also a big fan of Go Forth and Die
Original/basis? No fancy time signatures, howev.
I really dug Danzig’s collaboration with Shakira.
“Captions provided by the Institute of Danzig Research.”
And very helpful they were…
You most likely know him as Glenn Danzig, but he will always be Glenn Gda?sk to me. Bonne chance, Elaine!
What the hell, last big wknd. of the season or something?
I won’t even have to clear this dump out at closing time.
Fuck it.
Substance McGravitas said,
September 26, 2010 at 21:42
He showed up at my site once for some reason.
He is hard up.
Note to self: don’t go back to Subby’s.
Jeff Skilling: California’s broke? I swear I had nothing to do with that. It was the free market.
from the comments:
“We just bought 5 1/2 cases of Kleenex at an auction for a lumber and hardware store that went out of business. I guess that it will substitute for TP in a pinch.”
are you sure your going to use it instead of toilet paper?
I just watched “28 Weeks Later” last night, with the scene of the helicopter mowing down the zombies. Not as good as the original, I guess, but not too bad. (Full disclosure: gory zombie flicks are a guilty pleasure of mine)
Think of all the pureed zombie available for the other zombies to eat. Won’t someone think of the zombies?
Hatredcopter didn’t do a whole lot for me. A little cacophonous for my taste.
This is cool – a cappella heavy metal.
And it works.
FYWP I closed my damn tags.
Van Canto
Danzig and Sharia?
You people really need to entertain me. It is Monday, and I’m tired.
Note to self: don’t go back to Subby’s.
Things are much safer at Righteous Bubba’s place.
Danzig and Sharia?
The hawt couple on Dancing With The Stars?
I just watched “28 Weeks Later” last night, with the scene of the helicopter mowing down the zombies. Not as good as the original, I guess, but not too bad.
Bad plot, bad acting, bad nearly everything. The only redeeming feature was Paris getting it in the end.
And I think you know which Paris I’m talking bout…
Huh. I wouldn’t have thought helicopters would have been precise enough for de-zombification. Don’t you have to completely sever their heads? Or totally combust them? I don’t reckon the helicopters were delivering napalm? Darn. I guess it all depends on which zombie species it is.
This is cool – a cappella heavy metal.
I really can’t decide whether I like this or not. And I love Anthrax, Dethklok, and Nightwish, so I’m hardly a metal purist. And hell, I love a capella groups, too — I’ve got old tapes somewhere of the Nylons and the Bobs. But I don’t know what I should make of this group.
It’s just… weird.
Have a suicide note.
Jud Jud.
Have a suicide note.
That was even worse than an actual suicide note.
Waitaminute. I usually stick with the shorter, but this time I had to get out of the boat, because I couldn’t believe it.
Inability to understand the state budget process seems to be the guiding principal here.
I personally think CA should hire illegal Mexican immigrants to negotiate and pass the state budget – they’d at least get it done quicker than the current Assembly and Senate.
And I think you know which Paris I’m talking bout…
That was an actual suicide note.
That was an actual suicide note.
Oh, shit.
I was thinking of something more uplifting, Subby, but thanks for the suggestion.
But I don’t know what I should make of this group.
It’s just… weird.
A good weird, though.
End the Toilet Paper Tax!
I just watched “28 Weeks Later” last night, with the scene of the helicopter mowing down the zombies. Not as good as the original, I guess, but not too bad.
That movie was just one in a long list of examples of my theory: “If the character in charge of your safety/well-being is being played by Idris Elba, you will most likely die.”
End the Toilet Paper Tax!
I generally prefer mine tacks-free.
That was an actual suicide note.
Oh, shit.
I was thinking of something more uplifting, Subby,
Suicide notes lift AND separate.
I wish Mr. Suber would explain why Mississippi has a budget shortfall every year.
Check out the bunny costume. Looks like the precursor to a VERY upsetting photo series.
Note also the Photoshop potential.
Bunny photo is #15.
These make me think of the MST3K line – “Every frame of this movie looks like somebody’s ‘last known photo’!”
OK that made me laugh.
To quote some other Canadian:
Don’t cry
No tears
Around me.
“That was an actual suicide note.”
And his thesis was that liberal democracy would suppress it. And I note that it is still up and unsuppressed.
We need more PhD candidates from other departments like this. Why let the sociobiologists have all the fun?
Check out the bunny costume. Looks like the precursor to a VERY upsetting photo series.
Note also the Photoshop potential.
That kid in the first photo is going to stalk me in my nightmares.
More OT, The GayPutzRiot doesn’t tell us much about Homocon, He completely fails to mention the Anne Coulter keynote speech. Imagine that.
I have to say something about those overalls Don is, er, sporting. They look very uncomfortable. He needs to know about fine, American made, Pointer Brand.
As a liberal I love abortion, but also as a liberal, why would I want to abort the people who teach my five-year-old about fisting?
Gay goopers should join anti-abortion goopers because those very same anti-abortionistas would abort children who might turn out gay in a heartbeat? I guess that’s about as logical as she usually is.
The fake suicide note made me kind of sad. Just think of how much time and effort went into composing that website. It’s not like the guy just sat down and wrote “Goodbye, cruel world” on a napkin. He must have been in real pain for a long time and nobody saw or was able to help.
However, the link to the NY Post also allowed me to learn about the ex-hooker teaching third grade in Brooklyn, so that’s a plus! I’m not in favour of discrimination against sex workers, but seriously, wouldn’t you use a pseudonym when you wrote on your blog that you were a hooker/grade school teacher? You’d have to know how the local PTA was going to react.
I’m not in favour of discrimination against sex workers, but seriously, wouldn’t you use a pseudonym when you wrote on your blog that you were a hooker/grade school teacher?
It depends on what you’re teaching the 3rd graders. If you’re teaching sex work, it’s a plus.
Hey there sports fans! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fww9HA3ayxA
Translation: conservatives will suddenly be all for abortion once scientists find the gay gene since conservatives hate Teh Ghey.
These are, after all, people who claim to be good, loving Christians while simultaneously favoring the never-ending murder of innocent brown people and opposing providing health care to their fellow citizens.
Because if there were two things Jesus loved more than anything, it was killing whole villages and ensuring the sick never got treatment.
Chris Dudley: big white stiff.
These are also people who already get abortions when they need them, while working like Hell to stop others, because “my situation is DIFFERENT!”
Is this the same Chris Dudley? This one appears to have bad ideas, just different ones.
Nope, not the same CD at all. The first Chris “weath management advisor for the super-affluent” Dudley is running for the OR govship. Against popular two term former Gov. Kitzhaber (1995–2003). And the polling, albeit it somewhat equivocal, shows a near dead heat. *sigh*
I think I’d vote for the power ballad trombonista.
You can take heart in the fact that he will never again eat restaurant food in Oregon without spit in it.
Hey there sports fans! Team G-Force!
The first Chris “weath management advisor for the super-affluent” Dudley is running for the OR govship. Against popular two term former Gov. Kitzhaber (1995–2003). And the polling, albeit it somewhat equivocal, shows a near dead heat.
Let me guess – Teabagger?
Translation: conservatives will suddenly be all for abortion once scientists find the gay gene since conservatives hate Teh Ghey.
These are, after all, people who claim to be good, loving Christians while simultaneously favoring the never-ending murder of innocent brown people and opposing providing health care to their fellow citizens.
Because if there were two things Jesus loved more than anything, it was killing whole villages and ensuring the sick never got treatment.
I seem to recall religious right patron saint Pat Robertson supporting the Chinese policy of forced abortion for non-firstborn kids. “So, I think that right now they are doing what they have to do. I don’t agree with forced abortion, but I don’t think the United States needs to interfere with what they’re doing internally in this regard.”
Hard to believe anyone’d be psychotic enough to be anti-choice and anti-life; not so hard to believe that Pat Robertson would support them once they appeared.
Shorter Pat Robertson: “Ching Chong Chinaman doesn’t value life like we do!”
I’m more interested in Coulter acknowledging the possibility that homosexuality is a condition, not a choice. Isn’t it the standard wingnut line that all those fags could be straight if they just really worked at it?
I’m more interested in Coulter acknowledging the possibility that homosexuality is a condition, not a choice. Isn’t it the standard wingnut line that all those fags could be straight if they just really worked at it?
I think they sense that society’s consensus on gay issues is changing, and not in their favor. Thus you have floundering in the ranks. In a generation, even the hard right isn’t going to be able to mouth homophobic rhetoric as openly, so they’re exploring options. (Which is one reason why you have a few people bleating “no no gay rights were always really a conservative issue!” just like they did with civil rights).
I think gay people should take advice from a vicious bible-thumping slut.
Which is one reason why you have a few people bleating “no no gay rights were always really a conservative issue!” just like they did with civil rights.
Very few. And they tend to mostly be gay themselves.
I agree that there has been a lot of progress, but let’s not forget, we’re up against people who make their money standing athwart progress yelling “Stop!”
we’re up against people who make their money standing athwart progress with a wide stance yelling “Stop!”
Fiqq’d for cheap joke.
standing athwart progress with a wide stance yelling “Stop!”
I thought they were sitting with a wide stance.
Note to self: don’t go back to Subby’s.
And waste another year…
It is
Mondaypitch dark, and I’mtiredlikely to be eaten by a grue.Fixxored for great justice.
From the teacher/hooker story:
“I don’t want nobody that used to do that to be around my kid,” said Grace Ventura, whose son is in third grade. “People like that should not be allowed to be anywhere near children.”
I’ve always considered the Post a rag, but I never thought it was a Weekly World News or Onion style parody paper.
I’m more interested in Coulter acknowledging the possibility that homosexuality is a condition, not a choice.
Those who regard homosexuality as a disease requiring a cure have always agreed on the ‘condition’ part.
GOProud should support anti-abortion groups, which are usually also vehemently anti-LGBT, because “as soon as they find the gay gene, you know who’s getting aborted.”
Interesting appeal to identity politics. “You should support right-wing homophobic anti-abortionists, to help them force right-wing homophobic parents to keep breeding infants with the full range of genetic diversity.”
Why should her audience give two tugs of a dingo’s dick?
It sure would piss off the liberals if they remained gay and Republican.
“I don’t want nobody that used to do that to be around my kid,” said Grace Ventura, whose son is in third grade. “People like that should not be allowed to be anywhere near children.”
Obviously a petting detective.
The illegal mexican invasion if left unchecked will eventually bring about the demise of Our Great Republic. The Roman Empire learned that lesson the hard way with the barbarian hordes. It cost them their civilization which had endured for nearly one thousand years. God forbid if American civilization suffers the same fate!
The Republican party needs to stand firm on conservative principle, which it has been doing a good job as of late by purging the party of its establishment rinos and replacing them with Tea Party Patriots. However, the purge is not yet complete. There are still many establishment rinos who need replacement. When the Republican party regains the majority it needs to remain faithful to its conservative populist agenda that enabled them to be elected.
They should stand on a platform of One God, One Nation, One Language, One Culture. One God, the God of the Bible, One Nation the American Nation, One Language, the English Language, and One Culture, Western Culture. That will be an unbeatable combination and will surely rally the conservative base for generations to come.
You know who else ranted about “One Nation, One Culture”, was obsessed with mud people and thought his empire should stand for a thousand years?
(Steve’s a parody, right? Nobody could hit that many bullseyes by accident.)
Shorter Steve, “ein Volk ein Reich ein Fuhrer”.
Go go Godwin!
We have a comedian in our midst. That’s some funny shit, Steve-o.
Damn, I would’ve gotten away with my comment, if it weren’t for
those meddling kidsthat Lurking Canadian.We’re not hoarders. We have 21 rolls having just purchased 16. We took advantage of a sale.
Do I detect a tone of suppressed anxiety here, that the corporate economy is perhaps not a totally infallible distributor of consumer goods, and that the age of abundance might terminate without warning?
Stockpile, and take advantage of sales — but don’t hoard! That would imply a disturbing a lack of faith.
Just because Hitler did some evil things doesn’t mean that he didn’t have some good ideas as well. And no i’m not a neo-nazi in case you were wondering. However, if it wasn’t for his mass murder of Jews, Hitler would have been a good leader for Germany IMHO.
a platform of One God, One Nation, One Language, One Culture. One God, the God of the Bible, One Nation the American Nation, One Language, the English Language, and One Culture, Western Culture
If Steve’s platform included any more planks it would be the entire HMS Victory.
if it wasn’t for his mass murder of Jews, Hitler would have been a good leader for Germany IMHO.
If Steve’s platform included any more planks it would be the entire HMS
VictoryFAIL.Fizzled wit mah swizzle.
Everyone else: freebie.
HMS Victory? Steve’s got a veritable Vasa there.
However, if it wasn’t for his mass murder of Jews, Hitler would have been a good leader for Germany IMHO.
Yeah, if he JUST could have kept it under 3 million, he’d be an alright guy, huh? Brittain, France, Poland, Belgium, Spain and Russia all share your sentiments, I’m sure.
You’ve got a be a parody troll. Only Marge Shotz is that dumb. And other nazis.
I hear Hitler was a great little dancer.
if it wasn’t for his mass murder of Jews Hitler would have been a good leader for Germany IMHO.
Well, Germany’s a pretty nice place to live now that it’s illegal to even mention the Nazi party, so maybe if you overlook the millions of murdered Jews, Roma, gay people, leftists and other Holocaust victims, twenty million dead Russians, the bombing of Germany until only rubble was left standing on gravel, the rape of every woman between 10 and 60 east of the Elbe, and forty-five years of Communist rule…why I guess you’re right, overall Hitler was a good leader for Germany.
Holy shit Steve, have you ever stabbed yourself in the eye while eating?
I hear he’s got wonderful plans for Minehead.
Christ, did a cow shit in here?
The fact is, Steve is right. The illegal alien invasion must be stopped at all costs. American troops should be used to stop the invasion of our southern border. Orders should be shoot on sight, that will teach those illegal alien dirtbags to mess with USA.
You’re not Steve. Real conservatives recoil from associations with fascism like vampires from a golden crucifix and shreik that he was really a liberal.
(Today, that is. William F. Buckley in the 1950s National Review made no bones at all about the fact that he thought Generalissimo Franco was the greatest thing since peanut butter).
However, shit-for-brains, if you’re actually lurking around here somewhere and since you no doubt agree about the “Mexican invasion,” feast your eyes on this; http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100927/ap_on_bi_ge/us_immigration_jobs_4.
Numbers don’t lie; Americans, even in a shitty time like this, don’t want to be doing this kind of work. Hence the demand for poor, illegal immigrants who’ll work for peanuts. That thing fucking you in the ass is called the free market, and you’re the ones who worship it; deal with the consequences.
gm – correct link is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasa_(ship)
Chris, that linked article came as a surprise to me. The strawberry farmer claims to pay $10.25/hr and still can’t get citizens to work for him. I would imagine that is a good bit more than Starbucks or Walmart pays entry-level employees, although being seasonal you couldn’t really build a life on it.
DrDick said,
September 26, 2010 at 19:58
“Free Lunches for Everybody!”
The fact is, you would like that wouldn’t you? You fat sissy! Prepare to have your fat belly pounded!
DrDick said,
September 26, 2010 at 20:56
“Damn! Who farted?”
The fact is, you probably did you fat piece of worthless pork barrel shit.
Steve and I are gonna kick you’re fat commie asses.
Ha ha, honey, you’re friend Steve must have left himself logged in on you’re computer when you were working out your war strategy, so it looks like your posting as him! Well, I’m going to go cook you some steaks while wearing a bikini.