And the bunnies did a happy little dance. Until…
Posted on July 21st, 2006 by Gavin M.
Here’s Tony Snow:
“The President is not going to get on the slippery slope of taking something that is living and making it dead for the purpose of research.”
“Hooway for Pwesident Bush!”
Uh, bunnies, I think he was talking about blastocysts, not animals.
“But he said no mowe swippery swope!”
“Oh, the administwation is mewely pandewing to its cwazy voting base again.”
Ever so, bun-bun. Ever so.
I love how they look happy in once case, but like they are frozen in fear in the other.
Can’t we just use gay blastocysts? Or terrorist blastocysts? Or liberal blastocysts? I mean, we have DNA testing for that these days.
I just like the phwase, “mewely pandewing”.
So when does the ‘President’ come out in favor of an end to animal experimentation?
Have the fundies started reading the S’rîla Bhaktivinoda Thhâkura or something? Does this mean I’ll have to fight them off in airports?
Ok Gavin, now you’re just teasing us. Aren’t you done with that knitting yet?
Sven: Isn’t that the purpose of the Jews for Jesus? So that hectic people in airports have to fend off Christian religious tracts without it coming back to y’know, Christians?
Mmmmmm, conejitos.
I guess I haven’t flown through the South in a while.
What’s that? Do I hear Randians singing Hare Krishna hymnals with a New Joisey accent?
Ok Gavin, now you’re just teasing us. Aren’t you done with that knitting yet?
My stars, no! One sock done, and one still a-knittin’.
Gavin’s just using them for the angora.
“The President is not going to get on the slippery slope of taking something that is living and making it dead for the purpose of research.�
But for the purpose of politics, it’s just fine and dandy.
But … but … the wabbits awe so cute! Pwesident Bush would never huwt them!
Shit. Does this mean I need to cancle my order for six genetically-enhanced Super Babies to be my henchmen after I become a transhuman/cyborg Supervillian?
Today’s just not my day.
God, I’m starving. I could go for some blastocyst Hasenpfeffer right about now.
oh, that made me laugh.
And bunnies are ever so much cuter then blastocysts.
Somehow this was reminscent of Senator Brownback’s little bit with the poster during the floor debate. The poster showed embryos drawn by a kid that looked like little happy faces and Brownback said, pointing to a happy face, “Oh, no, you’re not going to kill me, are you??”
Those bunnies would make extremely comfortable slippers. That is, if President Bush were not the champion of all that is cute, innocent, and helpless, curse him!
The line I really liked, from yesterday, was: “We don’t use the organs of executed convicts for scientific research, either.”
Unless, of course, they donate them to science. And we use the organs of kids for research, if their parents donate them to science. So how about we set up a system where parents can donate stem cells from their dead blastocysts to science, rather than having them thrown away; and federal money can only be used for research on embryos whose parents have given consent.
End of problem. Oh – also, end of GOP wedge issue. Oh, well, so much for that solution.
I’m pretty sure that’s how it actually works. When you go through IVF, they give you the choice to discard the embryos you don’t use, or keep them frozen, or donate them for research.
I *love* how when extraneous embryos are used in stem cell research, it’s murder in the eyes of teh Shrubboleth, MURDER, I say! But if they’re just incinerated because the parents don’t have any use for ’em… well, *that’s* OK! Seems to me to be yet another classic Rethuglican double standard. And don’t even get me started about how very few of these embryos successfully implant under even the best of circumstances. Seems to me the vast majority of them are doomed, regardless of what the parents decide to do with ’em. Perhaps the whole in vitro fertilization thing should be outlawed. It’s not like we’re running out of people or anything.
[…] We should make out to Pavement News and notes to cap a slow week: In the film Hounddog, 12-year-old Dakota Fanning will be raped in one scene and appear naked or clad only in “underpants” in several others. “Fanning’s mother sees the movie as a possible Oscar vehicle for the pint-size star.” Well, we know she can scream. —– I saw a car with an O’Reilly Factor license plate frame today. First time I’ve actually seen O’Reilly merchandise in public. The driver of the car refused to let me merge onto 85. —– Method Man on playing the Bamboozle Festival (“two days of absolutely nothing but emo bands”): These new hair bands. You see these fucking fags? Man, these dudes walking around with the eyeliner, the blush, the gloss, the hair. [source] —– I wonder how much Interscope is paying Live 105 to play the new Audioslave single like every 30 minutes. Tom Morello needs to learn some new guitar tricks. —– Wolfmother’s “Joker and the Thief” will be the featured music video and single from the soundtrack to Jackass: Number Two. “Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Wee Man, Preston Lacy and Dave England will join [the band] in Australia this week to film the video.” —– I watched the pilot for NBC’s Heroes. Awkward use of Bright Eyes’ “Road to Joy” aside, I see potential. I also see a potential time conflict when 24 returns in January. People act all shocked when I tell them I don’t own a DVR. I don’t use Netflix and I don’t receive HBO either. —– Natalie Portman will appear completely naked in new movie Goya’s Ghosts. So much for leaving things to the imagination… —– + Stem Cell Brownback + And the bunnies did a happy little dance. Until… 07.21.06 […]
Well, look, you just aren’t being reasonable here. Blastocysts are living, breathing, thinking, loving human beings, while rabbits are nothing more than dumb heathen beasts that will never know Jesus. It just isn’t a fair comparison.
That’s a load off.
I swear I could hear the rabbit’s voice! Love the blog!
“Hooway for Pwesident Bush!�
Oh, cutest blog entry ever. It made me wish that there were actually an occasion to say that. Poor bunnies, don’t hold your breath.
rj, you’re right. Helpless human blastocysts, who neither feel pain nor are aware in any way whatsoever, are sacred, sacred beings because they are a cluster of undifferentiated cells that could someday, given all the right circumstances, be nurtured into a human being, even though the chances are slim that anything will happen to them except they’ll get thrown away or get freezer burn. Whereas full-grown, sensate, vertebrate animals don’t care what you do to them, and you can slit their throats, whatever, even roast ’em and slice ’em up for a feast with Angela Merkel. Hell, they ain’t human, they don’t have souls, and didn’t God give us “dominion” over those stupid furry animals? He wants us–nay, commandeth us–to be mean to furry bunnies and eat them if that’s what mankind feels it must do.
Remember when the Jeebus freaks were fringe nutcases, with little to no effect on the political discourse in America? Man, that was sweet.
(ping-pong balls rain down on the President)
(ping-pong balls rain down on the President)
and the cuteness fest continues. The president would be a lot easier to take if he would act nice and wear a blazer with piping around the collar. And occasionally take a turn with Dancing Bear.
…And his second in command was Mr. Greenjeans.
Remember when the Jeebus freaks were fringe nutcases, with little to no effect on the political discourse in America? Man, that was sweet.
with absolutely no irony, I say “Amen sir. Amen”.
You think those bunnies are cute, do you? Well, allow me to bust out my mad ASCII-art skillz to show you what cute really is. Behold, a blastocyst:
Christ, that’s adorable. How could you advocate murdering that?
Well, those cute widdew biddy dots there grow up to be not-so-adorable bullets with a tail of boardroom jargon, which rapidly turns into a PowerPoint presentation, and that’s never good.
Think about this: we can’t have stem cell research because the Jeebus freaks pretend like they care about every little embryo, when really they all they want is for people to STOP FUCKING. We can’t cure Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s because these douchebags don’t like it when people fuck. That is the bottom line, simple truth. They could give two shits about the fucking “snowflakes.” Stem cell research is just a pawn in their bigger game, which is to make sure young people are punished for fucking.
I really wish Jesus would just come back to Earth and say, “I am disbanding Christianity. You people are assholes. Please stop worshipping me.” Then he’d shoot lightning bolts out of his fingertips and reduce all the churches to piles of rubble.
Kill the wabbit! Kill the wabbit!
The fact of the matter is that the President did a great thing by vetoing that anti-life bill. Here’s two big reasons why.
#1: The stem cell bill would have led to millions of deaths in the process of research and would have led to a decline in the value of life by researchers.
#2: The stem cell bill would have cost taxpayers billions in futile research.
President Bush made a fiscally and socially conservative move when he vetoed that increase in spending and that increase in death.
The fact of the matter is that regular stem cells are being used for research, and they are federally funded, and they are finding all sorts of new cures.
But stem cells from murdered babies provide no such cures, but cost more to harvest and also provide compensation to pro-Abortion groups like Planned Parenthood.
The left’s anti-life attitudes will be rejected by the voters this fall. Americans will be educated as to the differences between adult stem cells and stem cells from murdered babies.
But then again, the left won’t notice their impending doom, after all, they think that Hollywood is mainstream, and Hollywood is an industry that glorifies gay sex and pedophilia.
The President and me are both in the majority of Americans on fiscal restraint and on life.
The fact is that Gary Ruppert was created from spillage in a chemical laboratory.
They could give two shits about the fucking “snowflakes.� Stem cell research is just a pawn in their bigger game, which is to make sure young people are punished for fucking.
And you don’t see them apologising for decades of IVF research, and the mass blastocyticide that took place. After all, plenty of Jebus-freaks do like test tube babies, because it means that they don’t have to do the fuckyfuck.
Nice 30% majority there, Gary.
The fact of the matter is that vetoing this bill will cause millions to suffer and die needlessly from denerate and painful illness and injury.
Why does Bush hate lIfe?
Why does he want Americans to suffer?
Okay, seriously, Bush is to Fiscal Restraint like… ummm… timber wolves are to Irish dancing. With drinking.
No, don’t even bothing trying to spin it. Largest surplus in history, to largest deficit in history. That’s just a fact.
It’s “the President and I”, you clueless doofus.
I call bullshit. That ain’t the real Gary.
Sure bunnies are real cute, but won’t somebody please think of the carrots?
Of course, once those blastocysts grow up to be journalists, they’re no longer precious. Or if they grow up to be liberals or feminists or queers or Muslims, also. Or Palestinians. Or Mexicans. Or French. Or university professors.
I could be at this all day.
‘Zackly, D. Sidhe. Post-fetal humans are A-OK for killin’ unless they’re in a persistent vegetative state, in which case their lives are once again very precious and special.
It’s all those years of consciousness and capacity for reason that are the buggers.
Wow, you two (D.Sidhe and MCH) just dumbfounded me for a second. You hit the nail on the head. MCH, your last sentence there reminded me that all life is precious to them, as long as all life, all people, agree with them. Otherwise they are to be ostracized, shamed, hanged, or ~shudder~ “prayed for” in that disgusted, condemnatory way they have.
But stem cells from murdered babies provide no such cures, but cost more to harvest and also provide compensation to pro-Abortion groups like Planned Parenthood.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the renowned research biologist and esteemed expert on stem cell biology, Gary Ruppert. Huh? He’s what? Just a dope in the basement playing quake and eating cheetohs? Ladies and Gentlemen, never mind.
This is very similar to the expert scientific views on evolution provided by Ann Coulter. These people all seem to think that there is no difference between their scientific views and those of, say, scientists…
Amazing how the Garybot (TM) knows so little about so much.
Just think how sacred a blastocyst in a persistent vegetative state would be!
Like little Godberries. Sweet, juicy little, wait, what?
Here’s the question that everyone needs to answer for themselves:
A research lab is on fire. You rush inside to try to save lives. You come across a six year old little girl, and a petri dish full of blastocysts. You cannot carry both.
Which do you save?
The petri dish. Kids are heavy, and I’m lazy.
Ladies and Gentlemen, never mind.
I propose that this become the official Sadly, No! response to Gary. Maybe we could have a script that just tags that onto the end of all Gary’s comments.
Sure bunnies are real cute, but won’t somebody please think of the carrots?
Pour la carrote, le lapin est la parfaite incarnation du Mal.
Burning Building Scenario: I want to see a wingnut have to decide between saving a freezer of fertilized embryos and a case of American flags.
Just think how sacred a blastocyst in a persistent vegetative state would be!
Almost as sacred as an intelligently-designed blastocyst in a persistent vegetative state. We’re working on it, in our secret underground “Snowclone” laboratories. Don’t rush us. Mad science ain’t easy, when you’re only allowed to use stem cells taken from unwilling conscious adult donors.
The President and me are both in the majority of Americans
What, physically inside them? For some reason that phrase leaves me with a mental image of Bush and Gary Ruppert as a variety of tapeworm.
Or an American flag-shaped embryo incubator with a snowflake baby growing in the center of each star. OMG, that’s 50 womb babies in danger!!11!!! Quick, Gary, throw yourself on the flames to SAVE them… for JEEBUS!!!one!!!
Tony Snow, the White House Press Secretary, when explaining the Bush position stated “The simple answer is he thinks murder is wrong.” As I’ve thought about Snow’s message, it seems obvious to me that it was crafted to appeal to those on the religious right who are vehemently opposed to abortion. It is another clear example of the Rove strategy…which is to deliver a carefully crafted message to each constituency in order to solidify their support and motivate them for the upcoming election.
To see the stem cell debate explained with visuals and how the political argument put forth by the President is ultimately an absurd manipulation of the facts…link here:
How about we just make them dead for the purposes of making a nice stew out of them?
(I’m talking about the rabbits, of course. You silly people.)
I’m thinking that after rushing into a burning building to save either a freezer full of embryos or a case of american flags, said wingnut would have to stop and pray about this difficult decision.
/no, antiabortion activists love everyone right up until they come in contact with a nasty vagina and actually earthly air. Real, living people are tainted by sin. Fetus-americans, by dent of not actually being alive, are purerer, better, and more worthy of care than actual living, breathing, walking, talking (shudder) people. ewww.
This will preserve the dignity of unused blastocysts and embryos, so they can be thrown out with the rest of the biological/hazardous waste materials.
And Sen. Brownback is a vagina.
Well, those cute widdew biddy dots there grow up to be not-so-adorable bullets with a tail of boardroom jargon, which rapidly turns into a PowerPoint presentation, and that’s never good
Kill the cute liddle PowewPoint pwesentation! Kill it now!
tigrismus –
I am so calling frozen embryos “Godberries” from now on. Thank you.
Since the embryos really “belong” to the women who “created” them (not any politician in a “posturing” moment — then shouldn’t the women each, individually, decide what they should be used for?
A long time ago pregnancy tests involved injecting a bunny with fluid from a woman. If the bunny died the woman was pregnant. This inspired humor such as: He’s so mean he likes knocking up girls to kill bunnies. The bunnies should be happy they live in these scientifically advanced days.
You people are great. The image of a bunny fucking president comes to mind.
To Pinko Punko:
Aren’t those two pictures identically or is it like a contest in the National Enquirer?
The death penalty is not murder.
Extraction of stem cells from a blastocyst is murder.
Killing people in unnecessary wars is not murder.
Turning off life support for people in a certifiably brain dead persistent vegetative state is murder.
Killing medical professionals at abortion clinics is not murder.
Which part of this simple and consistent philosophy do you guys not understand?
Onwards, Christian soldiers!
did little man died i dont can some one tell me because i am his friend
Confused camper, I’m glad you’ve picked a name that describes your argument so well.
I totally agree with your “simple and consistent philosophy” that rebuts (with no evidence, of course) the president’s whole policy.
I do believe though that you have a very small discrepancy in your argument: that is, the almost insubstantial element of CHOICE.
Of course, that criminal, who chose to commit an illegal act, deserves all the mercy in the world. And I suppose, that enemies of the state, however threatening, deserve this same mercy, as well as baby killers.
But innocent infants, unconscious individuals and potential beings don’t deserve any mercy at all–I can see the perfect logic behind this.
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute i love them the bunnys are sooooooooo cute