John & Toby Plus 11
Posted on September 18th, 2010 by Tintin
ABOVE: Toby Harnden
Shorter Toby Harnden, The Torygraph
John Boehner: the second of 12 kids from Ohio who is Barack Obama’s elitist target
- Boehner isn’t an elitist because he has 11 poor siblings.*
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
*Please note that this shorter is five words and one-third shorter than even the frigging headline to Harnden’s story. Have they no story editors at the Torygraph?
His siblings would have benefitted from a “no Boehner left behind” program.
The most hilarious bit in the whole piece is the claim that he doesn’t use a tanning bed, and that the only thing his opponents have on him is making fun of the tan.
BTW, the comments are even funnier.
To be an elitist you have to be (or be perceived as, or be perceived as believing you are) superior to others. Boner is not superior to anyone.
The most hilarious bit in the whole piece is the claim that he doesn’t use a tanning bed
Does he? I assumed it was a spray-can tan.
I like the logic here. Rich and powerful white man is not an elitist because his momma was a brood sow and he has a shit load of siblings he is too stingy to help out, even when they need it. Mixed race kid with a lower middle class background, raised by a single mother and his grandparents who got into the Ivy League in merit and scholarships and then worked as a community organizer, is one just because!
Once again, I couldn’t resist throwing a bucket of chum in the water:
I really have no comment on this, except that the chav photoshop is making me giggle hardcore.
To be an elitist you have to be (or be perceived as, or be perceived as believing you are) superior to others.
In the context of Obama, it is a synonym for “uppity.” This usage has been around for at least 30 years.
Trolling for trolls are we?
Also funny: two of the twelve siblings are currently unemployed, yet none of them seem to have connected the dots between their brother’s malfeasance in government and their current jobless state.
Fookin’ chav.
yet none of them seem to have connected the dots between their brother’s malfeasance in government and their current jobless state.
Well, at least that seems to answer the question as to whether Boehner’s stupidity and delusions are congenital or acquired.
That last reminds me of the scene in Repo Man where the owner of the repo lot is on the phone with someone whose car has been repossessed – the end of the conversation you can hear goes like this…”who told us where to find it? Your GODDAMNED BROTHER, that’s who.”
Couldn’t Orange John hire some of his down-on-their-luck siblings as caddies?
” he has a shit load of siblings he is too stingy to help out, even when they need it.”
But…but…Obama has a Kenyan half-brother who lives in a tent!!!!
Of the twelve sibs of Boehner my ex-love said to me,
“He springs from such hu-mi-li-ty.”
The most hilarious bit in the whole piece is the claim that he doesn’t use a tanning bed
Does he? I assumed it was a spray-can tan.
Eats lots of carrots.
Uh…wouldn’t bonerman have eleven poor siblings?
Eats lots of carrots.
I vote for washes in turmeric water. He is too cheap for the alternatives.
@Pedant. Yes. Thanks. Fixed
Uh…wouldn’t bonerman have eleven poor siblings?
Now don’t go confusing them with your fancy pants elitist facts and maths.
If you want high-quality trolls, you gotta go looking for them. Otherwise you end up with weak stuff like fake Gary.
Boehner’s sister:
If all they can find on him is that he plays golf and he has a tan, well, whatever.
Yeah, whatever…
Politico: Obama Ties Bush on Golf
Washington Times: Obama Skips Funeral, Heads to Golf Course
Along with about 10,000 other examples found within about 5 seconds.
As for the part about having a tan, well, I didn’t want to break Google, so I didn’t touch that one.
Democrats have started a website that claims he spent $1 million on “luxury hotels, exclusive golf resorts and gourmet dining for himself and his fat-cat contributors”. On the I-75 freeway outside Cincinnati, a huge poster showing a tanned Mr Boehner playing golf accuses him of teeing off 119 times in a year.
Wait, so their defense is “sure, he may live like a high-maintenance kept man but his many siblings don’t?”
Someone’s gotta start following O’Donnell around with NO BOEHNERS! signs.
@Pedant. Yes. Thanks. Fixed
“Of the ‘leven sibs of Boehner…”
Wait, so their defense is “sure, he may live like a high-maintenance kept man but his many siblings don’t?”
I think they are going for the “His only alternative to being a well paid, high class corporate whore was abject poverty” sympathy vote.
In the context of Obama, it is a synonym for “uppity.” This usage has been around for at least 30 years.
Okay. Boner is uppity?
Well, I see you freaks are moving on, but might as well leave my response to Sadly No!’s hate-addled commentariat: ‘It’s Hard Out There: The Radical Assault on American Power’..
Jesus, Donalde’s like Althouse with the trolling.
Yeah, troll, we’ll get right on that as soon as we finish shaving Ann Coulter’s ass.
BTW, Phyllis Schlafley’s ass could use a shave too, but she’s a “traditional woman” so she doesn’t shave Back There.
Can ya add a vibrator?
Shit, I thought you said Donna Douglas. I went over there expecting pictures of Ellie May Clampett.
Jesus, Donalde’s like Althouse with the trolling.
And cheaper wine.
I think we must be the only people, besides some of his students, who ever visit his shitty site and he needs the traffic.
Dudes, we got him to spell out the word “fuck” instead of using asterisks.
Dudes, we got him to spell out the word “fuck” instead of using asterisks.
I tried in the last thread, even spelling it out for him so he wouldn’t get confused.
Someone should tell Donalde that unlike the babies on the right, the word fuck does not make us cry.
I vote for washes in turmeric water. He is too cheap for the alternatives.
Saffron water?
Hey, remember when they were making fun of Obama because he had an indigent aunt in Boston?
Why should Boner be diff- oh, I’ll just SHUT UP!!!! now.
Am I the only who keeps thinking of these guys whenever I hear from/about AmericanNeocon?
Jesus, Donalde’s like Althouse with the trolling.
Linking to himself… it’s like he’s desparate for hits.
Poor thing.
Linking to himself… it’s like he’s desparate for hits.
If it weren’t for trolling and the handful of students so desperate for a grade that they come back more than once, he would never get any.
Shit, he is over at LGM blog whoring as well and in a thread that has nothing to do with him or anything he would be at all familiar with.
‘It’s Hard Out There: The Radical Assault on American Power’.
VPR! You forgot the part where we are shoving it down your throat.
If it weren’t for trolling and the handful of students so desperate for a grade that they come back more than once, he would never get any.
Somebody should tell Donald Chump that porn is readily available on the internet, and that “barely legal” nipple shots won’t drive any traffic his way.
In his preferred LOLcat idiom, DD would be best described as a n00b.
HOT BLONDE ALERT at the Torygraph. Third photo has Boehner’s sister and unknown hot blonde.
Also, I would note that Boehner’s golf stance, is a little ummmm, odd.
Also, I would note that Boehner’s golf stance, is a little ummmm, odd.
I think that has something to do with the size XXXL black vibrator he has shoved up his ass.
Back on topic…. I don’t really understand this “chav” thing. I mean, I know that they are lower class Brits but that doesn’t say much to me. I live practically halfway around the world. We do have the hip hop style around here and I don’t mean just the urban blacks. They look almost like Chavs only the uniform is slightly different. No berber patterns but they will have a cap, a gold chain necklace and a jacket. It’s weird.
HOT BLONDE ALERT at the Torygraph.
See, page three.
“Boehner’s golf stance, is a little ummmm, odd.”
He’s a shy girl just meeting a new lobbyist.
We were conservative because we had to be. There wasn’t the money to spend frivolously on things. We grew our own vegetables up on the hill.”
No honey, growing your own vegetables doesn’t make you a conservative. It makes you a dirty fucking hippy. Except for the part where you sell you soul to corporate lobbyists.
No honey, growing your own vegetables doesn’t make you a conservative.
It makes you “conservative”, but not “Conservative”. The right-wing has really shit the meme bed for the last forty years.
The right-wing has really shit the meme bed for the last forty years.
Along with everything else they ever came in contact with.
My my. The people who joke about feeding Nancy Pelosi poisoned wine, who carry signs that ridicule the Speaker of the House about botox, haz a sad cuz Obama sez mean things about John Boner.
Fuzzbox-That’s my sister.
Well, technically half-sister.
might as well leave my response to Sadly No!’s hate-addled commentariat
A blog-whoring troll. Now that’s unique.
If Donalde is getting this crazy at the beginning of the semester, what’s he going to be like come midterm exams?
A blog-whoring troll. Now that’s unique.
Yeah, one can just smell the desperation.
My parents were conservative. That is, careful with money, focused on goals rather than instant gratification, and etc. Back in the 60’s, that’s what mainstream conservatism meant, though even then there was the belligerent “my dick’s bigger than yours!” militaristic fetish running through it all. But that was pretty much what being “conservative” meant – you were more “traditional” and were not a swinging hippy.
By contrast, filtered through today’s Republican party, “conservative” means giving tax breaks to people who buy Hummers when we’re at peak oil and gas is running $4 a gallon. It means going into debt to give rich people tax cuts. It means hard work is no longer a virtue; possession of enough money to allow a life of leisure through high returns on investment, often immorally secured by undervalue of the labor that make the gains possible, is the holy grail.
There’s nothing “conservative” about today’s Republican party.
My parents were conservative. That is, careful with money, focused on goals rather than instant gratification, and etc. Back in the 60?s, that’s what mainstream conservatism meant, though even then there was the belligerent “my dick’s bigger than yours!” militaristic fetish running through it all. But that was pretty much what being “conservative” meant – you were more “traditional” and were not a swinging hippy.
I agree. My parents are conservative too in the sense that that word has any meaning, but they couldn’t be further from the post-Nixon maniacs we have today.
Donald has to troll us for hits. He has no readers at all. Hell, I probably get more hits on my comic book blog.
If it weren’t for S,N!, he’d spend every night sitting alone in the dark, angrily jerking off while watching Michael Moore movies…
Chris – well, my dad passed 16 years ago, so I don’t know where he’d stand with today’s Republicans. He was on board through Reagan and Bush I, but I like to think Bush II’s idiocy and embrace of fundamentalism would have turned him away. Dad was a smart guy and hated organized religion.
Mom has been pretty much a radical liberal for the past 20 years, or at least she now only votes Democrat. But she’s also served on a lot of Marxist boards like League of Women Voters and Public Policy Panel, so maybe the radical liberal label fits.
An unfair comparison. Comic book blogging is respectable.
If it weren’t for S,N!, he’d spend every night sitting alone in the dark, angrily jerking off while watching Michael Moore movies…
If it weren’t for S,N!, he’d spend every night sitting alone in the dark, angrily jerking off while watching Michael
MooreBay movies…Fixx0red, for great justice!
If it weren’t for S,N!, he’d spend every night sitting alone in the dark, angrily jerking off while watching Michael Moore Bay movies…
It’s either that or Pam Geller and Michelle Malkin videos.
Most people can’t pull off “Street Burberry,” but he does it swimmingly.
My dad came to awareness in the civil rights era and has been a Democrat ever since – he’s voted for both sides in the past, but hasn’t gone Republican since 1996 and I doubt he ever will again. My mom might be closer to them in some ways, but she never became an American so it’s a moot point.
Sorry to bring it back to religion again, but I thought it interesting that you credited atheism for your dad’s beliefs. I’d say my parents’ Catholicism is a huge reason why they don’t vote Republican. The dog-eat-dog view of how society should work, the obsession with war and violence, the near-idolatrous love of nation and ideology aren’t things they’d see as compatible with Christianity.
My mom and dad were staunch Republicans. Dad passed away in 2001, and by the time the 2004 election rolled around, mom was still a Republican, but compared to the hide-bound conservatives in her home town, she was a wild-eyed raging liberal – simply because she opposed the Iraq war, was pro-choice, and didn’t give two shits whether gay people could get married.
That was then. And to my mind, the hide-bound conservatives in her home town are looking mighty moderate now in comparison to the Crazy that is out there.
Comments are (allegedly) open at American Power, so I left the following message:
I’m hoping it will pass moderation because it’s a glowing example of what he calls hate speech.
“Look at how hateful those communist, America-hating, terrorist-loving, sexual-deviant liberals are! They called me “politically correct” and implied that all conservatives are hypocrites! How dare they!”
Batting eyes seductively at vacuumslayer while wondering what the hell is ‘Street Burberry’.
We know how important political correctness is to you conservatives … when it suits you.
They really are the most PC-obsessed group in the nation – again, if you consider PC to mean “stifling debate in order not to upset people” rather than “stifling debate in order not to upset liberals” which is what they think it is.
Chris – I’m not sure Dad was a full-blown atheist; he’d talk both ways and his mother was very religious (but in a Presbyterian kind of way, which never gets all that radical) but he absolutely thought that churches were bullshit used for mind-control.
I wish he was still alive so I could thank him from saving me from being brainwashed with that bullshit as a child. Thanks to his recalcitrance, I probably only went to church 2 times as a child. I HAVE made sure to let mom know how appreciative I am of the fact that they didn’t hobble us with all that mumbo-jumbo. Mom kind of nominally lays claim to being a christian, though she doesn’t believe an awful lot of it and definitely doesn’t believe in heaven…yet she’s a deacon in the church now. Again, Presbyterian, so it’s not like anyone cares if she believes it all or not. I think for her she likes the social aspect of church, which really is what your Presbyterian and Episcopalian churches are all about. I mean, you won’t find people waving snakes or rolling around the floor babbling in either of them.
I’d say my parents’ Catholicism is a huge reason why they don’t vote Republican.
It’s funny how Catholicism can go either way- unfortunately, the “Bill Donohue/Father Coughlin” wing of American Roman Catholicism has been overshouting the “Michael Moore/Dorothy Day” wing of the church for at least a decade.
Remember when Maryknoll priests would routinely get arrested protesting the School of the Americas?
And he links to ‘Lawyers, Guns and Marriage?’
Well, I see the freaks are moving on, but might as well give my virginity to Sadly No!’s hate-addled commentariat: ‘It’s Hard In Here: The Radical Assault on Americaneocon’s ’ Ass..
Spot on, Chris:
And, boy, do they get angry when you point this out to them! I find it to be the surest (and safest) way to get conservative colleagues to stop hammering you with their inane and fact-free beliefs.
Despite what I said above, I can virtually guarantee that my comment will not pass moderation at American Power.
@Donalde. You’ve already left that comment once in this thread. It’s really not a good idea to start drinking in the a.m., Donalde, because it makes you forget things. It also probably accounts in large measure for your erectile dysfunction.
They really are the most PC-obsessed group in the nation
They are also the most committed postmodernists (“We are creating our own reality”). I blame it on the fact that they did not do enough drugs in their youth to recognize the limits of perception to shape the world.
You’ve already left that comment once in this thread.
And int Charli’s thread on educational technology over at LGM. He is getting truly pathetic at this point. One is almost tempted to sympathy, though fortunately reading his tripe quickly restores sanity.
This surprised me a bit considering the source.
When a conservative says “I’m not ‘politically correct'” it is usually to be read as “Yes, I’m a bigoted ignorant wanker, what of it?”
Hoosier X, your comment has been allowed.
Oh, and another thing, Donalde, I wept with the anguish of the rightly scorned when I read the post that you just blog-whored. And yet I couldn’t help but giggle through the sobs when you used words like “Yo!” and “homies” and “lay down” to make people think you were young and hip and not just some dumpy old fart.
Straw Sasquatch
I win
Carry on with the Donnie Dougy bashing, good peoplem, I’m off to the brewery for to get my growler filled*.
*not a veiled buttsecks reference.
Sorry Donnie.
I larffed.
They are also the most committed postmodernists (“We are creating our own reality”).
I’ve said that for a long time, but people always look at me like I’m full of shit.
One last parting shot for Donnie
I’ve said that for a long time, but people always look at me like I’m full of shit.
Ah, but I am a professional with a Piled higher and Deeper load of shit.
Why the fuck does nobody deliver liquor here?
This town is especially depressing when you’re barely ambulatory, especially if you can’t drive.
If the Orange One really did grow up dirt-poor, I wonder what happened that made him lose all empathy for the working class. The yummy promise of wingnut welfare for life, perhaps?
Why the fuck does nobody deliver liquor here?
‘Cos you’re not asking on Craigslist.
That’s it, I gotta go get my pivo.
They really are the most PC-obsessed group in the nation
They are also the most committed postmodernists (“We are creating our own reality”).
Also too the most help-help-I’m-being-oppressed-whining-while-simultaneously-badmouthing-“the culture of victimization” people EVAR.
Ah, but I am a professional with a Piled higher and Deeper load of shit.
I dunno. I have a master’s degree in library science, a field that you can learn more from working in a library for six months than you’d learn with a PhD. And don’t even get me started on the academic literature…
Spaghetti Lee said,
September 18, 2010 at 20:52
Oh, hey! You want to bring me some cider? THANKS.
‘Cos you’re not asking on Craigslist.
I don’t think you’re referring to the “liquor” that I was talking about. Not that it would be unwelcome.
I dunno. I have a master’s degree in library science, a field that you can learn more from working in a library for six months than you’d learn with a PhD. And don’t even get me started on the academic literature…
Heh. I used to be married to a MLS, so I know all to well.
Also too the most help-help-I’m-being-oppressed-whining-while-simultaneously-badmouthing-”the culture of victimization” people EVAR.
That might explain the projection, ac’shally.
Cause unlike most of the liberal groups, they’ve never actually been victimized – the worst thing that’s ever happened to them was losing their pigmentation-based privileges and being “brought down” to an equal footing with everyone else.
On some level, they realize they’re full of shit on the “victimization” issue (and the postmodernism, and the political correctness), so they compensate by projecting it all onto the other side.
Heh. I used to be married to a MLS, so I know all to well.
Ha! Well, I went through three miserable years going to school part-time while working full-time, only to realize by the time I got out, I can make more in my current occupation as a secretary than I can in most entry-level librarian jobs. Not that I’m bitter or anything.
Cause unlike most of the liberal groups, they’ve never actually been victimized – the worst thing that’s ever happened to them was losing their pigmentation-based privileges and being “brought down” to an equal footing with everyone else.
Definitely, and as I keep saying, they see oppression as a zero-sum game–if somebody’s gaining rights, they’re losing. So of course they’d feel victimized if they see other groups gaining liberties.
Definitely, and as I keep saying, they see oppression as a zero-sum game–if somebody’s gaining rights, they’re losing. So of course they’d feel victimized if they see other groups gaining liberties.
Guess that explains Newt Gingrich’s inferred support for colonial empires last time, then. Because, sure, the United States gained a lot from the collapse of the empires, but other people, these people, gained from it too, and that soils and cheapens our own gains.
Ahhh, the mind of a conservative… or lack thereof.
What percent of citizens are Randian uber-men? 10% at most, right? Does anybody else actually deserve a job? Perhaps the market is not working efficiently until the unemployment rate is ~90%.
I bet an even smaller percentage are Randian uber-mensches.
What percent of citizens are Randian uber-men? 10% at most, right?
I’d say that was an awfully high estimate. Probably more like 5% or less.
Don’t forget – you have to be a self-sufficient genius to be a RU-M.
Torygraph photo caption:
Lynda Meineke, sister of Representative John Boehner, in Andys Bar in Carthage, Ohio, founded by her grandfather and where she still works Photo: TOBY HARNDEN
That’s poverty alright, grampa owning a bar that’s been in the family for three generations.
They only sell Orangeade, MB so the profits are not immense
Don’t forget – you have to be a self-sufficient genius to be a RU-M.
Which drops the percentage all the way down to 00.00000000%, since nobody is self sufficient and anybody with more than a double digit IQ would not want to attempt it.
That’s poverty alright, grampa owning a bar that’s been in the family for three generations.
Which also raises certain questions about the sources of the family’s income in those early years, as Boehner is older than I am and his father would have been born in the early 20s or earlier.
How I imagine TruculentandUnreliable’s birthday party.
Alternate Shorter
“John Boehner grew up a poor black child”
How I imagine TruculentandUnreliable’s birthday party.
Which also raises certain questions about the sources of the family’s income in those early years, as Boehner is older than I am and his father would have been born in the early 20s or earlier.
Hell, Orange-O’s got four yrs. on me, & my maternal grandparents were born in the 19th century. No bootleggers in the family though.
Hey, I pass another yr. tomorrow. Imagine my par-tay!
Cider is theft, T&U. ‘Sides, it’s GAME DAY, and I’ll be gone for some hours.
Hey, I pass another yr. tomorrow. Imagine my par-tay!
Happy birthday!
Hmmm, Burberry check? I recall wearing that to the football a good few years ago. Has the Burberry thing crossed the pond then?
Hell, Orange-O’s got four yrs. on me, & my maternal grandparents were born in the 19th century. No bootleggers in the family though.
Same here (though he only has 3 years on me), but none of my ancestors ran a bar.
Substance McGravitas said,
September 18, 2010 at 22:58
Just for the record, only about 15% of us with Tourettes actually has coprolalia (involuntary cursing/obscenities).
What percent of citizens are Randian uber-men? 10% at most, right?
Estimates vary from 5% down to less than 1%, depending on which psychologist you talk to.
I don’t really understand this “chav” thing.
Working-class Poms who’ve pissed off the middle class by creating a language of group-membership signifiers that steals what used to be middle-class signifiers (i.e. the Burberry business) and drags them down with trash culture.
In fact the whole idea of the working classes getting into conspicuous culture with the bling and what-have-you violates a lot of unwritten English sumptuary laws, because only the middle classes are supposed to do that.
If only there were an anthropologist hanging around who could explain this more accurately.
Oh good Lord.
It’s Herbert Kornfeld come back to life!
‘It’s Hard Out There: The Radical Assault on American Power’
I’m sure Donny just HOPES it’s “hard out there”, if you know what I mean.
If only there were an anthropologist hanging around who could explain this more accurately.
As the house anthropologist, I suggest reading some of Jonathan Friedman’s stuff on the topic (this really is not my area, but you are pretty much on track).
Does muttering “death to you all” on a frequent basis count for anything?
Does muttering “death to you all” on a frequent basis count for anything?
Only as a measure of my state of mind. Fortunately, I am largely symptom free these days as the symptoms recede with age, often disappearing after 30 (though not in my case).
Merci, Pere.
I feel better already knowing DrDick is a yr. ahead of me; thanks Doc!
I feel better already knowing DrDick is a yr. ahead of me; thanks Doc!
Clearing the trail for you as others have cleared it for me. 58 ain’t so bad and I’ll let you know about 59 in February. My friends tell me that 60 is OK, too, but I am not sure that I trust them.
Boehner is an elitist in the only way that matters. He is part of the political and economic elites tjhat are screwing over middle class and poor Americans.
I haz brewed it from my own applez
I haz brewed it from my own applez
This is how it starts. First they are “experimenting” with brewing cider. Soon they have moved on to making applejack. Before you know it they have a still and are running ‘shine.
“If only there were an anthropologist hanging around who could explain this more accurately.”
I think I understand, thanks. I don’t know everything but the Google does work for me and so I can look up phrases like “sumptuary laws” and figger ‘dem out fer mahself whats they be sayin’.
There are no Chavs around here but the Ethiopian men congregate at the Starbucks on the corner and there are the Homung restaurants down the street and a Somalian Chai place up the other way and then the gays up another direction and the ubiquitous urban hipsters all around.
The kids around here are into square dance lessons. It’s a strange place but I call it home.
Smut Clyde said,
September 18, 2010 at 23:11
If only there were an anthropologist hanging around who could explain this more accurately.
I’ll have a stab at it.
Since the War the British working class has produced cultures that scare the British middle class shitless. We’ve had Teddy boys, Mods and rockers, punks, casuals, acid house etc etc. Chavs are, essentially, the current version of a British sub culture that won’t do what it’s told.
OK. I have said before that our Montana Republicans can out crazy everybody else’s and her is proof:
Yeah DrDick I saw that. It just means that the GOP leadership in Montana is so out of touch that they are going to fail and fail badly. There are probably some old silver back male GOPers who have been running the place ever since the 70’s and are still not really happy with even that.
Aww, thanks for your encouragement DrDick! I’ll try!
Pupienus Maximus said,
September 18, 2010 at 23:32
A-f**king-hem from somewhere last night I can’t be bothered to find.
Great minds, eh?
Yeah DrDick I saw that. It just means that the GOP leadership in Montana is so out of touch that they are going to fail and fail badly.
Sadly, No! It means that Republicans in Montana really are that batshit crazy and will back this whole heartedly (and there are a lot of them here in this purplish state).
Eats lots of carrots.
Chavs are, essentially, the current version of a British sub culture that won’t do what it’s told.
Well shorterised.
I know the workings of the English class system at the top but it all gets a bit out-of-focus further down.
Soon they have moved on to making applejack.
Ah, of course. Smut’s a Kiwi
Smut Clyde
At the top it’s easy. We have Big Liz and Phil the Greek. She’s the Queen and he makes comedy racist gags. After that it does get messy.
Cider is theft, T&U. ‘Sides, it’s GAME DAY, and I’ll be gone for some hours.
FINE. Fucking Tigers. If you see my co-worker there, kick her in the shins.
M! Happy-week-after-mine birthday!!! I was going to celebrate mine tonight, but fuck it. I’ll wait until I can sort of dance. And then I can just blame my terrible dancing on my limp instead of my soul-crushing whiteness.
Since the War the British working class has produced cultures that scare the British middle class shitless. We’ve had Teddy boys, Mods and rockers, punks, casuals, acid house etc etc. Chavs are, essentially, the current version of a British sub culture that won’t do what it’s told.
And, by far, the lamest.
In my humble opinion.
Plus, apples are a gateway fruit. Then you’re strung out on fruits…and before you know it you’re selling your body for a bit of durian. You don’t want none o’ that, man.
“I looked at that and said, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me,'” state Sen. John Brueggeman, R-Polson, said last week. “Should it get taken out? Absolutely. Does anybody think we should be arresting homosexual people? If you take that stand, you really probably shouldn’t be in the Republican Party.”
Has this guy looked up and seen his peers lately?
So an entire British subculture based around wearing plaid?
Wow. Lame.
Has this guy looked up and seen his peers lately?
Hard to see much with your head as far up your ass as the average Montana Republican. He would seem to be one of the saner ones (which is really weird, because Lake County, where he is, is a hot bed of rightwing crazy).
TruculentandUnreliable said,
And, by far, the lamest.
In my humble opinion.
I agree. I was part of both the rave generation and the casual scene. We had our music, our drugs, our clothes and a lust for life. The ‘chavs’ just seem to be beaten and rebelling because it’s what they are expected to do.
And, by far, the lamest.
In my humble opinion.
You are showing your age, but I know the feeling (I try not to think about how my students dress or what music they listen to).
That tweet links to a second post — that’s right, a second entry in two days at the hate site Sadly No!
We jumped straight from comedy blog to hate site without stopping at the obligatory disgruntled daily, perpetually pissed-off website, and viral victimization web log stages! Hoo hoo! Way to go Sadlies. High Five.
I just thank god there aren’t any guidos around here. I mean, this IS Minnesota. We have some standards here.
Way to go Sadlies. High Five.
I will wear it proudly and proclaim my part in establishing that milestone.
You are showing your age, but I know the feeling (I try not to think about how my students dress or what music they listen to).
Goddamn kids get off our lawn!
That’ll do you no good now, ‘squatch. I like my bigfeet like I like my men: big, tall, hairy, fictional and good to go at a moment’s notice.
We have some standards here.
“A-f**king-hem from somewhere last night I can’t be bothered to find.”
Oops. I didn’t check _yesterday’s_ thread. MB, we do excel at POOP, don’t we?
Little known fact, lutefisk is not really a food item, it’s a biological weapon.
Besides, I blame it on the Norwegians.
So an entire British subculture based around wearing plaid?
Wow. Lame.
Try telling the Scottish that.
Try telling the Scottish that.
Having known a few, I would not advise trying to tell the Scottish anything
Try telling the Scottish that.
But do the chavs get claymores? I think not.
“Try telling the Scottish that.”
it’s not so difficult – they understand English very well, they just don’t speak it.
Try telling the Scottish that.
Yeah, not sure how they’d like being called a “British subculture.”
Whatever do you mean?
I like my bigfeet like I like my men: Existentially contentious
we do excel at POOP, don’t we?
I found it at the Daily Caller, making it even poopier.
Chavs: Imitation wiggers. (Or: Imitating wiggers, to be charitable.) Hokey Smokes!
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist said,
September 19, 2010 at 1:47
Try telling the Scottish that.
Yeah, not sure how they’d like being called a “British subculture.”
The Burberry check is about as English as it gets. It was first adopted by football hooligans in the late 1980’s / early 1990’s. Part of the sub culture thing has always been dressing up – see the teddy boys onwards.
That’ll do you no good now, ‘squatch
They told me you would break my heart. As a tribute to what might have been, I now change my name.
Sobbing, he popped open a Rainier as he got in line again for DKW’s mom.
Well now you’ve made laugh. This bodes well for you. And really, no matter what happens here…there’s a never a good reason to line up for DKW’S Mom. Come on. You’re better than that.
I don’t care what you call it. The guy up top looks dorkier than some fat kid in a Darth Vader costume on YouTube.
Hell, I feel cooler for not looking like that.
Well, ‘slayer, you’re very kind and I hope we can be friends and ridicule the wankers and wingers together.
I still have a bunch of minutes on the swipe card for DKW’s mom though. I’ll just leave it for someone else.
Hell, I feel cooler for not looking like that.
That can even make a fat old man like me feel cool and the last time I was really cool was 40 years ago when I pierced my ears.
First they came for the sootbeasts, and I did not speak out because I was not a sootbeast;
Then they came for the sylphs, and I did not speak out because I was not a sylph;
Then they came for the miniature apes, and I did not speak out because I was not a miniature ape;
Then they came for the swamp termites, and I did not speak out because I was not a swamp termite;
Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Darn fundie homeschoolers are stealing our swagger. Shitty Xtranormal videos used to be cool darn it.
Sweet FSM, that’s creepy. That mom just loves to talk about young boys getting hot and sweaty together.
Chavs: Imitation wiggers. (Or: Imitating wiggers, to be charitable.) Hokey Smokes!
What’s the British version of Juggaloes? Jugg-the-Lads?
I assume “wiggers” means what I think it means…?
Since the War the British working class has produced cultures that scare the British middle class shitless… Chavs are, essentially, the current version of a British sub culture that won’t do what it’s told.
Which brings to mind a classic post from Flying Rodent:
when you’re barely ambulatory
When the bike hits your thigh
Like a five-ton steel die
That’s non-ambulatory.
Well, typical of me, I haven’t read anything since I last commented this morning,
but I’m jumping in to comment now.
and you know what I’m sharing?
We went to Musso & Frank for a family celebration, and I discovered the Side Car cocktail created by Manny.
Manny is the most legendary bartender in LA.
Damn good.
Where are the teddy boys, punks, razor gangs, ice-cream warriors, mods, rockers, football casuals, blackshirts, paramilitaries, rioters, yardies, bovver boys and every other violent subculture that has terrified the country in the past hundred years?
An excellent post, but hasn’t all that fear pretty much been transferred onto the not-real-Britishers? You know, the Pakis and all the rest of the immigrants plotting a jihad to destroy Britain from the inside?
hasn’t all that fear pretty much been transferred onto the not-real-Britishers?
Don’t really think so. Mostly they use fear of the swarthy folks to stir up the rabble and keep them from joining up together to give the “quality” what they have so justly earned.
HERCULE: Belgian?
We jumped straight from comedy blog to hate site
Persistence pays off.
They thought the Sadly,No! “New Testament Toilet Paper” was just a one-off, but we proved them wrong. Our “Strangle A Kitten For Baal” rally in DC on Xmas Eve last year really put us over the top!
Kudos for an atrocity well perpetrated, Sadlies!
UIlluminati Repton, who ever made that video at your link wins the internets for the the month perhaps year.
Funny Jim.
UIlluminati Repton, welcome newbie.
In the world of the blind, the person who “HATE SITES SO MUCH” is king.
Manny is the most legendary bartender in LA.
Was he there? He must be 90.
Dudes! You’ll never guess what I found out on the porch at DKW’s mom’s place! I am in the moneee!
Morals, Morals, Morals! Conservatives Gather For Values Voter Summit
A direct link doesn’t work but go to this TPM xlideshow and flip through to the 21st pict. The one of Huck and he number one fan “team Huck”. Lolz abound.
Fat, 40 & female are the requirements for Team Huck, I see.
“Some boys want to play with their body like a toy.”
Dear god…. that video… what emotion is it when you are creeped out and laughing at the same time?
Not as creepy, but not really funny unless it’s narcolepsy or something.
what emotion is it when you are creeped out and laughing at the same time?
Oompa loompa, doompety-doo
I’ve got mine so forget about you
Oompa loompa, doompety dargaining
Let’s abolish collective bargaining.
I like pics 19 and 20 as a set. “Stomp out the liberal media” and “Shut up America, the end of free speech.”
Teh irony, it is strong in this one.
Made me lol.
Are we at the thread-killing point yet? I’ve been dying to drop in with this.
Sheesh that’s funny, Sheesh.
“Some boys want to play with their body like a toy.”
Blow it up with a firecracker and set fire to the pieces? I think not.
The one with I heart Juice had me rolling! See it’s sort of tangential to this whole Donalde situation with the Isreals and Juses, etc.
Juses C., about what I thought.
Since DKW’s mom was mentioned, Ya Mama
Oompa loompa, doompety-doo
I’ve got mine so forget about you
Oompa loompa, doompety dargaining
Let’s abolish collective bargaining.
Popular line on the right, that, “Unions were great but they served their purpose and now they need to go.”
Translation; I don’t need them anymore (or I think I don’t need them), so it doesn’t really matter if anyone else does.
[A Wheel Barrel of Dollars]
Wheel barrel?
It’s a barrel on wheels. And the wheels themselves are LITTLE BARRELS.
Smut Clyde said,
September 19, 2010 at 4:19
Where are the teddy boys, punks, razor gangs, ice-cream warriors, mods, rockers, football casuals, blackshirts, paramilitaries, rioters, yardies, bovver boys and every other violent subculture that has terrified the country in the past hundred years?
My I’m late responding but work got in the way…..
Bit of a stretch putting the blackshirts and paramilitaries in with the rest isn’t it?
By terrified I assume you mean ‘fear whipped up by the media’?