Pathetic Randian DINOs
The Hill has the current whip count of Democrats who don’t want to let the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest of the wealthy expire.
If, in the middle of the worst economy in a lifetime, with unemployment and poverty at toxic levels, you can’t bring yourself to tell the most privileged amongst us that they ought to resume chipping in a couple of percentage points more at the top marginal rate, why even call yourself a Democrat?
This country really is going to the dogs. And it’s being pushed in that direction by wealth disparity that is third-worldish in its propensity for beating down the psyches of the have-nots — only our national mythology of studiously denying that the vast majority of have-nots (including you!) are in fact never-wills prevents the whole thing from crumbling. That and the insidious creep throughout society over the past 40 years of the Randian philosophy of selfishness, rich people worship and the attendant calculated purging of empathy from the citizenry.
But the recession has exposed the wealth disparity wound a bit, at least. A recent CBS poll finds that 53 percent of respondents now favor having the nation’s top earners contribute a little bit more to the country that made them so fabulously wealthy.
The Dems are gong to cave on this, just like they caved all through the Bush misAdminstration. And they’re going to let the Repugs back in power who will make the next two years a living hell and blame it all on Obama.
1994 all over again.
And, as Krugman points out today, the Repugs will have outright extortion in their playbook from now on. Democracy was nice while it lasted.
It’s beyond political. We’re on the road to becoming a banana republic, where the best job available to the masses of poor people becomes protecting rich people from other poor people.
Protecting them and fucking them, I should add.
The answer is to have two votes: 1) on new tax cuts for the middle and lower incomes, and 2) for new tax cuts for the wealthy.
If Democratic leadership (and such as, also) can’t set that obviously winning scenario up, then we’re doomed.
I’d love to* see a single vote, on doubling the taxes of the middle and lower incomes while eliminating taxes completely for the wealthy … just to see who bites.
*But not really
The answer is to have two votes: 1) on new tax cuts for the middle and lower incomes, and 2) for new tax cuts for the wealthy.
Why, that’d just be too complex! One vote is all that’s necessary or the Repugs will hold their breath until they turn blue! (if only..)
Dammit, I was hoping the old thread was still on top.
Mysticdog and tsam–you guys rock. You gave me just the kick in the ass I needed. I’m sending you mind-hugs.
The answer is, unfortunately, pitchfork and torch wielding mobs. I seriously wish I was kidding about that.
Sadly, the mobs are brainwashed by Beck and Limbaugh.
They’re advancing the interests of plutocrats (and polluters) like the Koch brothers.
As suggested before, the teabaggers are a bunch of Koch suckers.
I’d love to* see a single vote, on doubling the taxes of the middle and lower incomes while eliminating taxes completely for the wealthy … just to see who bites.
Coverage of the “Eliminate all Taxes on the Rich Act of 2010” would be nonstop and utterly glowing. But once it came time for the “Let’s Fuck Everyone Else Over Act of 2010,” some white woman would get kidnapped, and the Rethugs and Blue Dogs would be free to do whatever they wanted.
The answer is, unfortunately, pitchfork and torch wielding mobs. I seriously wish I was kidding about that.
I’m up for it if we get to target the money men and the media thugs, including the producers and editors who help make it all possible. I’d love to see how pale John Boehner’s tan could get when he found out that his contacts at the WaPo and inside the Koch Foundation were currently swinging from lightposts outside…
As suggested before, the teabaggers are a bunch of Koch suckers.
Isn’t that generally what teabagging leads to in the first place?
As someone (along with many others here) who has felt the direct impacts of the past thirty years of wealth transfer to the top one-tenth of one percent, and the manifestations of that transfer on the present-day economy, I can only say this post depresses the hell out of me. Mainly, I spoze, because I think it is spot on.
Two percent. That’s all we’re asking. We’re asking for low fat milk.
Hypocritical fuckers complaining about public debt – from
The Senate Republicans’ plan to extend Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans would cost the US treasury $4 trillion over the next decade, according to a Washington Post report. The startling figure comes at a time when Republicans are attacking Democrats for deficit spending. The Congressional Budget Office reports that the plan, which would continue to provide tax breaks on estates worth more than $5 million for individuals, or $10 million for couples, could force the government to borrow trillions of dollars and increase interest payments on national debt to a level four times higher than the projected deficit impact of the healthcare overhaul.
And these people want to cut Medicare & Medicaid & Social Security because “our debt is too big”. Fuckers.
Estates worth more than $5 million? Are you fucking kidding me?
We’re on the road to becoming a banana republic
And then people wonder why I want to move to an actual banana republic, where at least my measly income would be sufficient to buy a local politician, if not the nation’s leader.
Estates worth more than $5 million? Are you fucking kidding me?
Keep in mind, too, this is money that has never been taxed, largely. It’s comprised of capital gains that were never distributed (like the increase in value of an estate, as an example).
I’d love to* see a single vote, on doubling the taxes of the middle and lower incomes while eliminating taxes completely for the wealthy
Calll Bernie Sanders. I bet he’d introduce it.
Keep in mind, too, this is money that has never been taxed, largely. It’s comprised of capital gains that were never distributed (like the increase in value of an estate, as an example).
Double fuck.
So they’re basically whining about having to pay anything on it in the first place.
Okay, maybe that’s all true, but you have to admit something — there was a lot more excitement, a lot more drama, much more heroism and much more villainy in your typical 1970s South American right wing junta regime? And a huge wealth disparity between a super-ultra-rich ruling class, their professional cadres who served them, an urban secondary service class, and a vast majority which is impoverished or literally starving and living in tin shacks in ghettos, often on landslide-risking hillsides?
I mean, how cool is that?
No, they’re whining about what precedents it might set by merely talking about taxing the rich. The lower classes and the government they do not own should remember their place and not raise their heads up.
I mean, how cool is that?
You forgot about the peasant uprisings, the military juntas, and communism.
Well, sorry, but I’ve got to blame Obama on this.
His first order of business should have been to hold a presser with Reid and Pelosi to announce that the Bush tax cuts would be allowed to expire, as planned by the Republican majority who passed them via reconciliation. And that he would refuse to sign any bill that was an “extension” of current tax rates. Then follow with an announcement about new legislation being introduced to re-lower tax rates on middle class and lower income groups.
That would take lower tax rates off the table for not only the Republicans, but the Republidems as well. The only decision they’d have to make at that point is whether or not to vote against restoring lower tax rates for 97% of the population a few weeks before an election. I kind of doubt any Democrat would vote against it; it’s hard to say with the Republicans. They’d be damned if they do and damned if they don’t – if they do, it would be a popular election-eve victory for Democrats or Obama – if they don’t, it would be a pretty powerful tool to use against them in the campaign, with Democrats promising to take it up again if returned to the majority.
Obama could have fixed this a week ago. What the hell is wrong with him? Signalling a veto on tax cuts for the wealthy would greatly clarify the issue for all parties, and it wouldn’t cost him anything, since it’s popular with the voters and he doesn’t have to run again for two more years.
I think you have to look at this as one of those situations where the Democrats are looking for an excuse to do what they’d prefer to do anyway – which is coddle their wealthy donors.
So they’re basically whining about having to pay anything on it in the first place.
Um, yea. Plus, keep in mind that if the threshold is $5 million, an estate of ten million would only be taxed on half.
Too, there are so many ways in the tax code to legally avoid estate taxes (GRATs leap to mind) that this is moot for all but the top 0.5% of taxpayers here anyway.
BTW, I’m seeing on another site ads for the depression drug Abilify; 2 weeks free. Now while I’m not one to complain about depression meds (being a use m’self), this is for probably the most fucking expensive drug that’s out there. No generic. And likely your insurance company will deny payment for the stuff in the first place, if they don’t decide to require prior authorization or just charge you a massive co-pay.
Stuff like this pisses me off. Why do drug companies continue to give out “1 free week” or even “1 free month” when they should know damn well it’s going to be unaffordable afterwards? And the idjit doctors write for this stuff, and I’m the one who ends up explaining to the patient that they now either have to wait a week while the insurance company second-guesses their physician, or try to explain why the meds they got free last month now have a $180 co-pay.
Jennifer, the only flaw in your logic is, that top 3% percent finances about 90% of the Congressional campaign coffers.
the meds they got free last month now have a $180 co-pay
Yea, but Viagra? $40, tops.
Not that I, you know, would know. Or anything.
It was pretty much implied. I specifically mentioned juntas, but you can recall on your own the death squads, the massacres, the torturing of dissidents, the throwing of political prisoners out of aircraft into the sea, the destruction of any dissident media, and so forth.
Oh, those were the days.
Yea, but Viagra? $40, tops.
We have guys who come in and regularly drop $250 at a time on the stuff.
I dread what’s going to happen when it goes generic.
Cialis is the bad one, though – it seems creepiness is a prerequisite for getting a script for it. Rudeness and oleaginousness don’t hurt either.
Cialis is the bad one, though – it seems creepiness is a prerequisite for getting a script for it.
I need to speak with my urologist.
I mean, perhaps he can confirm your point. Of course.
I hate filling prescriptions for stiffy pills almost as much as I hate filling scripts for oxycodone written by a doctor in Florida for someone who lives in North Carolina who’s getting it filled at a pharmacy in South Carolina.
Mon, the harder they come, the harder they fall. McConnell said on the Senate floor yesterday that the rich people were the ones who had suffered most during this recession and today the Census Bureau says that there are fifty million americans without health insurance. Don’t jump off the cliff yet, mon.
McConnell said on the Senate floor yesterday that the rich people were the ones who had suffered most during this recession
We are! Just yesterday, I had to cancel my weekly pedicure! Do you know what it’s like to go around with uncut toenails?????!!!????? UNCUT?????!!!!
Troubletown did a nice one way back when….
It was of Limo Democrats whine lamenting “Oh, they’ve got the house, oh no they’ve got the senate this is terrible. ” Next frame “Oh Bush is in the whitehouse, tax cuts for the wealtiest.”
In the last frame the mood changes as they toast to “Oh well we should enjoy it while it lasts.”
McConnell said on the Senate floor yesterday that the rich people were the ones who had suffered most during this recession
Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. How can he be allowed to get away with saying that? How is it POSSIBLE that he can say that and still expect to get enough votes to be elected sewer commissioner of Septic Tank, Alaska?
The Democrats aren’t trying. It’s the only explanation. I could run a better campaign than this clown posse.
The Democrats aren’t trying. It’s the only explanation.
Oh no, they’re very trying.
The Democrats aren’t trying. It’s the only explanation.
Part of the explanation is the dog-and-pony show that the Teabaggers are putting on. It not only deludes the sheeple, but it distracts people who genuinely would be outraged by the plutocractic corporatocracy that has taken over this nation.
We wonder how Nazi Germany got its citizens in line, or at least kept them from getting out of line. I suspect we’re seeing a model of it enacted here, today, now.
We’re already a banana republic, albeit with a killer military. If it wasn’t for arms sales, our economy would be even worse.
It sucks to be a citizen of a country that sells weapons to the world and then acts shocked!, I say shocked!, when they use them against each other. But of course, they have to so that we can sell them more.
All that’s left is military coup that shatters the illusion that those bastards already don’t run the government. Quite frankly, I’m surprised that it hasn’t already happened.
Have a great weekend!
The problem is that the Republican Party has moved so far right into cloud cuckoo land over the past 30 years that the “moderate” corporate Republicans have moved into the Democratic Party, where they are welcomed with open arms by the “centrist” corporatist DLC Democrats. We now have a far right extremist party and a moderate right-corporatist party.
Two percent. That’s all we’re asking. We’re asking for low fat milk.
Which is letting those fuckers off easy, in my opinion.
Which is letting those fuckers off easy, in my opinion.
But still balances the budget under normal circumstances.
I think you have to look at this as one of those situations where the Democrats are looking for an excuse to do what they’d prefer to do anyway – which is coddle their wealthy donors.
Ding ding ding ding! Why some Dem constituents still persist on believing that Democrats are for the “little guy” is beyond me.
This isn’t simply a case of Obama not knowing what the fuck he’s doing. Why people aren’t seeing this is beyond me.
Why some Dem constituents still persist on believing that Democrats are for the “little guy” is beyond me.
Two reasons:
1) The Dem corporatocracy at least acknowledges there’s a citizenry out here. You can gather all the PAC money you need, but you still have to get someone to vote for you, which leads to point…
2) So long as the Republicans are perceived as being ONLY for the rich, the Dems will lock this market up.
Oddly, this is a perception that shifts each century. In the late 1800s, early 1900s, the Republicans were the party of the people (think Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt) and the Dems were the party of the aristocracy. This is an outgrowth of the split in the mid-1800s of the Whig party, which generated (this is the hilarious bit!) the populist Republicans.
We wonder how Nazi Germany got its citizens in line, or at least kept them from getting out of line. I suspect we’re seeing a model of it enacted here, today, now.
I really think the Dems are playing the short game and it’s going to fuck us all in the end.
1) The Dem corporatocracy at least acknowledges there’s a citizenry out here. You can gather all the PAC money you need, but you still have to get someone to vote for you, which leads to point…
2) So long as the Republicans are perceived as being ONLY for the rich, the Dems will lock this market up.
Which is why I’ve been saying that we’ve been What’s the Matter with Kansased on social AND economic issues.
Real article over at, NOT The Onion:
With C-SPAN planning live coverage of her speech (at 7 p.m. Central time), the former governor has a chance to woo not only Hawkeye voters who will be involved in the first nominating caucuses for 2012, but also a national audience curious about an intriguing figure’s future.
For someone who tries to follow and make sense of American political trends, the now-probable run by Palin provokes some questions: Have we seen this movie before? Will the upcoming presidential campaign look strangely like the last one? Not to be impertinent or impolitic, could Sarah Palin be the next Barack Obama?
Is this how the Romans felt when their empire was declining? Could we please at least have the drunken orgies, if that’s the case?
$arah won’t run for president. She’s making too much money off the rubes. Presidenting would mean taking too big a pay cut.
$arah won’t run for president. She’s making too much money off the rubes. Presidenting would mean taking too big a pay cut.
Also, too much work. Even just pretending.
I really think the Dems are playing the short game and it’s going to fuck us all in the end.
In truth, there is no long game. Never has been in democracies. This is one advantage monarchies have over us. They know who’s next in line.
For someone who tries to follow and make sense of American political trends, the now-probable run by Palin
…I can tell you she’d be an idiot. She thinks the libs and Dems play nasty? Now she’s pissed off the Republican leadership.
Could we please at least have the drunken orgies, if that’s the case?
Your place? Say, around 8ish?
could Sarah Palin be the next Barack Obama?
This has been another edition of Simple Answers To Simple Questions.
As always, Republicans mistake good manners for acquiescence – just because people aren’t shouting “She ain’t got the sense God gave a grasshopper’s behind” from the rooftops does not mean Grifterella has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning.
In truth, there is no long game. Never has been in democracies. This is one advantage monarchies have over us. They know who’s next in line.
I think there’s a long game, and there has been for about 30-40 years now. It just involves the systemic dismantling of our democracy that we’re discussing.
The rightwing is playing that game. The Dems are unwitting participants, I think.
I think there’s a long game, and there has been for about 30-40 years now
LBJ called that long game quite accurately.
Could every Sadlynaut near D.C. please go to this event?
I won’t be able to make it but I think I’m going to get a T-Shirt that says I did anyway, so I need a lot of people to show up just to make the lie look good.
It’s a Saturday night. Should be fun!
The rightwing is playing that game. The Dems are unwitting participants, I think.
Which goes right back to the post up top.
And Ike did too, come to think of it. Ike called the money side and Lyndon called the social side.
Which goes right back to the post up top.
Yup. I just want to reiterate that some people seem to think it’s accidental, but it’s not.
The part that gets me is, we tried this experiment already. 2000-2008. Failed miserably.
Only because plain ass lying has become acceptable public discourse could anything as retarded as the last political decade be possible.
I think there’s a long game, and there has been for about 30-40 years now.
I don’t think this is a “game” in that it was systematic and planned. I think this is just how democracies evolve. History tells us that freedom, unless its fought over regularly, dissolves as money grabs power.
After all, there’s a finite amount of political power in any society. One person, one vote is the best situation you can hope for at any one point in a society’s history. Eventually, as in economics, aggregates of power form: political parties, special interest groups, when people realize that if one vote is power, two votes guaranteed is twice or more the power.
Once you start creating blocs of votes to be had, you start to think about how to manipulate those blocs to your advantage. If you can get this bloc of five and that bloc of three and you only need eleven votes to prevail, let’s say, you only need to persuade three independent votes to your position, instead of all eleven.
And once you combine power, money flows to it. And the more money, the more power is attracted. And the more policies will tend to favor attracting more money to your party.
If it’s systematic, it’s at that level: they see an opportunity to hang onto money and power, so they will formulate policies that will grab that attention. The Republicans were first to this idea, it seems, and certainly have a better grip on it, but it’s really both parties now.
But I don’t think there’s some Bilderberg-ish plan to reshape the American political landscape.
That’s the scary part, of course. It means that we’re riding out a storm and there’s no hand on the tiller.
$arah won’t run for president. She’s making too much money off the rubes. Presidenting would mean taking too big a pay cut.
There’s no reason she couldn’t run just to fuck up our politics even more. She’d have the backing.
Could every Sadlynaut near D.C. please go to this event?
I’m waiting until Monday to book so I can get a hotel room after the mad rush this weekend.
t means that we’re riding out a storm and there’s no hand on the tiller.
Old Charlie’s stolen the handle,
and the train it won’t stop going
no way to slow down.
I’m waiting until Monday to book so I can get a hotel room after the mad rush this weekend.
Cool! I’ll get the T-Shirt ready.
Cool! I’ll get the T-Shirt ready.
“Send Spiders Back To Spiderland!”
Cool! I’ll get the T-Shirt ready.
“Sasquatch IsReal!”
Ya know? I don’t think I’m even gonna wait for the event to happen. I’m just going to get it made now.
Old Charlie’s stolen the handle,
and the train it won’t stop going
no way to slow down.
Heh. The line form this song that’s been rattling around in my head for the last week “And the all-time winner / has got him by the balls.”
I realize I’m blizzarding the same link here, but this is too juice to miss:
Are they also very different? Of course. But the parallels are striking and worth identifying. In many respects and assessed objectively, both Obama and Palin are products of a new age that combines politics and the modern media with all their available communication technologies.
What’s the line from Marx? “History repeats itself – first time as tragedy, second time as farce” or some such.
Dunno (yet) about the tragedy, but we definitely have the farce.
“Secular Demonology”
WTF does that even mean?
Douggy’s really quadrupling down the stupid, inn’t he?
If it’s systematic, it’s at that level: they see an opportunity to hang onto money and power, so they will formulate policies that will grab that attention. The Republicans were first to this idea, it seems, and certainly have a better grip on it, but it’s really both parties now.
Hm, I view the ongoing attacks on the efficacy of government and the complete failure of the public education system to be part of an overarching strategy to consolidate as much power into as few hands as possible. But I’m also paranoid.
Obviously, none of this shit is truly ideologically-based, unless you count “get as much money as possible” as an ideology. Though, I suppose it is, if we’re going to call Objectivism an ideology.
What’s the line from Marx?
Inside of a wingnut, it’s too stupid to read.
I suspect Marx was using the classic Greek definition of tragedy, where the outcome is negative (but not necessarily, you know, tragic). Think “drama”. Comedy, in that definition, meant a happy ending. But farce remains farcical, a commedia dell’arte.
In that respect, Bush/Palin would be a more appropriate comparison: two dimwits who by dint of some intangible quality (Bush, family connections, Palin, a pair of tits) somehow manage to stumble to the top.
Douggy’s really quadrupling down the stupid, inn’t he?
He’s fighting his way out of a wet paper bag…and LOSING.
What’s the line from Marx?
“I’d horsewhip you if I had a horse”?
“I like my cigar but I take it out once in a while”?
Ah, a fellow Marxist-Lennonist, I assume.
Hm, I view the ongoing attacks on the efficacy of government and the complete failure of the public education system to be part of an overarching strategy to consolidate as much power into as few hands as possible.
I think that’s opportunistic.
The reason I don’t think there’s a long game in that regard is that there is a point when it backfires. If there was a long game, they’d realize that point is approaching pretty quickly, if it hasn’t passed already.
Ah, a fellow Marxist-Lennonist, I assume.
Don’t crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers.
I suspect Marx was using the classic Greek definition of tragedy, where the outcome is negative (but not necessarily, you know, tragic). Think “drama”.
We’ve definitely seen “drama” over that last two years.
I realize I’m blizzarding the same link here, but this is too juice to miss:
Don’t you mean “too juse”?
And, you know, unless he’s just referring to the writers and not the commentariat, I’m starting to get a little irritated that he keeps excluding the ladies in his hyperbolic condemnations.
Also, again, I have to wonder if Don really, truly understands the English language. “Masturbate to” does not equal “vomit over.”
Don’t crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers.
Don’t get me started. The pyramid’s opening soon.
Don’t you mean “too juse”?
*polite golf clap*
Oh, very well played, madam!
Some are, while others are most certainly hip to what’s happening.
We have to remember that more than half of Congressional reps are millionaires. This shit is not longer decided by what will be best for the most — it’s what’s the most profitable for the select few.
If we had a functioning media that would tell the distracted mass what’s really going on, this shit would stop right fucking quick.
Instead, we have a media that cares more about ratings and the horserace — thus, we get Teatards who scream and yell about how the rich people and companies that destroyed our economy, our manufacturing, and our environment need more money so they can ship more jobs overseas and pollute at will.
If we’re this fucking stupid as a nation, we don’t deserve to survive. It really is that simple. Sad and depressing as all holy fuck, but simple …
The reason I don’t think there’s a long game in that regard is that there is a point when it backfires. If there was a long game, they’d realize that point is approaching pretty quickly, if it hasn’t passed already.
Well, Rove *is* getting all pissy.
The only way Palin would make it to the Oval Office is if she had an evil genius running mate. Palin/Cheney in 2012.
Omg, I totally want a Sasquatch Israel t-shirt. What would be the accompanying graphic?
The pyramid’s opening soon.
Huh? How can you be in two places at one time…when you’re not really anywhere at allllllllllll? o/~
I’m starting to get a little irritated that he keeps excluding the ladies in his hyperbolic condemnations.
Considering the creepy way he stalks Charli at LGM, you sure you’re offended?
Omg, I totally want a Sasquatch Israel t-shirt. What would be the accompanying graphic?
I leave the artwork execution to you, but…
A big hairy foot stomping on a Star of David.
$arah won’t run for president. She’s making too much money off the rubes. Presidenting would mean taking too big a pay cut.
I’ve been thinking about this, and I’m not sure that would be any great roadblock anymore.
We’re living in an environment where the press and the Democrats have serious trouble going on the attack against crooked Republicans. Dick Cheney got away with eight years of bad behavior, Supreme Court justices go hang out with people who have cases before them, and we just let who-knows how many people get away with violating the Geneva Conventions for years and years and years. IOKIYAR isn’t just a blog commenting joke — it’s all but written into the law. It’s only a matter of time before a Republican politician actually kills someone and the Village gives a collective shrug about it…
In this kind of environment, I’m not sure that Sarah couldn’t just keep raking in dough. She could keep appearing on Fox and the Discovery Channel and keep making speeches for pay, and just funnel all that cash into a foundation. Who’d complain about it? The press? Not bloody likely, since they’ll be right back on the “Questioning the Commander-in-Chief is treason!” bandwagon. The Democrats? That would involve speaking up in front of the Awesomely Powerful and Unstoppable Republican Machine.
I’m starting to think she’ll run because the GOP has realized the rules have all been suspended for them. Sarah can make all the money she wants, and the hardest duty she’ll have to perform is public appearances — whatever vampire gets picked as the Veep will do all the hard work of destroying the country and crushing dissent…
Huh? How can you be in two places at one time…when you’re not really anywhere at allllllllllll? o/~
Quiet, or I’ll stand you on your head.
Giving a pass to eliminationist anti-Semitism is the Sadly No! bonus prize.
Pointing out the sign actually said “Sasquatch is real” is “[g]iving a pass to eliminationist anti-Semitism?”
I view the ongoing attacks on the efficacy of government and the complete failure of the public education system to be part of an overarching strategy to consolidate as much power into as few hands as possible.
The problem is, that in the long run, the system they envision is unsustainable. And the game begins anew, with different players. There’s a reason the old European monorachies were willing to take their cash and get out of the game. Especially after they saw what happened to the Russian and French aristocracies when they tried to fight the inevitable.
Also, I don’t wanna give Donnie any hits. What’s his high-pitched whine today?
Dick Cheney got away with eight years of bad behavior
Yes, but 9/11…
Giving a pass to eliminationist anti-Semitism is the Sadly No! bonus prize.
He’s right: there’s a cold glass of eliminate to anyone who lets that horrid Josh St Lawrence back in here.
Why, thank you! Could I have an extra olive, please?
Dumb co-worker is on a roll today! She just said something about a “snail trail.”
thus, we get Teatards who scream and yell about how the rich people and companies that destroyed our economy, our manufacturing, and our environment need more money so they can ship more jobs overseas and pollute at will
What bugs me worse is the fakey populists who rail against both Big Gummint & Big Bid’ness and yet see nothing wrong at all with the system.
Quiet, or I’ll stand you on your head.
Just use your entrenching tool
Considering the creepy way he stalks Charli at LGM, you sure you’re offended?
Point taken.
Why, thank you! Could I have an extra olive, please?
Do you like it….dirty?
The problem is, that in the long run, the system they envision is unsustainable.
Precisely why I doubt this is some grand plan.
“Giving a pass to eliminationist anti-Semitism is the Sadly No! bonus prize.
Pointing out the sign actually said “Sasquatch is real” is “[g]iving a pass to eliminationist anti-Semitism?””
I’m as confused as you are.
Also, I don’t wanna give Donnie any hits. What’s his high-pitched whine today?
Sadlynaughts are big pervs who Photoshop Don Surber with his wee-wee in a tailpipe so we can wank over it.
Seriously. That’s it. Oh, and we don’t love Juses.
Pointing out the sign actually said “Sasquatch is real” is “[g]iving a pass to eliminationist anti-Semitism?”
SHHHHHHHHHHH! He’s banking on the fact that his readers are too dumb to remember what they had for breakfast, much less what he did, like, a whole TWO DAYS ago.
What’s his high-pitched whine today?
He “makes fun” of us for the tail-pipe fucking post. And expresses his outrage. Curious it took him so long, considering, you know, his penis is so small it couldn’t have taken him long to fap one out.
Do you like it….dirty?
Yes, I do.
Just use your entrenching tool
I thought I was saving that for the groat clusters.
actor, I was picturing a Sasquatch with some stereotypical accouterments. But I think yours is funnier.
She just said something about a “snail trail.”
Perhaps now would be a good time to anonymously leave her the Human Centipede link…
actor, I was picturing a Sasquatch with some stereotypical accouterments
YES! The hat! The payot! The prayer shawl! That’s PERFECT!
The problem is, that in the long run, the system they envision is unsustainable.
Precisely why I doubt this is some grand plan.
Well, that assumes that they have enough humility to realize that. I’m not saying it will necessarily work, but I am saying that it’s possible.
Sadlynaughts are big pervs who Photoshop Don Surber with his wee-wee in a tailpipe so we can wank over it.
Oh, I’m pretty sure Surber was happy with it. More tail than he’s gotten in years.
And I know I may regret this, but may I request a Photoshop of Donnie Douglas spooning with a sasquatch?
Omg, I totally want a Sasquatch Israel t-shirt. What would be the accompanying graphic?
I imagine it would look a lot like the tshirts for the local band Jewbacca.
“The Dems are gong to cave on this, just like they caved all through the Bush misAdminstration. And they’re going to let the Repugs back in power who will make the next two years a living hell and blame it all on Obama.”
I don’t believe this will happen but I can’t prove anything.
Perhaps now would be a good time to anonymously leave her the Human Centipede link…
She would throw up. It would be HILARIOUS!
She also just called something “groovy.” Dude, you’re fucking 26 years old!
I thought I was saving that for the groat clusters.
With Papoon as President, you could pay for these with a three dollar bill.
Remember….HE’S NOT INSANE!
(or irrational. or abnormal)
I imagine it would look a lot like the tshirts for the local band Jewbacca
Fuck! Copyright issues…
And I know I may regret this, but may I request a Photoshop of Donnie Douglas spooning with a sasquatch?
I don’t think his wife would let her picture be taken.
“Demonic porno-pricks” is still making me giggle.
77, those are pretty awesome.
actor, yeah, I was picturing Sasquatch with some Hasidic curls and a big star of David chain.
Fuck! Copyright issues…
Not if we could get them on board the Sasquatch Isreal movement! We have a catchy slogan, they have some cool graphics and a klezmer sound, We already have more credibility than the Tea Party.
Are demonic pricks forked? Do they have claspers like sharks? W? N?
We have a catchy slogan, they have some cool graphics and a klezmer sound
Hm. With the combined might of the Sadly, No! lyrics squad (and glee club) we could have the first Billboard #1 Klezmer hit!
Are demonic pricks forked?
If I am pricked, do I not breed?
I still want to know what the hell is the deal with “Demonic Secularism”.
Mr. Douglas, hasn’t simply referred to the tailpipe fucking, he has posted the photo. Strangely, it’s funnier there than it was here.
I still want to know what the hell is the deal with “Demonic Secularism”.
Don’t think too hard about it. Really. It’s for your own good.
People, if you need to know what a Jewish Sasquatch looks like, Marvel Comics has already done the hard work for you.
Strangely, it’s funnier there than it was here.
Also, somehow less disgusting? I don’t get it!
“Demonic Secularism”
It’s another way of saying secular humanism? So Donnie is calling humans demons, I suppose.
People, if you need to know what a Jewish Sasquatch looks like, Marvel Comics has already done the hard work for you.
Can’t be Jewish. Not circumcised.
Oh, no, it was “Secular Demonology”, which makes even less sense.
There’s even a picture of Sasquatch with a Star of David. Why did John Byrne hate Israel?
You can see why the drew the analogy — Obama’s announcement was the only interesting thing to ever happen in Iowa and the only time a politician has ever announced their candidacy there, even though Obama actually did so in Illinois. That’s how quiet the political news usually is out of Iowa 2 years before the next presidential election.
I know Joe Arpaio has “feelers out” for a presidential bid — maybe he’s the next Barack Obama! I see stunning parallels!
Christ, nobody is “intrigued” by Sarah Palin at this point. People either hate her fucking guts (60+%) or will join her political party/deathcult/religion/pyramid scheme/5K fun run no matter what (27%). The only people who won’t acknowledge this are pundits who need to fill column inches. I’m happy for it. Usually, it really hurts America that they won’t let go of a ludicrous story, but I’m happy to see them so dedicated to the job of perpetuating the myth that Sarah Palin can get elected.
Yes, the next election will feature Barack Obama squaring off against a hotheaded cracker-ass imbecile Republican of some sort.
And that’s the fault of a society that values the soundbite over substance, and greed over societal good.
I mean, dear fuck — we have collapsing bridges, kids who “graduate” high school but who can barely read, and a poverty rate that’s heading toward that of the average sub-Saharan nation.
Yet we never do anything about it because fixing crumbling roads is socialistic, donchyaknow! Besides, it’s much more interesting to see what the Kardashians are wearing to the Emmys …
I really think some of these idiots are convinced that some day they’ll be let into the Club of The Wealthy. They won’t, of course, but they’re too stupid to realize it. The other half base their beliefs not so much on getting into the club, but fucking over The Other. It just doesn’t matter because it won’t affect them, just those Not Like Them.
Again: If we can’t fix this nation, we don’t deserve it.
(That, BTW, is actually nihilism
Yes, the next election will feature Barack Obama squaring off against a hotheaded cracker-ass imbecile Republican of some sort.
Or Bobby Jindal, though I think he’s not stupid enough to try and run this time around.
So it’s true: Jewish guys are super-hairy. I learn so much here.
I was going to post:
That, BTW, is actually nihilistic in nature — just in case Douglas the Dubmass is reading.
Again, too, FYWP.
Also, I don’t wanna give Donnie any hits. What’s his high-pitched whine today?
This is a dangerous man. He is a militant anti-sensite who refuses to aknowledge IsReal’s existence..
Bobby Jindal. *shudder*
Douglas the Dubmass
Given his support for the ex-President, he likely makes up the bulk of the Dubmass.
Why, oh, why do they have to have the Road to Sanity Rally the night when *everyone* wants to be dressed in costumes and out on the town? And 2 days before the elections?
Yes, the next election will feature Barack Obama squaring off against a hotheaded cracker-ass imbecile Republican of some sort.
So, yes, Sarah Palin, basically.
Mysticdog and tsam–you guys rock. You gave me just the kick in the ass I needed. I’m sending you mind-hugs.
I may have mind-felt-up your ass during that… sorry. Well, not really 🙂
He is a militant anti-sensite who refuses to aknowledge IsReal’s existence..
Leave the child alone. He’s got a bad case of athlete’s tongue.
There actually is a long game in American politics, but so far only the hard right has been playing it. The PNAC folks like Cheney and Rumsfield have been staging the far right takeover of the Republican Party and (in their minds at least) of the the country ever since Goldwater tanked in the 60s. They have been unwittingly aided and abetted in this by the DLC and its corporatist predecessors in the 70s and 80s drawing away some of the more moderate “fiscal”/corporate conservatives from the Republicans.
Giving a pass to eliminationist anti-Semitism is the Sadly No! bonus prize.
No, when Donald Douglas saw a word that connotes a foreign, mysterious, sub-human, hairy life form and his first thought was “the Jews!”, we mocked the fuck out of his racist-ass Freudian slip.
Ashley whatstherface Part II Electric Boogaloo:
Storro originally claimed a black woman with a ponytail threw acid in her face at night as she was celebrating a new job and had just bought a pair of sunglasses.
Splash patterns and other parts of the story, like the wearing of sunglasses at night, led to the unraveling of Storro’s story, police said.
But it has nothing to do with The New Racism, nope, nohow, nosiree.
Why, oh, why do they have to have the Road to Sanity Rally the night when *everyone* wants to be dressed in costumes and out on the town? And 2 days before the elections?
Halloween is a bitch that way ain’t it?
Wait — Marvel Comics’ Sasquatch is named “Walter Langowski”? And there’s a guy named Donnie involved who is not in his element? It’s just like that movie — Beverly Hills Chihuahua.
Demonic Secularism — good name for a heavy metal album title.
Some song title suggestions:
Still working on the B side …
I am coming to the inescapable conclusion that Donalde’s employer needs to sue him for fraud and obtaining money under false pretenses.
Still working on the B side …
Really? You’re working on a band named Demonic Secularism! The B side could be nothing but the A side played backwards!
Just yesterday, I had to cancel my weekly pedicure! Do you know what it’s like to go around with uncut toenails?????!!!????? UNCUT?????!!!!
And just think of the little people at that pedicure establishment. I wonder what hurt worse… losing a paying customer, or being denied the opportunity to interact with one of the elite. What did they have to talk about around the dinner table, or whatever it is poor people do?
Am NOT subhuman. Just differently human.
I wonder what hurt worse… losing a paying customer, or being denied the opportunity to interact with one of the elite. What did they have to talk about around the dinner table, or whatever it is poor people do?
I know! After all, “meme” is just “me me” (sas)squashed together! Is real!
Coffee — > Monitor
Am NOT subhuman. Just differently human.
Follically enhanced.
Still working on the B side …
Harmonic Demonic
Secular Logic
Groovy Kind of Love
There actually is a long game in American politics, but so far only the hard right has been playing it. The PNAC folks like Cheney and Rumsfield have been staging the far right takeover of the Republican Party and (in their minds at least) of the the country ever since Goldwater tanked in the 60s. They have been unwittingly aided and abetted in this by the DLC and its corporatist predecessors in the 70s and 80s drawing away some of the more moderate “fiscal”/corporate conservatives from the Republicans.
Yeah, that’s actually kind of what I was getting at. I’m not particularly coherent today–had to go ahead and take some percoset this morning. Wheee!
Groovy Kind of Love
had to go ahead and take some percoset this morning
My roofies. Would you like?
Important Announcement: We Need You
Today, this country is faced with the typical problem of the political party in charge losing its voting strength in the mid-term election. This situation has occurred with some regularity in recent U.S. history. But, this election is different. We’ve witnessed the worst recession (some say depression) since the 30’s and 40’s. And, of course, severe unemployment and economic despair may cause many citizens to think that the Administration should take a different tact. However, it’s a matter of whether President Obama is going to have a Congressional team to allow him to continue with the recovery, or whether we elect more Republicans (and in some cases extreme Conservatives), and radically change the complexion of the Congress, so as to create a reactionary movement back to the situation we were in before Barak Obama became President.
Many say, “What has he done for us?” Or, “Shouldn’t he do more, or at least something different?” There may be various answers to these questions in our electorate, but many over-look what President Obama and the a friendly House of Representatives, despite a filibuster-crazy Senate, has accomplished anyway:
Decrease in national debt by 8% .
This has been accompanied a stabilization of the Dow Jones Average at above 10,000.
Created a health care program—although flawed, some may say—which will provide protection for
an estimated 45 million people without insurance or under-insure. Sure, health care may not be an
important issue to the 80% of Americans already covered, but what about those who have no such
protection? How many people would otherwise die?.
Although unemployment is still unacceptably high, the Obama administration has halted this
increase which was occurring when President Obama took office. We are at a pinnacle like has
never occurred in our recent experience. It is no longer necessary just to create industries
—industries that can just outsource jobs overseas—we need to create industries which will keep
jobs in this country, and cannot be shipped overseas. Do you really think the Republicans can do
this? They don’t even know that this is the goal. The old way just doesn’t work any more.
His administration Reformed the rules of the Wall Street financial industries. Many say, “Not
enough”, and I agree. But at least the Congress got something positive accomplished amidst
Republican objection. Can you imagine how little would have been accomplished if the
Republicans had been in charge? Nothing.
To view a list of 100 of Obama accomplishments in his first year of Presidency, see .
A vote for the Republican Party this November means a vote for the 25% far-fight, radical element, which is embraced by the Conservative (Republican) Party. Why, that’s only somewhat smaller than the percentage of people in the U.S. who believe the solar system revolves around the Earth—and probably includes much of the same people. Let’s look at what these people believe—as represented by some of their most vocal representatives—before considering turning our government over to them:
Not only are Conservatives supporting the Bush tax cuts for the middle class, but only is it
includes a tax cut for the upperclass—who really need it. In January, the Bush tax cuts are set to
expire. The Democrats support reinstating them for the middle class, but not the upper class. By
allowing these tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, the Republicans deny the government
several trillion dollars in revenue, based on the assumption that these people will put it back into
the economy through investment. But who say this will happen? If it doesn’t, this country stands
to increase the deficit by $3-4 trillion dollars. What a gamble, based on a theory. I say ‘a bird in
the hand is worth two in the bush’–no pun intended.
Some of the most radical members have seemed to suggest ‘gun play’ in the event they don’t win.
Others suggest ending social programs, like medicare and social security, because they’re too
expensive, while profiting from these very programs all these years. Or, that science is creating d
mice with fully developed human brains. Do we really want persons like this representing the
American people?.
What do conservatives have to offer about improving the economy? All they can talk about is
complaining about ‘tax and spend’ Democrats—on balance, will they take a page from the
George Bush play book, and become ‘borrow and spend’ Republicans instead, or just continue to
talk? I still I haven’t seen the Republican plan.
Many of the right-wing have exhibited statements suggesting religious, ethnic, and
gender intolerance—currently directed toward the Muslim and GLBT community. Essentially,
they simply don’t believe in freedom for all people—to them freedoms are bestowed upon whom
they prefer to pick and choose. We have seen this in our history with the KKK, and
anti-Semitism, and prejudice toward many other immigrant groups. And we’ve seen it more
recently, with the emergence of ‘the Birthers’ and a wealth of photos depicting President Obama
as a witch doctor or pimp—next thing you know they’ll be saying he’s a space alien. Do you
really want these kind of sentiments having an influence on government?
Conservatives are constantly calling attention to the high unemployment rate. But they forget
to remind you that during the Reagan administration, the unemployment rate went to 9.7-9.8%
and remained there for two years—and that was a mild recession compared to this near
Changing the economy is not an easy job; and the Republicans don’t have the answer by
regressing back to the practices of the Bush days.
And Tea Party candidates are just going to be co-oped into the Republican Party as soon as
they’re elected—so don’t think they’re going to be anything special. A vote for them is just a
good as a vote for the Republicans. It’s them or us!
If you agree with what I’ve said here, go out and vote Democratic in November. We’re almost certain to lose some seats in congress because of a traditionally low turnout of progressive voters during mid-term elections. So we need Independent and Democratic voters to turn out and vote for progressive candidates to minimize the number of seats lost to reactionary conservatives. We’re especially vulnerable to losing the House of Representatives, where some important bills originate. Don’t let this happen! And vote Democratic for Governor too—where applicable.
“Really? You’re working on a band named Demonic Secularism! The B side could be nothing but the A side played backwards!
Coffee — > Monitor”
Agreed. Hilarious.
Giving a pass to eliminationist anti-Semitism is the Sadly No! bonus prize.
Donald actually links to a Tintin post on some Jonah Goldberg brain fart as his example. Used to be the anti-Semite slur required you at least say something about the nation of Israel itself … now apparently all you have to do to get smeared is criticize a single mush-brained pantload with only half a stake in the Tribe.
Linked back to you mofos, ‘Why Commie-Dems Can’t Win on Taxes’.
And once more a hearty F*** You to the lot of you.
Comments are closed at my crib. I can do without the abuse from you freaks. Trash it out here and I’ll check back.
Disgusting. Sure. But ya’ll ‘re good for a laugh. Freakin commie losers.
Mysticdog, I thought that was you. A little to the right, please.
Who The Fuck Wants Jack Daniels?
I was hungry, yeah, but not for copy’n’pasta.
I still want to know what the hell is the deal with “Demonic Secularism”.
It means we lack moral clarity, and probably also tactical elands, though I hear strategic dik-diks are still available.
Comments are closed at my crib. I can do without the abuse from you freaks.
THAT’S the way to uphold good old patriotic American values like free speech! Kudos to you, sir!
Stunning display of bravery…
heh… “crib”…
Don, when you get this angry, you give people power over you. Now we know we’ve gotten under your skin. Your fear: we smell it.
My roofies. Would you like?
The only response to this besides “no” that I have is so awful that I can’t bring myself to post it.
So, no.
Donald actually links to a Tintin post on some Jonah Goldberg brain fart as his example.
OMG, Tintin is an anti-Episcopaliamite!
“Trash it out here and I’ll check back…Freakin commie losers.”
Why the fuck do you care about the opinions of a bunch of losers?
BTW, how did you manage to get tenure? Blow the entire committee and administration?
“OMG, Tintin is an anti-Episcopaliamite!”
THIS is why I always felt so unwelcome here!
Comments are closed at my crib.
Too bad. I was hoping for an exchange of peasantries.
Groovy Kind of Love
Seconded. And now it’s in my head. Thanks a lot, Sirius.
BTW, how did you manage to get tenure? Blow the entire committee and administration?
Affirmative Action for wingnuts in America’s superliberal communist college system.
Comments are closed at my crib.
Yes, but where does the magic happen?
(Is anyone going to get this besides me?)
Dear buttfreak losers, please don’t visit my LINK!LINK!LINK!siteLINK!LINK!LINK! and give me page hits.
But you know, I think what chaps my ass the worst is this: pretty much all of the bailout spending was passed to protect these people’s wealth. Ordinary people still lost their homes, because mortgage cramdowns were considered off-limits. The wealthy saw their investments decline in value, probably on average around 35%…but they remained wealthy, and now, 2 years later, if my investments are any indication, most of them are within 5 – 10% of the value they had 2 years ago. These guys have been made whole, or will be within the next year. That wouldn’t be the case without TARP, without the GM bailouts, without a lot of other things that kept them solvent. Without TARP in particular, many of them would have been wiped out. Meanwhile, the people who didn’t fuck up the economy have lost their homes, spent their retirement savings, and are still trying to find another job. And some of the Democrats who have been the biggest deficit scolds are worried about the only people who HAVE been made whole by recovery efforts.
Stunning bad form.
D.D. shut down comments. Sasquatch is disappointed. Can’t disseminate truth about me.
Comments are closed at my crib.
Yes, but where does the magic happen?
Must be in the bio section, right next to the link to a Scarface poster.
Affirmative Action for wingnuts in America’s superliberal communist college system.
Oh, so he blew David Horowitz.
This guy’s craftier than I thought!
Dear buttfreak losers, please don’t visit my LINK!LINK!LINK!siteLINK!LINK!LINK! and give me page hits.
Yeah, keep it down, Donny! We’re busy practicing Secular Demonology in here!
Now where did that Elder Sign go?
Disgusting. Sure. But ya’ll ‘re good for a laugh. Freakin commie losers.
I’m awful rich for a commie. Meanwhile, you teach at a fucking community college! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
Seconded. And now it’s in my head. Thanks a lot, Sirius.
You gotta expect these kinds of things from demonic secularists with no moral clarity. And, you’re welcome.
Must be in the bio section, right next to the link to a Scarface poster.
Oh, I thought it might be by the gigantic fish tank…
Comments are closed at my crib.
Ooooh, Donalde be gettin’ all up in yo grill, Tintin, ya faggy French muthafuckah! Why him frontin’ on yo an sheeyit? Y’all outta pop a cap in his knee, homes!
“Pere Ubu said,
September 17, 2010 at 17:35
heh… “crib”…
When you make don angry, he goes street. Belee dat.
Who The Fuck Wants Jack Daniels?
*raises hand smartly*
No, y’all, he literally meant “crib.” He’s “good friends” with David Vitter, ifyouknowhwatimeanandithinkyoudo.
Why the fuck do you care about the opinions of a bunch of losers?
Cuz as far down as he believes we’ve fallen, he still has to look up to see us.
Taxes redistribute resources away from the producers of wealth. The revenues fund the expansion of state, which is why leftists always want more. Taxes crush initiative and kill opportunity, two goals central to radical ideology.
Why does Don hate playing golf on the moon? If you hate playing golf on the moon, you hate America.
As demonic secularist I have only one question: when does the orgy start? I need to get my hair done.
It means we lack moral clarity, and probably also tactical elands
OHNO! We have an eland gap! We simply must fire up the military-industrial complex and bus the budget to make this up!
“There actually is a long game in American politics, but so far only the hard right has been playing it. The PNAC folks like Cheney and Rumsfield have been staging the far right takeover of the Republican Party and (in their minds at least) of the the country ever since Goldwater tanked in the 60s. They have been unwittingly aided and abetted in this by the DLC and its corporatist predecessors in the 70s and 80s drawing away some of the more moderate “fiscal”/corporate conservatives from the Republicans.”
Why “unwittingly,” DrDick?
I need to get my hair done.
No need – we have some orgy attendees who are into it being hairy down there.
I need to get my hair done.
Oooh, are you going to go with the hammer and sickle again, or something new? The upside-down American flag is cute, but takes FOREVER.
Douggy’s really quadrupling down the stupid, inn’t he?
He’s fighting his way out of a wet paper bag…and LOSING.
He just wanted an excuse to post that picture. He’s still not allowing comments.
*raises hand smartly*
me too. Who’s up for a liquid lunch?
Taxes crush initiative and kill opportunity, two goals central to radical ideology.
Right, which is why our greatest freakin’ technical decade in history had a marginal tax rate of 50%, shithead.
Dude, don’t argue economics with people who actually attended a college. Maybe you can get your JC asshats sweating thru a core course with you to agree until they don’t need your A anymore, but your bullshit won’t fly here in the real world.
Who’s up for a liquid lunch?
Meeeeeee! Forgot the meds at home.
Who’s up for a liquid lunch?
Not me. It’s not wine thirty yet.
“I need to get my hair done.
No need – we have some orgy attendees who are into it being hairy down there.”
Figures. Hairy hippy commie freaks.
Awww, he called you his BFF, DA! Next he’s going to give you a friendship bracelet. OOOh, or half of one of those heart pendants so you’ll always be reminded of him. I’m jealous. I always wanted one of those.
Taxes crush initiative and kill opportunity, two goals central to radical ideology.
Right, which is why our greatest freakin’ technical decade in history had a marginal tax rate of 50%, shithead.
Also, why would those be our goals? Too?
“TruculentandUnreliable said,
September 17, 2010 at 17:50
I need to get my hair done.
Oooh, are you going to go with the hammer and sickle again, or something new? The upside-down American flag is cute, but takes FOREVER.”
Whichever one you don’t choose. Showing up with the same crotch shaving is so embarrassing. It’s like “not AGAIN!”
Don knows the restraining order requires him to stay at least 300 yards away from me at all times, T&U. He’ll have to mail me the friendship bracelet.
Income taxes bad for Sasquatch. I’m okay with the Estate Tax though as there aren’t any progeny.
Taxes redistribute resources away from the producers of wealth
Well, the only people who produce wealth are farmers and raisers of livestock. The rest of us extract it, or refine it, manage it, or sell it and skim a little off the top. Given the level of agricultural subsidies in this country , I don’t think that the quoted statement is correct. Unless history teachers at community colleges are producers of wealth. God knows Andrew Carnegie was a history teacher at some community college and the whole steel thing was just a little hobby he could afford because of the mad phat community college cheddar he was raking in.
Taxes redistribute resources away from the producers of wealth.
Like these executives?
While the company failed to spend the $5 million [rate hike] it took from customers in 2009 to repair the faulty pipeline, it did spend that exact same amount in the same year on bonuses for its executives…
Income taxes bad for Sasquatch. I’m okay with the Estate Tax though as there aren’t any progeny.
Don’t you mean YETI?
Were we just visited by a left-wing TLDR copy-paste troll? Who knew there were such things.
And then we we received a drive-by water pistol attack from the Jackass Associate Professor of Not Knowing How To Read Or Spell? Is it a full moon?
Unless history teachers at community colleges are producers of wealth.
I’m somehow guessing not.
Taxes crush initiative and kill opportunity, two goals central to radical ideology.
Also, why would those be our goals? Too?
I know, right? We’re dirty fucking hippies! Initiative? Opportunity? Huh?
And once more a hearty F*** You to the lot of you.
I know that this is a serious challenge to you, but the word is spelled F-U-C-K (not that you would have any first hand knowledge of its meaning).
not that you would have any first hand knowledge of its meaning
I think “first hand” is about all his experience with it.
Why “unwittingly,” DrDick?
I don’t really think that the DLC, et al. actually want to empower the freakazoid right, they just want all that juicy corporate cash for themselves. Did they and do they want to move the Democratic Party to the right on economic issues? You betcha!
Showing up with the same crotch shaving is so embarrassing. It’s like “not AGAIN!”
I’m reporting your WrongThink to the collective.
Whichever one you don’t choose. Showing up with the same crotch shaving is so embarrassing. It’s like “not AGAIN!”
Oh, I was going to go with a crying Baby Jesus with a thought bubble of an aborted fetus, so either of the others will work.
Careful, only Sasquatch is allowed to use Y-word.
and also wish had thought of it.
Unless history teachers at community colleges are producers of wealth.
Maybe Don is getting in on Information Currency!
Oooh, are you going to go with the hammer and sickle again, or something new? The upside-down American flag is cute, but takes FOREVER.
“GET MONEY” is an option.
Don knows the restraining order requires him to stay at least 300 yards away from me at all times, T&U. He’ll have to mail me the friendship bracelet.
Hm, I thought he would have gone with the pendant. It’s hard to make a bracelet out of hair that short.
and also wish had thought of it.
Have you thought about classes at Long Beach Community College?
Taxes redistribute resources away from the producers of wealth
Well, they do now, after the Republican tax cuts. Previously they redistributed wealth away from the parasitic rentier and predatory managerial classes to the benefit of the productive members of society, the working classes (who according to both Marx and Smith produce ALL value and wealth in society).
And then we we received a drive-by water pistol attack from the Jackass Associate Professor of Not Knowing How To Read Or Spell? Is it a full moon?
I know, right? And THEN DA reminded us of that awesome Information Currency video!
Have you thought about classes at Long Beach Community College?
Now that’s just being mean.
Even Sasquatch has more brains than that.
Oh guys, you might have missed this about three threads back
Even Sasquatch has more brains than that.
I realized it was remedial work even for the follically enhanced brethren, but since they’re all about crushing Isreal and all…
Dewveloping? LOL!
We have a post on this in the tailpipe, er, pipeline
NO. just NO.
Not again. No Pasaran!
Do Not Want.
“I was also there too:Fear/Sanity 2010!”
Do Not Want.
Aw. c’mon! We have a chance to ruin an associate instructor at a bad community college’s weekend!
Think of it as a bad rip-off to Animal House! We can even sit home and get drunk watching it play out!
I need to get my hair done.
can you make it look like Marx is staring back at me. God, that would be so hot!
Back to the Palin thing:
When Sarah Palin takes the stage in Des Moines on Friday night to keynote the Iowa Republican Party’s Reagan Dinner
Wow. And I assume this is yearly.
Who’d have thought there’d been that much meat on him?
Have you thought about classes at Long Beach Community College?
Out of state tuition is too much.
You know, this guy is fucking stupid, but it does take some balls to a) quadruple-down (I know that’s not a thing, but wev) on TEH STUPID, and b) decry taxes and the “expansion of the state” when his salary IS PAID BY THE STATE and many of his students are parasites themselves.
Actor, can you throw some of that mad finance capital my way? I’d like to found the Yoknapatawpha County Community Clown College (Madison Wisconsin campus). If Dougie here is right, we will be rolling in green in a year or two. Interested?
decry taxes and the “expansion of the state” when his salary IS PAID BY THE STATE and many of his students are parasites themselves.
This is central to his point.
Also, Juses.
Of course there’s a fine line between having balls and being Grade A++ Dumb, but I thought I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. Momentarily.
Who’d have thought there’d been that much meat on him?
Much of the pentagon largesse in the 80’s was spent trying to develop Ronnie clones. They didn’t come out quite right, so they have turned the leftovers into a special sort of eucharist. Lame-ass Jesus and his cracker bodies has NOTHING on this! St Ronnie FTW!
his salary IS PAID BY THE STATE and many of his students are parasites themselves.
Au contraire, my dear. It is teh Donalde who is the parasite. His students are working hard to improve themselves and upgrade their job skills in order to become even more productive members of society while Donalde sits in his office and wanks.
Dumb co-worker is on a roll today! She just said something about a “snail trail.”
Maybe she didn’t wash up after gettin’ a lickin’.
can you make it look like Marx is staring back at me. God, that would be so hot!
I had that last time. I almost went with Che, but decided that would be too commercial.
Much of the pentagon largesse in the 80?s was spent trying to develop Ronnie clones. They didn’t come out quite right, so they have turned the leftovers into a special sort of eucharist.
I thought what they did it with was technology from the lizard-men who lives in the underground bases in Utah.
I almost went with Che, but decided that would be too commercial.
Trotsky is the clear noncommercial choice here.
Au contraire, my dear. It is teh Donalde who is the parasite. His students are working hard to improve themselves and upgrade their job skills in order to become even more productive members of society while Donalde sits in his office and wanks.
Oh, forrealz. But don’t tell him that. He has so little to live for already.
Maybe she didn’t wash up after gettin’ a lickin’.
They didn’t come out quite right, so they have turned the leftovers into a special sort of eucharist.
Protestants serve it with grape juse.
He has so little to live for already.
I never intended to imply that there was much there to wank in the first place.
Have any of Donnie’s “readers” ever come over here to troll the site? I know they were staying away before, but has his new post convinced any of them to make the trip?
Otherwise, I’m assuming they’re all still embarrassed by Donnie’s howling stupidity…
Protestants serve it with grape juse.
Conservative Christians prefer Kool-Aid.
Otherwise, I’m assuming they’re all still embarrassed by Donnie’s howling stupidity…
That or terrified by the potential beat down. I mean how stupid and lame do you have to be to read Donnie’s blog?
There is a guy standing here with a Joe Wilson T-shirt.
I am trying mightily to be polite. It ain’t easy.
Have any of Donnie’s “readers” ever come over here to troll the site?
Yes. Although I have a feeling that this is central to your point.
There is a guy standing here with a Joe Wilson T-shirt.
I am trying mightily to be polite. It ain’t easy.
I was trying to figure out what you had against Valerie Plame’s husband, and then realized you’re in South Carolina.
Yes. Although I have a feeling that this is central to your point.
Nah. I don’t think even Donnie reads his own dribbled ravings.
how stupid and lame do you have to be to read Donnie’s blog?
Hey, it’s the GO TO place for uptotheminute Cryptozoological News!! Tracking the trackers, so to speak.
Nah. I don’t think even Donnie reads his own dribbled ravings.
Well, it is well-established that he don’t read too good at all.
“I was also there too:Fear/Sanity 2010!”
I would like to go, but I can’t decide wether I want to march for fear or march for sanity. If only I had just a little moral clarity life would be so much easier.
“Wake up, waaat peeple!” That’s the KKK rallying cry. Somehow seems appropriate with the widening of ‘the gap’. Some where along the way, all those dowtrodden, oppressed white folk will realize just whose boot is on their neck. I hope. I should live so long.
On another note- WRT: new happy pills- first ones’ always free- dope dealer manual, pg 1, para 3 .Para 4, next taste- gimme mah money !HTH!
I was trying to figure out what you had against Valerie Plame’s husband, and then realized you’re in South Carolina.
Yep, unfortunately.
I’m tempted to yell “YOU LIE!” at him, but he wouldn’t get it. Not too bright, from what I can see.
Yes. Although I have a feeling that this is central to your point.
I doubt any of his readers would use “crib” in a post.
Yes. Although I have a feeling that this is central to your point.
Well, I meant other than the Donnie-Can’t-Read fuckwit himself, but yeah.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a site that couldn’t muster its readers to bumrush a site and try to douche things up in the comments — the fact that Donnie’s readers don’t think he’s worth the trouble is pretty impressive…
I’m tempted to yell “YOU LIE!” at him, but he wouldn’t get it. Not too bright, from what I can see.
Maybe it was free and he’s homeless.
the fact that Donnie’s readers don’t think he’s worth the trouble is pretty impressive…
I’m going with the theory thar Donnie has no readers. That’s why he is Quadrupling down, the hits he gets from teh Naughts are the only traffic he’s getting. Anyway, I hope he gives up soon. After I get to Octupling down I’m not quite sure what to call the next phase.
Maybe it was free and he’s homeless.
Uh, no.
It may be lookism but he just exuded “asshole Republican”. Loud, stupid and old-boyish.
“I don’t really think that the DLC, et al. actually want to empower the freakazoid right, they just want all that juicy corporate cash for themselves. Did they and do they want to move the Democratic Party to the right on economic issues? You betcha!”
Oh, I agree with you about them wanting all that lovely corporate money, but when it comes to the far right, methinks our beloved corpratists in the Dem Party do want to “empower” the trashbags…at least, to the point where they can offer up some plausible deniability to their own base: “Oh, we would have done everything we’d promised if those meanies wouldn’t insist on obstructing everything!”
In this sense, the Dem “leaders” are pretty much one-and-the-same with the Rethug “moderates” in aping the political Elites of 30’s Germany who stupidly thought they could use Hitler to further their own causes.
Well, I meant other than the Donnie-Can’t-Read fuckwit himself, but yeah.
Oh, I just meant that he was actually the only reader and just has a few puppet accounts he comments from.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a site that couldn’t muster its readers to bumrush a site and try to douche things up in the comments — the fact that Donnie’s readers don’t think he’s worth the trouble is pretty impressive…
They’re probably embarrassed to admit that they even read it.
Well, at least I don’t have to campaign for Ellsworth this fall. What a sell out.
Oh, I agree with you about them wanting all that lovely corporate money, but when it comes to the far right, methinks our beloved corpratists in the Dem Party do want to “empower” the trashbags…at least, to the point where they can offer up some plausible deniability to their own base: “Oh, we would have done everything we’d promised if those meanies wouldn’t insist on obstructing everything!”
Oh, I think they do, to some extent, anyway. But they are as dumb in thinking they can control that as the Republicans are in thinking they can control the far right.
Playing catch up,
So they’re basically whining about having to pay anything on it in the first place.
I’ve noticed this before; the richer you are, the more miserly you get. My college friends spanned the spectrum from dirt-poor to filthy-rich; out of all of them, only the absolute richest one of us had a family that felt entitled to cheat on their taxes. Every one of our families was more affected by taxes and society in general than hers, and yet somehow they managed to pull by honestly.
This ought to be a subject for a psychology book.
In this sense, the Dem “leaders” are pretty much one-and-the-same with the Rethug “moderates” in aping the political Elites of 30?s Germany who stupidly thought they could use Hitler to further their own causes.
Any bets on whether not not Donny uses that phrase to further “prove” our hatred of Teh Juses?
“Them Sadlypeople done mentioned Hitler! Nazis! Nazis!”
This ought to be a subject for a psychology book.
I remember reading an analysis a while back that basically correllated wealth and sociopathy. Evidently treating other people as things to be exploited does wonders for your bank account, and you sleep fine at night because the mIsery you’ve caused never even occurs to you.
I’ve noticed this before; the richer you are, the more miserly you get.
It is a fundamental requisite for getting and staying rich.
I remember reading an analysis a while back that basically correllated wealth and sociopathy. Evidently treating other people as things to be exploited does wonders for your bank account, and you sleep fine at night because the mIsery you’ve caused never even occurs to you.
Yeah, I was wondering if it was the wealth that made people miserly, or that miserly people tend to have more wealth because, you know, getting really wealthy often requires not giving a shit about other people.
Aw, jeez: from the BBC –
The Pope uses the keynote speech of his UK visit to warn that Christianity is now being marginalised around the world.
He should come to the U.S. sometime.
“marginalized” my ass.
“marginalized” my ass.
No fucking kidding. Christians could use a little marginalization. Maybe it’d help them practice their empathy.
Also, it sure seems like Pope Boyfucker whines about how nobody likes him anymore. Gee, I wonder why the hell that would be?
I really think some of these idiots are convinced that some day they’ll be let into the Club of The Wealthy. They won’t, of course, but they’re too stupid to realize it. The other half base their beliefs not so much on getting into the club, but fucking over The Other. It just doesn’t matter because it won’t affect them, just those Not Like Them.
Good explanation, which I’ve seen played out by middle class conservatives with a pretty crappy deal reading the op-ed page of the Wall Street Journal.
The caveat is that they think they’d already be in the club if not for the Other. You’re right that they endorse Objectivism because they think they can pull themselves to the top; but when they don’t, they fall back on blaming everyone else. It’s the government’s fault for taking my money, it’s the blacks and immigrants’ fault for taking jobs that should have been mine, it’s the secret
JewishCommuslimunist cabal’s fault cause they’re somehow organizing everything behind the scenes… etc etc etc. And that’s where all the welfare queen shit comes in. They don’t even hate “other” people so much as they need someone to blame who’s not them.Damn.
Did you know the Beeb’s website will help you learn French, German, Italian and Spanish?
and what do we get here? The Kardashians. Whee.
Yeah, I was wondering if it was the wealth that made people miserly, or that miserly people tend to have more wealth because, you know, getting really wealthy often requires not giving a shit about other people.
That last one, I think. There’s plenty of nice rich people – but in wealth as in politics, it’s easier to get to the top if you have no morals whatsoever.
The Pope uses the keynote speech of his UK visit to warn that Christianity is now being marginalised around the world.
Unlike atheism.
You’re right that they endorse Objectivism because they think they can pull themselves to the top; but when they don’t, they fall back on blaming everyone else.
It’s actually fun to watch sometimes, as in sci-fi Glibertarians who come up with these bizarre schemes, never succeed and then whine about how the Gummint stood in their way.
I had that last time. I almost went with Che, but decided that would be too commercial.
Between that and the zippered ankle, I am so fucking aroused!
The Pope uses the keynote speech of his UK visit to warn that Christianity is now being marginalised around the world.
If only that were the case…
A couple of weeks ago I took my family to the American Air Power Musuem near where I live on Long Island. In one section, they had the front pages of newspapers from the WWII years. One of the front page articles was about Congress raising taxes to help pay for the expenses of the war. Imagine that! Raising taxes to help pay for an expensive war. But when Bush committed us to two wars, the Republicans cut taxes. If you believe a war is so important to win, wouldn’t you want to be able to make sure you have the money and resources to win it?
The 1950s called — they want their reality and 90% top marginal rates back.
This guy truly is a special kind of stupid. His idiocy is almost impressive.
Also, too, I still have yet to see a single, solitary wingnut explain why, exactly, they think the left wants government to take over everything, yet spent the better part of 8 years excusing Bush’s unprecedented power grab.
It’s almost as if they think anything that happened prior to Jan. 19, 2009, doesn’t count.
If you believe a war is so important to win, wouldn’t you want to be able to make sure you have the money and resources to win it?
Why do you hate the rich/success?
Between that and the zippered ankle, I am so fucking aroused!
You should see me ride my knee walker!
Besides, WWII=inherent good. Anything, even massive government Keynsian spending, that happened back then was just fine.
You should see me ride my knee walker!
Now you’ve done it!
(I play the Addams Family pinball machine down at the pub a lot)
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a site that couldn’t muster its readers to bumrush a site and try to douche things up in the comments — the fact that Donnie’s readers don’t think he’s worth the trouble is pretty impressive…
Maybe the few of them poked around and then realized that they’re just not up for swimming in the snark tank.
I’m going with the theory thar Donnie has no readers. That’s why he is Quadrupling down, the hits he gets from teh Naughts are the only traffic he’s getting.
I’d give him the traffic if he allowed comments, and didn’t delete them. It would be funny if he were so desparate for hits that he subjected himself to public humiliation.
ohgeez I hope the Germanic music I’m hearing over the store PA sytem is in honor of Oktoberfest.
Wah. What, he’s bummed he can’t install and depose kings at Papal whim anymore? Boo hoo. Such a victim. Yeah, that shoebox he lives in just screams marginal.
No worries. They’ll just take it from Social Security and Medicare. “You think you need that cat food dinner more than our boys need bullets? UnAmerican!!!!”
I’d better shut this italic thing down and fast!
So much for that idea…
Oh, crap. Not again.
Let the record clearly state that Oblio’s Cap (if that is his real name) broke Sadly No!
That or terrified by the potential beat down. I mean how stupid and lame do you have to be to read Donnie’s blog?
You do realize that Tintin had to, right?
“You should see me ride my knee walker!”
Rolling blow jobs!
Cripes, it’s like the company has been taken over by Prussians.
ohgeez I hope the Germanic music I’m hearing over the store PA sytem is in honor of Oktoberfest.
Uh oh. I hope you don’t have to deal with it for that long…
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sadly No! Tailpipe Porn
Conservative dudes like to post hotties and link around to friends. Left wing extremists like to masturbate to photoshops of despised right-wing bloggers, like Don Surber. Pretty disgusting, I know, but these people are f**ked up: “Can’t Possibly Argue With That.”
‘ABOVE: Why there are no little Surbers running around Poca, W. Va.’
And as I’ve already pointed out, these demonic porno-pricks get off on bashing Jews. Giving a pass to eliminationist anti-Semitism is the Sadly No! bonus prize.
Posted by Donald Douglas at 8:45 PM
Labels: Democratic Party, Moral Bankuptcy, Radical Left, Secular Demonology
They start handing out lederhosen and I’m outta here.
You do realize that Tintin had to, right?
That is different, as it was only for research purposes and not for personal pleasure.
Cripes, it’s like the company has been taken over by Prussians.
At least you’ll have decent health benefits. And wurst.
“Cripes, it’s like the company has been taken over by Prussians.”
Not quite the solution you were expecting.
“Moral Bankuptcy”
yeah, he should talk, when he re-posted the frigging Photoshop. Perv.
“They start handing out lederhosen and I’m outta here.”
OK, memorize this:
Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
“That is different, as it was only for research purposes and not for personal pleasure.”
Yea, but look at the laughs we’ve gotten.
oom pah pfaugh.
If you believe a war is so important to win, wouldn’t you want to be able to make sure you have the money and resources to win it?
If you win it, you don’t need contractors. You need to make it last to get the full return on investment- whipping up a howling mob to send their kids overseas to kill brown people isn’t as easy as they make it look!
Let the record clearly state that Oblio’s Cap (if that is his real name) broke Sadly No!
Yeah- that’s my given name. Honest Injun!
I actually did something. Mom would have been so proud.
[Actual quote from guy who is the Republican candidate for congress in Delaware]
“Do you know, where does this phrase separation of Church and State come from? Does anybody know? … Actually, that’s exactly, it was not in Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists. He was reassuring that the federal government wouldn’t trample on their religion. The exact phrase ‘separation of Church and State’ came out of Adolph Hitler’s mouth, that’s where it comes from. Next time your liberal friends talk about the separation of Church and State ask them why they’re Nazis.”
You should see me ride my knee walker!
Oh, you ride it baby. Nice and slow. Do that sexy hobble for me!
The exact phrase ‘separation of Church and State’ came out of Adolph Hitler’s mouth
Perhaps (though I doubt it), but there is that whole “Render unto Caesar” thingee from Rabbi Yeshua, as well.
ohgeez I hope the Germanic music I’m hearing over the store PA sytem is in honor of Oktoberfest.
The store has been transformed into the Church of Ledernacken
Conservative dudes like to post hotties and link around to friends.
Whereas real women come to chat at Sadly, No, and talk about crotch shaving and their furry fetishes (I’m looking at you, T&U). Frankly, I think we win.
The exact phrase ‘separation of Church and State’ came out of Adolph Hitler’s mouth
I’m afraid to ask if this has anything to do with the Biergarten ambience I suddenly seem to be surrounded by.
I’m afraid to ask if this has anything to do with the Biergarten ambience I suddenly seem to be surrounded by.
First they came for the pharmacists, but I did not speak up, for I was not a pharmacist…
Perhaps (though I doubt it), but there is that whole “Render unto Caesar” thingee from Rabbi Yeshua, as well.
Yeah, but he was a known long-hair.
Church of Ledernacken
The US Marines have a church????
“First they came for the pharmacists, but I did not speak up, for I was not a pharmacist…”
Then they came for the delivery boys but I did not speak, for I was not a delivery boy…
their furry fetishes (I’m looking at you, T&U)
Hey, I’m not the one with the word “dog” in my name, dude.
I swear, this is wierd.
And nobody seems to notice.
Maybe I’m hallucinating. I always thought I’d hallucinate something more interesting though.
Hey, I’m not the one with the word “dog” in my name, dude.
Bow Wow!
Actually, that’s exactly, it was not in Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists.
Actually it was.
Maybe I’m hallucinating. I always thought I’d hallucinate something more interesting though.
Dude, this is not a rare occurrence for me. I usually have to ask people if they’re hearing/seeing what I am, and it’s usually then that they notice. Most of the time, anyway.
Jonah? That you?
And I gotta point out what was actually in Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists.
The phrase “separation of church and state” isn’t there, sure enough. But the phrase “separation between church and state” definitely is.
Ahh, tigris beat me to it…
I am shocked, SHOCKED, to learn that wingnut trolls are reading Jefferson incorrectly. After their incorrect readings of the Gospels, Adam Smith and Frederic Hayek, I thought for sure they had it figured out by now. In their defense, I believe their interpretation of Rand is correct…well, except for the Christian ones. They get Rand wrong, too.
And as I’ve already pointed out, Donalde Douglas get off on midget-granny porn. The Creed tunes playing in the background are the americanneocon bonus prize.
Ahh, tigris beat me to it¹…
only the absolute richest one of us had a family that felt entitled to cheat on their taxes.
But as long as they have a ribbon sticker on the Hummer they are supporting the troops and America.
But the phrase “separation between church and state” definitely is.
Better still, the actual phrasing is “thus building a wall of separation between church and state.” Seems a rather emphatic phrasing of something that isn’t even there.
Ezra Klein and Matt Yglesias need to shut the fuck up about food policy forever and ever, amen.
oooh-wheee, evidently there’s Euro-pop mixed in with the Prussian Band music… which just makes it all the wierder.
Ezra Klein and Matt Yglesias need to shut the fuck up about food policy forever and ever, amen.
Among other things.
evidently there’s Euro-pop mixed in with the Prussian Band music
Can Prussian Blue be far behind?
No wonder they kicked Jefferson out of history in favour of Calvin. By 2020, Texas History books will have Calvin writing the Declaration of Independence,
“We hold these truthf to be self-evident: All men are Predestined by their Creator (by whom we mean the God of Abraham, not some namby-pamby liberal Deism) to reach their appointed Place in Society, and we thus hold that Any Attempt to Interfere with the Just and True workingf of the Free Market is Unholy and Evil in His Sight.
And for some reason, this meanf we need to kick out the king. Who is probably a Muslim from Kenya. WOLVERINEF!!!”
My local polling location is a church. I could not help but note the irony during the last election in which one of the items on the ballot was an anti gay marriage referrendum and I had to walk by several posters decrying the marginalization of Christians in some parts of the world.
No wonder they kicked Jefferson out of history in favour of Calvin.
But no Hobbes. Stuffed Tigers of the world, UNITE!
The exact phrase ‘separation of Church and State’ came out of Adolph Hitler’s mouth
That “exact phrase” would not have come out of Hitler’s mouth, though perhaps something like “Lösung von Kirche und Reich” might have. Interestingly, I googled a bunch of synonymous phrases + Hitler and GUESS WHAT?!!!
Can Prussian Blue be far behind?
I could be listening to them for all I know.
My local polling location is a church.
Mine is a Catholic school. Got to hate that oppression and marginalization of Christianity going on here.
“Interestingly, I googled a bunch of synonymous phrases + Hitler and GUESS WHAT?!!!”
You know WHO ELSE talked like Hitler?
…oh, wait.
Your package of URL EPIC WIN is on its way to you now via FedEx.
Let’s ask Larry The Dwarf!
=================new thread, that way===========>
Christ. I take a break and the whole fucking place is slanted. It’s like a metaphor for the French treatment of the Roma.
WTF makes you think they want to actually win it?
No profiteering in that, now is there? Ya know, like making pallets of straight up cash disappear.
Apparently, that’s the good kind of government spending and transferring of wealth — from the Treasury, straight into the pockets of wingnuts and warmongers.
Also, too: WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SADLY, NO! BONUS PRIZE?!?! Donald Dubmass says we get one.
Dear lord — how much secular demonology and hatred of the juse does a guy need to do around here?
But [the hoaxed acid attack] has nothing to do with The New Racism, nope, nohow, nosiree.
To be honest, I was less struck by the racist part (that’s nothing new in staged self-attacks– see Bradley, Tawana; Downey, Morton Jr.; and Todd, Ashley) and more by the idea that there’s an attention whore out there so miserably desperate that she stepped it up to *acid* instead of sticking to shallow cuts and Sharpie markers.
If an attractive, well-groomed boy stands up and spontaneously starts singing “Tomorrow Belongs to Me”, run.
So, um…How come the comments are now all in italics?
“Oh, I think they do, to some extent, anyway. But they are as dumb in thinking they can control that as the Republicans are in thinking they can control the far right.”
Well, yeah, but I don’t even think it’s stupidity so much as it’s willful ignorance. They personally benefit by keeping the rubes distracted with bullshit, and they simply don’t want to hear about any downside. The end.
Occasionally, someone in power will poke their head up long enough to note that, yes, amazement of amazements, the far right actually is, y’know, dangerous and all (didn’t Nancy Pelosi do this a while back?), but most of the fucking assholes can’t be bothered to strain their beautiful minds contemplating such unpleasantness. Consequences are for the little people, don’cha know. What we currently call “Centrism” is all about short term gains, and with our professional class of politicians, there’s practically no loyalty whatsoever on the Democratic side of the ledger; the Rethugs may still manage (for the most part) to band together for their own purely selfish reasons, but the DLC motto might as well be enshrined in gold thusly: “Every Man For Himself.” To whatever extent the fuckers actually think about this sort of thing, I daresay they just plain can’t imagine anything BAD personally happening to *THEM*.
They honestly think they’re untouchable. And if the burgeoning fascist movement that’s rising up all around us every does get to the point where they start stringing up “liberals” like Harry Reid or Rahm Emmanuell or Cokie Roberts from the nearest lamppost, I guarantee the first thing to come shrieking out their mouths – after “Bu-Buh-But I’m on your side!”, that is – will be some variation on:
So, um…How come the comments are now all in italics?
Sweet mystery of life. That and how does Donalde Duckass get tenure.
Why don’t we get to say shit like that? Seriously. You can spew a blatant, easily verifiable lie about both the Founding Fathers and Hitler and be taken as gospel truth by half the conservatives in the country… why can’t we make up similar baloney and get away with it?
I decided to ignore anyone who writes “Adolph” Hitler. I found it saves a lot of time.
Whenever you pray, you should so totally be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them. Truly I say to you, they have their reward. Even better if you can do it using government money.
“Justice Scalia has criticized the metaphor [of a wall of separation between church and state] as a bulldozer removing religion from American public life.”
I am concerned by (a) his inability to distinguish between “the state” and “public life” (the man sounds like a statist to me, boo hiss) and (b) his contempt for the plainly-stated original intentions of the American constitution.
Dogs are better than this.
That’s what happens when you make an oblique reference.
Justice Scalia has criticized the metaphor [of a wall of separation between church and state] as a bulldozer removing religion from American public life.