Hugh Hewitt is Bloody Nuts
When Hugh Hewitt defends the Bush administration, he reminds me of some deranged ex-teenybopper who still has a crush on the guys from 98° long after everyone else has concluded they suck. I imagine he spends hours on end bumbling around anti-Bush AOL chatrooms posting messages like, “NUH-UH! U ONLY H8 BUSH B/C U R IGNORENT! G-DUBS + RUMMY ARE STILL TEH HOTTEST 4-EVA!”
Above: The guys whom Hugh would be stalking
if he didn’t have George W. Bush.
Anyway, Hugh’s latest piece is the ultimate example of his uniquely creepy man-crush on the POTUS. In it, he takes apostate Bushists like Andrew Sullivan and George Will to task for abandoning the Presidential Codpiece in his time of great need. Let’s check it out:
What happened? Why did they go 180?
Some pretend that lousy tactical choices motivate their dismay, but fantasies of better tactics can’t obscure the fact that the strategic ends of the war haven’t changed: The overthrow of Islamist totalitarian regimes and the denial to Islamist terrorists of WMD.
As we all know, the best way to deny terrorists access to WMD is by invading a country that had no WMD, all the while allowing two other nasty regimes to develop WMD of their own.
Hugh, you’re a genius!
Using the excuse of imagined tactical failures to abandon strategic ends doesn’t make any sense. Disastrous battles in W.W. II didn’t cause Americans to set aside the vision of the defeat of the Axis.
“Imagined tactical failures?” Hugh, are you telling me that having Iraq devolve into a goddamn civil war was part of Bush’s grand design?
So what occasioned the turning from advocates of force to proponents of appeasement? Quite simply their hatred of Bush overwhelmed their understanding of the world. What is the source of that hatred?
I’m going to guess it’s because he’s cuter and smarter than they are and they’re jealous ’cause he’s so much more successful than they are. The same goes for all u 98° h8rs.
It isn’t because of Bush’s policies on the war. Bush has done exactly what he said he would do on every issue that matters. He has done what they cheered in March of 2003.
He has created a frighteningly violent sectarian militia state. Bra. Vo.
I don’t think it is the cost of the war, or some make-believe path not taken that would have produced harmony among Sunni and Shia from May, 2006 forward.
Ah. So the whole civil war thing was part of the plan. That’s good to know. I think.
No, it has to do with who Bush is and who his former-supporters-turned-critics are. (In Sullivan’s case, the single issue that has transformed him is all too obvious.)
A.k.a., “He’s a FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG!!1!!!11!”
Jonathan Chait, the superbly undereducated BA from the University of Michigan was back at it Sunday in the pages of the rapidly collapsing Los Angeles Times, telling no truths about Bush, but banging his only, self-revealing drum again: “Is Bush Still Too Dumb to Be President?” […]
In attempting to tell us what drives Bush, Chait is in fact revealing what it is that drives the former supporters of the war turned defeatists and the increasingly frenzied denouncers from respectable perches like the big papers, the Council, and the weeklies: They feel disdained.
Djerejian, Sullivan, and Chait represent three of the four classes of the non-crazed lefty critics of Bush’s conduct of the war: the talented and serious, the talented and unserious, and the not-talented and unserious. (There are scores and scores of the not-talented and serious. We do not hear from them.) Each wears their exclusion on their sleeve, and their bitterness is bubbling up with every column or post.
I think the disdain they feel is more imagined than real. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld etc haven’t really got time to worry about the left behind and now embittered former supporters of the war.
Man, I don’t even know what he’s talking about anymore. It seems like he’s playing the “U only h8 98 degres b/c u didnt get backstage passes and i did!” card.
Part of the Bush hatred is simply resentment at the exclusion from the councils of war.
Uh, Hugh? Are you telling me that the administration has included you in its “councils of war?” That you get invited to the Pentagon for input on every strategic decision? (I think that’d explain quite a lot about why the war has gone so wrong, come to think of it…)
It is doubtful if anyone charged with running the war even reads these or most of the other critics.
Listening to other peoples’ criticisms is bad, bad, bad.
Anyone who has had a glimpse of the world inside the White House or the Pentagon knows the pace. There just isn’t time for hand holding.
Hand holding may, however, be necessary. It would be good if Karl Rove considered some way to at least address various members of this set.
It is summer. Set the interns to finding the 180s, and have them over to the Indian Treaty Room. Hear them out. Have the president drop by for a face-to-face. With less than 30 months to go in the Adminstration, it is time to start thinking about delivering the next president a country with a renewed commitment to the long war. The smart ones among the 180s can be brought back around to the reality of the problem if given enough facts and a little face time.
“If you pretend to care about their concerns, they’re bound to respect you! As long as we can trick them into supporting the GOP again, everything’s gonna be a-OK!”
Make sure the retired generals –all of them, not just the vocal critics– are in the room, and the Beinarts, Wills, Djejerians. Keep the numbers relatively small, and hold a few of them if necessary.
The stakes are too high to allow such divisions to grow unaddressed. Even if some are too far gone into opposition to be recalled, some will wake up.
Al Gore’s got a slide show on global warming. The Administration needs one on President Ahmadinejad. It needs the serious people back on the side of seriousness.
Above: Hugh Hewitt, a deeply serious person.
UPDATE: Oh man, I just checked some of the comments posted to Hugh’s piece, and they’re doozies (my emphasis):
The reason certain beltway (and non beltway) pundits have turned against the war after having voiced strong support is not because they have been “disdained”. I predicted this shift 2 years ago. It’s easy. A daily pounding of anti-war propaganda day after day, month after month takes its toll even on war supporters. It is clear to many on the right that while the troops are winning the war in Iraq, George Bush is losing it at home. His “new tone” has prevented him from attacking the news media in the political campaign against the war. In a non-Rovian move, Bush has allowed his political opponents (the media) to define the outcome (i.e. failure). Weary beltway (and non beltway) war supporters are simply overwhelmed by the daily barrage and the truth-replacement by the media.
This one is particularly telling:
The leftists have no principled policy about the War on Terror or the Iraq war. They just want to be in power, and as a result they hate those who have kept them out of power. They criticize every decision made by Bush. Not some, not most, but every decision made. They are like the little boy who cried wolf, no one listens and they wonder why.
Actually, I think a lot of people are listening to us. Seen Bush’s poll numbers lately?
The legacy of W will be prayerfully, the ending of Iranian nuke probabilities, the downgrading of Assad, and the isolation of N. Korea. In two years, without having to face elections, Bush should do the right thing, blast the polls, and work hard to deal the Islamofascists some hard death blows. Whatever it takes short of nuclear exchanges, cooperation with Israel, to deal with these thugs which leftists and so called moderate pacifists like the writer above who writes as if reality is based on a Berkeley debate! That libs and wussies do not realize that the Islamos would just as joyfully kill them, puts these armchair pacifists in a dangerous position for America and their neighbors.
“Armchair pacifists.” That’s certainly a new one.
Can’t you just feel the desperation? “Please, George, please! I’ve been a faithful water-carrier. Even when Sullivan and Will left you, I was still there for you. Won’t you please let me come to a council meeting? Just one, please?”
What a damned spaghetti-pusher. Coach Dave would have him doing wind sprints till he puked, then make him do squat thrusts right there in the puke. His man-boobs wouldn’t last two weeks in Coach Dave’s training camp. OK, maybe three.
What a damned spaghetti-pusher. Coach Dave would have him doing wind sprints till he puked, then make him do squat thrusts right there in the puke. His man-boobs wouldn’t last two weeks in Coach Dave’s training camp. OK, maybe three.
LOL. Seriously, dude. That’s some funny shit right there. (And if it’s wrong to have a man-crush on Coach Dave (sorry, David Ortiz, but you’ve been replaced), I don’t wanna be right!)
Thanks. High praise from a S,N star!
This could be the start of something. I wonder how Patterico would do in Coach Dave’s gym class? “Evidence? Ropes? The only evidence I want to see is you climbing this rope, right now, right up to the ceiling! How the hell are you going to pass the President’s Physical Fitness test when all you do is talk about ‘evidence’?”
This brings up the whole rope climber/rope pusher dichotomy. I smell a new Coach Dave coulumn:”Are you a hemp climber or a hemp pusher? You’re not going to push your way up that hemp like a kite. Climb, boy, they shoot horses, don’t they?”
“It is summer. Set the interns to finding the 180s, and have them over to the Indian Treaty Room. Hear them out. Have the president drop by for a face-to-face.”
Don’t forget the Gift Bags!! Some good swag will really go far to turn the opinion of those retired generals! Coupons to day-spas; some designer sunglasses, cell-phone cases with Swarofski crystals — they’ll be back on your side in no time!
“No, it has to do with who Bush is and who his former-supporters-turned-critics are. In Sullivan’s case, the single issue that has transformed him is all too obvious”
So, Sullivan hasn’t changed his mind on the war because it is going terribly, but because he has just now–5 1/2 years into the Bush presidency–realized that Bush is against gay rights?
since i know “huge” won’t post my comments, i’ll put them here:
being an apologist for UU. is like blaming the iceberg for striking the ship
it’s the big block of ice’s fault the ship of state is sinking, not the captian’s
“unlease the gates of hell” & “you break it, you bought it” was proferred as likely outcomes
those were thrown aside to welcome the fantasy of “cakewalk” and “flowers”
this occupation is a boon-doggle for defense industry insiders and a killing zone all made possible by a president that calls for “limited government” and “the santity of life”
hugh, i try to listen to your radio show (during commmercials of air america), i keep turning back because you put your faith in the actions (and inactions) of the worst person to ever steal office and are willfully ignorant to the fear-mongering, rampant corruption, and absolute unwillingness of republicans in general to fix this countries problems (massive debt ?? – TRY to pass a amendemnt to ban gay marriage) (port/border insecurity ?? – – TRY to pass a amendemnt to ban flag burning) (more and more people w/o health insurance ?? – – TRY to pass legislation protecting the pledge of allegiance w/the added insult of no judicial oversight)
that you support the party of absolute incompetance, non-oversight, and willingness to pander to one small constituancy to the detriment of the rest of the country is why you will go down as just a washed out flake/hack/weenie
hugs and kisses, tofubo
Their propaganda is showing and I think the serious thinking class, you know the professional people who gave the Reagan GOP the green light in the 80s, these people are starting to worry about where this is all leading? All war all the time? Let’s ignore science? Debt debt debt? Inflation, inflation, inflation?
The devils bargin with the GOP is breaking down and the operators, hacks and true believers are going bonkers.
Can Hugh Hewitt have a successful career outside of far-right-faith-based propaganda and boosterism? I think not. A lot of GOPers are in the same talentless boat and they are scared of the nation’s zeitgeist changing, and it is changing. Lieberman is in the same predicament as is Ralph Reed and a gaggle of republican house and senate seat holders.
The neo con post 9/11 moment is passing.
It isn’t because of Bush’s policies on the war. Bush has done exactly what he said he would do on every issue that matters. He has done what they cheered in March of 2003.
Well, hell, I guess the news organizations are hiding all the great news! We found WMD, were greeted with flowers and candy, and Iraq has been a stable Western-style democracy for almost two years now! It is a shame the news media isn’t reporting all that great stuff – all I here about is school houses getting a fresh coat of paint before the insurgents come in to kill the teacher.
Oh, yeah. I just hate Bush’s smirk. All that illegal unprecendented war, viiolating the constitution, allowing New Orleans to drown, torturing detainees stuff is just a convenient cover for me. I’d put up with all that shit, if it weren’t for his goddamned smirk.
For the pattericos out there – the above remark should have been labelled SARCASM
The leftists have no principled policy about the War on Terror or the Iraq war. They just want to be in power, and as a result they hate those who have kept them out of power. They criticize every decision made by Bush. Not some, not most, but every decision made. They are like the little boy who cried wolf, no one listens and they wonder why.
Excluding the hate, I agree with this person a bit. I think the Democratic party is more concerned with taking back the House and Senate than with declaring their plans. I get all these emails from Kerry’s website asking for donations but I never see a whisper of a plan of action. What the hell is the Democratic plan for the country, Iraq, Iran, North Korea and the wolrd after they win in the fall? I have no idea. This bothers me. I want to know what everyone who wants my vote plans. I don’t want to hear campaign speeches about how fucked up shit is, I want to hear their ideas for a solution.
Not that I would vote for Republican’ts. But this rudderless campaigning is seriously worrying. I have this sinking feeling that should the Democrats actually win like the polls indicate they will (provided this election doesn’t get stolen like the last two Presidential ones) just dick around and not make any of the changes I want made.
So everyone is clear, in no particular order, I want: the Patriot Act completely destroyed. I want it off the books and burned. I want to allow stem cell research. I want our schools funded. I want Social Security funded. I want us out of Iraq and an apology issued to the world. I want all the illegal espionage stopped. I want Gitmo closed. I want corporations checked. I want the taxes for the oil companies reinstated and I want every single one of them investigated for price fixing. I want all of our environmental protections reinstated. I want companies that hire illegal immigrants prosecuted and not admonished like in California. MOST OF ALL, I WANT BUSH IMPEACHED AND THROWN IN JAIL ALONG WITH ALL OF HIS CO-CONSPIRATORS. But I haven’t heard a Democrat willing to say boo, yet.
Is it me, or does anyone else get the feeling that any promises made in the Indian Treaty Room are quite likely to be broken?
I see that the Hewitt folks mention ‘the isolation of North Korea’ as a foreign policy goal. It’s an ambitious one for sure.
I hope he takes that aggressive approach into other policy areas too. Like science, where the hope is he can become the first president to successfully freeze water into ‘ice’.
Hewitt is just flat-out nucking futs. Reality means nothing. Truth means nothing. Obedience to Bush is everything.
Reminds me of a story I read, I think in Shirer’s Berlin Diary, about a boy who would run to the police station every day to read on the board posted there, the news of the war–the daily advances by the German war machine. Always good news, unitl one day there was no news. And that day the Russian Army occupied Berlin.
Hewitt is that little boy.
The smart ones among the 180s can be brought back around to the reality of the problem if given enough facts and a little face time.
Ooooh, face time, that’ll swing the stampede ’round! As long as no one is crass enough to notice that the Cowboy Emperor has no clothes (chaps don’t count.)
Not only “right,” but right when the consequences of “wrong” would have been disastrous.
. . .
Many commentators have become invested –incredibly– in the failure of the Iraqi democracy, the failure of the North Korean containment, or the failure of the attempt to prevent Iran’s going nuclear or Syria going back into Lebanon.
What gall! How could they possibly hold 3 major crises against Bush? Or see 6000 dead in 2 months as anything but vindication of Bush’s Iraq policy?
The fact is Bush H8ers are objectively pro hurricane.
If having a BA makes Chait “superbly undereducated,” then what, pray tell, does Hewitt think of the fact that two of the most popular Republican radio hosts, Hannity and Limbaugh, have no degrees at all?
Mmmm, this aint no regular shit sandwich…
Here in Chicago, Hewitt’s radio show is doing so spectaculary badly that the commercials they run during his show are mostly public service announcements and advertising for advertising (you know, the “Radio sells” ads).
I remember hearing his conversation with Chait when Chait referred to him as “nutty” and although Hewitt really wanted to have Chait bash Kos, the entire question turned to himself: “Why do you think I’m unhinged?” Hewitt said, not realizing that Chait, dopey as he is, would not be rude enough to say “because you’re out of your mind, Hugh”.
Let’s put it this way: On his Chicago station (WIND, Salem Radio Network), they put Michael Savage-Weiner in his slot and now play Hewitt on tape-delay.
And Hewitt has the gall to tell his listeners to boycott the L.A. and N.Y. Times.
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld etc haven’t really got time to worry about the left behind and now embittered former supporters of the war.
Talk to the hand! Chucklenuts Pretzelchoker is too busy making the Mideast safe for democracy ‘n shit to hear your claims that things aren’t going well.
Now, watch this drive!
If having a BA makes Chait “superbly undereducated,� then what, pray tell, does Hewitt think of the fact that two of the most popular Republican radio hosts, Hannity and Limbaugh, have no degrees at all?
I found that comment odd as well. I think it was a cutesy reference to the fact that Hewitt has a law degree from Michigan, while Chait has an undergraduate degree from the same school.
Let’s put it this way: On his Chicago station (WIND, Salem Radio Network), they put Michael Savage-Weiner in his slot and now play Hewitt on tape-delay.
Those are the most appropriate call letters EVAR!!11!!!!11!
And Hewitt has the gall to tell his listeners to boycott the L.A. and N.Y. Times.
Getting the illiterate to stop reading isn’t something he should be bragging about.
Motherfucking dead-enders. The leader of the granite-headed quartile who are just hardwired for militaristic authoritarianism. There is no reasoning. There is no shame. There is no evidence that exists that will change their minds, assuming they have individualized ones to begin with.
This just in, a copy of a recent e-mail:
Dear Maximum Leader(tm),
It would please me to no end if I could act as your toilet until you are forced to leave the White House by that evil document, the 22nd Amendment.
I await the pleasure of consuming your feces,
Hugh Baby
The only picture I’ve ever seen of this man where he doesn’t look like a grinning lunactic is that sweaty man-boobs one tbogg uses.
I believe crazy people can be identified by their gaze. I’m never wrong.
Bush has done exactly what he said he would do on every issue that matters. He has done what they cheered in March of 2003.
So have I, which is why I am now typing this on my brand-new state-of-the-art ThinkPad in the backseat of my $250,000 Bentley Flying Spur as Angelina Jolie sits on my face and makes me fried chicken.
Wow, Hugh’s right — life really is better when you completely divorce yourself from reality. Thanks, HooHoo!
With less than 30 months to go in the Adminstration, it is time to start thinking about delivering the next president a country with a renewed commitment to the long war.
No question, one thing Bush is great at is committing countries to long wars.
OH MY GOD: The trainwreckiest Atlas Shrugs VLog evar!
Apologies if I’ve already said this, but the thing that always gets to me is the “surrender” mantra. These people believe that Iraq is a glowing democracy with bright painted schools and a well-trained military police force, yet they believe that any talk of pulling troops back or out is essentially handing the country over to the terrorists. The evil lib media is making Iraq look bad when it’s really great, but if we even discuss not patrolling their streets 24/7, the whole thing will implode.
The concept of “cognative dissonance” just doesn’t seem to enter their minds. These are people who could be told (by the right pundits) that gravity is a lie and would instantly head off to the first cliff they could find. Hmmm…
Thank you for illustrating again that Baby Hughie is bloody nuts.
I hear they’ve got some nice warm blankets in the Indian Treaty Room….
And if Bush ever drops by for a “face-to-face” you’d better have a stack of wet napkins to hand.
[…]it is time to start thinking about delivering the next president a country with a renewed commitment to the long war.
I mean, come on! Deliver the president a pliant country?!? Couldn’t he make a pretence of acceptence of the principle of democracy? Or at least lack the brazeness to flaunt his contempt for it quite so blithly?
I love it when he talks about the “rapidly collapsing” LA Times, NY Times, etc. Has anyone told these papers’ circulation and advertising departments?
The “arguments” of Hugh Hewitt and friends are vast structures of assertions, without any evidence, about the character, motives, psychology, strategy, etc. of the various people and groups, foreign and domestic, he perceives as enemies. In short, they are paranoid delusions.
I will never, EVER, forgive you for that link. Ever. There’s not enough Brillo (or booze) in this world to scrub that from my mind.
I love it when he talks about the “rapidly collapsing� LA Times, NY Times, etc. Has anyone told these papers’ circulation and advertising departments?
The only national newspaper whose economic performance can be said to be collapsing is – hey! – the Wall Street Journal. Their stock (Dow Jones & Co.) has been falling for years, their balance sheet stinks, their board is divided, and they’ve just announced that they’ll start running ads on their front page.
respectable perches like the big papers, the Council, and the weeklies
If the big papers are “respectable perches”, I guess Sadly, No would be the equivalent of a disreputable talbot.
Perhaps there is a reference there to Bush and his bass-catching fixation which I missed.
wow, he actually allowed it thru
I’m still in awe of the concept of “armchair pacifists” from that one comment. All those people who sit in their chairs all day when they could be out there, not fighting wars.
Let’s face it: Hugh’s just jealous of Angela Merkel. He dreams of being groped by Bush.
Is it me, or does anyone else get the feeling that any promises made in the Indian Treaty Room are quite likely to be broken?
too funny.
“Make sure the retired generals –all of them, not just the vocal critics– are in the room, and the Beinarts, Wills, Djejerians. Keep the numbers relatively small, and hold a few of them if necessary.”
I think he means hold them as in “hold them at Guantanamo.”
Earth to Hugh. Earth to Hugh. Honey, you GOT to lay off the Kool-aid! The nice thing about these guys is that we don’t have to ridicule them. We just have to print their own words. Guffaw, guffaw.
three of the four classes of the non-crazed lefty critics of Bush’s conduct of the war
The fourth class being, of course, just about everybody else in the country.
No, Billmon, I don’t think he means hold them as in “hold them at Guantanamo.â€? He’s obviously referring to one of his recurring fantasies. President Bush will hold each wayward general in his arms, sinewy from his many days on the ranch spent clearing brush. Perhaps he will be wearing his denim shirt, with the top two buttons open to expose the Chest-in-Chief. He will tenderly whisper, “It’s hard work,” and they will melt in his manly embrace.
Comrade Islamovitch, are you trying to scare me straight or something? I mean, eeewwwww!!one! Gah, that an image that’s gonna haunt! I swear, if I wake up in a cold sweat… Gah!!
It’s posts like Hugh’s that really tempt me to ad hominem. I mean, how stoopid can one flabby Brit be? And when he writes some guff like this…
Of course, I don’t for a minute buy that the L.A. Times is “rapidly collapsing,” but if I did, a case could certainly be made that it’s most precipitous decline has occurred since they hired Jonah Goldberg. I mean, standards, people!
Ah, damnit, I used the wrong “it’s.” And it’s one of my pet peeves. If only I could now remove its apostrophe.
Better UK (or “Yuck” as I like to say) term for Hugh: Barking Mad.
Ah, but he still has powerline. Remember this? John said bush was “a man of extraordinary vision & brilliance appraching to genius…who unveils one masterpiece after another to a reception, when not bored, is hostile”. It looks like a hostile takeover to me.
But Iraq did have WMDs, or 5,000 Kurds all suddenly died of the flu on the same day. And then there are those 500 nerve-agent warheads they recently found buried there… you libby morons are full of shit, as usual.
So when you are finished with your witty repartee and shallow showing off for each other, what are you going to do to protect the Western democracies from militant Islam? Absolutely nothing of course. You can just make up a new conspiracy theory or some new rationalization as to why “there is no terrorist threat,” as opined by Michale Lardass Moore.
Remember, Libbies, when reality begins to close in, just deny, deny, deny. You’re good at it.
Project much, Stogie? Hell, yer Cinemascope, baby!!!
You mean the Kurds who died 12 years ago? And the nerve-agent warheads that THE AMERICAN DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE says were left over from the Iraq/Iran war, were completely inert, buried and forgotten about and were not — the DoD’s words — the WMD’s we were discussing when justifying the War?
Because, you know, when Bush and Condi and Cheney were walking around talking about “mushroom clouds”, we all understood they were talking about buried, forgotten inert warheads from a 15 year old war. That wasn’t misleading at all.
Filthy DoD bastards! Why does Rumsfeld hate America?
Hmm, what am I doing to protect western democracies from miltant islam? You know one thing I’m NOT doing? Destabilizing nation-states without a follow-up plan and thereby simultaneously creating a massive terrorist training ground, propoganda victory for our enemies, and tying down our military for what will wind up being a decade. But I’m sure it’ll all work out in the end.
And thanks for making the “Michael Moore is fat” reference, locking in the value of your post as both entirely fact-free — not according to me, but to the American government, sorry — but at the level of school-yard name-calling. I know, the world has become a scary, confusing place, and having a king-daddy in Bush makes it better. Sleep tight in king-daddy dreams while we shallowly show off with our witty repartee and … facts. Soon it will all turn around, and all we libbies with our fancy words and oh-so-smart repartee will have to eat our words and admit you were right all along! And finally you will have JUSTICE!!
You’ll have your vengenace on the smart kids soon. You’ll show them. Just wait a littttttle longer …
Stogie said,
July 22, 2006 at 4:04
So when you are finished with your witty repartee and shallow showing off for each other, what are you going to do to protect the Western democracies from militant Islam? Absolutely nothing of course.
Hey Stogie!
How ya doin’? After that smackdown you laid on us, I am ashamed of myself. You are obviously a person who talks the talk AND walks the walk. I’m assuming that you’re posting from some foxhole in Afghanistan or a hot spot in Iraq right now, so you have every right to poke fun at we “Libbies” who are just “showing off for each other”.
Uh, unless you’re not. Maybe you’re just some punk-ass who doesn’t even have the guts to volunteer for a war you think is worth fighting, hiding your cowardice with false bravado, weeping youself to sleep each night when you are alone in the dark and facing the reality that you don’t have the nerve to volunteer to serve in a fight that you consider to be vital for the protection of our way of life. That would explain your venomous comment to the readers of this site, that you are jealous that we can all sleep soundly without wetting our beds because we, for some reason, don’t believe what we are told by our incompetent leaders about the reasons for and importance of this conflict, and hence are not conflicted by our failure to race to a recruiting station and volunteer.
But I’m sure that’s not the case!
“But Iraq did have WMDs, or 5,000 Kurds all suddenly died of the flu on the same day. And then there are those 500 nerve-agent warheads they recently found buried there…�
Uh, when’s the last time you been t’ town and done read yerself a noospaper, rube? As someone else has already pointed, those were not the WMDs that Kinda-Sleazy Rice fraudulently announced as a “mushroom cloud� about to occur. The other warheads found were immediately ignored by everyone else with a capacity for intelligent comprehension as irrelevant, except by you and Rick Santorum (currently trailing 15-20 percentage points).
Dead give-away: use of buzzwords like “libby� (to describe anyone who might criticize or think less self-serving alternatives are possible); “militant Islam� (a term invented by the far right to mobilize militant fascistic Christians to do the dirty work in attacking foreign countries, and terrorize people who never even knew 5 years ago what Islam was, and still don’t); “protecting Western democracy� (the usual con. It’s western INFRASTRUCTURE that our prez is worried about, not Western democracy. That he has no understanding nor interest in, instead spending his entire life on a life-long alcoholic binge, without any understanding of history, politics, or policy. Western democracy has survived the meeting of differing ideologies and cultures for 200 plus years. Unfortunately, it may not survive the machinations of people like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, all those hiding behind them, and simpletons like you who are more eager to be obedient, than informed.
And of course, how could you possibly leave out our patron saint, Michael Moore, in any slobbering rant? (you know we’re petitioning the Vatican to have him canonized? While he’s still alive! Just kidding, rube. He’s not Satan. Really. He’s just a guy who makes movies with a different take on things than you. Can you grasp the simple reality of that?)
Holding an opinion is not the same as being intelligent and insightful. Those require work, and reflection. Not braying. (and sorry for using big words.)
“…what are you going to do to protect the Western democracies from militant Islam?”
Well, maybe, just for starters, we could make a start by not selling or transferring them weapons from our own arms manufacturers or weapons stocks (Saddam Hussein), or arming them when we use them as proxies to fight some other enemy of ours (Taliban). How’s that for a start? But you knew that. Right, Ace?
“…your witty repartee and shallow showing off for each other…�
So telling. You really actually do hate the smart kids, don’t you? Beat em up at recess, did you?
“…You can just make up a new conspiracy theory or some new rationalization as to why there is no terrorist threat…�
No, we just see a much more complex set of events, with a history and possible ulterior motives, that someone who needs simplistic answers, like you, can’t, or deliberately won’t, grasp.
So well trained. Good boy. Here’s a treat.