Moo! Moo!! Mooooo!!! (UPDATED)(AGAIN)
The crew at Sadly, No! has always had a particular soft spot in their hearts for Donald Douglas, a professor of some sort at some community college somewhere, ever since he referred to us as the slow-witted cattle of the leftosphere. So forgive me a moment if I spit out the grass that I was eating and help my self to a large and tasty helping of schadenfreude:
Then turning around, I saw this kid yacking it up for the crowd, obviously having a blast with this ugly Jew-hating sign. And what does that mean, “SASQUATCH ISRAEL”? This is a play on the “legitimacy myth” of Israel’s existence. As there’s of course a “Sasquatch myth,” it’s worth noting the implied comparison: that Israel is also an ape-like beast existing only in historical folklore. Absent legitimacy, Israel has “no right to exist.” This kid’s sign is but one more example of eliminationist anti-Semitism. And look at how overjoyed he is in boasting this hatred. Creepy
That is, of course, Donald talking about someone, allegedly a counter-protestor, whom he saw during the day of hating mosques recently held in lower Manhattan. SASQUATCH ISRAEL is, indeed, a rather cryptic insult to Israel and I’m not for a moment convinced by the community college professor’s over-heated exegesis of the phrase. But fortunately, Douglas posts a picture of said leftist and said sign so that perhaps we can figure out what on earth is meant by “SASQUATCH ISRAEL.”
Click here to see the picture.
It turns out, of course, that the sign had nothing to do with Israel, much less with any desire to do bad things to Israel, but instead was, in fact, a travel warning advising people of the dangers of traveling alone in the backwoods of America, not only because of the danger of being made to squeal like a pig by a single-toothed teatard, but also because of the very real danger of encountering the dangerous forest creature known as Sasquatch who, in case you weren’t certain, IS REAL!
You know if Sadlynauts are slow-witted cattle, I think that means our illiterate community college professor must be relegated to an even lower rung in the zoosphere, such as, say, brain-damaged poultry or, better yet, windshield-splattered insects.
UPDATE: Hilarious. Thin-skinned Don Douglas responds:
So “SASQUATCH ISRAEL” is really truly “SASQUATCH IS REAL.” And there’s even a website for that, on Facebook.
Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I’m dumb.
I stand by what I wrote, either way.
Leftists hate moral clarity. And they hate Israel. We don’t need a Sasquatch myth to figure that out. So, a hearty F*** You to the lot of you, assholes.
In other words: “I was wrong but that is central to my point.”
Don also didn’t like the hat we put on him in the picture either, not fully understanding that the joke wasn’t that he loved Jesus, but that he probably couldn’t spell the name any better than he could spell Israel. For him this is all proof that all Leftists hate Jesus, hate Israel, love Satan and Beelzebub, love Iran and Cuba, hate America, hate Oreo cookies with milk, love catfood canapés and human blood smoothies, love Charles Manson, hate our grandparents, etc., etc., etc. Just because I said he was stupid.
SECOND UPDATE: More from Professor Douglas who, frankly, seems a little deranged and, well, un-professorial.
[h/t bjkeefe]
Red America Isreal America.
Saaaaaaasquaaaaaaaaatch you are reeeeeeeeal.
Trig’s having a mighty good day today, kiddos!
Oh, good Lord. I don’t know what’s worse. That half our country is this fucking stupid, or that politically beating them back under their rock takes more effort than clipping our toenails.
Once again, a single sign at a protest means the whole left believes X.
Which is of course not true for Teabaggers, ’cause shut up that’s why.
Sure sure… let’s see YOU try getting SASQUATCH ISRAEL circumcised.
I saw a sign once that said Alien Abduction Is Real!”
This is a disgusting ant-semitic slur. How dare he advocate the kidnapping, anal probing and forced deportation of the Jews to other planets.
This might be the awesomest thing that ever awesomed.
I notice that none of the comments which have made it through (presumed) moderation mention this idocy.
Clicked on the link to the pic only just now….. Fuck…. if you scooped out Donald’s brains and replaced them with mashed potatoes he’d get a 30% increase in his IQ.
You know who else believed in Sasquatch.
None of the commenters seem to have picked up on it yet. Anyone up for some WAR BLOG action??
Also, for some reason the commenters are blabbering comments about Malcolm X leaving the Nation of Islam. What does that have to do with anything? He became a Sunni Muslim after leaving NOI.
Perhaps said community college professor is hiding a reading disability? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
“This is one block past Park Place, Murray Street, I think. I start walking down to West Broadway to try one more time at greeting Pamela. I came across this group of kids, with their signs attacking “racist fearmongering,” sponsored by Stop, which is a front for the IAC neo-communist coalition: ”
Those communists are adorable. I want to join!
That’s a Stupidium nugget the size of Lower Manhattan.
Yet we’re still nowhere near Peak Stupidium.
He became a Sunni Muslim after leaving NOI.
Well, his outlook might have gotten a little brighter but I’d never say it was Sunni.
“None of the commenters seem to have picked up on it yet. Anyone up for some WAR BLOG action??”
Is that legal? Surely there is a lower limit on the stupid you can legally ridicule isn’t there?
Wait, which one’s the sasquatch again? I’ve Cleveland Steamered Israel and Reverse Cowgirled Israel (but, I mean, who hasn’t?), but I haven’t quite made it to the S’s in my Dictionary of Things to Do to Israel yet…
This is even worse than when Israel was transported into the nightmarish underworld of the Carpet Crawlers and the Slippermen.
“He starts whining about alleged hate speech on [Pam Atlas’ and Robert Spencer’s] blogs, or something.”
That’s definitely the mark of someone who’s interested in having a serious discussion.
Speaking of mashed potatos for brains . . . who woodathunk she would be a young earth creationist?
CHRISTINE O’DONNELL, Concerned Women for America: Well, as the senator from Tennessee mentioned, evolution is a theory and it’s exactly that. There is not enough evidence, consistent evidence to make it as fact, and I say that because for theory to become a fact, it needs to consistently have the same results after it goes through a series of tests. The tests that they put — that they use to support evolution do not have consistent results. Now too many people are blindly accepting evolution as fact. But when you get down to the hard evidence, it’s merely a theory. But creation —
Well, creationism, in essence, is believing that the world began as the Bible in Genesis says, that God created the Earth in six days, six 24-hour periods. And there is just as much, if not more, evidence supporting that.”
Well, his outlook might have gotten a little brighter but I’d never say it was Sunni.
“our illiterate community college professor must be relegated to an even lower rung in the zoosphere, such as, say, brain-damaged poultry”
Nope, Mike the chicken is STILL smarter than this fuckstain.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Oh, God, I can’t breathe.
Damn, that’s some yellow-cake level stupid, there.
Yet we’re still nowhere near Peak Stupidium.
I was going to say that this is the best self-pwnage ever, but you know it won’t be.
I’ve Cleveland Steamered Israel and Reverse Cowgirled Israel (but, I mean, who hasn’t?), but I haven’t quite made it to the S’s in my Dictionary of Things to Do to Israel yet…
According to the urban dictionary Sasquatch is either an unshaven woman, an especially hairy man (sometimes with big feet) or a blow job in the woods.
Personally I got a Rusty Trombone from Israel, for my letter ‘R’ but hey variety is the spice of life right?
I heard Israel likes to keep it rael, Donald Ducklass.
We have secretly replaced Donald Douglas’ brain with Folgers Crystals. Lets see if anyone notices.
Say, whatever happened to that troll that was sending out a well-financed and highly educated expedition to the Northwest in search of Sasqjew?
Well, you know, he may have a point.
After all the Sasquatch is the Jew of Liberal Mythologism
a blow job in the woods
Wow. I’ve been Sasquatched!
Tasty Mango Is Real!
More blatent anti-semitism.
It’s a good thing it didn’t say “Bigfoot Isreal”.
THAT would have been a real insult.
Wow. I’ve been Sasquatched!
It doesn’t count if it was from a wino in Central Park. *
*this was unnecessarily cruel but I thought it was funny.
Personally I got a Rusty Trombone from Israel, for my letter ‘R’ but hey variety is the spice of life right?
Shit. I knew I shouldn’t have just put the book down the second I saw the word “cowgirl.”
You know if Sadlynauts are slow-witted cattle, I think that means our illiterate community college professor must be relegated to an even lower rung in the zoosphere, such as, say, brain-damaged poultry or, better yet, windshield-splattered insects.
Clearly, he is the small lump of green putty I found in my arm pit one morning last month, as famously recorded by Poet Master Grunthos the Flatulent in his poem, “Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning.”
It doesn’t count if it was from a wino in Central Park.
Any sort in a porn, I always say.
I once saw a sign that said Fodo Isreal, does that mean all Jews have furry feet?
I knew that the wingnut base was illiterate, but wingnut professors as well? And they wonder why there are so few in academia. We do have some standards (not many and not very high, but some) after all.
I also like the way the guy with the sign was ‘yacking it up’ for the crowd.
Now, last I checked, ‘yacking’ meant either ‘throwing up’ or ‘talking at length about something really boring’ (yackity yack!) Which do you suppose he meant?
I’m pretty sure this guy was born and bred in the USA. If English were his second language, he’d have a better grasp of both spelling and English idiom.
I once saw a sign that said Fodo Isreal, does that mean all Jews have furry feet?
Hey, that’s anti-Semitism!
And true, also. Too.
Righty pundits on ‘suicide’ watch
“As for the liberals, Washington Monthly’s Steve Benen is pretty excited: “O’Donnell instantly joins the Crazy Caucus and may in fact be in the running for the nuttiest of them all. She has, after all, equated masturbation with adultery as part of her bizarre religious crusade. The chairman of the Delaware Republican Party characterized his party’s U.S. Senate nominee as ‘a perennial candidate unworthy of being elected dog catcher.’ Even Dick Armey’s FreedomWorks, which rallies behind right-wing fringe candidates, wanted nothing to do with her.”
Harry and the Hendersons is the Triumph of the Will of Liberal Fascism.
I dunno…I’d want to see Sasquatch’s long form birth certificate vault copy. How do we know he isn’t a Yeti? Or a Watusi?
J’you eat yet?
Moooo– er, I mean GRRROWLLL!
Hmm, maybe we shouldn’t dismiss Prof. Douglas so quickly
Hitler Sasquatch Hunter
Or a Watusi?
That seems pretty racist to me. You do know that Watusi is the old name of the Tutsi, the tribe in Rwanda that got the shit genocided out of them right?
What Jew you talking about Willis?
Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? Or should Da Cool Coach say moo-ey libs? Because the funky fact of the matter is what I’m about to rip rap at ya: Double D’s got you clowns all figured out! This chumpus amungus thought he could defame the Tea Party Patriots by lumpin em in with sasquatch? That sucks squash, ya dummies! As for yer “IS REAL” = “ISREAL,” check the kerning, chumps! Pretty sure this dorkus malorkus meant for it to say Israel! Take that to the bank and smoke it, libs!
Ya hear the SPREAD of ConservoVictory ’10 coming down the track? Ya better believe it’s comin, loser libs! Urban out.
Hey coach. Have you found a center who can get the ball to the QB yet?
I can imagine thinking that for all of two seconds… But getting so far as taking a picture, writing about it, then posting it on the internet? Without ever doing a double-take?
Dumb Donald defines “Americanism” for us. Here’s a hint: if you were raised in a city, you aren’t American.
Not sure anything more delusional has ever been typed.
He’s still looking for a ball boy who can get the pigskin to the center.
Ding dong dilly, loony libs! (fumbles ball)
The real question is, does Douglas have the decency to pull an Emily Litella once he realizes his mistake?
once he realizes his mistake?
That possibility isunreal.
Funny, they don’t look Jewish to me.
For me, the real revelation isn’t that Don Douglas is 57 varieties of stupid, but that Paul Stanley believes in Bigfoot.
M. Bouffant said
“Not sure anything more delusional has ever been typed.”
“Blood and soil” has been done.
Are E$ra and the Coach the same person? I’ve never seen them in the same room together.
Headline at TPM Rove, O’Donnell & Palin Get Into Heated 3-Way
We’re gonna need a bigger boat.
“Blood and soil” has been done.
done to death really. Why doesn’t anyone ever try to put together a political slogan based on something awesome? “A fast Italian motorcycle in every garage” or “2 for one shots tonight and every night!” or “Sharks with frickin lasers”?
Headline at TPM Rove, O’Donnell & Palin Get Into Heated 3-Way
Worst porn evar.
That seems pretty racist to me. You do know that Watusi is the old name of the Tutsi, the tribe in Rwanda that got the shit genocided out of them right?
Also, one really sexy dance.
Worst porn evar.
not if it was heated enough. like with napalm.
Yes — Sarah Palin most definitely personifies the type of self-centered, disgustingly-racist ideology of removing and/or killing the native people from a land so that you can rape until death its natural resources.
So he gets a +1 for realizing that … even if he doesn’t really realize it.
Schadenfreude Alert!
Rove attacked O’Donnell’s “checkered background,” says she does not “evince the characteristics of rectitude and truthfulness”
Also, one really sexy dance.
This testament is also found in her retelling of the love of the outdoor life, and especially the cherishing of the long summers of the Alaskan experience, where her life has been lived in doubly exhuberance in the knowledge of the long — and often hard — winters that came to the land.
I’ll have more on this, but I rest in my own supreme satisfaction that Palin’s story is my story as well. It reminds me of my own experiences surfing the beaches of South Orange County, four-wheeling and shooting in the Southern California outback, and spending summers hiking the raw Sierra Nevadas with my frontiersman uncle, Doug Walton, a man who at 76 years-old remains a rugged entrepreneurial explorer and tour guide, and one of my all-time great role-models
Long hard winters? In SoCal????
Not only real, but also a heck of a kisser, apparently.
Your giggling gaggle of froggish Obots
She’s right, TinTin. Change the title of the post to “Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit!”
Why doesn’t anyone ever try to put together a political slogan based on something awesome? “A fast Italian motorcycle in every garage” or “2 for one shots tonight and every night!” or “Sharks with frickin lasers”?
I’m still waiting for the blow I was promised as a treasonous follower of Obama.
Schadenfreude Alert!
Someone mentioned the Overton Defenestration…
Jew-baiting and Crypto-zoology have a long, shared history. Hitler believed the Yeti were the original Aryans!
I’m still waiting for the blow I was promised as a treasonous follower of Obama.
I can hook you up with a wino in the park for a Sasquatching.
Where’s Josh what’s-his-name when we need him?
Palin Slams Rove: ‘Buck Up!’
“I just want these fellows, they need to realize that the time for primary debate is now obviously over, and it’s time for unity.”
Rove’s Blackberry just melted down from the fury of his thumbs.
Speaking of mashed potatos for brains . . . who woodathunk she would be a young earth creationist?
So? It is normal for Christians to believe in young earth creationism therefore it is also rational. I win.
Yeah, that guy.
Rove’s Blackberry just melted down from the fury of his thumbs.
I really don’t want to imagine him passionately doing anything with his fingers, thankyewverymuch.
Josh St.Lawrence, noted crypto-zoologist and notorious sasquatch, is at this moment getting sasquatched by a sasquatch while searching for the legendary Sasquatch.
All major urban dictionary definitions in one sentence!
I can hook you up with a wino in the park for a Sasquatching.
Is the wino from Israel?
Thumbs Of Fury! Coming to a theater near you.
There is not enough evidence, consistent evidence to make it as fact, and I say that because for theory to become a fact, it needs to consistently have the same results after it goes through a series of tests. The tests that they put — that they use to support evolution do not have consistent results…. But creation —
… has TOTALLY consistently given the same results through a series of rigorous tests.
Conclusion: Creationism Isreal.
I can hook you up with a wino in the park for a Sasquatching.
Is the wino from Israel?
He’s got hairy feet.
Long hard winters? In SoCal????
Mock not, decadent resident of Hymie-town. It’s not all balmy coastal plain around here. We’ll stack our local mtns. against anything you got.
Continue to mock DD though. Overcompensating wuss that he is, I imagine him w/ long johns, sleeping bag, yada, huddled at the fire whining about the 35℉ weather.
It’s not all balmy coastal plain around here. We’ll stack our local mtns. against anything you got.
You say this to the man who climbed San Jacinto from the Springs to the summit…
Sorry about the long copy/pasta but this is fucking awesome especially the bitch fight between Karl Rove and our two beloved goat fuckers Erick son of Erick and Dan ‘I swear that goat was not’ Riehl.
Right-media attack Rove for his “disgraceful” remarks
Malkin: “Rove came across as an effete sore loser.” In a September 14 post, Malkin wrote that Rove “trash[ed]” O’Donnell during the Hannity segment and he “[m]ight as well have been [Keith] Olbermann on MSNBC.” Malkin later wrote that “Rove came across as an effete sore loser instead of the supposedly brilliant and grounded GOP strategist that he’s supposed to be.” Malkin, citing The Freedomist blog, also wrote that “Rove had met with Delaware 9/12-ers and Tea Party folks to try and convince them to back the ‘more electable’ candidate.”
Warner Todd Huston: “The Veracity of Karl Rove’s Political Analysis is Suddenly Suspect.” In a September 14 Gateway Pundit post titled, “The Veracity of Karl Rove’s Political Analysis is Suddenly Suspect,” Huston cited the Freedomist post and wrote: “Rove is certainly entitled to his opinion and if he truly believes that O’Donnell cannot win in the general, then he should feel free to say so and we should accept it as such. But in this case we have a problem believing that Rove’s analysis is simply his honest opinion when we find out from The Freedomist that Rove was trying to cut a pre-primary deal to help Mike Castle to win the primary.” Huston further wrote that “Fox News should require Rove to answer to this charge”:
Fox News should require Rove to answer to this charge. If he really did act as a helpmate for Rep. Mike Castle this damages Rove’s veracity as an analyst. He has just made himself suspect. You can’t be both a political player and an autonomous, disinterested analyst. Will Fox suspend Rove over this? They certainly should if he really did work to help Castle, in any case.
Dan Riehl: “Fox Should Suspend Rove And Investigate.” In a September 14 post on his blog, Dan Riehl called Rove’s comments “disgraceful” and also cited the Freedomist post to claim that “Fox should suspend him and investigate” and that “it seems impossible to trust Rove as an objective analyst.” From Riehl’s post:
Michelle Malkin has a very solid reaction to Karl Rove’s disgraceful behavior on Fox News tonight. That is not why Fox should suspend him and investigate. According to this report, Rove was working behind the scenes on behalf of the Castle campaign to negotiate a deal that would have led to some Delaware Tea Party groups not supporting Christine O’Donnell, while giving Mike Castle a pass.
Especially given his comments on Fox News tonight, until this is resolved, it seems impossible to trust Rove as an objective analyst. In terms of the conservative movement, we should not simply ignore him, but proactively work to undermine Rove in whatever ways we can, given his obvious willingness to undermine us.
Erickson: Rove “in full on meltdown” on Fox News. In a September 15 RedState post, Erick Erickson wrote: “It is a delightful morning. The National Republican Senatorial Committee and the GOP Establishment, including Karl Rove in full on meltdown last night on Fox News, has been beaten yet again in Delaware by the supposedly crazy girl from the fringe who could not possibly take out the 12 time elected Republican Mike Castle.”
Levin says he will discuss Rove’s “war against the Tea Party movement and conservatives.” In a September 15 Twitter post, right-wing radio host Mark Levin stated he would discuss Rove’s “was against the Tea Party movement and conservatives”:
If I was truly a forgiving Christian, I might feel bad for Rove. But I’m not. Toss me some popcorn.
The kid in the picture.
Josh St. Lawrence, right?
This strength is further congealed in the primacy of family at the center of all life’s meaning.
The word “congealed” seems more appropriate for CSI story-lines about blood-clotting times. Or gravy recipes.
“family at the center of all life’s meaning”
Oh yes, that too.
Dan Riehl: “Fox Should Suspend Rove And Investigate.” In a September 14 post on his blog, Dan Riehl called Rove’s comments “disgraceful” and also cited the Freedomist post to claim that “Fox should suspend him and investigate” and that “it seems impossible to trust Rove as an objective analyst.”
the man who climbed San Jacinto from the Springs to the summit…
Aw, c’mon, someone else must’ve climbed it.
You can’t be both a political player and an autonomous, disinterested analyst.
Worth repeating.
OK, just cuz I got ahead of the thread doesn’t mean I can’t join the chorus.
Plus, also, are the Koch Bros. handing out prize money for Dumbest-Assed Wingnut Of The Year next spring or something?
They keep out-doing each other.
the bitch fight between Karl Rove and our two beloved goat fuckers Erick son of Erick and Dan ‘I swear that goat was not’ Riehl
the man who climbed San Jacinto from the Springs to the summit…
Aw, c’mon, someone else must’ve climbed it.
Well, I’m sure, but I’m also sure I was the only one who did it at that exact moment in time. A second either way, couldn’t tell you.
There is a lot of blood in the water and the sharks can’t distinguish their food from each other.
Now that’s entertainment!
Also: Riehl on Mirengoff & some NRO guy:
Pimpin’, natch.
the supposedly brilliant and grounded GOP strategist that he’s supposed to be.
She gets paid to write!
You can’t be both a political player and an autonomous, disinterested analyst.
He JUST realized this, but we have to understand he has been distraught about the loss of his bukkit.
There is a lot of
bloodchocolate pudding in the water and thesharks‘tards can’t distinguish their food from each other.Fixed to better reflect the situation
Also, Trig.
They keep out-doing each other.
We have to be getting close to the end of it, right?
Jesus, I wish these two male handwringers would start wearing dresses, so it would be easier to pick the losers out
Ooh, or black face. Maybe both and go full Aunt Jemima.
We have to be getting close to the end of it, right?
It’ll go down like this: the great conservative freak out will happen when they wake up on November 3rd only to find that the Democrats still control the House and Senate…bookmark it, libs!¹
¹Shortered Troofus parody because I couldn’t be arsed to look up the original version.
“We have to be getting close to the end of it, right?”
HAHA! ummm yeah… were real close to peak wingnut… (snicker)
are the Koch Bros. handing out prize money for Dumbest-Assed Wingnut Of The Year next spring or something
That’d be awfully hard to judge. They’re all so creative.
HAHA! ummm yeah… were real close to peak wingnut… (snicker)
I just…where the fuck else can it go???
Ooh, or black face. Maybe both and go full Aunt Jemima.
I just…where the fuck else can it go???
Come on, T&U…I realize you’re younger than me, but you were around for Oklahoma City…
We’re lucky Douglas didn’t see a sign about Uruguay….
My favorite part?
And I can write all of this with the benefit of reading just portions of the very first chapter, which includes Palin’s recitation of her squeamishness at holding warm moose eyes while out for a morning hunt with her father.
Yep, holding warm moose eyes proves that she’s a rugged pioneer of traditionalism.
“I just…where the fuck else can it go???”
Oh I know the feeling T&U. I felt that way during Obama’s campaign. I didn’t think it could possible get any worse. But they are nothing if not endlessly creative. I don’t know how but somehow they’ll find a way to out do themselves.
Ya gots ta have faith.
Come on, T&U…I realize you’re younger than me, but you were around for Oklahoma City…
Oh, I assume that’s already being plotted and it’s just a matter of time.
Yep, holding warm moose eyes proves that she’s a rugged pioneer of traditionalism.
Imagine if she had to hold the moose’s hair while she threw up!
You can’t be both a political player and an autonomous, disinterested analyst.
Erick Erickson serves as a contributor and conservative political analyst on CNN’s John King, USA
The end? Are you kidding? These few successes (&, possibly, one of the big-name loons gaining office in Nov.) will be seen as a triumphant victory for real Americans & true patriots, who must only double-down on the delusion, fear & hatred to roll to victory in 2012!!
Nothing: You have not yet seen it.
White Pudding Israel
Reviler Israel
Dusk Moth Israel
Medusa Archer Israel
Ray-Fish Israel
Headless Horseman Israel
Gutworm Israel
Giant Beaver Israel
Stegosaur Israel
Daemon Israel
Bloodthirsty zombie Israel
Adventuring wizard Israel
Quasi-Elemental Israel
Assassin Vine Israel
Ice Viper Israel
Gravetouched Ghoul Israel
Orc Militant Israel
Greater Titan Israel
Elven War Horse Israel
Oh, I assume that’s already being plotted and it’s just a matter of time.
I sort of imagine there have been some emails back and forth among the more secretive right wing operatives pleading for no assassination attempts until the second term.
Yep, holding warm moose eyes proves that she’s a rugged pioneer of traditionalism.
Imagine if she had to hold the moose’s hair while she threw up!
Mind you, møøse bites kan be nasty…
“Oklahoma City…”
Well yeah, there’s that. But I think they’d find out real fast just how efficient the gov can be when it wants to.
Special Tammy Radio
Tammy is really awful.
I sort of imagine there have been some emails back and forth among the more secretive right wing operatives pleading for no assassination attempts until the second term.
I’d think they’d be smart enough to realize that martyring Obama is a stupid, stupid idea.
Good thing he didn’t see the foodtruck offering “FRESH-SQUEEZED JUICE”.
wearing dresses, so it would be easier to pick the losers out.
Politics is no place for the ladeez.
an effete sore loser.
Is this the emergence of the “Rove is as gay as his dad” theme?
I’d think they’d be smart enough to realize that martyring Obama is a stupid, stupid idea.
How many times in your life have you *known* something was wrong, and still managed to find yourself doing it anyway because a) you thought you could get away with it, b) your emotions ran away with you, or c) both of the above?
Now divide that by the decimal place of self-control these asshats have. Remember they encapsulate and embrace the birthers…
I’m reminded of a story about reaping and sowing. Suck it, Repukes. You keep dangerous animals for pets, and then cry when they bite you. That sounds suspiciously like being unable to accept responsibility for your actions. Now you dummies have to support these grifters you cultivated from your years of enabling and validating the Moral Majority types. Good luck with that.
Imagine if she had to hold the moose’s hair while she threw up!
wait, did you go to school at UW-Platteville too?
wait, did you go to school at UW-Platteville too?
No, but I did spend a night at the Holiday Inn Express there.
You keep dangerous animals for pets, and then cry when they bite you.
Yea, I wrote pretty much the same thing at my blog today. Schadenfreude is tasty!
Also, Sasquatches are known to be Palestinian sympathizers.
Also, Sasquatches are known to be Palestinian sympathizers.
It’s worse than that. They are also Red Sox fans.
Also, Sasquatches are known to be Palestinian sympathizers.
Members of HamAss?
Requirements for allegations of crimes against humanity are higher than your speculumnations.
The Cryptozoological Popular Front for the Blurry Photoization of Palestine.
The Cryptozoological Popular Front for the Blurry Photoization of Palestine.
Ah, the Pixelation Liberation Front!
There is a lot of
bloodcheeto dust in the water and thesharkswingtards can’t distinguish their food from each other.Requirements for allegations of crimes against humanity are higher than your speculumnations.
Mention Bill Buckner in their presence and they will cry like little bitches. Q E muthafuckin D
Tom Tancredo reanimates a corpse and puts it on TV. That’ll teach you stupid Libtards!
And I can write all of this with the benefit of reading just portions of the very first chapter…
First, my daughter just got out of community college, so lay off.
Second, M. Bouffant’s excerpt is a thing of wingnut beauty, rivalled only, perhaps, by the yearly essays in praise (and explication) of Atlas Shrugged over at the Ayn Rand Foundation, where they have a competition, and the high school and college essays will make curl even the hair of a bald man.
JUST PORTIONS of the first chapter.
I blame the Internet, which has given the stupidest and most pig ignorant yahoos among us a forum, and spellcheck, to make their droolings look as neat and printed and “published” as anything else–and, of course, provided them with an audience. And encouragement.
Tom Tancredo reanimates a corpse and puts it on TV.
Wow! Paula Poundstone is desperate for money! I thought “Wait! Wait!” was a comedown for her, but…
by the yearly essays in praise (and explication) of Atlas Shrugged over at the Ayn Rand Foundation, where they have a competition, and the high school and college essays will make curl even the hair of a bald man.
Thus was spawned the Bulwer-Lytton competition.
Wow! Paula Poundstone is desperate for money!
Don’t tell me she’s working for The Enemy.
And I can write all of this with the benefit of reading just portions of the very first chapter, which includes Palin’s recitation of her squeamishness at holding warm moose eyes while out for a morning hunt with her father.
Now, why they were in his pants, he never said…
Sorry, it was too weird a story not to.
Second, M. Bouffant’s excerpt is a thing of wingnut beauty, rivalled only, perhaps, by the yearly essays in praise (and explication) of Atlas Shrugged over at the Ayn Rand Foundation, where they have a competition, and the high school and college essays will make curl even the hair of a bald man.
I was a semifinalist in The Fountainhead essay contest. All I got was a certificate and a shitload of shitty books.
I wish I still had a copy of that essay somewhere…
Don’t tell me she’s working for The Enemy.
(Best Jack Palance voice)
Believe it….*sssssssssssssssssssss*….or not!
Why would you need explanatory essays about Atlas Shrugged, anyway?
I mean, if you’re One Of The Chosen Of Ayn, you’ll grasp the meaning after only one reading. And if you aren’t you’re to be cast into the eternal darkness and fire of altruism and parasitism.
I was a semifinalist in The Fountainhead essay contest.
OMG! I’ve gone impotent!
And I liked her, too.
It doesn’t count if it was from a wino in Central Park.
I find your anti-winoism disturbing.
What? I was broke, we read the book in class, and I am very good at imitating self-righteous wingnutese.
It’s not my finest moment, I’ll admit, but at least I knew it was bullshit.
What? I was broke, we read the book in class, and I am very good at imitating self-righteous wingnutese.
Oh. Well. If you whored yourself out…that’s better.
My confession broke the website for a second.
Explanatory essays are theft! If your insights into Randism have value, then you must obtain appropriate compensation for revealing them! Submitting them for free diminishes you as a human being and only encourages parasitic relationships from the lazy thinkers around you!
Actually, I bet I could win with that.
Oh. Well. If you whored yourself out…that’s better.
Yeah, with a bit of ratfuckery thrown in for good measure. I implied that Rand was a self-obsessed twat and that the book was all about her and her masturbation fantasies, but they didn’t seem to pick up on it…
Hey, I’m a product of community college. And I turned out great!
Wait a minute…
You got to get in to get out!
Actually, I bet I could win with that.
I wrote it the night it was due, and used my dad’s business’s postal meter to postmark it that date in case I didn’t get it in on time. Yeah, you could easily win with that.
Did you see this? One of the commenters said that this:
would make a “Leftys” head explode.
Um … How?
I sometimes wonder if some of these conservatives have ever talked to someone who doesn’t agree with them. Or is their entire worldview created from internalizing every word and image from “Mallard Fillmore” as unquestionable gospel truth?
“Ask them if the terrorists aren’t racists since they murdered someone from every race on September 11th?”
Um, WHAT? The terrorists were evil sociopaths (as opposed to the cuddly, sweet kind). Any racism is really beside the point.
Donny has updated and decides to give us Sadlynauts! a hearty “F*** You!
Donny has updated and decides to give us Sadlynauts! a hearty “F*** You!
That is fucking awesome. I almost wet my pants.
My God! It’s full of Irony
Douglas repsonds
Also S,N! hates moral clarity, jews, and the baby Juses.
Damn you all!
“That said, the towering intellects at Sadly No! are all too ready to point out any discrepancies”
Dude, I don’t think you know what “discrepancies” means. You are illiterate. There’s a difference.
That is one small penis he has.
He’s so confident about the great power of his superiority at debate over our own “towering intellects” that comments have been disabled.
Have a little faith, dude!
It does? Well this begs the question: How, exactly, does this beg the question that we don’t like juses?
Liberals hate Jews? What about all the coastal elitist liberal Jews? Do they hate Jews too? I’m so confused!
What’s a juse? Sounds foreign. I don’t like it.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could ask him these burning questions at his own site?
But some things are beyond the power of a mere man.
But if you’re dumb then how….? Either way? What? Oh never mind.
Liberals hate Jews? What about all the coastal elitist liberal Jews? Do they hate Jews too? I’m so confused!
What about the liberal JUZE that run Hollywood? Do they hate JUZE?
Among them: Looking up “begging the question” in the logical fallacy handbook.
They are also Red Sox fans.
Man, Sasquatches are AWESOME!
But if you’re dumb then how….? Either way? What? Oh never mind.
He’s saying that kids carrying “Sasquatch is Real” signs hate Israel, and he is also saying that Sasquatch is, in fact, real. Dur.
Liberals hate Jews? What about all the coastal elitist liberal Jews? Do they hate Jews too? I’m so confused!
What about the liberal JUZE that run Hollywood? Do they hate JUZE?
Yes. The only people who actually like Jews are conservatives who hate liberals and Palestinians and Arabs, be they American or Israeli. That’s all. Everyone else is an anti-Semite. Life is easy when you’re a wingnut. Pats-pissingly frightening, sure, but at least philosophical questions don’t take up any hating-black-people or no-goddamn-it-I’m-not-a-disgusting-faggot-despite-frequenting-Natchez-Trace-rest-stops time.
Wow. Someone’s a little butthurt. Dial up the Waaahmbulance, code three.
“JUZE” seems like it should be some exteeeeeeeeme sports drink! *air guitar solo*
Or is their entire worldview created from internalizing every word and image from “Mallard Fillmore” as unquestionable gospel truth?
Yes, it is indeed.
This made my week and it’s only Wednesday.
Oh, Don. Thank you for the belated birthday gift. Really. From the bottom of my shriveled, evil, liberocommunist anti-Semitic heart.
So misreading a sign proves we hate Israel.
And anyway, as I pointed out before, one sign at a liberal protest ydda yadda one sign at a Teabagger rally omfg how dare you suggest there’s racism why we’re all cuddly Boy (and Girl) Scouts, it’s all just fun whine whine ack gag flooey.
The true right wing TeaTard mentality:
I’m stupid, my diddy was stupid, my grand-diddy was stupid, and, by God, if I got somethin’ to do with it my kids’ll be stupid too, and if you libruls don’t like it, you can go to god-damned hell! YEEE DAWG! SOUF GON’ RISE A-GIN!
He’s so confident about the great power of his superiority at debate over our own “towering intellects” that comments have been disabled.
One wonders why he can’t stop by and explain his sign-reading skills to us.
Oh, that’s right, he’s a chickenshit wingnut.
Did you see this? One of the commenters said that this:
Ask them if the terrorists aren’t racists since they murdered someone from every race on September 11th?
would make a “Leftys” head explode.
I’m guessing this person believes lefties think racism is the only real sin? Which of course is crazy since there’s also sexism and leaving rich people with any money!
But that begs the question: The brilliant leading lights at Sadly No! don’t?
NO IT DOESN’T. It may RAISE the question but it doesn’t beg it. This man teaches!
Wow. Dumbfuck Donny really wrote this in his update? (Not giving him a single click, mind you.)
Since when did calling blacks n****** and talking about how they’s a bunch of primitive monkeys and they steal all the money and don’t work start being ‘racist’? You know what? You’re the real racist for not liking it when I say what I feel!
I may be dumb, but I stand by what I said. This is central to my point.
Has no one mentioned that we know Sasquatch Isreal because of The Buttocks?
My conservatism allows me to assign thoughts and motives to strangers. The young man with the sign looks like a dirty fucking hippie so therefore he hates Israel. Q.E.D. libtards.
“Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I’m dumb.
I stand by what I wrote, either way.”
Wow. Dumbfuck Donny really wrote this in his update?
I think that’s his CV.
He wrote that he’s dumb. Heck, I’ll stand by that, too.
Are all conservatives this stupid and dishonest? Or is it just every single one I’ve ever met or spoken with or heard about?
I may not know nothing, but that ain’t gonna stop me from talking about it.
Other signs at the event:
Sasquatch D’Israeli
Sasquatch ist ein Berliner
Sad Squashed Esther Rolle*
*concerning an imagined event wherein a piano fell from the sky crushing the late actress from the t.v. show “Good Times” (with Jimmy “J.J.” Walker)
No matter how fucking wrong I am, I’m resolute God damn it.
The teatards summed up in one sentence.
Sasquatch ist ein Berliner
It’s a jelly donut?
The young man with the sign is a dirty hippie who hates Israel because The young man with the sign is a dirty hippie who hates Israel.
There. Much better.
I shouldn’t be surprised after reading what Ron Reagan Jr. said about his dad not being able to be persuaded by facts.
Me, wrong week, stop sniffing glue, etc.
Next comes the accusation that we’ve somehow stolen his right to free speech by exercising our right to inform him that he’s a clueless dipshit who threw a temper tantrum about a sign that his poor reading skills caused him to misinterpret.
He won’t allow comments on the follow up post.
I got out of the boat, and got this stinky durian from Deborah:
Wanna watch a Lefty’s head explode? Ask them if the terrorists aren’t racists since they murdered someone from every race on September 11th?
Again, why the hell do they think that any of us are pro-terrorist? They’re truly deranged.
Open Big Mouth, insert Bigfoot.
Wait, that didn’t come out right.
And why would it matter if anyone thought the terrorists were or weren’t racist? Is the fact that they didn’t discriminate in who they murdered supposed to make them better in our eyes? Worse? What the fuck is that person on?
And if the 9/11 terrorists were racist, would this make it worse?
I’m sure “Deborah” would gladly argue that, in fact, nobody’s a racist ’cause people of all different races get killed every day Q.E.D. so there nyaah.
Wanna watch a Lefty’s head explode? Ask them if the terrorists aren’t racists since they murdered someone from every race on September 11th?
That did not make my head explode. It didn’t even fizzle or get warm. It just made me laugh. The kind of laugh I get from watching this guy
So clever. I cower in fear of his next verbal check-mate.
Oh, yes, ’cause that”s the first thing I was thinking the morning of 9/11 – “are the people who did this racist?”
He won’t allow comments on the follow up post.
What do you expect? He’s got to catch up. When it takes him days to correctly decipher a three word sign, how long do you think it takes him to read his comments section? He’s probably still working his way through the comments on the Rodney King trials.
They were confused by all the pro-bin Laden marches that were organized by the Democrats.
They were confused by all the pro-bin Laden marches that were organized by the Democrats.
Remember how much controversy there was over the one in NYC?
Oh, yes, ’cause that”s the first thing I was thinking the morning of 9/11 – “are the people who did this racist?”
I think the “reasoning” goes that liberals love terrorists and claim to hate racists, therefore!!! if the terrorists are racists, liberals are hypocrites. QE fucking D, checkmate, hoody poo, etc.
I also like the way the guy with the sign was ‘yacking it up’ for the crowd.
Now, last I checked, ‘yacking’ meant either ‘throwing up’ or ‘talking at length about something really boring’ (yackity yack!) Which do you suppose he meant?
He probably meant “yukking it up” as in “boy, that lefty with his anti-Israel sign thinks he’s being sooooooo funny”– which seems to be further proof of his having all the English skills of the translators for Zero Wing.
I stand by what I wrote, either way.
Seriously, the guy mis-read a sign causing him to go completely (and hilariously) out on a limb, and his response is to double down on the stupid?
Since when did being dumb and not knowing anything and saying stupid shit mean people shouldn’t listen to the points you’re making?
I’m sure “Deborah” would gladly argue that, in fact, nobody’s a racist ’cause people of all different races get killed every day Q.E.D. so there nyaah.
I’ll bet “Deborah” is one of those deep thinkers who think that racist slurs are ok as long you get every different race in the mix. “I’m not racist, I hate everybody–spics, niggers, kikes, chinks, etc…” QED x infinity plus 2 and I got shields for infinity.
Seriously, the guy mis-read a sign causing him to go completely (and hilariously) out on a limb, and his response is to double down on the stupid?
Sadly, Yes!
Is anyone else fascinated by what kind of insult “Sasquatch Israel” could possibly be? Could it mean that Israel smells? What? Is it some kind of hummus crack? I’m baffled.
Oh fuck. I get it now: Jews are hirsute.
So to sum up, DD has discovered that the evidence which led him to a conclusion about the anti-semitism of liberals was in fact a spelling mistake oh his own part. Rather than worry about the role of confirmation bias in his cognitive processing, he defiantly affirms that the evidence doesn’t matter because he knows the conclusion is true anyway. If anything, his error about this particular piece of evidence has strengthened his faith in that conclusion.
Perhaps this would be a good time for an argument about faith vs. rationality.
So what if I what I said was wrong? How the hell does that make what I wrote wrong?
Okay, then who’s hissute?
Seriously, the guy mis-read a sign causing him to go completely (and hilariously) out on a limb, and his response is to double down on the stupid?
Um, yeah. He is a conservative, after all.
Is anyone else fascinated by what kind of insult “Sasquatch Israel” could possibly be? Could it mean that Israel smells? What? Is it some kind of hummus crack? I’m baffled.
It is fascinating. More fascinating to me is how he 1) totally fucking misses the most obvious fact that IS REAL is not the same as ISREAL, and 2) that he takes two completely unrelated words and manages to dream up a frighteningly detailed treatise on the meaning of “Sasquatch Isreal”, and 3) when he gets busted (which would have been an awesome thing to witness in person, watching that realization wash over him) he digs his heels in and makes the same allegation AGAIN! This guy is funnier than a monkey fucking a football.
Okay, then who’s hissute?
Spades, of course.
Is it some kind of hummus crack?
I saw Hummus Crack with Coltrane and Shadow Wilson back at the Monterey Jazz Festival in ’63.
Perhaps this would be a good time for an argument about faith vs. rationality.
Yeah, let’s save our bullets for the dumbfuck righties.
Oooh, I guess he told us
“That said, the towering intellects at Sadly No! are all too ready to point out any discrepancies, throwing in a little snide dig at the “Juses” for good measure: “Don Douglas Hearts Juses.”
Yes, I do.
But that begs the question: The brilliant leading lights at Sadly No! don’t?
Actually, I’m not surprised.
Leftists hate moral clarity. And they hate Israel. We don’t need a Sasquatch myth to figure that out. So, a hearty F*** You to the lot of you, assholes. ”
Posted by Donald Douglas at 2:00 PM
I think it was a tie in to Jack Link’s Kosher Beef Jerky product launch. In fact, because I said it, it makes it so. Bookmark it, libs!
They were confused by all the pro-bin Laden marches that were organized by the Democrats.
Oh, I was totes on my way to one of those until my biodiesel Volvo broke down at the granola co-op/coffee shop when I was picking up my daily spelt muffin and hemp milk latte.
Seriously, the guy mis-read a sign causing him to go completely (and hilariously) out on a limb, and his response is to double down on the stupid?
Um, yeah. He is a conservative, after all.
Yes, but we do have to thank Karl Rove for setting them Free.
It’s a painful and often undiagnosed condition which shouldn’t be laughed about.
2) that he takes two completely unrelated words and manages to dream up a frighteningly detailed treatise on the meaning of “Sasquatch Isreal”
Eskimo! Heather Duke underlined a lot of things in this copy of Moby Dick, but I believe the word Eskimo underlined all by itself, is the key to understanding Heather’s pain. On the surface, Heather Duke was the vivacious young lady we all knew her to be, but her soul was in Antartica! Freezing with the knowledge of the way fellow teenagers can be cruel, the way that parents can be unresponsive. And as she writes so elequently in her suicide note, the way that life can suck! We’ll all miss Sherwood’s little eskimo. Let’s just hope she’s rubbing noses with Jesus!
I liked Donald Douglas better back when he was playing Ellie Mae Clampett on The Beverly Hillbillies.
Let’s just hope she’s rubbing noses with Jesus!
Don’t you mean Juses?
“Don Douglas Hearts Juses.”
Yes, I do. …
Leftists hate moral clarity. And they hate Israel.”
Is real : Israel :: Juses : ??
Trig’s day is getting better and better.
Never listen to what Juses.
Leftists hate moral clarity.
I saw this sign the other day that said “Leftists Hate Molar Cavities.” What the hell is this trying to imply? That all leftists are dentists? What the f**k does that mean? Is that sign implying that…
Oh. Wait. It said what? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I’m dumb.
I stand by what I wrote, either way.
Perhaps this would be a good time for an argument about faith vs. rationality.
Fantastic idea! Perhaps Actor could start us off!
That’s not true. We buff our moral every day and use a streak-free cleaner to keep it every day. We can’t help it if storms of TeaTards throw dust up.
NORMALITY. Let’s get that straight right now.
I stand by what I wrote, either way.
You forgot the “FUCK YOU” part.
If being wrong is wrong then I don’t want to be right.
Ogre Bludgeoneer Israel
Tusked Behemoth Israel
Undead Dragon Slayer Israel
Colossal Centipede Israel
Shadow Simulacrum Israel
Cenobite Israel
Vapour Ghoul Israel
Werebison Israel
Jungle Half-Orc Israel
Air Demon Israel
Troglodyte Spear Warrior Israel
You forgot the “FUCK YOU” part.
Yes, the classiness we’ve come to know and love from the wingnuts ever since the “FUCK YOU” from Lileks.
I love juses. My favorite kind is orange. With vodka.
Leftists hate moral clarity. And they hate Israel.
The evidence for which is the sign he misread? What kind of clarity is he using for this mighty work of discernment? Not moral, and yet I still hate it!
Werebison? Yummy!!
Well now. He seems like a good sport, doesn’t he?
I vote ‘no.’ I believe I’ve had my fill of tedious and lame sophistry for the day.
I also like grapefruit juse. With vodka.
Sasquatch Israel would be a rather terrible slur. Not bad as Pie Piper Australia of course, hooo weee that’s bad!
Pie Piper is the Pied Piper’s cousin and much worser
Well now. He seems like a good sport, doesn’t he?
Locking comments on his followup post just nails it.
Commenters at LGM have noticed DD stepping back on his own kumera, so it is only a matter of time before this becomes a new Internet Tradition.
Is there a sweepstake for “Time of DD’s deletion of the post”?
spelt muffin
I know that, but how is it pronounced?
Lesson: Never post the picture. Points are proven by assertion alone.
That’s not true. We buff our moral every day and use a streak-free cleaner to keep it every day. We can’t help it if storms of TeaTards throw dust up.
I even got me one of those magnifying things for my eye so I can check the clarity of my moral very closely.
The awesome rhetorical power of Donald Douglas and his courageous decision to meet and withstand all criticism forces me to re-think my whole pro-terrorist, anti-American, anti-Semitic, Communist, socialist, pro-Hitler, pro-Stalin worldview.
I am, however, still very secure in my admiration of the films of John Waters.
Cranberry juse is good with vodka, too.
The awesome rhetorical power of Donald Douglas and his courageous decision to meet and withstand all criticism forces me to re-think my whole pro-terrorist, anti-American, anti-Semitic, Communist, socialist, pro-Hitler, pro-Stalin worldview.
Hasn’t it, though!
I’m a gonna go get me ans SUV and put a magnet on it then make strong blog posts about what doodyheads liberals are and how they hate Israel.
I’m figuring I should have my own show on MSNBC by next week.
I continue to speculate on whether or not Mr. Douglas is checking in on this thread.
Post already, chickenshit!
We buff our moral every day
Is that what kids call it these days?
Electronica / Post punk / Industrial
I kinda like Juses.
You know how to make a Leftys head explode? Ask them what they think of Nazi being short for “National Socialism”!
Eat it, libs!
Men don’t make puses
At girls who love juses
“Okay, it looks like I’m full of shit – & definitely stupider than a chicken drowning in a rainstorm – but I still stand behind my bullshit 110%, just like I’ll stand behind ALL my bullshit forever & ever, because FUCK YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!”
Juses Chrust, what a buffoon.
I totes listened to “The Spirit of Giving” about ten times yesterday, not because it’s a good song, but because it appeals to my obsession with naked people and other prurient interests.
South Carolina continues to stay classy.
I’m so glad I moved here.
Well, I know the last part’s false…
Cankle update!!!!
Not so cankly today. But where did all my ankle hair go?
Has anyone figured out who the black folks were in the SC picture?
Juvenile Earth Dragon Israel
Smoke Demon Israel
Devil Snail Israel
Glassine Horror Israel
Eight-Headed Hydra Israel
Tarantubat Israel
Giant Jellyfish Israel
White Tiger Israel
Kobold Horde Israel
Flesh Worm Israel
Firenewt Israel
Nameless Sentinel of the Forbidden Caverns Israel
Zombie Mobs Israel
Warbeast Israel
Elemental Terror Israel
Well, I know the last part’s false…
Depends on if you consider pictures of Neko Case in a corset to be pornography or not.
Not so cankly today. But where did all my ankle hair go?
1/8 of your shaving time shaved out of your day! Silver lining?
That ‘Juses’ quip in the followup is kind of like if he, after slipping on a banana peel, reacted to the laughter by saying “librul elitists, I’ll show you!!” and shitting his pants.
To those of you who made jokes about “hummus crack”…you both owe me some vodka. I LITERALLY spit some out, laughing. And that’s not funny.
T TruculentandUnreliable All I know is that whatever Neko Case wears is fine with me, because I don’t want to get my ass kicked.
Has anyone figured out who the black folks were in the SC picture?
Promotional cardboard cutouts from the movie Roots?
I saw they movie. They didn’t act hard enough.
To those of you who made jokes about “hummus crack”…you both owe me some vodka. I LITERALLY spit some out, laughing. And that’s not funny.
It’s never funny to hear you talk about spitting it out.
that, also
Air Demon Israel
You mis-spelt Isreal.
It’s Adam and EVE, not Adam and STEVE!
Did that bit of scripture make your heads explode, libs?
Fucking Crossbows! How do they work?
I even got me one of those magnifying things for my eye so I can check the clarity of my moral very closely.
I thought you just needed one of those hand-held mirrors. I understand it to be true that too few women check their own morals closely.
Yes, I’m disgusting.
It’s the clarity of the Morals which appears to be the problem. perhaps addition of pectin might help?
But where did all my ankle hair go?
Like a cankle in the wind.
I like Juses, too- pineapple, orange, cran-raspberry, even Hawaiian Punch fruit juicy red.
Seriously, the guy mis-read a sign causing him to go completely (and hilariously) out on a limb, and his response is to double down on the stupid?
Cut him some slack, his native tongue is Teabonics.
I also like grapefruit juse. With vodka.
Teh Gheyhound!
Speaking only for myself, I found this thread epic. I blame the juses, yes, both cranberry and grapefruit at different parts of the day. This deepens my faith in the rationality of vodka.
It’s late here on the Beast Coast and 1/2 an hour later in Newfoundland!
Disgruntled Lurker said,
September 15, 2010 at 21:51
We’re gonna need a bigger boat.
Ain’t that the truth.
1/8 of your shaving time shaved out of your day! Silver lining?
I’m a man-hating feminist. I don’t shave my legs!
And now I’m drinking orange juse and champagne.
Using the term “champagne” quite loosely.
Champagne made from…vodka?
Cranberry juse is good with vodka, too.
Especially with a little splash of Stalin-Up.
Champagne made from…vodka?
I wish. Apparently, this stuff is made from cooks. I’m not even certain how it got here.
It’s the clarity of the Morals which appears to be the problem. perhaps addition of pectin might help?
For morels?
I’m stealin’ that.
Jar-Jar Binks mimosa joke here.
Leftists hate moral clarity. And they hate Israel. We don’t need a Sasquatch myth to figure that out. So, a hearty F*** You to the lot of you, assholes. ”
Posted by Donald Douglas at 2:00 PM
The Emily Litella of the Right. Save Soviet jewelry!
Champagne made from…vodka?
I’m stealin’ that.
No theft involved, it’s part of the lexicon now.
Save Soviet jewelry!
Is that what those little red stars on the hat were?
The excellent malt liquor piece I have posted here before. Because I am boring.
The Juses are not the men who will be blamed for nothing.
The Juses are not the men who will be blamed for nothing.
Hey! I thought about posting that earlier but couldn’t remember the line! Bah!
This, indeed, is an epic thread. It garnered a some LOLs, a few guffaws, and two or three weird snorting noises from yours truly.
Cripes. I just got out of the boat for Donny’s rebuttal and saw he had tagged it with “Ground Zero Mosque”.
For no apparent reason.
it’s worth noting the implied comparison: that Israel is also an ape-like beast existing only in historical folklore. Absent legitimacy, Israel has “no right to exist.” This kid’s sign is but one more example of eliminationist anti-Semitism. And look at how overjoyed he is in boasting this hatred.
Had to see that again. Hilarious.
Hey Donald, some of us are professors too, and you know what, we think you’re a moron! I’ve had stoner students brighter than you. Hell, you’d be at the bottom of my class and I don’t teach at an R1. Sasquatch Isreal! LOL!!!
It garnered a some LOLs, a few guffaws, and two or three weird snorting noises
My role in life is to evoke the same reaction from the Frau Doktorin.
My role in life is to evoke the same reaction from the Frau Doktorin.
Awww, that’s sweet!
Juses suppuses his tuses are ruses
But Juses suppuses erruneously
Does anybody know what school he teaches at? A link to his “” entry would be the icing on the cake for this thread.
(I almost forgot to add some conservative pwnage.)
Al Gore is such a LIAR! And Michael Moore is FAT!
Sorry to keep making your heads explode, libs!
Since we’re sharing
I’m assuming that too much (i.e., any) Wild Irish Rose probably makes it kind of hard to read political signs accurately.
Eat it, libs!
Since we’re sharing
I have the Sandford and Son “Ripple” bit on my ‘pod.
Cephalopod, that is.
The Food Lion near us sells MD 20/20.
Which is as close to the subject as I’ve come, or care to come.
“I was wrong but that is central to my point.”
Oh yes, it’s Wingnut Zen. The SASQUATCH ISREAL sign is the finger pointing to the moon, which is the fact that libtards = evil. Once the moon is recognized, the finger is no longer necessary.
Which, since the LNM lives in the water, is a sign of liberals dedication to drive Teh Juses into the sea! Q.E.D. hoohah
I mean, look at his enthusiasm! Creepy.
Which is as close to the subject as I’ve come, or care to come.
Back in college, I acquired some Civil Defense survival-ration crackers that had been baked five years before I was born. I brought a can of them back to my room, and we had a “wine and cheese” party featuring several fortified wines and some spray-can cheese-food products.
East Coast elitism has never been so savory.
we had a “wine and cheese” party featuring several fortified wines and some spray-can cheese-food products
I’m not sure whether to be amused or frightened.
Yeah, I hate moral clarity. That’s why I think things like needless wars, extremes of wealth and poverty, racism, sexism, etc. are bad and should be remedied. No moral clarity there, nosiree.
Jusus juse is what builds strong bones.
Which, since the LNM lives in the water, is a sign of liberals dedication to drive Teh Juses into the sea! Q.E.D. hoohah
I mean, look at his enthusiasm! Creepy.
I have since learned that the sign that I thought said “LOCH NESS MONSTER ISREAL” is actually this week’s flier from Piggly Wiggly. Neverthless, I stand behind what I wrote.
Since we’re sharing
I have since learned that what I denounced as an erroneous forecast of rainfall during the hours of darkness (Night Rain) was in fact a message about the immanent arrival of the 10.40 city-to-city express. Nevertheless I stand by what I wrote.
I’m not sure whether to be amused or frightened.
Those are not mutually exclusive emotions.
we had a “wine and cheese” party featuring several fortified wines and some spray-can cheese-food products.
Dude. You should find some way to market that to hipsters.
I recommended holding the mouth shut of the man who was choking in the restaurant.
Okay, that was dumb.
But I stand by my decision.
I recommended holding the mouth shut of the man who was choking in the restaurant.
Okay, that was dumb.
But I stand by my decision.
Needs more “fuck you, liberal assholes”.
Good point. Fuck you, librul asshole.
Dude. You should find some way to market that to hipsters.
Hmm… now I’m picturing a bar in Brooklyn that serves $10 pints of Night Train in paper bags, accompanied by cans of spray cheese. I haven’t cleaned out a bomb shelter in a long while, so I don’t know of a ready source for the crackers.
Mississippi and Alabama seem to have a good supply.
I don’t know of a ready source for the crackers.
I bet if you could find a supply of army surplus MREs from the 1970s or something those would work. Surely there must be a few of those lying around? They included crackers, as I recall.
I haven’t cleaned out a bomb shelter in a long while, so I don’t know of a ready source for the crackers.
Stale, generic saltines would probably suffice.
I’m for serious. You could have spelling bees or trivia nights or debate tournaments or whatever the fuck it is those crazy kids are doing these days.
BTW, if it didn’t require so much prep, drunk debate would be awesome. At least to debate nerds.
The government crackers tasted like Play-Doh smells. In the event of an emergency, I think any survivors would’ve gone all “Donner Party” on each other.
Crackers and fire crackers, who knew they would be similar except for the explosive nature of one of them? But I stand by my decision
whatever the fuck it is those crazy kids are doing these days.
You know, now that I’m an old fart and not really paying attention to what kids do these days, I’m not quite sure what a “hipster” is other than somebody I’m supposed to not like.
I’m for serious. You could have spelling bees or trivia nights or debate tournaments or whatever the fuck it is those crazy kids are doing these days.
Who the hell would be into something like that?
Well, yeah, but that’s actually cool. Spelling bees are booooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiing.
Spelling bees are booooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiing.
Could you use booooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiing in a sentence?
*bing* that is incorrect.
Spelling bees are booooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiing.
Don’t MAKE us sting you!
Wow, what an ass. All he has to do is admit his mistake and go outside for some fresh air to clear the ol’ mind. Seriously guy, just own your fuck up and step away from the computer for a few days. Just about everybody who looked at that photo knew what it said. Then there are the folks that saw an anti-Israeli sentiment. Those people need to turn off their computers for a few days and enjoy the autumn sun.
Swwweeeet! I laughed so hard it made me dizzy. Seriously.
I’d better have me one of those human blood smoothies. I think I might be anemic.
I love the idea of hipster treats of Ripple, MD/22 and spray cheese. It’s not much different than the peculiar preference my college-age kid has for PBR.
I went to a trend Venice (LA) wine bar where they serve smoked oysters right out of the little can, as an appetizer with your wine.
I love the idea of hipster treats of Ripple, MD/22 and spray cheese. It’s not much different than the peculiar preference my college-age kid has for PBR.
My point. You made it.
BTW, we drank PBR back in my college days, not because it was cool, but because it was cheap and didn’t taste completely like rat piss. I can’t imagine drinking PBR willingly if you have the money not to do so.
Now, really, please vacate my lawn, children.
I think I might be anemic.
Anti-Mick? This statement is but one more example of eliminationist anti-Irishism. And look at how overjoyed you are in boasting this hatred. Creepy
Hey, why’s everybody looking at me like that?
I’ve been retired for years now … honest!
Don’t get distracted, folks.
We’re supposed to be ridiculing the crazy man who’s all upset about the extreme far Lefty left leftist liberals. Some of those radical extremist liberal far left liberal Leftys were suggesting that racism motivates the good Americans blaming New York Muslims for the terror attacks of 2001. (Which is why these same New York Muslims shouldn’t be allowed to build a – how did the nice gentleman put it? – a Ground Zero mass murder mosque several blocks away from Ground Zero.)
Another one of these extremist liberal far left liberal Lefty far leftists had a sign that said “Muslims are welcome here.”
And that’s, apparently, the same thing as comparing Obama to Hitler and comparing health care reform to the Holocaust.
There are extremists on both sides. And you have to keep saying it because it might not be so clear if you use your own eyes and ears.
Is it any wonder the poor man got his panties in a twist over the “Sasquatch is Real” sign?
It seems that despite appearances to the contrary, the terms “inflammable” & “non-flammable” aren’t synonyms after all – as I discovered recently to my shock & horror. Nonetheless, I stand by my decision.
As a certain incident has made crystal-clear to me, Tabasco sauce doesn’t make such an awesome lube after all. Nonetheless, I stand by my decision.
*crosses legs & whimpers*
The real scandal here is how libruls are always willing to put down the white people so that they can favor the Sasquatch-Americans.
I know I’m a bit late to this particular party, but wotthehell, as archy would say: Donald Douglas is an idiot who wouldn’t know “moral clarity” if it bit him in his stupid ass. And if he thinks America really should be about “the culture of expansion and power,” as Mark D points out, he can take his stupid Nazi ass and stuff himself up it.
Just wanted to put my 2 cents in.
Is it any wonder the poor man got his panties in a twist over the “Sasquatch is Real” sign?
He’s just upset because he’s descended from Yetis, and he resents being called a Jewy-Jew-Jew.
Oddly enough, Conservapedia has a page, but, alas, the text has been deleted.
Spelling bees are booooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiing.
Objection. If they are boring they are carpenter bees.
Tabasco sauce doesn’t make such an awesome lube after all.
Allow me to sell you this Tiger Balm.
I’m thinking more like skunk ape.
The fact is, liberal bias in the media will soon be eliminated by patriots resuming true USA power freedom decision making in the discourse of facts and logic.
Enjoy use chopsticks, the original and cultual of China!
The fact is, facts and logic – what liberals are always missing. Instead they emoti0onaly appeal to greed for the had earned property of Producers.
Objection. If they are boring they are carpenter bees.
If they are misspelling, they are bumblebees.
Donnie Dougie Johnson is right! “Sasquatch Is Real” is discriminatory! It presumes that american-born yeti are “verdantly challenged”! I prefer to think of these snow-habiting-persons as “abomin-able”!
There are extremists on both sides.
Indeed, few spectres are able to terrorize America quite like that of college kids handing out leaflets decrying racism … surely these radical pro-equality extremists are – by pointing out the obvious – actively infringing upon the right of low-life bigoted scumbags to practice their lifestyle-choice in peace & comfort, thus making them (if you close one eye & squint JUST right) no different from deranged suicide-bombers!
The press at least knows
whose names are on their paychecksthat the mere facts or context of a story are trivial compared to The Need To Remain Fair & Balanced At All Times – such balance is essential, just as the US rightfully demanded both compensation & full co-operation from the Vietnamese government in seeking MIAs & POWs because after all, “the destruction was mutual.”So a sophomore handing out flyers in New York is exactly like a Teabagger who puts pipe-bombs in mailboxes or cuts a home’s gas-lines because SHUT UP & SHOP MOAR OR TEH TERRORISTS WILL WIN!
QED, liberals!
Rate Yer Perfesser, by request.
Earlier incarnation.
I fucked up. Sorry.
Sure, some on the right want to walk up to you and shoot you in the head; other extremists want them not to shoot you in the head.
What we need is the sort of forward-thinking, flexible solution which takes the best ideas from both sides and comes up with an even better answer.
So, for example, maybe the right wingers should shoot you in the leg or the stomach instead of the head.
Or maybe we could recognize that there is a longstanding need for you to get shot in the head, given polls about how people prefer a higher degree of you-being-shot-in-head, we could encourage the shooter to effect a more glancing blow, leading at most to serious skull fracture and perhaps concussion and maybe stroke, but less likely death.
Until we start supporting bold policymakers who reject the extremes from both sides, we’ll be stuck in the same ol’ “Let me shoot you in the head” / “Don’t shoot me in the head” unending debate.
Pere Ubu said,
I continue to speculate on whether or not Mr. Douglas is checking in on this thread.
Post already, chickenshit!
Turns out that he is reading it but is defending himself over at LGM instead. Better part of valour and all that.
The fact is, who is doing more to damage our country? to go down the road of wimpyness and fagetry and attack success and freedom? or two fight an unjust system with the weapons the left lib terror freaks brought?
We are taking are country back, by ballots or bullets.
A stumblebee screws up the landing off the vault?
A crumblebee prepares a delicious, simple classic desert highlighting seasonal fruit?
A rumblebee has an open pop up seat in the trunk?
A fumblebee repeatedly drops a snap?
A tumblebee is one that does better on the track than the stumblebee does on the vault?
Though I guess deserts can highlight seasonal fruits as well, made all the sweeter by desperation.
This strength is further congealed in the primacy of family at the center of all life’s meaning.
How do you congeal strength?
Don Douglas is a weeny. He is reading this and not posting. What’s he so afraid of?
(Tricksy, eh?)
Rate Yer Perfesser, by request.
He has that “Boner tan” thing going on.
We are taking are country back, by ballots or bullets.
We appreciate your clear confession of sedition, comrade Ruppert. The banging sound you hear at the front door is the NKVD platoon sent to arrest you in the name of the workers and peasants of the Soviet Union. You should arrive in Siberia just in time for the fine winter weather.
Rate Yer Perfesser, by request.
The comments are for the most part negative. He sounds like a complete hack.
The fact is, facts and logic – what liberals are always missing. Instead they emoti0onaly appeal to greed for the had earned property of Producers.
Oops. My bad. Donnie is posting here.
Or Trig is up past his bedtime.
The weak minded say that when you are in a hole, the first thing to do is to stop digging.
On the other hand, when a strong willed man finds himself in a hole, he opens his pants and pisses on his own shoes just to prove that he can!
I think he meant by billets or ballet.
Douglas’s self-description, from the second link at 4:05
Oh, shit! I’m not messing around with anyone who has tactical elan!
What a coincidence! I am pro-victory too!
Is that one of the classic Japanese flavor elements, the umatch?
I say you can keep your goddamn liberal coastal heliocentric elitist Beetle Juse!!!
NY Governor candidate millionaire capitalist revolutionary (‘we have launched a revolution against the ruling class’) declares that there should be no mosque anywhere near where the 9/11 dust cloud wafted.
It is truly inspiring to see the downtrodden millionaires of New York finally represented by one of their own after centuries of oppression.
Yeah, that élan vital worked so well against water-cooled machine guns in WWI.
In TeaTard Marxism, the capitalist class must inevitably rise up in revolution against the oppressive proletariat.
Capitalists of the world, Unite! You have nothing to lose but marginal tax rates!
How do you congeal strength?
My grandma says add kitchen bouquet. I guess you add it to your biceps?
Yet in friendship, you’ll find no one more trustworthy nor loyal; in battle you’ll find an umatched competitor whose tactical elan would make Machiavelli proud.
This sounds hilarious coming from someone who is probably against repealing DADT.
“Yet in friendship, you’ll find no one more trustworthy nor loyal; in battle you’ll find an umatched competitor whose tactical elan would make Machiavelli proud.”
And, on the internet, you’ll find a bigoted, near-illiterate fool.
whose tactical elan would make Machiavelli proud.
Number of times Machiavelli mentions ‘tactical’ in ‘The Prince’: 0.
Number of times Machiavelli mentions ‘élan’ in ‘The Prince’: 0.
Nevertheless, I’m sure he cared a lot about tactical élan. He was, after all, generally known as a war leader (and not — say — as an observer of governance and statecraft).
Hi kids–the threadslayer is back. Perhaps a bit early tonight, but we’ll give it a go anyhow.
What have we learned today?
Reading is fundamental. Sasquatch is real =/= Sasquatch Israel.
Assumptions are not fundamental. Sasquatch Israel =/= questioning the legitimacy of the Israel. Unless, of course, you happen to be a super genius who can’t read.
One of the members of Slaughter is probably not someone who would hold up a sign questioning the legitimacy of Israel. In fairness, however, a hair metal band member probably would compare the state of Israel to the legend of Sasquatch in some misguided attempt to question said legitimacy. In fairness to Slaughter, however, that sign appears to be held up during the day, and we all know they’re up all night and sleep all day. Given these facts in evidence, judge rules: Logic FAIL.
Being called a dumbass by liberals does NOT beg the question of whether liberals hate Juse or not. It does beg the question: Is are children learning?
When you find you are wrong, it’s probably best not to stand by your argument that was predicated on a completely fabricated message from a sign you couldn’t even read properly. That’s central to the point and whatnot.
Well that concludes today’s bullet point lesson in avoiding the ever popular wingnut footbullet, followed by another footbullet.
This is, perhaps one for the record books. Just when you thought wingnuts couldn’t get any dumber, here comes Donnie to confound the senses with a giant, steaming pile of FAIL.
We really do need to start a fund to hand out trophies to guys like this. They should be recognized for their earnest dumbfuckery.
Yet in friendship, you’ll find no one more trustworthy nor loyal; in battle you’ll find an umatched competitor whose tactical elan would make Machiavelli proud.
A dream to some… A NIGHTMARE TO OTHERS!!
Submitted without comment
Rate Yer Perfesser, by request.
Of, fer Chrissakes. He’s at Long Beach CC?
in battle you’ll find an umatched competitor whose tactical elan would make Machiavelli proud.
“So, a hearty F*** You to the lot of you, assholes.”
Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it elan…..
I told him he was dumb (not that he posted the comment)…
He acknowledged as much…
I feel vindicated.
Score 1 for non-morans.
I welcome comments and debate, and I’ll defend my positions vigorously.
He’s chosen the hill he’s going to die on, the fact that lie-berals equate the state of Israel with Sasquatch….oops, well, maybe, not, but he’ll still die on the hill.
tsam, there were no bullets in your bullets-thingie. Wait a minute: let me rephrase that. Thank you for omitting the bullets.
I don’t get these people. I am a nervous, shy sort of a person. I dislike special attention, and because criticism scares the bejusus out of me, I (regrettably) often decline to risk speaking out, even about important shit, because of the potential damage to my ever-so-delicate feelings.
So if I’d gone against type, and had ventured out onto the SasquatchIsreal limb of the faux and incredibly bizarre tree of pro-victory wingnutitude, I’d (a) be so embarrassed that I might abandon the intertubes altogether, for time and all eternity, or maybe six months, or (b) I’d be so embarrassed that I’d try to cut my losses with a brief statement, something like: “Okay, I stand corrected. Let us all be happy that I misread a sign, because that means we can take Sasquatch out of the Israel equation”.
But no. He is all “Hier stehe ich; ich kann nicht anders.”. Now that’s embarrassing.
I don’t get these people. I am a nervous, shy sort of a person
Geez, I’m not especially shy–actually not shy at all. But I live in fear of making this kind of mistake, especially under the auspices of someone who purports to know what he is talking about. That’s why I leave random, silly comments here, rather than the oh-so-ironically named website “American Power”.
What baffles me the most is how he made the leap from Sasquatch Israel (putting aside the fact that the sign clearly doesn’t say that) to eliminationist rhetoric, therefore liberals (another idiotic judgement call, since all we know about the kid holding the sign is that he makes poor choices in hair styles and is kind of funny) hate Israel and don’t claim it is a legitimate state.
If I had made a mistake like this, I certainly wouldn’t stand by what I said, and my internet profile would shrink immensely.
I’ll bet I would invest in some remedial English courses at my local community college. With my luck, I’d get a dope like this guy as a professor.
“Leftists hate moral clarity.”
Do you know who else was crystal clear about who he hated? hmmmmm?
Moral clarity, how does it fucking work?
“Oh, shit! I’m not messing around with anyone who has tactical elan!”
One would think that being he is from SoCal he would have tactical flan.
Moral clarity, how does it fucking work?
Only one way, of course.
Dyslexics of the world untie!
arrest you in the name of the workers and peasants of the Soviet Union
Stop, I’m getting wood just conceptualizing this event.
But that begs the question: The brilliant leading lights at Sadly No! don’t?
Insert every conservative comment about how loving minorities proves that you’re a racist.
Well, à propos of only a little of anything, I have signed up for a class at my local community college. It’s part of the “community” part of the “community college”, i.e., not for credit, just for fun. It’s going to be seven meetings where we all get to mess around with gongs and stuff, pretending to be a gamelan orchestra. I isareal gamelan fan.
So yay community college, and ewww, I will just step around the wasteland that is purported to be Don Douglas’s perch in the ivory-like “tower”.
OH, I almost forgot.
Fuck you back, Don.
Fuck you back, Don.
I am off to my beddy-bye now, for a pleasant, uneventful sleep (fingers crossed and the PG&E pipes don’t splode), so good night to all of y’all, but especially tsam, for I am feeling inexplicably tender toward you tonight, ya knucklehead. I’m gonna take some ibuprofen, so I’m sure I’ll be back to normal by morning.
so good night to all of y’all, but especially tsam, for I am feeling inexplicably tender toward you tonight, ya knucklehead
Thank you–good night!
“Leftists hate moral clarity.”
I stand by what I say, whether it was right or wrong, because unlike you, I have morals. Changing one’s mind is ideabortion. No, the moral and conservative (but I repeat myself) thing to do is to never change your mind about anything, and to not give birth to any original ideas of your own.
From rate the professor:
he is a total ****. he lies and bullies students….he even makes crap up. i had the 2nd highest A in the class and then somehow got a D! he disagreed with my opinions and then held them against me. he contradicts himself in lectures. he sucks. dont take him!
No, no. It’s just his spelling again. He has tactical flan. This involves more laundry than usual.
BTW, ya know who ELSE didn’t shave his legs?
Yeah, that’s right…………
Sasquatch, that’s who.
Gah. I knew I should have searched the thread first.
Oh. Hai thar!
Christine “Sybian Slayer” O’Donnell = bringer of Wingnarök?
But I still stand by what I said.
My Logic, Wrong or Right.
I call bs. That clown wouldn’t pull his own mother from a burning building free of charge.
What I said was untrue.
Okay, that was dumb.
But I stand by what I said.
Lulzy. Popcorn?
I kept thinking “Really?” or “You don’t say!” after most of the bolded lines there. to wit:
You don’t say!
I mean, whodathunkit?
I stand by what I said because I stand by what I said.
Waitress, veal.
Long Beach City College seems to have a lot of students who are recent immigrants. Great, just great. So, the students who are really interested in US politics, but just beginning, end up taking Wingnut 101.
I’m sure class discussion in his Long Beach City College PolSc classes is fun : “He says, “No, no. We don’t think everyone’s racist.” I begged to differ, and after making more lame excuses, he breaks out a protest flyer featuring pictures of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. He says, “This is who we’re talking about. These people are racists.” I tell him I know both Pamela and Robert, and they’re not racists.”
…Don also didn’t like the hat…
I think you should concede this point. It’s not just the hat, however, that’s wrong with your Douglas portrait. At the very least–given the fine fruit that he offered you and you took and you turned into a glistening Giuseppe Arcimboldo painting of Professor Douglas–you owe him the full Wookie treatment, with a bigger lapel pin and a higher resolution Juses hat photo. Anything less is disrespectful.
You didn’t even link to this:
That’s all very funny until…young man with the sign reveals that, in fact, he was just noting the existence of Wolf Blitzer.
Well done that man.
I have drunk that beer and it is not bad at all.
in battle you’ll find an umatched competitor whose tactical elan would make Machiavelli proud
In other words – he’s never been closer to a combat zone than reading Tom Clancy novels and playing Call of Duty 4.
Jim’s link is indeed lulzy. Lots of tactical elan on display.
Ohhhh “Juses” was supposed to be a miss-spelling of “Jesus “? I thought it was a miss-spelling of “Jews.” I’m sure the good prof does love the Jooos, specially the ones who live in Isreal..
OK I’ll be honest, I really honestly did think it was a miss-spelling of “Justice.”
I guess that makes me something below brain damaged poultry. Being an AIDS loving liberal, I’m hoping I am at the HIV level of reading comprehension.
I am a former (2 feet long) so I feel free to note that the guy with the sign is going to say nooooooooooooooooooooooooo when he meets Sasquatch and Sasquatch says “I AM your father.”
Didn’t he play Ellie Mae Clampett?
“DEAR DONALD DOUGLAS: I am 8 years old.
“Some of my little friends say there is no Sasquatch Israel.
“Papa says, ‘If you see it on AMERICANPOWERBLOG it’s so.’
“Please tell me the truth; is there a Sasquatch Israel?
Dear Virginia,
Nobody sees Sasquatch Israel, but that is no sign that there is no Sasquatch Israel. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.
Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Sasquatch Israel. Thank God! He lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, VIRGINIA, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of… wait, what’s that?
Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I’m dumb.
I stand by what I wrote, either way.
We don’t need a Sasquatch Israel myth to figure that out. So, a hearty F*** You to the lot of you, assholes.
You, too, VIRGINIA.
Everyone knows that Sasquatch Israel died in the fires of Mordor. But legend has it that Sasquatch Silverstein still roams free.
The Once and Future Sasquatch.
Everyone knows that Sasquatch Israel died in the fires of Mordor.
I believe he fell into the Hummus Crack.
I can only bow down to the posters on this humble, humble blog. I salute you, O witty ones, for making my life tolerable every day. Tho not as quick, I can at least appreciate what you say…and…again I thank you. You are all that is keeping me from moving to Sweden.
You are all that is keeping me from moving to Sweden.
Our Sadly overlords are keeping you from a socialist paradise? Why are you thanking them?
“Everyone knows that Sasquatch Israel died in the fires of Mordor.
I believe he fell into the Hummus Crack.”
“Tho not as quick, I can at least appreciate what you say…and…again I thank you. ”
I’m pretty sure most people feel that way when they first get here. But then you get the lay of the land, raise your game, and before you know it you’re making jokes about DKW’s mom and conservative pundits who look like penises.
You Sadly Naughts — sometimes you make my day.
Just needed to express some lurv.
“Everyone knows that Sasquatch Israel died in the fires of Mordor.
I believe he fell into the Hummus Crack.”
And thus we bring it right back around to aforementioned FODO ISREAL.
I love it when a thread comes together.
Of course, being a Seattleite, I can’t see the name “Sasquatch Israel” without thinking of these gomers.
Steve Allens’s son was a member of this cult, and they’d always trot him out as a spokesman whenever they were on the TV news—”Logic Israel”, he called himself.
Disappointingly, none of the Love Family members in this picture are named “Sasquatch”.
Did someone say
Leftists hate moral clarity. And they hate Israel. We don’t need a Sasquatch myth to figure that out.
Shorter Duckass:
I fucked up, but you fucked up by pointing out that I fucked up so I could point out how you’re fucked up.
And thus we bring it right back around to aforementioned FODO ISREAL.
Nom nom nom a Jew today!
You are all that is keeping me from moving to Sweden.
Hell you can comment from Sweden! Move anyway!
I say you can keep your goddamn liberal coastal heliocentric elitist Beetle Juse!!!
Say that three times fast and a duck drops down with a hundred dollars.
I wonder if Duckass has considered laser surgery to remove that offending growth between his shoulders?
But then you get the lay of the land¹, raise your game², and before you know it you’re making jokes about DKW’s mom and conservative pundits who look like penises³.
I remember a time when conservatives derided liberals as knee jerk. That was before I’d heard of projection. Now it all becomes clear. ISREAL? Really? What an ignoramus.
“So, a hearty F*** You to the lot of you, assholes.”
Really? That’s moral clarity? Does he kiss his mother with that mouth? Moron.
That being said, I see Republican leadership written all over that.
That’s moral clarity?
No, moral clarity is leaving the original post uncorrected so his stupidity has a permanent monument.
Stupidity…THAT’S moral clarity!
By the way, have you noticed that, usually when a wingnut posts and links a response to a Sadly, No! derision, we get a brief wave of his nattering nabobs flocking here to try to take a piece out of us?
Have you further noticed that Duckass’ minions don’t even have the “moral clarity” to try?
Seriously, the guy mis-read a sign causing him to go completely (and hilariously) out on a limb, and his response is to double down on the stupid?
Welcome to Conservative America! If you can’t baffle ’em with bullshit, move onto horseshit!
By the way, have you noticed that, usually when a wingnut posts and links a response to a Sadly, No! derision, we get a brief wave of his nattering nabobs flocking here to try to take a piece out of us?
Either Donnie has no readers, or his readers think he’s as stupid as everyone else does…
Have you further noticed that Duckass’ minions don’t even have the “moral clarity” to try?
Chickenshits, the lot of ’em.
It is truly inspiring to see the downtrodden millionaires of New York finally represented by one of their own after centuries of oppression.
Republican millionaires have had plenty-o-representation in the NY governor’s chair. We can start with Nelson Rockefeller and Teddy Roosevelt.
Either Donnie has no readers, or his readers think he’s as stupid as everyone else does…
I’m betting it’s the latter. I imagine many of them saw the picture and coughed politely behind their hands, then scrolled down.
Chickenshits, the lot of ‘em.
Well, they are fans of the brain damaged poultry.
Mike the chicken was probably knew something wrong but Donnie the chicken
just can’t admit it. Buckark!
his readers think he’s as stupid as everyone else does…
I think this is it, at least in this case. The guy made a spectacular overreach to interpret the “true meaning” of “Sasquatch Israel”, then when it was pointed out that he read the sign wrong, stuck to the spectacular overreach because it was what the liberals in his head would have meant if they had created such a sign. There’s just no way to spin that so he’s not a dickhead, so why try?
Republican millionaires have had plenty-o-representation in the NY governor’s chair.
Sometimes I do this thing where I say something that I know to be false or wildly exaggerated, usually to attempt a comedic effect. I’m hoping it will catch on.
This reminds me of the time that I drove by one those mobile portable signs with the plastic letters that let you make your own kind of music *Mamas and Papas reference*. This one, which I passed and read for at least three weeks said ‘1doz Roses’. Hmmm, I said to myself at least 25 times, what kind of roses are 1doz. Never heard of them. Then one Saturday afternoon I drove by it again and thought to myself ‘1doz roses’, then like the summer lightning, it struck me ‘1 dozen roses’ and although alone in my car, I blushed.
But I am not an esteemed instructor at a community college somewhere and I was 25. So I could understand my own stupid.
I think Mr. Pissy’s little trucker cap says ‘I heart Fuses’, which makes it my duty to contact Homeland Security on his ass…
Ha ha comments disabled over there. Donnie the chicken ~ buckark!
The Rate My Professor comments are pretty awesome. If I had to pay for a class he taught, I’d be PISSED.
Christine “Sybian Slayer” O’Donnell = bringer of Wingnarök?
Wow. That article is quite… something. You think it’s going to stop, and then it doesn’t. At least we liberals just do the circular flying squad, and not the complete graph.
We are taking are country back, by ballots or bullets.
I welcome comments and debate, and I’ll defend my positions vigorously.
So turning off comments in the “fuck you assholes” post was… tactical elan? Moral clarity?
Sometimes I do this thing where I say something that I know to be false or wildly exaggerated, usually to attempt a comedic effect.
Oh, sure! I do that all the time, but none of you assholes ever catch on, do you???? No, it’s always, “that’s not what that word means” or “you’re so pwned” and shit like that. Nothing of substance, of course.
I will just step around the wasteland that is purported to be Don Douglas’s perch in the ivory-like “tower”.
Well, I would imagine the level of scholarly discourse taking place in the Political Science department at Long Beach City College runs about as deep as a puddle of beer on the floor of the student union. By the time Don’s students get to the 300 level courses when they transfer to Long Beach State, they’ll realize why he’s still an Associate Professor at a community college.
Long Beach CC has been featured most notably in the news for being over-run by abandoned Easter bunnies.
There really is a Tactical Eland.
There really is a Tactical Eland.
And here I was hoping it was an antelope trained by the Navy Seals.
And here I was hoping it was an antelope trained by the Navy Seals.
So was I when I did the search, but the Eland MK7 was the best Google could do for me.
There really is a Tactical Eland.
The Rate My Professor comment on DD that made me laugh was some clown thought he is “a lib.”
Top 5 Post.
What? You say I’ve said that about 28 earlier posts, previously, before? I believe it only proves my point. Also.
If I had to pay for a class he taught, I’d be PISSED.
I’d love to show up to one of his classes wearing a Sasquatch IsReal t-shirt, tho.
I’d love to show up to one of his classes wearing a Sasquatch IsReal t-shirt, tho.
I smell a Cafe Press opportunity, targeted at Long Beach, California.
By the way, have you noticed that, usually when a wingnut posts and links a response to a Sadly, No! derision, we get a brief wave of his nattering nabobs flocking here to try to take a piece out of us?
Donalde did show up at LGM to complain about this post over here. Apparently Tintin’s photoshop proves that he, like Sasquatch, is an anti-Semite.
I smell a “Santorum” joke coming from somewhere…
Donalde did show up at LGM to complain about this post over here.
I saw that. Does he imagine Lefarkins et al are going to be any kinder?
And I am not surprised that this idiot is among the idiots who don’t know what the expression “begs the question” means, and always uses it when the phrase “RAISES the question” is what they really mean.
My oh my. Would you kiss Juses with that mouth, Donald?
when the phrase “RAISES the question” is what they really mean.
That’s because they like to imagine they’re on their knees in front of The Question, one hand on his fly, the other reaching skyward.
The Question? You mean this one?
The comic universe’s most famous Randian hero!
That does make some kind of tortured sense, if you torture it enough.
Does he imagine Lefarkins et al are going to be any kinder?
He has a crush on Charli Carpenter.
You know, now that I’m an old fart and not really paying attention to what kids do these days, I’m not quite sure what a “hipster” is other than somebody I’m supposed to not like.
Q: How many hipsters does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: It’s a really obscure number; you’ve probably never heard of it.
The Question? You mean this one?
And his archenemy is Dr. Twain! SHANIA LAW!
He has a crush on Charli Carpenter.
That looks like more than a crush. I kept hearing the Police hit “I’ll Be Watching You” as I read that.
A: It’s a really obscure number; you’ve probably never heard of it.
And if you had, it would mean lightbulbs suck now, anyway.
And if you had, it would mean lightbulbs suck now, anyway.
Back in the day, I remember seeing the lightbulbs at dollar-a-band night at Club Babyhead. They rocked the house back then. Of course, that was when they still had the original drummer.
Loch Ness Monster Israel
Frankenstein Israel
Magnum P.I. Israel
Non-catholic gods Israel
Darth Vader Israel
The Phantom of the Opera Israel
The Beast Israel
Pseudo-Dragon Israel
Gold Wyrmling Israel
Adult Sea Dragon Israel
Winged Ghouls Israel
Ice Toad Israel
Cloaked Ape Israel
Giant Silt Serpent Israel
Gravecrawler Israel
Manticore Israel
Screech-Owl Familiar Israel
Mummy Israel
Lightning Quasi-Elemental Israel
Ghoul Myrmidon Israel
Spectral Lyrist Israel
Greater Vampire Israel
Darkling Israel
Vampire Gorgon Israel
Does he imagine Lefarkins et al are going to be any kinder?
I hear tell he’s trying to make some of us.
Good Lord. Must be the moral clarity.
Step away from that Monster Manual, Substance. Back away before I roll 3d8.
Welcome to my complete index of Dungeons & Dragon creatures!
This product list isn’t a complete list of D&D products; there are a number of older licenced minis missing, and the list doesn’t include some of the really obscure D&D products such as the beach towel or sewing kit (!), but it does include every D&D game product and novel.
I can easily picture Dafydd Ab Hugh on that beach towel.
Ray Charles’s Dark Stalker Fizz
7 ounces dark stalker cerebrospinal fluid
7 gallons great bitter spirits, shaken
Add the dark stalker cerebrospinal fluid to the bitter spirits since it’s lighter. Serve in a medium conch shell. Phone the authorities.
It doesn’t matter what the sign actually says, because my comment on it reflects my beliefs, not the facts of the case. Leftists hate moral clarity, which is why they are against torture. Also, I am “bad” enough to say “F**k” but not “fuck”.
Welcome to my complete index of Dungeons & Dragon creatures!
Ah geezz… Now I have a checklist….
“Knee-clicks and visual traits indicate fighting ability in tactical eland antelopes“.
Other possible meanings for “SASQUATCH ISRAEL”:
Musicians who refuse to perform in Israel are instead going to the Sasquatch! Festival.
Israel is a misunderstood giant who is essentially gentle, but if you provoke it it will fling you into an RV and steal your kosher beef jerky.
To promote peace in the Middle East, Jews should consider moving away from the occupied territories (where the people are angry and violent) to the Canadian province of Saskatchewan (where the people are polite and friendly).
oh and also: do you know who else
“Knee-clicks and visual traits indicate fighting ability in tactical eland antelopes“.
Smut, you are the man.
You are a man, right?
“Buttfreaks”! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Re: 2nd Update:
Doctor Professor Douglas sez…
Such a mouth on this fellow! What would Juses think?
And a link to the Dirty Harry clip, to complete the “make my day” motif!
I’m sure he uses that technique while teaching his community college classes.
Speaking of which, y’all know how things get pumped around the Intertubes, especially when the party of the first part refuses to let the brouhaha die down. I expect to see a few “SASQUATCH ISRAEL” t-shirts being sported by his students in the near future.
One can only hope…
I just saw the second update.
Give the man credit: he opened comments on it. Of course, he still moderates them and OF COURSE after he sees mine, he’ll close them again.
Again with the moral clarity.
What would Juses think?
Hey! Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lord, Orange Julius, in vain!
towering intellectual demonologists
I prefer to think of myself as a “towering demon mixologist,” myself. After all, 6’3″ and stuff…
Again with the moral clarity.
I wonder if he gets confused and takes Claritin thinking that’s moral clarity?
All c/o the towering intellectual demonologists of Sadly No!
You know, I’m old enough to remember when the towering intellectual political science professor had no idea what the word nihilist meant, so he believed all people who disagreed with him were nihilists. Now we are all demonologists.
Seriously, Donalde, stop masturbating to Buffy reruns.
Mala, since you’re an LGM denizen, what does the “e” signify?
What’s his deal with overmatched?
What’s his deal with overmatched?
I dunno, but I pointed out to him he owes an apology to Carl Symons, who used it correctly.
Mala, since you’re an LGM denizen, what does the “e” signify?
Charli Carpenter started that when he called her “Charlie” (and a “nice women” [sic]). It became an internet tradition.
Ahhhhhhhhh, an internet tradition of which I am now aware!
I thank you, Malaclypsee
Aww. Blog is all broked.
As predicted, he pulled comments. Again.
Douglas Donald’s fame grows apace, with TBogg on his case as well as LGM.
Any bets on which daily newspaper or cable channel will recruit him as a columnist / political analyst?
Professor Duckless and I are carrying on our “discussion” on Twitter:
Oh, and he thinks I’m a “demon.” Needs his meds adjusted apparently.
He said the same thing about TBogg, so don’t let it go to your head.
Being able to read makes you a “rocket scientist”? Cool!
Now that you’re a rocket scientist, Tintin, maybe you can send this dolt, Professor Douglas, to the moon.
Oh, and he thinks I’m a “demon.”
Hmm… I think that’s his Rasta impression. He’s calling you “de mon,” as in “da man” or “the man.”
Okay, I’m new to this Donald Douglas character, what the hell is up with him calling everyone demonologists?
Just read his three entries, and “cluelessness” really does kind of come to mind. His fan base didn’t help matters, either.
what the hell is up with him calling everyone demonologists
Donalde does that because
I also abhor irrationalism in argumentation. I welcome comments and debate, and I’ll defend my positions vigorously. Yet in friendship, you’ll find no one more trustworthy nor loyal; in battle you’ll find an umatched [sic] competitor whose tactical elan would make Machiavelli proud.
See, demonology is just the sort of tactical elan worthy of Machiavelli. Donalde knows about demons because
In addition to his teaching and research in political science, Dr. Douglas enjoys hiking, walks on the beach, and reading works of historical fiction and international intrigue.. and he often encounters demons on those long walks.
That’s hysterical.
He corrects ‘overmatched’ to ‘outmatched’ when they’re synonyms. He corrects ‘dubmass’ to ‘dumbass’ when the entire POINT of the sentence was to show how stupid he was with the ‘Sasquatch is real’ thing. And he actually thought he won the exchange with that and ‘So, yeah, F*** You, buttfreaks’. Oh, and a link to a clip of Dirty Harry saying ‘Go ahead, make my day.’
I mean, that kind of brain damage is pretty hard to come by these days, in a college setting.
I’m with emailer Carl. I think he’s a huge dubmass.
When your “make my day” rebuttal is a four minute clip from the movie, you got no pith. ‘”Oh, yeah! Watch this! Keep watching. Keep watching. Yeah—keep watching…[muzak]…There!!!” Clint Eastwood is central to his point, I suppose, in his head, where hippies are about to launch the new Holocaust under the Sasquatch Isreal banner. Poor li’l fella.
Careful there Tintin, the Good Professor does seem a little unhinged.
For example:
I’m not sure if it’s an upside or not but this guy makes Mike Adams look like a sane, responsible, prof.
Eh, it’s a living.
Took one hella long search in the Want-Ads to land this gig, & the pay’s not too hot – but it IS indoor work with no heavy lifting.
Even if I knew nothing about what his latest post referred to, the whacko tags alone would immediately tell me that I am looking at the pointless maunderings of a dipshit.
Yes, I am indeed a “buttfreak” – hey, some guys are legfreaks, some are BOOBfreaks, & then there’s us fanboys of delights callipygian.
Go ahead, make my sammich!
I’ll be damned…he actually used the Chewbacca defense.
Smut Clyde said,
September 16, 2010 at 23:37
Ohh wow, that quote … it’s just like reading Pastor Swank, but syntaxier!
These goobers sure tend to have a serious woody for nihilism – where “nihilism” means “what inspires the bastards who use all those dirty tricks like logic or long-term memory to ruin my plans for a Reaganomic Magic Pony Farm.”
Also: proving that someone’s catastrophically fucked up version of reality is catastrophically fucked up = destroying them.
Perhaps they should be sharing their respawn technique with all of us mere mortals for buku profits, as opposed to sprinting to their nearest hugbox.
PROTIP: always remember to let your venomous brew of hate & intolerance steep for exactly three minutes – no more, no less.
to the nihilists at Sadly No!
If nihilism means the opposite of the dingy cloud of bad faith arguments and prejudicial condemnations he’s calling “moral clarity,” so be it.
nihilists? We’re nihilists?
I thought we were a semi-autonomous collective…..
But at least it’s an ethos.
Troofie, is that you?
Goddammit, it’s been weeks since I commented here, and I see my dimwit sasquatch cousins slurpin’ up all the good wingnut snarkling. Such an affront.
As an aside – WTF is up with all the shout-outs to punk rock bands on Dougie Dumbass’ page? It is incomprehensible how anyone can listen to the anti-rightwing message of the punk bands he name-checks and not … aw hell, there he went and did it again, didn’t he? Probably thinks that Jello Biafra’s lyrics are in alignment with the philosophy of Grover Norquist.
At this point, you have to start wondering if there is maternal alcoholism, going through a car windshield into a telephone pole, or an undiagnosed brain tumor going on with this guy. Stupidity this intense cannot just be psychological in nature, it must have a biological component as well.
Mr. Tactical Elan has decided to not allow comments.
How Machiavellian of him to take his ball and go home.
TinTin! He caught onto the Photoshop tailpipe fuck!
Oh my …
I think I’m going to have internal hemorrhaging from laughing so hard.
That dude needs some serious, serious help.
Oh, no, not the tailpipe fuck! Pass the tissue box!
We have a post on this in the tailpipe, er, pipeline and it should appear later this afternoon EDST.
We have a post on this in the tailpipe, er, pipeline and it should appear later this afternoon EDST.
It would be very, very wrong to photoshop Donalde showing his love of Sasquatch. That would be almost as wrong as Donalde “recommending” to his students, presumable some of which are female, that they read his blog, which has posts like this.
Yes, it would be very wrong to have DD in this photo
If he saw a sign that said IRANIAN NUKE IS REAL, his brain would probably explode trying to figure out who the sign holder wanted to bomb.
So what, are you going to claim “Kill the Poor” was “ironic” like hipsters or something?
As Donalde himself notes in his recent post, “Checking the link takes to a Photobucket page hosting this image:”
“the-celluloid-tomb” is a horror film buff, and while I can’t prove it, I strongly suspect that “this image” (named “Sasquatch on all fours,” and posted in full living color by Dr. Douglas on his blog–something not even the EEEEEVIL [] dared to do, ironically) is a screen capture from a film.
Contrast that with Dr. Douglas, who not only posted the very image he claims to so revile on his blog, but has also posed videos of actual people, actually being beheaded there, as well… (…once musing how he wouldn’t be bothered if it was liberals being beheaded, instead.)
So, I hope folks’ll forgive me if I find Donalde’s moralizing about what is likely a horror film screencap just a little bit hollow, given the things he unashamedly posts on his blog, including the very screencap he’s bitching and moaning about someone else linking to…
I’m just sayin’…
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