Instahick Loses Argument With His Own Strawman

The entire reason for constructing a straw man argument is to refute it but, sadly, there are some people that can’t even beat their own straw men. To wit, we have Glenn Harlan “Instahick” Reynolds, the Cracker Barrel Chair Professor of Handgun Law at the University of Tennessee School of Law and Wingnut Blogging, being soundly thrashed his own strawman: the alleged hordes of liberal environmental eliminationists, who are secretly planning mass murder and suicide to save the planet, and who must be stopped at all costs. Even from a guy who is planning on implanting his brain in a robot and shooting himself off into outer space to live (and blog) forever, this is pretty stupid stuff.
Reynold’s article starts off promisingly enough with Reynolds saying, presumably by accident, something that is mostly true:
Lee was a nut, an eco-freak who said he was inspired by Al Gore’s environmental scare-documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth.” His badly written “manifesto” underscores his craziness. He hated “filthy human babies.”
Alas, this fit of partial veracity is short-lived and leads straight into an enormous whopper.
But, of course, Lee’s not alone. Looking at the environmental literature, we find terms like those used above — the currently stylish description is “eliminationist rhetoric” — used widely, and plans for mass sterilization are fairly common.
Why just the other day I was on Amazon looking for a nice book on mass sterilization only to find that there were so many I couldn’t make up my mind, so I opted instead for The Girl with the ShihTzu Up Her Butt, or whatever it is that the latest Swedish thriller is called.
Of course, Glenn doesn’t want to lose the endowment that funds the Cracker Barrel Chair that he holds, so he realizes he must provide at least some stab at documenting this wildly preposterous claim of common plans for mass sterilization. Hello, Dr. Gazoogle, can you help Glenn out here?
How common are these views? I typed “Humanity is a” into Google and the top three suggestions were “Humanity is a virus,” “Humanity is a disease,” and “Humanity is a cancer.”
Fuck me, as my grandmother used to say. Look, if you type in “why can’t I” the first thing Google suggests is “own a Canadian.” That doesn’t mean that there is a mass movement to invade Canuckistan and enslave all of its residents. I mean, it might be fun to own a Canadian for a few days but after a few days of the Canadian trashing your kitchen while whipping up plate after plate of poutine, it would get old.
[UPDATE: Part of this joke appears to have been unconsciously purloined from the estimable TBogg. Since I read all of TBogg’s posts, I must have read this post of his before using the “own a Canadian” business. Naturally, anything I steal from TBogg would wind up being the funniest thing in my entire post.]
Realizing that this argument is perhaps — dare I say it? — retarded, Glenn latches onto another one, which of course gives us our obligatory Sadly, No! Moment™
And, as Mark Hemingway pointed out in these pages a few days ago, one need only look to the writings of President Obama’s “science czar,” John Holdren to find something similar. Seeing humanity as destructive, Holdren wrote in favor of forced abortion and putting sterilizing agents in the drinking water, and in particular of sterilizing people who cause “social deterioration.”
Sadly, No! The passages the Perfesser alludes to were selectively mined from a survey of population control methods that had been used in the past, with Holdren and his two co-authors concluding that they supported only “non-coercive” methods. So much for forced abortions. Although if anyone is interested in a gay abortion, we have a special Sadly, No deal that we can offer to our readers.
This doesn’t mean that I haven’t contemplated forced sterilization of some elements of the wingnut-o-sphere. While writing this post,for example, I had intrusive thoughts of an accidental encounter between the Perfesser’s testicles and a weed-whacker. But I also have thoughts of having sex with Ryan Kwanten and that’s not going to happen either.
I’d comment without reading just to be frist but that would be silly.
“Although if anyone is interested in a gay abortion, we have a special Sadly, No deal that we can offer to our readers.”
Fuck yeah! But it had better be good–Planned Parenthood is offering a two for one deal and I am a bargain hunter.
Hey, don’t knock Glenn’s methods. When you type “conservatism is” into Google, the first thing that pops up is “a mental disorder.” I think he’s onto something.
Ah yes, another fine example of Argumentum ad Googlarium. In which case, it should be noted the #4 google suggestion for “instapundit” is “instapundit drinking game”…
That’s not just a strawman, that’s a whole straw army. I can’t believe this hack is an actual professor at a real university – I pity his students.
Yes Glenn, having less baybeez=eugenics. NOT.
Is it too early to start drinking?
Also, again, it’s quite telling that these fuckfaces equate legal abortion with forced abortion and sterilization.
Again, it’s as if they cannot see a world free from coercion, which is really why I think they seem incomprehensible to me and people like me at times.
And, again, maybe I should take another nap. Again.
Top hit for “eliminationist rhetoric” by teh great gazoogle. But then, we know that The Obama is the internet dictator so perhaps we should not be surprised.
Eliminationist rhetoric? You mean like this?
– Glenn Reynolds, 2006
Heh indoodily ding dong diddily doddily doodily ding dong diddily doddily doodily ding dong diddily doddily doodily ding dong diddily doddily doodily ding dong diddily doddily doodily ding dong diddily doddily doodily ding dong diddily doddily doodily ding dong diddily doddily doodily ding dong diddily doddily doodily ding dong diddily doddily doodily doo, libs!
Eliminationist rhetoric? You mean like this?
Hey, those people are brown! That doesn’t count!
What’s that? People have been googling on a quote from Mr. Smith in The Matrix? Well that totally proves environmentalists want to kill everybody.
help me Rhonda
help me God
help me find a job was fifth, help me poop sixth, followed by help me lose weight
Rhonda must be a very helpful person.
I won’t click the link but I take it that Ryan Kwaami is Eric? Jason? Someone hawt?
I typed “calculate Pi to the last decimal” into Google and it totally didn’t shoot sparks and explode at all like on that science show I saw one time.
“more rubble, less trouble”
If it doesn’t rhyme, I don’t want to be a part of your genocide.
I won’t click the link but I take it that Ryan Kwaami is Eric? Jason? Someone hawt?
Some vampire dude. I’ve never understood how a person who lives solely off human blood could be in that good of shape.
Some vampire dude. I’ve never understood how a person who lives solely off human blood could be in that good of shape
low in carbs
Eliminationist rhetoric you say?
Like this?
I just clicked the news button and guess what came up? Creepy.
Oh yeah, getting your ass kicked by your own strawman, hilarious. It reminds me of many Three Stooges episodes where our boys get their asses kicked by a tent or simple hand tools.
I’m pretty sure that having the guy responsible for “glennocidal tendencies” becoming a catch phrase then complaining about eliminationist rhetoric is ironic. Was he the one who also claimed 9-11 was the death of irony? Because that would be extra ironic.
People have been googling on a quote from Mr. Smith in The Matrix?
Personally, I like Burroughs’ idea of language as a virus better, and I guess that would make Instaputz’s “articles” the ebola strain.
But whateves.
Teh Stoopid not only burns, it is in serious danger of breaching its containment vessel and going all “China Syndrome” on us.
I am almost surprised that the letters on his screen don’t jump off and beat him roundly when they see what they are being used for.
People have been googling on a quote from Mr. Smith in The Matrix? Well that totally proves environmentalists want to kill everybody.
Agent Smith to be pedantic.
Smith was a libertarian, by the way. At least for those who have. For those who have not, fuck ’em, he said.
Smith was the master of karate and friendship for everyone.
…after a few days of the Canadian trashing your kitchen while whipping up plate after plate of poutine, it would get old.
Not to mention that poutine is pretty eliminationist in and of itself, considering what it does to your arteries.
Smith was the master of karate and friendship for everyone.
Smith taught the knot tying merit badge in my Scout troop.
Not to mention that poutine is pretty eliminationist in and of itself
Sure makes me crap like a goose.
Smith taught the knot tying merit badge in my Scout troop.
Smith is our Dear Leader. Who among us can defeat him in battle?
Smith is our Dear Leader. Who among us can defeat him in battle?
Smith personally coached our nation’s soccer team to the World Cup.
The entire reason for constructing a straw man argument is to refute it but, sadly, there are some people that can’t even beat their own straw men.
I admit, the first thing that sentence brought to mind was the scene from Men In Tights where Robin’s trying to train his men to fight on horseback and every one of them gets knocked off his horse by the dummies.
Maybe Glenn Reynolds should try puting the straw man behind the keyboard.
Smith shot 38 under par on a regulation 18-hole golf course – including 5 holes in one! That score is 25 shots better than the best round in history, and is made even more amazing by the fact that it was his first time playing the sport.
Hey you guys, I’m hot for bloggers who are into disemvoweling trolls. Anyone know how I can get hooked up with someone like that? If he’s got a little terrier at his side then it’s really going to be on.
Smith is Reynold’s Ideal man; a creature who’s conciousness is a program in a vast computer array, immortal so long as a sissy hollywood liberal doesn’t defeat him in combat.
When Smith punches you, you have to fight a strong urge to thank him for it.
Smith can speak Russian. In French.
Smith is Reynold’s Ideal man; a creature who’s conciousness is a program in a vast computer array, immortal so long as a sissy hollywood liberal doesn’t defeat him in combat.
So he’s basically the Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot?
Smith can speak Russian. In French.
Thanks for making me LOL at work, tsam.
Is that Chuck Norris joke adaptation? It sounds like it could be…
When Smith punches you, you have to fight a strong urge to thank him for it.
This may be my favorite Dos Equis line in the whole ad campaign, along with….
Sharks have an entire week devoted to Smith.
Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? What’s kick-a-lickin? Looks like you clowns can’t over the fact that Rockin Reynolds has exposed your radical eliminationist agenda for what it is: typical loon libdom with a SPREAD of lies and socialist Marxism! Suck on that, ya bums!
The fact of the matter is, America is beginning to see your anti-American radicalism for what it was, and this leads to one thing, holmes: ConservoMentum ’10! Ya better believe we’re taking about Congress and setting up Super Sarah, the Power Palin, for an easy White House Win!
Badoodle-boo-yeah! Urban out.
That’s from the Dos Equis “Most Interesting Man in the World” campaign. I’m sure it’s all over Youtube. Some of it is fucking hilarious–like the shark week one Actor just posted. Second funniest campaign ever. First funniest: Terribly Terry Tate, the Office Linebacker.
Hey coach;
The Boise State Broncos are coming to your limpdick ass. VT went down, you’re next, douchebag.
coming to GET…SHIT. I can’t even talk dumb jock trash properly.
Looks like you clowns can’t over the fact that Rockin Reynolds has exposed your radical eliminationist agenda
He is the Most Extreme Eliminationist.
The fact of the matter is, America is beginning to see your anti-American radicalism for what it was
Dude, y’all have been talking about how America is “beginning” to see that since
196819641952194819281896.Now I don’t know about you, but I would hate to think that America is so slow that it takes it over a hundred years to “begin” something that important.
Thanks Tsam, that will be looked into most definitely.
Smith’ll put a bone in your basement.
Smith will bone DK-Ws mom…for FREE!
Smith will take over your body and refuse to call 1337 |-|4><0R3R5 by their real names.
No, really.
Someone should ‘shop The Three Little Pigs book into that picture. Just sayin’.
Hmmm, read TBogg much?
[Tintin adds: Oops. I had read TBogg’s post and had forgotten that he made that joke. I’ve updated the post and sent an email to Tbogg offering to commit ritual seppuku in Dupont Circle as atonement if he so desires.]
Smith once had someone else’s awkward moment for them.
Hmmm, read TBogg much?
Tintin’s was funnier because shut up, that’s why.
Smith is not a number, he’s a free man.
Coach Urban Meyer said,
Tim Tebow:Sarah Palin::John Brantley:Sharron Angle
Ah wingnut blogging. So easy a caveman could do it. I guess that’s why cavemen and cavewomen do it.
Of course, the United States has never practiced a radical eliminationist agenda.
Oh wait…
Coach Urban Meyer said,
Tim Tebow:Sarah Palin::John Brantley:Sharron Angle
Division by zero is no longer undefined.
What? You think he’s wrong?
Did none of you libruls see Al Gore’s so-called ‘documentary’ An Inconvenient Truth About How We Need To Kill All The Babies And Change What They Show On The Discovery Channel?
We’ve never heard any of that eliminationist stuff.
Of course, the United States has never practiced a radical eliminationist agenda.
And Custer’s Last Stand was about a failing soft serve ice cream stand and had nothing to do with Native Americans rising up and getting a little somesing somesing.
Lakota said,
September 7, 2010 at 20:37
Why don’t you spell your name with a “D” like real Americans?
We’ve never heard any of that eliminationist stuff.
Ve see nothing, nothing!!!
We’ve never heard any of that eliminationist stuff.
This is not the eliminationist stuff you’re looking for. It can go about its business.
“Kill ’em all, big and little. Nits make lice”
We’ve never heard any of that eliminationist stuff.
Read my lips; no new eliminationist stuff.
How long do you think a nation can keep a people without ice cream (or frozen custard) from rising up in violence?
Those Liberal Straw-men can be pretty sly, Believe-Me-You.
Also, too. This just has to be said anytime this subject comes up.
The necessary response is obvious! We must eliminate the Dirty Hippies before they get us all!
Looks like you clowns can’t over the fact that Rockin Reynolds has exposed your radical eliminationist agenda
I HATE ROOTS. I want to pull them up by the… wait, let me think about this and get back to you.
Read my lips; no new eliminationist stuff.
I could really go for a nice cold glass of eliminate right now.
Look….someone had to say it!
And to merrily mix metaphors: Academically, Glenn Reynolds couldn’t carry John Holdren’s jock.
“Glenn Harlan “Instahick” Reynolds, the Cracker Barrel Chair Professor of Handgun Law at the University of Tennessee School of Law.”
Tintin, you have one a deluxe gold embossed hardcopy of the entire internet. Please advise customer service as to where delivery should be made.
Holdren wrote in favor of forced abortion and putting sterilizing agents in the drinking water, and in particular of sterilizing people who cause “social deterioration.”
So wait, that’s a totally slanderous lie from Glenn? NO WAY!
Christian eliminationist stuff is not like leftard eliminationist stuff!!!! How do I know? Because it is not like leftard eliminationist stuff!!!
The Most Interesting Man would be a lot more interesting if he hung out with interesting women. Bimbos are OK, but, you know …
The Most Interesting Man would be a lot more interesting if he hung out with interesting women. Bimbos are OK, but, you know …
How do you know they aren’t all working on post-doctoral work in anthropology?
The Most Interesting Man makes me want to slap the snot out of him…
I clicked through and found this to add to the pile. Look how Glenn denigrates his hero, Hilter.
The Most Interesting Man makes me want to slap the snot out of him…
That would be the most interesting slap in the world!
That would be the most interesting slap in the world!
Indeed! If Vince (The Sham-Wow guy) would let TMIMITW use a Slap Chop, it would be The Most Interesting Slap Chop In The World.
Not sure this is really the best way for him to prove his argument.
I just tried typing “glenn is a “
“The Most Interesting Man makes me want to slap the snot out of him…”
Would he find that interesting?
the currently stylish description is “eliminationist rhetoric”
Lordy-loo, he’s shitting the “meme bed”, just like Beck did when he named his crap novel “The Overton Window”.
The photograph worries me. Is Prof. Reynolds about to do his impression of a zit?
“Hitler talking about the Jews? Nope. This is Discovery Channel hostage-taker James Lee talking about … human beings.”
Is he just a really bad writer or did he just imply that Jews aren’t human beings?
#3 on the “Genn Reynolds is a” hit parade is this:
heh indeedy
Since the thread needs more Hitler, here’s the Objectivist position on aesthetics:
Shorter version: Ayn Rand proved with her usual cogency and rigour that any art other that her own preference for representational portraiture is Wrongthink. The author draws the corollary that the Nazis were right about ‘Degenerate art’, and that the aesthetic straitjacket imposed on German artists was really quite admirable.
The author is not so comfortable with Stalin’s preferred style of Socialist Realism, but concedes that an occasional glimpse of genuine sentiment shines through the propaganda.
I just assumed he was some sort of anti-Muppet, and that there was a hand permanently stuffed up his ass (maybe Mrs Dr Mrs Perfesser), so body language was sort of the gamut of A to A¹.
so body language was sort of the gamut of A to A¹.
That’s because “A is A!”- don’t you fergit it.
Why is art so little understood by libertarians and why do we neglect art studies?
Uhhhhhhhhhhh….cuz….you’re soulless bastards and appreciating art would require, you know, an emotional life?
Unless of course, you’re Dr. J. Evans Pritchard and authored a book “Understanding Poetry” which attempts to quantify poetic meter in an attempt to decode what makes a great poem.
Megan McTardle said,
September 7, 2010 at 21:08 (kill)
It is logically valid only when you restate it in italics thusly:
A ∵ A
Ayn Rand proved with her usual cogency and rigour that any art other that her own preference for representational portraiture is Wrongthink.
Unfortunately for her, artists are most likely to be Galt-type individualists who don’t give a shit* for her opinion.
*Except that Manzoni dude.
Yeah. Liberals who want to take action to mitigate global warming that could cause massive human suffering, death, the spread of disease, and mass migration from environmental devastation and desertification hate the human race and want to destroy it. What other explanation can there be?
Except that Manzoni dude.
The keyboardist from the Doors was a Randian????
No, the Italian artist who placed his POOP in cans. I have read that some have exploded. I can only dream of a world in which they were Ayn Rand’s.
Oh ManZONI! The guy who makes pasta!
Aesthetic Explosive Devices.
Holy shit, Instapundit and Megan McArdle are both writing such purely laughable and irrelevant shit these days it cannot even be passed off as sophistry.
It’s more like “sloppistry.”
Sadly, lots of drooling fuckwits out there seem to lap up this sloppy and intellectually-bankrupt horeshit. What a sad state of affairs, eh?
I thought that was the guy polishing the hockey rink.
Uhhhhhhhhhhh….cuz….you’re soulless bastards and appreciating art would require, you know, an emotional life?
Or an ability for introspection, empathy, all of the things that art was designed to inspire in the first place.
Shorter answer: Because libertarians are fucking stupid.
It’s more like “sloppistry.”
I’m so stealing this.
It’s more like “sloppistry.”
It is to funny forever!
Sadly, lots of drooling fuckwits out there seem to lap up this sloppy and intellectually-bankrupt horeshit. What a sad state of affairs, eh?
I don’t think a lot of people are really buying it, but the damn wingnut paymasters sure love the stuff.
Wiley, because SHUT UP THAT”S WHY!
@Tintin: Wow. Now that’s an apologia. I kneel in awe.
Also too the estimable Mr Bogg left the Sadly No! Moment hanging over the plate for you to manhandle. Every one’s a winnah!
[UPDATE: Part of this joke appears to have been unconsciously purloined from the estimable TBogg. Since I read all of TBogg’s posts, I must have read this post of his before using the “own a Canadian” business. Naturally, anything I steal from TBogg would wind up being the funniest thing in my entire post.]
I…I…words fail me, Tintin. I’m so embarrassed that I defended you that I may never forg– Oh, a chicken!
the currently stylish description is “eliminationist rhetoric”
Needless to say, “eliminationist rhetoric” has a specific meaning, and it does not mean “proposing a general depopulation,* so Reynolds is lying about that. As well.
* I associate it with the kind of rhetoric that goes “If the promised
Morning in AmericaMillennium has not yet arrived despite our sacrifices, it must be that a particular sector of the population is holding it back — fifth columnists, or illegal immigrants, or Jews; eliminate them and all will be well.”Even from a guy who is planning on implanting his brain in a robot and shooting himself off into outer space to live (and blog) forever, this is pretty stupid stuff.
Also and too, this bears repeating. When a guy is repelled by his own corporeal body with all its throbbing and tubing and icky stuff, to the extent of hoping to replace it with a shiny flawless robot housing for his mind, then he is in no position to condemn other people for being anti-human.
Also and too, this bears repeating. When a guy is repelled by his own corporeal body with all its throbbing and tubing and icky stuff, to the extent of hoping to replace it with a shiny flawless robot housing for his mind, then he is in no position to condemn other people for being anti-human.
Robots don’t get fat or get photographed just the instant that a mouthful of vomit hits the roof of their mouths. Also no impotence, too. Also they can be programmed to be programmed. Imagine a whole settlement of dopey libertarians, completely devoid of independent thought. It will be like Galt City.
I thought these Randorrhoid assnuggets were already supposed to be building themselves a giant ship* to sail the high seas, far from
niggerspoor people andtaxescoercive governments.*Golden the Ship Was—Oh! Oh! Oh!
*Golden the Ship Was—Oh! Oh! Oh!
Cordoba -> Cordovan -> Cordwainer.
Therefore science fiction stories by Paul Linebarger are objectively pro-Islamist.
eliminate [the other] and all will be well.
Projection, you say? Never!
My hats off to you, Smut—I thought B^4 would get the Cordwainer Smith reference, but nobody else.
I thought these Randorrhoid assnuggets were already supposed to be building themselves a giant ship*
I would have thought that the release of Bioshock would have shamed them into scuttling this project.
My hats off to you, Smut—I thought B^4 would get the Cordwainer Smith reference, but nobody else.
Smut’s got some serious chops, bro!
Huh… no-one has linked “autocomplete me” at Failblog.
Actually their first example is of a fairly typical 4chan request:
Even from a guy who is planning on implanting his brain in a robot and shooting himself off into outer space to live (and blog) forever, this is pretty stupid stuff.
Look, on thew bright side, Eventually Dr. Mr.s Ol’ Perfesser will finally figure out which parts of the man she needs, “upload” his consciousness via lobotomy into a nice, comfortable hard drive full of Japanese robotics pornography, while his actual posting duties are take over by a cut’n’paste spam-bot.
If it hasen’t happened already.
Symantec really dislikes the Ryan Kwanten link.
Since we’re speaking of viruses.
He should be aware of the fact that the kind of robot bodies you’ll be able to afford on a teacher’s salary won’t come with any bells and whistles “down there”.
If there was any justice his brain would be uploaded into a robotic sewage treatment plant.
Tintin, if it ever does happen between you and Ryan Kwanten, I am BEGGING you to video-record it and share with your beloved Sadly Naughts. That might even compensate for having to endure an eternity of Instahick banjo-twaddle from outer space.
If there was any justice his brain would be uploaded into a robotic sewage treatment plant.
Only if it has working olfactory sensors.
Huh… no-one has linked “autocomplete me” at Failblog.
gtfo mom I’m bowflexing.
I must note that Reynolds’ cheeks are puffed out in that image just about exactly the amount they would be if there were a Teabagger’s nut in each one.
Personally, I don’t think a badly written harangue resembling an irritable manic episode is worthy of such a zippy word as “manifesto”, but anyway—the man is nuts. My s.o. had not heard of the Discovery Channel nut’s manifesto. I just read part of the nut’s flooding to my him. This struck me as the natural conclusion of the totally Rand in spirit:
“All programs on Discovery Health-TLC must stop encouraging the birth of any more parasitic human infants and the false heroics behind those actions. …”
“Parasitic human infants.”
Stupidity. Deep. Enduring. Stupidity.
Actor212 done said:
Smith was a libertarian, by the way. At least for those who have. For those who have not, fuck ‘em, he said.
Sooo…he was a libertarian~
Ayn Rand proved with her usual cogency and rigour that any art other that her own preference for representational portraiture is Wrongthink.
This thread is likely dead, but I feel moved to point out that it was learning about Rand’s views on aesthetics that convinced me Objectivism was bullshit from top to bottom.
I never liked Objectivism, but for a time I was afraid it might be valid. Back then, I had never seen any actual philosopher refute her (as it turns out, that’s because real philosophers view her roughly as the psychotic on the street corner with the sandwich board). Nevertheless, when I found out that she thought you could derive from first principles that Mozart was better than Beethoven (or the other way around, whatever)…well, that premise is so obviously nonsensical that I decided I didn’t have to worry about the rest of it.
Glen Reynolds is upset because some environmentalists think humanity is depraved? Why does he hate St. Paul and St. Augustine?
Of course, Glen Reynolds is right — thinking that humanity is intrinsically bad certainly leads to people killing other people. I give you the Crusades as an example.
she thought you could derive from first principles that Mozart was better than Beethoven (or the other way around, whatever)…well, that premise is so obviously nonsensical that I decided I didn’t have to worry about the rest of it.
Even worse is that many of her followers would use the same reasoning to prove that Rush is better than either one – and every other musician, too.
“[T]he currently stylish description is “eliminationist rhetoric” ”
Thanks to Smut Clyde for pointing out that he got that part wrong, too.
When environmentalists use the phrase “eliminationist rhetoric”, it’s with reference to right-wing clowns who make hilarious “jokes” about killing off all those annoying environmentalists.
One more own-goal that should not go unrecognized.
OK so you accidentally semi plagiarized Tbogg and won’t ever have sex with Ryan Kwanten, but don’t let that get you down. Don’t you think that you could use the aweseme cow power of sadly naughts to make a nice google bomb so that the next time Prof Reynolds checks he’ll get
Humanity Glenn Reynolds Testicles Weed Whacker ?
Come on just click the link [Glenn Reynolds Testicles Weed Whacker]*
* this is all blue and clickable but I’m an htmilliterate and don’t even know if html is allowed here.
I meant the link [humanity is a glenn Reynolds testicles weed whacker] come on Sadly naughts, you can beat the idiots who think humanity is a cancer can’t you ?
humanity is a Glenn Reynolds testicles weed-whacker
I am going to have to work on my speling.