This Post Deserves To Be Illustrated By Boris Vallejo
Posted on September 3rd, 2010 by D. Aristophanes
(Extremely) Shorter Dafydd ab Hugh,
Through a Lens Darkly
- Excuse me while I indulge in a 3,000-word ontological jack-off session to explain how the most logical explanation for conflicting early versions of a hastily filed news story is a nefarious plot by jihad-loving Obamabots.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Deserves to be illustrated by a Boris Vallejo air-brush rip-off on the side of a 1973 Dodge van w/ diamond portholes & shag carpeting remnants strewn over the floor in back.
(Preview is in the teeny “Shorter” disclaimer font.)
OK, good job, WP.
Fixed it, thanks MB.
That was me, not WP.
I rate for the late, great Frank Frazetta.
Now, that was a guy who could really paint a mural on a van.
Richard Corben forever.
Richard Corben forever.
Well, he did popularize Big Bad Bald Bastards, so I’ll second this.
… and Big Bad Bald Bosoms for that matter.
I mentally photoshopped an image of Dafydd ap Hugh into a Franzetta painting, but fortunately the software crashed.
Big Lizards dot net?
Cold-blooded Pea brain comes to mind.
Being extremely old I have memories of what happened in those vans that obviate any aesthetic criticism I might have of their exteriors. You kids, you can only imagine.
Illustration located at Sammich-Boy’s dump: Reactionary cartooning worse* than that guy who really sucks.
Chris Muir?
*Awful in a different way than Day by Day. Plus, it’s not even trying.
Big Lizards and Big Bald Bosoms. Can it be GOR!?!?!?!?
In case that crummy page doesn’t work, the source of the crummy.
But I’m less interested in the metaphysical truth of the terrorism allegation here — any prosecution would likely occur in the Netherlands — than I am in the epistemology of terrorist law enforcement.
Dear Mr. God, if I ever write anything like that please kill me. Amen.
In case that crummy page doesn’t work, the source of the crummy.
P.S. or that too also. Amen amen.
I’m not a physicist, but as I understand it they’re divided into things bumping into each other, things which like burn or something each other, and stuff you can’t see but which effect other things. Very stupidly and off-the-top-of-my-head put, I define them this way…
El Cid, that paragraph was going to be my “Do not get out of the boat” advice.
I can smell the pretension from here.
Wait, that’s B.O.
I didn’t know anyone made such points any more. Maybe in an archaeology of SadlyNo! heuristics.
Venezuela is a brutal, harsh dictatorship unleashing cruel punishments upon its own citizens. Thankfully the US is giving perhaps hundreds of millions to to TeaTardist wealthy opposition.
metaphysical truth
* * * * OXYMORON ALERT * * * *
* * * * OXYMORON ALERT * * * *
Please leave the building in an orderly manner.
This is not a drill.
In case that crummy page doesn’t work, the source of the crummy.
Ye gods! There like cartoons you would see on Parade magazine after a hostile takeover by Pam Geller and Robert Spencer.
The “archeology of philosophy”? That’s not just roughly and glibly put. It’s stupid. Gobsmackingly stupid.
Oh yeah?
Ceci n’est pas une pipe.
So according to Daffy, Obama’s re-election depends on no Muslim even PLOTTING a terrorist attack, much less purchasing sparklers to burn down the Washington Monument.
If he ever admitted (even if he knows it’s true) that radical Islamists continue to attempt massive terrorist attacks, it would immensely complicate his reelection strategy. What is Obama supposed to argue — “Reelect me, and I swear I won’t do as bad a job on national security as my first term?” His own power depends upon convincing voters that he has kept us safe, much better than did his predecessor.
Too bad, Obama. The Times Square bomber has already deep-sixed your campaign.
“Reelect me, and I swear I won’t do as bad a job on national security as my first term?”
Actually that line worked really well for George Bush.
I hopped back in the boat after reading:
It could have been double-blind, couldn’t it? I’m sure not all 19 of the 9/11 hijackers knew each other.
“Reelect me, and I swear I won’t do as bad a job on national security as my first term?”
Trying to remember if I heard such an candid slogan from the previous team.
I can not tell you how seriously I take an aspiring philosopher who continually uses the neologism “Obamunist.” Especially one who thinks the denying “Obamunists” are
Because the massive purges at the FBI that replaced all the Mormons w/ Obamunists (Not “Obamunistas?” Daffy’s slipping.) were, of course, covered up by the lamestream media.
This is my finest hour!
Big Lizards dot net?
Cold-blooded Pea brain comes to mind.
Also, Right Wing Pigeons
(Though with modern philosophy being taken over by psychology and deconstructionism, I have no idea whether anyone else still uses these concepts — save perhaps in an “archeology of philosophy” class.)
Well, he’s certainly right: he really, really has no idea.
What happened to my bold tag? My underline tag? My blink tag?
Sadly, No! is no longer the place I Once Knew.
I shan’t be back.
no detectable “parsing filter;”
I do not quite follow how “parsing filter” works as an expansion or analogy for “obvious reason to lie or misremember”. Perhaps someone who knows much more software engineering than me, or much less, can explain it.
His own power depends upon convincing voters that he has kept us safe
Did Obama emphasise “keeping us safe” as part of his election strategy? Does anyone expect their politicians to “keep them safe” apart from Mallowpuffs* and Bush loyalists?
* Rigid on the outside and a gooey interior.
From meatphysical truth™32RC’s (Not his real name!) link:
Dumandy is a strong, powerful heifer, with a tremendous back end.
As they say, “HAWT!”
Shorter Dafydd ab Hugh? Like this? Wow, that’s harsh. Doesn’t he have enough problems already? Maybe the guy wouldn’t write like a right cunt all the time if people were nicer to him. Ever think of that? Let’s try taller Dafydd ab Hugh instead and see if that helps his attitude.
We should certainly not expect gov’t. to keep us safe, that is replacing gawd w/ idolatry. Sharron Angle will be dismantling the Defense Dep’t. the instant she’s elected, so Americans don’t get “spoiled.”
Needs more sandwich.
I thought about studying epistemology once, but I decided that I’d never know when I was done, so I didn’t start.
An appropriate picture.
That’s a comely and shapely thigh, lacking only a wine-dark sea for completeness.
Zoom in and you can see one poor skeleton amusing himself with soap bubbles.
Zoom in and you can see one poor skeleton amusing himself with soap bubbles.
Fcukin’ Zombies..
So, do the folks whose job it is to actually define things agree?
Sadly, no!
from the OED,
Somehow, I find it unsurprising that Daffy blob would confuse speculation, theory or the unverifiable for actual knowledge.
To be fair, I suppose that might be all he does know.
How do you blow bubbles without lungs?
The field of epistemology has experts on hand.
Also, a helpful hint for all the Buckley-wannabes out there: if you’re going to sit at the intellectual Big Kids’ Table & use all those bitchen fancy-ass terms like “epistemology,” maybe you shouldn’t then refer to members of the current Administration as “Obamunists” … unless your screed is something along the lines of The Postmodernist Narrative Of Teletubbies or perhaps An Analysis Of Eshatological Implications In The Mythos Of “Die Hard 3.”
I’m not a philosopher,
but I understand that classical philosophy is divided into three broad areas of study: metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. (Though with modern philosophy being taken over by psychology and deconstructionism, I have no idea whether anyone else still uses these concepts — save perhaps in an “archeology of philosophy” class.)Fixt!
How do you blow bubbles without lungs?If’n I may:
Fucking lungs, how do they work? An’ I don’t want no science to ‘splain it to me, neither!
But if guys named Mohamed are still anxious to attack America, then that means… But no, that just can’t be.
Oh, for the love of…Yes. Nothing has happened in the Muslim world since the inauguration of President Obama that might reasonably be expected to piss off a Muslim. The only possible explanation for the continued existence of terrorism is that They Hate Us For Our Freedoms.
I mean, all the US has done since January 2009 is plant flowers and sing Kumbaya, but still those no good beheading haters just go on Hating Us For Our Freedoms. Obviously these unpersons will not be satisfied until the President bows to Mecca on the presidential seal in the Oval Office while the call to prayer sounds from the Lincoln Memorial.
Exactly! Maybe they’ll shut up and keep to themselves if their families are incinerated.
Illustration located at Sammich-Boy’s dump: Reactionary cartooning worse* than that guy who really sucks.
OMFG. That is a person who hates people. Everyone. That music is just abusive.
Rightwing humor is every kind of moronic, including oxy.
Kill enough TM types and you’ll have a whole pile of freed oms.
How do you blow bubbles without lungs?
Use the other end?
If he ever admitted (even if he knows it’s true) that radical Islamists continue to attempt massive terrorist attacks
One suspects that Dafydd received no reply when he offered to provide the POTUS with classified intelligence and analysis (perhaps Obama already has Tom Clancy as an advisor), hence Dafydd’s current state of pique.
Yeah, finest hour. How’s that super reinforced bunker of yours, douchebag? There’s a body part, care to pick it up? Yeah. Didn’t think so.
Fucking lungs, how do they work? An’ I don’t want no science to ‘splain it to me, neither!
Like that thingy that makes fire bigger and resuscitates nearly dead people.
Like that thingy that makes fire bigger and resuscitates nearly dead people.
Grain alcohol?
Hm, yeah. I had a hard time resisting to urge to bitchslap the ignorance out of the ill-informed douchenozzles that defended Bush by saying “well, we haven’t been hit since 9/11. He kept us safe.”
I wonder how many campaign commercials will bring up the Ft Hood shooting. (*with the utmost respect for the victims–I mean shit, these aren’t craven assholes we’re talking about here)
Grain alcohol?
Yeah, exactly.
Like that thingy that makes fire bigger and resuscitates nearly dead people.
High voltage electricity?
Kill enough TM types and you’ll have a whole pile of freed oms.
Ouch! Please see if you can levitate yourself off a building.
Kill enough TM types and you’ll have a whole pile of freed oms.
Ouch! Please see if you can levitate yourself off a building.
Uh, guys, are you referencing this whimsical, psychedelic romp?
Nah, this stupid crap. (Didn’t know it was “Yogic Flying” now. Levitation must’ve been too silly.)
This whole article is unbelievably stupid, so Daniel Henninger knows his audience, but I am impressed by this single sentence:
OMG, one of my namesakes just posted a link to that shitty article on FB. I had to counter it. That may get me defriended, but oh well, lol.
I like that the gist of the article was “We fooled Obama into making a speech about it in 2002, so suck it libs! War was justified!”
This whole article is unbelievably stupid, so Daniel Henninger knows his audience, but I am impressed by this single sentence:
Dude, you got your war. You can put down the shovel now.
This whole article is unbelievably stupid, so Daniel Henninger knows his audience, but I am impressed by this single sentence:
Okay, that article is a masterpiece of idiocy, no question there.
My question is this; opposition to the Iraq war is still an overwhelming majority, with barely a quarter of the country still being idiotic enough to think the war was right. The unpopularity of this war is orders of magnitude greater than that of HCR or the stimulus bill.
So how the hell do conservative “journalists” get away with printing this shit without causing an uproar?
Vallejo? Frazetta? I’m thinking ‘Greg of Akron’!
Like that thingy that makes fire bigger and resuscitates nearly dead people.
High voltage electricity?
St. Bernards?
That war wasn’t just about helping Iraq.
You betcha it wasn’t. It was about helping ourselves. To Iraq’s oil.
Oh, and planting the seeds of democracy in the Middle East.
Also, lucky me, I got cornered by a fan of the Austrian School of economics at a pick-a-nick this evening. Did you know it would have been better to just let all the banks collapse in this latest gang-rape of our economy?
Because everything would have been sparkle ponies and unicorns after that, I presume. I made excuses and scooted on out before we reached
blowsthe culmination of his argument.What’s “lawn forcement” — some uber-obscure postgraduate-level philosophical concept? It’s one of the tags on Dafydd ab Hugh’s post.
Holy shit, the DS9 Pocket Novel guy?!
I thought his books were pretty okay. (Okay is as good as Star Trek books get these days, because of the editorial restrictions. “No human-alien sex” is one of the rules. Takes all the fun out of it. I mean, why do you think we watched Star Trek? Because we didn’t want to see Spock bone somebody?*)
*Crazy 40-year-old virgin mom’s basement Aspberger’s-afflicted nerds who fap to “Mr. Scott’s Guide To The Enterprise” do not count.
So apparently pissing off the geeks, olds, cranks, and Aspies at those $220/head scifi writer’s conventions makes you some sort of hero.
The Star Trek novel shtick has kind of dried up lately (sales just about imploded about 10 years ago, thanks to the whole [book] genre just jumping the shark in the worst way… and they’ve never come back because now you can get scads of free fanfic daily on the intertubes without editorial restrictions), so I guess he needs a hobby.
(trufax: Trek novel sales started circling the drain before Trek TV went south)
Obamunists? Srsly?
What’s “lawn forcement” — some uber-obscure postgraduate-level philosophical concept?
Postgraduate of Google University: Phenomenal Phacts, PhAQs, and Phlix worthy of (naturally) a PhD (which none of us has).
Well, I’ll give Daffyd one thing: he kin spel gud.
Also, lucky me, I got cornered by a fan of the Austrian School of economics at a pick-a-nick this evening. Did you know it would have been better to just let all the banks collapse in this latest gang-rape of our economy?
Fuck Austrian School economics, those fucking Malthusian fucking fuckers too stupid to understand that finance is not theory.
OTOH, it would have been amusing to hold the investment bank CEO’s personally liable for their corporation’s losses…
You know who else was Austrian?
What’s “lawn forcement” — some uber-obscure postgraduate-level philosophical concept?
Making the poors trim your lawn by eating.
I hopped back in the boat after reading:
I scrolled over it and saw the word metaphyical. The rest looked pretty kooky , too.
justme said,
September 3, 2010 at 9:56
You know who else was Austrian?
Guys that build cool bikes?
from wsj
Mr. Obama and others believe that Saddam and his nuclear ambitions could have been contained. I think exactly the opposite was likely.
Becase all the so called experts were wrong, andim right…. becaause, SHUT UP, thats why
“What’s “lawn forcement” — some uber-obscure postgraduate-level philosophical concept?”
It’s when you’re on my lawn and I get you off through SHEER FORCE OF WILL.
it. Off IT.
I get you off through SHEER FORCE OF WILL.
Thank you Mistress.
I walked RIGHT into it. *slaps forehead*
That’s what actor212 said.
You read through that thing far enough to get to the conclusion, D.A.? Jeez, I like a little slap and spank now and then, but I’m not into that serious masochistic shit.
Conservatives are so cute when they’re pretending to be intellectuals.
ALWAYS. Trust. The. Shorter.™
Sadly, no, I did not and paid the price.
Why did I not? Because DA’s shorter seemed more like performance art than an actual summation of Duck-bill’s article.
It was not performance art. It was accurate.
What I cannot fathom about his leaping off point, a Patterico article (believe it or not!) , is how Patterico can make a straight-faced comparison of to an actual bastion of journalism.
You may recall CNS News as the repository of these idiotic pieces:
Of course, it goes without saying that the “news service” is run by Brent “Dr Zaius” Bozell.
I get you off through SHEER FORCE OF WILL.
Great. Got a Kleenex now????
Smut Clyde said,
September 3, 2010 at 3:22
metaphysical truth
* * * * OXYMORON ALERT * * * *
OT – Every time I read the word ‘oxymoron’ I think of Rush Limbaugh. Is that a metaphysical truth?
Conservatives are so cute when they’re pretending to be intellectuals.
Yes, for hideously ugly definitions of cute.
Yes, for hideously ugly definitions of cute.
We talking “naked mole rat” hideous, or worse?
We talking “naked mole rat” hideous, or worse?
I report, you decide: Naked mole rat versus Conservative
I report, you decide: Naked mole rat versus Conservative
At least the mole rat doesn’t stink up the house…
No, the “archeology of philosophy” is like digging up the bones of Plato and stuff. Duh.
No, the “archeology of philosophy” is like digging up the bones of Plato and stuff. Duh.
While the archology of philosophy is what kind of shoes you can wear to a metaphysical barbecue.
Sure he would, because people like you would rally around him the way the country did around Bush. I mean, you would never use a domestic terrorist attack to score cheap political points, amirite?
I was always partial to the mixology of philosophy.
Sure he would, because people like you would rally around him the way the country did around Bush. I mean, you would never use a domestic terrorist attack to score cheap political points, amirite?
Absolutely! I’m sure NO blogger, right or left, would point out that he would have, say, allowed his Muslin brethren to rape this nation at bomb point or how Obambi was weak and ineffectual.
So how the hell do conservative “journalists” get away with printing this shit without causing an uproar?
Be careful not to slam your fingers in that Overton Window.
I thought about studying epistemology once, but I decided that I’d never know when I was done, so I didn’t start.
I started on epistolography, but HAND CRAMP.
I mean, you would never use a domestic terrorist attack to score cheap political points, amirite?
Nah–all that howling about these 4th Amendment fags that just want to coddle terrorists by reading them their rights that they don’t have was very very Serious. Politics and stupidity had nothing to do with it, I’m sure.
it. Off IT.
I’m not on IT, whatever that is.
I started on epistolography, but HAND CRAMP.
I tried that too, but when I got to the eMagnum .357, I bruised my finger.
I’m not on IT, whatever that is.
So whatever IT is, you’re against it?
So whatever IT is, you’re against it?
She’s a friendly. I’m not against it yet.
Uh, guys, are you referencing this whimsical, psychedelic romp?
I love that movie, and yeah, that was my first thought at “freed oms,” too.
he is hated by more leftists in SFWA than anyone in that organization’s august history
From what I’ve read, he actually sells himself short here: it’s not just the leftists.
She’s a friendly. I’m not against it yet.
I’d sort of like to be up against it.
If you know what I mean. And I know you do.
Missing something? I’d say you’re missing much more than just something, son.
They’re two Kenyans, one of which was headed for Albany, who both happened to snag a sweet upgrade, but they didn’t KNOW EACH OTHER? Clearly Obama is soft on terror.
they’re two Yemenis, one of whom was headed to Dubai, who both happened to change their travel plans to go to Amsterdam
If a Yemeni leaves Chicago travelling to Dubai at 3PM, and another Yemeni leaves NYC travelling to Kenya at 4PM, at what time will they collide in Amsterdam?
Oh man, how did I miss this?????
Teabagger’s War On Mastubation
The death of Poe? Warning: Video contains Chuck Norris.
“Isn’t Mike Castle cheating on his wife with a man?” asks a voice off-screen at the 1:55 mark.
“That’s the rumor,” answers the newscaster.
[Stay classy teatards]
Oh and she’s anti-masturbation also.
“”The reason that you don’t tell [people] that masturbation is the answer to AIDS and all these other problems that come with sex outside of marriage is because again it is not addressing the issue,” she extrapolated. “You’re just gonna create somebody who is, I was gonna say, toying with his sexuality. Pardon the pun.”
The goggles! They do nothing!
Christ on a cracker, why he doesn’t collapse into a singularity from his own immense Aspy ego is beyond me.
Damn you actor.
Someone needs to explain something to me: two men, one leaving from Memphis, the other from Birmingham, AL, both flying to DC, both Yemeni immigrants, somehow have to fly to Chicago to transfer to a DC bound flight.
BOTH miss that flight and so somehow, United puts them both on a flight to Amsterdam? Is that where they make the connection to DC now?
Teabagger’s War On Mastubation
Spiritual Adultery, indeed. I’ll see you all in hell, I reckon.
“I get you off through SHEER FORCE OF WILL.
Great. Got a Kleenex now????”
I knew I would not get lucky enough for this to escape your notice. It’s practically actor-bait.
It’s practically actor-bait.
So was she.
“I’m not on IT, whatever that is.”
My lawn, whippersnapper.
“I’m not on IT, whatever that is.”
My lawn, whippersnapper.
Is that the new slang for vajayjay?
Who knew that mowing the grass could be so much fun?
“Oh man, how did I miss this?????
Teabagger’s War On Mastubation”
What did masturbation ever do to them?!
What did masturbation ever do to them?!
Made them realize what they were missing, a little.
“September 3, 2010 at 16:59
Is that the new slang for vajayjay?
Who knew that mowing the grass could be so much fun?”
I feel as if someone has to make a ” if there’s grss on the field” joke here.
I feel as if someone has to make a ” if there’s grass on the field” joke here.
Your ass is grass and I’m the lawnmower type jokes?
I feel as if someone has to make a ” if there’s grss on the field” joke here.
If there’s grass on the field, play ball.
“I feel as if someone has to make a ” if there’s grass on the field” joke here.
Your ass is grass and I’m the lawnmower type jokes?”
You’re so close!
Inyourendo. He heh.
Your ass is grass and I’m the lawnmower type jokes?
I can’t believe the old fart who barely remembers high school bromides about sex, got it right and you didn’t
If there’s grass on the field, play ball.
Roman Polanski…is that you?
Roman Polanski…is that you?
You have me confused with Director011+41, sorry
The irony is that this O’Donnel candidate is the type to put a warm tingle in a male teabagger’s loins and yet . . . fucking wanker tease.
The irony is that this O’Donnel candidate is the type to put a warm tingle in a male teabagger’s loins and yet . . . fucking wanker tease.
Actually, that might explain her opposition to masturbation in one of two ways:
1) She is really disgusted with the thought that there may be thousands of men out there, fapping to her photographs.
2) She feels all that semen is wasted if it’s not being deposited into her.
I distort. You decide.
I masturbate
Actor actor-bates.
tsam said,
September 3, 2010 at 17:24 (kill)
I masturbate
Don’t you tsametabru?
I, um, slayerbate?
It’s always comical when these wingnutz try to be high-minded. Makes me think of Alan Greenspawn….
Metaphysically yours….
Veiled flacid penis reference, You betcha.
“Those who are impotent and limp and gutless and they go on their anonymous — sources that are anonymous — and impotent, limp and gutless reporters take anonymous sources and cite them as being factual references,”
Actor actor-bates.
I always look out for number one
“The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can’t masturbate without lust,”
What if the heart-lust is for one’s spouse? Still adultery, or God-approved ‘batin’?
My lawn, whippersnapper.
Is that the new slang for vajayjay?
Not new:
My sweet farm girl, she’s jolly of my pride
My sweet farm girl, she’s jolly of my pride
She knows I know how to keep her satisfied
So early in the morning I cut her grass you bet
So early in the morning I cut her grass you bet
Pull up the hose; I keep her lawn all wet
I close her fire; I shake her ashes down
I close her fire; I shake her ashes down
We eat our breakfast, then we ride on back to town
I keep her garden all free from bugs and weeds
I keep her garden all free from bugs and weeds
I plow her land, and then I sow my seeds
I trim her hedges; I clean out her back yard
I trim her hedges; I clean out her back yard
She loves her daddy because I’m long and hard
She loves her daddy because I’m long and hard
I do the raking. She does the hoeing.
I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself.
I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself.
I keep feeding mine laxative so it will fertilize itself.
“September 3, 2010 at 17:57
I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself.”
I love that.
Holy shit! This might actually get me to watching tennis again! What do they think this is, an Islander game???
This video or group may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube’s user community.
I’m sure I would like to punch people who hit the “report violation” button. Was Bozell here?
Was Bozell here?
Really. Or Timmeh.
Now now, gentlemen. Don’t get your man-capris in a bunch.
Appropriate illustration.
God, Carl is hot.
Don’t get your man-capris in a bunch.
Y’know, I live in NYC, which is considered one of the nexii of fashion. I’d never heard of “man-capris,” and I try to keep up with fashion trends (not because I’m a fashionista, but I do like to know what’s in style so I can do the opposite).
Which now, of course, raises the question how fat old Timmeh Graham knows about such…oh dear, how to put this innuendoly?…a fashion-forward meme?
Honestly I wasn’t aware that capris existed for men.
Oh, they do…
I mean, I can’t imagine it being a flattering look for men. No offense, man-Capri wearers.
I can’t imagine it being a flattering look for men.
I usually just roll my pants leg up when I have to step into water. Other than that, it’s either shorts or long pants. I suspect capris would just annoy me.
“actor212 said,
September 3, 2010 at 18:34
Oh, they do…”
Um, yikes.
Oh, they do…
You gotta love the camo capris. How many pairs do you suppose GayPatridiot owns?
You gotta love the camo capris
Did you skip to page 2? The madras capris?
For my money nothing looks better on men than a pair of good old-fashioned bootcut jeans.
I mean, I can’t imagine it being a flattering look for men. No offense, man-Capri wearers.
Well, most “shorts” are getting pretty close to being capris anyway. That’s the style these days. I know there was a time when shorts got a little too short. I lived through that era too. But now we’re going too far the other way. A guy could probably get away with wearing capris, it’s not that big a step from the shorts you buy off the rack these days.
Well, most “shorts” are getting pretty close to being capris anyway.
Yea, that’s true. The whole “board short” thing left the beach and started becoming fashion wear.
I know there was a time when shorts got a little too short. I lived through that era too.
I never minded that, in fact I still own a few pairs of boat shorts. They are much easier to climb around or walk in. That’s not a small consideration when you’re wandering around with a camera, trying to
climb onto ledges for candid shotsfind unusual photos.Yup. I say if shorts go past your knees, they aren’t shorts anymore…and also look kinda silly.
actor sed: 😛
Is that a pipe?
Is that a pipe?
Or are you just happy to see me?
Is that a pipe?
It’s a, er, teabag.
You have your directions wrong. You’re thinking of something sticking out of his mouth.
Um, yikes.
Double yikes! That could have been a page out of an International Male (nothing gay here, nope, whattaya mean “we cater to gays” nonsense!)) catalog.
Might I suggest (in typically untimely fashion) this (NSFW) illustration? I think it captures more of Daffy’s internal imagery.
For my money nothing looks better on men
I remember my ex-fiancé used to get that catalog. I remember even then at 19 thinking there was something pretty gay about it. The catalog, not my fiancé.
For my money nothing looks better on men than a pair of good old-fashioned bootcut jeans.
That’s why I still wear them. Skinny jeans are for skinny boys.
I remember my ex-fiancé used to get that catalog. I remember even then at 19 thinking there was something pretty gay about it. The catalog, not my fiancé.
“For my money nothing looks better on men than a pair of good old-fashioned bootcut jeans.
That’s why I still wear them. Skinny jeans are for skinny boys.”
Couldn’t agree more.
“I remember my ex-fiancé used to get that catalog. I remember even then at 19 thinking there was something pretty gay about it. The catalog, not my fiancé.
I know. But if he was gay he went to great lengths to hide it. If ya know what I mean.
I know. But if he was gay he went to great lengths to hide it. If ya know what I mean.
OK, so long as you aren’t in denial about it. Cuz at 19, as confused as men get, it ain’t all that hard to cover it.
He was 26.
Well, SOMEone was 19. I know that much.
I hear ya…but he was a whiskey-swilling cigarette-smoking captain inthe army who listened to rush limbaugh and couldn’t keep his hands off me. So either he was straight or the best faker in the world.
And I know….Rush—gross!
I love it!
Please, God, I ask for so little…let this come to pass…
I hear ya…but he was a whiskey-swilling cigarette-smoking captain inthe army who listened to rush limbaugh and couldn’t keep his hands off me. So either he was straight or the best faker in the world.
“Overcompensating a bit,” leaps to mind.
And you were engaged to this guy? WTF???
Yeah. He wasn’t gay.
And I was young! Back I didn’t know who the fuck Rush Limbaugh was.
I was on the “International Male’ catalog list a few years back. I am not sure why. I called to cancell and the guy was like ” Its free Why?” Yeah but a mens catalogue with pictures of guys in thong underware or leather chaps . . . what will people say? I have a reputation to uphold. What will the male man think? What about my fantasy of having sex with the female mail carrier?!
Young? And I was young! ✔
Dumb? Back I didn’t know who the fuck Rush Limbaugh was. ✔
WAIT! I don’t really want to know.
You can’t hear the deafening cries of a man trapped in a closet here?
Wait a minute. Whiskey, cigarettes? Thank doG I don’t listen to Rush Limpbrain.
I’m related to the person who dropped this bomb on da Facebook.
Is anything officially OT now? FGS, we’re talking about man-capris and ex-fiances.
Is anything officially OT now? FGS, we’re talking about man-capris and ex-fiances.
Well, that discussion is going so well, I didn’t want to mess it all up.
I’d say the subjects of man-capris (my son is a proud owner of a set of lime-jell-o green ones) and possibly-gay-but-deeply-closeted-and-apparently-worked-the-sexy-time-angle (wink) ex-fiancee have been pretty thoroughly explored.
At least, I hope so.
Ya know, sarcasm doesn’t translate well on the Intertubes, but I’m reading it loud and clear here and it’s making me grin.
Dear Penthouse Letters,
I had this cute female letter carrier a few years back who I would check out every time she brought the mail. One day I was getting out of the shower when the doorbell rang. It was her and I had a large package that I had to sign for. I went to the front door with a towel rapped around my waist because that was the closest coverup I could find under the circumstances. I signed off on the large package and then she asked me if she could have a drink of water as that day was a very hot if I recall correctly. Of course, being a gentleman, I obliged. As I was pouring here some liquid refreshment, my towel inadvertantly fell to the ground. We stared in silence for what felt like several minutes. I in embarrassment and she in awe at my male member. You will never guess what happened next . . .
(my son is a proud owner of a set of lime-jell-o green ones) and possibly-gay-but-deeply-closeted-and-apparently-worked-the-sexy-time-angle (wink) ex-fiancee have been pretty thoroughly explored.
I’m officially lost.
BTW, my name is vacuumslayer, and I’ll be playing the role of T&U this afternoon.
Pure genius.
Twain would be so proud.
FGS, we’re talking about man-capris and ex-fiances.
Charles Ryder: Do you always discuss religion?
Cordelia: It comes up naturally, doesn’t it?
Ya know, sarcasm doesn’t translate well on the Intertubes, but I’m reading it loud and clear here and it’s making me grin.
Read this like Montgomery Burns:
Hee! Is it hard to tent your fingers and type at the same time?
Hee! Is it hard to tent your fingers and type at the same time?
I have Mr. Smithers do the typing for me.
Speaking of dudes who might enjoy capris…
Speaking of dudes who might enjoy capris…
Or perhaps a pair of boot cut Lucky jeans…
The fact is, the real enemies of freedom are the liberal media and the Obama Administration and his Chicago style black mobster muslims that hate America.
Goddamn you to hell, Gary. Quit stealing the name of my rap bands. We fucking copyrighted that shit.
Chicago style black mobster muslims
Black muslim gangsters covered with a thick layer of cheese? I call trafe.
German heavy metal, played on bagpipes, renders Gary Ruppert’s argument invalid.
The fact is, the real enemies of freedom are the liberal media and the Obama Administration and his Chicago style black mobster muslims that hate America.
Now that is just sad. Take a break, go to the beach, have a drink, RELAX. Then come back and try again, but don’t keep phoning in this sorry-ass crap.
Tales From The Pee Party.
I also thinking rubbing one out might be in order also too.
That biglizards site has to be one of the ugliest sites I’ve seen. Just horrible.
If Gary rubs one out on the beach, he’s likely to get the death penalty.
I picture that one guy beaming with pride when he used the word “evacuatory”.
Holy shit! We can get killed for that now? Or is that a rule just for Gary? Because frankly I’d understand if no one wanted to see that shit. Or even just think about it.
They hate us for our fre edoms. So always charge full price for cheese.
Jonah be a G, yo.
If Gary rubs one out on the beach, he’s likely to get the death penalty.
Psst–Gary–have a look at this picture of a mass grave–kinda makes you want to rub one out, doesn’t it? Go ahead. I promise I won’t call the teabagger masturbation police…
So always charge full price for cheese
Full price hasn’t meant much since the teabaggers have overwhelmed the market with it.
Full price hasn’t meant much since the teabaggers have overwhelmed the market with it.
It = public testicle-swallowing?
Chicago style black mobster muslims
The fact is, the Smooth Criminal music video was not a documentary.
It = public testicle-swallowing?
Among other things, yes.
The fact is, the Smooth Criminal music video was not a documentary.
I would have gone with
“they hate us for our free doms” Apparenlty they do not have Craigslist.
Tales From The Pee
PartyTardy.Symmetry, no?
A space, the final frontier.
Apparenlty they do not have Craigslist.
They do, but generally doms are adults. They like ’em a little younger.
“they hate us for our free doms”
If they’re like Daffyd, they’re more interested in free subs. NO VEGETABLES. Sorry, Trig.*
*Going. To. Hell.
*Going. To. Hell.
I’ll save you a seat.
*Going. To. Hell.
Beeg schmile!
*Going. To. Hell.
Sorry, this handbasket is full.
“Sorry, this handbasket is full”
Wiff kittens?!
Wiff kittens?!
Nope, this one’s reserved for homo-loving, snarktastic, gayborting feminazis.
Kittens is two doors down.
Good, cuz I don’t like the idea of kittens burning hell.
Also too: DA has put up a new post.
They’re basement cats.
“Dafydd ap Hugh” … who knew he was still around? Hadn’t seen any of his patented BS for a while. Am I alone in suspecting that his real name is something like Dippy Pugh?
Re Star Trek novels: the general decline in book sales may have contributed to their decline, but I think the blame goes back farther, to when the publishers decided that they couldn’t control Trek fiction written by professional writers who happened to love Trek, so they hired a stable of semi-pro hacks who’d type what they were told. Of course, Dippy wasn’t even a semi-pro — more of a semi-brain.
The fact is, the real enemies of freedom are the liberal media and the Obama Administration and his Chicago style black mobster muslims that hate America.
Your shit fu is weak, Gar.
Figgers. One day I don’t hang out here and the convo turns to something I can really speak to.
tsam, I’m trying to get away from always centering my meals around a protein, too. I’m not going vegetarian, so much as flexitarian. To that end, I just bought a couple of vegetarian and flexitarian cookbooks, including a slow cooker vegitarian cookbook.
I cant recommend “Moosewood” highly enough.
I gotta agree with T&U on the food processor thing. It can whip up in a jiff so many vegetarian spreads, sauces and condiments. But I recommend fresh garlic for hummus. But, I’m a garlic freak. I’d make a lousy vampire.