
I Condemn It All
Filed under: General, Humor — Patterico @ 7:07 am

Many serious leftists have arrived at the Sadly, No! web site through favorable links supplied by a serious and well-respected Constitutional lawyer named Glenn Greenwald. Ace is going to kill me for this, but I’ll provide you the links. There’s this one, which provides a Sadly, No! link as documentation of the right’s “juvenile name-calling,� and this one, which provides two Sadly, No! links as evidence of the “vile, deranged and psychosexually disturbed commentary� of Jeff Goldstein.

If you go to the Sadly, No! main page, there are four buttons at the top. One says “Store.� If you click on it, you get to a Cafe Press store with some items for sale bearing the logo:




Some Assembly Required.

The words are printed over a noose. You can purchase the coffee mug, the teddy bear, or any of various items of clothing.

[Watching Patterico and Misha‘s readership streaming through the store…]

66562775v5_240x240_F.jpg  66563263v6_240x240_F.jpgdog23.jpg  mug24.jpg

I love it when a plan comes together.

[Note: For context, see Misha’s now-famous bwaa-haa thesis statement, and MCH’s roundup, from comments.]

Update: Patterico is helpless against our our mind-control ray:

From comments over at Xrlq’s place:

Patterico Says:
July 18th, 2006 at 9:45 am

“…Because the only way you could have gotten there is via a link that says we’re not selling those shirts.�

I got there from your main web site, by clicking on a link that says: “Store.� There are many items there advocating the murder of conservatives: shirts, coffee cups. I clicked on the shirt. Not seeing the bit about how it’s not for sale.

Sadly, No! Research Labs Says:
July 18th, 2006 at 12:06 pm

That’s certainly odd. I get a null page from that link, as usual.

Welp, I guess you got lucky. That design is sure to be a collectors item like the legendary blue elephant Beanie Baby.

Watch what happens next: I’ll go into the store and remove the items, and someone will be like, “They’ve dishonestly altered the evidence!�

This just in from Patterico:

UPDATE: Sadly, No! has hidden the evidence and replaced it with pie threats against me. Guys, with deceptive behavior like this, you’re seriously risking the reputation of key Greenwald source “Retardo.�

We’re sneaky like that.


Comments: 126


Speaking of links – check this one out… A song called “Keep your Jesus off my Penis? Whats not to love? ROFL…


I kinda ruined it, didn’t I?


Was a rope and other stuff really offered at CafePress? I stop by here once a week and missed this latest snark. If truo is there a cached copy around?


There was a prototype, but that was before all the Times stuff started boiling over. We voted not to use it.

The store isn’t even supposed to be open yet. I get a null page when I click the ‘store’ tab, but apparently some people can see it from there.


You have to admire the irony of Patterico filing that post under “Humor”. How did he know?


As a matter of fact, various regular commenters said they thought it was fairly sick, making the point, like good liberals, that just because they do *exactly the same thing* to us, doesn’t mean it’s any less sick when we do it to them.

This despite the fact that the whole thing was pretty clearly an illustration of irony and not a genuine marketing item anyway.

Hey, you know what this reminds me of? When Glenn Greenwald said he was appalled that the right wingers hadn’t condemned some comment made by some guy and the right wingers who had been scolding us for not adequately condemning some woman announced that Glenn was a hypocrite, and, you know, gay.

Come to think of it, what was that comment that guy made? Something about robes…


D. Sidhe: Don’t you know that, because conservatives are good, everything they do is good? Similarly, liberals are evil so everything we do (or think about doing or are accused of thinking about doing at some point in the future) is evil.

I think it’s the same logic that allows them to claim that Hillary Clinton killed Vince Foster because they, you know, knew each other and stuff. But I’m not an expert in conservative psychology.


That Patterico guy is really annoying. However, I will withour judgement until he samples the pie in a forceful manner.


Oh I see, now you’re threatening to drown him in custard pie.

Yet another example of Liberal Hypocrisy. Or Conservative Hyperbole. Or some other nicely orotund phrase.


Mmmm….banana cream.



i found that phrase more…porcine.

mmm…pork pie.



But pieing someone is just as bad as inviting them down to your gated Dallas community to have their ass kicked, isn’t it? And since apple pie is American, doesn’t this prove just how much liberals hate America?


You’d think they’d learn by… bah, who am I fooling. In their minds they are winners, even if they get pwned every time they start something with this site.

Not. Very. Bright.

But not worth wasting a good pie upon.


Some restraint required.

Okay, that’s kind of Drumish. Sorry. How about:

Some dissembling required.


Some latency required.


No assembly required.


Urgent report from the NORAD Wingnutdar Division. They say that, during a routine inventory of all craft in the air, Irony dropped off the radar and cannot be found.
Repeat: the Irony is lost.


Thank you for curing me of the Merkel Massage Heebie-Jeebies.


Our pies will rain down like sugary rain on their itchy scalps!!! We will let loose an arsenal of confectionary delight upon them, and they will cower before the might of our culinary prowess!!! Their children will cry wet, wet tears and their women will weep, er, more wet tears of, er, teary sadness!!! We will spare no one from this sweet, sweet doom!!!!



A little Google provides the essential context the wingnuts are missing (imagine that; the ilk of Goldstein forgetting context!). here are the first 3 results:

Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some Assembly Required.
Rope Tree Journalist T-Shirt. 100% preshrunk heavyweight cotton. Style: Men’s short sleeve tee. Color: Black. Size information. Brought to you by the – 32k – Cached – Similar pages

Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler » Blog Archive » Rope. Tree. Journalist…
My 35 year old daughter looked at my Rope. Tree. Journalist. tee shirt that I was proudly wearing on Father’s Day and brilliantly stated, “Gee, Dad, … – 42k – Cached – Similar pages

Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler » Blog Archive » The Fourth Estate …
Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some assembly required. More at: … Journalist, tree, rope….some assembly required. The Emperor weighs in. […] … – 117k – Cached – Similar pages
[ More results from ]

The silence is deafening, guys.


So a parody image that wasn’t even for sale on your site is much, much worse than the original “Rope. Tree. Journalist.” t-shirt that I’ve seen on Malkin, Misha, and other sites?

Doesn’t make sense to me, but then again, I’m not a conservative. I don’t handle moral equivalency and double standards very well.


This isn’t going to lead to some sort of pie war with Fafblog, is it? With both side posting bad pie videos from Youtube? You know, with Bobby Goldsboro singing about French Silk vs. Leonard Nimoy singing about Mince.

Because that would suck.


I love this comment from the Misha link:

“My 35 year old daughter looked at my Rope. Tree. Journalist. tee shirt that I was proudly wearing on Father’s Day and brilliantly stated, “Gee, Dad, shouldn’t you listen to the other point of view once in a while?â€? Heavy sigh. How do you debate that level of ignorance?”

Yeah, we’ve been trying to figure out how to talk to conservatards for years.

In Vino Veritas

Ace is going to kill me for this

I don’t think he was being facetious. Has anyone heard from Patterico since that post?

Herr Doktor Bimler

Out of curiosity, how do you pronounce ‘pwn’? Is the W a long ‘oo’ vowel, as in ‘cwm’? This is for my scholarly article on The Influence of Celtic Languages on Hacker Jargon.


Yes, how could you possibly be more ignorant than listening to an opposing point of view?

But don’t forget the next part of that comment:

At the same time, my 14 year old grandson asks me why our military isn’t crushing these orcs like the insects that they are. He and his friends give me some hope.

Yes, why aren’t our leaders approaching the War on Terror as if they were 14-year-old D&D geeks, dammit?


Out of curiosity, how do you pronounce ‘pwn’? Is the W a long ‘oo’ vowel, as in ‘cwm’?

That’s a far better pronunciation than the official one. It’s supposed to be pronounced indistinguishably from ‘own.’

Herr Doktor Bimler

Gavin M. said,
That’s a far better pronunciation than the official one. It’s supposed to be pronounced indistinguishably from ‘own.’

Thank you. I will credit you in the footnotes.


Helter Stupid.


I have to admit, because of my familiarity with Welsh, I always pronounce it in my head as “pooned”, which makes me think of poontang. And then I think about all the virgin computer geeks out there, needing love. And then I remember that it isn’t “pooned” but “owned”, and get annoyned, because I really hate that word.

What was the question?


Shouldn’t it be:

No hoisting required?

‘Cause see, they, like, hoist themselves? On their own…

Oh, never mind…



Misha’s daughter sounds like she’s actually contemplative and considerate, and it seems as if he’s ashamed of that. Weird.


And I mentally pronounce “pwned” as poned, which practically guarantees it’s incorrect.


Misha’s daughter sounds like she’s actually contemplative and considerate …

See? You can’t blame everything on the parents.


I say “pwned” as “poned”, but then again I say “noob” as newb (one syllable), instead of the proper “new-bee”.

oh, and Patterico. What a noob.

ned fucking flanders

mikey –

I thought that was pretty good, actually. Guaranteed to fly over the heads of Patterico, Ace, Misha and pretty much the lot of ’em.


“At the same time, my 14 year old grandson asks me why our military isn’t crushing these orcs like the insects that they are. He and his friends give me some hope.”

Yes, why aren’t our leaders approaching the War on Terror as if they were 14-year-old D&D geeks, dammit?



Holy God, did you see that Ann Coulter shirt? I’d give anything to dress up some wingnuts and make ’em paint some schools in their newly liberated Iraq.

Flowers and candy, kids. Flowers and candy.


I pronounce n00b as ‘noob’ (as opposed to newb), but then I pronounce dramatic elipses as ‘dot dot dot.’


Mary Jones: I do the same thing when I read “pwned”, probably because of my familiarity with Welsh (I studied off and on for about 3 years)…language habits are hard to break, eh?

As for the ME situation, Ach y fi!


Can you make those pies rain down on Here’s Patty on the man page?



Karnak rips open envelope; “Name three things with an IQ of 0”.

Apologies to trees and ropes everywhere.


that’s “main page”. Oof.


“And I mentally pronounce “pwnedâ€? as poned, which practically guarantees it’s incorrect.”

isn’t it spelled pwn3d?


I have to admit, because of my familiarity with Welsh, I always pronounce it in my head as “pooned�, which makes me think of poontang.

See, now, in my head, I hear “pwnage” pronounced as “poonage”. And that’s just all kinds of funny to me. See a damn fool receive a well-deserved, nigh-Asgardian rhetorical smackdown, one that not only proves the fool a damn fool but also a base jabbernaul, and remark with subtle-yet-manly appreciation…”Poonage”. There was an ass-whupping.

Or maybe not.

And good gravy, you mean to tell me Emporer Misha is a goddamn grandfather? Holy shit. That’s just sad on so many levels.


poned. Like its spelled 😛


I think our dear leaders are approaching the War on Terror as if they were 14-year-old D&D geeks. Just particularly untalented geeks.


Darn you, chris p, darn you to heck. But I’ll admit, nobody on teh internets has EVAR called me l337. 84574|2|)5.


Actually, I think the truly l33t spell it “pwnz0r3d.”


Out of curiosity I checked wikipedia, they have a whole section on pronunciation in the entry on pwnage


The problem would be that the said leaders are not only playing the war like 14-year-old D&D geeks, but they are playing First Edition and the terrorists are playing 3.5e.

Herr Doktor Bimler

My work of scholarship will contain a section explaining that the X in H4x0r is a voiceless velar fricative — as in Loch — due to the Gaelic influence on the internet. So I am loath to check Wikipedia,for fear that it disproves this theory.


Ha, I knew they wouldn’t get it. Irony is way beyond them.

I always pronounced as “powned,” but I’m a giant dork, so that’s probably wrong.

Nombrilisme Vide

I always went with “pawn” myself.


Just to clarify, the thing about the 35-year-old “ignorant” daughter was not from Misha, but from a guy commenting under the name “Captain Niggardly” on Misha’s blarg.


Ah, thanks. I wonder if he’s for real or satire? The two statements, one right after the other, seem really dissonant.


Of course now Patterico is claiming you ‘hid’ the original graphic and you are a typical untrustworthy librul.


I condemn the hiding of the original graphics!


Although you changed the store’s contents pretty quickly, you guys didn’t do a very good job hiding all the evidence.

Hint: my post hasn’t pointed to the Cafe Press store for hours. It’s pointed to where the evidence still exists.

You gonna try to hide that, too?

ned fucking flanders

Gavin, I saw the contents of that store the other day, so it was accessible to the general public at one point.

That said, I wonder if Patterico expended (expent?) this much effort on condemning the original shirts that inspired the S,N! knockoffs . . . but I don’t really want to wade through the cesspool of Misha’s blog to find out.


“Patterico said,
July 19, 2006 at 1:39
Although you changed the store’s contents pretty quickly, you guys didn’t do a very good job hiding all the evidence.
Hint: my post hasn’t pointed to the Cafe Press store for hours. It’s pointed to where the evidence still exists.
You gonna try to hide that, too?”

Patterico: it was a joke onaccounta y’all’s wantin’ to kill everyone.


How about…


Own words


Some assembly required


Although you changed the store’s contents pretty quickly, you guys didn’t do a very good job hiding all the evidence.

perhaps that is because they weren’t actually “hiding the evidence”. But then that would disprove your theory, so let’s ignore it.

Hint: my post hasn’t pointed to the Cafe Press store for hours. It’s pointed to where the evidence still exists.
You gonna try to hide that, too?

dude, stop trying to drive traffic to your blog. that is just sad.


Patterico: it was a joke onaccounta y’all’s wantin’ to kill everyone.

Yeah, like what’s with all the graphic bloodlust in the wingnutosphere’s “comedy”, Patterico?

Like this from LC Wil over at Misha’s sewer, re: lynching liberals: “…not to mention all the FUN things one can do with a flensing knife.”

Seriously, Pattycakes, does the joke always have to involve people getting their heads sawed off, their skins flayed off them, being buried to the neck in anthills, etc. etc.?

I mean, can’t you guys ever just have us lefties slip on a banana peel or something? Or you know, you run up ahead of us on the highway and you create a detour leading to a wall of solid rock, only you paint a fake tunnel going into the rock, so here we come, full-steam ahead, only to pancake comically against the rock, and then our bodies kind of compress and we putter off all dazed and looking like human accordians?

Wouldn’t that be funnier than, like, portruding viscera and flying bone shards and ligatured necks?



If you’re going to keep track of my updates, then you really should keep track of them all. Including the ones about the screenshots and Google caches of the Death Store you were running — but claiming not to.


You guys are fun to play with — as long as you keep letting me win so easily.


You do know that whole “rope tree conservative” thing was a riff based off the “Rope. Tree. Journalist” thing that was trumpeted on Misha’s site (among other places), right? I mean, you do understand that, right?

Do you not have a problem, then, with the idea of lynching journalists?


Um… Patterico…

They admitted they had those images in a store both in the body of the post and one of the earliest comments here.

I’m not sure this is the optimal strategy for hiding evidence, but then I’m not as cunning as the Sadly, No! bunch.


See all, it’s OK if conservatives do it. They’re better than us. Just ask Here’s Patty.

To not allow conservatives to lynch liberals is to discriminate against conservatives. And we wouldn’t want to discriminate.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Ah, more visitors to the deranged snake pit of Sadly, No. Where the demented inmates are mistreated by Gavin M., the cruel and corrupt Apothecary-General, until they rise up and exact their revenge…

No, my mistake, I’m thinking of Bedlam.


Um… Patterico…

They admitted they had those images in a store both in the body of the post and one of the earliest comments here.

I’m not sure this is the optimal strategy for hiding evidence, but then I’m not as cunning as the Sadly, No! bunch.

Let’s review the bidding.

The images were taken from the store.

Gavin said: “Because the only way you could have gotten there is via a link that says we’re not selling those shirts. . . . Patterico, Patterico. That’s the old ‘pretending not to know things’ trick.â€?

Actually, the way I and many of my commenters got there was by simply following a link that said “store.” There, we saw a plethora of items with the slogan so similar to that which outraged Greenwald.

I noted that, and Gavin said, further down in the same comments at Xrlq, that he couldn’t pull up the link. And of the “Rope. Tree. Conservative” design, he says up in this very thread he says he and the gang “voted not to use it.”

So he sort of leaves open the question as to whether others can really see it.

Well, I saw it. The Googlebot saw it. I got a screenshot. Many of my commenters saw it. Just so it’s clear.

But he certainly did try to hide the image. (By contrast, I was accused by a lot of people, including I believe Gavin, of deliberately trying to hide a comment on my site — and I had to bring in my tech guy to explain to the fair-minded people that it wasn’t true. So I *don’t* hide something, and you folks pretend I do; Gavin *does* hide something, and you pretend he doesn’t.) He didn’t want my readers to see it. But most of them did — and now even more will, because I’ll do a separate post with a screenshot, so people don’t even have to click through.

Understand, I don’t really give a crap. When I say on my own post that it’s a “Death Store” it’s I-R-O-N-Y.

The only real point is that Glenn Greenwald has no business not condemning it, under the sanctimonious rules he himself set forth. He’s the target. This site is secondary, but I’m having fun — especially with all the denials that the store even existed, and the furtive attempts to hide away the evidence.


Bloody ‘ell. Somewhere in Greece, Socrates is spinning in his grave.

Let’s recount this little adventure, shall we?

First, some nobody from Nowheresville posted horrible remarks on Pasty’s blog, causing a flurry as morons like Patty came flocking to leftwing blogs SCREAMING! for condemnations.

Next, Glenn Greenwald makes the sensible point that if these guys wanna claim to be the morality police, they have to turn their attention to the nasty personal attacks that emanate from Right-Blogistan daily – such as the repeated exortations to lynch judges coming from one Misha. The wingnuts then proceed to twist themselves in knots, simultaneously excusing an example of the gallows-humour they had their panties so bunched up about when it came from some unknown leftist, and making numerous personal attacks on Glenn Greenwald.

Finally, Jr Detective Patterico discovers a parody of Misha’s t-shirts, and proceeds to…pen a post on his blog SCREAMING! for condemnations.

Pay no attention to that whooshing sound. That’s just Socrates’ grave rising from the ground. If he keeps spinning at this speed, scientists estimate he’ll leave the Earth’s orbit by sometime next week.


How about it, Gavin? Can you explain all those odd things you said about the store not existing (when it does); the shirt logo being voted down by your guys (when it was used in an actual store available from your site); me accessing the store via a link that said the items weren’t for sale (which is not true); etc.?

It seems like a lot of denial to me. But perhaps you can explain it for me.


The only real point is that Glenn Greenwald has no business not condemning it, under the sanctimonious rules he himself set forth.

Uh, Pattycakes? As it’s been explained to you roughly a zillion times already, Greenwald was not setting forth “sanctimonious rules” in that post. He was criticizing those on the right who were hypocritical about the sanctimonious rules they themselves set forth.


Industrial assembly required.


Um, Patterico — whoever the fuck you are — Sadly was parodying the shirt that your good pals Malkin were actually selling. How dumb a fuck are you, anyway?

In any case, whether it was real or not, why are you so outraged? Isn’t imitation the best flattery? Your pals did it first; it was their idea. Are you saying it’s a bad idea? Then why not condemn the originator of it?

Who the fuck is this adolescent asshole patterico anyway?


“The only real point is that Glenn Greenwald has no business not condemning it, under the sanctimonious rules he himself set forth. ”

Oh for fuck’s sake. Greenwald’s sin is that he didn’t condemn a failed joke that didn’t happen?

Whatever. You guys are grasping at fucking straws. Condemn a fucking fake, cancelled t-shirt when the fucking Middle-east is in flames. Great. Have some cheetos.


“Can you explain all those odd things you said about the store not existing (when it does);”

Hey, go buy one, then.


I should have said: “When it did exist, until today, when I drew attention to it.”


I should have said: SLAP!

Yeah, we should have known that you were just kidding all along. It must be that superiority of conservatism over us proles.

Just so you know, there is a concept I have of heaven and hell? If I die, and the first five people I see tell me how conservative they are, I know I’m in hell.


Gavin, it was a great idea, really. Teh Funny. But unfortunately, you are simply dealing with the profoundly humor impaired here. They.Just.Don’t.Get.It.

And they NEVER will…


It’s a good thing Patterico would never read Atrios; he might try to sue S,N! for pwnz0ring him.


It seems like a lot of denial to me.

I’ll be.

Herr Doktor Bimler

What Fiver said about the proposed product line (back on June 2):

Eh, it’s funny, but the people the joke is aimed at are so thick that they’d just take it as further evidence of the “unhinged� left.


[…] Why, even Gavin’s own commenters weren’t buying Gavin’s little story: Gavin, I saw the contents of that store the other day, so it was accessible to the general public at one point. […]


The only real point is that Glenn Greenwald has no business not condemning it, under the sanctimonious rules he himself set forth. He’s the target. This site is secondary, but I’m having fun — especially with all the denials that the store even existed, and the furtive attempts to hide away the evidence.

Really. This is the fucking saddest thing in I think, ever.

Let us start from the begining, shall we?

1. Some crazy woman does something crazy.

2, The right blogosphere explodes

3. The left blogosphere, if it responds, responds by acknowledging that a crazy person did something that was crazy.

But the left also had the bad taste to point out that a) nobody knew who the fuck the crazy person was b) nobody other than her was responsible for what she did and c) oh yeah, JG is a complete douchebag and this isn’t surprising (should we caveat this with an expression of how wrong what that crazyperson did? Yes).

4) The supreme Douchebag holds the right blogosphere to the exact sane standard that the the right blogosphere had held the left iin regards to Deb Frisch, except the condemnee is a somewhat prominent figure in the right side of the blogosphere,

5) In a addition to getting the exact same arguments that were made in regards to Frisch as to why it is stupid to hold them responsible for Darth whatshisface.. We were introduceed to several arguments about how the whole rope, tree, justice thing was hyperbole. And you can’t technically say that it’s a call for lynching. There’s all sorts of innocent uses of that rope.

6)Paterrico seems to think that a satire of such sentiments is equivalent. YOU HAVE JOKED! Therefore “pop a pali for pizza’s” jokish posture about killing “palis” is equivalent.

7) Patterico doesn’t seem to understand that the pie in his face is his own self pwnage.


Um… Nobody seems to have claimed the store didn’t exist, Patterico.

What is being claimed is that people were not meant to see it, nor should they have been able to buy from it until some later date.

What he meant about “voting” was that they didn’t know if the shirts would go on sale when the store officially opened.

At issue is not whether the images existed, as Mr. Gavin has repeated several times that they did. The only possible issue of contention is whether the S comma N group is telling the truth about not actually meaning for the shirts to go on sale.

I don’t know how CafePress works, so I’l give you the benefit of a doubt and say that you could, if you were so inclined, write a piece in which you made a legitimate case that those shirts were for sale.

You didn’t, because you’re rather bafflingly obtuse. But you could.

Incidentally, Greenwald’s post was about hypocrisy. I know you know what that is, because you’re accusing the liberals here of it.

I’m starting to think you’re just another avatar of Gary Rupert, here to give us an easy target to snipe at.


Looks like little pattycakes declared herself the winner and decided to slink away, and probably brag to his/her fellow bedwetters how clever he/she/it is.


Bad title. You didn’t get owned, you got busted 🙂


“Evidence”! I love it. What a maroon. Did Patty bother to go back to the original posts about the ethics of the parody shirts? I guess the idea that a site would hold a democratic debate about ethics, rather than authoritarian pontifications, is just beyond him. Let alone that the resolution of the debate is that the irony of the parody shirts would be too complex for those at whom it was aimed. Sigh.

And now we get the brilliant Kevin. Looks like a script session for The Revenge of the C Students: “Hey, I got an idea! You guys didn’t pwn Patty, Patty busted you. How about that? Guys? Guys? Where are you going? Come back! I got another one…”


My God, it’s like the Stupidity Olympics or something.


I cannot believe that I actually went over to his site immediately after he posted and explained that it wasn’t real and gave him the correct link and everything and he still hasn’t worked out yet that IT WAS A TRAP even though I actually TOLD HIM.



And now we get the brilliant Kevin.

Thanks! Sorry for the misunderstanding. I assumed you were admitting you got busted making the same goofy joke that misha did (it’s not particularly offensive to me, just not very funny) which paved the way for a condemnation from Greenwald. I mean, patterico has the original screencapture from your site and it’s still in google’s cache. I guess if you want to deny it you can. You’ll end up sharing a room with the truthout boys though 🙁


Nice emoticon, Felicity.


I really hope that “Conservative Energy” light switch plate ends up in a real store.


Kevin, you really are that stupid, aren’t you? S,N didn’t “make the same goofy joke that misha did.” They parodied a stupid boob whose minions can’t tell the difference between a “joke” and eliminationist, quasi-fascist emotional pandering to idiots like you by demonizing “enemies” like “journalists,” practices that cheapen the whole practice of political discourse at a critical time in our nation’s history.Yet when the S,N people proposed making this parody to their readers, they were told that the intended audience for the parody, idiots like you, wouldn’t get the parody, because they weren’t in school the day they explained parody in 5th grade. And here you come, proving the S,N readers right, by relentlessly not getting the difference between eliminationist, quasi-fascist emotional pandering and parodies of same intended to awaken the panderers to what they were doing. That’s why you’re an idiot. That and your emoticons.


But Conan, he put up a SCWEEN CAPTCHA! 🙂 Only a supercleverpersonblog would think of doing that! 🙂

Bwahahahahaha!!! Bust3d!! 🙂 🙁 🙂 🙁 🙂


“ncluding the ones about the screenshots and Google caches of the Death Store you were running”

“Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL battle store!”

“This store is now the ultimate power in the universe. I suggest we use it. ”

“I think it is time we’d demonstrated the full power of this store. Set course for Alderaan. ”

Fear our DEATH STORE!!!!11!


How about it, Gavin? Can you explain all the…

Patterico, your famous style of argument is to make torrents of wild accusations, demanding that people ‘prove’ and ‘explain’ things — and then when they do, you find a small detail to get a wedge into and start the whole interrogation again.

I mean, you really ought to diversify. A single tactic does not a general make.


Oh spare us all the bullshit about leftard death threats being “humor” and “parody” while denouncing the same from right-tards as a threat to civilization and common decency. THATS the hypocracy going on here. Its also schitzophrenically bigotted. “We can make jokes about killing our political opponents because we’re the GOOD people, but if they do it to us we are going throw a hissy fit and wet our pants.”

Grow up. Greenwald is a tool, and the knucklehead who tried to deny that they were selling the “Kill a Conservative” shirts is an idiot for lieing about it.


Looks like “SGT Ted” was missing from school the day they explained parody too. Let me try. See, Ted, S,N thinks that death threats and eliminationist rhetoric are bad. So when Misha independently and first and previously and on his own (get it?) came up with his original T-shirt idea, S,N thought to parody it by duplicating it, but with a difference! See, a parody comes AFTER the original! That’s why it’s a parody, and not on the same level as the original. That’s why they have a different name for it, “parody,” and they don’t just call it “joke.” Or is that too “schitzophrenic” an explanation for you?

(Paging Dr. Freud! Paging Dr. Freud! Does the random “t” in “schitzophrenic” have a meaning? Oh, it’s you, Dr. BLT. I guess you’ll do. What’s that you say? “Freudian slip indicating being stuck at the anal stage”? Okay, I guess that makes sense.)


Patterico has had nearly two days to deny that he is a n00b (properly spelled for you traditionalists). As he hasn’t denied it, we can all take it that he accepts it. That makes sense, right?

just playing by his rules, after all…..


I’ll try to explain it to Ted in as few words as possible, trying to keep the words under 6 letters so even he will get it.

The right wants people on the “left” to die, and they mean it. The S,N group is making fun of them.

Is that really so hard to get?


It is if you’re schitzophrenic. Just ask Kevin, who is Ted’s other personality.


Well, Squiddy, the libruls just DESERVE it, being traitors etc., and besides, their insults and mockeries are just so gosh-darn incivil. So let’s kill the fuckers, but genteely*, of course.**

*Bonus thought: Is it possible to be genteel with a flensing knife?

**Second bonus point, wingnuts only: New game! You TOO can be a winner! Answer this: Was the above post SERIOUS or a PARODY? Clock is ticking…


Tied-up tree.


It is if you’re schitzophrenic. Just ask Kevin, who is Ted’s other personality.

Don’t make me turn this thread around, kids. We can sit by the side of the road all day for all I care. I’m not the one who wants to go to Disneyland, you know.


Heh, heh. You said “schitzophrenic.”


Right, when Misha says the whole “Rope. Tree. [Whatever]” thing, what are the comments like?

When S,N! – even without explaining the context – tried the same thing, what were the comments like?

Therein lies the difference.


Hey sarge! When you told your men “Follow Me” did they just giggle and pass the joint? I mean, you’re an ass clown. I’m having trouble imagining you leading me in a firefight. You SURE you ain’t an Ell Tee?


ned fucking flanders

And Kevin?

Your blog sucks.


How the hell do these guys function in real life? Judging from the level of intellect displayed by the wingnuts in this thread, I’m amazed they don’t mistake an iron for a ringing phone while they’re doing ironing, or throw aerosol spray cans into open flames because “it’s inflammable”.



You forgot tried the same thing after making this really lame attempt at condemning it… well, actually, did the same thing thinking it was, after all, a funny way to go all Drama Queen on the right, then someone on the same side goes all, like, freaky about the joke and then tried to hide that it did, in reality, engage in the same hyperbolic joke and make a profit off it to boot.

Damn that google… how could they part of that whole right wing conspiracy to make the left look like disingenuous drama queens?


Well, well …

It looks like Patterico is the one who pwns Greenwald:

Or, should we start calling Greenwald by his many other names? “Ellison” or “Wilson” perhaps?

What a bunch of fucking losers. I laugh at you.


Ouch. I’ve heard of being your own biggest fan, but this is ridiculous!


The Colossus came up with this one:

Glenn Greenwald. Sock. Some assembly required.


And of course, faking an IP address is impossible, as we know from our many spammer friends. It would violate a fundamental law of physics, the conservation of IP addresses, second in importance only to F=MA.

Seriously, doods, is there anything you wouldn’t do to avoid reading Greenwald’s book, or, you know, maybe the Constitution?


Oh, right, someone went around posting somewhat similar (but not identical) comments stroking Greenwald’s cock about all of his pitiful accomplishments, but did this to SET HIM UP for the utter humiliation of being outed for … sock-puppetry.

Uh huh.

You’re the kind of guy who thinks that no one proved the Dan Rather memos were fake, right?

That the absence of evidence is proof of a conspiracy?

You’ll believe anything.

By the way, I hear that Ellison/Wilson is looking for someone to hang out in his bathroom and wipe his ass for him. I think you’re the man for the job.


Reading comprehension, Phinn. I highly recommend it. The “seriously” in the second paragraph is a clue to what is important in my comment.


Conan! Get in here, you worthless cretin!

And bring a damp washcloth this time. Warmed!


I guess you’re right, Phinn, you should stick with the ass-wipe humor and leave Greenwald’s book and the Constitution alone. Seriously.


It’s not merely ass-wipe humor, Conan. It’s Conan-is-a-demeaned-sycophant humor!



Now you’re just making up words, Phinn. “Demeaned”? That’s a downright schitzophrenic spelling.

Now about Greenwald’s book. You were saying?

(P.S. There’s no “t” in “schizophrenic.”)

(P.P.S. I have to add, it is also Glenn-Greenwald-is-a-self-congratulatory-turd humor. Which, in the grand scheme of things, means that he is STILL more important than you. Ha!)


Learn somethin’ new every day. I’ll try to use “demeaned” in a sentence sometime.

(P.S. There’s no “t� in “schizophrenic.�)

Better tell that to SGT Ted above at July 19, 2006 at 18:43.

(P.P.S. I have to add, it is also Glenn-Greenwald-is-a-self-congratulatory-turd humor. Which, in the grand scheme of things, means that he is STILL more important than you. Ha!)

“Ha!”, indeed! When you’ve been “ha!’ed” by Phinn, you’ve been “ha!’ed” by the best “ha!’er” in the business.

But, seriously, Phinn, isn’t it Greenwald’s point, and my point, that the Constitution is more important than GWB’s ideas about how to fight the GWOT? And that’s why he wrote the book which you’re continuing to ignore. Seriously, let’s talk about the book. What is your problem with his book? Take an argument in the book, cite the page number, and show us where he goes wrong in his analysis.


Phinn? Phinn? Are you still there? Don’t tell me you’d rather talk about IP addresses and ass-wipe jokes than about the Constitution! That surprises me, coming from someone with your vocabulary and spelling and “Ha!’ing” skillz!


Whatever you say, “Conan”.


w3 is Phinn! Both equally dim.


Patterico, your famous style of argument is to make torrents of wild accusations, demanding that people ‘prove’ and ‘explain’ things — and then when they do, you find a small detail to get a wedge into and start the whole interrogation again.

PattyCakes is an assistant prosecutor. This is what he does all day all year long at work. There is no surprise that he uses this same tactic on teh web.

When he does this for his job, he does it with the color of authority. How many innocents have railroaded into accepting plea bargains and jail time for crimes they did not commit in order to escape PattyCake’s inquisition and threats of much more serious time?

This is why you should immediately join the ACLU.


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