You Could Drive A Truck The Size Of Prager’s Butt Through The Contradiction

ABOVE: Dennis Prager’s NAMBLA profile pic.

Shorter Dennis Prager, Clown Hall
For the Left, Opponents Cannot Have Decent Motives

  • All liberals are assholes because they all make negative generalizations about all conservatives as a group whereas conservatives never make negative generalizations about all liberals as a group. Take this column for instance.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 155


Also, Obama = Hitler is merely a summation of facts we all agree on, along with the fact that Obama has soshullized the economy more than Josef Stalin ever dreamed he could do.


Or perhaps a contradiction the size of a truck through Pragers butt. A big ol’ latex contradiction.


“Leading conservative columnists, leading Republicans, etc., rarely depict liberals as motivated by evil.”



For the Left, Opponents Cannot Have Decent Motives

Is it Self-Projection Day again already? Why, it feels like it was just last week!


It has been objectively shown that all 1.4 billion Muslims in the world Hate Us For Our Freedoms™ and are single-mindedly set on conquering USA America at the first opportunity with their Trojan YMCA.


For Prager, every day is Self-Projection Day.


Also: Charles Krauthammer? Who’s he?


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

Dennis Pedophile Prager is the only person I know who can legitimately refer to himself as “they”.


I mean, when the obtuseness and obliviousness gets this bad, you almost start to feel sorry for them. Almost.


All liberals are assholes because they all make negative generalizations about all conservatives as a group

It’s hard not to, because, you know, they fucking march with goosestep precision….


For Prager, every day is Self-Projection Day.

And he always cheaps out on the gifts, the bastard.


What’s good for the goosestep…


Awww, ain’t that cute? Tintin thinks they’re self-aware.


Seriously, why Prager isn’t in a special room in which he can hug himself allll day is a complete mystery to me.


Tintin thinks they’re self-aware.

If they ever do become self-aware, we’ll have to put them down. They would be abominations.


Also, Obama = Hitler is merely a summation of facts we all agree on, along with the fact that Obama has soshullized the economy more than Josef Stalin ever dreamed he could do.

Also, also: this “conservatives = taliban” thing is disrespectful to political discourse.


They would be abominations

Whad’ya mean would be?


System-wide tag fail…FUCKIN’ A!


Arrr, ’tis Pryme who has hogged the haggis! Batten down the hatches, boys, there’s an evil wind of unclosed taggage about.


Aw fuck! Not again!

Pryme is an Islamofascist Italiterrorist!


Someone fix tags, please. It’s way too early in the thread for this.

Prager: “I am not on the left.”

No shit, Sherlock. As if the low-IQ effluvia that preceeded this sentence weren’t a dead giveaway.

More to the point: the “good people” on OUR side of the debate have names like Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, whereas the “good people” on the OTHER side of the debate have names like Geller, Rove, Bubba.


In a parallel universe, Pennis Drager is the worst door-to-door vacuum salesman. “I hate those people who are always complaining about the quality of this here Hoover upright. In fact, here are testimonials from ten people about how bad it is. Can you believe their gall?”




Thank goodness. I was unamused.


Damn me for getting out of the boat.

Leading conservative columnists, leading Republicans, etc., rarely depict liberals as motivated by evil.

See We’ll pause while you get acquainted with your side. All caught up? Alrighty then!

I have not come across a mainstream leftist description of opponents of the mosque/Islamic center being built near ground zero that has not ascribed hate-filled, intolerant, bigoted, “Islamophobic” or xenophobic motives to those who oppose the mosque. Contrast this with how mainstream opponents of the mosque describe the proponents of the mosque and you will see an immense divide between right and left in the way they talk about each other.

I have not come across a single conservative description of the mosque in question that – well, first, that actually got it right and called it something other than a mosque; while there is a mosque on the premises, that is not its primary purpose. Second, I have not come across a single conservative description of Park51 that did not ascribe motives including but not limited to sympathy for terrorists, attack on America, Trojan Horse for stealth jihad, and – for the non-Muslims associated with the effort – a desire for appeasement and cowardly surrender to the enemy.

Put down your gun and we’ll put down ours.


I was unamused.

I believe, ma’am, you meant to say “We were unamused.” You lefties are always forgetting your formality.


If they ever do become self-aware, we’ll have to put them down.

If they became self-aware, they would put themselves down.


I believe, ma’am, you meant to say “We were unamused.” You lefties are always forgetting your formality.

No, I was just being a touchy-feely liberal. You know, I felt as if I could not speak for others and wanted to let them voice their own thoughts and all that bullshit.


Second, I have not come across a single conservative description of Park51 that did not ascribe motives including but not limited to sympathy for terrorists, attack on America, Trojan Horse for stealth jihad, and – for the non-Muslims associated with the effort – a desire for appeasement and cowardly surrender to the enemy.

I’ll go one further. I, like (as Dennis himself notes) Michael Kinsley, have yet to see one reason to oppose the center that had anything to do with reality, and nothing to do with fear, “inappropriateness”, or some other wholly subjective reason.


If Praeger did not exist, you know you guys would have to invent him. He is one of the world’s great repositories of rightwing stupid and an absolute comedy goldmine.


No, I was just being a touchy-feely liberal.

Tintin! T&U touched my special place inappropriately!


T&U touched my special place inappropriately!

Your wallet?


I’ll go one further. I, like (as Dennis himself notes) Michael Kinsley, have yet to see one reason to oppose the center that had anything to do with reality, and nothing to do with fear, “inappropriateness” political correctness, or some other wholly subjective reason.


They believe that the entire geography of Lower Manhattan should be changed in order not to offend the delicate sensitivities of the people who don’t even live there. That’s exactly what they constantly refer to as political correctness and I refer them to their own advice – man up and shut the fuck up.


I’ll go one further. I, like (as Dennis himself notes) Michael Kinsley, have yet to see one reason to oppose the center that had anything to do with reality, and nothing to do with fear, “inappropriateness”, or some other wholly subjective reason.

Exactly. Fucking WATBs. If you’re going to be fucking racists, don’t fucking throw a tantrum when you get called on it.


T&U touched my special place inappropriately!

Your wallet?

My wallet doesn’t swell up when touched.

I meant my ego.

They believe that the entire geography of Lower Manhattan should be changed in order not to offend the delicate sensitivities of the people who don’t even live there.

Whereas it can’t even be dealt with meet the needs of people who do live here.


T&U touched my special place inappropriately!

Your wallet?

Hey, now. I’m offended.

I’m a slut, not a whore!


To sum up my response to Prager, I periphrase the Beatles:

And in the end, the hate you make is equal to the hate you make.


Exactly. Fucking WATBs. If you’re going to be fucking racists, don’t fucking throw a tantrum when you get called on it.

That’s pretty much them in a nutshell. “Elitism” and “political correctness” = not allowing them to put those uppity darkies back in their place where they belong.


That’s exactly what they constantly refer to as political correctness and I refer them to their own advice – man up and shut the fuck up.

No, see, it can’t be “political correctness” because they think they’re defending the delicate feefees of *white people*.


And in the end, the hate you make is equal to the hate you make.

Or, as I’ve heard it put by a few veterans I know, payback is a motherfucker.


And in the end, the hate you make is equal to the hate you make.

Or, as I’ve heard it put by a few veterans I know, payback is a motherfucker.

It’s more self-referential karma than payback. My “error” was intentional. I should have (sicced) it.


That’s pretty much them in a nutshell. “Elitism” and “political correctness” = not allowing them to put those uppity darkies back in their place where they belong.

And again, it’s all about it being a zero-sum game for them. If someone else is gaining, they must be losing.


It’s more self-referential karma than payback.

“Payback” in a karmic sense, not in a someone-is-coming-for-me sense.

Smiling Mortician

For the Left, Opponents Cannot Have Decent Motives

I read that as “For the Left, Opponents Cannot Have Decent Movies.” Works either way, I guess.


Conservative blogger: “I hates me some n******s! The real racists are the fascist liberals!”

People who aren’t stupid: “You’re a fucking racist. Shut your fucking pukehole, idiot”

Very miffed conservative blogger: “They’re takin’ away my freedom of speech! Blarghhhhh!”


For the Left, Opponents Cannot Have Decent Motives

Oh, the right can have “decent” motives, as the right is all about “decency.” Humanity, equality, fairness, and compassion escape a lot of them, but they do love to run their mouths about “decency.”


they do love to run their mouths about “decency.”

And yet they allow themselves to be photographed.


And yet they allow themselves to be photographed.

It’s the decent thing to do: they keep S, N! knee deep in photoshops.



I’m being funded by Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal , but it’s cool because he owns part of Fox News.


And again, it’s all about it being a zero-sum game for them. If someone else is gaining, they must be losing.

Same thing with American exceptionalism. If you’re aware that Americans are not a chosen race, if you’re aware that America as a country is no less prone to fucking up and to succumbing to base motives than any other country, if you believe America should be held minimally accountable when it does fuck up and if you do not believe that God chose this holy nation by causing his son to be born American and crucified by liberals –

Then you hate America. It’s an attack on America not to concede to its superiority.

That the same is true for their attachment to “Christianity” and its role in America goes without saying.


Also, I think tsam’s “Blearghh!” should be replaced by a the high pitched “eeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!” of a little girl frightened by a mouse for greater truthiness.


It’s the decent thing to do: they keep S, N! knee deep in photoshops.

Ah. Good point. Additionally, the ugliness that claws it’s way through their pasty white skin makes the Photoshop time pretty short. Very little needs to be added to make them look hilarious.


Wow. Now they’re saying that ten day long traffic jam in Beijing could last another week!


These people have no fucking shame. How do you respond to the accusation we’re not thinking they have a decent motive to oppose the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ ‘Two Blocks Away Community Center’? THEY DON’T have a decent motive to oppose it. We can either think they can’t have a decent motive, or we can be factually wrong.


Wow. Now they’re saying that ten day long traffic jam in Beijing could last another week!

I guess they’ve solved their housing crunch.


Wow. Now they’re saying that ten day long traffic jam in Beijing could last another week!

Is it still road rage if you’re stationary?


‘Two Blocks Away Community Center’?

Burlington Coat factory YMMA.


Same thing with American exceptionalism. If you’re aware that Americans are not a chosen race, if you’re aware that America as a country is no less prone to fucking up and to succumbing to base motives than any other country, if you believe America should be held minimally accountable when it does fuck up and if you do not believe that God chose this holy nation by causing his son to be born American and crucified by liberals –

I used to try the analogy of raising your own kid. When your kid misbehaves, you correct him. Not because you hate him, because you love him. You want him to be the best he can be, so that when you say “my kid is the best!” you aren’t just blowing smoke.

Of course this does not work with conservatives. I always thought that since it’s nearly always a conservative who has all kinds of friendly advice for me about how I should raise my children, this would be an easy pick up for them. Not so.


Is it still road rage if you’re stationary?

Downgraded to parking lot rage.


We can either think they can’t have a decent motive, or we can be factually wrong.

Define “factually” and “wrong” when even lunatics are said to have valuable ideas to bring to the table.


We can either think they can’t have a decent motive, or we can be factually wrong.

My mama always told me “just cuz” isn’t a decent motive.


But they can’t be Islamophobes! They haven’t strung up any muzzies from lampposts!



Downgraded to parking lot rage.

Oooh, I get parking lot rage a lot more often than I get road rage.


Is it still road rage if you’re stationary?

More likely writer’s blockheadedness.


More likely writer’s blockheadedness.

I see what you do here.


But they can’t be Islamophobes! They haven’t strung up any muzzies from lampposts!

Yet. Because the FBI would hunt their ass down and throw them in jail if they did.



I used to try the analogy of raising your own kid. When your kid misbehaves, you correct him. Not because you hate him, because you love him. You want him to be the best he can be, so that when you say “my kid is the best!” you aren’t just blowing smoke.

But I’m not a child! You can’t treat me like a child! That’s elitist, condescending, liberal and WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you really want to know what wingnuts are thinking, read the Letters to the Editor in today’s NY Daily News.

The paper mangoes are ripe.

Shorter for every letter: I’m not a racist because I don’t want Muslims to be able to exercise they’re First Amendment rights. Also, politial correctness will destroy this country, but not as badly as every 1.5 billion Muslims will.


If you really want to know what wingnuts are thinking, read the Letters to the Editor in today’s NY Daily News.


I honestly think Mort Zuckerman has an entire asylum at his disposal for the Voice of the People page.

Which is weird because Mort himself supports the Cordoba.


Don’t the protesters find it strange that they’re all white when the country isn’t?


Don’t the protesters find it strange that they’re all white when the country isn’t?

Their world is, tho. Even if it isn’t. Even if there’s a racial plurality all around them of brown skins. Their world, the world they live and interact is, is all white.


Don’t the protesters find it strange that they’re all white when the country isn’t?

No, they find it srtange that the country isn’t all white while they are.


Actor, the page before the Voice of the People has Cohen debunking ever possible excuse to oppose the Burlington Hate Factory Project. Then has ten letters saying they hate Muslims because all Muslims hate you and are under your bed.


Or strange. My aixelsyd kicked in early today.


Actor, the page before the Voice of the People has Cohen debunking ever possible excuse to oppose the Burlington Hate Factory Project.

Richard “Fucking Albino” Cohen, voice of reason.


Muslims hate you and are under your bed.

Interesting fantasies these guys have.


No, they find it srtange that the country isn’t all white while they are.

Oh, so Race Wars 3D will be showing in selected theatres soon?


Richard “Fucking Albino” Cohen, voice of reason.

I’m as shocked as you.

To be honest, I don’t know why I read the Daily Snooze (zing!) anymore.


Interesting fantasies these guys have.



So if, God forbid, another 9/11 happens soon, all those decent, fair-minded conservatives will rally around Obama the way everyone did around Dubya, right? And not one of them will even dream of trying to score crass political points, correct?


Conservatives can say “There are good people on both sides of the issue” because we actually believe it.

That’s certainly an important thing for the people on the shit side of the issue to say.


So if, God forbid, another 9/11 happens soon

The U.S. will have to be put down like Old Yeller.


That’s certainly an important thing for the people on the shit side of the issue to say.

Of course. We have to respect the viewpoint of racist, bigoted toolbags. Otherwise their free speech is all gone. Look what the bastards did to the poor Dr. Laura.


So if, God forbid, another 9/11 happens soon

We get to practice more invading!


The ensuing mental flabbiness is most evident in politics. Many conservatives declare that Barack Obama is a Muslim because it feels so good to say so. Many liberals would never ask themselves why they were so wrong about the surge in Iraq while George Bush was so right. The question is too uncomfortable.

Hm. These examples are exactly alike, right?

I wish Brooks was Dunn.


The question is too uncomfortable.

Talking about political correctness makes David Brooks pants get all tight.


Picture an apostrophe somewhere in there.



For Bobo, a mastectomy without anesthesia equals surfing the web.


Picture an apostrophe somewhere in there.

I’m putting mine between that pair of D’s.


For Bobo, a mastectomy without anesthesia equals surfing the web.

Well, if your surfing involves reading his column, he’s not far off.


Very few in public life habitually step back and think about the weakness in their own thinking and what they should do to compensate.

In YOUR case, Davey-boy, you might want to ponder all possible meanings of the phrase “I fucked up”.


Many liberals would never ask themselves why they were so wrong about the surge in Iraq while George Bush was so right.

The surge, sure, but what about the invasion??


In YOUR case, Davey-boy, you might want to ponder all possible meanings of the phrase “I fucked up”.

Or buy a Harley Davidson. Or even a giant fucking truck.


Many conservatives declare that Barack Obama is a Muslim because it feels so good to say so he’s so obviously not part of the Real American ethnic group, but it doesn’t cause as much bad publicity as saying “he’s black.”

Dieser statement ist gefixed, ja.


Harley Davidson: The Macarena of two wheeled motorized vehicles.



Harley Davidson: The Macarena of two wheeled motorized vehicles.


Buying anything else gives comfort to our enemies in a time of war.


The surge, sure, but what about the invasion??

That wasn’t his fault! It was inevitable! There was intelligence! Smoking mushroom cloud bong!

Also, too, to paraphrase McCain, Bush deserves credit for our victory in Iraq. So that, like, cancels out the fact that he’s a murderous, vile, dumb-as-shit asshole, right? Right???


Harley Davidson: The Macarena of two wheeled motorized vehicles.


A motorcycle with wheels made of discuses will move erratically.


Many liberals would never ask themselves why they were so wrong about the surge in Iraq while George Bush was so right.


1) Gates, not Bush, was the architect of success in Iraq (and now let’s see how long that success lasts, incidentally).

2) Said success was reached because Gates booted the Rumsfeld cabal out and started reaching out to anyone who knew shit, including people whose politics were 180 degrees apart from the President’s but actually knew what they were dealing with.

3) The “surge” happened both after and because the 2006 midterms gave Bush the biggest kick in the ass his party had had in decades, thus causing him to sit up and think “oh shit, maybe I should start doing my job before they relegate me to third party status.” Notice how there wasn’t even a hint of a new strategy before then – it was all “we’re doing fine and the liberal media aren’t reporting the good news.”

4) If I broke someone’s grandfather clock, the first words out of my lips would not be “why aren’t you thanking me for buying you a new one?” but maybe that’s just me.


Aw, liberals don’t think EVERY conservative on the other side is indecent. Some of them are just dumb as fuck.


Harley Davidson: The Macarena of two wheeled motorized vehicles.

Oh, fuck no. I know better than to get involved in this conversation.

Pupienus Maximus

I can’t wait for the outrage over the atheist’s plans to build a vacant lot in Jerusalem.


Many liberals would never ask themselves why they were so wrong about the surge in Iraq while George Bush was so right.

Probably because they’re not pigfucking stupid enough to accept the question’s premise.

Bush had to change his goals in order to achieve them. No one outside your trailer park was impressed.


Bush deserves credit for our victory in Iraq

He does get credit for claiming victory and unspecified number of years early.

(and now let’s see how long that success lasts, incidentally).

Yeah, um, the jury is still WAY out on that one. Of course, if you’d like to look at it with blinders on, outside the context of the actual war, the surge did calm things down. It did not earn us a W in the W/L column.


Or buy a Harley Davidson.
Please do. Please get that guy to buy the heaviest shiniest, least maneuverable one they make, customize it to make it heavier, shinier more powerful and less maneuverable, and take that fucker for spin on twisty mountain roads after a few beers.


Please get that guy to buy the heaviest shiniest, least maneuverable one they make, customize it to make it heavier, shinier more powerful and less maneuverable, and take that fucker for spin on twisty mountain roads after a few beers.

So basically it’s a Hummer only more so?


By the way, “surge” is the word they used for the benefit of the media. There were more factors in the 2007 success than can be summarized in a decent paragraph, but if you’re going to remember just one, remember the Sahwa, e.g. Awakening; the Iraqi Sunni militias that were allied with al-Qaeda in Iraq up until that point, eventually decided that the AQI were too homicidally mad to be trusted, and switched allegiance when it became possible.

Extra troops didn’t hurt, but they aren’t what changed the course of the war.


I can’t wait for the outrage over the atheist’s plans to build a vacant lot in Jerusalem.


Harley Davidson: The Macarena of two wheeled motorized vehicles.

Well I don’t know what this has to do with coconut cookies. I’m just glad I bought a Suzuki for my (second) midlife-crisis-mobile.


So basically it’s a Hummer only more so?

No, because you’re more likely to kill yourself than someone else on a Harley.


Bush deserves credit for our victory in Iraq

He invaded a country which had done nothing on the flimsiest and most dishonest of pretexts(making our intelligence services look like incompetent lackey buffoons), a country already under UN sanctions which were demonstrably working, got a whole bunch of people needlessly maimed or killed, made the situation worse and more precarious both for the people of Iraq and the US, and wasted untold billions to do so placing us in the most dire economic situation we’ve been in as a nation for decades. I give him full credit for all these things.


No, because you’re more likely to kill yourself than someone else on a Harley.


No, because you’re more likely to kill yourself than someone else on a Harley.

You don’t scare me. I drove a Pinto.

Pupienus Maximus

WC needs to point out that he bought a sport-touring type bike, not a Suzuki made Harley Davidson type piece of shit. I should note however that while nearly all the major mfrs. make an HD style cruiser piece of shit, they are vastly superiors to Hardley’s in all aspects save being an overpriced piece of junk.


making our intelligence services look like incompetent lackey buffoons

That drives me so mad. All the talks and investigations about “the failure of intelligence in the lead up to the Iraq war.”

Hey jagoffs. There was no failure of intelligence. The intelligence agencies looked for what they were told to look for, couldn’t find anything, and were then ignored. They aren’t screwups and they’re not corrupt; they’re just politicized. For that, there’s no one to blame but the politicians.


Choosing a motorcycle requires the kind of reflection it takes to have a tit chopped off.


Choosing a motorcycle requires the kind of reflection it takes to have a tit chopped off without anesthesia.


Not quite random Bible quote of the day

Leviticus 15: 28 –

When she is cleansed from her discharge (period), she must count off seven days, and after that she will be ceremonially clean. On the eighth day she must take two doves or two young pigeons and bring them to the priest at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. The priest is to sacrifice one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. In this way he will make atonement for her before the LORD for the uncleanness of her discharge.


All the talks and investigations about “the failure of intelligence in the lead up to the Iraq war.”

Chris, it’s conceivable they mean the other kind of intelligence…


Chris, it’s conceivable they mean the other kind of intelligence…


I stand corrected, then. That intelligence failed like a deaf kid in musical chairs.


Choosing a motorcycle requires the kind of reflection it takes to have a tit chopped off.



Choosing a motorcycle requires the kind of reflection it takes to have a tit chopped off.

If that were true, no Harleys would be sold, ever.


Choosing a motorcycle requires the kind of reflection it takes to have a tit chopped off.

If that were true, no Harleys would be sold, ever.

Or only Harleys would be sold.


Oh, also, David Brooks should DIAF. What a useless waste of column space.


Intelligence does fail at times. It was reported that a few foreign nationals attended flight school and didn’t show up when landing was discussed. The investigation, however, went nowhere. I blame global warming and politics.


WC needs to point out that he bought a sport-touring type bike, not a Suzuki made Harley Davidson type piece of shit. I should note however that while nearly all the major mfrs. make an HD style cruiser piece of shit, they are vastly superiors to Hardley’s in all aspects save being an overpriced piece of junk.

I don’t give any sort of a crap about motorcycles. I don’t ride them and have no interest in it. I just find that the topic is a nice asshole button that I enjoy pressing from time to time. Mostly because HD riders think they’re all tough and shit. Just like Hell’s Angels, only vastly different.


Hell’s Angels Dentists

Fixed for currentness


Why they hate us

Interesting and true. I wonder if it’s just Western culture or human nature.


Why they hate us

Interesting and true. I wonder if it’s just Western culture or human nature.

Notice how these articles never cite the actual study? I smell a rat which smells suspiciously like an ulterior motive.


Hell’s Angels Dentists Assistants to the Regional Managers.

Moar fickst.

Not quite random Bible quote of the day

Hell’s Angels Dentists Assistants to the Regional Managers mall cops.

Moarly fixteder. .


Hell’s Angels Dentists Assistants to the Regional Managers mall cops top 40 deejays.

Morer fixedlylier


Hell’s Angels Dentists Assistants to the Regional Managers B-Ark passengers.



Hell’s WordPress


Hell’s Hair Band


The logo: Big mean nasty Rottweilers

The reality: Hell’s cuddly little puppies they’re so *cute* yes they are! Oooh look at the puppies!


The reality: Hell’s cuddly little puppies they’re so *cute* yes they are! Oooh look at the puppies!

I thought they were more like really excitable but badly house-trained beagles?


I thought they were more like really excitable but badly house-trained beagles?

No leash could restrain them! No paper could train them! They were Hell’s Cute L’il Puppies!


Shorter for every letter:

I see dark people.


Alternate title:

You could drive a truck the size of a truck up Dennis’ butt.


“Choosing a motorcycle requires the kind of reflection it takes to have a tit chopped off.


Um, once you have breast cancer, that decision can get a lot easier.

There should be T-shirts: “My boobs tried to kill me, I had them cut off.”


Hell’s Angels Dentists Assistants to the Regional Managers B-Ark passengers. Fluffers


Um, once you have breast cancer, that decision can get a lot easier.

I can only imagine. It was the “chopped off” part that got to me.


Notice how these articles never cite the actual study? I smell a rat which smells suspiciously like an ulterior motive.

Here you go — Journal of Personality & Social Psychology.

I liked Parks’ description of the animosity directed at the stooges in the experiment who were proposing way more altruism than the situation required:

‘Occasionally, they would suspect the person had ulterior motives.’

Well yes, the person DID HAVE ulterior motives, i.e. “following secret instructions from the experimenter”. So the rest of the subjects recognised that the stooge was a stooge, and voted him off the island; this is NOT “resentment of unselfishness”.


You go, SC. Another possibility – the normals wanted the abnormals out of there. They didn’t like either the greedy OR the do-gooders. I say, as an amateur psychologist, that’s in line with the tribalism we see all the time, as in the Villagers.

Fucking people – how do they work?


Here you go — Journal of Personality & Social Psychology.

I liked Parks’ description of the animosity directed at the stooges in the experiment who were proposing way more altruism than the situation required:

‘Occasionally, they would suspect the person had ulterior motives.’

Creepy that the terminology matched up. This is why I usually respond to the data interpretation with a resounding “meh”.


You go, SC.
Oh noes, I have been voted off the island!


Dennis Prager’s NAMBLA profile pic

Typical lie-brul perfidy! That kid has obviously gone through puberty = 85 years old in NAMBLA years.


Well yes, the person DID HAVE ulterior motives, i.e. “following secret instructions from the experimenter”. So the rest of the subjects recognised that the stooge was a stooge, and voted him off the island; this is NOT “resentment of unselfishness”.

Maybe, but take this study with the substance of the Fred Clark link in the next post(that teabaggers et al are choosing willful stupidity by rejecting empathy) and also with the list of the “worst people in US history” list topped by extraordinarily nice guy Jimmy Carter.


For The Left, Opponents Cannot Have Decent Motives

Oh goodness no, I’m quite happy to admit that they can indeed have motives as pure as the driven snow.

Personally, I just don’t find them to register so much as a miniscule twitch on my give-a-fuck-ometer … I tend to look at REAL-LIFE RESULTS as a much more useful barometer.

The results are consistent – & they smell like ass.

Forgive me if I fail to find “pretty please, just let us cluster-bomb a few hundred more villages/create a few million more refugees/frag a few more dictatorships into famine & barbarism/knowingly jerry-rig the global economy to self-destruct one more time, because THEN the world will finally be Safe For Democracy™” to be a logical slam-dunk.

Not to mention that a smart third-grader has a better grasp of basic economics than the average professional pud-tugger at AEI or NRO.

Not to mention that the only way they can win elections any more is by sabotaging the essential predicate of a functioning democracy, i.e., making elections into such filthy snakepits of unmitigated idiocy & slander that enough people with IQs stay home out of sheer disgust.

Memo To Dennis Prager: your favorite band ideology sucks.


I get the feeling that the rather, um…fucking ridiculous conclusion drawn by the writer of the article is to suggest that liberals BAD cuz welfare and junk.

So let’s see, we supported (I’d guess unanimously) to extend unemployment benefits past their normal end date. Nobody seemed to give much of a shit if it cost a couple of extra dollars per year on our income tax bills, we just didn’t want to see OTHER PEOPLE lose everything because a bunch of fucking Monopoly dudes on Wall Street stole their money and flushed the economy down the toilet. Yes, conservative butt plugs with jobs don’t like us. That’s true. The idea that people dislike a person who commits an altruistic act is pure fucking nonsense. I think Smut found the rat I was smelling.


Forgive me if I fail to find “pretty please, just let us cluster-bomb a few hundred more villages/create a few million more refugees/frag a few more dictatorships into famine & barbarism/knowingly jerry-rig the global economy to self-destruct one more time, because THEN the world will finally be Safe For Democracy™” to be a logical slam-dunk.

This is a brilliant piece of writing.


A. Repeated acts that could lead to arrest.
B. Conning for pleasure or profit, repeated lying, or the use of aliases.
C. Failure to plan ahead or being impulsive.
D. Repeated assaults on others.
E. Reckless when it comes to their or others safety.
F. Poor work behavior or failure to honor financial obligations.
G. Rationalizing the pain they inflict on others.

Rather than give separate examples, I’ll just say “Iraq” as shorthand for A through G.

These are obviously qualities of the Left, the pacifists, the Blame-America-First liberals OH WAIT NO I MEANT THE OPPOSITE OF THAT


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