‘The main mode of communication will be death’


Shorter David Brooks: In a sense, Israel’s current foes lack a little something that most people describe as humanity.


Comments: 13


AAAAANNNNnnnddddd…. It’s not like they have tanks or helicopters or anything we should actually be WORRIED about….



Dang this fuctard pops up everywhere. Word. I don’t listen to NPR anymore. Nor do I read the NYT anymore.

There are many reasons for this over 2500 of ’em.

But this AssClown played a role in my exodus. Please don’t make me stop lurking here by posting the useless drivel this idiot manufactures by the truck load.

Rabid Lambs my ass!


Damn, BoBo’s morphing into Wm F Buckley, only without the smirk or the vocabulary.


Israel’s completely disproportionate attacks on civilian areas, such as the Beruit airport, resulting in dozens of civilian deaths are unjustifiable. While Hezbollah’s actions are little better, other than on a level of scale, at least they initially targeted Israeli military personnel. So, I guess that while both sides are wrong in this case, Israel is wronger. My tax dollars at work, again.


Israel is wronger

Israel is never wrong! Israel can do no wrong. Anyone who say otherwise is an anti-semite. Even if the person who says this is of semitic origin, like a Jew or an Arab. For an example see here.


What is really funny is the fact that Israel are using US supplied Patriot missile systems and yet the Iranian missiles are still getting through.

Go American Superiority!!!

For the right wingers out there: I don’t think it’s funny that people are dying. What I do find funny is that the government has been telling people for years that the Patriot would be able to protect American shores yet even in a country the size of Israel it is incapable of providing that protection. Oh, and the owners of Sadly, No! have already condemned this post, just not publicly.


islmfaoscist said

Damn, BoBo’s morphing into Wm F Buckley, only without the smirk or the vocabulary.

William F. Buckley did have a certain foppish charm in his younger days, David Brooks is just a wanker.


“Israel’s completely disproportionate attacks on civilian areas, such as the Beruit airport, resulting in dozens of civilian deaths are unjustifiable.”

Whah? I mean really, those brown humanoids are nothing more than wogs after all…wogs aren’t the same as people.

/Upperclass Twit


Why do I hate BoBo so much? I mean, there are far more heinous idiots out there, and I do despise them, but for some reason, BoBo just pisses me off. Perhaps it’s the condescension. I don’t know. I just really, really hate him.


Seriously? I think that the Palistinians and the Israelis should all be rounded up and, I don’t know, shipped to the Falklands or Antarctica or the moon or something and the land fenced off so no one gets it. Then, when the Israelis and the Palistinians can behave like resonable human beings again, they can go back — but only if they can divide it up relatively evenly.

If they’re going to act like small children (“He hit me first!” “Did not! Besides, you took my toy/are on my side of the line!” “Am not! And you did hit me first, so I’m gonna hit you back!” “Did/are too! So I get to hit you back!” ad nauseating infinitum), then we should all treat them like children… And if there’s one thing I learned from my mother, it’s that if my brother and I fought over it, -neither- of us could have it. Gah.


I think that the Palistinians and the Israelis should all be rounded up and, I don’t know, shipped to the Falklands or Antarctica or the moon or something and the land fenced off so no one gets it.

Give Jerusalem to the Scientologists. Oh yes.


One side loves death, the other side life. Yet this black-and-white difference makes not the slightest impression on the hard Left.


Wait, wait! How many hundred Lebanese are dead in this lil’ week and a half from hell? And who is just a bunch of life-loving do-gooders? Fucktard.


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