I DO think about those poor. oppressed Americans who do not want health insurance. I think they’re nuts.
On the other hand, I’d really like to met one of them. Because, in 50 years on this planet, I’ve never come across anyone over the age of 13 who did not want health insurance.
Wait, this is all a trick, isn’t it? “Let’s see if we can make the mummy click through to this site and thus infect her computer with amazing illnesses!” (It is “illnesses,” isn’t it? Although no wisdom, no knowledge, no technology is beyond my grasp, the vocabulary is sometimes difficult…).
Do people fail to understand just how hard it is to get the Geek Squad out to the fastness of my desert tomb? Especially once it’s understood that they may well be killed to protect its location? *Sigh* Perhaps Thoth will have good ideas about curing these illnesses…
That is dynamite. Looks like somebody saved a copy of one of the dozen crappy Socialist People’s Front/People’s Front of Socialism party websites out there, added a list of the Progressive Caucus members to it, then made a PDF of the whole thing. Just 5 minutes of work to get the kerning keyboard kommando’s on the case.
They will pretend to be socialists as long as they have to, then will reveal their communism.
Somebody should do some kind of poll. Find all the people who talk like this, send them a message asking them to describe what socialism and communism mean. I’m curious what it is the hardcore haters think that they’re hating.
“I’m curious what it is the hardcore haters think that they’re hating.”
They don’t think. They just hate. I’ve seen People on YouTube try to explain the differences but they just don’t care. I know it’s a little clichéd but they just lump everything together as “Other”. We are liberals, we are not of their tribe and that’s all they need to know.
This morning, hubby was wondering why the Tea Partiers aren’t upset about the controversy over the Mosque at Ground Zero. Silly man! Tea Partiers care about the Constitution…until they dont.
This morning, hubby was wondering why the Tea Partiers aren’t upset about the controversy over the Mosque at Ground Zero. Silly man! Tea Partiers care about the Constitution…until they dont.
I swear those fuckheads look to their supposed political enemies and choose the opposing side just to be contrary assholes. They wrote a letter to the FCC demanding that the government not interfere with the internet by mandating net neutrality.
No single teahadist is intelligent enough to think anything through and figure it out. They don’t know jack shit about America, the Constitution, our government system, or soap.
tsam, I was just thinking about what you said this morning. Modern conservatism is not based on any set of principles. It’s just about sticking it to people you don’t like. And that’s IT. Sayud.
I swear those fuckheads look to their supposed political enemies and choose the opposing side just to be contrary assholes. They wrote a letter to the FCC demanding that the government not interfere with the internet by mandating net neutrality.
And those are the same people who complain about the sex and drugs and bad music and black people on TV and what is our society coming to, someone should really do something about it…!
tsam, I was just thinking about what you said this morning. Modern conservatism is not based on any set of principles. It’s just about sticking it to people you don’t like. And that’s IT. Sayud.
I’m pretty sure both sides engage in that to some degree, but the conservatives are the ultimate nihilists. I think the lapel pin crap might be a grade school level demonstration of just how depraved their leadership indisputably is, and how incredibly unskilled in critical thought their followers are.
And those are the same people who complain about the sex and drugs and bad music and black people on TV and what is our society coming to, someone should really do something about it…!
Not like the good old days when life was just like The Donna Reed Show. These are the fools who think Nick at Nite is a history book.
And those are the same people who complain about the sex and drugs and bad music and black people on TV and what is our society coming to, someone should really do something about it…!
Also the same people who consume pornography, violence and shitty music voraciously, while condemning it in “polite” society.
why the Tea Partiers aren’t upset about the controversy over the Mosque at Ground Zero
Silly lib. The First Amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or preventing the free exercise thereof…”. It doesn’t say anything about the President doing it by Executive Order, does it? Huh? Your silence proves that you can’t address my post.
Silly lib. The First Amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or preventing the free exercise thereof…”. It doesn’t say anything about the President doing it by Executive Order, does it? Huh? Your silence proves that you can’t address my post.
That was a real zinger, Cletus! YeeeHAW! You showed that yankee tenderfoot where the bear pooped in the straw!
I could block my American Spectator spam, but then, how could I possibly live without knowing what The Greatest Mimes Of Our Times think?
“The American Spectator is the one magazine I always pull out of my mail pile. Get two copies. Send the extra one to your kids or grandkids. The Spectator will teach them what conservatism is, and they’ll have fun reading it.”
– Sean Hannity
“Well, little Donny seems to think it tastes like shit … but Cindy is having a hell of a fine old time ripping it to shreds & chucking it around like confetti, so I’m giving Sean 1/2 on this one.”
Socialist, commie, marxist..whatever. It’s just a difference of how fast they want to push us to their collectivist, statist utopia where the borderless State has more power and the individual has less power. Where the ‘right people’ make the decisions and the rest obey, or else.
So true. I don’t care about mere doctrine… my only purpose in life is to reduce all puny humans to groveling sycophants who tremble in awe at the limitless evil of leftist power.
I’m here. I don’t like wingnuts neither. Its all about staking out ground now that troops are coming back from Iraq. By the time November rolls around, the democratic candidates can say “see, we’re getting out of Iraq, like we promised.” and repugnicants will say “see, al kay-duh is in manhattan!” Now I’m supposed to say sumpin funny…um…I’m proud to be at the nadir of journalism.
my only purpose in life is to reduce all puny humans to groveling sycophants who tremble in awe at the limitless evil of leftist power.
YES…we’ll start by trumping up an enemy–make it appear much larger than it really is. Next we’ll engage in endless wars and ramp up the fear campaign. We’ll question the patriotism of those who aren’t on board. We can use teh gheys to distract the dumber ones. We’ll abuse our power by creating prisons outside the country. We can torture people. We’ll quell dissent. We’ll just keep incrementally eroding the Constitution until…
I liked this guy: “Judging by this post and many others you have made recently, you must have been instructed to go into high gear as the election nears. Your posts are all aimed at defending the indefensible and your sputtering attempts to undermine your opponents are becoming laughable.
Do you really think that such trite manipulations are enough for this crowd?
Back to the drawing board tiny troll. Perhaps there’s still time to think of something more effective.”
I can’t wait for one these ignorant fucks to use a sentence like:
“The threat of Islam is dire and we need a final solution to solve it.”
Given the polling numbers it’ll be soon.
Congrats Republicans! Your destruction of the education system in the United States is now complete. After your early victory of turning the mentally ill into Religious zealots, Reagan’s true legacy, you appear poised to lead the U.S. into whatever violence fits your fancy.
So Republicans, what will be your final solution to the ‘Muslim Problem’?
God, I followed the link to Gateway Pundit’s “First Things” post(didn’t that used to be a somewhat respectable and thoughtful magazine?) and read the comments. HOLY SHIT these are the dumbest, most gullible people ever. They pule about the congressmen on the obviously fake list (Scribd? Jesus.) breaking their oaths to uphold the Constitution(by not being Republicans, I guess) and then demand they be killed without a trial. Remember, these ignorant motherfuckers vote!
Socialist, commie, marxist..whatever. It’s just a difference of how fast they want to push us to their collectivist, statist utopia where the borderless State has more power and the individual has less power. Where the ‘right people’ make the decisions and the rest obey, or else.
Funny coming from some gomer who, no doubt, wants to make abortion illegal.
It’s a good thing you aren’t online, Sub, or you might have clicked on the link to Andy McCarthy explaining how, thanks to Obama, every taxpayer is responsible for that girl getting her nose cut off.
Everything you wanted to know about Laura Schlessinger. Ok, probably more than you wanted to know.
“If you’re gay or a lesbian, it’s a biological error that inhibits you from relating normally to the opposite sex. The fact that you are intelligent, creative and valuable is all true. The error is in your inability to relate sexually intimately, in a loving way to a member of the opposite sex — it is a biological error.”
I confess, I am online. I was making a joke! I followed through to K-Lo’s Anne Rice piece:
I pray Anne Rice will join so many of us on her knees in front of a tabernacle, the most powerful place on earth, before too long, offering Him all the anger, and confusion, and discomfort.
I pray Anne Rice will join so many of us on her knees in front of a tabernacle, the most powerful place on earth, before too long, offering Him all the anger, and confusion, and discomfort.
Oh, I think Anne Rice has already written about the undead who feed on our anger, and confusion, and discomfort.
Funny coming from some gomer who, no doubt, wants to make abortion illegal.
Don’t forget removing the 14th Amendment. That way only the “right people” can be citizens. Fucking tool. Not even enough power to realize he’s squealing about the wet dream material his own ideologues promote.
There is an Ikea close by to me near the Mall of America. I like Ikea, my PC desk and chair I’m sitting on are all from there. I don’t go to the MoA though, except to walk through on my way to Ikea. I can get there by taking the light rail. The one thing that Jesse Ventura did right while in office.
I’ve been to the one in Houston…it was kind of a surreal experience, and now I know why they have a cafeteria there. I think we were there, like, thirteen hours.
BTW, while I found More Information That You Require tiringly twee by the end, John Hodgman has a hilarious bit about MoA in it.
It’s not actually *in* the mall of America. It’s next door across the highway. Ikea is mostly cheap crap but you can find inexpensive stuff that’s not quite so crappy. They have a cafeteria but that is also cheap crappy institutional food. If you really miss high school lunch I recommend it.
But for me what I hate is that the light rail station is in the MoA and you have to walk through it to get to Ikea. You know, where Sarah Palin appeared. They’ve probably erected a shrine or statue or something for her for all I know.
Well, I can see the bad tag, but I can’t do shit about it. I had no idea you could break a whole thread like that. Neato. Might have to try it on some , um, more deserving blogs, ifyanowhatimeanandithinkyoudo.
If anyone is around that might be able to edit it, FF view source puts it at line 982 column 54-59.
Oh, and Ikea does have some reasonable kitchen stuff. I’ve been meaning to pop out there and up my supply of small glass bowls, among a few other things. It’s just wrong to go there on a weekend though.
I thank doG and our bold italic overlords that I know nothing of Justin Bieber other than that the FBI is now tracking me as a kiddie pr0n suspect for having clicked that link. FY “Willy” with a ginormous Justin Bieber replicock.
So that was Comic Sans on the floor in there. And I guess that was Ariel bold italics in the wood chipper. And those three Bauhaus fonts in Brainerd. And for what? For a little bit of money. There’s more to life than a little money, you know. And here ya are, and it’s a beautiful day. Well. I just don’t understand it.
The Other 'Historic' Choice: How Hillary Would Have Governed
Ever since June, when Bill Clinton criticized (however obliquely) Obama’s handling of the Gulf oil spill, there has been renewed chatter concerning a Hillary candidacy in 2012. Hillary could take advantage of a weakened president with plummeting approval ratings to achieve her own ambitions — or save her party from the aforementioned weakened president, depending on the viewpoint. Whether this is a plausible theory or not is debatable, but it does bring to mind something else: What kind of presidency would a Hillary victory in 2008 have produced? How much better or worse off would the nation be at this point? The most likely conclusion: We’d probably be exactly where we are right now — just less annoyed, and perhaps less fragmented as a people. [bla bla bla, edited by the management. –S,N!]
I’d just like to report that I was un-friended by one of my old high school co-graduates (never a friend, really) who posted some stupid “how insensitive to build the GZM” post and I called ’em on it. Might have used the word “bullshit” in there. Made the point that if two blocks is too close, how is five or fifty or five hundred miles any different?
He deleted that post, to which I replied “Ooh, shame on ME” and then, *snif* I was un-friended!
Now for the 76 other teatards I graduated with.
PS: I did send him a nasty personal note after that commending him on his bravery.
Now you kids have gone and done it. When Dad gets home he’s gonna be soooo pissed. I mean, usually he passes out in the living room but… you’ll be in trouble!
Whatever stupid people who don’t live on the West coast or Hawaii or Alaska. Go ahead and sleep. I’m just gonna type me some struckass comments that mean virtually nothing. Just like before only faster and with striking.
Whale Chowder, I’ve defriended a few people who had turned into howling racists since I’d known them in college. I may have had a few who defriended me over politics, but if they did, they did so quietly. I’m actually surprised my politics haven’t scared off more people I knew in high school.
One guy I knew in high school defriended me because I liked Tom Waits. That was weird.
This is bizarre. Opera must be suppressing the busted tag ’cause all the text has been behaving like it ought to (mostly normal except for a few strikeouts and the like).
Whale Chowder, I’ve defriended a few people who had turned into howling racists since I’d known them in college.
I’ve done the same thing here to at least two people. Interesting thing, facebook; a lot of people who are very meek and soft-spoken in real life turn into howling banshees on there.
Sadly, No! The finest in Snark!
These are the comments of the Sadlynaut corps.
Their particular obsessions:
To expose each new stupidity…
To shame the morons; and the bigots…
To boldly italicize where no one has struck before!
Disgruntled Worker brought the italix
at 20:17
justme said boldy,
at 22:32
In for a penny said,
I’m on strike at 7:26
Fiendish friends of the apocalypse,
Way kewl! Even my nym & e-mail fields are down with a case of strikethrough cooties! Peculiar that my preview is somehow immune.
Put your face right up against the monitor & squint … you can actually see exactly where the lines go into some of the series of tubes … Computer Science III magic all up in this bitch.
So what did I do to break this thing? Forgot to close an italics tag?
You entered “” to close the tag instead of “”. WP goes bonkers when you do that. I was thinking of filing a bug report but figured, nah, this could be so much fun at other sites!
A column debunking myths about unjustly stereotyped millionaires. (Has anyone ever bothered to do a column like this about homeless people, or poor people, or working class people? Just curious).
“5. Millionaires All Drive Fancy Cars
You can get that idea of the rich guy in a fancy German car out of your head when you think of a millionaire: They actually drive a Ford, with the carmaker topping the millionaire preferred car list at 9.4 percent.”
And the reason it caught my attention is because of a story I heard from a millionaire’s kid I befriended in college about another millionaire’s kid from the Deep South that she was dating at the time. Apparently, the guy’s family owned a string of BMW dealerships and owned several Beemers, but they also bought a Ford and usually drove around in that so that they “wouldn’t look like elitists.”
I wonder how that factors in. Wouldn’t it be easier for them if they just dropped the act – on racism, on elitism, on everything?
A column debunking myths about unjustly stereotyped millionaires. (Has anyone ever bothered to do a column like this about homeless people, or poor people, or working class people? Just curious).
A column debunking myths about unjustly stereotyped millionaires. (Has anyone ever bothered to do a column like this about homeless people, or poor people, or working class people? Just curious).
Poor rich people. They’ve worked exceptionally hard to drain that wealth out of the middle class in the last 50 years and nobody appreciates their toil.
It’s kind of a combo fuckup. WordPress shouldn’t allow the Tag of Evil in input, and your web browser shouldn’t treat the Tag of Evil the way it does. It doesn’t happen in Opera, The Browser For Sticklers (TM).
In firefox, if you have firequery, you can run (removing spaces around the style tags):
jQuery(” * { text-decoration: none !important; font-weight: normal !important; font-style: normal !important; }”).appendTo(“head”);
There is no unfucking it through inputting stuff because anything that would unfuck it *does* get stripped out by wordpress’ input filter.
Hurray hurray & calloo callay! Scroll-troll finally has the strikethroughs of LIBERHURRL FASCISM that it’s always dreamed of! Go troll go! Wear the semi-chubby of your martyrdom* with pride!
And now, for the coup de grace!
Scrolling marquee!
* (if your martyrdom lasts more than 4 hours, please consult your metaphysician)
There’s logic behind this, believe it or not. The thinking at my MIS dept is that by staying one browser behind, we will have fewer virus and worm attacks, since coders hack the latest versions to exploit undiscovered security holes, leaving older ones behind.
There’s logic behind this, believe it or not. The thinking at my MIS dept is that by staying one browser behind, we will have fewer virus and worm attacks, since coders hack the latest versions to exploit undiscovered security holes, leaving older ones behind.
If by “logic,” you mean “utter stupidity,” then I suppose they’re right.
Alternatively, they could JUST USE A DECENT BROWSER.
Alternatively, they could JUST USE A DECENT BROWSER.
That would require work on their part, because you can actually customize Firefox et al, which means each user would eventually have their own configuration, meaning the MIS folks wouldn’t be able to copy and paste settings or have much control over the innertubes.
The odd thing is, I have FF installed on my system, but when I try to use it, things get all hinky, and I end up slinking back over to IE. It’s almost as if they expect me to concentrate on work…
I disagree with every word T&U just said, but I will defend with my life her right to laugh at your IE7.
Admittedly, using an older version does make perverse sense, but again, why not just use a more secure browser?
That would require work on their part, because you can actually customize Firefox et al, which means each user would eventually have their own configuration, meaning the MIS folks wouldn’t be able to copy and paste settings or have much control over the innertubes.
Eet’s jes fine iin my Opera! Last night it was fekked up in the very same browser instance – can’t remember if I closed that tab and started fresh this a.m…… .
“There’s logic behind this, believe it or not. The thinking at my MIS dept is that by staying one browser behind, we will have fewer virus and worm attacks, since coders hack the latest versions to exploit undiscovered security holes, leaving older ones behind.”
I think my dad used that logic to keep us from getting a color TV until 1970.
I blame Albert Einstein. Stupid science and its stupid “relativity”. There should be one standard browser and one set of tags and you dirty fucking hippies should get over your Islamofeminazifascist ways.
Bold, italic, strike for this FF using (hmmm, sometimes FF playing) liberal-arts faggot (don’t get too sciencey on me). I wondered why there was no new thread but more than 400 on this one!
You know, after the pictures of you wielding a 9-pound hammer.
Just can’t quite the demolition pr0n, can you?
Note: this comment was composed with the first sentence and the first sentence only in italic text. And that’s the way it will look in MY browser. phtphtphpthpthptthpttt
I just hate it when people who are supposed to be smart can’t exercise basic critical thinking skills and make a big deal out of shit that’s not a big deal at all.
Maybe Alanis Morisette was doing some kind of meta-piece…
That’s her story, that the irony is in it not being ironic (altho parts of it could be construed as metaphysical irony, like the death row pardon bit), but a song not about irony is called “Ironic”.
“That’s her story, that the irony is in it not being ironic (altho parts of it could be construed as metaphysical irony, like the death row pardon bit), but a song not about irony is called ‘Ironic’.”
I shall go ahead and blame all the HTML-shenanigans for the server breaking down (damn you, you crazy kids), but am happy to report that I have fixed your messes!
To sum it up as our German hosting company put it:
unfortunately our maintenance work is bigger than expected. This caused the need to shutdown all servers in this datacenter. We will inform you about the progress and requesting sympathy that our hotline is not available as usual.
unfortunately our maintenance work is bigger than expected. This caused the need to shutdown all servers in this datacenter. We will inform you about the progress and requesting sympathy that our hotline is not available as usual.
That’s what it said in English. In German, it’s just one word.
For my next trick I will need a volunteer from the audience….
Please, just go to a bar or somewhere instead – the audience doesn’t even want to know about your perversions much less participate. Besides, isn’t that what groupies are for?
Now our demented overlords know that they can coast for days without content. “Just let them play with broken tags for a while.” It was a fun thread though.
Now our demented overlords know that they can coast for days without content. “Just let them play with broken tags for a while.” It was a fun thread though.
Now our demented overlords know that they can coast for days without content. “Just let them play with broken tags for a while.” It was a fun thread though.
This is similar to how I treat my cat. When it’s time for a new cat toy I just look to see what broken shit I have lying around that he can’t kill himself with.
Albert Einstein is teh 26th-most evil person in history.
If anyone is curious for a trike ride down the fail trail, check this out:
No, no, no. Einstein isn’t evil — he’s a liberal and the Theory of Relativity is plot to get everyone to accept relativism. Phylis Schlafley’s son says so…
Hey, Wizbang-it’s Democrat party, remember? Didn’t you get the memo? Sounds like someone’s going to spend some Apology Time with El Rushbo tonight…
Are we talking special or general? Generals are always special in American lore, but once the relativism really kicks in we get confused.
Special or general doesn’t register; like Ecuadorans or Guatemalans, they’re all Mexicans, so who gives a shit.
Hey, Wizbang-it’s Democrat party, remember? Didn’t you get the memo? Sounds like someone’s going to spend some Apology Time with El Rushbo tonight…
Who ?, Laura Schlesenger?
theory of relativity
Wow. World- class stoopid served up piping hot.
Also, has anyone seen this nut and Steve Forbes together in the same place ever?
I DO think about those poor. oppressed Americans who do not want health insurance. I think they’re nuts.
On the other hand, I’d really like to met one of them. Because, in 50 years on this planet, I’ve never come across anyone over the age of 13 who did not want health insurance.
Wait, this is all a trick, isn’t it? “Let’s see if we can make the mummy click through to this site and thus infect her computer with amazing illnesses!” (It is “illnesses,” isn’t it? Although no wisdom, no knowledge, no technology is beyond my grasp, the vocabulary is sometimes difficult…).
Do people fail to understand just how hard it is to get the Geek Squad out to the fastness of my desert tomb? Especially once it’s understood that they may well be killed to protect its location? *Sigh* Perhaps Thoth will have good ideas about curing these illnesses…
Bastet be praised!
Always Trusting The Shorter has never been so easy. This is like the Swiffer of Always Trusting The Shorter.
I think you actually could have gotten some big funny out of just reading sections of Jo’berg Goldbutt’s Librul Fatcysm.
The USA might not be doing so hot on the jobs or infrastructure fronts, but, by God, we’re among world leaders in mass shootings.
Take that, you Canadian wimps.
All I’m seeing is a few words then a big white space. Is this some sort of minimalist statement?
All I’m seeing is a few words then a big white space.
Don’t go into the light.
All I’m seeing is a few words then a big white space. Is this some sort of minimalist statement?
Vacuumslayer broke it!
Special Relativity gets to ride on the short (space dilated) bus.
Yo, mon.
I loled at the random iPhone 4 internet meme reference.
And it echoed because I don’t have any furniture in my living room, which made me sad.
Because, in 50 years on this planet, I’ve never come across anyone over the age of 13 who did not want health insurance.
When I was uninsured, I didn’t want insurance because I needed to pay for food and a place to live instead.
And it echoed because I don’t have any furniture in my living room, which made me sad.
Ikea. I hear Smedvik is a cutie.
“members of the intellectual elite”
Townhall writers, proud members of the dumb-ass elite.
“9-11 is an open wound”
Maybe because you and the rest of the dumb-ass elite have been pulling off the scab for 9 years?
If anyone is curious for a trike ride down the fail trail, check this out:
That is dynamite. Looks like somebody saved a copy of one of the dozen crappy Socialist People’s Front/People’s Front of Socialism party websites out there, added a list of the Progressive Caucus members to it, then made a PDF of the whole thing. Just 5 minutes of work to get the kerning keyboard kommando’s on the case.
Hey, whatever, guys. : ) Go ahead and believe this, by all means. You’ll look silly, but that’s on you.
Re: # 9 – Blast! I must now report back to the Streisand Compound for further orders.
17. Posted by jim x | August 14, 2010 9:40 AM
LOLZ! Everyone knows that Jim Hoft is an umimpeachable sorece.
Oh. It was iPhone thing. Whew. Almost got sucked in to the great white void.
I enjoyed the posh British accents.
A comment from the PissBang blog
Noted without comment because I haven’t had any coffee and the stupid just overwhelms me right now.
I only reveal my communism after I’ve had a few drinks…and then it’s right to the vajayjay.
I couldn’t resist making my own little movie. It’s super-important.
then will reveal their communism.
“First, Comrade, we milk-feed the calves and butcher them for veal.”
“Yes, Great Leader?”
“Then, we reveal them and Communism will rule the world!“
“I couldn’t resist making my own little movie. It’s super-important.”
It’s the script that really brings all the elements together.
They will pretend to be socialists as long as they have to, then will reveal their communism.
Somebody should do some kind of poll. Find all the people who talk like this, send them a message asking them to describe what socialism and communism mean. I’m curious what it is the hardcore haters think that they’re hating.
vacuumslayer said,
August 14, 2010 at 18:01
I couldn’t resist making my own little movie. It’s super-important.
I smell Oscar!
/W. Monheit
Oh, I didn’t know Oscar had such poor personal hygiene.
Who are these overdressed Anglosexual preverts & what have you done with Messrs. DMC & Punko?!?
a trike ride down the fail trail
First I LOLed … & then I trolled.
Presumably my freshly-extracted Fetustini™ is waiting on ice for me back at the Streisand Compound. Hold the arugula garnish plz.
Mmm … Fetustini™ …
“I’m curious what it is the hardcore haters think that they’re hating.”
They don’t think. They just hate. I’ve seen People on YouTube try to explain the differences but they just don’t care. I know it’s a little clichéd but they just lump everything together as “Other”. We are liberals, we are not of their tribe and that’s all they need to know.
I only reveal my communism after I’ve had a few drinks…and then it’s right to the vajayjay.
This morning, hubby was wondering why the Tea Partiers aren’t upset about the controversy over the Mosque at Ground Zero. Silly man! Tea Partiers care about the Constitution…until they dont.
I’m curious what it is the hardcore haters think that they’re hating.
You already know it’s teeth, showers and literacy they hate.
I find the salty brine of some olives really keeps the fetus fresher longer. Yum.
This morning, hubby was wondering why the Tea Partiers aren’t upset about the controversy over the Mosque at Ground Zero. Silly man! Tea Partiers care about the Constitution…until they dont.
I swear those fuckheads look to their supposed political enemies and choose the opposing side just to be contrary assholes. They wrote a letter to the FCC demanding that the government not interfere with the internet by mandating net neutrality.
No single teahadist is intelligent enough to think anything through and figure it out. They don’t know jack shit about America, the Constitution, our government system, or soap.
Oh, I didn’t know Oscar had such poor personal hygiene.
He lives in a garbage can.
tsam, I was just thinking about what you said this morning. Modern conservatism is not based on any set of principles. It’s just about sticking it to people you don’t like. And that’s IT. Sayud.
rofl…oh yeah…forgot.
I swear those fuckheads look to their supposed political enemies and choose the opposing side just to be contrary assholes. They wrote a letter to the FCC demanding that the government not interfere with the internet by mandating net neutrality.
And those are the same people who complain about the sex and drugs and bad music and black people on TV and what is our society coming to, someone should really do something about it…!
tsam, I was just thinking about what you said this morning. Modern conservatism is not based on any set of principles. It’s just about sticking it to people you don’t like. And that’s IT. Sayud.
I’m pretty sure both sides engage in that to some degree, but the conservatives are the ultimate nihilists. I think the lapel pin crap might be a grade school level demonstration of just how depraved their leadership indisputably is, and how incredibly unskilled in critical thought their followers are.
And those are the same people who complain about the sex and drugs and bad music and black people on TV and what is our society coming to, someone should really do something about it…!
Not like the good old days when life was just like The Donna Reed Show. These are the fools who think Nick at Nite is a history book.
And those are the same people who complain about the sex and drugs and bad music and black people on TV and what is our society coming to, someone should really do something about it…!
Also the same people who consume pornography, violence and shitty music voraciously, while condemning it in “polite” society.
The thread–did he died?
why the Tea Partiers aren’t upset about the controversy over the Mosque at Ground Zero
Silly lib. The First Amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or preventing the free exercise thereof…”. It doesn’t say anything about the President doing it by Executive Order, does it? Huh? Your silence proves that you can’t address my post.
I need a bath now.
Silly lib. The First Amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or preventing the free exercise thereof…”. It doesn’t say anything about the President doing it by Executive Order, does it? Huh? Your silence proves that you can’t address my post.
That was a real zinger, Cletus! YeeeHAW! You showed that yankee tenderfoot where the bear pooped in the straw!
“tsam said,
August 14, 2010 at 19:01
The thread–did he died?”
People must be doing stuff with their dumb loved ones or stupid shit like that.
LC, I’ve bookmarked you point.
I could block my American Spectator spam, but then, how could I possibly live without knowing what The Greatest Mimes Of Our Times think?
“The American Spectator is the one magazine I always pull out of my mail pile. Get two copies. Send the extra one to your kids or grandkids. The Spectator will teach them what conservatism is, and they’ll have fun reading it.”
– Sean Hannity
“Well, little Donny seems to think it tastes like shit … but Cindy is having a hell of a fine old time ripping it to shreds & chucking it around like confetti, so I’m giving Sean 1/2 on this one.”
— Bubba McSixpack, Esquire
Not even if you wash it first, buddy.
From the Wizbang comments section:
So true. I don’t care about mere doctrine… my only purpose in life is to reduce all puny humans to groveling sycophants who tremble in awe at the limitless evil of leftist power.
I’m here. I don’t like wingnuts neither. Its all about staking out ground now that troops are coming back from Iraq. By the time November rolls around, the democratic candidates can say “see, we’re getting out of Iraq, like we promised.” and repugnicants will say “see, al kay-duh is in manhattan!” Now I’m supposed to say sumpin funny…um…I’m proud to be at the nadir of journalism.
my only purpose in life is to reduce all puny humans to groveling sycophants who tremble in awe at the limitless evil of leftist power.
YES…we’ll start by trumping up an enemy–make it appear much larger than it really is. Next we’ll engage in endless wars and ramp up the fear campaign. We’ll question the patriotism of those who aren’t on board. We can use teh gheys to distract the dumber ones. We’ll abuse our power by creating prisons outside the country. We can torture people. We’ll quell dissent. We’ll just keep incrementally eroding the Constitution until…
HEY–wait a minute!
From the Wizbang comments section:
I liked this guy: “Judging by this post and many others you have made recently, you must have been instructed to go into high gear as the election nears. Your posts are all aimed at defending the indefensible and your sputtering attempts to undermine your opponents are becoming laughable.
Do you really think that such trite manipulations are enough for this crowd?
Back to the drawing board tiny troll. Perhaps there’s still time to think of something more effective.”
“Note there is not any actual debate by Bruce.”
Hee hee!
Oh, I didn’t know Oscar had such poor personal hygiene.
He lives in a garbage can.
And his taste is in his ass.
I can’t wait for one these ignorant fucks to use a sentence like:
“The threat of Islam is dire and we need a final solution to solve it.”
Given the polling numbers it’ll be soon.
Congrats Republicans! Your destruction of the education system in the United States is now complete. After your early victory of turning the mentally ill into Religious zealots, Reagan’s true legacy, you appear poised to lead the U.S. into whatever violence fits your fancy.
So Republicans, what will be your final solution to the ‘Muslim Problem’?
Note to self: bring booze.
God, I followed the link to Gateway Pundit’s “First Things” post(didn’t that used to be a somewhat respectable and thoughtful magazine?) and read the comments. HOLY SHIT these are the dumbest, most gullible people ever. They pule about the congressmen on the obviously fake list (Scribd? Jesus.) breaking their oaths to uphold the Constitution(by not being Republicans, I guess) and then demand they be killed without a trial. Remember, these ignorant motherfuckers vote!
Also, has anyone seen this nut and Steve Forbes together in the same place ever?
Can’t say I have, but I have never transferred flights in Minneapolis/St. Paul.
No, no, no. Einstein isn’t evil
Darn tootin, now inhale those Einstein molecules and exhale the Hitler molecules.
I only reveal my communism after I’ve had a few drinks…and then it’s right to the vajayjay.
The state owns your vajayjay? My god, they can use STATE POWER to FORCE YOU TO HAVE A BABY.
The Editrix:
Since I am not online I completely missed those clicks.
“The state owns your vajayjay? My god, they can use STATE POWER to FORCE YOU TO HAVE A BABY.”
Ooh, I hope it’s a terror baby!
Remember, these ignorant motherfuckers vote!
That reminds me of a line a salesman friend of mine told me once:
Think of what a gullible, stupid motherfucker the average american is. Now remember, half of the population is dumber than that!
fucking italics, how does it work?
Wow, Jonah is holding a sammich that is nothing but vegetable.
Ooh, I hope it’s a terror baby!
You don’t know the half of it…
Wait…you mean you’re an actual person? I had assumed Janus node was self-aware and merely toying with us until Skynet was ready.
Bow before me!!!
Oooh! You should link to that at my movies section, for funzies.
Socialist, commie, marxist..whatever. It’s just a difference of how fast they want to push us to their collectivist, statist utopia where the borderless State has more power and the individual has less power. Where the ‘right people’ make the decisions and the rest obey, or else.
Funny coming from some gomer who, no doubt, wants to make abortion illegal.
Why isn’t vacuumslayer designing The Corner image?
Somebody didn’t read the mission statement
It’s a good thing you aren’t online, Sub, or you might have clicked on the link to Andy McCarthy explaining how, thanks to Obama, every taxpayer is responsible for that girl getting her nose cut off.
Everything you wanted to know about Laura Schlessinger. Ok, probably more than you wanted to know.
A real piece of work, but we already knew that.
Someone broke WordPress again!
I confess, I am online. I was making a joke! I followed through to K-Lo’s Anne Rice piece:
K-Lo on Anne Rice’s knees: DO NOT WANT
Funny coming from some gomer who, no doubt, wants to make
abortion illegalwomen property.At least the gomers I’ve met.
Geppetto dreams of the day, but not yet.
I pray Anne Rice will join so many of us on her knees in front of a tabernacle, the most powerful place on earth, before too long, offering Him all the anger, and confusion, and discomfort.
Oh, I think Anne Rice has already written about the undead who feed on our anger, and confusion, and discomfort.
“Geppetto dreams of the day, but not yet.”
I’m typing this from the belly of a whale. The wifi sucks but the shrimp is pretty good.
Also from K-Lo: “many people can’t wait to read Fr. Rutler’s book after reading my Friday interview with him about the dead people he’s known”
Funny coming from some gomer who, no doubt, wants to make abortion illegal.
Don’t forget removing the 14th Amendment. That way only the “right people” can be citizens. Fucking tool. Not even enough power to realize he’s squealing about the wet dream material his own ideologues promote.
The wifi sucks but the shrimp is pretty good.
Barbecue Krill?
From tsam’s link: Ilario Pantano, center, has made a planned Muslim center near ground zero part of his Congressional campaign in North Carolina.
“Geography is hard!” Actually, he looks like he has to concentrate to breathe…
Well, this italics thing seemed to start with post.
Maybe we need to go back in time and all get on Flight 815 or something
Mah krill!
“Substance McGravitas said,
August 14, 2010 at 20:24
Why isn’t vacuumslayer designing The Corner image?”
Also from K-Lo: “many people can’t wait to read Fr. Rutler’s book after reading my Friday interview with him about the dead people he’s known”
He sounds like a Clark Ashton Smith protagonist.
Mah spill!
Mah Krull!
Mah spill!
I LOLed for realz.
Actually, it was more of a laughy wheeze.
I WOLed for realz?
a tabernacle, the most powerful place on earth
Once again, I must face the sad truth that the WWE has misled me.
Once again, I must face the sad truth that the WWE has misled me.
Wait. What? Misled? What are you talking about?
Ikea. I hear Smedvik is a cutie.
The nearest Ikea is 8 hours away….
I am so upset about the lack of Ikea here that I forgot to close my tags!
Oh, I seen. Never mind.
Imma gonna go back to looking at sofas online I can’t afford now…
Mah Pill!
“The nearest Ikea is 8 hours away….”
There is an Ikea close by to me near the Mall of America. I like Ikea, my PC desk and chair I’m sitting on are all from there. I don’t go to the MoA though, except to walk through on my way to Ikea. I can get there by taking the light rail. The one thing that Jesse Ventura did right while in office.
I didn’t know there was an Ikea in the MoA.
I’ve been to the one in Houston…it was kind of a surreal experience, and now I know why they have a cafeteria there. I think we were there, like, thirteen hours.
BTW, while I found More Information That You Require tiringly twee by the end, John Hodgman has a hilarious bit about MoA in it.
Um, that was me.
Speaking of twee, OMFG I CAN FUCKING HAZ?
In a girly-tee version, though?
I only reveal my communism after I’ve had a few drinks…
Using this as the thinnest of justifications to show you all this: Soviet History, Tetrisized.
“I didn’t know there was an Ikea in the MoA.”
It’s not actually *in* the mall of America. It’s next door across the highway. Ikea is mostly cheap crap but you can find inexpensive stuff that’s not quite so crappy. They have a cafeteria but that is also cheap crappy institutional food. If you really miss high school lunch I recommend it.
But for me what I hate is that the light rail station is in the MoA and you have to walk through it to get to Ikea. You know, where Sarah Palin appeared. They’ve probably erected a shrine or statue or something for her for all I know.
Well, I can see the bad tag, but I can’t do shit about it. I had no idea you could break a whole thread like that. Neato. Might have to try it on some , um, more deserving blogs, ifyanowhatimeanandithinkyoudo.
If anyone is around that might be able to edit it, FF view source puts it at line 982 column 54-59.
Oh, and Ikea does have some reasonable kitchen stuff. I’ve been meaning to pop out there and up my supply of small glass bowls, among a few other things. It’s just wrong to go there on a weekend though.
I will never be defeated.
A futile attempt at tag closure. WP eated my other try, but I’m going to give it another go.
Bring it on.
Curiously, WFP feels comfortable editing my tags, but not the one what got this started.
Man, it’s windy in here! Weather from the west, I spoze.
Shit, there goes my hat————->
“I will never be defeated.”
I will overthrow your fascist rule!
If we’re going to fuck this thread up…
Alas. WFP autocloses all but The One Tag To Screw Them All.
ooooh, or not.
I will
slash you all to ribbons!The big question is, can it be undone? I’m-a say no.
It’s a sign of the Apocalypse.
You really want to go there?
fine, be like that.
Surprise, another one.
Let’s see if everything is a link now
Still, I prevail. Don’t fret. When the revolution is over, I will be merciful.
BALLS!Mah balls!
Two balls, one strike?
Testing test of testingness.
I give up. I submit to the glorious rule of BOLD and Italics. God and Goddess of the WP underworld.
Just look at all our beautiful children.
teh wee ones!
I guess that needs context.
or wp needs to go fuck itself.
Now you did it! You have awakened Nyarlathotep!
You have awakened Nyarlathotep!
That was cool.
No sup tag?
Can haz noo thred?
Can. Not.
It was funnier in preview coz there was other stuff in there. I felt emboldened.
maybe this’ll fix it.
Or this?
Mah frill!
Strange, I haven’t seen persistent bold or italics for the last dozen posts. Maybe it’s an Opera thing.
still here in FF
Mah trill!
Mah quill!
Mah still!
Mah pill!
I got plenty of nothing.
Mah spill!
Mah dreel!
Mah sill!
Mah krill!
Mah swill!
Mah Quetzalcoatl!
Mah espadrille!
My Pearl.
Hey, fucking WP:
Ahem! My Pearl.
Mah Chlorophyll!
That WP is quite the masochist. Won’t publish until it’s been abused.
The fact is, you socialests arent fooling anyone, we know you want the state to take over all freedom and give all the money to the blacks.
Better: “Can’t” publish, &c.
Mah twill!
Mah swill!
Mah Jill!
Mah bill!
Mah top kill!
Mah Dr. Phil!
First they came for the boys who cried wolf, and that's pretty much the end of the poem right there.
Uh, what the hell happened here?
Things has got weird, BBBB.
I dunno man. I just don't know
Bold italic lettering is swarming over America’s unclosed tag borders and producing thousands of terrorist socialist font anchor babies.
This thread is an epic….something.
Zombie tags FTW?!?
My words seem to carry greater weight in this thread. I also find myself tilting my head to the right for some reason.
My words seem to carry greater weight in this thread
This has all happened before. It will happen again.
Phase IV, the Armedmonkeyterrorbabyopocolyps!!
This will get your mind off formatting issues. I’m so sorry you had to see that.
The buttons! They do nothing!!!
Mah Brill!
I thank doG and our bold italic overlords that I know nothing of Justin Bieber other than that the FBI is now tracking me as a kiddie pr0n suspect for having clicked that link. FY “Willy” with a ginormous Justin Bieber replicock.
Mah Shrill
So that was Comic Sans on the floor in there. And I guess that was Ariel bold italics in the wood chipper. And those three Bauhaus fonts in Brainerd. And for what? For a little bit of money. There’s more to life than a little money, you know. And here ya are, and it’s a beautiful day. Well. I just don’t understand it.
Ever since June, when Bill Clinton criticized (however obliquely) Obama’s handling of the Gulf oil spill, there has been renewed chatter concerning a Hillary candidacy in 2012. Hillary could take advantage of a weakened president with plummeting approval ratings to achieve her own ambitions — or save her party from the aforementioned weakened president, depending on the viewpoint. Whether this is a plausible theory or not is debatable, but it does bring to mind something else: What kind of presidency would a Hillary victory in 2008 have produced? How much better or worse off would the nation be at this point? The most likely conclusion: We’d probably be exactly where we are right now — just less annoyed, and perhaps less fragmented as a people. [bla bla bla, edited by the management. –S,N!]
Ohhhhh… bad meth, I’ll come back when you’ve all come down
What have you people done? You’ve unleashed the bold italics monster!
—Richard Nixon
Let me interrupt the italacalypse This is a much better $30 T-shirt!
So, this is why we can’t have nice things, huh?
Of course, “this” was supposed to be in italics, but really, why bother.
In for a pound.Mah fill!
Mah whippoorwill!
Mah swill!
/i>I says.<
Gotta say, this is mofoin’ epic right here.
You bastards.
I’d just like to report that I was un-friended by one of my old high school co-graduates (never a friend, really) who posted some stupid “how insensitive to build the GZM” post and I called ’em on it. Might have used the word “bullshit” in there. Made the point that if two blocks is too close, how is five or fifty or five hundred miles any different?
He deleted that post, to which I replied “Ooh, shame on ME” and then, *snif* I was un-friended!
Now for the 76 other teatards I graduated with.
PS: I did send him a nasty personal note after that commending him on his bravery.
This is sparta
Now you kids have gone and done it. When Dad gets home he’s gonna be soooo pissed. I mean, usually he passes out in the living room but… you’ll be in trouble!
mommy? this is bad
Word Press is the Ikea of blogging software.
I swear, WordPress is the WordPress of blogging software.
Holy shit. The apocalypse has arrived. It rides a FAIL horse.
Strike this comment.
Fucking microwaves, how do they work?
Bowl burns poor wittow finguz, food too cold to eat. I need sustenance McGravitas.
Even the shit at the bottom of the page is struck.
Whatever stupid people who don’t live on the West coast or Hawaii or Alaska. Go ahead and sleep. I’m just gonna type me some struckass comments that mean virtually nothing. Just like before only faster and with striking.
This thread was dead when I got here, I swear.
Here’s how all the comments sound now:
This thread deserves to live on unrepaired at this point.
Wow, this is like nine innings of strikeouts. Or even a three game series!
Whale Chowder, I’ve defriended a few people who had turned into howling racists since I’d known them in college. I may have had a few who defriended me over politics, but if they did, they did so quietly. I’m actually surprised my politics haven’t scared off more people I knew in high school.
One guy I knew in high school defriended me because I liked Tom Waits. That was weird.
My Popeil!
One guy I knew in high school defriended me because I liked Tom Waits. That was weird.
I saw some great Tom Waits shows in the late 70’s but he wasn’t for everybody. For one thing he smelled like a dumpster. Really lived the role.
WP has been infected by a Troofbot. Bookmark this, Libs.
If everything has been crossed off the list, then there’s nothing left to do. MAYBE WE’RE DEAD!
Ah. The Italicized Font Workers Local 206 has been emboldened to go on strike. Is there a line we shouldn’t be crossing?
This thread is a font of bold humor that crosses the line.
I am struck by the fact that the slanted humor of the place boldly shines through the worst of calamities.
She said “I like my men bold.”
I said “You want me to play on a sloped field, baby.”
She said “Don’t be cross.”
I said “This is the last time I have a one-nighter with Microsoft font viewer.”
One strikeand you’re out.~
I know there’s another good line in here somewhere….
At least the page loads.
MMfA is broken, and because MMfA won’t load, Atrios won’t load either.
Mah infill!
Mah chills!
Mah frills!
Ahem, Mr. Owens! (IF that is your real name!)
Mah grill!
The fuck is going on here?
This is why we can’t have nice things!
Is this the Mason-Dixon line?
Is this the Wingpocalypse?
This is bizarre. Opera must be suppressing the busted tag ’cause all the text has been behaving like it ought to (mostly normal except for a few strikeouts and the like).
Does cache clearing help?
Cache clearing does not help, and it’s the same on my phone as it is on my computer.
Fucking coding, how does it work?
Mah Coup de Ville!
Curses!! Changing the basefont to Comic Sans, neon, +32 doesn’t work.
Whale Chowder, I’ve defriended a few people who had turned into howling racists since I’d known them in college.
I’ve done the same thing here to at least two people. Interesting thing, facebook; a lot of people who are very meek and soft-spoken in real life turn into howling banshees on there.
Maybe we can get the Blink Tag to work?
Fail. Too bad, that would have awesomized this mess.
The Coup de Ville wuz not Buick, libtard!
Mah dills!
Mah gills!
Mah wheels!
Mah wills!
My new mosque will feather rich Corinthian leather!
I have never felt impotenter.
Mah thrills!
Mah stills!
That would mean you are at your impotentist, Rusty.
WP is on strike, eh?
WP is on strike, eh?
It was a bold move WP wanted to emphasize.
And the Mayan calender strikes again…
Mah Seroquel!
Mah Gwen Ifill!
Yet it is on the highway where Cordoba best answers my demands.
Mah Zill!
How much would you pay for this fine TV dinnner?
Even my keyboard. Even the Acme Plumbing magnet on my refrigerator. Even the lettering on my toothpaste tube.
The fabric of the universe has been struck through.
I’m flossing my tusks with this thread! Mon!
Sadly, No! The finest in Snark!
These are the comments of the Sadlynaut corps.
Their particular obsessions:
To expose each new stupidity…
To shame the morons; and the bigots…
To boldly italicize where no one has struck before!
We came to comment
But we were stricken boldly
And italicized.
So this is the new normal, huh?
Disgruntled Worker brought the italix
at 20:17
justme said boldy,
at 22:32
In for a penny said,
I’m on strike at 7:26
Fiendish friends of the apocalypse,
It's like Jonah pre-emptively taking back every argument he makes.
It’s dead, Jim.
S_McG killed it.
It’s not dead yet! It’s pining for the fjords, where it would be free from itals, bolds and strikes!
Way kewl! Even my nym & e-mail fields are down with a case of strikethrough cooties! Peculiar that my preview is somehow immune.
Put your face right up against the monitor & squint … you can actually see exactly where the lines go into some of the series of tubes … Computer Science III magic all up in this bitch.
Mah trills!
All these horizontal beams lying around – we should build a fort!
We TOLD you you’d regret it if you didn’t give us that smoker’s lounge, but did you listen? Noooooooooo.
You’ve got until midnight to comply before we release the “h6” tag.
Mah Tom Bomabardils!
Mah shills!
Mah Cruella De Villes!
Mah kills!
Mah Ills!
LOL ? ? ?
………. >(‘> >(‘>
………. >()))*>
Not even the NUCULAR OPTION works!
Mah Stills!
Man drill!
So what did I do to break this thing? Forgot to close an italics tag?
Jesus Christ, this thing is like an ’84 Fiero.
Something tells me it’s about time for a new thread.
No, really.
You entered “” to close the tag instead of “”. WP goes bonkers when you do that. I was thinking of filing a bug report but figured, nah, this could be so much fun at other sites!
You entered i / instead of /i.
Mah nils !
Mah pils !
Mah skills !
Mah L’il !
Going for it!
Oh, was that it?
Maybe not?
It doesn’t seem to work with every tag, or maybe just not if you close normally right after it.
Tried for the blink tag. No go.
Oh, Lord.
Thank Bog for small favors, the blink tag isn’t enabled here.
View > Page Source in FF. In IEwev, can’t help ya. No got.
It’s a feature, not a bug.
Still can’t figure out how to unfuck it, though.
Gotta wonder if maybe…
Have you tried the /fuck tag?
A column debunking myths about unjustly stereotyped millionaires. (Has anyone ever bothered to do a column like this about homeless people, or poor people, or working class people? Just curious).
Mah espadrille!
The line that caught my attention was this;
“5. Millionaires All Drive Fancy Cars
You can get that idea of the rich guy in a fancy German car out of your head when you think of a millionaire: They actually drive a Ford, with the carmaker topping the millionaire preferred car list at 9.4 percent.”
And the reason it caught my attention is because of a story I heard from a millionaire’s kid I befriended in college about another millionaire’s kid from the Deep South that she was dating at the time. Apparently, the guy’s family owned a string of BMW dealerships and owned several Beemers, but they also bought a Ford and usually drove around in that so that they “wouldn’t look like elitists.”
I wonder how that factors in. Wouldn’t it be easier for them if they just dropped the act – on racism, on elitism, on everything?
Curiouser and curiouser. A mystery wrapped within an enigma preceded by a boorish copy/paste troll.
A column debunking myths about unjustly stereotyped millionaires. (Has anyone ever bothered to do a column like this about homeless people, or poor people, or working class people? Just curious).
Hey, man, beating up on strawmen isn’t charity.
A column debunking myths about unjustly stereotyped millionaires. (Has anyone ever bothered to do a column like this about homeless people, or poor people, or working class people? Just curious).
Poor rich people. They’ve worked exceptionally hard to drain that wealth out of the middle class in the last 50 years and nobody appreciates their toil.
It’s kind of a combo fuckup. WordPress shouldn’t allow the Tag of Evil in input, and your web browser shouldn’t treat the Tag of Evil the way it does. It doesn’t happen in Opera, The Browser For Sticklers (TM).
In firefox, if you have firequery, you can run (removing spaces around the style tags):
jQuery(” * { text-decoration: none !important; font-weight: normal !important; font-style: normal !important; }”).appendTo(“head”);
There is no unfucking it through inputting stuff because anything that would unfuck it *does* get stripped out by wordpress’ input filter.
Input validation is hard! Let’s go shopping!
AG is right. Everything is perfect in Opera. Fast too.
Looks like a virtual PENIS to me.
Whoops. Nymfail+tagfail+tagfail+tagfail = time to start my pre-Mad Men drinking.
The answer to our questions: http://wonkette.com/417402/anti-gay-marriage-crusaders-must-get-gay-married-to-oppose-gay-marriage#comment-638188
Hey! It is fine in Opera!
Safari is even more fucked, though. It sees the blockquote tagfail that the others don’t.
Chrome too also.
Its the end of the world as we know it,
And I feel fine
Oooh, Chrome gets the <code> tagfail too. I don’t know if it’s better or worse than the bolditalics.
Clearly the answer to this is to casually failbomb as many WfP blogs as possible until people piss and moan enough for them to fucking fix it.
Let’s see. What sort of blog has people that loudly piss and moan over minutiae? Let me think…
And so that we will not feel all alone,
Nother Kiwi must be fined.
Oddly, Chrome doesn’t seem to have noticed the first italics fail at all, but the second one did the trick.
Fucking Juggalos. How do they work?
Why throw shit at Tila Tequila when there are so many chairs left unthrown?
Still? Oy.
Why throw shit at Tila Tequila when there are so many chairs left unthrown?
She is on stage for what reason, exactly?
She is on stage for what reason, exactly?
Easier to hit with stuff.
And now, for the coup de grace!
Scrolling marquee!
Better a scrolling marquee than a trolling marquis.
A fine for a fine, Ricardo
until the whole world is fined
Hurray hurray & calloo callay! Scroll-troll finally has the strikethroughs of LIBERHURRL FASCISM that it’s always dreamed of! Go troll go! Wear the semi-chubby of your martyrdom* with pride!
* (if your martyrdom lasts more than 4 hours, please consult your metaphysician)
Somehow my original italics tag fail has fixed itself? What the fuck?
84 Pontiac Fiero, indeed..
This link = ********E*P*I*C********W*I*N******** !
Today we are all Illinois Juggalos.
Hey … knock it off you jerks
The sheriff also said one man stabbed another, though not fatally.
Sheriff’s Department dispatcher Jimmy Barnard said early Sunday that he had no other details.
Information from: WSIL-TV, http://www.wsiltv.com
Well, if someone is gonna fix this, I’ll list the offending tags.
From FF view source, Line / Column
1502 / 62
1538 / 13
1898 / 11
2299 / 6-15
2335 / 32
2353 / 26
3483 / 31
3502 / 2
3557 / 9
3955 / 20
Or, y’know, a new thread might be nice.
Also, The Malkinthing’s site is wordpress, but I can’t figure out how to sign up.
Sigh, all for naught.
Crikey, go away for a day or two & everything turns to shit, as usual.
Objection…witness is assuming it wasn’t shit when s/he left
Seems like shit & trouble everywhere I go.
Posting in an EPIC Thread. I’ve seen a lotta tag fails before, but this is surely the first tag WIN.
Still borked? Awesome.
Best. Comments. Evah!
Unbold, dammit! Unstrike through, dammit!
My work here is done.
smedley, I wish that computers worked like that. I would have done much better in my web design class last semester…not that I didn’t try yelling…
These comments are good news for John McCain.
Wow, justme has a lot to say!
Are there any more html tags we can abuse?
I’m on STRIKE, myself.
There’s the blink tag….
The tags have revolted! They’ve thrown off the chains of their oppressors and are now rising up against us!
</strike> </bold> </i> </madness>
I blame DK-W’s mom for this. She needs to put out more to keep the tags down.
I’m just gonna test something out. It probably won’t do anything – which I guess is par for my commentary.
You can’t keep a fucked-up tag down.
It probably won’t do anything – which I guess is par for my
The WP problem – could it have been a spell gone wrong?
Oh dear. This is a serious problem if I can’t slam DK-W properly.
BTW – no tag problem here. Youse guys still have it?
Yup. What browser are you running, Peej?
It’s fucked up in Chrome and Firefox.
Isn’t a Wiccan somebody who works for Wikipedia?
I’ve got STRIKE, ITAL, and an indent going on under IE 7
Me, too. Also, bold.
” IE 7″
I just got my morning guffaw.
BOLD stopped at this post
This would be awesomest if it all got translated into Italian too.
Hm, I still have bold. Weird.
bold, ital, strike is my new normal
I just got my morning guffaw.
There’s logic behind this, believe it or not. The thinking at my MIS dept is that by staying one browser behind, we will have fewer virus and worm attacks, since coders hack the latest versions to exploit undiscovered security holes, leaving older ones behind.
There’s logic behind this, believe it or not. The thinking at my MIS dept is that by staying one browser behind, we will have fewer virus and worm attacks, since coders hack the latest versions to exploit undiscovered security holes, leaving older ones behind.
If by “logic,” you mean “utter stupidity,” then I suppose they’re right.
Alternatively, they could JUST USE A DECENT BROWSER.
I disagree with every word T&U just said, but I will defend with my life her right to laugh at your IE7.
The thinking at my MIS dept is that by staying one browser behind, we will have fewer virus and worm attacks,
My employer is on IE6.0 for that reason, though I surf on FF.
Alternatively, they could JUST USE A DECENT BROWSER.
That would require work on their part, because you can actually customize Firefox et al, which means each user would eventually have their own configuration, meaning the MIS folks wouldn’t be able to copy and paste settings or have much control over the innertubes.
The odd thing is, I have FF installed on my system, but when I try to use it, things get all hinky, and I end up slinking back over to IE. It’s almost as if they expect me to concentrate on work…
I disagree with every word T&U just said, but I will defend with my life her right to laugh at your IE7.
Admittedly, using an older version does make perverse sense, but again, why not just use a more secure browser?
That would require work on their part, because you can actually customize Firefox et al, which means each user would eventually have their own configuration, meaning the MIS folks wouldn’t be able to copy and paste settings or have much control over the innertubes.
I see…
Eet’s jes fine iin my Opera! Last night it was fekked up in the very same browser instance – can’t remember if I closed that tab and started fresh this a.m…… .
“There’s logic behind this, believe it or not. The thinking at my MIS dept is that by staying one browser behind, we will have fewer virus and worm attacks, since coders hack the latest versions to exploit undiscovered security holes, leaving older ones behind.”
I think my dad used that logic to keep us from getting a color TV until 1970.
Update: just scrolled through the entire thread and found NO broken tag artifacts. Also just looked in Chrome – TAG FAIL!
Space Opera Droolz!
I blame Albert Einstein. Stupid science and its stupid “relativity”. There should be one standard browser and one set of tags and you dirty fucking hippies should get over your Islamofeminazifascist ways.
“There should be one standard browser and one set of tags”
Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein IE!
Not PENIS. Served at tea parties everywhere!
Bold, italic, strike for this FF using (hmmm, sometimes FF playing) liberal-arts faggot (don’t get too sciencey on me). I wondered why there was no new thread but more than 400 on this one!
I just sent an email to a co-worker, forgetting that she’s on vacation.
She sits 5 feet away from me. Admittedly, there’s a wall between us, but still.
I’m officially tired of this.
Holy crap. Now everything is a blockquote.
“She sits 5 feet away from me. Admittedly, there’s a wall between us, but still.”
’cause we want pictures of hot, sweaty chix covered with gypsum dust.
Safari has all the itals, bold and strikes, along with text in Courier. I’m on a Mac, YMMV.
FF (Mac) has all the stuff but Courier. No blockquote that I see.
What if they abandoned us and it will be like this forever and ever??!!
“What if they abandoned us and it will be like this forever and ever??!!”
Then we live out our lives in a Randian paradise without rules, order, or the use of tags.
“Then we live out our lives in a Randian paradise without rules, order, or the use of tags.”
Going Alt?
“Then we live out our lives in a Randian paradise without rules, order, or the use of tags.”
I don’t like that. Not at all.
It’s fucking FREEZING in here.
/Opera fanboi
“It’s fucking FREEZING in here.”
Are there more pictures forthcoming? Don’t worry, the naughty bits will be struck-through.
“Are there more pictures forthcoming?”
Um, “more”?
I *knew* I shouldn’t have had that 5th tequila shot…
‘Um, “more”? ‘
You know, after the pictures of you wielding a 9-pound hammer.
“You know, after the pictures of you wielding a 9-pound hammer.”
Oh. Somebody had better snap those fast, because I’ll get about four swings in and then want a cocktail.
…you wielding a 9-pound hammer.
Your opinion of Mr. T&U is mighty high, sir.
You know, after the pictures of you wielding a 9-pound hammer.
Just can’t quite the demolition pr0n, can you?
Note: this comment was composed with the first sentence and the first sentence only in italic text. And that’s the way it will look in MY browser. phtphtphpthpthptthpttt
Les deux jours de FUBARthread!
Zut alors! Tabarnacle! Merde!
“Quit.” I meant “quit.”
*blames it on DT’s*
Speaking of which, you know what I need in my life right now? A big dose of breaking shit. Seriously.
The Algonquin Kiddie Table–meanwhile–is appealingly free of italics, Bold and strike. Hint hint. Feel free to start a new thread.
I command thee to cut this shit out!!!!!!
“You know, after the pictures of you wielding a 9-pound hammer.”
You PROMISED those pictures would remain private, T&U!!!!!
Heh. Still all fucked up. How about just posting a new thread and seeing what happens?
How can a fucking airport shuttle be so goddamn complicated, you fucking morons?
God said,
August 16, 2010 at 17:45 (kill)
I command thee to cut this shit out!!!!!!
Look, cut the resurrection crap, just let this one stay dead.
Oh, we’re back! How nice. I was Jonesing pretty badly for some PENIS of the D-KW variety.
Um, that is, ….. I mean ….
It even gives the time you get to the airport! You’ve flown before, moron! How long does it take for you to check in?
“Um, that is, ….. I mean ….”
Oh I think we know what you mean, sir!
“How long does it take for you to check in?”
It’s like rain on your wedding day.
I just hate it when people who are supposed to be smart can’t exercise basic critical thinking skills and make a big deal out of shit that’s not a big deal at all.
I liked that not one thing in that song was actually ironic.
“I liked that not one thing in that song was actually ironic.”
Ironic, don’t you think?
Well, yeah. It actually just sucked.
“Ironic, don’t you think?”
Maybe Alanis Morisette was doing some kind of meta-piece…
Maybe Alanis Morisette was doing some kind of meta-piece…
That’s her story, that the irony is in it not being ironic (altho parts of it could be construed as metaphysical irony, like the death row pardon bit), but a song not about irony is called “Ironic”.
“That’s her story, that the irony is in it not being ironic (altho parts of it could be construed as metaphysical irony, like the death row pardon bit), but a song not about irony is called ‘Ironic’.”
Really? I just thought she was dumb.
I never minded the song; just wish she’d titled it accurately, like “Isn’t It Sucky” or something like that.
“Really? I just thought she was dumb.”
She was nineteen when she wrote the song. By definition, she was dumb.
Altho you have to admit, a guy dying in a plane crash on his first flight after avoiding flying all his life is pretty close to irony.
“She was nineteen when she wrote the song. By definition, she was dumb.”
Excellent point.
So is there somebody’s house we could all go hang out at until this whole thing blows over?
My eyes are starting to bleed a little.
Try here: http://bethspencerdigitalartist.com/forum/index.php
Mah scrill!
YAY! No mo strikethrough!
Our dear bloggingcritters would pick now as the time to get writers’ block.
Oh, we’re back! How nice. I was Jonesing pretty badly for some PENIS of the D-KW variety
I know what you mean. It’s too early for a big meal..
Eeeeeees Fiiiix!!!!!!!
Hoorah! Pip pip!
I shall go ahead and blame all the HTML-shenanigans for the server breaking down (damn you, you crazy kids), but am happy to report that I have fixed your messes!
Thanks, Seb! (I’m assuming).
but am happy to report that I have fixed your messes!
Surrrrrrrrrrre, blame us who have zero access to your server-side software. Next, you’ll tell us we were trying to build a mosque here.
but am happy to report that I have fixed your messes!
*checks pants* No you didn’t!
Thanks Mom.
Pop Tarts?
To sum it up as our German hosting company put it:
So there you have it.
I give it ten minutes before the whole fucker falls apart again.
*checks pants* No you didn’t!
You’re a big boy. Didies are on the top shelf, next to the enemas.
To sum it up as our German hosting company put it:
You entrust your liberal snarkcastic blog to GERMANS?????
Gee…why not have the Brits serve as chefs?
That’s what it said in English. In German, it’s just one word.
I’m gonna fuck you up.
That’s what it said in English. In German, it’s just one word.
I lolded.
I’m gonna fuck you up.
Prosecution rests, your honor.
See, you should have impersonated Jamie Oliver…
I shall go ahead and blame all the HTML-shenanigans for the server breaking down
So my borked italics tag broke servers in Germany?
Didies are on the top shelf, next to the enemas.
Oh, I know where the enemas are.
For my next trick I will need a volunteer from the audience….
For my next trick I will need a volunteer from the audience….
*sits on hands*
*sits on hands*
Next time, your OWN hands!
Y’know, now that it’s all just a fading memory, I sort of wish I’d taken screenshots.
Y’know, now that it’s all just a fading memory, I sort of wish I’d taken screenshots.
Isn’t it ironic, dontcha think?
Next time, your OWN hands!
Don’t even pretend you didn’t like it.
As a rule, I don’t click on any “enema” links.
*sits on hands*
As a rule, I don’t click on any “enema” links.
I think that’s an excellent policy.
Actor’s, apparently. I think he tried to imply that I’m a fatass, too.
Mama didn’t raise no enema-clickin’ fool.
Actor’s, apparently. I think he tried to imply that I’m a fatass, too.
Why, no! I merely have, um, small hands.
o/~ Sit on my hands, and tell me that you love me. I’ll sit on your hands, and tell you I do toooooooo o/~
Get up early for once, & no Sadly, No!, sadly.
Now because I got up so effing early … the mind is deader than usual. Not that anyone else is offering much.
Y’know, now that it’s all just a fading memory, I sort of wish I’d taken screenshots.How’s that?
I’m a fatass
Like a fatwa, only more american.
Why, no! I merely have, um, small hands.
You’re a terrible liar.
How’s that?
Needs more Teletype.
Like a fatwa, only more american.
The process is much tastier, too!
For my next trick I will need a volunteer from the audience….
Please, just go to a bar or somewhere instead – the audience doesn’t even want to know about your perversions much less participate. Besides, isn’t that what groupies are for?
Actor’s, apparently. I think he tried to imply that I’m a fatass, too.
Given that it’s Actor, it’s safer to assume that you sat down before he could slide his lap into the seat, too and he’s just cranky.
I merely have, um, small hands.
Small feet too, I surmise.
Small feet too, I surmise.
Eleven triple E. Why did you want to know?
You know what they say about about a man with big feet…..
Big feet. Big shoes.
Eleven triple E. Why did you want to know?
His groupies were asking…
Oh, I know where the enemas are. They’re hanging from the curtain rod in Frank’s shower.
Phooey, I preferred the thread before it was “fixed”.
Phooey, I preferred the thread before it was “fixed”.
Remember to always spay or neuter your threads.
Now our demented overlords know that they can coast for days without content. “Just let them play with broken tags for a while.” It was a fun thread though.
Now our demented overlords know that they can coast for days without content.
Like they didn’t know this before? Hell, we’re practically a living organism, feeding on the decay of moldly thread.
Now our demented overlords know that they can coast for days without content. “Just let them play with broken tags for a while.” It was a fun thread though.
I hope everybody has their tetanus shots current.
Hell, we’re practically a living organism, feeding on the decay of moldly thread.
I’m allergic to mold!
(Except on cheese. At least, I pretend.)
Now our demented overlords know that they can coast for days without content. “Just let them play with broken tags for a while.” It was a fun thread though.
This is similar to how I treat my cat. When it’s time for a new cat toy I just look to see what broken shit I have lying around that he can’t kill himself with.
Well, easily kill himself with, at least.
Too bad they don’t have a video of someone jiggling keys; we’d be entertained foe hours.
Too bad they don’t have a video of someone jiggling keys; we’d be entertained foe hours.
Ooooh! Shiny…
Is that a laser pointer?
Is that a laser pointer?
Is that a laser pointer?
No, I’m just happy to see you.
August 14, 2010: NEVAR FORGET.