But What About the Good News?

Uh, wow. (My emphasis):

Gunmen wearing camouflage uniforms abducted about 50 people, including the head of Iraq’s national Olympic committee, while they were holding a meeting in Baghdad on Saturday, police sources said.

Details of the mass abduction were sketchy, but police said the incident took place at a major conference center in central Baghdad. Some mass kidnappings reported by police have later turned out to be arrests made by other security departments.

Wow. Now that’s what I call dysfunction. I promise to never bitch about my own government again, no matter how many more tunnels cave in.


Comments: 24


The good news is that the Bridegroom cometh. Am I the only one who feels guilty about my giddy joy at the approach of the Rapture?

I feel bad for you negative nellies, so I must pray for you. La la-la.


Nope, I’m giddy with joy as well. Cocktails will be easier to obtain and the “sex is sin” contingent will be long gone. Color me “Glenn contemplating being a Cyborg and blasting into outer space (in his long, firm cylindrical rocket)” inappropriately excited to live in that world.

And Brad, you might want to get your bitching ready since it was our goverment that created the dysfunctional nightmare over there. Now that’s what I call Intelligent Design. (And could you fix the tunnel problem before I move to Boston. Thanks.)


Whatever, as long as i get your car



I drive through that tunnel in Washington State they mention.



Sandals, I’ve driven through that tunnel a hundred times, too. Yikes.

My all-time fav Rapture-Cheerer was the one who pretended to “woo-woo!” as in the Arsenio show.


The good news?

You can now get Day by Day on your cellular phone.

Sadly, Pattycake’s attention span is too short to read the press release and so he will never be able to subscribe. But you lot still can!


Man, I thought we just had to worry about the Alaskan Way Viaduct.

And, Brad, javaphil is right. Our government created their dysfunctional government. This doesn’t mean we should stop bitching about our government; it means the Iraqis should start.


When I lived in Southie, I used the tunnel that collapsed all the time. Given what a clusterfuck the tunnel project turned out to be, something bad was inevitable…


Are they still using that argument about building schools? If so, might it be appropriate to ask them just how many of these freshly-painted schools are in operation, and teaching, say half the student population how to do math?


I’ve heard the argument made that they chose to use a 13 ton piece of concrete, rather than an expanded aluminum mesh panel, as a cost consideration. Not sure if that’s true… but it’s definitely truthy.

And three cheers for Governor Romney, for stepping up to stand directly in front of this unfolding train wreck. And three more for our state legislature, for instantly passing the legislation to give him that authority.

Nothing happens that fast in this state, so you know this will be fun to watch.


Riverbend’s been writing about people being “disappeared” for months now. So finally American media are paying attention.


Some mass kidnappings reported by police have later turned out to be arrests made by other security departments.

Clearly it’s time to tear down the “wall of separation” that is keeping these departments from sharing Homeland Security information.


Riverbend’s been writing about people being “disappeared� for months now.

John “Nigga” Negroponte is in da hizzouse now, bitchez!


Yes. Everyone – If you don’t read Riverbend when she posts and Juan Cole every damn day you are not getting the truth. The western press is not willing to tell the truth about what’s really happening in Iraq. Fortunately, we have access to these wonderful sources.

What’s that you say? They have a what? An agenda? Oh, yeah they do. River’s agenda is to stay alive. Keep her loved ones alive. And try to live her life. Frankly, I’m quite surprised she hasn’t left the country yet. She’s young, talented and an educated professional. Those are the people who are streaming out of Iraq in droves, and the theocrats are pushing them just as hard to leave.

Juan Cole, the noted middle-eastern scholar and historian, has run afoul of the “if-you’re-not-with-us-you’re-a-lefty-terrorist” crowd in the last couple years. What was his crime, you ask? Oh, he told the truth. That’s all. See, he was originally for the use of some kind of international military operation to topple the saddam hussein regime. But now that George “Psycho Cowboy” Bush and Dick “Just Shoot ‘Em” Cheney have fucked it up so badly, Cole has no option but to continue to tell the truth about who the players are, what they are doing, what’s happening and what’s likely to happen. And since he speaks most, if not all of the arab and middle eastern languages, he frequently understands the nuances of what was said much better than the rest of the press, whose typical ham-handed attempts at translation usually turn out to be grosss mis interpretations.

Some days it is positively surreal to hear the American Republican Politicians saying “things are going well” and the famous “we’re makin’ progress on the ground” and the sad refrain “the press doesn’t report the GOOD news”, then read a post by River and the daily litany of horror from Juan Cole and your head just explodes. I bet you’re all tired of hearing me say it, and of course it is not directed at readers of Sadly, No, you’re all obviously informed and thoughtful, but the only way this american administration can get away with baldfaced lying, day in and day out, is that the vast majority of americans aren’t paying enough attention to what’s REALLY going on to notice the obvious lies and distortions. The way things are today, it takes time and effort to search for genuine information and not some player’s spin, and to think about it in the context of history and motivations, and try to understand what’s real and what’s marketing. And watching american idol and 24 is just so much easier.

It is obscene, what we have done in Iraq. What the Russians have done in Chechnya. What the Israelis are doing in Lebanon. And yet, ask most americans on the street and they’ll say “Well, you know, its sad, but we just GOTTA kill them nasty terrorists”. The crimes are staggering, the criminal complicity of the press and the governments involved is mind-boggling, and the outcome, if history teaches us anyting about imperial over-reach and attempts at hegemonous domination, will not be good – for anyone…



If you haven’t read this:
you should. Read everything else he has, too. He has to be one of the best bloggers I’ve ever seen.


Fucking epoxy, man. It never worked for me, either. I sat there squeezing out two equal little snakes of the part A shit and the part B shit, and lovingly blend and commingle them, and use the result to glue some dipshit knob on a tv or whatever, and it falls the fuck off.

Bitter? You tell me.


You want GOOD NEWS, I have f****** GOOD NEWS, no I have f****** GREAT NEWS. I have GREAT NEWS raised to the power of infinity. Pamela is going to sort out Hamas and Hezbollah. The Superwoman suit has finally destroyed the last neuron in her brain.


I’m going to guess it either involves carpet-nukings or the phrase “get over it”. Brilliant.


Some Guy–

You know your Pamela:

“In the case of Hezbollah, it might mean carpet bombing a section of south Beirut, another equally proportionate response to Hezbollah’s attacks on civilian Jewish and Israeli targets in Buenos Aires in the early 1990s.”


You know your Pamela:

“In the case of Hezbollah, it might mean carpet bombing a section of south Beirut, another equally proportionate response to Hezbollah’s attacks on civilian Jewish and Israeli targets in Buenos Aires in the early 1990s.�

Then let the carpet-muching begin and I for one appl- …what?


A few observations:

1) There is more than one tunnel at “the western end of I-90” in WA. Hell, there are at least three in the last ten miles.

2) WA, being slightly less mobbed-up than Bostonia, is slightly less likely to have the epoxy in its construction projects replaced with grey Play-Dough™, and:

3) What the fuck is up with one out of every three people on the interweb living in the greater Seattle metropolitan area? I swear, if this trend keeps up, I’m moving back to Jamaica Plain.


“And watching american idol and 24 is just so much easier.”

Especially if you just finished your 12 hour factory job and as soon as 24 is over you have to figure out how you’re going to afford to fic the car AND buy groceries this month.

Sorry, “Lazy apathetic Americans” are one of my pet peeves. Not that we don’t have quite a few, but it always slightly perplexes me that leftist rhetoric is so thouroughly addressed to the upper middle class, even as that demographic continues to shrink.

My pet theory is that a signifigant portion of American apathy towards foreign matters is the result of people being confronted by so many unavoidable crises on the home-front that they simply can’t bring themselves to voluntarily bring more giant gordian knot-ish situations into their lives.

I dunno, I could be wrong, but I’ve spent so much time amongst the lower working classes I get tired of them being implicitly ignored in so much of the rhetoric.

Sorry that was so incoherent; I shouldn’t be up this late but I spilled a bunch of chocolate milk on my last clean sheets.


Especially if you just finished your 12 hour factory job and as soon as 24 is over you have to figure out how you’re going to afford to fic the car AND buy groceries this month.

And indeed wonder if said factory job (desk job, programming job, everything but CEO job) will even be around tomorrow.

In the spirit of SN, perhaps we can fix the internets starting with this quote in particular:
“And watching american idol and 24 is just so much easier.�

*here be magic that fixes internets*

“And using human tragedy to secure cheap stock options is just so much easier.


but it always slightly perplexes me that leftist rhetoric is so thouroughly addressed to the upper middle class, even as that demographic continues to shrink.

I went back and looked at what I wrote. Sorry, I don’t see where this interpretation comes from, but I’ll clarify. In no way are any of my statements about the lack of interest and intellectual curisoity seen in most americans directed at any specific group or ‘class’. Indeed, I know CEOs of good size companies that do not have any interest in politics beyond business regulation and tax policy. A good friend of mine is a very successful hi-tech salesman, makes well over two hundred grand – he sent me an email last year asking me the difference between “right wing” and left wing”.

The process that has created the sefl-obsessed, inward looking, thoughtless, instant gratification american has crossed all strata, and affected people in every income and education level. Hell, there are probably similar trends in other nations too.

But when you have a situation like the one we have, where a group of men to whom the guarantees of freedom and liberty run counter to their objectives, and that group of men seizes control of the nation and begins to roll back those very guarantees, start wars of aggression and put in place economic policies that radically increase the gap between the rich and everyone else, then it becomes more important than ever to pay attention, to read everything, to understand what they are doing and what might be done about it.

It’s now a marketing – driven world. I’m not saying that government and media are in active collusion, but there is at least a working symbiosis between the purveyors of opinion and entertainment and those in government that would lie to you while turning america into a kind of one – party police state.

The information is available. To everyone. And in droves, americans avoid putting in the effort to acquire it. Do they have an excuse – always. But when the day comes when they wonder what happened to their lives and their freedoms, they may have some vague understanding that there was an opportunity to do the work, stand up against the thugs, and they didn’t do it…



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