Advantage: Right-Wing Lunatics
You are now one evidentiary hairsbreadth from being literal terrorists.
NEW YORK, July 14 (Reuters) – The New York Times (NYT.N: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Friday it had received in its mailroom an envelope containing white powder, raising fears of a possible recurrence of anthrax-tainted letters sent to newsrooms and other offices in late 2001.
“At about 12:30 p.m. (1630 GMT) this afternoon … an employee opened an envelope that contained a white powdery substance. The envelope was handwritten and addressed to the New York Times, not to any individual. The postmark was from Philadelphia with no return address,” said Times spokeswoman Catherine Mathis.
Emergency vehicles and an ambulance were parked outside the newspaper’s offices on 43rd Street to investigate the incident. The New York Police Department confirmed it was investigating the incident.
Conservatives have criticized the Times recent weeks for writing about the Bush administration’s covert efforts to stamp out terrorism financing.
This week protesters rallied outside the newspaper to object to its decision to publish details about terrorism financing and secret government programs to monitor phone conversations of U.S. citizens.
Starting one week after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001, there was a series of anthrax attacks in the United States.
We’d say that we eagerly await condemnation of this act from the shit-stirrers and eggers-on of the right wing’s online commentariat, but it’s gone far beyond that now.
The story goes too far in trying to link Conservatives to this incident.
It’s a smearjob by the leftist mefia.
Not now, Gary. This is a little bit beyond the usual, if I may put it lightly.
I wonder if we will see wingers writing things like, “Too bad it was a hoax.” or “They were asking for it.”
My money’s on it being laundry detergent or something. Nutjobs do enjoy their symbolism.
Although, if it is anthrax, and I think we all hope it’s not, wouldn’t this pretty much prove that some right-wing nuts were behind the original scares? Which would add “Right Wing Domestic Terrorists” to Bush’s “To Do” list, yeah?
Which, frankly, sounds like a much better plan then “Invade Iraq”.
That will teach them to stop doing architectural puff pieces regarding, and approved by, right wing figures!
This isn’t the first time it’s happened, by the way.
I have a friend who works at The Times and he used to sit across form Mrs. WMD herself. One day, during the initial anthrax attacks, Miller opened an envelope and white powder poured out as my friend sat there frozen with shock. Some of the staffers were already on Cipro as a precaution, he said, but they all had to get checked out anyway. It was found to be fake.
This was about a week or so after the NY Post got their package, if I remember right. Before Miller did most of her damage as a reporter.
Chilling all around.
This is only the next logical step of the right wing’s culture of hate. I expect this sort of thing to increase between now and November. Alternet has PNAC folks speculating about “Bush deciding” that he must resolve Iran before elections can be allowed.
i bet the times prolly mailed it to themselves to smear patriots.
I worked for a government agency when this stuff went down the first time. It was not cool having guys in space suits walking around testing stuff. Especially when they didn’t say anything beyond ‘Nobody move, stay at your desks over the PA system.’
Uh, tomwashere, it was postmarked from philly. Besides, for all we know that shit is nothing but cornflour. I reckon it was some random neo-nazi nutter or islamic terrorist (probs the former) because no shit-slinging conservo-facist would risk making the new york times into a matry at this stage
So what if the NY Times is getting death threats and suspicious packages? Have you forgotten that Michael Moore is fat?
from out here in left field it looks like they are trouncing their best propagandist.
it was the New York Times that regurgitated the Bushite war lies, bringing the TV news in, and ruining their own reputation, (which was phenomenal up until that point.)
then, The New York Times became the excuse for imprisoning reporters, specifically the reporter that did much of the propaganda work.
now they are becoming the excuse to remove freedom of the press.
of course, as always, we could boycott. stop taking NYT feeds and re-blogging them, for one thing… even maybe stop buying that thick bit of trees they truck as truth…
Well, b. roffmann, your statement presumes that wingers use “logic” and “reasoning,” and we know that’s not true. They will hate The Times as a symbol until time immemorial; they’ve been told that the liberal media are traitors, and dadgummit, they’re not changing their minds now! No matter what neocon fantasies The Times has published!
Question for the class: do you think the wingers honestly believe this stuff, or are they just trying to discredit the entire media and score political points? Stupid or lying?
Maybe it was rat poison, and accidentally got delivered there instead of to the Supreme Court offices.
It’s worth noting that Atlas Juggs has just today disclosed her plans to leave the country.
I believe we have our prime suspect, no?
Stupid or lying?
False Dichotomy Alert!® Cleary, Right Bloggerreich is both.
uh-oh, husband (ben in va, for the rest of you); looks like MCH hoisted you on your own petard: logical fallacies! 🙂
Question for the class: do you think the wingers honestly believe this stuff, or are they just trying to discredit the entire media and score political points? Stupid or lying?
It’s complex. Rightwingers are incredibly angry but don’t realise what’s angering them (unhappiness due to personal failings or unresolved personal issues, or just alienated by modern life) That’s exploited by others for political gain.
I’ve presided over the re-habilitation of at least ten rightwingers in my time. In every case, that was the explanation.
Yeah, they’re also not high up on the intelligence scale, but that’s not a sin. Half the population is below the average IQ, after all.
It’s worth noting that Atlas Juggs has just today disclosed her plans to leave the country.
Off to Isreal, is she? She probably won’t get farther than partying her face off in the night clubs of Tel Aviv. Expect some vlogs with a very hungover-looking Atlas in the near-future.
Question for the class: do you think the wingers honestly believe this stuff, or are they just trying to discredit the entire media and score political points? Stupid or lying?
For some reason, these people, the same thirty-odd (and I DO mean odd) percent of the American population, have embraced authoritarian rule over the liberal democracy that has served us so well for two hundred years. Activist judges “Legislating from the Bench”? A Free Press? Some constitutional constraints on the power of the government? Fourth Ammendment? First? Nope, we don’t want it, it only hurts us, and hey, if you’re not doing something wrong you have nothing to worry about anyway.
It could be fear. 9/11 changed everything, and terrorists are trying to kill us. But I ain’t buying it. It’s something more than that, something bigger. Obviously, authoritarian dictatorships have more to recomend them than just keeping the rulers in power indefinately. Stability. The trains run on time. But I can’t understand why people would want to go down this path. And I’m pretty sure that most of these wingnuts haven’t thought it all the way through. Some of these actions sound right to them. Suppress the press, they’re helping the enemy! Give the government the power to protect us! Stop criticizing our leadership in time of war! Maybe they just haven’t figured out that when you put all these things together, you get Red China or the Soviet Union.
I dunno, I don’t understand it. Maybe America’s grand experiment in free market liberal capitalist democracy has run it’s course. Maybe we need to be happy and proud of what we accomplished, and shake our heads with bittersweet sadness as it all melts away. Because, if history is any judge, authoritarian rule is by far the most common approach.
Judging by the actions and writings of these nutjobs, the end won’t be peaceful either. The violent, eliminationist rhetoric just keeps getting more aggressive, more angry, and more common. Hell, at this rate, outright racism is going to “cool” in a few years. Hate is the new rave. If your solution to any problem does not include force of arms, you are a terrorist appeaser, and a traitor. Ugly, stupid, thoughtless. Welcome to the new Amerika. Lock and Load…
Gavin – your definition of “terrorist” is off. If we didn’t learn anything else from the past week, we clearly learned that terrorism only applies to people who are not Bush supporters.
Hey, I never said they were mutually exclusive! 😉
I agree that it’s complicated. I think it’s a sort of willful ignorance, like they don’t want to wake up from a pleasant dream, one filled with blissful certainty, heroic deeds performed by manly men, and no dissent at home.
Uh, tomwashere, it was postmarked from philly.
Damn that Brett Myers. This is no way to battle the Mets.
Expect some vlogs with a very hungover-looking Atlas in the near-future.
And that’s a different look than usual for Atlas in what way?
It could be fear. 9/11 changed everything, and terrorists are trying to kill us. But I ain’t buying it. It’s something more than that, something bigger.
There is sort of a “sports team” effect happening here. Right and wrong don’t matter to these people– the only thing that matters is winning. And it’s not just about winning, it’s about shoving it in the faces of the damn elitist libruls. I think there are a lot of wingnuts who don’t even care about policy that much, they just need to feel superior. Imagine if Clinton had tried to instigate a warantless wiretapping program– the squeals from the Rightâ„¢ would have been deafening. But just as Yankee fans have no problem rooting for Johnny Damon, the ReThugs have no problem with massive government intrusion. As long as it’s wearing Republican pinstripes, Big Government is all good. That’s how you get strange contradictions like this:
Waco and Ruby Ridge = evil totalitarian government!
NSA Wiretapping = no problemo!
The Right Wingâ„¢ in America circa 2006 is like a runaway freight train. The combination of Diebold, the Rethugs’ control of major media and the massive advantages of incumbency and money… Well, let’s just say that’s gonna be a tough nut to crack. I fear that One Party Rule may already be here. A few more electoral wins, and a few more states where the Thugs gerrymander the fuck outta the districts, and it’s game over. And the sick thing is that they like it that way. They would rather destroy democracy than share it with anybody else. They are anti-American to their rotten cores.
It was only a matter of time before something like this happened. Hopefully the powder isn’t real Anthrax.
Damn, MCH. I was already having a bad day, full of “paranoid delusions” about Republican involvement in this whole mess and the neocon drive to maintain power at all costs. I really didn’t need to see a trial balloon floated about “postponed/suspended” elections.
Reality strikes again. Fuck fuck fuck!
I don’t understand the wingnut mindset, so please help. Which is considered funnier – wishing the NYT building was blown up, making threats about sending anthrax, sending fake anthrax, or sending real anthrax?
I truly don’t know.
Sadly, NO!
Advantage: THIS GUY!!!
I wonder if we will see wingers writing things like, “Too bad it was a hoax.� or “They were asking for it.�
Oh, I don’t wonder that at all. I just wonder which one says it first. My money’s on Malkin, but the bad doggie is a good bet, too.
Meanwhile, we have some news on this Friday night.
Uproar Leads Democrats to Pull Flag-Draped Casket Ad
ROCK HILL, S.C. — Democrats pulled an Internet ad that showed flag-draped coffins Friday after Republicans and at least two Democrats demanded it be taken down on grounds the image was insensitive and not fit for a political commercial.
The ad by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee called for a “new direction” and displayed a staccato of images, including war scenes, pollution and breached levees as well as a photograph of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay doctored to look like a police mug shot.
The campaign committee replaced the ad with a radio commercial that targets Rep. John Hostetler, R-Ind., for opposing an increase in the minimum wage. Democrats have made a minimum wage increase a central theme of this year’s election.
It’s nice to see that the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee realized that America overwhelmingly opposed these ads.
But just because they pulled an ad doesn’t change the factr that they are politicizing the deaths of American soldiers in order to beg for money from wealthy San Francisco Liberal Democrats.
The fact is that this will help the GOP because the leftist fanatics will object to such reasonable actions and they will withhold their support of the Democrat Party.
As well, this instances of this show that the Democrat Party refuses to stand up for what it believes in.
They refuse to fully stand up for their pro gay marriage stance, they refuse to fully stand up for their abortion on demand stance, they refuse to fully stand up as being against the War on Terror.
We know they are for gay marriage, abortion on demand, and they are against the War on Terror, but they refuse to admit it.
Let’s face it, if you give the Democrat Party power, they’re going to cave in to terrorist threats and divert our attention from neutralizing anti-American terror.
Oh wait, they already did that in the mid-90s with Osama bin Laden, remember how that worked out?
“politicizing the deaths of American soldiers”
In what universe is the death of soldiers in war not political?
“divert our attention from neutralizing anti-American terror.”
I have an idea how to divert our attention from neutralizing anti-American terror. Let’s start a war in a middle eastern country that has no weapons of mass destruction and is not harboring Osama bin Laden and totally destabilize it. Oh, wait, then we’d be the party of no new ideas. Scratch.
It’s nice to see that the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee realized that America overwhelmingly opposed these ads.
A few Congressmen whine to score political points of their own and that means America overwhelmingly opposes the ads?
The Bushes have done such a nice job making sure Americans haven’t seen any flag-draped caskets since the war started, I’m surprised anyone knew what they were in the first place.
You wingnut asshole.
The fact of the matter is that caskets weren’t shown during World War II or Korea. But now the liberals want to show those caskets, because they want to give the enemy propaganda in order to weaken our resolve to win the war on terror.
Oh wait, they already did that in the mid-90s with Osama bin Laden, remember how that worked out?
The Republicans wasted years trying to impeach the President while al-Qaeda attacked genuine military targets, and then 9-10 months after the Republicans had gained power in every layer of the American government and mass media, while doing absolutely nothing but cutting Democratic social programs to fund tax cuts for the wealthy, al-Qaeda managed to attack U.S. soil.
Gary, you know better than anyone else that ratfucking and negative campaign ads work great. I only hope the Democrats hone their ratfucking tactics all the more. We learned from the best, Gar. You know who I’m talking about. His name rhymes with Snarl Snove.
You must be pretty concerned about the midterm elections. The congressional poll numbers don’t look too good for you jackals. This could be the year where we finally halt your systematic destruction of America. But then again, you guys will probably just scream “GAAAH! FAAAAAGS!” again and win another squeaker.
Let’s face it, if you give the Democrat Party power, they’re going to cave in to terrorist threats and divert our attention from neutralizing anti-American terror.
Oh wait, they already did that in the mid-90s with Osama bin Laden, remember how that worked out?
August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Brief: “bin Laden determined to attack in United States”
Bush’s reaction: (crickets)
We know they are for gay marriage, abortion on demand, and they are against the War on Terror, but they refuse to admit it.
Jeez. These idiots can’t even insult us effectively anymore. What has happened to the party of Rove? They’ve lost that “bulldog” quality and are left with fat little white kids like gary ruppert touting their lies. Gary, you poor stupid fuck. History is leaving you behind and you won’t even look at the world. Lemme try to help you.
We are for Gay Marriage. It’s only fair. See, we’re “for” the constitution. Gay people are Americans, they are entitled to all the rights and responsibilities that accrue from that. Your disgusting hatred notwithstanding. You are anti-american.
We are for Abortion on Demand. Or something damn close to it. Because we accept that human beings are, well, human, and sometimes they make mistakes. And maybe the moral thing to do is NOT make them pay for one mistake for the rest of their lives, you fascist bastard!!
Now comes the part you need to explain. I am an American. I am every bit at risk (or not) from terrorist acts as you. Why would you say I am against the war on terror? See, I understand war. Terrorists are small-unit irregulars. You fight them with small-unit irregulars. SEAL teams. Delta. HRT. Maybe every now and then you need a few companies of Rangers to take and hold an airfield somewhere for a few hours while you execute an op. Here’s what you don’t need, asshat. You don’t need tanks, humm Vs, APCs, air, artillery or thousands of troops. You fight armies with that shit. You do NOT fight terrorists like this. Here in the “democrat party” we understand that. You fucks need to get your head out of your ass and think about how you fight these guys. And how you don’t. And y’know, we could use some allies in the arab world. Fellating Israel’s bloodlust isn’t going to help…
The Republicans wasted years trying to impeach the President while al-Qaeda attacked genuine military targets
No, Clinton was committing crimes. And the push to go after Bin Laden came from the GOP. But Clinton refused to accept an offer to get Bin Laden in the Sudan, and he refused to dedicate the resources to get the job done
then 9-10 months after the Republicans had gained power in every layer of the American government and mass media
The Republicans also control the plate in your head, you idiot.
The fact is that the media is not on our side here.
while doing absolutely nothing but cutting Democratic social programs
Social spending is at it’s highest amount ever.
to fund tax cuts for the wealthy
Which is it..
a) Republicans cut spending to fund tax cuts
b) Republicans make deficitis
Oh yeah, those tax cuts have increased revenue!
Gary, you know better than anyone else that ratfucking and negative campaign ads work great.
Not if they’re your only tool.
Republicans won by telling the truth about Democrats and setting out a new agenda.
The Democrats have no positive messege. They have no new ideas.
You must be pretty concerned about the midterm elections. The congressional poll numbers don’t look too good for you jackals.
Democrats always lead in the generic poll numbers. Due to oversampling of Democrat congressional districts.
This could be the year where we finally halt your systematic destruction of America.
Attitudes like that are why Democrats are close to their ultimate doom.
You all consider the GOP and all Republicans to be evil. And that will not win enough votes to win elections.
August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Brief: “bin Laden determined to attack in United States� Bush’s reaction: (crickets)
The PDB didn’t display any new news. Clinton-era redtape did cause 9/11 though.
Terrorists are small-unit irregulars. You fight them with small-unit irregulars. SEAL teams. Delta. HRT. Maybe every now and then you need a few companies of Rangers to take and hold an airfield somewhere for a few hours while you execute an op. Here’s what you don’t need, asshat. You don’t need tanks, humm Vs, APCs, air, artillery or thousands of troops. You fight armies with that shit. You do NOT fight terrorists like this.
Bush’s response to the events of 9/11 has followed bin Laden’s script to the tee. His presidency is bin Laden’s wet dream. Really, what were bin Laden’s goals? To stir up hatred of America across the Muslim world, to recruit more jihadis, to damage America’s prestige and to lure America into a battle on Muslim soil. Mission accomplished, indeed.
“Gay people are Americans, they are entitled to all the rights and responsibilities that accrue from that.”
What part of the constitution authorizes gay marriage?
“We are for Abortion on Demand. Or something damn close to it. Because we accept that human beings are, well, human, and sometimes they make mistakes. And maybe the moral thing to do is NOT make them pay for one mistake for the rest of their lives”
Shouldn’t we abolish jails too if we want to stop people from facing the consequences of their so-called mistakes?
The fact is that when you consent to sex, you consent to the possibility of being impregnated. If you don’t want a kid, do not have sex.
The fact is that Abortion is also prohibited under the constitution.
The Constitution says in the 5th Amendment that “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”
Since there is no due process for children who are in the womb, their murder violates the constitution.
“I am an American. I am every bit at risk (or not) from terrorist acts as you. Why would you say I am against the war on terror?”
Because you refuse to support the measures needed to win the War on Terror.
“See, I understand war. Terrorists are small-unit irregulars. You fight them with small-unit irregulars. SEAL teams. Delta. HRT.”
And that is being done right now, but with other effective tactics.
“Here’s what you don’t need, asshat. You don’t need tanks, humm Vs, APCs, air, artillery or thousands of troops.”
Such things are not the main weapons of the War on Terror in Iraq.
“You do NOT fight terrorists like this. Here in the “democrat partyâ€? we understand that.”
Actually Mikey, you mishead the Democrat Party policy on terrorists, they said “We do not fight terrorists”, you must have made up the “like this” part.
we could use some allies in the arab world. Fellating Israel’s bloodlust isn’t going to help
So we should appease terrorist states by making Israel bend over to terrorists like Hamas and Hizb-allah?
The fact is that the media is not on our side here.
For starters, you guys have the highest rated news network and the dominant force in radio (Clear Channel) in your back pocket. That’s without even mentioning your army of mini-McCarthys on talk radio and on television.
Gary’s predictable response: “That’s because conservative programming gets higher ratings.”
So which is it, fool? Is the media liberal, or is the media conservative because conservatives get such kickass ratings?
What part of the constitution authorizes gay marriage?
The Declaration of Independence says it quite eloquently:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
You must just HATE that part of the Declaration of Independence.
The Republicans also control the plate in your head, you idiot.
The fact is that the media is not on our side here.>
Hmm. Too expressive. Fake Ruppert alert?
Sorry I broke the internet there.
Holy shit! I got insulted by a Gary Ruppert!
I could *die* now!
As a liberal, I think abortion on demand is not enough. They should just sneak up and do it to you without you asking, and then force you to marry a gay terrorist.
You can get abortion on demand in a lot of hotel rooms. Oh, wait, my bad, that’s Ten On Demand.
But Clinton refused to accept an offer to get Bin Laden in the Sudan, and he refused to dedicate the resources to get the job done
You mean assassinate.
Make a martyr of bin Ladin directly at the hands of the American government. Now admittedly, considering the CIA could never get the job done with Castro for nearly 40 years, this isn’t that much a threat,, but it’s still a threat.
Basically, what you’re saying is Clinton should’ve just authorized the murder of someone whose death would’ve meant more to the forces against the U.S. than him being alive.
Why do you hate America, Gary Ruppert?
Why do you guys let the dumbass Ruppert troll throw you off topic every time? Just ignore him. He’s a self parody.
So who here thinks the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc. will spare no expense hunting down these rookie terrorists? Will Malkin, Powerline, et al will cooperate and turn over their access logs and other private information to the government so they can search for potential suspects?
sohei: Well, it’s obviously a leftist psycho moonbat posing as a rightist to throw the scent off. In fact, how are we even sure the NYT didn’t send the letter to themselves?
I think that the Powerline/Malkin/LGF should shout and shout hard for further tapping of NYT phone lines and Sadly, No! should prove its loyalty to the Fatherland by turning over all poster identities to the authorities, beginning with Gary Ruppert.
For starters, you guys have the highest rated news network
Fox News is right of center.
But CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and ABC are all liberal. Along with the New York Times, the LA Times, USA Today, the Washington Post, the Chicago Sun-Times, and so many other papers.
the dominant force in radio (Clear Channel) in your back pocket.
What has ClearChannel ever did to help the GOP when it comes to their business?
The Declaration of Independence says it quite eloquently
#1: The Declaration of Independence is not law. It’s a good basis for law, but it is not law.
#2: Now is equality really served by creating a new kind of marriage for homosexuals?
Basically, what you’re saying is Clinton should’ve just authorized the murder of someone whose death would’ve meant more to the forces against the U.S. than him being alive.
The world is safer without Bin Laden than it is with Bin Laden.
I don’t care what those people do, because they’ll always try to take advantage of a situation.
Patkin: S,N should start right now, as I am currently in secret talks with YouTube in order to increase my stockpile of WMDs. I laugh in the face of your U.N. resolutions. I’m a dangerous, dangerous man.
Yeah, this obviously not the real Ruppert. He’s creating new talking points based off what we say. Which one of you right-wing blowhards is stealing poor Gary’s name? He has kids to feed with his Netvocate money!
When it comes to fighting Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hizb’allah, Syria, and Iran, the left is clueless about what it takes to get the job done.
They want to appease a pack of wolves, but that will only result in more deaths.
The situation with Hizb’allah abducting Israelis was actually preceded by a situation where Hizb’allah kidnapped Israelis, and they agreed to a prisoner exchange where the Israelis gave up 480 prisoners to get two prisoners.
Surprise, Surprise.. when Hizb’allah didn’t get what they wanted, they’ve tried it again.
That’s what happens when you appease terrorists.
Why do you guys let the dumbass Ruppert troll throw you off topic every time? Just ignore him. He’s a self parody.
I’ll only respond to Garybot’s regurgitated talking points if there’s nothing else going on. He never shows a shred of humanity or wit– he’s a talking point machine. I’d much rather bag on Ka,ye Gr!ogan or Marie, Patron Saint of the Unnecessary Apostrophe. “Talking” with Gary is kind of like Level 1 of Space Invaders– not challenging at all and only very mildly entertaining.
can i turn off the italics? or will that throw future comments out of whack??
It was corn starch at the Times. Which is good. But the threat is clear.
“Talking� with Gary is kind of like Level 1 of Space Invaders– not challenging at all and only very mildly entertaining.
And only one tactic: “Speed up, drop down, and reverse direction!”
Time for another installment of “fun with ellipses”.
What part of the constitution authorizes … marriage?
good question
“That’s what happens when you appease terrorists.”
I agree, the villains who sent corn starch through the mail to intimidate our free press, a Constitutional guarantee, should be punished with no less than a trip to an interrogation room. They obviously care so little for the law to flaunt it so, chances are that a quick and thorough investigation of their activities will expose a number of plots to overthrow our democratic institutions.
And anyone who has given vocal or material support to these traitors in our midst should be exposed to withering scorn. Hannity, Coulter, Goldstein, the fools at Freeperland.,.. all need to make deep and public apologies for their actions in providing support for this scum. Anything less taints, either as dupes, or co-conspirators.
And THAT’S how you deal with terrorists, right?
“The fact of the matter is that caskets weren’t shown during World War II or Korea”
the fact is that pictures weren’t printed in color during World War II or Korea. the fact is that there was no TV during World War II or Korea.
So obviously, the Democrats demanding that caskets be shown in color and on TV is poltical grandstanding.
“The fact is that when you consent to sex, you consent to the possibility of being impregnated. ”
Ah, would that it were so for all who consent to sex, Gary. Yes, I’m talking about you.
“No, Clinton was committing crimes.”
And what crimes would those be? Name one.
Somebody slipped Gary something into his evening Ovaltine. He’s rather verbose. And spelling “Hizb’allah”…er…interestingly.
Hehehe. So hey, Gary, now that the CIA taskforce assigned to hunt doen Bin Laden has been disbanded, you still stand by your beliefs that Bush is the right man to fight terrorism?
I mean, it’s been almost five years, they haven’t caught the guy, and now that taskforce is broken up.
What sort of message does that send to Al Qaeda? Or to our troops?
Why does the CIA hate America?
Seriously, I’m interested in your answer.
And what crimes would those be? Name one.
Perjury and Obstruction of Justice.
Somebody slipped Gary something into his evening Ovaltine. He’s rather verbose. And spelling “Hizb’allah�…er…interestingly.
Hizb’allah translates to “Party of God” in Arabic, and that is the name of the group that is causing the trouble in Lebanon.
“Ah, would that it were so for all who consent to sex, Gary. Yes, I’m talking about you.”
Something tells me no one has ever consented to sex with Gary.
“So hey, Gary, now that the CIA taskforce assigned to hunt doen Bin Laden has been disbanded, you still stand by your beliefs that Bush is the right man to fight terrorism?”
It’s late Friday night, so it’s probably too late for Gary to get the Official Wingnut Talking Pointâ„¢ on that one.
I believe those crimes are what we would call entrapment, bunky boy.
“Perjury and Obstruction of Justice.”
Funny, I thought Clinton was acquitted of those charges. Another thing I seem to remember is that the vast majority of America thought the impeachment trial was utter bullshit. Hmm, let’s check Wikipedia:
“Opinion polls throughout the trial illustrated that the public opposed impeaching the president by margins of 65–70%, and may have contributed to the subsequent loss of seats suffered by the Republican party in the United States House of Representatives and the Senate.”
From some angles, that Chacarron guy looks a bit like Colin Powell.
Oh for gawd’s sake, guyz ‘n galz, stop feeding the troll. Gary’s getting to be the size of a *house*! And, much to my surprise, he *still* isn’t saying anything lucid or interesting after all these months. Frankly, I don’t think the little bastard has it in him.
Well, there was that incident involving Gary’s right (naturally!) hand, but that was clearly a case of date rape.
For those who haven’t read the entire thread and need a synopsis:
Shorter Gary Ruppert: …
Gary: When it comes to fighting Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hizb’allah, Syria, and Iran, the left is clueless about what it takes to get the job done.
Hahaha. Oh, shit, I think I’m going to die laughing. Let’s count it off, shall we? In the last five and a half years:
— Al-Quada has tripled it’s number of operatives. It’s cells have carried out successful attacks in England, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Turkey. It’s affiliate group in Iraq is contibuting to the complete collapse of that country. Muslims hate us.
— Hamas and Hizbollah have both made stunning election gains, in the former case actually winning majority control. Israel has recently gone to all-out war against it’s neighbor to the north, killing score of innocent people, in response to two soldier-nappings. Fears are rising that a regional escalation is eminent.
— Iran is standing up against the exact same rhetoric the American Warmongers used against Iraq — and we couldn’t ask for a better situation to duplicate, could we? Also, such rhetoric has empowered the hardliners and weakened the position of moderates in Iran, so even if there isn’t another disastorous war, we’ll still be faced with many more years of a hostile government in control of Tehran and influencing events in Iraq. Woo, good call, neo-cons!
— Obviously, if the acquisitions made by the warmongers that Iran and Syria are responsible for the current trouble in the holy land are true, which is possible but unlikely, then Bush and Co. really aren’t doing a bang up job dealing with them, now, are they?
So, if you simply look at the last few years, it’s hard to argue that conservatives are all that well equiped to “get the job done” themselves, isn’t it? In fact, the evidence that they are completely incompetent, disgustingly greedy and indefensibly stupid is stacked pretty damn high.
Oh, I forgot to mention that “serious” terrorist incidents increased by 5,000% in the last three years, killing nearly 15,000 people in 2005 compared to 625 two years prior. Man, you conservatives really know how to “get the job done”!!!
Cause, Svlad, clicking your Ruby Slippers of Macho Posturing and saying to yourself, “There’s no place like Homeland Security” three times is far better then actually doing anything.
How’s that?
“#2: Now is equality really served by creating a new kind of marriage for homosexuals?”
Well, a while ago i remember conservatives saying things like “Now is equality really served by creating a new kind of marriage for niggers to marry our daughters?”
JK47 said, ” the ReThugs have no problem with massive government intrusion. As long as it’s wearing Republican pinstripes, Big Government is all good. That’s how you get strange contradictions like this:”
I honestly believe that people think that America/Americans are just instrinsically different. They think drawing comparisons to some pretty nasty historical precedents for this kind of government behavior are ridiculous — for heaven’s sake, we’re not Germans! Or Italians! Or Russians! Even if we are! They think — I don’t know why, but they do — that It Can’t Happen Here. I’m talking about the rank and file, not the powerful, of course; the powerful are above the consequences. So far.
They think drawing comparisons to some pretty nasty historical precedents for this kind of government behavior are ridiculous
Sheldon Wolin has an interesting essay.
I dunno. I have a stubborn strain of It Can’t Happen Here which has nothing to do with us being Americans and more to do with us, you know, having seen what happens when It Does Happen Anywhere.
It’s not enough to overwhelm my certainty that we’re all gonna die stupidly and soon, though.
Behold the clumsy and transparent propaganda technique.
Half of Limbaugh’s (O’Reilly’s, Coulter’s, etc.) entire schtick is to first mistate, misrepresent or simply lie about a liberal position, or reality in general, followed by a contradictory “The fact of the matter is…,” which then introduces an absurd opinion, or an outright lie.
Ruppert, just on this thread:
…the fact that they are politicizing the deaths of American soldiers
The fact is that this will help the GOP…
The fact of the matter is that caskets weren’t shown…
The fact is that the media is not on our side here….
The fact is that when you consent to sex…
The fact is that Abortion is also prohibited…
[…] The Poor Man Institute: Welcome to Wingnut Nation […]
The fact is when a woman consents to sex, she consents to having something live in her body for nine months and leave through her delicate parts.
The fact is the anything the Democrats do is political, while anything the Republicans do is patrotic.
The fact is that marriage is based on who has the penis and who has the vagina. If two men or two women marry, who is going to go into the kitchen to fetch the beer and sandwiches for the other one?
The fact is that Bush has magical powers, you just have to clap louder.
I don’t mind responding to Gary, even though he’s a mindless drone, because it helps me clarify my response to other, more thougtful fascist thugs. But it is true that it’s frustrating, because gary lacks the intellectual wherewithal to actually have a reasoned debate. Example:
What part of the constitution authorizes gay marriage?
The constitution does not “authorize”. That’s not it’s role. The constitution spells out the inherent rights, responsibilities and expectations the country has for it’s citizens, and that the citizens may expect from their country. It says that people may expect to be secure in their home and posessions, that no one can deprive them of the right to bear arms, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Y’know, I’ve read the constitution a lot, and I don’t remember it mentioning the rules for marriage. But it does seem to indicate that all citizens may expect to be treated equally under the law.
Shouldn’t we abolish jails too if we want to stop people from facing the consequences of their so-called mistakes?
Another classic gary-wingnut tactic. You conflate the consequences of commiting a criminal act with the consequences of sex. Hmm, kind of interesting – maybe they have sex and crime all tangled up in their brain. But, whatever, it’s a specious argument, and it’s lousy debate. Again, the moral thing is to allow our citizens to live their lives the way they want to, now that science has advanced to make the option available to women. Not to try to force your antiquated ideology on them, in spite of the ruin it will cause.
The fact is that Abortion is also prohibited under the constitution.
Now that’s just stupid. Abortion is in no way discussed in the Constitutioin. Gary, you can read it for free on line, give it a shot.
The Constitution says in the 5th Amendment that “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law�
Wow, interesting take on the 5th amendment. You are truly a groundbreaking constitutional scholar, gary. Hmm, I wonder why nobody thought to break that one out during the Roe v Wade case. OH! I KNOW!! It doesn’t fucking apply!! Oh yeah!
Gary, you are not only an idiot, but a lying idiot. I hope you have the balls to say some of this shit to a vet someday, right out to his face. Especially the part where he’s glad american soldiers are dying and the part where he’s pro-terrorist. Yer gonna wake up LUMPY!!!
Gary would nevah, evah be brave enough to say any of his weak bullshit to an ordinary person face-to-face, let alone a veteran. Not gonna happen. If someone were to post his personal information on a lefty blog, he’d shit himself so hard his ass would blow off and attain escape velocity.
I think they upgraded the software on GaryBot (TM). I’ve never seen the Ruppster quote other people’s posts or really even respond to anyone’s posts directly, usually he just deposits one of his delightful little shit bombs on a thread and revisits it a while later after masturbating to the latest Adam Yoshida column.
Being new here I’m not used to the Gary. Although I’ve seen his kind before.
So lets go through the sequence of events:
Gary says (in a rationalization for the 6 year investigation of Clinton)
“No, Clinton was committing crimes.�
and He was challenged: “And what crimes would those be? Name one”
To which Gary responded “Perjury and Obstruction of Justice.”
Gary. Here’s a concept for you. Time.
It flows in one direction. Now. These crimes you reference, the ones you say validate the 6 years of investigation of the Clinton White-house occurred on March 15, 1998.
Now here’s the thing there Gary. You get to explain how you can say the previous 4 years of constant investigation by the republicans of Clinton was justified because “Clinton was committing crimes” when even the crime you say Clinton committed didn’t take place until 1998.
Go ahead – I’ll pop some popcorn.
we eagerly await condemnation of this act from the shit-stirrers and eggers-on of the right wing’s online commentariat
Yeah right – just like they condemned the 2001 anthrax attacks that Cheney ordered.
Gary, can’t bring yourself to condemn a criminal act huh?
Why do you all keep arguing with the fake troll?