K-Lo: Shortered And Fixed

ABOVE: K-Loaded

Shorter K-Lo, America’s Shittiest Website™
Re: Cesar’s Phone Booth

  • Who let the beaner in here???

K-Lo, America’s Shittiest Website™
Re: Cesar’s Phone Booth FIXED

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 317

Pupienus Maximus

As a pro-immigration conservative (yes, I know, we could fit in a phone booth),

Sadly, No!

Pupienus Maximus

Oh, that wasn’t her. Meh.


SO tempted to get out of the boat. So tempted.


Mark Krikorian, the author of “The New Case Against Immigration, Both Legal and Illegal”? Toooootally not anti-immigration.


Never get out of the boat on an ASW post. No comments means no fever swamp to give the mangoes that tangy flavor.


I’m disturbed by thinking about the situations at ASW that involve K-Lo and staff playing “games.”


You’ve got it all wrong, tigris. He’s a leading light of the conservative intellectual movement. That means he can’t be a racist.

I see why they don’t allow comments. They’re scared some of the ones that they get would be used against them.


Also, I don’t quite get it. Why is K-Lo bringing Krikorian into the debate? Even if the picture were a screenshot (I assumed it’s a photoshop), there’s nothing relating her post to Cesar’s except the title.


Oh, I’m a dumbass. There is no need to get out of the boat.


Yeah, the comments there would make Yahoo look sane.


Kathryn Jean Lopez? Has anyone seen her papers? Someone contact that Arizona sheriff. I think we may have an illegal stealing a wingnut welfare job from a real American.


Kathryn Jean Lopez? Has anyone seen her papers?

In K-Lo’s case, “Lopez” simply means that she breaks open at the waist to dispense candy, rather than at the neck.


Has anyone seen her papers?

She took them in to Cesar’s phonebooth and “hid” them.

Now Jonah gets to play liberal fascist and strip search her.


Now Jonah gets to play liberal fascist and strip search her.


Pupienus Maximus

“The only way to change KLo’s behavior is to get her fixed,” whispered Cesar.


I just want to talk about this jacket for a second…it’s, like, Members Only officewear or something. Seriously. What is going on with it?


In K-Lo’s case, “Lopez” simply means that she breaks open at the waist to dispense candy, rather than at the neck.

Well said.


He’s a leading light of the conservative intellectual movement. That means he can’t be a racist.

I don’t know if he’s a racist or not, and I suppose in theory it’s possible to be against immigration and not be a racist, but somebody who’s against even legal immigration is anti-immigration by definition, so KLo is still wrong wrong wrong.


I just want to talk about this jacket for a second…it’s, like, Members Only officewear or something. Seriously. What is going on with it?

Nuh uh. First we discuss what’s in her hand. Is that the jawbone of a small animal garnished with an orange slice?

Pupienus Maximus

That means he can’t be a racist.

You racist!

Pupienus Maximus

Nuh uh. First we discuss what’s in her hand. Is that the jawbone of a small animal garnished with an orange slice?

Uh oh. Looks like a Negroni to me.


Uh oh. Looks like a Negroni to me.

Aren’t Negronis served in old fashioned glasses? I’ll bet it’s some gnarly “martini.”


I’m disturbed by thinking about the situations at ASW that involve K-Lo and staff playing “games.”

Ticklefight! Woot!


I suppose in theory it’s possible to be against immigration and not be a racist

Which of course is why the right was totally unconcerned with immigration until most immigrants were of a dusky hue. Not much of a peep out of them over illegal immigration in the 1980s when most illegals were from Ireland and Poland.


If they did allow comments, someone might point out to K-Lo that if she traveled through Arizona, she would need to carry her birth certificate (the vault copy) to prove her citizenship. At that point, K-Lo’s worldview would crumble. Ipso facto, no comments allowed at ASW.


Uh oh. Looks like a Negroni to me.

If she’s drinking a Negroni, I’m Sarah Palin. I’m betting Flirtini.

Katherine Jean Lopez's vagina

I stink. Like, bad.


Yuck on *so many* levels.


K-Lo: Shortered¹ And Fixed²

¹ Is that possible?

² I don’t think she was in any danger of breeding, but…

Rusty Shackleford

Whatever the drink is, you can tell by her expression that it is putting her into the party mood.

Pupienus Maximus

Aren’t Negronis served in old fashioned glasses?

Not in my house, dear. Simply everything is better in a ‘tini glass.

Long before I had even heard of the Negroni I once invented* a drink of Campari and gin. Called it a “spayed gerbil.” I suspect this fact was brought to mind by the ‘KLo fixed’ meme.

*By ‘invent’ I mean that’s all that was left in the house.


Whatever the drink is, you can tell by her expression that it is putting her into the party mood.

Oh, yeah. She’s about to jump on a table and take her top off any second…


² I don’t think she was in any danger of breeding, but…

I’m telling you, those games of Border Guard vs. Illegal Anchor Baby Momma can get pretty steamy.


“Lopez” simply means that she breaks open at the waist to dispense candy, rather than at the neck.

Oh man, I just ate lunch!


Not in my house, dear. Simply everything is better in a ‘tini glass

Even whiskey?

I actually prefer drinking out of old fashioned glasses (or highballs, I love highballs) most of the time. I’d like to say it’s an aesthetic thing, but it’s really just because I’m clumsy.

Baron von Hosenschlange

a urine martini, maybe. Seriously, my #1 rule for cocktails is that it doesn’t look like I’m drinking piss.

#2 is that it be at least 4/5 spirits. Because Fuck You, that’s why..


a urine martini, maybe. Seriously, my #1 rule for cocktails is that it doesn’t look like I’m drinking piss.

My number 1 rule is that it can’t be blue.


Also, gross.

Baron von Hosenschlange

What if it’s served in a goldfish bowl, or a whole pineapple? Those negate the blue rule, methinks.

Baron von Hosenschlange

you know, sans goldfish.


From Cesar’s post:

“It could also hurt the GOP’s prospects in the upcoming mid-term election by diverting attention from the Democrats’ record of over-spending, over-taxing, and exploding the national debt”

Amnesia really is their strongest weapon.


The great thing about martini glasses is that you can train cats to drink form them. One paw on the base to keep it from moving, and a cat’s face is pretty close to conical and fits perfectly in the glass.


What if it’s served in a goldfish bowl, or a whole pineapple? Those negate the blue rule, methinks.

Maaaaaaaaaaybeeee. Still, I feel like I’m drinking Windex.

Baron von Hosenschlange

isn’t pretending it’s Windex tthe fun part? Or is that just me?

Rusty Shackleford

There’s a blue gin that’s pretty tasty. Does look like Windex though. But unlike Windex, it FUUUUCKS YOU UUUUUUUP


The great thing about martini glasses is that you can train cats to drink form them. One paw on the base to keep it from moving, and a cat’s face is pretty close to conical and fits perfectly in the glass.

That’s a terrible idea. However, cats and cocktails? Genius!


There was this one time when a really confusing game of Nanny State vs the Individual started up but Cesar kept over taxing and over spending and Lopez kept complaining that she wasn’t getting the services she had paid for and maybe she needed to spend some time alone working on self-rule.


There’s a blue gin that’s pretty tasty. Does look like Windex though. But unlike Windex, it FUUUUCKS YOU UUUUUUUP

Mmm, yes. Magellan. I’m a liar. I totally drink blue stuff. BUT it isn’t that terrifying, electric blue that you see in blue curacao.

Marion in Savannah

She’s about to jump on a table and take her top off any second…

EEEEWWWWWW…. My lunch is now making a concerted effort to escape. I’m off to find the brain bleach.


My number 1 rule is that it can’t be blue.

That rules out any number of wonderful tropical drinks that involve blue Curacao.

So much for whisking you away to Hawaii…


Also, the blue color in Magellan is natural, whereas I’m pretty sure the blue in most other blue liquors is not.

Baron von Hosenschlange

There’s a blue gin that’s pretty tasty. Does look like Windex though. But unlike Windex, it FUUUUCKS YOU UUUUUUUP

Magellan? Gooood stuff. I drank a fifth of it in about a week at the begining of the summer.

Baron von Hosenschlange


Baron von Hosenschlange

ALSO. sorry, T&U


However, cats and cocktails? Genius!

I had a cat once that spilled a near-empty bottle of red wine. I knew this because there were little red pawprints all over my nice beige carpet.

And a drunk cat sleeping it off in what passed for an alleyway in that apartment (yes, the small NARROW hallway to the bathroom where you have to step over the cat who wakes up just enough to think your foot is a bird and bat at it)


That’s a terrible idea.

The mouser who used to live in the cellar of Jimmy Armstrong’s saloon (named Barmop) loved it.

Rusty Shackleford

My number 1 rule is that it can’t be blue.

If your number 1 is blue see your urologist immediately.


My number one rule for drinking is MORE!


“My number 1 rule is that it can’t be blue.

If your number 1 is blue see your urologist immediately.”

Or your OBGYN.


The mouser who used to live in the cellar of Jimmy Armstrong’s saloon (named Barmop) loved it.

Barmop!!! Aaaah, so cute!

There was a bar kitty at this really terrible dive bar that we used to hang out at that was, like, this weird horror theme. But not really. Anyway, his name was Bones and I was always worried that he would get lung cancer and/or go deaf. But he escaped one night and animal control picked him up and put him to sleep before the owner could get him out of the hoosegow. 🙁


And a drunk cat sleeping it off

I’m surprised the cat drank enough of it to get drunk…I’d think it would taste terrible to them.


I’d think it would taste terrible to them.

You’re overthinking. Think “cleaning paws”


There’s a reason they’re America’s Shittiest Website. I mean, that page has like a zillion links on it, but the subject — which starts with re: and refers to a different article — is a permalink to the same page. Thanks to Sadly, No! for doing K-Lo’s job and providing the context.

Ah, I see, most of those links are ads. At least they’re not for acai berries or solar “panals”.


You’re overthinking. Think “cleaning paws”

Oh, yeah. That makes sense.


‘I’d think it would taste terrible to them.

You’re overthinking. Think “cleaning paws”’

Ah, yes. These are creatures who use their tongues as toilet paper.

Pupienus Maximus

I had a cat once…

ENOUGH with the fucking furry tales already. Eeeww.


Ah, yes. These are creatures who use their tongues as toilet paper.

Who are you calling creatures, asshole?


ENOUGH with the fucking furry tales already.

OK, I had a bear once.

Happy now? It’s not a pussy.


Wow, actor. I didn’t know you swung that way.


Or is she just annoyed because Cesar Conda is flaunting his ability to fit in a phone booth? Perhaps he always writes this sort of thing, like “Tobacco companies are being treated unfairly, like certain people who have to buy two seats when they fly Southwest” and “Open Source software is as bad an idea as an all-you-can-eat restaurant, where I heard one of our writers went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant.”


Wow, actor. I didn’t know you swung that way.

Look. It was ONCE, OK? Stop judging me!


Look. It was ONCE, OK? Stop judging me!

It’s like the saying, “Once you go bear, you can’t ever compare.”


“Once you go bear, you can’t ever compare.”

yea, but once you go cat, that’s that!


Oh, yeah. She’s about to jump on a table and take her top off any second…

There’s a blue gin that’s pretty tasty. Does look like Windex though.

Well, if there’s a danger K-Lo’s gonna take off her clothes, I suggest that she be served a cocktail containing Windex.

Because (wait for it) windex prevents streaking.


Look. It was ONCE, OK?

You fuck a bear ONE TIME…


Because (wait for it) windex prevents streaking.



Because (wait for it) windex prevents streaking.



You fuck a bear ONE TIME…


Rusty Shackleford

You fuck a bear ONE TIME…

At most.


Fucking bears, how do they work?


Sounds familiar, right? “The blacker the bear, the sweeter the juice.”


yea, but once you go cat, that’s that!

Aaaaand…”If you ever go K-Lo, for God’s sake don’t say so.”


Once you go Jonah, nobody will bone ya.


“The blacker the bear, the sweeter the juice.”

Grizzlies are whores.


And polar bears are frigid.



And polar bears are frigid.


Now that was just cold, man.


Now that was just cold, man.

It was rather white of me, however.


Koala bears go down under.

THAT man from Nantucket

‘Aaaaand…”If you ever go K-Lo, for God’s sake don’t say so.”’

Not even I would go there.


Panda bears do it sideways

Rusty Shackleford

OT: Edroso uses the word “ungawa” in a post, so this

Lurking Canadian

But unlike Windex, it FUUUUCKS YOU UUUUUUUP

I’m reasonably certain 1 that drinking Windex would also fuck you up. For the short time before the seizures start, I mean.

[1] No, I haven’t tried it, Judgey!

Lurking Canadian

However, I know for sure that posting about Windex will make your tags fail. Fucking superscript, how does it work?





So can we finally kill the idea that the Republicans care about the deficit?


I have to admit I find these pieces of folk wisdom puzzling, however they were they were common sayings in small town WI.
once you go Aardvark, you’ll never be a card shark.

once you go owl, you’ll never prowl.

once you go squid, you’ll never skid.

once you go maple, you’ll never grape-L.

once you go fruitbat you’ll never hoot that.


Somebody please take the keyboard away (gently, gently!) from 77south.

That Kiwi beer has fucked with your mind, man.


So can we finally kill the idea that the Republicans care about the deficit?

Oh they care. But only they can increase it indefinitely. Because, they’re “responsible”.


once you go maple, you’ll never grape-L.

I lolded. I am such a dork.


The bill’s revenue offsets include $9 billion from removing a foreign tax credit loophole, $8 billion from spending cuts, $2 billion from tweaking Medicaid drug reimbursement formulas, and, controversially, more than $11 billion from cutting food stamp funding in 2014

Lemme see…hurts poor people, hurts old people, cuts entitlements…oh, wait! Hurts really wealthy people for one-third of the cost of the package!


How many really wealthy people would that be?


once you go maple, you’ll never grape-L.

I lolded. I am such a dork.

it was weak I know, I thought of ‘staple’ after I hit submit.


the cost of the package!

Oldie but goodie.

100% SFW.


… she breaks open at the waist to dispense candy …

I will never eat candy again because I’ll be thinking about where it might have come from.


it was weak I know, I thought of ‘staple’ after I hit submit.

Nah, it was awesome.


“We didn’t cut wasteful spending to do something good,” Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)

Um — what?


“We didn’t cut wasteful spending to do something good,” Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)


Pupienus Maximus

I’m jes popping up some popcorn here, waiting for Judge Walker to ‘splode some haids.


once you go maple, you’ll never grape-L.

Made me think: Once you go apple, you’ll never try another fruit to grapple.


I will never eat candy again because I’ll be thinking about where it might have come from.

Coulda been worse. At least he didn’t say “she breaks open bends over at the waist to dispense candy, rather than at the neck.”

Wish me luck, last time I posted this I broke Sadly, No!

Rusty Shackleford

Once you go Galt, you’ll never go salt or produce for the parasites


“We didn’t cut wasteful spending to do something good,” Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)

When do you ever do anything with the intention of doing something good, assface?


Wish me luck, last time I posted this I broke Sadly, No!

I think the database is rebelling against that picture of K Lo.


Once you go melon, you’ll end up a felon.

Rusty Shackleford

Once you go gurt you’ll never fro gurt


Once you go cheese platter pasta, you’ll end up puking behind the hostas.


Once you go Coburn, you let everything burn.



Chowder read Cormac.

Rusty Shackleford

T&U: vote

Pupienus Maximus

Once you go goat you’re probably Mickey Kaus.


How many really wealthy people would that be?

All three.


T&U: vote


Also, that fucking stupid-ass fucking dumb shithead anti-healthcare reform initiative passed. Motherfucker.


that fucking stupid-ass fucking dumb shithead anti-healthcare reform initiative passed.

The definition of “voting against one’s own interests”.


Once you go mango, you’ve got a sexy-salsa horizontal tango. With cilantro.


“We didn’t cut wasteful spending to do something good,” Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)

Um — what?

I am all for encouraging secession movements. I know many of you live in states that might consider such actions and would not want to be left to your own devices* in the Freedumb States of Amerka. But seriously. I am tired of semi-retarded, stump-ignorant elected officials from the former Confederacy not only failing to help move things in this country forward but aggressively trying to drag all of us back into the 1850s.

Secede. Do it. GO.

All of you here who would not be happy with such an arrangement can stay at my house until you get your feet underneath you.

*We in Socialest America will supply you with the needed batteries.


Can someone add “But I’m voting against it” to this photo for me, plz?


The definition of “voting against one’s own interests”.

The definition of “conservative voter.”


All of you here who would not be happy with such an arrangement can stay at my house until you get your feet underneath you.

Last time that offer was made to me, I had to service a whole boat…

Um, I mean, SHE had to. She.


Secede. Do it. GO.

I am also in favor of this.

But it’s not going to happen.

If you’re ever wondering why, look at a map of how federal money is taken and redistributed in this country, particularly as concerns blue states vs red states.


Looch, I’m with you, even though I’m a Southener. I’m so fucking tired of Dumfuckistaners flapping their gums. I’d sure miss Charleston, SC and the northwest portion o’ Arkansas, though.

BTW, does Texas count as the South? I know everybody would miss Austin.


If you’re ever wondering why, look at a map of how federal money is taken and redistributed in this country, particularly as concerns blue states vs red states.





I’d sure miss Charleston, SC and the northwest portion o’ Arkansas, though.

Well, it’s not like we’d embargo them, and you can get a passport.


“Well, it’s not like we’d embargo them, and you can get a passport.”

As long as you have the vault copy of your birth certificate.


As long as you have the vault copy of your birth certificate.

Or a photo of you straddling a vault horse naked.


OK, but I’m not sure why the horse has to be naked.


BTW, does Texas count as the South? I know everybody would miss Austin.

Mebbe we could build corridor to N.O. and declare those part of the North.


Yeah, I’ve read fuckthesouth. I love Annotated Rant – couple more essays like this, but that was the best.


“BTW, does Texas count as the South? I know everybody would miss Austin”

We here in Austin would have to form our own republic, i.e. The Separatist Socialist Republic of Austin.


“OK, but I’m not sure why the horse has to be naked”

For accessibility?


With a vague (but not deeply held) serious tone, I would think such an arrangement would require largely open borders. Tourism, bidness, junk from Wal-Mart’s national distribution center would all require facile movement between the two nations. That much wouldn’t change. But we in the North could have progressive taxation, funded schools with textbooks reflecting this motherfucking century and ghey marriage and affordable healthcare and mebbe sparkleponies for everyone.


OK, but I’m not sure why the horse has to be naked.

It’s a horse of a different tailor.


mebbe sparkleponies

Maybe? I’m not sold yet.


This doesn’t appeal to me simply because it means the country would be very oddly-shaped. Unless we created three countries.


This doesn’t appeal to me simply because it means the country would be very oddly-shaped.

It would make Al Franken’s job that much easier to sketch it, tho.


Wal-Mart can keep their motherfucking junk. Also, I’m against disaster tourism; I think it’s unethical.

Build a motherfucking wall; let’s see how many of them start trying to get over it.

Apologies to all the progressives who would be left out in the cold; we’d need to work out a comprehensive immigration reform program for youse. The good part is, we’d actually stand a chance of passing it.


Build a motherfucking wall; let’s see how many of them start trying to get over it.


Pupienus Maximus

We here in Austin would have to form our own republic, i.e. The Separatist Socialist Republic of Austin.

Doesn’t that already exist? I’m pretty we voted that in when I lived there 30 years ago.


Key West would have to reform the Conch Republic, but I don’t see that as a real problem for them.

Pupienus Maximus

How ’bout a sparkle unicorn?


Last serious comment on this (actually, more of a question):

What could we accomplish as a nation if we didn’t have to negotiate and deal with filibusters and no votes from JesusLand?



Get off yer ass and move to PDX.

Also, I was thinking of you and those like you when I was talking immigration reform.


Once you go Sadly, you’ll make puns gladly.


I come not to praise Cesar but to bury him … huh? What? Wait until he’s dead?


Also, I’ll just leave this here.


What could we accomplish as a nation if we didn’t have to negotiate and deal with filibusters and no votes from JesusLand?

More than we do and less than we hope.


Get off yer ass and move to PDX.

Yeeeah, plans have changed a little on that front. But hopefully I’ll be in civilization within the next year or so.


Also, I was thinking of you and those like you when I was talking immigration reform.

Would you have to pass some sort of liberal citizenship test? Commies.


PDX need truculent meat!


More than we do and less than we hope.



Would you have to pass some sort of liberal citizenship test? Commies.

Not necessarily, but you’d have to see my etchings.


What could we accomplish as a nation if we didn’t have to negotiate and deal with filibusters and no votes from JesusLand?

Given that we’d still be dealing with Senators Nelson, LIEberman and anybody from Indiana, I’m guessing it still wouldn’t be a pushover.


Way off topic, but I had to say this: I am looking through stock photos of big cats right now. They are so magnificent they kind of take my breath away.


Given that we’d still be dealing with Senators Nelson, LIEberman and anybody from Indiana, I’m guessing it still wouldn’t be a pushover.

They’d lose a lot of political cover, tho. They’d probably modify their stances like a ninja on a teeter board.


Not necessarily, but you’d have to see my etchings.

I thought that was a given.

anybody from Indiana

Can’t they go off with the south, too?


Not necessarily, but you’d have to see my etchings.

I’m out.


If your number 1 is blue see your urologist immediately.

Fun with methylene blue!
Blueberry muffins are a good vehicle for administering it.


Given that we’d still be dealing with Senators Nelson, LIEberman and anybody from Indiana, I’m guessing it still wouldn’t be a pushover.

True dat. But they would be largely the worst of them (unlike now). And much more in the minority. I think Joe would follow the political winds where they blew, as it were. But his leverage (in concert with senators from the south) is greatly diminished.
No, it would not be easy as pie. Lots of entrenched interests (Banksters, anyone?) to overcome. But maybe, just maybe, the Rest of Us could gouge a little Justice and Fair Play out of the system.

And Sparkleponies. Guaranteed.


I want a miniature one with a horn made of candy. And wings. And it has to be pink.


Not that this is a stock shot, and not that it really even shows you a big cat up close but….

The Coolest Picture You Will See Today


And Sparkleponies. Guaranteed.

I’m not a big fan of ponies. Could I have a Sparkleleopard?


Can’t they go off with the south, too?

Not until my son graduates from Major Midwestern University.


I want a miniature one with a horn made of candy. And wings. And it has to be pink.




Not until my son graduates from Major Midwestern University.

Oh, I see how it is.


Eh, I’ve never supported getting rid of the South. Practical concerns aside (and there are many), it’s always struck me as the sort of IGMFY, tribalist attitude that I’d like to avoid. I think the idea of what would happen to minorities in the South once it was self-governing should be enough to scare any liberal off the idea.


I want a miniature one with a horn made of candy. And wings. And it has to be pink.

Paging Dr. Freud!


Not until my son graduates from Major Midwestern University.

Nepotism will be banned in our new liberal republic.

Unless you bribe me.


I’m not a big fan of ponies. Could I have a Sparkleleopard?

*Deep breath*

OK. A Sparkleleopard it is.

Anyone elsssse?


Not until my son graduates from Major Midwestern University.

Oh, is that the one with Large Carnivorous Animal as their mascot? I like them to win the conference this year.


Eh, I’ve never supported getting rid of the South. Practical concerns aside (and there are many), it’s always struck me as the sort of IGMFY, tribalist attitude that I’d like to avoid. I think the idea of what would happen to minorities in the South once it was self-governing should be enough to scare any liberal off the idea.

That’s why we didn’t let them go the first time, I suppose.


What could we accomplish as a nation if we didn’t have to negotiate and deal with filibusters and no votes from JesusLand?
we would post to sadly no on sunshine powered computers while our hyperintelligent well-educated children silently sailed overhead in low earth orbit on windmill powered space stations. We will finally win the war on superfluous saxophone solos in otherwise good pop tunes. We will alphabetize every M&M on earth. We would travel coast to coast on electric trains no smaller than HO scale. We would compose arias in six languages while playing european football with our minds! There would be ponies for everyone!


Looch, I’m looking for a sparkle hedgebear.


We will finally win the war on superfluous saxophone solos in otherwise good pop tunes.

Hey now! I like the sax in Harden My Heart by Quarterflash!


it’s always struck me as the sort of IGMFY, tribalist attitude that I’d like to avoid.

Yeah, I agree. But it’s fun to think about.


I’m looking for a sparkle hedgebear

Is that what’s causing that bustle in the hedgerow?


playing european football with our minds!

But I hate soccer. And what’s wrong with the E Street Band anyway?


actor, that picture is amazing.


Ooh! Ooh! I changed my mind! Can I have a Sparkleliger?


BTW, N_B and several other S,N peeps have signed up at my forum. All the cool kids are doing it. I’ve even got a sports and food board going. And that’ll be the last time I bug everyone about it until it’s all pretty (designer hasn’t finished making it match the rest of my site).


I’m a cool kid! Worship me!


Breakin’ news, Prop 8 ruled unconstushull. Wingnut screech of “ACTIVIST JUDGES!!!” in 4…3…2…


it’s always struck me as the sort of IGMFY, tribalist attitude that I’d like to avoid.

Yeah, but…they started it.

I see what you’re saying, kind of, but it seems to me that they genuinely would like to leave. And I don’t blame folks for wanting to oblige them.


Can I have a Sparkleliger?

How about a Zonkey?

Pupienus Maximus

vacuumslayer said,

August 4, 2010 at 22:13 (kill)

I want a miniature one with a horn made of candy. And wings. And it has to be pink.

I gave you _almost_ everything you ask for but nooooo, it’s just not good enough, it has to have wings too. Pushy bitch.


Sparkle tardigrades for everyone.


Breakin’ news, Prop 8 ruled unconstushull.



I gave you _almost_ everything you ask for but nooooo, it’s just not good enough, it has to have wings too. Pushy bitch.

Hey. I likes what I likes.


Some kind of liberal-leftocrats you all are. I want sparklebortions.


Breakin’ news, Prop 8 ruled unconstushull. Wingnut screech of “ACTIVIST JUDGES!!!” in 4…3…2…



is that the one with Large Carnivorous Animal as their mascot?

All of the mascots of the Major Midwestern Universities in the state to which we’re referring are people. And not in the Soylent Green way, either.

So no, your favorite team can’t win the conference this year because I’d like my son to travel to a bowl game with the marching band.

And actor, the kid doesn’t need any help from Dad. He has actual talent. Most come from his mom’s side of the family.


Some kind of liberal-leftocrats you all are. I want sparklebortions.

This prompted a hilariously disgusting image in my mind.


I see what you’re saying, kind of, but it seems to me that they genuinely would like to leave. And I don’t blame folks for wanting to oblige them.

I’m sure lots of them would love to leave. In the interest of human rights and civil rights, I don’t think it’s smart to let them.


MUST come…


Some kind of liberal-leftocrats you all are. I want sparklebortions sparklepartialbirthabortions.

Fixed for TRUE leftist sentiment.


MUST come…

Uh, that sounds like a personal problem to me, dude.


MUST come…

Demanding, aren’t we?


MUST come…

Aw, dude…Not HERE! Go to YouPorn.com or something!




Breakin’ news, Prop 8 ruled unconstushull. Wingnut screech of “ACTIVIST JUDGES!!!” in 4…3…2…

That’s fantastic. Which court pronounced it thus?

Pupienus Maximus

All of the mascots of the Major Midwestern Universities in the state to which we’re referring are people

Oh give me a fucking break. The only bowl Ohio State will see this year is the toilet bowl.


The only bowl Ohio State will see this year is the toilet bowl.

I always wished the Mets would lease their stadium out for one bowl game a year.

They play in Flushing, NY.

Pupienus Maximus

The ruling cam from the Chief Judge of the US District Court for the Northern District of California (so, a Federal judge). Which means the appeal will be enteertained by the Ninth Circuit – a notoriously liberal and very activist bunch.


The only bowl Ohio State will see this year is the toilet bowl.

Dude, keep up. Last I checked, Ohio State isn’t in Indiana. Well, except to visit in order to lose to a certain other college team in the 2009 football season (we were there!).


The ruling cam

Live feed from the judge’s chamber? New reality-TV show?


Which means the appeal will be enteertained by the Ninth Circuit – a notoriously liberal and very activist bunch.

Which means it’ll be appealed to the Supremes. A notoriously illiberal and very activist bunch.

I’m happy Prop 8 was overturned but I don’t expect the battle to be over, by a long way.


The ruling cam


Pupienus Maximus

Dude, keep up. Last I checked, Ohio State isn’t in Indiana.

Oh, I thought you said “major” university. Never mind.


The ruling cam


Decisions aren’t the only thing handed down in this chamber of jurisprudence. Watch the judge as he slams his gavel for your pleasure.


I imagined the ruling-cam as inside the gavel.


I imagined the ruling-cam as inside the gavel.



I’m leaving the obvious jokes to the wiseasses here.

Pupienus Maximus

I actually notice the typo before pushing the asshole, er submit button. Two thoughts went through my lil’ haid: Judge walker decided to allow cameras in the courtroom (but was shut down by Scalia) and also that Walker is (almost certainly) a filthy disgusting homosexyouall.

Which makes your comments all the more amusing.


“in a burst of unprecedent judicial arrogance”


Good Lord, these people are dirty.

Maggie Gallagher

Hi, everybuddy, I’m just loggin’ on to the internet to see what’s up and…..


[camera spins up over Maggie’s head, a la Star Trek II]


Pupienus Maximus

Also amusing, the decision was based on both due-process and equal protection. That 14th Amendment is just giving the righties the fits these days.


Maggie Gallagher said,

Where’s my watermelon and sledgehammer?

Captain Industry

Dammit, the only internet conservapit that’s wanking itself off in furious anger atm is Free Republic, and the freepers have so many bad mangoes I’m afraid I might bet infected with some horribly tropical disease, like believing in the Flat Tax.


Alex Rodriguez Hits 600th Career Home Run
New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez homered to center field with two men out and a man on base in the bottom of the first inning off Shaun Marcum of the Toronto Blue Jays, giving him 17 for the season and 600 for his career so far. The blast gave the Yankees a 2-0 lead in the game.

Let the hating begin.


Preparation H is unconstitutional?

Why, that’s terrible. I think Preparation H is a valuable product; I’ve often had to use it when I’ve had a flaring case of the…

What? What’s that you say?

Proposition 8?

Oh. Well. That’s a different matter altogether.



Dammit, the only internet conservapit that’s wanking itself off in furious anger atm is Free Republic

Eh, give it a day. This time tomorrow, there’ll be big juicy mangoes for everyone.

Pupienus Maximus


And stick that fucking bus up yer ass.


Gay rams can marry? What about ewe?


Where’s my watermelon and sledgehammer?

That Gallagher is probably having a fit about this, too.


Once you go goatse, you’ll stay in the boatse.


Dammit, the only internet conservapit that’s wanking itself off in furious anger atm is Free Republic, and the freepers have so many bad mangoes I’m afraid I might bet infected with some horribly tropical disease, like believing in the Flat Tax.



What I like about ewe

ewe hold me tight…


BTW, N_B and several other S,N peeps have signed up at my forum.

it’s only cool until the zombies show up.


“That Gallagher is probably having a fit about this, too.”

It’s probably all the pot. My brother has smoked heavily for decades and was pretty liberal in his day. Now in his middle age he’s turned into a paranoid right winger. I blame the weed.


“GLBT will not give up until they ram “gay marriage” down America’s collective throats.”

Don’t they know that’s just foreplay?


noen, he probably just ran out.


I love that the NOM website header has a photo of a mixed-race family. Irony lies gasping in pain….


Sparkle whatevs for everyone and anyone. And Sparklebranes for you, ZRM.

Everyone happy now? Anyone for another juicebox?



Oh. And.

Yay Vaughn Walker!

He be a Republican appointee, BTW. And you can bet the uproar in TightyWhiteyLand will include the word “traitor.”

Or some such.

They can have Sparkletears.


Proposition 8?

If the opponents of Prop 8 were smart, they would’ve called it “Proposition Ocho” and said it was a bill proposing giving free stuff to Mexicans.


“Never in the history of America has a federal judge ruled that there is a federal constitutional right to same sex marriage. The reason for this is simple – there isn’t!” added Brown.

That was totally the judge’s decision. He also said it’s in the Constitution that Brian Brown is a poopyhead. AND the Bible, in the red letters.


What I like about ewe

ewe hold me tight…

“Irresistible ewe”.

Or group marriage to minors, which is of course the next step in the liberal-leftist plot to destroy America: “This lamb is your lamb, this lamb is my lamb, this lamb belongs to you and me.”

Policeman MacCruiskeen

You in far Amurikey have some odd notions about bicycles.


“Never in the history of America has a federal judge ruled that there is a federal constitutional right to same sex marriage. The reason for this is simple – there isn’t!” added Brown.

I just pointed out over there wasn’t a ‘federal constitutional right’ to interracial marriage until 1967.


The fact is the gays shouldn’t be allowed to get married and maybe sharia law isn’t so bad after all.


“Never in the history of America has a federal judge ruled that there is a federal constitutional right to same sex marriage.”

Well ummm, as I understand the ruling, and I know diddly about the law, the judge ruled that there was no rational basis for discriminating against gays in marriage laws.

This ruling…. I think… could affect all 50 states. Prepare for many asploding heads in the days and weeks to come.


“You in far Amurikey have some odd notions about bicycles.”

Black bicycles, part of a plot by the UN to take over ‘Merica. I’m sure the Grays designed them. I believe everything that Alex Jones tells me.


I’m gonna make Splodey Heads Stew. I believe in using seasonal, sustainable ingredients.

Captain Industry

I just pointed out over there wasn’t a ‘federal constitutional right’ to interracial marriage until 1967.

Psh. In Real America, we only establish “federal constitutional rights” one way: with guns. While wearing colonial period costumes. With teabags.


Mmmmmmmm splodey head stew….


The fact is that I am composing a death threat to Judge Vaughn Walker at this very moment.


I’m gonna make Splodey Heads Stew.

Local too. Also. Be sure to invite all your zombie friends to dinner.


I mean, local ingredients too also.

Man, typing fail all over today.


Pbpppht. Zombies have notoriously bad table manners.


OT – a friend of mine snapped an aurora photo that made the homepage at http://www.spaceweather.com/


You in far Amurikey have some odd notions about bicycles.

It’s all about the mollycules: he has a long-time habit of sitting on really dumb, crazy people. Those poor people are now mostly jackass.


OT – a friend of mine snapped an aurora photo that made the homepage at http://www.spaceweather.com/

Congrats to your friend! That’s truly lovely!


…he has a long-time habit of sitting on really dumb, crazy people.

Ooh. That sounds like a really bad idea.

They don’t make good bicycles either.


None too quick, sure, but cushioned enough that you don’t need a gel saddle.


None too quick

I’ll say.

Hard to keep going straight, too.


Pupienus Maximus

Angry Geometer said,

“Never in the history of America has a federal judge ruled that there is a federal constitutional right to same sex marriage. The reason for this is simple – there isn’t!” added Brown.

I just pointed out over there wasn’t a ‘federal constitutional right’ to interracial marriage until 1967

I always enjoy pointing out in such cases that the _right_ has existed all along. It’s merely the _recognition_ that such a right has indeed existed, albeit without recognition.

Lurking Canadian

Between Prop 8 and the New York mosque decision, that’s two big wins for sanity in one week. Yay!


Sadly, wins for insanity don’t usually make the news, so we think we’re doing better than we are.


My comment at NOM:

Why is there a photo of an anchor baby in your website banner? Illegal immigration is just as an important issue!!

I’m sure “moderation” will take care of that comment…


K-Lo Update, courtesy of Roy:

Anything that gets Kathryn J. Lopez palpably shaking with rage brightens my day:

Actual quote from the ruling today: “Gender no longer forms an essential part of marriage.”

This is a court ruling, not an academic seminar at Berkeley.

This isn’t about equality. This is about recreating our fundamental institutions.

Visions of same-sex in Berkeley (with the Jefferson Airplane on the stereo and the smell of patchouli in the air) will leave K-Lo thrashing on the daybed in her office for weeks to come.


…K-Lo thrashing on the daybed in her office for weeks to come…

Someone please pass the ice-pick.


“Between Prop 8 and the New York mosque decision, that’s two big wins for sanity in one week. Yay!”

Oh don’t pay attention to that. It’s just your typical sanity clause. We put one in every contract.


“Irresistible ewe”.
I’m on The Lamb but I Ain’t No Sheep. Anyway it’s part of my New Zealand cultural identity so DON’T JUDGE.


Kathryn J. Lopez palpably shaking



You really shouldn’t palpate a Lopez. It could get infected.

Pupienus Maximus

Has anyone checked to see how many freepers have called for the execution of judges today?

Lurking Canadian

From ITDGY’s link:

“This usurpation of democratic authority must not be permitted to stand.”

Shorter: Fucking constitutional government! How does it work?

Captain Industry

From Concerned Women Whackadoodles For America:

Marriage is not a political toy.

No, but I hear it works wonders in the bedroom.

“No combination of judicial gymnastics can negate the basic truth that marriage unites the complementary physical and emotional characteristics of a man and a woman to create a oneness that forms the basis for the family unit allowing a child to be raised by his or her father and mother.”

Fucking infertile couples, how do they work?


Jiz Wiz, as linked by 32®©, makes the right guess:

I guess some discrimination is more equal than others.

Just not as he wants it any more. [Sad trombone noise here]

Lurking Canadian

Would it be too cruel for me to write to K-Lo and point out that perhaps she should stop pontificating about what marriage is and isn’t; what with her being a spinster too long on the shelf?


“No combination of judicial gymnastics can negate the basic truth that marriage unites the complementary physical and emotional characteristics of a man and a woman to create a oneness that forms the basis for the family unit allowing a child to be raised by his or her father and mother.”

Which is exactly why a guy dressed as Elvis in Las Vegas or a drunk sea captain in the Pacific can perform a marriage ceremony.

It’s also the reason we had such sanctimonious events such as, “Who Wants To Marry a Millioniare?” Because what better way to show that only a man and a woman should be married then a reality show that pimps a creepy rich guy looking for shallow gold-diggers?


Would it be too cruel for me to write to K-Lo and point out that perhaps she should stop pontificating about what marriage is and isn’t; what with her being a spinster too long on the shelf?

Considering that she takes her definitions of marriage from a man who is a life-long celibate, why would that register on what passes for her brain?



This feels to me like Waterloo. This is the judicial establishment gone utterly lawless.

I don’t know if we’re a democracy if this decision stands up.


I don’t know why you people bother having a judicial system if it’s not going to give you the answer you want.


Teh weeping of Jeff Godlstein and common tater tot is also amusing.

I’ll be damned, another pledge drive at the top of the site.


if it’s not going to give you the answer you want

Anglism is the hot new political ideology that’s sweeping the nation. It’s wrong if I don’t like it!

Pupienus Maximus

Considering that she takes her definitions of marriage from a man who is a life-long celibate, […]

Good point, for certain values of “celibacy.”


Anglism is the hot new political ideology that’s sweeping the nation. It’s wrong if I don’t like it!

So basically Anglicism without the “I see”.

Pupienus Maximus

I congatulate the Elders of the Protocols of Hawt Scions for their recent victory in the Gay Agenda War against the pure people of the homeland.

Pupienus Maximus

So basically Anglicism without the “I see”

Wrong, you fucking Flatlander.


This is all Ted Olson’s fault. He went over to the Dark Side!

Pupienus Maximus

OK, that didn’t come out at all right. I blame the gin. And the popcorn I’ve been enjoying for the last several hours.

Lurking Canadian

I don’t know if we’re a democracy if this decision stands up.


You know, the whinging about Roe v. Wade, I kind of get. There really isn’t an explicit right to privacy in the Bill of Rights. You have to be a constitutional scholar to understand the arguments about penumbrae, so you can see how somebody might think the Supremes overstepped in that case. (I’m not saying they did, just that you can see how somebody might think so.)

But the equal treatment provision of the 14th is right there in plain English for anybody who can read. I can understand not liking the decision, but acting like it’s some sort of judicial coup d’etat or something is just bullshit.

And BTW, wingnuts, you can pass a No Gay Marriage, No Backsies amendment to the Constitution of the United States, any time you like, as long as you can get 2/3 of House and Senate and 3/4 of state legislatures to agree with you. Until you can do that, SHUT UP.


Holy shit, Hinderaker’s all over the gay judicial mafia angle.


But the equal treatment provision of the 14th is right there in plain English for anybody who can read.

No compute.

Pupienus Maximus

Democracy is theft!


This feels to me like Waterloo. This is the judicial establishment gone utterly lawless.

I don’t know if we’re a democracy if this decision stands up.

Drama queens one and all.


Mmmmmmmm splodey head stew….

Finally, Sadly, No! goes zombi-friendly! Well done!!


That William Duncan Corner link is pretty awesome. How many internal contradictions can you count in this paragraph (sorry, no idea how to block quote:

“First, none of the testimony in the trial showed (nor could it have shown) the voters’ subjective intent in approving the measure. A corollary point is that the question is entirely irrelevant. If voters pulled the lever for that law because they liked the number 8, or because they have atavistic hatreds, or because they really believe that marriage between husband and wife is a uniquely valuable institution though they have no problem with their gay and lesbian neighbors, it is hard to imagine what those intentions could have to do with whether the law they approve accords with the Constitution. It is worth noting that, since California gives all the benefits of marriage to same-sex couples through another legal status, the idea that most or even many voters were acting out of hatred is pretty unlikely.”

I’ll start.

1. Intent is irrelevant to the legal analysis of whether the law accords with the Constitution. Let’s talk about how the judge got intent wrong.

2. No evidence of intent was provided, so the judge’s conclusions about intent are meaningless. By the way, notwithstanding the complete lack of evidence, the intent was not hatred. Probably.

3. You gays are getting all the benefits of marriage anyway. Why do you have to go messing it up for everybody by insisting on actually having a marriage?

Pupienus Maximus

Those who have time on their hands and especially those who have at least a few functional neuronsand are looking for a good time should review the trial transcripts. This I have done to great amusement. The defenders shat all over themselves.

Alas, the facts of the case will have little or nothing to do with their paroxysmal fits. As this is post-racial America, so shall we now be post-homophobic America.


From over there at Protein ‘wisdom’:

“Marbury v. Madison should be disregarded – an unconstitutional usurpation of power by the unelected branch of government.”

So they’re all such strict Constitutionalists that they see CLEARLY, Clearly I tells ya, that the Constitution says what *they* want it to say and

You see what they’re doing there? Those letters are in the Constitution and so. Also. They’re right and you’re not.


wow, these folks are really invested in hating gays, aren’t they?


Almost as awesome as the Prop 8 decision itself is the way it’s instantly revealed beyond any shadow of a doubt exactly what’s been hiding under rocks in Teh Land Of Teh Free & Da Home Of Etcetera.

I don’t know if we’re a democracy if this decision stands up.

“Depriving me of my ability to get away scot-free with treating others like shit for no reason whatsoever is TWENTY BAZILLION TIMES WORSE THAN THE HOLOCAUST & “ISHTAR” COMBINED!!!11!!!111!!!!”

Pupienus Maximus

wow, these folks are really invested in hating gays, aren’t they?

welcome to my world.


an unconstitutional usurpation of power by the unelected branch of government.

What teh constitution forgot to spell out is that the judicial branch of government is only worth 3/5 as much as the other two, so judges following their constitutional role are unconstitutional. Also the constitution is NOT A SUICIDE PACT. It’s more like a piece of emo poetry.


This feels to me like Waterloo. This is the judicial establishment gone utterly lawless.

I don’t know if we’re a democracy if this decision stands up.

No, this is what happens when conservative media and candidates pump forty years’ worth of bubble gum wrapper legal theory until half the people are plainly convinced that the First Amendment establishes Christianity as the state religion. There is a recipe for utter lawlessness here, but it’s not the courts that are responsible for it.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

This feels to me like Waterloo. This is the judicial establishment gone utterly lawless…. I don’t know if we’re a democracy if this decision stands up.

Weird, this gives me deja vu for December of 2000, somehow.


I don’t know if we’re a democracy if this decision stands up.

The Obamarxists are imposing a dictatorship of the homosexual proletariat!


I thought this was a Republic- at least that’s what it said on the souvenir pencils from the John Birch Society bookstore: “This is a Republic, not a Democracy – Let’s keep it that way!”


wow, these folks are really invested in hate ing gays, aren’t they?

fixed for more accuracy… cause they also hate Muslims, liberals, immigrants who are not white, poor people, etc.


I don’t know if we’re a democracy if this decision stands up¹.



This feels to me like Waterloo.

So they equate themselves with Napoleon, an emperor and usurper who destroyed the Republic in France? Interesting.

This is the judicial establishment gone utterly lawless


I don’t know if we’re a democracy if this decision stands up.

We are a democratic Constitutional Republic, which means majority rule is limited by minority rights, as well as other principles enshrined in the Constitution. If everyone but one person votes to enslave that person, the courts should, in fact MUST, overturn the vote. I don’t know why this is so hard to understand, they seem to get it when it comes to guns.


they seem to get it when it comes to guns.

That’s because they have the deeply-held principle of “getcher hands offa my guns!”


(comments are closed)