Bad Hair Day

So, yesterday I put up a Shorter ridiculing Steve Spruiell, a blogger at America’s Shittiest Website.™ Steve had gotten all pissy over at ASW™ about Krugman limiting the length of comments on his NYT blog in order to deal with an influx of cut-and-paste trolls.
The point of my post, in addition to taking a jab at Spruiell’s David Cassidy-ish 70s do, was that Spruiell wasn’t fast enough on the uptake to realize that he looked like a complete idiot and a total hypocrite accusing Krugman of censoring blog comments given that Spruiell was doing this from a blog which doesn’t even allow comments in the first place. Sir, have you no sense of irony?
Unable to comment on Spruiell’s post itself, and learning that Spruiell was a Twitterer, Milou (“Snowy” for you Francophobes) and I rushed over to Twitter and set up an account and twittered this to Steve:
Spruiell mulled for quite some time over my shameless reference to his passé teen idol coiffure and finally manned up enough to fire off this limp riposte:
Well, as we say over here, Steve, “Sadly, No!” The post wasn’t “entirely” devoted to your physical appearance. It was mostly devoted to the hilarity of your dissing Krugman about his comments policy from the safety of comment-free blog.
Now, as to the physical appearance business, I do readily admit that commenting on the physical appearance of some of your colleagues is part of our comedy schtick. And I’ll also admit that in the case of say, Jonah Goldberg, this is perhaps a bit unfair because, after all, Jonah didn’t get to pick his mother. But you, dude, you picked that haircut. Voluntarily. You marched straight into some suburban Hair Cuttery of your own free will and accord and said “Make me look like this” while pointing to the cover of an ancient issue of Tiger Beat.
Of course, you got me on the anonymity charge. But sometimes anonymity is a good thing, as your son, whom you shamelessly hold up as some kind of human shield in your Twitter profile pic, would probably say if he could.
(Pixelation added by the Sadly, No! Graphics Studio)
Mon, I am not anonymous, I am Tosh the Carribbean Walrus !!!
And anybody whose favorite Monkee is Mickey is one lame dude.
I am looking at you, Spruill, mon.
That baby grew up to be Lex Luthor in the original Activision Superman game for Atari.
oh no, lookism
What possible objection could Spruiell have to being on the cover of Non-Threatening Boys Magazine?
I can’t tell if that last picture is him demanding a ransom or him going all-in at the end of Poker Night.
David Spruiell: Lame or lamest?
And yes, I grafted David Cassidy onto Steve Spruiell, I know you guys will get it, but since David…I mean, Steve…is madly Googling his name, I figured I’d have some fun with him.
By the way, Steve…why are you holding the kid up like he just pissed on your lap? I mean, man, are you that ugly or that nasty?
My baby was born with APS(Accute Pixelation Syndrome), too. There is a treatment for it. Unfortunately no cure has yet been found for DDD(Douche for Dad Disease). I’m gonna pray for that bebeh.
My baby was born with APS(Accute Pixelation Syndrome), too.
Fortunately, treatment is simply removing the unfortunate DDD growth underlying it.
If Paul Krugman doesn’t allow my 100 page screeds from Ayn Rand and Montana Militia sources, he’s just like Nazi Germany.
He also needs to wipe his mouth after drinking chocolate milk.
You don’t think that maybe his mom gave him that haircut?
I laffs!
But will no one on ASW think of the childen!?!
Or that maybe he is just trying to keep that youthful allure for the older men who seem to be losing interest in him?
I thought he was going for the Byron York look…
I had hair like Donny Osmond’s on that mag cover. In my defense, this was 1977 and I was 12.
National Reveiw Super Contest: Win a lock of Steve Spruiell’s Hair!
1. Since he’s a huge hoops fan, I wonder if Stephen Spruiell has ever thought about whether his ancestors ever owned Latrell Sprewell’s ancestors. That would be kind of neat!
2. Tintin’s Twitter account already has more followers than the ‘famous terrorist’ that declared jihad against Atlas Juggs yesterday.
Yep, figures…
How fucking lame is that photo? He should have pixilated the argyle sweater-vest on the baby, not the baby’s face.
@g: I did the pixelation, not Spruiell. I was trying to do the kid a favor that his father wasn’t willing to do for him
da doo run run run, da doo run run
Oh, don’t forget today is the “Uni-Tea” rally in Philadelphia (the “look, there are black people in the tea party!” one.) Andrew Breitbart is one of the featured speakers. Seeing how notoriously polite and mature the people of Philadelphia are, I’m sure it’ll go well.
He’s upset being compared to David Cassidy? But that’s who he wants to look like!
I still say he’s going for a James Spader in the 80’s look. Nailed it.
Assuming you meant this in a snarky way, I’m just gonna have to come out and say it: you’re a racist.
The fact is, you people are terrible for threateneining the safety of a child to make cheap liberal politico points. You know what his child looks like and now you are going to send your fag troops out to rape him and make him gay.
The fact is, also, all you liberals want to do is put more goverment on our backs, raise are taxes and make regulations that only liberals can inforce and are not good for busness, all part of Obamas plan to mnake USA a paradise for Hitler and his left wing black goon desendants.
You know what his child looks like and now you are going to send your fag troops out…
BOLO lame looking argyle sweater vests!
Andrew Breitbart is one of the featured speakers.
This should end well.
@Gary Ruppert
“The fact is, you people are terrible for threateneining the safety of a child to make cheap liberal politico points. You know what his child looks like and now you are going to send your fag troops out to rape him and make him gay.”
You’re for real, aren’t you? For some reason, your use of the word “theateneining” makes me think you’re not just joking — you’re a bona fide freak, aren’t you?
I think that his mind goes straight to baby-rape is ample proof that he is.
I’ve got a haircut just like Spruiell. It took me a long time to get it right but ever since I got that plastic record in my cereal box, I knew I was going to look like that.
If Spruiell set his mind to growing a molestache he could be fully employed in the porn industry.
He’d have to quit the kid though.
If I could only leave these comments on his website.
Nobody’s making fun of your kid, asshole. We’re just making fun of how shitty a parent you are. See also: Palin, Sarah.
Many have had mullets when those hairstyles were ‘de riguer’, but matured beyond that. Chucklehead Boy did not, and shows his simple-mindedness with a blisteringly stupid post, and his subsequent Twats only cement him in the ranks of the Brainless. Nice catch on the ‘human shield, TinTin. Like double chocolate icing on a chocolate cake- yummy goodness.
Jesus, how lame to rail at people simply for being anonymous(and actually pseudonymous is the word, Mr Cassidy) while ignoring that they pointed out how and why your own charges are idiotic and hypocritical. Going to the fainting couch, hand on brow, screaming “my baby, my baby!” is the poop icing on the asshole cake, though.
That’s… not chocolate milk.
Also, too.
I’m not sure if I’m disappointed or thankful that the Corner hooker isn’t K-Lo.
Spruiell, I don’t think I love you.
did spruiell just tacitly admit to being a copypasta troll?
Aw, be nice guys. He’s just trying to prove that he really did go all the way with a human female. At least once.
Assuming that’s his kid. Anyone missing a kid?
sadder/shittier = add/hitti
Love the improved ASW™ logo.
Formerly, The Corner conjured for me images of random lunatics ranting on street corners.
But you’ve got the context right with this one. They really are just a bunch of low-end prostitutes. You’ve got to get to the level of a Kristol or Broder to reach call-girl status, and these poor mooks aren’t even in that ballpark. If anything, they should be flattered that you depicted them as common streetwalkers, rather than truckstop lot lizards.
That photo reminds me of the Dead Zone climax:
(Pixelation added by the Sadly, No! Graphics Studio)
Caption:”Pixelation (right). Pixillation (left).”
You Sadlynauts are such sad/shitty people that unlike Mr. Spruiell, you use the oppression of your Librul Faschist pixels to cruelly deprive patriotic American pedos of their free Interwebs fap-bait — & now thanks to you, Baby Pedobear is crying!
ASW™ Logo (Fixed)
Before the content of this caption sank in, I thought that was just a still from yet another Pam Gellar video.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I believe there’s some coffee over yonder with my brain’s name on it.
I can’t believe I’ve been here this long and I still haven’t made something just for this crowd. I think I’m just waiting for requests. Specific ones.
I think I’m just waiting for requests. Specific ones.
Perhaps something in a Shithouse Troll?
Original Shithouse Troll description in case it’s needed
“Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist said,
August 1, 2010 at 2:22
Original Shithouse Troll description in case it’s needed”
Holy shit. I’m more confused than ever. Anything like Andrew breitbart’s head on a rabid racoon’s body or something like that?
I thought that was just a still from yet another Pam Gellar video.
If the yellow stain on the footpath is all her own contribution then we’re talking Dr. Adder-style surgically-enhanced bladder capacity.
Andrew breitbart’s head on a rabid racoon’s body
See “Rule 34”.
Putting on my elitist hat here, you would think that if anyone would be entitled to take the “no comments” attitude it would be Paul Krugman. The man is a Nobel Prize winner. Based on some of his posts, apparently he either reads some of the comments himself or maybe get’s some feedback from the moderator. Maybe he instituted the rule because he would like to be able to continue to do so without it being to high of a noise to signal ratio to make it worth his time. Perhaps he should do a post on the concept of opportunity costs and how that relates to blogging and comments.
Re: shithouse troll. The original audio made its way into this.
In case you were wondering.
vs – regarding the Shithouse Troll, no human-animal hybrids – he’s fully human. If you need a better idea of what the Shithouse Troll would actually look like, listen to Beck’s Truck Driving Neighbor Downstairs.
Also, I just noticed that Spewill is subjecting that poor, pixelated papoose to an argyle sweater-vest. Are there no child abuse laws?
I think I’m just waiting for requests. Specific ones.
Pam Geller’s head on a department store mannequin. Because it looks like it belongs on one.
Bonus points if it’s a scene from one of those Doctor Who episodes where the department store mannequins go on killing sprees.
You know, I have feelings too. Jerks.
While my double-super-secret identity in real life is not exactly unknown to the 7 people who read my blog on a semi-regular basis, I do block pseudonymously.
That being said, I have never made a secret of my appearence. I look uncomfortably like Josh Trevino — perhaps he is my long lost evil twin? In any case, I have no problems with people making fun of my appearence. It is quite funny, actually. Almost as funny as my lack of ability to spell or pronounce words correctly.
There sure is something wrong with that kid’s face.
Is no one trying to ram something down my throat this week? I eep for my country’s homophobe-boys.
shopped. i can tell by the pixels, and having seen a few in my time.
I like how he still didn’t respond to what you twittered (tweeted? twatted? Whatever.) at him in the first place. Better to dodge the whole thing by turning the baby into an internet troll martyr, I guess.
Yep, definitely pulling a Stillson.