Pam Atlas Secret Muslim Shocker!


Everybody knows that Pamela Geller is one of the bravest voices against Islamic jihad that we have. Blogging as ‘Pam Atlas’, the Long Island-based spitfire has for years defended Israel, America and freedom-loving people everywhere from the ululating hordes of deepest, evilest Islamistan.

It’s common knowledge, right? Not so fast.

First, some background. It goes without saying that anybody who has been as vocal in denouncing radical Islam as Pam has been over the years will necessarily have a fatwa, or Muslim call for assassination, placed on them. See Salman Rushdie for the positive proof of this fact, Barack Obama for the negative.

And lo and behold, Pam also has had a ‘fatwa’ placed on her — this very day, as it so happens. If we are to believe this development, as John Jay puts it:

If you think this threat is aimed just as [sic] Pamela Geller you simply do not understand the dimension of the problem. This death threat is aimed at all of you, and Islam means to impose this threat on all who do not submit to its dictates.

And if you think this threat is just a single, dumb-ass tweet by some asshole who finally rose to the bait after years of provocation from Geller, you also need to just shut up.

But what if there is more to all of this than just garden-variety fatwa-ing? How is it that Pamela Geller managed to stay fatwa-free for so very, very long in the first place? And how is it that she was conveniently fatwa’d just when questions were being raised in certain circles about the implausibility of her years-long fatwa-less run as a supposed she-man muslim hater?

These questions do not prove that Pamela Geller is secretly in cahoots with al-Qaeda to establish a New Global Caliphate stretching from Rangoon to Greater Teaneck, N.J. What these questions do do is raise questions. Questions like these:

– Was the real Pamela Geller replaced at birth by a deep sleeper agent of the Islamic Brotherhood so that her unsuspecting parents would raise her as an almost stereotypical JAP — the last person anyone would suspect of secretly preparing the world for sharia law?

– Was Pamela Geller recently seen secretly praying to Mecca five times a day for the last 40+ years and reciting the Hadith Qudsi in perfect Classical Arabic in accordance with the Ibn ‘Amir ad-Dimashqi school of Qira’at — suggesting a Yemeni origin for the ‘Pamela Geller’ sleeper agent that has been fomenting jihad in our midst lo these many years?

– Given that Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol, does ‘Pamela Geller’ appear grossly intoxicated so often in order to throw off would-be discovers of her jihadist secret?

– Was ‘Pamela Geller’s’ very public split with erstwhile anti-Muslim ally Charles Johnson an elaborate charade? Is Johnson himself under a secret, time-delayed fatwa that will only go into effect if he reveals that he discovered that ‘Geller’ is in fact a deep-cover agent of global jihad?

– Did Geller’s — widely suspected — multiple plastic surgeries include anti-aging treatments that hide the fact that as a 35-year-old woman, she conspired with Malcolm X in the early 1960s to help him impregnate dozens of unsuspecting co-eds in the hopes of producing the ultimate prize — an eventual Black Muslim president in the first decade of the 21st century — as part of an Arab League-funded social engineering project codenamed Operation Horsecock Kill Infidels?

We do not claim to know with full certainty the answer to this question: ‘Is Pamela Geller really a female clone of Carlos the Jackal who was hidden in plain sight in our Judeo-Christian country in order to undermine reasonable arguments against radical Islamic practices by saying ridiculously stupid and insane shit all the time?’

But the answer is yes.


Comments: 84


“How is it that Pamela Geller managed to stay fatwa-free for so very, very long in the first place?”

I’ve heard a long shower and some special shampoo after sex work for that.


White people are the Muslims of Muslim fascism.


Muslins are the thin cotton cloth of textile fascism.


I mean, just look at poor ol’ Peter King being fatwa’d by Anthony Al-Weiner:


is the Hadith Qudsi anything like the Kwisatz Haderach?


Of course asking her directly whether she’s a Muslim would be pointless since the Koran permits her to lie in pursuit of her Jihad. Excuse me, Jihawd, as she would pronounce it.


I’m not clear from the post – how does the Pam Atlas Secret Muslim Shocker differ from the regular shocker? Anyway, sounds painful and screechy.


Pam’s shocker is with the middle finger in and ring finger out.


Holy shit, a dude with a mullet and cutoffs and a giant Mountain Dew just rode by on a Rascal smoking a cigarette. I love Missouri.


Oh, and he actually wasnt obese!


he’s late for a Tea Party. face!


Nope, because now he’s talking to a couple of black dudes.


How does the Pam Atlas Secret Muslim Shocker differ from the regular shocker?

Two in the stink, one also in the stink.


Nope, because now he’s talking to a couple of black dudes.

OMGZ! Teh NBPP has spread to Missouri!


Google tells me a “dua” is a prayer of supplication, so he’s asking people to pray that God kills her, not asking them to do it themselves. Christians call it an “imprecatory prayer,” like when some prayed for Dr Tiller or continue to pray for Obama to be murdered.


Also, isn’t Johnson sane now?


I’m at work and Pammy’s stupid site breaks my computer. All I could gather before i had to control alt delete the hell out of there was some dude threatened her on Twitter– is that about the size of it?
Please Allah, i ask you for so little, let this turn out to be Pam’s jihadist sock puppet. I need a good laugh.


Islam means to impose this threat on all who do not submit to its dictates.

Anyone else think this sounds kinda hot?


OMGZ! Teh NBPP has spread to Missouri

Right? And I’m downtown! They’re not supposed to be here except to go to church!


Anyone else think this sounds kinda hot?

Like big Mo(pbuh) with a choke chain in one hand and a cat ‘o nine tails in the other? How open is his robe?


they were in front of a Krispy Kreme down here and i felt intimidated into buying a chocolate glazed. straight strong-armed.

Ego based life form

How soon into a thread is too soon to change the subject to me?

Pupienus Maximus

That fucking does it. I’ve had it up to here ☛☚ with this fatwa shit. I hereby issue a fatwa on fatwas. Now get yer fat was the fuck out of here.


Pam Atlas is an Islamofascistcommunistical fifth of whiskey columnist!


She’s right, though. Here at work they are requiring all males to grow beards, women to wear burqas, and we have to throw away 99% of our literature because they have photos in them. Also when you show up late 3 times they slit your throat on a video and then send the video in to a public access channel.


She’s right, though. Here at work they are requiring all males to grow beards, women to wear burqas, and we have to throw away 99% of our literature because they have photos in them. Also when you show up late 3 times they slit your throat on a video and then send the video in to a public access channel.

Yeah, Montessori pre-schools are rough.


Dayum, the day I’m busy all day and all hell breaks loose here with what, 4 posts in rapid succession?


I know it’s like aftEr netroots everybody got the warm and fuzzies for this place. I feel like I’ve been chuckEd under the chin or gently and respectfully made love to.

Infant in a leaky and cold incubator that's making an annoying clicking sound

Yeah, Montessori pre-schools are rough.



Umm…..opps, sorry…..wrong Pam Geller.


long shower and some special shampoo after sex


a dude with a mullet and cutoffs and a giant Mountain Dew just rode by on a Rascal smoking a cigarette.

Substitute a Dr Pepper & forget the cut-offs & that’s me! (Well, no Rascal or Hoveround, but it’s a dream.) Could qualify as close to obese, I’ll admit.


That’s not a fatwa, and a fatwa is not a death threat.

What the heck, I’m already being pedantic. A fatwa is a juridical decree pronounced by a mufti. If it doesn’t come from a mufti, it’s not a fatwa. And nobody, but nobody, is obligated to abide by a fatwa. A fatwa is guidance. And it very, very rarely has anything to do with executing anybody. More likely it’s about what to eat for dinner.


Hold on…Geller is only 35?!?!


Snarla: No, just been hiding her see-krit Muslin-ness that long.


Dayum, the day I’m busy all day and all hell breaks loose here with what, 4 posts in rapid succession?

I think all the meth plants have matured* and the harvest is in!! Brand new Cherokees parked out the front of the Sadly,No! hovel.

*meth is a type of herbaceous border isn’t t?


Imams twitter
fatwa, fatwa
bong Hitler!


according to Koran, Twitter fatwas – or Twat-was, as we like to call them – are the bloodthirstiest ones.


Around-the-boob protection for Pam Atlas NOW!!!


Was the real Pamela Geller replaced at birth by a deep sleeper agent

Pamela Geller is Salt! Now in Technicolor!

Also, Carlos the Jackal married his attorney, so there must be true love in Pamela’s future too.


Hold on…Geller is only 35?!?!

Dayum! Life is hard (on some people.) She looks “rode hard and put away wet”, as they say back home.


Imams twitter
fatwa, fatwa
bong Hitler!

I’ll have that-wa
..a beautiful sight
We’re happy tonight
Walkin’ in a fatwa

Pupienus Maximus

Hokay then! It’s past five out here in elitistville (yes, _ville_, the Frenchy kind) and the gin bottle is calling my name. Let’s get the Friday night music battle fired up, shall we?


I know it’s like after netroots everybody got the warm and fuzzies for this place.

It’s like they have a HARD-ON for this place. Get your facts straight, vacuumslayer!


Some have a “wide-on.”


The last time I caught a flush on the river while playing online poker, I was told that I needed to get cancer. Does that count as a fatwa?


Good move by PM: Subtitles, so one needn’t listen.


Here’s the antidote for that Rapture song for anyone who was hurt by it.


mmy – that’s a ‘dua’ (see tigris above). Personally, I only ever prayed that you’d get Libra.

Pupienus Maximus

I confess that I had a thing for one of the Monkees back in the day. No, it wasn’t cute lil’ Davey. Why Peter Tork caught my attention mystifies me to this day.


I had a terrible crush on Michael Nesmith. And Robin. And Cato. And that boy on the rifle-man. And Kevin in the first grade. And…boys, boys, boys. The life of a boy-crazy tomboy is always intense.


a long shower and some special shampoo after sex

“After”? My ‘special shampoo’ is a central element.


a Rascal smoking a cigarette


(from the grammar/punctuation police)

Hysterical Woman

I remember back when people actually sat down and wrote fatwas. My mother said it was always polite to sit down and write a nice handwritten fatwa after jihad. She thought typewritten was to impersonal! Now you’re lucking if someone text messages you a fatwa.

Pupienus Maximus

Oh wiley, remember Flipper? No no no, not the dolphin, the older brother. *sigh*

Pupienus Maximus

Really, after all the “praise be to allah”s and shit, how much incitement to murder can you tweet with the remaining 20 or 30 characters? Tweeted fatwas should be called ‘thinwas.’


(ahem). In so much as her parents are brother and sister, shouldn’t her name be written ‘Pamela Geller-Geller”?


the only Flipper I remember is this one


Was he a brunette? I had a thing for dark hair and eyes. My crush on the Green Hornet and Michael Jackson was the kind of thing I kept to myself. My mother would have shat herself and given me a predictable think-of-the-children lecture about interracial marriage.

Pupienus Maximus

the only Flipper I remember is this one

Never heard of ’em. They were what…..83 or so eh? There’s little I remember from the early 80’s; see the previous thread for more info.


“I know it’s like after netroots everybody got the warm and fuzzies for this place.

It’s like they have a HARD-ON for this place. Get your facts straight, vacuumslayer!”

My bad. Everyone’s horny for S,N.


We talking childhood crushes? I was so hot for John Taylor. Guess what, every heterosexual woman in your mid thirties to early forties–he’s still fucking FOINE.

Pupienus Maximus

We talking childhood crushes?

And drugs. And I keep getting the threads mixed up. Which seems oddly appropriate, somehow.



(from the grammar/punctuation police)

I think T&U should be allowed to dangle her modifiers, but that’s just me.

And, speaking of people with rouge-colored necks on electric scooters, there’s a dude here in Independence who goes down a state highway on one. Every morning. During morning rush hour. And not only does he have a mullet, a smoke, and is quite … um … not wanting for mass, he usually has a 12-pack of Busch in his lap.


Harry Truman would be so proud!


No smoking but I did find some rascals.


We are indeed through the rabbit-glass¹ & down the looking-hole² here, people!

Limbaugh, Goldberg, Gingrich, et al = FatWads

Beck U grads = FratWads

¹ Veiled Transvestite Bugs Bunny Reference

² Not-Very-Veiled Goatse Reference


I think T&U should be allowed to dangle her modifiers, but that’s just me.

I love t&u, and I agree that she is allowed to dangle as much as she wants of whatever she wishes… However, since I don’t know what a Rascal is, I thought it was kind of funny.

Don’t get me started on lose and loose, and who and whom. Or its and it’s. Arrrggghhh..

Although I must say, one of the reasons I really like this site is that you folks really know your grammar. You must have all had a 10th grade English teacher like my Miss Dorothy Down.


I was on my phone, dammit! I can’t be perfect ALL of the time.


I love t&u,

Aww, thanks!

and I agree that she is allowed to dangle as much as she wants of whatever she wishes…

My boobs are quite firm, thankyouverymuch.


I wasn’t suggesting that you should be. On the contrary, I was surprised that no one pounced on the image of a Rascal smoking a cigarette.

From a retired old fart living pleasurably far away from Missouri and Rascals….

Carry on.


In the dingle dangle morning
I’ll come fatwaing you


I wasn’t suggesting that you should be. On the contrary, I was surprised that no one pounced on the image of a Rascal smoking a cigarette.

I wasn’t actually offended.

A Rascal is an electric scooter (the kind you sit on), BTW. People here ride them in the bike lanes a lot.


What are the odds people are willing to give that Pam set the twitter account up herself? I mean, c’mon. “It will be a crucial psychological victory for #Islam.” That reads like it was copied and pasted from some wing nut blog. Only right wingers can manage prose that stilted.

Blinking Emoticon

not the dolphin, the older brother. *sigh*


PM, if I recall correctly, the deal w/ Flipper (San Franciscans?) originally was that they were all in other bands, but in Flipper they didn’t play the instruments they actually had any ability or practice time on.

After 25-odd yrs., you can’t help but get a little better. Too bad, spoils the fun.


My boobs are quite firm, thankyouverymuch.

Intersted, subscribe, etc.


There are currently 12 people following “IslamicJihadi” on Twitter:



Although I must say, one of the reasons I really like this site is that you folks really know your grammar.

I only knew one of them, and she died when I was 10, alas. She was nice, but we couldn’t communicate very well because she never learned much English.


There are currently 12 people following “IslamicJihadi” on Twitter:


And if you think this threat is just a single, dumb-ass tweet by some asshole who finally rose to the bait after years of provocation from Geller, you also need to just shut up.

Do I still have to just shut up?


I think now you have to extra double dog shut up with a cherry on top, or John Jay and Pammy will run away until at least snack time.


This new fatwa has nothing to do with the fact that Pammy is out hawking a new book.

The Goddamn Batman Uses A Jailbroken iPhone With Certain Apps That Steve Jobs Would Shit Himself If He Knew About Them

Choi said…

“via Twitter for Android ”



Is Al-Turki “Android”?
Is “Android” a person, an Electronic Entity, or WHAT?



address my envelope, lips!

I am deeply fucking bitter that Pam “Twatwad” Geller is actually getting her anti-Islamofascist Obama slurs published when I can’t even get my insightful, yet lightly amusing essays (in the style of David Eggers, the meme told me so) looked at by anyone except my husband, who pats me on the head and says “fewer run-on sentences next time”.

Bitter. I’m signing up for the sock-islamist’s feed.


(comments are closed)