Life Imitates Opposite of Whatever Gary Says
The news about the Democrats exploiting the deaths of our soldiers in Iraq for their own gain is going to cause a lot of pain for Democrats.
You see, the Republican party is on the offensive to prove that we are still the best choice for America.
A FOX News Poll, of all things:
Less than four months before Election Day, the latest FOX News Poll finds that voters strongly favor the Democrats on key issues such as the economy and gas prices, and give the minority party a double-digit lead for control of Congress this fall. For most of President Bush’s second term in office, more Americans have said they disapprove than approve of his job performance and that is again the case in this new poll.
The president’s approval rating dropped to 36 percent, down from 41 percent approval two weeks ago and 40 percent in mid-June. Bush lost ground this week among some key constituent groups, such as Republicans, whites and men. Overall, 53 percent of Americans say they disapprove.
Forget being on the offensive, Ruppster — the GOP is just offensive, period.
Gary Ruppert = totally divorced from reality. When even Fox News fails to uphold his worldview, his head must be ready to blow up like that dude in “Scanners.”
Gary doesn’t really believe all this shit. I mean, he’s a conservative sure, but he also says a bunch of crap he doesn’t really believe. He’s like Frank from Gloucester, this incredibly obnoxious Yankee fan who calls into our local sports radio station to talk about how great the Yankees are, no matter how poorly they’re playing.
In case this got lost at the end of the last thread….
Basically, Gary’s a GOP homer (definition #5).
He’s like Frank from Gloucester, this incredibly obnoxious Yankee fan who calls into our local sports radio station to talk about how great the Yankees are, no matter how poorly they’re playing.
Is that an NYC-area station? And if so, does Jerome still call Mike and the Mad Dog on WFAN or did that old bastard keel over and die? He always was hoping the Yankees would trade like a Double-A pitcher for Barry Bonds or something stupid like that.
Fuck Choakland.
It’s WEEI, a Boston station. He does sometimes forget to call after a particular embarrassing performance by the Yanks, especially if he made bold predictions beforehand. Odd, that.
He does sometimes forget to call after a particular embarrassing performance by the Yanks, especially if he made bold predictions beforehand. Odd, that.
He’s EXACTLY LIKE RUPPERT though, isn’t he? Facts simply do not phase him. It’s amazing.
Oh my God, could it be? Gary from Gloucester? I bet he is a Yankee fan, at any rate.
Gary functions well as a reverse barometer, or as a window into opposite world.
Once again, we have confirmation that this is a person legitimately posting his RNC-press-release-influenced thoughts, and not some (not-so) elaborate hoax poster, a la Floyd Alvis Cooper? Because that last line about being on the offensive gives me about 95% confidence that it’s a hoax.
It gets his name on the front page here.
he once haunted Eschaton
and his sctick was to say that “Joe Wilson will soon be indicted for outing valerie plame”
It’s up to 98% confidence in hoax now, olex.
It’s up to 98% confidence in hoax now, olex.
In Re Ruppert
Whether Ruppert is for real is just one of those chicken and egg questions we’ll probably never have a definitive answer to.
There are so many fake Gary Rupperts here, due to regular commenters arsing about (you know who you are), that I can’t even tell when it’s the ‘real’ Gary Ruppert any more.
One evening, I counted four fake Garys and one (possibly) ‘real’ Gary in a comment thread here.
I have theorized that there maybe isn’t any ‘real’ Gary Ruppert. It’s just a name that some netvocate operation has its trolls use, so they can keep track of how many blogs the talking points are getting spewed on 😉 One Google search, and you’re done!
Greetings from ThinkProgress!
Like Brainiac and the Borg, successive versions of “Gary Ruppert” incorporate increasingly sophisticated Concerned-But-Neutral Seriosity Simulators and Gently-Chastising-You-to-Abandon-Your-Self-Destructive-Unreason templates, as well as increasingly elaborate Criticism Inhibitors and Cold-Cock Smackdown Absorbers.
However, we at TP have reverse-engineered our own aggregate Ruppert Posting Archive to create a Cumulative Humiliation Algorithm Generator (C-HAG) that should enable you to create an Infinitely-Nested Rebuke Auto-Responder capable of oversaturating GP’s legendary Non-Sequitur Wave Projector in jig time, thus hastening his expulsion to a less well-defended host , such as HuffPo or Hoffmania.
We will be happy to gift you the C-HAG source-code and attendant manuals in exchange for all available research and blueprints toward a working DrBLT/J.B.Williams Ratfucking Module.
The fact is, when I post in Ruppert-idiom, I never use the nic “Gary Ruppert.”
I usually use “Tacitus.”
(Not so) Shorter how to think like Bob Owens.
Oooops. Wrong thread. Me teh not smert.